Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...191) {192 if (current === null) {193 let type = Component.type;194 if (195 isSimpleFunctionComponent(type) &&196 === null &&197 // SimpleMemoComponent codepath doesn't resolve outer props either.198 Component.defaultProps === undefined199 ) {200 // If this is a plain function component without default props,201 // and with only the default shallow comparison, we upgrade it202 // to a SimpleMemoComponent to allow fast path updates.203 workInProgress.tag = SimpleMemoComponent;204 workInProgress.type = type;205 return updateSimpleMemoComponent(206 current,207 workInProgress,208 type,209 nextProps,...
...94 function shouldConstruct$1(Component) {95 var prototype = Component.prototype;96 return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent);97 }98 function isSimpleFunctionComponent(type) {99 return typeof type === 'function' && !shouldConstruct$1(type) && type.defaultProps === undefined;100 }101 function resolveLazyComponentTag(Component) {102 if (typeof Component === 'function') {103 return shouldConstruct$1(Component) ? ClassComponent : FunctionComponent;104 } else if (Component !== undefined && Component !== null) {105 var $$typeof = Component.$$typeof;106 if ($$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE) {107 return ForwardRef;108 }109 if ($$typeof === REACT_MEMO_TYPE) {110 return MemoComponent;111 }112 {...
...116function shouldConstruct(Component) {117 const prototype = Component.prototype118 return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent)119}120export function isSimpleFunctionComponent(type) {121 return (122 typeof type === 'function' &&123 !shouldConstruct(type) &&124 type.defaultProps === undefined125 )126}127export function resolveLazyComponentTag(Component) {128 if (typeof Component === 'function') {129 return shouldConstruct(Component) ? ClassComponent : FunctionComponent;130 } else if (Component !== undefined && Component !== null) {131 const $$typeof = Component.$$typeof132 if ($$typeof === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE) {133 return ForwardRef134 }...
1import React, { useState } from 'react'2import ReactIs from 'react-is'3global.React = React;4const ReactInternals = React.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;5// GraphQL From the Future6// Or, Lambda: The Ultimate GraphQL Client7// Won't this be incredibly slow? 8// React already renders your components twice whenever you're9// in developer mode. Didn't notice? Autograph's pre-rendering10// is much more lightweight than React's full rendering and 11// reconciliation process. 12// this is our stand-in for autograph13export default function useMetastate(dataFetcher){14 // check if we are in a dream?15 let currentOwner = ReactInternals.ReactCurrentOwner.current;16 let currentDispatcher = ReactInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;17 18 if(currentDispatcher.__MetastateSentinel){19 return currentDispatcher.__MetastateSentinel;20 }21 let [ updateCount, triggerUpdate ] = useState(0);22 console.log('we are in the base reality', currentOwner)23 let [ dispatcher, updateDispatcher] = useState(() => ({24 __fetchedData: {},25 __MetastateFields: [],26 __MetastateCurrentState: null,27 __MetastateSentinel: {28 requestedFields: [],29 get(key){30 dispatcher.__MetastateFields.push(key)31 }32 },33 useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init){34 let currentState = dispatcher.__MetastateCurrentState;35 let value;36 if(currentState){37 dispatcher.__MetastateCurrentState =; 38 if(currentState.queue){39 // we use the latest state we can possibly have access to40 value = currentState.queue.lastRenderedState41 }else{42 value = currentState.memoizedState; 43 }44 }else{45 value = (init !== undefined) ? init(initialArg) : initialArg;46 }47 console.log('value from dream reducer', value)48 return [49 value,50 () => console.log('dispatch is noop in dream')51 ]52 },53 useState(initialState){54 // copied from react-reconciler55 function basicStateReducer(state, action) {56 return typeof action === 'function' ? action(state) : action;57 }58 return dispatcher.useReducer(basicStateReducer, initialState)59 },60 useCallback(fn, deps){61 return dispatcher.useMemo(() => fn, deps)62 },63 useMemo(fn, deps){64 throw new Error('useMemo not implemented')65 }66 }))67 function triggerVirtualRender(){68 console.groupCollapsed('dreaming')69 let earlierDispatcher = ReactInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;70 ReactInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = dispatcher;71 fakeRender2(72 { type: currentOwner.type, props: currentOwner.pendingProps }, 73 currentOwner, 74 dispatcher,75 )76 ReactInternals.ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = earlierDispatcher;77 console.groupEnd('dreaming')78 }79 80 // triggerVirtualRender()81 // console.log(dispatcher.__MetastateFields)82 // let fetchedData = dataFetcher(dispatcher.__MetastateFields)83 // let fetchedData = {}84 dispatcher.__fetchedData = dataFetcher(dispatcher.__MetastateFields);85 return {86 requestedFields: dispatcher.__MetastateFields,87 get(field){88 if(!(field in dispatcher.__fetchedData)){89 console.warn('TRIGGERING UPDATE', field)90 91 // triggerUpdate(updateCount + 1) // this will cause the parent autograph root to re-render92 dispatcher.__MetastateFields = []93 triggerVirtualRender()94 // console.log(dispatcher.__fetchedData, field, dispatcher.__MetastateFields)95 // this will throw a promise if the data has not yet been loaded96 dataFetcher(dispatcher.__MetastateFields)97 98 }else{99 return dispatcher.__fetchedData[field]100 }101 }102 }103}104function fakeRender2(node, fiber, dispatcher){105 console.log('FAKE RENDER', node, fiber)106 if(node.$$typeof === Symbol.for('react.portal')){107 return fakeRender2({ type: 'fakeportal', props: { children: node.children } }, fiber, dispatcher)108 }else if(typeof node.type === 'string'109 || node.type === Symbol.for('react.fragment')110 || node.type === Symbol.for('react.suspense')){111 let children = React.isValidElement(node.props.children) ? [ node.props.children ] : node.props.children; 112 if(!children) return;113 114 let fiberKeyMap = {}115 let fiberChildren = []116 if(fiber && fiber.child){117 let fiberChild = fiber.child;118 while(fiberChild){119 if(fiberChild.key){120 fiberKeyMap[fiberChild.key] = fiberChild;121 }else{122 fiberChildren.push(fiberChild)123 }124 fiberChild = fiberChild.sibling;125 }126 }127 for(let child of children){128 if(Array.isArray(child)){129 fakeRender2({ type: 'fakearrayfragment', props: { children: child } }, fiberChildren.shift(), dispatcher)130 continue;131 }132 if(!child || !child.type) continue;133 let fiberChild = child.key ? fiberKeyMap[child.key] : fiberChildren.shift();134 if(!fiberChild || fiberChild.type !== child.type) fiberChild = null;135 fakeRender2(child, fiberChild, dispatcher)136 }137 }else if(typeof node.type === 'function' && node.type.prototype.isReactComponent){ // use !isSimpleFunctionComponent138 // dispatcher.__MetastateCurrentState = null;140 let nextChildren;141 let el = new node.type(node.props);142 if(fiber && fiber.memoizedState) el.state = fiber.memoizedState;143 if(fiber && fiber.updateQueue && fiber.updateQueue.firstUpdate){144 let update = fiber.updateQueue.firstUpdate;145 do {146 if(update.tag == 0){ // update state147 el.state = { ...el.state, ...update.payload };148 }else if(update.tag == 1){ // replace state149 el.state = update.payload;150 }151 } while (update =;152 }153 el.props = node.props;154 nextChildren = el.render()155 if(!nextChildren) return;156 fakeRender2(nextChildren,157 (fiber && fiber.child && (158 nextChildren.type === fiber.child.type || (159 !nextChildren.type && !fiber.child.type160 ))) ? fiber.child : null,161 dispatcher)162 }else if(typeof node.type === 'function'){163 if(fiber) dispatcher.__MetastateCurrentState = fiber.memoizedState;164 let nextChildren = node.type(node.props);165 dispatcher.__MetastateCurrentState = null;166 if(!nextChildren) return;167 fakeRender2(nextChildren,168 nextChildren.type === Symbol.for('react.fragment') ? fiber : 169 (fiber && fiber.child && (170 nextChildren.type === fiber.child.type )171 ) ? fiber.child : null,172 dispatcher)173 }else{174 console.warn('RENDERING UNKNOWN ELEMENT TYPE', type, props, fiber)175 }...
...7function shouldConstruct$1(Component) {8 var prototype = Component.prototype;9 return !!(prototype && prototype.isGreenElement);10}11function isSimpleFunctionComponent(type) {12 return typeof type === 'function' && !shouldConstruct$1(type) && type.defaultProps === undefined;13}14var hasOwnProperty$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;15function hasValidRef(config) {16 {17 if (hasOwnProperty$, 'ref')) {18 var getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(config, 'ref').get;19 if (getter && getter.isGreenWarning) {20 return false;21 }22 }23 }24 return config.ref !== undefined;25}26const isValidProps = (props) => props != undefined && props != null && typeof props == "object";27function setProps(element, props) {28 if (!isValidProps(props)) {29 console.warn("Invalid props:", props);30 return !!0;31 }32 for (const prop in props) {33 if (prop && props.hasOwnProperty(prop) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {34 let value = props[prop]35 if (value instanceof Object) {36 if (value instanceof Array) // if array37 element.setAttribute(prop, value.filter(e => e).join(' '));38 else if (typeof value === 'function' && value != null) // if function39 element[prop] = value;40 else Object.assign(element[prop], value);41 } else {42 if (value === true) // if simple true43 element.setAttribute(prop, prop);44 else if (typeof value === 'string' && value != null) // if string45 element.setAttribute(prop, value);46 else if (value !== false && value != null) // something else47 element.setAttribute(prop, value.toString());48 }49 }50 }51 return !!1;52}53function isMounted(component) {54 return false;55}56var classComponentUpdater = {57 isMounted: isMounted,58 enqueueSetState: function (inst, payload, callback) {59 console.debug('enqueueSetState:', {60 instance: inst,61 payload: payload,62 });63 },64 enqueueReplaceState: function (inst, payload, callback) {65 66 },67 enqueueForceUpdate: function (inst, callback) {68 69 }70};71function updateElement(element, container, parentComponent, callback) {72 var current$1 = container.current;73 var created = null;74 if (typeof element === "object") {75 if (element.$$typeof == GREEN_ELEMENT_TYPE) {76 console.debug("element:", element);77 if (typeof element.type === "string") {78 const dom_element = document.createElement(element.type);79 if (element.props) {80 //console.debug("Props:", element.props);81 setProps(dom_element, element.props); // Set properties to DOM element82 if (Array.isArray(element.props.children)) {83 const root_c = => updateElement(child, null, element, null));84 for (const child of root_c) {85 if (child && child != null)86 if (!element.props.unsafeHTML) dom_element.append(child);87 else dom_element.innerHTML += child;88 }89 } else90 if (element.props.children && element.props.children != null)91 if (!element.props.unsafeHTML) dom_element.append(element.props.children);92 else dom_element.innerHTML += element.props.children;93 }94 console.debug("string comp:", dom_element);95 element._gtrInternals = {96 type: element.type,97 stateNode: dom_element,98 };99 return dom_element;100 } else if (typeof element.type === "function") {101 if (isSimpleFunctionComponent(element.type)) {102 //console.warn("Simple Function Component:", element);103 const root_a =, element.props);104 const c = updateElement(root_a, null, null);105 console.debug("function comp:", c);106 return c;107 } else {108 //console.warn("Class Component:", element);109 var instance = constructClassInstance(element.type, element.props);110 var stateNode = instance.render();111 instance._gtrInternals = {112 type: element.type,113 stateNode: stateNode,114 return: instance,115 };...
...97function FiberNode(/* ... */) {/* ... */}98/* å建 Fiber èç¹(ä½ä¸º FiberNode çæé å½æ°) */99const createFiber = function(/* ... */): Fiber {/* ... */};100function shouldConstruct(Component: Function) {/* ... */}101export function isSimpleFunctionComponent(type: any) {/* ... */}102export function resolveLazyComponentTag(Component: Function): WorkTag {/* ... */}103// This is used to create an alternate fiber to do work on.104export function createWorkInProgress(current: Fiber, pendingProps: any): Fiber {/* ... */}105// Used to reuse a Fiber for a second pass.106export function resetWorkInProgress(workInProgress: Fiber, renderLanes: Lanes) {/* ... */}107/* å建宿主 Fiber æ ¹èç¹ */108export function createHostRootFiber(tag: RootTag): Fiber {/* ... */}109export function createFiberFromTypeAndProps(/* ... */): Fiber {/* ... */}110export function createFiberFromElement(/* ... */): Fiber {/* ... */}111export function createFiberFromFragment(/* ... */): Fiber {/* ... */}112export function createFiberFromFundamental(/* ... */): Fiber {/* ... */}113function createFiberFromScope(/* ... */) {/* ... */}114function createFiberFromProfiler(/* ... */): Fiber {/* ... */}115export function createFiberFromSuspense(/* ... */) {/* ... */}...
2function shouldConstruct(Component: Function) {3 const prototype = Component.prototype;4 return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent);5}6function isSimpleFunctionComponent(type: any) {7 return (8 typeof type === 'function' &&9 !shouldConstruct(type) &&10 type.defaultProps === undefined11 );12}13function virtualRender(node, fiber, dispatcher){14 // isContextConsumer15 // isConcurrentMode16 // isContextProvider17 // isForwardRef18 // isLazy19 // isMemo20 // isPortal21 // isProfiler22 // isStrictMode23 // isSuspense24 if(ReactIs.isPortal(node)){25 }else if(ReactIs.isSuspense(node)){26 }else if(ReactIs.isFragment(node)){27 }else if(ReactIs.isElement(node)){28 if(typeof node.type === 'string'){29 // its a thing30 }else if(isSimpleFunctionComponent(node)){31 // its a simple function component32 }else if(typeof node.type === 'function'){33 // its a class34 }35 }36}37function virtualRender(node, fiber, dispatcher){38 // if(ReactIs.isPortal(node)){39 // }else if(ReactIs.isSuspense(node)){40 // }else if(ReactIs.isFragment(node)){41 // }else if(ReactIs.isElement(node)){42 // if(typeof node.type === 'string'){43 // // its a thing44 // }else if(isSimpleFunctionComponent(node)){45 // // its a simple function component46 // }else if(typeof node.type === 'function'){47 // // its a class48 // }49 // }50 if(fiber && !(fiber.type === node.type || (!fiber.type && !node.type))){51 // if the fiber's type is different from the node's type then pretend we don't have a fiber52 fiber = null;53 }54 if(typeof node.type === 'string'){55 }else if(typeof node.type === 'function' && node.type.prototype.isReactComponent){56 // class component57 let nextChildren;58 virtualRender(nextChildren, fiber && fiber.child, dispatcher)...
...7function shouldConstruct(Component) {8 const prototype = Component.prototype;9 return !!(prototype && prototype.isReactComponent);10}11function isSimpleFunctionComponent(type) {12 return typeof type === 'function' && !shouldConstruct(type) && type.defaultProps === undefined;13}14function hasHooks(fn) {15 return /\buse[A-Z0-9]/.test(fn.toString());16}17const createElementWithHooks = (() => {18 const componentMap = new Map();19 return (component, props, ...children) => {20 if (componentMap.has(component)) {21 return nativeCreateElement(componentMap.get(component), props, ...children);22 }23 const element = nativeCreateElement(component, props, ...children);24 let wrappedComponent = component;25 let render;26 if (ReactIs.isForwardRef(element)) {27 render = component.render;28 wrappedComponent.render = withHooks(render);29 componentMap.set(component, wrappedComponent);30 }31 if (ReactIs.isMemo(component)) {32 render = component.type;33 wrappedComponent.type = withHooks(render);34 componentMap.set(component, wrappedComponent);35 }36 if (isSimpleFunctionComponent(component) && component.__react_with_hooks !== true) {37 render = component;38 wrappedComponent = withHooks(render);39 componentMap.set(component, wrappedComponent);40 }41 if (!render || !hasHooks(render)) {42 return element;43 }44 return nativeCreateElement(wrappedComponent, props, ...children);45 };46})();47React.createElement = useNative ? React.createElement : createElementWithHooks;48if (!useNative) {49 Object.keys(hooks).forEach(hook => {50 React[hook] = hooks[hook];...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/utils/reactUtils');2const { parse } = require('react-docgen');3const fs = require('fs');4const path = require('path');5const reactComponent = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'component.jsx'), 'utf8');6const parsedReactComponent = parse(reactComponent);7const isSimple = isSimpleFunctionComponent(parsedReactComponent);8console.log('Is Simple Function Component:', isSimple);9const React = require('react');10const MyComponent = () => {11 return <div>MyComponent</div>;12};13module.exports = MyComponent;
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/utils/monitoredComponent');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const isSimple = await isSimpleFunctionComponent(page, 'body');8 console.log(isSimple);9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');2console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(() => {}));3import { isSimpleFunctionComponent } from '@playwright/test/lib/utils';4console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(() => {}));5const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils');6console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(() => {}));7console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(function() {}));8console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(function*() {}));9console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(function*() {}));10console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(async function() {}));11console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(async function*() {}));12console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(async () => {}));13console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(async function*() {}));14console.log(isSimpleFunctionCompone
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');2const simpleFunctionComponent = () => <div>hello</div>;3console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(simpleFunctionComponent));4If you are using TypeScript, you can import the type definition of the method as well:5import { isSimpleFunctionComponent } from '@playwright/test/lib/server/frames';6const simpleFunctionComponent = () => <div>hello</div>;7console.log(isSimpleFunctionComponent(simpleFunctionComponent));
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');2const code = `function Test() {3}`;4const isSimpleFunction = isSimpleFunctionComponent(code);5console.log(isSimpleFunction);6const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');7const code = `function Test() {8}`;9const isSimpleFunction = isSimpleFunctionComponent(code);10console.log(isSimpleFunction);11const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');12const code = `function Test() {13}`;14const isSimpleFunction = isSimpleFunctionComponent(code);15console.log(isSimpleFunction);16const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');17const code = `function Test() {18}`;19const isSimpleFunction = isSimpleFunctionComponent(code);20console.log(isSimpleFunction);21const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');22const code = `function Test() {23}`;24const isSimpleFunction = isSimpleFunctionComponent(code);25console.log(isSimpleFunction);26const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');27const code = `function Test() {28}`;29const isSimpleFunction = isSimpleFunctionComponent(code);30console.log(isSimpleFunction);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/webkit/inspector/inspector.js');2const myComponent = () => <div>Hi</div>;3const isSimple = isSimpleFunctionComponent(myComponent);4console.log('isSimple', isSimple);5const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/webkit/inspector/inspector.js');6const myComponent = () => <div>Hi</div>;7const isSimple = isSimpleFunctionComponent(myComponent);8console.log('isSimple', isSimple);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');2const { isSimpleFunctionComponent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/frames');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 await'text=Get started');5 await'text=Docs');6 await'text=API');7 await'text=class: Page');8 await'text=goto');9 await'text=Example');10 await'text=Run');11 const isSimple = isSimpleFunctionComponent(async ({ page }) => {12 });13 if (isSimple) {14 await'text=Get started');15 await'text=Docs');16 await'text=API');17 await'text=class: Page');18 await'text=goto');19 await'text=Example');20 await'text=Run');21 }22});
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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