Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1Ext.ns('oreilly', 'oreilly.views');2Ext.setup({3 statusBarStyle: 'black',4 onReady: function() {5 oreilly.App = new oreilly.App({6 title: 'Web 2.0 Summit 2010',7 shortUrl: 'web2010',8 9 twitterSearch: '#w2s',10 11 gmapLink: ',+CA&hl=en&view=map&cid=18345345755033299855&ved=0CI4BEKUG&ei=etTTTIuXBqj8iwPTmOCDDA&ll=37.788115,-122.402222&spn=0.009818,0.016673&z=16',12 gmapText: 'The Palace Hotel<br /><small>2 New Montgomery Street<br />San Francisco, CA 94105<br />(415) 512-1111</small>',13 gmapCoords: [37.788115, -122.402222],14 15 aboutPages: [{16 title: 'Overview',17 card: {18 xtype: 'htmlpage',19 url: 'about.html'20 }21 }, {22 title: 'Sponsors',23 card: {24 xtype: 'htmlpage',25 url: 'sponsors.html'26 }27 }, {28 title: 'Credits',29 card: {30 xtype: 'htmlpage',31 url: 'credits.html'32 }33 }, {34 title: 'Videos',35 card: {36 xtype: 'videolist',37 playlist_id: 'F664D8C553A57C93',38 hideText: 'Web 2.0 Summit 09'39 }40 }]41 });42 }43});44Ext.regModel('Proposal', {45 hasMany: {46 model: 'Speaker',47 name: 'speakers'48 },49 fields: ['id', 'title', 'url', 'description', 'day', 'time', 'end_time', 'pretty_time', 'date', 'topics', 'room', 'proposal_type']50});51Ext.regModel('Speaker', {52 hasMany: {53 model: 'Proposal',54 name: 'proposals'55 },56 fields: ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'name', 'position', 'affiliation', 'bio', 'twitter', 'url', 'photo']57});58Ext.regModel('OfflineData', {59 fields: ['id', 'feedname', 'json'],60 proxy: {type: 'localstorage', id: 'oreillyproxy'}61});62Ext.regModel('Video', {63 fields: ['id', 'author', 'video']64});65Ext.regModel('Tweet', {66 fields: ['id', 'text', 'to_user_id', 'from_user', 'created_at', 'profile_image_url']67});68oreilly.cfg = {};69oreilly.OfflineStore = new{70 model: 'OfflineData',71 autoLoad: true72});73oreilly.SpeakerStore = new{74 model: 'Speaker',75 76 getGroupString: function(r){77 return r.get('last_name')[0]78 }79});80oreilly.App = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, {81 82 fullscreen: true,83 84 tabBar: {85 ui: 'gray',86 dock: 'bottom',87 layout: { pack: 'center' }88 },89 90 cardSwitchAnimation: false,91 92 initComponent: function() {93 if (navigator.onLine) {94 this.items = [{95 xtype: 'sessionlist',96 iconCls: 'time',97 title: 'Sessions',98 confTitle: this.title,99 shortUrl: this.shortUrl100 }, {101 title: 'Speakers',102 iconCls: 'team1',103 xtype: 'speakerlist'104 }, {105 title: 'Tweets',106 iconCls: 'chat',107 xtype: 'tweetlist',108 hashtag: this.twitterSearch109 }, {110 title: 'Location',111 iconCls: 'locate',112 xtype: 'location',113 coords: this.gmapCoords,114 mapText: this.gmapText,115 permLink: this.gmapLink,116 }, {117 title: 'About',118 xtype: 'aboutlist',119 iconCls: 'info',120 pages: this.aboutPages121 }];122 } else {123 this.on('render', function(){124 this.el.mask('No internet connection.');125 }, this);126 }127 128 oreilly.cfg = {};129 oreilly.cfg.shortUrl = this.shortUrl;130 oreilly.cfg.title = this.title;131 132;133 }134 135});136oreilly.views.SessionList = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {137 layout: 'card',138 groupByDay: true,139 hasInitializedDate: false,140 startDateIndex: 0,141 initComponent: function() {142 143 this.list = new Ext.List({144 grouped: true,145 itemTpl: '<span class="name">{title}</span> <span class="secondary">{room}</span>',146 loadingText: false,147 store: new{148 model: 'Proposal',149 sorters: 'time',150 getGroupString: function(r){151 return r.get('pretty_time');152 },153 proxy: {154 type: 'scripttag',155 url : '' + this.shortUrl + '/public/mobile_app/all',156 reader: {157 type: 'json',158 root: 'proposals'159 }160 },161 listeners: {162 load: { fn: this.initializeData, scope: this }163 }164 })165 });166 167 this.list.on('selectionchange', this.onSelect, this);168 169 this.list.on('render', function(){170;171 this.list.el.mask('<span class="top"></span><span class="right"></span><span class="bottom"></span><span class="left"></span>', 'x-spinner', false);172 }, this);173 174 this.listpanel = new Ext.Panel({175 items: this.list,176 layout: 'fit',177 dockedItems: [{178 xtype: 'toolbar',179 title: this.confTitle180 }],181 listeners: {182 activate: { fn: function(){183 this.list.getSelectionModel().deselectAll();184 }, scope: this }185 }186 })187 188 this.items = this.listpanel;189 190 this.on('activate', this.checkActiveDate, this);191 192;193 },194 195 checkActiveDate: function(){196 if (!this.hasInitializedDate && this.dateButtons) {197 var currentTime = new Date(),198 month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1,199 day = currentTime.getDate(),200 year = currentTime.getFullYear();201 202 var dateIndex = this.dateButtons.items.findIndex('dateData', month+'/'+day+'/'+year);203 204 if (dateIndex !== -1) this.startDateIndex = dateIndex;205 206 this.dateButtons.setPressed(this.startDateIndex);207 this.changeDate(this.dateButtons.items.getAt(this.startDateIndex));208 this.doComponentLayout();209 this.hasInitializedDate = true;210 }211 },212 213 initializeData: function(data) {214 // First fill the sessions to the speaker store215 var speakers = [],216 length =,217 proposal, i;218 219 for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {220 proposal =[i];221 222 proposal.speakers().each(function(speaker) {223 speaker.proposals().add(proposal);224 speakers.push(speaker);225 });226 }227 oreilly.SpeakerStore.add.apply(oreilly.SpeakerStore, speakers);228 oreilly.SpeakerStore.sort('last_name');229 if (this.groupByDay) {230 231 // Gather dates, create a splitbutton around them232 var dates = data.collect('date'),233 buttons = [],234 length = dates.length,235 i;236 for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {237 buttons.push({238 text: dates[i].substr(0, 5),239 dateData: dates[i],240 index: i,241 scope: this,242 handler: this.changeDate243 });244 }245 246 this.dateButtons = new Ext.SegmentedButton({247 items: buttons,248 defaults: { flex: 1 },249 style: 'width: 100%'250 });251 252 this.listpanel.addDocked({253 xtype: 'toolbar',254 ui: 'gray',255 items: this.dateButtons,256 layout: { pack: 'center' }257 });258 259 // Take off the spinner260 this.list.el.unmask();261 262 if (this.listpanel.isVisible()) {263 this.checkActiveDate();264 }265 }266 },267 268 changeDate: function(btn) {269;270'date', btn.dateData);271 this.list.scroller.scrollTo({y: 0}, false);272 },273 274 onSelect: function(selectionmodel, records){275 if (records[0] !== undefined) {276 var sessionCard = new oreilly.views.SessionDetail({277 prevCard: this.listpanel,278 record: records[0]279 });280 // Tell the parent panel to animate to the new card281 this.setActiveItem(sessionCard, 'slide');282 }283 }284});285Ext.reg('sessionlist', oreilly.views.SessionList);286oreilly.views.SpeakerList = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {287 layout: 'card',288 289 initComponent: function() {290 291 this.list = new Ext.List({292 grouped: true,293 indexBar: true,294 itemTpl: '<div class="avatar"<tpl if="photo"> style="background-image: url({photo})"</tpl>></div><span class="name">{name}<tpl if="position || affiliation"><br /><span class="tertiary">{position}<tpl if="affiliation">, {affiliation}</tpl></span></tpl></span>',295 store: oreilly.SpeakerStore,296 listeners: {297 selectionchange: {fn: this.onSelect, scope: this}298 }299 });300 301 this.listpanel = new Ext.Panel({302 layout: 'fit',303 items: this.list,304 dockedItems: [{305 xtype: 'toolbar',306 title: 'Speakers'307 }],308 listeners: {309 activate: { fn: function(){310 this.list.getSelectionModel().deselectAll();311 }, scope: this }312 }313 });314 315 this.items = this.listpanel;316 317;318 },319 320 onSelect: function(sel, records){321 if (records[0] !== undefined) {322 323 var bioCard = new oreilly.views.SpeakerDetail({324 prevCard: this.listpanel,325 record: records[0]326 });327 328 this.setActiveItem(bioCard, 'slide');329 }330 }331});332Ext.reg('speakerlist', oreilly.views.SpeakerList);333oreilly.views.HtmlPage = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {334 autoLoad: 'about.html',335 scroll: 'vertical',336 styleHtmlContent: true,337 initComponent: function(){338 339 var toolbarBase = {340 xtype: 'toolbar',341 title: this.title342 };343 344 if (this.prevCard !== undefined) {345 toolbarBase.items = {346 ui: 'back',347 text: this.prevCard.title,348 scope: this,349 handler: function(){350 this.ownerCt.setActiveItem(this.prevCard, { type: 'slide', reverse: true });351 }352 }353 }354 355 this.dockedItems = toolbarBase;356 357 Ext.Ajax.request({358 url: this.url,359 success: function(rs){360 this.update(rs.responseText);361 },362 scope: this363 });364;365 }366});367Ext.reg('htmlpage', oreilly.views.HtmlPage);368oreilly.views.SpeakerDetail = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {369 scroll: 'vertical',370 showSessionData: true,371 initComponent: function(){372 this.dockedItems = [{373 xtype: 'toolbar',374 title:,375 items: [{376 ui: 'back',377 text: 'Back',378 scope: this,379 handler: function(){380 this.ownerCt.setActiveItem(this.prevCard, {381 type: 'slide',382 reverse: true,383 scope: this,384 after: function(){385 this.destroy();386 }387 });388 }389 }]390 }];391 392 this.items = [{393 styleHtmlContent: true,394 tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '<div class="bio_overview"><div class="avatar"<tpl if="photo"> style="background-image: url({photo})"</tpl>></div><h3>{name}</h3><h4>{position}, {affiliation}</h4></div> {bio}'),395 data: this.record.data396 }];397 398 if (this.record.proposalsStore && this.showSessionData) {399 this.sessionList = new Ext.List({400 singleSelect: true,401 itemTpl: '<span class="name">{title}</span><span class="secondary">{room}</span>',402 store: this.record.proposals(),403 scroll: false,404 autoHeight: true,405 style: 'width: 100%;'406 });407 this.sessionList.on('selectionchange', this.viewSession, this)408 this.items.push({409 xtype: 'toolbar',410 title: 'Sessions',411 ui: 'gray',412 cls: 'small_title'413 });414 this.items.push(this.sessionList);415 };416 417 this.listeners = {418 activate: { fn: function(){419 if (this.sessionList) {420 this.sessionList.getSelectionModel().deselectAll();421 }422 }, scope: this }423 };424 425;426 },427 428 viewSession: function(selectModel, records){429 if (records[0] !== undefined) {430 var sessionCard = new oreilly.views.SessionDetail({431 prevCard: this,432 record: records[0],433 showSpeakerData: false434 });435 this.ownerCt.setActiveItem(sessionCard, 'slide');436 }437 }438});439Ext.reg('speakerdetail', oreilly.views.SpeakerDetail);440oreilly.views.SessionDetail = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {441 scroll: 'vertical',442 layout: {443 type: 'vbox',444 align: 'stretch'445 },446 showSpeakerData: true,447 cls: 'session-detail',448 initComponent: function(){449 this.dockedItems = [{450 xtype: 'toolbar',451 items: [{452 ui: 'back',453 text: 'Back',454 scope: this,455 handler: function(){456 this.ownerCt.setActiveItem(this.prevCard, {457 type: 'slide',458 reverse: true,459 scope: this,460 after: function(){461 this.destroy();462 }463 });464 }465 }466 // TODO: Reimplement faves467 468 // , {xtype: 'spacer'}, {469 // iconCls: 'star',470 // cls: 'favestar' + (oreilly.faveStore.find('proposal_id', == -1 ? '' : ' favorited'),471 // iconMask: true,472 // ui: 'plain',473 // scope: this,474 // handler: function(btn){475 // var idx = oreilly.faveStore.find('proposal_id',;476 // if (idx == -1) {477 // oreilly.faveStore.create({478 // proposal_id: // });480 // btn.addCls('favorited');481 // } else {482 // oreilly.faveStore.removeAt(idx);483 // oreilly.faveStore.sync();484 // btn.removeCls('favorited');485 // }486 // }487 // }488 ]489 }];490 491 this.items = [{492 tpl: new Ext.XTemplate( '<h3>{title} <small>{room}</small></h3><h4 class="subdata">{proposal_type} at {pretty_time}, {date}</h4> {description}'),493 data:,494 styleHtmlContent: true495 }];496 497 if (this.record.speakers() && this.showSpeakerData) {498 var speakers = this.record.speakers();499 500 this.speakerList = new Ext.List({501 itemTpl: '<div class="avatar"<tpl if="photo"> style="background-image: url({photo})"</tpl>></div><span class="name">{name}<tpl if="position || affiliation"><br /><span class="tertiary">{position}<tpl if="affiliation">, {affiliation}</tpl></span></tpl></span>',502 store: speakers,503 listeners: {504 selectionchange: {fn: this.onSpeakerSelect, scope: this}505 },506 scroll: false,507 autoHeight: true,508 style: 'width: 100%;'509 });510 511 this.items.push({512 xtype: 'toolbar',513 title: 'Speaker' + (( == 1 ) ? '' : 's'),514 ui: 'gray',515 cls: 'small_title'516 })517 this.items.push(this.speakerList);518 Ext.repaint();519 }520 521 this.listeners = {522 activate: { fn: function(){523 if (this.speakerList) {524 this.speakerList.getSelectionModel().deselectAll();525 }526 }, scope: this }527 };528 529;530 },531 532 onSpeakerSelect: function(selectionmodel, records){533 if (records[0] !== undefined) {534 var speakerCard = new oreilly.views.SpeakerDetail({535 prevCard: this,536 record: records[0],537 showSessionData: false538 });539 // Tell the parent panel to animate to the new card540 this.ownerCt.setActiveItem(speakerCard, 'slide');541 }542 }543});544Ext.reg('SessionDetail', oreilly.views.SessionDetail);545oreilly.views.LocationMap = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {546 coords: [37.788115, -122.402222],547 mapText: '',548 permLink: '',549 initComponent: function(){550 551 var position = new google.maps.LatLng(this.coords[0], this.coords[1]);552 553 this.dockedItems = [{554 xtype: 'toolbar',555 title: 'Location',556 items: [{xtype: 'spacer', flex: 1}, {557 ui: 'plain',558 iconCls: 'action',559 iconMask: true,560 scope: this,561 handler: function(){562 563 Ext.Msg.confirm('External Link', 'Open in Google Maps?', function(res){564 if (res == 'yes') window.location = this.permLink;565 }, this);566 }567 }]568 }]569 570 var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({571 content: this.mapText572 });573 574 = new Ext.Map({575 mapOptions : {576 center : position, //nearby San Fran577 zoom: 12,578 navigationControlOptions: {579 style: google.maps.NavigationControlStyle.DEFAULT580 }581 },582 listeners: {583 maprender : function(comp, map){584 var marker = new google.maps.Marker({585 position: position,586 title : 'Sencha HQ',587 map: map588 });589, marker);590 google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {591, marker);592 });593 }594 }595 });596 597 this.items =;598 599;600 }601});602Ext.reg('location', oreilly.views.LocationMap);603oreilly.views.AboutList = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {604 layout: 'card',605 initComponent: function(){606 607 this.list = new Ext.List({608 itemTpl: '<div class="page">{title}</div>',609 ui: 'round',610 store: new{611 fields: ['name', 'card'],612 data: this.pages613 }),614 listeners: {615 selectionchange: {fn: this.onSelect, scope: this}616 },617 title: 'About'618 });619 620 this.listpanel = new Ext.Panel({621 title: 'About',622 items: this.list,623 layout: 'fit',624 dockedItems: {625 xtype: 'toolbar',626 title: 'About'627 }628 })629 630 this.listpanel.on('activate', function(){631 this.list.getSelectionModel().deselectAll();632 }, this);633 634 this.items = [this.listpanel];635 636;637 },638 639 onSelect: function(sel, records){640 if (records[0] !== undefined) {641 var newCard = Ext.apply({}, records[0].data.card, { 642 prevCard: this.listpanel,643 title: records[0].data.title644 });645 646 this.setActiveItem(Ext.create(newCard), 'slide');647 }648 }649});650Ext.reg('aboutlist', oreilly.views.AboutList);651oreilly.views.VideoList = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {652 layout: 'card',653 654 playlist_id: null,655 hideText: '',656 657 initComponent: function(){658 659 var toolbarBase = {660 xtype: 'toolbar',661 title: 'Videos'662 };663 664 if (this.prevCard !== undefined) {665 toolbarBase.items = [{666 ui: 'back',667 text: this.prevCard.title,668 scope: this,669 handler: function(){670 this.ownerCt.setActiveItem(this.prevCard, { type: 'slide', reverse: true });671 }672 }]673 }674 675 this.dockedItems = toolbarBase;676 677 if (this.playlist_id === null) {678 console.warn('No Youtube playlist ID provided.');679 }680 else681 {682 this.list = new Ext.List({683 itemTpl: '<div class="thumb" style="background-image: url({video.thumbnail.sqDefault})"></div><span class="name">{["' + this.hideText + ': ","")]}</span>',684 loadingText: false,685 store: new{686 model: 'Video',687 autoLoad: true,688 proxy: {689 type: 'scripttag',690 url : '' + this.playlist_id + '?v=2&alt=jsonc',691 reader: {692 type: 'json',693 root: 'data.items'694 }695 }696 }),697 listeners: {698 selectionchange: {fn: this.onSelect, scope: this}699 }700 });701 702 this.items = this.list;703 }704 705;706 },707 708 onSelect: function(selectModel, records){709 if (records[0] !== undefined) {710 Ext.Msg.confirm('External Link', 'Open in YouTube?', function(res){711 if (res == 'yes') {712 window.location = '' + records[0] + '&feature=player_embedded';713 }714 715 selectModel.deselectAll();716 }, this);717 718 }719 }720});721Ext.reg('videolist', oreilly.views.VideoList);722oreilly.views.TweetList = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {723 hashtag: '',724 layout: 'fit',725 initComponent: function(){726 727 var toolbarBase = {728 xtype: 'toolbar',729 title: this.hashtag730 };731 732 if (this.prevCard !== undefined) {733 toolbarBase.items = [{734 ui: 'back',735 text: this.prevCard.title,736 scope: this,737 handler: function(){738 this.ownerCt.setActiveItem(this.prevCard, { type: 'slide', reverse: true });739 }740 }, { xtype: 'spacer', flex: 1 }, {741 iconCls: 'action',742 iconMask: true,743 scope: this,744 ui: 'plain',745 handler: function(){746 Ext.Msg.confirm('External Link', 'Open search in Twitter?', function(res){747 if (res == 'yes') {748 window.location = '' + escape(this.hashtag);749 }750 }, this);751 }752 }]753 }754 755 this.dockedItems = toolbarBase;756 757 this.list = new Ext.List({758 itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<div class="avatar"<tpl if="profile_image_url"> style="background-image: url({profile_image_url})"</tpl>></div> <div class="tweet"><strong>{from_user}</strong><tpl if="to_user"> » {to_user}</tpl><br />{text:this.linkify}</div>', {759 linkify: function(value) {760 return value.replace(/(http:\/\/[^\s]*)/g, "<span class=\"link\" href=\"$1\">$1</span>");761 }762 }),763 loadingText: false,764 store: new{765 model: 'Tweet',766 proxy: {767 type: 'scripttag',768 url : '',769 reader: {770 type: 'json',771 root: 'results'772 }773 }774 }),775 listeners: {776 selectionchange: { fn: this.selectTweet, scope: this }777 }778 });779 780 this.items = [this.list];781 782 this.list.on('afterrender', this.loadStore, this);783 784;785 },786 787 selectTweet: function(sel, records){788 if (records[0]) {789 Ext.Msg.confirm('External Link', 'Open tweet in Twitter?', function(res){790 if (res == 'yes') {791 window.location = '' + records[0].data.from_user + '/status/' + records[0].data.id792 }793 794 sel.deselectAll();795 }, this);796 }797 },798 799 loadStore: function(){800 801 this.list.el.mask('<span class="top"></span><span class="right"></span><span class="bottom"></span><span class="left"></span>', 'x-spinner', false);802 803{804 params: {805 q: this.hashtag806 },807 callback: function(data){808 this.list.el.unmask();809 },810 scope: this811 });812 813 }814});...
1//åå§åwindow2Ext.define('Ext.custom.basicWindow',{3 extend : 'Ext.window.Window',4 resizable : false,5 autoScroll : true,6 modal : true,7 closeAction : 'hide',8 constrain : true,9 initComponent : function(){10;11 }12});13//åå§åtextfield14Ext.define('Ext.custom.middletextfield',{15 extend : 'Ext.form.field.Text',16 labelAlign : 'right',17 width : 370,18 margin:'0 10 0 0',19 labelWidth :65,20 initComponent : function(){21;22 }23});24//åå§åtextfield225Ext.define('Ext.custom.bigtextfield',{26 extend : 'Ext.form.field.Text',27 width : 560,28 margin:'0 10 0 0',29 labelAlign : 'right',30 labelWidth :65,31 initComponent : function(){32;33 }34});35//åå§åtextfield336Ext.define('Ext.custom.minitextfield',{37 extend : 'Ext.form.field.Text',38 labelAlign : 'right',39 width :110,40 margin:'0 10 0 0',41 labelWidth :65,42 initComponent : function(){43;44 }45});46//åå§åtextfield447Ext.define('Ext.custom.textfield',{48 extend : 'Ext.form.field.Text',49 width:180,50 margin:'0 10 0 0',51 initComponent : function(){52;53 }54});55//åå§åtextfield556Ext.define('Ext.custom.labelfield',{57 extend : 'Ext.form.field.Text',58 border : 0,59 disabled : true,60 style: {61 border : 0,62 background: 'transparent'63 },64 initComponent : function(){65;66 }67});68//åå§ågrid store69Ext.define('Ext.custom.basicStore',{70 extend : '',71 labelAlign : 'right',72 initComponent : function(){73;74 }75});76//åå§ådatefield77Ext.define('Ext.custom.datefield',{78 extend : 'Ext.form.field.Date',79 width : 340,80 labelAlign : 'right',81 format : 'y-m-d',82 value: new Date(),83 labelWidth :25,84 editable : false,85 initComponent : function(){86;87 }88});89//åå§åbutton90Ext.define('Ext.custom.button',{91 extend : 'Ext.button.Button',92 width:70,93 height:30,94 bodyStyle:'background:#3c3c3c',95 initComponent : function(){96;97 }98});99//åå§åpanel100Ext.define('Ext.custom.basicPanel',{101 extend : 'Ext.panel.Panel',102 border : 0,103 initComponent : function(){104;105 }106});107//åå§åCombo108Ext.define('Ext.custom.basicCombo',{109 extend : 'Ext.form.ComboBox',110/* triggerAction : 'all',111*/ labelWidth :65,112 typeAhead : true,113 labelAlign : 'right',114 editable:false,115 queryMode : 'local',116 width:180,117 margin:'0 10 0 0',118 displayField: 'value',119 forceSelection : true,120 valueField: 'name',121 initComponent : function(){122;123 }124});125//åå§åminiCombo126Ext.define('Ext.custom.basicminiCombo',{127 extend : 'Ext.form.ComboBox',128 triggerAction : 'all',129 labelWidth :65,130 typeAhead : true,131 editable:false,132 labelAlign : 'right',133 width:180,134 displayField: 'value',135 forceSelection : true,136 valueField: 'name',137 initComponent : function(){138;139 }140});141//åå§åformPanel142Ext.define('Ext.custom.basicFormPanel',{143 extend : 'Ext.form.Panel',144 defaultType : 'textfield',145 initComponent : function(){146;147 }148});149//åå§åtextarea150Ext.define('Ext.custom.textarea',{151 extend : 'Ext.form.field.TextArea',152 grow: true,153 labelAlign : 'right',154 width:600,155 labelWidth:80,156 height:80,157 initComponent : function(){158;159 }160});161//åå§åCheckbox162Ext.define('Ext.custom.Checkbox',{163 extend : 'Ext.form.field.Checkbox',164 labelAlign : 'right',165 initComponent : function(){166;167 }168});169//åå§ådatefield170Ext.define('Ext.custom.datefield',{171 extend : 'Ext.form.field.Date',172 editable : false,173 format : 'y-m-d',174 value : new Date(),175 initComponent : function(){176;177 }178})179//åå§ånumberfield180Ext.define('Ext.custom.numberfield',{181 extend : 'Ext.form.field.Number',182 width : 280,183 minValue : 0,184 initComponent : function(){185;186 }187})188//åå§åæ å½¢189Ext.define('Ext.custom.basicTree',{190 extend : 'Ext.tree.Panel',191 rootVisible: false,192 initComponent : function(){193;194 }195})196Ext.define('Ext.custon.applicabkeObjects', {197 extend : 'Ext.form.Panel',198 //margin:5,199 layout:'hbox',200 items:[{201 html:'<div style="width:655px;height:30px;">'+202 '<span style="float:left;paddding-left:3px;"><span style="color:red">*</span>éç¨ä¸ä¸:</span>'+'<div id="applicable_objects" name="applicable_objects" class="applicable_objects" style="padding:2px;width:570px;height:25px;float:left;margin-left:9px;border:1px solid #C0C0C0"></div>'+203 '</div>'204 }]205})206//åå§åtooltip207Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.init();208//å¿
å¡«*å·HTMLç段209var required = '<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold" data-qtip="Required">*</span>';210//å
é¨å®¹å¨èªéåºæ件211Ext.namespace('Ext.ux');212Ext.ux.FitToParent = Ext.extend(Object,213{214 fitWidth: true,215 fitHeight: true,216 offsets: [0, 0],217 constructor: function(config)218 {219 config = config || {};220 if(config.tagName || config.dom || Ext.isString(config))221 {222 config = {parent: config};223 }224 Ext.apply(this, config);225 },226 init: function(c)227 {228 this.component = c;229 c.on('render', function(c)230 {231 this.parent = Ext.get(this.parent || c.getPositionEl().dom.parentNode);232 this.fitSize();233 Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.fitSize, this);234 }, this, {single: true});235 },236 fitSize: function()237 {238 var pos = this.component.getPosition(true),239 size = this.parent.getViewSize();240 this.component.setSize(241 this.fitWidth ? size.width - pos[0] - this.offsets[0] : undefined,242 this.fitHeight ? size.height - pos[1] - this.offsets[1] : undefined);243 }244});245Ext.preg('fittoparent', Ext.ux.FitToParent);246//课ç¨è¯ä»·çªå£247Ext.define('Ext.custom.scoreWindow',{248 extend : 'Ext.window.Window',249 resizable : false,250 autoScroll : true,251 modal : true,252 title:'èµæºè¯ä»·',253 constrain : true,254 width: 600,255 height : 300,256 initComponent : function(){257 var win = this;258 win.items = [{259 itemId : 'resourceName',260 xtype : 'textfield',261 margin : '10 0 0 80',262 disabled : true,263 width : 400,264 labelAlign : 'right',265 name : 'PcourseName',266 fieldLabel : 'èµæº'267 },{268 xtype : 'radiogroup',269 itemId : 'ifRecommend',270 width : 400,271 margin : '10 0 0 80',272 fieldLabel : 'æ¨è',273 name : 'ifRecommend',274 labelAlign : 'right',275 items: [276 { itemId : 'recommend' , boxLabel: 'æ¨è', name: 'rb', inputValue: '1',checked : true },277 { itemId : 'recommendNo' , boxLabel: 'ä¸æ¨è', name: 'rb', inputValue: '2' }278 ]279 },{280 xtype : 'panel',281 margin : '0 0 0 148',282 html :283 'è¯åï¼<div id="xzw_starSys" style="position:relative;top:-15px;left:50px;">'+284 '<div id="xzw_starBox">'+285 '<ul class="star" id="star">'+286 '<li onclick="clickStart(1);"><a href="javascript:" title="1" class="one-star">1</a></li>'+287 '<li onclick="clickStart(2);"><a href="javascript:" title="2" class="two-stars">2</a></li>'+288 '<li onclick="clickStart(3);"><a href="javascript:" title="3" class="three-stars">3</a></li>'+289 '<li onclick="clickStart(4);"><a href="javascript:" title="4" class="four-stars">4</a></li>'+290 '<li onclick="clickStart(5);"><a href="javascript:" title="5" class="five-stars">5</a></li>'+291 '<li onclick="clickStart(6);"><a href="javascript:" title="6" class="six-stars">6</a></li>'+292 '<li onclick="clickStart(7);"><a href="javascript:" title="7" class="seven-stars">7</a></li>'+293 '<li onclick="clickStart(8);"><a href="javascript:" title="8" class="eight-stars">8</a></li>'+294 '<li onclick="clickStart(9);"><a href="javascript:" title="9" class="nine-stars">9</a></li>'+295 '<li onclick="clickStart(10);"><a href="javascript:" title="10" class="ten-stars">10</a></li>'+296 '</ul>'+297 '<span id="scoreResourceId">0</span>å'+298 '<div class="current-rating" id="showb"></div>'+299 '</div>'300 },{301 xtype : 'textareafield',302 itemId : 'description',303 fieldLabel : '说å å¥',304 labelAlign : 'right',305 margin : '0 0 0 80',306 name : 'description',307 emptyText : 'å¨è¿éåä¸ä½ çè¯ä»·å¦...',308 width : 400,309 height : 70310 },{311 xtype : 'panel',312 layout : 'hbox',313 margin : '10 0 0 195',314 items : [{315 xtype : 'button',316 text : 'ç¡®å®',317 width : 80,318 height : 30,319 style : {320 background : 'red',321 border : 0322 },323 handler : function(){324 if($('#scoreResourceId').text()){325 scoreResource($('#scoreResourceId').text(),win);326 }else{327 Ext.Msg.alert("温馨æ示","请æåï¼");328 }329 }330 },{331 xtype : 'button',332 text : 'åæ¶',333 width : 80,334 margin : '0 0 0 20',335 height : 30,336 handler : function(){337 win.close();338 }339 }]340 }]341;342 }343});344//ä¸ä¼ çªå£ï¼å
±ç¨ï¼è§é¢ãé件ãå°é¢å¾çâ¦â¦ï¼345Ext.define('Ext.custom.uploadFileWin',{346 extend : 'Ext.custom.basicWindow',347 width : 450,348 height : 200,349 closeAction : 'destroy',350 customMaxSize : 0,351 customSetValueInput : {},352 customUrl : '',353 index:0,354 customUploadType : null,355 customFilefieldLabel : '',356 initComponent : function(){357 var win = this;358 win.items = [{359 xtype : 'form',360 width: '100%',361 height : '100%',362 items : [{363 xtype: 'filefield',364 fieldLabel: win.customFilefieldLabel,365 labelWidth: 50,366 msgTarget: 'side',367 allowBlank: false,368 emptyText : '请ç¹å»éæ©......',369 margin : '30 0 10 15',370 width : 400,371 buttonText: 'éæ©' + win.customFilefieldLabel372 },{373 xtype : 'label',374 margin : '0 0 0 70',375 html : '请éæ©ä¸å¤§äº' + renderSize(win.customMaxSize) + 'çæ件'376 }]377 }];378 win.buttons = [{379 text: 'ä¸ä¼ ',380 width : 100,381 handler: function() {382 var form = win.down('form').getForm();383 if(form.isValid()){384 form.submit({385 url: win.customUrl,386 waitMsg: 'æ£å¨ä¸ä¼ ...',387 success: function(fp, o) {388 errTip(o.result, function(){389 if(o.result.success){390 var result = o.result;391 win.cbFn(result);392 }393 });394 },395 failure: function(fp, o) {396 console.log(o);397 console.log(fp);398 Ext.Msg.alert('æ示', o.result.err || 'ä¸ä¼ 失败ï¼');399 }400 });401 }402 }403 }];404;405 }...
1/**2 * @author Anakeen3 * @license GNU Affero General Public License4 */5/**6 * Freedom Widget Ext Library7 * 12/05/20098 * @author Clément Laballe9 */10Ext.ns('Ext.fdl');11Ext.fdl.DisplayField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.DisplayField, {12 style: 'line-height:22px;margin-bottom:0px;',13 14 initComponent: function(){15;16 },17 18 anchor: '-15'19});20Ext.fdl.Text = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TextField, {21 22 toString: function(){23 return 'Ext.fdl.Text';24 },25 enableKeyEvents: true,26 27 initComponent: function(){28;29 },30 31 anchor: '-15'32});33Ext.fdl.LongText = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TextArea, {34 initComponent: function(){35;36 },37 38 anchor: '-15'39});40Ext.fdl.HtmlText = Ext.extend(Ext.form.HtmlEditor, {41 width: 524,42 height: 150,43 44 initComponent: function(){45;46 }47 48});49Ext.fdl.Integer = Ext.extend(Ext.form.NumberField, {50 initComponent: function(){51;52 },53 54 anchor: '-15'55});56Ext.fdl.Double = Ext.extend(Ext.form.NumberField, {57 initComponent: function(){58;59 },60 61 anchor: '-15'62});63Ext.fdl.Money = Ext.extend(Ext.form.NumberField, {64 initComponent: function(){65;66 },67 68 anchor: '-15'69});70Ext.fdl.Date = Ext.extend(Ext.form.DateField, {71 toString: function(){72 return 'Ext.fdl.Date';73 },74 initComponent: function(){75;76 },77 78 altFormats: 'd-j-Y|d-m-Y',79 format: 'd/m/Y',80 81 anchor: '-15'82});83Ext.fdl.Image = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FileUploadField, {84 width: 200,85 86 buttonText: '',87 buttonCfg: {88 iconCls: 'upload-icon'89 },90 91 initComponent: function(){92;93 }94 95});96Ext.fdl.File = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FileUploadField, {97 width: 200,98 99 buttonText: '',100 buttonCfg: {101 iconCls: 'upload-icon'102 },103 104 initComponent: function(){105;106 }107 108});109Ext.fdl.Color = Ext.extend(Ext.form.ColorField, {110 initComponent: function(){111;112 },113 114 anchor: '-15'115});116Ext.fdl.Enum = Ext.extend(Ext.form.ComboBox, {117 attribute: null,118 119 editable: false,120 forceSelection: true,121 disableKeyFilter: true,122 triggerAction: 'all',123 mode: 'local',124 125 initComponent: function(){126 127 var enumItems = this.attribute.getEnumItems();128 129 console.log('ENUM',enumItems);130 131 = new{132 data: enumItems,133 fields: ['key', 'label']134 });135 136;137 138 },139 140 valueField: 'key',141 displayField: 'label'142});143Ext.fdl.DocId = Ext.extend(Ext.form.ComboBox, {144 attribute: null,145 146 lastkey: '',147 148 initComponent: function(){149;150 151 this.on({152 render: {153 scope: this,154 fn: function(){155 156 }157 },158 select: {159 fn: function(combo, record, index){160 combo.documentSelect(;161 }162 },163 keypress: {164 fn: function(t){165 166 // Keypress is fired before actual value in browser is modified167 // This is not related to ExtJS but to browser behaviour168 // 170 (function(){171 if (t.getRawValue() != this.lastkey) {172 173 console.log('PROPOSAL', t.attribute, t.getRawValue());174 console.log('RETRIEVE', t.attribute.retrieveProposal({175 key: t.getRawValue()176 }));177 178 var proposal = t.attribute.retrieveProposal({179 key: t.getRawValue()180 });181 //console.log('new:' + t.getRawValue() + ',last:' + this.lastkey);182 this.lastkey = t.getRawValue();183 184 t.getStore().removeAll();185 t.getStore().loadData(proposal);186 }187 188 }).defer(100);189 },190 buffer: 500191 }192 193 });194 195 },196 197 anyMatch: true, // not ComboBox-native, see override198 mode: 'local',199 enableKeyEvents: true,200 201 // FIXME Instanciation here create a singleton (all store for Ext.fdl.DocId will be the same) 202 store: new{203 data: new Array(),204 fields: ['id', 'display']205 }),206 207 valueField: 'id',208 displayField: 'display',209 // width: 180,210 // minListWidth: 200,211 212 anchor: '-15',213 214 // Called when a document is selected in the drop list.215 // To be overriden for specific behaviors.216 documentSelect: function(id){217 //console.log('Document Selected', id);218 }219 220});221/**222 * ExtJS Component for Multiple Family Selector223 */224Ext.fdl.MultiDocId = Ext.extend(Ext.fdl.DocId, {225 attribute: null,226 227 emptyText: '',228 229 docIdList: null,230 231 docTitleList: null,232 233 toString: function(){234 return 'Ext.fdl.MultiDocId';235 },236 237 //emptyField: null,238 239 initComponent: function(){240 241;242 243 this.hiddenName = + '[]';244 245 this.on({246 render: {247 fn: function(t){248 249 // if (!t.emptyField) {250 // 251 // console.log('Hidden empty is inserted');252 // 253 // // Hidden field with empty value254 // // Used so data can receive when no docid is given255 // t.emptyField = new Ext.form.Field({256 // name: + '[]',257 // //hidden: true,258 // value: ''259 // });260 // 261 // t.ownerCt.insert(0, t.emptyField);262 // 263 // }264 265 for (var i = 0; i < this.docIdList.length; i++) {266 if (this.docIdList[i] != '') {267 268 var index = this.ownerCt.items.indexOf(this);269 270 var clearDocId = this.getDocIdComboBox();271 272 this.ownerCt.insert(index + 1, clearDocId);273 274 //this.ownerCt.doLayout();275 276 // this.setValue(null);277 278 var data = [{279 id: this.docIdList[i],280 display: this.docTitleList[i]281 }];282 283 t.getStore().loadData(data, true); // Complete store with appropriate record to trigger proper recognition of display in combobox284 clearDocId.setValue(this.docIdList[i]);285 286 }287 }288 289 }290 },291 select: {292 fn: function(combo, record, index){293 (function(){294 combo.getEl().blur();295 }).defer(100);296 }297 }298 299 });300 301 },302 303 getDocIdComboBox: function(){304 305 var mfcb = this;306 307 var clearDocId = new Ext.fdl.DocId({308 //value: id,309 attribute: this.attribute,310 triggerClass: 'x-form-clear-trigger',311 store:,312 // Special override since method is supposed private by ExtJS313 onTriggerClick: function(){314 this.ownerCt.setHeight(this.ownerCt.getHeight() - 26);315 this.ownerCt.remove(this);316 mfcb.documentClear(this.getValue());317 },318 hiddenName: + '[]',319 width: this.getWidth() // Should not be necessary with default anchoring but width is not correct if omitted...320 });321 322 return clearDocId;323 324 },325 326 documentSelect: function(id){327 328 var index = this.ownerCt.items.indexOf(this);329 330 var clearDocId = this.getDocIdComboBox();331 332 this.ownerCt.insert(index + 1, clearDocId);333 334 // TODO Check if doLayout and setValue are necessary.335 336 this.ownerCt.doLayout();337 338 this.setValue(null);339 340 clearDocId.setValue(id);341 342 this.ownerCt.setHeight(this.ownerCt.getHeight() + 26);343 344 },345 346 // To be overriden.347 documentClear: function(id){348 349 }350 351 ...
1/*2 * Ext JS Library 2.23 * Copyright(c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC.4 * licensing@extjs.com5 * 6 * */89// setup an App namespace10// This is done to prevent collisions in the global namespace11Ext.ns('App');12/**13 * App.BookStore14 * @extends * @cfg {String} url This will be a url of a location to load the BookStore16 * This is a specialized Store which maintains books.17 * It already knows about Amazon's XML definition and will expose the following 18 * Record defintion:19 * - Author20 * - Manufacturer21 * - ProductGroup22 * - DetailPageURL23 */24App.BookStore = function(config) {25 var config = config || {};26 Ext.applyIf(config, {27 reader: new{28 // records will have an "Item" tag29 record: 'Item',30 id: 'ASIN',31 totalRecords: '@total'32 }, [33 // set up the fields mapping into the xml doc34 // The first needs mapping, the others are very basic35 {name: 'Author', mapping: 'ItemAttributes > Author'},36 'Title',37 'Manufacturer',38 'ProductGroup',39 // Detail URL is not part of the column model of the grid40 'DetailPageURL'41 ])42 });43 // call the superclass's constructor 44, config);45};46Ext.extend(App.BookStore,;47/**48 * App.BookGrid49 * @extends Ext.grid.GridPanel50 * This is a custom grid which will display book information. It is tied to 51 * a specific record definition by the dataIndex properties. 52 * 53 * It follows a very custom pattern used only when extending Ext.Components54 * in which you can omit the constructor.55 * 56 * It also registers the class with the Component Manager with an xtype of57 * bookgrid. This allows the application to take care of the lazy-instatiation58 * facilities provided in Ext 2.0's Component Model.59 */60App.BookGrid = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, {61 // override 62 initComponent : function() {63 Ext.apply(this, {64 // Pass in a column model definition65 // Note that the DetailPageURL was defined in the record definition but is not used66 // here. That is okay.67 columns: [68 {header: "Author", width: 120, dataIndex: 'Author', sortable: true},69 {header: "Title", dataIndex: 'Title', sortable: true},70 {header: "Manufacturer", width: 115, dataIndex: 'Manufacturer', sortable: true},71 {header: "Product Group", dataIndex: 'ProductGroup', sortable: true}72 ],73 sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect: true}),74 // Note the use of a storeId, this will register thisStore75 // with the StoreMgr and allow us to retrieve it very easily.76 store: new App.BookStore({77 storeId: 'gridBookStore',78 url: 'sheldon.xml'79 }),80 // force the grid to fit the space which is available81 viewConfig: {82 forceFit: true83 }84 });85 // finally call the superclasses implementation86; 87 }88});89// This will associate an string representation of a class90// (called an xtype) with the Component Manager91// It allows you to support lazy instantiation of your components92Ext.reg('bookgrid', App.BookGrid);93/**94 * App.BookDetail95 * @extends Ext.Panel96 * This is a specialized Panel which is used to show information about97 * a book. 98 * 99 * This demonstrates adding 2 custom properties (tplMarkup and 100 * startingMarkup) to the class. It also overrides the initComponent101 * method and adds a new method called updateDetail.102 * 103 * The class will be registered with an xtype of 'bookdetail'104 */105App.BookDetail = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {106 // add tplMarkup as a new property107 tplMarkup: [108 'Title: <a href="{DetailPageURL}" target="_blank">{Title}</a><br/>',109 'Author: {Author}<br/>',110 'Manufacturer: {Manufacturer}<br/>',111 'Product Group: {ProductGroup}<br/>'112 ],113 // startingMarup as a new property114 startingMarkup: 'Please select a book to see additional details',115 // override initComponent to create and compile the template116 // apply styles to the body of the panel and initialize117 // html to startingMarkup118 initComponent: function() {119 this.tpl = new Ext.Template(this.tplMarkup);120 Ext.apply(this, {121 bodyStyle: {122 background: '#ffffff',123 padding: '7px'124 },125 html: this.startingMarkup126 });127 // call the superclass's initComponent implementation128;129 },130 // add a method which updates the details131 updateDetail: function(data) {132 this.tpl.overwrite(this.body, data); 133 }134});135// register the App.BookDetail class with an xtype of bookdetail136Ext.reg('bookdetail', App.BookDetail);137/**138 * App.BookMasterDetail139 * @extends Ext.Panel140 * 141 * This is a specialized panel which is composed of both a bookgrid142 * and a bookdetail panel. It provides the glue between the two 143 * components to allow them to communicate. You could consider this144 * the actual application.145 * 146 */147App.BookMasterDetail = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {148 // override initComponent149 initComponent: function() {150 // used applyIf rather than apply so user could151 // override the defaults152 Ext.applyIf(this, {153 frame: true,154 title: 'Book List',155 width: 540,156 height: 400,157 layout: 'border',158 items: [{159 xtype: 'bookgrid',160 itemId: 'gridPanel',161 region: 'north',162 height: 210,163 split: true164 },{165 xtype: 'bookdetail',166 itemId: 'detailPanel',167 region: 'center'168 }] 169 })170 // call the superclass's initComponent implementation 171;172 },173 // override initEvents174 initEvents: function() {175 // call the superclass's initEvents implementation176;177 178 // now add application specific events179 // notice we use the selectionmodel's rowselect event rather180 // than a click event from the grid to provide key navigation181 // as well as mouse navigation182 var bookGridSm = this.getComponent('gridPanel').getSelectionModel(); 183 bookGridSm.on('rowselect', this.onRowSelect, this); 184 },185 // add a method called onRowSelect186 // This matches the method signature as defined by the 'rowselect'187 // event defined in Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel188 onRowSelect: function(sm, rowIdx, r) {189 // getComponent will retrieve itemId's or id's. Note that itemId's 190 // are scoped locally to this instance of a component to avoid191 // conflicts with the ComponentMgr192 var detailPanel = this.getComponent('detailPanel');193 detailPanel.updateDetail(;194 }195});196// register an xtype with this class197Ext.reg('bookmasterdetail', App.BookMasterDetail);198// Finally now that we've defined all of our classes we can instantiate199// an instance of the app and renderTo an existing div called 'binding-example'200// Note now that classes have encapsulated this behavior we can easily create201// an instance of this app to be used in many different contexts, you could 202// easily place this application in an Ext.Window for example203Ext.onReady(function() {204 // create an instance of the app205 var bookApp = new App.BookMasterDetail({206 renderTo: 'binding-example'207 });208 // We can retrieve a reference to the data store209 // via the StoreMgr by its storeId210 Ext.StoreMgr.get('gridBookStore').load();...
...18 }})19 }20 it('renders', () => {21 playlistStore.all = factory('playlist', 10)22 const wrapper = initComponent()23 wrapper.html().should.contain('Add 5 songs to')24 wrapper.hasAll('li.after-current', 'li.bottom-queue', '', 'li.favorites', 'form.form-new-playlist') wrapper.findAll('li.playlist').should.have.lengthOf(10)26 })27 it('supports different configurations', () => {28 // add to queue29 let wrapper = initComponent({ queue: false })30 wrapper.hasNone('li.after-current', 'li.bottom-queue', '') // add to favorites32 wrapper = initComponent({ favorites: false })33 wrapper.has('li.favorites') // add to playlists35 wrapper = initComponent({ playlists: false })36 wrapper.has('li.playlist') // add to a new playlist38 wrapper = initComponent({ newPlaylist: false })39 wrapper.has('form.form-new-playlist') })41 it('queue songs after current', () => {42 const wrapper = initComponent()43 const queueStub = sinon.stub(queueStore, 'queueAfterCurrent')44 const closeStub = sinon.stub(wrapper.vm, 'close')45'li.after-current')46 queueStub.calledWith(songs) queueStub.restore()49 closeStub.restore()50 })51 it('queue songs to bottom', () => {52 const wrapper = initComponent()53 const queueStub = sinon.stub(queueStore, 'queue')54 const closeStub = sinon.stub(wrapper.vm, 'close')55'li.bottom-queue')56 queueStub.calledWith(songs) queueStub.restore()59 closeStub.restore()60 })61 it('queue songs to top', () => {62 const wrapper = initComponent()63 const queueStub = sinon.stub(queueStore, 'queue')64 const closeStub = sinon.stub(wrapper.vm, 'close')65'')66 queueStub.calledWith(songs, false, true) queueStub.restore()69 closeStub.restore()70 })71 it('add songs to favorite', () => {72 const wrapper = initComponent()73 const likeStub = sinon.stub(favoriteStore, 'like')74 const closeStub = sinon.stub(wrapper.vm, 'close')75'li.favorites')76 likeStub.calledWith(songs) likeStub.restore()79 closeStub.restore()80 })81 it('add songs to existing playlist', () => {82 const playlists = factory('playlist', 3)83 playlistStore.all = playlists84 const wrapper = initComponent()85 const addSongsStub = sinon.stub(playlistStore, 'addSongs')86 const closeStub = sinon.stub(wrapper.vm, 'close')87 wrapper.findAll('li.playlist').at(1).click()88 addSongsStub.calledWith(playlists[1], songs) addSongsStub.restore()91 closeStub.restore()92 })93 it('creates new playlist from songs', async done => {94 const storeStub = sinon.stub(playlistStore, 'store').callsFake(() => {95 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {96 resolve(factory('playlist'))97 })98 })99 const wrapper = initComponent()100 const closeStub = sinon.stub(wrapper.vm, 'close')101 wrapper.setData({ newPlaylistName: 'Foo' })102 await wrapper.submit('form.form-new-playlist')103 storeStub.calledWith('Foo', songs) closeStub.restore()105 done()106 })...
1/*!2 * Ext JS Library 3.3.03 * Copyright(c) 2006-2010 Ext JS, Inc.4 * licensing@extjs.com5 * */7Imgorg.DirectCombo = Ext.extend(Ext.form.ComboBox, {8 displayField: 'text',9 valueField: 'id',10 triggerAction: 'all',11 queryAction: 'name',12 forceSelection: true,13 mode: 'remote',14 15 initComponent: function() {16 = new{17 api: this.api,18 root: '',19 fields: this.fields || ['text', 'id']20 }, this.storeConfig));21 22;23 }24});25Imgorg.TagCombo = Ext.extend(Imgorg.DirectCombo,{26 forceSelection: false,27 storeConfig: {28 id: 'tag-store'29 },30 initComponent: function() {31 Ext.apply(this.storeConfig, {32 directFn: });34;35 }36});37Ext.reg('img-tagcombo', Imgorg.TagCombo);38Imgorg.TagMultiCombo = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.MultiCombo,{39 listClass: 'label-combo',40 displayField: 'text',41 valueField: 'id',42 43 initComponent: function() {44 = new{45 directFn:,46 root: '',47 autoLoad: true,48 fields: this.fields || ['text', 'id']49 }, this.storeConfig));50 this.plugins =new Ext.ux.MultiCombo.Checkable({});51;52 }53});54Ext.reg('img-tagmulticombo', Imgorg.TagMultiCombo);55Imgorg.AlbumCombo = Ext.extend(Imgorg.DirectCombo, {56 storeConfig: {57 id: 'album-store'58 },59 initComponent: function() {60 Ext.apply(this.storeConfig, {61 directFn: });63;64 }65});...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Playwright } = require('playwright');2const { chromium } = Playwright;3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await browser.close();8})();9const { Playwright } = require('playwright');10const { chromium } = Playwright;11(async () => {12 const browser = await chromium.launch();13 const context = await browser.newContext();14 const page = await context.newPage();15 await browser.close();16})();17const { Playwright } = require('playwright');18const { chromium } = Playwright;19(async () => {20 const browser = await chromium.launch();21 const context = await browser.newContext();22 const page = await context.newPage();23 await browser.close();24})();25const { Playwright } = require('playwright');26const { chromium } = Playwright;27(async () => {28 const browser = await chromium.launch();29 const context = await browser.newContext();30 const page = await context.newPage();31 await browser.close();32})();33const { Playwright } = require('playwright');34const { chromium } = Playwright;35(async () => {36 const browser = await chromium.launch();37 const context = await browser.newContext();38 const page = await context.newPage();39 await browser.close();40})();41const { Playwright } = require('playwright');42const { chromium } = Playwright;43(async () => {44 const browser = await chromium.launch();45 const context = await browser.newContext();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initComponent } = require('playwright');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const handle = await page.$('text=Get started');7 const component = await initComponent(page, handle);8 console.log(await component.evaluate((node) => node.textContent));9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {initComponent} = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');2const {chromium} = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const crBrowser = await initComponent(page);7 const crPage = await crBrowser.newPage();8 await crPage.close();9 await browser.close();10})();11Error: Protocol error (Page.navigate): Cannot navigate to invalid URL12const {initComponent} = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');13const {chromium} = require('playwright');14(async () => {15 const browser = await chromium.launch();16 const page = await browser.newPage();17 const crBrowser = await initComponent(page);18 const crPage = await crBrowser.newPage();19 await crPage.close();20 await browser.close();21})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');3const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');4const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');5const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');6const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');7const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');8const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');9const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');10const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');11const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');12const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');13const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');14const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');15const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');16const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');17const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');18const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');19const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');20const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');21const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');22const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');23const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');24const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');25const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');26const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib
Using AI Code Generation
1import { test } from '@playwright/test';2test('My test', async ({ page }) => {3});4import { test } from '@playwright/test';5test('My test', async ({ page }) => {6});7import { test } from '@playwright/test';8test('My test', async ({ page }) => {9});10import { test } from '@playwright/test';11test('My test', async ({ page }) => {12});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initComponent } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');2const { chromium, devices } = require('playwright');3const iPhone = devices['iPhone 6'];4const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });5const context = await browser.newContext({6 geolocation: { longitude: 12.492507, latitude: 41.889938 },7});8const page = await context.newPage();9await initComponent(page, 'geolocation');10await'text="Share Location"');11await page.waitForTimeout(5000);12await browser.close();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { initComponent } = require('@playwright/test/lib/initComponent');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3const { Playwright } = require('playwright/lib/client/playwright');4const { PlaywrightServer } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwrightServer');5const { PlaywrightServerTransport } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwrightServerTransport');6const { PlaywrightServerTransportStream } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwrightServerTransportStream');7const { PlaywrightClient } = require('playwright/lib/client/playwrightClient');8const { PlaywrightClientTransport } = require('playwright/lib/client/playwrightClientTransport');9const { PlaywrightClientTransportStream } = require('playwright/lib/client/playwrightClientTransportStream');10const { PlaywrightDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/client/playwrightDispatcher');11const { Connection } = require('playwright/lib/client/connection');12const { PlaywrightServer } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwrightServer');13const { PlaywrightServerTransport } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwrightServerTransport');14const { PlaywrightServerTransportStream } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwrightServerTransportStream');15const { PlaywrightClient } = require('playwright/lib/client/playwrightClient');16const { PlaywrightClientTransport } = require('playwright/lib/client/playwrightClientTransport');17const { PlaywrightClientTransportStream } = require('playwright/lib/client/playwrightClientTransportStream');18const { PlaywrightDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/client/playwrightDispatcher');19const { Connection } = require('playwright/lib/client/connection');20const { PlaywrightServer } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwrightServer');21const { PlaywrightServerTransport } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwrightServerTransport');22const { PlaywrightServerTransportStream } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwrightServerTransportStream');23const { PlaywrightClient } = require('playwright/lib/client/playwrightClient');24const { PlaywrightClientTransport } = require('playwright/lib/client/play
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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