Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1var arrayTitleField = [];2var arrayNameField = [];3$("#NXT_form").disableSelection();4function ajax_global(dataString, urlSend, method, type) {5 var res = '';6 $.ajax({7 url: $('base').attr('href') + urlSend + '-lang-' + lang,8 type: method,9 async: false,10 dataType: type,11 data: dataString,12 })13 .success(function(res) {14 result = res;15 })16 .error(function(error) {17 console.log(error);18 });19 return result;20}21var nxtCustomForm = function() {22 var handleFixAutoVal = function() {23 $('body').on('change keyup', '#NXT_modal_clone input', function(event) {24 event.preventDefault();25 var vl = $(this).val();26 $(this).attr('value', vl);27 });28 }29 var handleOnload = function() {30 $('body').find('input[type="radio"]').css({31 marginLeft: '-10px'32 });33 $('').css({34 marginTop: '-10px'35 });36 $("#NXT_sortable,.NXT_tab_content").disableSelection();37 }38 var handleRemove = function() {39 $('body').on('click', '.redColorNxt', function(event) {40 event.preventDefault();41 var NXT_parent = $(this).parent().parent();42 var classOr = NXT_parent.attr('data-class');43 var positonOr = $('.NXT_tab_content').find('.' + classOr);44 var offSet = positonOr.offset();45 NXT_parent.animate({46 top: * (-1),47 //left: offSet.left*(-1),48 }, 500, function() {49 $(this).remove();50 });51 //Remove modal52 var modal_id = $(this).attr('data-id-modal');53 $('#' + modal_id).remove();54 // NXT_parent.slideUp('400', function() {55 // NXT_parent.remove();56 // });57 });58 }59 var handleSetting = function() {60 $('body').on('click', '.NXT_setting', function(event) {61 event.preventDefault();62 var modal_id = $(this).attr('data-id-modal');63 $('body').find('#NXT_modal_clone').find('#' + modal_id).modal('show');64 });65 }66 var handleSaveEditInput = function() {67 $('body').on('click', '.NXT_save_edit_input', function(event) {68 event.preventDefault();69 var inputClass = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent();70 var id = inputClass.attr('id');71 var inputDrag = $('body').find('.' + id);72 var classInput = inputDrag.attr('data-class');73 var name = inputClass.find('input[name="label"]').val();74 var required = inputClass.find('input[name="require"]').parent('span').hasClass('checked');75 if (required == true) {76 inputClass.find('input[name="require"]').attr('checked', 'checked');77 }78 var pro_name = inputClass.find('input[name="name"]').val();79 if (classInput == 'input_1_1' || classInput == 'input_1_2' || classInput == 'input_1_5') {80 var valueDefault = inputClass.find('input[name="default"]').val();81 var placeholder = inputClass.find('input[name="placeholder"]').val();82 inputDrag.find('label').text(name + ':');83 inputDrag.find('input').val(valueDefault);84 inputDrag.find('input').attr('placeholder', placeholder);85 if (required == true) {86 inputDrag.find('input').attr('required', required);87 }88 //inputDrag.find('input').attr('name',pro_name);89 } else if (classInput == 'input_1_3') {90 var valueDefault = inputClass.find('input[name="default"]').val();91 var placeholder = inputClass.find('input[name="placeholder"]').val();92 //Or93 var min = parseInt(inputClass.find('input[name="min"]').val());94 var max = parseInt(inputClass.find('input[name="max"]').val());95 inputDrag.find('label').text(name + ':');96 inputDrag.find('input').val(valueDefault);97 inputDrag.find('input').attr('placeholder', placeholder);98 inputDrag.find('input').attr('min', min);99 inputDrag.find('input').attr('max', max);100 if (required == true) {101 inputDrag.find('input').attr('required', required);102 }103 //inputDrag.find('input').attr('name',pro_name);104 } else if (classInput == 'input_1_4') {105 var valueDefault = inputClass.find('input[name="default"]').val();106 var placeholder = inputClass.find('input[name="placeholder"]').val();107 inputDrag.find('label').text(name + ':');108 inputDrag.find('textarea').val(valueDefault);109 inputDrag.find('textarea').attr('placeholder', placeholder);110 if (required == true) {111 inputDrag.find('input').attr('required', required);112 }113 //inputDrag.find('input').attr('name',pro_name);114 } else if (classInput == 'input_2_1' || classInput == 'input_2_2') {115 var valueDefault = inputClass.find('input[name="default"]').val();116 inputDrag.find('label').text(name + ':');117 var allSelect = inputClass.find('input');118 var arraySelect = [];119 $.each(allSelect, function(k, v) {120 if ($(this).attr('name') != 'name' && $(this).attr('name') != 'default' && $(this).attr('name') != 'label') {121 var tmp_name_option = $(this).val();122 if (tmp_name_option != undefined && tmp_name_option !== '1') {123 arraySelect.push(tmp_name_option);124 }125 }126 });127 var htmlSelect = '';128 $.each(arraySelect, function(k, v) {129 if (k % 2 == 0) {130 var tmp_name = v;131 var tmp_value = arraySelect[k + 1];132 if (tmp_name === valueDefault) {133 htmlSelect += '<option selected value="' + tmp_value + '">' + tmp_name + '</option>';134 } else {135 htmlSelect += '<option value="' + tmp_value + '">' + tmp_name + '</option>';136 }137 }138 });139 inputDrag.find('select').html(htmlSelect);140 if (required == true) {141 inputDrag.find('input').attr('required', required);142 }143 //inputDrag.find('select').attr('name',pro_name);144 } else if (classInput == 'input_2_3') {145 var allSelect = inputClass.find('input');146 var arraySelect = [];147 console.log(arraySelect);148 $.each(allSelect, function(k, v) {149 if ($(this).attr('name') != 'name' && $(this).attr('name') != 'default' && $(this).attr('name') != 'label') {150 var tmp_name_option = $(this).val();151 if (tmp_name_option != undefined && tmp_name_option !== '1') {152 arraySelect.push(tmp_name_option);153 }154 }155 });156 var htmlCheckbox = '<label>' + name + ':</label><br/>';157 $.each(arraySelect, function(k, v) {158 if (k % 3 == 0) {159 var tmp_label = v;160 var tmp_name = arraySelect[k + 1];161 var tmp_value = arraySelect[k + 2];162 htmlCheckbox += '<label>' + tmp_label + '</label><input type="checkbox" value="' + tmp_value + '" name="' + tmp_name + '"/>';163 }164 });165 inputDrag.children(':first-child').html(htmlCheckbox);166 $(':checkbox').uniform();167 } else if (classInput == 'input_2_4') {168 var allSelect = inputClass.find('input');169 var valueDefault = inputClass.find('input[name="default"]').val();170 var arraySelect = [];171 $.each(allSelect, function(k, v) {172 if ($(this).attr('name') != 'name' && $(this).attr('name') != 'default' && $(this).attr('name') != 'label') {173 var tmp_name_option = $(this).val();174 if (tmp_name_option != undefined && tmp_name_option !== '1') {175 arraySelect.push(tmp_name_option);176 }177 }178 });179 var htmlRadio = '<label>' + name + ':</label><br/>';180 $.each(arraySelect, function(k, v) {181 if (k % 2 == 0) {182 var tmp_label = v;183 var tmp_value = arraySelect[k + 1];184 if (tmp_label == valueDefault) {185 htmlRadio += '<label>' + tmp_label + '</label><input type="radio" checked value="' + tmp_value + '" name="' + pro_name + '"/> ';186 } else {187 htmlRadio += '<label>' + tmp_label + '</label><input type="radio" value="' + tmp_value + '" name="' + pro_name + '"/> ';188 }189 }190 });191 inputDrag.children(':first-child').html(htmlRadio);192 $(':radio').uniform();193 $('.radio').css({194 marginTop: '-10px'195 });196 $('input[type="radio"]').css({197 marginLeft: '-10px'198 });199 } else if (classInput == 'input_3_1' || classInput == 'input_3_2') {200 inputDrag.find('button:first-child').text(name);201 } else if (classInput == 'input_3_3') {202 inputDrag.find('label').text(name);203 //inputDrag.find('input[type="file"]').attr('name',pro_name);204 } else if (classInput == 'input_3_4') {205 var allSelect = inputClass.find('input');206 var arraySelect = [];207 $.each(allSelect, function(k, v) {208 if ($(this).attr('name') != 'name' && $(this).attr('name') != 'default' && $(this).attr('name') != 'label') {209 var tmp_name_option = $(this).val();210 if (tmp_name_option != undefined) {211 arraySelect.push(tmp_name_option);212 }213 }214 });215 var htmlButton = '';216 $.each(arraySelect, function(k, v) {217 if (k % 2 == 0) {218 var tmp_label = v;219 var tmp_type = arraySelect[k + 1];220 htmlCheckbox += '<button type="button" data-type="' + tmp_type + '" class="btn btn-default">' + tmp_label + '</button> ';221 }222 });223 inputDrag.find('button').remove();224 $(htmlCheckbox).prependTo(inputDrag);225 }226 inputClass.modal('hide');227 });228 }229 var handleDrag = function() {230 $("#NXT_ul").sortable({231 revert: true232 });233 $(".NXT_drag").draggable({234 connectToSortable: "#NXT_ul",235 accept: '#NXT_ul',236 appendTo: "body",237 helper: "clone",238 cursor: 'move',239 revert: "invalid",240 start: function(event, ui) {241 var myDrag = ui.helper;242 myDrag.width($(this).width());243 },244 stop: function(event, ui) {245 //Xu ly su kien keo tha dung lai246 //Chuoi random247 var NXT_random = handleRanDom(32);248 var myDrag = ui.helper;249 var myClassInput = myDrag.attr('data-class');250 var html = '<div class="removeNXT"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="NXT_setting" data-id-modal="' + NXT_random + '"><i class="fa fa-cog fa-15x"></i></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="redColorNxt" data-id-modal="' + NXT_random + '"><i class="fa fa-times-circle-o fa-15x"></i></a></div>';251 myDrag.addClass('hoverShowAction');252 myDrag.append(html);253 //Them 1 du lieu vao254 myDrag.attr('data-id-modal', NXT_random);255 myDrag.addClass(NXT_random);256 //Tim modal va nhan ban257 $('body').find('#NXT_modal_' + myClassInput).clone().appendTo('#NXT_modal_clone').attr('id', NXT_random);258 var firstChild = myDrag.children(':first-child');259 if (firstChild.find('.checker').length >= 1) {260 firstChild.find('.checker').remove();261 firstChild.append('<input value="1" name="checkbox_1" type="checkbox" class="form-control"/>');262 } else if (firstChild.find('.radio').length >= 1) {263 firstChild.find('.radio').remove();264 firstChild.find('label:last-child').each(function(k, v) {265 $('<input value="' + parseInt(k + 1) + '" type="radio" name="radio_1" class="form-control"/>').insertAfter($(this));266 });267 }268 $(':checkbox,:radio').uniform();269 $('.radio').css({270 marginTop: '-10px'271 });272 $('input[type="radio"]').css({273 marginLeft: '-10px'274 });275 }276 });277 $("#NXT_ul").droppable({278 accept: '.NXT_drag',279 hoverClass: "NXT_remove",280 drop: function(ev, ui) {},281 out: function(event, ui) {282 var myDrop = ui.helper;283 myDrop.remove();284 },285 });286 }287 var handleRanDom = function(len, charSet) {288 charSet = charSet || 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';289 var randomString = '';290 for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {291 var randomPoz = Math.floor(Math.random() * charSet.length);292 randomString += charSet.substring(randomPoz, randomPoz + 1);293 }294 return randomString;295 }296 var handleRemoveSelect = function() {297 $('body').on('click', '.remove_select', function(event) {298 event.preventDefault();299 var parent = $(this).parent().parent();300 var parentNext =;301 if (parentNext.children(':first-child').text() == '') {302 parentNext.children(':first-child').text(parent.children(':first-child').text());303 }304 parent.remove();305 });306 }307 var handleNewSelect = function() {308 $('body').on('click', '.new_select', function(event) {309 event.preventDefault();310 var parent = $(this).parent().parent();311 var parentForm = parent.parent();312 parent.clone().appendTo(parentForm).find('input').val('');313 $(this).removeClass('new_select').addClass('remove_select');314 $(this).html('<i class="fa fa-minus"></i>');315 });316 }317 var handleRemoveCheckbox = function() {318 $('body').on('click', '.remove_checkbox', function(event) {319 event.preventDefault();320 var parent = $(this).parent().parent();321 var parentNext =;322 if (parentNext.children(':first-child').text() == '') {323 parentNext.children(':first-child').text(parent.children(':first-child').text());324 }325 parent.remove();326 });327 }328 var handleNewCheckbox = function() {329 $('body').on('click', '.new_checkbox', function(event) {330 event.preventDefault();331 var parent = $(this).parent().parent();332 var parentForm = parent.parent();333 parent.clone().appendTo(parentForm).children(':first-child').text('');334 parentForm.children(':last-child').find('input').val('');335 $(this).removeClass('new_checkbox').addClass('remove_checkbox');336 $(this).html('<i class="fa fa-minus"></i>');337 });338 }339 var handleRemoveRadio = function() {340 $('body').on('click', '.remove_radio', function(event) {341 event.preventDefault();342 var parent = $(this).parent().parent();343 var parentNext =;344 if (parentNext.children(':first-child').text() == '') {345 parentNext.children(':first-child').text(parent.children(':first-child').text());346 }347 parent.remove();348 });349 }350 var handleNewRadio = function() {351 $('body').on('click', '.new_radio', function(event) {352 event.preventDefault();353 var parent = $(this).parent().parent();354 var parentForm = parent.parent();355 parent.clone().appendTo(parentForm).children(':first-child').text('');356 parentForm.children(':last-child').find('input').val('');357 $(this).removeClass('new_radio').addClass('remove_radio');358 $(this).html('<i class="fa fa-minus"></i>');359 });360 }361 var handleRemoveButton = function() {362 $('body').on('click', '.remove_button', function(event) {363 event.preventDefault();364 var parent = $(this).parent().parent();365 var parentNext =;366 if (parentNext.children(':first-child').text() == '') {367 parentNext.children(':first-child').text(parent.children(':first-child').text());368 }369 parent.remove();370 });371 }372 var handleNewButton = function() {373 $('body').on('click', '.new_button', function(event) {374 event.preventDefault();375 var parent = $(this).parent().parent();376 var parentForm = parent.parent();377 parent.clone().appendTo(parentForm).children(':first-child').text('');378 parentForm.children(':last-child').find('input').val('');379 $(this).removeClass('new_radio').addClass('remove_radio');380 $(this).html('<i class="fa fa-minus"></i>');381 });382 }383 var handleSaveForm = function() {384 $('body').on('click', '.continue, .NXT_save_form', function(event) {385 event.preventDefault();386 var name_form = $('input[name="name_form"]').val();387 var id_form = $('input[name="id_form"]').val();388 if (name_form == '' && id_form == '') {389 $('#name_form').modal('show');390 return false;391 } else {392 var form_frontend = handleAnalyzeForm();393 var trimForm = form_frontend.trim();394 if (trimForm == '') {395 toastr.error('Hãy thiết kế form trÆ°á»c khi lÆ°u.');396 $('.NXT_progress').slideUp();397 return false;398 } else {399 var form_backend = handleFormBackEnd();400 var form_modal_backend = handleFormModalBackEnd();401 if (id_form == '') {402 var result = handleSaveFormToData(form_backend, form_modal_backend, form_frontend, name_form, null);403 } else {404 var result = handleSaveFormToData(form_backend, form_modal_backend, form_frontend, name_form, id_form);405 }406 if (result.status == true) {407 toastr.success(result.message);408 setTimeout(function() {409 if ($(this).attr('data-continue') != undefined && $(this).attr('data-continue') == 'slidelist') {410 location.reload();411 } else {412 location.href = '/template-customForm-listForm-lang-' + lang;413 }414 }, 3000);415 }416 }417 }418 });419 }420 var handleFormBackEnd = function() {421 return $('body').find('#NXT_sortable').children('ul').html().toString();422 }423 var handleFormModalBackEnd = function() {424 return $('body').find('#NXT_modal_clone').html().toString();425 }426 var handleAnalyzeForm = function() {427 //Clone428 var nxt_clone = $('body').find('#NXT_tmp_clone_form_basic');429 nxt_clone.empty();430 $('#NXT_ul').clone().appendTo("#NXT_tmp_clone_form_basic");431 //remove all parent432 var allItem = $('#NXT_tmp_clone_form_basic').children(':first-child').find('.borderInput');433 allItem.find('.removeNXT').remove();434 $('.NXT_progress').slideDown();435 for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {436 $('.NXT_progress').children('div').attr('aria-valuenow', i).text(i + '%').css({437 width: i + '%',438 });439 allItem.find('input,textarea,select,button').unwrap().removeAttr('class');440 };441 //Process name442 var all_after_clone = $('#NXT_tmp_clone_form_basic').find('input,select,textarea');443 var all_after_clone_button = $('#NXT_tmp_clone_form_basic').find('button');444 all_after_clone_button.each(function(k, v) {445 var tmp_type = $(this).attr('data-type');446 $(this).removeAttr('data-type');447 $(this).attr('type', tmp_type);448 });449 var data_name = [];450 all_after_clone.each(function(k, v) {451 $(this).removeAttr('style');452 var tmp_name = $(this).attr('name');453 if ($.inArray(tmp_name, data_name) == -1) {454 data_name.push(tmp_name);455 } else {456 var tmp_name_new = $(this).attr('name') + '_' + k;457 $(this).attr('name', tmp_name_new);458 data_name.push(tmp_name_new);459 }460 });461 var all_after_clone_label = $('#NXT_tmp_clone_form_basic').find('label');462 all_after_clone_label.each(function(k, v) {463 if ($(this).next().is('label') != true) {464 var tmp_name_label = $(this).next().attr('name');465 var tmp_text_label = $(this).text();466 arrayTitleField.push(tmp_text_label);467 arrayNameField.push(tmp_name_label);468 }469 });470 console.log(arrayTitleField);471 console.log(arrayNameField);472 return $('#NXT_tmp_clone_form_basic').children('ul').html().toString();473 }474 var handleSaveFormToData = function(form_backend, modal_backend, form_frontend, title, id) {475 var dataString = {476 'id': id,477 'title': title,478 'form_backend': form_backend,479 'modal_backend': modal_backend,480 'form_frontend': form_frontend,481 'arrayTitleField': arrayTitleField,482 'arrayNameField': arrayNameField,483 };484 var urlSend = '/template-customForm-saveForm';485 var data = ajax_global(dataString, urlSend, 'POST', 'json');486 return data;487 }488 var array2json = function(arr) {489 var parts = [];490 var is_list = (Object.prototype.toString.apply(arr) === '[object Array]');491 for (var key in arr) {492 var value = arr[key];493 if (typeof value == "object") { //Custom handling for arrays494 if (is_list) parts.push(array2json(value)); /* :RECURSION: */495 else parts.push('"' + key + '":' + array2json(value)); /* :RECURSION: */496 //else parts[key] = array2json(value); /* :RECURSION: */497 } else {498 var str = "";499 if (!is_list) str = '"' + key + '":';500 //Custom handling for multiple data types501 if (typeof value == "number") str += value; //Numbers502 else if (value === false) str += 'false'; //The booleans503 else if (value === true) str += 'true';504 else str += '"' + value + '"'; //All other things505 // :TODO: Is there any more datatype we should be in the lookout for? (Functions?)506 parts.push(str);507 }508 }509 var json = parts.join(",");510 if (is_list) return '[' + json + ']'; //Return numerical JSON511 return '{' + json + '}'; //Return associative JSON512 }513 return {514 //main function to initiate the module515 init: function() {516 handleOnload();517 handleDrag();518 handleRemove();519 handleSetting();520 handleSaveEditInput();521 handleRemoveSelect();522 handleNewSelect();523 handleNewCheckbox();524 handleRemoveCheckbox();525 handleNewRadio();526 handleRemoveRadio();527 handleNewButton();528 handleRemoveButton();529 handleSaveForm();530 handleFixAutoVal();531 }532 };...
1/**2 * WordPress dependencies3 */4/**5 * Internal dependencies6 */7import checkCoreBlock from '../check-core-block';8import getIcon from '../../utils/get-icon';9import InputDrag from '../../components/input-drag';10import ResponsiveTabPanel from '../../components/responsive-tab-panel';11import ActiveIndicator from '../../components/active-indicator';12const { merge, cloneDeep } = window.lodash;13const { __ } = wp.i18n;14const {15 applyFilters,16 addFilter,17} = wp.hooks;18const {19 Component,20 Fragment,21} = wp.element;22const {23 createHigherOrderComponent,24} = wp.compose;25const { InspectorControls } = wp.blockEditor;26const {27 BaseControl,28 PanelBody,29 CheckboxControl,30} = wp.components;31const {32 GHOSTKIT,33 ghostkitVariables,34} = window;35let initialOpenPanel = false;36/**37 * Spacings Component.38 */39class SpacingsComponent extends Component {40 constructor( props ) {41 super( props );42 this.updateSpacings = this.updateSpacings.bind( this );43 this.getCurrentSpacing = this.getCurrentSpacing.bind( this );44 }45 componentDidMount() {46 const {47 attributes,48 setAttributes,49 } = this.props;50 const {51 ghostkitIndents = {},52 ghostkitSpacings = {},53 } = attributes;54 // since Indents renamed to Spacings we need to migrate it.55 if ( 0 < Object.keys( ghostkitIndents ).length && 0 === Object.keys( ghostkitSpacings ).length ) {56 setAttributes( {57 ghostkitIndents: {},58 ghostkitSpacings: ghostkitIndents,59 } );60 }61 }62 /**63 * Get current spacing for selected device type.64 *65 * @param {String} name - name of spacing.66 * @param {String} device - spacing for device.67 *68 * @returns {String} spacing value.69 */70 getCurrentSpacing( name, device ) {71 const { ghostkitSpacings = {} } = this.props.attributes;72 let result = '';73 if ( ! device ) {74 if ( ghostkitSpacings[ name ] ) {75 result = ghostkitSpacings[ name ];76 }77 } else if ( ghostkitSpacings[ device ] && ghostkitSpacings[ device ][ name ] ) {78 result = ghostkitSpacings[ device ][ name ];79 }80 return result;81 }82 /**83 * Update spacings object.84 *85 * @param {String} name - name of new spacing.86 * @param {String} val - value for new spacing.87 * @param {String} device - spacing for device.88 */89 updateSpacings( name, val, device ) {90 const { setAttributes } = this.props;91 let { ghostkitSpacings = {} } = this.props.attributes;92 const result = {};93 const newSpacings = {};94 if ( device ) {95 newSpacings[ device ] = {};96 newSpacings[ device ][ name ] = val;97 } else {98 newSpacings[ name ] = val;99 }100 // add default properties to keep sorting.101 ghostkitSpacings = merge( {102 media_xl: {},103 media_lg: {},104 media_md: {},105 media_sm: {},106 }, ghostkitSpacings, newSpacings );107 // validate values.108 Object.keys( ghostkitSpacings ).forEach( ( key ) => {109 if ( ghostkitSpacings[ key ] ) {110 // check if device object.111 if ( 'object' === typeof ghostkitSpacings[ key ] ) {112 Object.keys( ghostkitSpacings[ key ] ).forEach( ( keyDevice ) => {113 if ( ghostkitSpacings[ key ][ keyDevice ] ) {114 if ( ! result[ key ] ) {115 result[ key ] = {};116 }117 result[ key ][ keyDevice ] = ghostkitSpacings[ key ][ keyDevice ];118 }119 } );120 } else {121 result[ key ] = ghostkitSpacings[ key ];122 }123 }124 } );125 setAttributes( {126 ghostkitSpacings: Object.keys( result ).length ? result : '',127 } );128 }129 render() {130 const { props } = this;131 let allow = false;132 const {133 ghostkitSpacings,134 } = props.attributes;135 if ( GHOSTKIT.hasBlockSupport(, 'spacings', false ) || GHOSTKIT.hasBlockSupport(, 'indents', false ) ) {136 allow = true;137 }138 if ( ! allow ) {139 allow = checkCoreBlock( );140 allow = applyFilters(141 'ghostkit.blocks.allowSpacings',142 allow,143 props,144 props.name145 );146 allow = applyFilters(147 'ghostkit.blocks.allowIndents',148 allow,149 props,150 props.name151 );152 }153 if ( ! allow ) {154 return null;155 }156 const filledTabs = {};157 const allSpacings = [158 'marginLeft',159 'marginTop',160 'marginRight',161 'marginBottom',162 'paddingLeft',163 'paddingTop',164 'paddingRight',165 'paddingBottom',166 ];167 if ( ghostkitVariables && ghostkitVariables.media_sizes && Object.keys( ghostkitVariables.media_sizes ).length ) {168 [169 'all',170 ...Object.keys( ghostkitVariables.media_sizes ),171 ].forEach( ( media ) => {172 filledTabs[ media ] = false;173 allSpacings.forEach( ( spacing ) => {174 if ( this.getCurrentSpacing( spacing, 'all' !== media ? `media_${ media }` : '' ) ) {175 filledTabs[ media ] = true;176 }177 } );178 } );179 }180 // add new spacings controls.181 return (182 <InspectorControls>183 <PanelBody184 title={ (185 <Fragment>186 <span className="ghostkit-ext-icon">187 { getIcon( 'extension-spacings' ) }188 </span>189 <span>{ __( 'Spacings', 'ghostkit' ) }</span>190 { ghostkitSpacings && Object.keys( ghostkitSpacings ).length ? (191 <ActiveIndicator />192 ) : '' }193 </Fragment>194 ) }195 initialOpen={ initialOpenPanel }196 onToggle={ () => {197 initialOpenPanel = ! initialOpenPanel;198 } }199 >200 <ResponsiveTabPanel filledTabs={ filledTabs }>201 {202 ( tabData ) => {203 let device = '';204 if ( 'all' !== ) {205 device = `media_${ }`;206 }207 return (208 <Fragment>209 <BaseControl className="ghostkit-control-spacing">210 { getIcon( 'icon-box' ) }211 <div className="ghostkit-control-spacing-margin">212 <span>{ __( 'Margin', 'ghostkit' ) }</span>213 <div className="ghostkit-control-spacing-margin-left">214 <InputDrag215 value={ this.getCurrentSpacing( 'marginLeft', device ) }216 placeholder="-"217 onChange={ ( nextValue ) => this.updateSpacings( 'marginLeft', nextValue, device ) }218 autoComplete="off"219 />220 </div>221 <div className="ghostkit-control-spacing-margin-top">222 <InputDrag223 value={ this.getCurrentSpacing( 'marginTop', device ) }224 placeholder="-"225 onChange={ ( nextValue ) => this.updateSpacings( 'marginTop', nextValue, device ) }226 autoComplete="off"227 />228 </div>229 <div className="ghostkit-control-spacing-margin-right">230 <InputDrag231 value={ this.getCurrentSpacing( 'marginRight', device ) }232 placeholder="-"233 onChange={ ( nextValue ) => this.updateSpacings( 'marginRight', nextValue, device ) }234 autoComplete="off"235 />236 </div>237 <div className="ghostkit-control-spacing-margin-bottom">238 <InputDrag239 value={ this.getCurrentSpacing( 'marginBottom', device ) }240 placeholder="-"241 onChange={ ( nextValue ) => this.updateSpacings( 'marginBottom', nextValue, device ) }242 autoComplete="off"243 />244 </div>245 </div>246 <div className="ghostkit-control-spacing-padding">247 <span>{ __( 'Padding', 'ghostkit' ) }</span>248 <div className="ghostkit-control-spacing-padding-left">249 <InputDrag250 value={ this.getCurrentSpacing( 'paddingLeft', device ) }251 placeholder="-"252 onChange={ ( nextValue ) => this.updateSpacings( 'paddingLeft', nextValue, device ) }253 autoComplete="off"254 />255 </div>256 <div className="ghostkit-control-spacing-padding-top">257 <InputDrag258 value={ this.getCurrentSpacing( 'paddingTop', device ) }259 placeholder="-"260 onChange={ ( nextValue ) => this.updateSpacings( 'paddingTop', nextValue, device ) }261 autoComplete="off"262 />263 </div>264 <div className="ghostkit-control-spacing-padding-right">265 <InputDrag266 value={ this.getCurrentSpacing( 'paddingRight', device ) }267 placeholder="-"268 onChange={ ( nextValue ) => this.updateSpacings( 'paddingRight', nextValue, device ) }269 autoComplete="off"270 />271 </div>272 <div className="ghostkit-control-spacing-padding-bottom">273 <InputDrag274 value={ this.getCurrentSpacing( 'paddingBottom', device ) }275 placeholder="-"276 onChange={ ( nextValue ) => this.updateSpacings( 'paddingBottom', nextValue, device ) }277 autoComplete="off"278 />279 </div>280 </div>281 <div className="ghostkit-control-spacing-important">282 <CheckboxControl283 label="!important"284 checked={ !! this.getCurrentSpacing( '!important', device ) }285 onChange={ ( nextValue ) => this.updateSpacings( '!important', nextValue, device ) }286 />287 </div>288 </BaseControl>289 </Fragment>290 );291 }292 }293 </ResponsiveTabPanel>294 </PanelBody>295 </InspectorControls>296 );297 }298}299/**300 * Allow custom styles in blocks.301 *302 * @param {Boolean} allow Original block allow custom styles.303 * @param {Object} settings Original block settings.304 *305 * @return {Object} Filtered block settings.306 */307function allowCustomStyles( allow, settings ) {308 if ( GHOSTKIT.hasBlockSupport( settings, 'spacings', false ) || GHOSTKIT.hasBlockSupport( settings, 'indents', false ) ) {309 allow = true;310 }311 if ( ! allow ) {312 allow = checkCoreBlock( );313 allow = applyFilters(314 'ghostkit.blocks.allowSpacings',315 allow,316 settings,317 settings.name318 );319 allow = applyFilters(320 'ghostkit.blocks.allowIndents',321 allow,322 settings,323 settings.name324 );325 }326 return allow;327}328/**329 * Extend ghostkit block attributes with spacings.330 *331 * @param {Object} settings Original block settings.332 *333 * @return {Object} Filtered block settings.334 */335function addAttribute( settings ) {336 let allow = false;337 if ( GHOSTKIT.hasBlockSupport( settings, 'spacings', false ) || GHOSTKIT.hasBlockSupport( settings, 'indents', false ) ) {338 allow = true;339 }340 if ( ! allow ) {341 allow = checkCoreBlock( );342 allow = applyFilters(343 'ghostkit.blocks.allowSpacings',344 allow,345 settings,346 settings.name347 );348 allow = applyFilters(349 'ghostkit.blocks.allowIndents',350 allow,351 settings,352 settings.name353 );354 }355 if ( allow ) {356 if ( ! settings.attributes.ghostkitSpacings ) {357 settings.attributes.ghostkitSpacings = {358 type: 'object',359 default: '',360 };361 // add to deprecated items.362 if ( settings.deprecated && settings.deprecated.length ) {363 settings.deprecated.forEach( ( item, i ) => {364 if ( settings.deprecated[ i ].attributes ) {365 settings.deprecated[ i ].attributes.ghostkitSpacings = settings.attributes.ghostkitSpacings;366 }367 } );368 }369 }370 if ( ! settings.attributes.ghostkitIndents ) {371 settings.attributes.ghostkitIndents = {372 type: 'object',373 default: '',374 };375 // add to deprecated items.376 if ( settings.deprecated && settings.deprecated.length ) {377 settings.deprecated.forEach( ( item, i ) => {378 if ( settings.deprecated[ i ].attributes ) {379 settings.deprecated[ i ].attributes.ghostkitIndents = settings.attributes.ghostkitIndents;380 }381 } );382 }383 }384 }385 return settings;386}387/**388 * Override the default edit UI to include a new block inspector control for389 * assigning the custom spacings if needed.390 *391 * @param {function|Component} BlockEdit Original component.392 *393 * @return {string} Wrapped component.394 */395const withInspectorControl = createHigherOrderComponent( ( BlockEdit ) => function( props ) {396 return (397 <Fragment>398 <BlockEdit { ...props } />399 <SpacingsComponent { ...props } />400 </Fragment>401 );402}, 'withInspectorControl' );403/**404 * Add custom styles to element in editor.405 *406 * @param {Object} customStyles Additional element styles object.407 * @param {Object} props Element props.408 *409 * @return {Object} Additional element styles object.410 */411function addEditorCustomStyles( customStyles, props ) {412 let customSpacings = props.attributes.ghostkitSpacings && 0 !== Object.keys( props.attributes.ghostkitSpacings ).length ? cloneDeep( props.attributes.ghostkitSpacings ) : false;413 // prepare !important tag.414 // validate values.415 const result = {};416 Object.keys( customSpacings ).forEach( ( key ) => {417 if ( customSpacings[ key ] && '!important' !== key ) {418 // check if device object.419 if ( 'object' === typeof customSpacings[ key ] ) {420 Object.keys( customSpacings[ key ] ).forEach( ( keyDevice ) => {421 if ( customSpacings[ key ][ keyDevice ] && '!important' !== keyDevice ) {422 if ( ! result[ key ] ) {423 result[ key ] = {};424 }425 result[ key ][ keyDevice ] = customSpacings[ key ][ keyDevice ] + ( customSpacings[ key ][ '!important' ] ? ' !important' : '' );426 }427 } );428 } else {429 result[ key ] = customSpacings[ key ] + ( customSpacings[ '!important' ] ? ' !important' : '' );430 }431 }432 } );433 customSpacings = 0 !== Object.keys( result ).length ? result : false;434 if ( customStyles && customSpacings ) {435 customStyles = merge( customStyles, customSpacings );436 }437 return customStyles;438}439// Init filters.440addFilter( 'ghostkit.blocks.allowCustomStyles', 'ghostkit/spacings/allow-custom-styles', allowCustomStyles );441addFilter( 'ghostkit.blocks.withCustomStyles', 'ghostkit/spacings/additional-attributes', addAttribute );442addFilter( 'ghostkit.blocks.customStyles', 'ghostkit/spacings/editor-custom-styles', addEditorCustomStyles );...
1var cambio = false;2var valPrima;3var ci = false;4$(document).ready(function(){5 let fileListEmpty = document.getElementById('lab4').files;6 7 for(let a = 1; a<=4; a++){8 let dropzone = document.getElementById('dropzone'+a);9 let lab = document.getElementById('lab'+a);10 let xSign = document.getElementById('sign'+a);11 12 dropzone.ondragover = function(){13 DataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';14 15 if(this.className !== 'dropzone full'){16 this.className = 'dropzone dragover';17 }18 return false;19 };20 dropzone.ondragleave = function(){21 if(this.className !== 'dropzone full'){22 this.className = 'dropzone';23 }24 return false;25 };26 dropzone.ondrop = function(e){27 e.preventDefault();28 29 this.className = 'dropzone'; 30 let fotoDrag = e.dataTransfer.files; 31 mostraDrag(fotoDrag);32 };33 34 lab.onchange = function(){35 if(cambio === false){36 let subId =, 4);37 $('#dropzone'+subId).attr('class','dropzone');38 let valore;39 40 if(this.files.length === fileListEmpty.length){41 valore = valPrima;42 }43 else{44 valore = this.files;45 cambio = true;46 this.files = fileListEmpty;47 cambio = false; 48 } 49 mostraDrag(valore);50 } 51 };52 53 lab.onclick = function(e){54 if(ci === true){55 e.preventDefault();56 ci = false;57 }58 else{ 59 valPrima = this.files;60 }61 };62 63 xSign.onclick = function(){64 ci = true;65 let subIdString =, 5);66 let subId = parseInt(subIdString); 67 68 for(let a = subId; a <= 4; a++){69 if(a !== 4){70 if($('#sign'+(1+a)).css('display') === 'block'){71 let img = $('#dropzone'+(1+a)).css('backgroundImage');72 $('#dropzone'+a).css('backgroundImage',img);73 74 let file = document.getElementById('lab'+(1+a)).files;75 cambio = true;76 document.getElementById('lab'+a).files = file;77 cambio = false;78 }79 else{80 $('#sign'+a).css('display','none');81 $('#dropzone'+a).attr('class','dropzone');82 $('#dropzone'+a).css('backgroundImage','url()');83 cambio = true;84 document.getElementById('lab'+a).files = fileListEmpty;85 cambio = false;86 break;87 }88 }89 else{90 $('#sign4').css('display','none');91 $('#dropzone4').attr('class','dropzone');92 $('#dropzone4').css('backgroundImage','url()');93 cambio = true;94 document.getElementById('lab4').files = fileListEmpty;95 cambio = false;96 }97 }98 };99 100 xSign.onmouseover = function(){101 = '2px solid grey';102 };103 104 xSign.onmouseleave = function(){105 = '0px solid grey';106 };107 }108});109function mostraDrag(foto){110 let formData = new FormData();111 formData.append('file[]', foto[0]);112 113 $.ajax({114 url: 'Resources/php/esitoDragFoto.php', method: 'POST', data: formData, processData: false, contentType: false, cache: false, success:115 116 function(response){117 let labDrag = $('.dropzone');118 let inputDrag = $('.inputfile');119 if(response === 'errorType'){120 $('#checkType').html("<img src='Resources/Images/smallWarning.png' style='vertical-align:top'> Puoi inserire solo immagini");121 for(let b = 0; b < labDrag.length; b++){122 if(inputDrag[b].files.length > 0){123 labDrag[b].className = 'dropzone full';124 }125 }126 }127 else{ 128 for(let b = 0; b < labDrag.length; b++){129 if(labDrag[b].className === 'dropzone'){130 labDrag[b].style.backgroundImage = 'url(data:image;base64,'+response+')';131 labDrag[b].className = 'dropzone full';132 133 let c = b + 1;134 $('#sign'+c).css('display','block'); 135 136 cambio = true;137 inputDrag[b].files = foto;138 cambio = false;139 140 break;141 }142 } 143 }144 }145 });...
1var cambio = false;2var valPrima;3var click = false;4$(document).ready(function(){5 let fileListEmpty = document.getElementById('lab1').files;6 7 let dropzone = document.getElementById('dropzone1');8 let lab = document.getElementById('lab1');9 let xSign = document.getElementById('sign1');10 11 dropzone.ondragover = function(){12 DataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';13 14 if(this.className !== 'dropzone full'){15 this.className = 'dropzone dragover';16 }17 return false;18 };19 dropzone.ondragleave = function(){20 if(this.className !== 'dropzone full'){21 this.className = 'dropzone';22 }23 return false;24 };25 dropzone.ondrop = function(e){26 e.preventDefault();27 28 this.className = 'dropzone'; 29 let fotoDrag = e.dataTransfer.files; 30 mostraDrag(fotoDrag);31 };32 33 lab.onchange = function(){34 if(cambio === false){35 $('#dropzone1').attr('class','dropzone');36 let valore;37 38 if(this.files.length === fileListEmpty.length){39 valore = valPrima;40 }41 else{42 valore = this.files;43 cambio = true;44 this.files = fileListEmpty;45 cambio = false; 46 } 47 mostraDrag(valore);48 } 49 };50 51 lab.onclick = function(e){52 if(click === true){53 e.preventDefault();54 click = false;55 }56 else{ 57 valPrima = this.files;58 }59 };60 61 xSign.onclick = function(){62 click = true; 63 64 $('#sign1').css('display','none');65 $('#dropzone1').attr('class','dropzone');66 $('#dropzone1').css('backgroundImage','url()');67 cambio = true;68 document.getElementById('lab1').files = fileListEmpty;69 cambio = false;70 };71 72 xSign.onmouseover = function(){73 = '2px solid grey';74 };75 76 xSign.onmouseleave = function(){77 = '0px solid grey';78 };79});80function mostraDrag(foto){81 let formData = new FormData();82 formData.append('file[]', foto[0]);83 84 $.ajax({85 url: 'Resources/php/esitoDragFoto.php', method: 'POST', data: formData, processData: false, contentType: false, cache: false, success:86 87 function(response){88 let inputDrag = document.getElementById('lab1');89 if(response === 'errorType'){90 $('#redFoto').css('background-color','red');91 if(inputDrag.files.length > 0){92 $('#dropzone1').attr('class','dropzone full');93 }94 }95 else{ 96 $('#dropzone1').css('background-image','url(data:image;base64,'+response+')');97 $('#dropzone1').attr('class','dropzone full');98 99 $('#sign1').css('display','block'); 100 101 $('#redFoto').css('background-color','white');102 103 cambio = true;104 inputDrag.files = foto;105 cambio = false; 106 }107 }108 });...
1import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'2import InputDrag from '../UI/inputDrag/inputDrag'3import './daysItem.css'4export default function DaysItem({ board, role }) {5 const [arrActions, setarrActions] = useState(board.Actions)6 const addItem = () => {7 const newActions = arrActions;8 while (newActions.length < 5) {9 newActions.push({ Id:0,Description: '', Name: '', TimeOfAction: '' });10 11 }12 setarrActions(newActions);13 }14 useEffect(() => {15 addItem()16 }, [])17 return (18 <div className='days'>19 <div className='days__tittle'>20 <p>{board.Date}</p>21 <p>{board.DayOfWeek.toUpperCase()}</p>22 </div>23 <div24 className='days__inputs'>25 {26 => (27 <InputDrag28 DayId={board.TripDayId}29 key={item?.id}30 name={item.Name}31 timeAction={item.TimeOfAction}32 comm={item.Description}33 quiz={item.Poll}34 id={item.Id}35 role={role}36 day={board.Date}37 dayWeek={board.DayOfWeek}38 />39 ))40 }41 </div>42 </div>43 )...
1Vue.component('drag-drop-area', {2 data() {3 return {4 dragging: false5 }6 },7 template:8 `<div class="drag-area p-4" :class="{active: dragging}" @drop.prevent="drop_file" @dragover.prevent="drag_feedback" @dragleave.prevent="dragleave_feedback">9 <input type="file" ref="inputDrag" @change="click_input" hidden>10 <div class="icon"><i class="fas fa-cloud-upload-alt"></i></div>11 <header v-if="!dragging">Drag & Drop to Upload File</header>12 <header v-else>Release to Upload File</header>13 <span>OR</span>14 <button type="button" class="btn btn-dark" v-on:click="browse_button">Browse File</button>15 </div>`,16 methods:{17 // browse file button v-on:click="browse_button"18 browse_button (){19 this.$;20 },21 // select local image from pc and upload22 click_input (event) {23 file =[0];24 this.$parent.upload_image(file);25 },26 // Drag and drop file27 drop_file(e) {28 let droppedFiles = e.dataTransfer.files;29 if(!droppedFiles) return;30 this.$parent.upload_image(droppedFiles[0]);31 },32 // give visual feedback for drag action33 drag_feedback(){34 this.dragging = true;35 },36 // give visual feedback for dragleave action37 dragleave_feedback(){38 this.dragging = false;39 }40 }
1// const axios = require("axios");2document.addEventListener(3 "DOMContentLoaded",4 () => {5 console.log("IronGenerator JS imported successfully!");6 },7 false8);9var dragposition = "";10$(".drag2").draggable({11 // other options...12 drag: function(event, ui) {13 dragposition = ui.position;14 },15 stop: (event, ui) => {16 let peopleId = $("id");17 let xvalue = ui.position.left;18 let yvalue =;19 console.log("This is the", ui.position);20`/add-point/${peopleId}`, { xvalue, yvalue });21 ///ask axios to storelocation22 }23});24$(".drag").draggable({25 // other options...26 drag: function(event, ui) {27 dragposition = ui.position;28 },29 stop: (event, ui) => {30 let commentId = $("id");31 console.log(;32 let xvalue = ui.position.left;33 let yvalue =;34 console.log("This is the", ui.position);35`/add-point-comment/${commentId}`, { xvalue, yvalue });36 ///ask axios to storelocation37 }38});39var inputdrag =40 '<input type="hidden" id="dragposition" value="' +41 dragposition.left +42 "," +43 +44 '"/>';...
1/**2 * Internal dependencies3 */4import ApplyFilters from '../../../components/apply-filters';5import CodeEditor from '../../../components/code-editor';6import ColorPicker from '../../../components/color-picker';7import IconPicker from '../../../components/icon-picker';8import ImagePicker from '../../../components/image-picker';9import InputDrag from '../../../components/input-drag';10import Modal from '../../../components/modal';11import RemoveButton from '../../../components/remove-button';12import ResponsiveTabPanel from '../../../components/responsive-tab-panel';13import URLPicker from '../../../components/url-picker';14import Typography from '../../../components/typography';15export function get() {16 return {17 ApplyFilters,18 CodeEditor,19 ColorPicker,20 IconPicker,21 ImagePicker,22 InputDrag,23 Modal,24 RemoveButton,25 ResponsiveTabPanel,26 URLPicker,27 Typography,28 };...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const path = require('path');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await'input[name="q"]');8 await page.inputDrag('input[name="q"]', { steps: 10, delay: 100 });9 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');10 await'input[name="q"]', 'Enter');11 await page.screenshot({ path: path.join(__dirname, 'google-playwright.png') });12 await browser.close();13})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { inputDrag } = require('playwright/lib/input');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await'#tsf > div:nth-child(2) > div > div.RNNXgb > div > div.a4bIc > input');8 const element = await page.$('#tsf > div:nth-child(2) > div > div.RNNXgb > div > div.a4bIc > input');9 await inputDrag(page, element, { x: 100, y: 100 });10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { inputDrag } = require('playwright/lib/input');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 await page.waitForSelector('input[name="q"]');7 await page.focus('input[name="q"]');8 await inputDrag(page, { x: 100, y: 100 }, { x: 200, y: 200 });9 await page.keyboard.type('Hello World');10 await browser.close();11})();12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch();15 const page = await browser.newPage();16 await page.waitForSelector('input[name="q"]');17 await page.focus('input[name="q"]');18 await page.mouse.move(100, 100);19 await page.mouse.down();20 await page.mouse.move(200, 200);21 await page.mouse.up();22 await page.keyboard.type('Hello World');23 await browser.close();24})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const inputDrag = require('@playwright/test/lib/internal/inputDrag');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.waitForSelector('#drag1');8 await inputDrag(page, '#drag1', 100, 100);9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await'text=Docs');7 await'text=Getting Started');8 await'text=API Reference');9 await'text=
Using AI Code Generation
1const {inputDrag} = require('playwright/lib/internal/selectorPlaywright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({headless: false});4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.waitForTimeout(2000);6 await'text="Run"');7 await page.waitForTimeout(2000);8 const frame = page.frame({name: 'iframeResult'});9 const element = await frame.$('#div1');10 await inputDrag(element, {x: 100, y: 0});11 await page.waitForTimeout(2000);12 await browser.close();13})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');2const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');3const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');4const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');5const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');6const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');7const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');8const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');9const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');10const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');11const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');12const { inputDrag }
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Input } = require('playwright/lib/input');2const input = new Input(page);3await input.inputDrag(x1, y1, x2, y2, options);4const { Input } = require('playwright/lib/input');5const input = new Input(page);6await input.inputDrag(x1, y1, x2, y2, options);7const { Input } = require('playwright/lib/input');8const input = new Input(page);9await input.inputDrag(x1, y1, x2, y2, options);10const { Input } = require('playwright/lib/input');11const input = new Input(page);12await input.inputDrag(x1, y1, x2, y2, options);13const { Input } = require('playwright/lib/input');14const input = new Input(page);15await input.inputDrag(x1, y1, x2, y2, options);16const { Input } = require('playwright/lib/input');17const input = new Input(page);18await input.inputDrag(x1, y1, x2, y2, options);19const { Input } = require('playwright/lib/input');20const input = new Input(page);21await input.inputDrag(x1, y1, x2, y2, options);22const { Input } = require('playwright/lib/input');23const input = new Input(page);24await input.inputDrag(x1, y1, x2, y2, options);25const { Input } = require('playwright/lib/input');26const input = new Input(page);27await input.inputDrag(x1, y1, x2, y2, options);28const { Input } = require('playwright/lib/input');29const input = new Input(page);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { inputDrag } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inputDrag');2module.exports = { 3}4const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');5const { inputDrag } = require('./test');6test('test', async ({ page }) => {7 await inputDrag(page, {x: 0, y: 0}, {x: 100, y: 100});8});9const { test, expect } = require("@playwright/test");10test("Drag and Drop", async ({ page }) => {
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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