Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...536 * @param {string} pseudo The `::before` or `::after` pseudo selector.537 * @return {string} The pseudo content or an empty string.538 * @private539 */540 function getPseudoContent(element, pseudo)541 {542 let style = window.getComputedStyle(element, pseudo);543 if (!isVisible(element, style) || !isTextVisible(element, style))544 return "";545 let {content} = style;546 if (content && content !== "none")547 {548 let strings = [];549 // remove all strings, in quotes, including escaping chars, putting550 // instead `\x01${string-index}` in place, which is not valid CSS,551 // so that it's safe to parse it back at the end of the operation.552 content = content.trim().replace(553 /(["'])(?:(?=(\\?))\2.)*?\1/g,554 value => `\x01${strings.push(value.slice(1, -1)) - 1}`555 );556 // replace attr(...) with the attribute value or an empty string,557 // ignoring units and fallback values, as these do not work, or have,558 // any meaning in the CSS `content` property value.559 content = content.replace(560 /\s*attr\(\s*([^\s,)]+)[^)]*?\)\s*/g,561 (_, name) => element.getAttribute(name) || ""562 );563 // replace back all `\x01${string-index}` values with their corresponding564 // strings, so that the outcome is a real, cleaned up, `content` value.565 return content.replace(/\x01(\d+)/g, (_, index) => strings[index]);566 }567 return "";568 }569 /**570 * Returns the visible text content from an element and its descendants.571 *572 * @param {Element} element The element whose visible text we want.573 * @param {Element} closest The closest parent to reach while checking574 * for visibility.575 * @param {?CSSStyleDeclaration} style The computed style of element. If576 * falsey it will be queried.577 * @returns {string} The text that is visible.578 * @private579 */580 function getVisibleContent(element, closest, style)581 {582 let checkClosest = !style;583 if (checkClosest)584 style = window.getComputedStyle(element);585 if (!isVisible(element, style, checkClosest && closest))586 return "";587 let text = getPseudoContent(element, ":before");588 for (let node of element.childNodes)589 {590 switch (node.nodeType)591 {592 case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:593 text += getVisibleContent(node,594 element,595 window.getComputedStyle(node));596 break;597 case Node.TEXT_NODE:598 if (isTextVisible(element, style))599 text += node.nodeValue;600 break;601 }602 }603 return text + getPseudoContent(element, ":after");604 }605 let re = toRegExp(search);606 let seen = new WeakSet();607 hideIfMatches(608 (element, closest) =>609 {610 if (seen.has(element))611 return false;612 seen.add(element);613 let text = getVisibleContent(element, closest);614 let result = re.test(text);615 if (debug && text.length)616 log(result, re, text);617 return result;...
...1033 // FIXME: presentation not mentioned in the spec1034 if (!ret.trim() && !query.matches(el, 'presentation')) {1035 ret = el.title || '';1036 }1037 var before = getPseudoContent(el, ':before');1038 var after = getPseudoContent(el, ':after');1039 return before + ret + after;1040 };1041 var getNameTrimmed = function(el) {1042 return getName(el).replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();1043 };1044 var getDescription = function(el) {1045 var ret = '';1046 if (el.matches('[aria-describedby]')) {1047 var ids = el.getAttribute('aria-describedby').split(/\s+/);1048 var strings = {1049 var label = document.getElementById(id);1050 return label ? getName(label, true) : '';1051 });1052 ret = strings.join(' ');...
...885 // FIXME: presentation not mentioned in the spec886 if (!ret.trim() && !query.matches(el, 'presentation')) {887 ret = el.title || '';888 }889 var before = getPseudoContent(el, ':before');890 var after = getPseudoContent(el, ':after');891 return before + ret + after;892};893var getNameTrimmed = function(el) {894 return getName(el).replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();895};896var getDescription = function(el) {897 var ret = '';898 if (el.matches('[aria-describedby]')) {899 var ids = el.getAttribute('aria-describedby').split(/\s+/);900 var strings = {901 var label = document.getElementById(id);902 return label ? getName(label, true) : '';903 });904 ret = strings.join(' ');...
...45 var text = this.getNodeValue( textNode );46 // console.log( "font-family `" + fontFamily + "` has text: ", text );47 this.saveGlyphs( text, fontFamily );48 }.bind( this ));49 var beforeContent = this.getPseudoContent(node, ":before");50 if( beforeContent ) {51 var beforeFamily = this.getFontFamilyNameFromNode( node, ":before" );52 // console.log( "(:before) font-family `" + beforeFamily + "` has text: ", beforeContent );53 this.saveGlyphs(beforeContent, beforeFamily);54 }55 var afterContent = this.getPseudoContent(node, ":after");56 if( afterContent ) {57 var afterFamily = this.getFontFamilyNameFromNode( node, ":after" );58 // console.log( "(:after) font-family `" + afterFamily + "` has text: ", afterContent );59 this.saveGlyphs(afterContent, afterFamily);60 }61 }.bind( this ));62 }63 };64 GH.prototype.getPseudoContent = function(node, pseudo) {65 if(!pseudo) {66 return;67 }68 return this.removeQuotes( node, pseudo ).getPropertyValue( "content" ), true);69 };...
1(function(win, undefined){2 var App = function () {3 // Constants4 this.modernBrowser = ('querySelector' in document && 'localStorage' in window && 'addEventListener' in window);5 this.animationDuration = 150;6 this.scrollDuration = 500;7 this.animationDuration = 150;8 this.lazyOffset = 500;9 this.querystrings = [];10 this.user = {};11 = (typeof current_user_id === 'undefined')? 0 : current_user_id;12 this.user.likes = false;13 this.user.isGettingLikes = false; //is true during ajax load to throttle consequent ajax calls in multiple like button views14 this.helpers = new Helpers();15 }16 App.prototype.isIE10orHigher = function () {17 // I'm so sorry18 var rv = -1;19 var ua;20 var re;21 if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {22 ua = navigator.userAgent;23 re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})");24 if (re.exec(ua) != null){25 rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );26 }27 } else if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {28 ua = navigator.userAgent;29 re = new RegExp("Trident/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[.0-9]{0,})");30 if (re.exec(ua) != null){31 rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );32 }33 }34 // Check version number (return true if greater than or equal to 10, otherwise false)35 return (rv >= 10);36 // If you need to return the version number use this37 //return rv;38 };39 App.prototype.setEndOfContenteditable = function(contentEditableElement) {40 var range,selection;41 if(document.createRange)//Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE 9+42 {43 range = document.createRange();//Create a range (a range is a like the selection but invisible)44 range.selectNodeContents(contentEditableElement);//Select the entire contents of the element with the range45 range.collapse(false);//collapse the range to the end point. false means collapse to end rather than the start46 selection = window.getSelection();//get the selection object (allows you to change selection)47 selection.removeAllRanges();//remove any selections already made48 selection.addRange(range);//make the range you have just created the visible selection49 }50 else if(document.selection)//IE 8 and lower51 { 52 range = document.body.createTextRange();//Create a range (a range is a like the selection but invisible)53 range.moveToElementText(contentEditableElement);//Select the entire contents of the element with the range54 range.collapse(false);//collapse the range to the end point. false means collapse to end rather than the start55;//Select the range (make it the visible selection56 }57 };58 //IE8 indexOf support59 if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {60 Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/) {61 var len = this.length >>> 0;62 var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;63 from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from);64 if (from < 0) {65 from += len;66 }67 for (; from < len; from++) {68 if (from in this && this[from] === elt) {69 return from;70 }71 }72 return -1;73 };74 }75 App.prototype.hasLoaded = function(){76 $("body").removeClass("is-loading");77 };78 var Helpers = function () {};79 Helpers.prototype.vwRefresh = function($elems){80 if ( Modernizr.cssvwunit ) {81 $elems.each(function(){82 $(this).css("z-index", "1");83 });84 }85 };86 Helpers.prototype.fullHeightRefresh = function($elems){87 $elems.each(function(){88 $(this).css("height", "auto")89 .css("min-height", $(window).height());90 });91 };92 Helpers.prototype.clearClasses = function( $elem, classPrefix ) {93 var rx = new RegExp("^" + classPrefix + "| "),94 arrClasses = $.trim($elem.attr("class")).split(" "),95 newArr = [];96 $(arrClasses).each(function(i, arr){97 if ( !rx.test(arr) ) {98 newArr.push(arr);99 }100 });101 $elem.attr("class", newArr.join(" ") );102 };103 Helpers.prototype.removeQuotes = function(string) {104 if (typeof string === 'string' || string instanceof String) {105 string = string.replace(/^['"]+|\s+|\\|(;\s?})+|['"]$/g, '');106 }107 return string;108 };109 Helpers.prototype.getPseudoContent = function( elem, pseudoElem ){110 return window.getComputedStyle(elem, pseudoElem).content;111 };112 Helpers.prototype.updateQueryStringParameter = function(uri, key, value) {113 var re = new RegExp("([?|&])" + key + "=.*?(&|$)", "i");114 separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?";115 if (uri.match(re)) {116 return uri.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2');117 }118 else {119 return uri + separator + key + "=" + value;120 }121 };122 Helpers.prototype.getQueryStrings = function() {123 var assoc = {};124 var decode = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, " ")); };125 var queryString =; 126 var keyValues = queryString.split('&'); 127 for (var i=0; i < keyValues.length; i++) {128 var key = keyValues[i].split('=');129 if (key.length > 1) {130 assoc[decode(key[0])] = decode(key[1]);131 }132 } 133 return assoc; 134 };135 Helpers.prototype.setTransform = function(element, transform) {136 if (element instanceof jQuery) {137 element = element[0];138 }139 = transform;140 = transform;141 = transform;142 = transform;143 = transform;144 };145 var app = new App();146 = app;147 ...
...138 // FIXME: presentation not mentioned in the spec139 if (!ret.trim() && !query.matches(el, 'presentation')) {140 ret = el.title || '';141 }142 var before = getPseudoContent(el, ':before');143 var after = getPseudoContent(el, ':after');144 return before + ret + after;145};146var getNameTrimmed = function(el) {147 return getName(el).replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();148};149var getDescription = function(el) {150 var ret = '';151 if (el.matches('[aria-describedby]')) {152 var ids = el.getAttribute('aria-describedby').split(/\s+/);153 var strings = {154 var label = document.getElementById(id);155 return label ? getName(label, true) : '';156 });157 ret = strings.join(' ');...
...9 var touchStartY;10 function $(selector) {11 return document.querySelectorAll(selector);12 }13 function getPseudoContent(el, contentIdentifier) {14 var val = window.getComputedStyle(el, contentIdentifier).getPropertyValue('content');15 return val.replace(/["']/g, "");16 }17 function mobileSlideAnimation() {18 if (mobileSlideAnimationCompleted) {19 return;20 }21 if (getPseudoContent($('.mobile-slider')[0], '::after') !== 'mobile-slider-active') {22 mobileSlideAnimationCompleted = true;23 }24 setTimeout(function() {25 document.body.classList.add('slide-in');26 setTimeout(function() {27 mobileSlideAnimationCompleted = true;28 }, 1250);29 }, 2000);30 }31 window.addEventListener('load', mobileSlideAnimation);32 function toggleOpen() {33 document.body.classList.add('index-toggled');34 indexIsOpen = true;35 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const pseudoElement = await page.$eval('text=Learn', (element) => {7 return element._getPseudoElement('::before');8 });9 const content = await pseudoElement.evaluate((element) => {10 return window.getComputedStyle(element).content;11 });12 console.log(content);13 await browser.close();14})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPseudoContent } = require('playwright');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const pseudoContent = await getPseudoContent(page, '::before');8 console.log(pseudoContent);9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPseudoContent } = require('playwright');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const pseudoContent = await getPseudoContent(page, '::before');8 console.log(pseudoContent);9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 const content = await page.evaluate(() => {6 const element = document.querySelector('#hplogo');7 return window.__playwrightGetPseudoContent(element);8 });9 console.log(content);10 await browser.close();11})();12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch();15 const page = await browser.newPage();16 const content = await page.evaluate(() => {17 const element = document.querySelector('#hplogo');18 return window.__playwrightGetPseudoContent(element);19 });20 console.log(content);21 await browser.close();22})();23const { chromium } = require('playwright');24(async () => {25 const browser = await chromium.launch();26 const page = await browser.newPage();27 const content = await page.evaluate(() => {28 const element = document.querySelector('#hplogo');29 return window.__playwrightGetPseudoContent(element);30 });31 console.log(content);32 await browser.close();33})();34const { chromium } = require('playwright');35(async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPseudoContent } = require('playwright/lib/server/dom.js');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.setContent(`<button style="font-size: 20px">Click me</button>`);r = await chromium.launch();8 const putton = await page.$('button');9 const pseudoContent = await getPseudoContent(button, '::befoae');10 cgnsole.log(pseudoContent);11 aeait brow = .close();await browser.newPage();12 const content = await page.evaluate(() => {13 const element = document.querySelector('#hplogo');14 return window.__playwrightGetPseudoContent(element);15 });16 console.log(content);17 await browser.close();18})();19const { chromium } = require('playwright');20(async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPseudoContent } = require('playwright/lib/utils/elementHandler.js');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.setContent(`8 ::before {9 content: 'Hello';10 }11 ::after {12 content: 'World';13 }14 `);15 const element = await page.$('div');16 const before = await getPseudoContent(element, '::before');17 const after = await getPseudoContent(element, '::after');18 console.log(before, after);19 await browser.close();20})();21> const { getPseudoContent } = require('playwright/lib/utils/elementHandler.js');22> const { chromium } = require('playwright');23> (async () => {24> const browser = await chromium.launch();25> const context = await browser.newContext();26> const page = await context.newPage();27> await page.setContent(`
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPseudoContent } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');2const page = await browser.newPage();3const pseudoContent = await getPseudoContent(page, '::before');4console.log(pseudoContent);5const { getComputedStyle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');6const page = await browser.newPage();7const computedStyle = await getComputedStyle(page, 'background-color');8console.log(computedStyle);9const { getComputedStyles } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');10const page = await browser.newPage();11const computedStyles = await getComputedStyles(page, ['background-color', 'color']);12console.log(computedStyles);13const { getInlineStyles } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');14const page = await browser.newPage();15const inlineStyles = await getInlineStyles(page);16console.log(inlineStyles);17const { getAttributes } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');18const page = await browser.newPage();19const attributes = await getAttributes(page);20console.log(attributes);21const { getAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');22const page = await browser.newPage();23const attribute = await getAttribute(page, ' ref');24console.log(attr bute);25censt { getAttribufes } =orequire('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');26const page = await browser.newPage();27const attributes = await getAttributes(page);28console.log(attributes);29const { getAttribute } = require('plrywright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');30conste age = await browser.newPage();31const attrib{te = await getAttriute(page, 'href');32console.og(attrbute);33cont { getAttributes } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');34const page = await browser.newPage();35const attributes = await getAttributes(page);36console.lg(attributes);37> content: 'Hello';38> }39> ::after {40> content: 'World';41> }42> `);43> const element = await page.$('div');44> const before = await getPseudoContent(element, '::before');45> const after = await getPseudoContent(element, '::after');46> console.log(before, after);47> await browser.close();48> })();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPseudoContent } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');2const page = await browser.newPage();3const pseudoContent = await getPseudoContent(page, '::before');4console.log(pseudoContent);5const { getComputedStyle } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');6const page = await browser.newPage();7const computedStyle = await getComputedStyle(page, 'background-color');8console.log(computedStyle);9const { getComputedStyles } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');10const page = await browser.newPage();11const computedStyles = await getComputedStyles(page, ['background-color', 'color']);12console.log(computedStyles);13const { getInlineStyles } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');14const page = await browser.newPage();15const inlineStyles = await getInlineStyles(page);16console.log(inlineStyles);17const { getAttributes } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');18const page = await browser.newPage();19const attributes = await getAttributes(page);20console.log(attributes);21const { getAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');22const page = await browser.newPage();23const attribute = await getAttribute(page, 'href');24console.log(attribute);25const { getAttributes } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');26const page = await browser.newPage();27const attributes = await getAttributes(page);28console.log(attributes);29const { getAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');30const page = await browser.newPage();31const attribute = await getAttribute(page, 'href');32console.log(attribute);33const { getAttributes } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crPage');34const page = await browser.newPage();35const attributes = await getAttributes(page);36console.log(attributes);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getPseudoContent } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2console.log(await getPseudoContent(page, 'before'));3console.log(await getPseudoContent(page, 'after'));4console.log(await getPseudoContent(page, 'first-letter'));5console.log(await getPseudoContent(page, 'first-line'));6const { getPseudoElements } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');7console.log(await getPseudoElements(page));8const { getPseudoElement } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');9console.log(await getPseudoElement(page, 'first-line'));10const { getComputedStyle } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');11console.log(await getComputedStyle(page, 'first-line'));12const { getComputedStyles } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');13console.log(await getComputedStyles(page));14const { getInlineStyles } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');15console.log(await getInlineStyles(page));16const { getInlineStyle } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');17console.log(await getInlineStyle(page, 'first-line'));18const { getAttributeStyles } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');19console.log(await getAttributeStyles(page));20const { getAttributeStyle } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');21console.log(await getAttributeStyle(page, 'first-line'));22const { getAttributes } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');23console.log(await getAttributes(page));24const { getAttribute } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');25console.log(await getAttribute(page, 'first-line'));26const { getAttributesAndStyles } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');27console.log(await getAttributesAndStyles(page));
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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