Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...32 * limitations under the License.33 */34const BIN_DIRECTORY = _path.default.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'bin');35const checkExecutable = filePath => _fs.default.promises.access(filePath, _fs.default.constants.X_OK).then(() => true).catch(e => false);36function isSupportedWindowsVersion() {37 if (os.platform() !== 'win32' || os.arch() !== 'x64') return false;38 const [major, minor] = os.release().split('.').map(token => parseInt(token, 10)); // This is based on: // The table with versions is taken from: // Windows 7 is not supported and is encoded as `6.1`.41 return major > 6 || major === 6 && minor > 1;42}43async function installDependenciesWindows(targets, dryRun) {44 if (targets.has('chromium')) {45 const command = 'powershell.exe';46 const args = ['-ExecutionPolicy', 'Bypass', '-File', _path.default.join(BIN_DIRECTORY, 'install_media_pack.ps1')];47 if (dryRun) {48 console.log(`${command} ${quoteProcessArgs(args).join(' ')}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console49 return;50 }51 const {52 code53 } = await utils.spawnAsync(command, args, {54 cwd: BIN_DIRECTORY,55 stdio: 'inherit'56 });57 if (code !== 0) throw new Error('Failed to install windows dependencies!');58 }59}60async function installDependenciesLinux(targets, dryRun) {61 const libraries = [];62 for (const target of targets) {63 const info = _nativeDeps.deps[utils.hostPlatform];64 if (!info) {65 console.warn('Cannot install dependencies for this linux distribution!'); // eslint-disable-line no-console66 return;67 }68 libraries.push([target]);69 }70 const uniqueLibraries = Array.from(new Set(libraries));71 if (!dryRun) console.log('Installing Ubuntu dependencies...'); // eslint-disable-line no-console72 const commands = [];73 commands.push('apt-get update');74 commands.push(['apt-get', 'install', '-y', '--no-install-recommends', ...uniqueLibraries].join(' '));75 const {76 command,77 args,78 elevatedPermissions79 } = await utils.transformCommandsForRoot(commands);80 if (dryRun) {81 console.log(`${command} ${quoteProcessArgs(args).join(' ')}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console82 return;83 }84 if (elevatedPermissions) console.log('Switching to root user to install dependencies...'); // eslint-disable-line no-console85 const child = _child_process.default.spawn(command, args, {86 stdio: 'inherit'87 });88 await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {89 child.on('exit', resolve);90 child.on('error', reject);91 });92}93async function validateDependenciesWindows(windowsExeAndDllDirectories) {94 const directoryPaths = windowsExeAndDllDirectories;95 const lddPaths = [];96 for (const directoryPath of directoryPaths) lddPaths.push(...(await executablesOrSharedLibraries(directoryPath)));97 const allMissingDeps = await Promise.all( => missingFileDependenciesWindows(lddPath)));98 const missingDeps = new Set();99 for (const deps of allMissingDeps) {100 for (const dep of deps) missingDeps.add(dep);101 }102 if (!missingDeps.size) return;103 let isCrtMissing = false;104 let isMediaFoundationMissing = false;105 for (const dep of missingDeps) {106 if (dep.startsWith('api-ms-win-crt') || dep === 'vcruntime140.dll' || dep === 'vcruntime140_1.dll' || dep === 'msvcp140.dll') isCrtMissing = true;else if (dep === 'mf.dll' || dep === 'mfplat.dll' || dep === 'msmpeg2vdec.dll' || dep === 'evr.dll' || dep === 'avrt.dll') isMediaFoundationMissing = true;107 }108 const details = [];109 if (isCrtMissing) {110 details.push(`Some of the Universal C Runtime files cannot be found on the system. You can fix`, `that by installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio from:`, ``, ``);111 }112 if (isMediaFoundationMissing) {113 details.push(`Some of the Media Foundation files cannot be found on the system. If you are`, `on Windows Server try fixing this by running the following command in PowerShell`, `as Administrator:`, ``, ` Install-WindowsFeature Server-Media-Foundation`, ``, `For Windows N editions visit:`, ``, ``);114 }115 details.push(`Full list of missing libraries:`, ` ${[...missingDeps].join('\n ')}`, ``);116 const message = `Host system is missing dependencies!\n\n${details.join('\n')}`;117 if (isSupportedWindowsVersion()) {118 throw new Error(message);119 } else {120 console.warn(`WARNING: running on unsupported windows version!`);121 console.warn(message);122 }123}124async function validateDependenciesLinux(sdkLanguage, linuxLddDirectories, dlOpenLibraries) {125 var _deps$utils$hostPlatf;126 const directoryPaths = linuxLddDirectories;127 const lddPaths = [];128 for (const directoryPath of directoryPaths) lddPaths.push(...(await executablesOrSharedLibraries(directoryPath)));129 const allMissingDeps = await Promise.all( => missingFileDependencies(lddPath, directoryPaths)));130 const missingDeps = new Set();131 for (const deps of allMissingDeps) {...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isSupportedWindowsVersion } = require('playwright-core/lib/utils/utils');2const { chromium } = require('playwright-core');3(async () => {4 if (isSupportedWindowsVersion()) {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });9 await browser.close();10 }11})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isSupportedWindowsVersion } = require("playwright/lib/utils/utils");2const os = require("os");3const { chromium } = require("playwright");4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const page = await browser.newPage();7 await browser.close();8})();9const windowsVersion = os.release();10console.log(windowsVersion);11console.log(isSupportedWindowsVersion(windowsVersion));12console.log(isSupportedWindowsVersion("10.0.19042"));13Your name to display (optional):14Your name to display (optional):
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { isSupportedWindowsVersion } = playwright._impl._electron._electronApp;3console.log(isSupportedWindowsVersion());4const playwright = require('playwright');5const { isSupportedWindowsVersion } = playwright._impl._electron.isSupportedWindowsVersion;6console.log(isSupportedWindowsVersion());
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isSupportedWindowsVersion } = require('playwright/lib/server/utils');2const supported = isSupportedWindowsVersion();3console.log(supported);4Note: In this example, I have used Windows 10 version 20H2 (OS Build 19042.746) and node version v14.15.15Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Twitter)6Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (LinkedIn)7Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Facebook)8Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Reddit)9Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (HackerNews)10Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement ( 1.4.0 release announcement (Medium)12Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Hashnode)13Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Product Hunt)14Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Product Hunt)15Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (GitHub)16Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Reddit)17Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Twitter)18Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (LinkedIn)19Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Facebook)20Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Reddit)21Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (HackerNews)22Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement ( 1.4.0 release announcement (Medium)24Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Hashnode)25Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Product Hunt)26Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Product Hunt)27Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (GitHub)28Playwright 1.4.0 release announcement (Reddit)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isSupportedWindowsVersion } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2const isSupported = isSupportedWindowsVersion();3console.log(isSupported);4const { isSupportedWindowsVersion } = require('playwright/lib/server/utils');5const isSupported = isSupportedWindowsVersion();6console.log(isSupported);7const { isSupportedWindowsVersion } = require('playwright/lib/server/utils');8const isSupported = isSupportedWindowsVersion();9console.log(isSupported);10const { isSupportedWindowsVersion } = require('playwright/lib/server/utils');11const isSupported = isSupportedWindowsVersion();12console.log(isSupported);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isSupportedWindowsVersion } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2const isSupported = isSupportedWindowsVersion();3console.log(isSupported);4const { isSupportedWindowsVersion } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');5const isSupported = isSupportedWindowsVersion();6console.log(isSupported);
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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