Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...79 buildLazySlots: function(sourceToIdtoObj, attr, result, descend) {80 result = result || [];81 forEach(sourceToIdtoObj, function(srcMap, sourceName) {82 srcMap.values().forEach(function(obj) {83 var tmp = Engine.buildSlots(obj, attr, null, descend);84 tmp = tmp.reverse();85 result.push.apply(result, tmp);86 });87 });88 return result;89 },90 // descend: whether to descend into slots once they were found91 buildSlots: function(obj, attr, result, descend) {92 result = result || [];93 if (Array.isArray(obj)) {94 obj.forEach(function(item, index) {95 var isSlot = item && item[attr];96 if(isSlot) {97 var slot = new Slot(obj, index, item[attr]);98 result.push(slot);99 }100 if(!isSlot || descend) {101 Engine.buildSlots(item, attr, result, descend);102 }103 });104 } else if (ObjectUtils.isObject(obj)) {105 forEach(obj, function(v, k) {106 var isSlot = v && v[attr];107 if (isSlot) {108 var slot = new Slot(obj, k, v[attr]);109 result.push(slot);110 }111 if(!isSlot || descend) {112 Engine.buildSlots(v, attr, result, descend);113 }114 });115 } /*116 * else { // Nothing to do }117 */118 return result;119 },120 createLookupService : function(decls, sourceName) {121 var source = decls.getSource(sourceName);122 if (!source) {123 throw new Error('No source mapping with name ' + sourceName124 + ' found');125 }126 var sparqlService = source.getSparqlService();127 var mappedConcept = source.getMappedConcept();128 var result = LookupServiceUtils.createLookupServiceMappedConceptAcc(129 sparqlService, mappedConcept);130 return result;131 },132 createListService : function(decls, sourceName, isLeftJoin) {133 // var sourceName = query.getSourceName();134 var source = decls.getSource(sourceName);135 if (!source) {136 throw new Error('No source mapping with name ' + sourceName137 + ' found');138 }139 var sparqlService = source.getSparqlService();140 var mappedConcept = source.getMappedConcept();141 if(mappedConcept.getConcept().getVar().getName() === 'rowId') {142 throw new Error('rowId cannot be used as the root ID of a MappedConcept');143 }144 var listServiceAcc = ListServiceUtils.createListServiceAcc(145 sparqlService, mappedConcept, isLeftJoin);146 var self = this;147 var result = new ListServiceTransformItems(listServiceAcc, function(accEntries) {148 //var collectedState = self.collectState(decls, sourceName, accEntries);149 var r =150 self.collectState(decls, sourceName, accEntries)151 .spread(function(rootIds, state, p) {152 var s = self.postProcess(state, sourceName, rootIds);153 return s;154 });155 return r;156 });157 return result;158 },159 collectState : function(decls, sourceName, accEntries) {160 // Do the initial concept based lookup161 var state = {};162 // Get the initial ids163 var rootIds = { // TODO We could use164 // _.pluck here165 return accEntry.key;166 });167 // Collect the accs168 var map = new HashMap();169 var open = {};170 accEntries.forEach(function(accEntry) {171 var acc = accEntry.val;172 // Note: We expect instances of AccMap here!173 var state = acc.getState();174 map.putMap(state);175 var refs = AccUtils.getRefs(acc);176 Engine.mergeRefs(open, refs);177 });178 // console.log('OPEN: ' + JSON.stringify(open, null, 4));179 state[sourceName] = map;180 var result = this.resolveRefs(decls, open, state).then(function(p) {181 var r = [ rootIds, state, p ];182 return r;183 });184 return result;185 },186 postProcess : function(state, sourceName, rootIds) {187 // Retain all references188 var accRefs = [];189 forEach(state, function(srcMap) {190 var accs = srcMap.values();191 var refs = AccUtils.getRefs(accs);192 accRefs.push.apply(accRefs, refs);193 });194 //console.log('AccRefs: ', accRefs);195 accRefs.forEach(function(accRef) {196 var refSpec = accRef.getRefSpec();197 var targetName = refSpec.getTarget();198 var refValue = accRef.getRefValue();199 accRef.setBaseValue({200 _ref : {201 targetName : targetName,202 refValue : refValue,203 attr : refSpec.getAttr()204 }205 });206 });207 var sourceToIdToObj = Engine.buildObjs(state);208 //try {209 var refSlots = Engine.buildSlots(sourceToIdToObj, '_ref');210 var lazySlots = Engine.buildLazySlots(sourceToIdToObj, '_lazy', null, true);211// } catch(err) {212// console.log('err: ', err);213// }214 //console.log('Got ' + slots.length + ' slots');215 refSlots.forEach(function(slot) {216 var meta = slot.getMeta();217 var idToObj = sourceToIdToObj[meta.targetName];218 var obj = idToObj.get(meta.refValue);219 var attr = meta.attr;220 obj = (obj != null && attr != null) ? obj[attr] : obj;221 //console.log('SLOT: ' + meta + ' ' + meta.attr + ' ' + obj);222 slot.setValue(obj);223 });224 lazySlots.forEach(function(slot) {225 var meta = slot.getMeta();226 var fn = meta.fn;227 var v = meta.value;228 var replacement = fn(v);229 slot.setValue(replacement);230 });231 // Apply lazy functions232 //var slots = Engine.buildSlots(sourceToIdToObj, '_lazy');233 // Prepare the result234 var result = {235 var idToObj = sourceToIdToObj[sourceName];236 var obj = idToObj.get(rootId);237 var r = {238 key : rootId,239 val : obj240 };241 return r;242 });243 return result;244 },245 exec: function(decls, query) {246 var sourceName = query.getSourceName();...
...32 stage.enableMouseOver(30);33 createjs.Touch.enable(stage);34 start();35 buildShapes();36 buildSlots();37 displayStartMsg();38}39function buildShapes () {40 var shape,slot;41 slots = new Array();42 shapes = new Array();43 slotSize = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(stage.canvas.height, 2) + Math.pow(stage.canvas.width, 2))/16;44 margin = 15;45 46 var initX = Math.floor((stage.canvas.width/2) - ( (slotSize+margin) * colors.length)/2 ) + margin/2;47 var initY = Math.floor((stage.canvas.height/2) - ( (slotSize+margin) * colors.length)/2 ) + margin/2;48 var startPosition = [{"positions": { "x" :initX ,"y" :initY}}]; 49 for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {50 51 shape = new createjs.Shape();52 = colors[i];53 shape.colour = colors[i];54 shape.keyindex = i;55[i]);56,0,slotSize,slotSize);57 shape.homeX = startPosition[0].positions.x + ( i * ( slotSize + margin));58 shape.homeY = startPosition[0].positions.y59 shape.x = shape.homeX;60 shape.y = shape.homeY;61 // shape.regX = slotSize/2;62 // shape.regY = slotSize/2;63 shape.on('mousedown', handlerMouseDown);64 shape.addEventListener('pressup', handlerPressup);65 shape.on('pressmove', handlerPressMove);66 shapes.push( shape );67 puzzleContainer.addChild(shape);68 69 shape.cache(0,0,slotSize,slotSize);70 ///slots 71 slot = new createjs.Shape();72 = colors[i];73 slot.colour = colors[i];74 slot.keyindex = i ;75[i]);76;77,0,slotSize,slotSize);78 // slot.regX = slotSize/2;79 // slot.regY = slotSize/2;80 slots.push(slot);81 console.log(slots);82 //puzzleContainer.addChild(slot);83 };84 score = slots.length;85}86function buildSlots () {87 var initX = Math.floor((stage.canvas.width/2) - ( (slotSize+margin) * colors.length)/2 ) + margin/2;88 var initY = Math.floor( (stage.canvas.height/2) - ( (slotSize+margin) * colors.length)/2 ) + margin/2;89 var startPosition = [{"positions": { "x" :initX ,"y" :initY}}]; 90 var temp_slots = slots.slice(0);91 var r ;92 for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {93 r = Math.floor(Math.random() * temp_slots.length);94 temp_slots[r].homeX = startPosition[0].positions.x + ( i * ( slotSize + margin));95 temp_slots[r].x = temp_slots[r].homeX;96 temp_slots[r].y = stage.canvas.height -initY ;97 puzzleContainer.addChild(temp_slots[r]);98 temp_slots[r].cache(0,0,slotSize,slotSize);99 temp_slots.splice(r,1);100 };101 stage.addChild(puzzleContainer);102 103}104function handlerMouseDown(event) {105 event.currentTarget.offset = {x: event.currentTarget.x - event.stageX, y: event.currentTarget.y - event.stageY};106}107function handlerPressMove(event) {108 puzzleContainer.setChildIndex(event.currentTarget, puzzleContainer.getNumChildren() - 1); // lo usamos para poner siempre la posicion z del shape al seleccionarlo y siempre esté por encima del resto.109 110 event.currentTarget.x = event.stageX + event.currentTarget.offset.x;111 event.currentTarget.y = event.stageY + event.currentTarget.offset.y;112}113function handlerPressup(event){114 console.log("Pressup");115 event.currentTarget.x = event.stageX + event.currentTarget.offset.x;116 event.currentTarget.y = event.stageY + event.currentTarget.offset.x;117 var currentPosition = [{"x":event.currentTarget.x,"y": event.currentTarget.y}];118 var shape =;119 var slot = slots[shape.keyindex];120 var slot_color = slots[shape.keyindex].colour;121 console.log(slotSize);122 if ( Math.floor(currentPosition[0].x + slotSize ) > Math.floor(slot.x) 123 && Math.floor(currentPosition[0].x) <= (Math.floor(slot.x + slotSize) ) 124 && Math.floor(currentPosition[0].y + slotSize ) > Math.floor(slot.y ) 125 && Math.floor(currentPosition[0].y) <= (Math.floor(slot.y + slotSize) )) {126 //console.log('X -Y DENTRO DEL CUADRANTE DEL SIZE DEL SLOT/4');127 console.log("MATCH COLOR");128 animateShape( slot , shape , true );129 score--;130 console.log("score " + score)131 if (score == 0 ) {132 displayEndGameMsg();133 }134 }135 else{136 animateShape( slot , shape , false );137 }138}139function animateShape( _slot, _shape , _status ){140 (true === _status) ? ( endPosition = [{"x" : _slot.x ,"y" : _slot.y }] , _shape.removeAllEventListeners() ) : (endPosition = [{"x" : _shape.homeX , "y" : _shape.homeY}], _shape.mouseEnabled = false )141 createjs.Tween.get(_shape, {loop: false , override :false}).to({alpha: 0.5 ,x : endPosition[0].x, y : endPosition[0].y }, 1750, createjs.Ease.elasticOut).to({alpha: 1 }).call(function(){ if (!_status){_shape.mouseEnabled=true} });142}143function start () {144 createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick",stage);145 createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", function(e){ stage.update();}); 146}147function displayStartMsg () {148 puzzleContainer.filters = [new createjs.BlurFilter(25, 25, 5), new createjs.ColorMatrixFilter(new createjs.ColorMatrix(60))];149 puzzleContainer.cache(0,0,stage.canvas.width,stage.canvas.height);150 //An a container is created that contains 151 var container = new createjs.Container();152 = "displayStartMsgContainer";153 ///draw a black square with opacity 154 var fadingRect = new createjs.Shape();155"black").drawRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);156 fadingRect.alpha = 0.81;157 //Text 1158 var startTaskText = new createjs.Text(INIT_GAME_MESSAGE, TITLE_FONTSIZE + " Arial", "white");159 startTaskText.lineWidth = document.body.clientWidth*(9/10);160 ///set position text1161 startTaskText.lineHeight = LINE_HEIGHT;162 startTaskText.textAlign = "center";163 startTaskText.x = canvas.width/2;164 startTaskText.y = canvas.height/2 - startTaskText.getMeasuredHeight();165 //Text 2166 var nextText = new createjs.Text(INIT_GAME_SUB_MESSAGE, SECONDARY_FONTSIZE + " Arial", "white");167 nextText.lineWidth = document.body.clientWidth*(9/10);168 nextText.lineHeight = LINE_HEIGHT;169 nextText.textAlign = "center";170 nextText.x = canvas.width/2;171 nextText.y = canvas.height/2 + startTaskText.getMeasuredHeight()/2 + LINE_HEIGHT;172 //add display objects to the stage173 container.addChild(fadingRect,startTaskText,nextText);174 stage.addChild(container);175 fadingRect.addEventListener('click', function(evt) { 176 console.log(" : "+evt.eventPhase+" : " stage.removeChild(container);///remove the curtain from the stage178 puzzleContainer.uncache(); //clean the blur effect of the circle container. 179 180 }, null, false, null, false);181 182} 183function displayEndGameMsg () {184 var container = new createjs.Container();185 //container.mouseChildren = false;186 = "displayEndGameMsgContainer";187 188 var fadingRect = new createjs.Shape();189 ="faddingrect";190"black").drawRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);191 fadingRect.alpha = 0.9;192 var completedText = new createjs.Text(END_GAME_MESSAGE, TITLE_FONTSIZE + " Arial", "white");193 ="completedText";194 completedText.lineWidth = document.body.clientWidth*(9/10);195 completedText.textAlign = "center";196 completedText.lineHeight = LINE_HEIGHT;197 completedText.x = canvas.width/2;198 completedText.y = canvas.height/2 -completedText.getMeasuredHeight();199 200 var advanceText = new createjs.Text("RETRY", SECONDARY_FONTSIZE + " Arial", "white");201 ="advanceText";202 advanceText.lineWidth = document.body.clientWidth*(9/10);203 advanceText.textAlign = "center";204 //advanceText.textBaseline = "middle";205 advanceText.lineHeight = advanceText.getMeasuredHeight()*2;206 advanceText.x = canvas.width/2 ;207 advanceText.y = canvas.height/2 - advanceText.getMeasuredHeight()/2 + advanceText.getMeasuredLineHeight()*3;208 advanceText.regY = advanceText.getMeasuredHeight()/2;209 var nextRect = new createjs.Shape();210 ="nextRect";211"white").beginFill("black").drawRect(advanceText.x - advanceText.getMeasuredWidth() * 2 , advanceText.y - advanceText.regY -3 , advanceText.getMeasuredWidth() *4 , advanceText.getMeasuredHeight());212 nextRect.alpha = 0.9;213 nextRect.addEventListener('click', function(evt) { 214 evt.stopPropagation();215 console.log("click");216 puzzleContainer.uncache();217 cleanStage();218 buildShapes();219 buildSlots();220 221 },false);222 puzzleContainer.filters = [new createjs.BlurFilter(25, 25, 5), new createjs.ColorMatrixFilter(new createjs.ColorMatrix(60))];223 puzzleContainer.cache(0,0,stage.canvas.width,stage.canvas.height);224 container.addChild(fadingRect,completedText,nextRect,advanceText);225 stage.addChild(container);226 227}228function cleanStage ( ) {229 puzzleContainer.removeAllChildren();230 for (var i = stage.getNumChildren() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {231 232 stage.removeChildAt(i);233 234 };235}236window.onresize = function(){237 //reset canvas , radius circles meassures 238 canvas.width = document.body.clientWidth;239 canvas.height = document.body.clientHeight;240 console.log('resize');241 //Removing puzzle by child of the stage, except fpslabel.242 puzzleContainer.uncache()243 cleanStage();244 buildShapes();245 buildSlots();246 displayStartMsg();...
...48 };49 }50 }51};52function buildSlots(node, context) {53 var children = node.children, loc = node.loc;54 var slotsProperties = [];55 var dynamicSlots = [];56 var hasDynamicSlots = context.scopes.vSlot > 0 || context.scopes.vFor > 0;57 if (!__BROWSER__ && context.prefixIdentifiers) {58 hasDynamicSlots = utils_1.hasScopeRef(node, context.identifiers);59 }60 var explicitDefaultSlot = utils_1.findDir(node, 'slot', true);61 if (explicitDefaultSlot) {62 var arg = explicitDefaultSlot.arg, exp = explicitDefaultSlot.exp, loc_1 = explicitDefaultSlot.loc;63 if (arg) {64 context.onError(errors_1.createCompilerError(42, loc_1));65 }66 slotsProperties.push(buildDefaultSlot(exp, children, loc_1));...
...50 // should we just fill in the 'mealNow' slot with now,51 // and ask for 'Time" instead, follow by 'Date'?52 //53 it('delegates when there are no slots filled in', async () => {54 const slots = buildSlots({})55 const event = buildEvent(slots)56 const callback = jest.fn()57 await findMeals.validations(event, defaultContext, callback)58 // if all slots are not filled, ask for 'mealNow' first59 // ** Should just fill the 'mealNow' slot with 'now' and rid of this60 // ** slot.61 expect(callback.mock.calls).toEqual([62 [63 null, 64 DialogActions.buttonElicitSlot(65 event.sessionAttributes,66 "mealNow",67,68 slots,69 "Are you looking for meals now?",70 "now or later?",71 ["Yes, it's for now.", "No, it's for a later time."],72 ["Now", "Later"]73 )74 ]75 ])76 })77 // Usecase 2: The user say something like:78 // 'I want a meal now'79 // Mocking moment isn't working, and it doesn't matter. Code works.80 xit('populates the current time', async () => {81 const slots = buildSlots({mealNow: "Yes"})82 const event = buildEvent(slots)83 const mockTime = moment("2018-07-01 17:00")84 const callback = jest.fn()85 jest.mock('moment', () => mockTime);86 await findMeals.validations(event, defaultContext, callback)87 const newSlots = {88 ...slots,89 Date: "2018-07-01",90 Time: "17:00"91 }92 expect(callback.mock.calls).toEqual([93 [94 null, 95 DialogActions.delegate(newSlots)96 ]97 ])98 })99 xit('delegates when the location is a valid intersection, and fills in the detected geocordinates', async () => {100 const slots = buildSlots({Intersection: 'Bloor and Bay'})101 const event = buildEvent(slots)102 const callback = jest.fn()103 await findMeals.validations(event, defaultContext, callback)104 const newSlots = {105 ...slots,106 Latitude: 43.6697157,107 Longitude: -79.3894773108 }109 expect(callback.mock.calls).toEqual([110 [null, DialogActions.delegate(newSlots)]111 ])112 })113 xit('pulls the address from the geocoords before the intersection', async () => {114 const slots = buildSlots({115 Intersection: 'New York',116 Latitude: 43.6697157,117 Longitude: -79.3894773118 })119 const event = buildEvent(slots)120 const callback = jest.fn()121 await findMeals.validations(event, defaultContext, callback)122 const newSlots = {123 ...slots,124 Latitude: 43.6697157,125 Longitude: -79.3894773126 }127 expect(callback.mock.calls).toEqual([128 [null, DialogActions.delegate(newSlots)]129 ])130 })131})132describe('fulfillment', () => {133 const defaultContext = {}134 it('indicates that there are no meals available when outside Toronto', async () => {135 const slots = buildSlots({Intersection: 'Some Invalid Location Like England'})136 const event = buildEvent(slots)137 const callback = jest.fn()138 await findMeals.fulfillment(event, defaultContext, callback)139 expect(callback.mock.calls).toEqual([140 [141 null, 142 DialogActions.fulfill('There are no meals available with in an hour.')143 ]144 ])145 })146 //147 // Make sure a known condition always return the same148 // response149 // 150 it('Check the bot returns a known result based on known input', async () => {151 const slots = buildSlots(152 {153 Age: null,154 Confirmed: null,155 Date: '2018-10-03', // is Wed, required156 Eligibility: 'No', // required157 Gender: null,158 Latitude: null,159 Longitude: null,160 mealNow: 'no', // required161 ShowMore: null,162 Time: '19:05', // required163 Intersection: 'Union Station, 65 Front St W, Toronto, ON M5J 1E6, Canada' // required164 })165 const event = buildEvent(slots)...
...28 }29 // UNIMPLEMENTED30 // handleSubmit() {31 // this.props.numberOfDice(this.state.numDice);32 // this.props.buildSlots(this.state.numDice);33 // }34 handleChange(e){35 this.setState({36 numDice: })38 }39 // two functions that control the40 // limit of dice that the user can41 // add to the dice box, implemented by42 // the two buttons 43 lessSlots() {44 let x = this.state.numDice - 1;45 if (x === 0) {46 return;47 } else {48 this.setState({ numDice: x})49 this.props.numberOfDice(x);50 this.props.buildSlots(x);51 }52 }53 moreSlots() {54 let x = this.state.numDice + 1;55 if (x === 7) {56 return;57 } else {58 this.setState({ numDice: x})59 this.props.numberOfDice(x);60 this.props.buildSlots(x);61 }62 }63 render() {64 return (65 <div className='diceListComponentBox'>66 <div className="diceListTop">67 <div className="headerContainer">68 <div className="selectHeader">69 <h2>Choose your dice</h2>70 </div>71 <div className="diceSelection">72 </div>73 <ul className="diceList">74 <li>...
1var timeSlotArray = [];2var descriptionArr = [];3var container = document.querySelector(".container");4var testCurrentHour = moment();5function buildSlots() {6 $("#currentDay").text(moment().format("dddd[,] MMMM Do"));7 for (var i = 9; i <= 17; i++) {8 //creates the row to have the three columns append to9 var row = document.createElement("div"); 10 row.className = "row";11 //creates and appends the first column (time)12 var hourSlot = document.createElement("div"); 13 hourSlot.classList = "col-1 hour";14 if (i < 13) {15 hourSlot.textContent = i + "am";16 }17 else {18 hourSlot.textContent = (i - 12) + "am";19 }20 row.appendChild(hourSlot);21 //creates and appends the second column (task text area)22 var descriptionSlot = document.createElement("textarea");23 $(descriptionSlot).attr("data-time", i);24 setUrgency(descriptionSlot);25 descriptionArr.push(descriptionSlot);26 row.appendChild(descriptionSlot);27 //creates and appends the third column (save button)28 var saveSlot = document.createElement("button");29 saveSlot.classList = "col-1 saveBtn";30 $(saveSlot).attr("id", i); 31 var image = document.createElement("i");32 image.classList = "fas fa-save";33 saveSlot.appendChild(image);34 row.appendChild(saveSlot);35 container.appendChild(row);36 }37 setDescFromStorage();38}39/**40 * Will set all description boxes (central textareas in each row)41 * to the corresponding value in localstorage42 */43function setDescFromStorage() {44 for (var i = 0; i < descriptionArr.length; i++) {45 //getItem is i+9 here as the localstorage id is related to46 //the time in the timeSlot, not its position in the descriptionArr array47 descriptionArr[i].value = localStorage.getItem(i+9);48 }49}50/**51 * Test function to log what's in the description array's value slots52 */53function checkDescriptionArr() {54 for (var i = 0; i < descriptionArr.length; i++) {55 console.log(descriptionArr[i].value);56 }57}58function setUrgency(description) {59 var date = new Date;60 console.log("current hour: " + date.getHours());61 if ($(description).attr("data-time") <= date.getHours()) {62 description.classList = "col-10 description past";63 }64 else if ($(description).attr("data-time") > date.getHours() + 1) {65 description.classList = "col-10 description future";66 }67 else {68 description.classList = "col-10 description present";69 }70 71}72buildSlots();73/**74 * This is going to save the text in the corresponding textarea in localstorage75 */76$(".container").on("click", ".saveBtn", function(event) {77 var descriptionContent = $(this).siblings()[1].value;78 localStorage.setItem($(this).attr("id"), descriptionContent);...
1'use strict';2const _ = require('underscore');3function buildSlots(slots) {4 const res = {};5 _.each(slots, (value, key) => {6 if ( _.isString(value)) {7 res[key] = {8 name: key,9 value: value10 };11 } else {12 res[key] = {13 ...value,14 name: key15 };16 }17 });18 return res;19}20function buildSession(e) {21 return e ? e.sessionAttributes : {};22}23function init(options) {24 let isNew = true;25 // public API26 const api = {27 init,28 build29 };30 function build(intentName, slots, prevEvent) {31 if (!options.appId) throw String('AppId not specified. Please run events.init(appId) before building a Request');32 const res = { // override more stuff later as we need33 session: {34 sessionId: options.sessionId,35 application: {36 applicationId: options.appId37 },38 attributes: buildSession(prevEvent),39 user: {40 userId: options.userId,41 accessToken: options.accessToken42 },43 new: isNew44 },45 request: {46 type: 'IntentRequest',47 requestId: options.requestId,48 locale: options.locale,49 timestamp: (new Date()).toISOString(),50 intent: {51 name: intentName,52 slots: buildSlots(slots)53 }54 },55 version: '1.0'56 };57 isNew = false;58 return res;59 }60 return api;61}...
1import React from 'react';2import './Selection.css';3import DiceList from '../DiceList/DiceList';4class Selection extends React.Component{ 5 render() {6 return(7 <div className="diceHolder">8 <DiceList 9 choose={this.props.choose}10 numberOfDice={this.props.numberOfDice}11 buildSlots={this.props.buildSlots} 12 />13 </div>14 );15 }16}...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const slot = await page.evaluate(async () => {7 const { buildSlots } = window['playwright'];8 const slot = await buildSlots([9 {10 },11 {12 },13 ]);14 return slot;15 });16 console.log(slot);17 await browser.close();18})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/internal/locator');2const { Locator } = require('playwright/lib/locator');3const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright/lib/cjs/pw_exports');4const { Frame } = require('playwright/lib/cjs/pw_exports');5const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/cjs/pw_exports');6const locator = new Locator(new Page(), 'test', buildSlots('test'));7const elementHandle = new ElementHandle(new Frame(), 'test');8const elementHandle2 = new ElementHandle(new Frame(), 'test2');9locator._queryAll([elementHandle, elementHandle2]).then((value) => {10 console.log(value);11});12 ElementHandle {13 _context: Frame {14 _viewportSize: { width: 1280, height: 720 },15 _timeoutSettings: TimeoutSettings { _defaultTimeout: 30000 },16 },
Using AI Code Generation
1const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/slots');2const slots = buildSlots();3console.log(slots);4const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/slots');5const slots = buildSlots();6console.log(slots);7const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/slots');8const slots = buildSlots();9console.log(slots);10const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/slots');11const slots = buildSlots();12console.log(slots);13const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/slots');14const slots = buildSlots();15console.log(slots);16const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/slots');17const slots = buildSlots();18console.log(slots);19const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/slots');20const slots = buildSlots();21console.log(slots);22const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/slots');23const slots = buildSlots();24console.log(slots);25const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/slots');26const slots = buildSlots();27console.log(slots);28const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/slots');29const slots = buildSlots();30console.log(slots);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/server/supplements/recorder/recorderSupplement');2const slots = buildSlots({3 attributes: {4 },5 boundingBox: {6 },7 frame: {8 },9 computedStyles: {10 color: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'11 },12});13console.log(slots);
Using AI Code Generation
1const {buildSlots} = require('playwright/lib/client/selectorEngine');2const {chromium} = require('playwright');3const expect = require('expect');4const {test} = require('@playwright/test');5test('test', async ({page}) => {6 const slots = buildSlots({7 });8 await page.fill(slots['input[name="q"]'], 'playwright');9 await['input[name="btnK"]']);10 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');11 expect(await page.textContent('h3')).toBe('Playwright: Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API');12});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/client/slotBuilder');2const slots = buildSlots({3 {4 properties: {5 slot3: {6 },7 },8 },9});10console.log(slots);11const { buildSlots } = require('playwright/lib/client/slotBuilder');12const slots = buildSlots({13 {14 properties: {15 slot3: {16 },17 },18 },19});20console.log(slots);21 {22 {23 properties: {24 slot3: {25 },26 },27 },28 },29 {30 properties: {31 slot3: {32 },33 },34 },35 {36 },37Your name to display (optional):38Your name to display (optional):
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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