Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
Source: GridDesigner.js
1/*2 * Copyright (C) 2012 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software9 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,10 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.11 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and12 * limitations under the License.13 */14dojo.declare("GridDesigner", wm.Page, {15 start: function() {16 wm.typeManager.types.gridDefinitionType.fields.field.include = ["update"];17 this._editors = [];18 wm.forEachWidget(this.root, dojo.hitch(this, function(w) {19 if (w instanceof wm.AbstractEditor) {20 this._editors.push(w);21 }22 }));23 },24 updateFormatterList: function(){25 this.fullFormattersVar.setData(this.formattersVar);26 dojo.forEach(getAllEventsInCode(), dojo.hitch(this, function(f){27 if (f.match(/Format$/))28 this.fullFormattersVar.addItem({name:f, dataValue:f}); 29 }));30 this.fullFormattersVar.addItem({name:studio.getDictionaryItem("wm.DojoGrid.ADD_FORMATTER"), dataValue:"- Add Formatter"});31 },32 updateDataSets: function() {33 var list = [{dataValue:""}];34 wm.listMatchingComponentIds([, studio.application], function(c) {35 if (c instanceof wm.Variable && c.isList && &&"_") != 0) {36 list.push({dataValue: c.getId()});37 }38 });39 this.liveSourceVar.setData(list);40 },41 setGrid: function(inGrid) {42 this.currentGrid = inGrid;43 this.editorPanels.setShowing(inGrid instanceof wm.DojoGrid); // hide if its wm.List44 this.currentDataSet = inGrid.dataSet;45 this.initialColumns = inGrid.columns46 var columns = dojo.clone(inGrid.columns);47 var mobileIndex = -1;48 for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {49 if (!columns[i].mobileColumn) {50 columns[i].mobileColumn = false;51 } else52 mobileIndex = i;53 }54 if (mobileIndex == -1) {55 columns.push({show: true,56 field: "MOBILE COLUMN",57 title: "-",58 width: "100%",59 align: "left",60 expression: "",61 mobileColumn: true});62 mobileIndex = columns.length-1;63 }64 this.columnsVar.setData(columns);65 this.mobileColumn = this.columnsVar.getItem(mobileIndex);66 this.regenerateMobileColumn();67 this.updateFormatterList();68 this.updateDataSets();69 },70 regenerateMobileColumn: function() {71 if (!this.mobileColumn || this.mobileColumn.getValue("isCustomField")) return;72 var mobileExpr = "";73 var count = this.columnsVar.getCount();74 for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {75 var column = this.columnsVar.getItem(i).getData();76 if (!column.mobileColumn && {77 if (column.expression) {78 // don't even TRY to handle this79 } else {80 var value = "\${" + column.field + "}";81 var formatProps = column.formatProps ? dojo.toJson(column.formatProps) : "{}";82 if (column.formatFunc) {83 switch(column.formatFunc) {84 case "wm_date_formatter": 85 case 'Date (WaveMaker)': 86 case 'wm_localdate_formatter':87 case 'Local Date (WaveMaker)': 88 value = "wm.DojoGrid.prototype.dateFormatter(" + formatProps + ", null,null,null," + value +")";89 break;90 case 'wm_number_formatter':91 case 'Number (WaveMaker)': 92 value = "wm.DojoGrid.prototype.numberFormatter(" + formatProps + ", null,null,null," + value +")";93 break;94 case 'wm_currency_formatter':95 case 'Currency (WaveMaker)': 96 value = "wm.DojoGrid.prototype.currencyFormatter(" + formatProps + ", null,null,null," + value +")";97 break;98 case 'wm_image_formatter':99 case 'Image (WaveMaker)': 100 value = "wm.DojoGrid.prototype.imageFormatter(" + formatProps + ", null,null,null," + value +")";101 break;102 case 'wm_link_formatter':103 case 'Link (WaveMaker)': 104 value = "wm.DojoGrid.prototype.linkFormatter(" + formatProps + ", null,null,null," + value +")";105 break;106 case 'wm_button_formatter':107 value = null;108 break;109 }110 }111 if (value) {112 if (!mobileExpr) {113 mobileExpr = "\"<div class='MobileRowTitle'>" + wm.capitalize(column.title) + ": \" + " + value + " + \"</div>\"\n";114 } else {115 mobileExpr += "+ \"<div class='MobileRow'>" + wm.capitalize(column.title) + ": \" + " + value + " + \"</div>\"\n";116 }117 }118 }119 }120 }121 if (studio.currentDeviceType != "phone") 122 this.mobileColumn.beginUpdate();123 this.mobileColumn.setValue("expression", mobileExpr);124 if (studio.currentDeviceType != "phone") 125 this.mobileColumn.endUpdate();126 },127 getColumnByField: function(inName) {128 for (var i = 0; i < this.currentGrid.columns.length; i++) {129 if (this.currentGrid.columns[i].field == inName)130 return this.currentGrid.columns[i];131 }132 },133 moveUp: function(inSender) {134 var item = this.grid.selectedItem.getData();135 var selectedIndex = this.grid.getSelectedIndex();136 if (selectedIndex <= 0) return;137 this.columnsVar.beginUpdate();138 this.columnsVar.removeItem(selectedIndex);139 this.columnsVar.addItem(item, selectedIndex-1);140 this.columnsVar.endUpdate();141 this.columnsVar.notify();142 this.updateGrid();143 },144 moveDown: function(inSender) {145 var item = this.grid.selectedItem.getData();146 var selectedIndex = this.grid.getSelectedIndex();147 if (selectedIndex == -1 || selectedIndex >= this.columnsVar.getCount()) return;148 this.columnsVar.beginUpdate();149 this.columnsVar.removeItem(selectedIndex);150 this.columnsVar.addItem(item, selectedIndex+1);151 this.columnsVar.endUpdate();152 this.columnsVar.notify();153 this.updateGrid(); 154 },155 addButtonClick: function(inSender) {156 try {157 var newName = "customField";158 for (var i = 0; this.getColumnByField(newName + i); i++) {}159 160 app.prompt("Enter an ID/fieldName for this column; this must be a unique name",161 newName + i,162 dojo.hitch(this, function(inResult) {163 if (inResult && !this.getColumnByField(inResult)) {164 this.grid.deselectAll();165 this.grid.selectedItem.setDataSet(null);166 this.columnsVar.addItem({field: inResult,167 width: "100%",168 title: wm.capitalize(inResult),169 align: "left",170 isCustomField: true,171 show: true});172 this.updateGrid();173 window.setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function() {174 - 1);175 }), 1000);176 }177 }));178 } catch(e) {179 console.error('ERROR IN addButtonClick: ' + e); 180 } 181 },182 deleteButtonClick: function(inSender) {183 var row = this.grid.getSelectedIndex() ;184 if (row == -1) return;185 this.columnsVar.removeItem(row);186 this.updateGrid();187 window.setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function() {188;189 }), 10);190 },191 onColumnSelect: function(inSender) {192 },193 changeItem: function(inName, inValue, optionalRowIndex) {194 if (this.columnsVar.isEmpty()) return;195 var row = (optionalRowIndex === undefined) ? this.grid.getSelectedIndex() : optionalRowIndex;196 if (row == -1) return;197 var item = this.columnsVar.getItem(row);198 if (item.getValue("mobileColumn") && inName == "expression") {199 item.beginUpdate();200 item.setValue("isCustomField", true);201 item.endUpdate();202 }203 if (item.getValue(inName) != inValue) {204 item.beginUpdate(); // we don't need to regenerate the grid when this item changes205 item.setValue(inName, inValue);206 item.endUpdate();207 if (item.getValue("mobileColumn") == false) {208 this.regenerateMobileColumn();209 }210 this.updateGrid(row);211 return true;212 }213 return false;214 },215 updateGrid: function() {216 this.regenerateMobileColumn();217 var columns = this.columnsVar.getData();218 for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {219 var col = columns[i];220 if (col.editorProps) {221 for (var name in col.editorProps) {222 if (col.editorProps[name] === null)223 delete col.editorProps[name];224 }225 }226 if (col.constraints) {227 for (var name in col.constraints) {228 if (col.constraints[name] === null)229 delete col.constraints[name];230 }231 }232 if (col.formatProps) {233 for (var name in col.formatProps) {234 if (col.formatProps[name] === null)235 delete col.formatProps[name];236 }237 }238 }239 this.currentGrid.set_columns(columns);240 },241 onTitleChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {242 if (!inSetByCode) {243 this.changeItem("title", inDataValue);244 }245 },246 onWidthChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {247 if (!inSetByCode) {248 var displayValue = this.widthSizeEditor.getDisplayValue();249 var w;250 if (displayValue.indexOf("p") != -1 ||251 displayValue.indexOf("%") != -1) {252 w = displayValue;253 this.widthSizeEditor.setDataValue(parseInt(displayValue));254 this.widthTypeEditor.setDataValue(displayValue.indexOf("p") != -1 ? "px" : "%");255 } else {256 w = displayValue + (this.widthTypeEditor.getDataValue() || "%");257 }258 this.changeItem("width", w);259 }260 },261 onAlignChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {262 if (!inSetByCode) {263 this.changeItem("align", inDataValue);264 }265 },266 onFormatChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {267 if (!inSetByCode) {268 var isCustom = false;269 if (inDataValue == "- Add Formatter") {270 inDataValue = wm.getValidJsName( + wm.getValidJsName(wm.capitalize(this.grid.selectedItem.getValue("field"))) + 'Format');271 isCustom = true;272 }273 if (this.changeItem("formatFunc", inDataValue)) {274 var row = this.grid.getSelectedIndex();275 var item = this.columnsVar.getItem(row);276 var formatProps = item.getValue("formatProps");277 formatProps.beginUpdate();278 formatProps.clearData();279 formatProps.endUpdate();280 formatProps = this.form.dataSet.getValue("formatProps");281 formatProps.beginUpdate();282 formatProps.clearData();283 formatProps.endUpdate();284 this.formatSubForm.setDataSet(formatProps);285 }286 switch(inDataValue) {287 case "wm_currency_formatter":288 this.currencyLayer.activate();289 break;290 case "wm_number_formatter":291 this.numberLayer.activate();292 break;293 case "wm_image_formatter":294 this.imageLayer.activate();295 break;296 case "wm_button_formatter":297 this.buttonLayer.activate();298 break;299 case "wm_link_formatter":300 this.linkLayer.activate();301 break;302 case "wm_date_formatter":303 this.dateLayer.activate();304 if (!this.dateFormatLength.getDataValue())305 this.dateFormatLength.setDataValue("short");306 break;307 default:308 this.formatBlankLayer.activate();309 if (isCustom) {310 eventEdit(this.currentGrid, "_formatterSignature", inDataValue, true);311 this.owner.owner.hide();312 }313 }314 }315 },316 onEditFieldChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {317 if (!inSetByCode) {318 if (this.changeItem("fieldType", inDataValue)) {319 var row = this.grid.getSelectedIndex();320 var item = this.columnsVar.getItem(row);321 var editorProps = item.getValue("editorProps");322 editorProps.beginUpdate();323 editorProps.clearData();324 editorProps.endUpdate();325 editorProps = this.form.dataSet.getValue("editorProps");326 editorProps.beginUpdate();327 editorProps.clearData();328 editorProps.endUpdate();329 var constraints = item.getValue("constraints");330 constraints.beginUpdate();331 constraints.clearData();332 constraints.endUpdate();333 constraints = this.form.dataSet.getValue("constraints");334 constraints.beginUpdate();335 constraints.clearData();336 constraints.endUpdate();337 this.editorSelectLayerSubForm.setDataSet(editorProps);338 this.editorComboBoxLayerSubForm.setDataSet(editorProps);339 this.editorNumberLayerSubForm.setDataSet(constraints);340 this.editorDateLayerSubForm.setDataSet(constraints);341 this.editorTextLayerSubForm.setDataSet(editorProps);342 }343 switch(inDataValue) {344 case "dojox.grid.cells._Widget":345 this.editorTextLayer.activate();346 break;347 case "dojox.grid.cells.NumberTextBox":348 this.editorNumberLayer.activate();349 break;350 case "dojox.grid.cells.DateTextBox":351 this.editorDateLayer.activate();352 break;353 case "dojox.grid.cells.TimeTextBox":354 this.editorTimeLayer.activate();355 break;356 case "dojox.grid.cells.Checkbox":357 this.editorCheckboxLayer.activate();358 break;359 case "dojox.grid.cells.ComboBox":360 this.editorComboBoxLayer.activate();361 break;362 case "dojox.grid.cells.Select":363 this.editorSelectLayer.activate();364 break;365 default:366 this.editorPropBlankLayer.activate();367 }368 }369 },370 onDisplayExprChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {371 if (!inSetByCode) {372 this.changeItem("expression", inDataValue);373 }374 },375 onBackExprChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {376 if (!inSetByCode) {377 this.changeItem("backgroundColor", inDataValue);378 }379 },380 onColorExprChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {381 if (!inSetByCode) {382 this.changeItem("textColor", inDataValue);383 }384 },385 onCancelClick: function() {386 this.currentGrid.set_columns(this.initialColumns);387 this.owner.owner.hide();388 },389 onOkClick: function() {390 this.owner.owner.hide();391 },392 onCellEdited: function(inSender, inValue, rowId, fieldId) {393 this.updateGrid(rowId);394 },395 /* Currency Formatter Changes */396 onCurrencyTypeChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {397 if (!inSetByCode) {398 this.changeItem("formatProps.currency", inDataValue);399 }400 },401 onCurrencyDijitsChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {402 if (!inSetByCode) {403 this.changeItem("formatProps.dijits", inDataValue);404 }405 },406 onCurrencyRoundChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {407 if (!inSetByCode) {408 this.changeItem("formatProps.round", inDataValue);409 }410 },411 onDateLengthChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {412 if (!inSetByCode) {413 this.changeItem("formatProps.formatLength", inDataValue);414 }415 },416 onDatePatternChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {417 if (!inSetByCode) {418 this.changeItem("formatProps.datePattern", inDataValue);419 }420 },421 onTimePatternChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {422 if (!inSetByCode) {423 this.changeItem("formatProps.timePattern", inDataValue);424 }425 },426 onUseLocalTimeChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {427 if (!inSetByCode) {428 this.changeItem("formatProps.useLocalTime", inDataValue);429 }430 },431 onDateTimeChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {432 if (!inSetByCode) {433 this.changeItem("formatProps.dateType", inDataValue);434 }435 },436 onNumberTypeChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {437 if (!inSetByCode) {438 this.changeItem("formatProps.numberType", inDataValue);439 }440 },441 onNumberDijitsChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {442 if (!inSetByCode) {443 this.changeItem("formatProps.dijits", inDataValue);444 }445 },446 onNumberRoundChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {447 if (!inSetByCode) {448 this.changeItem("formatProps.round", inDataValue);449 }450 },451 onLinkPrefixChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {452 if (!inSetByCode) {453 this.changeItem("formatProps.prefix", inDataValue);454 }455 },456 onLinkPostfixChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {457 if (!inSetByCode) {458 this.changeItem("formatProps.postfix", inDataValue);459 }460 },461 onTargetChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {462 if (!inSetByCode) {463 this.changeItem("", inDataValue);464 }465 },466 onImageWidthChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {467 if (!inSetByCode) {468 this.changeItem("formatProps.width", inDataValue);469 }470 },471 onImageHeightChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {472 if (!inSetByCode) {473 this.changeItem("formatProps.height", inDataValue);474 }475 },476 onButtonClassChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {477 if (!inSetByCode) {478 this.changeItem("formatProps.buttonclass", inDataValue);479 }480 },481 onRegexChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {482 if (!inSetByCode) {483 this.changeItem("editorProps.regExp", inDataValue);484 }485 },486 onRequiredChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {487 if (!inSetByCode) {488 this.changeItem("editorProps.required", inDataValue);489 }490 },491 onInvalidChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {492 if (!inSetByCode) {493 this.changeItem("editorProps.invalidMessage", inDataValue);494 }495 },496 onOptionsChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {497 if (!inSetByCode) {498 this.changeItem("editorProps.options", inDataValue);499 }500 },501 onDataSetChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {502 if (!inSetByCode) {503 this.changeItem("editorProps.selectDataSet", inDataValue);504 var c =;505 var options = [];506 if (c)507 var type = wm.typeManager.getType(c.type);508 if (type) {509 var fields = type.fields;510 }511 if (fields) {512 for (var fieldName in fields) {513 var fieldDef = fields[fieldName];514 if (!wm.typeManager.isStructuredType(fieldDef.type))515 options.push(fieldName);516 }517 }518 this.comboBoxDisplayFieldEditor.setOptions(options.join(","));519 }520 },521 onDisplayFieldChange:function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {522 if (!inSetByCode) {523 this.changeItem("editorProps.displayField", inDataValue);524 }525 },526 onMaximumChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {527 if (!inSetByCode) {528 this.changeItem("constraints.max", inDataValue);529 }530 },531 onMinimumChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {532 if (!inSetByCode) {533 this.changeItem("constraints.min", inDataValue);534 }535 },536 onCustomCssClassChange: function(inSender, inDisplayValue, inDataValue, inSetByCode) {537 if (!inSetByCode) {538 this.changeItem("cssClass", inDataValue);539 }540 },541 onRenderData: function() {542 this.grid.dojoObj.canSort = function() {return false;}543 },544 _end: 0...
Source: docs.js
...25 name: `Discord.js Docs (${version})`,26 icon_url: ``27 }28 }; //data for embed29 function formatProps(props) {30 var names = [];31 for(var i=0;i<props.length;i++) {32 names.push(props[i].name);33 }34 return names.join(" ");35 }36 function formatMethods(methods) {37 var names = [];38 for(var i=0;i<methods.length;i++) {39 names.push(methods[i].name);40 }41 return names.join(" ");42 }43 function formatEvents(events) {44 var names = [];45 for(var i=0;i<events.length;i++) {46 names.push(events[i].name);47 }48 return names.join(" ");49 }50 function formatReturn(input) {51 var string = "";52 for(var i=0;i<input.length;i++) {53 string += input[i].join("");54 }55 return string;56 }57 function makeOptional(input) {58 return `[${input}]`59 }60 function getLower(msg,prop,query,type) {61 for(var class_key in prop) { //Loop the class62 for(var class_lowerkey in prop[class_key]) { //Loop all the classes63 //if(prop[class_key] === "meta");64 var subClass = prop[class_key][class_lowerkey];65 if( && === query[1]) { //If looped class's name === query[1]66 67 var outputFields = [];68 if(subClass.type) outputFields.push({name:"Type",value:`\`\`${formatReturn(subClass.type[0])}\`\``}); //for Client69 if(subClass.returns && typeof subClass.returns == "array") outputFields.push({name:"Returns",value:formatReturn(subClass.returns[0])});70 subClass.description = subClass.description.replace(/<.+>/g, '').replace(/\n/g,' ').trim();71 72 if(subClass.params) { //If there is parameters, loop them and list them.73 var params = "";74 for(var d=0;d<subClass.params.length;d++) { 75 if(subClass.params[d].optional) params += "``" + makeOptional(subClass.params[d].name) + ": "; //Is optional? [optional] not-optional76 if(!subClass.params[d].optional) params += "``" + subClass.params[d].name + ": ";77 var types = [];78 for(var t=0;t<subClass.params[d].type.length;t++) { //put in array to easily join them79 types.push(subClass.params[d].type[t][0]);80 }81 params += types.join(" | ") + "``\n";82 params += subClass.params[d].description + "\n\n";83 84 85 }86 outputFields.push({name:"Parameters",value:params}); 87 }88 if(subClass.returns && typeof(subClass.returns === 'object')) { 89 if(subClass.returns.types) {90 outputFields.push({name:"Returns",value:`${subClass.returns.description.replace(/<.+>/g, '').replace(/\n/g,' ')}\n\`\`=> ${formatReturn(subClass.returns.types[0])}\`\``});91 }else {92 outputFields.push({name:"Returns",value:`\`\`${formatReturn(subClass.returns[0])}\`\``});93 }94 95 }96 if(subClass.examples && subClass.examples.length > 0) outputFields.push({name:'Example',value:`\`\`\`js\n${subClass.examples[0]}\`\`\``})97 var outputData = {98 title:`${}#${}`,99 url:`${version}/${type}/${}?scrollTo=${}`, 100 description:subClass.description,101 fields:outputFields102 }103 104 105 Object.assign(outputData,defaultOutput); //merge defaultOutput object with outputData106 return msg.edit({embed: outputData}).catch(err => {107 msg.edit(`An error occurred while sending: \`\`${err.message}\`\``);108 console.log(err);109 });110 }111 112 }113 114 }115 return msg.edit(`Couldn't find anything for \`\`${query[0]}${(query[1] ? `#${query[1]}`:'')}\`\``); //dont even know where to put this116 }117 const cache = docsCache[version].data;118 //instead of looping object or something, just manually doing it 119 for(let i=0;i<cache.classes.length;i++) {120 for(var key in cache.classes[i]) {121 if(cache.classes[i].name.toLowerCase() === query[0]){ //if classes's name === query122 var prop = cache.classes[i];123 if(query[1]) {124 return getLower(msg,prop,query,'class');125 } 126 127 var outputFields = [];128 if(prop.props) outputFields.push({name:"Properties",value:'``' + formatProps(prop.props) + '``'})129 if(prop.methods) outputFields.push({name:"Methods",value:'``' + formatProps(prop.methods) + '``'})130 if( outputFields.push({name:"Events",value:'``' + formatProps( + '``'})131 var outputData = {132 title:`**${} ` + ((prop.extends) ? `(extends ${prop.extends.join(" ,")})` : '') + `**`,133 url:`${version}/class/${}`,134 description:prop.description,135 fields:outputFields136 }137 Object.assign(outputData,defaultOutput); //merge defaultOutput object with outputData138 return msg.edit({embed: outputData}).catch(err => {139 msg.edit(`An error occurred while sending: \`\`${err.message}\`\``);140 });141 }142 }143 }144 for(let i=0;i<cache.interfaces.length;i++) {145 for(var key in cache.interfaces[i]) {146 if(cache.interfaces[i].name.toLowerCase() === query[0]){ //if interfaces's name === query147 var prop = cache.interfaces[i];148 if(query[1]) {149 return getLower(msg,prop,query,'interfaces');150 } 151 var prop = cache.interfaces[i];152 var outputFields = [];153 if(prop.props) outputFields.push({name:"Properties",value:'``' + formatProps(prop.props) + '``'})154 if(prop.methods) outputFields.push({name:"Methods",value:'``' + formatProps(prop.methods) + '``'})155 if( outputFields.push({name:"Events",value:'``' + formatProps( + '``'})156 var outputData = {157 title:`**${} ` + ((prop.extends) ? `(extends ${prop.extends.join(" ,")}))` : '') + `**`,158 url:`${version}/interfaces/${}`,159 description:prop.description,160 fields:outputFields161 }162 Object.assign(outputData,defaultOutput); //merge defaultOutput object with outputData163 return msg.edit({embed: outputData}).catch(err => {164 msg.edit(`An error occurred while sending: \`\`${err.message}\`\``);165 })166 }167 }168 }169 for(let i=0;i<cache.typedefs.length;i++) {170 for(var key in cache.typedefs[i]) {171 if(cache.typedefs[i].name.toLowerCase() === query[0]){ //if typedefs's name === query172 var prop = cache.typedefs[i];173 if(query[1]) {174 if(prop.props) { //Loop all the porperties of the typedef175 for(var d=0;d<prop.props.length;d++) {176 if(prop.props[d].name.toLowerCase() === query[1]) {177 var outputData = {178 title:`${}#${prop.props[d].name}`,179 url:`${version}/typedef/${}?scrollTo=${prop.props[d].name}`,180 description:prop.props[d].description,181 fields:[182 {183 name:"Type",184 value:"``" + formatReturn(prop.props[d].type[0]) + "``"185 }186 ]187 }188 Object.assign(outputData,defaultOutput); //merge defaultOutput object with outputData189 return msg.edit({embed: outputData}).catch(err => {190 msg.edit(`An error occurred while sending: \`\`${err.message}\`\``);191 })192 }193 }194 }else return msg.edit(`There is no properties for \`\`${query[0]}\`\``);195 return msg.edit(`Couldn't find anything for \`\`${query[0]}${(query[1] ? `#${query[1]}`:'')}\`\``);196 } 197 var prop = cache.typedefs[i];198 var outputFields = [];199 if(prop.props) outputFields.push({name:"Properties",value:'``' + formatProps(prop.props) + '``'})200 if(prop.methods) outputFields.push({name:"Methods",value:'``' + formatProps(prop.methods) + '``'})201 if( outputFields.push({name:"Events",value:'``' + formatProps( + '``'})202 var outputData = {203 title:`**${} ` + ((prop.extends) ? `(extends ${prop.extends.join(" ,")}))` : '') + `**`,204 url:`${version}/typedef/${}`,205 description:prop.description,206 fields:outputFields207 }208 Object.assign(outputData,defaultOutput); //merge defaultOutput object with outputData209 return msg.edit({embed: outputData}).catch(err => {210 msg.edit(`An error occurred while sending: \`\`${err.message}\`\``);211 })212 }213 }214 }215 ...
Source: JSXLoader.js
...109 } else if (item.endsWith('/>')) {110 // å¦ææ¯èªéåæ ç¾111 queue[queueIndex].children.push({112 type,113 props: formatProps(props),114 children: []115 })116 } else if (item.startsWith('</')) {117 // æ¯å°¾æ ç¾118 queueIndex--119 queue.pop()120 } else {121 // æ¯å¤´æ ç¾122 const createElement = {123 type,124 props: formatProps(props),125 children: []126 }127 queue[queueIndex++].children.push(createElement)128 queue.push(createElement)129 }130 }131 if (queue.length > 1) {132 throw new SyntaxError('åå¨æªéåçæ ç¾')133 }134 // 深度éåéåç»æçææç»ä»£ç 135 const dfs = item => {136 if (item.type === TEXT_LABEL_NAME) {137 // 纯ææ¬ç´æ¥è¿åæåå
容138 return item.props...
Source: FormatterService.js
1import React from 'react';2import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep';3import size from 'lodash/size';4import isPlainObject from 'lodash/isPlainObject';5import isFunction from 'lodash/isFunction';6import { t } from '../../../../helpers/export/util';7import { replacePlaceholders, valueOrNull } from '../util';8import formatterRegistry from './registry';9import CellType from './CellType';10import Popper from '../../../common/Popper';11/**12 * @typedef {Object} FormatterConfig13 *14 * @typedef {Object} Formatter15 * @field {String} type16 * @field {FormatterInnerConfig} config17 *18 * @typedef {Object} FormatterServiceProps19 * @field {Any} cell - Cell data20 * @field {Object} row - Current row data21 * @field {Number} rowIndex - Row index22 * @field {Object} column - Column config23 *24 * @typedef {FormatterServiceProps & {config: FormatterConfig}} FormatterProps25 */26class FormatterService {27 static get errorMessage() {28 return `#${t('error').toUpperCase()}`;29 }30 static PopperWrapper(props) {31 return (32 <Popper33 showAsNeeded34 icon="icon-question"35 popupClassName="formatter-popper"36 text={props.text}37 contentComponent={props.contentComponent}38 >39 {props.children}40 </Popper>41 );42 }43 /**44 * @param {FormatterServiceProps} props45 * @param {Formatter} formatter46 * @return {React.ReactNode}47 */48 static format(props = {}, formatter = {}) {49 try {50 return FormatterService._formatImpl(props, formatter);51 } catch (e) {52 console.error('[FormattersService.format] error', props, formatter, e);53 return FormatterService.errorMessage;54 }55 }56 static _formatImpl(props = {}, formatter = {}) {57 const { row, cell } = props;58 const { type, config } = formatter;59 if (!type) {60 console.error('[FormattersService.format] empty formatter type', formatter);61 return FormatterService.errorMessage;62 }63 let modifiedConfig = cloneDeep(config);64 if (row && row.rawAttributes && size(row.rawAttributes) > 0) {65 modifiedConfig = replacePlaceholders(modifiedConfig, row.rawAttributes);66 }67 const fmtInstance = formatterRegistry.getFormatter(type);68 if (!fmtInstance || !isFunction(fmtInstance.format)) {69 console.error('[FormattersService.format] invalid formatter with type: ' + type, fmtInstance);70 return FormatterService.errorMessage;71 }72 const formatProps = {73 ...props,74 config: modifiedConfig,75 format: FormatterService.format76 };77 const formatSingleValue = (data, valueIndex = 0) =>78 FormatterService._formatSingleValueCellImpl(data, { ...formatProps, valueIndex }, fmtInstance);79 if (Array.isArray(cell)) {80 if (cell.length === 1) {81 return formatSingleValue(cell[0]);82 }83 return, i) => <div key={i}>{formatSingleValue(elem, i)}</div>);84 }85 return formatSingleValue(cell);86 }87 static _formatSingleValueCellImpl(cell, formatProps, fmtInstance) {88 if (cell == null) {89 return '';90 }91 let cellValue = cell;92 if (fmtInstance.getSupportedCellType() === CellType.VALUE_WITH_DISP) {93 if (!isPlainObject(cellValue)) {94 cellValue = { value: cellValue, disp: cellValue };95 } else {96 cellValue = {97 value: valueOrNull(cellValue.value),98 disp: valueOrNull(cellValue.disp || cellValue.value)99 };100 }101 } else if (fmtInstance.getSupportedCellType() === CellType.SCALAR) {102 if (isPlainObject(cellValue) && cellValue.value) {103 cellValue = cellValue.value;104 }105 }106 formatProps.cell = cellValue;107 try {108 return <FormatterService.PopperWrapper contentComponent={fmtInstance.format(formatProps)} />;109 } catch (e) {110 console.error('[FormattersService._formatSingleValueCellImpl] error. Props: ', formatProps, e);111 return FormatterService.errorMessage;112 }113 }114}...
Source: documentList.js
1export const documentList = {2 uiFramework: "custom-containers-local",3 moduleName: "egov-tradelicence",4 componentPath: "DocumentListContainer",5 props: {6 buttonLabel: {7 labelName: "UPLOAD FILE",8 labelKey: "TL_BUTTON_UPLOAD FILE"9 },10 inputProps : [11 {12 type : "OWNERIDPROOF",13 description: {14 labelName: "Only .jpg and .pdf files. 6MB max file size.",15 labelKey: "TL_UPLOAD_RESTRICTIONS"16 },17 formatProps :{18 accept : "image/*, .pdf, .png, .jpeg",19 }, 20 maxFileSize: 600021 },22 {23 type : "OWNERSHIPPROOF",24 description: {25 labelName: "Only .jpg and .pdf files. 6MB max file size.",26 labelKey: "TL_UPLOAD_RESTRICTIONS"27 },28 formatProps :{29 accept : "image/*, .pdf, .png, .jpeg",30 }, 31 maxFileSize: 600032 },33 {34 type : "OWNERPHOTO",35 description: {36 labelName: "Only .png and .jpeg 6MB max file size.",37 labelKey: "TL_UPLOAD_IMAGE_RESTRICTIONS"38 },39 formatProps :{40 accept: "image/*, .png, .jpeg",41 }, 42 maxFileSize: 300043 },44 {45 type : "OLDLICENCENO",46 description: {47 labelName: "Only .jpg and .pdf files. 6MB max file size.",48 labelKey: "TL_UPLOAD_RESTRICTIONS"49 },50 formatProps :{51 accept : "image/*, .pdf, .png, .jpeg",52 }, 53 maxFileSize: 600054 }55 ],56 documentTypePrefix: "TL_",57 }...
Source: index.js
1import React, { memo } from 'react';2import NumberFormat from 'react-number-format';3import PropTypes from 'prop-types';4import Text from '../Text';5const Number = ({6 value,7 bold,8 style,9 currency,10 textProps,11 formatProps,12 children,13 withRender,14 ...props15}) => {16 const formatValue = value || children;17 if (formatValue === null || typeof formatValue === 'undefined') {18 return null;19 }20 const renderText = textValue => (21 <Text bold={bold} style={style} {...textProps} {...props}>22 {textValue}23 </Text>24 );25 return (26 <NumberFormat27 value={formatValue}28 prefix={currency ? 'Rp ' : ''}29 displayType="text"30 decimalSeparator=","31 thousandSeparator="."32 withRender33 renderText={renderText}34 {...formatProps}35 />36 );37};38Number.propTypes = {39 bold: PropTypes.bool,40 value: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string]),41 style: PropTypes.any,42 currency: PropTypes.bool,43 textProps: PropTypes.object,44 formatProps: PropTypes.object,45 withRender: PropTypes.bool,46 children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string])47};48Number.defaultProps = {49 style: {},50 bold: false,51 value: null,52 currency: false,53 textProps: null,54 withRender: true,55 formatProps: null,56 children: null57};...
Source: utils.js
1const isUndefined = val => typeof val === "undefined";2const isFunction = val =>3 Object.prototype.toString.apply(val) === "[object Function]";4const camelCase = str => {5 return str6 .replace(/-a([a-z])/g, ($0, $1) => $1.toUpperCase())7 .replace("-", "");8};9const formatCss = props => {10 const prefixes = ["-webkit-", "-moz-", "-ms-"];11 const result = [];12 const regPrefix = /transform|transition/;13 for (const key in props) {14 if (props.hasOwnProperty(key)) {15 const styleValue = props[key];16 if (regPrefix.test(key)) {17 for (let i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {18 const stylename = camelCase(prefixes[i] + key);19 result[stylename] = styleValue.replace(regPrefix, `${prefixes[i]}$&`);20 }21 }22 result[key] = styleValue;23 }24 }25 return result;26};27const addPrefixCss = (element, props) => {28 const formatProps = formatCss(props);29 for (const key in formatProps) {30 if (formatProps.hasOwnProperty(key)) {31[key] = formatProps[key];32 }33 }34};...
Source: statements.js
1var groupBy = require('lodash/collection').groupBy;2var statement = {}3const baseInsertStatement =4 'UNWIND $props AS prop MERGE (n:Base {objectid: prop.source}) ON MATCH SET n:{0} ON CREATE SET n:{0} MERGE (m:Base {objectid:}) ON MATCH SET m:{1} ON CREATE SET m:{1} MERGE (n)-[r:{2} {3}]->(m)';5statement.insertNewAWS = function(queries, formatProps, queryProps) {6 if (formatProps.length < 4) {7 throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException();8 }9 if (queryProps.length == 0) {10 return;11 }12 let hash = `${formatProps[0]}-${formatProps[1]}-${formatProps[2]}-${Object.keys(queries).length}`;13 if (queries[hash]) {14 queries[hash].props = queries[hash].props.concat(queryProps);15 } else {16 queries[hash] = {};17 if (formatProps.length < 4) {18 throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException();19 }20 queries[hash].statement = baseInsertStatement.formatn(...formatProps);21 queries[hash].props = [].concat(queryProps);22 }23}...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { formatProps } = require('playwright/lib/utils/stackTrace');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 await'text=Get started');5 await'text=Docs');6 await'text=API');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { formatProps } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/serializers');2const { serializeError } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/errorSerializer');3const { serializeResponse } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/responseSerializer');4const { serializeHeaders } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/headersSerializer');5const { serializeRequest } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/requestSerializer');6const { serializeCookie } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/cookieSerializer');7const { serializeFrame } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/frameSerializer');8const { serializeElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/elementHandleSerializer');9const { serializeJSHandle } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/jsHandleSerializer');10const { serializeExecutionContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/executionContextSerializer');11const { serializeWorker } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/workerSerializer');12const { serializeConsoleMessage } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/consoleMessageSerializer');13const { serializeDialog } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/dialogSerializer');14const { serializeDownload } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/downloadSerializer');15const { serializePage } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/pageSerializer');16const { serializeBrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/browserContextSerializer');17const { serializeBrowser } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/browserSerializer');18const { serializeBrowserType } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/browserTypeSerializer');19const { serializeSelectors } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/selectorsSerializer');20const { serializeErrorLog } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/errorLogSerializer');21const { serializeCoverage } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/coverageSerializer');22const { serializeVideo } = require('playwright/lib/server/serializers/videoSerializer');23const serializers = {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { formatProps } = require('playwright/lib/server/inspector/inspector');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {4 const a = await page.$('a');5 const props = await a.asElement().getPropertyList();6 console.log(formatProps(props));7});8const { test } = require('@playwright/test');9test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {10 const a = await page.$('a');11 const props = await a.asElement().getPropertyList();12 const propsArray = [];13 for (let prop of props) {14 propsArray.push([, prop.value]);15 }16 console.log(propsArray);17});18const { test } = require('@playwright/test');19test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {20 const a = await page.$('a');21 const props = await a.asElement().getPropertyList();22 const propsArray = => [, prop.value]);23 console.log(propsArray);24});25const { test } = require('@playwright/test');26test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {27 const a = await page.$('a');28 const props = await a.asElement().getPropertyList();29 const propsArray ={ name, value }) => [name, value]);30 console.log(propsArray);31});32const { test } = require('@playwright/test');33test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { formatProps } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/inspector/inspector');2const obj = {3 baz: {4 },5};6console.log(formatProps(obj));7[Apache 2.0](./LICENSE)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { formatProps } = require('playwright/lib/internal/stackTrace');2const obj = {3};4console.log(formatProps(obj));5const { formatException } = require('playwright/lib/internal/stackTrace');6const error = new Error('foo');7console.log(formatException(error));8const { formatConsoleMessage } = require('playwright/lib/internal/stackTrace');9const message = {10 location: {11 }12};13console.log(formatConsoleMessage(message));14const { formatCallFrames } = require('playwright/lib/internal/stackTrace');15 {
Jest + Playwright - Test callbacks of event-based DOM library
firefox browser does not start in playwright
Is it possible to get the selector from a locator object in playwright?
How to run a list of test suites in a single file concurrently in jest?
Running Playwright in Azure Function
firefox browser does not start in playwright
This question is quite close to a "need more focus" question. But let's try to give it some focus:
Does Playwright has access to the cPicker object on the page? Does it has access to the window object?
Yes, you can access both cPicker and the window object inside an evaluate call.
Should I trigger the events from the HTML file itself, and in the callbacks, print in the DOM the result, in some dummy-element, and then infer from that dummy element text that the callbacks fired?
Exactly, or you can assign values to a javascript variable:
const cPicker = new ColorPicker({
window['color'] = color;
window['result'] = color;
And then
it('Should call all callbacks with correct arguments', async() => {
await page.goto(`http://localhost:5000/tests/visual/basic.html`, {waitUntil:'load'})
// Wait until the next frame
await page.evaluate(() => new Promise(requestAnimationFrame))
// Act
// Assert
const result = await page.evaluate(() => window['color']);
// Check the value
Check out the latest blogs from LambdaTest on this topic:
Native apps are developed specifically for one platform. Hence they are fast and deliver superior performance. They can be downloaded from various app stores and are not accessible through browsers.
One of the essential parts when performing automated UI testing, whether using Selenium or another framework, is identifying the correct web elements the tests will interact with. However, if the web elements are not located correctly, you might get NoSuchElementException in Selenium. This would cause a false negative result because we won’t get to the actual functionality check. Instead, our test will fail simply because it failed to interact with the correct element.
Smartphones have changed the way humans interact with technology. Be it travel, fitness, lifestyle, video games, or even services, it’s all just a few touches away (quite literally so). We only need to look at the growing throngs of smartphone or tablet users vs. desktop users to grasp this reality.
As part of one of my consulting efforts, I worked with a mid-sized company that was looking to move toward a more agile manner of developing software. As with any shift in work style, there is some bewilderment and, for some, considerable anxiety. People are being challenged to leave their comfort zones and embrace a continuously changing, dynamic working environment. And, dare I say it, testing may be the most ‘disturbed’ of the software roles in agile development.
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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