Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1import hljs from 'highlight.js'2/* highlightjs-line-numbers.js 2.6.0 | (C) 2018 Yauheni Pakala | MIT License | */3/* Edited by Hakim for reveal.js; removed async timeout */4!function(n,e){"use strict";function t(){var n=e.createElement("style");n.type="text/css",n.innerHTML=g(".{0}{border-collapse:collapse}.{0} td{padding:0}.{1}:before{content:attr({2})}",[v,L,b]),e.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n)}function r(t){"interactive"===e.readyState||"complete"===e.readyState?i(t):n.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){i(t)})}function i(t){try{var r=e.querySelectorAll("code.hljs,code.nohighlight");for(var i in r)r.hasOwnProperty(i)&&l(r[i],t)}catch(o){n.console.error("LineNumbers error: ",o)}}function l(n,e){"object"==typeof n&&f(function(){n.innerHTML=s(n,e)})}function o(n,e){if("string"==typeof n){var t=document.createElement("code");return t.innerHTML=n,s(t,e)}}function s(n,e){e=e||{singleLine:!1};var t=e.singleLine?0:1;return c(n),a(n.innerHTML,t)}function a(n,e){var t=u(n);if(""===t[t.length-1].trim()&&t.pop(),t.length>e){for(var r="",i=0,l=t.length;i<l;i++)r+=g('<tr><td class="{0}"><div class="{1} {2}" {3}="{5}"></div></td><td class="{4}"><div class="{1}">{6}</div></td></tr>',[j,m,L,b,p,i+1,t[i].length>0?t[i]:" "]);return g('<table class="{0}">{1}</table>',[v,r])}return n}function c(n){var e=n.childNodes;for(var t in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(t)){var r=e[t];h(r.textContent)>0&&(r.childNodes.length>0?c(r):d(r.parentNode))}}function d(n){var e=n.className;if(/hljs-/.test(e)){for(var t=u(n.innerHTML),r=0,i="";r<t.length;r++){var l=t[r].length>0?t[r]:" ";i+=g('<span class="{0}">{1}</span>\n',[e,l])}n.innerHTML=i.trim()}}function u(n){return 0===n.length?[]:n.split(y)}function h(n){return(n.trim().match(y)||[]).length}function f(e){e()}function g(n,e){return n.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g,function(n,t){return e[t]?e[t]:n})}var v="hljs-ln",m="hljs-ln-line",p="hljs-ln-code",j="hljs-ln-numbers",L="hljs-ln-n",b="data-line-number",y=/\r\n|\r|\n/g;hljs?(hljs.initLineNumbersOnLoad=r,hljs.lineNumbersBlock=l,hljs.lineNumbersValue=o,t()):n.console.error("highlight.js not detected!")}(window,document);5/*!6 * reveal.js plugin that adds syntax highlight support.7 */8const Plugin = {9 id: 'highlight',10 HIGHLIGHT_STEP_DELIMITER: '|',11 HIGHLIGHT_LINE_DELIMITER: ',',12 HIGHLIGHT_LINE_RANGE_DELIMITER: '-',13 hljs: hljs,14 /**15 * Highlights code blocks withing the given deck.16 *17 * Note that this can be called multiple times if18 * there are multiple presentations on one page.19 *20 * @param {Reveal} reveal the reveal.js instance21 */22 init: function( reveal ) {23 // Read the plugin config options and provide fallbacks24 var config = reveal.getConfig().highlight || {};25 config.highlightOnLoad = typeof config.highlightOnLoad === 'boolean' ? config.highlightOnLoad : true;26 config.escapeHTML = typeof config.escapeHTML === 'boolean' ? config.escapeHTML : true;27 [] reveal.getRevealElement().querySelectorAll( 'pre code' ) ).forEach( function( block ) {28 // Trim whitespace if the "data-trim" attribute is present29 if( block.hasAttribute( 'data-trim' ) && typeof block.innerHTML.trim === 'function' ) {30 block.innerHTML = betterTrim( block );31 }32 // Escape HTML tags unless the "data-noescape" attrbute is present33 if( config.escapeHTML && !block.hasAttribute( 'data-noescape' )) {34 block.innerHTML = block.innerHTML.replace( /</g,"<").replace(/>/g, '>' );35 }36 // Re-highlight when focus is lost (for contenteditable code)37 block.addEventListener( 'focusout', function( event ) {38 hljs.highlightBlock( event.currentTarget );39 }, false );40 if( config.highlightOnLoad ) {41 Plugin.highlightBlock( block );42 }43 } );44 // If we're printing to PDF, scroll the code highlights of45 // all blocks in the deck into view at once46 reveal.on( 'pdf-ready', function() {47 [] reveal.getRevealElement().querySelectorAll( 'pre code[data-line-numbers].current-fragment' ) ).forEach( function( block ) {48 Plugin.scrollHighlightedLineIntoView( block, {}, true );49 } );50 } );51 },52 /**53 * Highlights a code block. If the <code> node has the54 * 'data-line-numbers' attribute we also generate slide55 * numbers.56 *57 * If the block contains multiple line highlight steps,58 * we clone the block and create a fragment for each step.59 */60 highlightBlock: function( block ) {61 hljs.highlightBlock( block );62 // Don't generate line numbers for empty code blocks63 if( block.innerHTML.trim().length === 0 ) return;64 if( block.hasAttribute( 'data-line-numbers' ) ) {65 hljs.lineNumbersBlock( block, { singleLine: true } );66 var scrollState = { currentBlock: block };67 // If there is at least one highlight step, generate68 // fragments69 var highlightSteps = Plugin.deserializeHighlightSteps( block.getAttribute( 'data-line-numbers' ) );70 if( highlightSteps.length > 1 ) {71 // If the original code block has a fragment-index,72 // each clone should follow in an incremental sequence73 var fragmentIndex = parseInt( block.getAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' ), 10 );74 if( typeof fragmentIndex !== 'number' || isNaN( fragmentIndex ) ) {75 fragmentIndex = null;76 }77 // Generate fragments for all steps except the original block78 highlightSteps.slice(1).forEach( function( highlight ) {79 var fragmentBlock = block.cloneNode( true );80 fragmentBlock.setAttribute( 'data-line-numbers', Plugin.serializeHighlightSteps( [ highlight ] ) );81 fragmentBlock.classList.add( 'fragment' );82 block.parentNode.appendChild( fragmentBlock );83 Plugin.highlightLines( fragmentBlock );84 if( typeof fragmentIndex === 'number' ) {85 fragmentBlock.setAttribute( 'data-fragment-index', fragmentIndex );86 fragmentIndex += 1;87 }88 else {89 fragmentBlock.removeAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' );90 }91 // Scroll highlights into view as we step through them92 fragmentBlock.addEventListener( 'visible', Plugin.scrollHighlightedLineIntoView.bind( Plugin, fragmentBlock, scrollState ) );93 fragmentBlock.addEventListener( 'hidden', Plugin.scrollHighlightedLineIntoView.bind( Plugin, fragmentBlock.previousSibling, scrollState ) );94 } );95 block.removeAttribute( 'data-fragment-index' )96 block.setAttribute( 'data-line-numbers', Plugin.serializeHighlightSteps( [ highlightSteps[0] ] ) );97 }98 // Scroll the first highlight into view when the slide99 // becomes visible. Note supported in IE11 since it lacks100 // support for Element.closest.101 var slide = typeof block.closest === 'function' ? block.closest( 'section:not(.stack)' ) : null;102 if( slide ) {103 var scrollFirstHighlightIntoView = function() {104 Plugin.scrollHighlightedLineIntoView( block, scrollState, true );105 slide.removeEventListener( 'visible', scrollFirstHighlightIntoView );106 }107 slide.addEventListener( 'visible', scrollFirstHighlightIntoView );108 }109 Plugin.highlightLines( block );110 }111 },112 /**113 * Animates scrolling to the first highlighted line114 * in the given code block.115 */116 scrollHighlightedLineIntoView: function( block, scrollState, skipAnimation ) {117 cancelAnimationFrame( scrollState.animationFrameID );118 // Match the scroll position of the currently visible119 // code block120 if( scrollState.currentBlock ) {121 block.scrollTop = scrollState.currentBlock.scrollTop;122 }123 // Remember the current code block so that we can match124 // its scroll position when showing/hiding fragments125 scrollState.currentBlock = block;126 var highlightBounds = this.getHighlightedLineBounds( block )127 var viewportHeight = block.offsetHeight;128 // Subtract padding from the viewport height129 var blockStyles = getComputedStyle( block );130 viewportHeight -= parseInt( blockStyles.paddingTop ) + parseInt( blockStyles.paddingBottom );131 // Scroll position which centers all highlights132 var startTop = block.scrollTop;133 var targetTop = + ( Math.min( highlightBounds.bottom -, viewportHeight ) - viewportHeight ) / 2;134 // Account for offsets in position applied to the135 // <table> that holds our lines of code136 var lineTable = block.querySelector( '.hljs-ln' );137 if( lineTable ) targetTop += lineTable.offsetTop - parseInt( blockStyles.paddingTop );138 // Make sure the scroll target is within bounds139 targetTop = Math.max( Math.min( targetTop, block.scrollHeight - viewportHeight ), 0 );140 if( skipAnimation === true || startTop === targetTop ) {141 block.scrollTop = targetTop;142 }143 else {144 // Don't attempt to scroll if there is no overflow145 if( block.scrollHeight <= viewportHeight ) return;146 var time = 0;147 var animate = function() {148 time = Math.min( time + 0.02, 1 );149 // Update our eased scroll position150 block.scrollTop = startTop + ( targetTop - startTop ) * Plugin.easeInOutQuart( time );151 // Keep animating unless we've reached the end152 if( time < 1 ) {153 scrollState.animationFrameID = requestAnimationFrame( animate );154 }155 };156 animate();157 }158 },159 /**160 * The easing function used when scrolling.161 */162 easeInOutQuart: function( t ) {163 // easeInOutQuart164 return t<.5 ? 8*t*t*t*t : 1-8*(--t)*t*t*t;165 },166 getHighlightedLineBounds: function( block ) {167 var highlightedLines = block.querySelectorAll( '.highlight-line' );168 if( highlightedLines.length === 0 ) {169 return { top: 0, bottom: 0 };170 }171 else {172 var firstHighlight = highlightedLines[0];173 var lastHighlight = highlightedLines[ highlightedLines.length -1 ];174 return {175 top: firstHighlight.offsetTop,176 bottom: lastHighlight.offsetTop + lastHighlight.offsetHeight177 }178 }179 },180 /**181 * Visually emphasize specific lines within a code block.182 * This only works on blocks with line numbering turned on.183 *184 * @param {HTMLElement} block a <code> block185 * @param {String} [linesToHighlight] The lines that should be186 * highlighted in this format:187 * "1" = highlights line 1188 * "2,5" = highlights lines 2 & 5189 * "2,5-7" = highlights lines 2, 5, 6 & 7190 */191 highlightLines: function( block, linesToHighlight ) {192 var highlightSteps = Plugin.deserializeHighlightSteps( linesToHighlight || block.getAttribute( 'data-line-numbers' ) );193 if( highlightSteps.length ) {194 highlightSteps[0].forEach( function( highlight ) {195 var elementsToHighlight = [];196 // Highlight a range197 if( typeof highlight.end === 'number' ) {198 elementsToHighlight = [] block.querySelectorAll( 'table tr:nth-child(n+'+highlight.start+'):nth-child(-n+'+highlight.end+')' ) );199 }200 // Highlight a single line201 else if( typeof highlight.start === 'number' ) {202 elementsToHighlight = [] block.querySelectorAll( 'table tr:nth-child('+highlight.start+')' ) );203 }204 if( elementsToHighlight.length ) {205 elementsToHighlight.forEach( function( lineElement ) {206 lineElement.classList.add( 'highlight-line' );207 } );208 block.classList.add( 'has-highlights' );209 }210 } );211 }212 },213 /**214 * Parses and formats a user-defined string of line215 * numbers to highlight.216 *217 * @example218 * Plugin.deserializeHighlightSteps( '1,2|3,5-10' )219 * // [220 * // [ { start: 1 }, { start: 2 } ],221 * // [ { start: 3 }, { start: 5, end: 10 } ]222 * // ]223 */224 deserializeHighlightSteps: function( highlightSteps ) {225 // Remove whitespace226 highlightSteps = highlightSteps.replace( /\s/g, '' );227 // Divide up our line number groups228 highlightSteps = highlightSteps.split( Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_STEP_DELIMITER );229 return function( highlights ) {230 return highlights.split( Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_LINE_DELIMITER ).map( function( highlight ) {231 // Parse valid line numbers232 if( /^[\d-]+$/.test( highlight ) ) {233 highlight = highlight.split( Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_LINE_RANGE_DELIMITER );234 var lineStart = parseInt( highlight[0], 10 ),235 lineEnd = parseInt( highlight[1], 10 );236 if( isNaN( lineEnd ) ) {237 return {238 start: lineStart239 };240 }241 else {242 return {243 start: lineStart,244 end: lineEnd245 };246 }247 }248 // If no line numbers are provided, no code will be highlighted249 else {250 return {};251 }252 } );253 } );254 },255 /**256 * Serializes parsed line number data into a string so257 * that we can store it in the DOM.258 */259 serializeHighlightSteps: function( highlightSteps ) {260 return function( highlights ) {261 return function( highlight ) {262 // Line range263 if( typeof highlight.end === 'number' ) {264 return highlight.start + Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_LINE_RANGE_DELIMITER + highlight.end;265 }266 // Single line267 else if( typeof highlight.start === 'number' ) {268 return highlight.start;269 }270 // All lines271 else {272 return '';273 }274 } ).join( Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_LINE_DELIMITER );275 } ).join( Plugin.HIGHLIGHT_STEP_DELIMITER );276 }277}278// Function to perform a better "data-trim" on code snippets279// Will slice an indentation amount on each line of the snippet (amount based on the line having the lowest indentation length)280function betterTrim(snippetEl) {281 // Helper functions282 function trimLeft(val) {283 // Adapted from return val.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+/g, '');285 }286 function trimLineBreaks(input) {287 var lines = input.split('\n');288 // Trim line-breaks from the beginning289 for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {290 if (lines[i].trim() === '') {291 lines.splice(i--, 1);292 } else break;293 }294 // Trim line-breaks from the end295 for (var i = lines.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {296 if (lines[i].trim() === '') {297 lines.splice(i, 1);298 } else break;299 }300 return lines.join('\n');301 }302 // Main function for betterTrim()303 return (function(snippetEl) {304 var content = trimLineBreaks(snippetEl.innerHTML);305 var lines = content.split('\n');306 // Calculate the minimum amount to remove on each line start of the snippet (can be 0)307 var pad = lines.reduce(function(acc, line) {308 if (line.length > 0 && trimLeft(line).length > 0 && acc > line.length - trimLeft(line).length) {309 return line.length - trimLeft(line).length;310 }311 return acc;312 }, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);313 // Slice each line with this amount314 return, index) {315 return line.slice(pad);316 })317 .join('\n');318 })(snippetEl);319}...
...136 highlight.shape.setOptions(highlight.opts);137 // we can use this if we don't care about other options changing : highlight.shape.setRadius(highlight.opts.radiusInMeters)138 }139 else {140 highlight.shape = Drupal.gmap.factory.highlight(jQuery.extend({}, highlight.opts, {radius: highlight.opts.radiusInMeters})); // only pass radiusinmeters to We keep the pixel radius in case we need to calculate again after a zoom141 }142 };143 highlightOverlay.prototype.activateHighlight = function (highlight) {144 if (!highlight.shape) {145 this.configHighlight(highlight);146 this.calculateHighlight(highlight);147 }148 highlight.shape.setMap(;149 };150 highlightOverlay.prototype.deactivateHighlight = function (highlight) {151 if (highlight.shape) {152 highlight.shape.setMap(null);153 }154 };...
1/* 2Template Name: Color Admin - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template build with Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.53Version: 1.9.04Author: Sean Ngu5Website:*/78// white9var white = 'rgba(255,255,255,1.0)';10var fillBlack = 'rgba(45, 53, 60, 0.6)';11var fillBlackLight = 'rgba(45, 53, 60, 0.2)';12var strokeBlack = 'rgba(45, 53, 60, 0.8)';13var highlightFillBlack = 'rgba(45, 53, 60, 0.8)';14var highlightStrokeBlack = 'rgba(45, 53, 60, 1)';1516// blue17var fillBlue = 'rgba(52, 143, 226, 0.6)';18var fillBlueLight = 'rgba(52, 143, 226, 0.2)';19var strokeBlue = 'rgba(52, 143, 226, 0.8)';20var highlightFillBlue = 'rgba(52, 143, 226, 0.8)';21var highlightStrokeBlue = 'rgba(52, 143, 226, 1)';2223// grey24var fillGrey = 'rgba(182, 194, 201, 0.6)';25var fillGreyLight = 'rgba(182, 194, 201, 0.2)';26var strokeGrey = 'rgba(182, 194, 201, 0.8)';27var highlightFillGrey = 'rgba(182, 194, 201, 0.8)';28var highlightStrokeGrey = 'rgba(182, 194, 201, 1)';2930// green31var fillGreen = 'rgba(0, 172, 172, 0.6)';32var fillGreenLight = 'rgba(0, 172, 172, 0.2)';33var strokeGreen = 'rgba(0, 172, 172, 0.8)';34var highlightFillGreen = 'rgba(0, 172, 172, 0.8)';35var highlightStrokeGreen = 'rgba(0, 172, 172, 1)';3637// purple38var fillPurple = 'rgba(114, 124, 182, 0.6)';39var fillPurpleLight = 'rgba(114, 124, 182, 0.2)';40var strokePurple = 'rgba(114, 124, 182, 0.8)';41var highlightFillPurple = 'rgba(114, 124, 182, 0.8)';42var highlightStrokePurple = 'rgba(114, 124, 182, 1)';434445var randomScalingFactor = function() { 46 return Math.round(Math.random()*100)47};4849var barChartData = {50 labels : ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July'],51 datasets : [52 {53 fillColor : fillBlackLight,54 strokeColor : strokeBlack,55 highlightFill: highlightFillBlack,56 highlightStroke: highlightStrokeBlack,57 data : [randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor()]58 },59 {60 fillColor : fillBlueLight,61 strokeColor : strokeBlue,62 highlightFill: highlightFillBlue,63 highlightStroke: highlightStrokeBlue,64 data : [randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor()]65 }66 ]67};6869var doughnutData = [70 {71 value: 300,72 color: fillGrey,73 highlight: highlightFillGrey,74 label: 'Grey'75 },76 {77 value: 50,78 color: fillGreen,79 highlight: highlightFillGreen,80 label: 'Green'81 },82 {83 value: 100,84 color: fillBlue,85 highlight: highlightFillBlue,86 label: 'Blue'87 },88 {89 value: 40,90 color: fillPurple,91 highlight: highlightFillPurple,92 label: 'Purple'93 },94 {95 value: 120,96 color: fillBlack,97 highlight: highlightFillBlack,98 label: 'Black'99 }100];101102var lineChartData = {103 labels : ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July'],104 datasets : [105 {106 label: 'My First dataset',107 fillColor : fillBlackLight,108 strokeColor : strokeBlack,109 pointColor : strokeBlack,110 pointStrokeColor : white,111 pointHighlightFill : white,112 pointHighlightStroke : strokeBlack,113 data : [randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor()]114 },115 {116 label: 'My Second dataset',117 fillColor : 'rgba(52,143,226,0.2)',118 strokeColor : 'rgba(52,143,226,1)',119 pointColor : 'rgba(52,143,226,1)',120 pointStrokeColor : '#fff',121 pointHighlightFill : '#fff',122 pointHighlightStroke : 'rgba(52,143,226,1)',123 data : [randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor(),randomScalingFactor()]124 }125 ]126};127128var pieData = [129 {130 value: 300,131 color: strokePurple,132 highlight: highlightStrokePurple,133 label: 'Purple'134 },135 {136 value: 50,137 color: strokeBlue,138 highlight: highlightStrokeBlue,139 label: 'Blue'140 },141 {142 value: 100,143 color: strokeGreen,144 highlight: highlightStrokeGreen,145 label: 'Green'146 },147 {148 value: 40,149 color: strokeGrey,150 highlight: highlightStrokeGrey,151 label: 'Grey'152 },153 {154 value: 120,155 color: strokeBlack,156 highlight: highlightStrokeBlack,157 label: 'Black'158 }159];160161var polarData = [162 {163 value: 300,164 color: strokePurple,165 highlight: highlightStrokePurple,166 label: 'Purple'167 },168 {169 value: 50,170 color: strokeBlue,171 highlight: highlightStrokeBlue,172 label: 'Blue'173 },174 {175 value: 100,176 color: strokeGreen,177 highlight: highlightStrokeGreen,178 label: 'Green'179 },180 {181 value: 40,182 color: strokeGrey,183 highlight: highlightStrokeGrey,184 label: 'Grey'185 },186 {187 value: 120,188 color: strokeBlack,189 highlight: highlightStrokeBlack,190 label: 'Black'191 }192];193194var radarChartData = {195 labels: ['Eating', 'Drinking', 'Sleeping', 'Designing', 'Coding', 'Cycling', 'Running'],196 datasets: [197 {198 label: 'My First dataset',199 fillColor: 'rgba(45,53,60,0.2)',200 strokeColor: 'rgba(45,53,60,1)',201 pointColor: 'rgba(45,53,60,1)',202 pointStrokeColor: '#fff',203 pointHighlightFill: '#fff',204 pointHighlightStroke: 'rgba(45,53,60,1)',205 data: [65,59,90,81,56,55,40]206 },207 {208 label: 'My Second dataset',209 fillColor: 'rgba(52,143,226,0.2)',210 strokeColor: 'rgba(52,143,226,1)',211 pointColor: 'rgba(52,143,226,1)',212 pointStrokeColor: '#fff',213 pointHighlightFill: '#fff',214 pointHighlightStroke: 'rgba(52,143,226,1)',215 data: [28,48,40,19,96,27,100]216 }217 ]218}; = {222 animation: true,223 animationSteps: 60,224 animationEasing: 'easeOutQuart',225 showScale: true,226 scaleOverride: false,227 scaleSteps: null,228 scaleStepWidth: null,229 scaleStartValue: null,230 scaleLineColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,.1)',231 scaleLineWidth: 1,232 scaleShowLabels: true,233 scaleLabel: '<%=value%>',234 scaleIntegersOnly: true,235 scaleBeginAtZero: false,236 scaleFontFamily: '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif',237 scaleFontSize: 12,238 scaleFontStyle: 'normal',239 scaleFontColor: '#707478',240 responsive: true,241 maintainAspectRatio: true,242 showTooltips: true,243 customTooltips: false,244 tooltipEvents: ['mousemove', 'touchstart', 'touchmove'],245 tooltipFillColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.8)',246 tooltipFontFamily: '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif',247 tooltipFontSize: 12,248 tooltipFontStyle: 'normal',249 tooltipFontColor: '#ccc',250 tooltipTitleFontFamily: '"Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif',251 tooltipTitleFontSize: 12,252 tooltipTitleFontStyle: 'bold',253 tooltipTitleFontColor: '#fff',254 tooltipYPadding: 10,255 tooltipXPadding: 10,256 tooltipCaretSize: 8,257 tooltipCornerRadius: 3,258 tooltipXOffset: 10,259 tooltipTemplate: '<%if (label){%><%=label%>: <%}%><%= value %>',260 multiTooltipTemplate: '<%= value %>',261 onAnimationProgress: function(){},262 onAnimationComplete: function(){}263}264265var handleGenerateGraph = function(animationOption) {266 var animationOption = (animationOption) ? animationOption : false;267 268 if (!animationOption) {269 $('[data-render="chart-js"]').each(function() {270 var targetId = $(this).attr('id');271 var targetContainer = $(this).closest('div');272 $(targetContainer).empty();273 $(targetContainer).append('<canvas id="'+ targetId +'"></canvas>');274 });275 }276 var ctx = document.getElementById('line-chart').getContext('2d');277 var lineChart = new Chart(ctx).Line(lineChartData, {278 animation: animationOption279 });280 281 var ctx2 = document.getElementById('bar-chart').getContext('2d');282 var barChart = new Chart(ctx2).Bar(barChartData, {283 animation: animationOption284 });285 286 var ctx3 = document.getElementById('radar-chart').getContext('2d');287 var radarChart = new Chart(ctx3).Radar(radarChartData, {288 animation: animationOption289 });290 291 var ctx4 = document.getElementById('polar-area-chart').getContext('2d');292 var polarAreaChart = new Chart(ctx4).PolarArea(polarData, {293 animation: animationOption294 });295 296 var ctx5 = document.getElementById('pie-chart').getContext('2d');297 window.myPie = new Chart(ctx5).Pie(pieData, {298 animation: animationOption299 });300 301 var ctx6 = document.getElementById('doughnut-chart').getContext('2d');302 window.myDoughnut = new Chart(ctx6).Doughnut(doughnutData, {303 animation: animationOption304 });305};306307308var handleChartJs = function() {309 handleGenerateGraph(true);310 311 $(window).resize( function() {312 handleGenerateGraph();313 });314};315316var ChartJs = function () {317 "use strict";318 return {319 //main function320 init: function () {321 handleChartJs();322 }323 };
1( function ( $ ) {2 QUnit.module( 'jquery.highlightText', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() );3 QUnit.test( 'Check', function ( assert ) {4 var $fixture,5 cases = [6 {7 desc: 'Test 001',8 text: 'Blue Ãyster Cult',9 highlight: 'Blue',10 expected: '<span class="highlight">Blue</span> Ãyster Cult'11 },12 {13 desc: 'Test 002',14 text: 'Blue Ãyster Cult',15 highlight: 'Blue ',16 expected: '<span class="highlight">Blue</span> Ãyster Cult'17 },18 {19 desc: 'Test 003',20 text: 'Blue Ãyster Cult',21 highlight: 'Blue Ã',22 expected: '<span class="highlight">Blue</span> <span class="highlight">Ã</span>yster Cult'23 },24 {25 desc: 'Test 004',26 text: 'Blue Ãyster Cult',27 highlight: 'Blue Ãy',28 expected: '<span class="highlight">Blue</span> <span class="highlight">Ãy</span>ster Cult'29 },30 {31 desc: 'Test 005',32 text: 'Blue Ãyster Cult',33 highlight: ' Blue',34 expected: '<span class="highlight">Blue</span> Ãyster Cult'35 },36 {37 desc: 'Test 006',38 text: 'Blue Ãyster Cult',39 highlight: ' Blue ',40 expected: '<span class="highlight">Blue</span> Ãyster Cult'41 },42 {43 desc: 'Test 007',44 text: 'Blue Ãyster Cult',45 highlight: ' Blue Ã',46 expected: '<span class="highlight">Blue</span> <span class="highlight">Ã</span>yster Cult'47 },48 {49 desc: 'Test 008',50 text: 'Blue Ãyster Cult',51 highlight: ' Blue Ãy',52 expected: '<span class="highlight">Blue</span> <span class="highlight">Ãy</span>ster Cult'53 },54 {55 desc: 'Test 009: Highlighter broken on starting Umlaut?',56 text: 'Ãsterreich',57 highlight: 'Ãsterreich',58 expected: '<span class="highlight">Ãsterreich</span>'59 },60 {61 desc: 'Test 010: Highlighter broken on starting Umlaut?',62 text: 'Ãsterreich',63 highlight: 'Ã',64 expected: '<span class="highlight">Ã</span>sterreich'65 },66 {67 desc: 'Test 011: Highlighter broken on starting Umlaut?',68 text: 'Ãsterreich',69 highlight: 'Ãst',70 expected: '<span class="highlight">Ãst</span>erreich'71 },72 {73 desc: 'Test 012: Highlighter broken on starting Umlaut?',74 text: 'Ãsterreich',75 highlight: 'Oe',76 expected: 'Ãsterreich'77 },78 {79 desc: 'Test 013: Highlighter broken on punctuation mark?',80 text: 'So good. To be there',81 highlight: 'good',82 expected: 'So <span class="highlight">good</span>. To be there'83 },84 {85 desc: 'Test 014: Highlighter broken on space?',86 text: 'So good. To be there',87 highlight: 'be',88 expected: 'So good. To <span class="highlight">be</span> there'89 },90 {91 desc: 'Test 015: Highlighter broken on space?',92 text: 'So good. To be there',93 highlight: ' be',94 expected: 'So good. To <span class="highlight">be</span> there'95 },96 {97 desc: 'Test 016: Highlighter broken on space?',98 text: 'So good. To be there',99 highlight: 'be ',100 expected: 'So good. To <span class="highlight">be</span> there'101 },102 {103 desc: 'Test 017: Highlighter broken on space?',104 text: 'So good. To be there',105 highlight: ' be ',106 expected: 'So good. To <span class="highlight">be</span> there'107 },108 {109 desc: 'Test 018: en de Highlighter broken on special character at the end?',110 text: 'So good. xbÃ',111 highlight: 'xbÃ',112 expected: 'So good. <span class="highlight">xbÃ</span>'113 },114 {115 desc: 'Test 019: en de Highlighter broken on special character at the end?',116 text: 'So good. xbÃ.',117 highlight: 'xbÃ.',118 expected: 'So good. <span class="highlight">xbÃ.</span>'119 },120 {121 desc: 'Test 020: RTL he Hebrew',122 text: '×ס×× ××××ת ××¢×××',123 highlight: '×ס×× ××××ת ××¢×××',124 expected: '<span class="highlight">×ס××</span> <span class="highlight">××××ת</span> <span class="highlight">××¢×××</span>'125 },126 {127 desc: 'Test 021: RTL he Hebrew',128 text: '×ס×× ××××ת ××¢×××',129 highlight: '×ס×',130 expected: '<span class="highlight">×ס×</span>× ××××ת ××¢×××'131 },132 {133 desc: 'Test 022: ja Japanese',134 text: '諸å½æ°ã®ä¸ã®æ£ç¾©ã®äºº',135 highlight: '諸å½æ°ã®ä¸ã®æ£ç¾©ã®äºº',136 expected: '<span class="highlight">諸å½æ°ã®ä¸ã®æ£ç¾©ã®äºº</span>'137 },138 {139 desc: 'Test 023: ja Japanese',140 text: '諸å½æ°ã®ä¸ã®æ£ç¾©ã®äºº',141 highlight: '諸å½',142 expected: '<span class="highlight">諸å½</span>æ°ã®ä¸ã®æ£ç¾©ã®äºº'143 },144 {145 desc: 'Test 024: fr French text and « french quotes » (guillemets)',146 text: '« L\'oiseau est sur lâîle »',147 highlight: '« L\'oiseau est sur lâîle »',148 expected: '<span class="highlight">«</span> <span class="highlight">L\'oiseau</span> <span class="highlight">est</span> <span class="highlight">sur</span> <span class="highlight">lâîle</span> <span class="highlight">»</span>'149 },150 {151 desc: 'Test 025: fr French text and « french quotes » (guillemets)',152 text: '« L\'oiseau est sur lâîle »',153 highlight: '« L\'oise',154 expected: '<span class="highlight">«</span> <span class="highlight">L\'oise</span>au est sur lâîle »'155 },156 {157 desc: 'Test 025a: fr French text and « french quotes » (guillemets) - does it match the single strings "«" and "L" separately?',158 text: '« L\'oiseau est sur lâîle »',159 highlight: '« L',160 expected: '<span class="highlight">«</span> <span class="highlight">L</span>\'oiseau est sur <span class="highlight">l</span>âîle »'161 },162 {163 desc: 'Test 026: ru Russian',164 text: 'ÐÑаведники миÑа',165 highlight: 'ÐÑаведники миÑа',166 expected: '<span class="highlight">ÐÑаведники</span> <span class="highlight">миÑа</span>'167 },168 {169 desc: 'Test 027: ru Russian',170 text: 'ÐÑаведники миÑа',171 highlight: 'ÐÑаве',172 expected: '<span class="highlight">ÐÑаве</span>дники миÑа'173 },174 {175 desc: 'Test 028 ka Georgian',176 text: 'áááááá á áááá áá',177 highlight: 'áááááá á áááá áá',178 expected: '<span class="highlight">áááááá á</span> <span class="highlight">áááá áá</span>'179 },180 {181 desc: 'Test 029 ka Georgian',182 text: 'áááááá á áááá áá',183 highlight: 'ááá',184 expected: '<span class="highlight">ááá</span>ááá á áááá áá'185 },186 {187 desc: 'Test 030 hy Armenian',188 text: 'ÕÕ¸Õ¶Õ¡ Ô³Õ¡ÖÖÕ«Õ¶Õ¤Õ¡Õ·Õ¾Õ«Õ¬Õ«',189 highlight: 'ÕÕ¸Õ¶Õ¡ Ô³Õ¡ÖÖÕ«Õ¶Õ¤Õ¡Õ·Õ¾Õ«Õ¬Õ«',190 expected: '<span class="highlight">ÕÕ¸Õ¶Õ¡</span> <span class="highlight">Ô³Õ¡ÖÖÕ«Õ¶Õ¤Õ¡Õ·Õ¾Õ«Õ¬Õ«</span>'191 },192 {193 desc: 'Test 031 hy Armenian',194 text: 'ÕÕ¸Õ¶Õ¡ Ô³Õ¡ÖÖÕ«Õ¶Õ¤Õ¡Õ·Õ¾Õ«Õ¬Õ«',195 highlight: 'ÕÕ¸Õ¶',196 expected: '<span class="highlight">ÕÕ¸Õ¶</span>Õ¡ Ô³Õ¡ÖÖÕ«Õ¶Õ¤Õ¡Õ·Õ¾Õ«Õ¬Õ«'197 },198 {199 desc: 'Test 032: th Thai',200 text: 'à¸à¸à¸¥ à¹à¸à¸£à¹à¸à¸´à¸',201 highlight: 'à¸à¸à¸¥ à¹à¸à¸£à¹à¸à¸´à¸',202 expected: '<span class="highlight">à¸à¸à¸¥</span> <span class="highlight">à¹à¸à¸£à¹à¸à¸´à¸</span>'203 },204 {205 desc: 'Test 033: th Thai',206 text: 'à¸à¸à¸¥ à¹à¸à¸£à¹à¸à¸´à¸',207 highlight: 'à¸à¸',208 expected: '<span class="highlight">à¸à¸</span>ล à¹à¸à¸£à¹à¸à¸´à¸'209 },210 {211 desc: 'Test 034: RTL ar Arabic',212 text: 'بÙ٠إÙردÙس',213 highlight: 'بÙ٠إÙردÙس',214 expected: '<span class="highlight">بÙÙ</span> <span class="highlight">Ø¥ÙردÙس</span>'215 },216 {217 desc: 'Test 035: RTL ar Arabic',218 text: 'بÙ٠إÙردÙس',219 highlight: 'بÙ',220 expected: '<span class="highlight">بÙ</span>٠إÙردÙس'221 }222 ];223 $.each( cases, function ( i, item ) {224 $fixture = $( '<p>' ).text( item.text ).highlightText( item.highlight );225 assert.equal(226 $fixture.html(),227 // Re-parse to normalize228 $( '<p>' ).html( item.expected ).html(),229 item.desc || undefined230 );231 } );232 } );...
1/*!2 * VisualEditor DataModel MWSyntaxHighlightNode class.3 *4 * @copyright 2011-2015 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt5 * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt6 */7/**8 * DataModel MediaWiki syntax highlight node.9 *10 * @class11 * @abstract12 *13 * @constructor14 */ = function VeDmMWSyntaxHighlightNode() {16};17/* Inheritance */18OO.initClass( );19/* Static members */ = 'mwSyntaxHighlight'; = 'syntaxhighlight'; = function () {23 return [ 'mw:Extension/syntaxhighlight', 'mw:Extension/source' ];24};25/* Static methods */26/**27 * @inheritdoc28 */ = function ( domElements, converter ) {30 // Parent method31 var isInline = this.isHybridInline( domElements, converter ),32 type = isInline ? 'mwInlineSyntaxHighlight' : 'mwBlockSyntaxHighlight',33 dataElement = this, domElements, converter, type );34 return dataElement;35};36( function () {37 var supportedLanguages = [ undefined ],38 geshiToPygmentsMap,39 pygmentsToAceMap;40 /**41 * Register supported Pygments languages.42 *43 * @param {Array} languages44 */45 = function ( languages ) {46 ve.batchPush( supportedLanguages, languages );47 };48 /**49 * Register map from Geshi to pygments lexer names.50 *51 * @param {Array} map52 */53 = function ( map ) {54 geshiToPygmentsMap = map;55 ve.batchPush( supportedLanguages, Object.keys( geshiToPygmentsMap ) );56 };57 /**58 * Register a map from pygments to Ace lexer names.59 *60 * @param {Array} map61 */62 = function ( map ) {63 pygmentsToAceMap = map;64 };65 /**66 * Converts a (valid) language as recognized by the SyntaxHighlight wikicode67 * to a compatible Ace lexer name (to be used by CodeEditor)68 *69 * @param {string} language Language name70 * @return {string} The name of the ace lexer71 */72 = function ( language ) {73 language = geshiToPygmentsMap[ language ] || language;74 return ( pygmentsToAceMap[ language ] || language ).toLowerCase();75 };76 /**77 * Check if a language is supported78 *79 * @param {string} language Language name80 * @return {boolean} The language is supported81 */82 = function ( language ) {83 return supportedLanguages.indexOf( language || undefined ) !== -1;84 };85 /**86 * Get an array of all languages (both Pygments and former GeSHi names)87 *88 * @return {Array} All currently supported languages89 */90 = function () {91 return supportedLanguages.slice();92 };93}() );94/* Methods */95/**96 * Check if the node's current language is supported97 *98 * @return {boolean} The language is supported99 */ = function () {101 return this.constructor.static.isLanguageSupported( this.getLanguage() );102}; = function () {104 return this.getAttribute( 'mw' ).attrs.lang;105};106/* Concrete subclasses */ = function VeDmMWBlockSyntaxHighlightNode() {108 // Parent method109 this, arguments );110 // Mixin method111 this );112};113OO.inheritClass(, );114OO.mixinClass(, ); = 'mwBlockSyntaxHighlight'; = 'div'; = function VeDmMWInlineSyntaxHighlightNode() {118 // Parent method119 this, arguments );120 // Mixin method121 this );122};123OO.inheritClass(, );124OO.mixinClass(, ); = 'mwInlineSyntaxHighlight'; = 'code'; = true;128/* Registration */ );...
1/*!2 * VisualEditor UserInterface MWSyntaxHighlightInspector class.3 *4 * @copyright 2011-2015 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt5 * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt6 */7/**8 * MediaWiki syntax highlight inspector.9 *10 * @class11 * @extends ve.ui.MWLiveExtensionInspector12 * @mixins ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow13 *14 * @constructor15 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options16 */17ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightInspector = function VeUiMWSyntaxHighlightInspector() {18 // Parent constructor19 ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightInspector.super.apply( this, arguments );20 // Mixin constructor21 this );22};23/* Inheritance */24OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightInspector, ve.ui.MWLiveExtensionInspector );25OO.mixinClass( ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightInspector, ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow );26/* Static properties */ = 'syntaxhighlightInspector';28ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightInspector.static.modelClasses = [ ];29/* Methods */30/**31 * @inheritdoc32 */33ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightInspector.prototype.initialize = function () {34 // Parent method35 this );36 // Mixin method37 this );38 // Initialization39 this.$content.addClass( 've-ui-mwSyntaxHighlightInspector-content' );40 this.form.$element.prepend(41 this.languageField.$element,42 this.codeField.$element43 );44};45/**46 * @inheritdoc47 */48ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightInspector.prototype.getReadyProcess = function ( data ) {49 // Parent process50 var process = this, data );51 // Mixin process52 return this, data, process );53};54/**55 * @inheritdoc56 */57ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightInspector.prototype.getSetupProcess = function ( data ) {58 // Parent process59 var process = this, data );60 // Mixin process61 return this, data, process ).next( function () {62 this.language.on( 'change', this.onChangeHandler );63 }, this );64};65/**66 * @inheritdoc67 */68ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightInspector.prototype.getTeardownProcess = function ( data ) {69 // Parent process70 var process = this, data );71 // Mixin process72 return this, data, process ).first( function () {73 'change', this.onChangeHandler );74 }, this );75};76/**77 * @inheritdoc78 */79ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightInspector.prototype.updateMwData = function () {80 // Parent method81 ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightInspector.super.prototype.updateMwData.apply( this, arguments );82 // Mixin method83 ve.ui.MWSyntaxHighlightWindow.prototype.updateMwData.apply( this, arguments );84};85/* Registration */...
1/*!2 * VisualEditor ContentEditable MWSyntaxHighlightNode class.3 *4 * @copyright 2011-2015 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt5 * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt6 */7/**8 * ContentEditable MediaWiki syntax highlight node.9 *10 * @class11 * @abstract12 *13 * @constructor14 */15ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightNode = function VeCeMWSyntaxHighlightNode() {16};17/* Inheritance */18OO.initClass( ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightNode );19/* Static Properties */ = 'mwSyntaxHighlight';21/* Methods */22// Inherits from ve.ce.GeneratedContentNode23ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightNode.prototype.generateContents = function () {24 var node = this,25 args = arguments;26 // Parent method27 return mw.loader.using( 'ext.pygments' ).then( function () {28 return ve.ce.MWExtensionNode.prototype.generateContents.apply( node, args );29 } );30};31// Inherits from ve.ce.BranchNode32ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightNode.prototype.onSetup = function () {33 // Parent method34 this );35 // DOM changes36 this.$element.addClass( 've-ce-mwSyntaxHighlightNode' );37};38// Inherits from ve.ce.FocusableNode39ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightNode.prototype.getBoundingRect = function () {40 // HACK: Because nodes can overflow due to the pre tag, just use the41 // first rect (of the wrapper div) for placing the context.42 return this.rects[ 0 ];43};44/* Concrete subclasses */45ve.ce.MWBlockSyntaxHighlightNode = function VeCeMWBlockSyntaxHighlightNode() {46 // Parent method47 ve.ce.MWBlockExtensionNode.super.apply( this, arguments );48 // Mixin method49 this );50};51OO.inheritClass( ve.ce.MWBlockSyntaxHighlightNode, ve.ce.MWBlockExtensionNode );52OO.mixinClass( ve.ce.MWBlockSyntaxHighlightNode, ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightNode ); = 'mwBlockSyntaxHighlight';54ve.ce.MWBlockSyntaxHighlightNode.static.primaryCommandName = 'syntaxhighlightDialog';55ve.ce.MWInlineSyntaxHighlightNode = function VeCeMWInlineSyntaxHighlightNode() {56 // Parent method57 ve.ce.MWInlineExtensionNode.super.apply( this, arguments );58 // Mixin method59 this );60};61OO.inheritClass( ve.ce.MWInlineSyntaxHighlightNode, ve.ce.MWInlineExtensionNode );62OO.mixinClass( ve.ce.MWInlineSyntaxHighlightNode, ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightNode ); = 'mwInlineSyntaxHighlight';64ve.ce.MWInlineSyntaxHighlightNode.static.primaryCommandName = 'syntaxhighlightInspector';65/* Registration */66ve.ce.nodeFactory.register( ve.ce.MWBlockSyntaxHighlightNode );...
1/*global define*/2define([3 '../../Core/defaultValue',4 '../../Core/JulianDate'5 ], function(6 defaultValue,7 JulianDate) {8 "use strict";910 /**11 * @private12 */13 function TimelineHighlightRange(color, heightInPx, base) {14 this._color = color;15 this._height = heightInPx;16 this._base = defaultValue(base, 0);17 }1819 TimelineHighlightRange.prototype.getHeight = function() {20 return this._height;21 };2223 TimelineHighlightRange.prototype.getBase = function() {24 return this._base;25 };2627 TimelineHighlightRange.prototype.getStartTime = function() {28 return this._start;29 };3031 TimelineHighlightRange.prototype.getStopTime = function() {32 return this._stop;33 };3435 TimelineHighlightRange.prototype.setRange = function(start, stop) {36 this._start = start;37 this._stop = stop;38 };3940 TimelineHighlightRange.prototype.render = function(renderState) {41 var range = '';42 if (this._start && this._stop && this._color) {43 var highlightStart = JulianDate.secondsDifference(this._start, renderState.epochJulian);44 var highlightLeft = Math.round(renderState.timeBarWidth * renderState.getAlpha(highlightStart));45 var highlightStop = JulianDate.secondsDifference(this._stop, renderState.epochJulian);46 var highlightWidth = Math.round(renderState.timeBarWidth * renderState.getAlpha(highlightStop)) - highlightLeft;47 if (highlightLeft < 0) {48 highlightWidth += highlightLeft;49 highlightLeft = 0;50 }51 if ((highlightLeft + highlightWidth) > renderState.timeBarWidth) {52 highlightWidth = renderState.timeBarWidth - highlightLeft;53 }54 if (highlightWidth > 0) {55 range = '<span class="cesium-timeline-highlight" style="left: ' + highlightLeft.toString() +56 'px; width: ' + highlightWidth.toString() + 'px; bottom: ' + this._base.toString() +57 'px; height: ' + this._height + 'px; background-color: ' + this._color + ';"></span>';58 }59 }60 return range;61 };6263 return TimelineHighlightRange;
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await'input[name="q"]');7 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Hello World!');8 await'text=Google Search');9 await page.close();10 await context.close();11 await browser.close();12})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { webkit, devices } = require('playwright');2const iPhone = devices['iPhone 6'];3(async () => {4 const browser = await webkit.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext({6 viewport: { width: 1080, height: 1920 },7 });8 const page = await context.newPage();9 await'text="Sign in"');10 await page.fill('input[name="identifier"]', 'foo');11 await'input[name="identifier"]', 'Enter');12 await page.fill('input[name="password"]', 'bar');13 await'input[name="password"]', 'Enter');14 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });15 await browser.close();16})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await'text=Get started');6 await'text=Docs');7 await'text=Language bindings');8 await'text=JavaScript');9 await'text=API');10 await'text=class: Page');11 await'text=highlight');12 await page.waitForTimeout(1000);13 await page.highlight('text=highlight');14 await page.waitForTimeout(1000);15 await page.highlight('text=highlight', { color: 'red' });16 await page.waitForTimeout(1000);17 await page.highlight('text=highlight', { color: 'red', outline: 'solid 2px blue' });18 await page.waitForTimeout(1000);19 await page.highlight('text=highlight', { color: 'red', outline: 'solid 2px blue', duration: 2000 });20 await page.waitForTimeout(1000);21 await page.highlight('text=highlight', { color: 'red', outline: 'solid 2px blue', duration: 2000, style: 'fade' });22 await page.waitForTimeout(1000);23 await page.highlight('text=highlight', { color: 'red', outline: 'solid 2px blue', duration: 2000, style: 'fade' });24 await page.waitForTimeout(1000);25 await page.highlight('text=highlight', { color: 'red', outline: 'solid 2px blue', duration: 2000, style: 'fade', type: 'rect' });26 await page.waitForTimeout(1000);27 await page.highlight('text=highlight', { color: 'red', outline: 'solid 2px blue', duration: 2000, style: 'fade', type: 'rect', padding: 20 });28 await page.waitForTimeout(1000);29 await page.highlight('text=highlight', { color: 'red', outline: 'solid 2px blue', duration: 2000, style: 'fade', type: 'rect', padding: 20, borderColor: 'green' });30 await page.waitForTimeout(1000);31 await page.highlight('text=highlight',
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.highlight('text=Get started');6 await browser.close();7})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.type('input[name="q"]', 'Hello World');6 await'Enter');7 await page.waitForSelector('h3');8 const element = await page.$('h3');9 await element.highlight();10 await browser.close();11})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { highlight } = require("@playwright/test");2const { highlight } = require("@playwright/test");3const { highlight } = require("@playwright/test");4const { highlight } = require("@playwright/test");5const { highlight } = require("@playwright/test");6const { highlight } = require("@playwright/test");7const { highlight } = require("@playwright/test");8const { highlight } = require("@playwright/test");9const { highlight } = require("@playwright/test");10const { highlight } = require("@playwright/test");
Using AI Code Generation
1const {highlight, test} = require('playwright-testing-library');2test('my test', async ({page}) => {3 const heading = await page.$('h1');4 await highlight(heading);5});6[MIT](./LICENSE)
Using AI Code Generation
1const {highlight} = require('@playwright/test');2const fs = require('fs');3test('example', async ({page}) => {4 await highlight(page, 'text=Get started');5 await'text=Get started');6 await highlight(page, 'text=Quick start');7 await'text=Quick start');8 await highlight(page, 'text=Install');9 await'text=Install');10 await highlight(page, 'text=Run your first test');11 await'text=Run your first test');12 await highlight(page, 'text=Run in Playwright');13 await'text=Run in Playwright');14 await highlight(page, 'text=Run in WebStorm');15 await'text=Run in WebStorm');16 await highlight(page, 'text=Run in VS Code');17 await'text=Run in VS Code');18 await highlight(page, 'text=Run in IntelliJ');19 await'text=Run in IntelliJ');20 await highlight(page, 'text=Run in Eclipse');21 await'text=Run in Eclipse');22 await highlight(page, 'text=Run in CLI');23 await'text=Run in CLI');24 await highlight(page, 'text=Run in Docker');25 await'text=Run in Docker');26 await highlight(page, 'text=Run in CI');27 await'text=Run in CI');28 await highlight(page, 'text=Run in all browsers');29 await'text=Run in all browsers');30 await highlight(page, 'text=Debug your test');31 await'text=Debug your test');32 await highlight(page, 'text=Debug in Playwright');33 await'text=Debug in Playwright');34 await highlight(page, 'text=Debug in WebStorm');35 await'text=Debug in WebStorm');36 await highlight(page, 'text=Debug in VS Code');37 await'text=Debug in VS Code');38 await highlight(page, 'text=Debug in IntelliJ');39 await'text=Debug in IntelliJ');40 await highlight(page, 'text=Debug in Eclipse');41 await'text=Debug in Eclipse');42 await highlight(page, 'text=Debug in CLI');
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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