Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1/* eslint-disable global-require,max-len, no-empty,no-console */2const path = require('path');3const fs = require('fs');4const { Execute } = require('../../core/runner/execute');5const { MochaReportListener, ReportPortalAgent } = require('../../core/report');6const { RunnerHelper, ReportHelper, ConfigHelper, PerformanceHelper } = require('../../core/helper');7const { LoggerListener, Logger } = require('../../core/log');8const { Log4jsConfig } = require('../../core/config/log4js');9const { BuildInfo } = require('../../services/common/');1011Log4jsConfig('logs/pre-setup-log');12function notifyMessage() {13 printToConsoleWithRedColor(14 '\nCompleted executing test, please view detail report in or in folder reports!. Execution process will exit after 5s'15 );16 resetConsoleLogColor();17}1819async function finishAllReportAgentRequests(reportAgents, parallel, resolve) {20 {21 if (RunnerHelper.debugMode) return resolve('Completed Run In Debug Mode');22 const completeAllPoolLaunch = [];23 reportAgents.forEach(async (agent) => {24 if (parallel) {25 completeAllPoolLaunch.push(agent.finishAllAgentRequests());26 } else {27 completeAllPoolLaunch.push(finishLaunchInSingleThread(agent));28 }29 });30 return Promise.all(completeAllPoolLaunch).then((result) => {31 console.log('Completed send all log to agent', result);32 resolve();33 });34 }35}3637async function finishLaunchInSingleThread(agent) {38 await agent.finishAllAgentRequests();39 await agent.sendLaunchRequest({}, false, true);40 notifyMessage();41}4243/**44 *45 * username46 * password47 * sftpUser48 * sftpPass49 * alternativeAccounts50 * namespace51 * env52 * @param {Object} argv53 * @example54 * {55 * username: "sampleUser",56 * password: "samplePass",57 * sftpUser: "sampleSftpUser",58 * sftpPass: "sampleSftpPass",59 * namespace: "auto_qa",60 * env: "qa",61 * alternativeAccounts: {admin:adminImpersonateUser/pass, manager:managerImpersonateUser/pass}62 * }63 */64function setUpAuthenticateVariable(argv) {65 const { username, password, sftpUser, sftpPass, alternativeAccounts, namespace, env } = argv;66 ConfigHelper.restAuthenticateUserName = username;67 ConfigHelper.restAuthenticatePassword = password;68 ConfigHelper.sftpAuthenticateUserName = sftpUser;69 ConfigHelper.sftpAuthenticatePassword = sftpPass;70 ConfigHelper.listAuthenticateAccount = alternativeAccounts;71 ConfigHelper.namespace = namespace;72 ConfigHelper.environment = env;73}7475/**76 * restServiceConfig - rest service config file name Ex: local.config.json77 * sftpServiceConfig - sftp service config file name Ex: local.config.json78 * scenarios - folder path contains all test scripts79 * debug - enalbe debug mode80 * appRootPath - root path, this will use to automatically search the config81 * file.82 * Ex:83 * restServiceConfig=sample.local.json84 * appRootPath=D:/API85 * This will automatically search the sample.local.json inside86 * D:/API/config/runner/rest.service/sample.local.json87 * @param {Object} argv88 * @example89 * {90 * restServiceConfig: "qa.config.json",91 * sftpServiceConfig: "edi.config.json",92 * scenarios: "scenarios",93 * debug: false,94 * appRootPath: "D:/API-AUTO"95 * }96 */97function setUpServiceConfigFiles(argv) {98 const { restServiceConfig, sftpServiceConfig, scenarios, debug, appRootPath } = argv;99 RunnerHelper.appRootPath = appRootPath;100 RunnerHelper.debugMode = debug;101 RunnerHelper.testFolderPath = path.join(RunnerHelper.appRootPath, scenarios);102 RunnerHelper.restServiceConfigFilePath = path.join(103 RunnerHelper.appRootPath,104 'config',105 'runner',106 'rest.service',107 restServiceConfig108 );109 RunnerHelper.sftpServiceConfigFilePath = path.join(110 RunnerHelper.appRootPath,111 'config',112 'runner',113 'sftp.service',114 sftpServiceConfig115 );116}117118/**119 * below function will split list test files120 * to multiple thread pool by their naming convention121 * Ex: CON_Sample_1, CON_Sample_2, ADJ_Sample_1, ADJ_Sample_2122 * will create 2 thread pool. The first thread pool will store all test script123 * has CON prefix and the second thread pool will store all test script124 * has ADJ prefix125 * :D this function can be used in feature if our team want126 * to run test in parallel based on their module and avoid having an issue127 * with shared test data in the same module128 * We just replace the method in function createExecutionPool129 * const testFiles = listTestFiles.splice(0, totalFileToSplit);130 * by the new one below131 * const testFiles = listTestFiles.splice(0, splitTestFilesByModuleName(listTestFiles));132 */133function splitTestFilesByModuleName(listTestFiles) {134 const baseFile = listTestFiles[0];135 const baseModuleName = baseFile.split('_')[0];136 const listTestFilesInModule = [];137 for (const testFile of listTestFiles) {138 const moduleName = testFile.split('_')[0];139 if (moduleName === baseModuleName) listTestFilesInModule.push(testFile);140 else break;141 }142 return listTestFilesInModule.length;143}144145let buildInfoDataCache = null;146async function getBuildInfo() {147 if (!buildInfoDataCache) {148 const buildInfo = new BuildInfo();149 buildInfoDataCache = await buildInfo.getBuildInfo();150 }151 return Promise.resolve(buildInfoDataCache);152}153function printToConsoleWithRedColor(message) {154 console.log('\x1b[31m', message);155}156157function resetConsoleLogColor() {158 console.log('\x1b[0m', '\n');159}160161function setUpConfigAndRunTest(argv, appRootPath, reportConfig, completedCallback = () => {}) {162 argv.appRootPath = appRootPath;163 setUpAuthenticateVariable(argv);164 setUpServiceConfigFiles(argv);165 run(argv, appRootPath, reportConfig, completedCallback);166}167168function run(argv, appRootPath, reportConfig, completedCallback = () => {}) {169 const log = new Logger('ExecutionLog');170 const {171 tags,172 timeout,173 reportPortalConfig,174 launchName,175 launchDescription,176 launchTags,177 suiteName,178 suiteDescription,179 suiteTags,180 retries,181 parallel,182 performanceLog183 } = argv;184 // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-dynamic-require185 const ReportPortalConfig = require(path.join(RunnerHelper.appRootPath, 'config', 'report', reportPortalConfig));186 const logListener = new Logger('Listener');187 let countRetries = 0;188 let retriesScripts = [];189190 /**191 * Init ReportPortal Agent and setup Log4JS192 */193 Log4jsConfig(null);194 ReportHelper.reportAgentClass = ReportPortalAgent;195 if (RunnerHelper.debugMode) {196 console.log('Run In Debug Mode');197 startRunTest(Promise.resolve.bind(Promise), Promise.reject.bind(Promise))198 .then((result) => {199 console.log(result);200 })201 .catch((error) => {202 console.log(error);203 });204 } else {205 ReportHelper.createReportAgent(ReportPortalConfig, ReportHelper.defaultReportStoreKey)206 .then(async (agent) => {207 return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {208 performanceLog && PerformanceHelper.captureHeapMemory(RunnerHelper.appRootPath, 'StartExecuteTest');209 startRunTest(agent, resolve, reject);210 });211 })212 .then(async () => {213 // Start to run retries failed test214 await performRunRetry();215 await completedCallback();216 ReportHelper.mergeJenkinsResult(RunnerHelper.appRootPath, parallel);217 notifyMessage();218 setTimeout(() => process.exit(0), 5000);219 })220 .catch(async (err) => {221 /**222 * allow executing test event when ReportPortal server shutting down223 */224 log.error('Has error when executing test', err);225 logListener.error('Has error when executing test', err);226 Log4jsConfig(null);227 await handleExecuteException(err);228 });229 }230231 async function startRunTest(agent, resolve, reject) {232 try {233 return invokeTests(resolve);234 } catch (err) {235 return reject(err);236 }237 }238 /**239 *240 * @param {Promise} resolve241 * @param {Boolean} isRetries242 * Execute test243 */244 async function invokeTests(resolve, isRetries = false) {245 try {246 const responseRawInfo = await getBuildInfo();247'================== START RUN SUITE ======================');248'=========================================================');249'Run Test With Options', argv);250'Build Info:', responseRawInfo);251 retriesScripts = [...ReportHelper.failedTestScripts];252 ReportHelper.clearFailedTestScripts();253 if (isRetries) {254 return executeTestWithRetries(resolve, responseRawInfo);255 }256 const fileOrFolderStats = fs.statSync(RunnerHelper.testFolderPath);257 const isSigleTestFile = fileOrFolderStats.isFile();258 return executeTest(resolve, isSigleTestFile, responseRawInfo);259 } catch (err) {260 log.error(err);261 throw err;262 }263 }264265 async function invokeRunRetries() {266 return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {267 try {268 countRetries++;269 return invokeTests(resolve, true);270 } catch (err) {271 return reject(err);272 }273 });274 }275276 /**277 *278 * @param {Promise} resolve279 * @param {Boolean} isSigleTestFile280 * @param {Object} responseRawInfo281 * Create excution context282 */283 async function executeTest(resolve, isSigleTestFile, responseRawInfo) {284'Execution First Time');285 const reportAgent = RunnerHelper.debugMode ? {} : ReportHelper.getAgent(ReportHelper.defaultReportStoreKey);286 const launchResult = await startLaunch(reportAgent, responseRawInfo.body, false);287 const listTestFiles = isSigleTestFile288 ? [RunnerHelper.testFolderPath]289 : RunnerHelper.filterFileByExtensionAndTag(RunnerHelper.testFolderPath, tags, '.js', []);290 const executionPool = createExecutionPool(listTestFiles,, responseRawInfo, false);291 performanceLog && PerformanceHelper.captureHeapMemory(RunnerHelper.appRootPath, `executeTest${}`);292 await executeRun(executionPool, resolve);293 }294295 /**296 *297 * @param {Promise} resolve298 * @param {Array} retriesScripts299 * @param {Object} responseRawInfo300 * Create excution context for re-running failed scripts301 */302 async function executeTestWithRetries(resolve, responseRawInfo) {303'Execution Failed Tests');304 const reportAgent = RunnerHelper.debugMode ? {} : ReportHelper.getAgent(ReportHelper.defaultReportStoreKey);305 const launchResult = await startLaunch(reportAgent, responseRawInfo.body, true);306 const executionPool = createExecutionPool(retriesScripts,, responseRawInfo, true);307 performanceLog &&308 PerformanceHelper.captureHeapMemory(RunnerHelper.appRootPath, `executeTestWithRetries${}`);309 return executeRun(executionPool, resolve);310 }311312 function executeRun(executionPool, resolve) {313'Start to execute tests');314 return Promise.all(executionPool).then(async (reportAgents) =>315 finishAllReportAgentRequests(reportAgents, parallel, resolve)316 );317 }318319 async function startLaunch(agent, buildInfoData, isRetries) {320 if (RunnerHelper.debugMode) return Promise.resolve(-1);321 const { reportDescription, reportTags } = ReportHelper.reportPortalInfo(buildInfoData);322 const retriesName = `Retries Failed Test ${launchName || ReportPortalConfig.launch} ${countRetries} times`;323 const defaultName = launchName || ReportPortalConfig.launch;324 const name = isRetries ? retriesName : defaultName;325 return agent.sendLaunchRequest(326 {327 name,328 description: `${launchDescription}\n${reportDescription}`,329 tags: launchTags.concat(reportTags)330 },331 true332 );333 }334335 // We create execution pool base on test script module336 // Group all related test script of same module to thread pool337 function createExecutionPool(listTestFiles, launchId, responseRawInfo, isRetries = false) {338'Create Execution Pool');339 if (!parallel) {340 return [createMultipleExcute(listTestFiles, launchId, responseRawInfo, 1, isRetries)];341 }342 const executionPools = [];343 let currentPoolNumber = 1;344 while (listTestFiles.length > 0) {345 // const testFiles = listTestFiles.splice(0, totalFileToSplit);346 const testFiles = listTestFiles.splice(0, splitTestFilesByModuleName(listTestFiles));347 executionPools.push(createMultipleExcute(testFiles, launchId, responseRawInfo, currentPoolNumber, isRetries));348 currentPoolNumber++;349 }350 return executionPools;351 }352353 function createMultipleExcute(listTestFiles, launchId, responseRawInfo, currentPoolNumber, isRetries = false) {354'Create Execution Tasks');355 const buildInfoData = responseRawInfo.body;356 const reportStoreKey = => path.basename(file)).join('_');357 const reportPath = isRetries ? `reports/retries${countRetries}` : 'reports';358 return new Promise(async (resolve) => {359 createExecutionTask(resolve, listTestFiles, {360 launchId,361 reportPath,362 reportStoreKey,363 currentPoolNumber,364 buildInfoData,365 isRetries366 });367 });368 }369370 function createExecutionTask(resolve, listTestFiles, executionTaskOption) {371'Create Execution Task');372 if (RunnerHelper.debugMode) return createExecutionTaskDebugMode(resolve, listTestFiles, executionTaskOption);373 return createExecutionTaskWithReportAgent(resolve, listTestFiles, executionTaskOption);374 }375376 function createExecutionTaskDebugMode(resolve, listTestFiles, executionTaskOption) {377'Create Execution Task Debug Mode');378 const { reportPath, currentPoolNumber, isRetries } = executionTaskOption;379 new Execute({ isRetries })380 .addCompleteCallBack(() => {381 resolve(1);382 })383 .setTimeout(timeout)384 .addReporter(385 'mocha-multi-reporters',386 Object.assign(reportConfig, {387 mochaJenkinsReporterReporterOptions: {388 junit_report_path: `${reportPath}/JUnitResult_${currentPoolNumber}.xml`389 }390 })391 )392 .addTestFiles(listTestFiles)393 .run()394 .addTestListener(new LoggerListener());395 }396397 function createExecutionTaskWithReportAgent(resolve, listTestFiles, executionTaskOption) {398'Create Execution Task With Report Agent');399 const { launchId, reportPath, reportStoreKey, currentPoolNumber, buildInfoData, isRetries } = executionTaskOption;400 return ReportHelper.createReportAgent(ReportPortalConfig, reportStoreKey).then((reportAgent) => {401 // To avoid having mutliple launch402 // and we need to merge it after run test403 // We will create a default launch and any reportportal agent404 // in executionTask will use it as parent launch405 reportAgent.sendLaunchRequest(406 {407 id: launchId408 },409 true410 );411 new Execute({ isRetries })412 .addCompleteCallBack(() => {413 resolve(reportAgent);414 })415 .setTimeout(timeout)416 .addReporter(417 'mocha-multi-reporters',418 Object.assign(reportConfig, {419 mochaJenkinsReporterReporterOptions: {420 junit_report_path: `${reportPath}/JUnitResult_${currentPoolNumber}.xml`421 }422 })423 )424 .addTestFiles(listTestFiles)425 .run()426 .addTestListener(new LoggerListener())427 .addTestListener(crateMochaReportPortalListener(reportAgent, buildInfoData, true));428 return reportAgent;429 });430 }431 async function performRunRetry() {432 const agent = ReportHelper.getReportPortalAgent(ReportHelper.defaultReportStoreKey);433 const hasFailedScripts = ReportHelper.failedTestScripts.length > 0;434 await agent.finishAllAgentRequests();435 await agent.sendLaunchRequest({}, false, true);436 for (let retriesRun = 1; retriesRun <= retries && hasFailedScripts; retriesRun++) {437 log.debug(`\nRetries failed test ${retriesRun} times`);438 printToConsoleWithRedColor(`Retries failed test ${retriesRun} times`);439 resetConsoleLogColor();440 performanceLog &&441 PerformanceHelper.captureHeapMemory(RunnerHelper.appRootPath, `StartExecuteRetries${retriesRun}`);442 await ReportHelper.clearAllReportPortalAgentStore();443 await invokeRunRetries();444 await ReportHelper.sendLaunchRequest(ReportHelper.defaultReportStoreKey, {}, false, true);445 }446 resetConsoleLogColor();447 }448449 async function handleExecuteException(err) {450 try {451 await invokeTests(Promise.resolve.bind(Promise));452 await completedCallback();453 ReportHelper.mergeJenkinsResult(RunnerHelper.appRootPath, parallel);454 } catch (retriesErr) {455 console.log(retriesErr);456 log.error('Has error when executing test after retrying', err);457 logListener.error('Has error when executing test after retrying', err);458 printToConsoleWithRedColor(459 '\nHas error in execute test, please view ExecutionLog.log in folder logs for more details!. Execution process will exit after 10s'460 );461 resetConsoleLogColor();462 setTimeout(() => process.exit(1), 10000);463 }464 }465 /**466 *467 * @param {Object} buildInfoData468 * @param {boolean} isRetries469 * Create Mocha ReportPortal Listener470 */471 function crateMochaReportPortalListener(agent, buildInfoData, isParallel = true) {472 if (RunnerHelper.debugMode) {473'Run Mocha Test In Debug Mode');474 return {};475 }476'Init Mocha listener');477 const { reportDescription, reportTags } = ReportHelper.reportPortalInfo(buildInfoData);478 return new MochaReportListener(479 agent,480 suiteName || 'sampleapp Suite',481 `${reportDescription}\n\n\n\`\`\`${suiteDescription}\`\`\``,482 suiteTags.concat(reportTags),483 isParallel484 );485 }486} = run;489exports.setUpAuthenticateVariable = setUpAuthenticateVariable;490exports.setUpServiceConfigFiles = setUpServiceConfigFiles;
1/* eslint-disable global-require,max-len,no-undef, no-empty */2delete require.cache[require.resolve('../../helper/runner.helper')];3let { ConfigHelper } = require('../../helper/config.helper');4let { RunnerHelper } = require('../../helper/runner.helper');5const fs = require('fs');6const { ServiceConfig } = require('../../config/service/service.config');7const { assert } = require('chai');8const sinon = require('sinon');9const path = require('path');1011const testConfigFile = path.join(path.resolve(__dirname), 'unittest.config.json');1213const stubListFile = ['a.js', 'b.json', 'c.txt', 'd.log', 'e.js'];14const stubConfigData = {15 anotherKeyDefault: null,16 anotherKey: 'anotherKey',17 loginDomain: 'loginDomain',18 env: 'env',19 namespace: 'namespace',20 baseUrl: 'baseUrl',21 baseAppUrl: 'baseAppUrl',22 baseInvUrl: 'baseInvUrl',23 baseProdUrl: 'baseProdUrl',24 baseRecipeUrl: 'baseRecipeUrl',25 authdomainUrl: 'authdomainUrl',26 vendorUrl: 'vendorUrl',27 storeKey: 'storeKey',28 storeKeys: ['storeKeys', 'storeKeys', 'storeKeys'],29 cookieManager: 'cookieManager',30 securityMethod: 'securityMethod',31 host: 'host',32 port: 'port',33 protocol: 'protocol',34 authenticate: {35 username: 'username',36 password: 'password',37 },38 timeout: 1000,39};4041describe('Unit Test runner.helper.js', function s() {42 let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();43 let stub = {};44 before(function setUpSuite() {45 // Stub test data46 fs.writeFileSync(testConfigFile, JSON.stringify(stubConfigData));47 });4849 after(function cleanSuite() {50 fs.unlinkSync(testConfigFile);51 delete require.cache[require.resolve('../../helper/runner.helper')];52 });53 beforeEach(function setUpTest() {54 sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();55 stub = sandbox.stub;56 delete require.cache[require.resolve('../../helper/runner.helper')];57 RunnerHelper = require('../../helper/runner.helper').RunnerHelper;58 delete require.cache[require.resolve('../../helper/config.helper')];59 ConfigHelper = require('../../helper/config.helper').ConfigHelper;60 const readdirSyncStub = sandbox.stub(fs, 'readdirSync');61 const statSyncStub = sandbox.stub(fs, 'statSync');62 const readFileSyncStub = sandbox.stub(fs, 'readFileSync');63 readdirSyncStub.withArgs('stubpath').returns(['a.js', 'b.js', 'c']);64 readdirSyncStub.withArgs('stubpath/c').returns(['aa.js', 'bb.js']);65 statSyncStub.withArgs('stubpath/a.js').callsFake(function isDirectory() {66 return { isDirectory: () => false };67 });68 statSyncStub.withArgs('stubpath/b.js').callsFake(function isDirectory() {69 return { isDirectory: () => false };70 });71 statSyncStub.withArgs('stubpath/c').callsFake(function isDirectory() {72 return { isDirectory: () => true };73 });74 statSyncStub.withArgs('stubpath/c/aa.js').callsFake(function isDirectory() {75 return { isDirectory: () => false };76 });77 statSyncStub.withArgs('stubpath/c/bb.js').callsFake(function isDirectory() {78 return { isDirectory: () => false };79 });80 readFileSyncStub81 .withArgs('stubpath/a.js')82 .returns("\nexports.TAGS = ['A', 'Tag With Space', 'P1'];");83 readFileSyncStub.withArgs('stubpath/b.js').returns("\nexports.TAGS = ['B'];");84 readFileSyncStub.withArgs('stubpath/c/aa.js').returns("\nexports.TAGS = ['C', 'P1'];");85 readFileSyncStub.withArgs('stubpath/c/bb.js').returns('\nnothing inside file');86 readFileSyncStub.withArgs(testConfigFile).returns(JSON.stringify(stubConfigData));87 readFileSyncStub.withArgs('debug.config.json').returns(JSON.stringify(stubConfigData));88 });89 afterEach(function resetSandbox() {90 // Restore all the things made through the sandbox91 sandbox.restore();92 });9394 it('Test can set appRootPath', function t() {95 RunnerHelper.appRootPath = 'Stub';96 assert.equal('Stub', RunnerHelper.appRootPath, 'Error in set appRootPath');97 });9899 it('Test cannot set appRootPath twice', function t() {100 RunnerHelper.appRootPath = 'Stub';101 RunnerHelper.appRootPath = 'Another Stub';102 assert.equal('Stub', RunnerHelper.appRootPath, 'Error in set appRootPath');103 });104105 it('Test can set testFolderPath', function t() {106 RunnerHelper.testFolderPath = 'Stub';107 assert.equal('Stub', RunnerHelper.testFolderPath, 'Error in set appRootPath');108 });109110 it('Test cannot set testFolderPath twice', function t() {111 RunnerHelper.testFolderPath = 'Stub';112 RunnerHelper.testFolderPath = 'Another Stub';113 assert.equal('Stub', RunnerHelper.testFolderPath, 'Error in set appRootPath');114 });115116 it('Test can set restServiceConfigFilePath', function t() {117 RunnerHelper.restServiceConfigFilePath = 'Stub';118 assert.equal('Stub', RunnerHelper.restServiceConfigFilePath, 'Error in set appRootPath');119 });120121 it('Test cannot set restServiceConfigFilePath twice', function t() {122 RunnerHelper.restServiceConfigFilePath = 'Stub';123 RunnerHelper.restServiceConfigFilePath = 'Another Stub';124 assert.equal('Stub', RunnerHelper.restServiceConfigFilePath, 'Error in set appRootPath');125 });126127 it('Test get serviceConfig from raw JSON', function t() {128 const config = RunnerHelper.getServiceConfigFromJson({ a: 1111 });129 assert.instanceOf(config, ServiceConfig, 'Error in create service config from raw JSON');130 });131132 it('Test cannot set serviceConfig from raw JSON twice', function t() {133 const configFirst = RunnerHelper.getServiceConfigFromJson({ a: 11 });134 const configSecond = RunnerHelper.getServiceConfigFromJson({ a: 22 });135 assert.instanceOf(configFirst, ServiceConfig, 'Error in create service config from raw JSON');136 assert.instanceOf(configSecond, ServiceConfig, 'Error in create service config from raw JSON');137 assert.equal(138 configFirst.getConfigData('a'),139 configSecond.getConfigData('a'),140 'Error in persitent service config from raw JSON'141 );142 });143144 it('Test can set authenticate username', function t() {145 RunnerHelper.authenticateUserName = 'a';146 assert.equal(RunnerHelper.authenticateUserName, 'a', 'Error in set authenticate username');147 });148149 it('Test cannot set authenticate username twice', function t() {150 ConfigHelper.restAuthenticateUserName = 'a';151 ConfigHelper.restAuthenticateUserName = 'b';152 assert.equal(153 ConfigHelper.restAuthenticateUserName,154 'a',155 'Error in persitent authenticate username'156 );157 });158159 it('Test can set authenticate password', function t() {160 RunnerHelper.authenticatePassword = 'a';161 assert.equal(RunnerHelper.authenticatePassword, 'a', 'Error in set authenticate username');162 });163164 it('Test cannot set authenticate password twice', function t() {165 ConfigHelper.restAuthenticatePassword = 'a';166 ConfigHelper.restAuthenticatePassword = 'b';167 assert.equal(168 ConfigHelper.restAuthenticatePassword,169 'a',170 'Error in persitent authenticate username'171 );172 });173174 it('Test can get serviceConfigDebug without configPath', function t() {175 const runnerHelperSpy = sandbox.spy(RunnerHelper, 'getDebugModeConfig');176 const pathJoinStub = sandbox.stub(path, 'join');177 pathJoinStub.returns('debug.config.json');178 const config = RunnerHelper.getServiceConfig();179 assert.equal(runnerHelperSpy.calledOnce, true, 'Error in get debug config');180 assert.instanceOf(config, ServiceConfig, 'Error in create service config from debug config');181 });182183 it('Test throw exception if get serviceConfig without restServiceConfigFilePath and debug.config.json', function t() {184 const pathJoinStub = stub(path, 'join');185 pathJoinStub.returns('nothing.file.json');186 const config = () => {187 return RunnerHelper.getServiceConfig();188 };189 assert.throws(190 config,191 Error,192 'Missing debug.config.json file in config folder',193 'Error in throw exception when missing debug.config.json in get ServiceConfig'194 );195 });196197 it('Test can get serviceConfig restServiceConfigFilePath', function t() {198 RunnerHelper.restServiceConfigFilePath = testConfigFile;199 const config = RunnerHelper.getServiceConfig();200 assert.instanceOf(config, ServiceConfig, 'Error in get ServiceConfig');201 assert.equal(config.baseUrl, stubConfigData.baseUrl, 'Error in get ServiceConfig');202 });203204 it('Test can check object contain method', function t() {205 const StubObject = function Stub() {};206 StubObject.prototype.test = 1;207 const actualValue = RunnerHelper.isContainMethod(new StubObject(), 'test');208 assert.equal(actualValue, true, 'Has error in check object contains method');209 });210211 it('Test can filter file by extension name', async function t() {212 const listFiles = RunnerHelper.filterFileByExtension(stubListFile, '.js');213 assert.deepEqual(listFiles, ['a.js', 'e.js'], 'Error in filter file by extension');214 });215216 it('Test can get all files in folder', async function t() {217 // Arrange218 const listActualFiles = [];219 // Act220 RunnerHelper.getAllFileInFolder('stubpath', listActualFiles);221 // Assert222 assert.deepEqual(listActualFiles, [223 'stubpath/a.js',224 'stubpath/b.js',225 'stubpath/c/aa.js',226 'stubpath/c/bb.js',227 ]);228 });229230 it('Test can get all files by it tags data inside and test without tag data', async function t() {231 const listTestFiles = [];232 const actualTestFiles = RunnerHelper.filterFileByExtensionAndTag(233 'stubpath',234 ['A'],235 '.js',236 listTestFiles237 );238 assert.deepEqual(actualTestFiles, ['stubpath/a.js', 'stubpath/c/bb.js']);239 });240241 it('Test can get all files if run without tag', async function t() {242 const listTestFiles = [];243 const actualTestFiles = RunnerHelper.filterFileByExtensionAndTag(244 'stubpath',245 [],246 '.js',247 listTestFiles248 );249 assert.deepEqual(actualTestFiles, [250 'stubpath/a.js',251 'stubpath/b.js',252 'stubpath/c/aa.js',253 'stubpath/c/bb.js',254 ]);255 });256257 it('Test can get all files by tag has space inside data inside ', async function t() {258 const listTestFiles = [];259 const actualTestFiles = RunnerHelper.filterFileByExtensionAndTag(260 'stubpath',261 ['Tag With Space'],262 '.js',263 listTestFiles264 );265 assert.deepEqual(actualTestFiles, ['stubpath/a.js', 'stubpath/c/bb.js']);266 });267268 it('Test can get all files by tag has number inside data inside ', async function t() {269 const listTestFiles = [];270 const actualTestFiles = RunnerHelper.filterFileByExtensionAndTag(271 'stubpath',272 ['P1'],273 '.js',274 listTestFiles275 );276 assert.deepEqual(actualTestFiles, ['stubpath/a.js', 'stubpath/c/aa.js', 'stubpath/c/bb.js']);277 });
1const fs = require('fs');2const path = require('path');3const { ServiceConfig, SftpConfig } = require('../config/service');45let restServiceConfigFilePath = null;6let sftpServiceConfigFilePath = null;7let appRootPath = null;8let testFolderPath = null;9let rawConfigObject = null;10let rawSftpConfigObject = null;11let debugMode = false;12let restServiceConfigObject = null;13let sftpServiceConfigObject = null;14const checkIfFileHasContainTag = (tagNames, tag) => {15 tag = tag.replace(/'/gm, '');16 if (tagNames.includes(tag)) {17 return true;18 }19 return false;20};2122class RunnerHelper {23 static getAllFileInFolder(folderPath, listFile) {24 fs.readdirSync(folderPath).forEach((f) => {25 const currentPath = path.join(folderPath, f);26 const isDirectory = fs.statSync(currentPath).isDirectory();27 isDirectory ? this.getAllFileInFolder(currentPath, listFile) : listFile.push(currentPath);28 });29 }30 static filterFileByExtensionAndTag(filePath, tags, fileExtension, listTestFiles) {31 RunnerHelper.getAllFileInFolder(filePath, listTestFiles);32 listTestFiles = RunnerHelper.filterFileByExtension(listTestFiles, fileExtension);33 listTestFiles = RunnerHelper.filterFileByTag(listTestFiles, tags);34 return listTestFiles;35 }3637 static filterFileByTag(listFiles, tagNames) {38 // return all file if run without tags39 if (!tagNames.length) {40 return listFiles;41 }42 return listFiles.filter((file) => {43 const hasRawTagsInTestFile = fs44 .readFileSync(file)45 .toString()46 .match(/.*exports.TAGS.*;/gm);47 // Will add default tag if not define tag48 const rawTagsInTestFile = hasRawTagsInTestFile || `["'${tagNames[0]}'"]`;49 const listTagsInFile = rawTagsInTestFile.toString().match(/'(-*\w\s*)+'/gm);50 /**51 * Check if file contains tag to run52 * It will return the array contain boolean53 * If file contains tag54 */55 const fileHasTagToRunMapping = => {56 return checkIfFileHasContainTag(tagNames, tag);57 });5859 return fileHasTagToRunMapping.includes(true);60 });61 }6263 static filterFileByExtension(listFiles, extension) {64 return listFiles.filter((file) => {65 const fileName = path.basename(file);66 return fileName.substr(-3) === extension;67 });68 }6970 static isContainMethod(object, method) {71 const methods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(object));72 return methods.includes(method);73 }7475 static getServiceConfig() {76 // Singleton instance service config object one time77 // Avoid having memory leak78 if (!restServiceConfigObject) restServiceConfigObject = new ServiceConfig(RunnerHelper.restServiceConfigFilePath);79 if (RunnerHelper.restServiceConfigFilePath) return restServiceConfigObject;80 return RunnerHelper.getDebugModeConfig();81 }8283 static getServiceConfigFromJson(configObject) {84 if (!rawConfigObject) rawConfigObject = configObject;85 return new ServiceConfig(rawConfigObject, false);86 }8788 static getSftpConfig() {89 if (!sftpServiceConfigObject) sftpServiceConfigObject = new SftpConfig(RunnerHelper.sftpServiceConfigFilePath);90 return sftpServiceConfigObject;91 }9293 static getSftpConfigFromJson(configObject) {94 rawSftpConfigObject = rawSftpConfigObject || configObject;95 return new SftpConfig(rawSftpConfigObject, false);96 }9798 static getDebugModeConfig() {99 try {100 const debugConfigPath = path.join(101 path.resolve(__dirname),102 '..',103 '..',104 'config',105 'runner',106 'rest.service',107 'debug.config.json'108 );109 return new ServiceConfig(debugConfigPath);110 } catch (error) {111 throw new Error('Missing debug.config.json file in config folder');112 }113 }114115 static get restServiceConfigFilePath() {116 return restServiceConfigFilePath;117 }118119 static set restServiceConfigFilePath(filePath) {120 // Check to allow set config file path one time when executing test121 if (!restServiceConfigFilePath && filePath) {122 restServiceConfigFilePath = filePath;123 }124 }125126 static get sftpServiceConfigFilePath() {127 return sftpServiceConfigFilePath;128 }129130 static set sftpServiceConfigFilePath(filePath) {131 // Check to allow set config file path one time when executing test132 if (!sftpServiceConfigFilePath && filePath) {133 sftpServiceConfigFilePath = filePath;134 }135 }136137 static get appRootPath() {138 return appRootPath;139 }140141 static set appRootPath(rootPath) {142 // Check to allow set config file path one time when executing test143 if (!appRootPath && rootPath) {144 appRootPath = rootPath;145 }146 }147148 static get testFolderPath() {149 return testFolderPath;150 }151152 static set testFolderPath(folderPath) {153 // Check to allow set config file path one time when executing test154 if (!testFolderPath && folderPath) {155 testFolderPath = folderPath;156 }157 }158159 static get debugMode() {160 return debugMode;161 }162163 static set debugMode(mode) {164 debugMode = mode;165 }166167 static deleteFolderRecursive(folderPath) {168 if (fs.existsSync(folderPath)) {169 fs.readdirSync(folderPath).forEach((file) => {170 const curPath = `${folderPath}/${file}`;171 if (fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) {172 // recurse173 RunnerHelper.deleteFolderRecursive(curPath);174 } else {175 // delete file176 fs.unlinkSync(curPath);177 }178 });179 fs.rmdirSync(folderPath);180 }181 }182}183
1const Mocha = require('mocha');2const path = require('path');3const { RunnerHelper } = require('../helper/runner.helper');45const GlobalHook = require.resolve('./hook');67const filterListTestFiles = (filePath, isSingleFile, fileExtension) => {8 let listTestFiles = [];9 if (Array.isArray(filePath)) {10 listTestFiles = filePath;11 } else if (!isSingleFile) {12 listTestFiles = RunnerHelper.filterFileByExtensionAndTag(filePath, this.tags, fileExtension, listTestFiles);13 } else {14 listTestFiles.push(filePath);15 }16 return listTestFiles;17};1819const cleanCacheTestFiles = (listTestFiles) => {20 listTestFiles.forEach((testFilePath) => {21 console.log(`Reset state ${testFilePath} before run retries`); // eslint-disable-line no-console22 Object.keys(require.cache).forEach((currentCacheFilePath) => {23 const cacheFileName = path.basename(currentCacheFilePath);24 const retriesTestFileName = path.basename(testFilePath);25 if (cacheFileName === retriesTestFileName) {26 delete require.cache[currentCacheFilePath];27 }28 });29 });30};3132class Execute {33 constructor({ isRetries }) {34 this.completeCallBack = [35 async (...args) => {36 process.exitCode = args[0] ? 1 : 0;37 }38 ];39 this.isRetries = isRetries;40 this.tags = [];41 this.runner = {};42 this.mocha = new Mocha();43 this.mocha.addFile(GlobalHook);44 }4546 addTestFiles(filePath, fileExtension, isSingleFile = false) {47 const listTestFiles = filterListTestFiles(filePath, isSingleFile, fileExtension);48 if (this.isRetries) {49 cleanCacheTestFiles(listTestFiles);50 }51 console.log(`Execute suite with ${listTestFiles.length} test files`); // eslint-disable-line no-console52 listTestFiles.forEach((file) => {53 console.log(`Add ${file} into suite `); // eslint-disable-line no-console54 this.mocha.addFile(file);55 });56 return this;57 }5859 addTag(tag) {60 this.tags = this.tags.concat(tag);61 return this;62 }6364 addCompleteCallBack(completeCallBack) {65 this.completeCallBack.push(completeCallBack);66 return this;67 }6869 addReporter(reportType, reportOptions) {70 this.mocha.reporter(reportType, reportOptions);71 return this;72 }7374 addTestListener(listener) {75 if (RunnerHelper.isContainMethod(listener, 'listen')) {76 listener.runner = this.runner;77 listener.listen();78 }79 return this;80 }8182 setTimeout(timeout) {83 const config = RunnerHelper.getServiceConfig();84 timeout = timeout || config.timeout;85 this.mocha.timeout(timeout);86 return this;87 }8889 run(90 runnerConfig = {91 listener: { runner: () => {}, listen: () => {} }92 },93 maxListeners = 51294 ) {95 /**96 * Default Node.JS allow maximum 10 listeners add to EventEmmiter97 * and we set it to 100 for allowing multiple listeners use in log98 *99 * */100 process.setMaxListeners(maxListeners);101 this.runner = => {102 this.completeCallBack.forEach((callbackComplete) => {103 callbackComplete(...args);104 });105 });106 this.addTestListener(runnerConfig.listener);107 return this;108 }109}110
...10 tags: ['finder']11 }, async () => {12 const p = new URL(import.meta.url).pathname;13 const dir = resolve(p, '..', '..', 'test-data', 'finder');14 const actual = await listTestFiles(15 dir,16 '.test.mjs',17 ['node_modules']18 );19 deepStrictEqual(actual, [20 resolve(dir, 'first', 'index.test.mjs'),21 resolve(dir, 'first', 'second', 'index.test.mjs'),22 resolve(dir, 'index.test.mjs'),23 ]);24 });25 test({26 name: 'prepend "." if ext argument starts without it',27 tags: ['finder']28 }, async () => {29 const p = new URL(import.meta.url).pathname;30 const dir = resolve(p, '..', '..', 'test-data', 'finder');31 const actual = await listTestFiles(32 dir,33 'test.mjs',34 ['node_modules']35 );36 deepStrictEqual(actual, [37 resolve(dir, 'first', 'index.test.mjs'),38 resolve(dir, 'first', 'second', 'index.test.mjs'),39 resolve(dir, 'index.test.mjs'),40 ]);41 });42 test({43 name: 'exclude "first" and "node_modules"',44 tags: ['finder']45 }, async () => {46 const p = new URL(import.meta.url).pathname;47 const dir = resolve(p, '..', '..', 'test-data', 'finder');48 const actual = await listTestFiles(49 dir,50 'test.mjs',51 ['first']52 );53 deepStrictEqual(actual, [54 resolve(dir, 'index.test.mjs'),55 ]);56 });...
...13 if (entry.isDirectory()) {14 if (excludeDirs.includes( {15 continue;16 }17 const fs = await listTestFiles(join(path,, ext, excludeDirs);18 files.push(...fs);19 continue;20 }21 if ( {22 files.push(join(path,;23 }24 }25 return files;26};27/**28 * @param {string} path29 * @param {string} ext30 * @param {string[]} excludeDirs31 * @return {Promise<string[]>}...
...5class TestMotor{6 constructor(config){7 this.config = config;8 this.allTestGroup = [];9 this.allTestFiles = this.listTestFiles();10 this.createAllTestGroup();11 }12 createTestGroup(group){13 this.allTestGroup.push(new TestGroup(group, this.config));14 }15 listTestFiles(){16 let files = [];17 fs.readdirSync(this.config.testFolder).forEach(file => {(path.extname(file) == '.json') ? files.push(file) : ''})18 return files;19 }20 createAllTestGroup(){21 this.allTestFiles.forEach(file => {22 let fileParser = new FileParser(file, this.config);23 let group = fileParser.getAllTest();24 this.createTestGroup(group);25 });26 }27}...
...6 */7export const schist = config => {8 return {9 run: async () => {10 const files = await listTestFiles(config.path);11 const tests = await registerTestSuite(files);12 const result = await runTest(tests);13 if (result.failedData.length === 0) {14 console.log('ok');15 return;16 }17 for (const datum of result.failedData) {18;19 console.log(`${datum.path}\n`);20 console.log(datum.error);21 console.groupEnd();22 }23 }24 };...
Using AI Code Generation
1const fs = require('fs');2const path = require('path');3const playwright = require('playwright');4const { listTestFiles } = require('playwright/lib/test/runner');5const { TestType } = require('playwright/lib/test/types');6(async () => {7 const browserType = 'chromium';8 const projectDir = path.join(__dirname, 'tests');9 const testFiles = await listTestFiles(projectDir, {10 });11 console.log(testFiles);12})();13const { test } = require('@playwright/test');14test('test', async ({ page }) => {15 const title = page.locator('text=Playwright');16 await title.isVisible();17});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');2const { listTestFiles } = require('@playwright/test/lib/test');3test('listTestFiles', async ({}, testInfo) => {4 const files = await listTestFiles();5 console.log(files);6 expect(files).toContain('test.js');7});8 1 passed (1s)9const { test } = require('@playwright/test');10test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {11 await expect(page.locator('text=Get started')).toBeVisible();12});13const { test } = require('@playwright/test');14test.describe('My test suite', () => {15 test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {16 await expect(page.locator('text=Get started')).toBeVisible();17 });18});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { listTestFiles } = require('@playwright/test');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3const testFiles = listTestFiles('./tests');4console.log(testFiles);5test('test', async ({ page }) => {6 const title = page.locator('text=Playwright');7 await title.waitFor();8});9test('test1', async ({ page }) => {10 const title = page.locator('text=Playwright');11 await title.waitFor();12});13test('test2', async ({ page }) => {14 const title = page.locator('text=Playwright');15 await title.waitFor();16});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { listTestFiles } = require('@playwright/test');2const files = await listTestFiles(['**/*.spec.js']);3console.log(files);4const { test } = require('@playwright/test');5test('test', () => {6 console.log('test');7});8import { test } from '@playwright/test';9test('test', () => {10 console.log('test');11});12import { test } from '@playwright/test';13test('test', () => {14 console.log('test');15});16import { test } from '@playwright/test';17test('test', () => {18 console.log('test');19});20import { test } from '@playwright/test';21test('test', () => {22 console.log('test');23});24import { test } from '@playwright/test';25test('test', () => {26 console.log('test');27});28import { test } from '@playwright/test';29test('test', () => {30 console.log('test');31});32import { test } from '@playwright/test';33test('test', () => {34 console.log('test');35});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { listTestFiles } = require('@playwright/test');2(async () => {3 const files = await listTestFiles();4 console.log(files);5})();6const { test, listTestFiles } = require('@playwright/test');7test('List all test files', async ({}) => {8 const files = await listTestFiles();9 console.log(files);10});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { listTestFiles } = require('@playwright/test');2(async () => {3 const files = await listTestFiles('**/tests/**/*.spec.ts');4 console.log(files);5})();6import { test } from '@playwright/test';7test('test1', async ({ page }) => {8 expect(await page.title()).toBe('Playwright');9});10import { test } from '@playwright/test';11test('test2', async ({ page }) => {12 expect(await page.title()).toBe('Playwright');13});14import { test } from '@playwright/test';15test('test3', async ({ page }) => {16 expect(await page.title()).toBe('Playwright');17});18import { test } from '@playwright/test';19test('test4', async ({ page }) => {20 expect(await page.title()).toBe('Playwright');21});22import { test } from '@playwright/test';23test('test5', async ({ page }) => {24 expect(await page.title()).toBe('Playwright');25});26import { test } from '@playwright/test';27test('test6', async ({ page }) => {28 expect(await page.title()).toBe('Playwright');29});30import { test } from '@playwright/test';31test('test7', async ({ page }) => {32 expect(await page.title()).toBe('Playwright');33});34import { test } from '@playwright/test';35test('test8', async ({ page }) => {36 expect(await page.title()).toBe('Playwright');37});38import { test } from '@playwright/test';39test('test9',
Using AI Code Generation
1const { listTestFiles } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/testrunner/TestRunner');2const testFiles = listTestFiles('test');3console.log(testFiles);4const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');5test('test', async ({ page }) => {6 const title = page.locator('text=Playwright');7 await expect(title).toBeVisible();8});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { listTestFiles } = require('playwright-core/lib/test/runner');2const files = await listTestFiles('test/**/*.spec.js');3console.log(files);4const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');5test('first test', async ({ page }) => {6 const title = page.locator('.navbar__inner .navbar__title');7 await expect(title).toHaveText('Playwright');8});9test('second test', async ({ page }) => {10 const title = page.locator('.navbar__inner .navbar__title');11 await expect(title).toHaveText('Playwright');12});13 2 passed (2s)
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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