Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...107 console.error('=================');108 console.error(' duplicate test titles are not allowed.');109 for (const [title, tests] of result === null || result === void 0 ? void 0 : result.clashingTests.entries()) {110 console.error(` - title: ${title}`);111 for (const test of tests) console.error(` - ${buildItemLocation(config.rootDir, test)}`);112 console.error('=================');113 }114 }115 await this._flushOutput();116 return result.status;117 }118 async _flushOutput() {119 // Calling process.exit() might truncate large stdout/stderr output.120 // See // See await new Promise(resolve => process.stdout.write('', () => resolve()));123 await new Promise(resolve => process.stderr.write('', () => resolve()));124 }125 async _run(list, testFileReFilters, projectName) {126 const testFileFilter = testFileReFilters.length ? (0, _util2.createMatcher)( => : () => true;127 const config = this._loader.fullConfig();128 const projects = this._loader.projects().filter(project => {129 return !projectName || === projectName.toLocaleLowerCase();130 });131 if (projectName && !projects.length) {132 const names = this._loader.projects().map(p => => !!name);133 if (!names.length) throw new Error(`No named projects are specified in the configuration file`);134 throw new Error(`Project "${projectName}" not found. Available named projects: ${ => `"${name}"`).join(', ')}`);135 }136 const files = new Map();137 const allTestFiles = new Set();138 for (const project of projects) {139 const testDir = project.config.testDir;140 if (!fs.existsSync(testDir)) throw new Error(`${testDir} does not exist`);141 if (!fs.statSync(testDir).isDirectory()) throw new Error(`${testDir} is not a directory`);142 const allFiles = await collectFiles(project.config.testDir);143 const testMatch = (0, _util2.createMatcher)(project.config.testMatch);144 const testIgnore = (0, _util2.createMatcher)(project.config.testIgnore);145 const testFileExtension = file => ['.js', '.ts', '.mjs'].includes(path.extname(file));146 const testFiles = allFiles.filter(file => !testIgnore(file) && testMatch(file) && testFileFilter(file) && testFileExtension(file));147 files.set(project, testFiles);148 testFiles.forEach(file => allTestFiles.add(file));149 }150 const webServer = config.webServer && (await _webServer.WebServer.create(config.webServer));151 let globalSetupResult;152 if (config.globalSetup) globalSetupResult = await (await this._loader.loadGlobalHook(config.globalSetup, 'globalSetup'))(this._loader.fullConfig());153 try {154 var _this$_reporter$onBeg2, _this$_reporter3, _this$_reporter$onEnd3, _this$_reporter5;155 for (const file of allTestFiles) await this._loader.loadTestFile(file);156 const preprocessRoot = new _test.Suite('');157 for (const fileSuite of this._loader.fileSuites().values()) preprocessRoot._addSuite(fileSuite);158 if (config.forbidOnly) {159 const onlyTestsAndSuites = preprocessRoot._getOnlyItems();160 if (onlyTestsAndSuites.length > 0) {161 const locations = => {162 // Skip root and file.163 const title = testOrSuite.titlePath().slice(2).join(' ');164 return `${buildItemLocation(config.rootDir, testOrSuite)} > ${title}`;165 });166 return {167 status: 'forbid-only',168 locations169 };170 }171 }172 const clashingTests = getClashingTestsPerSuite(preprocessRoot);173 if (clashingTests.size > 0) return {174 status: 'clashing-test-titles',175 clashingTests: clashingTests176 };177 filterOnly(preprocessRoot);178 filterByFocusedLine(preprocessRoot, testFileReFilters);179 const fileSuites = new Map();180 for (const fileSuite of preprocessRoot.suites) fileSuites.set(fileSuite._requireFile, fileSuite);181 const outputDirs = new Set();182 const grepMatcher = (0, _util2.createMatcher)(config.grep);183 const grepInvertMatcher = config.grepInvert ? (0, _util2.createMatcher)(config.grepInvert) : null;184 const rootSuite = new _test.Suite('');185 for (const project of projects) {186 const projectSuite = new _test.Suite(;187 rootSuite._addSuite(projectSuite);188 for (const file of files.get(project)) {189 const fileSuite = fileSuites.get(file);190 if (!fileSuite) continue;191 for (let repeatEachIndex = 0; repeatEachIndex < project.config.repeatEach; repeatEachIndex++) {192 const cloned = project.cloneFileSuite(fileSuite, repeatEachIndex, test => {193 const grepTitle = test.titlePath().join(' ');194 if (grepInvertMatcher !== null && grepInvertMatcher !== void 0 && grepInvertMatcher(grepTitle)) return false;195 return grepMatcher(grepTitle);196 });197 if (cloned) projectSuite._addSuite(cloned);198 }199 }200 outputDirs.add(project.config.outputDir);201 }202 let total = rootSuite.allTests().length;203 if (!total) return {204 status: 'no-tests'205 };206 await Promise.all(Array.from(outputDirs).map(outputDir => removeFolderAsync(outputDir).catch(e => {})));207 let testGroups = createTestGroups(rootSuite);208 const shard = config.shard;209 if (shard) {210 const shardGroups = [];211 const shardTests = new Set(); // Each shard gets some tests.212 const shardSize = Math.floor(total /; // First few shards get one more test each.213 const extraOne = total - shardSize *;214 const currentShard = shard.current - 1; // Make it zero-based for calculations.215 const from = shardSize * currentShard + Math.min(extraOne, currentShard);216 const to = from + shardSize + (currentShard < extraOne ? 1 : 0);217 let current = 0;218 for (const group of testGroups) {219 // Any test group goes to the shard that contains the first test of this group.220 // So, this shard gets any group that starts at [from; to)221 if (current >= from && current < to) {222 shardGroups.push(group);223 for (const test of group.tests) shardTests.add(test);224 }225 current += group.tests.length;226 }227 testGroups = shardGroups;228 filterSuite(rootSuite, () => false, test => shardTests.has(test));229 total = rootSuite.allTests().length;230 }231 if (process.stdout.isTTY) {232 console.log();233 const jobs = Math.min(config.workers, testGroups.length);234 const shardDetails = shard ? `, shard ${shard.current} of ${}` : '';235 console.log(`Running ${total} test${total > 1 ? 's' : ''} using ${jobs} worker${jobs > 1 ? 's' : ''}${shardDetails}`);236 }237 let sigint = false;238 let sigintCallback;239 const sigIntPromise = new Promise(f => sigintCallback = f);240 const sigintHandler = () => {241 // We remove the handler so that second Ctrl+C immediately kills the runner242 // via the default sigint handler. This is handy in the case where our shutdown243 // takes a lot of time or is buggy.244 //245 // When running through NPM we might get multiple SIGINT signals246 // for a single Ctrl+C - this is an NPM bug present since at least NPM v6.247 // // //250 // Therefore, removing the handler too soon will just kill the process251 // with default handler without printing the results.252 // We work around this by giving NPM 1000ms to send us duplicate signals.253 // The side effect is that slow shutdown or bug in our runner will force254 // the user to hit Ctrl+C again after at least a second.255 setTimeout(() =>'SIGINT', sigintHandler), 1000);256 sigint = true;257 sigintCallback();258 };259 process.on('SIGINT', sigintHandler);260 (_this$_reporter$onBeg2 = (_this$_reporter3 = this._reporter).onBegin) === null || _this$_reporter$onBeg2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_reporter$$_reporter3, config, rootSuite);261 this._didBegin = true;262 let hasWorkerErrors = false;263 if (!list) {264 const dispatcher = new _dispatcher.Dispatcher(this._loader, testGroups, this._reporter);265 await Promise.race([, sigIntPromise]);266 await dispatcher.stop();267 hasWorkerErrors = dispatcher.hasWorkerErrors();268 }269 if (sigint) {270 var _this$_reporter$onEnd2, _this$_reporter4;271 await ((_this$_reporter$onEnd2 = (_this$_reporter4 = this._reporter).onEnd) === null || _this$_reporter$onEnd2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_reporter$$_reporter4, {272 status: 'interrupted'273 }));274 return {275 status: 'sigint'276 };277 }278 const failed = hasWorkerErrors || rootSuite.allTests().some(test => !test.ok());279 await ((_this$_reporter$onEnd3 = (_this$_reporter5 = this._reporter).onEnd) === null || _this$_reporter$onEnd3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_reporter$$_reporter5, {280 status: failed ? 'failed' : 'passed'281 }));282 return {283 status: failed ? 'failed' : 'passed'284 };285 } finally {286 if (globalSetupResult && typeof globalSetupResult === 'function') await globalSetupResult(this._loader.fullConfig());287 if (config.globalTeardown) await (await this._loader.loadGlobalHook(config.globalTeardown, 'globalTeardown'))(this._loader.fullConfig());288 await (webServer === null || webServer === void 0 ? void 0 : webServer.kill());289 }290 }291}292exports.Runner = Runner;293function filterOnly(suite) {294 const suiteFilter = suite => suite._only;295 const testFilter = test => test._only;296 return filterSuite(suite, suiteFilter, testFilter);297}298function filterByFocusedLine(suite, focusedTestFileLines) {299 const testFileLineMatches = (testFileName, testLine) => focusedTestFileLines.some(({300 re,301 line302 }) => {303 re.lastIndex = 0;304 return re.test(testFileName) && (line === testLine || line === null);305 });306 const suiteFilter = suite => !!suite.location && testFileLineMatches(suite.location.file, suite.location.line);307 const testFilter = test => testFileLineMatches(test.location.file, test.location.line);308 return filterSuite(suite, suiteFilter, testFilter);309}310function filterSuite(suite, suiteFilter, testFilter) {311 const onlySuites = suite.suites.filter(child => filterSuite(child, suiteFilter, testFilter) || suiteFilter(child));312 const onlyTests = suite.tests.filter(testFilter);313 const onlyEntries = new Set([...onlySuites, ...onlyTests]);314 if (onlyEntries.size) {315 suite.suites = onlySuites;316 suite.tests = onlyTests;317 suite._entries = suite._entries.filter(e => onlyEntries.has(e)); // Preserve the order.318 return true;319 }320 return false;321}322async function collectFiles(testDir) {323 const checkIgnores = (entryPath, rules, isDirectory, parentStatus) => {324 let status = parentStatus;325 for (const rule of rules) {326 const ruleIncludes = rule.negate;327 if (status === 'included' === ruleIncludes) continue;328 const relative = path.relative(rule.dir, entryPath);329 if (rule.match('/' + relative) || rule.match(relative)) {330 // Matches "/dir/file" or "dir/file"331 status = ruleIncludes ? 'included' : 'ignored';332 } else if (isDirectory && (rule.match('/' + relative + '/') || rule.match(relative + '/'))) {333 // Matches "/dir/subdir/" or "dir/subdir/" for directories.334 status = ruleIncludes ? 'included' : 'ignored';335 } else if (isDirectory && ruleIncludes && (rule.match('/' + relative, true) || rule.match(relative, true))) {336 // Matches "/dir/donotskip/" when "/dir" is excluded, but "!/dir/donotskip/file" is included.337 status = 'ignored-but-recurse';338 }339 }340 return status;341 };342 const files = [];343 const visit = async (dir, rules, status) => {344 const entries = await readDirAsync(dir, {345 withFileTypes: true346 });347 entries.sort((a, b) =>;348 const gitignore = entries.find(e => e.isFile() && === '.gitignore');349 if (gitignore) {350 const content = await readFileAsync(path.join(dir,, 'utf8');351 const newRules = content.split(/\r?\n/).map(s => {352 s = s.trim();353 if (!s) return; // Use flipNegate, because we handle negation ourselves.354 const rule = new _minimatch.Minimatch(s, {355 matchBase: true,356 dot: true,357 flipNegate: true358 });359 if (rule.comment) return;360 rule.dir = dir;361 return rule;362 }).filter(rule => !!rule);363 rules = [...rules, ...newRules];364 }365 for (const entry of entries) {366 if (entry === gitignore || === '.' || === '..') continue;367 if (entry.isDirectory() && === 'node_modules') continue;368 const entryPath = path.join(dir,;369 const entryStatus = checkIgnores(entryPath, rules, entry.isDirectory(), status);370 if (entry.isDirectory() && entryStatus !== 'ignored') await visit(entryPath, rules, entryStatus);else if (entry.isFile() && entryStatus === 'included') files.push(entryPath);371 }372 };373 await visit(testDir, [], 'included');374 return files;375}376function getClashingTestsPerSuite(rootSuite) {377 function visit(suite, clashingTests) {378 for (const childSuite of suite.suites) visit(childSuite, clashingTests);379 for (const test of suite.tests) {380 const fullTitle = test.titlePath().slice(2).join(' ');381 if (!clashingTests.has(fullTitle)) clashingTests.set(fullTitle, []);382 clashingTests.set(fullTitle, clashingTests.get(fullTitle).concat(test));383 }384 }385 const out = new Map();386 for (const fileSuite of rootSuite.suites) {387 const clashingTests = new Map();388 visit(fileSuite, clashingTests);389 for (const [title, tests] of clashingTests.entries()) {390 if (tests.length > 1) out.set(title, tests);391 }392 }393 return out;394}395function buildItemLocation(rootDir, testOrSuite) {396 if (!testOrSuite.location) return '';397 return `${path.relative(rootDir, testOrSuite.location.file)}:${testOrSuite.location.line}`;398}399function createTestGroups(rootSuite) {400 // This function groups tests that can be run together.401 // Tests cannot be run together when:402 // - They belong to different projects - requires different workers.403 // - They have a different repeatEachIndex - requires different workers.404 // - They have a different set of worker fixtures in the pool - requires different workers.405 // - They have a different requireFile - reuses the worker, but runs each requireFile separately.406 // We try to preserve the order of tests when they require different workers407 // by ordering different worker hashes sequentially.408 const workerHashToOrdinal = new Map();409 const requireFileToOrdinal = new Map();...
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