Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...6 * Because most name derivations are only textual manipulations of input strings, the7 * results can be cached. This is handled by the `apply` method by giving it the name of8 * the method to call. For example:9 * 10 * var str = namer.capitalize('foo'); // = "Foo"11 * 12 * var str = namer.apply('capitalize', 'foo');13 * 14 * The return value of the second call (using `apply`) is the same as the first, however,15 * the results of `capitalize` are cached. This allows repeated calls to `apply` given the16 * same operation and string to avoid the extra string manipulation.17 * 18 * # Usage19 * 20 * This class is not intended to be created by application code. It is created by `Schema`21 * instances as directed by the `namer` config. Application code can derive from this22 * class and set the `namer` config to customize naming conventions used by the `Schema`.23 * 24 * @protected25 */26Ext.define('', {27 mixins: [28 'Ext.mixin.Factoryable'29 ],3031 requires: [32 'Ext.util.Inflector'33 ],3435 alias: 'namer.default', // also configures Factoryable3637 isNamer: true,3839 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------40 // Cacheable methods4142 capitalize: function (name) {43 return Ext.String.capitalize(name);44 },4546 /**47 * Given the name of a foreign key field, return the role of the related entity. For48 * example, fields like "fooId" or "foo_id" this implementation returns "foo".49 * @template50 */51 fieldRole: function (name) {52 var match = name.match(this.endsWithIdRe, '');53 if (match) {54 name = name.substr(0, name.length - (match[1] || match[2]).length);55 }56 return this.apply('uncapitalize', name);57 },5859 idField: function (name) {60 // ex: User ==> userId61 return this.apply('uncapitalize,singularize', name) + 'Id';62 },6364 instanceName: function(roleName) {65 return this.apply('underscore', roleName);66 },6768 multiRole: function (name) {69 return this.apply('undotted,uncapitalize,pluralize', name);70 },7172 pluralize: function (name) {73 return Ext.util.Inflector.pluralize(name);74 },75 76 readerRoot: function (roleName) {77 return this.apply('uncapitalize', roleName);78 },7980 singularize: function (name) {81 return Ext.util.Inflector.singularize(name);82 },8384 storeName: function (roleName) {85 return this.apply('underscore', roleName);86 },8788 uncapitalize: function (name) {89 return Ext.String.uncapitalize(name);90 },9192 underscore: function (name) {93 return '_' + name;94 },9596 uniRole: function (name) {97 return this.apply('undotted,uncapitalize,singularize', name);98 },99100 undotted: function (name) {101 if (name.indexOf('.') < 0) {102 return name;103 }
1onEvent('gas.registry', event => {2 event.create("neutron_gas").color(00000000).texture("kubejs:gases/neutron_gas.png").displayName('Neutron Gas')3 event.create("chloroethane_gas").color(15925222).displayName('Chloroethane Gas')4 event.create("chloromethane_gas").color(15073228).displayName('Chloromethane Gas')5 event.create("methane_gas").color(15921906).displayName('Methane Gas')6 event.create("proton_gas").color(14886251).displayName('Proton Gas')7 event.create("anti_hydrogen_gas").color(16777215).displayName('Anti Hydrogen Gas')8 event.create("anti_positron_gas").color(8926717).displayName('Anti Positron Gas')9 event.create("secret_spices_gas").color(14286796).displayName('Secret Spices Gas')10 event.create("dip_gas").color(3407667).displayName('Dip Gas')11 const generalGases = [];12 let metals_gas = [13 {metal: 'aluminum', color: 'e2e3e1'},14 {metal: 'cobalt', color: '0264ae'},15 {metal: 'copper', color: 'df8e50'},16 {metal: 'gold', color: 'ffff7a'},17 {metal: 'iron', color: 'd3d3d3'},18 {metal: 'lead', color: '7d8ea3'},19 {metal: 'nickel', color: 'c1bcaf'},20 {metal: 'osmium', color: 'a5defc'},21 {metal: 'silver', color: 'e6e6e6'},22 {metal: 'thallasium', color: '7ddbc7'},23 {metal: 'tin', color: 'cfd3d9'},24 {metal: 'uranium', color: '547852'},25 {metal: 'zinc', color: '91898c'}26 ];27 let gasTypes = ['disintegrated', 'bubbly', 'spicy', 'steamed', 'dipped', 'filtered'];28 gasTypes.forEach((gasType) => {29 metals_gas.forEach((metal) => {30 generalGases.push({id: `${gasType}_${metal.metal}_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`${metal.color}`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`${gasType}`) + ' ' + capitalizeFirstLetter(`${metal.metal}`) + ' ' + 'Gas' });31 });32 });33 generalGases.forEach((gas) => {34 //console.log(`Created new ID as ${} with color: ${gas.texture}`);35 event.create(`${gas.display}`)36 });37 const nuclearGases = [38 {id: `tbu_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`242424`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`tbu`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },39 {id: `tbu_depleted_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`121212`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`depleted`) + ' ' + capitalizeFirstLetter(`tbu`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },40 {id: `233_leu_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`004000`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`leu-233`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },41 {id: `233_leu_depleted_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`003000`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`depleted`) + ' ' + capitalizeFirstLetter(`leu-233`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },42 {id: `235_leu_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`336633`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`leu-235`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },43 {id: `235_leu_depleted_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`738673`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`depleted`) + ' ' + capitalizeFirstLetter(`leu-235`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },44 {id: `241_hep_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`CACACA`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`hep-241`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },45 {id: `241_hep_depleted_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`452404`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`depleted`) + ' ' + capitalizeFirstLetter(`hep-241`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },46 {id: `241_mox_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`89be9e`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`mox-241`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },47 {id: `241_mox_depleted_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`4a8762`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`depleted`) + ' ' + capitalizeFirstLetter(`mox-241`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },48 {id: `239_mox_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`40826d`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`mox-239`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },49 {id: `239_mox_depleted_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`336857`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`depleted`) + ' ' + capitalizeFirstLetter(`mox-239`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },50 {id: `247_lecm_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`5a005a`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`lecm-247`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },51 {id: `247_lecm_depleted_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`620021`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`depleted`) + ' ' + capitalizeFirstLetter(`lecm-247`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },52 {id: `243_lecm_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`480048`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`lecm-243`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },53 {id: `243_lecm_depleted_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`7b0029`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`depleted`) + ' ' + capitalizeFirstLetter(`lecm-243`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },54 {id: `249_hecf_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`800020`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`hecf-249`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },55 {id: `249_hecf_depleted_gas`, texture: hexToDec(`66001a`), display: capitalizeFirstLetter(`depleted`) + ' ' + capitalizeFirstLetter(`hecf-249`) + ' ' + 'Gas' },56 ];57 nuclearGases.forEach((gas) => {58 //console.log(`Created new ID as ${} with color: ${gas.texture}`);59 event.create(`${gas.display}`)60 });61 function hexToDec(hexString) {62 return parseInt(hexString, 16);63 }64 function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {65 return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);66 }...
1import { formatFileSize, isDefinedGlobally } from './utils'2// capitalizeFirstLetter (string) {4 return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1)5}6const messages = {7 _default: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} ei oma sobivat väärtust.`,8 after: (field, [target]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema hiljem kui ${target}.`,9 alpha: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} võib sisaldada ainult tähti.`,10 alpha_dash: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} võib sisaldada ainult tähti, numbreid, kriipse ja alakriipse.`,11 alpha_num: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} võib sisaldada ainult tähti ja numbreid.`,12 alpha_spaces: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} võib sisaldada ainult tähti ja tühikuid.`,13 before: (field, [target]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema varem kui ${target}.`,14 between: (field, [min, max]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab jääma vahemikku ${min} kuni ${max}.`,15 confirmed: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} on kontrollist erinev.`,16 credit_card: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} ei oma sobivat väärtust.`,17 date_between: (field, [min, max]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema vahemikus ${min} kuni ${max}.`,18 date_format: (field, [format]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema kujul ${format}.`,19 decimal: (field, [decimals = '*'] = []) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema number ja võib sisaldada ${decimals === '*' ? 'komakohta' : `${decimals} numbrit pärast koma`}.`,20 digits: (field, [length]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab koosnema täpselt ${length}-st numbrist.`,21 dimensions: (field, [width, height]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema ${width} korda ${height} pikslit suur.`,22 email: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema e-maili aadress.`,23 excluded: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} ei oma sobivat väärtust.`,24 ext: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema sobiv fail.`,25 image: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema pilt.`,26 included: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} ei oma sobivat väärtust.`,27 ip: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema IP-aadress.`,28 max: (field, [length]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} ei tohi olla pikem kui ${length} tähemärki.`,29 max_value: (field, [max]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema ${max} või väisem.`,30 mimes: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema sobivat tüüpi fail.`,31 min: (field, [length]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema vähemalt ${length} tähemärki pikk.`,32 min_value: (field, [min]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema ${min} või suurem.`,33 numeric: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} võib sisaldada ainult numbreid.`,34 regex: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} pole sobival kujul.`,35 required: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} on nõutud väli.`,36 size: (field, [size]) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema väiksem kui ${formatFileSize(size)}.`,37 url: (field) => `${capitalizeFirstLetter(field)} peab olema URL.`,38}39const locale = {40 name: 'et',41 messages,42 attributes: {},43}44if (isDefinedGlobally()) {45 ReeValidate.Validator.localize({ []: locale })46}...
1/* global expect, capitalize */2describe('capitalize(word)', function () {3 beforeEach(function () {4 expect(capitalize)'function');5 });6 it('returns "A" for "a"', function () {7 var input = 'a';8 var output = capitalize(input);9 expect(output).to.equal('A');10 });11 it('returns "Link" for "link"', function () {12 var input = 'link';13 var output = capitalize(input);14 expect(output).to.equal('Link');15 });16 it('returns "To" for "tO"', function () {17 var input = 'tO';18 var output = capitalize(input);19 expect(output).to.equal('To');20 });21 it('returns "The" for "ThE"', function () {22 var input = 'ThE';23 var output = capitalize(input);24 expect(output).to.equal('The');25 });26 it('returns "Past" for "pAsT"', function () {27 var input = 'pAsT';28 var output = capitalize(input);29 expect(output).to.equal('Past');30 });31 it('returns "Hookshot" for "hookshot"', function () {32 var input = 'hookshot';33 var output = capitalize(input);34 expect(output).to.equal('Hookshot');35 });36 it('returns "Bow" for "bow"', function () {37 var input = 'bow';38 var output = capitalize(input);39 expect(output).to.equal('Bow');40 });41 it('returns "Bombs" for "bombs"', function () {42 var input = 'bombs';43 var output = capitalize(input);44 expect(output).to.equal('Bombs');45 });46 it('returns "Sword" for "sword"', function () {47 var input = 'sword';48 var output = capitalize(input);49 expect(output).to.equal('Sword');50 });...
1"use strict";2var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {3 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;4 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);5 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;6 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;7};8var core_1 = require('@angular/core');9/*10 * Capitalizes the firsst character of each word. For caps lock on all characters in a word, use the default pipe 'uppercase' from angular framework. Similarly 'lowercase' for Lowercase11 *12 * */13var CapitalizePipe = (function () {14 function CapitalizePipe() {15 }16 CapitalizePipe.prototype.transform = function (value) {17 if (!value)18 return value;19 return value.replace(/\w\S*/g, function (txt) {20 return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();21 });22 /*if (value) {23 return value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1);24 }25 return value;*/26 };27 CapitalizePipe = __decorate([28 core_1.Pipe({ name: 'capitalize' })29 ], CapitalizePipe);30 return CapitalizePipe;31}());...
2var chai = require("chai");3var expect = chai.expect;4describe("capitalize", function() {5 it("leaves empty strings alone", function() {6 expect(capitalize("")).to.equal("");7 });8 it("leaves strings with no words alone", function() {9 expect(capitalize(" ")).to.equal(" ");10 expect(capitalize("123")).to.equal("123");11 });12 it("capitalizes single words", function() {13 expect(capitalize("express")).to.equal("Express");14 expect(capitalize("cats")).to.equal("Cats");15 });16 it("makes the rest of the string lowercase", function() {17 expect(capitalize("javaScript")).to.equal("Javascript");18 });19 it("capitalizes multiple-word strings", function() {20 expect(capitalize("what is Express?")).to.equal("What is express?");21 expect(capitalize("i love lamp")).to.equal("I love lamp");22 });23 it("leaves already-capitalized words alone", function() {24 expect(capitalize("Express")).to.equal("Express");25 expect(capitalize("Evan")).to.equal("Evan");26 expect(capitalize("Catman")).to.equal("Catman");27 });28 it("capitalizes String objects without changing their values", function() {29 var str = new String("who is JavaScript?");30 expect(capitalize(str)).to.equal("Who is javascript?");31 expect(str.valueOf()).to.equal("who is JavaScript?");32 });...
1import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils'2type cases = [3 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'foobar'>, 'Foobar'>>,4 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'FOOBAR'>, 'FOOBAR'>>,5 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'foo bar'>, 'Foo bar'>>,6 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<''>, ''>>,7 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'a'>, 'A'>>,8 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'b'>, 'B'>>,9 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'c'>, 'C'>>,10 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'d'>, 'D'>>,11 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'e'>, 'E'>>,12 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'f'>, 'F'>>,13 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'g'>, 'G'>>,14 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'h'>, 'H'>>,15 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'i'>, 'I'>>,16 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'j'>, 'J'>>,17 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'k'>, 'K'>>,18 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'l'>, 'L'>>,19 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'m'>, 'M'>>,20 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'n'>, 'N'>>,21 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'o'>, 'O'>>,22 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'p'>, 'P'>>,23 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'q'>, 'Q'>>,24 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'r'>, 'R'>>,25 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'s'>, 'S'>>,26 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'t'>, 'T'>>,27 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'u'>, 'U'>>,28 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'v'>, 'V'>>,29 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'w'>, 'W'>>,30 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'x'>, 'X'>>,31 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'y'>, 'Y'>>,32 Expect<Equal<MyCapitalize<'z'>, 'Z'>>,...
2 'use strict';3 angular4 .module('demoApp')5 .filter('capitalize', capitalize);6 function capitalize() {7 return capitalizeFilter;8 function capitalizeFilter (input) {9 if (input !== null) {10 input = input.toLowerCase();11 }12 return input.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + input.substring(1);13 }14 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require("playwright");2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: "playwright.png" });6 await browser.close();7})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { InternalAPI } = require('@playwright/test');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');4test('My test', async ({ page }) => {5 const text = 'hello world';6 const capitalizedText = InternalAPI.capitalize(text);7 expect(capitalizedText).toBe('Hello world');8});9const { InternalAPI } = require('@playwright/test');10const { test } = require('@playwright/test');11const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');12test('My test', async ({ page }) => {13 const text = 'hello world';14 const capitalizedText = InternalAPI.capitalize(text);15 expect(capitalizedText).toBe('Hello world');16});17const { InternalAPI } = require('@playwright/test');18const { test } = require('@playwright/test');19const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');20test('My test', async ({ page }) => {21 const text = 'hello world';22 const capitalizedText = InternalAPI.capitalize(text);23 expect(capitalizedText).toBe('Hello world');24});25const { InternalAPI } = require('@playwright/test');26const { test } = require('@playwright/test');27const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');28test('My test', async ({ page }) => {29 const text = 'hello world';30 const capitalizedText = InternalAPI.capitalize(text);31 expect(capitalizedText).toBe('Hello world');32});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Internal } = require('@playwright/test');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');4test('test', async ({ page }) => {5 const capitalized = Internal.capitalize('hello world');6 expect(capitalized).toBe('Hello World');7});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { InternalAPI } = require('@playwright/test');2const { utils } = require('@playwright/test');3const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');4test('capitalize test', async ({ page }) => {5 expect(InternalAPI.capitalize('playwright')).toBe('Playwright');6 expect(utils.capitalize('playwright')).toBe('Playwright');7});8 2 passed (2s)9 at Object.toBe (__tests__/test.js:10:40)10 at Object.<anonymous> (__tests__/test.js:6:3)11 at Object.toBe (__tests__/test.js:11:40)12 at Object.<anonymous> (__tests__/test.js:7:3)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { capitalize } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');2console.log(capitalize("hello world"));3const { capitalize } = require('@playwright/test/lib/utils/utils');4module.exports = { capitalize };5const { capitalize } = require('./utils');6console.log(capitize("hello world"));
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