Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
1/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */2import chai from "chai";3const { expect } = chai;4const WAIT_DELAY = 10000;5const TEST_PAGE = "/base/tests/fixtures/testTab.html";6const openedFrames = [];7const sleep = ms => new Promise(ok => setTimeout(ok, ms));8function openFrame(url) {9 const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");10 iframe.src = url;11 document.body.appendChild(iframe);12 openedFrames.push(iframe);13 return iframe.contentWindow;14}15function closeWindows() {16 openedFrames.forEach(f => {17 f.parentNode.removeChild(f);18 });19 openedFrames.length = 0;20}21const STEP = 100;22function waitForLoad(w, timeout) {23 if (timeout < 0) {24 throw new Error("Timeout loading window");25 }26 if (w.loaded) {27 return Promise.resolve(w);28 }29 return sleep(STEP).then(() => waitForLoad(w, timeout - STEP));30}31function waitForValue(fn, value, timeout) {32 if (timeout < 0) {33 throw new Error("Timed out");34 }35 if (fn() === value) {36 return Promise.resolve(true);37 }38 return sleep(STEP).then(() => waitForValue(fn, value, timeout - STEP));39}40describe("Vuex shared mutations", () => {41 beforeEach(() => {42 localStorage.clear();43 });44 afterEach(closeWindows);45 it("should share mutation between multiple tabs using BroadcastChannel", function t() {46 if (typeof BroadcastChannel === "undefined") {47 this.skip();48 }49 this.timeout(WAIT_DELAY * 10);50 const firstWindow = openFrame(TEST_PAGE);51 const secondWindow = openFrame(TEST_PAGE);52 return Promise.all([53 waitForLoad(firstWindow, WAIT_DELAY),54 waitForLoad(secondWindow, WAIT_DELAY)55 ]).then(() => {56 const [firstStore, secondStore] = [firstWindow, secondWindow].map(w => {57 if (!w.createStore) {58 throw new Error("Missing createStore on window, check fixture");59 }60 return w.createStore("BroadcastChannel");61 });62 firstStore.commit("increment");63 return waitForValue(64 () => secondStore.state.count,65 firstStore.state.count,66 WAIT_DELAY67 );68 });69 });70 it("should share mutation between multiple tabs using localStorage", function t() {71 this.timeout(WAIT_DELAY * 10);72 const firstWindow = openFrame(TEST_PAGE);73 const secondWindow = openFrame(TEST_PAGE);74 return Promise.all([75 waitForLoad(firstWindow, WAIT_DELAY),76 waitForLoad(secondWindow, WAIT_DELAY)77 ]).then(() => {78 const [firstStore, secondStore] = [firstWindow, secondWindow].map(w =>79 w.createStore("localStorage")80 );81 firstStore.commit("increment");82 return waitForValue(83 () => secondStore.state.count,84 firstStore.state.count,85 WAIT_DELAY86 );87 });88 });89 it("should share huge mutation between multiple tabs using localStorage", function t() {90 if (typeof localStorage === "undefined") {91 this.skip();92 }93 this.timeout(WAIT_DELAY * 20);94 const firstWindow = openFrame(TEST_PAGE);95 const secondWindow = openFrame(TEST_PAGE);96 return Promise.all([97 waitForLoad(firstWindow, WAIT_DELAY),98 waitForLoad(secondWindow, WAIT_DELAY)99 ]).then(() => {100 const [firstStore, secondStore] = [firstWindow, secondWindow].map(w =>101 w.createStore("localStorage")102 );103 const HUGE_MESSAGE = "HUGE".repeat(100 * 1024);104 firstStore.commit("setMessage", { message: HUGE_MESSAGE });105 expect(firstStore.state.message).to.equal(HUGE_MESSAGE);106 return waitForValue(107 () => secondStore.state.message,108 HUGE_MESSAGE,109 WAIT_DELAY * 10110 );111 });112 });113 it("should share mutation between multiple tabs with default strategy", function t() {114 this.timeout(WAIT_DELAY * 10);115 const firstWindow = openFrame(TEST_PAGE);116 const secondWindow = openFrame(TEST_PAGE);117 return Promise.all([118 waitForLoad(firstWindow, WAIT_DELAY),119 waitForLoad(secondWindow, WAIT_DELAY)120 ]).then(() => {121 const [firstStore, secondStore] = [firstWindow, secondWindow].map(w =>122 w.createStore()123 );124 firstStore.commit("increment");125 return waitForValue(126 () => secondStore.state.count,127 firstStore.state.count,128 WAIT_DELAY129 );130 });131 });...
1let result = document.getElementById("result");2let firstWindow = document.getElementById("firstWindow");3let mathOperators = document.getElementById("mathOperators");4let table = document.getElementById("table");56// creating variable to store data in7let inputs = [];8let operatorInputs = null;9let results = [];10firstWindow.value = null;11mathOperators.value = null;12result.value = null;1314function firstWindowNumbers(numbers) {15 if (inputs.length <= 10) {16 inputs.push(numbers);17 firstWindow.value = `${inputs.join("")}`;18 }1920 if (inputs.length > 10) {21 inputs.splice(10, 1, numbers);22 firstWindow.value = `${inputs.join("")}`;23 }24}2526function secondWindowNumbers(numbers) {27 if (inputs.length <= 10) {28 results.push(numbers);29 result.value = `${results.join("")}`;30 }3132 if (inputs.length > 10) {33 results.splice(10, 1, numbers);34 result.value = `${results.join("")}`;35 }36}3738function resetFunc() {39 mathOperators.value = null;40 result.value = null;41 operatorInputs = null;42 results = [];43}4445function calculating() {46 if (inputs.length === 0 && operatorInputs === null) {47 firstWindow.value = "ERROR";48 inputs = [];49 }5051 if (operatorInputs === null && inputs.length !== 0) {52 firstWindow.value = "DON'T FORGET MATH OPERATOR!";53 inputs = [];54 }5556 if (result.value === "" && operatorInputs !== null) {57 firstWindow.value = "ERROR";58 mathOperators.value = "";59 inputs = [];60 }6162 if (inputs.length !== 0 && operatorInputs !== null) {63 let calc = inputs.join("") + operatorInputs + results.join("");64 let evaluated = eval(calc);65 //console.log(evaluated);66 inputs = [];67 inputs.push(evaluated.toFixed(4));6869 //another error statements => numerical values70 if (evaluated > 9999999999999) {71 firstWindow.value = "TOO BIG";72 inputs = [];73 }7475 //math calculations76 if (evaluated < 9999999999999 && operatorInputs !== "\\") {77 firstWindow.value = `${evaluated}`;78 }7980 if (81 evaluated < 9999999999999 &&82 operatorInputs === "/" &&83 evaluated % 2 !== 0 &&84 evaluated !== evaluated.toFixed(0)85 ) {86 firstWindow.value = `${evaluated.toFixed(4)}`;87 }88 resetFunc();89 }90}919293//Onclick Event94table.onclick = (e) => {95 let values =; //assigning 97 if (mathOperators.value === "" && === "numbers") {98 firstWindowNumbers(values);99 }100101 if ( === "dot") {102 if (firstWindow.value.indexOf(".") === -1) {103 inputs.push(values);104 }105 }106107 if ( === "operators") {108 operatorInputs = values;109 mathOperators.value = `${values}`;110 }111112 if (mathOperators.value !== "" && === "numbers") {113 secondWindowNumbers(values);114 }115116 if ( === "equal") {117 calculating();118 }119120 if ( === "reset") {121 firstWindow.value = null;122 inputs = [];123 resetFunc();124 }
1var db = Ti.Database.install('assets/AfghanConstitution.sqlite', 'AfghanConstitution.sqlite');2var d = db.execute('select count(*) as total from Sections');3var firstWindow = Ti.UI.createWindow({4 backgroundColor : 'white',5 title : 'ÙاÙÙÙ Ø§Ø³Ø§Ø³Û Ø§ÙغاÙستاÙ',6 orientationModes : [Ti.UI.PORTRAIT],7 layout:'vertical'8});9var headerImage = Ti.UI.createImageView({10 image : 'img/logoImage.png',11 width : '100%',12 height : '250dp',1314});15var titleLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({16 text : 'ÙاÙÙÙ Ø§Ø³Ø§Ø³Û Ø§ÙغاÙستاÙ',17 color : '#3333CC',18 font : {19 fontSize : "27dp"20 },21 22});2324var descriptionLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({25 text : 'ÙاÙÙÙ Ø§Ø³Ø§Ø³Û Ø¬Ø¯Ûد جÙ
Û Ø§ÙغاÙستا٠تÙسط ÙÙÛ٠جرگ٠تارÛØ®Û Ù¢Ù¢ÙÙس اÙÛ Û±Û´ Ø¬Ø¯Û Û±Û³Û¸Û²ÙØ¬Ø±Û Ø´Ù
ÙعÙد٠کاب٠در Û±Û²Ùص٠٠۱۶۲ Ù
اد٠تصÙÛب شد.',26 textAlign : 'center',27 top : '10dp',28 color : 'black',29 font : {30 fontSize : "20dp"31 },32});33var sectionButton = Ti.UI.createButton({34 backgroundColor : '#bbbfbc',35 color : 'black',36 title : 'Ùص٠Ùا',37 height : '45dp',38 width : '200dp',39 borderRadius : '6dp',40 top : '20dp',41 right : '90dp',42 name : 'title',4344 font : {45 fontSize : "20dp",46 },4748});4950var section = require('/section');51sectionButton.addEventListener('click', function(e) {52 var sectionWindow = section.createSectionWin();53;54});5556var activity;57firstWindow.addEventListener('open', function(e) {58 if (firstWindow.activity) {59 activity = firstWindow.activity;60 activity.onCreateOptionsMenu = function(e) {61 var menu =;62 var aboutMenu = menu.add({63 title : 'در بار٠برÙاÙ
Ù',64 });65 aboutMenu.addEventListener('click', function(e) {66 var about = require('/about');67 var newWindow = about.CreateAboutWindow();68;69 });70 };71 }72});7374firstWindow.add(headerImage);75firstWindow.add(titleLabel);76firstWindow.add(descriptionLabel);77firstWindow.add(sectionButton);
1// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.2// console.log('this is a debug message');3function fillThePlane(N, S) {4 // write your code in JavaScript (Node.js 8.9.4)5 const seatPlan = generateSeatPlan(N)6 const filledSeats = fillSeats(seatPlan, S)7 return validForFamily(filledSeats)8}9function generateSeatPlan(N){10 let seatPlan = []11 while (N > 0) {12 let emptyRow = new Array(10).fill(0)13 seatPlan.push(emptyRow)14 N -= 1;15 }16 return seatPlan // [...Array(N)].fill([...Array(10)].fill(0))17}18// helper function that takes the already full seats places them into our array19function fillSeats(seatPlan, preFilledSeats) {20 let filledSeats = [...seatPlan]21 let previouslyFilled = preFilledSeats.split(" ")22 if( !previouslyFilled[0]) return filledSeats23 for(let i=0; i < previouslyFilled.length; i+=1){24 let row = previouslyFilled[0]25 let seat = seatIndex[previouslyFilled[1]]26 filledSeats[row][seat] = 127 }28 return filledSeats29}30function validForFamily(filledSeats){31 let count = 0;32 filledSeats.forEach(row => {33 let firstWindow = row[1] === 0 && row[2] === 0 && row[3]===0 && row[4]===034 let secondWindow = row[3]===0 && row[4]===0 && row[5] === 0 && row[6] === 035 let thirdWindow = row[5] === 0 && row[6] === 0 && row[7]===0 && row[8]===036 if (firstWindow && thirdWindow) {37 count += 238 } else if ((firstWindow && !secondWindow) ||39 (!firstWindow && secondWindow && !thirdWindow) ||40 (!secondWindow && thirdWindow)) {41 count += 142 }43 })44 return count;45}46// const seatsForFamilies: { //need to think about this more47// one: [B,C,D,E],48// two: [D,E,F,G],49// three: [F,G,H,J]50// }51const seatIndex = {52 A:0,53 B:1,54 C:2,55 D:3,56 E:4,57 F:5,58 G:6,59 H:7,60 J:8,61 K:962}63console.log(fillThePlane(2, "1A 2C 1F"))...
1/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */2/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */3const TEST_FILE = fileURL("dummy_page.html");4const TEST_HTTP = httpURL("dummy_page.html");5// Test for Bug 16342526add_task(async function() {7 await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(TEST_FILE, async function(fileBrowser) {8 info("Tab ready");9 async function summonPopup(firstRun) {10 var winPromise;11 if (firstRun) {12 winPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewWindow({13 url: TEST_HTTP,14 });15 }16 await SpecialPowers.spawn(17 fileBrowser,18 [TEST_HTTP, firstRun],19 (target, firstRun_) => {20 var win =, "named", "width=400,height=400");21 win.focus();22 ok(win, " was successful");23 if (firstRun_) {24 content.document.firstWindow = win;25 } else {26 content.document.otherWindow = win;27 }28 }29 );30 if (firstRun) {31 // We should only wait for the window the first time, because only the32 // later times no new window should be created.33 info("Waiting for new window");34 var win = await winPromise;35 ok(win, "Got a window");36 }37 }38 info("Opening window");39 await summonPopup(true);40 info("Opening window again");41 await summonPopup(false);42 await SpecialPowers.spawn(fileBrowser, [], () => {43 ok(content.document.firstWindow, "Window is non-null");44 is(45 content.document.otherWindow,46 content.document.firstWindow,47 "Windows are the same"48 );49 content.document.firstWindow.close();50 });51 });...
1import data from './day1input.js';2const first = (data) => {3 const final = data.reduce((count, curr, index) => {4 if (curr > data[index-1]) {5 count = count + 1;6 }7 return count;8 }, 0);9 return final;10}11// const data = [12// 607,13// 618,14// 618,15// 617,16// 647,17// 716,18// 769,19// 79220// ];21const second = (data) => {22 let firstWindow = [0,1,2];23 let secondWindow = [1,2,3];24 let currIndex = 2;25 let count = 0;26 while (currIndex < data.length - 1) {27 // console.log(firstWindow, secondWindow);28 const sumA = data[firstWindow[0]] + data[firstWindow[1]] + data[firstWindow[2]];29 const sumB = data[secondWindow[0]] + data[secondWindow[1]] + data[secondWindow[2]];30 // console.log(sumB)31 if (sumB > sumA) {32 count = count + 1;33 }34 firstWindow = secondWindow;35 secondWindow = => n+1);36 37 currIndex++;38 }39 return count;40}41const run = () => {42 // console.log(first(data));43 console.log(second(data));44}...
1import extension from 'extensionizer';2let firstWindow = true;3let firstTab = true;4function handleMessage(req) {5 const { url, action, mute } = req;6 if (url) {7 if (firstWindow) {8 firstWindow = false;9{10 incognito: true,11 url12 });13 } else if (!firstWindow && firstTab) {14 firstTab = false;15 extension.tabs.create({ url });16 }17 }18 if (action === 'tab') {19 extension.tabs.query({ active: true }, tab =>20 extension.tabs.remove(tab[0].id)21 );22 } else if (action === 'window') {23 =>;24 }25 if (mute) {26 extension.tabs.query({ active: true }, tab =>27 extension.tabs.update(tab[0].id, { muted: true })28 );29 }30}31extension.runtime.onMessage.addListener(e => handleMessage(e)); => (firstWindow = false));...
1/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals, no-console */2/* globals clients */3self.addEventListener('push', event => {4 let notification = &&;5 event.waitUntil(6 self.registration.showNotification(notification.title, {7 tag: notification.tag,8 data: {9 url: notification.url,10 },11 })12 );13});14self.addEventListener('notificationclick', event => {15 let notification = event.notification;16 event.waitUntil(17 clients.matchAll({ type: 'window' }).then(windowClients => {18 let matchingWindowClients = windowClients.filter(19 client => client.url === );21 if (matchingWindowClients.length) {22 let firstWindow = matchingWindowClients[0];23 if (firstWindow && 'focus' in firstWindow) {24 firstWindow.focus();25 return;26 }27 }28 if (clients.openWindow) {29 clients.openWindow(;30 }31 })32 );...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const [popup] = await Promise.all([7 page.waitForEvent('popup'),8 ]);9 await popup.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded');10 await popup.close();11 await browser.close();12})();13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14(async () => {15 const browser = await chromium.launch();16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 const [popup] = await Promise.all([19 page.waitForEvent('popup'),20 ]);21 await popup.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded');22 await popup.close();23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 const [popup] = await Promise.all([31 page.waitForEvent('popup'),32 ]);33 await popup.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded');34 await popup.close();35 await browser.close();36})();37const { chromium } = require('playwright');38(async () => {39 const browser = await chromium.launch();40 const context = await browser.newContext();41 const page = await context.newPage();42 const [popup] = await Promise.all([43 page.waitForEvent('popup'),44 ]);45 await popup.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded');46 await popup.close();47 await browser.close();48})();49const { chromium } = require('playwright');50(async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const firstWindow = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {7 const { firstWindow } = window['playwright'];8 return firstWindow();9 });10 const newPage = await firstWindow.asElement().contentFrame();11 await browser.close();12})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { firstWindow } = require('@playwright/test');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });8 await browser.close();9})();10const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');11const { firstWindow } = require('@playwright/test');12test('test', async ({ page }) => {13 const window = await firstWindow();14 expect(window).toBeTruthy();15});16module.exports = {17 {18 },19};
Using AI Code Generation
1const { firstWindow } = require('@playwright/test');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await'text=Get started');8 await'text=Docs');9 const [popup] = await firstWindow();10 await'text=API');11 await'text=Page');12 await'text=class: Page');13 await'text=method:');14 await'text=Examples');15 await'text=Example: Click a button');16 await'text=Run in Playwright');17 await'text=Close');18 await'text=Browser Contexts');19 await'text=Docs');20 const [popup1] = await firstWindow();21 await'text=API');22 await'text=Browser Contexts');23 await'text=class: BrowserContext');24 await'text=method: BrowserContext.newPage');25 await'text=Examples');26 await'text=Example: Isolate cookies');27 await'text=Run in Playwright');28 await'text=Close');29 await'text=Selectors');30 await'text=Docs');31 const [popup2] = await firstWindow();32 await'text=API');33 await'text=Selectors');34 await'text=class: Selectors');35 await'text=method: Selectors.register');36 await'text=Examples');37 await'text=Example: Register a custom selector');38 await'text=Run in Playwright');39 await'text=Close');40 await'text=Test Runner');41 await'text=Docs');42 const [popup3] = await firstWindow();43 await'text=API');44 await'text=Test Runner');45 await'text=class: Test');46 await'
Using AI Code Generation
1const {firstWindow} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await firstWindow();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7})();8const {firstWindow} = require('playwright');9module.exports = {10 use: {11 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },12 launchOptions: {13 },14 contextOptions: {15 },16 pageOptions: {17 },18 },19 {20 use: {21 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },22 },23 },24 {25 use: {26 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },27 },28 },29 {30 use: {31 viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 },32 },33 },34 {35 use: {36 viewport: { width: 375, height: 812 },37 },38 },39 {40 use: {41 viewport: { width: 375, height: 812 },42 },43 },44};45import { firstWindow } from 'playwright';
Using AI Code Generation
1const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');2const browser = await chromium.launch();3const context = await browser.newContext();4const page = await context.newPage();5await firstWindow(page);6await browser.close();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');2const pw = require('playwright');3const browser = await pw.chromium.launch();4const context = await browser.newContext();5const page = await context.newPage();6await firstWindow(page);7await page.close();8await context.close();9await browser.close();
Using AI Code Generation
1const pw = require('playwright');2const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');3const context = await pw.webkit.launch().newContext();4const page = await context.newPage();5const firstPage = await firstWindow(context);6console.log(firstPage.url());7const pw = require('playwright');8const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');9const context = await pw.webkit.launch().newContext();10const page = await context.newPage();11const firstPage = await firstWindow(context);12console.log(firstPage.url());13const pw = require('playwright');14const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');15const context = await pw.webkit.launch().newContext();16const page = await context.newPage();17const firstPage = await firstWindow(context);18console.log(firstPage.url());19const pw = require('playwright');20const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');21const context = await pw.webkit.launch().newContext();22const page = await context.newPage();23const firstPage = await firstWindow(context);24console.log(firstPage.url());25const pw = require('playwright');26const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');27const context = await pw.webkit.launch().newContext();28const page = await context.newPage();29const firstPage = await firstWindow(context);30console.log(firstPage.url());
Using AI Code Generation
1const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');2(async () => {3 const context = await browser.newContext();4 await firstWindow(context);5})();6const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');7(async () => {8 const context = await browser.newContext();9 await firstWindow(context);10})();11const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');12(async () => {13 const context = await browser.newContext();14 await firstWindow(context);15})();16const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');17(async () => {18 const context = await browser.newContext();19 await firstWindow(context);20})();21const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');22(async () => {23 const context = await browser.newContext();24 await firstWindow(context);25})();26const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');27(async () => {28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 await firstWindow(context);30})();31const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');32(async () => {33 const context = await browser.newContext();34 await firstWindow(context);35})();36const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');37(async () => {38 const context = await browser.newContext();39 await firstWindow(context);40})();41const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');42(async () => {43 const context = await browser.newContext();44 await firstWindow(context);45})();46const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib
Using AI Code Generation
1const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');2const pw = require('playwright');3const { firstWindow } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');4const context = await pw.webkit.launch().newContext();5const page = await context.newPage();6const firstPage = await firstWindow(context);7console.log(firstPage.url());
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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