Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1import { HAKEMUS_OTSIKOT } from "../../../locales/uusiHakemusFormConstants";2import { messages } from "../utils";3export const getKuljettajienJatkokoulutuslomake = (4 addPeopleFormCallback,5 isReadOnly,6 peopleForms7) => {8 const code = 6;9 return [10 {11 anchor: code,12 styleClasses: ["px-10 py-10"],13 components: [14 {15 anchor: "jatkokoulutus-title",16 name: "StatusTextRow",17 properties: {18 title: "Jatkokoulutusta antavan koulutuskeskuksen tehtävä"19 }20 }21 ],22 categories: [23 tehtavanTarpeellisuus(1, isReadOnly),24 voimassaOlo(2, isReadOnly),25 suunnitelma(3, isReadOnly),26 osaaminen(4, isReadOnly),27 johtaja(5, isReadOnly),28 opettajien(29 addPeopleFormCallback,30 peopleForms,31 6,32 "Selvitys jatkokoulutuksen opettajien kelpoisuuksista ja työkokemuksista",33 isReadOnly34 ),35 ajoneuvoKanta(7, isReadOnly),36 muutOpetusvalineet(8, isReadOnly)37 ]38 }39 ];40};41export const getKuljettajienPeruskoulutuslomake = (42 addPeopleFormCallback,43 isReadOnly,44 peopleForms45) => {46 const code = 5;47 return [48 {49 anchor: code,50 styleClasses: ["px-10 py-10"],51 components: [52 {53 anchor: "perustaso-title",54 name: "StatusTextRow",55 properties: {56 title:57 "Perustason ammattipätevyyskoulutusta antavan koulutuskeskuksen tehtävä "58 }59 }60 ],61 categories: [62 tehtavanTarpeellisuus(1, isReadOnly),63 voimassaOlo(2, isReadOnly),64 suunnitelma(3, isReadOnly),65 johtaja(4, isReadOnly),66 opettajien(67 addPeopleFormCallback,68 peopleForms,69 5,70 "Selvitys perustason ammattipätevyyskoulutusen opettajien kelpoisuuksista ja työkokemuksista",71 isReadOnly72 ),73 ajoneuvoKanta(6, isReadOnly),74 muutOpetusvalineet(7, isReadOnly)75 ]76 }77 ];78};79const tehtavanTarpeellisuus = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {80 return {81 anchor: "tehtavan-tarpeellisuus",82 code: orderCode,83 title: "Tehtävän tarpeellisuus",84 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],85 categories: [86 {87 anchor: "textbox",88 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],89 components: [90 {91 anchor: "A",92 name: "TextBox",93 properties: {94 isReadOnly,95 placeholder:96 "Perustelkaa tehtävän tarpeellisuus ensisijaisella toiminta-alueellanne"97 }98 }99 ]100 }101 ]102 };103};104const voimassaOlo = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {105 return {106 anchor: "voimassaolo",107 code: orderCode,108 title:109 "Onko hakijalla voimassa olevaa Liikenne- ja turvallisuusviraston (Trafi) myöntämää lupaa järjestää ammattipätevyyskoulutusta?",110 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],111 categories: [112 {113 anchor: "voimassaolo-field-no",114 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],115 components: [116 {117 anchor: "A",118 name: "RadioButtonWithLabel",119 properties: {120 isReadOnly,121 name: "voimassaolo-field-radio-no",122 code: 1,123 title: "Ei",124 labelStyles: {},125 isChecked: false.value,126 forChangeObject: {127 fieldName: "Ei"128 }129 }130 }131 ]132 },133 {134 anchor: "voimassaolo-field-yes",135 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],136 components: [137 {138 anchor: "A",139 name: "RadioButtonWithLabel",140 properties: {141 isReadOnly,142 name: "voimassaolo-field-radio-yes",143 code: 2,144 title: "Kyllä",145 labelStyles: {},146 isChecked: false,147 forChangeObject: {148 fieldName: "Kyllä"149 }150 }151 }152 ]153 }154 ]155 };156};157const suunnitelma = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {158 return {159 anchor: "suunnitelma",160 code: orderCode,161 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],162 title: "Suunnitelma ammattipätevyyskoulutuksen järjestämiseksi",163 categories: [164 {165 anchor: "suunnitelma-field",166 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],167 components: [168 {169 anchor: "A",170 name: "TextBox",171 properties: {172 isReadOnly,173 placeholder:174 "Toimintamalli ammattipätevyyskoulutuksen suunnittelusta ja toteutuksesta."175 }176 }177 ]178 }179 ]180 };181};182const osaaminen = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {183 return {184 anchor: "osaaminen",185 code: orderCode,186 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],187 title: "Koulutusohjelmien edellyttämä osaaminen",188 categories: [189 {190 anchor: "osaaminen-field",191 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],192 components: [193 {194 anchor: "A",195 name: "TextBox",196 properties: {197 isReadOnly,198 placeholder: "Kerro osaamisesta?"199 }200 }201 ]202 }203 ]204 };205};206const johtaja = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {207 return {208 anchor: "johtaja",209 code: orderCode,210 title: "Opetuksesta vastaavan johtajan kelpoisuus ja työkokemus",211 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],212 categories: [213 {214 anchor: `johtaja-info`,215 code: "!",216 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],217 title:218 "Valtioneuvoston asetus 434/2018 10 § Selvitys opetuksesta vastaavan johtajan/johtajien kelpoisuudesta ja työkokemuksesta toimipisteittäin.",219 components: [220 {221 anchor: "A",222 name: "TextBox",223 properties: {224 isReadOnly,225 placeholder: "Sana on vapaa..."226 }227 }228 ]229 },230 {231 anchor: "patevyydet",232 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],233 categories: [234 {235 anchor: "liikenneopettajalupa",236 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],237 components: [238 {239 anchor: "A",240 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",241 properties: {242 isChecked: false,243 isReadOnly,244 labelStyles: {},245 name: "checkbox-liikenneopettajalupa",246 title: "Liikenneopettajalupa (pakollinen)",247 forChangeObject: {248 fieldName: "Liikenneopettajalupa"249 }250 }251 }252 ]253 },254 {255 anchor: "kuorma-autonkuljettaja",256 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],257 components: [258 {259 anchor: "A",260 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",261 properties: {262 isChecked: false,263 isReadOnly,264 labelStyles: {},265 name: "checkbox-kuorma-autonkuljettaja",266 title:267 "Voimassa oleva kuorma-autonkuljettajan ammattipätevyys",268 forChangeObject: {269 fieldName:270 "Voimassa oleva kuorma-autonkuljettajan ammattipätevyys"271 }272 }273 }274 ]275 },276 {277 anchor: "linja-autonkuljettaja",278 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],279 components: [280 {281 anchor: "A",282 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",283 properties: {284 isChecked: false,285 isReadOnly,286 labelStyles: {},287 name: "checkbox-linja-autonkuljettaja",288 title:289 "Voimassa oleva linja-autonkuljettajan ammattipätevyys",290 forChangeObject: {291 fieldName:292 "Voimassa oleva linja-autonkuljettajan ammattipätevyys"293 }294 }295 }296 ]297 }298 ]299 },300 {301 anchor: `paatoiminen-kuljettaja-info`,302 code: "a)",303 title:304 "Vähintään 1 vuoden kokemus johonkin seuraavista luokista kuuluvan ajoneuvonpäätoimisena kuljettajana:",305 styleClasses: ["pl-6 pt-6"],306 categories: [307 {308 anchor: "C-luokka",309 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],310 components: [311 {312 anchor: "A",313 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",314 properties: {315 isChecked: false,316 isReadOnly,317 labelStyles: {},318 name: "checkbox-c-luokka",319 title: "C-luokka",320 forChangeObject: {321 fieldName: "C-luokka"322 }323 }324 }325 ]326 },327 {328 anchor: "CE-luokka",329 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],330 components: [331 {332 anchor: "A",333 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",334 properties: {335 isChecked: false,336 isReadOnly,337 labelStyles: {},338 name: "checkbox-ce-luokka",339 title: "CE-luokka",340 forChangeObject: {341 fieldName: "CE-luokka"342 }343 }344 }345 ]346 },347 {348 anchor: "D-luokka",349 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],350 components: [351 {352 anchor: "A",353 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",354 properties: {355 isChecked: false,356 isReadOnly,357 labelStyles: {},358 name: "checkbox-d-luokka",359 title: "D-luokka",360 forChangeObject: {361 fieldName: "D-luokka"362 }363 }364 }365 ]366 }367 ]368 },369 {370 anchor: `jokin-tutkinnoista`,371 code: "b)",372 title: "Jokin seuraavista tutkinnoista:",373 styleClasses: ["pl-6 pt-6"],374 categories: [375 {376 anchor: "linja-auto-ammattitutkinto",377 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],378 components: [379 {380 anchor: "A",381 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",382 properties: {383 isChecked: false,384 isReadOnly,385 labelStyles: {},386 name: "checkbox-linja-auto-ammattitutkinto",387 title: "Linja-auton kuljettajan ammattitutkinto",388 forChangeObject: {389 fieldName: "Linja-auton kuljettajan ammattitutkinto"390 }391 }392 }393 ]394 },395 {396 anchor: "yhdistelmäajoneuvo-ammattitutkinto",397 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],398 components: [399 {400 anchor: "A",401 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",402 properties: {403 isChecked: false,404 isReadOnly,405 labelStyles: {},406 name: "checkbox-yhdistelmäajoneuvo-ammattitutkinto",407 title: "Yhdistelmäajoneuvonkuljettajan ammattitutkinto",408 forChangeObject: {409 fieldName: "Yhdistelmäajoneuvonkuljettajan ammattitutkinto"410 }411 }412 }413 ]414 },415 {416 anchor: "puutavara-autokuljetus-ammattitutkinto",417 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],418 components: [419 {420 anchor: "A",421 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",422 properties: {423 isChecked: false,424 isReadOnly,425 labelStyles: {},426 name: "checkbox-puutavara-autokuljetus-ammattitutkinto",427 title: "Puutavaran autonkuljetuksen ammattitutkinto",428 forChangeObject: {429 fieldName: "Puutavaran autonkuljetuksen ammattitutkinto"430 }431 }432 }433 ]434 },435 {436 anchor: "kuljetuspalvelut-logistiikan-perustutkinto",437 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],438 components: [439 {440 anchor: "A",441 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",442 properties: {443 isChecked: false,444 isReadOnly,445 labelStyles: {},446 name: "checkbox-kuljetuspalvelut-logistiikan-perustutkinto",447 title:448 "Kuljetuspalvelujen koulutusohjelmassa suoritettu logistiikan perustutkinto",449 forChangeObject: {450 fieldName:451 "Kuljetuspalvelujen koulutusohjelmassa suoritettu logistiikan perustutkinto"452 }453 }454 }455 ]456 },457 {458 anchor: "kuljetusalan-ammattitutkinto",459 styleClasses: ["pl-0"],460 components: [461 {462 anchor: "A",463 name: "CheckboxWithLabel",464 properties: {465 isChecked: false,466 isReadOnly,467 labelStyles: {},468 name: "checkbox-kuljetusalan-ammattitutkinto",469 title: "Kuljetusalan ammattitutkinto",470 forChangeObject: {471 fieldName: "Kuljetusalan ammattitutkinto"472 }473 }474 }475 ]476 }477 ]478 },479 {480 anchor: "liitteet",481 styleClasses: ["pl-6 pt-6"],482 title: "Liitteet",483 components: [484 {485 anchor: "info",486 name: "StatusTextRow",487 styleClasses: ["w-full"],488 properties: {489 title: HAKEMUS_OTSIKOT.LIITE_OHJE.FI,490 isHidden: isReadOnly491 }492 },493 {494 anchor: "A",495 styleClasses: ["w-full"],496 name: "Attachments",497 messages: messages.attachments,498 properties: {499 isReadOnly500 }501 }502 ]503 }504 ]505 };506};507const opettajien = (508 addPeopleFormCallback,509 peopleForms,510 orderCode,511 helpText,512 isReadOnly513) => {514 return {515 anchor: "opettajien-kelpoisuus-ja-tyokokemus",516 code: orderCode,517 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],518 title: "Opettajien kelpoisuus ja työkokemus",519 categories: [520 {521 anchor: `opettajien-kelpoisuus-ja-tyokokemus-lakiteksti`,522 code: "!",523 title:524 "Valtioneuvoston asetus 434/2018 10 §. Selvitys perustason ammattipätevyyskoulutusen opettajien kelpoisuuksista ja työkokemuksista.",525 styleClasses: ["pl-6"]526 },527 {528 anchor: `opettajien-kelpoisuus-ja-tyokokemus-info`,529 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],530 components: [531 {532 anchor: "A",533 name: "StatusTextRow",534 styleClasses: ["py-4 text-base"],535 properties: {536 title: helpText537 }538 },539 {540 anchor: `lisaa-henkilo-painike`,541 name: "SimpleButton",542 onClick: addPeopleFormCallback,543 styleClasses: "flex justify-end",544 properties: {545 isReadOnly,546 text: "Lisää henkilö"547 }548 }549 ]550 },551 {552 anchor: "lisatyt-henkilot",553 styleClasses: ["pt-6"],554 categories: peopleForms555 }556 ]557 };558};559const ajoneuvoKanta = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {560 return {561 anchor: "ajoneuvokanta",562 code: orderCode,563 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],564 title: "Ajoneuvokanta",565 categories: [566 {567 anchor: `ajoneuvokanta-kentat`,568 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],569 title:570 "Selvitys opetuksessa käytettävästä ajoneuvokannasta ja opetusvälineistä ja niiden soveltuvuudesta ammattipätevyyskoulutukseen.",571 components: [572 {573 anchor: "linja-autoja",574 name: "Input",575 styleClasses: ["mt-6"],576 properties: {577 fullWidth: true,578 isReadOnly,579 label: "Linja-autoja",580 placeholder: "Linja-autoja",581 type: "number"582 }583 },584 {585 anchor: "kuorma-autoja",586 name: "Input",587 styleClasses: ["mt-6"],588 properties: {589 fullWidth: true,590 isReadOnly,591 label: "Kuorma-autoja",592 placeholder: "Kuorma-autoja",593 type: "number"594 }595 },596 {597 anchor: "peravaunuja",598 name: "Input",599 styleClasses: ["mt-6"],600 properties: {601 fullWidth: true,602 isReadOnly,603 label: "Perävaunuja",604 placeholder: "Perävaunuja",605 type: "number"606 }607 }608 ]609 },610 {611 anchor: "liitteet",612 styleClasses: ["pl-6 pt-6"],613 title: "Liitteet",614 components: [615 {616 anchor: "info",617 name: "StatusTextRow",618 styleClasses: ["w-full"],619 properties: {620 title: HAKEMUS_OTSIKOT.LIITE_OHJE.FI,621 isHidden: isReadOnly622 }623 },624 {625 anchor: "A",626 styleClasses: ["w-full"],627 name: "Attachments",628 messages: messages.attachments,629 properties: {630 isReadOnly631 }632 }633 ]634 }635 ]636 };637};638const muutOpetusvalineet = (orderCode, isReadOnly) => {639 return {640 anchor: "muut-opetusvalineet",641 code: orderCode,642 styleClasses: ["border-t px-4 py-8 hover:bg-gray-100"],643 title: "Muut opetusvälineet",644 categories: [645 {646 anchor: `asetuksen-mukaiset`,647 code: "!",648 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],649 title:650 "Asetuksen mukaiset opetus- ja havaintovälineet (VnAsetus 434/2018, 11 § 1 ja 2 mom.)",651 components: [652 {653 anchor: "A",654 name: "TextBox",655 properties: {656 isReadOnly657 }658 }659 ]660 },661 {662 anchor: "muut",663 styleClasses: ["pl-6"],664 title: "Muut opetus- ja havaintovälineet",665 components: [666 {667 anchor: "B",668 name: "TextBox",669 properties: {670 isReadOnly,671 labelStyles: {},672 placeholder:673 "Muut oppilaitoksen oppimisympäristöissä tapahtuvaan osaamisen hankkimiseen liittyvät välineet"674 }675 }676 ]677 }678 ]679 };...
1import "../i18n-config";2import { __ } from "i18n-for-browser";3import { getMessages } from "../utils";4function getYleisetTiedotForm(isReadOnly) {5 return [6 {7 anchor: "edellytykset-tekstikentta",8 styleClasses: ["mb-6"],9 components: [10 {11 anchor: "A",12 name: "TextBox",13 properties: {14 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,15 isRequired: true,16 placeholder: "",17 title: "Taloudelliset edellytykset",18 tooltip: {19 text: __("taloudelliset.yleisettiedot.kentta1.tooltip")20 },21 value: ""22 }23 }24 ]25 },26 {27 anchor: "vaikutukset-tekstikentta",28 styleClasses: ["mb-6"],29 components: [30 {31 anchor: "A",32 name: "TextBox",33 properties: {34 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,35 isRequired: true,36 placeholder: "",37 title: "Vaikutukset taloudellisten resurssien kohdentamiseen",38 tooltip: {39 text: __("taloudelliset.yleisettiedot.kentta2.tooltip")40 },41 value: ""42 }43 }44 ]45 },46 {47 anchor: "sopeuttaminen-tekstikentta",48 styleClasses: [""],49 components: [50 {51 anchor: "A",52 name: "TextBox",53 properties: {54 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,55 isRequired: true,56 placeholder: "",57 title: "Toiminnan ja talouden sopeuttaminen",58 tooltip: {59 text: __("taloudelliset.yleisettiedot.kentta3.tooltip")60 },61 value: ""62 }63 }64 ]65 }66 ];67}68export function getInvestoinnitForm(isReadOnly) {69 return [70 {71 anchor: "investoinnit-tekstikentta",72 styleClasses: ["font-normal"],73 components: [74 {75 anchor: "A",76 name: "TextBox",77 properties: {78 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,79 isRequired: true,80 placeholder: "",81 tooltip: {82 text: __("taloudelliset.tooltipTaloudellisetInvestoinnitKentta1")83 },84 value: "",85 title: "Tarvittavat investoinnit"86 }87 }88 ]89 },90 {91 anchor: "kustannukset-Input",92 components: [93 {94 anchor: "A",95 name: "Input",96 styleClasses: ["w-full sm:w-4/5 md:w-2/3"],97 properties: {98 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,99 isRequired: true,100 fullWidth: true,101 type: "number",102 tooltip: {103 text: __("taloudelliset.tooltipTaloudellisetInvestoinnitKentta2")104 },105 value: "",106 label: "Investoinnin kustannukset"107 }108 }109 ]110 },111 {112 anchor: "rahoitus-tekstikentta",113 components: [114 {115 anchor: "A",116 name: "TextBox",117 properties: {118 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,119 isRequired: true,120 placeholder: "",121 tooltip: {122 text: __("taloudelliset.tooltipTaloudellisetInvestoinnitKentta3")123 },124 value: "",125 title: "Investointien rahoitus"126 }127 }128 ]129 }130 ];131}132function getTilinpaatostiedotForm(isReadOnly) {133 return [134 {135 anchor: "tilinpaatostiedot",136 styleClasses: ["mb-2"],137 components: [138 {139 anchor: "omavaraisuusaste",140 name: "Input",141 styleClasses: ["px-2 w-full sm:w-1/2 md:w-1/3"],142 properties: {143 fullWidth: true,144 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,145 isRequired: true,146 label: __("taloudelliset.omavaraisuusaste"),147 type: "number",148 value: ""149 }150 },151 {152 anchor: "maksuvalmius",153 name: "Input",154 styleClasses: ["px-2 w-full sm:w-1/2 md:w-1/3"],155 properties: {156 fullWidth: true,157 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,158 isRequired: true,159 label: __("taloudelliset.maksuvalmius"),160 type: "number",161 value: ""162 }163 },164 {165 anchor: "velkaantuneisuus",166 name: "Input",167 styleClasses: ["px-2 w-full sm:w-1/2 md:w-1/3"],168 properties: {169 fullWidth: true,170 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,171 isRequired: true,172 label: __("taloudelliset.velkaantuneisuus"),173 type: "number",174 value: ""175 }176 },177 {178 anchor: "kannattavuus",179 name: "Input",180 styleClasses: ["px-2 w-full sm:w-1/2 md:w-1/3"],181 properties: {182 fullWidth: true,183 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,184 isRequired: true,185 label: __("taloudelliset.kannattavuus"),186 type: "number",187 value: ""188 }189 },190 {191 anchor: "jaama",192 name: "Input",193 styleClasses: ["px-2 w-full sm:w-1/2 md:w-2/3"],194 properties: {195 fullWidth: true,196 isReadOnly: isReadOnly,197 isRequired: true,198 label: __("taloudelliset.kumulatiivinen"),199 type: "number",200 value: ""201 }202 }203 ]204 }205 ];206}207function getLiitteetForm(isReadOnly) {208 return [209 {210 anchor: "liitteet",211 components: [212 {213 name: "StatusTextRow",214 styleClasses: ["w-full"],215 properties: {216 title:217 "Liitteen koko saa olla korkeintaan 25 MB ja tyypiltään pdf, word, excel, jpeg tai gif. Muistakaa merkitä salassa pidettävät liitteet.",218 isHidden: isReadOnly219 }220 },221 {222 anchor: "A",223 isReadOnly,224 name: "Attachments",225 messages: getMessages("attachments"),226 styleClasses: ["w-full"]227 }228 ]229 }230 ];231}232export function getTaloudellisetlomake(mode, data, { isReadOnly }) {233 switch (mode) {234 case "yleisettiedot":235 return getYleisetTiedotForm(isReadOnly);236 case "investoinnit":237 return getInvestoinnitForm(isReadOnly);238 case "tilinpaatostiedot":239 return getTilinpaatostiedotForm(isReadOnly);240 case "liitteet":241 return getLiitteetForm(isReadOnly);242 default:243 return [];244 }...
1import React, {Component} from 'react';2import '../../App.css';3import axios from 'axios';4import cookie from 'react-cookies';5import {Redirect} from 'react-router';6import Education from './Education';7import Overview from './OverviewCard';8import Skills from './Skills';9import Personalinfo from './Personalinfo';10import Experience from './Experience';11import MyJourney from './myJourney';12import { connect } from "react-redux";13import {updateLoginInfo} from "../../js/actions/index";14import { serverUrl } from "../../config";1516class Profile extends Component {17 constructor(props){18 super(props);19 //debugger;20 this.state = { 21 isReadOnly : this.props.location && this.props.location.state && this.props.location.state.isReadOnly?this.props.location.state.isReadOnly:false22 ,profileEmail : this.props.location && this.props.location.state && this.props.location.state.profileEmail?this.props.location.state.profileEmail:""23 ,userProfileData : null24 }25 console.log("constructor : ",this.state.isReadOnly);26 console.log("constructor : ",this.state.profileEmail);27 }2829 componentWillMount(){30 //debugger;31 var data;32 if(this.state.isReadOnly){33 data ={34 userId : this.state.profileEmail35 }36 axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;37 axios.defaults.headers.common['authorization'] = cookie.load('jwtToken');38'profiles',data)39 .then((response) => {40 //debugger;41 //update the state with the response data42 this.setState({43 userProfileData : response.data44 });45 console.log(response);46 });47 } else {48 this.setState({49 userProfileData : { value : "Not ReadOnly"}50 });51 }52 }53 componentDidMount(){54 //debugger;55 }5657 render(){5859 let redirectVar = null;60 if(!cookie.load('cookie')){61 redirectVar = <Redirect to= "/login"/>62 }63 64 return(65 <div>66 {redirectVar}67 <div className="container profileContainer">68 <div className="row">69 <div className="col-md-4">70 {this.props.userData && <Overview 71 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}72 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}73 />}74 {this.props.userData && <Skills 75 // skillsData={this.state.skillsData} 76 // email = {} 77 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}78 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}79 />}80 {/* <Documents isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}/> */}81 {this.props.userData && <Personalinfo 82 // emailId = {this.state.emailId} 83 // gender = {this.state.gender} 84 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}85 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}86 />}87 </div>88 <div className="col-md-8">89 {this.props.userData && <MyJourney 90 // myJourney = {this.state.myJourney} 91 // email = {} 92 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}93 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}94 />}95 {this.props.userData && <Education 96 // schoolName = {this.state.schoolName} 97 // startDate = {this.state.startDate}98 // endDate = {this.state.endDate} 99 // major = {this.state.major}100 // cumulativeGPA = {this.state.cumulativeGPA}101 // email = {} 102 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}103 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}104 />}105 {this.props.userData && <Experience 106 // experienceData = {this.state.experienceData} 107 isReadOnly = {this.state.isReadOnly}108 userProfileData = {this.state.userProfileData}109 />}110 </div>111 </div>112 </div> 113 </div> 114 )115 }116}117118119const mapStateToProps = state => {120 return { userData: state.loginInfo.UserData121 ,loginStatus : state.loginInfo.loginStatus };122};123124const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {125 return {126 updateLoginInfo: (loginInfo, callback) => {dispatch(updateLoginInfo(loginInfo, callback));}127 };128}
1// GENERATED CODE2// Manual modification is NOT RECOMMENDED as changes will be overwritten the next time the class is generated.3import { setPropertiesFromJSON, uuid, FHIRHelper } from '../../json-helper';4import ClassRegistry from '../../ClassRegistry';5/**6 * Generated class for shr.core.IsReadOnly.7 */8class IsReadOnly {9 /**10 * Get the value (aliases boolean).11 * @returns {boolean} The boolean12 */13 get value() {14 return this._boolean;15 }16 /**17 * Set the value (aliases boolean).18 * This field/value is required.19 * @param {boolean} value - The boolean20 */21 set value(value) {22 this._boolean = value;23 }24 /**25 * Set the value (aliases boolean) and return 'this' for chaining.26 * This field/value is required.27 * @param {boolean} value - The boolean28 * @returns {IsReadOnly} this.29 */30 withValue(value) {31 this.value = value; return this;32 }33 /**34 * Get the boolean.35 * @returns {boolean} The boolean36 */37 get boolean() {38 return this._boolean;39 }40 /**41 * Set the boolean.42 * This field/value is required.43 * @param {boolean} boolean - The boolean44 */45 set boolean(boolean) {46 this._boolean = boolean;47 }48 /**49 * Set the boolean and return 'this' for chaining.50 * This field/value is required.51 * @param {boolean} boolean - The boolean52 * @returns {IsReadOnly} this.53 */54 withBoolean(boolean) {55 this.boolean = boolean; return this;56 }57 /**58 * Deserializes JSON data to an instance of the IsReadOnly class.59 * The JSON must be valid against the IsReadOnly JSON schema, although this is not validated by the function.60 * @param {object} json - the JSON data to deserialize61 * @returns {IsReadOnly} An instance of IsReadOnly populated with the JSON data62 */63 static fromJSON(json={}) {64 const klass = ClassRegistry.get('shr.core', 'IsReadOnly');65 const inst = new klass();66 setPropertiesFromJSON(inst, json);67 return inst;68 }69 /**70 * Serializes an instance of the IsReadOnly class to a JSON object.71 * The JSON is expected to be valid against the IsReadOnly JSON schema, but no validation checks are performed.72 * @returns {object} a JSON object populated with the data from the element73 */74 toJSON() {75 const inst = { 'EntryType': { 'Value' : '' } };76 if (this.value != null) {77 inst['Value'] = this.value;78 }79 return inst;80 }81 /**82 * Deserializes FHIR JSON data to an instance of the IsReadOnly class.83 * The FHIR must be valid against the IsReadOnly FHIR profile, although this is not validated by the function.84 * @param {object} fhir - the FHIR JSON data to deserialize85 * @param {string} fhirType - the type of the FHIR object that was passed in, in case not otherwise identifiable from the object itself86 * @param {string} shrId - a unique, persistent, permanent identifier for the overall health record belonging to the Patient; will be auto-generated if not provided87 * @param {Array} allEntries - the list of all entries that references in 'fhir' refer to88 * @param {object} mappedResources - any resources that have already been mapped to SHR objects. Format is { fhir_key: {shr_obj} }89 * @param {Array} referencesOut - list of all SHR ref() targets that were instantiated during this function call90 * @param {boolean} asExtension - Whether the provided instance is an extension91 * @returns {IsReadOnly} An instance of IsReadOnly populated with the FHIR data92 */93 static fromFHIR(fhir, fhirType, shrId=uuid(), allEntries=[], mappedResources={}, referencesOut=[], asExtension=false) {94 const klass = ClassRegistry.get('shr.core', 'IsReadOnly');95 const inst = new klass();96 if (asExtension) {97 inst.value = fhir['valueBoolean'];98 }99 if (!asExtension && fhir != null) {100 inst.value = fhir;101 }102 return inst;103 }104}...
1import React, { Component } from 'react';2import { connect } from 'react-redux';3import InlineInput from '../../../InlineInput/InlineInput';4class ProfileAddress extends Component {5 constructor(props) {6 super(props);7 this.state = {8 address: props.address,9 isReadOnly: false,10 };11 }12 componentWillMount() {13 this.setState({14 address: {15 type: 'Home',16 streetAddress: '1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW',17 addressLine2: '',18 city: 'Washington',19 state: 'DC',20 zipcode: '20500',21 country: 'United States',22 },23 });24 }25 componentWillReceiveProps(props) {26 this.setState({27 isReadOnly: !props.profileInfo.isEditing,28 });29 }30 render() {31 const {32 address,33 isReadOnly,34 } = this.state;35 return (36 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo">37 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__label">{ address.type }</div>38 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__content">39 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__row" data-single-input="true">40 <InlineInput41 form="ProfileInputForm"42 name={`streetAddress_${address.type}`}43 placeholder="Street Address"44 value={address.streetAddress}45 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}46 />47 <span className="comma">,</span>48 </div>49 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__row" data-single-input="true">50 <InlineInput51 form="ProfileInputForm"52 name={`addressLine2_${address.type}`}53 placeholder="Line 2"54 value={address.addressLine2}55 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}56 />57 </div>58 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__row">59 <InlineInput60 form="ProfileInputForm"61 name={`city_${address.type}`}62 placeholder="City"63 value={}64 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}65 />66 <span className="comma">,</span>67 <InlineInput68 form="ProfileInputForm"69 name={`state_${address.type}`}70 placeholder="State"71 value={address.state}72 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}73 />74 <span className="hyphen">-</span>75 <InlineInput76 form="ProfileInputForm"77 name={`zipcode_${address.type}`}78 placeholder="Zip Code"79 value={address.zipcode}80 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}81 maxLength={6}82 />83 </div>84 <div className="ProfileSectionInfo__row" data-single-input="true">85 <InlineInput86 form="ProfileInputForm"87 name={`country_${address.type}`}88 placeholder="Country"89 value={}90 isReadOnly={isReadOnly}91 />92 </div>93 </div>94 </div>95 );96 }97}98const mapStateToProps = (state) => {99 return {100 profileInfo: state.profileInfo,101 };102};103const mapDispatchToProps = {104};...
1define(["sitecore", "/-/speak/v1/ecm/DispatchTab.js"], function (sitecore, dispatchTab) {2 var deliveryTab = sitecore.Definitions.App.extend({3 initialized: function () {4 var contextApp = this;5 sitecore.trigger("mainApp", this);6 this.setMessageId(contextApp);7 dispatchTab.init(contextApp);8 sitecore.on("change:messageContext", function () {9 contextApp.updateReadonly(contextApp);10 contextApp.updateLanguageName(contextApp);11 });12 sitecore.on("change:messageContext:nonReadonly", function () {13 contextApp.MessageContext.set("isReadonly", false);14 contextApp.updateReadonly(contextApp);15 });16 sitecore.trigger("change:messageContext");17 },18 updateReadonly: function (contextApp) {19 var isReadonly = contextApp.MessageContext.get("isReadonly");20 contextApp.ABVariantsSizeComboBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);21 if (contextApp.ScheduleRecurringIntervalComboBox && contextApp.ScheduleRecurringRadioButton) {22 contextApp.ScheduleRecurringIntervalComboBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly && contextApp.ScheduleRecurringRadioButton.get("isChecked"));23 }24 contextApp.SendMessageNowRadioButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);25 contextApp.ScheduleDeliveryRadioButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);26 if (contextApp.ScheduleRecurringRadioButton) {27 contextApp.ScheduleRecurringRadioButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);28 }29 contextApp.NotificationEnableCheckBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);30 contextApp.EmulationModeCheckBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);31 contextApp.SendButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);32 contextApp.ScheduleButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);33 contextApp.StartTestButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);34 contextApp.ScheduleTestButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);35 contextApp.AutomaticTimeTextBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);36 contextApp.AutomaticIntervalComboBox.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);37 contextApp.AutomationBestValueRadioButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);38 contextApp.AutomationOptionHighestRateRadioButton.set("isEnabled", !isReadonly);39 },40 setMessageId: function (contextApp) {41 var messageId = contextApp.MessageContext.get("messageId");42 contextApp.DispatchContext.set("messageId", messageId);43 contextApp.VariantDataSource.set("messageId", messageId);44 },45 updateLanguageName: function (contextApp) {46 var languageName = contextApp.MessageContext.get("languageName");47 contextApp.UsePreferredLanguageHintTextContextLanguage.set("text", languageName);48 }49 });50 return deliveryTab;...
1/// <reference path="../GeneratedArtifacts/viewModel.js" />2myapp.AddEditAuditFinding.created = function (screen) {3 var reference;4 var description;5 if (screen.AuditFinding.FindingReference !== undefined) {6 reference = screen.AuditFinding.FindingReference;7 description = screen.AuditFinding.FindingDescription;8 screen.details.displayName = "Audit Finding " + reference + ": " + description;;9 }10 else {11 screen.details.displayName = "Add new Audit Finding for Audit: " + screen.AuditFinding.Audit.AuditCode;12 }13 if (myapp.permissions["LightSwitchApplication:CanEditAuditFindings"]) {14 screen.findContentItem("DetailsTab").isReadOnly = false;15 screen.findContentItem("ImpactAssessmentTab").isReadOnly = false;16 screen.findContentItem("ImmediateActionTab").isReadOnly = false;17 screen.findContentItem("FurtherActionsTab").isReadOnly = false;18 screen.findContentItem("CAPATab").isReadOnly = false;19 screen.findContentItem("NotesTab").isReadOnly = false;20 }21 else {22 screen.findContentItem("DetailsTab").isReadOnly = true;23 screen.findContentItem("ImpactAssessmentTab").isReadOnly = true;24 screen.findContentItem("ImmediateActionTab").isReadOnly = true;25 screen.findContentItem("FurtherActionsTab").isReadOnly = true;26 screen.findContentItem("CAPATab").isReadOnly = true;27 screen.findContentItem("NotesTab").isReadOnly = true;28 }...
1(function (helper, props) {2 'use strict';34 // init Wijmo controls5 var linearGauge = helper.createLinearGauge('#evLinearGauge', props),6 radialGauge = helper.createRadialGauge('#evRadialGauge', props),7 isReadOnly = document.getElementById('evReadOnly');89 // set LinearGauge properties10 linearGauge.step = props.step;11 linearGauge.isReadOnly = props.isReadOnly;1213 // set RadialGauge properties14 radialGauge.step = props.step;15 radialGauge.isReadOnly = props.isReadOnly;1617 // isReadonly - set CheckBox properties18 isReadOnly.checked = props.isReadOnly;19 isReadOnly.addEventListener('change', function () {20 // determine isReadOnly checkbox's checked state21 var isReadOnly = this.checked;2223 // update gauges24 linearGauge.isReadOnly = isReadOnly;25 radialGauge.isReadOnly = isReadOnly;26 });2728 // publish valueChanged - callback in app.js29 linearGauge.valueChanged.addHandler(pubValueChanged);30 radialGauge.valueChanged.addHandler(pubValueChanged);31
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const input = await page.$('input');7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 const input = await page.$('input');15 await page.fill('input', 'hello');16 await'text=Get started');17 await page.waitForNavigation();18 await'text=Docs');19 await page.waitForNavigation();20 await'text=API');21 await page.waitForNavigation();22 const input = await page.$('input');23 await browser.close();24})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const isReadonly = await page._isReadonly();7 console.log('isReadonly: ', isReadonly);8 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');9 await'input[type="submit"]');10 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });11 await browser.close();12})();13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14(async () => {15 const browser = await chromium.launch();16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 const isReadonly = await page._isReadonly();19 console.log('isReadonly: ', isReadonly);20 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');21 await'input[type="submit"]');22 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 const isReadonly = await page._isReadonly();31 console.log('isReadonly: ', isReadonly);32 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');33 await'input[type="submit"]');34 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });6 await browser.close();7})();8const { chromium } = require('playwright');9(async () => {10 const browser = await chromium.launch();11 const page = await browser.newPage();12 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });13 await browser.close();14})();15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch();18 const page = await browser.newPage();19 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });20 await browser.close();21})();22const { chromium } = require('playwright');23(async () => {24 const browser = await chromium.launch();25 const page = await browser.newPage();26 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });27 await browser.close();28})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');2const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');3const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');4const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');5const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');6const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');7const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');8const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');9const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');10const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');11const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');12const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');13const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');14const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');15const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');16const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');17const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');18const { isReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/utils/utils');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3const { chromium } = require('playwright');4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 const elementHandle = await page.$('text=Get started');9 const isReadonly = await isReadonly(elementHandle);10 console.log(isReadonly);11 await browser.close();12})();13const { isDisabled } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');14const { chromium } = require('playwright');15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16(async () => {17 const browser = await chromium.launch();18 const context = await browser.newContext();19 const page = await context.newPage();20 const elementHandle = await page.$('text=Get started');21 const isDisabled = await isDisabled(elementHandle);22 console.log(isDisabled);23 await browser.close();24})();25const { isVisible } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');26const { chromium } = require('playwright');27const { chromium } = require('playwright');28(async () => {29 const browser = await chromium.launch();30 const context = await browser.newContext();31 const page = await context.newPage();32 const elementHandle = await page.$('text=Get started');33 const isVisible = await isVisible(elementHandle);34 console.log(isVisible);35 await browser.close();36})();37const { isHidden } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');38const { chromium } = require('playwright');39const { chromium } = require('playwright');40(async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');2const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');3const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');4const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');5const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');6const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');7const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client/readonly');8const { isReadonly } = require('playwright/lib/client
Using AI Code Generation
1const { isReadonly } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/trace/recorder/recorderApp');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test.describe('isReadonly', () => {4 test('test', () => {5 const readonly = isReadonly('readonly');6 console.log(readonly);7 });8});9const { isReadonly } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/trace/recorder/recorderApp');10const { test } = require('@playwright/test');11test.describe('isReadonly', () => {12 test('test', () => {13 const readonly = isReadonly('readonly');14 console.log(readonly);15 });16});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');2const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;3const obj = { name: 'John' };4Object.freeze(obj);5const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');6const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;7const obj = { name: 'John' };8Object.freeze(obj);9const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');10const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;11const obj = { name: 'John' };12Object.freeze(obj);13const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');14const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;15const obj = { name: 'John' };16Object.freeze(obj);17const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');18const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;19const obj = { name: 'John' };20Object.freeze(obj);21const { internalAPI } = require('playwright');22const { isReadonly } = internalAPI;23const obj = { name: 'John' };24Object.freeze(obj);
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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