Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...10contextGroup.setupInjectedScriptEnvironment();11InspectorTest.runTestSuite([12 function boxedObjects(next)13 {14 checkExpression("new Number(239)")15 .then(() => checkExpression("new Boolean(false)"))16 .then(() => checkExpression("new String(\"abc\")"))17 .then(() => checkExpression("Object(Symbol(42))"))18 .then(() => checkExpression("Object(BigInt(2))"))19 .then(next);20 },21 function promise(next)22 {23 checkExpression("Promise.resolve(42)")24 .then(() => checkExpression("new Promise(() => undefined)"))25 .then(next);26 },27 function generatorObject(next)28 {29 checkExpression("(function* foo() { yield 1 })()")30 .then(next);31 },32 function entriesInMapAndSet(next)33 {34 checkExpression("new Map([[1,2]])")35 .then(() => checkExpression("new Set([1])"))36 .then(() => checkExpression("new WeakMap([[{}, 42]])"))37 .then(() => checkExpression("new WeakSet([{}])"))38 .then(next);39 },40 function iteratorObject(next)41 {42 checkExpression("(new Map([[1,2]])).entries()")43 .then(() => checkExpression("(new Set([1,2])).entries()"))44 .then(next);45 },46 function noPreviewForFunctionObject(next)47 {48 var expression = "(function foo(){})";49 InspectorTest.log(expression);50 Protocol.Runtime.evaluate({ expression: expression, generatePreview: true})51 .then(message => InspectorTest.logMessage(message))52 .then(next);53 },54 function otherObjects(next)55 {56 checkExpression("[1,2,3]")57 .then(() => checkExpression("/123/"))58 .then(() => checkExpression("({})"))59 .then(next);60 },61 function overridenArrayGetter(next)62 {63 Protocol.Runtime.evaluate({ expression: "Array.prototype.__defineGetter__(\"0\",() => { throw new Error() }) "})64 .then(() => checkExpression("Promise.resolve(42)"))65 .then(next);66 },67 function privateNames(next)68 {69 checkExpression("new class { #foo = 1; #bar = 2; baz = 3;}")70 .then(() => checkExpression("new class extends class { #baz = 3; } { #foo = 1; #bar = 2; }"))71 .then(() => checkExpression("new class extends class { constructor() { return new Proxy({}, {}); } } { #foo = 1; #bar = 2; }"))72 .then(next);73 },74 function functionProxy(next)75 {76 checkExpression("new Proxy(() => {}, { get: () => x++ })")77 .then(next);78 }79]);80function checkExpression(expression)81{82 InspectorTest.log(`expression: ${expression}`);83 // console.table has higher limits for internal properties amount in preview.84 return Protocol.Runtime.evaluate({ expression: `console.table(${expression})`, generatePreview: true });85}86function dumpInternalPropertiesAndEntries(message)87{88 var properties;89 var entries;90 try {91 var preview = message.params.args[0].preview;92 properties =;93 entries = preview.entries;94 } catch (e) {...
...5let {session, contextGroup, Protocol} = InspectorTest.start('Checks internal [[Entries]] in Runtime.getProperties output');6Protocol.Runtime.enable();7InspectorTest.runTestSuite([8 function maps(next) {9 checkExpression('new Map([[1,2],[3,4]])')10 .then(() => checkExpression('new Map()'))11 .then(next);12 },13 function mapIterators(next) {14 checkExpression('new Map([[1,2],[3,4]]).entries()')15 .then(() => checkExpression('it = new Map([[1,2],[3,4]]).entries();; it'))16 .then(() => checkExpression('it = new Map([[1,2],[3,4]]).keys();; it'))17 .then(() => checkExpression('it = new Map([[1,2],[3,4]]).values();; it'))18 .then(() => checkExpression('it = new Map([[1,2],[3,4]]).entries();;; it'))19 .then(() => checkExpression('new Map([[1, undefined], [2, () => 42], [3, /abc/], [4, new Error()]]).entries()'))20 .then(next);21 },22 function sets(next) {23 checkExpression('new Set([1,2])')24 .then(() => checkExpression('new Set()'))25 .then(next);26 },27 function setIterators(next) {28 checkExpression('new Set([1,2]).values()')29 .then(() => checkExpression('it = new Set([1,2]).values();; it'))30 .then(() => checkExpression('it = new Set([1,2]).keys();; it'))31 .then(() => checkExpression('it = new Set([1,2]).entries();; it'))32 .then(() => checkExpression('it = new Set([1,2]).values();;; it'))33 .then(next);34 },35 function weakMaps(next) {36 checkExpression('new WeakMap()')37 .then(() => checkExpression('new WeakMap([[{ a: 2 }, 42]])'))38 .then(next);39 },40 function weakSets(next) {41 checkExpression('new WeakSet()')42 .then(() => checkExpression('new WeakSet([{a:2}])'))43 .then(next);44 }45]);46function checkExpression(expression)47{48 InspectorTest.log(`expression: ${expression}`);49 var entriesObjectId;50 return Protocol.Runtime.evaluate({ expression: expression })51 .then(message => Protocol.Runtime.getProperties({ objectId: message.result.result.objectId }))52 .then(message => message.result.internalProperties.filter(p => === '[[Entries]]')[0])53 .then(entries => entriesObjectId = entries.value.objectId)54 .then(() => Protocol.Runtime.callFunctionOn({ objectId: entriesObjectId, functionDeclaration: 'function f() { return this; }', returnByValue: true }))55 .then(message => InspectorTest.logMessage(message.result.result.value))56 .then(() => Protocol.Runtime.getProperties({ objectId: entriesObjectId, ownProperties: true }))57 .then(message => InspectorTest.logMessage(message));...
...12Protocol.Runtime.enable();13Protocol.Debugger.enable();14InspectorTest.runTestSuite([15 function generatorFunction(next) {16 checkExpression('(function* foo() { yield 1 })').then(next);17 },18 function regularFunction(next) {19 checkExpression('(function foo() {})').then(next);20 },21 function boxedObjects(next) {22 checkExpression('new Number(239)')23 .then(() => checkExpression('new Boolean(false)'))24 .then(() => checkExpression('new String(\'abc\')'))25 .then(() => checkExpression('Object(Symbol(42))'))26 .then(() => checkExpression("Object(BigInt(2))"))27 .then(next);28 },29 function promise(next) {30 checkExpression('Promise.resolve(42)')31 .then(() => checkExpression('new Promise(() => undefined)'))32 .then(next);33 },34 function generatorObject(next) {35 checkExpression('gen1')36 .then(() => checkExpression(';gen1'))37 .then(() => checkExpression(';gen1'))38 .then(next);39 },40 function generatorObjectDebuggerDisabled(next) {41 Protocol.Debugger.disable()42 .then(() => checkExpression('gen2'))43 .then(() => checkExpression(';gen2'))44 .then(() => checkExpression(';gen2'))45 .then(next);46 },47 function iteratorObject(next) {48 checkExpression('(new Map([[1,2]])).entries()')49 .then(() => checkExpression('(new Set([[1,2]])).entries()'))50 .then(next);51 }52]);53function checkExpression(expression)54{55 InspectorTest.log(`expression: ${expression}`);56 return Protocol.Runtime.evaluate({ expression: expression })57 .then(message => Protocol.Runtime.getProperties({ objectId: message.result.result.objectId }))58 .then(message => { delete message.result.result; return message; })59 .then(InspectorTest.logMessage);...
Using AI Code Generation
1const {checkExpression} = require('playwright');2const {chromium} = require('playwright');3const browser = await chromium.launch();4const context = await browser.newContext();5const page = await context.newPage();6let isElementVisible = await checkExpression(page, 'document.querySelector("text=Get Started")', 'visible');7console.log('Is element visible: ', isElementVisible);8await browser.close();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { checkExpression } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');3const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');4const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');5const { chromium } = require('playwright');6(async () => {7 const browser = await chromium.launch();8 const context = await browser.newContext();9 const page = await context.newPage();10 const frame = page.mainFrame();11 const checkExpressionInternal = checkExpression.bind(frame);12 const result = await checkExpressionInternal('document.title', 'Google');13 console.log(result);14 await browser.close();15})();16const { checkExpression } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');17const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');18const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');19const { BrowserContext } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');20const { chromium } = require('playwright');21(async () => {22 const browser = await chromium.launch();23 const context = await browser.newContext();24 const page = await context.newPage();25 const frame = page.mainFrame();26 const checkExpressionInternal = checkExpression.bind(frame);27 const result = await checkExpressionInternal('document.title', 'Test Page');28 console.log(result);29 await browser.close();30})();31const { checkExpression
Using AI Code Generation
1const {checkExpression} = require('playwright-core/lib/server/frames');2const {Frame} = require('playwright-core/lib/server/chromium/crPage');3const {JSHandle} = require('playwright-core/lib/server/jsHandle');4async function main() {5 const frame = new Frame(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);6 const handle = await frame.evaluateHandle(() => document);7 const result = await checkExpression(handle, 'window.location.href');8 console.log(result);9}10main();11const {checkExpression} = require('playwright-core/lib/server/frames');12const {Frame} = require('playwright-core/lib/server/chromium/crPage');13const {JSHandle} = require('playwright-core/lib/server/jsHandle');14async function main() {15 const frame = new Frame(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);16 const handle = await frame.evaluateHandle(() => document);17 const result = await checkExpression(handle, 'window.location.href');18 console.log(result);19}20main();21const { chromium } = require('playwright');22const { checkExpression } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/frames');23(async () => {24 const browser = await chromium.launch();25 const context = await browser.newContext();26 const page = await context.newPage();27 const handle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => document);28 const result = await checkExpression(handle, 'window.location.href');29 console.log(result);30 await browser.close();31})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { _electron } = require('playwright');2async function main() {3 const page = await _electron.launch().then(e => e.firstPage());4 const result = await page._delegate.checkExpression('1 + 1');5 console.log(result);6}7main();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {checkExpression} = require('playwright/lib/internal/inspector');2const assert = require('assert');3const playwright = require('playwright');4const { chromium } = playwright;5(async () => {6 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });7 const context = await browser.newContext();8 const page = await context.newPage();9 const expression = 'document.querySelector("text=Get started")';10 const result = await checkExpression(page, expression);11 assert.strictEqual(result.value, true);12 assert.strictEqual(result.exceptionDetails, undefined);13 await browser.close();14})();15const {checkExpression} = require('playwright/lib/internal/inspector');16const assert = require('assert');17const playwright = require('playwright');18const { chromium } = playwright;19(async () => {20 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });21 const context = await browser.newContext();22 const page = await context.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { checkExpression } = require('@playwright/test/lib/api/test');2const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');3test('checkExpression test', async ({ page }) => {4 const result = await checkExpression(page, 'window.location.hostname === ""');5 expect(result).toBe(true);6});7test('checkExpression test', async ({ page }) => {8 const result = await checkExpression(page, 'window.location.hostname === "playwright.dev1"');9 expect(result).toBe(false);10});11test('checkExpression test', async ({ page }) => {12 const result = await checkExpression(page, 'window.location.hostname === "playwright.dev1"');13 expect(result).toBe(true);14});15test('checkExpression test', async ({ page }) => {16 const result = await checkExpression(page, 'window.location.hostname === ""');17 expect(result).toBe(false);18});19test('checkExpression test', async ({ page }) => {20 const result = await checkExpression(page, 'window.location.hostname === "playwright.dev1"');21 expect(result).toBe(false);22});23test('checkExpression test', async ({ page }) => {24 const result = await checkExpression(page, 'window.location.hostname === "playwright.dev1"');25 expect(result).toBe(true);26});27test('checkExpression test', async ({ page }) => {28 const result = await checkExpression(page, 'window.location.hostname === ""');29 expect(result).toBe(true);30});31test('checkExpression test', async ({ page }) => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { checkExpression } = require("@playwright/test/lib/api/evaluators");2const { expect } = require("@playwright/test");3const code = "document.querySelector('h1').innerText";4const value = await checkExpression(page, code, undefined, { timeout: 5000 });5expect(value).toBe("My Page");6import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '@playwright/test';7const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {8 use: {9 viewport: { width: 1920, height: 1080 },10 },11};12export default config;13const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');14test('My test', async ({ page }) => {15 const value = await checkExpression(page, "document.querySelector('h1').innerText", undefined, { timeout: 5000 });16 expect(value).toBe("My Page");17});18Using the code in the test file with the checkExpression method imported from the Playwright API19Using the code in the test file with the checkExpression method imported from the Playwright API using the20Using the code in the test file with the checkExpression method imported from the Playwright API using the21Using the code in the test file with the checkExpression method imported from the Playwright API using the22Using the code in the test file with the checkExpression method imported from the Playwright API using the23Using the code in the test file with the checkExpression method imported from the Playwright API using the24Using the code in the test file with the checkExpression method imported from the Playwright API using the25Using the code in the test file with the checkExpression method imported from the Playwright API using the
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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