Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
Source: koulutukset.js
1import { HAKEMUS_OTSIKOT } from "../../../locales/uusiHakemusFormConstants";2import { messages } from "../utils";3export const getKuljettajienJatkokoulutuslomake = (4 addPeopleFormCallback,5 isReadOnly,6 peopleForms7) => {8 const code = 6;9 return [10 {11 anchor: code,12 styleClasses: ["px-10 py-10"],13 components: [14 {15 anchor: "jatkokoulutus-title",16 name: "StatusTextRow",17 properties: {18 title: "Jatkokoulutusta antavan koulutuskeskuksen tehtävä"19 }20 }21 ],22 categories: [23 tehtavanTarpeellisuus(1, isReadOnly),24 voimassaOlo(2, isReadOnly),25 suunnitelma(3, isReadOnly),26 osaaminen(4, isReadOnly),27 johtaja(5, isReadOnly),28 opettajien(29 addPeopleFormCallback,30 peopleForms,31 6,32 "Selvitys jatkokoulutuksen opettajien kelpoisuuksista ja työkokemuksista",33 isReadOnly34 ),35 ajoneuvoKanta(7, isReadOnly),36 muutOpetusvalineet(8, isReadOnly)37 ]38 }39 ];40};41export const getKuljettajienPeruskoulutuslomake = (42 addPeopleFormCallback,43 isReadOnly,44 peopleForms45) => {46 const code = 5;47 return [48 {49 anchor: code,50 styleClasses: ["px-10 py-10"],51 components: [52 {53 anchor: "perustaso-title",54 name: "StatusTextRow",55 properties: {56 title:57 "Perustason ammattipätevyyskoulutusta antavan koulutuskeskuksen tehtävä "58 }59 }60 ],61 categories: [62 tehtavanTarpeellisuus(1, isReadOnly),63 voimassaOlo(2, isReadOnly),64 suunnitelma(3, isReadOnly),65 johtaja(4, isReadOnly),66 opettajien(67 addPeopleFormCallback,68 peopleForms,69 5,70 "Selvitys perustason ammattipätevyyskoulutusen opettajien kelpoisuuksista ja työkokemuksista",71 isReadOnly72 ),73 ajoneuvoKanta(6, isReadOnly),74 muutOpetusvalineet(7, isReadOnly)75 ]76 }77 ];78};79const tehtavanTarpeellisuus = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {80 return {81 anchor: "tehtavan-tarpeellisuus",82 code: orderCode,83 title: "Tehtävän tarpeellisuus",84 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],85 categories: [86 {87 anchor: "textbox",88 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],89 components: [90 {91 anchor: "A",92 name: "TextBox",93 properties: {94 isReadOnly,95 placeholder:96 "Perustelkaa tehtävän tarpeellisuus ensisijaisella toiminta-alueellanne"97 }98 }99 ]100 }101 ]102 };103};104const voimassaOlo = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {105 return {106 anchor: "voimassaolo",107 code: orderCode,108 title:109 "Onko hakijalla voimassa olevaa Liikenne- ja turvallisuusviraston (Trafi) myöntämää lupaa järjestää ammattipätevyyskoulutusta?",110 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],111 categories: [112 {113 anchor: "voimassaolo-field-no",114 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],115 components: [116 {117 anchor: "A",118 name: "RadioButtonWithLabel",119 properties: {120 isReadOnly,121 name: "voimassaolo-field-radio-no",122 code: 1,123 title: "Ei",124 labelStyles: {},125 isChecked: false.value,126 forChangeObject: {127 fieldName: "Ei"128 }129 }130 }131 ]132 },133 {134 anchor: "voimassaolo-field-yes",135 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],136 components: [137 {138 anchor: "A",139 name: "RadioButtonWithLabel",140 properties: {141 isReadOnly,142 name: "voimassaolo-field-radio-yes",143 code: 2,144 title: "Kyllä",145 labelStyles: {},146 isChecked: false,147 forChangeObject: {148 fieldName: "Kyllä"149 }150 }151 }152 ]153 }154 ]155 };156};157const suunnitelma = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {158 return {159 anchor: "suunnitelma",160 code: orderCode,161 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],162 title: "Suunnitelma ammattipätevyyskoulutuksen järjestämiseksi",163 categories: [164 {165 anchor: "suunnitelma-field",166 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],167 components: [168 {169 anchor: "A",170 name: "TextBox",171 properties: {172 isReadOnly,173 placeholder:174 "Toimintamalli ammattipätevyyskoulutuksen suunnittelusta ja toteutuksesta."175 }176 }177 ]178 }179 ]180 };181};182const osaaminen = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {183 return {184 anchor: "osaaminen",185 code: orderCode,186 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],187 title: "Koulutusohjelmien edellyttämä osaaminen",188 categories: [189 {190 anchor: "osaaminen-field",191 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],192 components: [193 {194 anchor: "A",195 name: "TextBox",196 properties: {197 isReadOnly,198 placeholder: "Kerro osaamisesta?"199 }200 }201 ]202 }203 ]204 };205};206const johtaja = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {207 return {208 anchor: "johtaja",209 code: orderCode,210 title: "Opetuksesta vastaavan johtajan kelpoisuus ja työkokemus",211 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],212 categories: [213 {214 anchor: `johtaja-info`,215 code: "!",216 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],217 title:218 "Valtioneuvoston asetus 434/2018 10 § Selvitys opetuksesta vastaavan johtajan/johtajien kelpoisuudesta ja työkokemuksesta toimipisteittäin.",219 components: [220 {221 anchor: "A",222 name: "TextBox",223 properties: {224 isReadOnly,225 placeholder: "Sana on vapaa..."226 }227 }228 ]229 },230 {231 anchor: "patevyydet",232 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],233 categories: [234 {235 anchor: "liikenneopettajalupa",236 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],237 components: [238 {239 anchor: "A",240 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",241 properties: {242 isChecked: false,243 isReadOnly,244 labelStyles: {},245 name: "checkbox-liikenneopettajalupa",246 title: "Liikenneopettajalupa (pakollinen)",247 forChangeObject: {248 fieldName: "Liikenneopettajalupa"249 }250 }251 }252 ]253 },254 {255 anchor: "kuorma-autonkuljettaja",256 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],257 components: [258 {259 anchor: "A",260 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",261 properties: {262 isChecked: false,263 isReadOnly,264 labelStyles: {},265 name: "checkbox-kuorma-autonkuljettaja",266 title:267 "Voimassa oleva kuorma-autonkuljettajan ammattipätevyys",268 forChangeObject: {269 fieldName:270 "Voimassa oleva kuorma-autonkuljettajan ammattipätevyys"271 }272 }273 }274 ]275 },276 {277 anchor: "linja-autonkuljettaja",278 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],279 components: [280 {281 anchor: "A",282 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",283 properties: {284 isChecked: false,285 isReadOnly,286 labelStyles: {},287 name: "checkbox-linja-autonkuljettaja",288 title:289 "Voimassa oleva linja-autonkuljettajan ammattipätevyys",290 forChangeObject: {291 fieldName:292 "Voimassa oleva linja-autonkuljettajan ammattipätevyys"293 }294 }295 }296 ]297 }298 ]299 },300 {301 anchor: `paatoiminen-kuljettaja-info`,302 code: "a)",303 title:304 "Vähintään 1 vuoden kokemus johonkin seuraavista luokista kuuluvan ajoneuvonpäätoimisena kuljettajana:",305 styleClasses: ["pl-6 pt-6"],306 categories: [307 {308 anchor: "C-luokka",309 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],310 components: [311 {312 anchor: "A",313 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",314 properties: {315 isChecked: false,316 isReadOnly,317 labelStyles: {},318 name: "checkbox-c-luokka",319 title: "C-luokka",320 forChangeObject: {321 fieldName: "C-luokka"322 }323 }324 }325 ]326 },327 {328 anchor: "CE-luokka",329 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],330 components: [331 {332 anchor: "A",333 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",334 properties: {335 isChecked: false,336 isReadOnly,337 labelStyles: {},338 name: "checkbox-ce-luokka",339 title: "CE-luokka",340 forChangeObject: {341 fieldName: "CE-luokka"342 }343 }344 }345 ]346 },347 {348 anchor: "D-luokka",349 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],350 components: [351 {352 anchor: "A",353 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",354 properties: {355 isChecked: false,356 isReadOnly,357 labelStyles: {},358 name: "checkbox-d-luokka",359 title: "D-luokka",360 forChangeObject: {361 fieldName: "D-luokka"362 }363 }364 }365 ]366 }367 ]368 },369 {370 anchor: `jokin-tutkinnoista`,371 code: "b)",372 title: "Jokin seuraavista tutkinnoista:",373 styleClasses: ["pl-6 pt-6"],374 categories: [375 {376 anchor: "linja-auto-ammattitutkinto",377 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],378 components: [379 {380 anchor: "A",381 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",382 properties: {383 isChecked: false,384 isReadOnly,385 labelStyles: {},386 name: "checkbox-linja-auto-ammattitutkinto",387 title: "Linja-auton kuljettajan ammattitutkinto",388 forChangeObject: {389 fieldName: "Linja-auton kuljettajan ammattitutkinto"390 }391 }392 }393 ]394 },395 {396 anchor: "yhdistelmäajoneuvo-ammattitutkinto",397 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],398 components: [399 {400 anchor: "A",401 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",402 properties: {403 isChecked: false,404 isReadOnly,405 labelStyles: {},406 name: "checkbox-yhdistelmäajoneuvo-ammattitutkinto",407 title: "Yhdistelmäajoneuvonkuljettajan ammattitutkinto",408 forChangeObject: {409 fieldName: "Yhdistelmäajoneuvonkuljettajan ammattitutkinto"410 }411 }412 }413 ]414 },415 {416 anchor: "puutavara-autokuljetus-ammattitutkinto",417 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],418 components: [419 {420 anchor: "A",421 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",422 properties: {423 isChecked: false,424 isReadOnly,425 labelStyles: {},426 name: "checkbox-puutavara-autokuljetus-ammattitutkinto",427 title: "Puutavaran autonkuljetuksen ammattitutkinto",428 forChangeObject: {429 fieldName: "Puutavaran autonkuljetuksen ammattitutkinto"430 }431 }432 }433 ]434 },435 {436 anchor: "kuljetuspalvelut-logistiikan-perustutkinto",437 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],438 components: [439 {440 anchor: "A",441 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",442 properties: {443 isChecked: false,444 isReadOnly,445 labelStyles: {},446 name: "checkbox-kuljetuspalvelut-logistiikan-perustutkinto",447 title:448 "Kuljetuspalvelujen koulutusohjelmassa suoritettu logistiikan perustutkinto",449 forChangeObject: {450 fieldName:451 "Kuljetuspalvelujen koulutusohjelmassa suoritettu logistiikan perustutkinto"452 }453 }454 }455 ]456 },457 {458 anchor: "kuljetusalan-ammattitutkinto",459 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],460 components: [461 {462 anchor: "A",463 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",464 properties: {465 isChecked: false,466 isReadOnly,467 labelStyles: {},468 name: "checkbox-kuljetusalan-ammattitutkinto",469 title: "Kuljetusalan ammattitutkinto",470 forChangeObject: {471 fieldName: "Kuljetusalan ammattitutkinto"472 }473 }474 }475 ]476 }477 ]478 },479 {480 anchor: "liitteet",481 styleClasses: ["pl-6 pt-6"],482 title: "Liitteet",483 components: [484 {485 anchor: "info",486 name: "StatusTextRow",487 styleClasses: ["w-full"],488 properties: {489 title: HAKEMUS_OTSIKOT.LIITE_OHJE.FI,490 isHidden: isReadOnly491 }492 },493 {494 anchor: "A",495 styleClasses: ["w-full"],496 name: "Attachments",497 messages: messages.attachments,498 properties: {499 isReadOnly500 }501 }502 ]503 }504 ]505 };506};507const opettajien = (508 addPeopleFormCallback,509 peopleForms,510 orderCode,511 helpText,512 isReadOnly513) => {514 return {515 anchor: "opettajien-kelpoisuus-ja-tyokokemus",516 code: orderCode,517 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],518 title: "Opettajien kelpoisuus ja työkokemus",519 categories: [520 {521 anchor: `opettajien-kelpoisuus-ja-tyokokemus-lakiteksti`,522 code: "!",523 title:524 "Valtioneuvoston asetus 434/2018 10 §. Selvitys perustason ammattipätevyyskoulutusen opettajien kelpoisuuksista ja työkokemuksista.",525 styleClasses: ["pl-6"]526 },527 {528 anchor: `opettajien-kelpoisuus-ja-tyokokemus-info`,529 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],530 components: [531 {532 anchor: "A",533 name: "StatusTextRow",534 styleClasses: ["py-4 text-base"],535 properties: {536 title: helpText537 }538 },539 {540 anchor: `lisaa-henkilo-painike`,541 name: "SimpleButton",542 onClick: addPeopleFormCallback,543 styleClasses: "flex justify-end",544 properties: {545 isReadOnly,546 text: "Lisää henkilö"547 }548 }549 ]550 },551 {552 anchor: "lisatyt-henkilot",553 styleClasses: ["pt-6"],554 categories: peopleForms555 }556 ]557 };558};559const ajoneuvoKanta = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {560 return {561 anchor: "ajoneuvokanta",562 code: orderCode,563 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],564 title: "Ajoneuvokanta",565 categories: [566 {567 anchor: `ajoneuvokanta-kentat`,568 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],569 title:570 "Selvitys opetuksessa käytettävästä ajoneuvokannasta ja opetusvälineistä ja niiden soveltuvuudesta ammattipätevyyskoulutukseen.",571 components: [572 {573 anchor: "linja-autoja",574 name: "Input",575 styleClasses: ["mt-6"],576 properties: {577 fullWidth: true,578 isReadOnly,579 label: "Linja-autoja",580 placeholder: "Linja-autoja",581 type: "number"582 }583 },584 {585 anchor: "kuorma-autoja",586 name: "Input",587 styleClasses: ["mt-6"],588 properties: {589 fullWidth: true,590 isReadOnly,591 label: "Kuorma-autoja",592 placeholder: "Kuorma-autoja",593 type: "number"594 }595 },596 {597 anchor: "peravaunuja",598 name: "Input",599 styleClasses: ["mt-6"],600 properties: {601 fullWidth: true,602 isReadOnly,603 label: "Perävaunuja",604 placeholder: "Perävaunuja",605 type: "number"606 }607 }608 ]609 },610 {611 anchor: "liitteet",612 styleClasses: ["pl-6 pt-6"],613 title: "Liitteet",614 components: [615 {616 anchor: "info",617 name: "StatusTextRow",618 styleClasses: ["w-full"],619 properties: {620 title: HAKEMUS_OTSIKOT.LIITE_OHJE.FI,621 isHidden: isReadOnly622 }623 },624 {625 anchor: "A",626 styleClasses: ["w-full"],627 name: "Attachments",628 messages: messages.attachments,629 properties: {630 isReadOnly631 }632 }633 ]634 }635 ]636 };637};638const muutOpetusvalineet = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {639 return {640 anchor: "muut-opetusvalineet",641 code: orderCode,642 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],643 title: "Muut opetusvälineet",644 categories: [645 {646 anchor: `asetuksen-mukaiset`,647 code: "!",648 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],649 title:650 "Asetuksen mukaiset opetus- ja havaintovälineet (VnAsetus 434/2018, 11 § 1 ja 2 mom.)",651 components: [652 {653 anchor: "A",654 name: "TextBox",655 properties: {656 isReadOnly657 }658 }659 ]660 },661 {662 anchor: "muut",663 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],664 title: "Muut opetus- ja havaintovälineet",665 components: [666 {667 anchor: "B",668 name: "TextBox",669 properties: {670 isReadOnly,671 labelStyles: {},672 placeholder:673 "Muut oppilaitoksen oppimisympäristöissä tapahtuvaan osaamisen hankkimiseen liittyvät välineet"674 }675 }676 ]677 }678 ]679 };...
Source: index.js
1import "../i18n-config";2import { __ } from "i18n-for-browser";3import { getMessages } from "../utils";4function getYleisetTiedotForm(isReadOnly) {5 return [6 {7 anchor: "edellytykset-tekstikentta",8 styleClasses: ["mb-6"],9 components: [10 {11 anchor: "A",12 name: "TextBox",13 properties: {14 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,15 isRequired: true,16 placeholder: "",17 title: "Taloudelliset edellytykset",18 tooltip: {19 text: __("taloudelliset.yleisettiedot.kentta1.tooltip")20 },21 value: ""22 }23 }24 ]25 },26 {27 anchor: "vaikutukset-tekstikentta",28 styleClasses: ["mb-6"],29 components: [30 {31 anchor: "A",32 name: "TextBox",33 properties: {34 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,35 isRequired: true,36 placeholder: "",37 title: "Vaikutukset taloudellisten resurssien kohdentamiseen",38 tooltip: {39 text: __("taloudelliset.yleisettiedot.kentta2.tooltip")40 },41 value: ""42 }43 }44 ]45 },46 {47 anchor: "sopeuttaminen-tekstikentta",48 styleClasses: [""],49 components: [50 {51 anchor: "A",52 name: "TextBox",53 properties: {54 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,55 isRequired: true,56 placeholder: "",57 title: "Toiminnan ja talouden sopeuttaminen",58 tooltip: {59 text: __("taloudelliset.yleisettiedot.kentta3.tooltip")60 },61 value: ""62 }63 }64 ]65 }66 ];67}68export function getInvestoinnitForm(isReadOnly) {69 return [70 {71 anchor: "investoinnit-tekstikentta",72 styleClasses: ["font-normal"],73 components: [74 {75 anchor: "A",76 name: "TextBox",77 properties: {78 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,79 isRequired: true,80 placeholder: "",81 tooltip: {82 text: __("taloudelliset.tooltipTaloudellisetInvestoinnitKentta1")83 },84 value: "",85 title: "Tarvittavat investoinnit"86 }87 }88 ]89 },90 {91 anchor: "kustannukset-Input",92 components: [93 {94 anchor: "A",95 name: "Input",96 styleClasses: ["w-full sm:w-4/5 md:w-2/3"],97 properties: {98 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,99 isRequired: true,100 fullWidth: true,101 type: "number",102 tooltip: {103 text: __("taloudelliset.tooltipTaloudellisetInvestoinnitKentta2")104 },105 value: "",106 label: "Investoinnin kustannukset"107 }108 }109 ]110 },111 {112 anchor: "rahoitus-tekstikentta",113 components: [114 {115 anchor: "A",116 name: "TextBox",117 properties: {118 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,119 isRequired: true,120 placeholder: "",121 tooltip: {122 text: __("taloudelliset.tooltipTaloudellisetInvestoinnitKentta3")123 },124 value: "",125 title: "Investointien rahoitus"126 }127 }128 ]129 }130 ];131}132function getTilinpaatostiedotForm(isReadOnly) {133 return [134 {135 anchor: "tilinpaatostiedot",136 styleClasses: ["mb-2"],137 components: [138 {139 anchor: "omavaraisuusaste",140 name: "Input",141 styleClasses: ["px-2 w-full sm:w-1/2 md:w-1/3"],142 properties: {143 fullWidth: true,144 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,145 isRequired: true,146 label: __("taloudelliset.omavaraisuusaste"),147 type: "number",148 value: ""149 }150 },151 {152 anchor: "maksuvalmius",153 name: "Input",154 styleClasses: ["px-2 w-full sm:w-1/2 md:w-1/3"],155 properties: {156 fullWidth: true,157 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,158 isRequired: true,159 label: __("taloudelliset.maksuvalmius"),160 type: "number",161 value: ""162 }163 },164 {165 anchor: "velkaantuneisuus",166 name: "Input",167 styleClasses: ["px-2 w-full sm:w-1/2 md:w-1/3"],168 properties: {169 fullWidth: true,170 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,171 isRequired: true,172 label: __("taloudelliset.velkaantuneisuus"),173 type: "number",174 value: ""175 }176 },177 {178 anchor: "kannattavuus",179 name: "Input",180 styleClasses: ["px-2 w-full sm:w-1/2 md:w-1/3"],181 properties: {182 fullWidth: true,183 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,184 isRequired: true,185 label: __("taloudelliset.kannattavuus"),186 type: "number",187 value: ""188 }189 },190 {191 anchor: "jaama",192 name: "Input",193 styleClasses: ["px-2 w-full sm:w-1/2 md:w-2/3"],194 properties: {195 fullWidth: true,196 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,197 isRequired: true,198 label: __("taloudelliset.kumulatiivinen"),199 type: "number",200 value: ""201 }202 }203 ]204 }205 ];206}207function getLiitteetForm(isReadOnly) {208 return [209 {210 anchor: "liitteet",211 components: [212 {213 name: "StatusTextRow",214 styleClasses: ["w-full"],215 properties: {216 title:217 "Liitteen koko saa olla korkeintaan 25 MB ja tyypiltään pdf, word, excel, jpeg tai gif. Muistakaa merkitä salassa pidettävät liitteet.",218 isHidden: isReadOnly219 }220 },221 {222 anchor: "A",223 isReadOnly,224 name: "Attachments",225 messages: getMessages("attachments"),226 styleClasses: ["w-full"]227 }228 ]229 }230 ];231}232export function getTaloudellisetlomake(mode, data, { isReadOnly }) {233 switch (mode) {234 case "yleisettiedot":235 return getYleisetTiedotForm(isReadOnly);236 case "investoinnit":237 return getInvestoinnitForm(isReadOnly);238 case "tilinpaatostiedot":239 return getTilinpaatostiedotForm(isReadOnly);240 case "liitteet":241 return getLiitteetForm(isReadOnly);242 default:243 return [];244 }...
Source: Profile.js
1import React, {Component} from 'react';2import '../../App.css';3import axios from 'axios';4import cookie from 'react-cookies';5import {Redirect} from 'react-router';6import Education from './Education';7import Overview from './OverviewCard';8import Skills from './Skills';9import Personalinfo from './Personalinfo';10import Experience from './Experience';11import MyJourney from './myJourney';12import { connect } from "react-redux";13import {updateLoginInfo} from "../../js/actions/index";14import { serverUrl } from "../../config";1516class Profile extends Component {17 constructor(props){18 super(props);19 //debugger;20 this.state = { 21 isReadOnly : this.props.location && this.props.location.state && this.props.location.state.isReadOnly?this.props.location.state.isReadOnly:false22 ,profileEmail : this.props.location && this.props.location.state && this.props.location.state.profileEmail?this.props.location.state.profileEmail:""23 ,userProfileData : null24 }25 console.log("constructor : ",this.state.isReadOnly);26 console.log("constructor : ",this.state.profileEmail);27 }2829 componentWillMount(){30 //debugger;31 var data;32 if(this.state.isReadOnly){33 data ={34 userId : this.state.profileEmail35 }36 axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;37 axios.defaults.headers.common['authorization'] = cookie.load('jwtToken');38'profiles',data)39 .then((response) => {40 //debugger;41 //update the state with the response data42 this.setState({43 userProfileData : response.data44 });45 console.log(response);46 });47 } else {48 this.setState({49 userProfileData : { value : "Not ReadOnly"}50 });51 }52 }53 componentDidMount(){54 //debugger;55 }5657 render(){5859 let redirectVar = null;60 if(!cookie.load('cookie')){61 redirectVar = <Redirect to= "/login"/>62 }63 64 return(65 <div>66 {redirectVar}67 <div className="container profileContainer">68 <div className="row">69 <div className="col-md-4">70 {this.props.userData && <Overview 71 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}72 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}73 />}74 {this.props.userData && <Skills 75 // skillsData={this.state.skillsData} 76 // email = {} 77 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}78 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}79 />}80 {/* <Documents isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}/> */}81 {this.props.userData && <Personalinfo 82 // emailId = {this.state.emailId} 83 // gender = {this.state.gender} 84 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}85 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}86 />}87 </div>88 <div className="col-md-8">89 {this.props.userData && <MyJourney 90 // myJourney = {this.state.myJourney} 91 // email = {} 92 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}93 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}94 />}95 {this.props.userData && <Education 96 // schoolName = {this.state.schoolName} 97 // startDate = {this.state.startDate}98 // endDate = {this.state.endDate} 99 // major = {this.state.major}100 // cumulativeGPA = {this.state.cumulativeGPA}101 // email = {} 102 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}103 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}104 />}105 {this.props.userData && <Experience 106 // experienceData = {this.state.experienceData} 107 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}108 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}109 />}110 </div>111 </div>112 </div> 113 </div> 114 )115 }116}117118119const mapStateToProps = state => {120 return { userData: state.loginInfo.UserData121 ,loginStatus : state.loginInfo.loginStatus };122};123124const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {125 return {126 updateLoginInfo: (loginInfo, callback) => {dispatch(updateLoginInfo(loginInfo, callback));}127 };128}
Source: IsReadOnly.js
1// GENERATED CODE2// Manual modification is NOT RECOMMENDED as changes will be overwritten the next time the class is generated.3import { setPropertiesFromJSON, uuid, FHIRHelper } from '../../json-helper';4import ClassRegistry from '../../ClassRegistry';5/**6 * Generated class for shr.core.IsReadOnly.7 */8class IsReadOnly {9 /**10 * Get the value (aliases boolean).11 * @returns {boolean} The boolean12 */13 get value() {14 return this._boolean;15 }16 /**17 * Set the value (aliases boolean).18 * This field/value is required.19 * @param {boolean} value - The boolean20 */21 set value(value) {22 this._boolean = value;23 }24 /**25 * Set the value (aliases boolean) and return 'this' for chaining.26 * This field/value is required.27 * @param {boolean} value - The boolean28 * @returns {IsReadOnly} this.29 */30 withValue(value) {31 this.value = value; return this;32 }33 /**34 * Get the boolean.35 * @returns {boolean} The boolean36 */37 get boolean() {38 return this._boolean;39 }40 /**41 * Set the boolean.42 * This field/value is required.43 * @param {boolean} boolean - The boolean44 */45 set boolean(boolean) {46 this._boolean = boolean;47 }48 /**49 * Set the boolean and return 'this' for chaining.50 * This field/value is required.51 * @param {boolean} boolean - The boolean52 * @returns {IsReadOnly} this.53 */54 withBoolean(boolean) {55 this.boolean = boolean; return this;56 }57 /**58 * Deserializes JSON data to an instance of the IsReadOnly class.59 * The JSON must be valid against the IsReadOnly JSON schema, although this is not validated by the function.60 * @param {object} json - the JSON data to deserialize61 * @returns {IsReadOnly} An instance of IsReadOnly populated with the JSON data62 */63 static fromJSON(json={}) {64 const klass = ClassRegistry.get('shr.core', 'IsReadOnly');65 const inst = new klass();66 setPropertiesFromJSON(inst, json);67 return inst;68 }69 /**70 * Serializes an instance of the IsReadOnly class to a JSON object.71 * The JSON is expected to be valid against the IsReadOnly JSON schema, but no validation checks are performed.72 * @returns {object} a JSON object populated with the data from the element73 */74 toJSON() {75 const inst = { 'EntryType': { 'Value' : '' } };76 if (this.value != null) {77 inst['Value'] = this.value;78 }79 return inst;80 }81 /**82 * Deserializes FHIR JSON data to an instance of the IsReadOnly class.83 * The FHIR must be valid against the IsReadOnly FHIR profile, although this is not validated by the function.84 * @param {object} fhir - the FHIR JSON data to deserialize85 * @param {string} fhirType - the type of the FHIR object that was passed in, in case not otherwise identifiable from the object itself86 * @param {string} shrId - a unique, persistent, permanent identifier for the overall health record belonging to the Patient; will be auto-generated if not provided87 * @param {Array} allEntries - the list of all entries that references in 'fhir' refer to88 * @param {object} mappedResources - any resources that have already been mapped to SHR objects. Format is { fhir_key: {shr_obj} }89 * @param {Array} referencesOut - list of all SHR ref() targets that were instantiated during this function call90 * @param {boolean} asExtension - Whether the provided instance is an extension91 * @returns {IsReadOnly} An instance of IsReadOnly populated with the FHIR data92 */93 static fromFHIR(fhir, fhirType, shrId=uuid(), allEntries=[], mappedResources={}, referencesOut=[], asExtension=false) {94 const klass = ClassRegistry.get('shr.core', 'IsReadOnly');95 const inst = new klass();96 if (asExtension) {97 inst.value = fhir['valueBoolean'];98 }99 if (!asExtension && fhir != null) {100 inst.value = fhir;101 }102 return inst;103 }104}...
Source: ProfileAddress.js
1import React, { Component } from 'react';2import { connect } from 'react-redux';3import InlineInput from '../../../InlineInput/InlineInput';4class ProfileAddress extends Component {5 constructor(props) {6 super(props);7 this.state = {8 address: props.address,9 isReadOnly: false,10 };11 }12 componentWillMount() {13 this.setState({14 address: {15 type: 'Home',16 streetAddress: '1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW',17 addressLine2: '',18 city: 'Washington',19 state: 'DC',20 zipcode: '20500',21 country: 'United States',22 },23 });24 }25 componentWillReceiveProps(props) {26 this.setState({27 isReadOnly: !props.profileInfo.isEditing,28 });29 }30 render() {31 const {32 address,33 isReadOnly,34 } = this.state;35 return (36 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo">37 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__label">{ address.type }</div>38 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__content">39 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__row" data-single-input="true">40 <InlineInput41 form="ProfileInputForm"42 name={`streetAddress_${address.type}`}43 placeholder="Street Address"44 value={address.streetAddress}45 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}46 />47 <span className="comma">,</span>48 </div>49 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__row" data-single-input="true">50 <InlineInput51 form="ProfileInputForm"52 name={`addressLine2_${address.type}`}53 placeholder="Line 2"54 value={address.addressLine2}55 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}56 />57 </div>58 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__row">59 <InlineInput60 form="ProfileInputForm"61 name={`city_${address.type}`}62 placeholder="City"63 value={}64 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}65 />66 <span className="comma">,</span>67 <InlineInput68 form="ProfileInputForm"69 name={`state_${address.type}`}70 placeholder="State"71 value={address.state}72 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}73 />74 <span className="hyphen">-</span>75 <InlineInput76 form="ProfileInputForm"77 name={`zipcode_${address.type}`}78 placeholder="Zip Code"79 value={address.zipcode}80 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}81 maxLength={6}82 />83 </div>84 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__row" data-single-input="true">85 <InlineInput86 form="ProfileInputForm"87 name={`country_${address.type}`}88 placeholder="Country"89 value={}90 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}91 />92 </div>93 </div>94 </div>95 );96 }97}98const mapStateToProps = (state) => {99 return {100 profileInfo: state.profileInfo,101 };102};103const mapDispatchToProps = {104};...
Source: 50-Delivery.js
1define(["sitecore", "/-/speak/v1/ecm/DispatchTab.js"], function (sitecore, dispatchTab) {2 var deliveryTab = sitecore.Definitions.App.extend({3 initialized: function () {4 var contextApp = this;5 sitecore.trigger("mainApp", this);6 this.setMessageId(contextApp);7 dispatchTab.init(contextApp);8 sitecore.on("change:messageContext", function () {9 contextApp.updateReadonly(contextApp);10 contextApp.updateLanguageName(contextApp);11 });12 sitecore.on("change:messageContext:nonReadonly", function () {13 contextApp.MessageContext.set("isReadonly", false);14 contextApp.updateReadonly(contextApp);15 });16 sitecore.trigger("change:messageContext");17 },18 updateReadonly: function (contextApp) {19 var isReadonly = contextApp.MessageContext.get("isReadonly");20 contextApp.ABVariantsSizeComboBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);21 if (contextApp.ScheduleRecurringIntervalComboBox && contextApp.ScheduleRecurringRadioButton) {22 contextApp.ScheduleRecurringIntervalComboBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly && contextApp.ScheduleRecurringRadioButton.get("isChecked"));23 }24 contextApp.SendMessageNowRadioButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);25 contextApp.ScheduleDeliveryRadioButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);26 if (contextApp.ScheduleRecurringRadioButton) {27 contextApp.ScheduleRecurringRadioButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);28 }29 contextApp.NotificationEnableCheckBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);30 contextApp.EmulationModeCheckBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);31 contextApp.SendButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);32 contextApp.ScheduleButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);33 contextApp.StartTestButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);34 contextApp.ScheduleTestButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);35 contextApp.AutomaticTimeTextBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);36 contextApp.AutomaticIntervalComboBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);37 contextApp.AutomationBestValueRadioButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);38 contextApp.AutomationOptionHighestRateRadioButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);39 },40 setMessageId: function (contextApp) {41 var messageId = contextApp.MessageContext.get("messageId");42 contextApp.DispatchContext.set("messageId", messageId);43 contextApp.VariantDataSource.set("messageId", messageId);44 },45 updateLanguageName: function (contextApp) {46 var languageName = contextApp.MessageContext.get("languageName");47 contextApp.UsePreferredLanguageHintTextContextLanguage.set("text", languageName);48 }49 });50 return deliveryTab;...
Source: AddEditAuditFinding.lsml.js
1/// <reference path="../GeneratedArtifacts/viewModel.js" />2myapp.AddEditAuditFinding.created = function (screen) {3 var reference;4 var description;5 if (screen.AuditFinding.FindingReference !== undefined) {6 reference = screen.AuditFinding.FindingReference;7 description = screen.AuditFinding.FindingDescription;8 screen.details.displayName = "Audit Finding " + reference + ": " + description;;9 }10 else {11 screen.details.displayName = "Add new Audit Finding for Audit: " + screen.AuditFinding.Audit.AuditCode;12 }13 if (myapp.permissions["LightSwitchApplication:CanEditAuditFindings"]) {14 screen.findContentItem("DetailsTab").isReadOnly = false;15 screen.findContentItem("ImpactAssessmentTab").isReadOnly = false;16 screen.findContentItem("ImmediateActionTab").isReadOnly = false;17 screen.findContentItem("FurtherActionsTab").isReadOnly = false;18 screen.findContentItem("CAPATab").isReadOnly = false;19 screen.findContentItem("NotesTab").isReadOnly = false;20 }21 else {22 screen.findContentItem("DetailsTab").isReadOnly = true;23 screen.findContentItem("ImpactAssessmentTab").isReadOnly = true;24 screen.findContentItem("ImmediateActionTab").isReadOnly = true;25 screen.findContentItem("FurtherActionsTab").isReadOnly = true;26 screen.findContentItem("CAPATab").isReadOnly = true;27 screen.findContentItem("NotesTab").isReadOnly = true;28 }...
Source: editingValues.js
1(function (helper, props) {2 'use strict';34 // init Wijmo controls5 var linearGauge = helper.createLinearGauge('#evLinearGauge', props),6 radialGauge = helper.createRadialGauge('#evRadialGauge', props),7 isReadOnly = document.getElementById('evReadOnly');89 // set LinearGauge properties10 linearGauge.step = props.step;11 linearGauge.isReadOnly = props.isReadOnly;1213 // set RadialGauge properties14 radialGauge.step = props.step;15 radialGauge.isReadOnly = props.isReadOnly;1617 // isReadonly - set CheckBox properties18 isReadOnly.checked = props.isReadOnly;19 isReadOnly.addEventListener('change', function () {20 // determine isReadOnly checkbox's checked state21 var isReadOnly = this.checked;2223 // update gauges24 linearGauge.isReadOnly = isReadOnly;25 radialGauge.isReadOnly = isReadOnly;26 });2728 // publish valueChanged - callback in app.js29 linearGauge.valueChanged.addHandler(pubValueChanged);30 radialGauge.valueChanged.addHandler(pubValueChanged);31
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const input = await page.$('input');7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 const input = await page.$('input');15 await page.fill('input', 'hello');16 await'text=Get started');17 await page.waitForNavigation();18 await'text=Docs');19 await page.waitForNavigation();20 await'text=API');21 await page.waitForNavigation();22 const input = await page.$('input');23 await browser.close();24})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const isReadonly = await page._isReadonly();7 console.log('isReadonly: ', isReadonly);8 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');9 await'input[type="submit"]');10 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });11 await browser.close();12})();13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14(async () => {15 const browser = await chromium.launch();16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 const isReadonly = await page._isReadonly();19 console.log('isReadonly: ', isReadonly);20 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');21 await'input[type="submit"]');22 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 const isReadonly = await page._isReadonly();31 console.log('isReadonly: ', isReadonly);32 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');33 await'input[type="submit"]');34 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });6 await browser.close();7})();8const { chromium } = require('playwright');9(async () => {10 const browser = await chromium.launch();11 const page = await browser.newPage();12 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });13 await browser.close();14})();15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch();18 const page = await browser.newPage();19 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });20 await browser.close();21})();22const { chromium } = require('playwright');23(async () => {24 const browser = await chromium.launch();25 const page = await browser.newPage();26 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });27 await browser.close();28})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');3const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');4const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');5const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');6const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');7const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');8const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');9const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');10const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');11const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');12const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');13const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');14const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');15const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');16const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');17const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');18const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3const { chromium } = require('playwright');4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 const elementHandle = await page.$('text=Get started');9 const isReadonly = await isReadonly(elementHandle);10 console.log(isReadonly);11 await browser.close();12})();13const { isDisabled } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');14const { chromium } = require('playwright');15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch();18 const context = await browser.newContext();19 const page = await context.newPage();20 const elementHandle = await page.$('text=Get started');21 const isDisabled = await isDisabled(elementHandle);22 console.log(isDisabled);23 await browser.close();24})();25const { isVisible } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');26const { chromium } = require('playwright');27const { chromium } = require('playwright');28(async () => {29 const browser = await chromium.launch();30 const context = await browser.newContext();31 const page = await context.newPage();32 const elementHandle = await page.$('text=Get started');33 const isVisible = await isVisible(elementHandle);34 console.log(isVisible);35 await browser.close();36})();37const { isHidden } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');38const { chromium } = require('playwright');39const { chromium } = require('playwright');40(async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');2const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');3const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');4const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');5const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');6const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');7const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');8const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isReadonly } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/trace/recorder/recorderApp');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test.describe('isReadonly', () => {4 test('test', () => {5 const readonly = isReadonly('readonly');6 console.log(readonly);7 });8});9const { isReadonly } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/trace/recorder/recorderApp');10const { test } = require('@playwright/test');11test.describe('isReadonly', () => {12 test('test', () => {13 const readonly = isReadonly('readonly');14 console.log(readonly);15 });16});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');2const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;3const obj = { name: 'John' };4Object.freeze(obj);5const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');6const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;7const obj = { name: 'John' };8Object.freeze(obj);9const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');10const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;11const obj = { name: 'John' };12Object.freeze(obj);13const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');14const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;15const obj = { name: 'John' };16Object.freeze(obj);17const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');18const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;19const obj = { name: 'John' };20Object.freeze(obj);21const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');22const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;23const obj = { name: 'John' };24Object.freeze(obj);
Jest + Playwright - Test callbacks of event-based DOM library
firefox browser does not start in playwright
Is it possible to get the selector from a locator object in playwright?
How to run a list of test suites in a single file concurrently in jest?
Running Playwright in Azure Function
firefox browser does not start in playwright
This question is quite close to a "need more focus" question. But let's try to give it some focus:
Does Playwright has access to the cPicker object on the page? Does it has access to the window object?
Yes, you can access both cPicker and the window object inside an evaluate call.
Should I trigger the events from the HTML file itself, and in the callbacks, print in the DOM the result, in some dummy-element, and then infer from that dummy element text that the callbacks fired?
Exactly, or you can assign values to a javascript variable:
const cPicker = new ColorPicker({
window['color'] = color;
window['result'] = color;
And then
it('Should call all callbacks with correct arguments', async() => {
await page.goto(`http://localhost:5000/tests/visual/basic.html`, {waitUntil:'load'})
// Wait until the next frame
await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(requestAnimationFrame))
// Act
// Assert
const result = await page.evaluate(() => window['color']);
// Check the value
Check out the latest blogs from LambdaTest on this topic:
Native apps are developed specifically for one platform. Hence they are fast and deliver superior performance. They can be downloaded from various app stores and are not accessible through browsers.
One of the essential parts when performing automated UI testing, whether using Selenium or another framework, is identifying the correct web elements the tests will interact with. However, if the web elements are not located correctly, you might get NoSuchElementException in Selenium. This would cause a false negative result because we won’t get to the actual functionality check. Instead, our test will fail simply because it failed to interact with the correct element.
Smartphones have changed the way humans interact with technology. Be it travel, fitness, lifestyle, video games, or even services, it’s all just a few touches away (quite literally so). We only need to look at the growing throngs of smartphone or tablet users vs. desktop users to grasp this reality.
As part of one of my consulting efforts, I worked with a mid-sized company that was looking to move toward a more agile manner of developing software. As with any shift in work style, there is some bewilderment and, for some, considerable anxiety. People are being challenged to leave their comfort zones and embrace a continuously changing, dynamic working environment. And, dare I say it, testing may be the most ‘disturbed’ of the software roles in agile development.
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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