How to use markEnd method in Playwright Internal

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...591 }592 function Y() {593 var a, b = [];594 for (a = nc, R("["); !T("]");) T(",") ? (J(), b.push(null)) : (b.push(pb()), T("]") || R(","));595 return J(), mc.markEnd(mc.createArrayExpression(b), a)596 }597 function Z(a, b) {598 var c, d, e;599 return c = hc, e = nc, d = Qb(), b && hc && l(a[0].name) && P(b, dc.StrictParamName), hc = c, mc.markEnd(mc.createFunctionExpression(null, a, [], d), e)600 }601 function $() {602 var a, b;603 return b = nc, a = J(), a.type === $b.StringLiteral || a.type === $b.NumericLiteral ? (hc && a.octal && P(a, dc.StrictOctalLiteral), mc.markEnd(mc.createLiteral(a), b)) : mc.markEnd(mc.createIdentifier(a.value), b)604 }605 function _() {606 var a, b, c, d, e, f;607 return a = nc, f = nc, a.type === $b.Identifier ? (c = $(), "get" !== a.value || T(":") ? "set" !== a.value || T(":") ? (R(":"), d = pb(), mc.markEnd(mc.createProperty("init", c, d), f)) : (b = $(), R("("), a = nc, a.type !== $b.Identifier ? (R(")"), P(a, dc.UnexpectedToken, a.value), d = Z([])) : (e = [tb()], R(")"), d = Z(e, a)), mc.markEnd(mc.createProperty("set", b, d), f)) : (b = $(), R("("), R(")"), d = Z([]), mc.markEnd(mc.createProperty("get", b, d), f))) : a.type !== $b.EOF && a.type !== $b.Punctuator ? (b = $(), R(":"), d = pb(), mc.markEnd(mc.createProperty("init", b, d), f)) : void Q(a)608 }609 function ab() {610 var a, b, c, d, e, f = [],611 g = {}, h = String;612 for (e = nc, R("{"); !T("}");) a = _(), b = a.key.type === bc.Identifier ? : h(a.key.value), d = "init" === a.kind ? cc.Data : "get" === a.kind ? cc.Get : cc.Set, c = "$" + b,, c) ? (g[c] === cc.Data ? hc && d === cc.Data ? P({}, dc.StrictDuplicateProperty) : d !== cc.Data && P({}, dc.AccessorDataProperty) : d === cc.Data ? P({}, dc.AccessorDataProperty) : g[c] & d && P({}, dc.AccessorGetSet), g[c] |= d) : g[c] = d, f.push(a), T("}") || R(",");613 return R("}"), mc.markEnd(mc.createObjectExpression(f), e)614 }615 function bb() {616 var a;617 return R("("), a = qb(), R(")"), a618 }619 function cb() {620 var a, b, c, d;621 if (T("(")) return bb();622 if (T("[")) return Y();623 if (T("{")) return ab();624 if (a = nc.type, d = nc, a === $b.Identifier) c = mc.createIdentifier(J().value);625 else if (a === $b.StringLiteral || a === $b.NumericLiteral) hc && nc.octal && P(nc, dc.StrictOctalLiteral), c = mc.createLiteral(J());626 else if (a === $b.Keyword) {627 if (U("function")) return Tb();628 U("this") ? (J(), c = mc.createThisExpression()) : Q(J())629 } else a === $b.BooleanLiteral ? (b = J(), b.value = "true" === b.value, c = mc.createLiteral(b)) : a === $b.NullLiteral ? (b = J(), b.value = null, c = mc.createLiteral(b)) : T("/​") || T("/​=") ? (c = mc.createLiteral("undefined" != typeof pc.tokens ? E() : D()), K()) : Q(J());630 return mc.markEnd(c, d)631 }632 function db() {633 var a = [];634 if (R("("), !T(")"))635 for (; lc > ic && (a.push(pb()), !T(")"));) R(",");636 return R(")"), a637 }638 function eb() {639 var a, b;640 return b = nc, a = J(), F(a) || Q(a), mc.markEnd(mc.createIdentifier(a.value), b)641 }642 function fb() {643 return R("."), eb()644 }645 function gb() {646 var a;647 return R("["), a = qb(), R("]"), a648 }649 function hb() {650 var a, b, c;651 return c = nc, S("new"), a = jb(), b = T("(") ? db() : [], mc.markEnd(mc.createNewExpression(a, b), c)652 }653 function ib() {654 var a, b, c, d, e;655 for (e = nc, a = oc.allowIn, oc.allowIn = !0, b = U("new") ? hb() : cb(), oc.allowIn = a;;) {656 if (T(".")) d = fb(), b = mc.createMemberExpression(".", b, d);657 else if (T("(")) c = db(), b = mc.createCallExpression(b, c);658 else {659 if (!T("[")) break;660 d = gb(), b = mc.createMemberExpression("[", b, d)661 }662 mc.markEnd(b, e)663 }664 return b665 }666 function jb() {667 var a, b, c, d;668 for (d = nc, a = oc.allowIn, b = U("new") ? hb() : cb(), oc.allowIn = a; T(".") || T("[");) T("[") ? (c = gb(), b = mc.createMemberExpression("[", b, c)) : (c = fb(), b = mc.createMemberExpression(".", b, c)), mc.markEnd(b, d);669 return b670 }671 function kb() {672 var a, b, c = nc;673 return a = ib(), nc.type === $b.Punctuator && (!T("++") && !T("--") || N() || (hc && a.type === bc.Identifier && l( && P({}, dc.StrictLHSPostfix), X(a) || P({}, dc.InvalidLHSInAssignment), b = J(), a = mc.markEnd(mc.createPostfixExpression(b.value, a), c))), a674 }675 function lb() {676 var a, b, c;677 return nc.type !== $b.Punctuator && nc.type !== $b.Keyword ? b = kb() : T("++") || T("--") ? (c = nc, a = J(), b = lb(), hc && b.type === bc.Identifier && l( && P({}, dc.StrictLHSPrefix), X(b) || P({}, dc.InvalidLHSInAssignment), b = mc.createUnaryExpression(a.value, b), b = mc.markEnd(b, c)) : T("+") || T("-") || T("~") || T("!") ? (c = nc, a = J(), b = lb(), b = mc.createUnaryExpression(a.value, b), b = mc.markEnd(b, c)) : U("delete") || U("void") || U("typeof") ? (c = nc, a = J(), b = lb(), b = mc.createUnaryExpression(a.value, b), b = mc.markEnd(b, c), hc && "delete" === b.operator && b.argument.type === bc.Identifier && P({}, dc.StrictDelete)) : b = kb(), b678 }679 function mb(a, b) {680 var c = 0;681 if (a.type !== $b.Punctuator && a.type !== $b.Keyword) return 0;682 switch (a.value) {683 case "||":684 c = 1;685 break;686 case "&&":687 c = 2;688 break;689 case "|":690 c = 3;691 break;692 case "^":693 c = 4;694 break;695 case "&":696 c = 5;697 break;698 case "==":699 case "!=":700 case "===":701 case "!==":702 c = 6;703 break;704 case "<":705 case ">":706 case "<=":707 case ">=":708 case "instanceof":709 c = 7;710 break;711 case "in":712 c = b ? 7 : 0;713 break;714 case "<<":715 case ">>":716 case ">>>":717 c = 8;718 break;719 case "+":720 case "-":721 c = 9;722 break;723 case "*":724 case "/​":725 case "%":726 c = 11727 }728 return c729 }730 function nb() {731 var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;732 if (a = nc, i = lb(), d = nc, e = mb(d, oc.allowIn), 0 === e) return i;733 for (d.prec = e, J(), b = [a, nc], g = lb(), f = [i, d, g];734 (e = mb(nc, oc.allowIn)) > 0;) {735 for (; f.length > 2 && e <= f[f.length - 2].prec;) g = f.pop(), h = f.pop().value, i = f.pop(), c = mc.createBinaryExpression(h, i, g), b.pop(), a = b[b.length - 1], mc.markEnd(c, a), f.push(c);736 d = J(), d.prec = e, f.push(d), b.push(nc), c = lb(), f.push(c)737 }738 for (j = f.length - 1, c = f[j], b.pop(); j > 1;) c = mc.createBinaryExpression(f[j - 1].value, f[j - 2], c), j -= 2, a = b.pop(), mc.markEnd(c, a);739 return c740 }741 function ob() {742 var a, b, c, d, e;743 return e = nc, a = nb(), T("?") && (J(), b = oc.allowIn, oc.allowIn = !0, c = pb(), oc.allowIn = b, R(":"), d = pb(), a = mc.createConditionalExpression(a, c, d), mc.markEnd(a, e)), a744 }745 function pb() {746 var a, b, c, d, e;747 return a = nc, e = nc, d = b = ob(), V() && (X(b) || P({}, dc.InvalidLHSInAssignment), hc && b.type === bc.Identifier && l( && P(a, dc.StrictLHSAssignment), a = J(), c = pb(), d = mc.markEnd(mc.createAssignmentExpression(a.value, b, c), e)), d748 }749 function qb() {750 var a, b = nc;751 if (a = pb(), T(",")) {752 for (a = mc.createSequenceExpression([a]); lc > ic && T(",");) J(), a.expressions.push(pb());753 mc.markEnd(a, b)754 }755 return a756 }757 function rb() {758 for (var a, b = []; lc > ic && !T("}") && (a = Ub(), "undefined" != typeof a);) b.push(a);759 return b760 }761 function sb() {762 var a, b;763 return b = nc, R("{"), a = rb(), R("}"), mc.markEnd(mc.createBlockStatement(a), b)764 }765 function tb() {766 var a, b;767 return b = nc, a = J(), a.type !== $b.Identifier && Q(a), mc.markEnd(mc.createIdentifier(a.value), b)768 }769 function ub(a) {770 var b, c, d = null;771 return c = nc, b = tb(), hc && l( && P({}, dc.StrictVarName), "const" === a ? (R("="), d = pb()) : T("=") && (J(), d = pb()), mc.markEnd(mc.createVariableDeclarator(b, d), c)772 }773 function vb(a) {774 var b = [];775 do {776 if (b.push(ub(a)), !T(",")) break;777 J()778 } while (lc > ic);779 return b780 }781 function wb() {782 var a;783 return S("var"), a = vb(), W(), mc.createVariableDeclaration(a, "var")784 }785 function xb(a) {786 var b, c;787 return c = nc, S(a), b = vb(a), W(), mc.markEnd(mc.createVariableDeclaration(b, a), c)788 }789 function yb() {790 return R(";"), mc.createEmptyStatement()791 }792 function zb() {793 var a = qb();794 return W(), mc.createExpressionStatement(a)795 }796 function Ab() {797 var a, b, c;798 return S("if"), R("("), a = qb(), R(")"), b = Pb(), U("else") ? (J(), c = Pb()) : c = null, mc.createIfStatement(a, b, c)799 }800 function Bb() {801 var a, b, c;802 return S("do"), c = oc.inIteration, oc.inIteration = !0, a = Pb(), oc.inIteration = c, S("while"), R("("), b = qb(), R(")"), T(";") && J(), mc.createDoWhileStatement(a, b)803 }804 function Cb() {805 var a, b, c;806 return S("while"), R("("), a = qb(), R(")"), c = oc.inIteration, oc.inIteration = !0, b = Pb(), oc.inIteration = c, mc.createWhileStatement(a, b)807 }808 function Db() {809 var a, b, c;810 return c = nc, a = J(), b = vb(), mc.markEnd(mc.createVariableDeclaration(b, a.value), c)811 }812 function Eb() {813 var a, b, c, d, e, f, g;814 return a = b = c = null, S("for"), R("("), T(";") ? J() : (U("var") || U("let") ? (oc.allowIn = !1, a = Db(), oc.allowIn = !0, 1 === a.declarations.length && U("in") && (J(), d = a, e = qb(), a = null)) : (oc.allowIn = !1, a = qb(), oc.allowIn = !0, U("in") && (X(a) || P({}, dc.InvalidLHSInForIn), J(), d = a, e = qb(), a = null)), "undefined" == typeof d && R(";")), "undefined" == typeof d && (T(";") || (b = qb()), R(";"), T(")") || (c = qb())), R(")"), g = oc.inIteration, oc.inIteration = !0, f = Pb(), oc.inIteration = g, "undefined" == typeof d ? mc.createForStatement(a, b, c, f) : mc.createForInStatement(d, e, f)815 }816 function Fb() {817 var a, b = null;818 return S("continue"), 59 === gc.charCodeAt(ic) ? (J(), oc.inIteration || O({}, dc.IllegalContinue), mc.createContinueStatement(null)) : N() ? (oc.inIteration || O({}, dc.IllegalContinue), mc.createContinueStatement(null)) : (nc.type === $b.Identifier && (b = tb(), a = "$" +,, a) || O({}, dc.UnknownLabel,, W(), null !== b || oc.inIteration || O({}, dc.IllegalContinue), mc.createContinueStatement(b))819 }820 function Gb() {821 var a, b = null;822 return S("break"), 59 === gc.charCodeAt(ic) ? (J(), oc.inIteration || oc.inSwitch || O({}, dc.IllegalBreak), mc.createBreakStatement(null)) : N() ? (oc.inIteration || oc.inSwitch || O({}, dc.IllegalBreak), mc.createBreakStatement(null)) : (nc.type === $b.Identifier && (b = tb(), a = "$" +,, a) || O({}, dc.UnknownLabel,, W(), null !== b || oc.inIteration || oc.inSwitch || O({}, dc.IllegalBreak), mc.createBreakStatement(b))823 }824 function Hb() {825 var a = null;826 return S("return"), oc.inFunctionBody || P({}, dc.IllegalReturn), 32 === gc.charCodeAt(ic) && h(gc.charCodeAt(ic + 1)) ? (a = qb(), W(), mc.createReturnStatement(a)) : N() ? mc.createReturnStatement(null) : (T(";") || T("}") || nc.type === $b.EOF || (a = qb()), W(), mc.createReturnStatement(a))827 }828 function Ib() {829 var a, b;830 return hc && (q(), P({}, dc.StrictModeWith)), S("with"), R("("), a = qb(), R(")"), b = Pb(), mc.createWithStatement(a, b)831 }832 function Jb() {833 var a, b, c, d = [];834 for (c = nc, U("default") ? (J(), a = null) : (S("case"), a = qb()), R(":"); lc > ic && !(T("}") || U("default") || U("case"));) b = Pb(), d.push(b);835 return mc.markEnd(mc.createSwitchCase(a, d), c)836 }837 function Kb() {838 var a, b, c, d, e;839 if (S("switch"), R("("), a = qb(), R(")"), R("{"), b = [], T("}")) return J(), mc.createSwitchStatement(a, b);840 for (d = oc.inSwitch, oc.inSwitch = !0, e = !1; lc > ic && !T("}");) c = Jb(), null === c.test && (e && O({}, dc.MultipleDefaultsInSwitch), e = !0), b.push(c);841 return oc.inSwitch = d, R("}"), mc.createSwitchStatement(a, b)842 }843 function Lb() {844 var a;845 return S("throw"), N() && O({}, dc.NewlineAfterThrow), a = qb(), W(), mc.createThrowStatement(a)846 }847 function Mb() {848 var a, b, c;849 return c = nc, S("catch"), R("("), T(")") && Q(nc), a = tb(), hc && l( && P({}, dc.StrictCatchVariable), R(")"), b = sb(), mc.markEnd(mc.createCatchClause(a, b), c)850 }851 function Nb() {852 var a, b = [],853 c = null;854 return S("try"), a = sb(), U("catch") && b.push(Mb()), U("finally") && (J(), c = sb()), 0 !== b.length || c || O({}, dc.NoCatchOrFinally), mc.createTryStatement(a, [], b, c)855 }856 function Ob() {857 return S("debugger"), W(), mc.createDebuggerStatement()858 }859 function Pb() {860 var a, b, c, d, e = nc.type;861 if (e === $b.EOF && Q(nc), e === $b.Punctuator && "{" === nc.value) return sb();862 if (d = nc, e === $b.Punctuator) switch (nc.value) {863 case ";":864 return mc.markEnd(yb(), d);865 case "(":866 return mc.markEnd(zb(), d)867 }868 if (e === $b.Keyword) switch (nc.value) {869 case "break":870 return mc.markEnd(Gb(), d);871 case "continue":872 return mc.markEnd(Fb(), d);873 case "debugger":874 return mc.markEnd(Ob(), d);875 case "do":876 return mc.markEnd(Bb(), d);877 case "for":878 return mc.markEnd(Eb(), d);879 case "function":880 return mc.markEnd(Sb(), d);881 case "if":882 return mc.markEnd(Ab(), d);883 case "return":884 return mc.markEnd(Hb(), d);885 case "switch":886 return mc.markEnd(Kb(), d);887 case "throw":888 return mc.markEnd(Lb(), d);889 case "try":890 return mc.markEnd(Nb(), d);891 case "var":892 return mc.markEnd(wb(), d);893 case "while":894 return mc.markEnd(Cb(), d);895 case "with":896 return mc.markEnd(Ib(), d)897 }898 return a = qb(), a.type === bc.Identifier && T(":") ? (J(), c = "$" +,, c) && O({}, dc.Redeclaration, "Label",, oc.labelSet[c] = !0, b = Pb(), delete oc.labelSet[c], mc.markEnd(mc.createLabeledStatement(a, b), d)) : (W(), mc.markEnd(mc.createExpressionStatement(a), d))899 }900 function Qb() {901 var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j = [];902 for (i = nc, R("{"); lc > ic && nc.type === $b.StringLiteral && (b = nc, a = Ub(), j.push(a), a.expression.type === bc.Literal);) c = gc.slice(b.start + 1, b.end - 1), "use strict" === c ? (hc = !0, d && P(d, dc.StrictOctalLiteral)) : !d && b.octal && (d = b);903 for (e = oc.labelSet, f = oc.inIteration, g = oc.inSwitch, h = oc.inFunctionBody, oc.labelSet = {}, oc.inIteration = !1, oc.inSwitch = !1, oc.inFunctionBody = !0; lc > ic && !T("}") && (a = Ub(), "undefined" != typeof a);) j.push(a);904 return R("}"), oc.labelSet = e, oc.inIteration = f, oc.inSwitch = g, oc.inFunctionBody = h, mc.markEnd(mc.createBlockStatement(j), i)905 }906 function Rb(a) {907 var b, c, d, e, f, g, h = [];908 if (R("("), !T(")"))909 for (e = {}; lc > ic && (c = nc, b = tb(), f = "$" + c.value, hc ? (l(c.value) && (d = c, g = dc.StrictParamName),, f) && (d = c, g = dc.StrictParamDupe)) : a || (l(c.value) ? (a = c, g = dc.StrictParamName) : k(c.value) ? (a = c, g = dc.StrictReservedWord) :, f) && (a = c, g = dc.StrictParamDupe)), h.push(b), e[f] = !0, !T(")"));) R(",");910 return R(")"), {911 params: h,912 stricted: d,913 firstRestricted: a,914 message: g915 }916 }917 function Sb() {918 var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j = [];919 return i = nc, S("function"), c = nc, a = tb(), hc ? l(c.value) && P(c, dc.StrictFunctionName) : l(c.value) ? (f = c, g = dc.StrictFunctionName) : k(c.value) && (f = c, g = dc.StrictReservedWord), e = Rb(f), j = e.params, d = e.stricted, f = e.firstRestricted, e.message && (g = e.message), h = hc, b = Qb(), hc && f && O(f, g), hc && d && P(d, g), hc = h, mc.markEnd(mc.createFunctionDeclaration(a, j, [], b), i)920 }921 function Tb() {922 var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i = null,923 j = [];924 return h = nc, S("function"), T("(") || (a = nc, i = tb(), hc ? l(a.value) && P(a, dc.StrictFunctionName) : l(a.value) ? (c = a, d = dc.StrictFunctionName) : k(a.value) && (c = a, d = dc.StrictReservedWord)), e = Rb(c), j = e.params, b = e.stricted, c = e.firstRestricted, e.message && (d = e.message), g = hc, f = Qb(), hc && c && O(c, d), hc && b && P(b, d), hc = g, mc.markEnd(mc.createFunctionExpression(i, j, [], f), h)925 }926 function Ub() {927 if (nc.type === $b.Keyword) switch (nc.value) {928 case "const":929 case "let":930 return xb(nc.value);931 case "function":932 return Sb();933 default:934 return Pb()935 }936 return nc.type !== $b.EOF ? Pb() : void 0937 }938 function Vb() {939 for (var a, b, c, d, e = []; lc > ic && (b = nc, b.type === $b.StringLiteral) && (a = Ub(), e.push(a), a.expression.type === bc.Literal);) c = gc.slice(b.start + 1, b.end - 1), "use strict" === c ? (hc = !0, d && P(d, dc.StrictOctalLiteral)) : !d && b.octal && (d = b);940 for (; lc > ic && (a = Ub(), "undefined" != typeof a);) e.push(a);941 return e942 }943 function Wb() {944 var a, b;945 return q(), K(), b = nc, hc = !1, a = Vb(), mc.markEnd(mc.createProgram(a), b)946 }947 function Xb() {948 var a, b, c, d = [];949 for (a = 0; a < pc.tokens.length; ++a) b = pc.tokens[a], c = {950 type: b.type,951 value: b.value952 }, pc.range && (c.range = b.range), pc.loc && (c.loc = b.loc), d.push(c);953 pc.tokens = d954 }955 function Yb(a, b) {956 var c, d, e;957 c = String, "string" == typeof a || a instanceof String || (a = c(a)), mc = fc, gc = a, ic = 0, jc = gc.length > 0 ? 1 : 0, kc = 0, lc = gc.length, nc = null, oc = {958 allowIn: !0,959 labelSet: {},...

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1/​*jshint smarttabs:true, eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true, laxbreak:true*/​2/​*(function(window, vx, undefined) {'use strict';3var mod = vx.module("ui.libraries");4mod.directive("vActionsheet", ["$os",function($os) {5 var actionsheet = (function() {6 var actionsheet = function(elID, opts, scope) {7 this.el = elID;8 if (this instanceof actionsheet) {9 if(typeof(opts)=="object"){10 for (var j in opts) {11 this[j] = opts[j];12 }13 }14 } else {15 return new actionsheet(elID, opts);16 }17 try {18 var that = this;19 var markStart = '<div id="jq_actionsheet"><div style="width:100%">';20 var markEnd = '</​div></​div>';21 var markup;22 if (typeof opts == "string") {23 markup = $(markStart + opts +"<a href='javascript:;' class='cancel'>取消</​a>"+markEnd);24 } else if (typeof opts == "object") {25 markup = $(markStart + markEnd);26 var container = $(markup.children().get());27 opts.push({text:"取消",cssClasses:"cancel"});28 for (var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {29 var item = $('<a href="javascript:;" >' + (opts[i].text || "TEXT NOT ENTERED") + '</​a>');30 item[0].onclick = (function(handler){31 return function(){32 scope.$apply(handler);33 }34 })(opts[i].handler);35 if (opts[i].cssClasses && opts[i].cssClasses.length > 0)36 item.addClass(opts[i].cssClasses);37 container.append(item);38 }39 }40 $(elID).find("#jq_actionsheet").remove();41 $(elID).find("#jq_action_mask").remove();42 var actionsheetEl = $(elID).append(markup);43 44 = "hidden";45 markup.on("click", "a",function(){that.hideSheet()});46 this.activeSheet=markup;47 $(elID).append('<div id="jq_action_mask" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;right:0px;bottom:0px;z-index:9998;background:rgba(0,0,0,.4)"/​>');48 } catch (e) {49 console.log("catch error: " + e);50 }51 };52 actionsheet.prototype = {53 activeSheet:null,54 hideSheet: function() {55 var that=this;56"click","a",function(){that.hideSheet()});57 $(this.el).find("#jq_action_mask").remove();58 /​/​ this.activeSheet.get().style[$.feat.cssPrefix+'Transition']="all 0ms";59 var markup = this.activeSheet;60 var theEl = this.el;61 setTimeout(function(){62 /​/​ markup.get().style[$.feat.cssPrefix+'Transition']="all 300ms";63 /​/​ markup.css($.feat.cssPrefix+"Transform", "translate"+$.feat.cssTransformStart+"0,0px"+$.feat.cssTransformEnd);64 markup.remove();65 markup=null;66 = "none";67 },10); 68 }69 };70 return actionsheet;71 })();72 return {73 restrict: 'A',74 link: function postLink(scope, element, attr){75 element.bind("click",function(e){76 var opts = null;77 opts = vx.copy(scope[attr.vActionsheet]);78 new actionsheet(vx.element("body")[0],opts,scope); 79 });80 }81 }82}]);83})(window, window.vx);*/​84/​**85 * popup service86 * return {87 * "actionsheet": function(actionJson, scope)88 * }89 * actionJson 数组90 * scope 当前scope91 */​92(function(window, vx, undefined) {93 'use strict';94 vx.module('ibsapp')95 .factory('Popup', [function () {96 var actionsheet = (function() {97 var actionsheet = function(elID, opts, scope) {98 this.el = elID;99 if (this instanceof actionsheet) {100 if(typeof(opts)=="object"){101 for (var j in opts) {102 this[j] = opts[j];103 }104 }105 } else {106 return new actionsheet(elID, opts);107 }108 try {109 var that = this;110 var markStart = '<div id="jq_actionsheet"><div style="width:100%">';111 var markEnd = '</​div></​div>';112 var markup;113 if (typeof opts == "string") {114 markup = $(markStart + opts +"<a href='javascript:;' class='cancel'>取消</​a>"+markEnd);115 } else if (typeof opts == "object") {116 markup = $(markStart + markEnd);117 var container = $(markup.children().get());118 opts.push({text:"取消",cssClasses:"cancel"});119 for (var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {120 var item = $('<a href="javascript:;" >' + (opts[i].text || "TEXT NOT ENTERED") + '</​a>');121 item[0].onclick = (function(handler){122 return function(){123 scope.$apply(handler);124 $("body").css("overflow","");125 }126 })(opts[i].handler);127 if (opts[i].cssClasses && opts[i].cssClasses.length > 0)128 item.addClass(opts[i].cssClasses);129 container.append(item);130 }131 }132 $(elID).find("#jq_actionsheet").remove();133 $(elID).find("#jq_action_mask").remove();134 markup.css("bottom",-(45*opts.length+10)+"px")135 var actionsheetEl = $(elID).append(markup);136 setTimeout(function(){137 markup.css("bottom","0px")138 }, 0);139 140 = "hidden";141 markup.on("click", "a",function(){that.hideSheet()});142 this.activeSheet=markup;143 $(elID).append('<div id="jq_action_mask" style="position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;right:0px;bottom:0px;z-index:9998;background:rgba(0,0,0,.4)"/​>');144 $("#jq_action_mask").bind("touchmove", function(e){ /​/​阻止滑动145 e.preventDefault();146 });147 } catch (e) {148 console.log("catch error: " + e);149 }150 };151 actionsheet.prototype = {152 activeSheet:null,153 hideSheet: function() {154 var that=this;155"click","a",function(){that.hideSheet()});156 $("#jq_action_mask").unbind("touchmove"); /​/​取消事件监听157 $(this.el).find("#jq_action_mask").remove();158 /​/​ this.activeSheet.get().style[$.feat.cssPrefix+'Transition']="all 0ms";159 var markup = this.activeSheet;160 var theEl = this.el;161 setTimeout(function(){162 /​/​ markup.get().style[$.feat.cssPrefix+'Transition']="all 300ms";163 /​/​ markup.css($.feat.cssPrefix+"Transform", "translate"+$.feat.cssTransformStart+"0,0px"+$.feat.cssTransformEnd);164 markup.remove();165 markup=null;166 = "none";167 },10); 168 }169 };170 return actionsheet;171 })();172 return {173 actionsheet: function(actionJson, scope){174 if(vx.isArray(actionJson)){175 var opts = vx.copy(actionJson);176 new actionsheet(vx.element("body")[0],opts,scope);177 }178 }179 };180 }]);...

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Source:arrows-positions.test.js Github


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1import { map, pipe } from 'ramda';2import { getArrowsPositions, getArrowsPositionsForMSBN, makeArrowLine } from './​arrows-positions';3const TYPE_LEFT = 'left';4const TYPE_RIGHT = 'right';5const TYPE_TOP = 'top';6const TYPE_BOTTOM = 'bottom';7const RAIN_NODE = 'RAIN';8const SPRINKLER_NODE = 'SPRINKLER';9const GRASS_WET_NODE = 'GRASS_WET';10const NETWORK_1 = 'NETWORK_1';11const NETWORK_2 = 'NETWORK_2';12const NETWORK_3 = 'NETWORK_3';13const NETWORK_4 = 'NETWORK_4';14const SIZES = { width: 160, height: 160 };15const mapPostions = (positions = {}) => map(node => ({16 ...node,17 position: positions[],18}));19const mapSize = map(node => ({20 ...node,21 size: SIZES,22}));23const createSprinklerNetworkWithPostionsAndStates = (positions) => {24 const rain = {25 id: RAIN_NODE,26 parents: [],27 };28 const sprinkler = {29 id: SPRINKLER_NODE,30 parents: ['RAIN'],31 };32 const grassWet = {33 id: GRASS_WET_NODE,34 parents: ['RAIN', 'SPRINKLER'],35 };36 return pipe(mapPostions(positions), mapSize)([rain, sprinkler, grassWet]);37};38const createNetworksWithPostions = (positions = {}) => {39 const net1 = {40 id: NETWORK_1,41 };42 const net2 = {43 id: NETWORK_2,44 };45 const net3 = {46 id: NETWORK_3,47 };48 const net4 = {49 id: NETWORK_4,50 };51 return pipe(mapPostions(positions), mapSize)([net1, net2, net3, net4]);52};53describe('Arrows Positions Utils', () => {54 describe('getArrowsPositions', () => {55 const markEnd = true;56 it('When positions are RAIN_NODE { x: 1, y: 200 }, SPRINKLER_NODE: { x: 550, y: 100 } and GRASS_WET_NODE: { x: 200, y: 490 }', () => {57 const positions = {58 [RAIN_NODE]: { x: 1, y: 200 },59 [SPRINKLER_NODE]: { x: 550, y: 100 },60 [GRASS_WET_NODE]: { x: 200, y: 490 },61 };62 const network = createSprinklerNetworkWithPostionsAndStates(positions);63 expect(getArrowsPositions(network)).toEqual([64 {65 childId: SPRINKLER_NODE,66 from: { type: TYPE_RIGHT, x: 161, y: 280 },67 key: `${RAIN_NODE}-${SPRINKLER_NODE}`,68 markEnd,69 parentId: RAIN_NODE,70 to: { type: TYPE_LEFT, x: 550, y: 180 },71 }, {72 childId: GRASS_WET_NODE,73 from: { type: TYPE_BOTTOM, x: 81, y: 360 },74 key: `${RAIN_NODE}-${GRASS_WET_NODE}`,75 markEnd,76 parentId: RAIN_NODE,77 to: { type: TYPE_TOP, x: 280, y: 490 },78 }, {79 childId: GRASS_WET_NODE,80 from: { type: TYPE_BOTTOM, x: 630, y: 260 },81 key: `${SPRINKLER_NODE}-${GRASS_WET_NODE}`,82 markEnd,83 parentId: SPRINKLER_NODE,84 to: { type: TYPE_RIGHT, x: 360, y: 570 },85 },86 ]);87 });88 it('When positions are RAIN_NODE { x: 100, y: 45 }, SPRINKLER_NODE: { x: 1, y: 250 } and GRASS_WET_NODE: { x: 50, y: 100 }', () => {89 const positions = {90 [RAIN_NODE]: { x: 100, y: 45 },91 [SPRINKLER_NODE]: { x: 1, y: 250 },92 [GRASS_WET_NODE]: { x: 50, y: 100 },93 };94 const network = createSprinklerNetworkWithPostionsAndStates(positions);95 expect(getArrowsPositions(network)).toEqual([96 {97 childId: SPRINKLER_NODE,98 from: { type: TYPE_BOTTOM, x: 180, y: 205 },99 key: `${RAIN_NODE}-${SPRINKLER_NODE}`,100 markEnd,101 parentId: RAIN_NODE,102 to: { type: TYPE_TOP, x: 81, y: 250 },103 }, {104 childId: GRASS_WET_NODE,105 from: { type: TYPE_BOTTOM, x: 180, y: 205 },106 key: `${RAIN_NODE}-${GRASS_WET_NODE}`,107 markEnd,108 parentId: RAIN_NODE,109 to: { type: TYPE_RIGHT, x: 210, y: 180 },110 }, {111 childId: GRASS_WET_NODE,112 from: { type: TYPE_TOP, x: 81, y: 250 },113 key: `${SPRINKLER_NODE}-${GRASS_WET_NODE}`,114 markEnd,115 parentId: SPRINKLER_NODE,116 to: { type: TYPE_BOTTOM, x: 130, y: 260 },117 },118 ]);119 });120 });121 describe('getArrowsPositionsForMSBN', () => {122 const markEnd = false;123 const linkagesByTwoNode = [124 { networkId1: NETWORK_2, networkId2: NETWORK_1 },125 { networkId1: NETWORK_3, networkId2: NETWORK_1 },126 { networkId1: NETWORK_4, networkId2: NETWORK_1 },127 ];128 it('When positions are NETWORK_1 { x: 314, y: 224.5 }, NETWORK_2 { x: 326, y: 64.5 }, NETWORK_3 { x: 64, y: 220.5 }, NETWORK_4 { x: 574, y: 216.5 }', () => {129 const positions = {130 [NETWORK_1]: { x: 314, y: 224.5 },131 [NETWORK_2]: { x: 326, y: 64.5 },132 [NETWORK_3]: { x: 64, y: 220.5 },133 [NETWORK_4]: { x: 574, y: 216.5 },134 };135 const networks = createNetworksWithPostions(positions);136 expect(getArrowsPositionsForMSBN(networks, linkagesByTwoNode)).toEqual([{137 networkId1: NETWORK_2,138 networkId2: NETWORK_1,139 from: { type: TYPE_BOTTOM, x: 406, y: 224.5 },140 key: 'NETWORK_2-NETWORK_1',141 markEnd,142 to: { type: TYPE_TOP, x: 394, y: 224.5 },143 }, {144 networkId1: NETWORK_3,145 networkId2: NETWORK_1,146 from: { type: TYPE_RIGHT, x: 224, y: 300.5 },147 key: 'NETWORK_3-NETWORK_1',148 markEnd,149 to: { type: TYPE_LEFT, x: 314, y: 304.5 },150 }, {151 networkId1: NETWORK_4,152 networkId2: NETWORK_1,153 from: { type: TYPE_LEFT, x: 574, y: 296.5 },154 key: 'NETWORK_4-NETWORK_1',155 markEnd,156 to: { type: TYPE_RIGHT, x: 474, y: 304.5 },157 }]);158 });159 });160 describe('makeArrowLine', () => {161 describe('When "n" is 50', () => {162 const n = 50;163 it('When goes from left to right', () => {164 const from = { type: TYPE_RIGHT, x: 100, y: 100 };165 const to = { type: TYPE_LEFT, x: 200, y: 100 };166 expect(makeArrowLine(from, to, n)).toBe('M100,100 C150,100 150,100 200,100');167 });168 it('When goes from right to left', () => {169 const from = { type: TYPE_LEFT, x: 100, y: 100 };170 const to = { type: TYPE_RIGHT, x: 0, y: 100 };171 expect(makeArrowLine(from, to, n)).toBe('M100,100 C50,100 50,100 0,100');172 });173 it('When goes from top to bottom', () => {174 const from = { type: TYPE_BOTTOM, x: 100, y: 100 };175 const to = { type: TYPE_TOP, x: 100, y: 0 };176 expect(makeArrowLine(from, to, n)).toBe('M100,100 C100,150 100,-50 100,0');177 });178 it('When goes from bottom to top', () => {179 const from = { type: TYPE_TOP, x: 100, y: 100 };180 const to = { type: TYPE_BOTTOM, x: 100, y: 200 };181 expect(makeArrowLine(from, to, n)).toBe('M100,100 C100,50 100,250 100,200');182 });183 });184 describe('When "n" is 100', () => {185 const n = 100;186 it('When goes from left to right', () => {187 const from = { type: TYPE_RIGHT, x: 100, y: 100 };188 const to = { type: TYPE_LEFT, x: 200, y: 100 };189 expect(makeArrowLine(from, to, n)).toBe('M100,100 C200,100 100,100 200,100');190 });191 it('When goes from right to left', () => {192 const from = { type: TYPE_LEFT, x: 100, y: 100 };193 const to = { type: TYPE_RIGHT, x: 0, y: 100 };194 expect(makeArrowLine(from, to, n)).toBe('M100,100 C0,100 100,100 0,100');195 });196 it('When goes from top to bottom', () => {197 const from = { type: TYPE_BOTTOM, x: 100, y: 100 };198 const to = { type: TYPE_TOP, x: 100, y: 0 };199 expect(makeArrowLine(from, to, n)).toBe('M100,100 C100,200 100,-100 100,0');200 });201 it('When goes from bottom to top', () => {202 const from = { type: TYPE_TOP, x: 100, y: 100 };203 const to = { type: TYPE_BOTTOM, x: 100, y: 200 };204 expect(makeArrowLine(from, to, n)).toBe('M100,100 C100,0 100,300 100,200');205 });206 });207 });...

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Source:perf-util.test.js Github


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...32 it("If it set markName to markEnd then It set markName-end-[index] to mark.", function() {33 /​/​ Given34 mock.performance.markStart("foo");35 /​/​ When36 mock.performance.markEnd("foo");37 var nameCount = getPerformanceInfo().nameCount;38 var entryList = mock.performance.getEntries({name:"foo-end-1"});39 40 /​/​ Then41 expect(;42 expect(entryList.length).toBe(1);43 expect(entryList[0].name).toBe("foo-end-1");44 });45 it("When it don`t set markName to markStart If It called markEnd It should be raise exception.", function() {46 /​/​ Given47 /​/​ When48 /​/​ Then49 expect(function(){50 mock.performance.markEnd("shouldBeException");51 }).toThrowError("You don`t have to same markEnd name.(shouldBeException)");52 });53 afterEach(function() {54 mock.performance.clearMarks();55 mock.performance.clearMeasures();56 });57});58describe("performance.analyzeMark", function() {59 var mock = {}, getPerformanceInfo;60 61 beforeEach(function() {62 mock.performance = window.performance;63 getPerformanceInfo = cache(mock);64 });65 it("analyzeMark have to return info.", function() {66 /​/​ Given67 function nonp(){68 for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {69 } 70 };71 for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {72 mock.performance.markStart("foo");73 nonp();74 mock.performance.markEnd("foo");75 }76 /​/​ When77 var info = mock.performance.analyzeMark("foo");78 /​/​ Then79 expect(info.count).toBe(10);80 expect(info.average > 0).toBe(true);81 expect(info.median > 0).toBe(true);82 expect(info.durationList.length).toBe(10);83 });84 afterEach(function() {85 mock.performance.clearMarks();86 mock.performance.clearMeasures();87 });88});89describe("global.performance.searchEntries", function() {90 var mock = {}, getPerformanceInfo;91 92 beforeEach(function() {93 mock.performance = window.performance;94 getPerformanceInfo = cache(mock);95 });96 it("If searchEntries has not parameter then it has to return all entryList.", function() {97 /​/​ Given98 function nonp(){99 for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {100 } 101 };102 mock.performance.mark("bar");103 for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {104 mock.performance.markStart("foo");105 nonp();106 mock.performance.markEnd("foo");107 }108 mock.performance.mark("baz");109 var allEntryList = mock.performance.getEntries();110 /​/​ When111 var info = mock.performance.searchEntries();112 /​/​ Then113 expect(info.length).toBe(allEntryList.length);114 });115 it("If searchEntries has name in parameter then it has to return matched entryList.", function() {116 /​/​ Given117 function nonp(){118 for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {119 } 120 };121 mock.performance.mark("bar");122 for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {123 mock.performance.markStart("foo");124 nonp();125 mock.performance.markEnd("foo");126 }127 mock.performance.mark("baz");128 /​/​ When129 var info = mock.performance.searchEntries( {130 "name": /​foo/​131 } );132 /​/​ Then133 expect(info.length).toBe(30);134 });135 it("If searchEntries has name, entryType in parameter then it has to return matched entryList.", function() {136 /​/​ Given137 function nonp(){138 for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {139 } 140 };141 mock.performance.mark("bar");142 for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {143 mock.performance.markStart("foo");144 nonp();145 mock.performance.markEnd("foo");146 }147 mock.performance.mark("baz");148 /​/​ When149 var info = mock.performance.searchEntries( {150 "name": /​foo/​,151 "entryType": "measure"152 } );153 /​/​ Then154 expect(info.length).toBe(10);155 });156 afterEach(function() {157 mock.performance.clearMarks();158 mock.performance.clearMeasures();159 });...

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Source:perf-util.js Github


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1_wrap_ ( function( global ) {2 var nameCount = {};3 function mark( name, type, count ) {4 global.performance.mark( name + "-" + type + "-" + count );5 }6 function average ( values ) {7 return values.reduce( function( a, b ) {8 return a + b;9 } ) /​ values.length;10 }11 function median( values ) {12 var values = values.sort( function( a, b ) {13 return a - b;14 } );15 var half = Math.floor( values.length /​ 2 );16 if ( values.length % 2 ) {17 return values[ half ];18 } else {19 return ( values[ half - 1 ] + values[ half ] ) /​ 2.0;20 }21 }22 /​**23 * This method set to start mark.24 * @name performance.markStart25 * @param {String} [name] - name26 */​27 global.performance.markStart = function( name ) {28 if ( nameCount[ name ] === undefined ) {29 nameCount[ name ] = {30 "count": 0,31 "isMarkEndCalled": false32 }33 count = 0;34 }35 var count = nameCount[ name ].count;36 nameCount[ name ].count = ++count;37 nameCount[ name ].isMarkEndCalled = false;38 mark( name, "start", nameCount[ name ].count );39 }40 /​**41 * This method set to end mark.42 * @name performance.markEnd43 * @param {String} [name] - name44 */​45 global.performance.markEnd = function( name ) {46 if ( !nameCount[ name ] || ( nameCount[ name ] && nameCount[ name ].isMarkEndCalled ) ) {47 throw new Error( "You don`t have to same markEnd name.(" + name + ")" );48 } else {49 nameCount[ name ].isMarkEndCalled = true;50 var count = nameCount[ name ].count;51 mark( name, "end", count );52 groupMeasure( name );53 }54 }55 /​**56 * This method set to measure.57 * @private58 * @name performance.markEnd59 * @param {String} [name] - name60 */​61 function groupMeasure( name ) {62 var count = nameCount[name].count;63 global.performance.measure( name + "-measure-" + count, name + "-start-" + count, name + "-end-" + count );64 }65 /​**66 * This method get to analyze to information having count, average, median, durationList.67 * The count is total mark count.68 * The average is average duration of measure69 * The median is median duration of measure70 * The durationList is list of duration.71 * @name performance.markEnd72 * @param {String} [name] - name73 * @return {Array} performanceEntryList74 */​75 global.performance.analyzeMark = function( name ) {76 var entryList = global.performance.getEntriesByType( "measure" );77 var durationList = entryList.filter( function( v ) {78 return name + "-measure-" ) > -1;79 } ).map( function( v ) {80 return v.duration;81 } );82 return {83 "count": durationList.length,84 "average": average( durationList ),85 "median": median( durationList ),86 "durationList": durationList87 }88 }89 /​**90 * This method search entry. It can use name and entryType.91 * @name performance.searchEntries92 * @param {Object} [PerformanceEntryFilterOptions] - filter93 * @param {String} [PerformanceEntryFilterOptions.entryType] - entryType of PerformanceEntry object.94 * @param {Regexp} [] - name of PerformanceEntry object.95 * @return {Array} performanceEntryList96 */​97 global.performance.searchEntries = function( filter ) {98 if ( !filter ) {99 return global.performance.getEntries();100 }101 var perfEntryList;102 if ( filter.entryType ) {103 perfEntryList = global.performance.getEntriesByType( filter.entryType );104 } else {105 perfEntryList = global.performance.getEntries();106 }107 return perfEntryList.filter( function( entry ) {108 return )109 } );110 }111 return function() {112 return {113 "nameCount": nameCount114 }115 }...

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Source:stability.mjs Github


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1/​/​ Build stability table to documentation.html/​json/​md by generated all.json2import fs from 'fs';3import raw from 'rehype-raw';4import htmlStringify from 'rehype-stringify';5import gfm from 'remark-gfm';6import markdown from 'remark-parse';7import remark2rehype from 'remark-rehype';8import { unified } from 'unified';9import { visit } from 'unist-util-visit';10const source = new URL('../​../​out/​doc/​api/​', import.meta.url);11const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(new URL('./​all.json', source), 'utf8'));12const markBegin = '<!-- STABILITY_OVERVIEW_SLOT_BEGIN -->';13const markEnd = '<!-- STABILITY_OVERVIEW_SLOT_END -->';14const mark = `${markBegin}(.*)${markEnd}`;15const output = {16 json: new URL('./​stability.json', source),17 docHTML: new URL('./​documentation.html', source),18 docJSON: new URL('./​documentation.json', source),19 docMarkdown: new URL('./​', source),20};21function collectStability(data) {22 const stability = [];23 for (const mod of data.modules) {24 if (mod.displayName && mod.stability >= 0) {25 const link = mod.source.replace('doc/​api/​', '').replace('.md', '.html');26 stability.push({27 api:,28 link: link,29 stability: mod.stability,30 stabilityText: `(${mod.stability}) ${mod.stabilityText}`,31 });32 }33 }34 stability.sort((a, b) => a.api.localeCompare(b.api));35 return stability;36}37function createMarkdownTable(data) {38 const md = ['| API | Stability |', '| --- | --------- |'];39 for (const mod of data) {40 md.push(`| [${mod.api}](${}) | ${mod.stabilityText} |`);41 }42 return md.join('\n');43}44function createHTML(md) {45 const file = unified()46 .use(markdown)47 .use(gfm)48 .use(remark2rehype, { allowDangerousHtml: true })49 .use(raw)50 .use(htmlStringify)51 .use(processStability)52 .processSync(md);53 return file.value.trim();54}55function processStability() {56 return (tree) => {57 visit(tree, { type: 'element', tagName: 'tr' }, (node) => {58 const [api, stability] = node.children;59 if (api.tagName !== 'td') {60 return;61 }62 = 'module_stability';63 const level = stability.children[0].value[1];64 = `api_stability api_stability_${level}`;65 });66 };67}68function updateStabilityMark(file, value, mark) {69 const fd = fs.openSync(file, 'r+');70 const content = fs.readFileSync(fd, { encoding: 'utf8' });71 const replaced = content.replace(mark, value);72 if (replaced !== content) {73 fs.writeSync(fd, replaced, 0, 'utf8');74 }75 fs.closeSync(fd);76}77const stability = collectStability(data);78/​/​ add markdown79const markdownTable = createMarkdownTable(stability);80updateStabilityMark(output.docMarkdown,81 `${markBegin}\n${markdownTable}\n${markEnd}`,82 new RegExp(mark, 's'));83/​/​ add html table84const html = createHTML(markdownTable);85updateStabilityMark(output.docHTML, `${markBegin}${html}${markEnd}`,86 new RegExp(mark, 's'));87/​/​ add json output88updateStabilityMark(output.docJSON,89 JSON.stringify(`${markBegin}${html}${markEnd}`),...

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Source:performanceObserver.worker.js Github


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1importScripts("../​support/​testharness.js");2importScripts("support/​common.js");3promise_test(function(test) {4 return new Promise(function(resolve) {5 cleanup();6 var observer = new PerformanceObserver(function(list) {7 resolve(list);8 test.add_cleanup(function() {9 observer.disconnect();10 });11 });12 observer.observe({entryTypes: ["mark", "measure"]});13 performance.mark("markStart");14 doWork();15 performance.mark("markEnd");16 performance.measure("measure", "markStart", "markEnd");17 18 }).then(function(list) {19 var entries = list.getEntries();20 assert_equals(entries.length, 3,21 "Observed user timing entries should have three entries.");22 });23}, "Performance Observer for Web Workers");24promise_test(function(test) {25 return new Promise(function(resolve) {26 cleanup();27 var observer = new PerformanceObserver(function(list) {28 resolve(list);29 test.add_cleanup(function() {30 observer.disconnect();31 });32 });33 observer.observe({entryTypes: ["mark", "measure"]});34 observer.observe({entryTypes: ["measure"]});35 performance.mark("markStart");36 doWork();37 performance.mark("markEnd");38 performance.measure("measure", "markStart", "markEnd");39 }).then(function(list) {40 var entries = list.getEntries();41 assert_equals(entries.length, 1,42 "Observed user timing entries should have only one entry");43 });44}, "Observing filter is replaced by a new filter");...

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Mark Function.js

Source:Mark Function.js Github


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...4Example:5mark(1)6mark(2)7mark(3)8markEnd()9markEnd()10markEnd()11Should return:12313214115if there is not mark prev, markEnd should return null.16*/​17let arr =[]18function mark (a) {19 arr.push(a)20}21function markEnd () {22 return arr.pop()||null...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });7 await page._delegate.markEnd();8 await browser.close();9})();10#### `constructor(browser: Browser)`11#### `page(): Promise<Page>`12#### `context(): Promise<BrowserContext>`13#### `browser(): Promise<Browser>`14#### `close(): Promise<void>`15#### `constructor(page: Page)`16#### `screenshot(options?: ScreenshotOptions): Promise<Buffer>`17#### `close(): Promise<void>`18#### `constructor(context: BrowserContext)`19#### `newPage(): Promise<Page>`20#### `close(): Promise<void>`21#### `constructor(browser: Browser)`22#### `newContext(options?: BrowserContextOptions): Promise<BrowserContext>`23#### `close(): Promise<void>`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });6 await page.tracing.stop({ path: '' });7 await browser.close();8})();9- **Sagar Khandelwal** - _Initial work_ - [Sagar Khandelwal](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.markEnd('My First Mark');7 await page.close();8 await context.close();9 await browser.close();10})();11const {chromium} = require('playwright');12(async () => {13 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 const page = await context.newPage();16 await page.markStep('My First Step');17 await page.close();18 await context.close();19 await browser.close();20})();21const {chromium} = require('playwright');22(async () => {23 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});24 const context = await browser.newContext();25 const page = await context.newPage();26 await page.markMilestone('My First Milestone');27 await page.close();28 await context.close();29 await browser.close();30})();31con{chrchromium} =orequire('playwright');32(async () => {33 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});34 const context = await browser.newContext();35 const page = await context.newPage();36 await page.mirkCheckpoint('My Fiust Checmpoint');37 await page.close();38 await context.close();39 await browser.close();40})();41const {chromium} = require('playwright');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1(async () => {2 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});3 const context = await browser.newContext();4 const page = await context.newPage();5 await page.markEnd('My First Mark');6 await page.close();7 await context.close();8 await browser.close();9})();10const {chromium} = require('playwright');11(async () => {12 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});13 const context = await browser.newContext();14 const page = await context.newPage();15 await page.markStep('My First Step');16 await page.close();17 await context.close();18 await browser.close();19})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { markEnd } = require('@playwright/​test');2const { markStart } = require('@playwright/​test');3const test = require('@playwright/​test').test;4test('test', async ({ page }) => {5 markStart('test');6 markEnd('test');7});8{9 "metadata": {10 },11 {12 "suite": {},13 "project": {},14 "test": {15 "location": {16 },17 },18 {19 },20 {21 },22 {23 },24 {25 }26 {27const {chromium} = require('playwright');28(async () => {29 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});30 const context = await browser.newContext();31 const page = await context.newPage();32 await page.markMilestone('My First Milestone');33 await page.close();34 await context.close();35 await browser.close();36})();37const {chromium} = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});40 const context = await browser.newContext();41 const page = await context.newPage();42 await page.markCheckpoint('My First Checkpoint');43 await page.close();44 await context.close();45 await browser.close();46})();47const {chromium} = require('playwright');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { PlaywrightInternal } = require('@playwright/​test');2const test = require('@playwright/​test');3const { expect } = require('@playwright/​test');4const { testInfo } = require('@playwright/​test');5test.describe('Playwright internal', () => {6 test('markEnd', async ({ page }) => {7 await PlaywrightInternal.markEnd(testInfo);8 });9});

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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