Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
Source: tracetool.js
1/*2 * Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Intel Corporation.3 *4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it5 * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,6 * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.7 *8 * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT9 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or10 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for11 * more details.12 *13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with14 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,15 * 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.16 *17 */18import { isValidHttpUrl } from './utils.js';19import { LppNetworkTracer, LppStatus } from './nettrace.js';20import { log } from './logger.js';21import { html, css, LitElement, customElement, property } from "lit-element";22import { directive } from "lit-html";23import { styleMap } from "lit-html/directives/style-map";24import { query } from "lit-element/lib/decorators";25import "@material/mwc-button";26import "@material/mwc-icon-button";27import "@material/mwc-textfield";28import "@material/mwc-formfield";29import "@material/mwc-switch";30import "@material/mwc-linear-progress";31const isEmpty = str => str.length === 0 || !str.trim();32const parsePositiveNumber = str => {33 const num = Number(str); // empty converts to 0.34 return Number.isInteger(num) && num > 0 ? num : null;35}36const animateChange = directive(value => (part) => {37 if (part.value !== value) {38 part.setValue(value);39 part.commit();40 const parentElement = part.startNode.parentElement;41 if ('animate' in parentElement) {42 parentElement.animate({43 backgroundColor: ['lightgray', 'white']44 }, 1000);45 } else {46 = 'lightgray';47 setTimeout(_ => {48 = 'white';49 }, 1000);50 }51 }52});53@customElement('main-view')54export class MainView extends LitElement {55 static styles = css`56 mwc-textfield {57 width: 100%;58 max-width: 600px;59 }60 .vertical {61 display: flex;62 flex-direction: column;63 gap: 1em;64 }65 .buttons {66 display: flex;67 flex-direction: row;68 align-items: center;69 flex-wrap: wrap;70 gap: 6px;71 }72 mwc-linear-progress {73 padding: 16px 0 0 0;74 }75 .inline-label {76 margin: 1em 0;77 }78 `;79 sampler = null;80 wakeLock = null;81 @property() isTracing = false;82 @property() isPaused = false;83 @property({type: Number}) progress = 0;84 @property() status = 'Stopped';85 @property() networkType = 'Unknown';86 @property() networkEffectiveType = 'Unknown';87 @property() bandwidth = 0;88 @property() longitude = 0;89 @property() latitude = 0;90 @property() accuracy = 0;91 @query('#description') descriptionRef;92 @query('#clientModel') clientModelRef;93 @query('#clientName') clientNameRef;94 @query('#note') noteRef;95 @query('#dlBwTestInterval') dlBwTestIntervalRef;96 @query('#dlBwTestDuration') dlBwTestDurationRef;97 @query('#dlLimitKbytes') dlLimitKbytesRef;98 @query('#fileUrl') fileUrlRef;99 @query('#tracePosition') tracePositionRef;100 @query('#keepScreenOn') keepScreenOnRef;101 @query('#jsonConsole') jsonConsoleRef;102 connectedCallback() {103 super.connectedCallback();104 if ('connection' in navigator) {105 navigator.connection.onchange = this._onConnectionChange.bind(this);106 }107 }108 disconnectedCallback() {109 if ('connection' in navigator) {110 navigator.connection.onchange = null;111 }112 super.disconnectedCallback();113 }114 _onConnectionChange() {115 const { type, effectiveType } = navigator.connection;116 this.networkType = type || "Unknown";117 this.networkEffectiveType = effectiveType || "Unknown";118 }119 firstUpdated() {120 if ('wakeLock' in navigator) {121 // Reacquire wake lock122 document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', async () => {123 if (this.wakeLock !== null && document.visibilityState === 'visible') {124 this.wakeLock = await this._requestWakeLock();125 this.keepScreenOnRef.checked = !!this.wakeLock;126 }127 });128 this.keepScreenOnRef.checked = localStorage.getItem('keepScreenOn') === String(true);129 this._onKeepScreenOn();130 } else {131 this.keepScreenOnRef.disabled = true;132 }133 this.fileUrlRef.value = localStorage.getItem('lastUrl') || "";134 this.tracePositionRef.checked = localStorage.getItem('inclPosition') === String(true);135 if ('connection' in navigator) {136 this._onConnectionChange();137 }138 }139 _onTracePositionClick(ev) {140 const checked = !!this.tracePositionRef.checked;141 localStorage.setItem('inclPosition', String(checked));142 if (checked && navigator.geolocation) {143 navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(_ => {});144 }145 }146 async _requestWakeLock() {147 const hasLock = !!this.wakeLock;148 const wakeLock = await navigator.wakeLock.request('screen');149 if (!wakeLock) {150 return null;151 }152 console.log("Screen wakelock was", hasLock ? "re-acquired" : "acquired");153 wakeLock.onrelease = () => {154 console.log("Screen wakelock was released")155 };156 return wakeLock;157 }158 async _onKeepScreenOn() {159 const checked = !!this.keepScreenOnRef.checked;160 localStorage.setItem('keepScreenOn', String(checked));161 if (!('wakeLock' in navigator)) {162 this.keepScreenOnRef.checked = false;163 }164 }165 async _onStartClick() {166 const description = this.descriptionRef.value;167 if (isEmpty(description)) {168 return alert('Description must not be empty!');169 }170 const interval = parsePositiveNumber(this.dlBwTestIntervalRef.value);171 if (!interval) {172 return alert('interval must be positive integer!');173 }174 const duration = parsePositiveNumber(this.dlBwTestDurationRef.value);175 if (!duration) {176 return alert('duration must be positive integer!');177 }178 if (duration > interval) {179 return alert('duration must be <= interval!');180 }181 const dlLimitKbytes = parsePositiveNumber(this.dlLimitKbytesRef.value);182 if (!dlLimitKbytes) {183 return alert('limit must be positive integer!');184 }185 const fileUrl = this.fileUrlRef.value.trim();186 if (isEmpty(fileUrl) || !isValidHttpUrl(fileUrl)) {187 return alert('url is invalid!');188 }189 const clientModel = this.clientModelRef.value;190 const clientName = this.clientNameRef.value;191 const note = this.noteRef.value;192 const params = {193 traceDlBw: true,194 tracePosition: !!this.tracePositionRef.checked,195 dlBwTestInterval: interval,196 dlBwTestDuration: duration,197 dlLimitKbytes,198 url: fileUrl,199 clientModel: !isEmpty(clientModel) ? clientModel : undefined,200 clientName: !isEmpty(clientName) ? clientName : undefined,201 note: !isEmpty(note) ? note : undefined,202 };203 this.jsonConsoleRef.value = '';204 this.isTracing = true;205 this.bandwidth = 0;206 this.status = 'running...';207 this.progress = 0;208 this.lppStart(description, params);209 if (this.keepScreenOnRef.checked) {210 this.wakeLock = await this._requestWakeLock();211 }212 }213 async _onStopClick() {214 this.isTracing = false;215 this.isPaused = false;216 this.sampler?.stop();217 this.status = 'Stopped';218 this.jsonConsoleRef.value = this.sampler?.toJSON();219 await this.wakeLock?.release();220 this.wakeLock = null;221 }222 _onPauseClick() {223 if (this.sampler !== null) {224 if (this.sampler.getStatus() === LppStatus.STARTED) {225 this.sampler.stop();226 this.isPaused = true;227 this.status = "Paused";228 } else if (this.sampler.getStatus() === LppStatus.STOPPED) {229 this.status = "Running...";230 this.sampler.start();231 this.isPaused = false;232 }233 }234 }235 lppStart(description, params) {236 params.onDlBwProgress = percentage => this.progress = percentage;237 this.sampler = new LppNetworkTracer(1, description, params);238 this.sampler.setDlBwResultHdlr(() => {239 this.status = 'Running...';240 const bw = this.sampler.getDlBw();241 if (bw) {242 this.progress = 100;243 this.bandwidth = bw;244 }245 const pos = this.sampler.getPosition();246 const err = this.sampler.getPositionError();247 if (err) {248 this.status = `Error: ${err}`;249 }250 if (pos) {251 this.longitude = pos.getLongitude();252 this.latitude = pos.getLongitude();253 this.accuracy = pos.getAccuracy();254 }255 });256 this.sampler.setErrorHdlr(() => {257 let err = this.sampler.getError();258 if (err) {259 this.status = `Error: ${err}`;260 }261 const bw = this.sampler.getDlBw();262 if (bw !== null) {263 this.progress = bw === 0 ? 0 : 100;264 this.bandwidth = bw;265 }266 const pos = this.sampler.getPosition();267 err = this.sampler.getPositionError();268 if (err) {269 this.status = `Error: ${err}`;270 }271 if (pos) {272 this.longitude = pos.getLongitude();273 this.latitude = pos.getLongitude();274 this.accuracy = pos.getAccuracy();275 }276 });277 this.sampler.start();278 }279 render() {280 return html`281 <h1>Network Capture Tool</h1>282 <div class="vertical">283 <mwc-textfield id="description" ?disabled=${this.isTracing} required284 label="Description" helper="Enter trace description" value="Trip from A to B">285 </mwc-textfield>286 <mwc-textfield id="clientModel" ?disabled=${this.isTracing} maxlength="128"287 label="Client model" helper="Enter client model, e.g. SM-G390">288 </mwc-textfield>289 <mwc-textfield id="clientName" ?disabled=${this.isTracing} maxlength="128"290 label="Client name" helper="Enter client name, e.g. Samsung Galaxy S10">291 </mwc-textfield>292 <mwc-textfield id="note" ?disabled=${this.isTracing} maxlength="512"293 label="Additional information" helper="Enter additional description">294 </mwc-textfield>295 <mwc-textfield id="dlBwTestInterval" ?disabled=${this.isTracing} required296 type=number value=10 min=1 max=60297 label="Download bandwidth test interval (sec)"298 helper="Enter measurement interval in seconds. Each measurement is run every interval">299 </mwc-textfield>300 <mwc-textfield id="dlBwTestDuration" ?disabled=${this.isTracing} required301 type=number value=10 min=1 max=60302 label="Download bandwidth test max duration (sec)"303 helper="Enter measurement duration. Each measurement is stopped if this time passes">304 </mwc-textfield>305 <mwc-textfield id="dlLimitKbytes" ?disabled=${this.isTracing} required306 type=number value=2048 min=1307 label="Download limit (Kbytes)"308 helper="Enter download limit in kilobytes. Each measurement is stopped after this amount is downloaded">309 </mwc-textfield>310 <mwc-textfield id="fileUrl" ?disabled=${this.isTracing} maxlength="256" required311 label="URL resource" helper="Enter file http(s) URL to download"312 @change=${ev => localStorage.setItem('lastUrl', ev.currentTarget.value)}>313 </mwc-textfield>314 <mwc-formfield label="Trace GPS position">315 <mwc-switch id="tracePosition" ?disabled=${this.isTracing}316 @change=${this._onTracePositionClick}>317 </mwc-switch>318 </mwc-formfield>319 <mwc-formfield label="Keep screen on while tracing">320 <mwc-switch id="keepScreenOn" ?disabled=${this.isTracing}321 @change=${this._onKeepScreenOn}>322 </mwc-switch>323 </mwc-formfield>324 <div class="buttons">325 <mwc-button dense unelevated id='startButton' ?disabled=${this.isTracing} @click=${this._onStartClick}>Start</mwc-button>326 <mwc-button dense unelevated id='pauseButton' ?disabled=${!this.isTracing} @click=${this._onPauseClick}>${this.isPaused ? "Resume" : "Pause"}</mwc-button>327 <mwc-button dense unelevated id='stopButton' ?disabled=${!this.isTracing} @click=${this._onStopClick}>Stop</mwc-button>328 <div>329 <span>${this.status}</span>330 </div>331 </div>332 </div>333 <div class="inline-label">334 <label for='progress'>Test progress:</label>335 <mwc-linear-progress id=progress progress=${this.progress/100} buffer="0"></mwc-linear-progress>336 </div>337 <div class="inline-label">338 <label for='bandwidth'>Measured download bandwidth:</label> <span>${animateChange(this.bandwidth)}</span> kbps339 </div>340 <div class="inline-label">341 <label for="network">Network:</label> <span>${animateChange(this.networkType)}</span>342 </div>343 <div class="inline-label">344 <label for="effective">Effective type:</label> <span>${animateChange(this.networkEffectiveType)}</span>345 </div>346 <div class="inline-label">347 <div>Longitude: <span>${animateChange(this.longitude)}</span></div>348 <div>Latitude: <span>${animateChange(this.latitude)}</span></div>349 <div>Accuracy: <span>${animateChange(this.accuracy)}</span></div>350 </div>351 <div class="inline-label">352 <label for="jsonConsole">Recorded data as JSON:</label><br><br>353 <json-view id="jsonConsole" ?disabled=${this.isTracing}></json-view>354 </div>355 <br>356 `;357 }358}359function supportDownload() {360 return "download" in document.createElement("a")361}362@customElement('json-view')363export class JsonView extends LitElement {364 static styles = css`365 pre {366 max-height: 200px;367 padding: 1em;368 margin: .5em 0;369 border: 0;370 border-radius: 0.3em;371 min-height: 180px;372 max-width: auto;373 overflow: auto;374 line-height: inherit;375 word-wrap: normal;376 background-color: #2b354f;377 color: white;378 }379 div {380 display: block;381 position: relative;382 }383 mwc-icon-button {384 overflow: unset;385 padding: 0;386 color: white;387 margin: 8px;388 padding: 0px;389 position: absolute;390 right: 0;391 top: 0;392 --mdc-theme-text-disabled-on-light: lightslategray;393 }394 #save {395 right: 52px;396 }397 `;398 @property({ type: String }) value = "";399 copy() {400 window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();401 const range = document.createRange();402 range.selectNode(this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#json'));403 window.getSelection().addRange(range);404 document.execCommand('copy');405 window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();406 }407 save() {408 const blob = new Blob([this.value], {type: "application/json"});409 const anchor = document.createElement("a");410 anchor.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);411 = "tracedata.json";412;413 window.URL.revokeObjectURL(anchor.href);414 }415 render() {416 return html`417 <div>418 <pre id="json">${this.value}</pre>419 <mwc-icon-button id="save" icon="save_alt"420 style=${styleMap({display: !supportDownload() ? 'none' : 'block'})}421 @click=${} ?disabled=${!this.value.length}>422 </mwc-icon-button>423 <mwc-icon-button id="copy" icon="content_copy"424 @click=${this.copy} ?disabled=${!this.value.length}>425 </mwc-icon-button>426 </div>427 `;428 }...
Source: debug.js
1// use this to isolate the scope2(function () {3 if(!$axure.document.configuration.showConsole) { return; }4 $(document).ready(function () {5 $axure.player.createPluginHost({6 id: 'debugHost',7 context: 'inspect',8 title: 'Console',9 gid: 310 });11 generateDebug();12 $('#variablesClearLink').click(clearvars_click);13 $('#traceClear').click(cleartrace_click);14 $('#traceToggle').click(stoptrace_click);15 $('#traceStart').click(starttrace_click);16 $('#traceClear').hide();17 $('#traceToggle').hide();18 $('#closeConsole').click(close);19 var currentStack= [];20 var finishedStack = [];21 $axure.messageCenter.addMessageListener(function (message, data) {22 if(message == 'axCompositeEventMessage') {23 for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {24 processMessages(data[i].message, data[i].data);25 }26 } else processMessages(message, data);27 });28 var processMessages = function(message, data) {29 if(message == 'globalVariableValues') {30 $('#variablesDiv').empty();31 for(var key in data) {32 var value = data[key] == '' ? '(blank)' : data[key];33 $('#variablesDiv').append('<div class="variableList"><div class="variableName">' + key + '</div><div class="variableValue">' + value + '</div></div>');34 }35 } else if(message == 'axEvent') {36 var addToStack = "<div class='axEventBlock'>";37 addToStack += "<div class='axEventContainer'>";38 addToStack += " <div class='axTime'>" + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + "</div>";39 addToStack += " <div class='axEvent'>" + data.event.description + ": </div>";40 addToStack += " <div class='axLabel'>" + data.label + " (" + data.type + ")</div>";41 addToStack += "</div>";42 currentStack.push(addToStack);43 } else if (message == 'axEventComplete') {44 currentStack[currentStack.length - 1] += "</div>";45 finishedStack.push(currentStack.pop());46 if(currentStack.length == 0) {47 $('#traceEmptyState').hide();48 $('#traceClear').show();49 $('#traceToggle').show();50 for(var i = finishedStack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {51 if($('#traceDiv').children().length > 99) $('#traceDiv').children().last().remove();52 $('#traceDiv').prepend(finishedStack[i]);53 }54 finishedStack = [];55 }56 } else if (message == 'axCase') {57 //var addToStack = "<div class='axCaseContainer' style='background-color: #" + data.color + "'>";58 var addToStack = "<div class='axCaseContainer'>";59 addToStack += " <div class='axCaseItem'>" + data.item + "</div>";60 if (data.description) { addToStack += " <div class='axCaseDescription' title='" + data.description + "'>" + data.description + "</div>" };61 addToStack += "</div>";62 currentStack[currentStack.length - 1] += addToStack;63 } else if (message == 'axAction') {64 var addToStack = "<div class='axActionContainer'>";65 addToStack += " <div class='axActionItem'>" + + "</div>";66 //addToStack += " <div class='axActionItem'>" + data.item + "</div>";67 //if (data.description) { addToStack += " <div class='axActionDescription' title='" + data.description + "'>" + data.description + "</div>" };68 addToStack += "</div>";69 currentStack[currentStack.length - 1] += addToStack;70 } else if (message == 'axInfo') {71 var addToStack = "<div class='axInfoContainer'>";72 addToStack += " <div class='axInfoItem'>" + data.item + "</div>";73 if (data.description) { addToStack += " <div class='axInfoDescription' title='" + data.longDescription + "'>" + data.description + "</div>" };74 addToStack += "</div>";75 currentStack[currentStack.length - 1] += addToStack;76 }77 }78 // bind to the page load79 $'load.debug', function () {80 var traceStr = $axure.player.getHashStringVar(TRACE_VAR_NAME);81 if (traceStr.length > 0) $axure.messageCenter.setState("isTracing", true);82 else $axure.messageCenter.setState("isTracing", false);83 $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('getGlobalVariables', '');84 return false;85 });86 function clearvars_click(event) {87 $axure.messageCenter.postMessage('resetGlobalVariables', '');88 }89 function close() {90 $axure.player.pluginClose("debugHost");91 }92 function cleartrace_click(event) {93 $('#traceDiv').html('');94 }95 function starttrace_click(event) {96 $axure.messageCenter.setState("isTracing", true);97 //$('#traceDiv').html('');98 $('#traceEmptyState').hide();99 $('#traceClear').show();100 $('#traceToggle').text('Stop Trace');101 $('#traceToggle').off("click");102 $('#traceToggle').click(stoptrace_click);103 $('#traceToggle').show();104 console.log("starting trace");105 $axure.player.setVarInCurrentUrlHash(TRACE_VAR_NAME, 1);106 }107 function stoptrace_click(event) {108 $axure.messageCenter.setState("isTracing", false);109 $('#traceDiv').prepend('<div class="tracePausedNotification">Trace Paused<div>');110 $('#traceToggle').text('Restart Trace');111 $('#traceToggle').off("click");112 $('#traceToggle').click(starttrace_click);113 console.log("stopping trace");114 $axure.player.deleteVarFromCurrentUrlHash(TRACE_VAR_NAME);115 }116 });117 function generateDebug() {118 var pageNotesUi = "<div id='debugHeader'>";119 pageNotesUi += "<div id='debugToolbar'>";120 pageNotesUi += "<div id='consoleTitle' class='pluginNameHeader'>Console</div>";121 pageNotesUi += "</div>";122 pageNotesUi += "</div>";123 pageNotesUi += "<div id='variablesContainer' style='max-height:300px; overflow-y:auto'>";124 pageNotesUi += "<div id='variablesTitle' class='sectionTitle'>Variables</div>";125 pageNotesUi += "<a id='variablesClearLink' class='traceOption'>Reset Variables</a>";126 pageNotesUi += "<div id='variablesDiv'></div></div>";127 pageNotesUi += "<div id='traceContainer'>";128 pageNotesUi += "<div id='traceHeader'>";129 pageNotesUi += "<span class='sectionTitle'>Trace</span><a id='traceClear' class='traceOption'>Clear Trace</a><a id='traceToggle' class='traceOption'>Stop Trace</a>";130 pageNotesUi += "</div>";131 pageNotesUi += "</div>";132 pageNotesUi += "<div id='debugScrollContainer'>";133 pageNotesUi += "<div id='debugContainer'>";134 pageNotesUi += "<div id='traceEmptyState'>";135 pageNotesUi += "<div class='startInstructions'>Click the button below to start recording interactions as you click through the prototype.</div>";136 pageNotesUi += "<div id='traceStart' class='startButton'>Start Trace</div>";137 pageNotesUi += "</div>";138 pageNotesUi += "<div id='traceDiv'></div></div>";139 pageNotesUi += "</div></div>";140 $('#debugHost').html(pageNotesUi);141 $('#traceEmptyState').show();142 }...
Source: webRTC.js
1'use strict';2const express = require('express');3const path = require('path');4const PORT = process.env.PORT || 50005var socketIO = require('');6var { ProcessHands, Set_HSV_Gesture} = require('./gesture');7var { FrameTrace,Set_HSV_Trace} = require('./FrameTrace');8var app = express()9 .use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../public')))10 .set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'))11 .set('view engine', 'ejs')12 .get('/', (req, res) => res.render('pages/index'))13 .get('/admin', (req, res) => res.render('pages/admin'))14 .listen(PORT, () => { console.log(`Listening on ${PORT}`) })15var io = socketIO.listen(app);16const USER = { INSTRUCTOR: "INSTRUCTOR", OPERATOR: "OPERATOR" }17var isProcessing = false;18var iFrame_isCaptured = false;19var snapshot = null;20// States21var isStreaming = true;22var isTracing = false;23var fg_count = 0, fg_processed_count = 0;24io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {25 console.log("conn");26 function log() {27 var array = ['Message from server:'];28 array.push.apply(array, arguments);29 socket.emit('log', array);30 }31 /**32 * Recieved fgFrame, from instructor33 * Capture frame to @param iFrame, stop capturing while processing34 */35 socket.on('fgFrame', data => {36 if (!data) return;37 fg_count++;38 console.log("fgFrame recieved:", fg_count);39 /*** Stop capturing if in progress */40 if (isProcessing) return;41 isProcessing = true;42 snapshot = data;43 if (isStreaming) {44 /*** Process Frame */45 var processedFrame = ProcessHands(data);46 /*** Emit processed frame to all clients */47 io.sockets.emit('fgFrame', processedFrame);48 /*** Reset Conditions */49 isProcessing = false;50 }51 if (isTracing) {52 console.log("STATE: isTracing");53 /*** Process Frame */54 processedFrame = FrameTrace(data);55 /*** Emit processed frame to all clients */56 io.sockets.emit('fgFrame', processedFrame);57 /*** Reset Conditions */58 isProcessing = false;59 }60 });61 /**62 * Client request to trace63 * Turn off streaming64 * Turn on tracing65 * Emit last frame(instructor) to all clients's bgFrame66 */67 socket.on('notify_sketching', () => {68 console.log("STATE: NOTIFY_SKETCHING");69 isStreaming = false;70 isTracing = true;71 io.sockets.emit('do_sketching', true);72 })73 /**74 * Client request to stream75 * Turn off tracing76 * Turn on Stremaing77 * Tell all clints to go back to stremaing78 */79 socket.on('notify_streaming', () => {80 console.log("STATE: NOTIFY_STREAMING");81 isStreaming = true;82 isTracing = false;83 io.sockets.emit('do_streaming', true);84 })85 /**86 * ON Role change requested by a client, notify all clients to change their role87 */88 socket.on('notify_change_role', () => {89 io.sockets.emit('do_change_role', true);90 })91 /**92 * color selector settings for gesture calibration93 */94 socket.on('admin_calibrate_hsv', data => {95 Set_HSV_Gesture(data);96 })97 /**98 * color selector settings for trace calibration99 */100 socket.on('admin_calibrate_hsv_trace', data => {101 Set_HSV_Trace(data);102 })103 104 /**105 * Admin request snapshot(from instructor) from server106 */107 socket.on('admin_get_snapshot', () => {108 io.sockets.emit('snapshot', { isStreaming: isStreaming, isTracing: isTracing, snapshot: snapshot });109 })110 /**111 * @deprecated 'frame' event deprecated, use 'bgFrame' and 'fgFrame' instead;112 * @description Receiving Frames from clients, process according to frame origin/client type113 * */114 socket.on('frame', data => {115 n++;116 console.log("Frames Recieved:::", n);117 /***********************************************118 * Insturctor's frame119 *********************************************** */120 if (data.from == USER.INSTRUCTOR) {121 /** Process instructor's frames */122 if (iFrame_isCaptured && isProcessing) return;123 k++;124 console.log("Frames Captured:::", k);125 /** Capture Frame, stop further capture until processing is done */126 var iFrame = data.data127 iFrame_isCaptured = true128 if (iFrame !== undefined) {129 /**130 * Process Frame, emit to all clients131 */132 var processedFrame = ProcessHands(iFrame);133 io.sockets.emit('cvFrame', { type: 'fgFrame', data: processedFrame });134 /**135 * Reset Conditions136 */137 iFrame_isCaptured = false;138 isProcessing = false;139 }140 }141 /***********************************************142 * Operator's frame143 *********************************************** */144 else if (data.from == USER.OPERATOR) {145 /** 146 * No need to process operator's frames, relay frame back to all clients147 */148 io.sockets.emit('cvFrame', { type: 'bgFrame', data: });149 }150 })151 socket.on('message', function (message) {152 log('Client said: ', message);153 // for a real app, would be room-only (not broadcast)154 socket.broadcast.emit('message', message);155 });156 socket.on('bye', () => {157 io.close();158 })159 /** Request from client to join or create room 160 * 161 */162 socket.on('create or join', function (room) {163 log('Received request to create or join room ' + room);164 if (socket.handshake.headers.referer.indexOf("/admin") > -1) {165 console.log("admin is trying to connect, dont let him join");166 return;167 }168 var clientsInRoom = io.sockets.adapter.rooms[room];169 var numClients = clientsInRoom ? Object.keys(clientsInRoom.sockets).length : 0;170 log('Room ' + room + ' now has ' + numClients + ' client(s)');171 if (numClients === 0) {172 socket.join(room);173 log('Client ID ' + + ' created room ' + room);174 socket.emit('created', room,;175 } else if (numClients === 1) {176 log('Client ID ' + + ' joined room ' + room);177'join', room);178 socket.join(room);179 socket.emit('joined', room,;180'ready');181 } else { // max two clients182 socket.emit('full', room);183 }184 });...
Source: store.spec.js
1// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.2// This file is part of Parity.3// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify4// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by5// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or6// (at your option) any later version.7// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,8// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of9// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the10// GNU General Public License for more details.11// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License12// along with Parity. If not, see <>.13import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';14import sinon from 'sinon';15import { mockget as mockEtherscan } from '~/3rdparty/etherscan/helpers.spec.js';16import { ADDRESS, createApi } from './transactions.test.js';17import Store from './store';18let api;19let store;20function createStore () {21 api = createApi();22 store = new Store(api);23 return store;24}25function mockQuery () {26 mockEtherscan([{27 query: {28 module: 'account',29 action: 'txlist',30 address: ADDRESS,31 offset: 25,32 page: 1,33 sort: 'desc'34 },35 reply: [{ hash: '123' }]36 }], false, '42');37}38describe('views/Account/Transactions/store', () => {39 beforeEach(() => {40 mockQuery();41 createStore();42 });43 describe('constructor', () => {44 it('sets the api', () => {45 expect(store._api).to.deep.equals(api);46 });47 it('starts with isLoading === false', () => {48 expect(store.isLoading);49 });50 it('starts with isTracing === false', () => {51 expect(store.isTracing);52 });53 });54 describe('@action', () => {55 describe('setHashes', () => {56 it('clears the loading state', () => {57 store.setLoading(true);58 store.setHashes([]);59 expect(store.isLoading);60 });61 it('sets the hashes from the transactions', () => {62 store.setHashes([{ hash: '123' }, { hash: '456' }]);63 expect(store.txHashes.peek()).to.deep.equal(['123', '456']);64 });65 });66 describe('setAddress', () => {67 it('sets the address', () => {68 store.setAddress(ADDRESS);69 expect(store.address).to.equal(ADDRESS);70 });71 });72 describe('setLoading', () => {73 it('sets the isLoading flag', () => {74 store.setLoading(true);75 expect(store.isLoading);76 });77 });78 describe('setNetVersion', () => {79 it('sets the netVersion', () => {80 store.setNetVersion('testing');81 expect(store.netVersion).to.equal('testing');82 });83 });84 describe('setTracing', () => {85 it('sets the isTracing flag', () => {86 store.setTracing(true);87 expect(store.isTracing);88 });89 });90 describe('updateProps', () => {91 it('retrieves transactions once updated', () => {92 sinon.spy(store, 'getTransactions');93 store.updateProps({});94 expect(store.getTransactions).to.have.been.called;95 store.getTransactions.restore();96 });97 });98 });99 describe('operations', () => {100 describe('getTransactions', () => {101 it('retrieves the hashes via etherscan', () => {102 sinon.spy(store, 'fetchEtherscanTransactions');103 store.setAddress(ADDRESS);104 store.setNetVersion('42');105 store.setTracing(false);106 return store.getTransactions().then(() => {107 expect(store.fetchEtherscanTransactions).to.have.been.called;108 expect(store.txHashes.peek()).to.deep.equal(['123']);109 store.fetchEtherscanTransactions.restore();110 });111 });112 it('retrieves the hashes via tracing', () => {113 sinon.spy(store, 'fetchTraceTransactions');114 store.setAddress(ADDRESS);115 store.setNetVersion('42');116 store.setTracing(true);117 return store.getTransactions().then(() => {118 expect(store.fetchTraceTransactions).to.have.been.called;119 expect(store.txHashes.peek()).to.deep.equal(['123', '098']);120 store.fetchTraceTransactions.restore();121 });122 });123 });124 describe('fetchEtherscanTransactions', () => {125 it('retrieves the transactions', () => {126 store.setAddress(ADDRESS);127 store.setNetVersion('42');128 return store.fetchEtherscanTransactions().then((transactions) => {129 expect(transactions).to.deep.equal([{130 blockNumber: new BigNumber(0),131 from: '',132 hash: '123',133 timeStamp: undefined,134 to: '',135 value: undefined136 }]);137 });138 });139 });140 describe('fetchTraceTransactions', () => {141 it('retrieves the transactions', () => {142 store.setAddress(ADDRESS);143 store.setNetVersion('42');144 return store.fetchTraceTransactions().then((transactions) => {145 expect(transactions).to.deep.equal([146 {147 blockNumber: undefined,148 from: undefined,149 hash: '123',150 to: undefined151 },152 {153 blockNumber: undefined,154 from: undefined,155 hash: '098',156 to: undefined157 }158 ]);159 });160 });161 });162 });...
Source: test-run-trace.js
1// Copyright IBM Corp. 2015,2016. All Rights Reserved.2// Node module: strong-supervisor3// This file is licensed under the Artistic License 2.0.4// License text available at'use strict';6var debug = require('./debug');7var run = require('./run-with-ctl-channel');8var tap = require('tap');9var options = {};10if (!process.env.STRONGLOOP_LICENSE) {11 options.skip = 'tested feature requires license';12}13tap.test('traces are forwarded via parentCtl', options, function(t) {14 t.plan(2);15 var expressApp = require.resolve('./express-app');16 var app = run([expressApp], ['--cluster=1', '--no-control', '--trace'],17 function(data) {18 debug('received: cmd %s: %j', data.cmd, data);19 switch (data.cmd) {20 case 'trace:object':21 var record = JSON.parse(data.record);22 t.ok(!!record.version, 'Record version should exist');23 t.ok(!!record.packet.metadata, 'Record metadata should exist');24 app.kill();25 break;26 }27 }28 );29 app.ref();30 app.on('exit', function(code, signal) {31 debug('supervisor exit: %s', signal || code);32 t.end();33 });34});35tap.test('traces can be turned on', options, function(t) {36 t.plan(6);37 var expressApp = require.resolve('./express-app');38 var app = run([expressApp], ['--cluster=1', '--no-control'], messageHandler);39 var tracingEnabled = false;40 function messageHandler(data) {41 debug('received: cmd %s: %j', data.cmd, data);42 switch (data.cmd) {43 case 'status:wd':44 if ( === 0) {45 t.assert(!data.isTracing);46 } else {47 t.equal(data.isTracing, tracingEnabled);48 if (!tracingEnabled) {49 tracingEnabled = true;50 app.control.request({cmd: 'tracing', enabled: true}, function(res){51 t.assert(!res.error);52 });53 } else {54 app.kill();55 }56 }57 break;58 case 'trace:object':59 t.assert(tracingEnabled);60 var record = JSON.parse(data.record);61 t.ok(!!record.version, 'Record version should exist');62 t.ok(!!record.packet.metadata, 'Record metadata should exist');63 break;64 }65 }66 app.ref();67 app.on('exit', function(code, signal) {68 debug('supervisor exit: %s', signal || code);69 t.end();70 });71});72tap.test('traces hostname can be overridden', options, function(t) {73 t.plan(7);74 var expressApp = require.resolve('./express-app');75 process.env.STRONGLOOP_TRACES_ID = '1234';76 var app = run([expressApp], ['--cluster=1', '--no-control'], messageHandler);77 var tracingEnabled = false;78 function messageHandler(data) {79 debug('received: cmd %s: %j', data.cmd, data);80 switch (data.cmd) {81 case 'status:wd':82 if ( === 0) {83 t.assert(!data.isTracing);84 } else {85 t.equal(data.isTracing, tracingEnabled);86 if (!tracingEnabled) {87 tracingEnabled = true;88 app.control.request({cmd: 'tracing', enabled: true}, function(res){89 t.assert(!res.error);90 });91 } else {92 app.kill();93 }94 }95 break;96 case 'trace:object':97 t.assert(tracingEnabled);98 var record = JSON.parse(data.record);99 t.ok(!!record.version, 'Record version should exist');100 t.ok(!!record.packet.metadata, 'Record metadata should exist');101 t.equal(record.packet.monitoring.system_info.hostname, '1234',102 'Record hostname should match');103 break;104 }105 }106 app.ref();107 app.on('exit', function(code, signal) {108 debug('supervisor exit: %s', signal || code);109 t.end();110 });111});112tap.test('traces can be turned off', options, function(t) {113 t.plan(6);114 var expressApp = require.resolve('./express-app');115 var args = ['--cluster=1', '--no-control', '--trace'];116 var app = run([expressApp], args, messageHandler);117 var tracingEnabled = true;118 function messageHandler(data) {119 debug('received: cmd %s: %j', data.cmd, data);120 switch (data.cmd) {121 case 'status:wd':122 if ( === 0) {123 t.assert(!data.isTracing);124 } else {125 t.equal(data.isTracing, tracingEnabled);126 if (tracingEnabled) {127 tracingEnabled = false;128 app.control.request({cmd: 'tracing', enabled: false}, function(res){129 t.assert(!res.error);130 });131 } else {132 app.kill();133 }134 }135 break;136 case 'trace:object':137 t.assert(tracingEnabled);138 var record = JSON.parse(data.record);139 t.ok(!!record.version, 'Record version should exist');140 t.ok(!!record.packet.metadata, 'Record metadata should exist');141 break;142 }143 }144 app.ref();145 app.on('exit', function(code, signal) {146 debug('supervisor exit: %s', signal || code);147 t.end();148 });...
Source: store.js
1// Copyright 2015-2017 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.2// This file is part of Parity.3// Parity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify4// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by5// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or6// (at your option) any later version.7// Parity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,8// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of9// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the10// GNU General Public License for more details.11// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License12// along with Parity. If not, see <>.13import { action, observable, transaction } from 'mobx';14import etherscan from '~/3rdparty/etherscan';15export default class Store {16 @observable address = null;17 @observable isLoading = false;18 @observable isTracing = false;19 @observable netVersion = '0';20 @observable txHashes = [];21 constructor (api) {22 this._api = api;23 }24 @action setHashes = (transactions) => {25 transaction(() => {26 this.setLoading(false);27 this.txHashes = => transaction.hash);28 });29 }30 @action setAddress = (address) => {31 this.address = address;32 }33 @action setLoading = (isLoading) => {34 this.isLoading = isLoading;35 }36 @action setNetVersion = (netVersion) => {37 this.netVersion = netVersion;38 }39 @action setTracing = (isTracing) => {40 this.isTracing = isTracing;41 }42 @action updateProps = (props) => {43 transaction(() => {44 this.setAddress(props.address);45 this.setNetVersion(props.netVersion);46 // TODO: When tracing is enabled again, adjust to actually set47 this.setTracing(false && props.traceMode);48 });49 return this.getTransactions();50 }51 getTransactions () {52 if (this.netVersion === '0') {53 return Promise.resolve();54 }55 this.setLoading(true);56 // TODO: When supporting other chains (eg. ETC). call to be made to other endpoints57 return (58 this.isTracing59 ? this.fetchTraceTransactions()60 : this.fetchEtherscanTransactions()61 )62 .then((transactions) => {63 this.setHashes(transactions);64 })65 .catch((error) => {66 console.warn('getTransactions', error);67 this.setLoading(false);68 });69 }70 fetchEtherscanTransactions () {71 return etherscan.account.transactions(this.address, 0, false, this.netVersion);72 }73 fetchTraceTransactions () {74 return Promise75 .all([76 this._api.trace.filter({77 fromAddress: this.address,78 fromBlock: 079 }),80 this._api.trace.filter({81 fromBlock: 0,82 toAddress: this.address83 })84 ])85 .then(([fromTransactions, toTransactions]) => {86 return fromTransactions87 .concat(toTransactions)88 .map((transaction) => {89 return {90 blockNumber: transaction.blockNumber,91 from: transaction.action.from,92 hash: transaction.transactionHash,93 to: transaction.action.to94 };95 });96 });97 }...
Source: SaveTrace.js
1define(["sitecore", "/-/speak/v1/ExperienceEditor/ExperienceEditor.js"], function (Sitecore, ExperienceEditor) {2 Sitecore.Commands.SaveTrace =3 {4 canExecute: function (context) {5 var isTracing = ExperienceEditor.isDebugging() && ExperienceEditor.Web.getUrlQueryStringValue("sc_trace") == "1";6 return ExperienceEditor.canToggleDebug() && isTracing;7 },8 execute: function (context) {9 context.currentContext.value = ExperienceEditor.Web.getUrlQueryStringValue("sc_trf");10;11 ExperienceEditor.PipelinesUtil.executePipeline(, function () {12 ExperienceEditor.PipelinesUtil.executeProcessors(Sitecore.Pipelines.SaveDebugTrace, context);13 });14;15 }16 };...
Source: DownloadTrace.js
1define(["sitecore", "/-/speak/v1/ExperienceEditor/ExperienceEditor.js"], function (Sitecore, ExperienceEditor) {2 Sitecore.Commands.DownloadTrace =3 {4 canExecute: function (context) {5 var isTracing = ExperienceEditor.isDebugging() && ExperienceEditor.Web.getUrlQueryStringValue("sc_trace") == "1";6 return ExperienceEditor.canToggleDebug() && isTracing;7 },8 execute: function (context) {9 context.currentContext.value = ExperienceEditor.Web.getUrlQueryStringValue("sc_trf");10 ExperienceEditor.PipelinesUtil.generateRequestProcessor("ExperienceEditor.DownloadDebugRequests.ExecuteDownloadTrace", function (response) {11 ExperienceEditor.Web.downloadFile(response.responseValue.value);12 }).execute(context);13 }14 };...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });6 await browser.close();7})();8const { chromium } = require('playwright');9(async () => {10 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });11 const page = await browser.newPage();12 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });13 await browser.close();14})();15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });18 const page = await browser.newPage();19 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });20 await browser.close();21})();22const { chromium } = require('playwright');23(async () => {24 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });25 const page = await browser.newPage();26 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });27 await browser.close();28})();29const { chromium } = require('playwright');30(async () => {31 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });32 const page = await browser.newPage();33 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });34 await browser.close();35})();36const { chromium } = require('playwright');37(async () => {38 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });39 const page = await browser.newPage();40 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 await context.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await context.tracing.stop({ path: '' });8 await browser.close();9})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/internal/trace/recorder');2console.log(isTracing());3const { isTracing } = require('playwright');4console.log(isTracing());5const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');6console.log(isTracing());7const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');8console.log(isTracing());9const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');10console.log(isTracing());11const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');12console.log(isTracing());13const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');14console.log(isTracing());15const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');16console.log(isTracing());17const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');18console.log(isTracing());19const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');20console.log(isTracing());21const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');22console.log(isTracing());23const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');24console.log(isTracing());25const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');26console.log(isTracing());27const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');28console.log(isTracing());
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false});4 const context = await browser.newContext({ recordVideo: { dir: 'videos' }});5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png' });7 await browser.close();8})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isTracing } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/internal');2console.log(isTracing());3const { test } = require('@playwright/test');4test('example test', async ({ page }) => {5 const { isTracing } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/internal');6 console.log(isTracing());7});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isTracing } = require('@playwright/test/lib/internal/trace');2console.log(isTracing());3const { trace } = require('@playwright/test/lib/internal/trace');4const { test } = require('@playwright/test');5test('test', async ({ page }) => {6 await trace(page, 'trace-name', async () => {7 });8});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');2console.log(isTracing());3const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');4const { chromium } = require('playwright');5(async () => {6 const browser = await chromium.launch();7 const page = await browser.newPage();8 console.log(isTracing());9 await page.tracing.start({ path: '' });10 console.log(isTracing());11 await page.tracing.stop();12 console.log(isTracing());13 await browser.close();14})();15const { isTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder');16const { chromium } = require('playwright');17(async () => {18 const browser = await chromium.launch();19 const page = await browser.newPage();20 console.log(isTracing());21 await page.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true, path: '' });22 console.log(isTracing());23 await page.tracing.stop();24 console.log(isTracing());25 await browser.close();26})();
Jest + Playwright - Test callbacks of event-based DOM library
firefox browser does not start in playwright
Is it possible to get the selector from a locator object in playwright?
How to run a list of test suites in a single file concurrently in jest?
Running Playwright in Azure Function
firefox browser does not start in playwright
This question is quite close to a "need more focus" question. But let's try to give it some focus:
Does Playwright has access to the cPicker object on the page? Does it has access to the window object?
Yes, you can access both cPicker and the window object inside an evaluate call.
Should I trigger the events from the HTML file itself, and in the callbacks, print in the DOM the result, in some dummy-element, and then infer from that dummy element text that the callbacks fired?
Exactly, or you can assign values to a javascript variable:
const cPicker = new ColorPicker({
window['color'] = color;
window['result'] = color;
And then
it('Should call all callbacks with correct arguments', async() => {
await page.goto(`http://localhost:5000/tests/visual/basic.html`, {waitUntil:'load'})
// Wait until the next frame
await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(requestAnimationFrame))
// Act
// Assert
const result = await page.evaluate(() => window['color']);
// Check the value
Check out the latest blogs from LambdaTest on this topic:
Native apps are developed specifically for one platform. Hence they are fast and deliver superior performance. They can be downloaded from various app stores and are not accessible through browsers.
One of the essential parts when performing automated UI testing, whether using Selenium or another framework, is identifying the correct web elements the tests will interact with. However, if the web elements are not located correctly, you might get NoSuchElementException in Selenium. This would cause a false negative result because we won’t get to the actual functionality check. Instead, our test will fail simply because it failed to interact with the correct element.
Smartphones have changed the way humans interact with technology. Be it travel, fitness, lifestyle, video games, or even services, it’s all just a few touches away (quite literally so). We only need to look at the growing throngs of smartphone or tablet users vs. desktop users to grasp this reality.
As part of one of my consulting efforts, I worked with a mid-sized company that was looking to move toward a more agile manner of developing software. As with any shift in work style, there is some bewilderment and, for some, considerable anxiety. People are being challenged to leave their comfort zones and embrace a continuously changing, dynamic working environment. And, dare I say it, testing may be the most ‘disturbed’ of the software roles in agile development.
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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