Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1var sql = require("../db/sql/PublicationSql");2var raSql = require("../db/sql/ResearchAreaSql");3var pSql = require("../db/sql/ProductSql");4var aSql = require("../db/sql/AssaySql");5var plSql = require("../db/sql/PlatformSql");6var ErrorResponse = require("../body/response/ErrorResponse");7var PublicationResponse = require("../body/response/PublicationResponse");8var GetEditPublicationResponse = require("../body/response/GetEditPublicationResponse");9var SuccessResponse = require("../body/response/SuccessResponse");10var nodeExcel = require('node-xlsx');11var util = require('../util/util');12var log4jHandler = require('../log4j/Log4jHandler');13var fs = require("fs");14var iconv = require('iconv-lite');15var pathConfig = require('../path-config');16var getPublication = (query) => {17 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {18 let index = query.index;19 let offset = query.offset;20 let rows = (index - 1) * offset;21 if(isNaN(rows) || isNaN(offset)) {22 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "index and offset are required, and type must be number"))23 } else {24 sql.selectPublication(rows, offset, query).then((publication) => {25 resolve(PublicationResponse.publication(index, publication[1], publication[0]))26 }).catch((err) => {27 log4jHandler.error(err)28 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "Select publication fail"));29 });30 }31 });32};33var editBasePublicationField = (id, field, value, user) => {34 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {35 if(!id || !field || !value) {36 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "id, field and value are required"));37 } else {38 if(field != "PublicationTitle" && field != "PublicationLink" && field != "PrimaryAuthor" && field != "Authors" && field != "JournalName" && field != "PublicationDate") {39 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "Field is wrong"));40 } else {41 id = id.replace(/\s+/g,"")42 var sqlField = ""43 if(field == "PublicationTitle") {44 sqlField = "publication_title"45 }46 if(field == "PublicationLink") {47 sqlField = "publication_link"48 }49 if(field == "PrimaryAuthor") {50 sqlField = "primary_author"51 }52 if(field == "Authors") {53 sqlField = "authors"54 }55 if(field == "JournalName") {56 sqlField = "journal_name"57 }58 if(field == "PublicationDate") {59 sqlField = "publication_date"60 }61 sql.updateBasePublicationField(id, sqlField, value, user).then(() => {62 resolve(SuccessResponse.edit());63 }).catch((err) => {64 log4jHandler.error(err)65 if(err.message.indexOf('ER_DUP_ENTRY') != -1) {66 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "This publication link is already exist"))67 } else {68 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "Update base publication field fail"));69 }70 });71 }72 }73 }); 74}75var getEditPublication = (id, index, offset) => {76 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {77 let rows = (index - 1) * offset;78 if(!id || isNaN(rows) || isNaN(offset)) {79 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "id and index and offset are required, and type must be number"))80 } else {81 id = id.replace(/\s+/g,"")82 sql.selectUpdatePublication(id, rows, offset).then((updatePublication) => {83 if(updatePublication[0].length == 0) {84 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orCEC, "can not found this publication"))85 } else {86 resolve(GetEditPublicationResponse.getEditPublication(index, updatePublication[2], updatePublication[0], updatePublication[1]))87 }88 }).catch((err) => {89 log4jHandler.error(err)90 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "select update publication fail"))91 })92 }93 })94}95var removePublication = (id, subId, user) => {96 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {97 if(!id) {98 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "Publication id is required"))99 } else {100 id = id.replace(/\s+/g,"")101 if(!subId) {102 sql.selectDeleteSubPublication(id).then((subTotal) => {103 if(subTotal[0].total < 1) {104 sql.deleteBasePublication(id, user).then(() => {105 resolve(SuccessResponse.remove())106 }).catch((err) => {107 log4jHandler.error(err)108 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "delete base publication fail"))109 })110 } else {111 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orCEC, "This id can get subentry, but you are not send subId"))112 }113 }).catch((err) => {114 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "select delete sub publication fail"))115 })116 } else {117 subId = subId.replace(/\s+/g,"")118 sql.selectDeleteSubPublication(id).then((subTotal) => {119 if(subTotal[0].total > 1) {120 sql.deleteSubPublication(id, subId, user).then(() => {121 resolve(SuccessResponse.remove())122 }).catch((err) => {123 log4jHandler.error(err)124 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "delete sub publication fail"))125 })126 } else if(subTotal[0].total == 1) {127 sql.deletePublication(id, subId, user).then(() => {128 resolve(SuccessResponse.remove())129 }).catch((err) => {130 log4jHandler.error(err)131 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "delete publication fail"))132 })133 } else {134 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orCEC, "this id can not get any subentry"))135 }136 }).catch((err) => {137 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "select delete sub publication fail"))138 })139 }140 }141 })142}143var removeSubPublication = (id, subId, user) => {144 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {145 if(!id || !subId) {146 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "id and subId are required"))147 } else {148 id = id.replace(/\s+/g,"")149 subId = subId.replace(/\s+/g,"")150 sql.deleteSubPublication(id, subId, user).then(() => {151 resolve(SuccessResponse.remove())152 }).catch((err) => {153 log4jHandler.error(err)154 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "delete sub publication fail"))155 })156 }157 })158}159var addPublication = (publication, user) => {160 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {161 if(!publication.PublicationLink || !publication.PublicationTitle || !publication.PublicationDate || !publication.PrimaryAuthor || !publication.Authors || !publication.JournalName) {162 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "base publication field are required"))163 } else {164 if(!publication.SubPublication || publication.SubPublication.length == 0) {165 sql.insertBasePublication(publication, user).then((baseSuccess) => {166 resolve(Object.assign(SuccessResponse.add(), {id: baseSuccess[0].insertId}));167 }).catch((err) => {168 log4jHandler.error(err)169 if(err.message.indexOf('ER_DUP_ENTRY') != -1) {170 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "This publication link is already exist"))171 } else {172 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "insert base publication fail"))173 }174 })175 } else {176 var flag = true;177 for(let i = 0; i < publication.SubPublication.length; i++) {178 var subKey = new Array()179 for(var key in publication.SubPublication[i]){180 subKey.push(key)181 if(key != "Part") {182 if(!publication.SubPublication[i][key] || publication.SubPublication[i][key].length == 0) {183 flag = false184 } 185 }186 }187 if(subKey.indexOf('ResearchArea') == -1 || subKey.indexOf('CellLine') == -1 || subKey.indexOf('CellType') == -1 || subKey.indexOf('Species') == -1 || subKey.indexOf('Platform') == -1 || subKey.indexOf('Product') == -1 || subKey.indexOf('Assay') == -1 || subKey.indexOf('CellSeedingDensity') == -1 || subKey.indexOf('PlateCoating') == -1) {188 flag = false189 }190 }191 if(!flag) {192 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "sub publication field are required"))193 } else {194 sql.insertPublication(publication, user).then((success) => {195 resolve(Object.assign(SuccessResponse.add(), {id: success[0].insertId}));196 }).catch((err) => {197 log4jHandler.error(err)198 if(err.message.indexOf('ER_DUP_ENTRY') != -1) {199 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "This publication link is already exist"))200 } else {201 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "insert publication fail"))202 }203 })204 }205 }206 }207 })208}209var editPublication = (publication, user) => {210 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {211 var flag = true212 for(var key in publication) {213 if(!publication[key] && key != 'SubPublication') {214 flag = false215 }216 }217 if(!flag) {218 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orCC, "the base publication field have empty value"))219 } else {220 if(!publication.SubPublication || publication.SubPublication.length == 0) {221 sql.updateBasePublication(publication, user).then(() => {222 resolve(SuccessResponse.edit())223 }).catch((err) => {224 log4jHandler.error(err)225 if(err.message.indexOf('ER_DUP_ENTRY') != -1) {226 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "This publication link is already exist"))227 } else {228 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "update base publication fail"))229 }230 })231 } else {232 var subFlag = true233 for(let i = 0; i < publication.SubPublication.length; i++) {234 var subKeyArr = new Array()235 for(var subKey in publication.SubPublication[i]) {236 subKeyArr.push(subKey)237 if(subKey != "Part") {238 if(!publication.SubPublication[i][subKey] || publication.SubPublication[i][subKey].length == 0) {239 subFlag = false240 }241 }242 }243 if(subKeyArr.indexOf("SubId") == -1) {244 if(subKeyArr.indexOf('ResearchArea') == -1 || subKeyArr.indexOf('CellLine') == -1 || subKeyArr.indexOf('CellType') == -1 || subKeyArr.indexOf('Species') == -1 || subKeyArr.indexOf('Platform') == -1 || subKeyArr.indexOf('Product') == -1 || subKeyArr.indexOf('Assay') == -1 || subKeyArr.indexOf('CellSeedingDensity') == -1 || subKeyArr.indexOf('PlateCoating') == -1) {245 subFlag = false246 }247 }248 }249 if(!subFlag) {250 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orCC, "sub publication field are required"))251 } else {252 sql.updatePublication(publication, user).then(() => {253 resolve(SuccessResponse.edit())254 }).catch((err) => {255 log4jHandler.error(err)256 if(err.message.indexOf('ER_DUP_ENTRY') != -1) {257 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "This publication link is already exist"))258 } else {259 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "update publication fail"))260 }261 })262 }263 }264 }265 })266}267var importPublication = (file, user) => {268 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {269 if(!file || file[0].originalname.substring(file[0].originalname.lastIndexOf(".")) != '.xlsx') {270 if(!file) {271 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "Didn't get the file"))272 }273 if(file[0].originalname.substring(file[0].originalname.lastIndexOf(".")) != '.xlsx') {274 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "File type is not xlsx"))275 } 276 } else {277 var excelFile = file[0].buffer278 var publicationExcel = nodeExcel.parse(excelFile);279"import publication excel parse data: " + JSON.stringify(publicationExcel))280 var title = publicationExcel[0].data[0];281 if(title.indexOf('Publication Title') != -1 && title.indexOf('Journal Name') != -1 && title.indexOf('Publication Date') != -1 && title.indexOf('Author(s)') != -1 && title.indexOf('Publication Link') != -1) {282 var publication = [];283 for(let i = 1; i < publicationExcel[0].data.length; i++) {284 if(publicationExcel[0].data[i].length != 0) {285 var publicationItem = JSON.parse("{}");286 for(let j = 0; j < title.length; j++){287 publicationItem[title[j]] = publicationExcel[0].data[i][j]288 if(title[j] == "Author(s)") {289 publicationItem['Primary Author'] = publicationExcel[0].data[i][j].split(',')[0]290 }291 }292 publication.push(publicationItem)293 }294 }295 for(let i = 0; i < publication.length; i++) {296 publication[i]['Publication Date'] = util.formatDate(new Date(1900, 0, publication[i]['Publication Date'] - 1));297 }298"import publication excel parse data convert format: " + JSON.stringify(publicationExcel))299 sql.importBasePublication(publication, user).then((importResponse) => {300 if(importResponse.length == 0) {301 resolve(SuccessResponse.importExcel())302 } else {303 resolve({link: importResponse})304 }305 }).catch((err) => {306 log4jHandler.error(err)307 if(err.message.indexOf('ER_DUP_ENTRY') != -1) {308 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "This excel have publication link is already exist"))309 } else {310 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "import publication fail"))311 }312 })313 } else {314 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "Excel publication data format is wrong"))315 }316 }317 })318}319var exportPublication = (exportFilter) => {320 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {321 getExportData(exportFilter).then((exportData) => {322 getExportDataValue(parseExportData(exportData)).then((tExportData) => {323 var mergeData = transExportDataValue(tExportData)324 var needExportData = new Array()325 needExportData.push(['ID', 'Publication Link', 'Publication Title', 'Publication Date', 'Primary Author', 'Author(s)', 'Journal Name', 'Research Area', 'Cell Line', 'Cell Types', 'Species', 'Platform', 'Product', 'Assay', 'Cell Seeding Density', 'Plate Coating', 'Part', 'Record-type', 'Create/Update Date'])326 for(let i = 0; i < mergeData.length; i++) {327 needExportData.push([328 'PUB-' + mergeData[i].ID + (mergeData[i].SubId ? '-' + mergeData[i].SubId : ''),329 mergeData[i].PublicationLink,330 mergeData[i].PublicationTitle,331 mergeData[i].PublicationDate,332 mergeData[i].PrimaryAuthor,333 mergeData[i].Authors,334 mergeData[i].JournalName,335 mergeData[i].ResearchArea,336 mergeData[i].CellLine,337 mergeData[i].CellTypes,338 mergeData[i].Species,339 mergeData[i].Platform,340 mergeData[i].Product,341 mergeData[i].Assay,342 mergeData[i].CellSeedingDensity,343 mergeData[i].PlateCoating,344 mergeData[i].part,345 mergeData[i].RecordType,346 mergeData[i].CUDate347 ]) 348 }349 //var content = ''350 //for(let i = 0; i < needExportData.length; i++) {351 //content = content + needExportData[i].join(',') + '\n'352 //}353 //let buffer = Buffer.from(content);354 var result =[{name:'sheet1', data: needExportData}]);355 //var result = iconv.encode(buffer, 'UCS-2BE')356 resolve(result)357 }).catch((err) => {358 reject(err)359 }) 360 }).catch((err) => {361 reject(err)362 }) 363 })364}365var exportPublicationToEndeca = () => {366 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {367 getAllExportData().then((exportData) => {368 getExportDataValue(parseExportData(exportData)).then((tExportData) => {369 var mergeData = mergeExportData(transExportDataValue(tExportData))370 var needExportData = new Array()371 needExportData.push(['ID', 'Publication Link', 'Publication Title', 'Publication Date', 'Primary Author', 'Author(s)', 'Journal Name', 'Research Area', 'Cell Line', 'Cell Types', 'Species', 'Platform', 'Product', 'Assay', 'Cell Seeding Density', 'Plate Coating', 'Part', 'Record-type', 'Create/Update Date'])372 for(let i = 0; i < mergeData.length; i++) {373 needExportData.push([374 mergeData[i].ID,375 mergeData[i].PublicationLink,376 mergeData[i].PublicationTitle,377 mergeData[i].PublicationDate,378 mergeData[i].PrimaryAuthor,379 mergeData[i].Authors,380 mergeData[i].JournalName,381 mergeData[i].ResearchArea,382 mergeData[i].CellLine,383 mergeData[i].CellTypes,384 mergeData[i].Species,385 mergeData[i].Platform,386 mergeData[i].Product,387 mergeData[i].Assay,388 mergeData[i].CellSeedingDensity,389 mergeData[i].PlateCoating,390 mergeData[i].part,391 mergeData[i].RecordType,392 mergeData[i].CUDate393 ]) 394 }395 var result =[{name:'sheet1', data:needExportData}]);396 resolve(result)397 }).catch((err) => {398 reject(err)399 }) 400 }).catch((err) => {401 reject(err)402 }) 403 })404}405var pushToEndeca = () => {406 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {407 getAllExportData().then((exportData) => {408 getExportDataValue(parseExportData(exportData)).then((tExportData) => {409 var mergeData = mergeExportData(transExportDataValue(tExportData))410 var needExportData = new Array()411 needExportData.push(['ID', 'Publication Link', 'Publication Title', 'Publication Date', 'Primary Author', 'Author(s)', 'Journal Name', 'Research Area', 'Cell Line', 'Cell Types', 'Species', 'Platform', 'Product', 'Assay', 'Cell Seeding Density', 'Plate Coating', 'Part', 'Record-type', 'Create/Update Date'])412 for(let i = 0; i < mergeData.length; i++) {413 needExportData.push([414 mergeData[i].ID,415 mergeData[i].PublicationLink,416 mergeData[i].PublicationTitle,417 mergeData[i].PublicationDate,418 mergeData[i].PrimaryAuthor,419 mergeData[i].Authors,420 mergeData[i].JournalName,421 mergeData[i].ResearchArea,422 mergeData[i].CellLine,423 mergeData[i].CellTypes,424 mergeData[i].Species,425 mergeData[i].Platform,426 mergeData[i].Product,427 mergeData[i].Assay,428 mergeData[i].CellSeedingDensity,429 mergeData[i].PlateCoating,430 mergeData[i].part,431 mergeData[i].RecordType,432 mergeData[i].CUDate433 ]) 434 }435 var content = ''436 for(let i = 0; i < needExportData.length; i++) {437 content = content + needExportData[i].join(' ') + '\n'438 }439 let buffer = Buffer.from(content);440 var tBuffer = iconv.encode(buffer, 'ucs2')441 fs.writeFileSync(pathConfig.path + 'DDE_Publication_Endeca_' + util.formatExportDate(new Date()) + '.txt', tBuffer);442 resolve(SuccessResponse.pushToEndeca())443 }).catch((err) => {444 reject(err)445 }) 446 }).catch((err) => {447 reject(err)448 }) 449 })450}451var getAllExportData = () => {452 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {453 var data = new Array()454 sql.selectAllExportPublication().then((publication) => {455 if(publication.length >= 1) {456 for(let i = 0; i < publication.length; i++) {457 data.push(458 {459 ID: publication[i].id,460 PublicationLink: publication[i].publication_link,461 PublicationTitle: publication[i].publication_title,462 PublicationDate: util.formatDateUSA(new Date(publication[i].publication_date)),463 PrimaryAuthor: publication[i].primary_author,464 Authors: util.trimSpace(publication[i].authors),465 JournalName: publication[i].journal_name,466 CUDate: util.formatCuDateUSA(new Date(publication[i].cu_date)),467 SubId: publication[i].sub_id,468 ResearchArea: publication[i].research_area,469 CellLine: publication[i].cell_line,470 CellTypes: publication[i].cell_type,471 Species: publication[i].species,472 Platform: publication[i].platform,473 Product: publication[i].product,474 Assay: publication[i].assay,475 CellSeedingDensity: publication[i].cell_seeding_density,476 PlateCoating: publication[i].plate_coating,477 part: publication[i].part,478 RecordType: 'Rollup',479 }480 )481 }482 resolve(data)483 } else {484 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "can't get any data"))485 }486 }).catch((err) => {487 log4jHandler.error(err)488 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "select all export publication fail"))489 })490 })491}492var getExportData = (exportFilter) => {493 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {494 var data = new Array()495 sql.selectExportPublication(exportFilter).then((publication) => { 496 if(publication.length >= 1) {497 for(let i = 0; i < publication.length; i++) {498 data.push(499 {500 ID: publication[i].id,501 PublicationLink: publication[i].publication_link,502 PublicationTitle: publication[i].publication_title,503 PublicationDate: util.formatDateUSA(new Date(publication[i].publication_date)),504 PrimaryAuthor: publication[i].primary_author,505 Authors: util.trimSpace(publication[i].authors),506 JournalName: publication[i].journal_name,507 CUDate: util.formatCuDateUSA(new Date(publication[i].cu_date)),508 SubId: publication[i].sub_id,509 ResearchArea: publication[i].research_area,510 CellLine: publication[i].cell_line,511 CellTypes: publication[i].cell_type,512 Species: publication[i].species,513 Platform: publication[i].platform,514 Product: publication[i].product,515 Assay: publication[i].assay,516 CellSeedingDensity: publication[i].cell_seeding_density,517 PlateCoating: publication[i].plate_coating,518 part: publication[i].part,519 RecordType: 'Rollup',520 }521 )522 }523 resolve(data)524 } else {525 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.CC, "use this filter can't get any data"))526 }527 }).catch((err) => {528 log4jHandler.error(err)529 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "select export publication fail"))530 })531 })532}533var parseExportData = (data) => {534 for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {535 var researchAreaArr = new Array()536 var productArr = new Array()537 var assayArr = new Array()538 if(data[i].SubId) {539 if(data[i].ResearchArea.indexOf("~") != -1) {540 var rs = data[i].ResearchArea.split("~")541 for(let ri = 0; ri < rs.length; ri++) {542 researchAreaArr.push(rs[ri])543 }544 } else {545 researchAreaArr.push(data[i].ResearchArea)546 }547 if(data[i].Product.indexOf("~") != -1) {548 var ps = data[i].Product.split("~")549 for(let pi = 0; pi < ps.length; pi++) {550 productArr.push(ps[pi])551 }552 } else {553 productArr.push(data[i].Product)554 }555 if(data[i].Assay.indexOf("~") != -1) {556 var as = data[i].Assay.split("~")557 for(let ai = 0; ai < as.length; ai++) {558 assayArr.push(as[ai])559 }560 } else {561 assayArr.push(data[i].Assay)562 }563 }564 data[i].ResearchArea = researchAreaArr565 data[i].Product = productArr566 data[i].Assay = assayArr567 }568 return data569}570var getExportDataValue = (data) => {571 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {572 raSql.selectReasearchAreaExportValue().then((raExportValue) => { 573 pSql.selectProductExportValue().then((pExportValue) => {574 aSql.selectAssayExportValue().then((aExportValue) => {575 plSql.selectPlatformExportValue().then((plExportValue) => {576 for(let e = 0; e < data.length; e++) {577 for(let ei = 0; ei < data[e].ResearchArea.length; ei++) {578 var rFlag = false579 for(let i = 0; i < raExportValue.length; i++) {580 if(data[e].ResearchArea[ei] == raExportValue[i].research_area_value) {581 rFlag = true582 data[e].ResearchArea[ei] = raExportValue[i].research_area_export583 }584 }585 if(!rFlag) {586 data[e].ResearchArea[ei] = ""587 }588 }589 for(let ej = 0; ej < data[e].Product.length; ej++) {590 var pFlag = false;591 for(let j = 0; j < pExportValue.length; j++) {592 if(data[e].Product[ej] == pExportValue[j].product_value && data[e].Platform == pExportValue[j].platform_fk) {593 pFlag = true594 data[e].Product[ej] = pExportValue[j].product_export_value595 }596 }597 if(!pFlag) {598 data[e].Product[ej] = ""599 }600 }601 for(let ek = 0; ek < data[e].Assay.length; ek++) {602 var aFlag = false;603 for(let k = 0; k < aExportValue.length; k++) {604 if(data[e].Assay[ek] == aExportValue[k].assay_by_business_value) {605 aFlag = true606 data[e].Assay[ek] = aExportValue[k].assay_by_business_export_value607 }608 }609 if(!aFlag) {610 data[e].Assay[ek] = ""611 }612 } 613 }614 for(let ep = 0; ep < data.length; ep++) {615 var plFlag = false;616 for(let m = 0; m < plExportValue.length; m++) {617 if(data[ep].Platform == plExportValue[m].platform_value) {618 plFlag = true619 data[ep].Platform = plExportValue[m].platform_export_value620 }621 }622 if(!plFlag) {623 data[ep].Platform = ""624 }625 }626 resolve(data)627 }).catch((err) => {628 log4jHandler.error(err)629 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "select platform export value fail"))630 })631 }).catch((err) => {632 log4jHandler.error(err)633 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "select assay export value fail"))634 })635 }).catch((err) => {636 log4jHandler.error(err)637 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "select product export value fail"))638 })639 }).catch((err) => {640 log4jHandler.error(err)641 reject(ErrorResponse.error(util.orEC, "select research area export value fail"))642 })643 })644}645var transExportDataValue = (exportDataValue) => {646 var value647 for(let i = 0; i < exportDataValue.length; i++) {648 var rValue;649 var pValue;650 var aValue;651 for(let ri = 0; ri < exportDataValue[i].ResearchArea.length; ri++) {652 if(ri == 0) {653 rValue = exportDataValue[i].ResearchArea[ri]654 } else {655 rValue = rValue + "~" + exportDataValue[i].ResearchArea[ri]656 }657 }658 for(let pi = 0; pi < exportDataValue[i].Product.length; pi++) {659 if(pi == 0) {660 pValue = exportDataValue[i].Product[pi]661 } else {662 pValue = pValue + "~" + exportDataValue[i].Product[pi]663 }664 }665 for(let ai = 0; ai < exportDataValue[i].Assay.length; ai++) {666 if(ai == 0) {667 aValue = exportDataValue[i].Assay[ai]668 } else {669 aValue = aValue + "~" + exportDataValue[i].Assay[ai]670 }671 }672 exportDataValue[i].ResearchArea = rValue673 exportDataValue[i].Product = pValue674 exportDataValue[i].Assay = aValue675 }676 return exportDataValue677}678var mergeExportData = (data) => {679 var mergeData = JSON.parse('{}')680 for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {681 if(!mergeData[data[i].ID]) {682 mergeData[data[i].ID] = new Array()683 mergeData[data[i].ID].push(data[i])684 } else {685 mergeData[data[i].ID].push(data[i])686 }687 }688 for(var key in mergeData) {689 var merge = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mergeData[key][0]))690 merge.ID = "PBM-" + merge.ID691 merge.RecordType = "Mega"692 merge.SubCUDate = merge.SubId ? merge.CUDate : ''693 if(merge.SubId) {694 for(let k = 0; k < mergeData[key].length; k++) {695 for(let m = 0; m < mergeData[key][k].ResearchArea.split('~').length; m++) {696 if(merge.ResearchArea.indexOf(mergeData[key][k].ResearchArea.split('~')[m]) == -1) {697 merge.ResearchArea = merge.ResearchArea + "~" + mergeData[key][k].ResearchArea.split('~')[m]698 }699 }700 for(let m = 0; m < mergeData[key][k].CellLine.split('~').length; m++) {701 if(merge.CellLine.indexOf(mergeData[key][k].CellLine.split('~')[m]) == -1) {702 merge.CellLine = merge.CellLine + "~" + mergeData[key][k].CellLine.split('~')[m]703 }704 }705 for(let m = 0; m < mergeData[key][k].CellTypes.split('~').length; m++) {706 if(merge.CellTypes.indexOf(mergeData[key][k].CellTypes.split('~')[m]) == -1) {707 merge.CellTypes = merge.CellTypes + "~" + mergeData[key][k].CellTypes.split('~')[m]708 }709 }710 for(let m = 0; m < mergeData[key][k].Species.split('~').length; m++) {711 if(merge.Species.indexOf(mergeData[key][k].Species.split('~')[m]) == -1) {712 merge.Species = merge.Species + "~" + mergeData[key][k].Species.split('~')[m]713 }714 }715 for(let m = 0; m < mergeData[key][k].Platform.split('~').length; m++) {716 if(merge.Platform != mergeData[key][k].Platform.split('~')[m]) {717 merge.Platform = merge.Platform + "~" + mergeData[key][k].Platform.split('~')[m]718 }719 }720 for(let m = 0; m < mergeData[key][k].Product.split('~').length; m++) {721 if(merge.Product.indexOf(mergeData[key][k].Product.split('~')[m]) == -1) {722 merge.Product = merge.Product + "~" + mergeData[key][k].Product.split('~')[m]723 }724 }725 for(let m = 0; m < mergeData[key][k].Assay.split('~').length; m++) {726 if(merge.Assay.indexOf(mergeData[key][k].Assay.split('~')[m]) == -1) {727 merge.Assay = merge.Assay + "~" + mergeData[key][k].Assay.split('~')[m]728 }729 }730 for(let m = 0; m < mergeData[key][k].CellSeedingDensity.split('~').length; m++) {731 if(merge.CellSeedingDensity.indexOf(mergeData[key][k].CellSeedingDensity.split('~')[m]) == -1) {732 merge.CellSeedingDensity = merge.CellSeedingDensity + "~" + mergeData[key][k].CellSeedingDensity.split('~')[m]733 }734 }735 for(let m = 0; m < mergeData[key][k].PlateCoating.split('~').length; m++) {736 if(merge.PlateCoating.indexOf(mergeData[key][k].PlateCoating.split('~')[m]) == -1) {737 merge.PlateCoating = merge.PlateCoating + "~" + mergeData[key][k].PlateCoating.split('~')[m]738 }739 }740 for(let m = 0; m < (mergeData[key][k].part ? mergeData[key][k].part : '').split('~').length; m++) {741 if((merge.part ? merge.part : '').indexOf((mergeData[key][k].part ? mergeData[key][k].part : '').split('~')[m]) == -1) {742 merge.part = merge.part + "~" + (mergeData[key][k].part ? mergeData[key][k].part : '').split('~')[m]743 }744 }745 }746 }747 mergeData[key].push(merge)748 }749 var newMergeData = new Array()750 for(var nkey in mergeData) {751 for(let j = 0; j < mergeData[nkey].length; j++) {752 if(mergeData[nkey][j].RecordType == 'Rollup' || !mergeData[nkey][j].RecordType) {753 mergeData[nkey][j].RecordType = 'Rollup'754 mergeData[nkey][j].ID = "PUB-" + mergeData[nkey][j].ID + (mergeData[nkey][j].SubId ? '-' + mergeData[nkey][j].SubId : '')755 }756 newMergeData.push(mergeData[nkey][j])757 }758 }759 return newMergeData760}761module.exports = {762 getPublication: getPublication,763 editBasePublicationField: editBasePublicationField,764 getEditPublication: getEditPublication,765 addPublication: addPublication,766 removePublication: removePublication,767 removeSubPublication: removeSubPublication,768 editPublication: editPublication,769 importPublication: importPublication,770 exportPublication: exportPublication,771 exportPublicationToEndeca: exportPublicationToEndeca,772 pushToEndeca: pushToEndeca...
1'use strict'2import { quickPatch } from '../../utils/patch.js'3export class Axis {4 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }5 letter = null // must be upper-case6 drives = []7 homed = null8 machinePosition = null9 min = null10 max = null11 visible = null12}13export class BedOrChamber {14 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }15 number = null16 active = []17 standby = []18 name = null19 heaters = []20}21export class Drive {22 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }23 position = null24 babystepping = {25 value: null,26 interpolated: null27 }28 current = null29 acceleration = null30 minSpeed = null31 maxSpeed = null32}33export class Endstop {34 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }35 triggered = false36 position = 0 // 0: none, 1: low end 2: high end37 type = 0 // 0: active low, 1: active high, 3: zprobe, 4: motor load detection38}39export class ExpansionBoard {40 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }41 name = null42 revision = null43 firmware = new Firmware()44 vIn = {45 current: null,46 min: null,47 max: null48 }49 mcuTemp = {50 current: null,51 min: null,52 max: null53 }54 maxHeaters = null55 maxMotors = null56}57export class ExtraHeater {58 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }59 current = null60 name = null61 state = null62 sensor = null63}64export class Extruder {65 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }66 drives = []67 factor = 1.068 nonlinear = {69 a: 0,70 b: 0,71 upperLimit: 0.2,72 temperature: 073 }74}75export class Fan {76 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }77 value = null78 name = null79 rpm = null80 inverted = false81 frequency = null82 min = 0.083 max = 1.084 blip = 0.185 thermostatic = {86 control: true,87 heaters: [],88 temperature: null89 }90 pin = null91}92export class FileInfo {93 constructor(initData) {94 if (initData) {95 quickPatch(this, initData);96 if (!this.numLayers && initData.height && initData.firstLayerHeight && initData.layerHeight) {97 this.numLayers = Math.round((initData.height - initData.firstLayerHeight) / initData.layerHeight) + 198 }99 }100 }101 fileName = null102 size = null103 lastModified = null104 filament = []105 generatedBy = null106 height = null107 firstLayerHeight = null108 layerHeight = null109 numLayers = null110 printTime = null111 simulatedTime = null112}113export class Firmware {114 name = null115 version = null116 date = null117}118export class Heater {119 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }120 current = null121 name = null122 state = null // see RRF state enum123 model = {124 gain: null,125 timeConst: null,126 deadTime: null,127 maxPwm: null128 }129 max = null130 sensor = null131}132export class Layer {133 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }134 duration = null135 height = null136 filament = []137 fractionPrinted = null138}139export class NetworkInterface {140 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }141 type = null // one of ['wifi', 'lan']142 firmwareVersion = null143 speed = null // null if unknown and 0 if no link144 signal = null // only WiFi (dBm)145 configuredIP = null146 actualIP = null147 subnet = null148 gateway = null149 numReconnects = null150 activeProtocols = [] // one or more of ['http' 'ftp' 'telnet']151}152export class Probe {153 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }154 type = null155 value = null156 secondaryValues = []157 threshold = 500158 speed = 2159 diveHeight = 5160 triggerHeight = 0.7161 inverted = false162 recoveryTime = 0163 travelSpeed = 100164 maxProbeCount = 1165 tolerance = 0.03166 disablesBed = false167}168export class Spindle {169 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }170 active = null // RPM171 current = null // RPM172}173export class Storage {174 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }175 mounted = null176 speed = null // in Bytes/s177 capacity = null // in Bytes178 free = null // in Bytes179 openFiles = null180}181export class Tool {182 constructor(initData) { quickPatch(this, initData); }183 number = null184 active = []185 standby = []186 name = null187 filament = null188 fans = []189 heaters = []190 extruders = []191 mix = []192 spindle = -1193 axes = [] // may hold sub-arrays of drives per axis194 offsets = [] // offsets in the same order as the axes195}196function fixObject(item, preset) {197 let fixed = false;198 for (let key in preset) {199 if (!item.hasOwnProperty(key)) {200 item[key] = preset[key];201 fixed = true;202 } else if (!(item[key] instanceof Array) && item[key] instanceof Object) {203 fixed |= fixObject(item[key], preset[key]);204 }205 }206 return fixed;207}208function fixItems(items, ClassType) {209 let preset = new ClassType();210 items.forEach(function(item) {211 if (item !== null) {212 for (let key in preset) {213 if (!item.hasOwnProperty(key)) {214 item[key] = preset[key];215 if (preset[key] instanceof Object) {216 preset = new ClassType();217 }218 } else if (preset[key] instanceof Object) {219 if (fixObject(item[key], preset[key])) {220 preset = new ClassType();221 }222 }223 }224 }225 });226}227// TODO: Eventually this could be combined with the 'merge' function228// But getting everything the way it's supposed to work took longer than expected anyway...229export function fixMachineItems(state, mergeData) {230 if (mergeData.cnc && mergeData.cnc.spindles) {231 fixItems(state.cnc.spindles, Spindle);232 }233 if (mergeData.electronics && mergeData.electronics.expansionBoards) {234 fixItems(state.electronics.expansionBoards, ExpansionBoard);235 }236 if ( {237 fixItems(, Fan);238 }239 if (mergeData.heat) {240 if (mergeData.heat.beds) {241 fixItems(state.heat.beds, BedOrChamber);242 }243 if (mergeData.heat.chambers) {244 fixItems(state.heat.chambers, BedOrChamber);245 }246 if (mergeData.heat.extra) {247 fixItems(state.heat.extra, ExtraHeater);248 }249 if (mergeData.heat.heaters) {250 fixItems(state.heat.heaters, Heater);251 }252 }253 // Layers are not verified for performance reasons254 if (mergeData.move) {255 if (mergeData.move.axes) {256 fixItems(state.move.axes, Axis);257 }258 if (mergeData.move.drives) {259 fixItems(state.move.drives, Drive);260 }261 if (mergeData.move.extruders) {262 fixItems(state.move.extruders, Extruder);263 }264 }265 if ( && {266 fixItems(, NetworkInterface);267 }268 if (mergeData.sensors) {269 if (mergeData.sensors.endstops) {270 fixItems(state.sensors.endstops, Endstop);271 }272 if (mergeData.sensors.probes) {273 fixItems(state.sensors.probes, Probe);274 }275 }276 if (mergeData.storages) {277 fixItems(state.storages, Storage);278 }279 if ( {280 fixItems(, Tool);281 }...
1(function () {2 var ns = $.namespace('pskl.controller.dialogs.importwizard');3 var stepDefinitions = {4 'IMAGE_IMPORT' : {5 controller : ns.steps.ImageImport,6 template : 'import-image-import'7 },8 'ADJUST_SIZE' : {9 controller : ns.steps.AdjustSize,10 template : 'import-adjust-size'11 },12 'INSERT_LOCATION' : {13 controller : ns.steps.InsertLocation,14 template : 'import-insert-location'15 },16 'SELECT_MODE' : {17 controller : ns.steps.SelectMode,18 template : 'import-select-mode'19 }20 };21 ns.ImportWizard = function (piskelController, args) {22 this.piskelController = piskelController;23 // Merge data object used by steps to communicate and share their24 // results.25 this.mergeData = {26 rawFiles : [],27 mergePiskel: null,28 origin: null,29 resize: null,30 insertIndex: null,31 insertMode: null32 };33 };34 pskl.utils.inherit(ns.ImportWizard, pskl.controller.dialogs.AbstractDialogController);35 ns.ImportWizard.prototype.init = function (initArgs) {36;37 // Prepare mergeData object and wizard steps.38 this.mergeData.rawFiles = initArgs.rawFiles;39 this.steps = this.createSteps_();40 // Start wizard widget.41 var wizardContainer = document.querySelector('.import-wizard-container');42 this.wizard = new pskl.widgets.Wizard(this.steps, wizardContainer);43 this.wizard.init();44 if (this.hasSingleImage_()) {45 this.wizard.goTo('IMAGE_IMPORT');46 } else if (this.hasSinglePiskelFile_()) {47 // If a piskel file was provided we can directly go to48 pskl.utils.PiskelFileUtils.loadFromFile(this.mergeData.rawFiles[0],49 // onSuccess50 function (piskel) {51 this.mergeData.mergePiskel = piskel;52 this.wizard.goTo('SELECT_MODE');53 }.bind(this),54 // onError55 function (reason) {56 this.closeDialog();57 $.publish(Events.PISKEL_FILE_IMPORT_FAILED, [reason]);58 }.bind(this)59 );60 } else {61 console.error('Unsupported import. Only single piskel or single image are supported at the moment.');62 this.closeDialog();63 }64 };65 ns.ImportWizard.prototype.back = function () {66 this.wizard.back();67 this.wizard.getCurrentStep().instance.onShow();68 };69 = function () {70 var step = this.wizard.getCurrentStep();71 if ( === 'IMAGE_IMPORT') {72 if (this.piskelController.isEmpty()) {73 // If the current sprite is empty finalize immediately and replace the current sprite.74 this.mergeData.importMode = ns.steps.SelectMode.MODES.REPLACE;75 this.finalizeImport_();76 } else {77 this.wizard.goTo('SELECT_MODE');78 }79 } else if ( === 'SELECT_MODE') {80 if (this.mergeData.importMode === ns.steps.SelectMode.MODES.REPLACE) {81 this.finalizeImport_();82 } else if (this.hasSameSize_()) {83 this.wizard.goTo('INSERT_LOCATION');84 } else {85 this.wizard.goTo('ADJUST_SIZE');86 }87 } else if ( === 'ADJUST_SIZE') {88 this.wizard.goTo('INSERT_LOCATION');89 } else if ( === 'INSERT_LOCATION') {90 this.finalizeImport_();91 }92 };93 ns.ImportWizard.prototype.destroy = function (file) {94 Object.keys(this.steps).forEach(function (stepName) {95 var step = this.steps[stepName];96 step.instance.destroy();97 step.instance = null;98 step.el = null;99 }.bind(this));100;101 };102 ns.ImportWizard.prototype.createSteps_ = function () {103 // The IMAGE_IMPORT step is used only if there is a single image file104 // being imported.105 var hasSingleImage = this.hasSingleImage_();106 var steps = {};107 Object.keys(stepDefinitions).forEach(function (stepName) {108 if (stepName === 'IMAGE_IMPORT' && !hasSingleImage) {109 return;110 }111 var definition = stepDefinitions[stepName];112 var el = pskl.utils.Template.getAsHTML(definition.template);113 var instance = new definition.controller(this.piskelController, this, el);114 instance.init();115 steps[stepName] = {116 name: stepName,117 el: el,118 instance: instance119 };120 }.bind(this));121 if (hasSingleImage) {122 steps.IMAGE_IMPORT.el.classList.add('import-first-step');123 } else {124 steps.SELECT_MODE.el.classList.add('import-first-step');125 }126 return steps;127 };128 ns.ImportWizard.prototype.finalizeImport_ = function () {129 var piskel = this.mergeData.mergePiskel;130 var mode = this.mergeData.importMode;131 if (mode === ns.steps.SelectMode.MODES.REPLACE) {132 // Replace the current piskel and close the dialog.133 if (window.confirm(Constants.CONFIRM_OVERWRITE)) {134 this.piskelController.setPiskel(piskel);135 this.closeDialog();136 }137 } else if (mode === ns.steps.SelectMode.MODES.MERGE) {138 var merge = pskl.utils.MergeUtils.merge(this.piskelController.getPiskel(), piskel, {139 insertIndex: this.mergeData.insertIndex,140 insertMode: this.mergeData.insertMode,141 origin: this.mergeData.origin,142 resize: this.mergeData.resize143 });144 this.piskelController.setPiskel(merge);145 // Set the first imported layer as selected.146 var importedLayers = piskel.getLayers().length;147 var currentLayers = this.piskelController.getLayers().length;148 this.piskelController.setCurrentLayerIndex(currentLayers - importedLayers);149 this.closeDialog();150 }151 };152 ns.ImportWizard.prototype.hasSameSize_ = function () {153 var piskel = this.mergeData.mergePiskel;154 if (!piskel) {155 return false;156 }157 return piskel.width === this.piskelController.getWidth() &&158 piskel.height === this.piskelController.getHeight();159 };160 ns.ImportWizard.prototype.hasSingleImage_ = function () {161 if (this.mergeData.rawFiles.length !== 1) {162 return false;163 }164 var file = this.mergeData.rawFiles[0];165 return file.type.indexOf('image') === 0;166 };167 ns.ImportWizard.prototype.hasSinglePiskelFile_ = function () {168 if (this.mergeData.rawFiles.length !== 1) {169 return false;170 }171 var file = this.mergeData.rawFiles[0];172 return (/\.piskel$/).test(;173 };...
...9function NYTTestPlot()10{11 this.graphCanvasMargins = {top:5,right:5,bottom:5,left:5};12 this.graphs = [];13 this.addGraph('g00',this.mergeData(term_terrorist_scope_complete,'TERRORIST'));14 //.addData(this.mergeData(term_iraq_scope_complete, 'Bin Laden'));15 //this.graphs[0].render();16 this.addGraph('g01', this.mergeData(term_bin_laden_scope_complete, 'BIN LADEN'));17 this.addGraph('g02',this.mergeData(term_al_quida_scope_complete,'AL-QAIDA'));18 this.addGraph('g10',this.mergeData(term_afghanistan_scope_complete,'AFGHANISTAN'));19 this.addGraph('g11',this.mergeData(term_iran_scope_complete,'IRAN'));20 this.addGraph('g12',this.mergeData(term_iraq_scope_complete,'IRAQ'));21 this.addGraph('g20',this.mergeData(term_war_scope_complete,'WAR / PEACE'))22 .addData(this.mergeData(term_peace_scope_complete,'PEACE'));23 this.addGraph('g30',this.mergeData(term_good_scope_complete,'GOOD / BAD / EVIL'))24 .addData(this.mergeData(term_bad_scope_complete,'BAD'))25 .addData(this.mergeData(term_evil_scope_complete,'EVIL'));26 this.addGraph('g40',this.mergeData(term_germany_scope_complete,'GERMANY'));27 this.addGraph('g41',this.mergeData(term_japan_scope_complete,'JAPAN'));28 this.addGraph('g42',this.mergeData(term_america_scope_complete,'AMERICA'));29 this.addGraph('g43',this.mergeData(term_china_scope_complete,'CHINA'));30 this.addGraph('g50',this.mergeData(term_hitler_scope_complete,'HITLER'));31 this.addGraph('g51',this.mergeData(term_stalin_scope_complete,'STALIN'));32 this.addGraph('g52',this.mergeData(term_bush_scope_complete,'BUSH'));33 this.addGraph('g60',this.mergeData(term_good_scope_complete,'GOOD'));34 this.addGraph('g61',this.mergeData(term_bad_scope_complete,'BAD'));35 this.addGraph('g62',this.mergeData(term_evil_scope_complete,'EVIL'));36 this.addGraph('g70',this.mergeData(term_bush_scope_complete,'BUSH / OBAMA'))37 .addData(this.mergeData(term_obama_scope_complete),'OBAMA');38 var i = -1;39 while(++i < this.graphs.length)40 {41 this.graphs[i].render();42 }43 window.addEventListener('resize',this.onResize.bind(this));44}45NYTTestPlot.prototype.addGraph = function(id,data)46{47 var g = new NYTGraph(id);48 g.addData(data);49 g.setMarginsCanvas(this.graphCanvasMargins);50 //g.canvas.setFontFamily('QuicksandBook');51 //g.canvas.setFontSize(10);...
1import getType from './../data/type/getType'2import exportMsg from './../data/utils/exportMsg'3const base = {4 num: '0-9',5 letter: {6 small: 'a-z',7 big: 'A-Z'8 },9 text: '\u4e00-\u9fa5',10 bd: {11 z: 'ï¼ãï¼ï¼ââââ<>%',12 y: ',.?!\'\'""ãã%'13 }14}15// è§åæ ¡éªæ°æ®16class RuleData {17 constructor (initdata) {18 if (initdata) {19 this.initMain(initdata)20 }21 }22 /**23 * å è½½24 * @param {*} initdata åæ°25 */26 initMain(initdata) {27 if (!initdata) {28 this.$exportMsg('initæ åæ°!')29 return false30 }31 // ç±»å32 this.type = initdata.type || 'reg'33 if ( {34 this.buildData(initdata)35 } else {36 = initdata.data37 }38 // æ¯å¦ç»å模å¼39 this.merge = this.formatMerge(initdata.merge)40 }41 /**42 * æ ¼å¼åç»åæ°æ®43 * @param {true | object} [mergeData] ç»åå¼åå§åæ°æ®44 * @returns {undefined | object}45 */46 formatMerge(mergeData) {47 if (mergeData) {48 if (mergeData === true) {49 mergeData = {}50 }51 if (!mergeData.limit) {52 mergeData.limit = {}53 }54 if (mergeData.limit.start === undefined) {55 mergeData.limit.start = '^'56 }57 if (mergeData.limit.end === undefined) {58 mergeData.limit.end = '$'59 }60 if (!mergeData.num) {61 mergeData.num = {}62 }63 if (mergeData.num.min === undefined) {64 mergeData.num.min = '1'65 }66 if (mergeData.num.max === undefined) {67 mergeData.num.max = ''68 }69 }70 return mergeData71 }72 /**73 * åå§åæ°æ®74 * @param {object} initdata æ°æ®75 */76 buildData(initdata) {77 if (this.type == 'reg') {78 if (initdata.merge === undefined) {79 initdata.merge = true80 }81 let regData = this.buildRegData(, base)82 = regData83 }84 }85 /**86 * å建RegStræ°æ®87 * @param {undefined | true | object} propObject æå®çå±æ§prop88 * @param {object} data å±æ§propçå½å±æ°æ®89 * @returns {string}90 */91 buildRegData(propObject, data) {92 let regStr = ''93 if (propObject === true) {94 for (let n in data) {95 let info = data[n]96 if (getType(info) == 'object') {97 regStr += this.buildRegData(true, info)98 } else {99 regStr += info100 }101 }102 } else {103 let type = getType(propObject)104 if (type == 'object') {105 for (let i in propObject) {106 let prop = propObject[i]107 let info = data[i]108 if (getType(info) === 'object') {109 regStr += this.buildRegData(getType(prop) === 'string' ? true : prop, info)110 } else {111 regStr += info112 }113 }114 }115 }116 return regStr117 }118 /**119 * æ ¹æ®mergeDataçæregstr120 * @param {string} regData regstr121 * @param {object} mergeData ç»åæ°æ®122 * @returns {string}123 */124 buildRegStr(regData, mergeData) {125 return `${mergeData.limit.start}[${regData}]{${mergeData.num.min},${mergeData.num.max}}${mergeData.limit.end}`126 }127 /**128 * æ ¹æ®regstrçæReg129 * @param {string} regData regstr130 * @param {object} mergeData ç»åæ°æ®131 * @returns {RegExp}132 */133 buildReg(regData, mergeData) {134 return new RegExp(this.buildRegStr(regData, mergeData))135 }136 /**137 * æ£æ¥æ°æ®138 * @param {*} data éè¦æ£æ¥çæ°æ®139 * @param {*} option é项140 * @returns {boolean}141 */142 check(data, option = {}) {143 if (this.type == 'reg') {144 let reg = this.data145 if (option.merge) {146 option.merge = this.formatMerge(option.merge)147 }148 let merge = option.merge || this.merge149 if (merge) {150 reg = this.buildReg(reg, merge)151 }152 let type = getType(reg)153 if (type != 'regexp') {154 reg = new RegExp(reg)155 }156 return reg.test(data)157 } else if (this.type == 'func') {158 return, option)159 }160 }161 $exportMsg(info, type = 'error', option) {162 exportMsg(this.$selfName() + ':' + info, type, option)163 }164 $selfName() {165 return `[${}]`166 }167 toString() {168 return this.$selfName()169 }170}...
1// ------------------------------------------------------------------2//3// ------------------------------------------------------------------4/* global $ */5/* global d3 */6/* global times */7/* global is_def */8/* global deep_copy */9window.GridBagLayout = function() {10 let com = {11 size: {12 r: 3,13 c: 2,14 },15 merge: [{16 s: {17 r: 0,18 c: 0,19 },20 e: {21 r: 1,22 c: 1,23 },24 }],25 // weight: [{c: {r: 2, c: 0}, x: 2}],26 grid: [],27 }28 this.set = function(opt_in) {29 if (is_def( {30 com[opt_in.tag] = opt_in.data31 }32 else if (is_def(opt_in.def)) {33 com[opt_in.tag] = opt_in.def34 }35 else {36 com[opt_in.tag] = null37 }38 }39 this.get = function(type) {40 return com[type]41 }42 function init(opt_in) {43 com = opt_in44 createGrid()45 mergeCell()46 computeDimension()47 // computeWeight()48 }49 this.init = init50 function getCell(r, c) {51 return com.grid[r][c]52 }53 this.getCell = getCell54 function createGrid() {55 com.grid = []56 for (let i = 0; i < com.size.r; i++) {57 com.grid.push([])58 for (let j = 0; j < com.size.c; j++) {59 com.grid[i].push({60 s: {61 r: i,62 c: j,63 },64 e: {65 r: i,66 c: j,67 },68 w: 1,69 })70 }71 }72 }73 function mergeCell() {74 for (let z = 0; z < com.merge.length; z++) {75 let mergeData = com.merge[z]76 for (let i = mergeData.s.r; i < mergeData.e.r + 1; i++) {77 for (let j = mergeData.s.c; j < mergeData.e.c + 1; j++) {78 com.grid[i][j].s = mergeData.s79 com.grid[i][j].e = mergeData.e80 }81 }82 }83 }84 function computeDimension() {85 for (let i = 0; i < com.size.r; i++) {86 for (let j = 0; j < com.size.c; j++) {87 let cell = com.grid[i][j]88 com.grid[i][j] = {89 y: cell.s.r / com.size.r,90 x: cell.s.c / com.size.c,91 h: (cell.e.r - cell.s.r + 1) / com.size.r,92 w: (cell.e.c - cell.s.c + 1) / com.size.c,93 }94 }95 }96 }97 // function computeWeight () {98 // for (var z = 0; z < com.weight.length; z++) {99 // let weightData = com.weight[z]100 // for (var i = mergeData.s.r; i < mergeData.e.r; i++) {101 // for (var j = mergeData.s.c; j < mergeData.e.c; j++) {102 // com.grid[i][j].s = mergeData.s103 // com.grid[i][j].e = mergeData.e104 // }105 // }106 // }107 // console.log(com.grid)108 // }...
1'use strict';2/**3 * Merges two matrices in all directions4 * 5 * @param {Array} base Base matrix on which merge is performed6 */7function merge(base) {8 return {9 top: (mergeData) => top(base, mergeData),10 bottom: (mergeData) => bottom(base, mergeData),11 left: (mergeData) => left(base, mergeData),12 right: (mergeData) => right(base, mergeData)13 }14}15module.exports = merge;16/**17 * Merges the base matrix with the incoming matrix in the top direction18 * @param {Array} base 19 * @param {Array} mergeData incoming matrix20 */21function top(base, mergeData) {22 let baseWidth = base[0].length || base.length;23 let mergeDataWidth = mergeData[mergeData.length - 1].length || mergeData.length;24 if (baseWidth !== mergeDataWidth) {25 return base;26 }27 if (!Array.isArray(base[0])) {28 base = [base];29 }30 if (!Array.isArray(mergeData[mergeData.length - 1])) {31 mergeData = [mergeData];32 }33 for (let row = mergeData.length - 1; row >= 0; row--) {34 base.unshift(mergeData[row].map((ele) => ele));35 }36 return base;37}38/**39 * Merges the base matrix with the incoming matrix in the bottom direction40 * @param {Array} base 41 * @param {Array} mergeData incoming matrix42 */43function bottom(base, mergeData) {44 let baseWidth = base[base.length - 1].length || base.length;45 let mergeDataWidth = mergeData[0].length || mergeData.length;46 if (baseWidth !== mergeDataWidth) {47 return base;48 }49 if (!Array.isArray(base[base.length - 1])) {50 base = [base];51 }52 if (!Array.isArray(mergeData[0])) {53 mergeData = [mergeData];54 }55 for (let row = 0; row < mergeData.length; row++) {56 base.push(mergeData[row].map((ele) => ele));57 }58 return base;59}60/**61 * Merges the base matrix with the incoming matrix in the left direction62 * @param {Array} base 63 * @param {Array} mergeData incoming matrix64 */65function left(base, mergeData) {66 let baseHeight = base.length;67 let mergeDataHeight = mergeData.length;68 if (!Array.isArray(base[0]) && !Array.isArray(mergeData[0])) {69 base.unshift.apply(base, mergeData);70 return base;71 }72 if (baseHeight !== mergeDataHeight) {73 return base;74 }75 for (let row = 0; row < baseHeight; row++) {76 base[row].unshift.apply(base[row], mergeData[row].map((ele) => ele));77 }78 return base;79}80/**81 * Merges the base matrix with the incoming matrix in the right direction82 * @param {Array} base 83 * @param {Array} mergeData incoming matrix84 */85function right(base, mergeData) {86 let baseHeight = base.length;87 let mergeDataHeight = mergeData.length;88 if (!Array.isArray(base[0]) && !Array.isArray(mergeData[0])) {89 base.push.apply(base, mergeData);90 return base;91 }92 if (baseHeight !== mergeDataHeight) {93 return base;94 }95 for (let row = 0; row < baseHeight; row++) {96 base[row].push.apply(base[row], mergeData[row].map((ele) => ele));97 }98 return base;...
1import winston from 'winston';2import axios from 'axios';3import config from './config';4import processTaxonomies from './processTaxonomies';5const inQ = config.get('rabbit:inQueue');6const persistQ = config.get('rabbit:persistQueue');7const isPodcastHeader = json => !!json.items_url;8const isEpisodeFeedPage = json => !!json.items;9const isUser = json => json.length && json[0] && json[0].token;10const getNextPage = (json) => {11 if (json.meta && json.meta.next_url) {12 return json.meta.next_url;13 }14 return undefined;15};16const work = async (doc, channel, msg) => {17 try {18 const res = await axios.get(doc.uri);19 if (res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300) {20`Got file at ${doc.uri}`);21 const mergeData = doc.mergeData || {};22 const data = { ...mergeData, };23 let index;24 let type;25 let id;26 if (isEpisodeFeedPage(data)) {27 index = 'episodes';28 type = 'episode';29 } else if (isPodcastHeader(data)) {30 index = 'podcasts';31 type = 'podcast';32 id = doc.mergeData.docId;33 data.taxonomy_hierarchy = processTaxonomies(data);34 } else if (isUser(data)) {35 index = 'people';36 type = 'person';37 id = doc.mergeData.docId;38 } else {39 winston.error(`Unidentifiable document at ${doc.uri}`);40 return channel.ack(msg);41 }42 if (isPodcastHeader(data) || isUser(data)) {43 channel.sendToQueue(persistQ, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({44 index,45 type,46 id,47 source: data,48 })), { persistent: true });49 } else if (isEpisodeFeedPage(data)) {50 data.items.forEach((item) => {51 channel.sendToQueue(persistQ, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({52 index,53 type,54 id:,55 source: { ...mergeData, ...item },56 })), { persistent: true });57 });58 }59 if (isPodcastHeader(data)) {60 channel.sendToQueue(inQ, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({61 uri: data.items_url,62 mergeData: {63 podcast: data,64 },65 })), { persistent: true });66 } else if (isEpisodeFeedPage(data) && getNextPage(data)) {67 channel.sendToQueue(inQ, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({68 uri: getNextPage(data),69 mergeData: doc.mergeData,70 })), { persistent: true });71 }72 } else {73 winston.error(`Got error code when requesting uri at ${doc.uri}`);74 }75 } catch (e) {76`Failed to get data for ${doc.uri}`);77 }78 return channel.ack(msg);79};...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { mergeData } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/mergeData');2const { mergeData } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/mergeData');3const { test } = require('@playwright/test');4test('test', async ({ page }) => {5 await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshot.png` });6});7const { test } = require('@playwright/test');8test('test', async ({ page }) => {9 await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshot.png` });10});11const { test } = require('@playwright/test');12test('test', async ({ page }) => {13 await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshot.png` });14});15const { test } = require('@playwright/test');16test('test', async ({ page }) => {17 await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshot.png` });18});19const { test } = require('@playwright/test');20test('test', async ({ page }) => {21 await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshot.png` });22});23const { test } = require('@playwright/test');24test('test', async ({ page }) => {25 await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshot.png` });26});27const { test } = require('@playwright/test');28test('test', async ({ page }) => {29 await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshot.png` });30});31const { test } = require('@playwright/test');32test('test', async ({ page }) => {33 await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshot.png` });34});35const { test } = require('@playwright/test');36test('test', async ({ page }) =>
Using AI Code Generation
1const { mergeData } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/mergeData');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 const data1 = await page.context().storageState();5 const data2 = await page.context().storageState();6 const mergedData = mergeData(data1, data2);7 await page.context().setStorageState(mergedData);8});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { mergeData } = require("@playwright/test/lib/server/trace/viewer/traceModel");2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });8 await browser.close();9})();10const { mergeData } = require("@playwright/test/lib/server/trace/viewer/traceModel");11const { chromium } = require('playwright');12(async () => {13 const browser = await chromium.launch();14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 const page = await context.newPage();16 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });17 await browser.close();18})();19const { mergeData } = require("@playwright/test/lib/server/trace/viewer/traceModel");20const { chromium } = require('playwright');21(async () => {22 const browser = await chromium.launch();23 const context = await browser.newContext();24 const page = await context.newPage();25 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });26 await browser.close();27})();28const { mergeData } = require("@playwright/test/lib/server/trace/viewer/traceModel");29const { chromium } = require('playwright');30(async () => {31 const browser = await chromium.launch();32 const context = await browser.newContext();33 const page = await context.newPage();34 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });35 await browser.close();36})();37const { mergeData } = require("@playwright/test/lib/server/trace/viewer/traceModel");38const { chromium } = require('playwright');39(async () => {40 const browser = await chromium.launch();41 const context = await browser.newContext();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { mergeData } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/mergeData');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3const path = require('path');4test('test', async ({ page }) => {5 const data = await mergeData(path.join(__dirname, 'test-results'));6 console.log(data);7});8{9 {10 }11}12{13 {14 }15}
Using AI Code Generation
1const { mergeData } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/mergeData');2const { test } = require('playwright-test');3const { expect } = require('chai');4test('test', async ({ page }) => {5 const data = { a: 1 };6 const newData = { b: 2 };7 const mergedData = mergeData(data, newData);8 expect(mergedData).to.deep.equal({ a: 1, b: 2 });9});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { mergeData } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/traceViewer/traceModel');2const traceModel = mergeData(3 require('./trace1.json'),4 require('./trace2.json'),5 require('./trace3.json'),6 require('./trace4.json'),7 require('./trace5.json')8);9console.log(traceModel);10process.exit(0);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { mergeData } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/mergeData');2const data1 = {3};4const data2 = {5};6const result = mergeData(data1, data2);7console.log(result);8{9}10const { mergeData } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/mergeData');11const data1 = {12};13const data2 = {14};15const result = mergeData(data1, data2);16console.log(result);17{18}19const { mergeData } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/mergeData');20const data1 = {21};22const data2 = {23};24const result = mergeData(data1, data2);25console.log(result);26{27}28const { mergeData } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/mergeData');29const data1 = {30};31const data2 = {32};33const result = mergeData(data1, data2);34console.log(result);35{36}37const { mergeData } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/mergeData');38const data1 = {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { mergeData } = require('playwright/lib/utils/mergeData');2const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 mergeData({ x: 1 }, { x: 2, y: 3 });5});6{ x: 1, y: 3 }7const { mergeData } = require('playwright/lib/utils/mergeData');8const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');9test('test', async ({ page }) => {10 mergeData({ x: 1 }, { x: 2, y: 3 }, { x: 4, z: 5 });11});12{ x: 4, y: 3, z: 5 }13const { mergeData } = require('playwright/lib/utils/mergeData');14const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');15test('test', async ({ page }) => {16 mergeData({ x: 1 }, { x: 2, y: 3, z: 5 }, { x: 4, z: 6 });17});18{ x: 4, y: 3, z: 6 }19const { mergeData } = require('playwright/lib/utils/mergeData');20const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');21test('test', async ({ page }) => {22 mergeData({ x: 1 }, { x: 2, y: 3, z: 5 }, { x: 4, z: 6 }, { x: 7, z: 8 });23});24{ x: 7, y: 3, z: 8 }25const { mergeData
Using AI Code Generation
1const { mergeData } = require('playwright/lib/utils/mergeData.js');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('My Test', async ({ page }) => {4 const data = await page.evaluate(() => {5 return {6 };7 });8 const newData = mergeData(data, { b: 3, c: 4 });9 console.log(newData);10});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { mergeData } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder/recorderApp');2const data = mergeData([3 {4 {5 "requestHeaders": {},6 "responseHeaders": {},7 "responseContentDataUri": "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,PGh0bWw+PGhlYWQ+PHRpdGxlPkdvb2dsZTwvdGl0bGU+PC9oZWFkPjxib2R5PjxoMT5Hb29nbGU8L2gxPjwvYm9keT48L2h0bWw+",8 "responseHeadersText": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: Tue, 02 Mar 2021 06:18:56 GMT\r\nExpires: -1\r\nCache-Control: private, max-age=0\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\nP3P: CP=\"This is not a P3
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