Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1import configureMockStore from "redux-mock-store";2import thunk from "redux-thunk";3import cloudreveApp, { initState as cloudreveState } from "./index";4import { initState as viewUpdateState } from "../redux/viewUpdate/reducer";5import { initState as explorerState } from "../redux/explorer/reducer";6import {7 setModalsLoading,8 openLoadingDialog,9 openGetSourceDialog,10 openShareDialog,11 openMoveDialog,12 navigateUp,13 navigateTo,14 drawerToggleAction,15 changeViewMethod,16 changeContextMenu,17 dragAndDrop,18 setNavigatorLoadingStatus,19 setNavigatorError,20 addSelectedTargets,21 setNavigator,22 setSelectedTarget,23 removeSelectedTargets,24 toggleDaylightMode,25 applyThemes,26 openCreateFolderDialog,27 openRenameDialog,28 openRemoveDialog,29 openResaveDialog,30 setUserPopover,31 setShareUserPopover,32 setSiteConfig,33 openMusicDialog,34 openRemoteDownloadDialog,35 openTorrentDownloadDialog,36 openDecompressDialog,37 openCompressDialog,38 openCopyDialog,39 closeAllModals,40 toggleSnackbar,41 setSessionStatus,42 enableLoadUploader,43 refreshFileList,44 searchMyFile,45 showImgPreivew,46 refreshStorage,47 saveFile,48 setLastSelect,49 setShiftSelectedIds,50} from "../actions/index";51import { changeSubTitle, setSubtitle } from "../redux/viewUpdate/action";52import {53 updateFileList,54 setFileList,55 setDirList,56 setSortMethod,57 changeSortMethod,58} from "../redux/explorer/action";59const initState = {60 ...cloudreveState,61 viewUpdate: viewUpdateState,62 explorer: explorerState,63};64const middlewares = [thunk];65const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);66describe("index reducer", () => {67 it("should return the initial state", () => {68 expect(cloudreveApp(undefined, { type: "@@INIT" })).toEqual(initState);69 });70 it("should handle redux init", () => {71 expect(cloudreveApp(undefined, { type: "@@redux/INIT" })).toEqual(72 initState73 );74 });75 it("should handle DRAWER_TOGGLE", () => {76 const openAction = drawerToggleAction(true);77 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, openAction)).toEqual({78 ...initState,79 viewUpdate: {80 ...initState.viewUpdate,81 open: true,82 },83 });84 const clossAction = drawerToggleAction(false);85 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, clossAction)).toEqual({86 ...initState,87 viewUpdate: {88 ...initState.viewUpdate,89 open: false,90 },91 });92 });93 it("should handle CHANGE_VIEW_METHOD", () => {94 const action = changeViewMethod("list");95 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({96 ...initState,97 viewUpdate: {98 ...initState.viewUpdate,99 explorerViewMethod: "list",100 },101 });102 });103 it("should handle SET_SORT_METHOD", () => {104 const action = setSortMethod("sizeRes");105 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({106 ...initState,107 viewUpdate: {108 ...initState.viewUpdate,109 sortMethod: "sizeRes",110 },111 });112 });113 describe("CHANGE_SORT_METHOD", () => {114 const explorerState = {115 fileList: [116 {117 type: "file",118 name: "b",119 size: 10,120 date: "2020/04/30",121 },122 {123 type: "file",124 name: "a",125 size: 11,126 date: "2020/05/01",127 },128 {129 type: "file",130 name: "z",131 size: 110,132 date: "2020/04/29",133 },134 ],135 dirList: [136 {137 type: "dir",138 name: "b_dir",139 size: 10,140 date: "2020/04/30",141 },142 {143 type: "dir",144 name: "a_dir",145 size: 11,146 date: "2020/05/01",147 },148 {149 type: "dir",150 name: "z_dir",151 size: 110,152 date: "2020/04/29",153 },154 ],155 };156 const state = {157 ...initState,158 explorer: {159 ...initState.explorer,160 ...explorerState,161 },162 };163 it("should handle sizePos", async () => {164 const action = changeSortMethod("sizePos");165 const sortFunc = (a, b) => {166 return a.size - b.size;167 };168 const fileList = explorerState.fileList;169 const dirList = explorerState.dirList;170 const store = mockStore(state);171 await store.dispatch(action);172 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([173 setSortMethod("sizePos"),174 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFunc)),175 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFunc)),176 ]);177 });178 it("should handle sizeRes", async () => {179 const action = changeSortMethod("sizePos");180 const sortFunc = (a, b) => {181 return b.size - a.size;182 };183 const fileList = explorerState.fileList;184 const dirList = explorerState.dirList;185 const store = mockStore(state);186 await store.dispatch(action);187 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([188 setSortMethod("sizePos"),189 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFunc)),190 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFunc)),191 ]);192 });193 it("should handle namePos", async () => {194 const action = changeSortMethod("namePos");195 const sortFunc = (a, b) => {196 return;197 };198 const fileList = explorerState.fileList;199 const dirList = explorerState.dirList;200 const store = mockStore(state);201 await store.dispatch(action);202 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([203 setSortMethod("namePos"),204 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFunc)),205 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFunc)),206 ]);207 });208 it("should handle nameRev", async () => {209 const action = changeSortMethod("nameRev");210 const sortFunc = (a, b) => {211 return;212 };213 const fileList = explorerState.fileList;214 const dirList = explorerState.dirList;215 const store = mockStore(state);216 await store.dispatch(action);217 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([218 setSortMethod("nameRev"),219 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFunc)),220 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFunc)),221 ]);222 });223 it("should handle timePos", async () => {224 const action = changeSortMethod("timePos");225 const sortFunc = (a, b) => {226 return Date.parse( - Date.parse(;227 };228 const fileList = explorerState.fileList;229 const dirList = explorerState.dirList;230 const store = mockStore(state);231 await store.dispatch(action);232 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([233 setSortMethod("timePos"),234 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFunc)),235 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFunc)),236 ]);237 });238 it("should handle timeRev", async () => {239 const action = changeSortMethod("timeRev");240 const sortFunc = (a, b) => {241 return Date.parse( - Date.parse(;242 };243 const fileList = explorerState.fileList;244 const dirList = explorerState.dirList;245 const store = mockStore(state);246 await store.dispatch(action);247 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([248 setSortMethod("timeRev"),249 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFunc)),250 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFunc)),251 ]);252 });253 });254 it("should handle CHANGE_CONTEXT_MENU", () => {255 const action1 = changeContextMenu("empty", false);256 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action1)).toEqual({257 ...initState,258 viewUpdate: {259 ...initState.viewUpdate,260 contextOpen: false,261 contextType: "empty",262 },263 });264 const action2 = changeContextMenu("aa", true);265 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action2)).toEqual({266 ...initState,267 viewUpdate: {268 ...initState.viewUpdate,269 contextOpen: true,270 contextType: "aa",271 },272 });273 });274 it("should handle DRAG_AND_DROP", () => {275 const action = dragAndDrop("source", "target");276 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({277 ...initState,278 explorer: {279 ...initState.explorer,280 dndSignal: true,281 dndTarget: "target",282 dndSource: "source",283 },284 });285 });286 it("should handle SET_NAVIGATOR_LOADING_STATUE", () => {287 const action = setNavigatorLoadingStatus(true);288 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({289 ...initState,290 viewUpdate: {291 ...initState.viewUpdate,292 navigatorLoading: true,293 },294 });295 });296 it("should handle SET_NAVIGATOR_ERROR", () => {297 const action = setNavigatorError(true, "Error Message");298 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({299 ...initState,300 viewUpdate: {301 ...initState.viewUpdate,302 navigatorError: true,303 navigatorErrorMsg: "Error Message",304 },305 });306 });307 describe("UPDATE_FILE_LIST", () => {308 const fileList = [309 {310 type: "file",311 name: "b",312 size: 10,313 date: "2020/04/30",314 },315 {316 type: "file",317 name: "a",318 size: 11,319 date: "2020/05/01",320 },321 {322 type: "file",323 name: "z",324 size: 110,325 date: "2020/04/29",326 },327 ];328 const dirList = [329 {330 type: "dir",331 name: "b_dir",332 size: 10,333 date: "2020/04/30",334 },335 {336 type: "dir",337 name: "a_dir",338 size: 11,339 date: "2020/05/01",340 },341 {342 type: "dir",343 name: "z_dir",344 size: 110,345 date: "2020/04/29",346 },347 ];348 const updateAction = updateFileList([...fileList, ...dirList]);349 it("should handle sizePos", async () => {350 const sortFun = (a, b) => {351 return a.size - b.size;352 };353 const state = {354 ...initState,355 viewUpdate: {356 ...initState.viewUpdate,357 sortMethod: "sizePos",358 },359 };360 const store = mockStore(state);361 await store.dispatch(updateAction);362 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([363 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFun)),364 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFun)),365 ]);366 });367 it("should handle sizeRes", async () => {368 const sortFun = (a, b) => {369 return b.size - a.size;370 };371 const state = {372 ...initState,373 viewUpdate: {374 ...initState.viewUpdate,375 sortMethod: "sizeRes",376 },377 };378 const store = mockStore(state);379 await store.dispatch(updateAction);380 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([381 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFun)),382 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFun)),383 ]);384 });385 it("should handle namePos", async () => {386 const sortFun = (a, b) => {387 return;388 };389 const state = {390 ...initState,391 viewUpdate: {392 ...initState.viewUpdate,393 sortMethod: "namePos",394 },395 };396 const store = mockStore(state);397 await store.dispatch(updateAction);398 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([399 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFun)),400 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFun)),401 ]);402 });403 it("should handle nameRev", async () => {404 const sortFun = (a, b) => {405 return;406 };407 const state = {408 ...initState,409 viewUpdate: {410 ...initState.viewUpdate,411 sortMethod: "nameRev",412 },413 };414 const store = mockStore(state);415 await store.dispatch(updateAction);416 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([417 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFun)),418 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFun)),419 ]);420 });421 it("should handle timePos", async () => {422 const sortFun = (a, b) => {423 return Date.parse( - Date.parse(;424 };425 const state = {426 ...initState,427 viewUpdate: {428 ...initState.viewUpdate,429 sortMethod: "timePos",430 },431 };432 const store = mockStore(state);433 await store.dispatch(updateAction);434 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([435 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFun)),436 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFun)),437 ]);438 });439 it("should handle timeRev", async () => {440 const sortFun = (a, b) => {441 return Date.parse( - Date.parse(;442 };443 const state = {444 ...initState,445 viewUpdate: {446 ...initState.viewUpdate,447 sortMethod: "timeRev",448 },449 };450 const store = mockStore(state);451 await store.dispatch(updateAction);452 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([453 setDirList(dirList.sort(sortFun)),454 setFileList(fileList.sort(sortFun)),455 ]);456 });457 });458 it("should handle SET_FILE_LIST", () => {459 const action = setFileList([460 {461 type: "file",462 id: "a",463 },464 {465 type: "file",466 id: "b",467 },468 ]);469 expect(470 cloudreveApp(471 {472 ...initState,473 explorer: {474 ...initState.explorer,475 fileList: [{ type: "file", id: "test" }],476 },477 },478 action479 )480 ).toEqual({481 ...initState,482 explorer: {483 ...initState.explorer,484 fileList: [485 {486 type: "file",487 id: "a",488 },489 {490 type: "file",491 id: "b",492 },493 ],494 },495 });496 });497 it("should handle SET_DIR_LIST", () => {498 const action = setDirList([499 {500 type: "dir",501 id: "a",502 },503 {504 type: "dir",505 id: "b",506 },507 ]);508 expect(509 cloudreveApp(510 {511 ...initState,512 explorer: {513 ...initState.explorer,514 dirList: [{ type: "dir", id: "test" }],515 },516 },517 action518 )519 ).toEqual({520 ...initState,521 explorer: {522 ...initState.explorer,523 dirList: [524 {525 type: "dir",526 id: "a",527 },528 {529 type: "dir",530 id: "b",531 },532 ],533 },534 });535 });536 it("should handle ADD_SELECTED_TARGETS", () => {537 const newSelect = [538 {539 type: "file",540 },541 {542 type: "dir",543 },544 ];545 const action = addSelectedTargets(newSelect);546 expect(547 cloudreveApp(548 {549 ...initState,550 explorer: {551 ...initState.explorer,552 selected: [{ type: "file" }],553 },554 },555 action556 )557 ).toEqual({558 ...initState,559 explorer: {560 ...initState.explorer,561 selected: [{ type: "file" }, ...newSelect],562 selectProps: {563 isMultiple: true,564 withFolder: true,565 withFile: true,566 },567 },568 });569 });570 it("should handle SET_SELECTED_TARGET", () => {571 const newSelect = [572 {573 type: "file",574 },575 {576 type: "dir",577 },578 ];579 const action = setSelectedTarget(newSelect);580 expect(581 cloudreveApp(582 {583 ...initState,584 explorer: {585 ...initState.explorer,586 selected: [{ type: "file" }],587 },588 },589 action590 )591 ).toEqual({592 ...initState,593 explorer: {594 ...initState.explorer,595 selected: newSelect,596 selectProps: {597 isMultiple: true,598 withFolder: true,599 withFile: true,600 },601 },602 });603 });604 it("should handle RMOVE_SELECTED_TARGETS", () => {605 const remove = ["1"];606 const action = removeSelectedTargets(remove);607 expect(608 cloudreveApp(609 {610 ...initState,611 explorer: {612 ...initState.explorer,613 selected: [614 { id: "1", type: "file" },615 { id: "2", type: "file" },616 ],617 },618 },619 action620 )621 ).toEqual({622 ...initState,623 explorer: {624 ...initState.explorer,625 selected: [{ id: "2", type: "file" }],626 selectProps: {627 isMultiple: false,628 withFolder: false,629 withFile: true,630 },631 },632 });633 });634 it("should handle NAVIGATOR_TO", async () => {635 const store = mockStore(initState);636 const action = navigateTo("/somewhere");637 await store.dispatch(action);638 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([setNavigator("/somewhere", true)]);639 });640 it("should handle NAVIGATOR_UP", async () => {641 const navState = {642 ...initState,643 navigator: {644 ...initState.navigator,645 path: "/to/somewhere",646 },647 };648 const store = mockStore(navState);649 const action = navigateUp();650 await store.dispatch(action);651 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([setNavigator("/to", true)]);652 });653 it("should handle SET_NAVIGATOR", () => {654 const navState = {655 ...initState,656 navigator: {657 ...initState.navigator,658 path: "/to/somewhere",659 },660 };661 const action = setNavigator("/newpath", true);662 expect(cloudreveApp(navState, action)).toEqual({663 ...initState,664 navigator: {665 ...initState.navigator,666 path: "/newpath",667 },668 viewUpdate: {669 ...initState.viewUpdate,670 contextOpen: false,671 navigatorError: false,672 navigatorLoading: true,673 },674 explorer: {675 ...initState.explorer,676 selected: [],677 selectProps: {678 isMultiple: false,679 withFolder: false,680 withFile: false,681 },682 keywords: "",683 },684 });685 expect(window.currntPath).toEqual("/newpath");686 });687 it("should handle TOGGLE_DAYLIGHT_MODE", () => {688 const action = toggleDaylightMode();689 const darkState = {690 ...initState,691 siteConfig: {692 ...initState.siteConfig,693 theme: {694 ...initState.siteConfig.theme,695 palette: {696 ...initState.siteConfig.theme.palette,697 type: "dark",698 },699 },700 },701 };702 const lightState = {703 ...initState,704 siteConfig: {705 ...initState.siteConfig,706 theme: {707 ...initState.siteConfig.theme,708 palette: {709 ...initState.siteConfig.theme.palette,710 type: "light",711 },712 },713 },714 };715 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual(darkState);716 expect(cloudreveApp(darkState, action)).toEqual(lightState);717 });718 it("should handle APPLY_THEME", () => {719 const action = applyThemes("foo");720 const stateWithThemes = {721 ...initState,722 siteConfig: {723 ...initState.siteConfig,724 themes: JSON.stringify({ foo: "bar" }),725 },726 };727 expect(cloudreveApp(stateWithThemes, action)).toEqual({728 ...stateWithThemes,729 siteConfig: {730 ...stateWithThemes.siteConfig,731 theme: "bar",732 },733 });734 });735 it("should handle OPEN_CREATE_FOLDER_DIALOG", () => {736 const action = openCreateFolderDialog();737 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({738 ...initState,739 viewUpdate: {740 ...initState.viewUpdate,741 modals: {742 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,743 createNewFolder: true,744 },745 contextOpen: false,746 },747 });748 });749 it("should handle OPEN_RENAME_DIALOG", () => {750 const action = openRenameDialog();751 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({752 ...initState,753 viewUpdate: {754 ...initState.viewUpdate,755 modals: {756 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,757 rename: true,758 },759 contextOpen: false,760 },761 });762 });763 it("should handle OPEN_REMOVE_DIALOG", () => {764 const action = openRemoveDialog();765 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({766 ...initState,767 viewUpdate: {768 ...initState.viewUpdate,769 modals: {770 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,771 remove: true,772 },773 contextOpen: false,774 },775 });776 });777 it("should handle OPEN_MOVE_DIALOG", () => {778 const action = openMoveDialog();779 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({780 ...initState,781 viewUpdate: {782 ...initState.viewUpdate,783 modals: {784 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,785 move: true,786 },787 contextOpen: false,788 },789 });790 });791 it("should handle OPEN_RESAVE_DIALOG", () => {792 const action = openResaveDialog();793 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({794 ...initState,795 viewUpdate: {796 ...initState.viewUpdate,797 modals: {798 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,799 resave: true,800 },801 contextOpen: false,802 },803 });804 });805 it("should handle SET_USER_POPOVER", () => {806 // TODO: update to real anchor807 const action = setUserPopover("anchor");808 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({809 ...initState,810 viewUpdate: {811 ...initState.viewUpdate,812 userPopoverAnchorEl: "anchor",813 },814 });815 });816 it("should handle SET_SHARE_USER_POPOVER", () => {817 // TODO: update to real anchor818 const action = setShareUserPopover("anchor");819 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({820 ...initState,821 viewUpdate: {822 ...initState.viewUpdate,823 shareUserPopoverAnchorEl: "anchor",824 },825 });826 });827 it("should handle OPEN_SHARE_DIALOG", () => {828 // TODO: update to real anchor829 const action = openShareDialog();830 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({831 ...initState,832 viewUpdate: {833 ...initState.viewUpdate,834 modals: {835 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,836 share: true,837 },838 contextOpen: false,839 },840 });841 });842 it("should handle SET_SITE_CONFIG", () => {843 // TODO: update to real anchor844 const action = setSiteConfig({ foo: "bar" });845 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({846 ...initState,847 siteConfig: {848 foo: "bar",849 },850 });851 });852 it("should handle SET_SITE_CONFIG", () => {853 // TODO: update to real anchor854 const action = setSiteConfig({ foo: "bar" });855 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({856 ...initState,857 siteConfig: {858 foo: "bar",859 },860 });861 });862 it("should handle OPEN_MUSIC_DIALOG", () => {863 const action = openMusicDialog();864 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({865 ...initState,866 viewUpdate: {867 ...initState.viewUpdate,868 modals: {869 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,870 music: true,871 },872 contextOpen: false,873 },874 });875 });876 it("should handle OPEN_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD_DIALOG", () => {877 const action = openRemoteDownloadDialog();878 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({879 ...initState,880 viewUpdate: {881 ...initState.viewUpdate,882 modals: {883 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,884 remoteDownload: true,885 },886 contextOpen: false,887 },888 });889 });890 it("should handle OPEN_TORRENT_DOWNLOAD_DIALOG", () => {891 const action = openTorrentDownloadDialog();892 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({893 ...initState,894 viewUpdate: {895 ...initState.viewUpdate,896 modals: {897 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,898 torrentDownload: true,899 },900 contextOpen: false,901 },902 });903 });904 it("should handle OPEN_DECOMPRESS_DIALOG", () => {905 const action = openDecompressDialog();906 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({907 ...initState,908 viewUpdate: {909 ...initState.viewUpdate,910 modals: {911 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,912 decompress: true,913 },914 contextOpen: false,915 },916 });917 });918 it("should handle OPEN_COMPRESS_DIALOG", () => {919 const action = openCompressDialog();920 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({921 ...initState,922 viewUpdate: {923 ...initState.viewUpdate,924 modals: {925 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,926 compress: true,927 },928 contextOpen: false,929 },930 });931 });932 it("should handle OPEN_GET_SOURCE_DIALOG", () => {933 const action = openGetSourceDialog();934 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({935 ...initState,936 viewUpdate: {937 ...initState.viewUpdate,938 modals: {939 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,940 getSource: true,941 },942 contextOpen: false,943 },944 });945 });946 it("should handle OPEN_COPY_DIALOG", () => {947 const action = openCopyDialog();948 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({949 ...initState,950 viewUpdate: {951 ...initState.viewUpdate,952 modals: {953 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,954 copy: true,955 },956 contextOpen: false,957 },958 });959 });960 it("should handle OPEN_LOADING_DIALOG", () => {961 const action = openLoadingDialog("loading");962 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({963 ...initState,964 viewUpdate: {965 ...initState.viewUpdate,966 modals: {967 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,968 loading: true,969 loadingText: "loading",970 },971 contextOpen: false,972 },973 });974 });975 it("should handle CLOSE_ALL_MODALS", () => {976 const action = closeAllModals();977 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({978 ...initState,979 viewUpdate: {980 ...initState.viewUpdate,981 modals: {982 ...initState.viewUpdate.modals,983 createNewFolder: false,984 rename: false,985 move: false,986 remove: false,987 share: false,988 music: false,989 remoteDownload: false,990 torrentDownload: false,991 getSource: false,992 resave: false,993 copy: false,994 loading: false,995 compress: false,996 decompress: false,997 },998 },999 });1000 });1001 it("should handle CHANGE_SUB_TITLE", async () => {1002 const store = mockStore(initState);1003 const action = changeSubTitle("test sub title");1004 await store.dispatch(action);1005 expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([setSubtitle("test sub title")]);1006 expect(document.title).toEqual("test sub title - CloudEnterprise");1007 });1008 it("should handle SET_SUBTITLE", () => {1009 const action = setSubtitle("test sub title 2");1010 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({1011 ...initState,1012 viewUpdate: {1013 ...initState.viewUpdate,1014 subTitle: "test sub title 2",1015 },1016 });1017 });1018 it("should handle TOGGLE_SNACKBAR", () => {1019 const action = toggleSnackbar(1020 "top",1021 "right",1022 "something wrong",1023 "error"1024 );1025 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({1026 ...initState,1027 viewUpdate: {1028 ...initState.viewUpdate,1029 snackbar: {1030 toggle: true,1031 vertical: "top",1032 horizontal: "right",1033 msg: "something wrong",1034 color: "error",1035 },1036 },1037 });1038 });1039 it("should handle SET_MODALS_LOADING", () => {1040 const action = setModalsLoading("test loading status");1041 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({1042 ...initState,1043 viewUpdate: {1044 ...initState.viewUpdate,1045 modalsLoading: "test loading status",1046 },1047 });1048 });1049 it("should handle SET_SESSION_STATUS", () => {1050 const action = setSessionStatus(true);1051 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({1052 ...initState,1053 viewUpdate: {1054 ...initState.viewUpdate,1055 isLogin: true,1056 },1057 });1058 });1059 it("should handle ENABLE_LOAD_UPLOADER", () => {1060 const action = enableLoadUploader();1061 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({1062 ...initState,1063 viewUpdate: {1064 ...initState.viewUpdate,1065 loadUploader: true,1066 },1067 });1068 });1069 it("should handle REFRESH_FILE_LIST", () => {1070 const action = refreshFileList();1071 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({1072 ...initState,1073 navigator: {1074 ...initState.navigator,1075 refresh: false,1076 },1077 explorer: {1078 ...initState.explorer,1079 selected: [],1080 selectProps: {1081 isMultiple: false,1082 withFolder: false,1083 withFile: false,1084 },1085 },1086 });1087 });1088 it("should handle SEARCH_MY_FILE", () => {1089 const action = searchMyFile("keyword");1090 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({1091 ...initState,1092 navigator: {1093 ...initState.navigator,1094 path: "/æç´¢ç»æ",1095 refresh: true,1096 },1097 viewUpdate: {1098 ...initState.viewUpdate,1099 contextOpen: false,1100 navigatorError: false,1101 navigatorLoading: true,1102 },1103 explorer: {1104 ...initState.explorer,1105 selected: [],1106 selectProps: {1107 isMultiple: false,1108 withFolder: false,1109 withFile: false,1110 },1111 keywords: "keyword",1112 },1113 });1114 });1115 it("should handle SHOW_IMG_PREIVEW", () => {1116 const action = showImgPreivew({ type: "file" });1117 const showImgState = {1118 ...initState,1119 explorer: {1120 ...initState.explorer,1121 fileList: [{ type: "file" }, { type: "dir" }],1122 },1123 };1124 expect(cloudreveApp(showImgState, action)).toEqual({1125 ...showImgState,1126 explorer: {1127 ...showImgState.explorer,1128 imgPreview: {1129 ...showImgState.explorer.imgPreview,1130 first: { type: "file" },1131 other: [{ type: "file" }, { type: "dir" }],1132 },1133 },1134 });1135 });1136 it("should handle REFRESH_STORAGE", () => {1137 const action = refreshStorage();1138 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({1139 ...initState,1140 viewUpdate: {1141 ...initState.viewUpdate,1142 storageRefresh: true,1143 },1144 });1145 });1146 it("should handle SAVE_FILE", () => {1147 const action = saveFile();1148 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({1149 ...initState,1150 explorer: {1151 ...initState.explorer,1152 fileSave: true,1153 },1154 });1155 });1156 it("should handle SET_LAST_SELECT", () => {1157 const action = setLastSelect({ type: "file" }, 1);1158 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({1159 ...initState,1160 explorer: {1161 ...initState.explorer,1162 lastSelect: {1163 file: { type: "file" },1164 index: 1,1165 },1166 },1167 });1168 });1169 it("should handle SET_SHIFT_SELECTED_IDS", () => {1170 const action = setShiftSelectedIds(["1", "2"]);1171 expect(cloudreveApp(initState, action)).toEqual({1172 ...initState,1173 explorer: {1174 ...initState.explorer,1175 shiftSelectedIds: ["1", "2"],1176 },1177 });1178 });...
1import {2 selectBtc,3 selectEth,4 selectOffset,5 fetchBtcRequest,6 fetchEthRequest,7 fetchBtcSuccess,8 fetchBtcFailure,9 fetchEthFailure,10 fetchEthSuccess11} from '../../actions/currency';12import { currency } from '../currency';13const initState = {14 selected: 'btc',15 offset: '2h',16 btc: [],17 eth: [],18 btcLoadingState: {19 isLoading: false,20 isLoaded: false,21 error: false22 },23 ethLoadingState: {24 isLoading: false,25 isLoaded: false,26 error: false27 }28};29describe('currency reducer', () => {30 describe('selectBtc action', () => {31 it('shouldn`t mutate init state', () => {32 expect(currency(initState, selectBtc())).not.toBe(initState);33 });34 it('should put btc to selected field', () => {35 expect(currency(null, selectBtc('btc')).selected).toBe('btc');36 });37 });38 describe('selectEth action', () => {39 it('shouldn`t mutate init state', () => {40 expect(currency(initState, selectEth())).not.toBe(initState);41 });42 it('should put eth to selected field', () => {43 expect(currency(null, selectEth('eth')).selected).toBe('eth');44 });45 });46 describe('selectOffset action', () => {47 it('shouldn`t mutate init state', () => {48 expect(currency(initState, selectOffset())).not.toBe(initState);49 });50 it('should put action.payload to offset field', () => {51 expect(currency(null, selectOffset('data')).offset).toBe('data');52 });53 });54 describe('fetchBtcRequest action', () => {55 it('shouldn`t mutate init state', () => {56 expect(currency(initState, fetchBtcRequest())).not.toBe(initState);57 });58 it('shouldn`t mutate init btcLoadingState object', () => {59 expect(currency(initState, fetchBtcRequest()).btcLoadingState).not.toBe(60 initState.btcLoadingState61 );62 });63 it('should set true to btcLoadingState.isLoading field', () => {64 initState.btcLoadingState.isLoading = false;65 expect(66 currency(initState, fetchBtcRequest()).btcLoadingState.isLoading67 ).toBe(true);68 });69 it('should set false to btcLoadingState.isLoaded field', () => {70 initState.btcLoadingState.isLoaded = true;71 expect(72 currency(initState, fetchBtcRequest()).btcLoadingState.isLoaded73 ).toBe(false);74 });75 it('should set false to btcLoadingState.error field', () => {76 initState.btcLoadingState.error = true;77 expect(currency(initState, fetchBtcRequest()).btcLoadingState.error).toBe(78 false79 );80 });81 });82 describe('fetchBtcSuccess action', () => {83 it('shouldn`t mutate init state', () => {84 expect(currency(initState, fetchBtcSuccess())).not.toBe(initState);85 });86 it('shouldn`t mutate init btcLoadingState object', () => {87 expect(currency(initState, fetchBtcSuccess()).btcLoadingState).not.toBe(88 initState.btcLoadingState89 );90 });91 it('should set false to btcLoadingState.isLoading field', () => {92 initState.btcLoadingState.isLoading = true;93 expect(94 currency(initState, fetchBtcSuccess()).btcLoadingState.isLoading95 ).toBe(false);96 });97 it('should set true to btcLoadingState.isLoaded field', () => {98 initState.btcLoadingState.isLoaded = false;99 expect(100 currency(initState, fetchBtcSuccess()).btcLoadingState.isLoaded101 ).toBe(true);102 });103 it('should set false to btcLoadingState.error field', () => {104 initState.btcLoadingState.error = true;105 expect(currency(initState, fetchBtcSuccess()).btcLoadingState.error).toBe(106 false107 );108 });109 it('should put action.payload to btc field', () => {110 expect(currency(initState, fetchBtcSuccess('data')).btc).toBe('data');111 });112 });113 describe('fetchBtcFailure action', () => {114 it('shouldn`t mutate init state', () => {115 expect(currency(initState, fetchBtcFailure())).not.toBe(initState);116 });117 it('shouldn`t mutate init btcLoadingState object', () => {118 expect(currency(initState, fetchBtcFailure()).btcLoadingState).not.toBe(119 initState.btcLoadingState120 );121 });122 it('should set false to btcLoadingState.isLoading field', () => {123 initState.btcLoadingState.isLoading = true;124 expect(125 currency(initState, fetchBtcFailure()).btcLoadingState.isLoading126 ).toBe(false);127 });128 it('should set true to btcLoadingState.isLoaded field', () => {129 initState.btcLoadingState.isLoaded = false;130 expect(131 currency(initState, fetchBtcFailure()).btcLoadingState.isLoaded132 ).toBe(true);133 });134 it('should put action.error to btcLoadingState.error field', () => {135 initState.btcLoadingState.error = false;136 expect(137 currency(initState, fetchBtcFailure(new Error())).btcLoadingState.error138 ).toBe(true);139 });140 });141 describe('fetchEthRequest action', () => {142 it('shouldn`t mutate init state', () => {143 expect(currency(initState, fetchEthRequest())).not.toBe(initState);144 });145 it('shouldn`t mutate init ethLoadingState object', () => {146 expect(currency(initState, fetchEthRequest()).ethLoadingState).not.toBe(147 initState.ethLoadingState148 );149 });150 it('should set true to ethLoadingState.isLoading field', () => {151 initState.ethLoadingState.isLoading = false;152 expect(153 currency(initState, fetchEthRequest()).ethLoadingState.isLoading154 ).toBe(true);155 });156 it('should set false to ethLoadingState.isLoaded field', () => {157 initState.ethLoadingState.isLoaded = true;158 expect(159 currency(initState, fetchEthRequest()).ethLoadingState.isLoaded160 ).toBe(false);161 });162 it('should set false to ethLoadingState.error field', () => {163 initState.ethLoadingState.error = true;164 expect(currency(initState, fetchEthRequest()).ethLoadingState.error).toBe(165 false166 );167 });168 });169 describe('fetchEthSuccess action', () => {170 it('shouldn`t mutate init state', () => {171 expect(currency(initState, fetchEthSuccess())).not.toBe(initState);172 });173 it('shouldn`t mutate init ethLoadingState object', () => {174 expect(currency(initState, fetchEthSuccess()).ethLoadingState).not.toBe(175 initState.ethLoadingState176 );177 });178 it('should set false to ethLoadingState.isLoading field', () => {179 initState.btcLoadingState.isLoading = true;180 expect(181 currency(initState, fetchEthSuccess()).ethLoadingState.isLoading182 ).toBe(false);183 });184 it('should set true to ethLoadingState.isLoaded field', () => {185 initState.ethLoadingState.isLoaded = false;186 expect(187 currency(initState, fetchEthSuccess()).ethLoadingState.isLoaded188 ).toBe(true);189 });190 it('should set false to ethLoadingState.error field', () => {191 initState.ethLoadingState.error = true;192 expect(currency(initState, fetchEthSuccess()).ethLoadingState.error).toBe(193 false194 );195 });196 it('should put action.payload to eth field', () => {197 expect(currency(initState, fetchEthSuccess('data')).eth).toBe('data');198 });199 });200 describe('fetchEthFailure action', () => {201 it('shouldn`t mutate init state', () => {202 expect(currency(initState, fetchEthFailure())).not.toBe(initState);203 });204 it('shouldn`t mutate init ethLoadingState object', () => {205 expect(currency(initState, fetchEthFailure()).ethLoadingState).not.toBe(206 initState.ethLoadingState207 );208 });209 it('should set false to ethLoadingState.isLoading field', () => {210 initState.ethLoadingState.isLoading = true;211 expect(212 currency(initState, fetchEthFailure()).ethLoadingState.isLoading213 ).toBe(false);214 });215 it('should set true to ethLoadingState.isLoaded field', () => {216 initState.ethLoadingState.isLoaded = false;217 expect(218 currency(initState, fetchEthFailure()).ethLoadingState.isLoaded219 ).toBe(true);220 });221 it('should put action.error to ethLoadingState.error field', () => {222 initState.ethLoadingState.error = false;223 expect(224 currency(initState, fetchEthFailure(new Error())).ethLoadingState.error225 ).toBe(true);226 });227 });...
1import { authReducer } from './auth';2import {3 LOGIN_FORM_SET_VALUE,4 LOGIN_FORM_SUBMIT_REQUEST,5 LOGIN_FORM_SUBMIT_SUCCESS,6 LOGIN_FORM_SUBMIT_FAILED,7 LOGOUT_FORM_SUBMIT_REQUEST,8 LOGOUT_FORM_SUBMIT_SUCCESS,9 LOGOUT_FORM_SUBMIT_FAILED,10 GET_USER_DATA_REQUEST,11 GET_USER_DATA_SUCCESS,12 GET_USER_DATA_FAILED,13 GET_USER_DATA_SET_VALUE,14} from '../actions/auth';15const initState = {16 form: {17 name: '',18 password: '',19 email: '',20 token: '',21 },22 loginRequest: false,23 loginFailed: false,24 logoutRequest: false,25 logoutFailed: false,26 getUserRequest: false,27 getUserFailed: false,28 getUserLoaded: false,29 user: {},30};31describe('authReducer', () => {32 it('should return the initial state', () => {33 expect(authReducer(undefined, {})).toEqual(initState);34 });35 it('should handle LOGIN_FORM_SET_VALUE', () => {36 expect(37 authReducer(initState, {38 type: LOGIN_FORM_SET_VALUE,39 field: 'email',40 value: '',41 }),42 ).toEqual(43 {44 ...initState,45 form: {46 ...initState.form,47 email: '',48 },49 },50 );51 expect(52 authReducer(initState, {53 type: LOGIN_FORM_SET_VALUE,54 field: 'password',55 value: 'qwerty',56 }),57 ).toEqual(58 {59 ...initState,60 form: {61 ...initState.form,62 password: 'qwerty',63 },64 },65 );66 });67 it('should handle LOGIN_FORM_SUBMIT_REQUEST', () => {68 expect(69 authReducer({70 ...initState,71 form: {72 ...initState.form,73 email: '',74 password: 'qwerty',75 },76 }, {77 type: LOGIN_FORM_SUBMIT_REQUEST,78 }),79 ).toEqual(80 {81 ...initState,82 form: {83 ...initState.form,84 email: '',85 password: 'qwerty',86 },87 loginRequest: true,88 },89 );90 });91 it('should handle LOGIN_FORM_SUBMIT_SUCCESS', () => {92 expect(93 authReducer({94 ...initState,95 form: {96 ...initState.form,97 email: '',98 password: 'qwerty',99 },100 loginRequest: true,101 }, {102 type: LOGIN_FORM_SUBMIT_SUCCESS,103 user: {104 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',105 email: '',106 },107 }),108 ).toEqual(109 {110 ...initState,111 form: {112 ...initState.form,113 email: '',114 password: '',115 },116 user: {117 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',118 email: '',119 },120 loginRequest: false,121 },122 );123 });124 it('should handle LOGIN_FORM_SUBMIT_FAILED', () => {125 expect(126 authReducer({127 ...initState,128 form: {129 ...initState.form,130 email: '',131 password: 'qwerty',132 },133 }, {134 type: LOGIN_FORM_SUBMIT_FAILED,135 }),136 ).toEqual(137 {138 ...initState,139 form: {140 ...initState.form,141 email: '',142 password: 'qwerty',143 },144 loginFailed: true,145 },146 );147 });148 it('should handle LOGOUT_FORM_SUBMIT_REQUEST', () => {149 expect(150 authReducer({151 ...initState,152 form: {153 ...initState.form,154 email: '',155 },156 user: {157 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',158 email: '',159 },160 }, {161 type: LOGOUT_FORM_SUBMIT_REQUEST,162 }),163 ).toEqual(164 {165 ...initState,166 form: {167 ...initState.form,168 email: '',169 },170 user: {171 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',172 email: '',173 },174 logoutRequest: true,175 },176 );177 });178 it('should handle LOGOUT_FORM_SUBMIT_SUCCESS', () => {179 expect(180 authReducer({181 ...initState,182 form: {183 ...initState.form,184 email: '',185 },186 user: {187 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',188 email: '',189 },190 logoutRequest: true,191 }, {192 type: LOGOUT_FORM_SUBMIT_SUCCESS,193 }),194 ).toEqual(195 {196 ...initState,197 form: {198 ...initState.form,199 email: '',200 password: '',201 },202 logoutRequest: false,203 },204 );205 });206 it('should handle LOGOUT_FORM_SUBMIT_FAILED', () => {207 expect(208 authReducer({209 ...initState,210 form: {211 ...initState.form,212 email: '',213 },214 user: {215 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',216 email: '',217 },218 }, {219 type: LOGOUT_FORM_SUBMIT_FAILED,220 }),221 ).toEqual(222 {223 ...initState,224 form: {225 ...initState.form,226 email: '',227 },228 user: {229 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',230 email: '',231 },232 logoutRequest: false,233 logoutFailed: true,234 },235 );236 });237 it('should handle GET_USER_DATA_SET_VALUE', () => {238 expect(239 authReducer({240 ...initState,241 form: {242 ...initState.form,243 email: '',244 },245 user: {246 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',247 email: '',248 },249 }, {250 type: GET_USER_DATA_SET_VALUE,251 field: 'name',252 value: 'Ðима',253 }),254 ).toEqual(255 {256 ...initState,257 form: {258 ...initState.form,259 email: '',260 name: '',261 },262 user: {263 name: 'Ðима',264 email: '',265 },266 },267 );268 });269 it('should handle GET_USER_DATA_REQUEST', () => {270 expect(271 authReducer({272 ...initState,273 form: {274 ...initState.form,275 email: '',276 },277 user: {278 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',279 email: '',280 },281 }, {282 type: GET_USER_DATA_REQUEST,283 }),284 ).toEqual(285 {286 ...initState,287 form: {288 ...initState.form,289 email: '',290 },291 user: {292 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',293 email: '',294 },295 getUserRequest: true,296 },297 );298 });299 it('should handle GET_USER_DATA_SUCCESS', () => {300 expect(301 authReducer({302 ...initState,303 form: {304 ...initState.form,305 email: '',306 },307 user: {308 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',309 email: '',310 },311 getUserRequest: true,312 }, {313 type: GET_USER_DATA_SUCCESS,314 user: {315 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',316 email: '',317 },318 }),319 ).toEqual(320 {321 ...initState,322 form: {323 ...initState.form,324 email: '',325 },326 user: {327 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',328 email: '',329 },330 getUserRequest: false,331 getUserLoaded: true,332 },333 );334 });335 it('should handle GET_USER_DATA_FAILED', () => {336 expect(337 authReducer({338 ...initState,339 form: {340 ...initState.form,341 email: '',342 },343 user: {344 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',345 email: '',346 },347 }, {348 type: GET_USER_DATA_FAILED,349 }),350 ).toEqual(351 {352 ...initState,353 form: {354 ...initState.form,355 email: '',356 },357 user: {358 name: 'ÐмиÑÑий',359 email: '',360 },361 getUserRequest: false,362 getUserFailed: true,363 },364 );365 });...
1let module = (function(){2 let imgs = document.getElementsByClassName('content-main-image'),3 filter = document.getElementsByClassName('filterSize'),4 resultApi = document.getElementById('sidebar-filter-title'),5 spinner = document.getElementById('spinner')6 let initModule,loadImgs,nextTwentyImgs,prevTwentyImgs,getImgs,7 updateListImg,select,filterName,sortImgs,takeImg8 let initState = {9 select:'all',10 ResultFetch : [],11 ImagesArray : [],12 LargeImgs :[],13 MediumImgs :[],14 SmallImgs :[],15 step : 2016 }17 loadImgs = ()=>{18 spinner.classList.toggle('spin-visible')19 fetch('')20 .then(response=>response.json()21 .then(data=>{22 initState.ResultFetch = data23 initState.ImagesArray = initState.ResultFetch24 resultApi.innerHTML = `API вÑдал ${data.length} каÑÑинок`25 spinner.classList.toggle('spin-visible')26 return initState.ImagesArray;27 })28 .then(()=>{ 29 for(let i=0;i<20;i++){30 let span = document.createElement('span')31 span.innerText = 32 `${initState.ImagesArray[i].width} x ${initState.ImagesArray[i].height}33 ${initState.ImagesArray[i].author}`34 imgs[i].appendChild(span)35 } 36 sortImgs() 37 })38 )39 }40 nextTwentyImgs = function(){41 let arrImgs = initState.ImagesArray42 if(arrImgs.length<20)return43 for(let i=0;i<20;i++){44 if(arrImgs[initState.step+i]==undefined){45 imgs[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML=''46 continue;47 }48 imgs[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = 49 `${arrImgs[initState.step+i].width} x 50 ${arrImgs[initState.step+i].height} 51 ${arrImgs[initState.step+i].author}`52 }53 initState.step+=20;54 }55 prevTwentyImgs = function(){56 let arrImgs = initState.ImagesArray57 if(arrImgs.length<20)return58 if(initState.step!==20){59 initState.step-=40;60 for(let i=0;i<20;i++){61 imgs[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = 62 `${arrImgs[initState.step+i].width} x 63 ${arrImgs[initState.step+i].height} 64 ${arrImgs[initState.step+i].author}`65 }66 initState.step+=2067 }68 } 69 sortImgs = function(){70>{71 item.height>1500&&72 item.width>1500&&73 initState.LargeImgs.push(item) 74 75 item.height>800&&item.height<1499&&76 item.width>800&&item.width<1499&&77 initState.MediumImgs.push(item) 78 79 item.height<799&&initState.SmallImgs.push(item)80 })81 } 82 getImgs = function(size,callback){83 switch(size){84 case 'large':85'large'86 initState.ImagesArray=initState.LargeImgs87 resultApi.innerHTML = `Ðайдено ${initState.LargeImgs.length} каÑÑинок`88 callback(initState.LargeImgs)89 break90 case 'medium':91'medium'92 initState.ImagesArray=initState.MediumImgs93 resultApi.innerHTML = `Ðайдено ${initState.MediumImgs.length} каÑÑинок`94 callback(initState.MediumImgs)95 break96 case 'small':97'small'98 initState.ImagesArray=initState.SmallImgs99 resultApi.innerHTML = `Ðайдено ${initState.SmallImgs.length} каÑÑинок`100 callback(initState.SmallImgs)101 break102 default: 103'all'104 initState.ImagesArray=initState.ResultFetch105 resultApi.innerHTML = `ÐÑего ${initState.ResultFetch.length} каÑÑинок`106 callback(initState.ResultFetch)107 } 108 console.log( }110 updateListImg = function(arrImgs){111 for(let i=0;i<20;i++){112 if(arrImgs[i]==undefined){113 imgs[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML=''114 continue;115 }116 imgs[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = 117 `${arrImgs[i].width} x 118 ${arrImgs[i].height}119 ${arrImgs[i].author}`120 }121 initState.step = 20;122 }123 select = function(e,key){124 for(let key of filter) key.classList.remove('select')125 document.getElementById('select')126 }127 takeImg = function(e,element){128 if(element.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML=='')return129 element.classList.toggle('active')130 }131 filterName = function(e,callback){132 e.code='Backspace'?initState.ImagesArray=initState.ResultFetch:''133 let resultFilter = [],134 arrForFilter = []135 let inputFilterName = e.currentTarget136 //document.getElementById( = inputFilterName.value137 == 'all' && (arrForFilter=initState.ResultFetch)138 == 'large' && (arrForFilter=initState.LargeImgs)139 == 'medium' && (arrForFilter=initState.MediumImgs)140 == 'small' && (arrForFilter=initState.SmallImgs)141 arrForFilter.forEach(function(element) {142!=-1&&resultFilter.push(element) 143 }, this);144 callback(resultFilter)145 }146 initModule = ()=>{147 loadImgs()148 for(let key of filter) key.addEventListener('click',(e) => select(e,key))149 for (let key of imgs) key.addEventListener('click',(e)=>takeImg(e,key))150 document.getElementById('largeImg').addEventListener('click',()=>getImgs('large',updateListImg))151 document.getElementById('mediumImg').addEventListener('click',()=>getImgs('medium',updateListImg))152 document.getElementById('smallImg').addEventListener('click',()=>getImgs('small',updateListImg))153 document.getElementById('allImg').addEventListener('click',()=>getImgs(null,updateListImg))154 document.getElementById('arrow-prew').addEventListener('click',()=>prevTwentyImgs())155 document.getElementById('arrow-next').addEventListener('click',()=>nextTwentyImgs())156 document.getElementById('filterName').addEventListener('keyup',(e)=>filterName(e,updateListImg))157 }158 return {159 initModule160 }...
1/* global Rx */2const stage = document.getElementById("stage");3const context = stage.getContext('2d');4context.fillStyle = "green";5const PADDLE_WIDTH = 100;6const PADDLE_HEIGHT = 20;7const BALL_RADIUS = 10;8const BRICK_ROWS = 6;9const BRICK_COLUMNS = 7;10const BRICK_HEIGHT = 20;11const BRICK_GAP = 3;12//çæç移å¨éé13const PADDLE_SPEED = 240;14const BALL_SPEED = 100;15const PADDLE_CONTROLS = {16 'ArrowLeft': -1,17 'ArrowRight': 118}19const initState = {20 ball: {21 position: {22 x: stage.width / 2,23 y: stage.height - PADDLE_HEIGHT - BALL_RADIUS24 },25 direction: {26 x: 1,27 y: -128 }29 },30 paddle: {31 position: stage.width / 232 },33 bricks: createBricks(),34 score: 035}36//æ¾ç¤ºæ¸¸æ说æ37function drawIntro() {38 context.clearRect(0, 0, stage.width, stage.height);39 context.textAlign = "center";40 context.font = '24px Courier New';41 context.fillText("Press [<] and [>]", stage.width / 2, stage.height / 2);42}43//ç»å¶çæ44function drawPaddle(position) {45 context.beginPath();46 context.rect(47 position - PADDLE_WIDTH / 2,48 stage.height - PADDLE_HEIGHT,49 PADDLE_WIDTH,50 PADDLE_HEIGHT51 );52 context.fill();53 context.closePath();54}55function drawScore(score) {56 context.font = "16px";57 context.fillText(score, BRICK_GAP, 16)58}59function createBricks() {60 let width = (stage.width - BRICK_GAP * (BRICK_COLUMNS + 1)) / BRICK_COLUMNS;61 let bricks = [];62 for (i = 0; i < BRICK_ROWS; i++) {63 for (j = 0; j < BRICK_COLUMNS; j++) {64 bricks.push({65 x: BRICK_GAP * (j + 1) + j * width,66 y: BRICK_GAP * (i + 1) + i * BRICK_HEIGHT + 16,67 width: width,68 height: BRICK_HEIGHT69 })70 }71 }72 return bricks;73}74function drawDrick(brick) {75 context.beginPath();76 context.rect(77 brick.x,78 brick.y,79 brick.width,80 brick.height81 );82 context.fill();83 context.closePath();84}85function drawDricks(bricks) {86 bricks.forEach(brick => {87 drawDrick(brick)88 })89}90function drawBall(ball) {91 context.beginPath();92 context.arc(ball.position.x, ball.position.y, BALL_RADIUS, 0, Math.PI * 2);93 context.fill();94 context.closePath();95}96let nextPaddlePosation = initState.paddle.position;97const time$ = Rx.Observable98 //ä¿æ60hzçå·æ°ç99 .interval(1000 / 60, Rx.Scheduler.requestAnimationFrame)100 .map(() => ({101 time:,102 deltaTime: null103 }))104 .scan((previous, current) => ({105 time: current.time,106 deltaTime: (current.time - previous.time) / 1000107 }))108const keys$ = Rx.Observable109 //mergeå
å¾110 .merge(111 Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'keydown').map(event => (PADDLE_CONTROLS[event.key] || 0)),112 //éæ¾æé®113 Rx.Observable.fromEvent(document, 'keyup').map(event => (0))114 )115 //对æ°æ®å»é116 .distinctUntilChanged();117//å¤æçè·ç åæ¯å¦ç¢°æ118function isCollision(brick, ball) {119 return ball.position.x > brick.x &&120 ball.position.x < brick.x + brick.width &&121 ball.position.y > brick.y &&122 ball.position.y < brick.y + brick.height123}124//éç¨subjectæ¥ä½ä¸ºæ§å¶å¨ï¼å®ç°å¯¹äºä»¶æµçææ§125let controler$ = new Rx.Subject(); 126//ç»åæ¶é´æµä»¥åé¼ æ æ¶é´æ¥æ§å¶çæçä½ç½®127time$.withLatestFrom(keys$)128 .merge(controler$)129 .map(value => {130 //æ´æ°çæçä½ç½®æ°æ®131 initState.paddle.position = initState.paddle.position + value[0].deltaTime * PADDLE_SPEED * value[1];132 //æ£æµçè·ç åç碰æ133 initState.bricks.forEach((brick) => {134 //å é¤ç¢°æå°çç åï¼å¹¶ä¸ä½¿çä¸é¡¹135 if (isCollision(brick, initState.ball)) {136 let brickIndex = initState.bricks.indexOf(brick);137 initState.bricks.splice(brickIndex, 1);138 initState.score ++;139 initState.ball.direction.y = 1;140 }141 if (initState.ball.position.y < BALL_RADIUS) {142 initState.ball.direction.y = 1;143 } 144 if (initState.ball.position.x > (stage.width - BALL_RADIUS)) {145 initState.ball.direction.x = -1146 }147 if (initState.ball.position.x < BALL_RADIUS) {148 initState.ball.direction.x = 1149 }150 if ((initState.ball.position.y > (stage.height - PADDLE_HEIGHT - BALL_RADIUS))) {151 if ((initState.ball.position.x > initState.paddle.position - PADDLE_WIDTH / 2) && (initState.ball.position.x < initState.paddle.position + PADDLE_WIDTH / 2)) {152 initState.ball.direction.y = -1153 }154 else {155 if (initState.ball.position.y >= stage.height - BALL_RADIUS) {156 console.log(initState.ball.position.x, initState.paddle.position);157 controler$.error("faild")158 }159 }160 }161 if(initState.paddle.position < PADDLE_WIDTH / 2) {162 initState.paddle.position = PADDLE_WIDTH / 2;163 }164 if(initState.paddle.position > (stage.width - PADDLE_WIDTH / 2)) {165 initState.paddle.position = stage.width - PADDLE_WIDTH / 2;166 }167 })168 //æ´æ°æ±çä½ç½®æ°æ®169 initState.ball.position.x = initState.ball.position.x + value[0].deltaTime * BALL_SPEED * initState.ball.direction.x;170 initState.ball.position.y = initState.ball.position.y + value[0].deltaTime * BALL_SPEED * initState.ball.direction.y;171 console.log(initState);172}).subscribe(() => {173 updateView(initState);174});175function updateView(state) {176 context.clearRect(0, 0, stage.width, stage.height);177 drawPaddle(state.paddle.position);178 drawBall(state.ball);179 drawDricks(state.bricks);180 drawScore(state.score);181}...
1import DataChunk from "~/stores/dataChunk";2import SearchStore from "~/stores/searchStore";3import PrimaryModalStore from "~/stores/views/primaryModalStore";4const StoreList = [5 {6 name: "loaderProgress",7 options: {8 initState: { percentage: 0, err: null }9 }10 },11 {12 name: "dataChunk",13 store: DataChunk14 },15 {16 name: "goods",17 options: {18 initState: {}19 }20 },21 {22 name: "sizes",23 options: {24 initState: {}25 }26 },27 {28 name: "shops",29 options: {30 initState: {}31 }32 },33 {34 name: "weather",35 options: {36 initState: {}37 }38 },39 {40 name: "lr",41 options: {42 initState: {}43 }44 },45 {46 name: "sellers",47 options: {48 initState: {}49 }50 },51 {52 name: "dateTime",53 options: {54 initState: {55 time: null,56 dayOfWeek: null,57 date: null58 }59 }60 },61 {62 name: "infoBlock",63 options: {64 initState: { slide: 0 }65 }66 },67 {68 name: "screenSaverSlider",69 options: {70 initState: { current: 1 }71 }72 },73 {74 name: "availableFilters",75 options: {76 initState: {}77 }78 },79 {80 name: "productList",81 options: {82 initState: []83 }84 },85 {86 name: "productListSize",87 options: {88 initState: { size: 0 }89 }90 },91 {92 name: "selectedFilters",93 options: {94 initState: {}95 }96 },97 {98 name: "catalogEvent",99 options: {100 initState: { type: null, value: null }101 }102 },103 {104 name: "search",105 store: SearchStore106 },107 {108 name: "searchResult",109 options: {110 initState: { result: [] }111 }112 },113 {114 name: "primaryModal",115 store: PrimaryModalStore116 },117 {118 name: "previewSliderView",119 options: {120 initState: { slide: 1 }121 }122 },123 {124 name: "orderCities",125 options: {126 initState: { list: [] }127 }128 },129 {130 name: "orderInputFocus",131 options: {132 initState: { focus: "phone" }133 }134 },135 {136 name: "orderInputButton",137 options: {138 initState: { value: null }139 }140 },141 {142 name: "orderPhone",143 options: {144 initState: { number: "" }145 }146 },147 {148 name: "orderPhoneParsed",149 options: {150 initState: { number: "+38 (0__) ___-__-__" }151 }152 },153 {154 name: "orderSeller",155 options: {156 initState: { number: "" }157 }158 },159 {160 name: "sellerName",161 options: {162 initState: { name: null }163 }164 },165 {166 name: "orderSend",167 options: {168 initState: { status: null, answer: null, error: null }169 }170 },171 {172 name: "mainViewGrid",173 options: {174 initState: { grid: 9 }175 }176 },177 {178 name: "productSort",179 options: {180 initState: { sort: "recom", open: false }181 }182 },183 {184 name: "mainModal",185 options: {186 initState: { open: false, currentCategory: "VID_TOVARA_UA" }187 }188 },189 {190 name: "mainViewed",191 options: {192 initState: { cnt: 0 }193 }194 },195 {196 name: "viewport",197 options: {198 initState: { viewport: "/" }199 }200 },201 {202 name: "error",203 options: {204 initState: {205 type: null,206 code: null,207 class: null,208 method: null,209 dependencies: null210 }211 }212 },213 {214 name: "productCardType",215 options: {216 initState: {217 type: null218 }219 }220 },221 {222 name: "productCardState",223 options: {224 initState: {225 open: false,226 key: null,227 item: null,228 spec: false229 }230 }231 },232 {233 name: "restsData",234 options: {235 initState: {236 origin: null,237 parsed: null,238 err: null239 }240 }241 },242 {243 name: "restsTab",244 options: {245 initState: {246 tab: "store"247 }248 }249 },250 {251 name: "availableOrder",252 options: {253 initState: {254 reserve: false,255 delivery: false,256 pickUp: false257 }258 }259 },260 {261 name: "orderSize",262 options: {263 initState: {264 size: null265 }266 }267 },268 {269 name: "orderSizeTarget",270 options: {271 initState: {272 rests: null273 }274 }275 },276 {277 name: "orderStep",278 options: {279 initState: { step: 0 }280 }281 },282 {283 name: "orderType",284 options: {285 initState: { type: null }286 }287 },288 {289 name: "orderDeliveryType",290 options: {291 initState: { type: null }292 }293 },294 {295 name: "orderCity",296 options: {297 initState: { city: null }298 }299 },300 {301 name: "orderStore",302 options: {303 initState: { store: null }304 }305 },306 {307 name: "orderCode",308 options: {309 initState: { code: null }310 }311 }312];...
1import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux'2import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'3import authMiddleware from './middlewares/auth-middleware'4import reducer from 'reducers/root'5import { canUseDOM, KEY_REFRESH_TOKEN } from './utils/fetch'6import merge from 'lodash.merge'7import { END } from 'redux-saga'8import rootSaga from 'sagas'9import { fromJS } from 'immutable'10import { routerMiddleware } from 'react-router-redux'11const middlewares = [authMiddleware]12// export const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()13/**14 * function to create a redux store15 * history {object} from some createHistroy()16 * initState {object} initial state passed to this store17 * @return {object} return a redux store18 */19export default function(history, initState) {20 if (canUseDOM && initState) {21 // @todo: pass refresh token22 // initState = merge({}, initState, { auth: { refreshToken: localStorage.getItem(KEY_REFRESH_TOKEN) } })23 // need to serialize24 && ( = fromJS( initState.login && (initState.login = fromJS(initState.login))26 initState.auth && (initState.auth = fromJS(initState.auth))27 initState.simulate && (initState.simulate = fromJS(initState.simulate))28 initState.locale && (initState.locale = fromJS(initState.locale))29 initState.patient && (initState.patient = fromJS(initState.patient))30 fromJSNested(initState.overview)31 initState.record && (initState.record = fromJS(initState.record))32 fromJSNested(initState.admin)33 initState.table && (initState.table = fromJS(initState.table))34 initState.effective && (initState.effective = fromJS(initState.effective))35 initState.globalConfigs && (initState.globalConfigs = fromJS(initState.globalConfigs))36 }37 const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()38 const finalCreateStore = compose(39 applyMiddleware(...middlewares, routerMiddleware(history), sagaMiddleware),40 __DEV__ && typeof window === 'object' && typeof window.devToolsExtension !== 'undefined' ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f41 )(createStore)42 const store = finalCreateStore(reducer, initState)43 store.runSaga = sagaMiddleware.run44 store.closeSaga = () => store.dispatch(END)45 // if (canUseDOM && __DEV__ && {47 // Enable Webpack hot module replacement for reducers48'./reducers/root', () => {49 const nextRootReducer = require('reducers/root').default50 store.replaceReducer(nextRootReducer)51 })52 }53 return store54}55function fromJSPatient(patientState) {56 patientState.profile && (patientState.profile = fromJS(patientState.profile))57 if (patientState.infos) {58 const keys = Object.keys(patientState.infos)59 keys.forEach((key) => {60 patientState.infos[key] = fromJS(patientState.infos[key])61 })62 }63}64function fromJSNested(nestedState) {65 const keys = Object.keys(nestedState)66 keys.forEach((key) => {67 nestedState[key] = fromJS(nestedState[key])68 })...
1const Zero = () => ({type : "ZERO"})2const One = () => ({type : "ONE"})3const Two = () => ({type : "TWO"})4const Three = () => ({type : "THREE"})5const Four = () => ({type : "FOUR"})6const Five = () => ({type : "FIVE"})7const Six = () => ({type : "SIX"})8const Seven = () => ({type : "SEVEN"})9const Eight = () => ({type : "EIGHT"})10const Nine = () => ({type : "NINE"})11const Plus = () => ({type : "PLUS"})12const Minus = () => ({type : "MINUS"})13const Multiply = () => ({type : "MULTIPLY"})14const Divide = () => ({type : "DIVIDE"})15const Equals = () => ({type : "EQUALS"})16const Clear = () => ({type : "CLEAR"})17const initstate = [];18 19const Action = (state = initstate, action) => {20 if(action.type === "ZERO"){21 console.log(action.type)22 return (initstate.push(0),[...initstate])23 }24 if(action.type === "ONE"){25 console.log(action.type)26 return (initstate.push(1),[...initstate])27 }28 if(action.type === "TWO") {29 console.log(action.type)30 return (initstate.push(2),[...initstate])31 }32 if(action.type === "THREE") {33 console.log(action.type)34 return (initstate.push(3),[...initstate])35 }36 if(action.type === "FOUR") {37 console.log(action.type)38 return (initstate.push(4),[...initstate])39 }40 if(action.type === "FIVE") {41 console.log(action.type)42 return (initstate.push(5),[...initstate])43 }44 if(action.type === "SIX") {45 console.log(action.type)46 return (initstate.push(6),[...initstate])47 }48 if(action.type === "SEVEN") {49 console.log(action.type)50 return (initstate.push(7),[...initstate])51 }52 if(action.type === "EIGHT") {53 console.log(action.type)54 return (initstate.push(8),[...initstate])55 }56 if(action.type === "NINE") {57 console.log(action.type)58 return (initstate.push(9),[...initstate])59 }60 if(action.type === "PLUS") {61 return (initstate.push("+"),[...initstate])62 }63 if(action.type === "MINUS") {64 return (initstate.push("-"),[...initstate])65 }66 if(action.type === "MULTIPLY") {67 return (initstate.push("*"),[...initstate])68 }69 if(action.type === "DIVIDE") {70 return (initstate.push("/"),[...initstate])71 }72 if(action.type === "EQUALS") {73 return (initstate.push("="),[...initstate]) 74 }75 if(action.type === "CLEAR") {76 return state = 077 }78 return state;79}80export default Action;...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.close();7 await context.close();8 await browser.close();9})();10const { chromium } = require('playwright');11(async () => {12 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });13 const context = await browser.newContext();14 const page = await context.newPage();15 await page.close();16 await context.close();17 await browser.close();18})();19const { chromium } = require('playwright');20(async () => {21 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });22 const context = await browser.newContext();23 const page = await context.newPage();24 await page.close();25 await context.close();26 await browser.close();27})();28const { chromium } = require('playwright');29(async () => {30 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });31 const context = await browser.newContext();32 const page = await context.newPage();33 await page.close();34 await context.close();35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });40 const context = await browser.newContext();41 const page = await context.newPage();42 await page.close();43 await context.close();44 await browser.close();45})();46const { chromium } = require('playwright');47(async () => {48 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });49 const context = await browser.newContext();50 const page = await context.newPage();51 await page.close();52 await context.close();53 await browser.close();54})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext({ storageState: 'state.json' });5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7 await browser.close();8})();9{10 {11 }12 {13 {14 }15 }16}17const { chromium } = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await chromium.launch();20 const context = await browser.newContext({ storageState: 'state.json' });21 const page = await context.newPage();22 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });23 await browser.close();24})();25{26 {27 }28 {29 {30 }31 }32}33const { chromium } = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await chromium.launch();36 const context = await browser.newContext({ storageState: 'state.json' });37 const page = await context.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initState } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright.js');2(async () => {3 const browser = await initState();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });6 await browser.close();7})();8const { browserType } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright.js');9(async () => {10 const browser = await browserType('chromium').launch();11 const page = await browser.newPage();12 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });13 await browser.close();14})();15const { launchServer } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright.js');16(async () => {17 const server = await launchServer({ port: 3000 });18 const browser = await server.browserType('chromium').launch();19 const page = await browser.newPage();20 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });21 await browser.close();22 await server.close();23})();24const { launchPersistentServer } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright.js');25(async () => {26 const server = await launchPersistentServer({27 });28 const browser = await server.browserType('chromium').launch();29 const page = await browser.newPage();30 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });31 await browser.close();32 await server.close();33})();34const { connectOverCDP } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright.js');35(async () => {36 const page = await browser.newPage();37 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });38 await browser.close();39})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initState } = require('playwright/lib/server/state');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const state = await initState();5 const browser = await chromium.launch({ state });6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });9 await browser.close();10})();11const { initState } = require('playwright/lib/server/state');12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const state = await initState();15 const browser = await chromium.launch({ state });16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });19 await browser.close();20})();21const { initState } = require('playwright/lib/server/state');22const { chromium } = require('playwright');23(async () => {24 const state = await initState();25 const browser = await chromium.launch({ state });26 const context = await browser.newContext();27 const page = await context.newPage();28 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });29 await browser.close();30})();31const { initState } = require('playwright/lib/server/state');32const { chromium } = require('playwright');33(async () => {34 const state = await initState();35 const browser = await chromium.launch({ state });36 const context = await browser.newContext();37 const page = await context.newPage();38 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });39 await browser.close();40})();41const { initState } = require('playwright/lib/server/state');42const { chromium } = require('playwright');43(async () => {44 const state = await initState();45 const browser = await chromium.launch({ state });46 const context = await browser.newContext();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { initState } = require('playwright/lib/server/initState');3const { chromium } = require('playwright');4(async () => {5 const state = await initState();6 const browser = await chromium.connect({7 });8 const page = await browser.newPage();9 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });10 await browser.close();11})();12const playwright = require('playwright');13const { initState } = require('playwright/lib/server/initState');14const { chromium } = require('playwright');15(async () => {16 const state = await initState();17 const browser = await chromium.connect({18 });19 const page = await browser.newPage();20 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });21 await browser.close();22})();23const { chromium } = require('playwright');24const browser = await chromium.launch();25const browserWSEndpoint = browser.wsEndpoint();26await browser.close();27const { chromium } = require('playwright');
Using AI Code Generation
1import { initState } from 'playwright-core/lib/server/browserContext';2import { Page } from 'playwright-core/lib/server/page';3import { Frame } from 'playwright-core/lib/server/frames';4const page = new Page();5const frame = new Frame();6initState(page, frame);7import { initState } from 'playwright/lib/server/browserContext';8import { Page } from 'playwright/lib/server/page';9import { Frame } from 'playwright/lib/server/frames';10const page = new Page();11const frame = new Frame();12initState(page, frame);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { InternalState } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const state = await InternalState.getOrCreate(page);8 await state.initState({9 viewportSize: { width: 1024, height: 768 },10 userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.122 Safari/537.36'11 });12 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });13 await browser.close();14})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Playwright } = require('playwright');2const { initPlaywrightState } = Playwright;3const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');4const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');5const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/frame');6const { Worker } = require('playwright/lib/server/worker');7const { WebSocketTransport } = require('playwright/lib/server/webSocketTransport');8const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browser');9const { BrowserServer } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserServer');10const { Android } = require('playwright/lib/server/android');11const { AndroidDevice } = require('playwright/lib/server/androidDevice');12const { helper } = require('playwright/lib/server/helper');13const { debugLogger } = require('playwright/lib/server/logger');14const { Connection } = require('playwright/lib/server/connection');15const { TimeoutSettings } = require('playwright/lib/server/timeoutSettings');16const { Events } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');17const { BrowserType } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');18const { Electron } = require('playwright/lib/server/electron');19const { ElectronApplication } = require('playwright/lib/server/electronApplication');20const { ElectronProcess } = require('playwright/lib/server/electronProcess');21const { FFBrowser } = require('playwright/lib/server/firefox/ffBrowser');22const { FFBrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/firefox/ffBrowserContext');23const { FFConnection } = require('playwright/lib/server/firefox/ffConnection');24const { FFPage } = require('playwright/lib/server/firefox/ffPage');25const { FFSession } = require('playwright/lib/server/firefox/ffSession');26const { FFTracing } = require('playwright/lib/server/firefox/ffTracing');27const { FFVideo } = require('playwright/lib/server/firefox/ffVideo');28const { ChromiumBrowser } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/chromiumBrowser');29const { ChromiumBrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/chromiumBrowserContext');30const { ChromiumConnection } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/chromiumConnection');31const { ChromiumDownloader } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/chromiumDownloader');32const { ChromiumPage } = require('playwright/lib
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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