Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1// Copyright 2015, EMC, Inc.2'use strict';3describe('LogEvent', function () {4 var LogEvent;5 var lookupService;6 helper.before();7 before(function () {8 LogEvent = helper.injector.get('LogEvent');9 lookupService = helper.injector.get('Services.Lookup');10 });11 helper.after();12 describe('Class Methods', function() {13 describe('sanitize', function() {14 it('should not remove fields not marked for sanitization', function() {15 LogEvent.sanitize(16 { foo: 'bar' }17 ).should.deep.equal({ foo: 'bar' });18 });19 it('should remove fields marked for sanitization', function() {20 LogEvent.sanitize(21 { ip: '', foo: 'bar' }22 ).should.deep.equal({ foo: 'bar' });23 });24 it('should not remove nested fields marked for sanitization', function() {25 LogEvent.sanitize(26 { foo: { ip: '' } }27 ).should.deep.equal({ foo: { ip: '' } });28 });29 });30 describe('redact', function() {31 var testRedactKeys = ['password', 'PASSWORD', 'serverPassword', 'plainPassword',32 'Password123', 'pppassword', 'encryptedPasswords', 'community'];33 var testNotRedactKeys = ['pass_word', 'foobar', 'Community', 'community123',34 'acommunity', 'p.assword'];35 before('redact', function() {36 //intentionally add some non-supported redactions to verify they are ignored37 LogEvent.initRedact([/password/i, 'community', 123, ['a', 'b']]);38 });39 it('should have initialized the RegExp redaction pattern in advance', function() {40;41 LogEvent._redactPatterns.should.have.length(2);42 _.isRegExp(LogEvent._redactPatterns[0]);43 LogEvent._redactPatterns[0].toString().should.equal('/password/i');44 });45 it('should have kept the String redaction pattern of its original type', function() {46 LogEvent._redactPatterns[1]'string');47 LogEvent._redactPatterns[1].toString().should.equal('community');48 });49 it('should not redact fields not marked for redaction', function() {50 _.forEach(testNotRedactKeys, function(key) {51 var srcObj = {};52 srcObj[key] = 'bar';53 LogEvent.redact(srcObj).should.deep.equal(srcObj);54 });55 });56 it('should redact fields which are marked for redaction', function() {57 _.forEach(testRedactKeys, function(key) {58 var srcObj = {}, dstObj = {};59 srcObj[key] = 'bar';60 dstObj[key] = '[REDACTED]';61 LogEvent.redact(srcObj).should.deep.equal(dstObj);62 });63 });64 it('should redact fields in nested objects', function() {65 _.forEach(testRedactKeys, function(key) {66 var srcObj = { nested: {} };67 var dstObj = { nested: {} };68 srcObj.nested[key] = 'bar';69 dstObj.nested[key] = '[REDACTED]';70 LogEvent.redact(srcObj).should.deep.equal(dstObj);71 });72 });73 it('should redact fields in nested arrays', function() {74 _.forEach(testRedactKeys, function(key) {75 var srcObj = { array: [ {} ] };76 var dstObj = { array: [ {} ] };77 srcObj.array[0][key] = 'bar';78 dstObj.array[0][key] = '[REDACTED]';79 LogEvent.redact(srcObj).should.deep.equal(dstObj);80 });81 });82 it('should not modify the original object', function () {83 _.forEach(testRedactKeys, function(key) {84 var target = {};85 target[key] = 'bar';86 var cloneTarget = _.cloneDeep(target);87 LogEvent.redact(target);88 target.should.deep.equal(cloneTarget);89 });90 });91 describe('LogEvent.testRedact', function() {92 it('should return false if the tested value is not string', function() {93 _.forEach([1, {foo: 'bar'}, null, ['a', 'b'] ], function(val) {94 LogEvent.testRedact(val);95 });96 });97 });98 });99 describe('getUniqueId', function() {100 var sandbox;101 before(function() {102 sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();103 });104 afterEach(function() {105 sandbox.restore();106 });107 it('should return undefined for empty context', function() {108 return LogEvent.getUniqueId().should.become(undefined);109 });110 it('should favor', function() {111 return LogEvent.getUniqueId({112 id: 'testid',113 macaddress: 'testmac',114 ip: 'testip'115 }).should.become('testid');116 });117 it('should favor macaddress if id not exists', function() {118 sandbox.stub(lookupService, 'macAddressToNodeId')119 .withArgs('testmac').resolves('aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff');120 return LogEvent.getUniqueId({121 macaddress: 'testmac',122 ip: 'testip'123 }).should.become('aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff');124 });125 it('should reject if lookup macaddress fails', function() {126 sandbox.stub(lookupService, 'macAddressToNodeId')127 .withArgs('testmac').rejects();128 return LogEvent.getUniqueId({129 macaddress: 'testmac',130 ip: 'testip'131 });132 });133 it('should favor ip if both id & macaddress not exists', function() {134 sandbox.stub(lookupService, 'ipAddressToNodeId')135 .withArgs('testip').resolves('');136 return LogEvent.getUniqueId({137 ip: 'testip',138 other: 'testother'139 }).should.become('');140 });141 it('should reject if lookup ip fails', function() {142 sandbox.stub(lookupService, 'ipAddressToNodeId')143 .withArgs('testip').rejects();144 return LogEvent.getUniqueId({145 ip: 'testip',146 other: 'testother'147 });148 });149 it('should return undefined if id/macaddress/ip all not exist', function() {150 return LogEvent.getUniqueId({151 'test': 'testmessage',152 'abc': 'testabc'153 }).should.become(undefined);154 });155 });156 describe('getSubject', function() {157 var sandbox;158 before(function() {159 sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();160 });161 afterEach(function() {162 sandbox.restore();163 });164 it('should return subject', function() {165 sandbox.stub(LogEvent, 'getUniqueId')166 .withArgs('testContext').resolves('testSubject');167 return LogEvent.getSubject('testContext').should.become('testSubject');168 });169 it('should return default subject if getUniqueId returns empty', function() {170 sandbox.stub(LogEvent, 'getUniqueId')171 .withArgs('testContext').resolves();172 return LogEvent.getSubject('testContext').should.become('Server');173 });174 it('should return default subject if getUniqueId rejects', function() {175 sandbox.stub(LogEvent, 'getUniqueId')176 .withArgs('testContext').rejects();177 return LogEvent.getSubject('testContext').should.become('Server');178 });179 });180 describe('setColorEnable', function() {181 var colors;182 before(function() {183 colors = helper.injector.get('colors');184 });185 it('should enable colors', function() {186 LogEvent.setColorEnable(true);187 expect(colors.enabled);188 expect(LogEvent.colorEnable);189 });190 it('should disable colors', function() {191 LogEvent.setColorEnable(false);192 expect(colors.enabled);193 expect(LogEvent.colorEnable);194 });195 });196 });...
1'use strict'2const test = require('tape')3const pino = require('../browser')4function noop () {}5test('throws if transmit object does not have send function', ({ end, throws }) => {6 throws(() => {7 pino({ browser: { transmit: {} } })8 })9 throws(() => {10 pino({ browser: { transmit: { send: 'not a func' } } })11 })12 end()13})14test('calls send function after write', ({ end, is }) => {15 let c = 016 const logger = pino({17 browser: {18 write: () => {19 c++20 },21 transmit: {22 send () { is(c, 1) }23 }24 }25 })26 logger.fatal({ test: 'test' })27 end()28})29test('passes send function the logged level', ({ end, is }) => {30 const logger = pino({31 browser: {32 write () {},33 transmit: {34 send (level) {35 is(level, 'fatal')36 }37 }38 }39 })40 logger.fatal({ test: 'test' })41 end()42})43test('passes send function message strings in logEvent object when asObject is not set', ({ end, same, is }) => {44 const logger = pino({45 browser: {46 write: noop,47 transmit: {48 send (level, { messages }) {49 is(messages[0], 'test')50 is(messages[1], 'another test')51 }52 }53 }54 })55 logger.fatal('test', 'another test')56 end()57})58test('passes send function message objects in logEvent object when asObject is not set', ({ end, same, is }) => {59 const logger = pino({60 browser: {61 write: noop,62 transmit: {63 send (level, { messages }) {64 same(messages[0], { test: 'test' })65 is(messages[1], 'another test')66 }67 }68 }69 })70 logger.fatal({ test: 'test' }, 'another test')71 end()72})73test('passes send function message strings in logEvent object when asObject is set', ({ end, same, is }) => {74 const logger = pino({75 browser: {76 asObject: true,77 write: noop,78 transmit: {79 send (level, { messages }) {80 is(messages[0], 'test')81 is(messages[1], 'another test')82 }83 }84 }85 })86 logger.fatal('test', 'another test')87 end()88})89test('passes send function message objects in logEvent object when asObject is set', ({ end, same, is }) => {90 const logger = pino({91 browser: {92 asObject: true,93 write: noop,94 transmit: {95 send (level, { messages }) {96 same(messages[0], { test: 'test' })97 is(messages[1], 'another test')98 }99 }100 }101 })102 logger.fatal({ test: 'test' }, 'another test')103 end()104})105test('supplies a timestamp (ts) in logEvent object which is exactly the same as the `time` property in asObject mode', ({ end, is }) => {106 let expected107 const logger = pino({108 browser: {109 asObject: true, // implicit because `write`, but just to be explicit110 write (o) {111 expected = o.time112 },113 transmit: {114 send (level, logEvent) {115 is(logEvent.ts, expected)116 }117 }118 }119 })120 logger.fatal('test')121 end()122})123test('passes send function child bindings via logEvent object', ({ end, same, is }) => {124 const logger = pino({125 browser: {126 write: noop,127 transmit: {128 send (level, logEvent) {129 const messages = logEvent.messages130 const bindings = logEvent.bindings131 same(bindings[0], { first: 'binding' })132 same(bindings[1], { second: 'binding2' })133 same(messages[0], { test: 'test' })134 is(messages[1], 'another test')135 }136 }137 }138 })139 logger140 .child({ first: 'binding' })141 .child({ second: 'binding2' })142 .fatal({ test: 'test' }, 'another test')143 end()144})145test('passes send function level:{label, value} via logEvent object', ({ end, is }) => {146 const logger = pino({147 browser: {148 write: noop,149 transmit: {150 send (level, logEvent) {151 const label = logEvent.level.label152 const value = logEvent.level.value153 is(label, 'fatal')154 is(value, 60)155 }156 }157 }158 })159 logger.fatal({ test: 'test' }, 'another test')160 end()161})162test('calls send function according to transmit.level', ({ end, is }) => {163 let c = 0164 const logger = pino({165 browser: {166 write: noop,167 transmit: {168 level: 'error',169 send (level) {170 c++171 if (c === 1) is(level, 'error')172 if (c === 2) is(level, 'fatal')173 }174 }175 }176 })177 logger.warn('ignored')178 logger.error('test')179 logger.fatal('test')180 end()181})182test('transmit.level defaults to logger level', ({ end, is }) => {183 let c = 0184 const logger = pino({185 level: 'error',186 browser: {187 write: noop,188 transmit: {189 send (level) {190 c++191 if (c === 1) is(level, 'error')192 if (c === 2) is(level, 'fatal')193 }194 }195 }196 })197 logger.warn('ignored')198 logger.error('test')199 logger.fatal('test')200 end()201})202test('transmit.level is effective even if lower than logger level', ({ end, is }) => {203 let c = 0204 const logger = pino({205 level: 'error',206 browser: {207 write: noop,208 transmit: {209 level: 'info',210 send (level) {211 c++212 if (c === 1) is(level, 'warn')213 if (c === 2) is(level, 'error')214 if (c === 3) is(level, 'fatal')215 }216 }217 }218 })219 logger.warn('ignored')220 logger.error('test')221 logger.fatal('test')222 end()223})224test('applies all serializers to messages and bindings (serialize:false - default)', ({ end, same, is }) => {225 const logger = pino({226 serializers: {227 first: () => 'first',228 second: () => 'second',229 test: () => 'serialize it'230 },231 browser: {232 write: noop,233 transmit: {234 send (level, logEvent) {235 const messages = logEvent.messages236 const bindings = logEvent.bindings237 same(bindings[0], { first: 'first' })238 same(bindings[1], { second: 'second' })239 same(messages[0], { test: 'serialize it' })240 is(messages[1].type, 'Error')241 }242 }243 }244 })245 logger246 .child({ first: 'binding' })247 .child({ second: 'binding2' })248 .fatal({ test: 'test' }, Error())249 end()250})251test('applies all serializers to messages and bindings (serialize:true)', ({ end, same, is }) => {252 const logger = pino({253 serializers: {254 first: () => 'first',255 second: () => 'second',256 test: () => 'serialize it'257 },258 browser: {259 serialize: true,260 write: noop,261 transmit: {262 send (level, logEvent) {263 const messages = logEvent.messages264 const bindings = logEvent.bindings265 same(bindings[0], { first: 'first' })266 same(bindings[1], { second: 'second' })267 same(messages[0], { test: 'serialize it' })268 is(messages[1].type, 'Error')269 }270 }271 }272 })273 logger274 .child({ first: 'binding' })275 .child({ second: 'binding2' })276 .fatal({ test: 'test' }, Error())277 end()278})279test('extracts correct bindings and raw messages over multiple transmits', ({ end, same, is }) => {280 let messages = null281 let bindings = null282 const logger = pino({283 browser: {284 write: noop,285 transmit: {286 send (level, logEvent) {287 messages = logEvent.messages288 bindings = logEvent.bindings289 }290 }291 }292 })293 const child = logger.child({ child: true })294 const grandchild = child.child({ grandchild: true })295 logger.fatal({ test: 'parent:test1' })296 logger.fatal({ test: 'parent:test2' })297 same([], bindings)298 same([{ test: 'parent:test2' }], messages)299 child.fatal({ test: 'child:test1' })300 child.fatal({ test: 'child:test2' })301 same([{ child: true }], bindings)302 same([{ test: 'child:test2' }], messages)303 grandchild.fatal({ test: 'grandchild:test1' })304 grandchild.fatal({ test: 'grandchild:test2' })305 same([{ child: true }, { grandchild: true }], bindings)306 same([{ test: 'grandchild:test2' }], messages)307 end()...
1// Copyright 2015, EMC, Inc.2'use strict';3module.exports = LogEventFactory;4LogEventFactory.$provide = 'LogEvent';5LogEventFactory.$inject = [6 'Errors',7 'Constants',8 'Serializable',9 'Services.Lookup',10 'Assert',11 '_',12 'Promise',13 'stack-trace',14 'colors',15 'prettyjson',16 'console'17];18function LogEventFactory (19 Errors,20 Constants,21 Serializable,22 lookupService,23 assert,24 _,25 Promise,26 stack,27 colors,28 pretty,29 console30) {31 //default turn off the colorful output to achieve tidy and clean log file.32 LogEvent.colorEnable = false;33 colors.setTheme(Constants.Logging.Colors); //setTheme will not impact color enable or not34 function LogEvent(defaults) {35, LogEvent.schema, defaults);36 }37 LogEvent.schema = {38 id: 'LogEvent',39 type: 'object',40 properties: {41 package: {42 type: 'string',43 },44 host: {45 type: 'string'46 },47 module: {48 type: 'string'49 },50 level: {51 type: 'string',52 enum: _.keys(Constants.Logging.Levels)53 },54 message: {55 type: 'string'56 },57 context: {58 type: 'object'59 },60 timestamp: {61 type: 'string',62 },63 caller: {64 type: 'string'65 },66 subject: {67 type: 'string'68 }69 },70 required: [ 'module', 'level', 'timestamp', 'caller', 'subject' ]71 };72 Serializable.register(LogEventFactory, LogEvent);73 LogEvent.prototype.print = function () {74 var statement = [];75 this.context = LogEvent.redact(this.context);76 statement.push('[%s]'.format(this.level));77 statement.push('[%s]'.format(this.timestamp));78 statement.push('[%s]'.format(;79 statement.push('[%s]'.format(this.module));80 statement.push('[%s]'.format(81 this.subject.substring(this.subject.length - Constants.Logging.Context.Length)82 ));83 statement.push(this.message);84 var output = statement.join(' ');85 console.log(colors[this.level](output));86 console.log(colors[this.level](' -> ' + this.caller));87 if (_.keys(this.context).length > 0) {88 console.log(89 pretty.render(90 this.context,91 {92 noColor: !LogEvent.colorEnable,93 numberColor: 'cyan'94 }95 )96 );97 }98 return this;99 };100 LogEvent.create = function (options) {101 assert.object(options, 'options');102 return LogEvent.getSubject(options.context)103 .then(function(subject) {104 options.context = LogEvent.sanitize(options.context);105 return new LogEvent(_.merge(options, { subject: subject }));106 }).then(function (object) {107 return object.validate();108 });109 };110 /**111 * Set enabled or disabled for colorful log112 * @param {boolean} enable - true to enable colorful log; false to disable113 */114 LogEvent.setColorEnable = function(enable) {115 LogEvent.colorEnable = (enable ? true : false);116 colors.enabled = LogEvent.colorEnable;117 };118 LogEvent.sanitize = function(context) {119 return _.omit(context, Constants.Logging.Sanitizations);120 };121 /**122 * Initialize the redact regex123 *124 * By initializing all the redact 'RegExp' pattern in advance can speed up the subsequent125 * testing; Keep the 'String` pattern of its original type can leverage the string comparasion126 * which is faster than regex.127 *128 * @param {Array} redactions - The array of regex129 */130 LogEvent.initRedact = function(redactions) {131 LogEvent._redactPatterns = _.reduce(redactions, function(result, value) {132 if (_.isString(value)) {133 result.push(value); //exactly full word match134 } else if (_.isRegExp(value)) {135 result.push(new RegExp(value));136 } else {137 console.log("warning: unsupported redaction type '" + typeof(value) + "', " +138 "only 'RegExp' and 'String' is allowed.");139 }140 return result;141 }, []);142 };143 /**144 * Test whether the value meet the redaction criteria145 * @param {String} value - the target value to test146 * @return {Boolean} true if it is need redaction, otherwise faluse147 */148 LogEvent.testRedact = function(value) {149 if (!_.isString(value)) {150 return false;151 }152 return _.some(LogEvent._redactPatterns, function(pattern) {153 if (_.isString(pattern)) {154 // The reason why use 'valueOf':155 // new String('abc') is not strictly equal to new String('abc'),156 // but new String('abc').valueOf() is strictly equal to new String('abc').valueOf()157 return (pattern.valueOf() === value.valueOf());158 }159 else { //Regex160 return pattern.test(value);161 }162 });163 };164 LogEvent.redact = function (target) {165 return LogEvent._redact(_.cloneDeep(target));166 };167 LogEvent._redact = function (target) {168 return _.transform(target, function (accumulator, value, key) {169 if (LogEvent.testRedact(key)) {170 accumulator[key] = '[REDACTED]';171 } else {172 accumulator[key] = value;173 }174 if (_.isObject(accumulator[key])) {175 accumulator[key] = LogEvent._redact(accumulator[key]);176 }177 if (_.isArray(accumulator[key])) {178 accumulator[key] =[key], function (item) {179 return LogEvent._redact(item);180 });181 }182 }, target || {});183 };184 LogEvent.getUniqueId = function(context) {185 if (_.isEmpty(context)) {186 return Promise.resolve();187 }188 if ( {189 return Promise.resolve(;190 }191 if (context.macaddress) {192 return lookupService.macAddressToNodeId(context.macaddress)193 .then(function (identifier) {194 return identifier;195 });196 }197 if (context.ip) {198 return lookupService.ipAddressToNodeId(context.ip)199 .then(function (identifier) {200 return identifier;201 });202 }203 // NOTE: This should not be reached204 return Promise.resolve();205 };206 LogEvent.getSubject = function(context) {207 var defaultSubject = 'Server';208 return LogEvent.getUniqueId(context)209 .then(function(subject) {210 return subject || defaultSubject;211 })212 .catch(function() {213 return defaultSubject;214 });215 };216 LogEvent.initRedact(Constants.Logging.Redactions);217 return LogEvent;...
...30 t.loadAd(3);31 setTimeout(function() { t.loadAd(4); }, 15e3);32 setTimeout(function() { t.loadAd(5); }, 20e3);33 } catch (err) {34 t.logEvent('FBAD2_con_Err');35 // console.log('FBAD constructor err:' + err.message);36 }37 }38 loadAd(idx, show) {39 let t = this;40 let info = (idx < 3 ? t.inter :;41 try {42 // console.log('FBAD loadAd() start:' + idx);43 if (! {44 return;45 }46 let ad =[idx];47 if(ad.loaded)48 return;49 if(ad.item) {50 t._realLoad(idx, show);51 } else {52 if(idx < 3) {53 FBInstant.getInterstitialAdAsync(t.ids[idx]).then(function (inter) {54 // console.log('FBAD loadAd() getAsync:' + idx + ' success');55 ad.item = inter;56 return t._realLoad(idx, show);57 }).catch(function(e){58 // console.log('FBAD loadAd() getAsync:' + idx + ' catch:' + e.code + e.message);59 if(e.code == 'CLIENT_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION') {60 = false;61 } else {62 if(e.code == 'UNKNOWN') {63 t.logEvent('FBAD2_get_Unknown', {'type':idx});64 } else {65 t.logEvent('FBAD2_get_Err', {'type':idx,'code':e.code});66 }67 setTimeout(function() { t.loadAd(idx, show); }, 5e3);68 }69 });70 } else {71 FBInstant.getRewardedVideoAsync(t.ids[idx]).then(function (inter) {72 // console.log('FBAD loadAd() getAsync:' + idx + ' success');73 ad.item = inter;74 return t._realLoad(idx, show);75 }).catch(function(e){76 // console.log('FBAD loadAd() getAsync:' + idx + ' catch:' + e.code + e.message);77 if(e.code == 'CLIENT_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION') {78 = false;79 } else {80 if(e.code == 'UNKNOWN') {81 t.logEvent('FBAD2_get_Unknown', {'type':idx});82 } else {83 t.logEvent('FBAD2_get_Err', {'type':idx,'code':e.code});84 }85 setTimeout(function() { t.loadAd(idx, show); }, 5e3);86 }87 }); 88 }89 }90 } catch (err) {91 // console.log('FBAD_loadAd_try_Err:' + idx + ', err:' + err.message);92 t.logEvent('FBAD2_load_try_Err', {'type':idx,'msg':err.message});93 }94 }95 _realLoad(idx, show) {96 // console.log('FBAD _realLoad() start:' + idx);97 let t = this;98 let info = (idx < 3 ? t.inter :;99 let ad =[idx];100 101 ad.item.loadAsync().then(function () {102 // console.log('FBAD _realLoad():' + idx + ' success');103 ad.loaded = true;104 if(show)105 t.showAd(idx < 3 ? 'inter' : 'video');106 }).catch(function (e) {107 // console.log('FBAD _realLoad() ' + idx + ' catch: ' + e.code + ', ' + e.message);108 if(e.code == 'CLIENT_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION') {109 = false;110 } else {111 let next = 5e3;112 switch(e.code) {113 case 'ADS_NO_FILL':114 t.logEvent('FBAD2_load_NoFill', {'type':idx});115 next = 3e4;116 break;117 case 'NETWORK_FAILURE':118 t.logEvent('FBAD2_load_NetFail', {'type':idx});119 break;120 case 'ADS_FREQUENT_LOAD':121 t.logEvent('FBAD2_load_Frequent', {'type':idx});122 next = 3e4;123 break;124 case 'UNKNOWN':125 t.logEvent('FBAD2_load_Unknown', {'type':idx});126 break;127 case 'INVALID_PARAM':128 t.logEvent('FBAD2_load_Invalid', {'type':idx});129 break;130 default:131 t.logEvent('FBAD2_load_Err', {'type':idx,'code':e.code});132 }133 setTimeout(function() { t.loadAd(idx, show); }, next);134 }135 });136 }137 canShowInter() {138 let now = new Date().getTime(); 139 if(now - this.inter.showTime > 3e4)140 for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++)141 if([i].loaded)142 return true;143 return false;144 }145 canShowVideo() {146 for(let i = 3; i < 6; i++)147 if([i].loaded)148 return true;149 return false;150 }151 showAd(place, cb) {152 let t = this;153 try {154 // console.log('FBAD showAd() start:' + place);155 if(place == 'video' && ! place = 'inter';157 let info = null;158 let start = 0;159 if(place == 'inter') {160 info = t.inter;161 let now = new Date().getTime();162 if (! || (now - info.showTime <= 3e4)) {163 // console.log('FBAD showAd() interval too small: ' + (now - info.showTime));164 cb && cb(false);165 return;166 }167 } else {168 info =;169 start = 3;170 }171 let idx = -1;172 for(let i = start; i < start + 3; i++) {173 if([i].loaded && ![i].showing) {174 idx = i;175 break;176 }177 }178 179 if(idx < 0) {180 cb && cb(false);181 return;182 }183 // console.log('FBAD showAd() idx:' + idx);184 let ad =[idx];185 ad.showing = true;186 if(ad.item) {187 ad.item.showAsync().then(function () {188 // console.log('FBAD showAd() showAsync:' + idx + ' success');189 cb && cb(true);190 ad.loaded = false;191 ad.showing = false;192 ad.item = null;193 info.showTime = new Date().getTime();194 t.loadAd(idx);195 }).catch(function (e) {196 // console.log('FBAD showAd() ' + idx + ' catch:' + e.code + ', ' + e.message);197 cb && cb(false);198 ad.showing = false;199 t.logEvent('FBAD2_show_Err', {'type':idx,'code':e.code});200 if(e.code == 'RATE_LIMITED') {201 } else if(e.code == 'PENDING_REQUEST') {202 } else if(e.code == 'INVALID_PARAM' || e.code == 'UNKNOWN') {203 ad.loaded = false;204 ad.item = null;205 t.loadAd(idx);206 } else {207 }208 });209 } else {210 cb && cb(false);211 }212 } catch (err) {213 // console.log('FBAD showAd ' + place + ' err:' + err.message);214 t.logEvent('FBAD2_show_try_Err', {'type':place,'msg':err.message});215 cb && cb(false);216 }217 }218 logEvent(name, param) {219 FBInstant.logEvent(name, 1, param);220 }...
1function showError(str,rsp){2 if (str == "ExpiredCard"){3 safeChangeScreen("ExpiredCard");4 logEvent(getScreenName(),"EXPIRED_CREDIT_CARD");5 } else6 if (str == "LogOff"){7 safeChangeScreen("LogOff");8 } else9 if (str == "badLogin" && rsp == "badSecurityLevel"){10 changeScreen("BadSecurityLevel");11 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BAD_SECURITY_LEVEL");12 } else13 if (str == "badLogin"){14 changeScreen("BadLogin");15 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BAD_LOGIN");16 } else17 if (str == "tooManyTries"){18 changeScreen("TooManyTries");19 logEvent(getScreenName(),"TOO_MANY_TRIES");20 } else21 if (str == "loginError"){22 logEvent(getScreenName(),"LOGIN_ERROR");23 changeScreen("LoginError");24 } else25 if (str == "badLoginSec" && rsp == "inactiveUser"){26 changeScreen("InactiveUser");27 logEvent(getScreenName(),"INACTIVE_USER");28 } else29 if (str == "badLoginSec"){30 changeScreen("BadLoginSec");31 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BAD_LOGIN");32 } else33 if (str == "outOfService"){3435 if (lastKioskUrl.indexOf("kioskShowTransfer") != -1) {36 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BCO_TRANSFER_ERROR");37 } else if (lastKioskUrl.indexOf("OpcionesPago") != -1) {38 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BCO_CARDPAYMENT_ERROR");39 } else {40 logEvent(getScreenName(),"OUT_OF_SERVICE");41 }42434445 changeScreen("OutOfService");464748 } else49 if (str == "tooManyClients"){50 changeScreen("TooManyClients");51 logEvent(getScreenName(),"TOO_MANY_CLIENTS");52 } else53 if (str == "noClients"){54 changeScreen("NoClients");55 logEvent(getScreenName(),"NO_CLIENTS");56 } else57 if (str == "noCreditCards"){58 changeScreen("NoCreditCards");59 logEvent(getScreenName(),"NO_CREDIT_CARDS");60 } else61 if (str == "noAccounts"){62 changeScreen("NoAccounts");63 logEvent(getScreenName(),"NO_ACCOUNTS");64 }else65 if (str == "statementError" && rsp == "006"){ // Estado de cuenta Invalido66 changeScreen("BadLastStatement");67 logEvent(getScreenName(),"STATEMENT_ERROR");68 }else69 if (str == "statementError"){70 changeScreen("OutOfService");71 logEvent(getScreenName(),"OUT_OF_SERVICE");72 }else73 if (str == "cardInvalidStatus"){ // Tarjeta con status invalido74 if (authenticated) {75 changeScreen("OutOfService");76 } else {77 changeScreen("InvalidCard");78 }79 logEvent(getScreenName(),"INVALID_CREDIT_CARD");80 }else81 if (str == "invalidCard"){82 changeScreen("InvalidCard");83 logEvent(getScreenName(),"UNKOWN_CREDIT_CARD");84 }else85 if (str == "unknownCard"){ // Tarjeta desconocida86 if (authenticated) {87 changeScreen("OutOfService");88 } else {89 changeScreen("InvalidCard");90 }91 logEvent(getScreenName(),"UNKOWN_CREDIT_CARD");92 }else93 if (str == "debitCardCreditBalance"){ // Consulta de Credito con tarjeta de credito94 changeScreen("BadComBalance");95 logEvent(getScreenName(),"DEBIT_CARD_CREDIT_BALANCE");96 }else97 if (str == "comBalanceError"){9899 if (lastKioskUrl.indexOf("kioskComPago") != -1) {100 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BCO_CARDPAYMENT_ERROR");101 } else {102 logEvent(getScreenName(),"COM_BALANCE_ERROR");103 }104105 changeScreen("OutOfService");106107 }else108 if (str == "bcoBalanceError"){109 changeScreen("OutOfService");110 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BCO_BALANCE_ERROR");111 }else112 if (str == "bcoStatementError"){113 changeScreen("OutOfService");114 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BCO_STATEMENT_ERROR");115 }else116 if (str == "opcStatementError"){117 changeScreen("OutOfService");118 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BCO_OPCSTATEMENT_ERROR");119 }else120 if (str == "sfiStatementError"){121 changeScreen("OutOfService");122 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BCO_SFISTATEMENT_ERROR");123 }else124 if (str == "comOperationsError"){125 changeScreen("OutOfService");126 logEvent(getScreenName(),"COM_OPERATIONS_ERROR");127 }else128 if (str == "comStatementError"){129 changeScreen("OutOfService");130 logEvent(getScreenName(),"COM_STATEMENT_ERROR");131 }else132 if (str == "bcoTransferError"){133 changeScreen("OutOfService");134 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BCO_TRANSFER_ERROR");135 }else136 if (str == "duplicateTransfer"){137 changeScreen("RepeatedTransfer");138 logEvent(getScreenName(),"REPEATED_TRANSFER");139 }else140 if (str == "bcoCardPaymentError"){141 changeScreen("OutOfService");142 logEvent(getScreenName(),"BCO_CARDPAYMENT_ERROR");143 }else144 if (str == "duplicateCardPayment"){145 changeScreen("RepeatedPayment");146 logEvent(getScreenName(),"REPEATED_PAYMENT");147 }else148 if (str == "noTransferAccounts"){149 changeScreen("NoTransferAccounts");150 logEvent(getScreenName(),"NO_TRANSFER_ACCOUNTS");151 }else152 if (str == "noProducts"){153 changeScreen("NoProducts");154 logEvent(getScreenName(),"NO_PRODUCTS");155 }else156 if (str == "noClientData"){157 changeScreen("LoginError");158 logEvent(getScreenName(),"NO_DATA_FOR_CLIENT");159 }else160 if (str == "notAvailable"){161 changeScreen("NotAvailable");162 logEvent(getScreenName(),"SERVER_ERROR");163 }else164 if (str == "transferAmountWarning"){165 changeScreen("OutOfService");166 logEvent(str,"TRANSFER_AMOUNT_WARNING");167 }else168 if (str == "bcoPasswordChangeError"){169 changeScreen("OutOfService");170 logEvent(str,"BCO_PASSCHANGE_ERROR");171 }else172 if (str == "comPasswordChangeError"){173 changeScreen("OutOfService");174 logEvent(str,"COM_PASSCHANGE_ERROR");175 }176177178179}180181182183function logEvent(msg,msg2){184 try{185 window.external.Document.Log("Custom Script","INFO",msg,msg2,kioskCredential,kioskLoginType,kioskCountry);186 }187 catch(e){188 //alert(e.description);189 }
...7 // ABSTRACT METHODS.8 // ---9 10 // I log the given Circuit Breaker state event.11 logEvent( eventType, eventData ) {12 throw( new Error( "logEvent() is an abstract method and must be overridden by a concrete class." ) );13 }14 // ---15 // PUBLIC METHODS.16 // ---17 // I log the point at which the Circuit Breaker state moves from opened to closed.18 logClosed( stateSnapshot ) {19 20 this.logEvent( "closed", { stateSnapshot } );21 }22 // I log the point at which the execution is accepted by the state of the Circuit 23 // Breaker and the underlying command is about to be invoked.24 logExecute( stateSnapshot ) {25 26 this.logEvent( "execute", { stateSnapshot } );27 }28 // I log the point at which the request has entered the Circuit Breaker but has not29 // yet been approved for execution.30 logEmit( stateSnapshot ) {31 32 this.logEvent( "emit", { stateSnapshot } );33 }34 // I log the point at which the execution has ended in error. This only accounts for35 // non-Circuit Breaker errors (see, logTimeout() and logShortCircuited() events).36 logFailure( stateSnapshot, duration, error ) {37 38 this.logEvent( "failure", { stateSnapshot, duration, error } );39 }40 // I log the point at which a non-successful execution (due to error, timeout, or41 // short-circuiting) is being evaluated for a fallback response.42 logFallbackEmit( stateSnapshot ) {43 44 this.logEvent( "fallbackEmit", { stateSnapshot } );45 }46 // I log the point at which an existing fallback function resolved in error.47 logFallbackFailure( stateSnapshot, error ) {48 49 this.logEvent( "fallbackFailure", { stateSnapshot, error } );50 }51 // I log the point at which a failed execution has no fallback defined.52 logFallbackMissing( stateSnapshot ) {53 54 this.logEvent( "fallbackMissing", { stateSnapshot } );55 }56 // I log the point at which a fallback value has successfully stood-in for a failed 57 // or bypassed execution.58 logFallbackSuccess( stateSnapshot ) {59 60 this.logEvent( "fallbackSuccess", { stateSnapshot } );61 }62 // I log the point at which the Circuit Breaker state moves from closed to opened.63 logOpened( stateSnapshot ) {64 65 this.logEvent( "opened", { stateSnapshot } );66 }67 // I log the point at which an execution is bypassed because the Circuit Breaker is68 // currently in an opened state.69 logShortCircuited( stateSnapshot, error ) {70 71 this.logEvent( "shortCircuited", { stateSnapshot, error } );72 }73 // I log the point at which an execution has resolved successfully.74 logSuccess( stateSnapshot, duration ) {75 76 this.logEvent( "success", { stateSnapshot, duration } );77 }78 // I log the point at which a long-running execution has been explicitly timed-out79 // in error.80 logTimeout( stateSnapshot, duration, error ) {81 82 this.logEvent( "timeout", { stateSnapshot, duration, error } );83 }84 85 // ---86 // STATIC METHODS.87 // ---88 // I create a concrete implementation of the Abstract Logging Monitor, using the 89 // given Function as the logEvent() override.90 static usingFunction( logEvent ) {91 var monitor = new AbstractLoggingMonitor();92 // Override the abstract method, completing the implementation.93 monitor.logEvent = logEvent;94 return( monitor );95 }96}97// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //98// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //...
...5 maxZoom: 19,6 attribution:7 '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',8}).addTo(map);9function logEvent(e) {10 console.log(e);11}12map.on('pm:drawstart', function (e) {13 logEvent(e);14 var layer = e.workingLayer;15 layer.on('pm:vertexadded', logEvent);16 layer.on('pm:snapdrag', logEvent);17 layer.on('pm:snap', logEvent);18 layer.on('pm:unsnap', logEvent);19 layer.on('pm:centerplaced', logEvent);20});21map.on('pm:drawend', logEvent);22map.on('pm:create', function (e) {23 logEvent(e);24 var layer = e.layer;25;26{27 allowSelfIntersection: false,28 });29 //Edit Event30 layer.on('pm:edit', logEvent);31 layer.on('pm:update', logEvent);32 layer.on('pm:enable', logEvent);33 layer.on('pm:disable', logEvent);34 layer.on('pm:vertexadded', logEvent);35 layer.on('pm:vertexremoved', logEvent);36 layer.on('pm:markerdragstart', logEvent);37 layer.on('pm:markerdrag', logEvent);...
...4 },5 onDeviceReady: function() {6 window.indoorPositioning.setConfiguration(7 configuration,8 () => this.logEvent("Successfully set configuration"),9 error =>10 this.logEvent("Error while setting configuration: " + error)11 );12 if (venueData) {13 window.indoorPositioning.setVenueData(14 venueData,15 () => this.logEvent("Successfully set venue data"),16 error =>17 this.logEvent("Error while setting venue data: " + error)18 ); 19 }20 window.indoorPositioning.start(21 () => this.logEvent("Started successfully"),22 error => this.logEvent("Error while starting: " + error)23 );24 setInterval(25 () => window.indoorPositioning.getLocation(26 this.updateLocation,27 error => this.logEvent("Error while getting location: " + error)28 ),29 200030 );31 setInterval(32 () => window.indoorPositioning.getError(33 this.updateError,34 error => this.logEvent("Error while getting error: " + error)35 ),36 200037 );38 },39 logEvent: function(description) {40 var sdkEventsElement = document.getElementById("sdk-events");41 var eventElement = document.createElement("li");42 eventElement.innerText = description;43 sdkEventsElement.appendChild(eventElement);44 },45 updateError: function(error) {46 document.getElementById("error").innerText = error;47 },48 updateLocation: function(location) {...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { it, expect } = require('@playwright/test');2it('should log event', async ({ page }) => {3 await page.evaluate(() => window.logEvent('my-event', { my: 'payload' }));4 await page.waitForTimeout(2000);5 expect(true).toBe(true);6});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { logEvent } = require('@playwright/test');2logEvent({ name: 'MyEvent', value: 'MyValue' });3const { logEvent } = require('playwright-log-event');4logEvent({ name: 'MyEvent', value: 'MyValue' });5const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');6const { logEvent } = require('playwright-log-event');7test('My Test', async ({ page }) => {8 logEvent({ name: 'Playwright', value: 'Page Loaded' });9 expect(await page.innerText('.navbar__title')).toBe('Playwright');10});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { logEvent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/logger');2logEvent({ name: 'custom-event', message: 'Custom Event Message' });3const { logEvent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/logger');4logEvent({ name: 'custom-event', message: 'Custom Event Message', metadata: { foo: 'bar' } });5const { logEvent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/logger');6logEvent({ name: 'custom-event', message: 'Custom Event Message', category: 'custom-category' });7const { logEvent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/logger');8logEvent({ name: 'custom-event', message: 'Custom Event Message', severity: 'info' });9const { logEvent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/logger');10logEvent({ name: 'custom-event', message: 'Custom Event Message', timestamp: '2021-09-01T00:00:00.000Z' });11### `logEvent(options)`
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