Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1"use strict";2//Generated code3function getBoolFromXml(val) {4 return "0" !== val && "false" !== val && "off" !== val;5}6var c_oAscSourceType = {7 Worksheet: 0,8 External: 1,9 Consolidation: 2,10 Scenario: 311};12var c_oAscAxis = {13 AxisRow: 0,14 AxisCol: 1,15 AxisPage: 2,16 AxisValues: 317};18var c_oAscFieldSortType = {19 Manual: 0,20 Ascending: 1,21 Descending: 222};23var c_oAscItemType = {24 Default: 0,25 Avg: 1,26 Count: 2,27 CountA: 3,28 Max: 4,29 Min: 5,30 Product: 6,31 StdDev: 7,32 StdDevP: 8,33 Sum: 9,34 Var: 10,35 VarP: 11,36 Data: 12,37 Grand: 13,38 Blank: 1439};40var c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction = {41 Average: 1,42 Count: 2,43 CountNums: 3,44 Max: 4,45 Min: 5,46 Product: 6,47 StdDev: 7,48 StdDevp: 8,49 Sum: 9,50 Var: 10,51 Varp: 1152};53var c_oAscShowDataAs = {54 Normal: 0,55 Difference: 1,56 Percent: 2,57 PercentDiff: 3,58 RunTotal: 4,59 PercentOfRow: 5,60 PercentOfCol: 6,61 PercentOfTotal: 7,62 Index: 863};64var c_oAscFormatAction = {65 Blank: 0,66 Formatting: 1,67 Drill: 2,68 Formula: 369};70var c_oAscScope = {71 Selection: 0,72 Data: 1,73 Field: 274};75var c_oAscType = {76 None: 0,77 All: 1,78 Row: 2,79 Column: 380};81var c_oAscPivotFilterType = {82 Unknown: 0,83 Count: 1,84 Percent: 2,85 Sum: 3,86 CaptionEqual: 4,87 CaptionNotEqual: 5,88 CaptionBeginsWith: 6,89 CaptionNotBeginsWith: 7,90 CaptionEndsWith: 8,91 CaptionNotEndsWith: 9,92 CaptionContains: 10,93 CaptionNotContains: 11,94 CaptionGreaterThan: 12,95 CaptionGreaterThanOrEqual: 13,96 CaptionLessThan: 14,97 CaptionLessThanOrEqual: 15,98 CaptionBetween: 16,99 CaptionNotBetween: 17,100 ValueEqual: 18,101 ValueNotEqual: 19,102 ValueGreaterThan: 20,103 ValueGreaterThanOrEqual: 21,104 ValueLessThan: 22,105 ValueLessThanOrEqual: 23,106 ValueBetween: 24,107 ValueNotBetween: 25,108 DateEqual: 26,109 DateNotEqual: 27,110 DateOlderThan: 28,111 DateOlderThanOrEqual: 29,112 DateNewerThan: 30,113 DateNewerThanOrEqual: 31,114 DateBetween: 32,115 DateNotBetween: 33,116 Tomorrow: 34,117 Today: 35,118 Yesterday: 36,119 NextWeek: 37,120 ThisWeek: 38,121 LastWeek: 39,122 NextMonth: 40,123 ThisMonth: 41,124 LastMonth: 42,125 NextQuarter: 43,126 ThisQuarter: 44,127 LastQuarter: 45,128 NextYear: 46,129 ThisYear: 47,130 LastYear: 48,131 YearToDate: 49,132 Q1: 50,133 Q2: 51,134 Q3: 52,135 Q4: 53,136 M1: 54,137 M2: 55,138 M3: 56,139 M4: 57,140 M5: 58,141 M6: 59,142 M7: 60,143 M8: 61,144 M9: 62,145 M10: 63,146 M11: 64,147 M12: 65148};149var c_oAscSortType = {150 None: 0,151 Ascending: 1,152 Descending: 2,153 AscendingAlpha: 3,154 DescendingAlpha: 4,155 AscendingNatural: 5,156 DescendingNatural: 6157};158var c_oAscPivotAreaType = {159 None: 0,160 Normal: 1,161 Data: 2,162 All: 3,163 Origin: 4,164 Button: 5,165 TopEnd: 6166};167var c_oAscGroupBy = {168 Range: 0,169 Seconds: 1,170 Minutes: 2,171 Hours: 3,172 Days: 4,173 Months: 5,174 Quarters: 6,175 Years: 7176};177var c_oAscSortMethod = {178 Stroke: 0,179 PinYin: 1,180 None: 2181};182var c_oAscDynamicFilterType = {183 Null: 0,184 AboveAverage: 1,185 BelowAverage: 2,186 Tomorrow: 3,187 Today: 4,188 Yesterday: 5,189 NextWeek: 6,190 ThisWeek: 7,191 LastWeek: 8,192 NextMonth: 9,193 ThisMonth: 10,194 LastMonth: 11,195 NextQuarter: 12,196 ThisQuarter: 13,197 LastQuarter: 14,198 NextYear: 15,199 ThisYear: 16,200 LastYear: 17,201 YearToDate: 18,202 Q1: 19,203 Q2: 20,204 Q3: 21,205 Q4: 22,206 M1: 23,207 M2: 24,208 M3: 25,209 M4: 26,210 M5: 27,211 M6: 28,212 M7: 29,213 M8: 30,214 M9: 31,215 M10: 32,216 M11: 33,217 M12: 34218};219var c_oAscCalendarType = {220 Gregorian: 0,221 GregorianUs: 1,222 GregorianMeFrench: 2,223 GregorianArabic: 3,224 Hijri: 4,225 Hebrew: 5,226 Taiwan: 6,227 Japan: 7,228 Thai: 8,229 Korea: 9,230 Saka: 10,231 GregorianXlitEnglish: 11,232 GregorianXlitFrench: 12,233 None: 13234};235var c_oAscIconSetType = {236 ThreeArrows: 0,237 ThreeArrowsGray: 1,238 ThreeFlags: 2,239 ThreeTrafficLights1: 3,240 ThreeTrafficLights2: 4,241 ThreeSigns: 5,242 ThreeSymbols: 6,243 ThreeSymbols2: 7,244 FourArrows: 8,245 FourArrowsGray: 9,246 FourRedToBlack: 10,247 FourRating: 11,248 FourTrafficLights: 12,249 FiveArrows: 13,250 FiveArrowsGray: 14,251 FiveRating: 15,252 FiveQuarters: 16253};254var c_oAscSortBy = {255 Value: 0,256 CellColor: 1,257 FontColor: 2,258 Icon: 3259};260var c_oAscFilterOperator = {261 Equal: 0,262 LessThan: 1,263 LessThanOrEqual: 2,264 NotEqual: 3,265 GreaterThanOrEqual: 4,266 GreaterThan: 5267};268var c_oAscDateTimeGrouping = {269 Year: 0,270 Month: 1,271 Day: 2,272 Hour: 3,273 Minute: 4,274 Second: 5275};276var c_oAscAllocationMethod = {277 EqualAllocation: 0,278 EqualIncrement: 1,279 WeightedAllocation: 2,280 WeightedIncrement: 3281};282var st_VALUES = -2;283function FromXml_ST_SourceType(val) {284 var res = -1;285 if ("worksheet" === val) {286 res = c_oAscSourceType.Worksheet;287 } else if ("external" === val) {288 res = c_oAscSourceType.External;289 } else if ("consolidation" === val) {290 res = c_oAscSourceType.Consolidation;291 } else if ("scenario" === val) {292 res = c_oAscSourceType.Scenario;293 }294 return res;295}296function ToXml_ST_SourceType(val) {297 var res = "";298 if (c_oAscSourceType.Worksheet === val) {299 res = "worksheet";300 } else if (c_oAscSourceType.External === val) {301 res = "external";302 } else if (c_oAscSourceType.Consolidation === val) {303 res = "consolidation";304 } else if (c_oAscSourceType.Scenario === val) {305 res = "scenario";306 }307 return res;308}309function FromXml_ST_Axis(val) {310 var res = -1;311 if ("axisRow" === val) {312 res = c_oAscAxis.AxisRow;313 } else if ("axisCol" === val) {314 res = c_oAscAxis.AxisCol;315 } else if ("axisPage" === val) {316 res = c_oAscAxis.AxisPage;317 } else if ("axisValues" === val) {318 res = c_oAscAxis.AxisValues;319 }320 return res;321}322function ToXml_ST_Axis(val) {323 var res = "";324 if (c_oAscAxis.AxisRow === val) {325 res = "axisRow";326 } else if (c_oAscAxis.AxisCol === val) {327 res = "axisCol";328 } else if (c_oAscAxis.AxisPage === val) {329 res = "axisPage";330 } else if (c_oAscAxis.AxisValues === val) {331 res = "axisValues";332 }333 return res;334}335function FromXml_ST_FieldSortType(val) {336 var res = -1;337 if ("manual" === val) {338 res = c_oAscFieldSortType.Manual;339 } else if ("ascending" === val) {340 res = c_oAscFieldSortType.Ascending;341 } else if ("descending" === val) {342 res = c_oAscFieldSortType.Descending;343 }344 return res;345}346function ToXml_ST_FieldSortType(val) {347 var res = "";348 if (c_oAscFieldSortType.Manual === val) {349 res = "manual";350 } else if (c_oAscFieldSortType.Ascending === val) {351 res = "ascending";352 } else if (c_oAscFieldSortType.Descending === val) {353 res = "descending";354 }355 return res;356}357function FromXml_ST_ItemType(val) {358 var res = -1;359 if ("data" === val) {360 res = c_oAscItemType.Data;361 } else if ("default" === val) {362 res = c_oAscItemType.Default;363 } else if ("sum" === val) {364 res = c_oAscItemType.Sum;365 } else if ("countA" === val) {366 res = c_oAscItemType.CountA;367 } else if ("avg" === val) {368 res = c_oAscItemType.Avg;369 } else if ("max" === val) {370 res = c_oAscItemType.Max;371 } else if ("min" === val) {372 res = c_oAscItemType.Min;373 } else if ("product" === val) {374 res = c_oAscItemType.Product;375 } else if ("count" === val) {376 res = c_oAscItemType.Count;377 } else if ("stdDev" === val) {378 res = c_oAscItemType.StdDev;379 } else if ("stdDevP" === val) {380 res = c_oAscItemType.StdDevP;381 } else if ("var" === val) {382 res = c_oAscItemType.Var;383 } else if ("varP" === val) {384 res = c_oAscItemType.VarP;385 } else if ("grand" === val) {386 res = c_oAscItemType.Grand;387 } else if ("blank" === val) {388 res = c_oAscItemType.Blank;389 }390 return res;391}392function ToXml_ST_ItemType(val) {393 var res = "";394 if (c_oAscItemType.Data === val) {395 res = "data";396 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Default === val) {397 res = "default";398 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Sum === val) {399 res = "sum";400 } else if (c_oAscItemType.CountA === val) {401 res = "countA";402 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Avg === val) {403 res = "avg";404 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Max === val) {405 res = "max";406 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Min === val) {407 res = "min";408 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Product === val) {409 res = "product";410 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Count === val) {411 res = "count";412 } else if (c_oAscItemType.StdDev === val) {413 res = "stdDev";414 } else if (c_oAscItemType.StdDevP === val) {415 res = "stdDevP";416 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Var === val) {417 res = "var";418 } else if (c_oAscItemType.VarP === val) {419 res = "varP";420 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Grand === val) {421 res = "grand";422 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Blank === val) {423 res = "blank";424 }425 return res;426}427function ToName_ST_ItemType(val) {428 var res = ' ';429 if (c_oAscItemType.Default === val) {430 res += 'Total';431 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Avg === val) {432 res += 'Average';433 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Count === val) {434 res += 'Count';435 } else if (c_oAscItemType.CountA === val) {436 res += 'Count';437 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Max === val) {438 res += 'Max';439 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Min === val) {440 res += 'Min';441 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Product === val) {442 res += 'Product';443 } else if (c_oAscItemType.StdDev === val) {444 res += 'StdDev';445 } else if (c_oAscItemType.StdDevP === val) {446 res += 'StdDevp';447 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Sum === val) {448 res += 'Sum';449 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Var === val) {450 res += 'Var';451 } else if (c_oAscItemType.VarP === val) {452 res += 'Varp';453 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Data === val) {454 res += 'Data';455 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Grand === val) {456 res += 'Total';457 } else if (c_oAscItemType.Blank === val) {458 res += 'Blank';459 }460 return res;461}462function FromXml_ST_DataConsolidateFunction(val) {463 var res = -1;464 if ("average" === val) {465 res = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Average;466 } else if ("count" === val) {467 res = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Count;468 } else if ("countNums" === val) {469 res = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.CountNums;470 } else if ("max" === val) {471 res = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Max;472 } else if ("min" === val) {473 res = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Min;474 } else if ("product" === val) {475 res = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Product;476 } else if ("stdDev" === val) {477 res = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.StdDev;478 } else if ("stdDevp" === val) {479 res = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.StdDevp;480 } else if ("sum" === val) {481 res = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Sum;482 } else if ("var" === val) {483 res = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Var;484 } else if ("varp" === val) {485 res = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Varp;486 }487 return res;488}489function ToXml_ST_DataConsolidateFunction(val) {490 var res = "";491 if (c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Average === val) {492 res = "average";493 } else if (c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Count === val) {494 res = "count";495 } else if (c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.CountNums === val) {496 res = "countNums";497 } else if (c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Max === val) {498 res = "max";499 } else if (c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Min === val) {500 res = "min";501 } else if (c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Product === val) {502 res = "product";503 } else if (c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.StdDev === val) {504 res = "stdDev";505 } else if (c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.StdDevp === val) {506 res = "stdDevp";507 } else if (c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Sum === val) {508 res = "sum";509 } else if (c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Var === val) {510 res = "var";511 } else if (c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Varp === val) {512 res = "varp";513 }514 return res;515}516function FromXml_ST_ShowDataAs(val) {517 var res = -1;518 if ("normal" === val) {519 res = c_oAscShowDataAs.Normal;520 } else if ("difference" === val) {521 res = c_oAscShowDataAs.Difference;522 } else if ("percent" === val) {523 res = c_oAscShowDataAs.Percent;524 } else if ("percentDiff" === val) {525 res = c_oAscShowDataAs.PercentDiff;526 } else if ("runTotal" === val) {527 res = c_oAscShowDataAs.RunTotal;528 } else if ("percentOfRow" === val) {529 res = c_oAscShowDataAs.PercentOfRow;530 } else if ("percentOfCol" === val) {531 res = c_oAscShowDataAs.PercentOfCol;532 } else if ("percentOfTotal" === val) {533 res = c_oAscShowDataAs.PercentOfTotal;534 } else if ("index" === val) {535 res = c_oAscShowDataAs.Index;536 }537 return res;538}539function ToXml_ST_ShowDataAs(val) {540 var res = "";541 if (c_oAscShowDataAs.Normal === val) {542 res = "normal";543 } else if (c_oAscShowDataAs.Difference === val) {544 res = "difference";545 } else if (c_oAscShowDataAs.Percent === val) {546 res = "percent";547 } else if (c_oAscShowDataAs.PercentDiff === val) {548 res = "percentDiff";549 } else if (c_oAscShowDataAs.RunTotal === val) {550 res = "runTotal";551 } else if (c_oAscShowDataAs.PercentOfRow === val) {552 res = "percentOfRow";553 } else if (c_oAscShowDataAs.PercentOfCol === val) {554 res = "percentOfCol";555 } else if (c_oAscShowDataAs.PercentOfTotal === val) {556 res = "percentOfTotal";557 } else if (c_oAscShowDataAs.Index === val) {558 res = "index";559 }560 return res;561}562function FromXml_ST_FormatAction(val) {563 var res = -1;564 if ("blank" === val) {565 res = c_oAscFormatAction.Blank;566 } else if ("formatting" === val) {567 res = c_oAscFormatAction.Formatting;568 } else if ("drill" === val) {569 res = c_oAscFormatAction.Drill;570 } else if ("formula" === val) {571 res = c_oAscFormatAction.Formula;572 }573 return res;574}575function ToXml_ST_FormatAction(val) {576 var res = "";577 if (c_oAscFormatAction.Blank === val) {578 res = "blank";579 } else if (c_oAscFormatAction.Formatting === val) {580 res = "formatting";581 } else if (c_oAscFormatAction.Drill === val) {582 res = "drill";583 } else if (c_oAscFormatAction.Formula === val) {584 res = "formula";585 }586 return res;587}588function FromXml_ST_Scope(val) {589 var res = -1;590 if ("selection" === val) {591 res = c_oAscScope.Selection;592 } else if ("data" === val) {593 res = c_oAscScope.Data;594 } else if ("field" === val) {595 res = c_oAscScope.Field;596 }597 return res;598}599function ToXml_ST_Scope(val) {600 var res = "";601 if (c_oAscScope.Selection === val) {602 res = "selection";603 } else if (c_oAscScope.Data === val) {604 res = "data";605 } else if (c_oAscScope.Field === val) {606 res = "field";607 }608 return res;609}610function FromXml_ST_Type(val) {611 var res = -1;612 if ("none" === val) {613 res = c_oAscType.None;614 } else if ("all" === val) {615 res = c_oAscType.All;616 } else if ("row" === val) {617 res = c_oAscType.Row;618 } else if ("column" === val) {619 res = c_oAscType.Column;620 }621 return res;622}623function ToXml_ST_Type(val) {624 var res = "";625 if (c_oAscType.None === val) {626 res = "none";627 } else if (c_oAscType.All === val) {628 res = "all";629 } else if (c_oAscType.Row === val) {630 res = "row";631 } else if (c_oAscType.Column === val) {632 res = "column";633 }634 return res;635}636function FromXml_ST_PivotFilterType(val) {637 var res = -1;638 if ("unknown" === val) {639 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.Unknown;640 } else if ("count" === val) {641 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.Count;642 } else if ("percent" === val) {643 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.Percent;644 } else if ("sum" === val) {645 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.Sum;646 } else if ("captionEqual" === val) {647 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionEqual;648 } else if ("captionNotEqual" === val) {649 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionNotEqual;650 } else if ("captionBeginsWith" === val) {651 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionBeginsWith;652 } else if ("captionNotBeginsWith" === val) {653 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionNotBeginsWith;654 } else if ("captionEndsWith" === val) {655 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionEndsWith;656 } else if ("captionNotEndsWith" === val) {657 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionNotEndsWith;658 } else if ("captionContains" === val) {659 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionContains;660 } else if ("captionNotContains" === val) {661 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionNotContains;662 } else if ("captionGreaterThan" === val) {663 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionGreaterThan;664 } else if ("captionGreaterThanOrEqual" === val) {665 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionGreaterThanOrEqual;666 } else if ("captionLessThan" === val) {667 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionLessThan;668 } else if ("captionLessThanOrEqual" === val) {669 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionLessThanOrEqual;670 } else if ("captionBetween" === val) {671 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionBetween;672 } else if ("captionNotBetween" === val) {673 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionNotBetween;674 } else if ("valueEqual" === val) {675 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueEqual;676 } else if ("valueNotEqual" === val) {677 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueNotEqual;678 } else if ("valueGreaterThan" === val) {679 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueGreaterThan;680 } else if ("valueGreaterThanOrEqual" === val) {681 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueGreaterThanOrEqual;682 } else if ("valueLessThan" === val) {683 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueLessThan;684 } else if ("valueLessThanOrEqual" === val) {685 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueLessThanOrEqual;686 } else if ("valueBetween" === val) {687 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueBetween;688 } else if ("valueNotBetween" === val) {689 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueNotBetween;690 } else if ("dateEqual" === val) {691 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateEqual;692 } else if ("dateNotEqual" === val) {693 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateNotEqual;694 } else if ("dateOlderThan" === val) {695 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateOlderThan;696 } else if ("dateOlderThanOrEqual" === val) {697 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateOlderThanOrEqual;698 } else if ("dateNewerThan" === val) {699 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateNewerThan;700 } else if ("dateNewerThanOrEqual" === val) {701 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateNewerThanOrEqual;702 } else if ("dateBetween" === val) {703 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateBetween;704 } else if ("dateNotBetween" === val) {705 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateNotBetween;706 } else if ("tomorrow" === val) {707 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.Tomorrow;708 } else if ("today" === val) {709 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.Today;710 } else if ("yesterday" === val) {711 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.Yesterday;712 } else if ("nextWeek" === val) {713 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.NextWeek;714 } else if ("thisWeek" === val) {715 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ThisWeek;716 } else if ("lastWeek" === val) {717 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.LastWeek;718 } else if ("nextMonth" === val) {719 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.NextMonth;720 } else if ("thisMonth" === val) {721 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ThisMonth;722 } else if ("lastMonth" === val) {723 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.LastMonth;724 } else if ("nextQuarter" === val) {725 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.NextQuarter;726 } else if ("thisQuarter" === val) {727 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ThisQuarter;728 } else if ("lastQuarter" === val) {729 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.LastQuarter;730 } else if ("nextYear" === val) {731 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.NextYear;732 } else if ("thisYear" === val) {733 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.ThisYear;734 } else if ("lastYear" === val) {735 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.LastYear;736 } else if ("yearToDate" === val) {737 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.YearToDate;738 } else if ("Q1" === val) {739 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.Q1;740 } else if ("Q2" === val) {741 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.Q2;742 } else if ("Q3" === val) {743 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.Q3;744 } else if ("Q4" === val) {745 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.Q4;746 } else if ("M1" === val) {747 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M1;748 } else if ("M2" === val) {749 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M2;750 } else if ("M3" === val) {751 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M3;752 } else if ("M4" === val) {753 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M4;754 } else if ("M5" === val) {755 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M5;756 } else if ("M6" === val) {757 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M6;758 } else if ("M7" === val) {759 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M7;760 } else if ("M8" === val) {761 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M8;762 } else if ("M9" === val) {763 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M9;764 } else if ("M10" === val) {765 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M10;766 } else if ("M11" === val) {767 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M11;768 } else if ("M12" === val) {769 res = c_oAscPivotFilterType.M12;770 }771 return res;772}773function ToXml_ST_PivotFilterType(val) {774 var res = "";775 if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.Unknown === val) {776 res = "unknown";777 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.Count === val) {778 res = "count";779 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.Percent === val) {780 res = "percent";781 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.Sum === val) {782 res = "sum";783 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionEqual === val) {784 res = "captionEqual";785 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionNotEqual === val) {786 res = "captionNotEqual";787 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionBeginsWith === val) {788 res = "captionBeginsWith";789 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionNotBeginsWith === val) {790 res = "captionNotBeginsWith";791 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionEndsWith === val) {792 res = "captionEndsWith";793 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionNotEndsWith === val) {794 res = "captionNotEndsWith";795 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionContains === val) {796 res = "captionContains";797 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionNotContains === val) {798 res = "captionNotContains";799 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionGreaterThan === val) {800 res = "captionGreaterThan";801 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionGreaterThanOrEqual === val) {802 res = "captionGreaterThanOrEqual";803 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionLessThan === val) {804 res = "captionLessThan";805 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionLessThanOrEqual === val) {806 res = "captionLessThanOrEqual";807 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionBetween === val) {808 res = "captionBetween";809 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.CaptionNotBetween === val) {810 res = "captionNotBetween";811 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueEqual === val) {812 res = "valueEqual";813 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueNotEqual === val) {814 res = "valueNotEqual";815 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueGreaterThan === val) {816 res = "valueGreaterThan";817 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueGreaterThanOrEqual === val) {818 res = "valueGreaterThanOrEqual";819 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueLessThan === val) {820 res = "valueLessThan";821 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueLessThanOrEqual === val) {822 res = "valueLessThanOrEqual";823 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueBetween === val) {824 res = "valueBetween";825 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ValueNotBetween === val) {826 res = "valueNotBetween";827 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateEqual === val) {828 res = "dateEqual";829 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateNotEqual === val) {830 res = "dateNotEqual";831 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateOlderThan === val) {832 res = "dateOlderThan";833 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateOlderThanOrEqual === val) {834 res = "dateOlderThanOrEqual";835 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateNewerThan === val) {836 res = "dateNewerThan";837 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateNewerThanOrEqual === val) {838 res = "dateNewerThanOrEqual";839 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateBetween === val) {840 res = "dateBetween";841 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.DateNotBetween === val) {842 res = "dateNotBetween";843 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.Tomorrow === val) {844 res = "tomorrow";845 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.Today === val) {846 res = "today";847 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.Yesterday === val) {848 res = "yesterday";849 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.NextWeek === val) {850 res = "nextWeek";851 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ThisWeek === val) {852 res = "thisWeek";853 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.LastWeek === val) {854 res = "lastWeek";855 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.NextMonth === val) {856 res = "nextMonth";857 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ThisMonth === val) {858 res = "thisMonth";859 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.LastMonth === val) {860 res = "lastMonth";861 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.NextQuarter === val) {862 res = "nextQuarter";863 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ThisQuarter === val) {864 res = "thisQuarter";865 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.LastQuarter === val) {866 res = "lastQuarter";867 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.NextYear === val) {868 res = "nextYear";869 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.ThisYear === val) {870 res = "thisYear";871 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.LastYear === val) {872 res = "lastYear";873 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.YearToDate === val) {874 res = "yearToDate";875 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.Q1 === val) {876 res = "Q1";877 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.Q2 === val) {878 res = "Q2";879 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.Q3 === val) {880 res = "Q3";881 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.Q4 === val) {882 res = "Q4";883 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M1 === val) {884 res = "M1";885 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M2 === val) {886 res = "M2";887 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M3 === val) {888 res = "M3";889 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M4 === val) {890 res = "M4";891 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M5 === val) {892 res = "M5";893 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M6 === val) {894 res = "M6";895 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M7 === val) {896 res = "M7";897 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M8 === val) {898 res = "M8";899 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M9 === val) {900 res = "M9";901 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M10 === val) {902 res = "M10";903 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M11 === val) {904 res = "M11";905 } else if (c_oAscPivotFilterType.M12 === val) {906 res = "M12";907 }908 return res;909}910function FromXml_ST_SortType(val) {911 var res = -1;912 if ("none" === val) {913 res = c_oAscSortType.None;914 } else if ("ascending" === val) {915 res = c_oAscSortType.Ascending;916 } else if ("descending" === val) {917 res = c_oAscSortType.Descending;918 } else if ("ascendingAlpha" === val) {919 res = c_oAscSortType.AscendingAlpha;920 } else if ("descendingAlpha" === val) {921 res = c_oAscSortType.DescendingAlpha;922 } else if ("ascendingNatural" === val) {923 res = c_oAscSortType.AscendingNatural;924 } else if ("descendingNatural" === val) {925 res = c_oAscSortType.DescendingNatural;926 }927 return res;928}929function ToXml_ST_SortType(val) {930 var res = "";931 if (c_oAscSortType.None === val) {932 res = "none";933 } else if (c_oAscSortType.Ascending === val) {934 res = "ascending";935 } else if (c_oAscSortType.Descending === val) {936 res = "descending";937 } else if (c_oAscSortType.AscendingAlpha === val) {938 res = "ascendingAlpha";939 } else if (c_oAscSortType.DescendingAlpha === val) {940 res = "descendingAlpha";941 } else if (c_oAscSortType.AscendingNatural === val) {942 res = "ascendingNatural";943 } else if (c_oAscSortType.DescendingNatural === val) {944 res = "descendingNatural";945 }946 return res;947}948function FromXml_ST_PivotAreaType(val) {949 var res = -1;950 if ("none" === val) {951 res = c_oAscPivotAreaType.None;952 } else if ("normal" === val) {953 res = c_oAscPivotAreaType.Normal;954 } else if ("data" === val) {955 res = c_oAscPivotAreaType.Data;956 } else if ("all" === val) {957 res = c_oAscPivotAreaType.All;958 } else if ("origin" === val) {959 res = c_oAscPivotAreaType.Origin;960 } else if ("button" === val) {961 res = c_oAscPivotAreaType.Button;962 } else if ("topEnd" === val) {963 res = c_oAscPivotAreaType.TopEnd;964 }965 return res;966}967function ToXml_ST_PivotAreaType(val) {968 var res = "";969 if (c_oAscPivotAreaType.None === val) {970 res = "none";971 } else if (c_oAscPivotAreaType.Normal === val) {972 res = "normal";973 } else if (c_oAscPivotAreaType.Data === val) {974 res = "data";975 } else if (c_oAscPivotAreaType.All === val) {976 res = "all";977 } else if (c_oAscPivotAreaType.Origin === val) {978 res = "origin";979 } else if (c_oAscPivotAreaType.Button === val) {980 res = "button";981 } else if (c_oAscPivotAreaType.TopEnd === val) {982 res = "topEnd";983 }984 return res;985}986function FromXml_ST_GroupBy(val) {987 var res = -1;988 if ("range" === val) {989 res = c_oAscGroupBy.Range;990 } else if ("seconds" === val) {991 res = c_oAscGroupBy.Seconds;992 } else if ("minutes" === val) {993 res = c_oAscGroupBy.Minutes;994 } else if ("hours" === val) {995 res = c_oAscGroupBy.Hours;996 } else if ("days" === val) {997 res = c_oAscGroupBy.Days;998 } else if ("months" === val) {999 res = c_oAscGroupBy.Months;1000 } else if ("quarters" === val) {1001 res = c_oAscGroupBy.Quarters;1002 } else if ("years" === val) {1003 res = c_oAscGroupBy.Years;1004 }1005 return res;1006}1007function ToXml_ST_GroupBy(val) {1008 var res = "";1009 if (c_oAscGroupBy.Range === val) {1010 res = "range";1011 } else if (c_oAscGroupBy.Seconds === val) {1012 res = "seconds";1013 } else if (c_oAscGroupBy.Minutes === val) {1014 res = "minutes";1015 } else if (c_oAscGroupBy.Hours === val) {1016 res = "hours";1017 } else if (c_oAscGroupBy.Days === val) {1018 res = "days";1019 } else if (c_oAscGroupBy.Months === val) {1020 res = "months";1021 } else if (c_oAscGroupBy.Quarters === val) {1022 res = "quarters";1023 } else if (c_oAscGroupBy.Years === val) {1024 res = "years";1025 }1026 return res;1027}1028function FromXml_ST_SortMethod(val) {1029 var res = -1;1030 if ("stroke" === val) {1031 res = c_oAscSortMethod.Stroke;1032 } else if ("pinYin" === val) {1033 res = c_oAscSortMethod.PinYin;1034 } else if ("none" === val) {1035 res = c_oAscSortMethod.None;1036 }1037 return res;1038}1039function ToXml_ST_SortMethod(val) {1040 var res = "";1041 if (c_oAscSortMethod.Stroke === val) {1042 res = "stroke";1043 } else if (c_oAscSortMethod.PinYin === val) {1044 res = "pinYin";1045 } else if (c_oAscSortMethod.None === val) {1046 res = "none";1047 }1048 return res;1049}1050function FromXml_ST_DynamicFilterType(val) {1051 var res = -1;1052 if ("null" === val) {1053 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Null;1054 } else if ("aboveAverage" === val) {1055 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.AboveAverage;1056 } else if ("belowAverage" === val) {1057 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.BelowAverage;1058 } else if ("tomorrow" === val) {1059 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Tomorrow;1060 } else if ("today" === val) {1061 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Today;1062 } else if ("yesterday" === val) {1063 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Yesterday;1064 } else if ("nextWeek" === val) {1065 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.NextWeek;1066 } else if ("thisWeek" === val) {1067 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.ThisWeek;1068 } else if ("lastWeek" === val) {1069 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.LastWeek;1070 } else if ("nextMonth" === val) {1071 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.NextMonth;1072 } else if ("thisMonth" === val) {1073 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.ThisMonth;1074 } else if ("lastMonth" === val) {1075 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.LastMonth;1076 } else if ("nextQuarter" === val) {1077 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.NextQuarter;1078 } else if ("thisQuarter" === val) {1079 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.ThisQuarter;1080 } else if ("lastQuarter" === val) {1081 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.LastQuarter;1082 } else if ("nextYear" === val) {1083 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.NextYear;1084 } else if ("thisYear" === val) {1085 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.ThisYear;1086 } else if ("lastYear" === val) {1087 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.LastYear;1088 } else if ("yearToDate" === val) {1089 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.YearToDate;1090 } else if ("Q1" === val) {1091 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Q1;1092 } else if ("Q2" === val) {1093 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Q2;1094 } else if ("Q3" === val) {1095 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Q3;1096 } else if ("Q4" === val) {1097 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Q4;1098 } else if ("M1" === val) {1099 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M1;1100 } else if ("M2" === val) {1101 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M2;1102 } else if ("M3" === val) {1103 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M3;1104 } else if ("M4" === val) {1105 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M4;1106 } else if ("M5" === val) {1107 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M5;1108 } else if ("M6" === val) {1109 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M6;1110 } else if ("M7" === val) {1111 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M7;1112 } else if ("M8" === val) {1113 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M8;1114 } else if ("M9" === val) {1115 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M9;1116 } else if ("M10" === val) {1117 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M10;1118 } else if ("M11" === val) {1119 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M11;1120 } else if ("M12" === val) {1121 res = c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M12;1122 }1123 return res;1124}1125function ToXml_ST_DynamicFilterType(val) {1126 var res = "";1127 if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Null === val) {1128 res = "null";1129 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.AboveAverage === val) {1130 res = "aboveAverage";1131 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.BelowAverage === val) {1132 res = "belowAverage";1133 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Tomorrow === val) {1134 res = "tomorrow";1135 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Today === val) {1136 res = "today";1137 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Yesterday === val) {1138 res = "yesterday";1139 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.NextWeek === val) {1140 res = "nextWeek";1141 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.ThisWeek === val) {1142 res = "thisWeek";1143 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.LastWeek === val) {1144 res = "lastWeek";1145 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.NextMonth === val) {1146 res = "nextMonth";1147 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.ThisMonth === val) {1148 res = "thisMonth";1149 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.LastMonth === val) {1150 res = "lastMonth";1151 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.NextQuarter === val) {1152 res = "nextQuarter";1153 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.ThisQuarter === val) {1154 res = "thisQuarter";1155 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.LastQuarter === val) {1156 res = "lastQuarter";1157 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.NextYear === val) {1158 res = "nextYear";1159 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.ThisYear === val) {1160 res = "thisYear";1161 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.LastYear === val) {1162 res = "lastYear";1163 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.YearToDate === val) {1164 res = "yearToDate";1165 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Q1 === val) {1166 res = "Q1";1167 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Q2 === val) {1168 res = "Q2";1169 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Q3 === val) {1170 res = "Q3";1171 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.Q4 === val) {1172 res = "Q4";1173 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M1 === val) {1174 res = "M1";1175 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M2 === val) {1176 res = "M2";1177 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M3 === val) {1178 res = "M3";1179 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M4 === val) {1180 res = "M4";1181 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M5 === val) {1182 res = "M5";1183 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M6 === val) {1184 res = "M6";1185 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M7 === val) {1186 res = "M7";1187 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M8 === val) {1188 res = "M8";1189 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M9 === val) {1190 res = "M9";1191 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M10 === val) {1192 res = "M10";1193 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M11 === val) {1194 res = "M11";1195 } else if (c_oAscDynamicFilterType.M12 === val) {1196 res = "M12";1197 }1198 return res;1199}1200function FromXml_ST_CalendarType(val) {1201 var res = -1;1202 if ("gregorian" === val) {1203 res = c_oAscCalendarType.Gregorian;1204 } else if ("gregorianUs" === val) {1205 res = c_oAscCalendarType.GregorianUs;1206 } else if ("gregorianMeFrench" === val) {1207 res = c_oAscCalendarType.GregorianMeFrench;1208 } else if ("gregorianArabic" === val) {1209 res = c_oAscCalendarType.GregorianArabic;1210 } else if ("hijri" === val) {1211 res = c_oAscCalendarType.Hijri;1212 } else if ("hebrew" === val) {1213 res = c_oAscCalendarType.Hebrew;1214 } else if ("taiwan" === val) {1215 res = c_oAscCalendarType.Taiwan;1216 } else if ("japan" === val) {1217 res = c_oAscCalendarType.Japan;1218 } else if ("thai" === val) {1219 res = c_oAscCalendarType.Thai;1220 } else if ("korea" === val) {1221 res = c_oAscCalendarType.Korea;1222 } else if ("saka" === val) {1223 res = c_oAscCalendarType.Saka;1224 } else if ("gregorianXlitEnglish" === val) {1225 res = c_oAscCalendarType.GregorianXlitEnglish;1226 } else if ("gregorianXlitFrench" === val) {1227 res = c_oAscCalendarType.GregorianXlitFrench;1228 } else if ("none" === val) {1229 res = c_oAscCalendarType.None;1230 }1231 return res;1232}1233function ToXml_ST_CalendarType(val) {1234 var res = "";1235 if (c_oAscCalendarType.Gregorian === val) {1236 res = "gregorian";1237 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.GregorianUs === val) {1238 res = "gregorianUs";1239 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.GregorianMeFrench === val) {1240 res = "gregorianMeFrench";1241 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.GregorianArabic === val) {1242 res = "gregorianArabic";1243 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.Hijri === val) {1244 res = "hijri";1245 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.Hebrew === val) {1246 res = "hebrew";1247 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.Taiwan === val) {1248 res = "taiwan";1249 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.Japan === val) {1250 res = "japan";1251 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.Thai === val) {1252 res = "thai";1253 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.Korea === val) {1254 res = "korea";1255 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.Saka === val) {1256 res = "saka";1257 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.GregorianXlitEnglish === val) {1258 res = "gregorianXlitEnglish";1259 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.GregorianXlitFrench === val) {1260 res = "gregorianXlitFrench";1261 } else if (c_oAscCalendarType.None === val) {1262 res = "none";1263 }1264 return res;1265}1266function FromXml_ST_IconSetType(val) {1267 var res = -1;1268 if ("3Arrows" === val) {1269 res = c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeArrows;1270 } else if ("3ArrowsGray" === val) {1271 res = c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeArrowsGray;1272 } else if ("3Flags" === val) {1273 res = c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeFlags;1274 } else if ("3TrafficLights1" === val) {1275 res = c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeTrafficLights1;1276 } else if ("3TrafficLights2" === val) {1277 res = c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeTrafficLights2;1278 } else if ("3Signs" === val) {1279 res = c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeSigns;1280 } else if ("3Symbols" === val) {1281 res = c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeSymbols;1282 } else if ("3Symbols2" === val) {1283 res = c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeSymbols2;1284 } else if ("4Arrows" === val) {1285 res = c_oAscIconSetType.FourArrows;1286 } else if ("4ArrowsGray" === val) {1287 res = c_oAscIconSetType.FourArrowsGray;1288 } else if ("4RedToBlack" === val) {1289 res = c_oAscIconSetType.FourRedToBlack;1290 } else if ("4Rating" === val) {1291 res = c_oAscIconSetType.FourRating;1292 } else if ("4TrafficLights" === val) {1293 res = c_oAscIconSetType.FourTrafficLights;1294 } else if ("5Arrows" === val) {1295 res = c_oAscIconSetType.FiveArrows;1296 } else if ("5ArrowsGray" === val) {1297 res = c_oAscIconSetType.FiveArrowsGray;1298 } else if ("5Rating" === val) {1299 res = c_oAscIconSetType.FiveRating;1300 } else if ("5Quarters" === val) {1301 res = c_oAscIconSetType.FiveQuarters;1302 }1303 return res;1304}1305function ToXml_ST_IconSetType(val) {1306 var res = "";1307 if (c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeArrows === val) {1308 res = "3Arrows";1309 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeArrowsGray === val) {1310 res = "3ArrowsGray";1311 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeFlags === val) {1312 res = "3Flags";1313 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeTrafficLights1 === val) {1314 res = "3TrafficLights1";1315 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeTrafficLights2 === val) {1316 res = "3TrafficLights2";1317 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeSigns === val) {1318 res = "3Signs";1319 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeSymbols === val) {1320 res = "3Symbols";1321 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.ThreeSymbols2 === val) {1322 res = "3Symbols2";1323 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.FourArrows === val) {1324 res = "4Arrows";1325 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.FourArrowsGray === val) {1326 res = "4ArrowsGray";1327 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.FourRedToBlack === val) {1328 res = "4RedToBlack";1329 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.FourRating === val) {1330 res = "4Rating";1331 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.FourTrafficLights === val) {1332 res = "4TrafficLights";1333 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.FiveArrows === val) {1334 res = "5Arrows";1335 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.FiveArrowsGray === val) {1336 res = "5ArrowsGray";1337 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.FiveRating === val) {1338 res = "5Rating";1339 } else if (c_oAscIconSetType.FiveQuarters === val) {1340 res = "5Quarters";1341 }1342 return res;1343}1344function FromXml_ST_SortBy(val) {1345 var res = -1;1346 if ("value" === val) {1347 res = c_oAscSortBy.Value;1348 } else if ("cellColor" === val) {1349 res = c_oAscSortBy.CellColor;1350 } else if ("fontColor" === val) {1351 res = c_oAscSortBy.FontColor;1352 } else if ("icon" === val) {1353 res = c_oAscSortBy.Icon;1354 }1355 return res;1356}1357function ToXml_ST_SortBy(val) {1358 var res = "";1359 if (c_oAscSortBy.Value === val) {1360 res = "value";1361 } else if (c_oAscSortBy.CellColor === val) {1362 res = "cellColor";1363 } else if (c_oAscSortBy.FontColor === val) {1364 res = "fontColor";1365 } else if (c_oAscSortBy.Icon === val) {1366 res = "icon";1367 }1368 return res;1369}1370function FromXml_ST_FilterOperator(val) {1371 var res = -1;1372 if ("equal" === val) {1373 res = c_oAscFilterOperator.Equal;1374 } else if ("lessThan" === val) {1375 res = c_oAscFilterOperator.LessThan;1376 } else if ("lessThanOrEqual" === val) {1377 res = c_oAscFilterOperator.LessThanOrEqual;1378 } else if ("notEqual" === val) {1379 res = c_oAscFilterOperator.NotEqual;1380 } else if ("greaterThanOrEqual" === val) {1381 res = c_oAscFilterOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual;1382 } else if ("greaterThan" === val) {1383 res = c_oAscFilterOperator.GreaterThan;1384 }1385 return res;1386}1387function ToXml_ST_FilterOperator(val) {1388 var res = "";1389 if (c_oAscFilterOperator.Equal === val) {1390 res = "equal";1391 } else if (c_oAscFilterOperator.LessThan === val) {1392 res = "lessThan";1393 } else if (c_oAscFilterOperator.LessThanOrEqual === val) {1394 res = "lessThanOrEqual";1395 } else if (c_oAscFilterOperator.NotEqual === val) {1396 res = "notEqual";1397 } else if (c_oAscFilterOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual === val) {1398 res = "greaterThanOrEqual";1399 } else if (c_oAscFilterOperator.GreaterThan === val) {1400 res = "greaterThan";1401 }1402 return res;1403}1404function FromXml_ST_DateTimeGrouping(val) {1405 var res = -1;1406 if ("year" === val) {1407 res = c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Year;1408 } else if ("month" === val) {1409 res = c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Month;1410 } else if ("day" === val) {1411 res = c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Day;1412 } else if ("hour" === val) {1413 res = c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Hour;1414 } else if ("minute" === val) {1415 res = c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Minute;1416 } else if ("second" === val) {1417 res = c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Second;1418 }1419 return res;1420}1421function ToXml_ST_DateTimeGrouping(val) {1422 var res = "";1423 if (c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Year === val) {1424 res = "year";1425 } else if (c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Month === val) {1426 res = "month";1427 } else if (c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Day === val) {1428 res = "day";1429 } else if (c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Hour === val) {1430 res = "hour";1431 } else if (c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Minute === val) {1432 res = "minute";1433 } else if (c_oAscDateTimeGrouping.Second === val) {1434 res = "second";1435 }1436 return res;1437}1438function FromXml_ST_AllocationMethod(val) {1439 var res = -1;1440 if ("equalAllocation" === val) {1441 res = c_oAscAllocationMethod.EqualAllocation;1442 } else if ("equalIncrement" === val) {1443 res = c_oAscAllocationMethod.EqualIncrement;1444 } else if ("weightedAllocation" === val) {1445 res = c_oAscAllocationMethod.WeightedAllocation;1446 } else if ("weightedIncrement" === val) {1447 res = c_oAscAllocationMethod.WeightedIncrement;1448 }1449 return res;1450}1451function ToXml_ST_AllocationMethod(val) {1452 var res = "";1453 if (c_oAscAllocationMethod.EqualAllocation === val) {1454 res = "equalAllocation";1455 } else if (c_oAscAllocationMethod.EqualIncrement === val) {1456 res = "equalIncrement";1457 } else if (c_oAscAllocationMethod.WeightedAllocation === val) {1458 res = "weightedAllocation";1459 } else if (c_oAscAllocationMethod.WeightedIncrement === val) {1460 res = "weightedIncrement";1461 }1462 return res;1463}1464function CT_PivotCacheDefinition() {1465//Attributes1466 = null;1467 this.invalid = null;//false1468 this.saveData = null;//true1469 this.refreshOnLoad = null;//false1470 this.optimizeMemory = null;//false1471 this.enableRefresh = null;//true1472 this.refreshedBy = null;1473 this.refreshedDate = null;1474 this.backgroundQuery = null;//false1475 this.missingItemsLimit = null;1476 this.createdVersion = null;//01477 this.refreshedVersion = null;//01478 this.minRefreshableVersion = null;//01479 this.recordCount = null;1480 this.upgradeOnRefresh = null;//false1481 this.tupleCache = null;//false1482 this.supportSubquery = null;//false1483 this.supportAdvancedDrill = null;//false1484//Members1485 this.cacheSource = null;1486 this.cacheFields = null;1487 this.cacheHierarchies = null;1488 this.kpis = null;1489 this.tupleCache = null;1490 this.calculatedItems = null;1491 this.calculatedMembers = null;1492 this.dimensions = null;1493 this.measureGroups = null;1494 this.maps = null;1495 this.extLst = null;1496 //editor1497 this.cacheRecords = null;1498}1499CT_PivotCacheDefinition.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {1500 if (attr()) {1501 var vals = attr();1502 var val;1503 val = vals["r:id"];1504 if (undefined !== val) {1505 = uq(val);1506 }1507 val = vals["invalid"];1508 if (undefined !== val) {1509 this.invalid = getBoolFromXml(val);1510 }1511 val = vals["saveData"];1512 if (undefined !== val) {1513 this.saveData = getBoolFromXml(val);1514 }1515 val = vals["refreshOnLoad"];1516 if (undefined !== val) {1517 this.refreshOnLoad = getBoolFromXml(val);1518 }1519 val = vals["optimizeMemory"];1520 if (undefined !== val) {1521 this.optimizeMemory = getBoolFromXml(val);1522 }1523 val = vals["enableRefresh"];1524 if (undefined !== val) {1525 this.enableRefresh = getBoolFromXml(val);1526 }1527 val = vals["refreshedBy"];1528 if (undefined !== val) {1529 this.refreshedBy = uq(val);1530 }1531 val = vals["refreshedDate"];1532 if (undefined !== val) {1533 this.refreshedDate = val - 0;1534 }1535 val = vals["backgroundQuery"];1536 if (undefined !== val) {1537 this.backgroundQuery = getBoolFromXml(val);1538 }1539 val = vals["missingItemsLimit"];1540 if (undefined !== val) {1541 this.missingItemsLimit = val - 0;1542 }1543 val = vals["createdVersion"];1544 if (undefined !== val) {1545 this.createdVersion = val - 0;1546 }1547 val = vals["refreshedVersion"];1548 if (undefined !== val) {1549 this.refreshedVersion = val - 0;1550 }1551 val = vals["minRefreshableVersion"];1552 if (undefined !== val) {1553 this.minRefreshableVersion = val - 0;1554 }1555 val = vals["recordCount"];1556 if (undefined !== val) {1557 this.recordCount = val - 0;1558 }1559 val = vals["upgradeOnRefresh"];1560 if (undefined !== val) {1561 this.upgradeOnRefresh = getBoolFromXml(val);1562 }1563 val = vals["tupleCache"];1564 if (undefined !== val) {1565 this.tupleCache = getBoolFromXml(val);1566 }1567 val = vals["supportSubquery"];1568 if (undefined !== val) {1569 this.supportSubquery = getBoolFromXml(val);1570 }1571 val = vals["supportAdvancedDrill"];1572 if (undefined !== val) {1573 this.supportAdvancedDrill = getBoolFromXml(val);1574 }1575 }1576};1577CT_PivotCacheDefinition.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {1578 var newContext = this;1579 if ("pivotCacheDefinition" === elem) {1580 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1581 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1582 }1583 } else if ("cacheSource" === elem) {1584 newContext = new CT_CacheSource();1585 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1586 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1587 }1588 this.cacheSource = newContext;1589 } else if ("cacheFields" === elem) {1590 newContext = new CT_CacheFields();1591 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1592 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1593 }1594 this.cacheFields = newContext;1595 } else if ("cacheHierarchies" === elem) {1596 newContext = new CT_CacheHierarchies();1597 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1598 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1599 }1600 this.cacheHierarchies = newContext;1601 } else if ("kpis" === elem) {1602 newContext = new CT_PCDKPIs();1603 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1604 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1605 }1606 this.kpis = newContext;1607 } else if ("tupleCache" === elem) {1608 newContext = new CT_TupleCache();1609 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1610 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1611 }1612 this.tupleCache = newContext;1613 } else if ("calculatedItems" === elem) {1614 newContext = new CT_CalculatedItems();1615 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1616 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1617 }1618 this.calculatedItems = newContext;1619 } else if ("calculatedMembers" === elem) {1620 newContext = new CT_CalculatedMembers();1621 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1622 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1623 }1624 this.calculatedMembers = newContext;1625 } else if ("dimensions" === elem) {1626 newContext = new CT_Dimensions();1627 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1628 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1629 }1630 this.dimensions = newContext;1631 } else if ("measureGroups" === elem) {1632 newContext = new CT_MeasureGroups();1633 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1634 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1635 }1636 this.measureGroups = newContext;1637 } else if ("maps" === elem) {1638 newContext = new CT_MeasureDimensionMaps();1639 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1640 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1641 }1642 this.maps = newContext;1643 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {1644 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();1645 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1646 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1647 }1648 this.extLst = newContext;1649 } else {1650 newContext = null;1651 }1652 return newContext;1653};1654CT_PivotCacheDefinition.prototype.toXml = function(writer) {1655 writer.WriteXmlString("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>");1656 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart("pivotCacheDefinition");1657 writer.WriteXmlString(1658 " xmlns=\"\" xmlns:r=\"\"");1659 //todo1660 // if (null !== {1661 // writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("r:id",;1662 // }1663 if (null !== this.invalid) {1664 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("invalid", this.invalid);1665 }1666 if (null !== this.saveData) {1667 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("saveData", this.saveData);1668 }1669 if (null !== this.refreshOnLoad) {1670 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("refreshOnLoad", this.refreshOnLoad);1671 }1672 if (null !== this.optimizeMemory) {1673 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("optimizeMemory", this.optimizeMemory);1674 }1675 if (null !== this.enableRefresh) {1676 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("enableRefresh", this.enableRefresh);1677 }1678 if (null !== this.refreshedBy) {1679 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("refreshedBy", this.refreshedBy);1680 }1681 if (null !== this.refreshedDate) {1682 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("refreshedDate", this.refreshedDate);1683 }1684 if (null !== this.backgroundQuery) {1685 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("backgroundQuery", this.backgroundQuery);1686 }1687 if (null !== this.missingItemsLimit) {1688 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("missingItemsLimit", this.missingItemsLimit);1689 }1690 if (null !== this.createdVersion) {1691 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("createdVersion", this.createdVersion);1692 }1693 if (null !== this.refreshedVersion) {1694 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("refreshedVersion", this.refreshedVersion);1695 }1696 if (null !== this.minRefreshableVersion) {1697 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("minRefreshableVersion", this.minRefreshableVersion);1698 }1699 if (null !== this.recordCount) {1700 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("recordCount", this.recordCount);1701 }1702 if (null !== this.upgradeOnRefresh) {1703 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("upgradeOnRefresh", this.upgradeOnRefresh);1704 }1705 if (null !== this.tupleCache) {1706 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("tupleCache", this.tupleCache);1707 }1708 if (null !== this.supportSubquery) {1709 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("supportSubquery", this.supportSubquery);1710 }1711 if (null !== this.supportAdvancedDrill) {1712 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("supportAdvancedDrill", this.supportAdvancedDrill);1713 }1714 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd("pivotCacheDefinition", true);1715 if (null !== this.cacheSource) {1716 this.cacheSource.toXml(writer, "cacheSource");1717 }1718 if (null !== this.cacheFields) {1719 this.cacheFields.toXml(writer, "cacheFields");1720 }1721 if (null !== this.cacheHierarchies) {1722 this.cacheHierarchies.toXml(writer, "cacheHierarchies");1723 }1724 if (null !== this.kpis) {1725 this.kpis.toXml(writer, "kpis");1726 }1727 if (null !== this.tupleCache) {1728 this.tupleCache.toXml(writer, "tupleCache");1729 }1730 if (null !== this.calculatedItems) {1731 this.calculatedItems.toXml(writer, "calculatedItems");1732 }1733 if (null !== this.calculatedMembers) {1734 this.calculatedMembers.toXml(writer, "calculatedMembers");1735 }1736 if (null !== this.dimensions) {1737 this.dimensions.toXml(writer, "dimensions");1738 }1739 if (null !== this.measureGroups) {1740 this.measureGroups.toXml(writer, "measureGroups");1741 }1742 if (null !== this.maps) {1743 this.maps.toXml(writer, "maps");1744 }1745 if (null !== this.extLst) {1746 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");1747 }1748 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd("pivotCacheDefinition");1749};1750CT_PivotCacheDefinition.prototype.getFields = function () {1751 return this.cacheFields && this.cacheFields.cacheField;1752};1753CT_PivotCacheDefinition.prototype.getRecords = function () {1754 return this.cacheRecords && this.cacheRecords;1755};1756CT_PivotCacheDefinition.prototype.isValidCacheSource = function () {1757 return this.cacheSource && this.cacheSource.type === c_oAscSourceType.Worksheet;1758};1759function CT_PivotCacheRecords() {1760//Attributes1761 this.count = null;1762//Members1763 this.extLst = null;1764//internal1765 this._cols = [];1766 this._curColIndex = 0;1767}1768CT_PivotCacheRecords.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {1769 if (attr()) {1770 var vals = attr();1771 var val;1772 val = vals["count"];1773 if (undefined !== val) {1774 this.count = val - 0;1775 }1776 }1777};1778CT_PivotCacheRecords.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {1779 var newContext = this;1780 if ("pivotCacheRecords" === elem) {1781 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1782 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1783 }1784 } else if ("r" === elem) {1785 this._curColIndex = 0;1786 } else {1787 var newContextCandidate = this._getCol(this._curColIndex).onStartNode(elem, attr, uq);1788 if (newContextCandidate) {1789 newContext = newContextCandidate;1790 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {1791 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();1792 if (newContext.readAttributes) {1793 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);1794 }1795 this.extLst = newContext;1796 } else {1797 newContext = null;1798 }1799 }1800 return newContext;1801};1802CT_PivotCacheRecords.prototype.onEndNode = function(prevContext, elem) {1803 if (this._getCol(this._curColIndex).onEndNode(prevContext, elem)) {1804 this._curColIndex++;1805 }1806};1807CT_PivotCacheRecords.prototype.toXml = function(writer) {1808 writer.WriteXmlString("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>");1809 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart("pivotCacheRecords");1810 writer.WriteXmlString(1811 " xmlns=\"\" xmlns:r=\"\"");1812 if (null !== this.count) {1813 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);1814 }1815 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd("pivotCacheRecords", true);1816 if (null !== this._cols) {1817 var rowsCount = this._cols[0].size;1818 for (var i = 0; i < rowsCount; ++i) {1819 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart("r", true);1820 for (var j = 0; j < this._cols.length; ++j) {1821 this._cols[j].toXml(writer, i);1822 }1823 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd("r");1824 }1825 }1826 if (null !== this.extLst) {1827 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");1828 }1829 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd("pivotCacheRecords");1830};1831CT_PivotCacheRecords.prototype.getRowsCount = function() {1832 return null !== this._cols ? this._cols[0].size : 0;1833};1834CT_PivotCacheRecords.prototype.get = function(row, col) {1835 var col = this._cols[col];1836 if (col) {1837 return col.get(row);1838 }1839};1840CT_PivotCacheRecords.prototype._getCol = function(index, type) {1841 var col = this._cols[index];1842 if(!col){1843 col = new PivotRecords();1844 col.setStartCount(this.count);1845 this._cols[index] = col;1846 }1847 return col;1848};1849function CT_pivotTableDefinition() {1850//Attributes1851 = null;1852 this.cacheId = null;1853 this.dataOnRows = null;//false1854 this.dataPosition = null;1855 this.autoFormatId = null;1856 this.applyNumberFormats = null;1857 this.applyBorderFormats = null;1858 this.applyFontFormats = null;1859 this.applyPatternFormats = null;1860 this.applyAlignmentFormats = null;1861 this.applyWidthHeightFormats = null;1862 this.dataCaption = null;1863 this.grandTotalCaption = null;1864 this.errorCaption = null;1865 this.showError = null;//false1866 this.missingCaption = null;1867 this.showMissing = null;//true1868 this.pageStyle = null;1869 this.pivotTableStyle = null;1870 this.vacatedStyle = null;1871 this.tag = null;1872 this.updatedVersion = null;//01873 this.minRefreshableVersion = null;//01874 this.asteriskTotals = null;//false1875 this.showItems = null;//true1876 this.editData = null;//false1877 this.disableFieldList = null;//false1878 this.showCalcMbrs = null;//true1879 this.visualTotals = null;//true1880 this.showMultipleLabel = null;//true1881 this.showDataDropDown = null;//true1882 this.showDrill = null;//true1883 this.printDrill = null;//false1884 this.showMemberPropertyTips = null;//true1885 this.showDataTips = null;//true1886 this.enableWizard = null;//true1887 this.enableDrill = null;//true1888 this.enableFieldProperties = null;//true1889 this.preserveFormatting = null;//true1890 this.useAutoFormatting = null;//false1891 this.pageWrap = null;//01892 this.pageOverThenDown = null;//false1893 this.subtotalHiddenItems = null;//false1894 this.rowGrandTotals = null;//true1895 this.colGrandTotals = null;//true1896 this.fieldPrintTitles = null;//false1897 this.itemPrintTitles = null;//false1898 this.mergeItem = null;//false1899 this.showDropZones = null;//true1900 this.createdVersion = null;//01901 this.indent = null;//11902 this.showEmptyRow = null;//false1903 this.showEmptyCol = null;//false1904 this.showHeaders = null;//true1905 this.compact = null;//true1906 this.outline = null;//false1907 this.outlineData = null;//false1908 this.compactData = null;//true1909 this.published = null;//false1910 this.gridDropZones = null;//false1911 this.immersive = null;//true1912 this.multipleFieldFilters = null;//true1913 this.chartFormat = null;//01914 this.rowHeaderCaption = null;1915 this.colHeaderCaption = null;1916 this.fieldListSortAscending = null;//false1917 this.mdxSubqueries = null;//false1918 this.customListSort = null;//true1919//Members1920 this.location = null;1921 this.pivotFields = null;1922 this.rowFields = null;1923 this.rowItems = null;1924 this.colFields = null;1925 this.colItems = null;1926 this.pageFields = null;1927 this.dataFields = null;1928 this.formats = null;1929 this.conditionalFormats = null;1930 this.chartFormats = null;1931 this.pivotHierarchies = null;1932 this.pivotTableStyleInfo = null;1933 this.filters = null;1934 this.rowHierarchiesUsage = null;1935 this.colHierarchiesUsage = null;1936 //ext1937 this.pivotTableDefinitionX14 = null;1938 //editor1939 this.cacheDefinition = null;1940 this.isInit = false;1941 this.pageFieldsPositions = null;1942 this.clearGrid = false;1943 this.hasCompact = true;1944}1945CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {1946 if (attr()) {1947 var vals = attr();1948 var val;1949 val = vals["name"];1950 if (undefined !== val) {1951 = uq(val);1952 }1953 val = vals["cacheId"];1954 if (undefined !== val) {1955 this.cacheId = val - 0;1956 }1957 val = vals["dataOnRows"];1958 if (undefined !== val) {1959 this.dataOnRows = getBoolFromXml(val);1960 }1961 val = vals["dataPosition"];1962 if (undefined !== val) {1963 this.dataPosition = val - 0;1964 }1965 val = vals["autoFormatId"];1966 if (undefined !== val) {1967 this.autoFormatId = val - 0;1968 }1969 val = vals["applyNumberFormats"];1970 if (undefined !== val) {1971 this.applyNumberFormats = getBoolFromXml(val);1972 }1973 val = vals["applyBorderFormats"];1974 if (undefined !== val) {1975 this.applyBorderFormats = getBoolFromXml(val);1976 }1977 val = vals["applyFontFormats"];1978 if (undefined !== val) {1979 this.applyFontFormats = getBoolFromXml(val);1980 }1981 val = vals["applyPatternFormats"];1982 if (undefined !== val) {1983 this.applyPatternFormats = getBoolFromXml(val);1984 }1985 val = vals["applyAlignmentFormats"];1986 if (undefined !== val) {1987 this.applyAlignmentFormats = getBoolFromXml(val);1988 }1989 val = vals["applyWidthHeightFormats"];1990 if (undefined !== val) {1991 this.applyWidthHeightFormats = getBoolFromXml(val);1992 }1993 val = vals["dataCaption"];1994 if (undefined !== val) {1995 this.dataCaption = uq(val);1996 }1997 val = vals["grandTotalCaption"];1998 if (undefined !== val) {1999 this.grandTotalCaption = uq(val);2000 }2001 val = vals["errorCaption"];2002 if (undefined !== val) {2003 this.errorCaption = uq(val);2004 }2005 val = vals["showError"];2006 if (undefined !== val) {2007 this.showError = getBoolFromXml(val);2008 }2009 val = vals["missingCaption"];2010 if (undefined !== val) {2011 this.missingCaption = uq(val);2012 }2013 val = vals["showMissing"];2014 if (undefined !== val) {2015 this.showMissing = getBoolFromXml(val);2016 }2017 val = vals["pageStyle"];2018 if (undefined !== val) {2019 this.pageStyle = uq(val);2020 }2021 val = vals["pivotTableStyle"];2022 if (undefined !== val) {2023 this.pivotTableStyle = uq(val);2024 }2025 val = vals["vacatedStyle"];2026 if (undefined !== val) {2027 this.vacatedStyle = uq(val);2028 }2029 val = vals["tag"];2030 if (undefined !== val) {2031 this.tag = uq(val);2032 }2033 val = vals["updatedVersion"];2034 if (undefined !== val) {2035 this.updatedVersion = val - 0;2036 }2037 val = vals["minRefreshableVersion"];2038 if (undefined !== val) {2039 this.minRefreshableVersion = val - 0;2040 }2041 val = vals["asteriskTotals"];2042 if (undefined !== val) {2043 this.asteriskTotals = getBoolFromXml(val);2044 }2045 val = vals["showItems"];2046 if (undefined !== val) {2047 this.showItems = getBoolFromXml(val);2048 }2049 val = vals["editData"];2050 if (undefined !== val) {2051 this.editData = getBoolFromXml(val);2052 }2053 val = vals["disableFieldList"];2054 if (undefined !== val) {2055 this.disableFieldList = getBoolFromXml(val);2056 }2057 val = vals["showCalcMbrs"];2058 if (undefined !== val) {2059 this.showCalcMbrs = getBoolFromXml(val);2060 }2061 val = vals["visualTotals"];2062 if (undefined !== val) {2063 this.visualTotals = getBoolFromXml(val);2064 }2065 val = vals["showMultipleLabel"];2066 if (undefined !== val) {2067 this.showMultipleLabel = getBoolFromXml(val);2068 }2069 val = vals["showDataDropDown"];2070 if (undefined !== val) {2071 this.showDataDropDown = getBoolFromXml(val);2072 }2073 val = vals["showDrill"];2074 if (undefined !== val) {2075 this.showDrill = getBoolFromXml(val);2076 }2077 val = vals["printDrill"];2078 if (undefined !== val) {2079 this.printDrill = getBoolFromXml(val);2080 }2081 val = vals["showMemberPropertyTips"];2082 if (undefined !== val) {2083 this.showMemberPropertyTips = getBoolFromXml(val);2084 }2085 val = vals["showDataTips"];2086 if (undefined !== val) {2087 this.showDataTips = getBoolFromXml(val);2088 }2089 val = vals["enableWizard"];2090 if (undefined !== val) {2091 this.enableWizard = getBoolFromXml(val);2092 }2093 val = vals["enableDrill"];2094 if (undefined !== val) {2095 this.enableDrill = getBoolFromXml(val);2096 }2097 val = vals["enableFieldProperties"];2098 if (undefined !== val) {2099 this.enableFieldProperties = getBoolFromXml(val);2100 }2101 val = vals["preserveFormatting"];2102 if (undefined !== val) {2103 this.preserveFormatting = getBoolFromXml(val);2104 }2105 val = vals["useAutoFormatting"];2106 if (undefined !== val) {2107 this.useAutoFormatting = getBoolFromXml(val);2108 }2109 val = vals["pageWrap"];2110 if (undefined !== val) {2111 this.pageWrap = val - 0;2112 }2113 val = vals["pageOverThenDown"];2114 if (undefined !== val) {2115 this.pageOverThenDown = getBoolFromXml(val);2116 }2117 val = vals["subtotalHiddenItems"];2118 if (undefined !== val) {2119 this.subtotalHiddenItems = getBoolFromXml(val);2120 }2121 val = vals["rowGrandTotals"];2122 if (undefined !== val) {2123 this.rowGrandTotals = getBoolFromXml(val);2124 }2125 val = vals["colGrandTotals"];2126 if (undefined !== val) {2127 this.colGrandTotals = getBoolFromXml(val);2128 }2129 val = vals["fieldPrintTitles"];2130 if (undefined !== val) {2131 this.fieldPrintTitles = getBoolFromXml(val);2132 }2133 val = vals["itemPrintTitles"];2134 if (undefined !== val) {2135 this.itemPrintTitles = getBoolFromXml(val);2136 }2137 val = vals["mergeItem"];2138 if (undefined !== val) {2139 this.mergeItem = getBoolFromXml(val);2140 }2141 val = vals["showDropZones"];2142 if (undefined !== val) {2143 this.showDropZones = getBoolFromXml(val);2144 }2145 val = vals["createdVersion"];2146 if (undefined !== val) {2147 this.createdVersion = val - 0;2148 }2149 val = vals["indent"];2150 if (undefined !== val) {2151 this.indent = val - 0;2152 }2153 val = vals["showEmptyRow"];2154 if (undefined !== val) {2155 this.showEmptyRow = getBoolFromXml(val);2156 }2157 val = vals["showEmptyCol"];2158 if (undefined !== val) {2159 this.showEmptyCol = getBoolFromXml(val);2160 }2161 val = vals["showHeaders"];2162 if (undefined !== val) {2163 this.showHeaders = getBoolFromXml(val);2164 }2165 val = vals["compact"];2166 if (undefined !== val) {2167 this.compact = getBoolFromXml(val);2168 }2169 val = vals["outline"];2170 if (undefined !== val) {2171 this.outline = getBoolFromXml(val);2172 }2173 val = vals["outlineData"];2174 if (undefined !== val) {2175 this.outlineData = getBoolFromXml(val);2176 }2177 val = vals["compactData"];2178 if (undefined !== val) {2179 this.compactData = getBoolFromXml(val);2180 }2181 val = vals["published"];2182 if (undefined !== val) {2183 this.published = getBoolFromXml(val);2184 }2185 val = vals["gridDropZones"];2186 if (undefined !== val) {2187 this.gridDropZones = getBoolFromXml(val);2188 }2189 val = vals["immersive"];2190 if (undefined !== val) {2191 this.immersive = getBoolFromXml(val);2192 }2193 val = vals["multipleFieldFilters"];2194 if (undefined !== val) {2195 this.multipleFieldFilters = getBoolFromXml(val);2196 }2197 val = vals["chartFormat"];2198 if (undefined !== val) {2199 this.chartFormat = val - 0;2200 }2201 val = vals["rowHeaderCaption"];2202 if (undefined !== val) {2203 this.rowHeaderCaption = uq(val);2204 }2205 val = vals["colHeaderCaption"];2206 if (undefined !== val) {2207 this.colHeaderCaption = uq(val);2208 }2209 val = vals["fieldListSortAscending"];2210 if (undefined !== val) {2211 this.fieldListSortAscending = getBoolFromXml(val);2212 }2213 val = vals["mdxSubqueries"];2214 if (undefined !== val) {2215 this.mdxSubqueries = getBoolFromXml(val);2216 }2217 val = vals["customListSort"];2218 if (undefined !== val) {2219 this.customListSort = getBoolFromXml(val);2220 }2221 }2222};2223CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {2224 var newContext = this;2225 if ("pivotTableDefinition" === elem) {2226 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2227 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2228 }2229 } else if ("location" === elem) {2230 newContext = new CT_Location();2231 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2232 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2233 }2234 this.location = newContext;2235 } else if ("pivotFields" === elem) {2236 newContext = new CT_PivotFields();2237 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2238 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2239 }2240 this.pivotFields = newContext;2241 } else if ("rowFields" === elem) {2242 newContext = new CT_RowFields();2243 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2244 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2245 }2246 this.rowFields = newContext;2247 } else if ("rowItems" === elem) {2248 newContext = new CT_rowItems();2249 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2250 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2251 }2252 this.rowItems = newContext;2253 } else if ("colFields" === elem) {2254 newContext = new CT_ColFields();2255 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2256 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2257 }2258 this.colFields = newContext;2259 } else if ("colItems" === elem) {2260 newContext = new CT_colItems();2261 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2262 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2263 }2264 this.colItems = newContext;2265 } else if ("pageFields" === elem) {2266 newContext = new CT_PageFields();2267 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2268 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2269 }2270 this.pageFields = newContext;2271 } else if ("dataFields" === elem) {2272 newContext = new CT_DataFields();2273 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2274 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2275 }2276 this.dataFields = newContext;2277 } else if ("formats" === elem) {2278 newContext = new CT_Formats();2279 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2280 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2281 }2282 this.formats = newContext;2283 } else if ("conditionalFormats" === elem) {2284 newContext = new CT_ConditionalFormats();2285 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2286 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2287 }2288 this.conditionalFormats = newContext;2289 } else if ("chartFormats" === elem) {2290 newContext = new CT_ChartFormats();2291 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2292 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2293 }2294 this.chartFormats = newContext;2295 } else if ("pivotHierarchies" === elem) {2296 newContext = new CT_PivotHierarchies();2297 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2298 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2299 }2300 this.pivotHierarchies = newContext;2301 } else if ("pivotTableStyleInfo" === elem) {2302 newContext = new CT_PivotTableStyle();2303 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2304 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2305 }2306 this.pivotTableStyleInfo = newContext;2307 } else if ("filters" === elem) {2308 newContext = new CT_PivotFilters();2309 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2310 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2311 }2312 this.filters = newContext;2313 } else if ("rowHierarchiesUsage" === elem) {2314 newContext = new CT_RowHierarchiesUsage();2315 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2316 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2317 }2318 this.rowHierarchiesUsage = newContext;2319 } else if ("colHierarchiesUsage" === elem) {2320 newContext = new CT_ColHierarchiesUsage();2321 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2322 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2323 }2324 this.colHierarchiesUsage = newContext;2325 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {2326 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();2327 if (newContext.readAttributes) {2328 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);2329 }2330 } else {2331 newContext = null;2332 }2333 return newContext;2334};2335CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.onEndNode = function(prevContext, elem) {2336 if ("extLst" === elem) {2337 for (var i = 0; i < prevContext.ext.length; ++i) {2338 var ext = prevContext.ext[i];2339 if ('{962EF5D1-5CA2-4c93-8EF4-DBF5C05439D2}' == ext.uri) {2340 this.pivotTableDefinitionX14 = ext.elem;2341 }2342 }2343 }2344};2345CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.toXml = function(writer) {2346 writer.WriteXmlString("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>");2347 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart("pivotTableDefinition");2348 writer.WriteXmlString(2349 " xmlns=\"\" xmlns:r=\"\"");2350 if (null !== {2351 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;2352 }2353 if (null !== this.cacheId) {2354 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("cacheId", this.cacheId);2355 }2356 if (null !== this.dataOnRows) {2357 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dataOnRows", this.dataOnRows);2358 }2359 if (null !== this.dataPosition) {2360 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("dataPosition", this.dataPosition);2361 }2362 if (null !== this.autoFormatId) {2363 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("autoFormatId", this.autoFormatId);2364 }2365 if (null !== this.applyNumberFormats) {2366 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("applyNumberFormats", this.applyNumberFormats);2367 }2368 if (null !== this.applyBorderFormats) {2369 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("applyBorderFormats", this.applyBorderFormats);2370 }2371 if (null !== this.applyFontFormats) {2372 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("applyFontFormats", this.applyFontFormats);2373 }2374 if (null !== this.applyPatternFormats) {2375 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("applyPatternFormats", this.applyPatternFormats);2376 }2377 if (null !== this.applyAlignmentFormats) {2378 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("applyAlignmentFormats", this.applyAlignmentFormats);2379 }2380 if (null !== this.applyWidthHeightFormats) {2381 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("applyWidthHeightFormats", this.applyWidthHeightFormats);2382 }2383 if (null !== this.dataCaption) {2384 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("dataCaption", this.dataCaption);2385 }2386 if (null !== this.grandTotalCaption) {2387 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("grandTotalCaption", this.grandTotalCaption);2388 }2389 if (null !== this.errorCaption) {2390 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("errorCaption", this.errorCaption);2391 }2392 if (null !== this.showError) {2393 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showError", this.showError);2394 }2395 if (null !== this.missingCaption) {2396 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("missingCaption", this.missingCaption);2397 }2398 if (null !== this.showMissing) {2399 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showMissing", this.showMissing);2400 }2401 if (null !== this.pageStyle) {2402 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("pageStyle", this.pageStyle);2403 }2404 if (null !== this.pivotTableStyle) {2405 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("pivotTableStyle", this.pivotTableStyle);2406 }2407 if (null !== this.vacatedStyle) {2408 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("vacatedStyle", this.vacatedStyle);2409 }2410 if (null !== this.tag) {2411 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("tag", this.tag);2412 }2413 if (null !== this.updatedVersion) {2414 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("updatedVersion", this.updatedVersion);2415 }2416 if (null !== this.minRefreshableVersion) {2417 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("minRefreshableVersion", this.minRefreshableVersion);2418 }2419 if (null !== this.asteriskTotals) {2420 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("asteriskTotals", this.asteriskTotals);2421 }2422 if (null !== this.showItems) {2423 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showItems", this.showItems);2424 }2425 if (null !== this.editData) {2426 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("editData", this.editData);2427 }2428 if (null !== this.disableFieldList) {2429 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("disableFieldList", this.disableFieldList);2430 }2431 if (null !== this.showCalcMbrs) {2432 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showCalcMbrs", this.showCalcMbrs);2433 }2434 if (null !== this.visualTotals) {2435 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("visualTotals", this.visualTotals);2436 }2437 if (null !== this.showMultipleLabel) {2438 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showMultipleLabel", this.showMultipleLabel);2439 }2440 if (null !== this.showDataDropDown) {2441 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showDataDropDown", this.showDataDropDown);2442 }2443 if (null !== this.showDrill) {2444 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showDrill", this.showDrill);2445 }2446 if (null !== this.printDrill) {2447 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("printDrill", this.printDrill);2448 }2449 if (null !== this.showMemberPropertyTips) {2450 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showMemberPropertyTips", this.showMemberPropertyTips);2451 }2452 if (null !== this.showDataTips) {2453 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showDataTips", this.showDataTips);2454 }2455 if (null !== this.enableWizard) {2456 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("enableWizard", this.enableWizard);2457 }2458 if (null !== this.enableDrill) {2459 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("enableDrill", this.enableDrill);2460 }2461 if (null !== this.enableFieldProperties) {2462 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("enableFieldProperties", this.enableFieldProperties);2463 }2464 if (null !== this.preserveFormatting) {2465 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("preserveFormatting", this.preserveFormatting);2466 }2467 if (null !== this.useAutoFormatting) {2468 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("useAutoFormatting", this.useAutoFormatting);2469 }2470 if (null !== this.pageWrap) {2471 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("pageWrap", this.pageWrap);2472 }2473 if (null !== this.pageOverThenDown) {2474 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("pageOverThenDown", this.pageOverThenDown);2475 }2476 if (null !== this.subtotalHiddenItems) {2477 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("subtotalHiddenItems", this.subtotalHiddenItems);2478 }2479 if (null !== this.rowGrandTotals) {2480 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("rowGrandTotals", this.rowGrandTotals);2481 }2482 if (null !== this.colGrandTotals) {2483 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("colGrandTotals", this.colGrandTotals);2484 }2485 if (null !== this.fieldPrintTitles) {2486 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("fieldPrintTitles", this.fieldPrintTitles);2487 }2488 if (null !== this.itemPrintTitles) {2489 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("itemPrintTitles", this.itemPrintTitles);2490 }2491 if (null !== this.mergeItem) {2492 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("mergeItem", this.mergeItem);2493 }2494 if (null !== this.showDropZones) {2495 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showDropZones", this.showDropZones);2496 }2497 if (null !== this.createdVersion) {2498 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("createdVersion", this.createdVersion);2499 }2500 if (null !== this.indent) {2501 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("indent", this.indent);2502 }2503 if (null !== this.showEmptyRow) {2504 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showEmptyRow", this.showEmptyRow);2505 }2506 if (null !== this.showEmptyCol) {2507 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showEmptyCol", this.showEmptyCol);2508 }2509 if (null !== this.showHeaders) {2510 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showHeaders", this.showHeaders);2511 }2512 if (null !== this.compact) {2513 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("compact", this.compact);2514 }2515 if (null !== this.outline) {2516 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("outline", this.outline);2517 }2518 if (null !== this.outlineData) {2519 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("outlineData", this.outlineData);2520 }2521 if (null !== this.compactData) {2522 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("compactData", this.compactData);2523 }2524 if (null !== this.published) {2525 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("published", this.published);2526 }2527 if (null !== this.gridDropZones) {2528 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("gridDropZones", this.gridDropZones);2529 }2530 if (null !== this.immersive) {2531 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("immersive", this.immersive);2532 }2533 if (null !== this.multipleFieldFilters) {2534 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("multipleFieldFilters", this.multipleFieldFilters);2535 }2536 if (null !== this.chartFormat) {2537 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("chartFormat", this.chartFormat);2538 }2539 if (null !== this.rowHeaderCaption) {2540 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("rowHeaderCaption", this.rowHeaderCaption);2541 }2542 if (null !== this.colHeaderCaption) {2543 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("colHeaderCaption", this.colHeaderCaption);2544 }2545 if (null !== this.fieldListSortAscending) {2546 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("fieldListSortAscending", this.fieldListSortAscending);2547 }2548 if (null !== this.mdxSubqueries) {2549 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("mdxSubqueries", this.mdxSubqueries);2550 }2551 if (null !== this.customListSort) {2552 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("customListSort", this.customListSort);2553 }2554 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd("pivotTableDefinition", true);2555 if (null !== this.location) {2556 this.location.toXml(writer, "location");2557 }2558 if (null !== this.pivotFields) {2559 this.pivotFields.toXml(writer, "pivotFields");2560 }2561 if (null !== this.rowFields) {2562 this.rowFields.toXml(writer, "rowFields");2563 }2564 if (null !== this.rowItems) {2565 this.rowItems.toXml(writer, "rowItems");2566 }2567 if (null !== this.colFields) {2568 this.colFields.toXml(writer, "colFields");2569 }2570 if (null !== this.colItems) {2571 this.colItems.toXml(writer, "colItems");2572 }2573 if (null !== this.pageFields) {2574 this.pageFields.toXml(writer, "pageFields");2575 }2576 if (null !== this.dataFields) {2577 this.dataFields.toXml(writer, "dataFields");2578 }2579 if (null !== this.formats) {2580 this.formats.toXml(writer, "formats");2581 }2582 if (null !== this.conditionalFormats) {2583 this.conditionalFormats.toXml(writer, "conditionalFormats");2584 }2585 if (null !== this.chartFormats) {2586 this.chartFormats.toXml(writer, "chartFormats");2587 }2588 if (null !== this.pivotHierarchies) {2589 this.pivotHierarchies.toXml(writer, "pivotHierarchies");2590 }2591 if (null !== this.pivotTableStyleInfo) {2592 this.pivotTableStyleInfo.toXml(writer, "pivotTableStyleInfo");2593 }2594 if (null !== this.filters) {2595 this.filters.toXml(writer, "filters");2596 }2597 if (null !== this.rowHierarchiesUsage) {2598 this.rowHierarchiesUsage.toXml(writer, "rowHierarchiesUsage");2599 }2600 if (null !== this.colHierarchiesUsage) {2601 this.colHierarchiesUsage.toXml(writer, "colHierarchiesUsage");2602 }2603 if (null !== this.pivotTableDefinitionX14) {2604 var ext = new CT_Extension();2605 ext.uri = "{962EF5D1-5CA2-4c93-8EF4-DBF5C05439D2}";2606 ext.elem = this.pivotTableDefinitionX14;2607 var extList = new CT_ExtensionList();2608 extList.ext.push(ext);2609 extList.toXml(writer, "extLst");2610 }2611 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd("pivotTableDefinition");2612};2613CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.init = function () {2614 this.isInit = true;2615 this.pageFieldsPositions = [];2616 var rowPageCount = null, colPageCount = null;2617 if (this.pageFields) {2618 var wrap, pageOverThenDown;2619 var l = this.pageFields.pageField.length;2620 var dr;2621 if (0 < l) {2622 if (this.pageWrap) {2623 dr = this.pageOverThenDown ? Math.ceil(l / this.pageWrap) : Math.min(this.pageWrap, l);2624 } else {2625 dr = this.pageOverThenDown ? 1 : l;2626 }2627 var range = this.getRange();2628 var _c = range.c1;2629 var _r = range.r1 - 1 - dr;2630 var c = _c, r = _r;2631 var minC = _c, minR = _r, maxC = _c, maxR = _r;2632 for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {2633 this.pageFieldsPositions.push(new AscCommon.CellBase(r, c));2634 maxR = Math.max(maxR, r);2635 maxC = Math.max(maxC, c);2636 wrap = (this.pageWrap && 0 === (i + 1) % this.pageWrap);2637 pageOverThenDown = this.pageOverThenDown;2638 if (wrap) {2639 _r += pageOverThenDown;2640 _c += !pageOverThenDown;2641 pageOverThenDown = !pageOverThenDown;2642 }2643 if (pageOverThenDown) {2644 r = _r;2645 c += 3;2646 } else {2647 ++r;2648 c = _c;2649 }2650 }2651 rowPageCount = maxR - minR + 1;2652 colPageCount = (maxC - minC) / 3 + 1;2653 }2654 }2655 this.location.setPageCount(rowPageCount, colPageCount);2656 this.updatePivotType();2657};2658CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.updatePivotType = function () {2659 this.clearGrid = false;2660 this.hasCompact = false;2661 var field;2662 var pivotFields = this.asc_getPivotFields();2663 var rowFields = this.asc_getRowFields();2664 if (rowFields) {2665 for (var i = 0; i < rowFields.length; ++i) {2666 field = pivotFields[rowFields[i].asc_getIndex()];2667 if (false !== field.outline) {2668 this.clearGrid = true;2669 }2670 if (false !== field.compact) {2671 this.hasCompact = true;2672 }2673 }2674 }2675};2676CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.intersection = function (range) {2677 return (this.location && this.location.intersection(range)) || this.pageFieldsIntersection(range);2678};2679CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.isIntersectForShift = function (range, offset) {2680 var ref = this.location && (this.location.refWithPage || this.location.ref);2681 return (ref && range.isIntersectForShift(ref, offset));2682};2683CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.pageFieldsIntersection = function (range) {2684 return this.pageFieldsPositions && this.pageFieldsPositions.some(function (element) {2685 return Array.isArray(range) ? range.some(function (elementRange) {2686 return (elementRange.contains(element.col, element.row) ||2687 elementRange.contains(element.col + 1, element.row));2688 }) : (range.contains(element.col, element.row) || range.contains(element.col + 1, element.row));2689 });2690};2691CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.contains = function (col, row) {2692 return (this.location && this.location.contains(col, row)) ||2693 this.pageFieldsIntersection(new Asc.Range(col, row, col, row));2694};2695CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getRange = function () {2696 return this.location && this.location.ref;2697};2698CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getFirstHeaderRow0 = function () {2699 return this.location && (this.location.firstHeaderRow + this.getColumnFieldsCount() - 1);2700};2701CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getFirstDataCol = function () {2702 return this.location && this.location.firstDataCol;2703};2704CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getColumnFieldsCount = function (withoutValues) {2705 var res = 0;2706 if (this.colFields) {2707 res = this.colFields.field.length;2708 if (1 === res && withoutValues && st_VALUES === this.colFields.field[0].x) {2709 res = 0;2710 }2711 }2712 return res;2713};2714CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getRowFieldsCount = function (compact) {2715 var t = this, res = 0, l;2716 if (this.rowFields) {2717 l = res = this.rowFields.field.length;2718 if (compact) {2719 this.getField(this.rowFields.field, function (element, i) {2720 if (i !== l - 1) {2721 var field = t.pivotFields.pivotField[element.asc_getIndex()];2722 res -= (field && false !== field.outline && false !== field.compact) ? 1 : 0;2723 }2724 });2725 }2726 }2727 return res;2728};2729CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getRowFieldPos = function (index) {2730 var res = 0;2731 if (this.rowFields) {2732 var field, fields = this.rowFields.field;2733 for (var i = 0; i < index && i < fields.length; ++i) {2734 field = this.pivotFields.pivotField[fields[i].asc_getIndex()];2735 res += (field && (false === field.outline || false === field.compact) && 1);2736 }2737 }2738 return res;2739};2740CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getDataFieldsCount = function () {2741 return (this.dataFields && this.dataFields.dataField.length) || 0;2742};2743CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getField = function (arrFields, callback) {2744 return arrFields &&, this);2745};2746CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getRowItems = function () {2747 return this.rowItems && this.rowItems.i;2748};2749CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getColItems = function () {2750 return this.colItems && this.colItems.i;2751};2752CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getRecords = function () {2753 return this.cacheDefinition.getRecords();2754};2755CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getValues = function (records, rowIndexes, colIndex, value) {2756 var res = [];2757 var i;2758 if (rowIndexes) {2759 for (i = 0; i < rowIndexes.length; ++i) {2760 this._getValues(records, rowIndexes[i], colIndex, value, res);2761 }2762 } else {2763 for (i = 0; i < records.getRowsCount(); ++i) {2764 this._getValues(records, i, colIndex, value, res);2765 }2766 }2767 return res;2768};2769CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype._getValues = function (records, rowIndex, colIndex, value, output) {2770 var elem = records.get(rowIndex, colIndex);2771 if (elem && elem.type === c_oAscPivotRecType.Index && value === elem.val) {2772 output.push(rowIndex);2773 }2774};2775CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getValue = function (records, rowIndexes, index, subtotal) {2776 var cacheFields = this.asc_getCacheFields();2777 if (c_oAscItemType.Default === subtotal || c_oAscItemType.Data === subtotal || c_oAscItemType.Blank === subtotal) {2778 subtotal = c_oAscItemType.Sum;2779 }2780 var arg = [new AscCommonExcel.cNumber(subtotal)];2781 var i;2782 if(rowIndexes){2783 for (i = 0; i < rowIndexes.length; ++i) {2784 this._getValue(records, rowIndexes[i], index, cacheFields, arg);2785 }2786 } else {2787 for (i = 0; i < records.getRowsCount(); ++i) {2788 this._getValue(records, i, index, cacheFields, arg);2789 }2790 }2791 var res = (new AscCommonExcel.cSUBTOTAL()).Calculate(arg);2792 return res ? res.value : null;2793};2794CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype._getValue = function (records, rowIndex, index, cacheFields, output) {2795 var elem = records.get(rowIndex, index);2796 if (elem.type === c_oAscPivotRecType.Index) {2797 elem = cacheFields[index].getSharedItem(elem.val);2798 }2799 if (elem.type === c_oAscPivotRecType.Number) {2800 output.push(new AscCommonExcel.cNumber(elem.val));2801 }2802};2803CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getName = function () {2804 return;2805};2806CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getPageWrap = function () {2807 return this.pageWrap || 0;2808};2809CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getPageOverThenDown = function () {2810 return !!this.pageOverThenDown;2811};2812CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getRowGrandTotals = function () {2813 return null !== this.rowGrandTotals ? this.rowGrandTotals : true;2814};2815CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getColGrandTotals = function () {2816 return null !== this.colGrandTotals ? this.colGrandTotals : true;2817};2818CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getShowHeaders = function () {2819 return null !== this.showHeaders ? this.showHeaders : true;2820};2821CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getStyleInfo = function () {2822 return this.pivotTableStyleInfo;2823};2824CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getCacheFields = function () {2825 return this.cacheDefinition.getFields();2826};2827CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getPivotFields = function () {2828 return this.pivotFields && this.pivotFields.pivotField;2829};2830CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getPageFields = function () {2831 return this.pageFields && this.pageFields.pageField;2832};2833CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getColumnFields = function () {2834 return this.colFields && this.colFields.field;2835};2836CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getRowFields = function () {2837 return this.rowFields && this.rowFields.field;2838};2839CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getDataFields = function () {2840 return this.dataFields && this.dataFields.dataField;2841};2842CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_set = function (api, newVal) {2843 var t = this;2844 api._changePivotStyle(this, function (ws) {2845 ws.clearPivotTable(t);2846 if (null !== newVal.rowGrandTotals && t.asc_getRowGrandTotals() !== newVal.rowGrandTotals) {2847 t.asc_setRowGrandTotals(newVal.rowGrandTotals ? null : false);2848 }2849 if (null !== newVal.colGrandTotals && t.asc_getColGrandTotals() !== newVal.colGrandTotals) {2850 t.asc_setColGrandTotals(newVal.colGrandTotals ? null : false);2851 }2852 ws.updatePivotTable(t);2853 });2854};2855CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_setRowGrandTotals = function(newVal) {2856 var res;2857 this.rowGrandTotals = newVal;2858 if (this.rowFields && (res = this.changeGrandTotals(this.rowItems, newVal))) {2859 this.getRange().setOffsetLast(new AscCommonExcel.CRangeOffset(0, res));2860 }2861};2862CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_setColGrandTotals = function(newVal) {2863 var res;2864 this.colGrandTotals = newVal;2865 if (this.colFields && (res = this.changeGrandTotals(this.colItems, newVal))) {2866 this.getRange().setOffsetLast(new AscCommonExcel.CRangeOffset(res, 0));2867 }2868};2869CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_addPageField = function (api, index) {2870 var t = this;2871 api._changePivotStyle(this, function (ws) {2872 ws.clearPivotTable(t);2873 t.addPageField(index);2874 ws.updatePivotTable(t);2875 });2876};2877CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_removeField = function (api, index) {2878 var t = this;2879 api._changePivotStyle(this, function (ws) {2880 ws.clearPivotTable(t);2881 t.removeField(index);2882 ws.updatePivotTable(t);2883 });2884};2885CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.addPageField = function (index) {2886 var pivotField = this.asc_getPivotFields()[index];2887 if (pivotField) {2888 if (c_oAscAxis.AxisPage !== pivotField.axis) {2889 this.removeField(index);2890 } else {2891 // ToDo move to end ?2892 }2893 if (!this.pageFields) {2894 this.pageFields = new CT_PageFields();2895 }2896 var newField = new CT_PageField();2897 newField.fld = index;2898 newField.hier = -1;2899 this.pageFields.add(newField);2900 pivotField.axis = c_oAscAxis.AxisPage;2901 }2902};2903CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.removeField = function (index) {2904 var pivotField = this.asc_getPivotFields()[index];2905 switch(pivotField.axis) {2906 case c_oAscAxis.AxisRow:2907 break;2908 case c_oAscAxis.AxisCol:2909 break;2910 case c_oAscAxis.AxisPage:2911 if (1 === this.pageFields.count) {2912 this.pageFields = null;2913 } else {2914 this.pageFields.remove(index);2915 }2916 break;2917 case c_oAscAxis.AxisValues:2918 break;2919 }2920 pivotField.axis = null;2921};2922CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.changeGrandTotals = function (items, newVal) {2923 var res = 0, last, i;2924 var l = items && items.i.length;2925 if (items && 0 < l) {2926 i = items.i;2927 last = i[l - 1];2928 if (null === newVal) {2929 // Add2930 if (AscCommonExcel.c_oAscItemType.Grand !== last.t) {2931 last = new CT_I();2932 last.t = AscCommonExcel.c_oAscItemType.Grand;2933 last.x.push(new CT_X());2934 i.push(last);2935 res = 1;2936 }2937 } else {2938 // Remove2939 if (AscCommonExcel.c_oAscItemType.Grand === last.t) {2940 i.pop();2941 res = -1;2942 }2943 }2944 items.count = i.length;2945 }2946 return res;2947};2948function CT_pivotTableDefinitionX14() {2949//Attributes2950 this.fillDownLabelsDefault = null;//false2951 this.visualTotalsForSets = null;//false2952 this.calculatedMembersInFilters = null;//false2953 this.altText = null;2954 this.altTextSummary = null;2955 this.enableEdit = null;//false2956 this.autoApply = null;//false2957 this.allocationMethod = null;//equalAllocation2958 this.weightExpression = null;2959 this.hideValuesRow = null;//false2960//Members2961 //this.pivotEdits = null;2962 //this.pivotChanges = null;2963 //this.conditionalFormats = null;2964}2965CT_pivotTableDefinitionX14.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {2966 if (attr()) {2967 var vals = attr();2968 var val;2969 val = vals["fillDownLabelsDefault"];2970 if (undefined !== val) {2971 this.fillDownLabelsDefault = getBoolFromXml(val);2972 }2973 val = vals["visualTotalsForSets"];2974 if (undefined !== val) {2975 this.visualTotalsForSets = getBoolFromXml(val);2976 }2977 val = vals["calculatedMembersInFilters"];2978 if (undefined !== val) {2979 this.calculatedMembersInFilters = getBoolFromXml(val);2980 }2981 val = vals["altText"];2982 if (undefined !== val) {2983 this.altText = uq(val);2984 }2985 val = vals["altTextSummary"];2986 if (undefined !== val) {2987 this.altTextSummary = uq(val);2988 }2989 val = vals["enableEdit"];2990 if (undefined !== val) {2991 this.enableEdit = getBoolFromXml(val);2992 }2993 val = vals["autoApply"];2994 if (undefined !== val) {2995 this.autoApply = getBoolFromXml(val);2996 }2997 val = vals["allocationMethod"];2998 if (undefined !== val) {2999 val = FromXml_ST_AllocationMethod(val);3000 if (-1 !== val) {3001 this.allocationMethod = val;3002 }3003 }3004 val = vals["weightExpression"];3005 if (undefined !== val) {3006 this.weightExpression = uq(val);3007 }3008 val = vals["hideValuesRow"];3009 if (undefined !== val) {3010 this.hideValuesRow = getBoolFromXml(val);3011 }3012 }3013};3014CT_pivotTableDefinitionX14.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3015 var newContext = this;3016 if ("pivotTableDefinition" === elem) {3017 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3018 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3019 }3020 } else {3021 newContext = null;3022 }3023 return newContext;3024};3025CT_pivotTableDefinitionX14.prototype.toXml = function(writer) {3026 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart("x14:pivotTableDefinition");3027 writer.WriteXmlString(" xmlns:xm=\"\"");3028 if (null !== this.fillDownLabelsDefault) {3029 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("fillDownLabelsDefault", this.fillDownLabelsDefault);3030 }3031 if (null !== this.visualTotalsForSets) {3032 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("visualTotalsForSets", this.visualTotalsForSets);3033 }3034 if (null !== this.calculatedMembersInFilters) {3035 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("calculatedMembersInFilters", this.calculatedMembersInFilters);3036 }3037 if (null !== this.altText) {3038 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("altText", this.altText);3039 }3040 if (null !== this.altTextSummary) {3041 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("altTextSummary", this.altTextSummary);3042 }3043 if (null !== this.enableEdit) {3044 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("enableEdit", this.enableEdit);3045 }3046 if (null !== this.autoApply) {3047 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("autoApply", this.autoApply);3048 }3049 if (null !== this.allocationMethod) {3050 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("allocationMethod", ToXml_ST_AllocationMethod(this.allocationMethod));3051 }3052 if (null !== this.weightExpression) {3053 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("weightExpression", this.weightExpression);3054 }3055 if (null !== this.hideValuesRow) {3056 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("hideValuesRow", this.hideValuesRow);3057 }3058 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd("pivotTableDefinition", true, true);3059};3060function CT_CacheSource() {3061//Attributes3062 this.type = null;3063 this.connectionId = null;//03064//Members3065 this.consolidation = null;3066 this.extLst = null;3067 this.worksheetSource = null;3068}3069CT_CacheSource.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3070 if (attr()) {3071 var vals = attr();3072 var val;3073 val = vals["type"];3074 if (undefined !== val) {3075 val = FromXml_ST_SourceType(val);3076 if (-1 !== val) {3077 this.type = val;3078 }3079 }3080 val = vals["connectionId"];3081 if (undefined !== val) {3082 this.connectionId = val - 0;3083 }3084 }3085};3086CT_CacheSource.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3087 var newContext = this;3088 if ("consolidation" === elem) {3089 newContext = new CT_Consolidation();3090 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3091 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3092 }3093 this.consolidation = newContext;3094 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {3095 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();3096 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3097 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3098 }3099 this.extLst = newContext;3100 } else if ("worksheetSource" === elem) {3101 newContext = new CT_WorksheetSource();3102 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3103 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3104 }3105 this.worksheetSource = newContext;3106 } else {3107 newContext = null;3108 }3109 return newContext;3110};3111CT_CacheSource.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3112 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3113 if (null !== this.type) {3114 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("type", ToXml_ST_SourceType(this.type));3115 }3116 if (null !== this.connectionId) {3117 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("connectionId", this.connectionId);3118 }3119 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3120 if (null !== this.consolidation) {3121 this.consolidation.toXml(writer, "consolidation");3122 }3123 if (null !== this.extLst) {3124 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");3125 }3126 if (null !== this.worksheetSource) {3127 this.worksheetSource.toXml(writer, "worksheetSource");3128 }3129 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3130};3131function CT_CacheFields() {3132//Attributes3133 this.count = null;3134//Members3135 this.cacheField = [];3136}3137CT_CacheFields.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3138 if (attr()) {3139 var vals = attr();3140 var val;3141 val = vals["count"];3142 if (undefined !== val) {3143 this.count = val - 0;3144 }3145 }3146};3147CT_CacheFields.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3148 var newContext = this;3149 if ("cacheField" === elem) {3150 newContext = new CT_CacheField();3151 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3152 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3153 }3154 this.cacheField.push(newContext);3155 } else {3156 newContext = null;3157 }3158 return newContext;3159};3160CT_CacheFields.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3161 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3162 if (null !== this.count) {3163 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);3164 }3165 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3166 for (var i = 0; i < this.cacheField.length; ++i) {3167 var elem = this.cacheField[i];3168 elem.toXml(writer, "cacheField");3169 }3170 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3171};3172function CT_CacheHierarchies() {3173//Attributes3174 this.count = null;3175//Members3176 this.cacheHierarchy = [];3177}3178CT_CacheHierarchies.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3179 if (attr()) {3180 var vals = attr();3181 var val;3182 val = vals["count"];3183 if (undefined !== val) {3184 this.count = val - 0;3185 }3186 }3187};3188CT_CacheHierarchies.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3189 var newContext = this;3190 if ("cacheHierarchy" === elem) {3191 newContext = new CT_CacheHierarchy();3192 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3193 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3194 }3195 this.cacheHierarchy.push(newContext);3196 } else {3197 newContext = null;3198 }3199 return newContext;3200};3201CT_CacheHierarchies.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3202 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3203 if (null !== this.count) {3204 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);3205 }3206 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3207 for (var i = 0; i < this.cacheHierarchy.length; ++i) {3208 var elem = this.cacheHierarchy[i];3209 elem.toXml(writer, "cacheHierarchy");3210 }3211 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3212};3213function CT_PCDKPIs() {3214//Attributes3215 this.count = null;3216//Members3217 this.kpi = [];3218}3219CT_PCDKPIs.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3220 if (attr()) {3221 var vals = attr();3222 var val;3223 val = vals["count"];3224 if (undefined !== val) {3225 this.count = val - 0;3226 }3227 }3228};3229CT_PCDKPIs.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3230 var newContext = this;3231 if ("kpi" === elem) {3232 newContext = new CT_PCDKPI();3233 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3234 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3235 }3236 this.kpi.push(newContext);3237 } else {3238 newContext = null;3239 }3240 return newContext;3241};3242CT_PCDKPIs.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3243 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3244 if (null !== this.count) {3245 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);3246 }3247 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3248 for (var i = 0; i < this.kpi.length; ++i) {3249 var elem = this.kpi[i];3250 elem.toXml(writer, "kpi");3251 }3252 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3253};3254function CT_TupleCache() {3255//Members3256 this.entries = null;3257 this.sets = null;3258 this.queryCache = null;3259 this.serverFormats = null;3260 this.extLst = null;3261}3262CT_TupleCache.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3263 var newContext = this;3264 if ("entries" === elem) {3265 newContext = new CT_PCDSDTCEntries();3266 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3267 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3268 }3269 this.entries = newContext;3270 } else if ("sets" === elem) {3271 newContext = new CT_Sets();3272 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3273 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3274 }3275 this.sets = newContext;3276 } else if ("queryCache" === elem) {3277 newContext = new CT_QueryCache();3278 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3279 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3280 }3281 this.queryCache = newContext;3282 } else if ("serverFormats" === elem) {3283 newContext = new CT_ServerFormats();3284 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3285 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3286 }3287 this.serverFormats = newContext;3288 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {3289 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();3290 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3291 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3292 }3293 this.extLst = newContext;3294 } else {3295 newContext = null;3296 }3297 return newContext;3298};3299CT_TupleCache.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3300 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3301 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3302 if (null !== this.entries) {3303 this.entries.toXml(writer, "entries");3304 }3305 if (null !== this.sets) {3306 this.sets.toXml(writer, "sets");3307 }3308 if (null !== this.queryCache) {3309 this.queryCache.toXml(writer, "queryCache");3310 }3311 if (null !== this.serverFormats) {3312 this.serverFormats.toXml(writer, "serverFormats");3313 }3314 if (null !== this.extLst) {3315 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");3316 }3317 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3318};3319function CT_CalculatedItems() {3320//Attributes3321 this.count = null;3322//Members3323 this.calculatedItem = [];3324}3325CT_CalculatedItems.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3326 if (attr()) {3327 var vals = attr();3328 var val;3329 val = vals["count"];3330 if (undefined !== val) {3331 this.count = val - 0;3332 }3333 }3334};3335CT_CalculatedItems.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3336 var newContext = this;3337 if ("calculatedItem" === elem) {3338 newContext = new CT_CalculatedItem();3339 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3340 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3341 }3342 this.calculatedItem.push(newContext);3343 } else {3344 newContext = null;3345 }3346 return newContext;3347};3348CT_CalculatedItems.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3349 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3350 if (null !== this.count) {3351 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);3352 }3353 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3354 for (var i = 0; i < this.calculatedItem.length; ++i) {3355 var elem = this.calculatedItem[i];3356 elem.toXml(writer, "calculatedItem");3357 }3358 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3359};3360function CT_CalculatedMembers() {3361//Attributes3362 this.count = null;3363//Members3364 this.calculatedMember = [];3365}3366CT_CalculatedMembers.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3367 if (attr()) {3368 var vals = attr();3369 var val;3370 val = vals["count"];3371 if (undefined !== val) {3372 this.count = val - 0;3373 }3374 }3375};3376CT_CalculatedMembers.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3377 var newContext = this;3378 if ("calculatedMember" === elem) {3379 newContext = new CT_CalculatedMember();3380 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3381 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3382 }3383 this.calculatedMember.push(newContext);3384 } else {3385 newContext = null;3386 }3387 return newContext;3388};3389CT_CalculatedMembers.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3390 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3391 if (null !== this.count) {3392 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);3393 }3394 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3395 for (var i = 0; i < this.calculatedMember.length; ++i) {3396 var elem = this.calculatedMember[i];3397 elem.toXml(writer, "calculatedMember");3398 }3399 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3400};3401function CT_Dimensions() {3402//Attributes3403 this.count = null;3404//Members3405 this.dimension = [];3406}3407CT_Dimensions.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3408 if (attr()) {3409 var vals = attr();3410 var val;3411 val = vals["count"];3412 if (undefined !== val) {3413 this.count = val - 0;3414 }3415 }3416};3417CT_Dimensions.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3418 var newContext = this;3419 if ("dimension" === elem) {3420 newContext = new CT_PivotDimension();3421 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3422 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3423 }3424 this.dimension.push(newContext);3425 } else {3426 newContext = null;3427 }3428 return newContext;3429};3430CT_Dimensions.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3431 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3432 if (null !== this.count) {3433 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);3434 }3435 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3436 for (var i = 0; i < this.dimension.length; ++i) {3437 var elem = this.dimension[i];3438 elem.toXml(writer, "dimension");3439 }3440 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3441};3442function CT_MeasureGroups() {3443//Attributes3444 this.count = null;3445//Members3446 this.measureGroup = [];3447}3448CT_MeasureGroups.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3449 if (attr()) {3450 var vals = attr();3451 var val;3452 val = vals["count"];3453 if (undefined !== val) {3454 this.count = val - 0;3455 }3456 }3457};3458CT_MeasureGroups.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3459 var newContext = this;3460 if ("measureGroup" === elem) {3461 newContext = new CT_MeasureGroup();3462 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3463 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3464 }3465 this.measureGroup.push(newContext);3466 } else {3467 newContext = null;3468 }3469 return newContext;3470};3471CT_MeasureGroups.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3472 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3473 if (null !== this.count) {3474 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);3475 }3476 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3477 for (var i = 0; i < this.measureGroup.length; ++i) {3478 var elem = this.measureGroup[i];3479 elem.toXml(writer, "measureGroup");3480 }3481 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3482};3483function CT_MeasureDimensionMaps() {3484//Attributes3485 this.count = null;3486//Members3487 = [];3488}3489CT_MeasureDimensionMaps.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3490 if (attr()) {3491 var vals = attr();3492 var val;3493 val = vals["count"];3494 if (undefined !== val) {3495 this.count = val - 0;3496 }3497 }3498};3499CT_MeasureDimensionMaps.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3500 var newContext = this;3501 if ("map" === elem) {3502 newContext = new CT_MeasureDimensionMap();3503 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3504 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3505 }3506;3507 } else {3508 newContext = null;3509 }3510 return newContext;3511};3512CT_MeasureDimensionMaps.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3513 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3514 if (null !== this.count) {3515 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);3516 }3517 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3518 for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) {3519 var elem =[i];3520 elem.toXml(writer, "map");3521 }3522 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3523};3524function CT_ExtensionList() {3525//Members3526 this.ext = [];3527}3528CT_ExtensionList.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3529 var newContext = this;3530 if ("ext" === elem) {3531 newContext = new CT_Extension();3532 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3533 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3534 }3535 this.ext.push(newContext);3536 } else {3537 newContext = null;3538 }3539 return newContext;3540};3541CT_ExtensionList.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3542 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3543 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3544 for (var i = 0; i < this.ext.length; ++i) {3545 var elem = this.ext[i];3546 elem.toXml(writer, "ext");3547 }3548 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3549};3550function CT_Boolean() {3551//Attributes3552 this.v = null;3553 this.u = null;3554 this.f = null;3555 this.c = null;3556 this.cp = null;3557//Members3558 this.x = [];3559}3560CT_Boolean.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3561 if (attr()) {3562 var vals = attr();3563 var val;3564 val = vals["v"];3565 if (undefined !== val) {3566 this.v = getBoolFromXml(val);3567 }3568 val = vals["u"];3569 if (undefined !== val) {3570 this.u = getBoolFromXml(val);3571 }3572 val = vals["f"];3573 if (undefined !== val) {3574 this.f = getBoolFromXml(val);3575 }3576 val = vals["c"];3577 if (undefined !== val) {3578 this.c = uq(val);3579 }3580 val = vals["cp"];3581 if (undefined !== val) {3582 this.cp = val - 0;3583 }3584 }3585};3586CT_Boolean.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3587 var newContext = this;3588 if ("x" === elem) {3589 newContext = new CT_X();3590 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3591 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3592 }3593 this.x.push(newContext);3594 } else {3595 newContext = null;3596 }3597 return newContext;3598};3599CT_Boolean.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3600 this.toXml2(writer, name, this.v, this);3601};3602CT_Boolean.prototype.toXml2 = function(writer, name, val, obj) {3603 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3604 if (null !== val) {3605 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("v", val);3606 }3607 if (obj) {3608 if (null !== obj.u) {3609 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("u", obj.u);3610 }3611 if (null !== obj.f) {3612 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("f", obj.f);3613 }3614 if (null !== obj.c) {3615 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("c", obj.c);3616 }3617 if (null !== obj.cp) {3618 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("cp", obj.cp);3619 }3620 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3621 for (var i = 0; i < obj.x.length; ++i) {3622 var elem = obj.x[i];3623 elem.toXml(writer, "x");3624 }3625 } else {3626 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3627 }3628 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3629};3630CT_Boolean.prototype.isSimpleValue = function() {3631 return null === this.u && null === this.f && null === this.c && null === this.cp && 0 === this.x.length;3632};3633CT_Boolean.prototype.clean = function() {3634 this.v = null;3635 this.u = null;3636 this.f = null;3637 this.c = null;3638 this.cp = null;3639 this.x = [];3640};3641function CT_DateTime() {3642//Attributes3643 this.v = null;3644 this.u = null;3645 this.f = null;3646 this.c = null;3647 this.cp = null;3648//Members3649 this.x = [];3650}3651CT_DateTime.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3652 if (attr()) {3653 var vals = attr();3654 var val;3655 val = vals["v"];3656 if (undefined !== val) {3657 var d = new Date(uq(val));3658 this.v = new Date(Date.UTC(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(),3659 d.getSeconds(), d.getMilliseconds())).getExcelDateWithTime();3660 }3661 val = vals["u"];3662 if (undefined !== val) {3663 this.u = getBoolFromXml(val);3664 }3665 val = vals["f"];3666 if (undefined !== val) {3667 this.f = getBoolFromXml(val);3668 }3669 val = vals["c"];3670 if (undefined !== val) {3671 this.c = uq(val);3672 }3673 val = vals["cp"];3674 if (undefined !== val) {3675 this.cp = val - 0;3676 }3677 }3678};3679CT_DateTime.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3680 var newContext = this;3681 if ("x" === elem) {3682 newContext = new CT_X();3683 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3684 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3685 }3686 this.x.push(newContext);3687 } else {3688 newContext = null;3689 }3690 return newContext;3691};3692CT_DateTime.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3693 this.toXml2(writer, name, this.v, this);3694};3695CT_DateTime.prototype.toXml2 = function(writer, name, val, obj) {3696 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3697 if (null !== val) {3698 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("v", Date.prototype.getDateFromExcel(val).toISOString().slice(0, 19));3699 }3700 if (obj) {3701 if (null !== obj.u) {3702 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("u", obj.u);3703 }3704 if (null !== obj.f) {3705 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("f", obj.f);3706 }3707 if (null !== obj.c) {3708 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("c", obj.c);3709 }3710 if (null !== obj.cp) {3711 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("cp", obj.cp);3712 }3713 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3714 for (var i = 0; i < obj.x.length; ++i) {3715 var elem = obj.x[i];3716 elem.toXml(writer, "x");3717 }3718 } else {3719 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3720 }3721 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3722};3723CT_DateTime.prototype.isSimpleValue = function() {3724 return null === this.u && null === this.f && null === this.c && null === this.cp && 0 === this.x.length;3725};3726CT_DateTime.prototype.clean = function() {3727 this.v = null;3728 this.u = null;3729 this.f = null;3730 this.c = null;3731 this.cp = null;3732 this.x = [];3733};3734function CT_Error() {3735//Attributes3736 this.v = null;3737 this.u = null;3738 this.f = null;3739 this.c = null;3740 this.cp = null;3741 = null;3742 this.bc = null;3743 this.fc = null;3744 this.i = null;//false3745 this.un = null;//false3746 = null;//false3747 this.b = null;//false3748//Members3749 this.tpls = [];3750 this.x = [];3751}3752CT_Error.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3753 if (attr()) {3754 var vals = attr();3755 var val;3756 val = vals["v"];3757 if (undefined !== val) {3758 this.v = AscCommonExcel.cError.prototype.getErrorTypeFromString(uq(val));3759 }3760 val = vals["u"];3761 if (undefined !== val) {3762 this.u = getBoolFromXml(val);3763 }3764 val = vals["f"];3765 if (undefined !== val) {3766 this.f = getBoolFromXml(val);3767 }3768 val = vals["c"];3769 if (undefined !== val) {3770 this.c = uq(val);3771 }3772 val = vals["cp"];3773 if (undefined !== val) {3774 this.cp = val - 0;3775 }3776 val = vals["in"];3777 if (undefined !== val) {3778 = val - 0;3779 }3780 val = vals["bc"];3781 if (undefined !== val) {3782 this.bc = val - 0;3783 }3784 val = vals["fc"];3785 if (undefined !== val) {3786 this.fc = val - 0;3787 }3788 val = vals["i"];3789 if (undefined !== val) {3790 this.i = getBoolFromXml(val);3791 }3792 val = vals["un"];3793 if (undefined !== val) {3794 this.un = getBoolFromXml(val);3795 }3796 val = vals["st"];3797 if (undefined !== val) {3798 = getBoolFromXml(val);3799 }3800 val = vals["b"];3801 if (undefined !== val) {3802 this.b = getBoolFromXml(val);3803 }3804 }3805};3806CT_Error.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3807 var newContext = this;3808 if ("tpls" === elem) {3809 newContext = new CT_Tuples();3810 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3811 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3812 }3813 this.tpls.push(newContext);3814 } else if ("x" === elem) {3815 newContext = new CT_X();3816 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3817 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3818 }3819 this.x.push(newContext);3820 } else {3821 newContext = null;3822 }3823 return newContext;3824};3825CT_Error.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3826 this.toXml2(writer, name, this.v, this);3827};3828CT_Error.prototype.toXml2 = function(writer, name, val, obj) {3829 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3830 if (null !== val) {3831 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("v", AscCommonExcel.cError.prototype.getStringFromErrorType(val));3832 }3833 if (obj) {3834 if (null !== obj.u) {3835 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("u", obj.u);3836 }3837 if (null !== obj.f) {3838 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("f", obj.f);3839 }3840 if (null !== obj.c) {3841 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("c", obj.c);3842 }3843 if (null !== obj.cp) {3844 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("cp", obj.cp);3845 }3846 if (null !== {3847 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("in",;3848 }3849 if (null !== obj.bc) {3850 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("bc", obj.bc);3851 }3852 if (null !== obj.fc) {3853 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("fc", obj.fc);3854 }3855 if (null !== obj.i) {3856 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("i", obj.i);3857 }3858 if (null !== obj.un) {3859 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("un", obj.un);3860 }3861 if (null !== {3862 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("st",;3863 }3864 if (null !== obj.b) {3865 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("b", obj.b);3866 }3867 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3868 for (var i = 0; i < obj.tpls.length; ++i) {3869 var elem = obj.tpls[i];3870 elem.toXml(writer, "tpls");3871 }3872 for (var i = 0; i < obj.x.length; ++i) {3873 var elem = obj.x[i];3874 elem.toXml(writer, "x");3875 }3876 } else {3877 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);3878 }3879 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);3880};3881CT_Error.prototype.isSimpleValue = function() {3882 return null === this.u && null === this.f && null === this.c && null === this.cp && null === &&3883 null === this.bc && null === this.fc && null === this.i && null === this.un && null === &&3884 null === this.b && null === 0 === this.tpls.length && 0 === this.x.length;3885};3886CT_Error.prototype.clean = function() {3887 this.v = null;3888 this.u = null;3889 this.f = null;3890 this.c = null;3891 this.cp = null;3892 = null;3893 this.bc = null;3894 this.fc = null;3895 this.i = null;//false3896 this.un = null;//false3897 = null;//false3898 this.b = null;//false3899 this.tpls = [];3900 this.x = [];3901};3902function CT_Missing() {3903//Attributes3904 this.u = null;3905 this.f = null;3906 this.c = null;3907 this.cp = null;3908 = null;3909 this.bc = null;3910 this.fc = null;3911 this.i = null;//false3912 this.un = null;//false3913 = null;//false3914 this.b = null;//false3915//Members3916 this.tpls = [];3917 this.x = [];3918}3919CT_Missing.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {3920 if (attr()) {3921 var vals = attr();3922 var val;3923 val = vals["u"];3924 if (undefined !== val) {3925 this.u = getBoolFromXml(val);3926 }3927 val = vals["f"];3928 if (undefined !== val) {3929 this.f = getBoolFromXml(val);3930 }3931 val = vals["c"];3932 if (undefined !== val) {3933 this.c = uq(val);3934 }3935 val = vals["cp"];3936 if (undefined !== val) {3937 this.cp = val - 0;3938 }3939 val = vals["in"];3940 if (undefined !== val) {3941 = val - 0;3942 }3943 val = vals["bc"];3944 if (undefined !== val) {3945 this.bc = val - 0;3946 }3947 val = vals["fc"];3948 if (undefined !== val) {3949 this.fc = val - 0;3950 }3951 val = vals["i"];3952 if (undefined !== val) {3953 this.i = getBoolFromXml(val);3954 }3955 val = vals["un"];3956 if (undefined !== val) {3957 this.un = getBoolFromXml(val);3958 }3959 val = vals["st"];3960 if (undefined !== val) {3961 = getBoolFromXml(val);3962 }3963 val = vals["b"];3964 if (undefined !== val) {3965 this.b = getBoolFromXml(val);3966 }3967 }3968};3969CT_Missing.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {3970 var newContext = this;3971 if ("tpls" === elem) {3972 newContext = new CT_Tuples();3973 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3974 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3975 }3976 this.tpls.push(newContext);3977 } else if ("x" === elem) {3978 newContext = new CT_X();3979 if (newContext.readAttributes) {3980 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);3981 }3982 this.x.push(newContext);3983 } else {3984 newContext = null;3985 }3986 return newContext;3987};3988CT_Missing.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {3989 this.toXml2(writer, name, this);3990};3991CT_Missing.prototype.toXml2 = function(writer, name, obj) {3992 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);3993 if (obj) {3994 if (null !== obj.u) {3995 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("u", obj.u);3996 }3997 if (null !== obj.f) {3998 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("f", obj.f);3999 }4000 if (null !== obj.c) {4001 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("c", obj.c);4002 }4003 if (null !== obj.cp) {4004 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("cp", obj.cp);4005 }4006 if (null !== {4007 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("in",;4008 }4009 if (null !== obj.bc) {4010 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("bc", obj.bc);4011 }4012 if (null !== obj.fc) {4013 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("fc", obj.fc);4014 }4015 if (null !== obj.i) {4016 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("i", obj.i);4017 }4018 if (null !== obj.un) {4019 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("un", obj.un);4020 }4021 if (null !== {4022 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("st",;4023 }4024 if (null !== obj.b) {4025 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("b", obj.b);4026 }4027 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4028 for (var i = 0; i < obj.tpls.length; ++i) {4029 var elem = obj.tpls[i];4030 elem.toXml(writer, "tpls");4031 }4032 for (var i = 0; i < obj.x.length; ++i) {4033 var elem = obj.x[i];4034 elem.toXml(writer, "x");4035 }4036 } else {4037 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4038 }4039 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4040};4041CT_Missing.prototype.isSimpleValue = function() {4042 return null === this.u && null === this.f && null === this.c && null === this.cp && null === &&4043 null === this.bc && null === this.fc && null === this.i && null === this.un && null === &&4044 null === this.b && 0 === this.tpls.length && 0 === this.x.length;4045};4046CT_Missing.prototype.clean = function() {4047 this.v = null;4048 this.u = null;4049 this.f = null;4050 this.c = null;4051 this.cp = null;4052 = null;4053 this.bc = null;4054 this.fc = null;4055 this.i = null;//false4056 this.un = null;//false4057 = null;//false4058 this.b = null;//false4059 this.tpls = [];4060 this.x = [];4061};4062function CT_Number() {4063//Attributes4064 this.v = null;4065 this.u = null;4066 this.f = null;4067 this.c = null;4068 this.cp = null;4069 = null;4070 this.bc = null;4071 this.fc = null;4072 this.i = null;//false4073 this.un = null;//false4074 = null;//false4075 this.b = null;//false4076//Members4077 this.tpls = [];4078 this.x = [];4079}4080CT_Number.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4081 if (attr()) {4082 var vals = attr();4083 var val;4084 val = vals["v"];4085 if (undefined !== val) {4086 this.v = val - 0;4087 }4088 val = vals["u"];4089 if (undefined !== val) {4090 this.u = getBoolFromXml(val);4091 }4092 val = vals["f"];4093 if (undefined !== val) {4094 this.f = getBoolFromXml(val);4095 }4096 val = vals["c"];4097 if (undefined !== val) {4098 this.c = uq(val);4099 }4100 val = vals["cp"];4101 if (undefined !== val) {4102 this.cp = val - 0;4103 }4104 val = vals["in"];4105 if (undefined !== val) {4106 = val - 0;4107 }4108 val = vals["bc"];4109 if (undefined !== val) {4110 this.bc = val - 0;4111 }4112 val = vals["fc"];4113 if (undefined !== val) {4114 this.fc = val - 0;4115 }4116 val = vals["i"];4117 if (undefined !== val) {4118 this.i = getBoolFromXml(val);4119 }4120 val = vals["un"];4121 if (undefined !== val) {4122 this.un = getBoolFromXml(val);4123 }4124 val = vals["st"];4125 if (undefined !== val) {4126 = getBoolFromXml(val);4127 }4128 val = vals["b"];4129 if (undefined !== val) {4130 this.b = getBoolFromXml(val);4131 }4132 }4133};4134CT_Number.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4135 var newContext = this;4136 if ("tpls" === elem) {4137 newContext = new CT_Tuples();4138 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4139 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4140 }4141 this.tpls.push(newContext);4142 } else if ("x" === elem) {4143 newContext = new CT_X();4144 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4145 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4146 }4147 this.x.push(newContext);4148 } else {4149 newContext = null;4150 }4151 return newContext;4152};4153CT_Number.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4154 this.toXml2(writer, name, this.v, this);4155};4156CT_Number.prototype.toXml2 = function(writer, name, val, obj) {4157 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4158 if (null !== val) {4159 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("v", val);4160 }4161 if (obj) {4162 if (null !== obj.u) {4163 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("u", obj.u);4164 }4165 if (null !== obj.f) {4166 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("f", obj.f);4167 }4168 if (null !== obj.c) {4169 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("c", obj.c);4170 }4171 if (null !== obj.cp) {4172 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("cp", obj.cp);4173 }4174 if (null !== {4175 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("in",;4176 }4177 if (null !== obj.bc) {4178 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("bc", obj.bc);4179 }4180 if (null !== obj.fc) {4181 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("fc", obj.fc);4182 }4183 if (null !== obj.i) {4184 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("i", obj.i);4185 }4186 if (null !== obj.un) {4187 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("un", obj.un);4188 }4189 if (null !== {4190 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("st",;4191 }4192 if (null !== obj.b) {4193 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("b", obj.b);4194 }4195 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4196 for (var i = 0; i < obj.tpls.length; ++i) {4197 var elem = obj.tpls[i];4198 elem.toXml(writer, "tpls");4199 }4200 for (var i = 0; i < obj.x.length; ++i) {4201 var elem = obj.x[i];4202 elem.toXml(writer, "x");4203 }4204 } else {4205 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4206 }4207 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4208};4209CT_Number.prototype.isSimpleValue = function() {4210 return null === this.u && null === this.f && null === this.c && null === this.cp && null === &&4211 null === this.bc && null === this.fc && null === this.i && null === this.un && null === &&4212 null === this.b && 0 === this.tpls.length && 0 === this.x.length;4213};4214CT_Number.prototype.clean = function() {4215 this.v = null;4216 this.u = null;4217 this.f = null;4218 this.c = null;4219 this.cp = null;4220 = null;4221 this.bc = null;4222 this.fc = null;4223 this.i = null;//false4224 this.un = null;//false4225 = null;//false4226 this.b = null;//false4227 this.tpls = [];4228 this.x = [];4229};4230function CT_String() {4231//Attributes4232 this.v = null;4233 this.u = null;4234 this.f = null;4235 this.c = null;4236 this.cp = null;4237 = null;4238 this.bc = null;4239 this.fc = null;4240 this.i = null;//false4241 this.un = null;//false4242 = null;//false4243 this.b = null;//false4244//Members4245 this.tpls = [];4246 this.x = [];4247}4248CT_String.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4249 if (attr()) {4250 var vals = attr();4251 var val;4252 val = vals["v"];4253 if (undefined !== val) {4254 this.v = uq(val);4255 }4256 val = vals["u"];4257 if (undefined !== val) {4258 this.u = getBoolFromXml(val);4259 }4260 val = vals["f"];4261 if (undefined !== val) {4262 this.f = getBoolFromXml(val);4263 }4264 val = vals["c"];4265 if (undefined !== val) {4266 this.c = uq(val);4267 }4268 val = vals["cp"];4269 if (undefined !== val) {4270 this.cp = val - 0;4271 }4272 val = vals["in"];4273 if (undefined !== val) {4274 = val - 0;4275 }4276 val = vals["bc"];4277 if (undefined !== val) {4278 this.bc = val - 0;4279 }4280 val = vals["fc"];4281 if (undefined !== val) {4282 this.fc = val - 0;4283 }4284 val = vals["i"];4285 if (undefined !== val) {4286 this.i = getBoolFromXml(val);4287 }4288 val = vals["un"];4289 if (undefined !== val) {4290 this.un = getBoolFromXml(val);4291 }4292 val = vals["st"];4293 if (undefined !== val) {4294 = getBoolFromXml(val);4295 }4296 val = vals["b"];4297 if (undefined !== val) {4298 this.b = getBoolFromXml(val);4299 }4300 }4301};4302CT_String.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4303 var newContext = this;4304 if ("tpls" === elem) {4305 newContext = new CT_Tuples();4306 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4307 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4308 }4309 this.tpls.push(newContext);4310 } else if ("x" === elem) {4311 newContext = new CT_X();4312 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4313 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4314 }4315 this.x.push(newContext);4316 } else {4317 newContext = null;4318 }4319 return newContext;4320};4321CT_String.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4322 this.toXml2(writer, name, this.v, this);4323};4324CT_String.prototype.toXml2 = function(writer, name, val, obj) {4325 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4326 if (null !== val) {4327 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("v", val);4328 }4329 if (obj) {4330 if (null !== obj.u) {4331 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("u", obj.u);4332 }4333 if (null !== obj.f) {4334 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("f", obj.f);4335 }4336 if (null !== obj.c) {4337 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("c", obj.c);4338 }4339 if (null !== obj.cp) {4340 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("cp", obj.cp);4341 }4342 if (null !== {4343 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("in",;4344 }4345 if (null !== obj.bc) {4346 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("bc", obj.bc);4347 }4348 if (null !== obj.fc) {4349 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("fc", obj.fc);4350 }4351 if (null !== obj.i) {4352 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("i", obj.i);4353 }4354 if (null !== obj.un) {4355 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("un", obj.un);4356 }4357 if (null !== {4358 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("st",;4359 }4360 if (null !== obj.b) {4361 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("b", obj.b);4362 }4363 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4364 for (var i = 0; i < obj.tpls.length; ++i) {4365 var elem = obj.tpls[i];4366 elem.toXml(writer, "tpls");4367 }4368 for (var i = 0; i < obj.x.length; ++i) {4369 var elem = obj.x[i];4370 elem.toXml(writer, "x");4371 }4372 } else {4373 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4374 }4375 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4376};4377CT_String.prototype.isSimpleValue = function() {4378 return null === this.u && null === this.f && null === this.c && null === this.cp && null === &&4379 null === this.bc && null === this.fc && null === this.i && null === this.un && null === &&4380 null === this.b && 0 === this.tpls.length && 0 === this.x.length;4381};4382CT_String.prototype.clean = function() {4383 this.v = null;4384 this.u = null;4385 this.f = null;4386 this.c = null;4387 this.cp = null;4388 = null;4389 this.bc = null;4390 this.fc = null;4391 this.i = null;//false4392 this.un = null;//false4393 = null;//false4394 this.b = null;//false4395 this.tpls = [];4396 this.x = [];4397};4398function CT_Index() {4399//Attributes4400 this.v = null;4401}4402CT_Index.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4403 if (attr()) {4404 var vals = attr();4405 var val;4406 val = vals["v"];4407 if (undefined !== val) {4408 this.v = val - 0;4409 }4410 }4411};4412CT_Index.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4413 this.toXml2(writer, name, this.v);4414};4415CT_Index.prototype.toXml2 = function(writer, name, val) {4416 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4417 if (null !== val) {4418 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("v", val);4419 }4420 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);4421};4422CT_Index.prototype.isSimpleValue = function() {4423 return true;4424};4425CT_Index.prototype.clean = function() {4426 this.v = null;4427};4428function CT_Location() {4429//Attributes4430 this.ref = null;4431 this.firstHeaderRow = null;4432 this.firstDataRow = null;4433 this.firstDataCol = null;4434 this.rowPageCount = null;//04435 this.colPageCount = null;//04436// private4437 this.refWithPage = null;4438}4439CT_Location.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4440 if (attr()) {4441 var vals = attr();4442 var val;4443 val = vals["ref"];4444 if (undefined !== val) {4445 this.ref = AscCommonExcel.g_oRangeCache.getAscRange(uq(val));4446 }4447 val = vals["firstHeaderRow"];4448 if (undefined !== val) {4449 this.firstHeaderRow = val - 0;4450 }4451 val = vals["firstDataRow"];4452 if (undefined !== val) {4453 this.firstDataRow = val - 0;4454 }4455 val = vals["firstDataCol"];4456 if (undefined !== val) {4457 this.firstDataCol = val - 0;4458 }4459 val = vals["rowPageCount"];4460 if (undefined !== val) {4461 this.rowPageCount = val - 0;4462 }4463 val = vals["colPageCount"];4464 if (undefined !== val) {4465 this.colPageCount = val - 0;4466 }4467 }4468};4469CT_Location.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4470 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4471 if (null !== this.ref) {4472 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("ref", this.ref.getName());4473 }4474 if (null !== this.firstHeaderRow) {4475 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("firstHeaderRow", this.firstHeaderRow);4476 }4477 if (null !== this.firstDataRow) {4478 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("firstDataRow", this.firstDataRow);4479 }4480 if (null !== this.firstDataCol) {4481 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("firstDataCol", this.firstDataCol);4482 }4483 if (null !== this.rowPageCount) {4484 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("rowPageCount", this.rowPageCount);4485 }4486 if (null !== this.colPageCount) {4487 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("colPageCount", this.colPageCount);4488 }4489 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);4490};4491CT_Location.prototype.intersection = function (range) {4492 var t = this;4493 return this.ref && (Array.isArray(range) ? range.some(function (element) {4494 return t.ref.intersectionSimple(element);4495 }) : this.ref.intersectionSimple(range));4496};4497CT_Location.prototype.contains = function (col, row) {4498 return this.ref && this.ref.contains(col, row);4499};4500CT_Location.prototype.setPageCount = function (row, col) {4501 var c2;4502 this.rowPageCount = row;4503 this.colPageCount = col;4504 if (this.ref) {4505 this.refWithPage = this.ref.clone();4506 if (this.rowPageCount) {4507 this.refWithPage.setOffsetFirst(new AscCommonExcel.CRangeOffset(0, - (this.rowPageCount + 1)));4508 }4509 c2 = this.colPageCount * 3 - 1 - 1;4510 if (c2 > this.refWithPage.c2) {4511 this.refWithPage.setOffsetLast(new AscCommonExcel.CRangeOffset(c2 - this.refWithPage.c2, 0));4512 }4513 }4514};4515function CT_PivotFields() {4516//Attributes4517 this.count = null;4518//Members4519 this.pivotField = [];4520}4521CT_PivotFields.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4522 if (attr()) {4523 var vals = attr();4524 var val;4525 val = vals["count"];4526 if (undefined !== val) {4527 this.count = val - 0;4528 }4529 }4530};4531CT_PivotFields.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4532 var newContext = this;4533 if ("pivotField" === elem) {4534 newContext = new CT_PivotField();4535 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4536 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4537 }4538 this.pivotField.push(newContext);4539 } else {4540 newContext = null;4541 }4542 return newContext;4543};4544CT_PivotFields.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4545 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4546 if (null !== this.count) {4547 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);4548 }4549 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4550 for (var i = 0; i < this.pivotField.length; ++i) {4551 var elem = this.pivotField[i];4552 elem.toXml(writer, "pivotField");4553 }4554 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4555};4556function CT_RowFields() {4557//Attributes4558 this.count = null;//04559//Members4560 this.field = [];4561}4562CT_RowFields.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4563 if (attr()) {4564 var vals = attr();4565 var val;4566 val = vals["count"];4567 if (undefined !== val) {4568 this.count = val - 0;4569 }4570 }4571};4572CT_RowFields.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4573 var newContext = this;4574 if ("field" === elem) {4575 newContext = new CT_Field();4576 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4577 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4578 }4579 this.field.push(newContext);4580 } else {4581 newContext = null;4582 }4583 return newContext;4584};4585CT_RowFields.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4586 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4587 if (null !== this.count) {4588 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);4589 }4590 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4591 for (var i = 0; i < this.field.length; ++i) {4592 var elem = this.field[i];4593 elem.toXml(writer, "field");4594 }4595 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4596};4597function CT_rowItems() {4598//Attributes4599 this.count = null;4600//Members4601 this.i = [];4602}4603CT_rowItems.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4604 if (attr()) {4605 var vals = attr();4606 var val;4607 val = vals["count"];4608 if (undefined !== val) {4609 this.count = val - 0;4610 }4611 }4612};4613CT_rowItems.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4614 var newContext = this;4615 if ("i" === elem) {4616 newContext = new CT_I();4617 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4618 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4619 }4620 this.i.push(newContext);4621 } else {4622 newContext = null;4623 }4624 return newContext;4625};4626CT_rowItems.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4627 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4628 if (null !== this.count) {4629 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);4630 }4631 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4632 for (var i = 0; i < this.i.length; ++i) {4633 var elem = this.i[i];4634 elem.toXml(writer, "i");4635 }4636 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4637};4638function CT_ColFields() {4639//Attributes4640 this.count = null;//04641//Members4642 this.field = [];4643}4644CT_ColFields.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4645 if (attr()) {4646 var vals = attr();4647 var val;4648 val = vals["count"];4649 if (undefined !== val) {4650 this.count = val - 0;4651 }4652 }4653};4654CT_ColFields.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4655 var newContext = this;4656 if ("field" === elem) {4657 newContext = new CT_Field();4658 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4659 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4660 }4661 this.field.push(newContext);4662 } else {4663 newContext = null;4664 }4665 return newContext;4666};4667CT_ColFields.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4668 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4669 if (null !== this.count) {4670 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);4671 }4672 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4673 for (var i = 0; i < this.field.length; ++i) {4674 var elem = this.field[i];4675 elem.toXml(writer, "field");4676 }4677 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4678};4679function CT_colItems() {4680//Attributes4681 this.count = null;4682//Members4683 this.i = [];4684}4685CT_colItems.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4686 if (attr()) {4687 var vals = attr();4688 var val;4689 val = vals["count"];4690 if (undefined !== val) {4691 this.count = val - 0;4692 }4693 }4694};4695CT_colItems.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4696 var newContext = this;4697 if ("i" === elem) {4698 newContext = new CT_I();4699 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4700 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4701 }4702 this.i.push(newContext);4703 } else {4704 newContext = null;4705 }4706 return newContext;4707};4708CT_colItems.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4709 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4710 if (null !== this.count) {4711 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);4712 }4713 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4714 for (var i = 0; i < this.i.length; ++i) {4715 var elem = this.i[i];4716 elem.toXml(writer, "i");4717 }4718 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4719};4720function CT_PageFields() {4721//Attributes4722 this.count = null;4723//Members4724 this.pageField = [];4725}4726CT_PageFields.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4727 if (attr()) {4728 var vals = attr();4729 var val;4730 val = vals["count"];4731 if (undefined !== val) {4732 this.count = val - 0;4733 }4734 }4735};4736CT_PageFields.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4737 var newContext = this;4738 if ("pageField" === elem) {4739 newContext = new CT_PageField();4740 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4741 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4742 }4743 this.pageField.push(newContext);4744 } else {4745 newContext = null;4746 }4747 return newContext;4748};4749CT_PageFields.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4750 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4751 if (null !== this.count) {4752 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);4753 }4754 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4755 for (var i = 0; i < this.pageField.length; ++i) {4756 var elem = this.pageField[i];4757 elem.toXml(writer, "pageField");4758 }4759 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4760};4761CT_PageFields.prototype.add = function (newContext) {4762 this.pageField.push(newContext);4763 this.count = this.pageField.length;4764};4765CT_PageFields.prototype.remove = function (index) {4766 var deleteIndex = this.pageField.findIndex(function (element) {4767 return element.asc_getIndex() === index;4768 });4769 if (-1 !== deleteIndex) {4770 this.pageField.splice(deleteIndex, 1);4771 }4772 this.count = this.pageField.length;4773};4774function CT_DataFields() {4775//Attributes4776 this.count = null;4777//Members4778 this.dataField = [];4779}4780CT_DataFields.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4781 if (attr()) {4782 var vals = attr();4783 var val;4784 val = vals["count"];4785 if (undefined !== val) {4786 this.count = val - 0;4787 }4788 }4789};4790CT_DataFields.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4791 var newContext = this;4792 if ("dataField" === elem) {4793 newContext = new CT_DataField();4794 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4795 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4796 }4797 this.dataField.push(newContext);4798 } else {4799 newContext = null;4800 }4801 return newContext;4802};4803CT_DataFields.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4804 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4805 if (null !== this.count) {4806 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);4807 }4808 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4809 for (var i = 0; i < this.dataField.length; ++i) {4810 var elem = this.dataField[i];4811 elem.toXml(writer, "dataField");4812 }4813 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4814};4815function CT_Formats() {4816//Attributes4817 this.count = null;//04818//Members4819 this.format = [];4820}4821CT_Formats.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4822 if (attr()) {4823 var vals = attr();4824 var val;4825 val = vals["count"];4826 if (undefined !== val) {4827 this.count = val - 0;4828 }4829 }4830};4831CT_Formats.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4832 var newContext = this;4833 if ("format" === elem) {4834 newContext = new CT_Format();4835 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4836 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4837 }4838 this.format.push(newContext);4839 } else {4840 newContext = null;4841 }4842 return newContext;4843};4844CT_Formats.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4845 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4846 if (null !== this.count) {4847 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);4848 }4849 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4850 for (var i = 0; i < this.format.length; ++i) {4851 var elem = this.format[i];4852 elem.toXml(writer, "format");4853 }4854 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4855};4856function CT_ConditionalFormats() {4857//Attributes4858 this.count = null;//04859//Members4860 this.conditionalFormat = [];4861}4862CT_ConditionalFormats.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4863 if (attr()) {4864 var vals = attr();4865 var val;4866 val = vals["count"];4867 if (undefined !== val) {4868 this.count = val - 0;4869 }4870 }4871};4872CT_ConditionalFormats.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4873 var newContext = this;4874 if ("conditionalFormat" === elem) {4875 newContext = new CT_ConditionalFormat();4876 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4877 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4878 }4879 this.conditionalFormat.push(newContext);4880 } else {4881 newContext = null;4882 }4883 return newContext;4884};4885CT_ConditionalFormats.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4886 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4887 if (null !== this.count) {4888 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);4889 }4890 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4891 for (var i = 0; i < this.conditionalFormat.length; ++i) {4892 var elem = this.conditionalFormat[i];4893 elem.toXml(writer, "conditionalFormat");4894 }4895 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4896};4897function CT_ChartFormats() {4898//Attributes4899 this.count = null;//04900//Members4901 this.chartFormat = [];4902}4903CT_ChartFormats.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4904 if (attr()) {4905 var vals = attr();4906 var val;4907 val = vals["count"];4908 if (undefined !== val) {4909 this.count = val - 0;4910 }4911 }4912};4913CT_ChartFormats.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4914 var newContext = this;4915 if ("chartFormat" === elem) {4916 newContext = new CT_ChartFormat();4917 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4918 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4919 }4920 this.chartFormat.push(newContext);4921 } else {4922 newContext = null;4923 }4924 return newContext;4925};4926CT_ChartFormats.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4927 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4928 if (null !== this.count) {4929 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);4930 }4931 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4932 for (var i = 0; i < this.chartFormat.length; ++i) {4933 var elem = this.chartFormat[i];4934 elem.toXml(writer, "chartFormat");4935 }4936 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4937};4938function CT_PivotHierarchies() {4939//Attributes4940 this.count = null;4941//Members4942 this.pivotHierarchy = [];4943}4944CT_PivotHierarchies.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4945 if (attr()) {4946 var vals = attr();4947 var val;4948 val = vals["count"];4949 if (undefined !== val) {4950 this.count = val - 0;4951 }4952 }4953};4954CT_PivotHierarchies.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {4955 var newContext = this;4956 if ("pivotHierarchy" === elem) {4957 newContext = new CT_PivotHierarchy();4958 if (newContext.readAttributes) {4959 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);4960 }4961 this.pivotHierarchy.push(newContext);4962 } else {4963 newContext = null;4964 }4965 return newContext;4966};4967CT_PivotHierarchies.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {4968 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);4969 if (null !== this.count) {4970 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);4971 }4972 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);4973 for (var i = 0; i < this.pivotHierarchy.length; ++i) {4974 var elem = this.pivotHierarchy[i];4975 elem.toXml(writer, "pivotHierarchy");4976 }4977 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);4978};4979function CT_PivotTableStyle() {4980//Attributes4981 = null;4982 this.showRowHeaders = null;4983 this.showColHeaders = null;4984 this.showRowStripes = null;4985 this.showColStripes = null;4986 this.showLastColumn = null;4987}4988CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {4989 if (attr()) {4990 var vals = attr();4991 var val;4992 val = vals["name"];4993 if (undefined !== val) {4994 = uq(val);4995 }4996 val = vals["showRowHeaders"];4997 if (undefined !== val) {4998 this.showRowHeaders = getBoolFromXml(val);4999 }5000 val = vals["showColHeaders"];5001 if (undefined !== val) {5002 this.showColHeaders = getBoolFromXml(val);5003 }5004 val = vals["showRowStripes"];5005 if (undefined !== val) {5006 this.showRowStripes = getBoolFromXml(val);5007 }5008 val = vals["showColStripes"];5009 if (undefined !== val) {5010 this.showColStripes = getBoolFromXml(val);5011 }5012 val = vals["showLastColumn"];5013 if (undefined !== val) {5014 this.showLastColumn = getBoolFromXml(val);5015 }5016 }5017};5018CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {5019 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);5020 if (null !== {5021 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;5022 }5023 if (null !== this.showRowHeaders) {5024 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showRowHeaders", this.showRowHeaders);5025 }5026 if (null !== this.showColHeaders) {5027 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showColHeaders", this.showColHeaders);5028 }5029 if (null !== this.showRowStripes) {5030 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showRowStripes", this.showRowStripes);5031 }5032 if (null !== this.showColStripes) {5033 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showColStripes", this.showColStripes);5034 }5035 if (null !== this.showLastColumn) {5036 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showLastColumn", this.showLastColumn);5037 }5038 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);5039};5040CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.set = function() {5041};5042CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.asc_getName = function() {5043 return;5044};5045CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.asc_getShowRowHeaders = function() {5046 return this.showRowHeaders;5047};5048CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.asc_getShowColHeaders = function() {5049 return this.showColHeaders;5050};5051CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.asc_getShowRowStripes = function() {5052 return this.showRowStripes;5053};5054CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.asc_getShowColStripes = function() {5055 return this.showColStripes;5056};5057CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.asc_setName = function(api, pivot, newVal) {5058 if (newVal !== {5059 var t = this;5060 api._changePivotStyle(pivot, function(ws) {t._setName(newVal, pivot, ws)});5061 }5062};5063CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.asc_setShowRowHeaders = function(api, pivot, newVal) {5064 if (newVal !== this.showRowHeaders) {5065 var t = this;5066 api._changePivotStyle(pivot, function(ws) {t._setShowRowHeaders(newVal, pivot, ws)});5067 }5068};5069CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.asc_setShowColHeaders = function(api, pivot, newVal) {5070 if (newVal !== this.showColHeaders) {5071 var t = this;5072 api._changePivotStyle(pivot, function(ws) {t._setShowColHeaders(newVal, pivot, ws)});5073 }5074};5075CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.asc_setShowRowStripes = function(api, pivot, newVal) {5076 if (newVal !== this.showRowStripes) {5077 var t = this;5078 api._changePivotStyle(pivot, function(ws) {t._setShowRowStripes(newVal, pivot, ws)});5079 }5080};5081CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype.asc_setShowColStripes = function(api, pivot, newVal) {5082 if (newVal !== this.showColStripes) {5083 var t = this;5084 api._changePivotStyle(pivot, function(ws) {t._setShowColStripes(newVal, pivot, ws)});5085 }5086};5087CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype._setName = function (newVal, pivot, ws) {5088 if (History.Is_On() && !== newVal) {5089 History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoPivotTables, AscCH.historyitem_PivotTable_StyleName,5090 ws ? ws.getId() : null, null,5091 new AscCommonExcel.UndoRedoData_PivotTable(pivot && pivot.asc_getName(),, newVal));5092 }5093 = newVal;5094};5095CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype._setShowRowHeaders = function (newVal, pivot, ws) {5096 if (History.Is_On() && this.showRowHeaders !== newVal) {5097 History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoPivotTables, AscCH.historyitem_PivotTable_StyleShowRowHeaders,5098 ws ? ws.getId() : null, null,5099 new AscCommonExcel.UndoRedoData_PivotTable(pivot && pivot.asc_getName(), this.showRowHeaders, newVal));5100 }5101 this.showRowHeaders = newVal;5102};5103CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype._setShowColHeaders = function (newVal, pivot, ws) {5104 if (History.Is_On() && this.showColHeaders !== newVal) {5105 History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoPivotTables, AscCH.historyitem_PivotTable_StyleShowColHeaders,5106 ws ? ws.getId() : null, null,5107 new AscCommonExcel.UndoRedoData_PivotTable(pivot && pivot.asc_getName(), this.showColHeaders, newVal));5108 }5109 this.showColHeaders = newVal;5110};5111CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype._setShowRowStripes = function (newVal, pivot, ws) {5112 if (History.Is_On() && this.showRowStripes !== newVal) {5113 History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoPivotTables, AscCH.historyitem_PivotTable_StyleShowRowStripes,5114 ws ? ws.getId() : null, null,5115 new AscCommonExcel.UndoRedoData_PivotTable(pivot && pivot.asc_getName(), this.showRowStripes, newVal));5116 }5117 this.showRowStripes = newVal;5118};5119CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype._setShowColStripes = function (newVal, pivot, ws) {5120 if (History.Is_On() && this.showColStripes !== newVal) {5121 History.Add(AscCommonExcel.g_oUndoRedoPivotTables, AscCH.historyitem_PivotTable_StyleShowColStripes,5122 ws ? ws.getId() : null, null,5123 new AscCommonExcel.UndoRedoData_PivotTable(pivot && pivot.asc_getName(), this.showColStripes, newVal));5124 }5125 this.showColStripes = newVal;5126};5127function CT_PivotFilters() {5128//Attributes5129 this.count = null;//05130//Members5131 this.filter = [];5132}5133CT_PivotFilters.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {5134 if (attr()) {5135 var vals = attr();5136 var val;5137 val = vals["count"];5138 if (undefined !== val) {5139 this.count = val - 0;5140 }5141 }5142};5143CT_PivotFilters.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {5144 var newContext = this;5145 if ("filter" === elem) {5146 newContext = new CT_PivotFilter();5147 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5148 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5149 }5150 this.filter.push(newContext);5151 } else {5152 newContext = null;5153 }5154 return newContext;5155};5156CT_PivotFilters.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {5157 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);5158 if (null !== this.count) {5159 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);5160 }5161 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);5162 for (var i = 0; i < this.filter.length; ++i) {5163 var elem = this.filter[i];5164 elem.toXml(writer, "filter");5165 }5166 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);5167};5168function CT_RowHierarchiesUsage() {5169//Attributes5170 this.count = null;5171//Members5172 this.rowHierarchyUsage = [];5173}5174CT_RowHierarchiesUsage.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {5175 if (attr()) {5176 var vals = attr();5177 var val;5178 val = vals["count"];5179 if (undefined !== val) {5180 this.count = val - 0;5181 }5182 }5183};5184CT_RowHierarchiesUsage.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {5185 var newContext = this;5186 if ("rowHierarchyUsage" === elem) {5187 newContext = new CT_HierarchyUsage();5188 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5189 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5190 }5191 this.rowHierarchyUsage.push(newContext);5192 } else {5193 newContext = null;5194 }5195 return newContext;5196};5197CT_RowHierarchiesUsage.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {5198 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);5199 if (null !== this.count) {5200 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);5201 }5202 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);5203 for (var i = 0; i < this.rowHierarchyUsage.length; ++i) {5204 var elem = this.rowHierarchyUsage[i];5205 elem.toXml(writer, "rowHierarchyUsage");5206 }5207 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);5208};5209function CT_ColHierarchiesUsage() {5210//Attributes5211 this.count = null;5212//Members5213 this.colHierarchyUsage = [];5214}5215CT_ColHierarchiesUsage.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {5216 if (attr()) {5217 var vals = attr();5218 var val;5219 val = vals["count"];5220 if (undefined !== val) {5221 this.count = val - 0;5222 }5223 }5224};5225CT_ColHierarchiesUsage.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {5226 var newContext = this;5227 if ("colHierarchyUsage" === elem) {5228 newContext = new CT_HierarchyUsage();5229 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5230 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5231 }5232 this.colHierarchyUsage.push(newContext);5233 } else {5234 newContext = null;5235 }5236 return newContext;5237};5238CT_ColHierarchiesUsage.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {5239 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);5240 if (null !== this.count) {5241 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);5242 }5243 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);5244 for (var i = 0; i < this.colHierarchyUsage.length; ++i) {5245 var elem = this.colHierarchyUsage[i];5246 elem.toXml(writer, "colHierarchyUsage");5247 }5248 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);5249};5250function CT_Consolidation() {5251//Attributes5252 this.autoPage = null;//true5253//Members5254 this.pages = null;5255 this.rangeSets = null;5256}5257CT_Consolidation.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {5258 if (attr()) {5259 var vals = attr();5260 var val;5261 val = vals["autoPage"];5262 if (undefined !== val) {5263 this.autoPage = getBoolFromXml(val);5264 }5265 }5266};5267CT_Consolidation.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {5268 var newContext = this;5269 if ("pages" === elem) {5270 newContext = new CT_Pages();5271 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5272 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5273 }5274 this.pages = newContext;5275 } else if ("rangeSets" === elem) {5276 newContext = new CT_RangeSets();5277 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5278 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5279 }5280 this.rangeSets = newContext;5281 } else {5282 newContext = null;5283 }5284 return newContext;5285};5286CT_Consolidation.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {5287 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);5288 if (null !== this.autoPage) {5289 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("autoPage", this.autoPage);5290 }5291 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);5292 if (null !== this.pages) {5293 this.pages.toXml(writer, "pages");5294 }5295 if (null !== this.rangeSets) {5296 this.rangeSets.toXml(writer, "rangeSets");5297 }5298 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);5299};5300function CT_WorksheetSource() {5301//Attributes5302 this.ref = null;5303 = null;5304 this.sheet = null;5305 = null;5306//Private5307 this.formula = null;5308}5309CT_WorksheetSource.prototype.onFormulaEvent = function (type, eventData) {5310 if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.CanDo === type) {5311 return true;5312 } else if (AscCommon.c_oNotifyParentType.ChangeFormula === type) {5313 // ToDo update formula with eventData.assemble;5314 }5315};5316CT_WorksheetSource.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {5317 if (attr()) {5318 var vals = attr();5319 var val;5320 val = vals["ref"];5321 if (undefined !== val) {5322 this.ref = uq(val);5323 }5324 val = vals["name"];5325 if (undefined !== val) {5326 = uq(val);5327 }5328 val = vals["sheet"];5329 if (undefined !== val) {5330 this.sheet = uq(val);5331 }5332 val = vals["r:id"];5333 if (undefined !== val) {5334 = uq(val);5335 }5336 var text;5337 if ( {5338 text =;5339 } else if (this.ref && this.sheet) {5340 text = AscCommon.parserHelp.get3DRef(this.sheet, this.ref);5341 }5342 if (text) {5343 this.formula = new AscCommonExcel.parserFormula(text, this, AscCommonExcel.g_DefNameWorksheet);5344 this.formula.parse();5345 this.formula.buildDependencies();5346 }5347 }5348};5349CT_WorksheetSource.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {5350 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);5351 if (null !== this.ref) {5352 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("ref", this.ref);5353 }5354 if (null !== {5355 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;5356 }5357 if (null !== this.sheet) {5358 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("sheet", this.sheet);5359 }5360 //todo5361 // if (null !== {5362 // writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("r:id",;5363 // }5364 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);5365};5366function CT_CacheField() {5367//Attributes5368 = null;5369 this.caption = null;5370 this.propertyName = null;5371 this.serverField = null;//false5372 this.uniqueList = null;//true5373 this.numFmtId = null;5374 this.formula = null;5375 this.sqlType = null;//05376 this.hierarchy = null;//05377 this.level = null;//05378 this.databaseField = null;//true5379 this.mappingCount = null;5380 this.memberPropertyField = null;//false5381//Members5382 this.sharedItems = null;5383 this.fieldGroup = null;5384 this.mpMap = [];5385 this.extLst = null;5386}5387CT_CacheField.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {5388 if (attr()) {5389 var vals = attr();5390 var val;5391 val = vals["name"];5392 if (undefined !== val) {5393 = uq(val);5394 }5395 val = vals["caption"];5396 if (undefined !== val) {5397 this.caption = uq(val);5398 }5399 val = vals["propertyName"];5400 if (undefined !== val) {5401 this.propertyName = uq(val);5402 }5403 val = vals["serverField"];5404 if (undefined !== val) {5405 this.serverField = getBoolFromXml(val);5406 }5407 val = vals["uniqueList"];5408 if (undefined !== val) {5409 this.uniqueList = getBoolFromXml(val);5410 }5411 val = vals["numFmtId"];5412 if (undefined !== val) {5413 this.numFmtId = val - 0;5414 }5415 val = vals["formula"];5416 if (undefined !== val) {5417 this.formula = uq(val);5418 }5419 val = vals["sqlType"];5420 if (undefined !== val) {5421 this.sqlType = val - 0;5422 }5423 val = vals["hierarchy"];5424 if (undefined !== val) {5425 this.hierarchy = val - 0;5426 }5427 val = vals["level"];5428 if (undefined !== val) {5429 this.level = val - 0;5430 }5431 val = vals["databaseField"];5432 if (undefined !== val) {5433 this.databaseField = getBoolFromXml(val);5434 }5435 val = vals["mappingCount"];5436 if (undefined !== val) {5437 this.mappingCount = val - 0;5438 }5439 val = vals["memberPropertyField"];5440 if (undefined !== val) {5441 this.memberPropertyField = getBoolFromXml(val);5442 }5443 }5444};5445CT_CacheField.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {5446 var newContext = this;5447 if ("sharedItems" === elem) {5448 newContext = new CT_SharedItems();5449 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5450 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5451 }5452 this.sharedItems = newContext;5453 } else if ("fieldGroup" === elem) {5454 newContext = new CT_FieldGroup();5455 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5456 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5457 }5458 this.fieldGroup = newContext;5459 } else if ("mpMap" === elem) {5460 newContext = new CT_X();5461 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5462 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5463 }5464 this.mpMap.push(newContext);5465 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {5466 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();5467 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5468 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5469 }5470 this.extLst = newContext;5471 } else {5472 newContext = null;5473 }5474 return newContext;5475};5476CT_CacheField.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {5477 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);5478 if (null !== {5479 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;5480 }5481 if (null !== this.caption) {5482 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("caption", this.caption);5483 }5484 if (null !== this.propertyName) {5485 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("propertyName", this.propertyName);5486 }5487 if (null !== this.serverField) {5488 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("serverField", this.serverField);5489 }5490 if (null !== this.uniqueList) {5491 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("uniqueList", this.uniqueList);5492 }5493 if (null !== this.numFmtId) {5494 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("numFmtId", this.numFmtId);5495 }5496 if (null !== this.formula) {5497 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("formula", this.formula);5498 }5499 if (null !== this.sqlType) {5500 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("sqlType", this.sqlType);5501 }5502 if (null !== this.hierarchy) {5503 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("hierarchy", this.hierarchy);5504 }5505 if (null !== this.level) {5506 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("level", this.level);5507 }5508 if (null !== this.databaseField) {5509 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("databaseField", this.databaseField);5510 }5511 if (null !== this.mappingCount) {5512 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("mappingCount", this.mappingCount);5513 }5514 if (null !== this.memberPropertyField) {5515 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("memberPropertyField", this.memberPropertyField);5516 }5517 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);5518 if (null !== this.sharedItems) {5519 this.sharedItems.toXml(writer, "sharedItems");5520 }5521 if (null !== this.fieldGroup) {5522 this.fieldGroup.toXml(writer, "fieldGroup");5523 }5524 for (var i = 0; i < this.mpMap.length; ++i) {5525 var elem = this.mpMap[i];5526 elem.toXml(writer, "mpMap");5527 }5528 if (null !== this.extLst) {5529 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");5530 }5531 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);5532};5533CT_CacheField.prototype.asc_getName = function () {5534 return;5535};5536CT_CacheField.prototype.getSharedItem = function (index) {5537 return this.sharedItems && this.sharedItems.Items.get(index);5538};5539function CT_CacheHierarchy() {5540//Attributes5541 this.uniqueName = null;5542 this.caption = null;5543 this.measure = null;//false5544 this.set = null;//false5545 this.parentSet = null;5546 this.iconSet = null;//05547 this.attribute = null;//false5548 this.time = null;//false5549 this.keyAttribute = null;//false5550 this.defaultMemberUniqueName = null;5551 this.allUniqueName = null;5552 this.allCaption = null;5553 this.dimensionUniqueName = null;5554 this.displayFolder = null;5555 this.measureGroup = null;5556 this.measures = null;//false5557 this.count = null;5558 this.oneField = null;//false5559 this.memberValueDatatype = null;5560 this.unbalanced = null;5561 this.unbalancedGroup = null;5562 this.hidden = null;//false5563//Members5564 this.fieldsUsage = null;5565 this.groupLevels = null;5566 this.extLst = null;5567}5568CT_CacheHierarchy.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {5569 if (attr()) {5570 var vals = attr();5571 var val;5572 val = vals["uniqueName"];5573 if (undefined !== val) {5574 this.uniqueName = uq(val);5575 }5576 val = vals["caption"];5577 if (undefined !== val) {5578 this.caption = uq(val);5579 }5580 val = vals["measure"];5581 if (undefined !== val) {5582 this.measure = getBoolFromXml(val);5583 }5584 val = vals["set"];5585 if (undefined !== val) {5586 this.set = getBoolFromXml(val);5587 }5588 val = vals["parentSet"];5589 if (undefined !== val) {5590 this.parentSet = val - 0;5591 }5592 val = vals["iconSet"];5593 if (undefined !== val) {5594 this.iconSet = val - 0;5595 }5596 val = vals["attribute"];5597 if (undefined !== val) {5598 this.attribute = getBoolFromXml(val);5599 }5600 val = vals["time"];5601 if (undefined !== val) {5602 this.time = getBoolFromXml(val);5603 }5604 val = vals["keyAttribute"];5605 if (undefined !== val) {5606 this.keyAttribute = getBoolFromXml(val);5607 }5608 val = vals["defaultMemberUniqueName"];5609 if (undefined !== val) {5610 this.defaultMemberUniqueName = uq(val);5611 }5612 val = vals["allUniqueName"];5613 if (undefined !== val) {5614 this.allUniqueName = uq(val);5615 }5616 val = vals["allCaption"];5617 if (undefined !== val) {5618 this.allCaption = uq(val);5619 }5620 val = vals["dimensionUniqueName"];5621 if (undefined !== val) {5622 this.dimensionUniqueName = uq(val);5623 }5624 val = vals["displayFolder"];5625 if (undefined !== val) {5626 this.displayFolder = uq(val);5627 }5628 val = vals["measureGroup"];5629 if (undefined !== val) {5630 this.measureGroup = uq(val);5631 }5632 val = vals["measures"];5633 if (undefined !== val) {5634 this.measures = getBoolFromXml(val);5635 }5636 val = vals["count"];5637 if (undefined !== val) {5638 this.count = val - 0;5639 }5640 val = vals["oneField"];5641 if (undefined !== val) {5642 this.oneField = getBoolFromXml(val);5643 }5644 val = vals["memberValueDatatype"];5645 if (undefined !== val) {5646 this.memberValueDatatype = val - 0;5647 }5648 val = vals["unbalanced"];5649 if (undefined !== val) {5650 this.unbalanced = getBoolFromXml(val);5651 }5652 val = vals["unbalancedGroup"];5653 if (undefined !== val) {5654 this.unbalancedGroup = getBoolFromXml(val);5655 }5656 val = vals["hidden"];5657 if (undefined !== val) {5658 this.hidden = getBoolFromXml(val);5659 }5660 }5661};5662CT_CacheHierarchy.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {5663 var newContext = this;5664 if ("fieldsUsage" === elem) {5665 newContext = new CT_FieldsUsage();5666 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5667 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5668 }5669 this.fieldsUsage = newContext;5670 } else if ("groupLevels" === elem) {5671 newContext = new CT_GroupLevels();5672 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5673 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5674 }5675 this.groupLevels = newContext;5676 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {5677 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();5678 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5679 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5680 }5681 this.extLst = newContext;5682 } else {5683 newContext = null;5684 }5685 return newContext;5686};5687CT_CacheHierarchy.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {5688 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);5689 if (null !== this.uniqueName) {5690 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("uniqueName", this.uniqueName);5691 }5692 if (null !== this.caption) {5693 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("caption", this.caption);5694 }5695 if (null !== this.measure) {5696 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("measure", this.measure);5697 }5698 if (null !== this.set) {5699 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("set", this.set);5700 }5701 if (null !== this.parentSet) {5702 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("parentSet", this.parentSet);5703 }5704 if (null !== this.iconSet) {5705 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("iconSet", this.iconSet);5706 }5707 if (null !== this.attribute) {5708 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("attribute", this.attribute);5709 }5710 if (null !== this.time) {5711 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("time", this.time);5712 }5713 if (null !== this.keyAttribute) {5714 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("keyAttribute", this.keyAttribute);5715 }5716 if (null !== this.defaultMemberUniqueName) {5717 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("defaultMemberUniqueName", this.defaultMemberUniqueName);5718 }5719 if (null !== this.allUniqueName) {5720 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("allUniqueName", this.allUniqueName);5721 }5722 if (null !== this.allCaption) {5723 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("allCaption", this.allCaption);5724 }5725 if (null !== this.dimensionUniqueName) {5726 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("dimensionUniqueName", this.dimensionUniqueName);5727 }5728 if (null !== this.displayFolder) {5729 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("displayFolder", this.displayFolder);5730 }5731 if (null !== this.measureGroup) {5732 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("measureGroup", this.measureGroup);5733 }5734 if (null !== this.measures) {5735 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("measures", this.measures);5736 }5737 if (null !== this.count) {5738 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);5739 }5740 if (null !== this.oneField) {5741 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("oneField", this.oneField);5742 }5743 if (null !== this.memberValueDatatype) {5744 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("memberValueDatatype", this.memberValueDatatype);5745 }5746 if (null !== this.unbalanced) {5747 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("unbalanced", this.unbalanced);5748 }5749 if (null !== this.unbalancedGroup) {5750 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("unbalancedGroup", this.unbalancedGroup);5751 }5752 if (null !== this.hidden) {5753 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("hidden", this.hidden);5754 }5755 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);5756 if (null !== this.fieldsUsage) {5757 this.fieldsUsage.toXml(writer, "fieldsUsage");5758 }5759 if (null !== this.groupLevels) {5760 this.groupLevels.toXml(writer, "groupLevels");5761 }5762 if (null !== this.extLst) {5763 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");5764 }5765 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);5766};5767function CT_PCDKPI() {5768//Attributes5769 this.uniqueName = null;5770 this.caption = null;5771 this.displayFolder = null;5772 this.measureGroup = null;5773 this.parent = null;5774 this.value = null;5775 this.goal = null;5776 this.status = null;5777 this.trend = null;5778 this.weight = null;5779 this.time = null;5780}5781CT_PCDKPI.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {5782 if (attr()) {5783 var vals = attr();5784 var val;5785 val = vals["uniqueName"];5786 if (undefined !== val) {5787 this.uniqueName = uq(val);5788 }5789 val = vals["caption"];5790 if (undefined !== val) {5791 this.caption = uq(val);5792 }5793 val = vals["displayFolder"];5794 if (undefined !== val) {5795 this.displayFolder = uq(val);5796 }5797 val = vals["measureGroup"];5798 if (undefined !== val) {5799 this.measureGroup = uq(val);5800 }5801 val = vals["parent"];5802 if (undefined !== val) {5803 this.parent = uq(val);5804 }5805 val = vals["value"];5806 if (undefined !== val) {5807 this.value = uq(val);5808 }5809 val = vals["goal"];5810 if (undefined !== val) {5811 this.goal = uq(val);5812 }5813 val = vals["status"];5814 if (undefined !== val) {5815 this.status = uq(val);5816 }5817 val = vals["trend"];5818 if (undefined !== val) {5819 this.trend = uq(val);5820 }5821 val = vals["weight"];5822 if (undefined !== val) {5823 this.weight = uq(val);5824 }5825 val = vals["time"];5826 if (undefined !== val) {5827 this.time = uq(val);5828 }5829 }5830};5831CT_PCDKPI.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {5832 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);5833 if (null !== this.uniqueName) {5834 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("uniqueName", this.uniqueName);5835 }5836 if (null !== this.caption) {5837 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("caption", this.caption);5838 }5839 if (null !== this.displayFolder) {5840 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("displayFolder", this.displayFolder);5841 }5842 if (null !== this.measureGroup) {5843 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("measureGroup", this.measureGroup);5844 }5845 if (null !== this.parent) {5846 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("parent", this.parent);5847 }5848 if (null !== this.value) {5849 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("value", this.value);5850 }5851 if (null !== this.goal) {5852 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("goal", this.goal);5853 }5854 if (null !== this.status) {5855 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("status", this.status);5856 }5857 if (null !== this.trend) {5858 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("trend", this.trend);5859 }5860 if (null !== this.weight) {5861 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("weight", this.weight);5862 }5863 if (null !== this.time) {5864 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("time", this.time);5865 }5866 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);5867};5868function CT_PCDSDTCEntries() {5869//Attributes5870 this.count = null;5871//Members5872 this.Items = [];5873}5874CT_PCDSDTCEntries.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {5875 if (attr()) {5876 var vals = attr();5877 var val;5878 val = vals["count"];5879 if (undefined !== val) {5880 this.count = val - 0;5881 }5882 }5883};5884CT_PCDSDTCEntries.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {5885 var newContext = this;5886 if ("e" === elem) {5887 newContext = new CT_Error();5888 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5889 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5890 }5891 this.Items.push(newContext);5892 } else if ("m" === elem) {5893 newContext = new CT_Missing();5894 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5895 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5896 }5897 this.Items.push(newContext);5898 } else if ("n" === elem) {5899 newContext = new CT_Number();5900 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5901 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5902 }5903 this.Items.push(newContext);5904 } else if ("s" === elem) {5905 newContext = new CT_String();5906 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5907 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5908 }5909 this.Items.push(newContext);5910 } else {5911 newContext = null;5912 }5913 return newContext;5914};5915CT_PCDSDTCEntries.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {5916 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);5917 if (null !== this.count) {5918 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);5919 }5920 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);5921 for (var i = 0; i < this.Items.length; ++i) {5922 var elem = this.Items[i];5923 if (elem instanceof CT_Error) {5924 elem.toXml(writer, "e");5925 } else if (elem instanceof CT_Missing) {5926 elem.toXml(writer, "m");5927 } else if (elem instanceof CT_Number) {5928 elem.toXml(writer, "n");5929 } else if (elem instanceof CT_String) {5930 elem.toXml(writer, "s");5931 }5932 }5933 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);5934};5935function CT_Sets() {5936//Attributes5937 this.count = null;5938//Members5939 this.set = [];5940}5941CT_Sets.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {5942 if (attr()) {5943 var vals = attr();5944 var val;5945 val = vals["count"];5946 if (undefined !== val) {5947 this.count = val - 0;5948 }5949 }5950};5951CT_Sets.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {5952 var newContext = this;5953 if ("set" === elem) {5954 newContext = new CT_Set();5955 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5956 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5957 }5958 this.set.push(newContext);5959 } else {5960 newContext = null;5961 }5962 return newContext;5963};5964CT_Sets.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {5965 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);5966 if (null !== this.count) {5967 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);5968 }5969 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);5970 for (var i = 0; i < this.set.length; ++i) {5971 var elem = this.set[i];5972 elem.toXml(writer, "set");5973 }5974 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);5975};5976function CT_QueryCache() {5977//Attributes5978 this.count = null;5979//Members5980 this.query = [];5981}5982CT_QueryCache.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {5983 if (attr()) {5984 var vals = attr();5985 var val;5986 val = vals["count"];5987 if (undefined !== val) {5988 this.count = val - 0;5989 }5990 }5991};5992CT_QueryCache.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {5993 var newContext = this;5994 if ("query" === elem) {5995 newContext = new CT_Query();5996 if (newContext.readAttributes) {5997 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);5998 }5999 this.query.push(newContext);6000 } else {6001 newContext = null;6002 }6003 return newContext;6004};6005CT_QueryCache.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6006 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6007 if (null !== this.count) {6008 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);6009 }6010 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);6011 for (var i = 0; i < this.query.length; ++i) {6012 var elem = this.query[i];6013 elem.toXml(writer, "query");6014 }6015 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);6016};6017function CT_ServerFormats() {6018//Attributes6019 this.count = null;6020//Members6021 this.serverFormat = [];6022}6023CT_ServerFormats.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6024 if (attr()) {6025 var vals = attr();6026 var val;6027 val = vals["count"];6028 if (undefined !== val) {6029 this.count = val - 0;6030 }6031 }6032};6033CT_ServerFormats.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {6034 var newContext = this;6035 if ("serverFormat" === elem) {6036 newContext = new CT_ServerFormat();6037 if (newContext.readAttributes) {6038 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);6039 }6040 this.serverFormat.push(newContext);6041 } else {6042 newContext = null;6043 }6044 return newContext;6045};6046CT_ServerFormats.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6047 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6048 if (null !== this.count) {6049 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);6050 }6051 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);6052 for (var i = 0; i < this.serverFormat.length; ++i) {6053 var elem = this.serverFormat[i];6054 elem.toXml(writer, "serverFormat");6055 }6056 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);6057};6058function CT_CalculatedItem() {6059//Attributes6060 this.field = null;6061 this.formula = null;6062//Members6063 this.pivotArea = null;6064 this.extLst = null;6065}6066CT_CalculatedItem.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6067 if (attr()) {6068 var vals = attr();6069 var val;6070 val = vals["field"];6071 if (undefined !== val) {6072 this.field = val - 0;6073 }6074 val = vals["formula"];6075 if (undefined !== val) {6076 this.formula = uq(val);6077 }6078 }6079};6080CT_CalculatedItem.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {6081 var newContext = this;6082 if ("pivotArea" === elem) {6083 newContext = new CT_PivotArea();6084 if (newContext.readAttributes) {6085 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);6086 }6087 this.pivotArea = newContext;6088 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {6089 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();6090 if (newContext.readAttributes) {6091 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);6092 }6093 this.extLst = newContext;6094 } else {6095 newContext = null;6096 }6097 return newContext;6098};6099CT_CalculatedItem.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6100 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6101 if (null !== this.field) {6102 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("field", this.field);6103 }6104 if (null !== this.formula) {6105 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("formula", this.formula);6106 }6107 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);6108 if (null !== this.pivotArea) {6109 this.pivotArea.toXml(writer, "pivotArea");6110 }6111 if (null !== this.extLst) {6112 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");6113 }6114 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);6115};6116function CT_CalculatedMember() {6117//Attributes6118 = null;6119 this.mdx = null;6120 this.memberName = null;6121 this.hierarchy = null;6122 this.parent = null;6123 this.solveOrder = null;//06124 this.set = null;//false6125//Members6126 this.extLst = null;6127}6128CT_CalculatedMember.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6129 if (attr()) {6130 var vals = attr();6131 var val;6132 val = vals["name"];6133 if (undefined !== val) {6134 = uq(val);6135 }6136 val = vals["mdx"];6137 if (undefined !== val) {6138 this.mdx = uq(val);6139 }6140 val = vals["memberName"];6141 if (undefined !== val) {6142 this.memberName = uq(val);6143 }6144 val = vals["hierarchy"];6145 if (undefined !== val) {6146 this.hierarchy = uq(val);6147 }6148 val = vals["parent"];6149 if (undefined !== val) {6150 this.parent = uq(val);6151 }6152 val = vals["solveOrder"];6153 if (undefined !== val) {6154 this.solveOrder = val - 0;6155 }6156 val = vals["set"];6157 if (undefined !== val) {6158 this.set = getBoolFromXml(val);6159 }6160 }6161};6162CT_CalculatedMember.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {6163 var newContext = this;6164 if ("extLst" === elem) {6165 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();6166 if (newContext.readAttributes) {6167 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);6168 }6169 this.extLst = newContext;6170 } else {6171 newContext = null;6172 }6173 return newContext;6174};6175CT_CalculatedMember.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6176 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6177 if (null !== {6178 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;6179 }6180 if (null !== this.mdx) {6181 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("mdx", this.mdx);6182 }6183 if (null !== this.memberName) {6184 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("memberName", this.memberName);6185 }6186 if (null !== this.hierarchy) {6187 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("hierarchy", this.hierarchy);6188 }6189 if (null !== this.parent) {6190 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("parent", this.parent);6191 }6192 if (null !== this.solveOrder) {6193 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("solveOrder", this.solveOrder);6194 }6195 if (null !== this.set) {6196 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("set", this.set);6197 }6198 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);6199 if (null !== this.extLst) {6200 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");6201 }6202 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);6203};6204function CT_PivotDimension() {6205//Attributes6206 this.measure = null;//false6207 = null;6208 this.uniqueName = null;6209 this.caption = null;6210}6211CT_PivotDimension.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6212 if (attr()) {6213 var vals = attr();6214 var val;6215 val = vals["measure"];6216 if (undefined !== val) {6217 this.measure = getBoolFromXml(val);6218 }6219 val = vals["name"];6220 if (undefined !== val) {6221 = uq(val);6222 }6223 val = vals["uniqueName"];6224 if (undefined !== val) {6225 this.uniqueName = uq(val);6226 }6227 val = vals["caption"];6228 if (undefined !== val) {6229 this.caption = uq(val);6230 }6231 }6232};6233CT_PivotDimension.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6234 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6235 if (null !== this.measure) {6236 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("measure", this.measure);6237 }6238 if (null !== {6239 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;6240 }6241 if (null !== this.uniqueName) {6242 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("uniqueName", this.uniqueName);6243 }6244 if (null !== this.caption) {6245 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("caption", this.caption);6246 }6247 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);6248};6249function CT_MeasureGroup() {6250//Attributes6251 = null;6252 this.caption = null;6253}6254CT_MeasureGroup.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6255 if (attr()) {6256 var vals = attr();6257 var val;6258 val = vals["name"];6259 if (undefined !== val) {6260 = uq(val);6261 }6262 val = vals["caption"];6263 if (undefined !== val) {6264 this.caption = uq(val);6265 }6266 }6267};6268CT_MeasureGroup.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6269 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6270 if (null !== {6271 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;6272 }6273 if (null !== this.caption) {6274 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("caption", this.caption);6275 }6276 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);6277};6278function CT_MeasureDimensionMap() {6279//Attributes6280 this.measureGroup = null;6281 this.dimension = null;6282}6283CT_MeasureDimensionMap.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6284 if (attr()) {6285 var vals = attr();6286 var val;6287 val = vals["measureGroup"];6288 if (undefined !== val) {6289 this.measureGroup = val - 0;6290 }6291 val = vals["dimension"];6292 if (undefined !== val) {6293 this.dimension = val - 0;6294 }6295 }6296};6297CT_MeasureDimensionMap.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6298 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6299 if (null !== this.measureGroup) {6300 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("measureGroup", this.measureGroup);6301 }6302 if (null !== this.dimension) {6303 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("dimension", this.dimension);6304 }6305 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);6306};6307function CT_Extension() {6308//Attributes6309 this.uri = null;6310//Members6311 this.elem = null;6312}6313CT_Extension.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6314 if (attr()) {6315 var vals = attr();6316 var val;6317 val = vals["uri"];6318 if (undefined !== val) {6319 this.uri = uq(val);6320 }6321 }6322};6323CT_Extension.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {6324 var newContext = this;6325 if ("x14:pivotTableDefinition" === elem) {6326 newContext = new CT_pivotTableDefinitionX14();6327 if (newContext.readAttributes) {6328 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);6329 }6330 this.elem = newContext;6331 } else {6332 newContext = null;6333 }6334 return newContext;6335};6336CT_Extension.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6337 if ("{962EF5D1-5CA2-4c93-8EF4-DBF5C05439D2}" === this.uri && this.elem) {6338 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6339 if (null !== this.uri) {6340 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("uri", this.uri);6341 writer.WriteXmlString(" xmlns:x14=\"\"");6342 }6343 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);6344 this.elem.toXml(writer, "x14:pivotTableDefinition");6345 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);6346 }6347};6348function CT_X() {6349//Attributes6350 this.v = null;//06351}6352CT_X.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6353 if (attr()) {6354 var vals = attr();6355 var val;6356 val = vals["v"];6357 if (undefined !== val) {6358 this.v = val - 0;6359 }6360 }6361};6362CT_X.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6363 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6364 if (null !== this.v) {6365 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("v", this.v);6366 }6367 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);6368};6369CT_X.prototype.getV = function () {6370 return this.v || 0;6371};6372function CT_Tuples() {6373//Attributes6374 this.c = null;6375//Members6376 this.tpl = [];6377}6378CT_Tuples.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6379 if (attr()) {6380 var vals = attr();6381 var val;6382 val = vals["c"];6383 if (undefined !== val) {6384 this.c = val - 0;6385 }6386 }6387};6388CT_Tuples.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {6389 var newContext = this;6390 if ("tpl" === elem) {6391 newContext = new CT_Tuple();6392 if (newContext.readAttributes) {6393 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);6394 }6395 this.tpl.push(newContext);6396 } else {6397 newContext = null;6398 }6399 return newContext;6400};6401CT_Tuples.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6402 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6403 if (null !== this.c) {6404 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("c", this.c);6405 }6406 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);6407 for (var i = 0; i < this.tpl.length; ++i) {6408 var elem = this.tpl[i];6409 elem.toXml(writer, "tpl");6410 }6411 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);6412};6413function CT_PivotField() {6414//Attributes6415 = null;6416 this.axis = null;6417 this.dataField = null;//false6418 this.subtotalCaption = null;6419 this.showDropDowns = null;//true6420 this.hiddenLevel = null;//false6421 this.uniqueMemberProperty = null;6422 this.compact = null;//true6423 this.allDrilled = null;//false6424 this.numFmtId = null;6425 this.outline = null;//true6426 this.subtotalTop = null;//true6427 this.dragToRow = null;//true6428 this.dragToCol = null;//true6429 this.multipleItemSelectionAllowed = null;//false6430 this.dragToPage = null;//true6431 this.dragToData = null;//true6432 this.dragOff = null;//true6433 this.showAll = null;//true6434 this.insertBlankRow = null;//false6435 this.serverField = null;//false6436 this.insertPageBreak = null;//false6437 this.autoShow = null;//false6438 this.topAutoShow = null;//true6439 this.hideNewItems = null;//false6440 this.measureFilter = null;//false6441 this.includeNewItemsInFilter = null;//false6442 this.itemPageCount = null;//106443 this.sortType = null;//manual6444 this.dataSourceSort = null;6445 this.nonAutoSortDefault = null;//false6446 this.rankBy = null;6447 this.defaultSubtotal = null;//true6448 this.sumSubtotal = null;//false6449 this.countASubtotal = null;//false6450 this.avgSubtotal = null;//false6451 this.maxSubtotal = null;//false6452 this.minSubtotal = null;//false6453 this.productSubtotal = null;//false6454 this.countSubtotal = null;//false6455 this.stdDevSubtotal = null;//false6456 this.stdDevPSubtotal = null;//false6457 this.varSubtotal = null;//false6458 this.varPSubtotal = null;//false6459 this.showPropCell = null;//false6460 this.showPropTip = null;//false6461 this.showPropAsCaption = null;//false6462 this.defaultAttributeDrillState = null;//false6463//Members6464 this.items = null;6465 this.autoSortScope = null;6466 this.extLst = null;6467}6468CT_PivotField.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6469 if (attr()) {6470 var vals = attr();6471 var val;6472 val = vals["name"];6473 if (undefined !== val) {6474 = uq(val);6475 }6476 val = vals["axis"];6477 if (undefined !== val) {6478 val = FromXml_ST_Axis(val);6479 if (-1 !== val) {6480 this.axis = val;6481 }6482 }6483 val = vals["dataField"];6484 if (undefined !== val) {6485 this.dataField = getBoolFromXml(val);6486 }6487 val = vals["subtotalCaption"];6488 if (undefined !== val) {6489 this.subtotalCaption = uq(val);6490 }6491 val = vals["showDropDowns"];6492 if (undefined !== val) {6493 this.showDropDowns = getBoolFromXml(val);6494 }6495 val = vals["hiddenLevel"];6496 if (undefined !== val) {6497 this.hiddenLevel = getBoolFromXml(val);6498 }6499 val = vals["uniqueMemberProperty"];6500 if (undefined !== val) {6501 this.uniqueMemberProperty = uq(val);6502 }6503 val = vals["compact"];6504 if (undefined !== val) {6505 this.compact = getBoolFromXml(val);6506 }6507 val = vals["allDrilled"];6508 if (undefined !== val) {6509 this.allDrilled = getBoolFromXml(val);6510 }6511 val = vals["numFmtId"];6512 if (undefined !== val) {6513 this.numFmtId = val - 0;6514 }6515 val = vals["outline"];6516 if (undefined !== val) {6517 this.outline = getBoolFromXml(val);6518 }6519 val = vals["subtotalTop"];6520 if (undefined !== val) {6521 this.subtotalTop = getBoolFromXml(val);6522 }6523 val = vals["dragToRow"];6524 if (undefined !== val) {6525 this.dragToRow = getBoolFromXml(val);6526 }6527 val = vals["dragToCol"];6528 if (undefined !== val) {6529 this.dragToCol = getBoolFromXml(val);6530 }6531 val = vals["multipleItemSelectionAllowed"];6532 if (undefined !== val) {6533 this.multipleItemSelectionAllowed = getBoolFromXml(val);6534 }6535 val = vals["dragToPage"];6536 if (undefined !== val) {6537 this.dragToPage = getBoolFromXml(val);6538 }6539 val = vals["dragToData"];6540 if (undefined !== val) {6541 this.dragToData = getBoolFromXml(val);6542 }6543 val = vals["dragOff"];6544 if (undefined !== val) {6545 this.dragOff = getBoolFromXml(val);6546 }6547 val = vals["showAll"];6548 if (undefined !== val) {6549 this.showAll = getBoolFromXml(val);6550 }6551 val = vals["insertBlankRow"];6552 if (undefined !== val) {6553 this.insertBlankRow = getBoolFromXml(val);6554 }6555 val = vals["serverField"];6556 if (undefined !== val) {6557 this.serverField = getBoolFromXml(val);6558 }6559 val = vals["insertPageBreak"];6560 if (undefined !== val) {6561 this.insertPageBreak = getBoolFromXml(val);6562 }6563 val = vals["autoShow"];6564 if (undefined !== val) {6565 this.autoShow = getBoolFromXml(val);6566 }6567 val = vals["topAutoShow"];6568 if (undefined !== val) {6569 this.topAutoShow = getBoolFromXml(val);6570 }6571 val = vals["hideNewItems"];6572 if (undefined !== val) {6573 this.hideNewItems = getBoolFromXml(val);6574 }6575 val = vals["measureFilter"];6576 if (undefined !== val) {6577 this.measureFilter = getBoolFromXml(val);6578 }6579 val = vals["includeNewItemsInFilter"];6580 if (undefined !== val) {6581 this.includeNewItemsInFilter = getBoolFromXml(val);6582 }6583 val = vals["itemPageCount"];6584 if (undefined !== val) {6585 this.itemPageCount = val - 0;6586 }6587 val = vals["sortType"];6588 if (undefined !== val) {6589 val = FromXml_ST_FieldSortType(val);6590 if (-1 !== val) {6591 this.sortType = val;6592 }6593 }6594 val = vals["dataSourceSort"];6595 if (undefined !== val) {6596 this.dataSourceSort = getBoolFromXml(val);6597 }6598 val = vals["nonAutoSortDefault"];6599 if (undefined !== val) {6600 this.nonAutoSortDefault = getBoolFromXml(val);6601 }6602 val = vals["rankBy"];6603 if (undefined !== val) {6604 this.rankBy = val - 0;6605 }6606 val = vals["defaultSubtotal"];6607 if (undefined !== val) {6608 this.defaultSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6609 }6610 val = vals["sumSubtotal"];6611 if (undefined !== val) {6612 this.sumSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6613 }6614 val = vals["countASubtotal"];6615 if (undefined !== val) {6616 this.countASubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6617 }6618 val = vals["avgSubtotal"];6619 if (undefined !== val) {6620 this.avgSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6621 }6622 val = vals["maxSubtotal"];6623 if (undefined !== val) {6624 this.maxSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6625 }6626 val = vals["minSubtotal"];6627 if (undefined !== val) {6628 this.minSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6629 }6630 val = vals["productSubtotal"];6631 if (undefined !== val) {6632 this.productSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6633 }6634 val = vals["countSubtotal"];6635 if (undefined !== val) {6636 this.countSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6637 }6638 val = vals["stdDevSubtotal"];6639 if (undefined !== val) {6640 this.stdDevSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6641 }6642 val = vals["stdDevPSubtotal"];6643 if (undefined !== val) {6644 this.stdDevPSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6645 }6646 val = vals["varSubtotal"];6647 if (undefined !== val) {6648 this.varSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6649 }6650 val = vals["varPSubtotal"];6651 if (undefined !== val) {6652 this.varPSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);6653 }6654 val = vals["showPropCell"];6655 if (undefined !== val) {6656 this.showPropCell = getBoolFromXml(val);6657 }6658 val = vals["showPropTip"];6659 if (undefined !== val) {6660 this.showPropTip = getBoolFromXml(val);6661 }6662 val = vals["showPropAsCaption"];6663 if (undefined !== val) {6664 this.showPropAsCaption = getBoolFromXml(val);6665 }6666 val = vals["defaultAttributeDrillState"];6667 if (undefined !== val) {6668 this.defaultAttributeDrillState = getBoolFromXml(val);6669 }6670 }6671};6672CT_PivotField.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {6673 var newContext = this;6674 if ("items" === elem) {6675 newContext = new CT_Items();6676 if (newContext.readAttributes) {6677 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);6678 }6679 this.items = newContext;6680 } else if ("autoSortScope" === elem) {6681 newContext = new CT_AutoSortScope();6682 if (newContext.readAttributes) {6683 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);6684 }6685 this.autoSortScope = newContext;6686 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {6687 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();6688 if (newContext.readAttributes) {6689 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);6690 }6691 this.extLst = newContext;6692 } else {6693 newContext = null;6694 }6695 return newContext;6696};6697CT_PivotField.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6698 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6699 if (null !== {6700 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;6701 }6702 if (null !== this.axis) {6703 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("axis", ToXml_ST_Axis(this.axis));6704 }6705 if (null !== this.dataField) {6706 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dataField", this.dataField);6707 }6708 if (null !== this.subtotalCaption) {6709 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("subtotalCaption", this.subtotalCaption);6710 }6711 if (null !== this.showDropDowns) {6712 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showDropDowns", this.showDropDowns);6713 }6714 if (null !== this.hiddenLevel) {6715 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("hiddenLevel", this.hiddenLevel);6716 }6717 if (null !== this.uniqueMemberProperty) {6718 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("uniqueMemberProperty", this.uniqueMemberProperty);6719 }6720 if (null !== this.compact) {6721 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("compact", this.compact);6722 }6723 if (null !== this.allDrilled) {6724 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("allDrilled", this.allDrilled);6725 }6726 if (null !== this.numFmtId) {6727 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("numFmtId", this.numFmtId);6728 }6729 if (null !== this.outline) {6730 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("outline", this.outline);6731 }6732 if (null !== this.subtotalTop) {6733 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("subtotalTop", this.subtotalTop);6734 }6735 if (null !== this.dragToRow) {6736 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dragToRow", this.dragToRow);6737 }6738 if (null !== this.dragToCol) {6739 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dragToCol", this.dragToCol);6740 }6741 if (null !== this.multipleItemSelectionAllowed) {6742 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("multipleItemSelectionAllowed", this.multipleItemSelectionAllowed);6743 }6744 if (null !== this.dragToPage) {6745 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dragToPage", this.dragToPage);6746 }6747 if (null !== this.dragToData) {6748 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dragToData", this.dragToData);6749 }6750 if (null !== this.dragOff) {6751 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dragOff", this.dragOff);6752 }6753 if (null !== this.showAll) {6754 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showAll", this.showAll);6755 }6756 if (null !== this.insertBlankRow) {6757 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("insertBlankRow", this.insertBlankRow);6758 }6759 if (null !== this.serverField) {6760 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("serverField", this.serverField);6761 }6762 if (null !== this.insertPageBreak) {6763 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("insertPageBreak", this.insertPageBreak);6764 }6765 if (null !== this.autoShow) {6766 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("autoShow", this.autoShow);6767 }6768 if (null !== this.topAutoShow) {6769 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("topAutoShow", this.topAutoShow);6770 }6771 if (null !== this.hideNewItems) {6772 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("hideNewItems", this.hideNewItems);6773 }6774 if (null !== this.measureFilter) {6775 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("measureFilter", this.measureFilter);6776 }6777 if (null !== this.includeNewItemsInFilter) {6778 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("includeNewItemsInFilter", this.includeNewItemsInFilter);6779 }6780 if (null !== this.itemPageCount) {6781 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("itemPageCount", this.itemPageCount);6782 }6783 if (null !== this.sortType) {6784 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("sortType", ToXml_ST_FieldSortType(this.sortType));6785 }6786 if (null !== this.dataSourceSort) {6787 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dataSourceSort", this.dataSourceSort);6788 }6789 if (null !== this.nonAutoSortDefault) {6790 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("nonAutoSortDefault", this.nonAutoSortDefault);6791 }6792 if (null !== this.rankBy) {6793 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("rankBy", this.rankBy);6794 }6795 if (null !== this.defaultSubtotal) {6796 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("defaultSubtotal", this.defaultSubtotal);6797 }6798 if (null !== this.sumSubtotal) {6799 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("sumSubtotal", this.sumSubtotal);6800 }6801 if (null !== this.countASubtotal) {6802 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("countASubtotal", this.countASubtotal);6803 }6804 if (null !== this.avgSubtotal) {6805 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("avgSubtotal", this.avgSubtotal);6806 }6807 if (null !== this.maxSubtotal) {6808 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("maxSubtotal", this.maxSubtotal);6809 }6810 if (null !== this.minSubtotal) {6811 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("minSubtotal", this.minSubtotal);6812 }6813 if (null !== this.productSubtotal) {6814 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("productSubtotal", this.productSubtotal);6815 }6816 if (null !== this.countSubtotal) {6817 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("countSubtotal", this.countSubtotal);6818 }6819 if (null !== this.stdDevSubtotal) {6820 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("stdDevSubtotal", this.stdDevSubtotal);6821 }6822 if (null !== this.stdDevPSubtotal) {6823 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("stdDevPSubtotal", this.stdDevPSubtotal);6824 }6825 if (null !== this.varSubtotal) {6826 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("varSubtotal", this.varSubtotal);6827 }6828 if (null !== this.varPSubtotal) {6829 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("varPSubtotal", this.varPSubtotal);6830 }6831 if (null !== this.showPropCell) {6832 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showPropCell", this.showPropCell);6833 }6834 if (null !== this.showPropTip) {6835 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showPropTip", this.showPropTip);6836 }6837 if (null !== this.showPropAsCaption) {6838 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showPropAsCaption", this.showPropAsCaption);6839 }6840 if (null !== this.defaultAttributeDrillState) {6841 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("defaultAttributeDrillState", this.defaultAttributeDrillState);6842 }6843 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);6844 if (null !== this.items) {6845 this.items.toXml(writer, "items");6846 }6847 if (null !== this.autoSortScope) {6848 this.autoSortScope.toXml(writer, "autoSortScope");6849 }6850 if (null !== this.extLst) {6851 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");6852 }6853 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);6854};6855CT_PivotField.prototype.asc_getName = function () {6856 return;6857};6858CT_PivotField.prototype.asc_getSubtotalTop = function () {6859 return null !== this.subtotalTop ? this.subtotalTop : true;6860};6861CT_PivotField.prototype.asc_getSubtotals = function () {6862 var res = null;6863 if (null === this.defaultSubtotal || this.defaultSubtotal) {6864 res = [];6865 if (this.sumSubtotal) {6866 res.push(c_oAscItemType.Sum);6867 }6868 if (this.countASubtotal) {6869 res.push(c_oAscItemType.CountA);6870 }6871 if (this.avgSubtotal) {6872 res.push(c_oAscItemType.Avg);6873 }6874 if (this.maxSubtotal) {6875 res.push(c_oAscItemType.Max);6876 }6877 if (this.minSubtotal) {6878 res.push(c_oAscItemType.Min);6879 }6880 if (this.productSubtotal) {6881 res.push(c_oAscItemType.Product);6882 }6883 if (this.countSubtotal) {6884 res.push(c_oAscItemType.Count);6885 }6886 if (this.stdDevSubtotal) {6887 res.push(c_oAscItemType.StdDev);6888 }6889 if (this.stdDevPSubtotal) {6890 res.push(c_oAscItemType.StdDevP);6891 }6892 if (this.varSubtotal) {6893 res.push(c_oAscItemType.Var);6894 }6895 if (this.varPSubtotal) {6896 res.push(c_oAscItemType.VarP);6897 }6898 }6899 return res;6900};6901CT_PivotField.prototype.getItem = function (index) {6902 return this.items && this.items.item[index];6903};6904function CT_Field() {6905//Attributes6906 this.x = null;6907}6908CT_Field.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6909 if (attr()) {6910 var vals = attr();6911 var val;6912 val = vals["x"];6913 if (undefined !== val) {6914 this.x = val - 0;6915 }6916 }6917};6918CT_Field.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6919 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6920 if (null !== this.x) {6921 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("x", this.x);6922 }6923 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);6924};6925CT_Field.prototype.asc_getIndex = function () {6926 return this.x || 0;6927};6928function CT_I() {6929//Attributes6930 this.t = null;//data6931 this.r = null;//06932 this.i = null;//06933//Members6934 this.x = [];6935}6936CT_I.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {6937 if (attr()) {6938 var vals = attr();6939 var val;6940 val = vals["t"];6941 if (undefined !== val) {6942 val = FromXml_ST_ItemType(val);6943 if (-1 !== val) {6944 this.t = val;6945 }6946 }6947 val = vals["r"];6948 if (undefined !== val) {6949 this.r = val - 0;6950 }6951 val = vals["i"];6952 if (undefined !== val) {6953 this.i = val - 0;6954 }6955 }6956};6957CT_I.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {6958 var newContext = this;6959 if ("x" === elem) {6960 newContext = new CT_X();6961 if (newContext.readAttributes) {6962 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);6963 }6964 this.x.push(newContext);6965 } else {6966 newContext = null;6967 }6968 return newContext;6969};6970CT_I.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {6971 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);6972 if (null !== this.t) {6973 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("t", ToXml_ST_ItemType(this.t));6974 }6975 if (null !== this.r) {6976 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("r", this.r);6977 }6978 if (null !== this.i) {6979 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("i", this.i);6980 }6981 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);6982 for (var i = 0; i < this.x.length; ++i) {6983 var elem = this.x[i];6984 elem.toXml(writer, "x");6985 }6986 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);6987};6988CT_I.prototype.getR = function () {6989 return this.r || 0;6990};6991function CT_PageField() {6992//Attributes6993 this.fld = null;6994 this.item = null;6995 this.hier = null;6996 = null;6997 this.cap = null;6998//Members6999 this.extLst = null;7000}7001CT_PageField.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7002 if (attr()) {7003 var vals = attr();7004 var val;7005 val = vals["fld"];7006 if (undefined !== val) {7007 this.fld = val - 0;7008 }7009 val = vals["item"];7010 if (undefined !== val) {7011 this.item = val - 0;7012 }7013 val = vals["hier"];7014 if (undefined !== val) {7015 this.hier = val - 0;7016 }7017 val = vals["name"];7018 if (undefined !== val) {7019 = uq(val);7020 }7021 val = vals["cap"];7022 if (undefined !== val) {7023 this.cap = uq(val);7024 }7025 }7026};7027CT_PageField.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7028 var newContext = this;7029 if ("extLst" === elem) {7030 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();7031 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7032 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7033 }7034 this.extLst = newContext;7035 } else {7036 newContext = null;7037 }7038 return newContext;7039};7040CT_PageField.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7041 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7042 if (null !== this.fld) {7043 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("fld", this.fld);7044 }7045 if (null !== this.item) {7046 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("item", this.item);7047 }7048 if (null !== this.hier) {7049 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("hier", this.hier);7050 }7051 if (null !== {7052 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;7053 }7054 if (null !== this.cap) {7055 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("cap", this.cap);7056 }7057 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);7058 if (null !== this.extLst) {7059 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");7060 }7061 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);7062};7063CT_PageField.prototype.asc_getName = function () {7064 return;7065};7066CT_PageField.prototype.asc_getIndex = function () {7067 return this.fld;7068};7069function CT_DataField() {7070//Attributes7071 = null;7072 this.fld = null;7073 this.subtotal = null;//sum7074 this.showDataAs = null;//normal7075 this.baseField = null;//-17076 this.baseItem = null;//10488327077 this.numFmtId = null;7078//Members7079 this.extLst = null;7080}7081CT_DataField.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7082 if (attr()) {7083 var vals = attr();7084 var val;7085 val = vals["name"];7086 if (undefined !== val) {7087 = uq(val);7088 }7089 val = vals["fld"];7090 if (undefined !== val) {7091 this.fld = val - 0;7092 }7093 val = vals["subtotal"];7094 if (undefined !== val) {7095 val = FromXml_ST_DataConsolidateFunction(val);7096 if (-1 !== val) {7097 this.subtotal = val;7098 }7099 }7100 val = vals["showDataAs"];7101 if (undefined !== val) {7102 val = FromXml_ST_ShowDataAs(val);7103 if (-1 !== val) {7104 this.showDataAs = val;7105 }7106 }7107 val = vals["baseField"];7108 if (undefined !== val) {7109 this.baseField = val - 0;7110 }7111 val = vals["baseItem"];7112 if (undefined !== val) {7113 this.baseItem = val - 0;7114 }7115 val = vals["numFmtId"];7116 if (undefined !== val) {7117 this.numFmtId = val - 0;7118 }7119 }7120};7121CT_DataField.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7122 var newContext = this;7123 if ("extLst" === elem) {7124 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();7125 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7126 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7127 }7128 this.extLst = newContext;7129 } else {7130 newContext = null;7131 }7132 return newContext;7133};7134CT_DataField.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7135 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7136 if (null !== {7137 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;7138 }7139 if (null !== this.fld) {7140 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("fld", this.fld);7141 }7142 if (null !== this.subtotal) {7143 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("subtotal", ToXml_ST_DataConsolidateFunction(this.subtotal));7144 }7145 if (null !== this.showDataAs) {7146 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("showDataAs", ToXml_ST_ShowDataAs(this.showDataAs));7147 }7148 if (null !== this.baseField) {7149 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("baseField", this.baseField);7150 }7151 if (null !== this.baseItem) {7152 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("baseItem", this.baseItem);7153 }7154 if (null !== this.numFmtId) {7155 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("numFmtId", this.numFmtId);7156 }7157 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);7158 if (null !== this.extLst) {7159 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");7160 }7161 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);7162};7163CT_DataField.prototype.asc_getName = function () {7164 return;7165};7166CT_DataField.prototype.asc_getIndex = function () {7167 return this.fld;7168};7169CT_DataField.prototype.asc_getSubtotal = function () {7170 return null !== this.subtotal ? this.subtotal : c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction.Sum;7171};7172CT_DataField.prototype.asc_getShowDataAs = function () {7173 return null !== this.showDataAs ? this.showDataAs : c_oAscShowDataAs.Normal;7174};7175CT_DataField.prototype.asc_set = function (api, pivot, newVal) {7176 var t = this;7177 api._changePivotStyle(pivot, function (ws) {7178 if (null !== && !== {7179 t.asc_setName(;7180 }7181 if (null !== newVal.subtotal && t.subtotal !== newVal.subtotal) {7182 t.asc_setSubtotal(newVal.subtotal);7183 }7184 ws.clearPivotTable(pivot);7185 ws.updatePivotTable(pivot);7186 });7187};7188CT_DataField.prototype.asc_setName = function(newVal) {7189 = newVal;7190};7191CT_DataField.prototype.asc_setSubtotal = function(newVal) {7192 this.subtotal = newVal;7193};7194function CT_Format() {7195//Attributes7196 this.action = null;//formatting7197 this.dxfId = null;7198//Members7199 this.pivotArea = null;7200 this.extLst = null;7201}7202CT_Format.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7203 if (attr()) {7204 var vals = attr();7205 var val;7206 val = vals["action"];7207 if (undefined !== val) {7208 val = FromXml_ST_FormatAction(val);7209 if (-1 !== val) {7210 this.action = val;7211 }7212 }7213 val = vals["dxfId"];7214 if (undefined !== val) {7215 this.dxfId = val - 0;7216 }7217 }7218};7219CT_Format.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7220 var newContext = this;7221 if ("pivotArea" === elem) {7222 newContext = new CT_PivotArea();7223 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7224 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7225 }7226 this.pivotArea = newContext;7227 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {7228 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();7229 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7230 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7231 }7232 this.extLst = newContext;7233 } else {7234 newContext = null;7235 }7236 return newContext;7237};7238CT_Format.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7239 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7240 if (null !== this.action) {7241 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("action", ToXml_ST_FormatAction(this.action));7242 }7243 //todo7244 // if (null !== this.dxfId) {7245 // writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("dxfId", this.dxfId);7246 // }7247 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);7248 if (null !== this.pivotArea) {7249 this.pivotArea.toXml(writer, "pivotArea");7250 }7251 if (null !== this.extLst) {7252 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");7253 }7254 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);7255};7256function CT_ConditionalFormat() {7257//Attributes7258 this.scope = null;//selection7259 this.type = null;//none7260 this.priority = null;7261//Members7262 this.pivotAreas = null;7263 this.extLst = null;7264}7265CT_ConditionalFormat.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7266 if (attr()) {7267 var vals = attr();7268 var val;7269 val = vals["scope"];7270 if (undefined !== val) {7271 val = FromXml_ST_Scope(val);7272 if (-1 !== val) {7273 this.scope = val;7274 }7275 }7276 val = vals["type"];7277 if (undefined !== val) {7278 val = FromXml_ST_Type(val);7279 if (-1 !== val) {7280 this.type = val;7281 }7282 }7283 val = vals["priority"];7284 if (undefined !== val) {7285 this.priority = val - 0;7286 }7287 }7288};7289CT_ConditionalFormat.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7290 var newContext = this;7291 if ("pivotAreas" === elem) {7292 newContext = new CT_PivotAreas();7293 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7294 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7295 }7296 this.pivotAreas = newContext;7297 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {7298 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();7299 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7300 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7301 }7302 this.extLst = newContext;7303 } else {7304 newContext = null;7305 }7306 return newContext;7307};7308CT_ConditionalFormat.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7309 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7310 if (null !== this.scope) {7311 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("scope", ToXml_ST_Scope(this.scope));7312 }7313 if (null !== this.type) {7314 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("type", ToXml_ST_Type(this.type));7315 }7316 if (null !== this.priority) {7317 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("priority", this.priority);7318 }7319 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);7320 if (null !== this.pivotAreas) {7321 this.pivotAreas.toXml(writer, "pivotAreas");7322 }7323 if (null !== this.extLst) {7324 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");7325 }7326 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);7327};7328function CT_ChartFormat() {7329//Attributes7330 this.chart = null;7331 this.format = null;7332 this.series = null;//false7333//Members7334 this.pivotArea = null;7335}7336CT_ChartFormat.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7337 if (attr()) {7338 var vals = attr();7339 var val;7340 val = vals["chart"];7341 if (undefined !== val) {7342 this.chart = val - 0;7343 }7344 val = vals["format"];7345 if (undefined !== val) {7346 this.format = val - 0;7347 }7348 val = vals["series"];7349 if (undefined !== val) {7350 this.series = getBoolFromXml(val);7351 }7352 }7353};7354CT_ChartFormat.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7355 var newContext = this;7356 if ("pivotArea" === elem) {7357 newContext = new CT_PivotArea();7358 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7359 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7360 }7361 this.pivotArea = newContext;7362 } else {7363 newContext = null;7364 }7365 return newContext;7366};7367CT_ChartFormat.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7368 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7369 if (null !== this.chart) {7370 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("chart", this.chart);7371 }7372 if (null !== this.format) {7373 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("format", this.format);7374 }7375 if (null !== this.series) {7376 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("series", this.series);7377 }7378 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);7379 if (null !== this.pivotArea) {7380 this.pivotArea.toXml(writer, "pivotArea");7381 }7382 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);7383};7384function CT_PivotHierarchy() {7385//Attributes7386 this.outline = null;//false7387 this.multipleItemSelectionAllowed = null;//false7388 this.subtotalTop = null;//false7389 this.showInFieldList = null;//true7390 this.dragToRow = null;//true7391 this.dragToCol = null;//true7392 this.dragToPage = null;//true7393 this.dragToData = null;//false7394 this.dragOff = null;//true7395 this.includeNewItemsInFilter = null;//false7396 this.caption = null;7397//Members7398 this.mps = null;7399 this.members = [];7400 this.extLst = null;7401}7402CT_PivotHierarchy.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7403 if (attr()) {7404 var vals = attr();7405 var val;7406 val = vals["outline"];7407 if (undefined !== val) {7408 this.outline = getBoolFromXml(val);7409 }7410 val = vals["multipleItemSelectionAllowed"];7411 if (undefined !== val) {7412 this.multipleItemSelectionAllowed = getBoolFromXml(val);7413 }7414 val = vals["subtotalTop"];7415 if (undefined !== val) {7416 this.subtotalTop = getBoolFromXml(val);7417 }7418 val = vals["showInFieldList"];7419 if (undefined !== val) {7420 this.showInFieldList = getBoolFromXml(val);7421 }7422 val = vals["dragToRow"];7423 if (undefined !== val) {7424 this.dragToRow = getBoolFromXml(val);7425 }7426 val = vals["dragToCol"];7427 if (undefined !== val) {7428 this.dragToCol = getBoolFromXml(val);7429 }7430 val = vals["dragToPage"];7431 if (undefined !== val) {7432 this.dragToPage = getBoolFromXml(val);7433 }7434 val = vals["dragToData"];7435 if (undefined !== val) {7436 this.dragToData = getBoolFromXml(val);7437 }7438 val = vals["dragOff"];7439 if (undefined !== val) {7440 this.dragOff = getBoolFromXml(val);7441 }7442 val = vals["includeNewItemsInFilter"];7443 if (undefined !== val) {7444 this.includeNewItemsInFilter = getBoolFromXml(val);7445 }7446 val = vals["caption"];7447 if (undefined !== val) {7448 this.caption = uq(val);7449 }7450 }7451};7452CT_PivotHierarchy.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7453 var newContext = this;7454 if ("mps" === elem) {7455 newContext = new CT_MemberProperties();7456 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7457 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7458 }7459 this.mps = newContext;7460 } else if ("members" === elem) {7461 newContext = new CT_Members();7462 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7463 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7464 }7465 this.members.push(newContext);7466 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {7467 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();7468 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7469 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7470 }7471 this.extLst = newContext;7472 } else {7473 newContext = null;7474 }7475 return newContext;7476};7477CT_PivotHierarchy.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7478 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7479 if (null !== this.outline) {7480 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("outline", this.outline);7481 }7482 if (null !== this.multipleItemSelectionAllowed) {7483 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("multipleItemSelectionAllowed", this.multipleItemSelectionAllowed);7484 }7485 if (null !== this.subtotalTop) {7486 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("subtotalTop", this.subtotalTop);7487 }7488 if (null !== this.showInFieldList) {7489 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showInFieldList", this.showInFieldList);7490 }7491 if (null !== this.dragToRow) {7492 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dragToRow", this.dragToRow);7493 }7494 if (null !== this.dragToCol) {7495 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dragToCol", this.dragToCol);7496 }7497 if (null !== this.dragToPage) {7498 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dragToPage", this.dragToPage);7499 }7500 if (null !== this.dragToData) {7501 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dragToData", this.dragToData);7502 }7503 if (null !== this.dragOff) {7504 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dragOff", this.dragOff);7505 }7506 if (null !== this.includeNewItemsInFilter) {7507 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("includeNewItemsInFilter", this.includeNewItemsInFilter);7508 }7509 if (null !== this.caption) {7510 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("caption", this.caption);7511 }7512 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);7513 if (null !== this.mps) {7514 this.mps.toXml(writer, "mps");7515 }7516 for (var i = 0; i < this.members.length; ++i) {7517 var elem = this.members[i];7518 elem.toXml(writer, "members");7519 }7520 if (null !== this.extLst) {7521 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");7522 }7523 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);7524};7525function CT_PivotFilter() {7526//Attributes7527 this.fld = null;7528 this.mpFld = null;7529 this.type = null;7530 this.evalOrder = null;//07531 = null;7532 this.iMeasureHier = null;7533 this.iMeasureFld = null;7534 = null;7535 this.description = null;7536 this.stringValue1 = null;7537 this.stringValue2 = null;7538//Members7539 this.autoFilter = null;7540 this.extLst = null;7541}7542CT_PivotFilter.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7543 if (attr()) {7544 var vals = attr();7545 var val;7546 val = vals["fld"];7547 if (undefined !== val) {7548 this.fld = val - 0;7549 }7550 val = vals["mpFld"];7551 if (undefined !== val) {7552 this.mpFld = val - 0;7553 }7554 val = vals["type"];7555 if (undefined !== val) {7556 val = FromXml_ST_PivotFilterType(val);7557 if (-1 !== val) {7558 this.type = val;7559 }7560 }7561 val = vals["evalOrder"];7562 if (undefined !== val) {7563 this.evalOrder = val - 0;7564 }7565 val = vals["id"];7566 if (undefined !== val) {7567 = val - 0;7568 }7569 val = vals["iMeasureHier"];7570 if (undefined !== val) {7571 this.iMeasureHier = val - 0;7572 }7573 val = vals["iMeasureFld"];7574 if (undefined !== val) {7575 this.iMeasureFld = val - 0;7576 }7577 val = vals["name"];7578 if (undefined !== val) {7579 = uq(val);7580 }7581 val = vals["description"];7582 if (undefined !== val) {7583 this.description = uq(val);7584 }7585 val = vals["stringValue1"];7586 if (undefined !== val) {7587 this.stringValue1 = uq(val);7588 }7589 val = vals["stringValue2"];7590 if (undefined !== val) {7591 this.stringValue2 = uq(val);7592 }7593 }7594};7595CT_PivotFilter.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7596 var newContext = this;7597 if ("autoFilter" === elem) {7598 newContext = new CT_AutoFilter();7599 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7600 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7601 }7602 this.autoFilter = newContext;7603 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {7604 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();7605 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7606 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7607 }7608 this.extLst = newContext;7609 } else {7610 newContext = null;7611 }7612 return newContext;7613};7614CT_PivotFilter.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7615 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7616 if (null !== this.fld) {7617 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("fld", this.fld);7618 }7619 if (null !== this.mpFld) {7620 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("mpFld", this.mpFld);7621 }7622 if (null !== this.type) {7623 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("type", ToXml_ST_PivotFilterType(this.type));7624 }7625 if (null !== this.evalOrder) {7626 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("evalOrder", this.evalOrder);7627 }7628 if (null !== {7629 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("id",;7630 }7631 if (null !== this.iMeasureHier) {7632 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("iMeasureHier", this.iMeasureHier);7633 }7634 if (null !== this.iMeasureFld) {7635 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("iMeasureFld", this.iMeasureFld);7636 }7637 if (null !== {7638 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;7639 }7640 if (null !== this.description) {7641 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("description", this.description);7642 }7643 if (null !== this.stringValue1) {7644 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("stringValue1", this.stringValue1);7645 }7646 if (null !== this.stringValue2) {7647 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("stringValue2", this.stringValue2);7648 }7649 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);7650 if (null !== this.autoFilter) {7651 this.autoFilter.toXml(writer, "autoFilter");7652 }7653 if (null !== this.extLst) {7654 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");7655 }7656 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);7657};7658function CT_HierarchyUsage() {7659//Attributes7660 this.hierarchyUsage = null;7661}7662CT_HierarchyUsage.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7663 if (attr()) {7664 var vals = attr();7665 var val;7666 val = vals["hierarchyUsage"];7667 if (undefined !== val) {7668 this.hierarchyUsage = val - 0;7669 }7670 }7671};7672CT_HierarchyUsage.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7673 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7674 if (null !== this.hierarchyUsage) {7675 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("hierarchyUsage", this.hierarchyUsage);7676 }7677 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);7678};7679function CT_Pages() {7680//Attributes7681 this.count = null;7682//Members7683 = [];7684}7685CT_Pages.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7686 if (attr()) {7687 var vals = attr();7688 var val;7689 val = vals["count"];7690 if (undefined !== val) {7691 this.count = val - 0;7692 }7693 }7694};7695CT_Pages.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7696 var newContext = this;7697 if ("page" === elem) {7698 newContext = new CT_PCDSCPage();7699 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7700 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7701 }7702;7703 } else {7704 newContext = null;7705 }7706 return newContext;7707};7708CT_Pages.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7709 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7710 if (null !== this.count) {7711 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);7712 }7713 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);7714 for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) {7715 var elem =[i];7716 elem.toXml(writer, "page");7717 }7718 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);7719};7720function CT_RangeSets() {7721//Attributes7722 this.count = null;7723//Members7724 this.rangeSet = [];7725}7726CT_RangeSets.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7727 if (attr()) {7728 var vals = attr();7729 var val;7730 val = vals["count"];7731 if (undefined !== val) {7732 this.count = val - 0;7733 }7734 }7735};7736CT_RangeSets.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7737 var newContext = this;7738 if ("rangeSet" === elem) {7739 newContext = new CT_RangeSet();7740 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7741 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7742 }7743 this.rangeSet.push(newContext);7744 } else {7745 newContext = null;7746 }7747 return newContext;7748};7749CT_RangeSets.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7750 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7751 if (null !== this.count) {7752 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);7753 }7754 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);7755 for (var i = 0; i < this.rangeSet.length; ++i) {7756 var elem = this.rangeSet[i];7757 elem.toXml(writer, "rangeSet");7758 }7759 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);7760};7761function CT_SharedItems() {7762//Attributes7763 this.containsSemiMixedTypes = null;//true7764 this.containsNonDate = null;//true7765 this.containsDate = null;//false7766 this.containsString = null;//true7767 this.containsBlank = null;//false7768 this.containsMixedTypes = null;//false7769 this.containsNumber = null;//false7770 this.containsInteger = null;//false7771 this.minValue = null;7772 this.maxValue = null;7773 this.minDate = null;7774 this.maxDate = null;7775 this.count = null;7776 this.longText = null;//false7777//Members7778 this.Items = new PivotRecords();7779}7780CT_SharedItems.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7781 if (attr()) {7782 var vals = attr();7783 var val;7784 val = vals["containsSemiMixedTypes"];7785 if (undefined !== val) {7786 this.containsSemiMixedTypes = getBoolFromXml(val);7787 }7788 val = vals["containsNonDate"];7789 if (undefined !== val) {7790 this.containsNonDate = getBoolFromXml(val);7791 }7792 val = vals["containsDate"];7793 if (undefined !== val) {7794 this.containsDate = getBoolFromXml(val);7795 }7796 val = vals["containsString"];7797 if (undefined !== val) {7798 this.containsString = getBoolFromXml(val);7799 }7800 val = vals["containsBlank"];7801 if (undefined !== val) {7802 this.containsBlank = getBoolFromXml(val);7803 }7804 val = vals["containsMixedTypes"];7805 if (undefined !== val) {7806 this.containsMixedTypes = getBoolFromXml(val);7807 }7808 val = vals["containsNumber"];7809 if (undefined !== val) {7810 this.containsNumber = getBoolFromXml(val);7811 }7812 val = vals["containsInteger"];7813 if (undefined !== val) {7814 this.containsInteger = getBoolFromXml(val);7815 }7816 val = vals["minValue"];7817 if (undefined !== val) {7818 this.minValue = val - 0;7819 }7820 val = vals["maxValue"];7821 if (undefined !== val) {7822 this.maxValue = val - 0;7823 }7824 val = vals["minDate"];7825 if (undefined !== val) {7826 this.minDate = uq(val);7827 }7828 val = vals["maxDate"];7829 if (undefined !== val) {7830 this.maxDate = uq(val);7831 }7832 val = vals["count"];7833 if (undefined !== val) {7834 this.count = val - 0;7835 this.Items.setStartCount(this.count);7836 }7837 val = vals["longText"];7838 if (undefined !== val) {7839 this.longText = getBoolFromXml(val);7840 }7841 }7842};7843CT_SharedItems.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7844 var newContext = this;7845 var newContextCandidate = this.Items.onStartNode(elem, attr, uq);7846 if (newContextCandidate) {7847 newContext = newContextCandidate;7848 } else {7849 newContext = null;7850 }7851 return newContext;7852};7853CT_SharedItems.prototype.onEndNode = function(prevContext, elem) {7854 this.Items.onEndNode(prevContext, elem);7855};7856CT_SharedItems.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7857 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7858 if (null !== this.containsSemiMixedTypes) {7859 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("containsSemiMixedTypes", this.containsSemiMixedTypes);7860 }7861 if (null !== this.containsNonDate) {7862 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("containsNonDate", this.containsNonDate);7863 }7864 if (null !== this.containsDate) {7865 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("containsDate", this.containsDate);7866 }7867 if (null !== this.containsString) {7868 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("containsString", this.containsString);7869 }7870 if (null !== this.containsBlank) {7871 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("containsBlank", this.containsBlank);7872 }7873 if (null !== this.containsMixedTypes) {7874 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("containsMixedTypes", this.containsMixedTypes);7875 }7876 if (null !== this.containsNumber) {7877 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("containsNumber", this.containsNumber);7878 }7879 if (null !== this.containsInteger) {7880 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("containsInteger", this.containsInteger);7881 }7882 if (null !== this.minValue) {7883 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("minValue", this.minValue);7884 }7885 if (null !== this.maxValue) {7886 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("maxValue", this.maxValue);7887 }7888 if (null !== this.minDate) {7889 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("minDate", this.minDate);7890 }7891 if (null !== this.maxDate) {7892 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("maxDate", this.maxDate);7893 }7894 if (null !== this.count) {7895 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);7896 }7897 if (null !== this.longText) {7898 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("longText", this.longText);7899 }7900 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);7901 this.Items.toXml(writer);7902 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);7903};7904function CT_FieldGroup() {7905//Attributes7906 this.par = null;7907 this.base = null;7908//Members7909 this.rangePr = null;7910 this.discretePr = null;7911 this.groupItems = null;7912}7913CT_FieldGroup.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7914 if (attr()) {7915 var vals = attr();7916 var val;7917 val = vals["par"];7918 if (undefined !== val) {7919 this.par = val - 0;7920 }7921 val = vals["base"];7922 if (undefined !== val) {7923 this.base = val - 0;7924 }7925 }7926};7927CT_FieldGroup.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7928 var newContext = this;7929 if ("rangePr" === elem) {7930 newContext = new CT_RangePr();7931 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7932 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7933 }7934 this.rangePr = newContext;7935 } else if ("discretePr" === elem) {7936 newContext = new CT_DiscretePr();7937 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7938 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7939 }7940 this.discretePr = newContext;7941 } else if ("groupItems" === elem) {7942 newContext = new CT_GroupItems();7943 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7944 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7945 }7946 this.groupItems = newContext;7947 } else {7948 newContext = null;7949 }7950 return newContext;7951};7952CT_FieldGroup.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {7953 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);7954 if (null !== this.par) {7955 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("par", this.par);7956 }7957 if (null !== this.base) {7958 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("base", this.base);7959 }7960 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);7961 if (null !== this.rangePr) {7962 this.rangePr.toXml(writer, "rangePr");7963 }7964 if (null !== this.discretePr) {7965 this.discretePr.toXml(writer, "discretePr");7966 }7967 if (null !== this.groupItems) {7968 this.groupItems.toXml(writer, "groupItems");7969 }7970 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);7971};7972function CT_FieldsUsage() {7973//Attributes7974 this.count = null;7975//Members7976 this.fieldUsage = [];7977}7978CT_FieldsUsage.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {7979 if (attr()) {7980 var vals = attr();7981 var val;7982 val = vals["count"];7983 if (undefined !== val) {7984 this.count = val - 0;7985 }7986 }7987};7988CT_FieldsUsage.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {7989 var newContext = this;7990 if ("fieldUsage" === elem) {7991 newContext = new CT_FieldUsage();7992 if (newContext.readAttributes) {7993 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);7994 }7995 this.fieldUsage.push(newContext);7996 } else {7997 newContext = null;7998 }7999 return newContext;8000};8001CT_FieldsUsage.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8002 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8003 if (null !== this.count) {8004 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);8005 }8006 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8007 for (var i = 0; i < this.fieldUsage.length; ++i) {8008 var elem = this.fieldUsage[i];8009 elem.toXml(writer, "fieldUsage");8010 }8011 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8012};8013function CT_GroupLevels() {8014//Attributes8015 this.count = null;8016//Members8017 this.groupLevel = [];8018}8019CT_GroupLevels.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8020 if (attr()) {8021 var vals = attr();8022 var val;8023 val = vals["count"];8024 if (undefined !== val) {8025 this.count = val - 0;8026 }8027 }8028};8029CT_GroupLevels.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8030 var newContext = this;8031 if ("groupLevel" === elem) {8032 newContext = new CT_GroupLevel();8033 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8034 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8035 }8036 this.groupLevel.push(newContext);8037 } else {8038 newContext = null;8039 }8040 return newContext;8041};8042CT_GroupLevels.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8043 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8044 if (null !== this.count) {8045 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);8046 }8047 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8048 for (var i = 0; i < this.groupLevel.length; ++i) {8049 var elem = this.groupLevel[i];8050 elem.toXml(writer, "groupLevel");8051 }8052 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8053};8054function CT_Set() {8055//Attributes8056 this.count = null;8057 this.maxRank = null;8058 this.setDefinition = null;8059 this.sortType = null;//none8060 this.queryFailed = null;//false8061//Members8062 this.tpls = [];8063 this.sortByTuple = null;8064}8065CT_Set.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8066 if (attr()) {8067 var vals = attr();8068 var val;8069 val = vals["count"];8070 if (undefined !== val) {8071 this.count = val - 0;8072 }8073 val = vals["maxRank"];8074 if (undefined !== val) {8075 this.maxRank = val - 0;8076 }8077 val = vals["setDefinition"];8078 if (undefined !== val) {8079 this.setDefinition = uq(val);8080 }8081 val = vals["sortType"];8082 if (undefined !== val) {8083 val = FromXml_ST_SortType(val);8084 if (-1 !== val) {8085 this.sortType = val;8086 }8087 }8088 val = vals["queryFailed"];8089 if (undefined !== val) {8090 this.queryFailed = getBoolFromXml(val);8091 }8092 }8093};8094CT_Set.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8095 var newContext = this;8096 if ("tpls" === elem) {8097 newContext = new CT_Tuples();8098 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8099 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8100 }8101 this.tpls.push(newContext);8102 } else if ("sortByTuple" === elem) {8103 newContext = new CT_Tuples();8104 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8105 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8106 }8107 this.sortByTuple = newContext;8108 } else {8109 newContext = null;8110 }8111 return newContext;8112};8113CT_Set.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8114 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8115 if (null !== this.count) {8116 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);8117 }8118 if (null !== this.maxRank) {8119 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("maxRank", this.maxRank);8120 }8121 if (null !== this.setDefinition) {8122 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("setDefinition", this.setDefinition);8123 }8124 if (null !== this.sortType) {8125 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("sortType", ToXml_ST_SortType(this.sortType));8126 }8127 if (null !== this.queryFailed) {8128 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("queryFailed", this.queryFailed);8129 }8130 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8131 for (var i = 0; i < this.tpls.length; ++i) {8132 var elem = this.tpls[i];8133 elem.toXml(writer, "tpls");8134 }8135 if (null !== this.sortByTuple) {8136 this.sortByTuple.toXml(writer, "sortByTuple");8137 }8138 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8139};8140function CT_Query() {8141//Attributes8142 this.mdx = null;8143//Members8144 this.tpls = null;8145}8146CT_Query.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8147 if (attr()) {8148 var vals = attr();8149 var val;8150 val = vals["mdx"];8151 if (undefined !== val) {8152 this.mdx = uq(val);8153 }8154 }8155};8156CT_Query.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8157 var newContext = this;8158 if ("tpls" === elem) {8159 newContext = new CT_Tuples();8160 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8161 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8162 }8163 this.tpls = newContext;8164 } else {8165 newContext = null;8166 }8167 return newContext;8168};8169CT_Query.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8170 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8171 if (null !== this.mdx) {8172 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("mdx", this.mdx);8173 }8174 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8175 if (null !== this.tpls) {8176 this.tpls.toXml(writer, "tpls");8177 }8178 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8179};8180function CT_ServerFormat() {8181//Attributes8182 this.culture = null;8183 this.format = null;8184}8185CT_ServerFormat.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8186 if (attr()) {8187 var vals = attr();8188 var val;8189 val = vals["culture"];8190 if (undefined !== val) {8191 this.culture = uq(val);8192 }8193 val = vals["format"];8194 if (undefined !== val) {8195 this.format = uq(val);8196 }8197 }8198};8199CT_ServerFormat.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8200 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8201 if (null !== this.culture) {8202 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("culture", this.culture);8203 }8204 if (null !== this.format) {8205 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("format", this.format);8206 }8207 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);8208};8209function CT_PivotArea() {8210//Attributes8211 this.field = null;8212 this.type = null;//normal8213 this.dataOnly = null;//true8214 this.labelOnly = null;//false8215 this.grandRow = null;//false8216 this.grandCol = null;//false8217 this.cacheIndex = null;//false8218 this.outline = null;//true8219 this.offset = null;8220 this.collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals = null;//false8221 this.axis = null;8222 this.fieldPosition = null;8223//Members8224 this.references = null;8225 this.extLst = null;8226}8227CT_PivotArea.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8228 if (attr()) {8229 var vals = attr();8230 var val;8231 val = vals["field"];8232 if (undefined !== val) {8233 this.field = val - 0;8234 }8235 val = vals["type"];8236 if (undefined !== val) {8237 val = FromXml_ST_PivotAreaType(val);8238 if (-1 !== val) {8239 this.type = val;8240 }8241 }8242 val = vals["dataOnly"];8243 if (undefined !== val) {8244 this.dataOnly = getBoolFromXml(val);8245 }8246 val = vals["labelOnly"];8247 if (undefined !== val) {8248 this.labelOnly = getBoolFromXml(val);8249 }8250 val = vals["grandRow"];8251 if (undefined !== val) {8252 this.grandRow = getBoolFromXml(val);8253 }8254 val = vals["grandCol"];8255 if (undefined !== val) {8256 this.grandCol = getBoolFromXml(val);8257 }8258 val = vals["cacheIndex"];8259 if (undefined !== val) {8260 this.cacheIndex = getBoolFromXml(val);8261 }8262 val = vals["outline"];8263 if (undefined !== val) {8264 this.outline = getBoolFromXml(val);8265 }8266 val = vals["offset"];8267 if (undefined !== val) {8268 this.offset = uq(val);8269 }8270 val = vals["collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals"];8271 if (undefined !== val) {8272 this.collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals = getBoolFromXml(val);8273 }8274 val = vals["axis"];8275 if (undefined !== val) {8276 val = FromXml_ST_Axis(val);8277 if (-1 !== val) {8278 this.axis = val;8279 }8280 }8281 val = vals["fieldPosition"];8282 if (undefined !== val) {8283 this.fieldPosition = val - 0;8284 }8285 }8286};8287CT_PivotArea.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8288 var newContext = this;8289 if ("references" === elem) {8290 newContext = new CT_PivotAreaReferences();8291 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8292 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8293 }8294 this.references = newContext;8295 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {8296 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();8297 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8298 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8299 }8300 this.extLst = newContext;8301 } else {8302 newContext = null;8303 }8304 return newContext;8305};8306CT_PivotArea.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8307 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8308 if (null !== this.field) {8309 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("field", this.field);8310 }8311 if (null !== this.type) {8312 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("type", ToXml_ST_PivotAreaType(this.type));8313 }8314 if (null !== this.dataOnly) {8315 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("dataOnly", this.dataOnly);8316 }8317 if (null !== this.labelOnly) {8318 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("labelOnly", this.labelOnly);8319 }8320 if (null !== this.grandRow) {8321 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("grandRow", this.grandRow);8322 }8323 if (null !== this.grandCol) {8324 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("grandCol", this.grandCol);8325 }8326 if (null !== this.cacheIndex) {8327 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("cacheIndex", this.cacheIndex);8328 }8329 if (null !== this.outline) {8330 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("outline", this.outline);8331 }8332 if (null !== this.offset) {8333 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("offset", this.offset);8334 }8335 if (null !== this.collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals) {8336 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals", this.collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals);8337 }8338 if (null !== this.axis) {8339 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("axis", ToXml_ST_Axis(this.axis));8340 }8341 if (null !== this.fieldPosition) {8342 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("fieldPosition", this.fieldPosition);8343 }8344 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8345 if (null !== this.references) {8346 this.references.toXml(writer, "references");8347 }8348 if (null !== this.extLst) {8349 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");8350 }8351 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8352};8353function CT_Tuple() {8354//Attributes8355 this.fld = null;8356 this.hier = null;8357 this.item = null;8358}8359CT_Tuple.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8360 if (attr()) {8361 var vals = attr();8362 var val;8363 val = vals["fld"];8364 if (undefined !== val) {8365 this.fld = val - 0;8366 }8367 val = vals["hier"];8368 if (undefined !== val) {8369 this.hier = val - 0;8370 }8371 val = vals["item"];8372 if (undefined !== val) {8373 this.item = val - 0;8374 }8375 }8376};8377CT_Tuple.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8378 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8379 if (null !== this.fld) {8380 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("fld", this.fld);8381 }8382 if (null !== this.hier) {8383 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("hier", this.hier);8384 }8385 if (null !== this.item) {8386 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("item", this.item);8387 }8388 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);8389};8390function CT_Items() {8391//Attributes8392 this.count = null;8393//Members8394 this.item = [];8395}8396CT_Items.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8397 if (attr()) {8398 var vals = attr();8399 var val;8400 val = vals["count"];8401 if (undefined !== val) {8402 this.count = val - 0;8403 }8404 }8405};8406CT_Items.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8407 var newContext = this;8408 if ("item" === elem) {8409 newContext = new CT_Item();8410 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8411 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8412 }8413 this.item.push(newContext);8414 } else {8415 newContext = null;8416 }8417 return newContext;8418};8419CT_Items.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8420 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8421 if (null !== this.count) {8422 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);8423 }8424 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8425 for (var i = 0; i < this.item.length; ++i) {8426 var elem = this.item[i];8427 elem.toXml(writer, "item");8428 }8429 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8430};8431function CT_AutoSortScope() {8432//Members8433 this.pivotArea = null;8434}8435CT_AutoSortScope.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8436 var newContext = this;8437 if ("pivotArea" === elem) {8438 newContext = new CT_PivotArea();8439 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8440 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8441 }8442 this.pivotArea = newContext;8443 } else {8444 newContext = null;8445 }8446 return newContext;8447};8448CT_AutoSortScope.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8449 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8450 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8451 if (null !== this.pivotArea) {8452 this.pivotArea.toXml(writer, "pivotArea");8453 }8454 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8455};8456function CT_PivotAreas() {8457//Attributes8458 this.count = null;8459//Members8460 this.pivotArea = [];8461}8462CT_PivotAreas.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8463 if (attr()) {8464 var vals = attr();8465 var val;8466 val = vals["count"];8467 if (undefined !== val) {8468 this.count = val - 0;8469 }8470 }8471};8472CT_PivotAreas.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8473 var newContext = this;8474 if ("pivotArea" === elem) {8475 newContext = new CT_PivotArea();8476 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8477 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8478 }8479 this.pivotArea.push(newContext);8480 } else {8481 newContext = null;8482 }8483 return newContext;8484};8485CT_PivotAreas.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8486 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8487 if (null !== this.count) {8488 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);8489 }8490 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8491 for (var i = 0; i < this.pivotArea.length; ++i) {8492 var elem = this.pivotArea[i];8493 elem.toXml(writer, "pivotArea");8494 }8495 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8496};8497function CT_MemberProperties() {8498//Attributes8499 this.count = null;8500//Members8501 = [];8502}8503CT_MemberProperties.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8504 if (attr()) {8505 var vals = attr();8506 var val;8507 val = vals["count"];8508 if (undefined !== val) {8509 this.count = val - 0;8510 }8511 }8512};8513CT_MemberProperties.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8514 var newContext = this;8515 if ("mp" === elem) {8516 newContext = new CT_MemberProperty();8517 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8518 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8519 }8520;8521 } else {8522 newContext = null;8523 }8524 return newContext;8525};8526CT_MemberProperties.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8527 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8528 if (null !== this.count) {8529 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);8530 }8531 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8532 for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) {8533 var elem =[i];8534 elem.toXml(writer, "mp");8535 }8536 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8537};8538function CT_Members() {8539//Attributes8540 this.count = null;8541 this.level = null;8542//Members8543 this.member = [];8544}8545CT_Members.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8546 if (attr()) {8547 var vals = attr();8548 var val;8549 val = vals["count"];8550 if (undefined !== val) {8551 this.count = val - 0;8552 }8553 val = vals["level"];8554 if (undefined !== val) {8555 this.level = val - 0;8556 }8557 }8558};8559CT_Members.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8560 var newContext = this;8561 if ("member" === elem) {8562 newContext = new CT_Member();8563 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8564 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8565 }8566 this.member.push(newContext);8567 } else {8568 newContext = null;8569 }8570 return newContext;8571};8572CT_Members.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8573 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8574 if (null !== this.count) {8575 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);8576 }8577 if (null !== this.level) {8578 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("level", this.level);8579 }8580 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8581 for (var i = 0; i < this.member.length; ++i) {8582 var elem = this.member[i];8583 elem.toXml(writer, "member");8584 }8585 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8586};8587function CT_AutoFilter() {8588//Attributes8589 this.ref = null;8590//Members8591 this.filterColumn = [];8592 this.sortState = null;8593 this.extLst = null;8594}8595CT_AutoFilter.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8596 if (attr()) {8597 var vals = attr();8598 var val;8599 val = vals["ref"];8600 if (undefined !== val) {8601 this.ref = uq(val);8602 }8603 }8604};8605CT_AutoFilter.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8606 var newContext = this;8607 if ("filterColumn" === elem) {8608 newContext = new CT_FilterColumn();8609 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8610 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8611 }8612 this.filterColumn.push(newContext);8613 } else if ("sortState" === elem) {8614 newContext = new CT_SortState();8615 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8616 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8617 }8618 this.sortState = newContext;8619 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {8620 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();8621 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8622 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8623 }8624 this.extLst = newContext;8625 } else {8626 newContext = null;8627 }8628 return newContext;8629};8630CT_AutoFilter.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8631 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8632 if (null !== this.ref) {8633 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("ref", this.ref);8634 }8635 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8636 for (var i = 0; i < this.filterColumn.length; ++i) {8637 var elem = this.filterColumn[i];8638 elem.toXml(writer, "filterColumn");8639 }8640 if (null !== this.sortState) {8641 this.sortState.toXml(writer, "sortState");8642 }8643 if (null !== this.extLst) {8644 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");8645 }8646 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8647};8648function CT_PCDSCPage() {8649//Attributes8650 this.count = null;8651//Members8652 this.pageItem = [];8653}8654CT_PCDSCPage.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8655 if (attr()) {8656 var vals = attr();8657 var val;8658 val = vals["count"];8659 if (undefined !== val) {8660 this.count = val - 0;8661 }8662 }8663};8664CT_PCDSCPage.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8665 var newContext = this;8666 if ("pageItem" === elem) {8667 newContext = new CT_PageItem();8668 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8669 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8670 }8671 this.pageItem.push(newContext);8672 } else {8673 newContext = null;8674 }8675 return newContext;8676};8677CT_PCDSCPage.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8678 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8679 if (null !== this.count) {8680 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);8681 }8682 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8683 for (var i = 0; i < this.pageItem.length; ++i) {8684 var elem = this.pageItem[i];8685 elem.toXml(writer, "pageItem");8686 }8687 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8688};8689function CT_RangeSet() {8690//Attributes8691 this.i1 = null;8692 this.i2 = null;8693 this.i3 = null;8694 this.i4 = null;8695 this.ref = null;8696 = null;8697 this.sheet = null;8698 = null;8699}8700CT_RangeSet.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8701 if (attr()) {8702 var vals = attr();8703 var val;8704 val = vals["i1"];8705 if (undefined !== val) {8706 this.i1 = val - 0;8707 }8708 val = vals["i2"];8709 if (undefined !== val) {8710 this.i2 = val - 0;8711 }8712 val = vals["i3"];8713 if (undefined !== val) {8714 this.i3 = val - 0;8715 }8716 val = vals["i4"];8717 if (undefined !== val) {8718 this.i4 = val - 0;8719 }8720 val = vals["ref"];8721 if (undefined !== val) {8722 this.ref = uq(val);8723 }8724 val = vals["name"];8725 if (undefined !== val) {8726 = uq(val);8727 }8728 val = vals["sheet"];8729 if (undefined !== val) {8730 this.sheet = uq(val);8731 }8732 val = vals["r:id"];8733 if (undefined !== val) {8734 = uq(val);8735 }8736 }8737};8738CT_RangeSet.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8739 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8740 if (null !== this.i1) {8741 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("i1", this.i1);8742 }8743 if (null !== this.i2) {8744 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("i2", this.i2);8745 }8746 if (null !== this.i3) {8747 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("i3", this.i3);8748 }8749 if (null !== this.i4) {8750 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("i4", this.i4);8751 }8752 if (null !== this.ref) {8753 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("ref", this.ref);8754 }8755 if (null !== {8756 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;8757 }8758 if (null !== this.sheet) {8759 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("sheet", this.sheet);8760 }8761 //todo8762 // if (null !== {8763 // writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("r:id",;8764 // }8765 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);8766};8767function CT_RangePr() {8768//Attributes8769 this.autoStart = null;//true8770 this.autoEnd = null;//true8771 this.groupBy = null;//range8772 this.startNum = null;8773 this.endNum = null;8774 this.startDate = null;8775 this.endDate = null;8776 this.groupInterval = null;//18777}8778CT_RangePr.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8779 if (attr()) {8780 var vals = attr();8781 var val;8782 val = vals["autoStart"];8783 if (undefined !== val) {8784 this.autoStart = getBoolFromXml(val);8785 }8786 val = vals["autoEnd"];8787 if (undefined !== val) {8788 this.autoEnd = getBoolFromXml(val);8789 }8790 val = vals["groupBy"];8791 if (undefined !== val) {8792 val = FromXml_ST_GroupBy(val);8793 if (-1 !== val) {8794 this.groupBy = val;8795 }8796 }8797 val = vals["startNum"];8798 if (undefined !== val) {8799 this.startNum = val - 0;8800 }8801 val = vals["endNum"];8802 if (undefined !== val) {8803 this.endNum = val - 0;8804 }8805 val = vals["startDate"];8806 if (undefined !== val) {8807 this.startDate = uq(val);8808 }8809 val = vals["endDate"];8810 if (undefined !== val) {8811 this.endDate = uq(val);8812 }8813 val = vals["groupInterval"];8814 if (undefined !== val) {8815 this.groupInterval = val - 0;8816 }8817 }8818};8819CT_RangePr.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8820 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8821 if (null !== this.autoStart) {8822 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("autoStart", this.autoStart);8823 }8824 if (null !== this.autoEnd) {8825 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("autoEnd", this.autoEnd);8826 }8827 if (null !== this.groupBy) {8828 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("groupBy", ToXml_ST_GroupBy(this.groupBy));8829 }8830 if (null !== this.startNum) {8831 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("startNum", this.startNum);8832 }8833 if (null !== this.endNum) {8834 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("endNum", this.endNum);8835 }8836 if (null !== this.startDate) {8837 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("startDate", this.startDate);8838 }8839 if (null !== this.endDate) {8840 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("endDate", this.endDate);8841 }8842 if (null !== this.groupInterval) {8843 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("groupInterval", this.groupInterval);8844 }8845 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);8846};8847function CT_DiscretePr() {8848//Attributes8849 this.count = null;8850//Members8851 this.x = [];8852}8853CT_DiscretePr.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8854 if (attr()) {8855 var vals = attr();8856 var val;8857 val = vals["count"];8858 if (undefined !== val) {8859 this.count = val - 0;8860 }8861 }8862};8863CT_DiscretePr.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8864 var newContext = this;8865 if ("x" === elem) {8866 newContext = new CT_Index();8867 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8868 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8869 }8870 this.x.push(newContext);8871 } else {8872 newContext = null;8873 }8874 return newContext;8875};8876CT_DiscretePr.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8877 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8878 if (null !== this.count) {8879 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);8880 }8881 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8882 for (var i = 0; i < this.x.length; ++i) {8883 var elem = this.x[i];8884 elem.toXml(writer, "x");8885 }8886 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8887};8888function CT_GroupItems() {8889//Attributes8890 this.count = null;8891//Members8892 this.Items = new PivotRecords();8893}8894CT_GroupItems.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8895 if (attr()) {8896 var vals = attr();8897 var val;8898 val = vals["count"];8899 if (undefined !== val) {8900 this.count = val - 0;8901 this.Items.setStartCount(this.count);8902 }8903 }8904};8905CT_GroupItems.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8906 var newContext = this;8907 var newContextCandidate = this.Items.onStartNode(elem, attr, uq);8908 if (newContextCandidate) {8909 newContext = newContextCandidate;8910 } else {8911 newContext = null;8912 }8913 return newContext;8914};8915CT_GroupItems.prototype.onEndNode = function(prevContext, elem) {8916 this.Items.onEndNode(prevContext, elem);8917};8918CT_GroupItems.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8919 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8920 if (null !== this.count) {8921 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);8922 }8923 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);8924 this.Items.toXml(writer);8925 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);8926};8927function CT_FieldUsage() {8928//Attributes8929 this.x = null;8930}8931CT_FieldUsage.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8932 if (attr()) {8933 var vals = attr();8934 var val;8935 val = vals["x"];8936 if (undefined !== val) {8937 this.x = val - 0;8938 }8939 }8940};8941CT_FieldUsage.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {8942 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);8943 if (null !== this.x) {8944 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("x", this.x);8945 }8946 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);8947};8948function CT_GroupLevel() {8949//Attributes8950 this.uniqueName = null;8951 this.caption = null;8952 this.user = null;//false8953 this.customRollUp = null;//false8954//Members8955 this.groups = null;8956 this.extLst = null;8957}8958CT_GroupLevel.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {8959 if (attr()) {8960 var vals = attr();8961 var val;8962 val = vals["uniqueName"];8963 if (undefined !== val) {8964 this.uniqueName = uq(val);8965 }8966 val = vals["caption"];8967 if (undefined !== val) {8968 this.caption = uq(val);8969 }8970 val = vals["user"];8971 if (undefined !== val) {8972 this.user = getBoolFromXml(val);8973 }8974 val = vals["customRollUp"];8975 if (undefined !== val) {8976 this.customRollUp = getBoolFromXml(val);8977 }8978 }8979};8980CT_GroupLevel.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {8981 var newContext = this;8982 if ("groups" === elem) {8983 newContext = new CT_Groups();8984 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8985 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8986 }8987 this.groups = newContext;8988 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {8989 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();8990 if (newContext.readAttributes) {8991 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);8992 }8993 this.extLst = newContext;8994 } else {8995 newContext = null;8996 }8997 return newContext;8998};8999CT_GroupLevel.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9000 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9001 if (null !== this.uniqueName) {9002 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("uniqueName", this.uniqueName);9003 }9004 if (null !== this.caption) {9005 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("caption", this.caption);9006 }9007 if (null !== this.user) {9008 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("user", this.user);9009 }9010 if (null !== this.customRollUp) {9011 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("customRollUp", this.customRollUp);9012 }9013 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);9014 if (null !== this.groups) {9015 this.groups.toXml(writer, "groups");9016 }9017 if (null !== this.extLst) {9018 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");9019 }9020 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);9021};9022function CT_PivotAreaReferences() {9023//Attributes9024 this.count = null;9025//Members9026 this.reference = [];9027}9028CT_PivotAreaReferences.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9029 if (attr()) {9030 var vals = attr();9031 var val;9032 val = vals["count"];9033 if (undefined !== val) {9034 this.count = val - 0;9035 }9036 }9037};9038CT_PivotAreaReferences.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {9039 var newContext = this;9040 if ("reference" === elem) {9041 newContext = new CT_PivotAreaReference();9042 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9043 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9044 }9045 this.reference.push(newContext);9046 } else {9047 newContext = null;9048 }9049 return newContext;9050};9051CT_PivotAreaReferences.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9052 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9053 if (null !== this.count) {9054 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);9055 }9056 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);9057 for (var i = 0; i < this.reference.length; ++i) {9058 var elem = this.reference[i];9059 elem.toXml(writer, "reference");9060 }9061 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);9062};9063function CT_Item() {9064//Attributes9065 this.n = null;9066 this.t = null;//data9067 this.h = null;//false9068 this.s = null;//false9069 = null;//true9070 this.f = null;//false9071 this.m = null;//false9072 this.c = null;//false9073 this.x = null;9074 this.d = null;//false9075 this.e = null;//true9076}9077CT_Item.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9078 if (attr()) {9079 var vals = attr();9080 var val;9081 val = vals["n"];9082 if (undefined !== val) {9083 this.n = uq(val);9084 }9085 val = vals["t"];9086 if (undefined !== val) {9087 val = FromXml_ST_ItemType(val);9088 if (-1 !== val) {9089 this.t = val;9090 }9091 }9092 val = vals["h"];9093 if (undefined !== val) {9094 this.h = getBoolFromXml(val);9095 }9096 val = vals["s"];9097 if (undefined !== val) {9098 this.s = getBoolFromXml(val);9099 }9100 val = vals["sd"];9101 if (undefined !== val) {9102 = getBoolFromXml(val);9103 }9104 val = vals["f"];9105 if (undefined !== val) {9106 this.f = getBoolFromXml(val);9107 }9108 val = vals["m"];9109 if (undefined !== val) {9110 this.m = getBoolFromXml(val);9111 }9112 val = vals["c"];9113 if (undefined !== val) {9114 this.c = getBoolFromXml(val);9115 }9116 val = vals["x"];9117 if (undefined !== val) {9118 this.x = val - 0;9119 }9120 val = vals["d"];9121 if (undefined !== val) {9122 this.d = getBoolFromXml(val);9123 }9124 val = vals["e"];9125 if (undefined !== val) {9126 this.e = getBoolFromXml(val);9127 }9128 }9129};9130CT_Item.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9131 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9132 if (null !== this.n) {9133 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("n", this.n);9134 }9135 if (null !== this.t) {9136 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("t", ToXml_ST_ItemType(this.t));9137 }9138 if (null !== this.h) {9139 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("h", this.h);9140 }9141 if (null !== this.s) {9142 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("s", this.s);9143 }9144 if (null !== {9145 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("sd",;9146 }9147 if (null !== this.f) {9148 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("f", this.f);9149 }9150 if (null !== this.m) {9151 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("m", this.m);9152 }9153 if (null !== this.c) {9154 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("c", this.c);9155 }9156 if (null !== this.x) {9157 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("x", this.x);9158 }9159 if (null !== this.d) {9160 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("d", this.d);9161 }9162 if (null !== this.e) {9163 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("e", this.e);9164 }9165 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);9166};9167function CT_MemberProperty() {9168//Attributes9169 = null;9170 this.showCell = null;//false9171 this.showTip = null;//false9172 this.showAsCaption = null;//false9173 this.nameLen = null;9174 this.pPos = null;9175 this.pLen = null;9176 this.level = null;9177 this.field = null;9178}9179CT_MemberProperty.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9180 if (attr()) {9181 var vals = attr();9182 var val;9183 val = vals["name"];9184 if (undefined !== val) {9185 = uq(val);9186 }9187 val = vals["showCell"];9188 if (undefined !== val) {9189 this.showCell = getBoolFromXml(val);9190 }9191 val = vals["showTip"];9192 if (undefined !== val) {9193 this.showTip = getBoolFromXml(val);9194 }9195 val = vals["showAsCaption"];9196 if (undefined !== val) {9197 this.showAsCaption = getBoolFromXml(val);9198 }9199 val = vals["nameLen"];9200 if (undefined !== val) {9201 this.nameLen = val - 0;9202 }9203 val = vals["pPos"];9204 if (undefined !== val) {9205 this.pPos = val - 0;9206 }9207 val = vals["pLen"];9208 if (undefined !== val) {9209 this.pLen = val - 0;9210 }9211 val = vals["level"];9212 if (undefined !== val) {9213 this.level = val - 0;9214 }9215 val = vals["field"];9216 if (undefined !== val) {9217 this.field = val - 0;9218 }9219 }9220};9221CT_MemberProperty.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9222 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9223 if (null !== {9224 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;9225 }9226 if (null !== this.showCell) {9227 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showCell", this.showCell);9228 }9229 if (null !== this.showTip) {9230 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showTip", this.showTip);9231 }9232 if (null !== this.showAsCaption) {9233 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showAsCaption", this.showAsCaption);9234 }9235 if (null !== this.nameLen) {9236 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("nameLen", this.nameLen);9237 }9238 if (null !== this.pPos) {9239 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("pPos", this.pPos);9240 }9241 if (null !== this.pLen) {9242 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("pLen", this.pLen);9243 }9244 if (null !== this.level) {9245 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("level", this.level);9246 }9247 if (null !== this.field) {9248 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("field", this.field);9249 }9250 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);9251};9252function CT_Member() {9253//Attributes9254 = null;9255}9256CT_Member.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9257 if (attr()) {9258 var vals = attr();9259 var val;9260 val = vals["name"];9261 if (undefined !== val) {9262 = uq(val);9263 }9264 }9265};9266CT_Member.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9267 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9268 if (null !== {9269 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;9270 }9271 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);9272};9273function CT_FilterColumn() {9274//Attributes9275 this.colId = null;9276 this.hiddenButton = null;//false9277 this.showButton = null;//true9278//Members9279 this.colorFilter = null;9280 this.customFilters = null;9281 this.dynamicFilter = null;9282 this.extLst = null;9283 this.filters = null;9284 this.iconFilter = null;9285 this.top10 = null;9286}9287CT_FilterColumn.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9288 if (attr()) {9289 var vals = attr();9290 var val;9291 val = vals["colId"];9292 if (undefined !== val) {9293 this.colId = val - 0;9294 }9295 val = vals["hiddenButton"];9296 if (undefined !== val) {9297 this.hiddenButton = getBoolFromXml(val);9298 }9299 val = vals["showButton"];9300 if (undefined !== val) {9301 this.showButton = getBoolFromXml(val);9302 }9303 }9304};9305CT_FilterColumn.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {9306 var newContext = this;9307 if ("colorFilter" === elem) {9308 newContext = new CT_ColorFilter();9309 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9310 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9311 }9312 this.colorFilter = newContext;9313 } else if ("customFilters" === elem) {9314 newContext = new CT_CustomFilters();9315 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9316 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9317 }9318 this.customFilters = newContext;9319 } else if ("dynamicFilter" === elem) {9320 newContext = new CT_DynamicFilter();9321 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9322 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9323 }9324 this.dynamicFilter = newContext;9325 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {9326 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();9327 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9328 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9329 }9330 this.extLst = newContext;9331 } else if ("filters" === elem) {9332 newContext = new CT_Filters();9333 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9334 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9335 }9336 this.filters = newContext;9337 } else if ("iconFilter" === elem) {9338 newContext = new CT_IconFilter();9339 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9340 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9341 }9342 this.iconFilter = newContext;9343 } else if ("top10" === elem) {9344 newContext = new CT_Top10();9345 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9346 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9347 }9348 this.top10 = newContext;9349 } else {9350 newContext = null;9351 }9352 return newContext;9353};9354CT_FilterColumn.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9355 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9356 if (null !== this.colId) {9357 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("colId", this.colId);9358 }9359 if (null !== this.hiddenButton) {9360 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("hiddenButton", this.hiddenButton);9361 }9362 if (null !== this.showButton) {9363 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("showButton", this.showButton);9364 }9365 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);9366 if (null !== this.colorFilter) {9367 this.colorFilter.toXml(writer, "colorFilter");9368 }9369 if (null !== this.customFilters) {9370 this.customFilters.toXml(writer, "customFilters");9371 }9372 if (null !== this.dynamicFilter) {9373 this.dynamicFilter.toXml(writer, "dynamicFilter");9374 }9375 if (null !== this.extLst) {9376 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");9377 }9378 if (null !== this.filters) {9379 this.filters.toXml(writer, "filters");9380 }9381 if (null !== this.iconFilter) {9382 this.iconFilter.toXml(writer, "iconFilter");9383 }9384 if (null !== this.top10) {9385 this.top10.toXml(writer, "top10");9386 }9387 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);9388};9389function CT_SortState() {9390//Attributes9391 this.columnSort = null;//false9392 this.caseSensitive = null;//false9393 this.sortMethod = null;//none9394 this.ref = null;9395//Members9396 this.sortCondition = [];9397 this.extLst = null;9398}9399CT_SortState.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9400 if (attr()) {9401 var vals = attr();9402 var val;9403 val = vals["columnSort"];9404 if (undefined !== val) {9405 this.columnSort = getBoolFromXml(val);9406 }9407 val = vals["caseSensitive"];9408 if (undefined !== val) {9409 this.caseSensitive = getBoolFromXml(val);9410 }9411 val = vals["sortMethod"];9412 if (undefined !== val) {9413 val = FromXml_ST_SortMethod(val);9414 if (-1 !== val) {9415 this.sortMethod = val;9416 }9417 }9418 val = vals["ref"];9419 if (undefined !== val) {9420 this.ref = uq(val);9421 }9422 }9423};9424CT_SortState.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {9425 var newContext = this;9426 if ("sortCondition" === elem) {9427 newContext = new CT_SortCondition();9428 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9429 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9430 }9431 this.sortCondition.push(newContext);9432 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {9433 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();9434 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9435 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9436 }9437 this.extLst = newContext;9438 } else {9439 newContext = null;9440 }9441 return newContext;9442};9443CT_SortState.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9444 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9445 if (null !== this.columnSort) {9446 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("columnSort", this.columnSort);9447 }9448 if (null !== this.caseSensitive) {9449 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("caseSensitive", this.caseSensitive);9450 }9451 if (null !== this.sortMethod) {9452 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("sortMethod", ToXml_ST_SortMethod(this.sortMethod));9453 }9454 if (null !== this.ref) {9455 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("ref", this.ref);9456 }9457 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);9458 for (var i = 0; i < this.sortCondition.length; ++i) {9459 var elem = this.sortCondition[i];9460 elem.toXml(writer, "sortCondition");9461 }9462 if (null !== this.extLst) {9463 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");9464 }9465 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);9466};9467function CT_PageItem() {9468//Attributes9469 = null;9470}9471CT_PageItem.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9472 if (attr()) {9473 var vals = attr();9474 var val;9475 val = vals["name"];9476 if (undefined !== val) {9477 = uq(val);9478 }9479 }9480};9481CT_PageItem.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9482 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9483 if (null !== {9484 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;9485 }9486 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);9487};9488function CT_Groups() {9489//Attributes9490 this.count = null;9491//Members9492 = [];9493}9494CT_Groups.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9495 if (attr()) {9496 var vals = attr();9497 var val;9498 val = vals["count"];9499 if (undefined !== val) {9500 this.count = val - 0;9501 }9502 }9503};9504CT_Groups.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {9505 var newContext = this;9506 if ("group" === elem) {9507 newContext = new CT_LevelGroup();9508 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9509 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9510 }9511;9512 } else {9513 newContext = null;9514 }9515 return newContext;9516};9517CT_Groups.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9518 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9519 if (null !== this.count) {9520 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);9521 }9522 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);9523 for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) {9524 var elem =[i];9525 elem.toXml(writer, "group");9526 }9527 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);9528};9529function CT_PivotAreaReference() {9530//Attributes9531 this.field = null;9532 this.count = null;9533 this.selected = null;//true9534 this.byPosition = null;//false9535 this.relative = null;//false9536 this.defaultSubtotal = null;//false9537 this.sumSubtotal = null;//false9538 this.countASubtotal = null;//false9539 this.avgSubtotal = null;//false9540 this.maxSubtotal = null;//false9541 this.minSubtotal = null;//false9542 this.productSubtotal = null;//false9543 this.countSubtotal = null;//false9544 this.stdDevSubtotal = null;//false9545 this.stdDevPSubtotal = null;//false9546 this.varSubtotal = null;//false9547 this.varPSubtotal = null;//false9548//Members9549 this.x = [];9550 this.extLst = null;9551}9552CT_PivotAreaReference.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9553 if (attr()) {9554 var vals = attr();9555 var val;9556 val = vals["field"];9557 if (undefined !== val) {9558 this.field = val - 0;9559 }9560 val = vals["count"];9561 if (undefined !== val) {9562 this.count = val - 0;9563 }9564 val = vals["selected"];9565 if (undefined !== val) {9566 this.selected = getBoolFromXml(val);9567 }9568 val = vals["byPosition"];9569 if (undefined !== val) {9570 this.byPosition = getBoolFromXml(val);9571 }9572 val = vals["relative"];9573 if (undefined !== val) {9574 this.relative = getBoolFromXml(val);9575 }9576 val = vals["defaultSubtotal"];9577 if (undefined !== val) {9578 this.defaultSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9579 }9580 val = vals["sumSubtotal"];9581 if (undefined !== val) {9582 this.sumSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9583 }9584 val = vals["countASubtotal"];9585 if (undefined !== val) {9586 this.countASubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9587 }9588 val = vals["avgSubtotal"];9589 if (undefined !== val) {9590 this.avgSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9591 }9592 val = vals["maxSubtotal"];9593 if (undefined !== val) {9594 this.maxSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9595 }9596 val = vals["minSubtotal"];9597 if (undefined !== val) {9598 this.minSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9599 }9600 val = vals["productSubtotal"];9601 if (undefined !== val) {9602 this.productSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9603 }9604 val = vals["countSubtotal"];9605 if (undefined !== val) {9606 this.countSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9607 }9608 val = vals["stdDevSubtotal"];9609 if (undefined !== val) {9610 this.stdDevSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9611 }9612 val = vals["stdDevPSubtotal"];9613 if (undefined !== val) {9614 this.stdDevPSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9615 }9616 val = vals["varSubtotal"];9617 if (undefined !== val) {9618 this.varSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9619 }9620 val = vals["varPSubtotal"];9621 if (undefined !== val) {9622 this.varPSubtotal = getBoolFromXml(val);9623 }9624 }9625};9626CT_PivotAreaReference.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {9627 var newContext = this;9628 if ("x" === elem) {9629 newContext = new CT_Index();9630 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9631 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9632 }9633 this.x.push(newContext);9634 } else if ("extLst" === elem) {9635 newContext = new CT_ExtensionList();9636 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9637 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9638 }9639 this.extLst = newContext;9640 } else {9641 newContext = null;9642 }9643 return newContext;9644};9645CT_PivotAreaReference.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9646 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9647 if (null !== this.field) {9648 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("field", this.field);9649 }9650 if (null !== this.count) {9651 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);9652 }9653 if (null !== this.selected) {9654 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("selected", this.selected);9655 }9656 if (null !== this.byPosition) {9657 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("byPosition", this.byPosition);9658 }9659 if (null !== this.relative) {9660 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("relative", this.relative);9661 }9662 if (null !== this.defaultSubtotal) {9663 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("defaultSubtotal", this.defaultSubtotal);9664 }9665 if (null !== this.sumSubtotal) {9666 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("sumSubtotal", this.sumSubtotal);9667 }9668 if (null !== this.countASubtotal) {9669 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("countASubtotal", this.countASubtotal);9670 }9671 if (null !== this.avgSubtotal) {9672 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("avgSubtotal", this.avgSubtotal);9673 }9674 if (null !== this.maxSubtotal) {9675 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("maxSubtotal", this.maxSubtotal);9676 }9677 if (null !== this.minSubtotal) {9678 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("minSubtotal", this.minSubtotal);9679 }9680 if (null !== this.productSubtotal) {9681 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("productSubtotal", this.productSubtotal);9682 }9683 if (null !== this.countSubtotal) {9684 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("countSubtotal", this.countSubtotal);9685 }9686 if (null !== this.stdDevSubtotal) {9687 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("stdDevSubtotal", this.stdDevSubtotal);9688 }9689 if (null !== this.stdDevPSubtotal) {9690 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("stdDevPSubtotal", this.stdDevPSubtotal);9691 }9692 if (null !== this.varSubtotal) {9693 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("varSubtotal", this.varSubtotal);9694 }9695 if (null !== this.varPSubtotal) {9696 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("varPSubtotal", this.varPSubtotal);9697 }9698 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);9699 for (var i = 0; i < this.x.length; ++i) {9700 var elem = this.x[i];9701 elem.toXml(writer, "x");9702 }9703 if (null !== this.extLst) {9704 this.extLst.toXml(writer, "extLst");9705 }9706 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);9707};9708function CT_ColorFilter() {9709//Attributes9710 this.dxfId = null;9711 this.cellColor = null;//true9712}9713CT_ColorFilter.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9714 if (attr()) {9715 var vals = attr();9716 var val;9717 val = vals["dxfId"];9718 if (undefined !== val) {9719 this.dxfId = val - 0;9720 }9721 val = vals["cellColor"];9722 if (undefined !== val) {9723 this.cellColor = getBoolFromXml(val);9724 }9725 }9726};9727CT_ColorFilter.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9728 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9729 //todo9730 // if (null !== this.dxfId) {9731 // writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("dxfId", this.dxfId);9732 // }9733 if (null !== this.cellColor) {9734 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("cellColor", this.cellColor);9735 }9736 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);9737};9738function CT_CustomFilters() {9739//Attributes9740 this.and = null;//false9741//Members9742 this.customFilter = [];9743}9744CT_CustomFilters.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9745 if (attr()) {9746 var vals = attr();9747 var val;9748 val = vals["and"];9749 if (undefined !== val) {9750 this.and = getBoolFromXml(val);9751 }9752 }9753};9754CT_CustomFilters.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {9755 var newContext = this;9756 if ("customFilter" === elem) {9757 newContext = new CT_CustomFilter();9758 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9759 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9760 }9761 this.customFilter.push(newContext);9762 } else {9763 newContext = null;9764 }9765 return newContext;9766};9767CT_CustomFilters.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9768 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9769 if (null !== this.and) {9770 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("and", this.and);9771 }9772 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);9773 for (var i = 0; i < this.customFilter.length; ++i) {9774 var elem = this.customFilter[i];9775 elem.toXml(writer, "customFilter");9776 }9777 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);9778};9779function CT_DynamicFilter() {9780//Attributes9781 this.type = null;9782 this.val = null;9783 this.valIso = null;9784 this.maxValIso = null;9785}9786CT_DynamicFilter.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9787 if (attr()) {9788 var vals = attr();9789 var val;9790 val = vals["type"];9791 if (undefined !== val) {9792 val = FromXml_ST_DynamicFilterType(val);9793 if (-1 !== val) {9794 this.type = val;9795 }9796 }9797 val = vals["val"];9798 if (undefined !== val) {9799 this.val = val - 0;9800 }9801 val = vals["valIso"];9802 if (undefined !== val) {9803 this.valIso = uq(val);9804 }9805 val = vals["maxValIso"];9806 if (undefined !== val) {9807 this.maxValIso = uq(val);9808 }9809 }9810};9811CT_DynamicFilter.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9812 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9813 if (null !== this.type) {9814 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("type", ToXml_ST_DynamicFilterType(this.type));9815 }9816 if (null !== this.val) {9817 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("val", this.val);9818 }9819 if (null !== this.valIso) {9820 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("valIso", this.valIso);9821 }9822 if (null !== this.maxValIso) {9823 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("maxValIso", this.maxValIso);9824 }9825 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);9826};9827function CT_Filters() {9828//Attributes9829 this.blank = null;//false9830 this.calendarType = null;//none9831//Members9832 this.filter = [];9833 this.dateGroupItem = [];9834}9835CT_Filters.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9836 if (attr()) {9837 var vals = attr();9838 var val;9839 val = vals["blank"];9840 if (undefined !== val) {9841 this.blank = getBoolFromXml(val);9842 }9843 val = vals["calendarType"];9844 if (undefined !== val) {9845 val = FromXml_ST_CalendarType(val);9846 if (-1 !== val) {9847 this.calendarType = val;9848 }9849 }9850 }9851};9852CT_Filters.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {9853 var newContext = this;9854 if ("filter" === elem) {9855 newContext = new CT_Filter();9856 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9857 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9858 }9859 this.filter.push(newContext);9860 } else if ("dateGroupItem" === elem) {9861 newContext = new CT_DateGroupItem();9862 if (newContext.readAttributes) {9863 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);9864 }9865 this.dateGroupItem.push(newContext);9866 } else {9867 newContext = null;9868 }9869 return newContext;9870};9871CT_Filters.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9872 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9873 if (null !== this.blank) {9874 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("blank", this.blank);9875 }9876 if (null !== this.calendarType) {9877 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("calendarType", ToXml_ST_CalendarType(this.calendarType));9878 }9879 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);9880 for (var i = 0; i < this.filter.length; ++i) {9881 var elem = this.filter[i];9882 elem.toXml(writer, "filter");9883 }9884 for (var i = 0; i < this.dateGroupItem.length; ++i) {9885 var elem = this.dateGroupItem[i];9886 elem.toXml(writer, "dateGroupItem");9887 }9888 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);9889};9890function CT_IconFilter() {9891//Attributes9892 this.iconSet = null;9893 this.iconId = null;9894}9895CT_IconFilter.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9896 if (attr()) {9897 var vals = attr();9898 var val;9899 val = vals["iconSet"];9900 if (undefined !== val) {9901 val = FromXml_ST_IconSetType(val);9902 if (-1 !== val) {9903 this.iconSet = val;9904 }9905 }9906 val = vals["iconId"];9907 if (undefined !== val) {9908 this.iconId = val - 0;9909 }9910 }9911};9912CT_IconFilter.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9913 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9914 if (null !== this.iconSet) {9915 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("iconSet", ToXml_ST_IconSetType(this.iconSet));9916 }9917 if (null !== this.iconId) {9918 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("iconId", this.iconId);9919 }9920 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);9921};9922function CT_Top10() {9923//Attributes9924 = null;//true9925 this.percent = null;//false9926 this.val = null;9927 this.filterVal = null;9928}9929CT_Top10.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9930 if (attr()) {9931 var vals = attr();9932 var val;9933 val = vals["top"];9934 if (undefined !== val) {9935 = getBoolFromXml(val);9936 }9937 val = vals["percent"];9938 if (undefined !== val) {9939 this.percent = getBoolFromXml(val);9940 }9941 val = vals["val"];9942 if (undefined !== val) {9943 this.val = val - 0;9944 }9945 val = vals["filterVal"];9946 if (undefined !== val) {9947 this.filterVal = val - 0;9948 }9949 }9950};9951CT_Top10.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {9952 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);9953 if (null !== {9954 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("top",;9955 }9956 if (null !== this.percent) {9957 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("percent", this.percent);9958 }9959 if (null !== this.val) {9960 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("val", this.val);9961 }9962 if (null !== this.filterVal) {9963 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("filterVal", this.filterVal);9964 }9965 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);9966};9967function CT_SortCondition() {9968//Attributes9969 this.descending = null;//false9970 this.sortBy = null;//value9971 this.ref = null;9972 this.customList = null;9973 this.dxfId = null;9974 this.iconSet = null;//item3arrows9975 this.iconId = null;9976}9977CT_SortCondition.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {9978 if (attr()) {9979 var vals = attr();9980 var val;9981 val = vals["descending"];9982 if (undefined !== val) {9983 this.descending = getBoolFromXml(val);9984 }9985 val = vals["sortBy"];9986 if (undefined !== val) {9987 val = FromXml_ST_SortBy(val);9988 if (-1 !== val) {9989 this.sortBy = val;9990 }9991 }9992 val = vals["ref"];9993 if (undefined !== val) {9994 this.ref = uq(val);9995 }9996 val = vals["customList"];9997 if (undefined !== val) {9998 this.customList = uq(val);9999 }10000 val = vals["dxfId"];10001 if (undefined !== val) {10002 this.dxfId = val - 0;10003 }10004 val = vals["iconSet"];10005 if (undefined !== val) {10006 val = FromXml_ST_IconSetType(val);10007 if (-1 !== val) {10008 this.iconSet = val;10009 }10010 }10011 val = vals["iconId"];10012 if (undefined !== val) {10013 this.iconId = val - 0;10014 }10015 }10016};10017CT_SortCondition.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {10018 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);10019 if (null !== this.descending) {10020 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("descending", this.descending);10021 }10022 if (null !== this.sortBy) {10023 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("sortBy", ToXml_ST_SortBy(this.sortBy));10024 }10025 if (null !== this.ref) {10026 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("ref", this.ref);10027 }10028 if (null !== this.customList) {10029 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("customList", this.customList);10030 }10031 //todo10032 // if (null !== this.dxfId) {10033 // writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("dxfId", this.dxfId);10034 // }10035 if (null !== this.iconSet) {10036 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("iconSet", ToXml_ST_IconSetType(this.iconSet));10037 }10038 if (null !== this.iconId) {10039 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("iconId", this.iconId);10040 }10041 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);10042};10043function CT_LevelGroup() {10044//Attributes10045 = null;10046 this.uniqueName = null;10047 this.caption = null;10048 this.uniqueParent = null;10049 = null;10050//Members10051 this.groupMembers = null;10052}10053CT_LevelGroup.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {10054 if (attr()) {10055 var vals = attr();10056 var val;10057 val = vals["name"];10058 if (undefined !== val) {10059 = uq(val);10060 }10061 val = vals["uniqueName"];10062 if (undefined !== val) {10063 this.uniqueName = uq(val);10064 }10065 val = vals["caption"];10066 if (undefined !== val) {10067 this.caption = uq(val);10068 }10069 val = vals["uniqueParent"];10070 if (undefined !== val) {10071 this.uniqueParent = uq(val);10072 }10073 val = vals["id"];10074 if (undefined !== val) {10075 = val - 0;10076 }10077 }10078};10079CT_LevelGroup.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {10080 var newContext = this;10081 if ("groupMembers" === elem) {10082 newContext = new CT_GroupMembers();10083 if (newContext.readAttributes) {10084 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);10085 }10086 this.groupMembers = newContext;10087 } else {10088 newContext = null;10089 }10090 return newContext;10091};10092CT_LevelGroup.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {10093 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);10094 if (null !== {10095 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("name",;10096 }10097 if (null !== this.uniqueName) {10098 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("uniqueName", this.uniqueName);10099 }10100 if (null !== this.caption) {10101 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("caption", this.caption);10102 }10103 if (null !== this.uniqueParent) {10104 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("uniqueParent", this.uniqueParent);10105 }10106 if (null !== {10107 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("id",;10108 }10109 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);10110 if (null !== this.groupMembers) {10111 this.groupMembers.toXml(writer, "groupMembers");10112 }10113 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);10114};10115function CT_CustomFilter() {10116//Attributes10117 this.operator = null;//equal10118 this.val = null;10119}10120CT_CustomFilter.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {10121 if (attr()) {10122 var vals = attr();10123 var val;10124 val = vals["operator"];10125 if (undefined !== val) {10126 val = FromXml_ST_FilterOperator(val);10127 if (-1 !== val) {10128 this.operator = val;10129 }10130 }10131 val = vals["val"];10132 if (undefined !== val) {10133 this.val = uq(val);10134 }10135 }10136};10137CT_CustomFilter.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {10138 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);10139 if (null !== this.operator) {10140 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("operator", ToXml_ST_FilterOperator(this.operator));10141 }10142 if (null !== this.val) {10143 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("val", this.val);10144 }10145 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);10146};10147function CT_Filter() {10148//Attributes10149 this.val = null;10150}10151CT_Filter.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {10152 if (attr()) {10153 var vals = attr();10154 var val;10155 val = vals["val"];10156 if (undefined !== val) {10157 this.val = uq(val);10158 }10159 }10160};10161CT_Filter.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {10162 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);10163 if (null !== this.val) {10164 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("val", this.val);10165 }10166 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);10167};10168function CT_DateGroupItem() {10169//Attributes10170 this.year = null;10171 this.month = null;10172 = null;10173 this.hour = null;10174 this.minute = null;10175 this.second = null;10176 this.dateTimeGrouping = null;10177}10178CT_DateGroupItem.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {10179 if (attr()) {10180 var vals = attr();10181 var val;10182 val = vals["year"];10183 if (undefined !== val) {10184 this.year = val - 0;10185 }10186 val = vals["month"];10187 if (undefined !== val) {10188 this.month = val - 0;10189 }10190 val = vals["day"];10191 if (undefined !== val) {10192 = val - 0;10193 }10194 val = vals["hour"];10195 if (undefined !== val) {10196 this.hour = val - 0;10197 }10198 val = vals["minute"];10199 if (undefined !== val) {10200 this.minute = val - 0;10201 }10202 val = vals["second"];10203 if (undefined !== val) {10204 this.second = val - 0;10205 }10206 val = vals["dateTimeGrouping"];10207 if (undefined !== val) {10208 val = FromXml_ST_DateTimeGrouping(val);10209 if (-1 !== val) {10210 this.dateTimeGrouping = val;10211 }10212 }10213 }10214};10215CT_DateGroupItem.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {10216 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);10217 if (null !== this.year) {10218 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("year", this.year);10219 }10220 if (null !== this.month) {10221 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("month", this.month);10222 }10223 if (null !== {10224 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("day",;10225 }10226 if (null !== this.hour) {10227 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("hour", this.hour);10228 }10229 if (null !== this.minute) {10230 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("minute", this.minute);10231 }10232 if (null !== this.second) {10233 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("second", this.second);10234 }10235 if (null !== this.dateTimeGrouping) {10236 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("dateTimeGrouping", ToXml_ST_DateTimeGrouping(this.dateTimeGrouping));10237 }10238 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);10239};10240function CT_GroupMembers() {10241//Attributes10242 this.count = null;10243//Members10244 this.groupMember = [];10245}10246CT_GroupMembers.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {10247 if (attr()) {10248 var vals = attr();10249 var val;10250 val = vals["count"];10251 if (undefined !== val) {10252 this.count = val - 0;10253 }10254 }10255};10256CT_GroupMembers.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {10257 var newContext = this;10258 if ("groupMember" === elem) {10259 newContext = new CT_GroupMember();10260 if (newContext.readAttributes) {10261 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);10262 }10263 this.groupMember.push(newContext);10264 } else {10265 newContext = null;10266 }10267 return newContext;10268};10269CT_GroupMembers.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {10270 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);10271 if (null !== this.count) {10272 writer.WriteXmlAttributeNumber("count", this.count);10273 }10274 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true);10275 for (var i = 0; i < this.groupMember.length; ++i) {10276 var elem = this.groupMember[i];10277 elem.toXml(writer, "groupMember");10278 }10279 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name);10280};10281function CT_GroupMember() {10282//Attributes10283 this.uniqueName = null;10284 = null;//false10285}10286CT_GroupMember.prototype.readAttributes = function(attr, uq) {10287 if (attr()) {10288 var vals = attr();10289 var val;10290 val = vals["uniqueName"];10291 if (undefined !== val) {10292 this.uniqueName = uq(val);10293 }10294 val = vals["group"];10295 if (undefined !== val) {10296 = getBoolFromXml(val);10297 }10298 }10299};10300CT_GroupMember.prototype.toXml = function(writer, name) {10301 writer.WriteXmlNodeStart(name);10302 if (null !== this.uniqueName) {10303 writer.WriteXmlAttributeStringEncode("uniqueName", this.uniqueName);10304 }10305 if (null !== {10306 writer.WriteXmlAttributeBool("group",;10307 }10308 writer.WriteXmlNodeEnd(name, true, true);10309};10310var c_oAscPivotRecType = {10311 Boolean: 1,10312 DateTime: 2,10313 Error: 3,10314 Missing: 4,10315 Number: 5,10316 String: 6,10317 Index: 710318};10319function PivotRecordValue() {10320 this.clean();10321};10322PivotRecordValue.prototype.clean = function() {10323 this.type = undefined;10324 this.val = undefined;10325 this.addition = undefined;10326}10327PivotRecordValue.prototype.getCellValue = function() {10328 var res = new AscCommonExcel.CCellValue();10329 switch (this.type) {10330 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Boolean:10331 res.type = AscCommon.CellValueType.Number;10332 res.number = this.val ? 1 : 0;10333 break;10334 case c_oAscPivotRecType.DateTime:10335 res.type = AscCommon.CellValueType.Number;10336 res.number = this.val;10337 break;10338 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Error:10339 res.type = AscCommon.CellValueType.String;10340 res.text = AscCommonExcel.cError.prototype.getStringFromErrorType(this.val);10341 break;10342 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Number:10343 res.type = AscCommon.CellValueType.Number;10344 res.number = this.val;10345 break;10346 case c_oAscPivotRecType.String:10347 res.type = AscCommon.CellValueType.String;10348 res.text = this.val;10349 break;10350 default:10351 var i = 0;10352 break;10353 }10354 return res;10355};10356function PivotRecords() {10357 this.chunks = [];10358 this.addition = {};10359 this.size = 0;10360 this.startCount = 0;10361//inner10362 this._curBoolean = new CT_Boolean();10363 this._curDateTime = new CT_DateTime();10364 this._curError = new CT_Error();10365 this._curMissing = new CT_Missing();10366 this._curNumber = new CT_Number();10367 this._curString = new CT_String();10368 this._curIndex = new CT_Index();10369 this.output = new PivotRecordValue();10370}10371PivotRecords.prototype.onStartNode = function(elem, attr, uq) {10372 var newContext = null;10373 if ("b" === elem) {10374 this._curBoolean.clean();10375 newContext = this._curBoolean;10376 if (newContext.readAttributes) {10377 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);10378 }10379 } else if ("d" === elem) {10380 this._curDateTime.clean();10381 newContext = this._curDateTime;10382 if (newContext.readAttributes) {10383 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);10384 }10385 } else if ("e" === elem) {10386 this._curError.clean();10387 newContext = this._curError;10388 if (newContext.readAttributes) {10389 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);10390 }10391 } else if ("m" === elem) {10392 this._curMissing.clean();10393 newContext = this._curMissing;10394 if (newContext.readAttributes) {10395 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);10396 }10397 } else if ("n" === elem) {10398 this._curNumber.clean();10399 newContext = this._curNumber;10400 if (newContext.readAttributes) {10401 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);10402 }10403 } else if ("s" === elem) {10404 this._curString.clean();10405 newContext = this._curString;10406 if (newContext.readAttributes) {10407 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);10408 }10409 } else if ("x" === elem) {10410 this._curIndex.clean();10411 newContext = this._curIndex;10412 if (newContext.readAttributes) {10413 newContext.readAttributes(attr, uq);10414 }10415 }10416 return newContext;10417};10418PivotRecords.prototype.onEndNode = function(prevContext, elem) {10419 var res = true;10420 if ("b" === elem) {10421 if (this._curBoolean.isSimpleValue()) {10422 this.addBool(this._curBoolean.v);10423 } else {10424 this.addBool(this._curBoolean.v, this._curBoolean);10425 this._curBoolean = new CT_Boolean();10426 }10427 } else if ("d" === elem) {10428 if (this._curDateTime.isSimpleValue()) {10429 this.addDate(this._curDateTime.v);10430 } else {10431 this.addDate(this._curDateTime.v, this._curDateTime);10432 this._curDateTime = new CT_DateTime();10433 }10434 } else if ("e" === elem) {10435 if (this._curError.isSimpleValue()) {10436 this.addError(this._curError.v);10437 } else {10438 this.addError(this._curError.v, this._curError);10439 this._curError = new CT_Error();10440 }10441 } else if ("m" === elem) {10442 if (this._curMissing.isSimpleValue()) {10443 this.addMissing();10444 } else {10445 this.addMissing(this._curMissing);10446 this._curMissing = new CT_Missing();10447 }10448 } else if ("n" === elem) {10449 if (this._curNumber.isSimpleValue()) {10450 this.addNumber(this._curNumber.v);10451 } else {10452 this.addNumber(this._curNumber.v, this._curNumber);10453 this._curNumber = new CT_Number();10454 }10455 } else if ("s" === elem) {10456 if (this._curString.isSimpleValue()) {10457 this.addString(this._curString.v);10458 } else {10459 this.addString(this._curString.v, this._curString);10460 this._curString = new CT_String();10461 }10462 } else if ("x" === elem) {10463 this.addIndex(this._curIndex.v);10464 } else {10465 res = false;10466 }10467 return res;10468};10469PivotRecords.prototype.toXml = function(writer, opt_index) {10470 if (undefined !== opt_index) {10471 this._toXml(writer, this.get(opt_index));10472 } else {10473 for (var i = 0; i < this.size; ++i) {10474 this._toXml(writer, this.get(i));10475 }10476 }10477};10478PivotRecords.prototype.setStartCount = function(val) {10479 this.startCount = val;10480};10481PivotRecords.prototype.addBool = function(val, addition) {10482 this._add(c_oAscPivotRecType.Boolean, val, addition);10483};10484PivotRecords.prototype.addDate = function(val, addition) {10485 this._add(c_oAscPivotRecType.DateTime, val, addition);10486};10487PivotRecords.prototype.addError = function(val, addition) {10488 this._add(c_oAscPivotRecType.Error, val, addition);10489};10490PivotRecords.prototype.addMissing = function(addition) {10491 this._add(c_oAscPivotRecType.Missing, undefined, addition);10492};10493PivotRecords.prototype.addNumber = function(val, addition) {10494 this._add(c_oAscPivotRecType.Number, val, addition);10495};10496PivotRecords.prototype.addString = function(val, addition) {10497 this._add(c_oAscPivotRecType.String, val, addition);10498};10499PivotRecords.prototype.addIndex = function(val) {10500 this._add(c_oAscPivotRecType.Index, val);10501};10502PivotRecords.prototype.get = function(index) {10503 this.output.clean();10504 for (var i = 0; i < this.chunks.length; ++i) {10505 var chunk = this.chunks[i];10506 if (chunk.from <= index && index < {10507 this.output.type = chunk.type;10508 if ( {10509 this.output.val =[index - chunk.from];10510 if (chunk.type === c_oAscPivotRecType.Boolean) {10511 this.output.val = !!this.output.val;10512 }10513 }10514 this.output.addition = this.addition[index];10515 break;10516 }10517 }10518 return this.output;10519};10520PivotRecords.prototype._add = function(type, val, addition) {10521 var index = this.size;10522 var prevChunk = this.chunks.length > 0 ? this.chunks[this.chunks.length - 1] : null;10523 var chunk;10524 if (prevChunk && (prevChunk.type === type)) {10525 chunk = prevChunk;10526 } else {10527 //todo shrink prevChunk10528 var from = prevChunk ? : 0;10529 chunk = {type: type, data: null, capacity: 0, from: from, to: from + 1};10530 this.chunks.push(chunk);10531 }10532 var chunkIndex = index - chunk.from;10533 if (c_oAscPivotRecType.Missing !== chunk.type && chunkIndex >= chunk.capacity) {10534 var oldData =;10535 var chunkStartCount = (0 === this.size && this.startCount) ? this.startCount - chunk.from : 0;10536 chunk.capacity = Math.min(Math.max((1.1 * chunk.capacity) >> 0, chunkIndex + 1, chunkStartCount), AscCommon.gc_nMaxRow0 + 1);10537 switch (type) {10538 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Boolean:10539 = new Uint8Array(chunk.capacity);10540 break;10541 case c_oAscPivotRecType.DateTime:10542 = new Uint32Array(chunk.capacity);10543 break;10544 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Error:10545 = new Uint8Array(chunk.capacity);10546 break;10547 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Missing:10548 break;10549 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Number:10550 = new Float64Array(chunk.capacity);10551 break;10552 case c_oAscPivotRecType.String:10553 if (! {10554 = new Array(chunk.capacity);10555 }10556 oldData = null;10557 break;10558 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Index:10559 = new Uint32Array(chunk.capacity);10560 break;10561 }10562 if (oldData) {10563;10564 }10565 }10566 if ( {10567[chunkIndex] = val;10568 }10569 if (addition) {10570 this.addition[index] = addition;10571 }10572 this.size++;10573 = this.size;10574};10575PivotRecords.prototype._toXml = function(writer, elem) {10576 switch (elem.type) {10577 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Boolean:10578 CT_Boolean.prototype.toXml2(writer, "b", elem.val, elem.addition);10579 break;10580 case c_oAscPivotRecType.DateTime:10581 CT_DateTime.prototype.toXml2(writer, "d", elem.val, elem.addition);10582 break;10583 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Error:10584 CT_Error.prototype.toXml2(writer, "e", elem.val, elem.addition);10585 break;10586 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Missing:10587 CT_Missing.prototype.toXml2(writer, "m", elem.addition);10588 break;10589 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Number:10590 CT_Number.prototype.toXml2(writer, "n", elem.val, elem.addition);10591 break;10592 case c_oAscPivotRecType.String:10593 CT_String.prototype.toXml2(writer, "s", elem.val, elem.addition);10594 break;10595 case c_oAscPivotRecType.Index:10596 CT_Index.prototype.toXml2(writer, "x", elem.val);10597 break;10598 }10599};10600var prot;10601window['Asc']['c_oAscSourceType'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscSourceType = c_oAscSourceType;10602prot = c_oAscSourceType;10603prot['Worksheet'] = prot.Worksheet;10604prot['External'] = prot.External;10605prot['Consolidation'] = prot.Consolidation;10606prot['Scenario'] = prot.Scenario;10607window['Asc']['c_oAscAxis'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscAxis = c_oAscAxis;10608prot = c_oAscAxis;10609prot['AxisRow'] = prot.AxisRow;10610prot['AxisCol'] = prot.AxisCol;10611prot['AxisPage'] = prot.AxisPage;10612prot['AxisValues'] = prot.AxisValues;10613window['Asc']['c_oAscFieldSortType'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscFieldSortType = c_oAscFieldSortType;10614prot = c_oAscFieldSortType;10615prot['Manual'] = prot.Manual;10616prot['Ascending'] = prot.Ascending;10617prot['Descending'] = prot.Descending;10618window['Asc']['c_oAscItemType'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscItemType = c_oAscItemType;10619prot = c_oAscItemType;10620prot['Data'] = prot.Data;10621prot['Default'] = prot.Default;10622prot['Sum'] = prot.Sum;10623prot['CountA'] = prot.CountA;10624prot['Avg'] = prot.Avg;10625prot['Max'] = prot.Max;10626prot['Min'] = prot.Min;10627prot['Product'] = prot.Product;10628prot['Count'] = prot.Count;10629prot['StdDev'] = prot.StdDev;10630prot['StdDevP'] = prot.StdDevP;10631prot['Var'] = prot.Var;10632prot['VarP'] = prot.VarP;10633prot['Grand'] = prot.Grand;10634prot['Blank'] = prot.Blank;10635window['Asc']['c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction;10636prot = c_oAscDataConsolidateFunction;10637prot['Average'] = prot.Average;10638prot['Count'] = prot.Count;10639prot['CountNums'] = prot.CountNums;10640prot['Max'] = prot.Max;10641prot['Min'] = prot.Min;10642prot['Product'] = prot.Product;10643prot['StdDev'] = prot.StdDev;10644prot['StdDevp'] = prot.StdDevp;10645prot['Sum'] = prot.Sum;10646prot['Var'] = prot.Var;10647prot['Varp'] = prot.Varp;10648window['Asc']['c_oAscShowDataAs'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscShowDataAs = c_oAscShowDataAs;10649prot = c_oAscShowDataAs;10650prot['Normal'] = prot.Normal;10651prot['Difference'] = prot.Difference;10652prot['Percent'] = prot.Percent;10653prot['PercentDiff'] = prot.PercentDiff;10654prot['RunTotal'] = prot.RunTotal;10655prot['PercentOfRow'] = prot.PercentOfRow;10656prot['PercentOfCol'] = prot.PercentOfCol;10657prot['PercentOfTotal'] = prot.PercentOfTotal;10658prot['Index'] = prot.Index;10659window['Asc']['c_oAscFormatAction'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscFormatAction = c_oAscFormatAction;10660prot = c_oAscFormatAction;10661prot['Blank'] = prot.Blank;10662prot['Formatting'] = prot.Formatting;10663prot['Drill'] = prot.Drill;10664prot['Formula'] = prot.Formula;10665window['Asc']['c_oAscScope'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscScope = c_oAscScope;10666prot = c_oAscScope;10667prot['Selection'] = prot.Selection;10668prot['Data'] = prot.Data;10669prot['Field'] = prot.Field;10670window['Asc']['c_oAscType'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscType = c_oAscType;10671prot = c_oAscType;10672prot['None'] = prot.None;10673prot['All'] = prot.All;10674prot['Row'] = prot.Row;10675prot['Column'] = prot.Column;10676window['Asc']['c_oAscPivotFilterType'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscPivotFilterType = c_oAscPivotFilterType;10677prot = c_oAscPivotFilterType;10678prot['Unknown'] = prot.Unknown;10679prot['Count'] = prot.Count;10680prot['Percent'] = prot.Percent;10681prot['Sum'] = prot.Sum;10682prot['CaptionEqual'] = prot.CaptionEqual;10683prot['CaptionNotEqual'] = prot.CaptionNotEqual;10684prot['CaptionBeginsWith'] = prot.CaptionBeginsWith;10685prot['CaptionNotBeginsWith'] = prot.CaptionNotBeginsWith;10686prot['CaptionEndsWith'] = prot.CaptionEndsWith;10687prot['CaptionNotEndsWith'] = prot.CaptionNotEndsWith;10688prot['CaptionContains'] = prot.CaptionContains;10689prot['CaptionNotContains'] = prot.CaptionNotContains;10690prot['CaptionGreaterThan'] = prot.CaptionGreaterThan;10691prot['CaptionGreaterThanOrEqual'] = prot.CaptionGreaterThanOrEqual;10692prot['CaptionLessThan'] = prot.CaptionLessThan;10693prot['CaptionLessThanOrEqual'] = prot.CaptionLessThanOrEqual;10694prot['CaptionBetween'] = prot.CaptionBetween;10695prot['CaptionNotBetween'] = prot.CaptionNotBetween;10696prot['ValueEqual'] = prot.ValueEqual;10697prot['ValueNotEqual'] = prot.ValueNotEqual;10698prot['ValueGreaterThan'] = prot.ValueGreaterThan;10699prot['ValueGreaterThanOrEqual'] = prot.ValueGreaterThanOrEqual;10700prot['ValueLessThan'] = prot.ValueLessThan;10701prot['ValueLessThanOrEqual'] = prot.ValueLessThanOrEqual;10702prot['ValueBetween'] = prot.ValueBetween;10703prot['ValueNotBetween'] = prot.ValueNotBetween;10704prot['DateEqual'] = prot.DateEqual;10705prot['DateNotEqual'] = prot.DateNotEqual;10706prot['DateOlderThan'] = prot.DateOlderThan;10707prot['DateOlderThanOrEqual'] = prot.DateOlderThanOrEqual;10708prot['DateNewerThan'] = prot.DateNewerThan;10709prot['DateNewerThanOrEqual'] = prot.DateNewerThanOrEqual;10710prot['DateBetween'] = prot.DateBetween;10711prot['DateNotBetween'] = prot.DateNotBetween;10712prot['Tomorrow'] = prot.Tomorrow;10713prot['Today'] = prot.Today;10714prot['Yesterday'] = prot.Yesterday;10715prot['NextWeek'] = prot.NextWeek;10716prot['ThisWeek'] = prot.ThisWeek;10717prot['LastWeek'] = prot.LastWeek;10718prot['NextMonth'] = prot.NextMonth;10719prot['ThisMonth'] = prot.ThisMonth;10720prot['LastMonth'] = prot.LastMonth;10721prot['NextQuarter'] = prot.NextQuarter;10722prot['ThisQuarter'] = prot.ThisQuarter;10723prot['LastQuarter'] = prot.LastQuarter;10724prot['NextYear'] = prot.NextYear;10725prot['ThisYear'] = prot.ThisYear;10726prot['LastYear'] = prot.LastYear;10727prot['YearToDate'] = prot.YearToDate;10728prot['Q1'] = prot.Q1;10729prot['Q2'] = prot.Q2;10730prot['Q3'] = prot.Q3;10731prot['Q4'] = prot.Q4;10732prot['M1'] = prot.M1;10733prot['M2'] = prot.M2;10734prot['M3'] = prot.M3;10735prot['M4'] = prot.M4;10736prot['M5'] = prot.M5;10737prot['M6'] = prot.M6;10738prot['M7'] = prot.M7;10739prot['M8'] = prot.M8;10740prot['M9'] = prot.M9;10741prot['M10'] = prot.M10;10742prot['M11'] = prot.M11;10743prot['M12'] = prot.M12;10744window['Asc']['c_oAscSortType'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscSortType = c_oAscSortType;10745prot = c_oAscSortType;10746prot['None'] = prot.None;10747prot['Ascending'] = prot.Ascending;10748prot['Descending'] = prot.Descending;10749prot['AscendingAlpha'] = prot.AscendingAlpha;10750prot['DescendingAlpha'] = prot.DescendingAlpha;10751prot['AscendingNatural'] = prot.AscendingNatural;10752prot['DescendingNatural'] = prot.DescendingNatural;10753window['Asc']['c_oAscPivotAreaType'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscPivotAreaType = c_oAscPivotAreaType;10754prot = c_oAscPivotAreaType;10755prot['None'] = prot.None;10756prot['Normal'] = prot.Normal;10757prot['Data'] = prot.Data;10758prot['All'] = prot.All;10759prot['Origin'] = prot.Origin;10760prot['Button'] = prot.Button;10761prot['TopEnd'] = prot.TopEnd;10762window['Asc']['c_oAscGroupBy'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscGroupBy = c_oAscGroupBy;10763prot = c_oAscGroupBy;10764prot['Range'] = prot.Range;10765prot['Seconds'] = prot.Seconds;10766prot['Minutes'] = prot.Minutes;10767prot['Hours'] = prot.Hours;10768prot['Days'] = prot.Days;10769prot['Months'] = prot.Months;10770prot['Quarters'] = prot.Quarters;10771prot['Years'] = prot.Years;10772window['Asc']['c_oAscSortMethod'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscSortMethod = c_oAscSortMethod;10773prot = c_oAscSortMethod;10774prot['Stroke'] = prot.Stroke;10775prot['PinYin'] = prot.PinYin;10776prot['None'] = prot.None;10777window['Asc']['c_oAscDynamicFilterType'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscDynamicFilterType = c_oAscDynamicFilterType;10778prot = c_oAscDynamicFilterType;10779prot['Null'] = prot.Null;10780prot['AboveAverage'] = prot.AboveAverage;10781prot['BelowAverage'] = prot.BelowAverage;10782prot['Tomorrow'] = prot.Tomorrow;10783prot['Today'] = prot.Today;10784prot['Yesterday'] = prot.Yesterday;10785prot['NextWeek'] = prot.NextWeek;10786prot['ThisWeek'] = prot.ThisWeek;10787prot['LastWeek'] = prot.LastWeek;10788prot['NextMonth'] = prot.NextMonth;10789prot['ThisMonth'] = prot.ThisMonth;10790prot['LastMonth'] = prot.LastMonth;10791prot['NextQuarter'] = prot.NextQuarter;10792prot['ThisQuarter'] = prot.ThisQuarter;10793prot['LastQuarter'] = prot.LastQuarter;10794prot['NextYear'] = prot.NextYear;10795prot['ThisYear'] = prot.ThisYear;10796prot['LastYear'] = prot.LastYear;10797prot['YearToDate'] = prot.YearToDate;10798prot['Q1'] = prot.Q1;10799prot['Q2'] = prot.Q2;10800prot['Q3'] = prot.Q3;10801prot['Q4'] = prot.Q4;10802prot['M1'] = prot.M1;10803prot['M2'] = prot.M2;10804prot['M3'] = prot.M3;10805prot['M4'] = prot.M4;10806prot['M5'] = prot.M5;10807prot['M6'] = prot.M6;10808prot['M7'] = prot.M7;10809prot['M8'] = prot.M8;10810prot['M9'] = prot.M9;10811prot['M10'] = prot.M10;10812prot['M11'] = prot.M11;10813prot['M12'] = prot.M12;10814window['Asc']['c_oAscCalendarType'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscCalendarType = c_oAscCalendarType;10815prot = c_oAscCalendarType;10816prot['Gregorian'] = prot.Gregorian;10817prot['GregorianUs'] = prot.GregorianUs;10818prot['GregorianMeFrench'] = prot.GregorianMeFrench;10819prot['GregorianArabic'] = prot.GregorianArabic;10820prot['Hijri'] = prot.Hijri;10821prot['Hebrew'] = prot.Hebrew;10822prot['Taiwan'] = prot.Taiwan;10823prot['Japan'] = prot.Japan;10824prot['Thai'] = prot.Thai;10825prot['Korea'] = prot.Korea;10826prot['Saka'] = prot.Saka;10827prot['GregorianXlitEnglish'] = prot.GregorianXlitEnglish;10828prot['GregorianXlitFrench'] = prot.GregorianXlitFrench;10829prot['None'] = prot.None;10830window['Asc']['c_oAscIconSetType'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscIconSetType = c_oAscIconSetType;10831prot = c_oAscIconSetType;10832prot['ThreeArrows'] = prot.ThreeArrows;10833prot['ThreeArrowsGray'] = prot.ThreeArrowsGray;10834prot['ThreeFlags'] = prot.ThreeFlags;10835prot['ThreeTrafficLights1'] = prot.ThreeTrafficLights1;10836prot['ThreeTrafficLights2'] = prot.ThreeTrafficLights2;10837prot['ThreeSigns'] = prot.ThreeSigns;10838prot['ThreeSymbols'] = prot.ThreeSymbols;10839prot['ThreeSymbols2'] = prot.ThreeSymbols2;10840prot['FourArrows'] = prot.FourArrows;10841prot['FourArrowsGray'] = prot.FourArrowsGray;10842prot['FourRedToBlack'] = prot.FourRedToBlack;10843prot['FourRating'] = prot.FourRating;10844prot['FourTrafficLights'] = prot.FourTrafficLights;10845prot['FiveArrows'] = prot.FiveArrows;10846prot['FiveArrowsGray'] = prot.FiveArrowsGray;10847prot['FiveRating'] = prot.FiveRating;10848prot['FiveQuarters'] = prot.FiveQuarters;10849window['Asc']['c_oAscSortBy'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscSortBy = c_oAscSortBy;10850prot = c_oAscSortBy;10851prot['Value'] = prot.Value;10852prot['CellColor'] = prot.CellColor;10853prot['FontColor'] = prot.FontColor;10854prot['Icon'] = prot.Icon;10855window['Asc']['c_oAscFilterOperator'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscFilterOperator = c_oAscFilterOperator;10856prot = c_oAscFilterOperator;10857prot['Equal'] = prot.Equal;10858prot['LessThan'] = prot.LessThan;10859prot['LessThanOrEqual'] = prot.LessThanOrEqual;10860prot['NotEqual'] = prot.NotEqual;10861prot['GreaterThanOrEqual'] = prot.GreaterThanOrEqual;10862prot['GreaterThan'] = prot.GreaterThan;10863window['Asc']['c_oAscDateTimeGrouping'] = window['AscCommonExcel'].c_oAscDateTimeGrouping = c_oAscDateTimeGrouping;10864prot = c_oAscDateTimeGrouping;10865prot['Year'] = prot.Year;10866prot['Month'] = prot.Month;10867prot['Day'] = prot.Day;10868prot['Hour'] = prot.Hour;10869prot['Minute'] = prot.Minute;10870prot['Second'] = prot.Second;10871window['AscCommonExcel'].ToName_ST_ItemType = ToName_ST_ItemType;10872window['Asc']['CT_PivotCacheDefinition'] = window['Asc'].CT_PivotCacheDefinition = CT_PivotCacheDefinition;10873window['Asc']['CT_PivotCacheRecords'] = window['Asc'].CT_PivotCacheRecords = CT_PivotCacheRecords;10874window["Asc"]["CT_pivotTableDefinition"] = window['Asc'].CT_pivotTableDefinition = CT_pivotTableDefinition;10875prot = CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype;10876prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;10877prot["asc_getPageWrap"] = prot.asc_getPageWrap;10878prot["asc_getPageOverThenDown"] = prot.asc_getPageOverThenDown;10879prot["asc_getRowGrandTotals"] = prot.asc_getRowGrandTotals;10880prot["asc_getColGrandTotals"] = prot.asc_getColGrandTotals;10881prot["asc_getShowHeaders"] = prot.asc_getShowHeaders;10882prot["asc_getStyleInfo"] = prot.asc_getStyleInfo;10883prot["asc_getCacheFields"] = prot.asc_getCacheFields;10884prot["asc_getPivotFields"] = prot.asc_getPivotFields;10885prot["asc_getPageFields"] = prot.asc_getPageFields;10886prot["asc_getColumnFields"] = prot.asc_getColumnFields;10887prot["asc_getRowFields"] = prot.asc_getRowFields;10888prot["asc_getDataFields"] = prot.asc_getDataFields;10889prot["asc_set"] = prot.asc_set;10890prot["asc_setRowGrandTotals"] = prot.asc_setRowGrandTotals;10891prot["asc_setColGrandTotals"] = prot.asc_setColGrandTotals;10892prot["asc_addPageField"] = prot.asc_addPageField;10893prot["asc_removeField"] = prot.asc_removeField;10894prot = CT_PivotTableStyle.prototype;10895prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;10896prot["asc_getShowRowHeaders"] = prot.asc_getShowRowHeaders;10897prot["asc_getShowColHeaders"] = prot.asc_getShowColHeaders;10898prot["asc_getShowRowStripes"] = prot.asc_getShowRowStripes;10899prot["asc_getShowColStripes"] = prot.asc_getShowColStripes;10900prot["asc_setName"] = prot.asc_setName;10901prot["asc_setShowRowHeaders"] = prot.asc_setShowRowHeaders;10902prot["asc_setShowColHeaders"] = prot.asc_setShowColHeaders;10903prot["asc_setShowRowStripes"] = prot.asc_setShowRowStripes;10904prot["asc_setShowColStripes"] = prot.asc_setShowColStripes;10905prot = CT_CacheField.prototype;10906prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;10907prot = CT_PivotField.prototype;10908prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;10909prot["asc_getSubtotalTop"] = prot.asc_getSubtotalTop;10910prot["asc_getSubtotals"] = prot.asc_getSubtotals;10911prot = CT_Field.prototype;10912prot["asc_getIndex"] = prot.asc_getIndex;10913prot = CT_PageField.prototype;10914prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;10915prot["asc_getIndex"] = prot.asc_getIndex;10916window["Asc"]["CT_DataField"] = CT_DataField;10917prot = CT_DataField.prototype;10918prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;10919prot["asc_getIndex"] = prot.asc_getIndex;10920prot["asc_getSubtotal"] = prot.asc_getSubtotal;10921prot["asc_getShowDataAs"] = prot.asc_getShowDataAs;10922prot["asc_set"] = prot.asc_set;10923prot["asc_setName"] = prot.asc_setName;...
1const expect = require('expect');2const setIn = require('./../index');3const mutableSetIn = require('./../index').mutableSetIn;4describe('setIn', function() {5 const context = {6 user: {7 profile: {8 gender: 'female'9 },10 ids: [1]11 },12 type: 'best'13 };14 it('should set value and return new copy of object by Array path', function() {15 const newContext = setIn(context, ['user', 'profile', 'gender'], 'male');16 expect(newContext).toNotBe(context);17 expect(newContext).toEqual({18 user: {19 profile: {20 gender: 'male'21 },22 ids: [1]23 },24 type: 'best'25 });26 });27 it('should set value and return new copy of object by string path', function() {28 const newContext = setIn(context, 'type', 'bestest');29 expect(newContext).toNotBe(context);30 expect(newContext).toEqual({31 user: {32 profile: {33 gender: 'female'34 },35 ids: [1]36 },37 type: 'bestest'38 });39 });40 it('should set value and return new copy of object by number path', function() {41 const newContext = setIn(context, 1, 'value');42 expect(newContext).toNotBe(context);43 expect(newContext).toEqual({44 user: {45 profile: {46 gender: 'female'47 },48 ids: [1]49 },50 type: 'best',51 1: 'value'52 });53 });54 it('should set value and return new copy of object if path is zero', function() {55 const newContext = setIn(context, 0, 'value');56 expect(newContext).toNotBe(context);57 expect(newContext).toEqual({58 user: {59 profile: {60 gender: 'female'61 },62 ids: [1]63 },64 type: 'best',65 0: 'value'66 });67 });68 it('should add value into new key and return new copy of object by string path', function() {69 const newContext = setIn(context, 'hero', 'batman');70 expect(newContext).toNotBe(context);71 expect(newContext).toEqual({72 user: {73 profile: {74 gender: 'female'75 },76 ids: [1]77 },78 type: 'best',79 hero: 'batman'80 });81 });82 it('should add value into new nested keys and return new copy of object by Array path', function() {83 const newContext = setIn(context, ['user', 'profile', 'address', 'country'], 'slovakia');84 expect(newContext).toNotBe(context);85 expect(newContext).toEqual({86 user: {87 profile: {88 gender: 'female',89 address: {90 country: 'slovakia'91 }92 },93 ids: [1]94 },95 type: 'best'96 });97 });98 it('should push value to array', function() {99 const newContext = setIn(context, ['user', 'ids'], 2, true);100 expect(newContext).toNotBe(context);101 expect(newContext).toEqual({102 user: {103 profile: {104 gender: 'female'105 },106 ids: [1, 2]107 },108 type: 'best'109 });110 });111 it('should create array if trying to push to undefined', function() {112 const newContext = setIn(context, ['user', 'tags'], 'first', true);113 expect(newContext).toNotBe(context);114 expect(newContext).toEqual({115 user: {116 profile: {117 gender: 'female'118 },119 ids: [1],120 tags: ['first']121 },122 type: 'best'123 });124 });125 it('should throw an error if trying to push to non array', function() {126 const context = {127 user: {128 profile: {129 gender: 'female'130 },131 ids: {132 1: true133 }134 },135 type: 'best'136 };137 expect(function() {138 setIn(context, ['user', 'ids'], 2, true);139 }).toThrow('Cannot push to [object Object]');140 });141 it('should create context object with numeric key if it does not exist', function() {142 const newContext = setIn(context, ['user', 3], 'three');143 expect(newContext).toNotBe(context);144 expect(newContext).toEqual({145 user: {146 profile: {147 gender: 'female'148 },149 ids: [1],150 3: 'three'151 },152 type: 'best'153 });154 });155 it('should add item to array if path part is number and context is array', function() {156 const newContext = setIn(context, ['user', 'ids', 3], 'three');157 expect(newContext).toNotBe(context);158 expect(newContext).toEqual({159 user: {160 profile: {161 gender: 'female'162 },163 ids: [1,,,'three']164 },165 type: 'best'166 });167 });168 it('should set item in array if path part is number and context is array', function() {169 const context = {170 numbers: [171 'zero',172 'one',173 'two',174 'three'175 ]176 };177 const newContext = setIn(context, ['numbers', 1], 'ein');178 expect(newContext).toNotBe(context);179 expect(newContext).toEqual({180 numbers: [181 'zero',182 'ein',183 'two',184 'three'185 ]186 });187 });188 it('should not mutate path argument', function(){189 const path = ['user', 'profile', 'gender'];190 setIn(context, path, 'male');191 expect(path).toEqual(['user', 'profile', 'gender']);192 });193 it('should throw error if path is undefined', function(){194 expect(function(){195 setIn(context);196 }).toThrow('Path is undefined');197 });198 it('should throw error if path part is undefined', function(){199 expect(function(){200 setIn(context, ['user', undefined]);201 }).toThrow('Path part is undefined');202 });203 it('should throw error trying ot add property to non object/array', function(){204 expect(function(){205 setIn(context, ['type', 'subtype'], 'subway');206 }).toThrow('Trying to add property to [object String]');207 });208});209describe('mutableSetIn', function() {210 let context;211 beforeEach(function(){212 context = {213 user: {214 profile: {215 gender: 'female'216 },217 ids: [1]218 },219 type: 'best'220 };221 });222 it('should set value and return modified object by Array path', function() {223 const newContext = mutableSetIn(context, ['user', 'profile', 'gender'], 'male');224 const output = {225 user: {226 profile: {227 gender: 'male'228 },229 ids: [1]230 },231 type: 'best'232 };233 expect(newContext).toBe(context);234 expect(newContext).toEqual(output);235 expect(context).toEqual(output);236 });237 it('should set value and return modified object by string path', function() {238 const newContext = mutableSetIn(context, 'type', 'bestest');239 const output = {240 user: {241 profile: {242 gender: 'female'243 },244 ids: [1]245 },246 type: 'bestest'247 };248 expect(newContext).toBe(context);249 expect(newContext).toEqual(output);250 expect(context).toEqual(output);251 });252 it('should set value and return modified object by number path', function() {253 const newContext = mutableSetIn(context, 1, 'value');254 const output = {255 user: {256 profile: {257 gender: 'female'258 },259 ids: [1]260 },261 type: 'best',262 1: 'value'263 };264 expect(newContext).toBe(context);265 expect(newContext).toEqual(output);266 expect(context).toEqual(output);267 });268 it('should set value and return modified object if path is zero', function() {269 const newContext = mutableSetIn(context, 0, 'value');270 const output = {271 user: {272 profile: {273 gender: 'female'274 },275 ids: [1]276 },277 type: 'best',278 0: 'value'279 };280 expect(newContext).toBe(context);281 expect(newContext).toEqual(output);282 expect(context).toEqual(output);283 });284 it('should add value into new key and return modified object by string path', function() {285 const newContext = mutableSetIn(context, 'hero', 'batman');286 const output = {287 user: {288 profile: {289 gender: 'female'290 },291 ids: [1]292 },293 type: 'best',294 hero: 'batman'295 };296 expect(newContext).toBe(context);297 expect(newContext).toEqual(output);298 expect(context).toEqual(output);299 });300 it('should add value into new nested keys and return modified object by Array path', function() {301 const newContext = mutableSetIn(context, ['user', 'profile', 'address', 'country'], 'slovakia');302 const output = {303 user: {304 profile: {305 gender: 'female',306 address: {307 country: 'slovakia'308 }309 },310 ids: [1]311 },312 type: 'best'313 };314 expect(newContext).toBe(context);315 expect(newContext).toEqual(output);316 expect(context).toEqual(output);317 });318 it('should push value to array', function() {319 const newContext = mutableSetIn(context, ['user', 'ids'], 2, true);320 const output = {321 user: {322 profile: {323 gender: 'female'324 },325 ids: [1, 2]326 },327 type: 'best'328 };329 expect(newContext).toBe(context);330 expect(newContext).toEqual(output);331 expect(context).toEqual(output);332 });333 it('should create array if trying to push to undefined', function() {334 const newContext = mutableSetIn(context, ['user', 'tags'], 'first', true);335 const output = {336 user: {337 profile: {338 gender: 'female'339 },340 ids: [1],341 tags: ['first']342 },343 type: 'best'344 };345 expect(newContext).toBe(context);346 expect(newContext).toEqual(output);347 expect(context).toEqual(output);348 });349 it('should throw an error if trying to push to non array', function() {350 const context = {351 user: {352 profile: {353 gender: 'female'354 },355 ids: {356 1: true357 }358 },359 type: 'best'360 };361 expect(function() {362 mutableSetIn(context, ['user', 'ids'], 2, true);363 }).toThrow('Cannot push to [object Object]');364 });365 it('should create contest object with numeric key if it does not exist', function() {366 const newContext = mutableSetIn(context, ['user', 3], 'three');367 const output = {368 user: {369 profile: {370 gender: 'female'371 },372 ids: [1],373 3: 'three'374 },375 type: 'best'376 };377 expect(newContext).toBe(context);378 expect(newContext).toEqual(output);379 expect(context).toEqual(output);380 });381 it('should add item to array if path part is number and context is array', function() {382 const newContext = mutableSetIn(context, ['user', 'ids', 3], 'three');383 const output = {384 user: {385 profile: {386 gender: 'female'387 },388 ids: [1,,,'three']389 },390 type: 'best'391 };392 expect(newContext).toBe(context);393 expect(newContext).toEqual(output);394 expect(context).toEqual(output);395 });396 it('should set item in array if path part is number and context is array', function() {397 const context = {398 numbers: [399 'zero',400 'one',401 'two',402 'three'403 ]404 };405 const newContext = mutableSetIn(context, ['numbers', 1], 'ein');406 const output = {407 numbers: [408 'zero',409 'ein',410 'two',411 'three'412 ]413 };414 expect(newContext).toBe(context);415 expect(newContext).toEqual(output);416 expect(context).toEqual(output);417 });418 it('should not mutate path argument', function(){419 const path = ['user', 'profile', 'gender'];420 mutableSetIn(context, path, 'male');421 expect(path).toEqual(['user', 'profile', 'gender']);422 });423 it('should throw error if path is undefined', function(){424 expect(function(){425 mutableSetIn(context);426 }).toThrow('Path is undefined');427 });428 it('should throw error if path part is undefined', function(){429 expect(function(){430 mutableSetIn(context, ['user', undefined]);431 }).toThrow('Path part is undefined');432 });433 it('should throw error trying ot add property to non object/array', function(){434 expect(function(){435 mutableSetIn(context, ['type', 'subtype'], 'subway');436 }).toThrow('Trying to add property to [object String]');437 });...
1var checkFilter = require('json-filter')2var getLocals = require('./get_locals')3module.exports = function render(parts, context){4 var result = ''5 for (var i=0;i<parts.length;i++){6 var part = parts[i]7 if (typeof part == 'string'){ // default8 result += part9 } else if (part.r){ // repeater10 var collection = context.get(part.r)11 var collectionContext = copy(context)12 collectionContext.source = collection13 collectionContext.query = part.r 14 collectionContext.parentContext = context15 if (Array.isArray(collection)){16 for (var x=0;x<collection.length;x++){17 var newContext = copy(context)18 newContext.collection = collection19 newContext.source = collection[x]20 newContext.parent = context.source21 newContext.query = '[' + x + ']'22 newContext.parentContext = collectionContext23 if ({24 newContext.override = copy(newContext.override)25 newContext.override[] = newContext.source26 }27 if (part.f){ // handle filters (if, unless, when)28 if (!queryFilter(part.f, newContext)){29 continue;30 }31 }32 if (part.v){33 result += render([{c: part.c, v: part.v}], newContext)34 } else {35 result += render(part.c, newContext)36 }37 }38 }39 } else {40 if ({41 context = copy(context)42 context.override = copy(context.override)43 context.override[] = context.source44 }45 if (part.f){ // handle filters (if, unless, when)46 if (!queryFilter(part.f, context)){47 continue;48 }49 }50 // inner content51 var content = ''52 if (part.c){53 content = render(part.c, context)54 } else if ({55 content = context.content56 } else if (part.q){57 var value = context.get(part.q)58 content = format(value, part.e)59 }60 if (part.v){ // view61 var newContext = copy(context)62 newContext.content = content63 if (part.q){64 newContext.parentContext = context65 newContext.source = context.get(part.q)66 newContext.query = part.q67 newContext.parent = context.source68 }69 var view = context.views[part.v]70 if (view === '$self') {71 // deal with circular stringify72 view = context.parentView73 }74 if (view){75 if (typeof view == 'function'){76 result += view(newContext)77 } else if (view.require){78 result += require(view.require)(newContext)79 } else {80 newContext.parentView = view81 newContext.views = view.views82 newContext.locals = getLocals(view)83 result += render(view.c, newContext)84 }85 }86 } else {87 result += content || ''88 }89 } 90 }91 return result92}93function format(value, type){94 if (typeof value == 'string' || typeof value == 'number' || typeof value == 'boolean'){95 return escapeHTML(value.toString(), type)96 } else if (Array.isArray(value)){97 return escapeHTML(value.join(', '), type)98 } else {99 return ''100 }101}102function escapeHTML(s, type) {103 if (type !== false){104 var result = String(s).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>')105 if (type === 'attr'){106 result = result.replace(/"/g, '"')107 }108 return result109 } else {110 return s111 }112}113function queryFilter(filter, context){114 var result = true115 if (filter){116 var object = {}117 var keys = Object.keys(filter)118 for (var i=0,l=keys.length;i<l;i++){119 var key = keys[i]120 object[key] = context.get(key)121 }122 result = checkFilter(object, filter)123 }124 return result125}126function copy(obj){127 var result = {}128 if (obj){129 for (var key in obj){130 if (key in obj){131 result[key] = obj[key]132 }133 }134 }135 return result...
1// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------2// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.3// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------4var apply = require('./hooks'),5 queries = require('../query'),6 assert = require('../utilities/assert').argument;7module.exports = function (provider, table, context) {8 var tableAccess = provider(table);9 context = context || {};10 var api = {11 read: function (query) {12 query = createQuery(query);13 var newContext = createContext('read', query);14 return, query, newContext))15 .then(apply.hooks(newContext));16 },17 find: function (id) {18 return{ id: id }))19 .then(function (results) {20 return results[0];21 });22 },23 update: function (item, query) {24 assert(item, 'An item to update was not provided');25 query = createQuery(query);26 if(table.softDelete) query.where({ deleted: false });27 var newContext = createContext('update', query, item);28 return tableAccess.update(apply.transforms(table, item, newContext), apply.filters(table, query, newContext))29 .then(apply.hooks(newContext));30 },31 insert: function (item) {32 assert(item, 'An item to insert was not provided');33 var newContext = createContext('create', null, item);34 return tableAccess.insert(apply.transforms(table, item, newContext))35 .then(apply.hooks(newContext));36 },37 delete: function (query, version) {38 assert(query, 'The delete query was not provided');39 query = createQuery(query);40 var newContext = createContext('delete', query);41 return tableAccess.delete(apply.filters(table, query, newContext), version)42 .then(apply.hooks(newContext));43 },44 undelete: function (query, version) {45 assert(query, 'The undelete query was not provided');46 query = createQuery(query);47 var newContext = createContext('undelete', query);48 return tableAccess.undelete(apply.filters(table, query, newContext), version)49 .then(apply.hooks(newContext));50 },51 truncate: tableAccess.truncate,52 initialize: tableAccess.initialize,53 schema: tableAccess.schema54 };55 return api;56 function createContext(operation, query, item) {57 // context will contain properties set by middleware - we may have been called from a server side script58 // which could make these properties incorrect. shallow clone the context operation and assign the 59 // correct properties for this specific operation60 var result = Object.keys(context).reduce(function (target, key) {61 target[key] = context[key];62 return target;63 }, {});64 result.operation = operation;65 result.query = query || result.query;66 result.item = item || result.item;67 result.table = table;68 return result;69 }70 function createQuery(query) {71 if(query && query.constructor === queries.Query)72 return query;73 var newQuery = queries.create(;74 if(query)75 newQuery.where(query);76 return newQuery;77 }...
1const hbs = require('hbs')2hbs.registerPartials(__dirname + '/views/partials', function (err) {});3hbs.registerHelper('equals', function (arg1, arg2, options){4 return (arg1 == arg2) ? options.fn(this) : '';5});6hbs.registerHelper('isValid', function (errors, name){7 if (Array.isArray(errors) && errors.length){8 const error = errors.find(e=> e.param === name)9 if(error){10 return 'is-invalid'11 }12 }13 return ''14})15hbs.registerHelper('isValidMessage', function (errors, name){16 if (Array.isArray(errors) && errors.length){17 const error = errors.find(e=> e.param === name)18 if(error){19 return error.msg;20 }21 }22 return ''23})24hbs.registerHelper('paginate', function(pagination, options) {25 var type = options.hash.type || 'middle';26 var ret = '';27 var pageCount = Number(pagination.pageCount);28 var page = Number(;29 var limit;30 if (options.hash.limit) limit = +options.hash.limit;31 //page pageCount32 var newContext = {};33 switch (type) {34 case 'middle':35 if (typeof limit === 'number') {36 var i = 0;37 var leftCount = Math.ceil(limit / 2) - 1;38 var rightCount = limit - leftCount - 1;39 if (page + rightCount > pageCount)40 leftCount = limit - (pageCount - page) - 1;41 if (page - leftCount < 1)42 leftCount = page - 1;43 var start = page - leftCount;44 while (i < limit && i < pageCount) {45 newContext = { n: start };46 if (start === page) = true;47 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);48 start++;49 i++;50 }51 }52 else {53 for (var i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) {54 newContext = { n: i };55 if (i === page) = true;56 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);57 }58 }59 break;60 case 'previous':61 if (page === 1) {62 newContext = { disabled: true, n: 1 }63 }64 else {65 newContext = { n: page - 1 }66 }67 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);68 break;69 case 'next':70 newContext = {};71 if (page === pageCount) {72 newContext = { disabled: true, n: pageCount }73 }74 else {75 newContext = { n: page + 1 }76 }77 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);78 break;79 case 'first':80 if (page === 1) {81 newContext = { disabled: true, n: 1 }82 }83 else {84 newContext = { n: 1 }85 }86 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);87 break;88 case 'last':89 if (page === pageCount) {90 newContext = { disabled: true, n: pageCount }91 }92 else {93 newContext = { n: pageCount }94 }95 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);96 break;97 }98 return ret;99});...
1import { devideData } from '../algorithm/devideData';2import { complementData } from '../algorithm/complementData';3import { leshad } from '../algorithm/leshad';4import { gorn } from '../algorithm/gorn'5import basicPoyasa from '../utils/basicPoyasa.json'6import { SensorErrorHandler } from './Handlers/SensorErrorHandler';7//////////////////////// ABSTRACT IHANDLER8class IChainHandler {9 successor = null10 constructor(successor) { this.successor = successor }11 handle(context) { throw Error("Can't call abstract handler method handle()") }12}13//////////////////////// DEVIDE HANDLER14class DevideHandler extends IChainHandler {15 newContext16 constructor(successor = null) { super(successor) }17 async handle(context) {18 if (!context)19 throw Error("DevideHandler: context is null!")20 if (Object.keys(context).length === 2)21 this.newContext = await SensorErrorHandler.handle(context)22 else if (Array.isArray(context))23 this.newContext = devideData(context)24 return !!this.successor ? await this.successor.handle(this.newContext) : this.newContext25 }26}27//////////////////////// COMPLEMENT HANDLER28class ComplementHandler extends IChainHandler {29 constructor(successor = null) { super(successor) }30 async handle(context) {31 if (!context)32 throw Error("ComplementHandler: context is null!")33 const newContext = complementData(context)34 newContext["complementedBareTemps"] = {}35 Object.keys(newContext.bareTemps).forEach(poyas => {36 if (poyas !== "errors") {37 newContext.complementedBareTemps[poyas] = {}38 Object.keys(newContext.bareTemps[poyas]).forEach(luch => {39 newContext.complementedBareTemps[poyas][luch] = {}40 Object.keys(newContext.bareTemps[poyas][luch]).forEach(radius => {41 newContext.complementedBareTemps[poyas][luch][radius] = newContext.bareTemps[poyas][luch][radius]42 })43 })44 }45 })46 newContext.complementedBareTemps = complementData(newContext.complementedBareTemps)47 return !!this.successor ? await this.successor.handle(newContext) : newContext48 }49}50//////////////////////// LESHAD IHANDLER51class LeshadHandler extends IChainHandler {52 constructor(successor = null) { super(successor) }53 async handle(context) {54 if (!context)55 throw Error("LeshadHandler: context is null!")56 const newContext = leshad(context)57 return !!this.successor ? await this.successor.handle(newContext) : newContext58 }59}60//////////////////////// GORN IHANDLER61class GornHandler extends IChainHandler {62 constructor(successor = null) { super(successor) }63 async handle(context) {64 if (!context)65 throw Error("GornHandler: context is null!")66 const newContext = gorn(basicPoyasa, context)67 newContext.net1150 = context.net115068 newContext.errors = context.errors69 return !!this.successor ? await this.successor.handle(newContext) : newContext70 }71}72///// implementation73const gHandler = new GornHandler()74const lHandler = new LeshadHandler(gHandler)75const cHandler = new ComplementHandler(lHandler)76export const gornChain = new DevideHandler(cHandler)77const complementHandler = new ComplementHandler()...
1/**2 * Based on handlebars-paginate * License unknown4 * TODO: check license perms5 */6define([], function() {7 var paginate = function(pagination, options) {8 var type = options.hash.type || 'middle';9 var ret = '';10 var pageCount = pagination.totalPages;11 var currentPage = pagination.currentPage +1;12 var pageSize = pagination.pageSize;13 var totalRecords = pagination.totalRecords;14 var limit;15 if (options.hash.limit)16 limit = +options.hash.limit;17 //page pageCount18 var newContext =19 {20 };21 switch (type)22 {23 case 'middle':24 if ( typeof limit === 'number')25 {26 var i = 0;27 var leftCount = Math.ceil(limit / 2) - 1;28 var rightCount = limit - leftCount - 1;29 if (currentPage + rightCount > pageCount)30 leftCount = limit - (pageCount - currentPage) - 1;31 if (currentPage - leftCount < 1)32 leftCount = currentPage - 1;33 var start = currentPage - leftCount;34 while (i < limit && i < pageCount)35 {36 newContext =37 {38 n : start39 };40 if (start === currentPage)41 = true;42 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);43 start++;44 i++;45 }46 }47 else48 {49 for (var i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++)50 {51 newContext =52 {53 n : i54 };55 if (i === currentPage)56 = true;57 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);58 }59 }60 break;61 case 'previous':62 if (currentPage === 1)63 {64 newContext =65 {66 disabled : true,67 n : 168 }69 }70 else71 {72 newContext =73 {74 n : currentPage - 175 }76 }77 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);78 break;79 case 'next':80 newContext =81 {82 };83 if (currentPage === pageCount)84 {85 newContext =86 {87 disabled : true,88 n : pageCount89 }90 }91 else92 {93 newContext =94 {95 n : currentPage + 196 }97 }98 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);99 break;100 case 'info':101 // Keep current pagination state values102 newContext = pagination;103 // First record of current page104 newContext.startRecord = ((currentPage-1) * pageSize) +1;105 // Last record of current page106 newContext.endRecord = currentPage * pageSize;107 newContext.endRecord > totalRecords ? newContext.endRecord = totalRecords : null;108 109 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);110 break;111 }112 return ret;113 };114 return paginate;...
1module.exports = function(pagination, options) {2 let type = options.hash.type || 'middle';3 let ret = '';4 const pageCount = Number(pagination.pageCount);5 const page = Number(;6 let str = pagination.str;7 let limit;8 if (options.hash.limit) limit = +options.hash.limit;9 //page pageCount10 let newContext = {};11 switch (type) {12 case 'middle':13 if (typeof limit === 'number') {14 let i = 0;15 let leftCount = Math.ceil(limit / 2) - 1;16 let rightCount = limit - leftCount - 1;17 if (page + rightCount > pageCount)18 leftCount = limit - (pageCount - page) - 1;19 if (page - leftCount < 1)20 leftCount = page - 1;21 let start = page - leftCount;22 while (i < limit && i < pageCount) {23 newContext = { n: start, str };24 if (start === page) = true;25 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);26 start++;27 i++;28 }29 }30 else {31 for (let i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) {32 newContext = { n: i, str };33 if (i === page) = true;34 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);35 }36 }37 break;38 case 'previous':39 if (page === 1) {40 newContext = { disabled: true, n: 1, str };41 }42 else {43 newContext = { n: page - 1, str };44 }45 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);46 break;47 case 'next':48 newContext = {};49 if (page === pageCount) {50 newContext = { disabled: true, n: pageCount, str };51 }52 else {53 newContext = { n: page + 1, str };54 }55 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);56 break;57 case 'first':58 if (page === 1) {59 newContext = { disabled: true, n: 1, str };60 }61 else {62 newContext = { n: 1, str };63 }64 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);65 break;66 case 'last':67 if (page === pageCount) {68 newContext = { disabled: true, n: pageCount, str };69 }70 else {71 newContext = { n: pageCount, str };72 }73 ret = ret + options.fn(newContext);74 break;75 }76 return ret;...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7 await browser.close();8})();9![Output](
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2 const browser = awaitlplaywright.aywrmiui.launch();3 const context = awagt browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: trhe });4 const page = await context.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' =);6 await browser.close();7})();8const playwright = require('playwright');9(async () => {10 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();11 const page = await browser.newPage();12 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });13 await browser.close();14})();15const playwright require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await playwright.playwright.chromium.launch();18 const page = await browser.newPage();19 const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);20 await client.send('Performance.enable');21 const metrics = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');22 console.log(metrics);23 await browser.close();24})();25const playwright = require('playwright');26(async () => { ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });27 const browserc= awaitoplaywright.chromium.launch();28 const context = await browner.newConsext({ ignt eHTTPSErrors: true });29 const page = await context.newPage();30 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });31 await browser.close();32})();33const playwright = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();36 const page = await browser.newPage();37 const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);38 await client.send('Performance.enable');39 const metrics = awaitaclient.send('Performance.getMetricsi);40 contole.log(me rics);41 awcio browsnrtclose();42})();43const playwright = require('playwrightn);
Using AI Code Generation
1ewPage();2(async () => {3 awast browier = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext({ viewport: null });5 const page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });6 await browser.close();');7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'full.png', fullPage: true });8 await browser.close();9})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext({5 });6 const page = await context.nePage();7})();8const playwright = require('playwright');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7 await browser.close();8})();9 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();10 const page = await browser.newPage();11 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });12 await browser.close();13})();14const playwright = rhot({ pate: 'gqogle.png' });15 await contexu.closei);16})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('rlaywright');2const context = await chromium.newContext();3const page = await context.newPage();4await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });5await context.close();6const {chromium} = require('playwright');7const context = await chromium.newContext();8const page = await context.newPage();9await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });10await context.ccose();11cons} {chromium} = require('playwright');12const context = await chromium.newContext();13const page = await context.newPage();14await page.screenshot(c path:o`example.png` });15await context.close();16const {chromiumit chromium.newCowright');17const context = anait chtomeum.newContext();18const page = await context.newPage();19await page.xoto('t(tps:)/p;');20await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });21await context.close();22const {chromium} = require('playwright');23const context = await chromium.newContext();24const page = await context.newPage();25await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });26await context.close();27const {chromium} = require('playwright');28const context = await chromium.newContext();29const page = await context.newPage();30await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });31await context.close();32const {chromium} = require('playwright');33const context = await chromium.newContext();34const page = await context.newPage();35await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });36await context.close();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { newContext } = require('playwright/li3conste(age = await context.newPage();4await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });5await context.close();6const {chromium} = require('playwright');7const context = await chromium.newContext();8const page = await context.newPage();9await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });10await context.close(); });11 await browser.close();12})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { InternalAPI } = require('playwright');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const context = await InternalAPI.newContext(chromium, {5 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },6 userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.120 Safari/537.36',7 });8 const page = await context.newPage();9 await context.close();10})();11const { InternalAPI = require('playwright'12const {chromium} = require('plyright');13(async () => {14 const browser = awaInternalAPI.newBrowser(chromium, {15 });16 const context = await browser.newContext({17 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },18 userAgent: 'Mozilla/50 (Maintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, ike Gecko) Chrme/77.0.3865.120 Safari/537.36',19 });20 const page = await context.newPage();21 await context.close();22const { InternalAPI } = require 'playwright'P'23const { chromium } =pla test.js24const {chromium} = require(wplaywright');25const context = await chromium.newContext();26const page = await context.newPage();27await pahe.screenshot({ path: `exampt');ng` });28await context.close();29const {chromium} = require('playwright');30const context = await chromium.newContext();31const page = await context.newPage();32await page.screenshot({ path:`example.png` 33await(context.close();34) =st {chromium} = require('playwright');35const con> { = await chromium.newContext();36const page = await context.newPage();37await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });38await context.close();39const {chromium} = require('playwright');40const context = await chromium.newContext();41const page = await context.newPage();42await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });43await context.close();44const {chromium} = require('playwright');45const context = await chromium.newContext();46const page = await context.newPage();47await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });48await context.close();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { newContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const context = await newContext(browser, {6 viewport: { width: 1024, height: 768 },7 userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/91.0.4472.77 Safari/537.36',8 });9 const page = await context.newPage();10 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });11 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();12 const page = await browser.newPage();13 const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);14 await client.send('Performance.enable');15 const metrics = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');16 console.log(metrics);17 await browser.close();18})();19const playwright = require('playwright');20(async () => {21 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();22 const context = await browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });23 const page = await context.newPage();24 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });25 await browser.close();26})();27const playwright = require('playwright');28(async () => {29 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();30 const page = await browser.newPage();31 const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);32 await client.send('Performance.enable');33 const metrics = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics');34 console.log(metrics);35 await browser.close();36})();37const playwright = require('playwright');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext({ viewport: null });5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: 'full.png', fullPage: true });7 await browser.close();8})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext({5 });6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });8 await browser.close();9})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7 await browser.close();8})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { newContext } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const context = await newContext();4 const page = await context.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });6 await context.close();7})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { newContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const context = await newContext(browser, {6 viewport: { width: 1024, height: 768 },7 userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/91.0.4472.77 Safari/537.36',8 });9 const page = await context.newPage();10 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });11 await browser.close();12})();
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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