Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...238 return await this._page._delegate.scrollRectIntoViewIfNeeded(this, rect);239 }240 async _waitAndScrollIntoViewIfNeeded(progress) {241 while (progress.isRunning()) {242 assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(await this._waitForDisplayedAtStablePosition(progress, false243 /* force */244 , false245 /* waitForEnabled */246 )));247 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.248 const result = throwRetargetableDOMError(await this._scrollRectIntoViewIfNeeded());249 if (result === 'error:notvisible') continue;250 assertDone(result);251 return;252 }253 }254 async scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(metadata, options = {}) {255 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);256 return => this._waitAndScrollIntoViewIfNeeded(progress), this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));257 }258 async _clickablePoint() {259 const intersectQuadWithViewport = quad => {260 return => ({261 x: Math.min(Math.max(point.x, 0), metrics.width),262 y: Math.min(Math.max(point.y, 0), metrics.height)263 }));264 };265 const computeQuadArea = quad => {266 // Compute sum of all directed areas of adjacent triangles267 // let area = 0;269 for (let i = 0; i < quad.length; ++i) {270 const p1 = quad[i];271 const p2 = quad[(i + 1) % quad.length];272 area += (p1.x * p2.y - p2.x * p1.y) / 2;273 }274 return Math.abs(area);275 };276 const [quads, metrics] = await Promise.all([this._page._delegate.getContentQuads(this), this._page.mainFrame()._utilityContext().then(utility => utility.evaluate(() => ({277 width: innerWidth,278 height: innerHeight279 })))]);280 if (!quads || !quads.length) return 'error:notvisible'; // Allow 1x1 elements. Compensate for rounding errors by comparing with 0.99 instead.281 const filtered = => intersectQuadWithViewport(quad)).filter(quad => computeQuadArea(quad) > 0.99);282 if (!filtered.length) return 'error:notinviewport'; // Return the middle point of the first quad.283 const result = {284 x: 0,285 y: 0286 };287 for (const point of filtered[0]) {288 result.x += point.x / 4;289 result.y += point.y / 4;290 }291 compensateHalfIntegerRoundingError(result);292 return result;293 }294 async _offsetPoint(offset) {295 const [box, border] = await Promise.all([this.boundingBox(), this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node]) => injected.getElementBorderWidth(node), {}).catch(e => {})]);296 if (!box || !border) return 'error:notvisible';297 if (border === 'error:notconnected') return border; // Make point relative to the padding box to align with offsetX/offsetY.298 return {299 x: box.x + border.left + offset.x,300 y: box.y + + offset.y301 };302 }303 async _retryPointerAction(progress, actionName, waitForEnabled, action, options) {304 let retry = 0; // We progressively wait longer between retries, up to 500ms.305 const waitTime = [0, 20, 100, 100, 500]; // By default, we scroll with protocol method to reveal the action point.306 // However, that might not work to scroll from under position:sticky elements307 // that overlay the target element. To fight this, we cycle through different308 // scroll alignments. This works in most scenarios.309 const scrollOptions = [undefined, {310 block: 'end',311 inline: 'end'312 }, {313 block: 'center',314 inline: 'center'315 }, {316 block: 'start',317 inline: 'start'318 }];319 while (progress.isRunning()) {320 if (retry) {321 progress.log(`retrying ${actionName} action${options.trial ? ' (trial run)' : ''}, attempt #${retry}`);322 const timeout = waitTime[Math.min(retry - 1, waitTime.length - 1)];323 if (timeout) {324 progress.log(` waiting ${timeout}ms`);325 const result = await this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node, timeout]) => new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, timeout)), timeout);326 if (result === 'error:notconnected') return result;327 }328 } else {329 progress.log(`attempting ${actionName} action${options.trial ? ' (trial run)' : ''}`);330 }331 const forceScrollOptions = scrollOptions[retry % scrollOptions.length];332 const result = await this._performPointerAction(progress, actionName, waitForEnabled, action, forceScrollOptions, options);333 ++retry;334 if (result === 'error:notvisible') {335 if (options.force) throw new NonRecoverableDOMError('Element is not visible');336 progress.log(' element is not visible');337 continue;338 }339 if (result === 'error:notinviewport') {340 if (options.force) throw new NonRecoverableDOMError('Element is outside of the viewport');341 progress.log(' element is outside of the viewport');342 continue;343 }344 if (typeof result === 'object' && 'hitTargetDescription' in result) {345 progress.log(` ${result.hitTargetDescription} intercepts pointer events`);346 continue;347 }348 return result;349 }350 return 'done';351 }352 async _performPointerAction(progress, actionName, waitForEnabled, action, forceScrollOptions, options) {353 const {354 force = false,355 position356 } = options;357 if (options.__testHookBeforeStable) await options.__testHookBeforeStable();358 const result = await this._waitForDisplayedAtStablePosition(progress, force, waitForEnabled);359 if (result !== 'done') return result;360 if (options.__testHookAfterStable) await options.__testHookAfterStable();361 progress.log(' scrolling into view if needed');362 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.363 if (forceScrollOptions) {364 const scrolled = await this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node, options]) => {365 if (node.nodeType === 1366 /* Node.ELEMENT_NODE */367 ) node.scrollIntoView(options);368 }, forceScrollOptions);369 if (scrolled === 'error:notconnected') return scrolled;370 } else {371 const scrolled = await this._scrollRectIntoViewIfNeeded(position ? {372 x: position.x,373 y: position.y,374 width: 0,375 height: 0376 } : undefined);377 if (scrolled !== 'done') return scrolled;378 }379 progress.log(' done scrolling');380 const maybePoint = position ? await this._offsetPoint(position) : await this._clickablePoint();381 if (typeof maybePoint === 'string') return maybePoint;382 const point = roundPoint(maybePoint);383 progress.metadata.point = point;384 if (process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_NO_LAYOUT_SHIFT_CHECK) return this._finishPointerAction(progress, actionName, point, options, action);else return this._finishPointerActionDetectLayoutShift(progress, actionName, point, options, action);385 }386 async _finishPointerAction(progress, actionName, point, options, action) {387 if (!options.force) {388 if (options.__testHookBeforeHitTarget) await options.__testHookBeforeHitTarget();389 progress.log(` checking that element receives pointer events at (${point.x},${point.y})`);390 const hitTargetResult = await this._checkHitTargetAt(point);391 if (hitTargetResult !== 'done') return hitTargetResult;392 progress.log(` element does receive pointer events`);393 }394 if (options.trial) {395 progress.log(` trial ${actionName} has finished`);396 return 'done';397 }398 await progress.beforeInputAction(this);399 await this._page._frameManager.waitForSignalsCreatedBy(progress, options.noWaitAfter, async () => {400 if (options.__testHookBeforePointerAction) await options.__testHookBeforePointerAction();401 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.402 let restoreModifiers;403 if (options && options.modifiers) restoreModifiers = await this._page.keyboard._ensureModifiers(options.modifiers);404 progress.log(` performing ${actionName} action`);405 await action(point);406 progress.log(` ${actionName} action done`);407 progress.log(' waiting for scheduled navigations to finish');408 if (options.__testHookAfterPointerAction) await options.__testHookAfterPointerAction();409 if (restoreModifiers) await this._page.keyboard._ensureModifiers(restoreModifiers);410 }, 'input');411 progress.log(' navigations have finished');412 return 'done';413 }414 async _finishPointerActionDetectLayoutShift(progress, actionName, point, options, action) {415 await progress.beforeInputAction(this);416 let hitTargetInterceptionHandle;417 if (!options.force) {418 if (options.__testHookBeforeHitTarget) await options.__testHookBeforeHitTarget();419 if (actionName === 'move and up') {420 // When dropping, the "element that is being dragged" often stays under the cursor,421 // so hit target check at the moment we receive mousedown does not work -422 // it finds the "element that is being dragged" instead of the423 // "element that we drop onto".424 progress.log(` checking that element receives pointer events at (${point.x},${point.y})`);425 const hitTargetResult = await this._checkHitTargetAt(point);426 if (hitTargetResult !== 'done') return hitTargetResult;427 progress.log(` element does receive pointer events`);428 if (options.trial) {429 progress.log(` trial ${actionName} has finished`);430 return 'done';431 }432 } else {433 const actionType = actionName === 'hover' || actionName === 'tap' ? actionName : 'mouse';434 const handle = await this.evaluateHandleInUtility(([injected, node, {435 actionType,436 trial437 }]) => injected.setupHitTargetInterceptor(node, actionType, trial), {438 actionType,439 trial: !!options.trial440 });441 if (handle === 'error:notconnected') return handle;442 if (!handle._objectId) return handle.rawValue();443 hitTargetInterceptionHandle = handle;444 progress.cleanupWhenAborted(() => {445 // Do not await here, just in case the renderer is stuck (e.g. on alert)446 // and we won't be able to cleanup.447 hitTargetInterceptionHandle.evaluate(h => h.stop()).catch(e => {});448 });449 }450 }451 const actionResult = await this._page._frameManager.waitForSignalsCreatedBy(progress, options.noWaitAfter, async () => {452 if (options.__testHookBeforePointerAction) await options.__testHookBeforePointerAction();453 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.454 let restoreModifiers;455 if (options && options.modifiers) restoreModifiers = await this._page.keyboard._ensureModifiers(options.modifiers);456 progress.log(` performing ${actionName} action`);457 await action(point);458 if (restoreModifiers) await this._page.keyboard._ensureModifiers(restoreModifiers);459 if (hitTargetInterceptionHandle) {460 const stopHitTargetInterception = hitTargetInterceptionHandle.evaluate(h => h.stop()).catch(e => 'done');461 if (!options.noWaitAfter) {462 // When noWaitAfter is passed, we do not want to accidentally stall on463 // non-committed navigation blocking the evaluate.464 const hitTargetResult = await stopHitTargetInterception;465 if (hitTargetResult !== 'done') return hitTargetResult;466 }467 }468 progress.log(` ${options.trial ? 'trial ' : ''}${actionName} action done`);469 progress.log(' waiting for scheduled navigations to finish');470 if (options.__testHookAfterPointerAction) await options.__testHookAfterPointerAction();471 return 'done';472 }, 'input');473 if (actionResult !== 'done') return actionResult;474 progress.log(' navigations have finished');475 return 'done';476 }477 async hover(metadata, options) {478 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);479 return progress => {480 const result = await this._hover(progress, options);481 return assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));482 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));483 }484 _hover(progress, options) {485 return this._retryPointerAction(progress, 'hover', false486 /* waitForEnabled */487 , point => this._page.mouse.move(point.x, point.y), options);488 }489 async click(metadata, options = {}) {490 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);491 return progress => {492 const result = await this._click(progress, options);493 return assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));494 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));495 }496 _click(progress, options) {497 return this._retryPointerAction(progress, 'click', true498 /* waitForEnabled */499 , point =>, point.y, options), options);500 }501 async dblclick(metadata, options) {502 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);503 return progress => {504 const result = await this._dblclick(progress, options);505 return assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));506 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));507 }508 _dblclick(progress, options) {509 return this._retryPointerAction(progress, 'dblclick', true510 /* waitForEnabled */511 , point => this._page.mouse.dblclick(point.x, point.y, options), options);512 }513 async tap(metadata, options = {}) {514 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);515 return progress => {516 const result = await this._tap(progress, options);517 return assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));518 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));519 }520 _tap(progress, options) {521 return this._retryPointerAction(progress, 'tap', true522 /* waitForEnabled */523 , point => this._page.touchscreen.tap(point.x, point.y), options);524 }525 async selectOption(metadata, elements, values, options) {526 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);527 return progress => {528 const result = await this._selectOption(progress, elements, values, options);529 return throwRetargetableDOMError(result);530 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));531 }532 async _selectOption(progress, elements, values, options) {533 const optionsToSelect = [...elements, ...values];534 await progress.beforeInputAction(this);535 return this._page._frameManager.waitForSignalsCreatedBy(progress, options.noWaitAfter, async () => {536 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.537 progress.log(' selecting specified option(s)');538 const result = await this.evaluatePoll(progress, ([injected, node, {539 optionsToSelect,540 force541 }]) => {542 return injected.waitForElementStatesAndPerformAction(node, ['visible', 'enabled'], force, injected.selectOptions.bind(injected, optionsToSelect));543 }, {544 optionsToSelect,545 force: options.force546 });547 await this._page._doSlowMo();548 return result;549 });550 }551 async fill(metadata, value, options = {}) {552 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);553 return progress => {554 const result = await this._fill(progress, value, options);555 assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));556 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));557 }558 async _fill(progress, value, options) {559 progress.log(`elementHandle.fill("${value}")`);560 await progress.beforeInputAction(this);561 return this._page._frameManager.waitForSignalsCreatedBy(progress, options.noWaitAfter, async () => {562 progress.log(' waiting for element to be visible, enabled and editable');563 const filled = await this.evaluatePoll(progress, ([injected, node, {564 value,565 force566 }]) => {567 return injected.waitForElementStatesAndPerformAction(node, ['visible', 'enabled', 'editable'], force, injected.fill.bind(injected, value));568 }, {569 value,570 force: options.force571 });572 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.573 if (filled === 'error:notconnected') return filled;574 progress.log(' element is visible, enabled and editable');575 if (filled === 'needsinput') {576 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.577 if (value) await this._page.keyboard.insertText(value);else await'Delete');578 } else {579 assertDone(filled);580 }581 return 'done';582 }, 'input');583 }584 async selectText(metadata, options = {}) {585 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);586 return progress => {587 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.588 const result = await this.evaluatePoll(progress, ([injected, node, force]) => {589 return injected.waitForElementStatesAndPerformAction(node, ['visible'], force, injected.selectText.bind(injected));590 }, options.force);591 assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));592 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));593 }594 async setInputFiles(metadata, files, options) {595 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);596 return progress => {597 const result = await this._setInputFiles(progress, files, options);598 return assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));599 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));600 }601 async _setInputFiles(progress, files, options) {602 for (const payload of files) {603 if (!payload.mimeType) payload.mimeType = mime.getType( || 'application/octet-stream';604 }605 const result = await this.evaluateHandleInUtility(([injected, node, multiple]) => {606 const element = injected.retarget(node, 'follow-label');607 if (!element) return;608 if (element.tagName !== 'INPUT') throw injected.createStacklessError('Node is not an HTMLInputElement');609 if (multiple && !element.multiple) throw injected.createStacklessError('Non-multiple file input can only accept single file');610 return element;611 }, files.length > 1);612 if (result === 'error:notconnected' || !result.asElement()) return 'error:notconnected';613 const retargeted = result.asElement();614 await progress.beforeInputAction(this);615 await this._page._frameManager.waitForSignalsCreatedBy(progress, options.noWaitAfter, async () => {616 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.617 await this._page._delegate.setInputFiles(retargeted, files);618 });619 await this._page._doSlowMo();620 return 'done';621 }622 async focus(metadata) {623 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);624 await progress => {625 const result = await this._focus(progress);626 await this._page._doSlowMo();627 return assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));628 }, 0);629 }630 async _focus(progress, resetSelectionIfNotFocused) {631 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.632 return await this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node, resetSelectionIfNotFocused]) => injected.focusNode(node, resetSelectionIfNotFocused), resetSelectionIfNotFocused);633 }634 async type(metadata, text, options) {635 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);636 return progress => {637 const result = await this._type(progress, text, options);638 return assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));639 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));640 }641 async _type(progress, text, options) {642 progress.log(`elementHandle.type("${text}")`);643 await progress.beforeInputAction(this);644 return this._page._frameManager.waitForSignalsCreatedBy(progress, options.noWaitAfter, async () => {645 const result = await this._focus(progress, true646 /* resetSelectionIfNotFocused */647 );648 if (result !== 'done') return result;649 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.650 await this._page.keyboard.type(text, options);651 return 'done';652 }, 'input');653 }654 async press(metadata, key, options) {655 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);656 return progress => {657 const result = await this._press(progress, key, options);658 return assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));659 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));660 }661 async _press(progress, key, options) {662 progress.log(`"${key}")`);663 await progress.beforeInputAction(this);664 return this._page._frameManager.waitForSignalsCreatedBy(progress, options.noWaitAfter, async () => {665 const result = await this._focus(progress, true666 /* resetSelectionIfNotFocused */667 );668 if (result !== 'done') return result;669 progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.670 await, options);671 return 'done';672 }, 'input');673 }674 async check(metadata, options) {675 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);676 return progress => {677 const result = await this._setChecked(progress, true, options);678 return assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));679 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));680 }681 async uncheck(metadata, options) {682 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);683 return progress => {684 const result = await this._setChecked(progress, false, options);685 return assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));686 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));687 }688 async _setChecked(progress, state, options) {689 const isChecked = async () => {690 const result = await this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node]) => injected.elementState(node, 'checked'), {});691 return throwRetargetableDOMError(result);692 };693 if ((await isChecked()) === state) return 'done';694 const result = await this._click(progress, options);695 if (result !== 'done') return result;696 if (options.trial) return 'done';697 if ((await isChecked()) !== state) throw new NonRecoverableDOMError('Clicking the checkbox did not change its state');698 return 'done';699 }700 async boundingBox() {701 return this._page._delegate.getBoundingBox(this);702 }703 async screenshot(metadata, options = {}) {704 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);705 return => this._page._screenshotter.screenshotElement(progress, this, options), this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));706 }707 async querySelector(selector, options) {708 const pair = await this._frame.resolveFrameForSelectorNoWait(selector, options, this);709 if (!pair) return null;710 const {711 frame,712 info713 } = pair; // If we end up in the same frame => use the scope again, line above was noop.714 return this._page.selectors.query(frame, info, this._frame === frame ? this : undefined);715 }716 async querySelectorAll(selector) {717 const pair = await this._frame.resolveFrameForSelectorNoWait(selector, {}, this);718 if (!pair) return [];719 const {720 frame,721 info722 } = pair; // If we end up in the same frame => use the scope again, line above was noop.723 return this._page.selectors._queryAll(frame, info, this._frame === frame ? this : undefined, true724 /* adoptToMain */725 );726 }727 async evalOnSelectorAndWaitForSignals(selector, strict, expression, isFunction, arg) {728 const pair = await this._frame.resolveFrameForSelectorNoWait(selector, {729 strict730 }, this); // If we end up in the same frame => use the scope again, line above was noop.731 const handle = pair ? await this._page.selectors.query(pair.frame,, this._frame === pair.frame ? this : undefined) : null;732 if (!handle) throw new Error(`Error: failed to find element matching selector "${selector}"`);733 const result = await handle.evaluateExpressionAndWaitForSignals(expression, isFunction, true, arg);734 handle.dispose();735 return result;736 }737 async evalOnSelectorAllAndWaitForSignals(selector, expression, isFunction, arg) {738 const pair = await this._frame.resolveFrameForSelectorNoWait(selector, {}, this);739 if (!pair) throw new Error(`Error: failed to find frame for selector "${selector}"`);740 const {741 frame,742 info743 } = pair; // If we end up in the same frame => use the scope again, line above was noop.744 const arrayHandle = await this._page.selectors._queryArrayInMainWorld(frame, info, this._frame === frame ? this : undefined);745 const result = await arrayHandle.evaluateExpressionAndWaitForSignals(expression, isFunction, true, arg);746 arrayHandle.dispose();747 return result;748 }749 async isVisible() {750 const result = await this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node]) => injected.elementState(node, 'visible'), {});751 if (result === 'error:notconnected') return false;752 return result;753 }754 async isHidden() {755 const result = await this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node]) => injected.elementState(node, 'hidden'), {});756 return throwRetargetableDOMError(result);757 }758 async isEnabled() {759 const result = await this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node]) => injected.elementState(node, 'enabled'), {});760 return throwRetargetableDOMError(result);761 }762 async isDisabled() {763 const result = await this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node]) => injected.elementState(node, 'disabled'), {});764 return throwRetargetableDOMError(result);765 }766 async isEditable() {767 const result = await this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node]) => injected.elementState(node, 'editable'), {});768 return throwRetargetableDOMError(result);769 }770 async isChecked() {771 const result = await this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node]) => injected.elementState(node, 'checked'), {});772 return throwRetargetableDOMError(result);773 }774 async waitForElementState(metadata, state, options = {}) {775 const controller = new _progress.ProgressController(metadata, this);776 return progress => {777 progress.log(` waiting for element to be ${state}`);778 const result = await this.evaluatePoll(progress, ([injected, node, state]) => {779 return injected.waitForElementStatesAndPerformAction(node, [state], false, () => 'done');780 }, state);781 assertDone(throwRetargetableDOMError(result));782 }, this._page._timeoutSettings.timeout(options));783 }784 async waitForSelector(metadata, selector, options = {}) {785 return this._frame.waitForSelector(metadata, selector, options, this);786 }787 async _adoptTo(context) {788 if (this._context !== context) {789 const adopted = await this._page._delegate.adoptElementHandle(this, context);790 this.dispose();791 return adopted;792 }793 return this;794 }795 async _waitForDisplayedAtStablePosition(progress, force, waitForEnabled) {796 if (waitForEnabled) progress.log(` waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable`);else progress.log(` waiting for element to be visible and stable`);797 const result = await this.evaluatePoll(progress, ([injected, node, {798 waitForEnabled,799 force800 }]) => {801 return injected.waitForElementStatesAndPerformAction(node, waitForEnabled ? ['visible', 'stable', 'enabled'] : ['visible', 'stable'], force, () => 'done');802 }, {803 waitForEnabled,804 force805 });806 if (result === 'error:notconnected') return result;807 if (waitForEnabled) progress.log(' element is visible, enabled and stable');else progress.log(' element is visible and stable');808 return result;809 }810 async _checkHitTargetAt(point) {811 const frame = await this.ownerFrame();812 if (frame && frame.parentFrame()) {813 const element = await frame.frameElement();814 const box = await element.boundingBox();815 if (!box) return 'error:notconnected'; // Translate from viewport coordinates to frame coordinates.816 point = {817 x: point.x - box.x,818 y: point.y - box.y819 };820 }821 return this.evaluateInUtility(([injected, node, point]) => injected.checkHitTargetAt(node, point), point);822 }823} // Handles an InjectedScriptPoll running in injected script:824// - streams logs into progress;825// - cancels the poll when progress cancels.826exports.ElementHandle = ElementHandle;827class InjectedScriptPollHandler {828 constructor(progress, poll) {829 this._progress = void 0;830 this._poll = void 0;831 this._progress = progress;832 this._poll = poll; // Ensure we cancel the poll before progress aborts and returns:833 // - no unnecessary work in the page;834 // - no possible side effects after progress promsie rejects.835 this._progress.cleanupWhenAborted(() => this.cancel());836 this._streamLogs();837 }838 async _streamLogs() {839 while (this._poll && this._progress.isRunning()) {840 const log = await this._poll.evaluate(poll => poll.takeNextLogs()).catch(e => []);841 if (!this._poll || !this._progress.isRunning()) return;842 for (const entry of log) this._progress.logEntry(entry);843 }844 }845 async finishHandle() {846 try {847 const result = await this._poll.evaluateHandle(poll =>;848 await this._finishInternal();849 return result;850 } finally {851 await this.cancel();852 }853 }854 async finish() {855 try {856 const result = await this._poll.evaluate(poll =>;857 await this._finishInternal();858 return result;859 } finally {860 await this.cancel();861 }862 }863 async _finishInternal() {864 if (!this._poll) return; // Retrieve all the logs before continuing.865 const log = await this._poll.evaluate(poll => poll.takeLastLogs()).catch(e => []);866 for (const entry of log) this._progress.logEntry(entry);867 }868 async cancel() {869 if (!this._poll) return;870 const copy = this._poll;871 this._poll = null;872 await copy.evaluate(p => p.cancel()).catch(e => {});873 copy.dispose();874 }875}876exports.InjectedScriptPollHandler = InjectedScriptPollHandler;877function throwRetargetableDOMError(result) {878 if (result === 'error:notconnected') throw new Error('Element is not attached to the DOM');879 return result;880}881function assertDone(result) {// This function converts 'done' to void and ensures typescript catches unhandled errors.882}883function roundPoint(point) {884 return {885 x: (point.x * 100 | 0) / 100,886 y: (point.y * 100 | 0) / 100887 };888}889function compensateHalfIntegerRoundingError(point) {890 // Firefox internally uses integer coordinates, so 8.5 is converted to 9 when clicking.891 //892 // This does not work nicely for small elements. For example, 1x1 square with corners893 // (8;8) and (9;9) is targeted when clicking at (8;8) but not when clicking at (9;9).894 // So, clicking at (8.5;8.5) will effectively click at (9;9) and miss the target.895 //...
...53 }),54 cal: cal55 });56 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE);57 tester.assertDone();58 });59 it ('treats null availability as empty availability', () => {60 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);61 let yesterday = cal.clone();62 advancer.advance(yesterday, 'day', -1);63 const tester = new StatusIteratorTester({64 it: new AvailabilityIterator({65 availability: null,66 cal: cal67 }),68 cal: cal69 });70 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE);71 tester.assertDone();72 });73 it ('returns a single status for a full weekly schedule with a redundant exception', () => {74 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);75 let yesterday = cal.clone();76 advancer.advance(yesterday, 'day', -1);77 let tester = createTester({78 cal: yesterday,79 weekly: [80 {81 minuteOfWeek: WeeklyTimeWindow.SUNDAY,82 durationMins: WeeklyTimeWindow.WEEK83 }84 ],85 exceptions: [86 when(cal, 'day', 1, true)87 ]88 });89 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE);90 tester.assertDone();91 });92 it ('returns 3 statuses for a full weekly schedule with a non-redundant exception with an end date', () => {93 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);94 let yesterday = cal.clone();95 advancer.advance(yesterday, 'day', -1);96 let tester = createTester({97 cal: yesterday,98 weekly: [99 {100 minuteOfWeek: WeeklyTimeWindow.SUNDAY,101 durationMins: WeeklyTimeWindow.WEEK102 }103 ],104 exceptions: [105 when(cal, 'day', 1, false)106 ]107 });108 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'day', 1);109 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, 'day', 1);110 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE);111 tester.assertDone();112 });113 it ('returns a series of statuses for a complex weekly schedule with an exception', () => {114 let cal1 =[2010, 12-1, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);115 let cal2 =[2010, 12-1, 14, 12, 0, 0, 0], tz);116 let tester = createTester({117 cal: cal1,118 weekly: [119 {120 minuteOfWeek: WeeklyTimeWindow.SUNDAY,121 durationMins: WeeklyTimeWindow.DAY122 },123 {124 minuteOfWeek: WeeklyTimeWindow.TUESDAY,125 durationMins: 2 * WeeklyTimeWindow.DAY126 }127 ],128 exceptions: [129 when(cal2, 'hour', 12, false)130 ]131 });132 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, 'day', 2);133 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'day', 1);134 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, 'day', 1);135 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'hour', 12);136 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, 'hour', 12);137 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'day', 1);138 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, 'day', 3);139 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'day', 1);140 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, 'day', 1);141 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'day', 2);142 });143 it ('returns a single status for a full weekly schedule with an exception "until forever"', () => {144 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);145 let ex = when(cal, 'day', 1, false);146 ex.end = null;147 let tester = createTester({148 cal: cal,149 weekly: null,150 exceptions: [ex]151 });152 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE);153 tester.assertDone();154 });155 it ('returns a single status for a partial weekly schedule with an exception "until forever"', () => {156 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);157 let ex = when(cal, 'day', 1, false);158 ex.end = null;159 let tester = createTester({160 cal: cal,161 weekly: [162 {163 minuteOfWeek: WeeklyTimeWindow.SUNDAY,164 durationMins: WeeklyTimeWindow.DAY165 }166 ],167 exceptions: [ex]168 });169 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE);170 tester.assertDone();171 });172 it ('supports overlapping exceptions by following the "last one wins" rule', () => {173 const yesterday =[2010, 12-1, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);174 const today =[2010, 12-1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);175 const tomorrow =[2010, 12-1, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);176 const tester = createTester({177 cal: yesterday,178 weekly: [179 {180 minuteOfWeek: WeeklyTimeWindow.SUNDAY,181 durationMins: WeeklyTimeWindow.WEEK182 }183 ],184 exceptions: [185 when(today, 'day', 2, false),186 when(tomorrow, 'day', 1, true)187 ]188 });189 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'day', 1);190 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, 'day', 1);191 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE);192 tester.assertDone();193 });194 it('handles daylight saving times correctly', () => {195 const today =[2017, 3-1, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);196 const tester = new AvailabilityIterator({197 availability: {198 weekly: [{199 minuteOfWeek: WeeklyTimeWindow.SUNDAY + (5 * 60),200 durationMins: WeeklyTimeWindow.HOUR201 }],202 exceptions: []203 },204 cal: today205 });206 let next =;...
...215 var $toast = $(toastHtml)216 .bootstrapToast()217 .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture'))218 var shownCalled = false219 function assertDone() {220 setTimeout(function () {221 assert.strictEqual(shownCalled, false)222 done()223 }, 20)224 }225 $toast226 .on('', function (event) {227 event.preventDefault()228 assertDone()229 })230 .on('', function () {231 shownCalled = true232 })233 .bootstrapToast('show')234 })235 QUnit.test('should not trigger hidden if hide is prevented', function (assert) {236 assert.expect(1)237 var done = assert.async()238 var toastHtml =239 '<div class="toast" data-delay="1" data-autohide="false">' +240 '<div class="toast-body">' +241 'a simple toast' +242 '</div>' +243 '</div>'244 var $toast = $(toastHtml)245 .bootstrapToast()246 .appendTo($('#qunit-fixture'))247 var hiddenCalled = false248 function assertDone() {249 setTimeout(function () {250 assert.strictEqual(hiddenCalled, false)251 done()252 }, 20)253 }254 $toast255 .on('', function () {256 $toast.bootstrapToast('hide')257 })258 .on('', function (event) {259 event.preventDefault()260 assertDone()261 })262 .on('', function () {263 hiddenCalled = true264 })265 .bootstrapToast('show')266 })...
...42 cal: cal,43 timeWindows: null44 });45 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN);46 tester.assertDone();47 });48 it ('returns a single unknown status when given no time windows', () => {49 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);50 let tester = createTester({51 cal: cal,52 timeWindows: []53 });54 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN);55 tester.assertDone();56 });57 it ('returns two statuses when given a single "since forever" window and pointed in it', () => {58 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);59 let window = when(cal, 'day', 1, true);60 window.start = null;61 let tester = createTester({62 cal: cal,63 timeWindows: [ window ]64 });65 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'day', 1);66 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN);67 tester.assertDone();68 });69 it ('returns a single status when given a single "until forever" window and pointed to it', () => {70 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);71 let window = when(cal, 'day', 1, true);72 window.end = null;73 let tester = createTester({74 cal: cal,75 timeWindows: [ window ]76 });77 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE);78 tester.assertDone();79 });80 it ('returns a single status when given a single "since forever, until forever" (as null) window and pointed to it', () => {81 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);82 let tester = createTester({83 cal: cal,84 timeWindows: [{85 start: null,86 end: null,87 available: true88 }]89 });90 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE);91 tester.assertDone();92 });93 it ('returns a single status when given a single "since forever, until forever" (as undefined) window and pointed to it', () => {94 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);95 let tester = createTester({96 cal: cal,97 timeWindows: [{98 available: true99 }]100 });101 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE);102 tester.assertDone();103 });104 it ('returns two statuses when given a single time window and pointed to its start', () => {105 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);106 let tester = createTester({107 cal: cal,108 timeWindows: [109 when(cal, 'day', 1, true)110 ]111 });112 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'day', 1);113 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN);114 tester.assertDone();115 });116 it ('returns three statuses when given a single time window and pointed to before its start', () => {117 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);118 let yesterday = cal.clone();119 advancer.advance(yesterday, 'day', -1);120 let tester = createTester({121 cal: yesterday,122 timeWindows: [123 when(cal, 'day', 1, false)124 ]125 });126 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN, 'day', 1);127 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, 'day', 1);128 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN);129 tester.assertDone();130 });131 it ('returns the correct status when pointed to middle of window', () => {132 let cal =[2010, 12-1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);133 let midWindow = cal.clone();134 advancer.advance(midWindow, 'hour', 12);135 let tester = createTester({136 cal: midWindow,137 timeWindows: [138 when(cal, 'day', 1, true)139 ]140 });141 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'hour', 12);142 });143 it ('returns 5 statuses when given 3 separate windows, and pointed to between 1st and 2nd', () => {144 let cal1 =[2010, 12-1, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);145 let cal2 =[2010, 12-1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);146 let cal3 =[2010, 12-1, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);147 let tomorrow = cal1.clone();148 advancer.advance(tomorrow, 'day', 1);149 let tester = createTester({150 cal: tomorrow,151 timeWindows: [152 when(cal1, 'day', 1, true),153 when(cal2, 'day', 1, false),154 when(cal3, 'day', 1, true)155 ]156 });157 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN, 'day', 1);158 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, 'day', 1);159 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN, 'day', 1);160 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'day', 1);161 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN);162 tester.assertDone();163 });164 it ('supports overlapping windows by following the "last one wins" rule', () => {165 const yesterday =[2010, 12-1, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);166 const today =[2010, 12-1, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);167 const tomorrow =[2010, 12-1, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0], tz);168 const tester = createTester({169 cal: yesterday,170 timeWindows: [171 when(today, 'day', 2, false),172 when(tomorrow, 'day', 1, true)173 ]174 });175 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN, 'day', 1);176 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, 'day', 1);177 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN, 'day', 0); // TODO: This shouldn't be returned (we chose not to deal with it now as it doesn't really matter)178 tester.assertNextStatus(Status.STATUS_AVAILABLE, 'day', 1);179 tester.assertLastStatus(Status.STATUS_UNKNOWN);180 tester.assertDone();181 });...
...17 var goodPass = vars.users[1].password;18 vars.DB.log_user(goodMail, goodPass, function()19 {20 assert.ok(true, "user identified");21 assertDone();22 },23 function()24 {25 assert.notOk(false, "user identified");26 assertDone();27 });28 var badMail = "je_ne_suis_meme_pas_un_mail";29 var badPass = "";30 vars.DB.log_user(badMail, badPass, function()31 {32 assert.notOk(true, "foreigner not identified");33 assertDone();34 },35 function()36 {37 assert.notOk(false, "foreigner not identified");38 assertDone();39 });40}41suite.create_event = function(assert)42{43 var suite = test.suites.externalDBMock;44 var vars = suite.vars;45 var assertDone = assert.async(1);46 var evt = {47 name : "folle réunion de tdlog chez adèle",48 owner : 0,49 part : [1, 2, 3, 4],50 pos : new Position(0., 0.),51 addr : "chez adèle BIATCH",52 date : "17/01/2016"}53 var mail = vars.users[evt.owner].mail;54 var pass = vars.users[evt.owner].password;55 vars.DB.create_event(56 mail,57 pass,58,59 evt.addr,60,61 evt.lon,62 evt.part,63,64 function(id)65 {66 var db_evt =[vars.DB.eventId];67 assert.equal(,;68 assert.equal(db_evt.address, evt.addr);69 assert.equal(db_evt.participants, evt.part);70 assert.equal(,;71 assert.equal(db_evt.owner, evt.owner);72 assertDone();73 });74}75suite.get_user_id = function(assert)76{77 var suite = test.suites.externalDBMock;78 var vars = suite.vars;79 var assertDone = assert.async(1);80 var mail = vars.users[0].mail;81 vars.DB.get_user_id(mail, function(id)82 {83 assert.equal(id, 0);84 assertDone();85 });86}87suite.set_pass = function(assert)88{89 var suite = test.suites.externalDBMock;90 var vars = suite.vars;91 var assertDone = assert.async(2);92 var goodMail = vars.users[1].mail;93 var goodPass = vars.users[1].password;94 var newPass = "toto";95 vars.DB.set_pass(goodMail, goodPass, newPass, test_added);96 function test_added()97 {98 assert.equal(newPass, vars.DB.users[1].password, "password changed");99 assertDone();100 }101 var badMail = "je_ne_suis_meme_pas_un_mail";102 var badPass = "";103 vars.DB.set_pass(badMail, badPass, newPass, function(){assert.ok(false)}, test_err);104 function test_err(err)105 {106 assert.equal(err.code, 1000, "exception wrong identification");107 assertDone();108 }109}110suite.add_user = function(assert)111{112 var suite = test.suites.externalDBMock;113 var vars = suite.vars;114 var assertDone = assert.async(3);115 var goodUser = {116 name : "jane",117 surname : "doe",118 mail : "",119 tel : "+33648751227",120 password : "peanutButter"121 }122 var badMail = {123 name : "michel",124 surname : "perrier",125 mail : "",126 tel : "+336487512",127 password : "tmux"128 }129 var users_equal = function(usr1, usr2)130 {131 return == &&132 usr1.surname == usr2.surname &&133 usr1.mail == usr2.mail &&134 == &&135 usr1.password == usr2.password;136 }137 vars.DB.add_user(,138 goodUser.surname,139 goodUser.mail,140,141 goodUser.password,142 test_added);143 function test_added()144 {145 assert.ok(users_equal(vars.DB.users[vars.DB.currentId], goodUser));146 assertDone();147 }148 vars.DB.add_user(,149 badMail.surname,150 badMail.mail,151,152 badMail.password,153 function(){},154 function excep1002(err)155 {156 assert.equal(err.code, 1002, "Exception 1002 when adding bad mail do DB");157 assertDone();158 });159 vars.DB.add_user("",160 "",161 goodUser.mail,162 "+33640404040",163 "",164 function(){},165 function excep1001(err)166 {167 assert.equal(err.code, 1001, "Exception 1001 when adding same user");168 assertDone();169 });170}171suite.is_mail = function(assert)172{173 var suite = test.suites.externalDBMock;174 var vars = suite.vars;175 var goodMail = "";176 var badMail1 = "";177 var badMail2 = "incorrect.mail";178 var badMail3 = "incorrect.mail@com";179 var badMail4 = "incorr&";180 assert.ok(vars.DB.is_mail(goodMail), goodMail);181 assert.notOk(vars.DB.is_mail(badMail1), badMail1);182 assert.notOk(vars.DB.is_mail(badMail2), badMail2);...
...46 var evt =[0];47 vars.DB.get_event(, function(db_evt)48 {49 assert.ok(isEqual(db_evt, evt), "adding event");50 assertDone();51 });52}53suite.add_event_participants = function(assert)54{55 var vars = test.suites.localDB.vars;56 var suite = test.suites.localDB;57 var assertDone = assert.async(1);58 var evt =[1];59 var participantId = 1;60 vars.DB.add_event_participant(2, participantId, test_added);61 function test_added ()62 {63 vars.DB.get_event_participants(, function get_parts(db_parts)64 {65 assert.equal(db_parts[0], participantId, "adding participant");66 assert.equal(db_parts.length, 1, "not adding too much participants");67 assertDone();68 });69 }70}71suite.add_friend = function(assert)72{73 var vars = test.suites.localDB.vars;74 var suite = test.suites.localDB;75 var assertDone = assert.async(1);76 var expFriend = {77 id : 1000,78 name : "cymes",79 surname : "michel",80 mail : "",81 tel : "+33684572310"82 }83 var test_added = function()84 {85 vars.DB.get_friend_by_id(,86 function(actFriend)87 {88 assert.ok(isEqual(actFriend, expFriend), "Friend correctly added");89 assertDone();90 });91 }92 vars.DB.add_friend(,93,94 expFriend.surname,95 expFriend.mail,96,97 test_added);98}99suite.get_all_friends = function(assert)100{101 var vars = test.suites.localDB.vars;102 var suite = test.suites.localDB;103 var assertDone = assert.async(1);104 vars.DB.get_all_friends(function(friends)105 {106 var friend2 = vars.friends[2]107 assert.equal(friends[2].name,, "name");108 assert.equal(friends[2].surname, friend2.surname, "surname");109 assert.equal(friends[2].tel,, "tel");110 assertDone();111 });112}113suite.search_friends = function(assert)114{115 var vars = test.suites.localDB.vars;116 var suite = test.suites.localDB;117 var assertDone = assert.async(5);118 var tel0 = "0650544817";119 var surname1 = vars.friends[1].surname.substring(2,5);120 var mail2 = vars.friends[2].mail;121 var name3 = vars.friends[3].name + " " + vars.friends[3].surname;122 var search_assertion = function(keyword, expFriend, message)123 {124 vars.DB.search_friends(keyword, function(actFriend)125 {126 assert.equal(actFriend[0].id,, message);127 assertDone();128 });129 }130 search_assertion(tel0, vars.friends[0], "keyword : french tel");131 search_assertion(surname1, vars.friends[1], "keyword : surname substr");132 search_assertion(mail2, vars.friends[2], "keyword : mail");133 search_assertion(name3, vars.friends[3], "keyword : name surname");134 vars.DB.search_friends("", function(all_friends)135 {136 assert.equal(all_friends.length, vars.friends.length, "empty chain");137 assertDone();138 });139}140suite.setUp = function(assert)141{142 var vars = test.suites.localDB.vars;143 var suite = test.suites.localDB;144 vars.user = { id : 0,145 name : "john",146 surname : "doe",147 mail : "",148 tel : "+336128745",149 lat : 0.,150 long : 0.,151 pass : "mot_de_passe"};152 vars.friends = Array(153 { id : 1,154 name : "paran",155 surname : "arnaud",156 mail : "",157 tel : "+33650544817",158 lat : 0.1,159 long : 0.1},160 {id : 2,161 name : "lebastard",162 surname : "simon",163 mail : "",164 tel : "+33750332043",165 lat : 0.2,166 long : 0.2},167 {id : 3,168 name : "gillier",169 surname : "adele",170 mail : "",171 tel : "+34567853159",172 lat : 0.3,173 long : 0.3},174 {id : 4,175 name : "soulier",176 surname : "eloise",177 mail : "",178 tel : "+44865874520",179 lat : 0.4,180 long : 0.4}181 );182 = Array({id : 1,183 name : "partouze entre amis chez jacquie et michel",184 creatorId : 2,185 participants : [1, 2, 3, 4],186 latitude : 0.,187 longitude : 0.,188 address : "Merci qui?",189 date : "16/09/1993"190 },191 {id : 2,192 name : "forever alone festival",193 creatorId : 3,194 participants : [],195 latitude : 0.,196 longitude : 0.,197 address : "lonely island",198 date : "17/09/1993"199 });200 var assertDone = assert.async(vars.friends.length +;201 vars.DB = new localDBManager(populateDB);202 function populateDB()203 {204 vars.DB.set_user_mail_pass(vars.user.mail, vars.user.pass);205 for (friend of vars.friends) {206 vars.DB.add_friend(,207,208 friend.surname,209 friend.mail,210,211 assertDone212 );213 }214 for (evt of {215 vars.DB.add_event(,216,217 evt.creatorId,218 evt.participants,219 evt.latitude,220 evt.longitude,221 evt.address,222,223 assertDone224 );225 }226 }227}228suite.tearDown = function(assert)229{230 var vars = test.suites.localDB.vars;231 var suite = test.suites.localDB;232 var assertDone = assert.async(1);233 vars.DB.drop_db(function()234 {235 assertDone();236 });...
...38 {39 vars.DB.get_event(, function(db_evt)40 {41 assert.ok(isEqual(db_evt, evt), "adding event");42 assertDone();43 });44 }45 vars.DB.add_event(,46,47 evt.owner,48 evt.part,49,50 evt.lon,51 evt.addr,52,53 test_added);54}55suite.add_friend = function(assert)56{57 var vars = test.suites.localDBMock.vars;58 var suite = test.suites.localDBMock;59 var assertDone = assert.async(1);60 var expFriend = {61 id : 1000,62 name : "cymes",63 surname : "michel",64 mail : "",65 tel : "+33684572310"66 }67 var test_added = function()68 {69 vars.DB.get_friend_by_id(,70 function(actFriend)71 {72 assert.ok(isEqual(actFriend, expFriend), "Friend correctly added");73 assertDone();74 });75 }76 vars.DB.add_friend(,77,78 expFriend.surname,79 expFriend.mail,80,81 test_added);82}83suite.get_all_events = function(assert)84{85 var suite = test.suites.localDBMock;86 var vars = suite.vars;87 var evts =;88 var assertDone = assert.async(1);89 vars.DB.get_all_events(function(evt_list)90 {91 assert.equal(evt_list.length, evts.length, "all events should be caught");92 assertDone();93 });94}95suite.get_all_friends_names_tel = function(assert)96{97 var vars = test.suites.localDBMock.vars;98 var suite = test.suites.localDBMock;99 var assertDone = assert.async(1);100 vars.DB.get_all_friends_names_tel(function(friends)101 {102 var friend2 = vars.friends[2]103 assert.equal(friends[2].name,, "name");104 assert.equal(friends[2].surname, friend2.surname, "surname");105 assert.equal(friends[2].tel,, "tel");106 assertDone();107 });108}109suite.search_friends = function(assert)110{111 var vars = test.suites.localDBMock.vars;112 var suite = test.suites.localDBMock;113 var assertDone = assert.async(5);114 var tel0 = "0650544817";115 var surname1 = vars.friends[1].surname.substring(2,5);116 var mail2 = vars.friends[2].mail;117 var name3 = vars.friends[3].name + " " + vars.friends[3].surname;118 var search_assertion = function(keyword, expFriend, message)119 {120 vars.DB.search_friends(keyword, function(actFriend)121 {122 assert.equal(actFriend[0].id,, message);123 assertDone();124 });125 }126 search_assertion(tel0, vars.friends[0], "keyword : french tel");127 search_assertion(surname1, vars.friends[1], "keyword : surname substr");128 search_assertion(mail2, vars.friends[2], "keyword : mail");129 search_assertion(name3, vars.friends[3], "keyword : name substr");130 vars.DB.search_friends("", function(all_friends)131 {132 assert.equal(all_friends.length, vars.friends.length, "empty chain");133 assertDone();134 });135}136suite.get_friend_id_by_tel = function(assert)137{138 var vars = test.suites.localDBMock.vars;139 var suite = test.suites.localDBMock;140 141 var id = 1;142 var tel = vars.friends[id].tel;143 var non_existing_tel = "+33758315420";144 assert.equal(vars.DB.get_friend_id_by_tel(tel), id, "returns id when given corresponding tel");145 assert.throws(function(){vars.DB.get_friend_id_by_tel(non_existing_tel)}, new CommonException(2002), "throws error when friend doesn't exist");146}147suite.setUp = function()...
...15 user.done = true;16 console.log(, 'joined room',;17'userJoined', user);18 this.users.push(user);19 this.assertDone();20};21Room.prototype.removeUser = function (user) {22'userLeft', _.findWhere(this.users, {uuid: user}));23 delete _.remove(this.users, {uuid: user});24 this.assertDone();25};26/* add's a time with the user's uuid. If index exists, add to the indexed time, if not, add to current solve. */27Room.prototype.addTime = function (user, time, index) {28 if (!index) {29 index = this.times.length - 1;30 }31 _.set(this.times[index], 'results[' + user + ']', time);32'newTime', {user: user, time: time, index: index});33 this.getUser(user).done = true;34 this.assertDone();35};36/* Determines if we're done with the current solve. If yes, generate new sramble and move to next solve. */37Room.prototype.assertDone = function () {38 if (!_.isEmpty(this.users)) {39 if (_.every(this.users, 'done', true)) {40 var scramble = Scramblers[this.event].getRandomScramble().scramble_string;41 this.times.push({scramble: scramble, results: {}});42'newScramble', scramble);43 console.log('new Scramble', scramble);44 this.users.forEach(function (user) {45 user.done = false;46 });47 }48 } else {...
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { assertDone } = require('playwright/lib/internal/test');3(async () => {4 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });8 await browser.close();9 assertDone();10})();11$ npx playwright test --browser-context "viewport: { width: 640, height: 480 }, userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/83.0.4103.73 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1'" test.js
Using AI Code Generation
1const { assertDone } = require('playwright-core/lib/server/trace/recorder');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await'text=Get Started');8 await assertDone();9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');2test('My test', async ({ page }) => {3 expect(await page.textContent('.navbar__inner')).toContain('Docs');4 await page.internalAPI.assertDone();5});6The assertDone() method is available in the Playwright API. It is not available in
Using AI Code Generation
1const { assertDone } = require('@playwright/test/lib/test');2const { assertDone } = require('@playwright/test/lib/test');3const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');4test('example test', async ({ page }) => {5 await'text=Get started');6 await'text=Docs');7 await'text=API');8 await assertDone(page);9});10const { assertDone } = require('@playwright/test/lib/test');11const { assertDone } = require('@playwright/test/lib/test');
Using AI Code Generation
1const assertDone = require('playwright-internal').assertDone;2const { test } = require('playwright-internal');3test('should work', async ({ page }) => {4 assertDone();5});6const { test } = require('@playwright/test');7test('should work', async ({ page }) => {8 assertDone();9});10assertDone(options)11const assertDone = require('playwright-internal').assertDone;12const { test } = require('playwright-internal');13test('should work', async ({ page }) => {14 assertDone();15});16test('should work with timeout', async ({ page }) => {17 assertDone({ timeout: 5000 });18});19test('should work with timeout', async ({ page }) => {20 assertDone({ timeout: 5000 });21});22test('should work with timeout', async ({ page }) => {23 assertDone({ timeout: 5000 });24});25test('should work with timeout', async ({ page }) => {26 assertDone({ timeout: 5000 });27});28test('should work with timeout', async ({ page }) => {29 assertDone({ timeout: 5000 });30});31test('should work with timeout', async ({ page }) => {32 assertDone({ timeout: 5000 });33});34test('should work with timeout', async ({ page }) => {35 assertDone({ timeout: 5000 });36});37test('should work with timeout', async
Using AI Code Generation
1const { assertDone } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserContext');2const assert = require('assert');3(async () => {4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 await context.newPage();6 const error = await assertDone(1000).catch(e => e);7 assert.ok(error.message.includes('Timeout of 1000ms exceeded'));8 await context.close();9})();10const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');11test('assertDone', async ({ page }) => {12 await expect(page).toHaveSelector('text=Playwright is a Node library to automate');13});14{15 "scripts": {16 },17 "devDependencies": {18 }19}
Using AI Code Generation
1const { assertDone } = require('@playwright/test/lib/server/trace/recorder');2(async () => {3 await assertDone();4})();5const test = require('@playwright/test');6test('My Test', async ({ page }) => {7});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { assertDone } from "@playwright/test";2import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";3test("assertDone", async ({ page }) => {4 await assertDone(page);5 await"text=Google Search");6 await assertDone(page);7 await"text=I'm Feeling Lucky");8 await assertDone(page);9});10import { test } from "@playwright/test";11import { assertDone } from "../test";12test("assertDone", async ({ page }) => {13 await assertDone(page);14 await"text=Google Search");15 await assertDone(page);16 await"text=I'm Feeling Lucky");17 await assertDone(page);18});
Using AI Code Generation
1const assertDone = require('@playwright/test/lib/internal/assertDone');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3const assert = require('assert');4(async () => {5 const browser = await chromium.launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await assertDone(page);9 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });10 await browser.close();11})();12const { test } = require('@playwright/test');13test('assertDone example', async ({ page }) => {14 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });15});
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