Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...71 ReactPerf.stop();72 // Make sure none of the methods crash.73 ReactPerf.getWasted();74 ReactPerf.getInclusive();75 ReactPerf.getExclusive();76 ReactPerf.getOperations();77 return ReactPerf.getLastMeasurements();78 }79 it('should count no-op update as waste', function() {80 var container = document.createElement('div');81 ReactDOM.render(<App />, container);82 var measurements = measure(() => {83 ReactDOM.render(<App />, container);84 });85 var summary = ReactPerf.getWasted(measurements);86 expect(summary).toEqual([{87 key: 'App',88 instanceCount: 1,89 inclusiveRenderDuration: 3,90 renderCount: 1,91 }, {92 key: 'App > Box',93 instanceCount: 2,94 inclusiveRenderDuration: 2,95 renderCount: 2,96 }]);97 });98 it('should count no-op update in child as waste', function() {99 var container = document.createElement('div');100 ReactDOM.render(<App />, container);101 // Here, we add a Box -- two of the <Box /> updates are wasted time (but the102 // addition of the third is not)103 var measurements = measure(() => {104 ReactDOM.render(<App flipSecond={true} />, container);105 });106 var summary = ReactPerf.getWasted(measurements);107 expect(summary).toEqual([{108 key: 'App > Box',109 instanceCount: 1,110 inclusiveRenderDuration: 1,111 renderCount: 1,112 }]);113 });114 function expectNoWaste(fn) {115 var measurements = measure(fn);116 var summary = ReactPerf.getWasted(measurements);117 expect(summary).toEqual([]);118 }119 it('should not count initial render as waste', function() {120 expectNoWaste(() => {121 ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<App />);122 });123 });124 it('should not count unmount as waste', function() {125 var container = document.createElement('div');126 ReactDOM.render(<Div>hello</Div>, container);127 expectNoWaste(() => {128 ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(container);129 });130 });131 it('should not count content update as waste', function() {132 var container = document.createElement('div');133 ReactDOM.render(<Div>hello</Div>, container);134 expectNoWaste(() => {135 ReactDOM.render(<Div>hello world</Div>, container);136 });137 });138 it('should not count child addition as waste', function() {139 var container = document.createElement('div');140 ReactDOM.render(<Div><span /></Div>, container);141 expectNoWaste(() => {142 ReactDOM.render(<Div><span /><span /></Div>, container);143 });144 });145 it('should not count child removal as waste', function() {146 var container = document.createElement('div');147 ReactDOM.render(<Div><span /><span /></Div>, container);148 expectNoWaste(() => {149 ReactDOM.render(<Div><span /></Div>, container);150 });151 });152 it('should not count property update as waste', function() {153 var container = document.createElement('div');154 ReactDOM.render(<Div className="yellow">hey</Div>, container);155 expectNoWaste(() => {156 ReactDOM.render(<Div className="blue">hey</Div>, container);157 });158 });159 it('should not count style update as waste', function() {160 var container = document.createElement('div');161 ReactDOM.render(<Div style={{color: 'yellow'}}>hey</Div>, container);162 expectNoWaste(() => {163 ReactDOM.render(<Div style={{color: 'blue'}}>hey</Div>, container);164 });165 });166 it('should not count property removal as waste', function() {167 var container = document.createElement('div');168 ReactDOM.render(<Div className="yellow">hey</Div>, container);169 expectNoWaste(() => {170 ReactDOM.render(<Div>hey</Div>, container);171 });172 });173 it('should not count raw HTML update as waste', function() {174 var container = document.createElement('div');175 ReactDOM.render(176 <Div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: 'me'}} />,177 container178 );179 expectNoWaste(() => {180 ReactDOM.render(181 <Div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: 'you'}} />,182 container183 );184 });185 });186 it('should not count child reordering as waste', function() {187 var container = document.createElement('div');188 ReactDOM.render(<Div><div key="A" /><div key="B" /></Div>, container);189 expectNoWaste(() => {190 ReactDOM.render(<Div><div key="B" /><div key="A" /></Div>, container);191 });192 });193 it('should not count text update as waste', function() {194 var container = document.createElement('div');195 ReactDOM.render(<Div>{'hello'}{'world'}</Div>, container);196 expectNoWaste(() => {197 ReactDOM.render(<Div>{'hello'}{'friend'}</Div>, container);198 });199 });200 it('should not count replacing null with a host as waste', function() {201 var element = null;202 function Foo() {203 return element;204 }205 var container = document.createElement('div');206 ReactDOM.render(<Foo />, container);207 expectNoWaste(() => {208 element = <div />;209 ReactDOM.render(<Foo />, container);210 });211 });212 it('should not count replacing a host with null as waste', function() {213 var element = <div />;214 function Foo() {215 return element;216 }217 var container = document.createElement('div');218 ReactDOM.render(<Foo />, container);219 expectNoWaste(() => {220 element = null;221 ReactDOM.render(<Foo />, container);222 });223 });224 it('should include stats for components unmounted during measurement', function() {225 var container = document.createElement('div');226 var measurements = measure(() => {227 ReactDOM.render(<Div><Div key="a" /></Div>, container);228 ReactDOM.render(<Div><Div key="b" /></Div>, container);229 });230 expect(ReactPerf.getExclusive(measurements)).toEqual([{231 key: 'Div',232 instanceCount: 3,233 counts: { ctor: 3, render: 4 },234 durations: { ctor: 3, render: 4 },235 totalDuration: 7,236 }]);237 });238 it('should include lifecycle methods in measurements', function() {239 var container = document.createElement('div');240 var measurements = measure(() => {241 var instance = ReactDOM.render(<LifeCycle />, container);242 ReactDOM.render(<LifeCycle />, container);243 instance.setState({});244 ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(container);245 });246 expect(ReactPerf.getExclusive(measurements)).toEqual([{247 key: 'LifeCycle',248 instanceCount: 1,249 totalDuration: 14,250 counts: {251 ctor: 1,252 shouldComponentUpdate: 2,253 componentWillMount: 1,254 componentDidMount: 1,255 componentWillReceiveProps: 1,256 componentWillUpdate: 2,257 componentDidUpdate: 2,258 componentWillUnmount: 1,259 render: 3,260 },261 durations: {262 ctor: 1,263 shouldComponentUpdate: 2,264 componentWillMount: 1,265 componentDidMount: 1,266 componentWillReceiveProps: 1,267 componentWillUpdate: 2,268 componentDidUpdate: 2,269 componentWillUnmount: 1,270 render: 3,271 },272 }]);273 });274 it('should include render time of functional components', function() {275 function Foo() {276 return null;277 }278 var container = document.createElement('div');279 var measurements = measure(() => {280 ReactDOM.render(<Foo />, container);281 });282 expect(ReactPerf.getExclusive(measurements)).toEqual([{283 key: 'Foo',284 instanceCount: 1,285 totalDuration: 1,286 counts: {287 render: 1,288 },289 durations: {290 render: 1,291 },292 }]);293 });294 it('should not count time in a portal towards lifecycle method', function() {295 function Foo() {296 return null;297 }298 var portalContainer = document.createElement('div');299 class Portal extends React.Component {300 componentDidMount() {301 ReactDOM.render(<Foo />, portalContainer);302 }303 render() {304 return null;305 }306 }307 var container = document.createElement('div');308 var measurements = measure(() => {309 ReactDOM.render(<Portal />, container);310 });311 expect(ReactPerf.getExclusive(measurements)).toEqual([{312 key: 'Portal',313 instanceCount: 1,314 totalDuration: 6,315 counts: {316 ctor: 1,317 componentDidMount: 1,318 render: 1,319 },320 durations: {321 ctor: 1,322 // We want to exclude nested imperative ReactDOM.render() from lifecycle hook's own time.323 // Otherwise it would artificially float to the top even though its exclusive time is small.324 // This is how we get 4 as a number with the performanceNow() mock:325 // - we capture the time we enter componentDidMount (n = 0)326 // - we capture the time when we enter a nested flush (n = 1)327 // - in the nested flush, we call it twice: before and after <Foo /> rendering. (n = 3)328 // - we capture the time when we exit a nested flush (n = 4)329 // - we capture the time we exit componentDidMount (n = 5)330 // Time spent in componentDidMount = (5 - 0 - (4 - 3)) = 4.331 componentDidMount: 4,332 render: 1,333 },334 }, {335 key: 'Foo',336 instanceCount: 1,337 totalDuration: 1,338 counts: {339 render: 1,340 },341 durations: {342 render: 1,343 },344 }]);345 });346 it('warns once when using getMeasurementsSummaryMap', function() {347 var measurements = measure(() => {});348 spyOn(console, 'error');349 ReactPerf.getMeasurementsSummaryMap(measurements);350 expect(console.error.calls.count()).toBe(1);351 expect(console.error.calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toContain(352 '`ReactPerf.getMeasurementsSummaryMap(...)` is deprecated. Use ' +353 '`ReactPerf.getWasted(...)` instead.'354 );355 ReactPerf.getMeasurementsSummaryMap(measurements);356 expect(console.error.calls.count()).toBe(1);357 });358 it('warns once when using printDOM', function() {359 var measurements = measure(() => {});360 spyOn(console, 'error');361 ReactPerf.printDOM(measurements);362 expect(console.error.calls.count()).toBe(1);363 expect(console.error.calls.argsFor(0)[0]).toContain(364 '`ReactPerf.printDOM(...)` is deprecated. Use ' +365 '`ReactPerf.printOperations(...)` instead.'366 );367 ReactPerf.printDOM(measurements);368 expect(console.error.calls.count()).toBe(1);369 });370 it('returns isRunning state', () => {371 expect(ReactPerf.isRunning()).toBe(false);372 ReactPerf.start();373 expect(ReactPerf.isRunning()).toBe(true);374 ReactPerf.stop();375 expect(ReactPerf.isRunning()).toBe(false);376 });377 it('start has no effect when already running', () => {378 expect(ReactPerf.isRunning()).toBe(false);379 ReactPerf.start();380 expect(ReactPerf.isRunning()).toBe(true);381 ReactPerf.start();382 expect(ReactPerf.isRunning()).toBe(true);383 ReactPerf.stop();384 expect(ReactPerf.isRunning()).toBe(false);385 });386 it('stop has no effect when already stopped', () => {387 expect(ReactPerf.isRunning()).toBe(false);388 ReactPerf.stop();389 expect(ReactPerf.isRunning()).toBe(false);390 ReactPerf.stop();391 expect(ReactPerf.isRunning()).toBe(false);392 });393 it('should print console error only once', () => {394 __DEV__ = false;395 spyOn(console, 'error');396 expect(ReactPerf.getLastMeasurements()).toEqual([]);397 expect(ReactPerf.getExclusive()).toEqual([]);398 expect(ReactPerf.getInclusive()).toEqual([]);399 expect(ReactPerf.getWasted()).toEqual([]);400 expect(ReactPerf.getOperations()).toEqual([]);401 expect(ReactPerf.printExclusive()).toEqual(undefined);402 expect(ReactPerf.printInclusive()).toEqual(undefined);403 expect(ReactPerf.printWasted()).toEqual(undefined);404 expect(ReactPerf.printOperations()).toEqual(undefined);405 expect(ReactPerf.start()).toBe(undefined);406 expect(ReactPerf.stop()).toBe(undefined);407 expect(ReactPerf.isRunning()).toBe(false);408 expect(console.error.calls.count()).toBe(1);409 __DEV__ = true;410 });411 it('should work when measurement starts during reconciliation', () => {...
...36 return [];37 }38 return ReactDebugTool.getFlushHistory();39 }40 function getExclusive() {41 var flushHistory = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? getLastMeasurements() : arguments[0];42 if (!(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')) {43 warnInProduction();44 return [];45 }46 var aggregatedStats = {};47 var affectedIDs = {};48 function updateAggregatedStats(treeSnapshot, instanceID, timerType, applyUpdate) {49 var displayName = treeSnapshot[instanceID].displayName;50 var key = displayName;51 var stats = aggregatedStats[key];52 if (!stats) {53 affectedIDs[key] = {};54 stats = aggregatedStats[key] = {55 key: key,56 instanceCount: 0,57 counts: {},58 durations: {},59 totalDuration: 060 };61 }62 if (!stats.durations[timerType]) {63 stats.durations[timerType] = 0;64 }65 if (!stats.counts[timerType]) {66 stats.counts[timerType] = 0;67 }68 affectedIDs[key][instanceID] = true;69 applyUpdate(stats);70 }71 flushHistory.forEach(function(flush) {72 var measurements = flush.measurements;73 var treeSnapshot = flush.treeSnapshot;74 measurements.forEach(function(measurement) {75 var duration = measurement.duration;76 var instanceID = measurement.instanceID;77 var timerType = measurement.timerType;78 updateAggregatedStats(treeSnapshot, instanceID, timerType, function(stats) {79 stats.totalDuration += duration;80 stats.durations[timerType] += duration;81 stats.counts[timerType]++;82 });83 });84 });85 return Object.keys(aggregatedStats).map(function(key) {86 return _extends({}, aggregatedStats[key], {instanceCount: Object.keys(affectedIDs[key]).length});87 }).sort(function(a, b) {88 return b.totalDuration - a.totalDuration;89 });90 }91 function getInclusive() {92 var flushHistory = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? getLastMeasurements() : arguments[0];93 if (!(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')) {94 warnInProduction();95 return [];96 }97 var aggregatedStats = {};98 var affectedIDs = {};99 function updateAggregatedStats(treeSnapshot, instanceID, applyUpdate) {100 var _treeSnapshot$instanc = treeSnapshot[instanceID];101 var displayName = _treeSnapshot$instanc.displayName;102 var ownerID = _treeSnapshot$instanc.ownerID;103 var owner = treeSnapshot[ownerID];104 var key = (owner ? owner.displayName + ' > ' : '') + displayName;105 var stats = aggregatedStats[key];106 if (!stats) {107 affectedIDs[key] = {};108 stats = aggregatedStats[key] = {109 key: key,110 instanceCount: 0,111 inclusiveRenderDuration: 0,112 renderCount: 0113 };114 }115 affectedIDs[key][instanceID] = true;116 applyUpdate(stats);117 }118 var isCompositeByID = {};119 flushHistory.forEach(function(flush) {120 var measurements = flush.measurements;121 measurements.forEach(function(measurement) {122 var instanceID = measurement.instanceID;123 var timerType = measurement.timerType;124 if (timerType !== 'render') {125 return;126 }127 isCompositeByID[instanceID] = true;128 });129 });130 flushHistory.forEach(function(flush) {131 var measurements = flush.measurements;132 var treeSnapshot = flush.treeSnapshot;133 measurements.forEach(function(measurement) {134 var duration = measurement.duration;135 var instanceID = measurement.instanceID;136 var timerType = measurement.timerType;137 if (timerType !== 'render') {138 return;139 }140 updateAggregatedStats(treeSnapshot, instanceID, function(stats) {141 stats.renderCount++;142 });143 var nextParentID = instanceID;144 while (nextParentID) {145 if (isCompositeByID[nextParentID]) {146 updateAggregatedStats(treeSnapshot, nextParentID, function(stats) {147 stats.inclusiveRenderDuration += duration;148 });149 }150 nextParentID = treeSnapshot[nextParentID].parentID;151 }152 });153 });154 return Object.keys(aggregatedStats).map(function(key) {155 return _extends({}, aggregatedStats[key], {instanceCount: Object.keys(affectedIDs[key]).length});156 }).sort(function(a, b) {157 return b.inclusiveRenderDuration - a.inclusiveRenderDuration;158 });159 }160 function getWasted() {161 var flushHistory = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? getLastMeasurements() : arguments[0];162 if (!(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')) {163 warnInProduction();164 return [];165 }166 var aggregatedStats = {};167 var affectedIDs = {};168 function updateAggregatedStats(treeSnapshot, instanceID, applyUpdate) {169 var _treeSnapshot$instanc2 = treeSnapshot[instanceID];170 var displayName = _treeSnapshot$instanc2.displayName;171 var ownerID = _treeSnapshot$instanc2.ownerID;172 var owner = treeSnapshot[ownerID];173 var key = (owner ? owner.displayName + ' > ' : '') + displayName;174 var stats = aggregatedStats[key];175 if (!stats) {176 affectedIDs[key] = {};177 stats = aggregatedStats[key] = {178 key: key,179 instanceCount: 0,180 inclusiveRenderDuration: 0,181 renderCount: 0182 };183 }184 affectedIDs[key][instanceID] = true;185 applyUpdate(stats);186 }187 flushHistory.forEach(function(flush) {188 var measurements = flush.measurements;189 var treeSnapshot = flush.treeSnapshot;190 var operations = flush.operations;191 var isDefinitelyNotWastedByID = {};192 operations.forEach(function(operation) {193 var instanceID = operation.instanceID;194 var nextParentID = instanceID;195 while (nextParentID) {196 isDefinitelyNotWastedByID[nextParentID] = true;197 nextParentID = treeSnapshot[nextParentID].parentID;198 }199 });200 var renderedCompositeIDs = {};201 measurements.forEach(function(measurement) {202 var instanceID = measurement.instanceID;203 var timerType = measurement.timerType;204 if (timerType !== 'render') {205 return;206 }207 renderedCompositeIDs[instanceID] = true;208 });209 measurements.forEach(function(measurement) {210 var duration = measurement.duration;211 var instanceID = measurement.instanceID;212 var timerType = measurement.timerType;213 if (timerType !== 'render') {214 return;215 }216 var updateCount = treeSnapshot[instanceID].updateCount;217 if (isDefinitelyNotWastedByID[instanceID] || updateCount === 0) {218 return;219 }220 updateAggregatedStats(treeSnapshot, instanceID, function(stats) {221 stats.renderCount++;222 });223 var nextParentID = instanceID;224 while (nextParentID) {225 var isWasted = renderedCompositeIDs[nextParentID] && !isDefinitelyNotWastedByID[nextParentID];226 if (isWasted) {227 updateAggregatedStats(treeSnapshot, nextParentID, function(stats) {228 stats.inclusiveRenderDuration += duration;229 });230 }231 nextParentID = treeSnapshot[nextParentID].parentID;232 }233 });234 });235 return Object.keys(aggregatedStats).map(function(key) {236 return _extends({}, aggregatedStats[key], {instanceCount: Object.keys(affectedIDs[key]).length});237 }).sort(function(a, b) {238 return b.inclusiveRenderDuration - a.inclusiveRenderDuration;239 });240 }241 function getOperations() {242 var flushHistory = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? getLastMeasurements() : arguments[0];243 if (!(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')) {244 warnInProduction();245 return [];246 }247 var stats = [];248 flushHistory.forEach(function(flush, flushIndex) {249 var operations = flush.operations;250 var treeSnapshot = flush.treeSnapshot;251 operations.forEach(function(operation) {252 var instanceID = operation.instanceID;253 var type = operation.type;254 var payload = operation.payload;255 var _treeSnapshot$instanc3 = treeSnapshot[instanceID];256 var displayName = _treeSnapshot$instanc3.displayName;257 var ownerID = _treeSnapshot$instanc3.ownerID;258 var owner = treeSnapshot[ownerID];259 var key = (owner ? owner.displayName + ' > ' : '') + displayName;260 stats.push({261 flushIndex: flushIndex,262 instanceID: instanceID,263 key: key,264 type: type,265 ownerID: ownerID,266 payload: payload267 });268 });269 });270 return stats;271 }272 function printExclusive(flushHistory) {273 if (!(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')) {274 warnInProduction();275 return;276 }277 var stats = getExclusive(flushHistory);278 var table = {279 var key = item.key;280 var instanceCount = item.instanceCount;281 var totalDuration = item.totalDuration;282 var renderCount = item.counts.render || 0;283 var renderDuration = item.durations.render || 0;284 return {285 'Component': key,286 'Total time (ms)': roundFloat(totalDuration),287 'Instance count': instanceCount,288 'Total render time (ms)': roundFloat(renderDuration),289 'Average render time (ms)': renderCount ? roundFloat(renderDuration / renderCount) : undefined,290 'Render count': renderCount,291 'Total lifecycle time (ms)': roundFloat(totalDuration - renderDuration)...
...18 current: 119 }20 },21 mounted() {22 this.getExclusive(1);23 },24 methods: {25 getExclusive(currentPage) {26 var that = this;27 that.loading = true;28 that.current = currentPage || that.current;29 $("#exclusive").find(".showAnimate").hide();30 $.ajaxForJson(config.wwwPath + "tenderAjax", {31 cglx: $(".tender_type_wrap[data-type='cglx']").find("").attr("data-id"),32 cgzt: $(".tender_type_wrap[data-type='cgzt']").find("").attr("data-id"),33 cgfs: $(".tender_type_wrap[data-type='cgfs']").find("").attr("data-id"),34 stype: $(".tender_search").find("dl dd.act").attr("data-id"),35 sword: $(".tender_search").find("input.tender_search_input").val(),36 sort: $("ul[name='sort']").find("").attr("data-id"),37 p: that.current38 }, function (dataObj) {39 if (dataObj.code == 2000) {40 that.count =;41 that.list =;42 $("#exclusive").find(".showAnimate").show();43 }44 that.loading = false;45 });46 },47 showTips(val) {48 $.msgTips({49 type: "warning",50 content: val51 });52 }53 }54 });55 //éæ©ç±»å56 $("div.tender_type_wrap li a").unbind().bind("click", function () {57 var main = $(this);58 main.parents(".tender_type_wrap").find("li").removeClass("active");59 main.parent().addClass("active");60 vm.getExclusive(1);61 return false;62 });63 //éæ©æ索类å64 $(".tender_search").find("dd").unbind().bind("click", function () {65 $(".tender_search").find("dd").removeClass("act");66 $(this).addClass("act");67 $(".tender_search_sel > span").html($(this).html());68 $(".tender_search").find("dl").hide();69 });70 $(".tender_search_sel").unbind().bind({71 "mouseover": function () {72 $(".tender_search_sel").find("dl").show();73 },74 "mouseleave": function () {75 $(".tender_search_sel").find("dl").hide();76 }77 });78 //ç¹å»æç´¢äºä»¶79 $(".tender_search").find("a.tender_search_btn").unbind().bind("click", function () {80 vm.getExclusive(1);81 return false;82 });83 //æ¸
空æç´¢84 $(".tender_select").find("a.tender_clear_btn").unbind().bind("click", function () {85 $(".tender_search").find("input.tender_search_input").val("");86 vm.getExclusive(1);87 return false;88 });89 //å车äºä»¶90 $(".tender_search").find("input.tender_search_input").unbind().bind("keyup", function (event) {91 if (event.keyCode == "13") {92 $(".tender_search").find("a.tender_search_btn").triggerHandler("click");93 return false;94 }95 });96 //æåºäºä»¶97 $("ul[name='sort']").find("li a").unbind().bind("click", function () {98 var main = $(this);99 $("ul[name='sort']").find("li").removeClass("active");100 main.parent().addClass("active");101 vm.getExclusive(1);102 return false;103 });...
...37 case '/':38 getAll(storageItems);39 break;40 case '/exclusivos':41 getExclusive(storageItems);42 break;43 case '/promocao':44 getPromotion(storageItems);45 break;46 case '/favoritos':47 getFavorite(storageItems);48 break;49 default:50 break;51 }52 setLoading(false);53 }54 loadItems();55 }, [...
1var e = require("../models/models.js"), n = require("../interfaces/shareITF.js"), t = {2 getExclusive: function(t) {3 return n.getExclusive(t).then(function(e) {4 return Promise.resolve(e);5 }, e.failHandle);6 },7 getExclusiveCoupon: function(t) {8 return n.getExclusiveCoupon(t).then(function(e) {9 = || {};10 var n = [], t = || {};11 return Object.keys(t).forEach(function(e) {12 n.push(t[e]);13 }), n.forEach(function(e, t) {14 var o = [];15 e.coupon_content && o.push("· " + e.coupon_content), e.coupon_date && o.push("· " + e.coupon_date), 16 n[t] = {17 usable: !0,...
...34 method: 'get',35 })36}37// è·å该æç´¢è¯çä¸å±è¯æ¡ï¼å¾å¾æ¯ä¸äºè¯æ±æ对åºçacgä½åå称ï¼38function getExclusive(param) {39 return axios({40 url: `/keywords/${format(param)}/suggestions`,41 method: 'get',42 })43}44function getTranslations(param) {45 return axios({46 url: `/keywords/${format(param)}/translations`,47 method: 'get',48 })49}50// å¾çä¸ä¼ 51function uploadImg(data, params) {52 return axios({...
1const tools = require('../tools');2const userService = require('../user/service');3const SapiError = require('../../sapi').SapiError;4const ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectId;5var debug = require('debug')('app:service');6debug.log = console.log.bind(console);7const dbReset = (db) => {8 return db.dropCollection('appdata')9 .catch((err) => { console.log(err) })10 .then(() => db.createCollection('appdata'))11 .then(() => db.collection('appdata')12 .createIndex(13 { lobbyId: 1, exclusive: 1 },14 { unique: true }15 ))16 .then(() => db.collection('appdata')17 .createIndex(18 { lobbyId: 1, name: 1 },19 { unique: true }20 ));21}22const destroyAppdata = (db, lobbyId, name = null) => {23 var query;24 if (name) {25 debug('Destroy app %s for %s', name, lobbyId);26 query = { lobbyId: lobbyId, name: name };27 }28 else {29 debug('Destroy all apps for %s', lobbyId);30 query = { lobbyId: lobbyId };31 }32 return db.collection('appdata')33 .deleteOne(query)34 .then(cmdRes => (cmdRes.result.ok == 1 && cmdRes.result.n == 1) ?35 Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject("Not deleted"));36}37const commitAppdata = (db, appdata) =>38 db.collection('appdata').updateOne(39 { lobbyId: appdata.lobbyId },40 { $set: appdata },41 { upsert: true }42 );43const getByLobbyIdAndName = (db, lobbyId, name) =>44 db.collection('appdata').findOne({45 lobbyId: lobbyId,46 name: name47 })48const getList = (db, lobbyId) => {49 return db.collection('appdata')50 .find({ lobbyId: lobbyId })51 .toArray();52}53const getMap = (db, lobbyId) => getList(db, lobbyId)54 .then(appdataList => appdataList.reduce(55 (accum, curr) => {56 accum[] = curr;57 return accum;58 }, {}))59const getExclusive = (db, lobbyId) =>60 db.collection('appdata')61 .findOne({ lobbyId: lobbyId, exclusive: true })62 .then(app =>63 app ? Promise.resolve(app) : Promise.reject("No exclusive map")64 );65module.exports = {66 dbReset,67 getByLobbyIdAndName,68 getList,69 getMap,70 getExclusive,71 commitAppdata,72 destroyAppdata...
...38 const output = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(placeToStoreValueTemporarily));39 placeToStoreValueTemporarily = null;40 return output;41}42export function getExclusive(measurements) {43 mockConsole.mock(callbacks);44 Perf.printExclusive(measurements);45 mockConsole.restore();46 const output = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(placeToStoreValueTemporarily));47 placeToStoreValueTemporarily = null;48 return output;49}50export default {51 getWasted,52 getDOM,53 getInclusive,54 getExclusive,...
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const exclusive = await page._delegate.getExclusive();7 console.log(exclusive);8 await browser.close();9})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getExclusive } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');2const browser = await chromium.launch();3const context = await browser.newContext();4const page = await context.newPage();5const exclusive = await getExclusive(page);6const exclusivePage = await exclusive.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getExclusive } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 const exclusive = await getExclusive(page);7 const exclusivePage = await exclusive.newPage();8 await browser.close();9})();10const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');11const { getExclusive } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');12test.describe('Exclusive context', () => {13 test('should open an exclusive browser context', async ({ browser }) => {14 const exclusive = await getExclusive(browser);15 const exclusivePage = await exclusive.newPage();16 const title = await exclusivePage.title();17 expect(title).toBe('Google');18 });19});20const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');21const { getExclusive } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');22test.describe('Exclusive context', () => {23 test('should open an exclusive browser context', async ({ browser }) => {24 const exclusive = await getExclusive(browser);25 const exclusivePage = await exclusive.newPage();26 const title = await exclusivePage.title();27 expect(title).toBe('Google');28 });29});30module.exports = {31 {32 use: {33 },34 },35};36{37 "scripts": {38 },39 "devDependencies": {40 }41}42const { test, expect } = require('@
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getExclusive } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');2(async () => {3 const browser = await getExclusive('chromium');4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });7 await browser.close();8})();9 at BrowserType.getExclusive (node_modules/playwright/lib/server/browserType.js:66:22)10 at Object.<anonymous> (test.js:3:22)11 at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1137:30)12 at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:10)13 at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:986:32)14 at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:879:14)15 at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:71:12)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getExclusive } = require('playwright');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await getExclusive(chromium);5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await browser.close();8})();9### getExclusive(browserType: BrowserType, options?: Options): Promise\<Browser\>10[Apache 2.0](LICENSE)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { getExclusive } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser1 = await chromium.launch();5 const browser2 = await chromium.launch();6 const page1 = await getExclusive(browser1, 'Page');7 const page2 = await getExclusive(browser2, 'Page');8 await page1.setContent(`<button>Click me</button>`);9 await page2.setContent(`<button>Click me</button>`);10 await Promise.all([11 page1.waitForEvent('dialog'),12 page2.waitForEvent('dialog'),13'button'),14 ]);15 await browser1.close();16 await browser2.close();17})();18const browser = await chromium.launch();19const page1 = await browser.newPage();20const page2 = await browser.newPage();21const page = await browser.newPage();22const context1 = await page.context();23const context2 = await page.context();
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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