Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...12 })13 describe('.create()', function () {14 it('should create a mixin with EventEmitter functionality', function () {15 var em = EventEmitter.create({})16 em.initEvents()17 for (var k in EventEmitter.prototype) {18 if (!hasOwnProp(EventEmitter.prototype, k) || typeof EventEmitter.prototype[k] !== 'function') continue19 assert(k in em && typeof em[k] === 'function', 'it should have a ' + k + ' method')20 }21 assert(em._listeners, 'it should have a listeners map')22 })23 })24 describe('.inherit()', function () {25 it('should make the class inherit from EventEmitter', function () {26 var MyEvEm = EventEmitter.inherit(function MyEvEm () {})27 var em = new MyEvEm()28 em.initEvents()29 assert(em instanceof EventEmitter, 'it should be an EventEmitter instance')30 assert(em._listeners, 'it should have a listeners map')31 })32 it('should preserve the prototype', function () {33 function MyEvEm () {}34 = function () {}35 EventEmitter.inherit(MyEvEm)36 assert('foo' in MyEvEm.prototype)37 })38 })39 describe('#initEvents', function () {40 it('should add a listeners map to the instance', function () {41 var em = EventEmitter()42 assert(!em._listeners)43 em.initEvents()44 assert(em._listeners)45 })46 })47 describe('#emit()', function () {48 it('should emit an event to the listeners', function () {49 var em = new EventEmitter()50 em.initEvents()51 var fired52 em.on('foo', function (a) { fired = a })53 em.emit('foo', [true])54 em.emit('bar', [false])55 assert(fired)56 })57 })58 describe('#on', function () {59 it('should attach a callback to an event', function () {60 var em = new EventEmitter()61 em.initEvents()62 var fired63 em.on('foo', function (a) { fired = a })64 em.emit('foo', [true])65 assert(fired)66 })67 })68 describe('#once', function () {69 it('should attach a callback only to the next instance of the event', function () {70 var em = new EventEmitter()71 em.initEvents()72 var fired73 em.once('foo', function (a) { fired = a })74 em.emit('foo', [true])75 em.emit('foo', [false])76 assert(fired)77 })78 })79 describe('#off', function () {80 it('should detach a callback from an event', function () {81 var em = new EventEmitter()82 em.initEvents()83 var fired84 var cb = function (a) { fired = a }85 em.on('foo', cb)86 em.emit('foo', [true])87'foo', cb)88 em.emit('foo', [false])89 assert(fired)90 })91 it('should be race-safe', function () {92 var em = new EventEmitter()93 em.initEvents()94 var fired95 var cb1 = function () {'foo', cb1) }96 var cb2 = function (a) { fired = a }97 em.on('foo', cb1)98 em.on('foo', cb2)99 em.emit('foo', [true])100 assert(fired)101 })102 })103 describe('#proxy', function () {104 it('should proxy the calls to the function to the specified event', function () {105 var em = new EventEmitter()106 em.initEvents()107 var fired108 var cb = function (a) { fired = a }109 em.on('foo', cb)110 em.proxy('foo')(true)111 assert(fired)112 })113 })...
1/**2 * Init registered modules on specified events3 *4 * @license APLv25 */6import namespace from './namespace';7import loadPolyfills from './polyfills';8/** Demo modules * */9import SkipLinks from '../../../demo/modules/skiplinks/skiplinks';10import SlideShow from '../../../demo/modules/slideshow/slideshow';11/* autoinsertmodulereference */ // eslint-disable-line12class App {13 constructor() {14 // Module instances15 window[namespace].modules = {};16 this.initEvents = [];17 // Module registry - mapping module name (used in data-init) to module Class18 this.modules = {};19 this.modules.slideshow = SlideShow;20 this.modules.skiplinks = SkipLinks;21 /* autoinsertmodule */ // eslint-disable-line22 // expose initModule function23 window[namespace].helpers.initModule = this.initModule;24 }25 async start() {26 await loadPolyfills();27 this.registerModules();28 this.initModuleInitialiser();29 }30 initModule(moduleName, element) {31 const Module = window[namespace].modules[moduleName].Class;32 const metaData = this.parseData(element, `${moduleName}Data`);33 const metaOptions = this.parseData(element, `${moduleName}Options`);34 const moduleInstance = new Module(element, metaData, metaOptions);35 window[namespace].modules[moduleName].instances[moduleInstance.uuid] = moduleInstance;36 element.dataset[`${moduleName}Instance`] = moduleInstance.uuid; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign37 }38 registerModules() {39 []'[data-init]')).forEach((element) => {40 const modules = element.dataset.init.split(' ');41 modules.forEach((moduleName) => {42 this.registerModule(moduleName);43 });44 });45 }46 registerModule(moduleName) {47 if (!window[namespace].modules[moduleName] && this.modules[moduleName]) {48 const Module = this.modules[moduleName];49 window[namespace].modules[moduleName] = {50 initEvents: Module.initEvents,51 events:,52 instances: {},53 Class: Module,54 };55 this.initEvents = this.initEvents.concat(Module.initEvents);56 // Remove duplicates from initEvents57 this.initEvents = [ Set(this.initEvents)];58 }59 }60 isRegistered(moduleName) {61 return window[namespace].modules[moduleName];62 }63 isInitialised(element, moduleName) {64 return element.dataset[`${moduleName}Instance`];65 }66 isInitEvent(eventType, moduleName) {67 return window[namespace].modules[moduleName].initEvents.indexOf(eventType) !== -1;68 }69 initModules(event) {70 []'[data-init]')).forEach((element) => {71 const modules = element.dataset.init.split(' ');72 modules.forEach((moduleName) => {73 if (this.isRegistered(moduleName)74 && !this.isInitialised(element, moduleName)75 && this.isInitEvent(event.type, moduleName)) {76 this.initModule(moduleName, element);77 }78 });79 });80 }81 initModuleInitialiser() {82 if (!this.initEvents.length) {83 return;84 }85 this.initEvents.forEach((event) => {86 document.addEventListener(event, this.initModules.bind(this), false);87 });88 }89 parseData(element, key) {90 const data = element.dataset[key];91 if (!data) {92 return null;93 }94 try {95 return JSON.parse(data);96 } catch (err) {97 console.log(`Failed when parsing "${data}"`, element, err);98 return null;99 }100 }101}...
...46nextTick.reset();47coreAppend(Class, {48 Events: Class({49 addEvent: function(name, fn) {50 initEvents(this);51 var i, l, onfinish = [];52 if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof name != 'string') {53 for (i in name) {54 this.addEvent(i, name[i]);55 }56 } else if (Array.isArray(name)) {57 for (i = 0, l = name.length; i < l; i++) {58 this.addEvent(name[i], fn);59 }60 } else {61 name = removeOn(name);62 if (name == '$ready') {63 throw new TypeError('Event name «$ready» is reserved');64 } else if (!fn) {65 throw new TypeError('Function is empty');66 } else {67 Object.ifEmpty(this._events, name, []);68 this._events[name].include(fn);69 var ready = this._events.$ready[name];70 if (ready) fire.apply(this, [name, fn, ready, onfinish]);71 onfinish.invoke();72 }73 }74 return this;75 },76 removeEvent: function (name, fn) {77 if (!arguments.length) {78 initEvents( this, true );79 return this;80 }81 initEvents(this);82 if (Array.isArray(name)) {83 for (var i = name.length; i--;) {84 this.removeEvent(name[i], fn);85 }86 } else if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof name != 'string') {87 for (i in name) {88 this.removeEvent(i, name[i]);89 }90 } else {91 name = removeOn(name);92 if (name == '$ready') {93 throw new TypeError('Event name «$ready» is reserved');94 } else if (arguments.length == 1) {95 this._events[name] = [];96 } else if (name in this._events) {97 this._events[name].erase(fn);98 }99 }100 return this;101 },102 isEventAdded: function (name) {103 initEvents(this);104 105 var e = this._events[name];106 return !!(e && e.length);107 },108 fireEvent: function (name, args) {109 initEvents(this);110 111 name = removeOn(name);112 // we should prevent skipping next event on removing this in different fireEvents113 var funcs = atom.clone(this._events[name]);114 if (funcs) {115 var l = funcs.length,116 i = 0;117 for (;i < l; i++), name, funcs[i], args || []);118 }119 return this;120 },121 readyEvent: function (name, args) {122 initEvents(this);123 124 nextTick(function () {125 name = removeOn(name);126 this._events.$ready[name] = args || [];127 this.fireEvent(name, args || []);128 }.bind(this));129 return this;130 }131 })132});...
1/**2 * Init registered modules on specified events3 *4 * @license APLv25 */6import $ from 'jquery';7/** Demo modules **/8import SkipLinks from '../../../demo/modules/skiplinks/skiplinks';9import SlideShow from '../../../demo/modules/slideshow/slideshow';10/* autoinsertmodulereference */ // eslint-disable-line11class EstaticoApp {12 constructor() {13 // Module instances14 window.estatico.modules = {};15 this.initEvents = [];16 // Module registry - mapping module name (used in data-init) to module Class17 this.modules = {};18 this.modules.slideshow = SlideShow;19 this.modules.skiplinks = SkipLinks;20 /* autoinsertmodule */ // eslint-disable-line21 // expose initModule function22 estatico.helpers.initModule = this.initModule;23 }24 start() {25 this._registerModules();26 this._initModuleInitialiser();27 }28 initModule(moduleName, $node) {29 let Module = estatico.modules[moduleName].Class,30 _metaData = $ + '-data') || {},31 _metaOptions = $ + '-options') || {},32 moduleInstance = new Module($node, _metaData, _metaOptions);33 estatico.modules[moduleName].instances[moduleInstance.uuid] = moduleInstance;34 $ + 'Instance', moduleInstance);35 }36 _registerModules() {37 $('[data-init]').each((key, element) => {38 let modules = $(element).data('init').split(' ');39 modules.forEach((moduleName) => {40 this._registerModule(moduleName);41 });42 });43 }44 _registerModule(moduleName) {45 if (!estatico.modules[moduleName] && this.modules[moduleName]) {46 let Module = this.modules[moduleName];47 estatico.modules[moduleName] = {48 initEvents: Module.initEvents,49 events:,50 instances: {},51 Class: Module52 };53 this.initEvents = this.initEvents.concat(Module.initEvents);54 // Remove duplicates from initEvents55 this.initEvents = [ Set(this.initEvents)];56 }57 }58 _isRegistered(moduleName) {59 return estatico.modules[moduleName];60 }61 _isInitialised($element, moduleName) {62 // jQuery 3 does not allow kebab-case in data() when retrieving whole data object return $ + 'Instance');64 }65 _isInitEvent(eventType, moduleName) {66 return estatico.modules[moduleName].initEvents.indexOf(eventType) !== -1;67 }68 _initModules(event) {69 $('[data-init]').each((key, element) => {70 let $element = $(element),71 modules = $'init').split(' ');72 modules.forEach((moduleName) => {73 if (this._isRegistered(moduleName) && !this._isInitialised($element, moduleName) && this._isInitEvent(event.type, moduleName)) {74 this.initModule(moduleName, $element);75 }76 });77 });78 }79 _initModuleInitialiser() {80 if (!this.initEvents.length) {81 return;82 }83 // jQuery 3 does not support `ready` event in $(document).on() // But lets sent 'ready' information to modules initialising on that event85 $(this._initModules.bind(this, { type: 'ready' }));86 $(document).on(this.initEvents.join(' '), this._initModules.bind(this));87 }88}...
...22 p = $.Jcrop.component.DragState.prototype;23 // A bit of an ugly hack to make sure we modify prototype24 // only once, store a key on the prototype25 if (!p.touch) {26 t.initEvents();27 t.shimDragState();28 t.shimStageDrag();29 p.touch = true;30 }31 },32 // }}}33 // shimDragState: function(){{{34 shimDragState: function(){35 var t = this;36 $.Jcrop.component.DragState.prototype.initEvents = function(e){37 38 // Attach subsequent drag event handlers based on initial39 // event type - avoids collecting "pseudo-mouse" events40 // generated by some mobile browsers in some circumstances41 if (e.type.substr(0,5) == 'touch') {42 $(this.eventTarget)43 .on('touchmove.jcrop.jcrop-touch',t.dragWrap(this.createDragHandler()))44 .on('touchend.jcrop.jcrop-touch',this.createStopHandler());45 }46 47 // For other events, use the mouse handlers that48 // the default DragState.initEvents() method sets...49 else {50 $(this.eventTarget)51 .on('mousemove.jcrop',this.createDragHandler())52 .on('mouseup.jcrop',this.createStopHandler());53 }54 };55 },56 // }}}57 // shimStageDrag: function(){{{58 shimStageDrag: function(){59 this.core.container60 .addClass('jcrop-touch')61 .on('touchstart.jcrop.jcrop-stage',this.dragWrap(this.core.ui.manager.startDragHandler()));62 },...
1/* eslint-disable wrap-iife */2/* global jQuery */3// Preloader4( function( $ ) {5 function preloader( config = {} ) {6 // Create return object7 const object = {8 config: {9 initEvents: ['setupfinish', 'brandscapeload', 'dynamicheightguyload'],10 preloaderClass: 'js-preloader',11 removalDelay: 10012 },13 preloaders: []14 };15 // Create object config16 object.config = Object.assign( object.config, config );17 // Init18 object.init = function() {19 // Query up preloaders based on selector20 object.preloaders = $( '.' + object.config.preloaderClass );21 // Add initEvents to object22 object.initEvents = object.config.initEvents;23 // Count down until all required initEvents have been triggered, then remove the preloader24 $( window ).one( object.initEvents.join( ' ' ), function( event ) {25 // Remove the initEvent from the array26 object.initEvents = object.initEvents.filter( ( initEvent ) => initEvent !== event.type );27 // If the initEvents are empty, remove the preloader28 if ( !object.initEvents.length ) {29 // Remove active class after delay time30 window.setTimeout(31 function() {32 // Remove active class33 object.preloaders.removeClass( 'is-active' );34 // Remove locked by popover class from HTML35 $( 'html' ).removeClass( 'locked-by-popover' );36 // Fire off event37 $( window ).trigger( 'preloaderremove' );38 },39 object.config.removalDelay40 );41 }42 } );43 };44 return object;45 }46 // Instantiate and initialize a new preloader object47 const thePreloader = Object.create( preloader() );48 thePreloader.init();...
1var common;2common = new Analysis();3common.initEvents();4AUI().ready(function(A) {5});6Liferay.Portlet.ready(7 function(portletId, node) {8 var portletName = portletId.split("_")[0];9 var mh, me, ct, pd, rc, vc, mp, bp, mo, np;10 if (portletName == "materialshome") {11 mh = new MaterialsHome(common);12 mh.initEvents(); 13 } else if (portletName == "materialsexplorer") {14 me = new MaterialsExplorer(common);15 me.initEvents();16 } else if (portletName == "crystaltoolkit") {17 ct = new CrystalToolkit(common);18 ct.initEvents();19 } else if (portletName == "phasediagram") {20 pd = new PhaseDiagram(common);21 pd.initEvents();22 } else if (portletName == "reactioncalculator") {23 rc = new ReactionCalculator(common);24 rc.initEvents();25 } else if (portletName == "visualizationchart") {26 vc = new VisualizationChart(common);27 vc.initEvents(); 28 } else if (portletName == "mlpredictor") {29 mp = new MLPredictor(common);30 mp.initEvents();31 } else if (portletName == "batteryexplorer") {32 bp = new BatteryExplorer(common);33 bp.initEvents();34 } else if (portletName == "monitoringportlet") {35 mo = new Monitoring(common);36 mo.initEvents();37 } else if (portletName == "nanoporousexplorer") {38 np = new NanoporousExplorer(common);39 np.initEvents();40 } else if (portletName == "nanoporousanalysis") {41 np = new NanoporousAnalysis(common);42 np.initEvents();43 }44 }45);46Liferay.on('allPortletsReady', function() { ...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.waitForSelector('text=Google');6 await'text=Google');7 await page.waitForSelector('text=I\'m Feeling Lucky');8 await'text=I\'m Feeling Lucky');9 await page.waitForSelector('text=Google Search');10 await'text=Google Search');11 await browser.close();12})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 initEvents(page);8 page.on('request', (request) => {9 console.log('Request URL: ' + request.url());10 });11 await'text=Get started');12 await browser.close();13})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initEvents } = require('./events.js');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 await initEvents(page);7 await'text=Get started');8 await browser.close();9})();10const { events } = require('playwright-core/lib/protocol/protocol');11const { EventEmitter } = require('events');12class Events extends EventEmitter {13 constructor() {14 super();15 }16}17const eventsInstance = new Events();18module.exports = {19 initEvents: async (page) => {20 await page._client.send('Target.setAutoAttach', {21 });22 page._client.on('Target.attachedToTarget', async ({ sessionId }) => {23 const session = await page._client.send('Target.attachToTarget', {24 });25 session.on('Target.receivedMessageFromTarget', ({ message }) => {26 const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(message);27 if (parsedMessage.method === 'Network.requestWillBeSent') {28 eventsInstance.emit('request', parsedMessage.params.request);29 }30 });31 });32 return eventsInstance;33 }34};35const { chromium } = require('playwright');36(async () => {37 const browser = await chromium.launch();38 const page = await browser.newPage();39 await page.route('**', route => {40 const request = route.request();41 console.log("request body", request.body);42 route.continue();43 });44 await'text=Get started');45 await browser.close();46})();47const { chromium } = require('playwright');48(async () => {49 const browser = await chromium.launch();50 const page = await browser.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/client/page');2initEvents(page);3const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/client/frame');4initEvents(frame);5page.on(eventType, callback)6frame.on(eventType, callback)7Argument Description event The event object. The properties of this object are different for each event type. The following is the event object for the 'request' event: { url: string,
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initEvents } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/events');2const events = initEvents();3events.on('test', (testInfo) => {4 console.log(testInfo);5});6const { initEvents } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/events');7const events = initEvents();8events.on('test', (testInfo) => {9 console.log(testInfo);10});11const { initEvents } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/events');12const events = initEvents();13events.on('test', (testInfo) => {14 console.log(testInfo);15});16const { initEvents } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/events');17const events = initEvents();18events.on('test', (testInfo) => {19 console.log(testInfo);20});21const { initEvents } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/events');22const events = initEvents();23events.on('test', (testInfo) => {24 console.log(testInfo);25});26const { initEvents } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/events');27const events = initEvents();28events.on('test', (testInfo) => {29 console.log(testInfo);30});31const { initEvents } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/events');32const events = initEvents();33events.on('test', (testInfo) => {34 console.log(testInfo);35});36const { initEvents } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/events');37const events = initEvents();38events.on('test', (testInfo) => {39 console.log(testInfo);40});41const { initEvents } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/events');42const events = initEvents();43events.on('test', (testInfo) => {44 console.log(testInfo);45});46const { initEvents }
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');2const events = initEvents();3events.on('event', (event) => console.log(event));4events.on('close', () => console.log('close'));5const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');6const events = initEvents();7events.on('event', (event) => console.log(event));8events.on('close', () => console.log('close'));9const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');10const events = initEvents();11events.on('event', (event) => console.log(event));12events.on('close', () => console.log('close'));13const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');14const events = initEvents();15events.on('event', (event) => console.log(event));16events.on('close', () => console.log('close'));17const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');18const events = initEvents();19events.on('event', (event) => console.log(event));20events.on('close', () => console.log('close'));21const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');22const events = initEvents();23events.on('event', (event) => console.log(event));24events.on('close', () => console.log('close'));25const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');26const events = initEvents();27events.on('event', (event) => console.log(event));28events.on('close', () => console.log('close'));29const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');30const events = initEvents();31events.on('event', (event) => console.log(event));32events.on('close', () => console.log('close'));33const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');34const events = initEvents();35events.on('event', (event) => console.log(event));
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initEvents } = require('playwright/lib/server/events');2const { events } = initEvents({ enabled: true });3events.on('event', (event) => {4 console.log(event);5});6const playwright = require('playwright');7(async () => {8 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();9 const context = await browser.newContext();10 const page = await context.newPage();11 await browser.close();12})();
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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