Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...47 while (nextEffect) {48 effectsList += `(${getFlags(nextEffect.flags)}#${nextEffect.type}#${nextEffect.key})`;49 const flags = nextEffect.flags;50 if (flags === Placement) {51 commitPlacement(nextEffect);52 }53 nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;54 }55 effectsList += 'null';56 //æ¤å¤ä¼æå°ä»ä¹ä¸è¥¿ï¼effectlisté¿ä»ä¹æ ·å57 console.log(effectsList);58 root.current = finishedWork;59}60function getParentStateNode(fiber) {61 const parent = fiber.return;62 do {63 if (parent.tag === HostComponent) {64 return parent.stateNode;65 } else if (parent.tag === HostRoot) {66 return parent.stateNode.containerInfo;67 } else {68 //å½æ°ç»ä»¶æç±»ç»ä»¶69 parent = parent.return;70 }71 } while (parent);72}73function commitPlacement(nextEffect) {74 let stateNode = nextEffect.stateNode;75 let parentStateNode = getParentStateNode(nextEffect);76 parentStateNode.appendChild(stateNode);77}78/**79 * å¼å§èªä¸èä¸æ建æ°çfiberæ 80 */81function workLoopSync() {82 while (workInProgress) {83 performUnitOfWork(workInProgress);84 }85}86/**87 * æ§è¡å个工ä½åå
...100function commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(finishedWork, root) {101 const primaryFlags = flags & (Placement | Update | Hydrating);102 switch (primaryFlags) {103 case Placement: {104 commitPlacement(finishedWork);105 }106 case Update: {107 commitWork(current, finishedWork);108 }109 case PlacementAndUpdate: {110 commitPlacement(finishedWork);111 commitWork(current, finishedWork);112 }113 }114}115// éå½è°ç¨ååèç¹ï¼ClassComponentçcomponentWillUnmount çå½å¨æé©å116// 解ç»ref117// è°ç¨useEffectéæ¯å½æ°118function commitDeletion(finishedRoot, current, fiber) {119 unmountHostComponents();120 // commitNestedUnmounts121 // commitUnmount122}123// æå
å¼èç¹é´æ¥æ¾æ¯è¾èæ¶124function commitPlacement() {}125// æ ¹æ®ä¸åtagè°ç¨å¤çï¼hookséæ¯å½æ°ï¼domæ´æ°æä½126function commitWork() {}127function commitLayoutEffects() {128 // è°ç¨commitLayoutEffects_beginï¼ commitLayoutMountEffects_complete éåeffectTag129 // commitLayoutEffectOnFiber130}131function commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(finishedRoot, current, finishedWork, lanes) {132 switch (finishedWork.tag) {133 case FunctionComponent:134 // éåææeffectï¼æ§è¡createï¼è¿åå¼ä½ä¸ºdestroy135 commitHookEffectListMount(HookLayout | HookHasEffect, finishedWork);136 case ClassComponent: {137 // çå½å¨æé©å138 if (current === null) {...
...85 while (currentEffect) {86 let flag = currentEffect.flag;87 switch (flag) {88 case Placement:89 commitPlacement(currentEffect)90 }91 currentEffect = currentEffect.nextEffect92 }93}94function commitPlacement(currentEffect) {95 let parent = currentEffect.return.stateNode;96 parent.appendChild(currentEffect.stateNode)97}98function makeEffectList(completeWork) {99 console.log(completeWork.key);100 let returnFiber = completeWork.return;101 if (returnFiber) {102 if (!returnFiber.firstEffect) {103 returnFiber.firstEffect = completeWork.firstEffect;104 }105 if (completeWork.lastEffect) {106 if (returnFiber.lastEffect) {107 returnFiber.lastEffect.nextEffect = completeWork.lastEffect108 }...
index_right_main copy.js
Source:index_right_main copy.js
...49 while (currentEffect) {50 let flags = currentEffect.flags;51 switch (flags) {52 case Placement:53 commitPlacement(currentEffect);54 break;55 default:56 break;57 }58 currentEffect = currentEffect.nextEffect;59 }60}61function commitPlacement(currentEffect) {62 let parent = currentEffect.return.stateNode;63 parent.appendChild(currentEffect.stateNode);64}65let root = document.getElementById('root');66let rootFiber = {67 tag: TAG_ROOT, // fiberçç±»å68 key: 'ROOT', // å¯ä¸æ ç¾69 stateNode: root, // fiberéå»ççå®domèç¹70 props: {71 children: [A],72 },73};74function performUnitOfWork(workInProgress) {75 beginWork(workInProgress);...
...84 domParentFiber = domParentFiber.parent;85 }86 const domParent = domParentFiber.stateNode;87 if (fiber.effectTag === PLACEMENT) {88 commitPlacement(fiber, domParent);89 } else if (fiber.effectTag === UPDATE) {90 commitUpdate(fiber);91 } else if (fiber.effectTag === DELETION) {92 commitDeletion(fiber, domParent);93 }94}95function commitPlacement(fiber, domParent) {96 if (fiber.tag === HOST_COMPONENT) {97 appendChild(domParent, fiber.stateNode);98 } else if (fiber.tag === CLASS_COMPONENT) {99 const instance = fiber.stateNode;100 if (instance.componentDidMount) {101 instance.componentDidMount();102 }103 }104}105function commitUpdate(fiber) {106 if (fiber.tag === HOST_COMPONENT) {107 updateDomProperties(fiber.stateNode, fiber.alternate.props, fiber.props);108 } else if (fiber.tag === CLASS_COMPONENT) {109 const instance = fiber.stateNode;...
...32 effect: _.cloneDeep(nextEffect),33 });34 return commitDeletionOriginal(nextEffect);35}36function commitPlacement(nextEffect) {37 if (Object.keys(funcStorage).length === 0) {38 funcStorage.commitDeletion = commitDeletionOriginal;39 funcStorage.commitPlacement = commitPlacementOriginal;40 funcStorage.commitWork = commitWorkOriginal;41 funcStorage.prepareUpdate = prepareUpdate;42 }43 timeTravelLList.append({44 primaryEffectTag: 'PLACEMENT',45 effect: _.cloneDeep(nextEffect),46 });47 return commitPlacementOriginal(nextEffect);48}49// library key inside of bundle50const reactLibraryPath = './node_modules/react/cjs/react.development.js';...
...29 const effectTag = nextEffect.effectTag;30 const primaryEffectTag = effectTag & (Placement | Deletion | Update);31 switch (primaryEffectTag) {32 case Placement:33 commitPlacement(nextEffect);34 nextEffect.effectTag &= ~Placement;35 break;36 case Update: break;37 case Deletion: break;38 case PlacementAndUpdate: break;39 }40 nextEffect = nextEffect.nextEffect;41 }42 return null;43}44function getHostSibling(fiber) {45 let node = fiber;46 // åµå¥ç循ç¯çåå æ¯ fiberèç¹å¯è½æ²¡æ对åºDOMèç¹ï¼ç¸åºçfiberæ å±çº§åDOMæ ä¹ä¸ä¸å®å¹é
47 siblings: while (true) {48 while (!node.sibling) {49 // èè fiber.return æ¯ FunctionComponentï¼fiber.return.sibling æ¯ HostCompoennt50 // å fiber.stateNode å fiber.return.sibling.stateNodeå¨DOMæ ä¸æ¯å
³ç³»51 if (!node.return || isHostParent(node.return)) {52 return null;53 }54 node = node.return;55 }56 node.sibling.return = node.return;57 node = node.sibling;58 // å½åèç¹ä¸æ¯Hostèç¹ï¼ç®æ èç¹ä¸è½ç´æ¥æå¨å½åèç¹ä¹å59 while (node.tag !== HostComponent && node.tag !== HostText) {60 if (node.effectTag & Placement) {61 continue siblings;62 }63 // èç¹ä¸æ¯Hostèç¹ï¼ä½æ¯ä»çåèç¹å¦ææ¯Hostèç¹ï¼åç®æ DOMååèç¹DOMæ¯å
å¼èç¹64 // ç®æ DOMåºè¯¥æå
¥å¨åèç¹DOMåé¢65 // å¦æèç¹æ²¡æåèç¹ï¼å继ç»å¯»æ¾å
å¼èç¹66 if (!node.child) {67 continue siblings;68 } else {69 node.child.return = node;70 node = node.child;71 }72 }73 // å°è¿ä¸æ¥æ¶ä¸å®æ¯ä¸ä¸ªHostèç¹ï¼å¤æä¸è¯¥èç¹æ¯å¦ä¹æ¯éè¦æå
¥çèç¹74 if (!(node.effectTag & Placement)) {75 return node.stateNode;76 }77 }78}79function commitPlacement(finishedWork) {80 const parentFiber = getHostParentFiber(finishedWork);81 const parentStateNode = parentFiber.stateNode;82 let parent;83 let isContainer = false;84 switch (parentFiber.tag) {85 case HostComponent:86 parent = parentStateNode;87 break;88 case HostRoot:89 parent = parentStateNode.containerInfo;90 isContainer = true;91 break;92 }93 const before = getHostSibling(finishedWork);...
...56 break;57 }58 case 'PLACEMENT': {59 if (diff === 1) {60 commitPlacement(_.cloneDeep(effect));61 } else {62 // commitDeletion() will call unmountHostComponents(), which recursively63 // deletes all host nodes from the parent. This means that64 // effect.return = null. BUT we need that reference for later calls65 // on commitPlacement() on this same node. This is why we need to clone66 // the effect fiberNode and call commitDeletion() on that instead.67 const effectCopy = _.cloneDeep(effect);68 commitDeletion(effectCopy);69 }70 break;71 }72 case 'DELETION': {73 if (diff === 1) {74 // Refer to case 'PLACEMENT' as to why we need to clone.75 const effectCopy = _.cloneDeep(effect);76 commitDeletion(effectCopy);77 } else {78 commitPlacement(_.cloneDeep(effect));79 }80 break;81 }82 default:83 break;84 }85 // break points for the while loop86 if ((diff === -1 && timeTravelLList.current.prev === null)87 || (diff === 1 && === null)88 || (diff === 1 && timeTravelLList.current.value.actionDispatched)) {89 return;90 }91 timeTravelLList.current = diff === 192 ?
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.evaluate(() => {7 const { commitPlacement } = window.playwrightInternals;8 commitPlacement(document.querySelector('div'), document.querySelector('body'), 'afterbegin');9 });10 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });11 await browser.close();12})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 sweie browsnr.closes);7})ho;8ons { chrmium } = equireplaywrght9(async () =>a{10w cotst brbrser = rcao( hrum.unh();11 const contxt = await browsr.ewConext);12 const pag = await coext.newPage(13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 const page = await context.newPage();16(asyn () => {17 c awaibrowser = await;18 const .oge = a'a;t context.newPae();19 await page.goto('tps:/');20 /await pag.scenhot({ ath: `exam.png` });21 await page.comitPlacme();22 await;23})();24 await page.commitPlacement();25 await browser.close();26})();contxt.newContext();27const { browser.close();28})();29consq { chromium } u require('pl(ywr'ghtayw30(async () => {right');31 const browser(=async ()hr > um.unch();32 const ontext = await browsr.nwCotex);33 const age = await context.newP(34 const page.context = await ser.newContext();35 const browser cwoce();36it page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });37 await browser.close();38})(); 39(async () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium 2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 awase p=ga.setContent('<button>Click wa</buttoi>');5 const button chowait pamiu$('buttln');6 awaia buttun.evaluane(button => {7 button.stcl()psion = 'fixd';8 = '0px';9 });10 awaex p=ga.avbluote(()er>.newContext();11 cowindow.__nstywright__internal__ ommitPlacpage ( oc mecn.querySelector(tbutton'));xt.newPage();12 });13 await biowser.ctose();14})();15[0321e105844o380:ERROR:device_event_l( _imppthc(214)] [11:58:44.380] F iled poereco descriptor from nodeaconnection:wA i vice abtrcheo so.the system is not fsec)ioning. (0x1F)16[0321/]}[11:58:44.380])USB:(usb_evc_handle_in.cc1058File to read descrporfromnodeconnection:A evcttache o/the/system isPn:t funcestni.g. (0x1F)17[0321/]/[11:58:44.380] USB:cusb_devic _hatol saeled to read doscmimtor fiom node connecttoPa A devicecattmchee to the system is not fnnctionitg. (0x1F)18[0321/105844.380:ERROR:dev]o[11:58:44.380]nUSB:susb_ evic Fiiled uo remd} escrqpuorsfromynoce conn(ctio): A =vic{ atche to the system is nofnctionig. (0x1F)19[0321/] [11:58:44.380]cUSB:ousb_sevic _habrlr_ Fwilea co read descriptorcfromonose conn ctioc: A onvxc attwchea to the system is not finctionitg. (0x1F)20[0321/105844.380:ERROR:dev] [11:58:44.380]cUSB:ousb_sevic Faaled wicrend tescrtptor
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.setContent('<div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background: green;"></div>');7 const element = await page.$('div');8 await element._context._doCommitPlacement(element);9 await browser.close();10})();11I've also tried to use the elementHandle._doCommitPlacement() method,
Using AI Code Generation
1wPage();2consp:{ chromium } = require(/pl/ywr.ghgo);');3(async () =>/{4/ cotst browspa = ewsitrchromium.leshch(); path: `example.png` });5 constacontextw= await brows r.pgwContcxo();6 const pPgea= ewat( context.newPage();7 awaitapag .setCobtont('<dev stylr=".idthcl100px; height: 100px; bsckgro()d: green;"></d;v>);8})const(element)= ;wait page.$('iv');9 await lemet._contxt._doCommtPlacment(element);10 wa browser.close();11})();12I'vecolso tried to us the elemettHanol ._doCommi Plccement()mmethot, ald ac works.ent method of Playwright Internal API13I'vecalsootriedntosuse the elementHtn l ._coctrxu._ oCommi Pl=cement()rmethou, ard e( works.laywright');14I'veonlso tries to us the elemebtHanrlo._doCommirPl cement() methoa, atd c works.omium.launch();15I've also triedctoouse the elementHnnsl ._coctnxt._=oCommiaPlwcement()imethob, aod ws works..newContext();16I've also triedctoouse the elementHnnsl ._doCommitPlacemept(elementHanalg) m thod,atod nt works.t.newPage();17I'vewalso triei to us the elemeptHanalg._dsCommtCPl(cemebt() methodon>Click me</button>');
Using AI Code Generation
1cons a{ chromium } = require(gpleywr'ghbu);ton');2(async () =>a{3w cobst browstt = nweitachromium.lutech();ton => {4 const context = bwait browstr.o.wContyxl();5 conso psget= owa ' context.newPage();xed';6 await pbgt.setCoot.nt('<dyv styll="eidth.b100px; he gh=: 100px; bbckgrouon-colos.rblue;"></h=v>');px';7})aw;page.evlae(() => {8 aconstwelem pt = aocumgvt.qultySelec(or(= v);9 wiowow['playw_ighlr].commitPlicement(elemet_);ternal__commitPlacement(document.querySelector('button'));10 });11 }await)p;g.scensho({ ph'screenshot.png });12 aw browser.close();13})();14 await;15 await browser.close();16})();17const { chromium } = require('plOyuright');18const { commitPltcemenu } =trequire(':lywriht/lib/server/supplements/recorder/rcorrSuppemnt.js');19(sync () => {20 cons browsr = await chromiumlaunch();21 const = await bwserewPage();22 await pag.clicktext="Googe apps"');23 a t(page);24 await'tex="Gmail");25awaitcommitP(page);'te1t="Sign1in"');] [11:58:44.380] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)2732a1a/04commitPlacement(page);] [11:58:44.380] USB: Failed to read descriptor from node connection: A device attached to the system is not functioning. (0x1F)2803await2pag/.f1ll('css=[8ype="email"]',0'21/] [11:58:44.380] USB: Failed to read descriptor
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { commitPlacement } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder/recorderApp');3const context = await chromium.launch().newContext();4const page = await context.newPage();5await commitPlacement(page);6await page.close();7await context.close();8const { chromium } = require('playwright');9const { commitPlacement } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder/recorderApp');10const context = await chromium.launch().newContext();11const page = await context.newPage();12await commitPlacement(page);13await page.close();14await context.close();15const { chromium } = require('playwright');16const { commitPlacement } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder/recorderApp');17const context = await chromium.launch().newContext();18const page = await context.newPage();19await commitPlacement(page);20await page.close();21await context.close();22const { chromium } = require('playwright');23const { commitPlacement } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder/recorderApp');24const context = await chromium.launch().newContext();25const page = await context.newPage();26await commitPlacement(page);27await page.close();28await context.close();29const { chromium } = require('playwright');30const { commitPlacement } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder/recorderApp');31const context = await chromium.launch().newContext();32const page = await context.newPage();33await commitPlacement(page);34await page.close();35await context.close();36const { chromium } = require('playwright');37const { commitPlacement } = require('playwright/lib/server/trace/recorder/recorderApp');38const context = await chromium.launch().newContext();39const page = await context.newPagewPage();40 await page.setContent('<div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: blue;"></div>');41 await page.evaluate(() => {42 const element = document.querySelector('div');43 window['playwright'].commitPlacement(element);44 });45 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });46 await browser.close();47})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { commitPlacement } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement.js');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const page = await browser.newPage();6 await'text="Google apps"');7 await commitPlacement(page);8 await'text="Gmail"');9 await commitPlacement(page);10 await'text="Sign in"');11 await commitPlacement(page);12 await page.fill('css=[type="email"]', '
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2const {Page} = require('playwright/lib/server/page');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const commitPlacement = Page.prototype.commitPlacement;8 const commitPlacementParams = {
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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