Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...182 paths: [__dirname, process.cwd()]183 });184 } catch {}185 if (playwrightTestPackagePath) {186 require(playwrightTestPackagePath).addTestCommand(_commander.program);187 require(playwrightTestPackagePath).addShowReportCommand(_commander.program);188 } else {189 {190 const command = _commander.program.command('test').allowUnknownOption(true);191 command.description('Run tests with Playwright Test. Available in @playwright/test package.');192 command.action(async () => {193 console.error('Please install @playwright/test package to use Playwright Test.');194 console.error(' npm install -D @playwright/test');195 process.exit(1);196 });197 }198 {199 const command = _commander.program.command('show-report').allowUnknownOption(true);200 command.description('Show Playwright Test HTML report. Available in @playwright/test package.');...
...214 });215 }216 } catch {}217 if (playwrightTestPackagePath) {218 require(playwrightTestPackagePath).addTestCommand(program);219 } else {220 const command = program.command('test').allowUnknownOption(true);221 command.description('Run tests with Playwright Test. Available in @playwright/test package.');222 command.action(async (args, opts) => {223 console.error('Please install @playwright/test package to use Playwright Test.');224 console.error(' npm install -D @playwright/test');225 process.exit(1);226 });227 }228}229if (process.argv[2] === 'run-driver')230 runDriver();231else if (process.argv[2] === 'run-server')232 runServer(process.argv[3] ? +process.argv[3] : undefined).catch(logErrorAndExit);...
...40 timeout: defaultTimeout,41 updateSnapshots: 'missing',42 workers: Math.ceil(require('os').cpus().length / 2)43};44function addTestCommand(program) {45 const command = program.command('test [test-filter...]');46 command.description('Run tests with Playwright Test');47 command.option('--browser <browser>', `Browser to use for tests, one of "all", "chromium", "firefox" or "webkit" (default: "chromium")`);48 command.option('--headed', `Run tests in headed browsers (default: headless)`);49 command.option('-c, --config <file>', `Configuration file, or a test directory with optional "${tsConfig}"/"${jsConfig}"`);50 command.option('--forbid-only', `Fail if test.only is called (default: false)`);51 command.option('-g, --grep <grep>', `Only run tests matching this regular expression (default: ".*")`);52 command.option('-gv, --grep-invert <grep>', `Only run tests that do not match this regular expression`);53 command.option('--global-timeout <timeout>', `Maximum time this test suite can run in milliseconds (default: unlimited)`);54 command.option('-j, --workers <workers>', `Number of concurrent workers, use 1 to run in a single worker (default: number of CPU cores / 2)`);55 command.option('--list', `Collect all the tests and report them, but do not run`);56 command.option('--max-failures <N>', `Stop after the first N failures`);57 command.option('--output <dir>', `Folder for output artifacts (default: "test-results")`);58 command.option('--quiet', `Suppress stdio`);...
1Question.prototype = new ViewModel();2Question.prototype.constructor = Question;3function Test(id) {4 var self = this;5 self.ID = id;6 self.Name = ko.observable(null);7 self.Input = ko.observable(null);8 self.ExpectedOutput = ko.observable(null);9}10function Question(antiForgeryToken, questionId) {11 var self = this;12 self.ViewModel(this);13 self.antiForgeryToken = antiForgeryToken;14 self.QuestionID = ko.observable(questionId);15 self.SelectedTab = ko.observable(0);16 self.Name = ko.observable(null);17 self.CanEdit = ko.observable(true);18 self.IsCodedTest = ko.observable(false);19 self.QuestionBody = ko.observable(null);20 self.PreviewResults = ko.observableArray([]);21 self.EditingMarkdown = ko.observable(false);22 self.Tests = ko.observableArray([]);23 self.Validate = function () {24 if (!self.Name() || self.Name() == '') {25 self.ErrorMessage("Please fill in the question name.");26 return false;27 }28 if (_.any(self.Tests(), function (t) { return !t.Name() || t.Name() == ''; })) {29 self.ErrorMessage("Please fill in the name for each test.");30 return false;31 }32 return true;33 };34 self.CreateCommand = function () {35 self.ErrorMessage(null);36 if (self.Validate()) {37 self.IncrTasks();38 $.ajax({39 url: "/services/questions/CreateQuestion",40 data: ko.toJSON({41 AuthToken: cookie("authtoken"),42 AntiForgeryToken: self.antiForgeryToken,43 Name: self.Name(),44 QuestionBody: self.QuestionBody(),45 Tests: self.Tests()46 }),47 success: function (response) {48 self.DecrTasks();49 self.HasChanges(false);50 window.location = "/Questions/Details/" + response.QuestionID;51 }52 });53 }54 };55 self.LoadQuestion = function () {56 self.IncrTasks();57 $.ajax({58 url: "/services/questions/GetQuestion",59 data: ko.toJSON({60 AuthToken: cookie("authtoken"),61 QuestionID: self.QuestionID()62 }),63 success: function (response) {64 self.DecrTasks();65 self.Name(response.Name);66 self.CanEdit(response.CanEdit);67 self.IsCodedTest(response.IsCodedTest);68 self.QuestionBody(response.QuestionBody);69 self.Tests(, function (test) {70 var newTest = new Test(test.ID);71 newTest.Name(test.Name);72 newTest.Input(test.Input);73 newTest.ExpectedOutput(test.ExpectedOutput);74 return newTest;75 }));76 self.AddEventHandlers();77 self.HasChanges(false);78 }79 });80 };81 self.CopyCommand = function () {82 self.ErrorMessage(null);83 if (self.HasChanges()) {84 self.ErrorMessage("There are unsaved changes.");85 }86 else {87 self.IncrTasks();88 $.ajax({89 url: "/services/questions/CreateQuestion",90 data: ko.toJSON({91 AuthToken: cookie("authtoken"),92 AntiForgeryToken: self.antiForgeryToken,93 Name: "Copy of " + self.Name(),94 QuestionBody: self.QuestionBody(),95 Tests:, function (test) {96 return {97 ID: test.ID,98 Name: test.Name(),99 Input: test.Input(),100 ExpectedOutput: test.ExpectedOutput()101 }102 })103 }),104 success: function (response) {105 self.DecrTasks();106 window.location = "/Questions/Details/" + response.QuestionID;107 }108 });109 }110 }111 self.SaveCommand = function () {112 self.ErrorMessage(null);113 if (self.Validate() && self.CanEdit()) {114 self.IncrTasks();115 $.ajax({116 url: "/services/questions/EditQuestion",117 data: ko.toJSON({118 AuthToken: cookie("authtoken"),119 AntiForgeryToken: self.antiForgeryToken,120 QuestionID: self.QuestionID(),121 Name: self.Name(),122 QuestionBody: self.QuestionBody(),123 Tests: self.Tests()124 }),125 success: function (response) {126 self.DecrTasks();127 if (response.TestIDs) {128 for (var i = 0; i < response.TestIDs.length; i++) {129 self.Tests()[i].ID = response.TestIDs[i];130 }131 }132 self.HasChanges(false);133 }134 });135 }136 };137 self.AddTestCommand = function () {138 var test = new Test(null);139 test.Name("New Test");140 self.Tests.push(test);141 self.HasChanges(true);142 };143 self.RemoveTestCommand = function () {144 self.Tests.remove(this);145 self.HasChanges(true);146 };147 self.DownloadInputCommand = function () {148 self.ErrorMessage(null);149 if (self.CheckQuestionIsSaved()) {150 var uri = '/Services/DownloadInput.ashx?AuthToken={0}&QuestionID={1}'151 .replace('{0}', encodeURIComponent(cookie('authtoken')))152 .replace('{1}', encodeURIComponent(self.QuestionID()));153, '_blank');154 $('#pvForm').get(0).reset();155 }156 };157 self.RunTests = function () {158 self.IncrTasks();159 self.PreviewResults([]);160 $('#pvForm').ajaxSubmit({161 type: 'POST',162 url: '/Services/UploadOutput.ashx',163 dataType: 'json',164 data: {165 AuthToken: cookie("authtoken"),166 AntiForgeryToken: self.antiForgeryToken,167 QuestionID: self.QuestionID()168 },169 success: function (response) {170 self.DecrTasks();171 if (response.ErrorMessage) {172 self.ErrorMessage(response.ErrorMessage);173 } else {174 self.PreviewResults(response.Tests);175 }176 },177 error: function () {178 self.DecrTasks();179 self.ErrorMessage('An unknown error has occurred.');180 }181 });182 };183 self.RunTestsCommand = function () {184 self.ErrorMessage(null);185 if (self.ValidatePreview()) {186 self.RunTests();187 }188 };189 self.CheckQuestionIsSaved = function () {190 if (self.QuestionID() == null) {191 self.ErrorMessage("Question is not saved.");192 return false;193 }194 if (self.HasChanges()) {195 self.ErrorMessage("Please save changes before running tests.");196 return false;197 }198 return true;199 }200 self.ValidatePreview = function () {201 var outputFile = $('#pvOutput').val();202 if (outputFile == null || outputFile == '') {203 self.ErrorMessage("Please select a file to upload.");204 return false;205 }206 return self.CheckQuestionIsSaved();207 };208 self.UploadCSVTestsCommand = function () {209 var outputFile = $('#csvFile').val();210 if (outputFile == null || outputFile == '') {211 self.ErrorMessage("Please select a file to upload.");212 return false;213 }214 self.IncrTasks();215 self.PreviewResults([]);216 $('#csvForm').ajaxSubmit({217 type: 'POST',218 url: '/Services/UploadTestsCSV.ashx',219 dataType: 'json',220 data: {221 AuthToken: cookie("authtoken"),222 AntiForgeryToken: self.antiForgeryToken,223 QuestionID: self.QuestionID()224 },225 success: function (response) {226 self.DecrTasks();227 if (response.ErrorMessage) {228 self.ErrorMessage(response.ErrorMessage);229 } else {230 self.Tests(, function (test) {231 var newTest = new Test(test.ID);232 newTest.Name(test.Name);233 newTest.Input(test.Input);234 newTest.ExpectedOutput(test.ExpectedOutput);235 return newTest;236 }));237 }238 },239 error: function (response) {240 self.DecrTasks();241 self.ErrorMessage('An unknown error has occurred.');242 }243 });244 }245 self.AddEventHandlers = function () {246 self.Name.subscribe(function () { self.HasChanges(true); });247 self.QuestionBody.subscribe(function () { self.HasChanges(true); });248 self.Tests.subscribe(function () { self.HasChanges(true); });249 ko.computed(function () {250 return, function (t) { return t.Name(); });251 }).subscribe(function () { self.HasChanges(true); });252 };253 if (self.QuestionID() != null) {254 self.LoadQuestion();255 } else {256 self.AddEventHandlers();257 }...
...36}37addInitCommand(program, debugHook);38addStartSandboxCommand(program, debugHook);39addCompileCommand(program, debugHook);40addTestCommand(program, debugHook);41addE2ETestCommand(program, debugHook);42addDeployCommand(program, debugHook);43addPostInstallCommand(program, debugHook);...
...18 project.setScript('build', 'yarn compile');19 project.buildTask.reset();20 project.buildTask.spawn(project.compileTask);21 // add "compile" after test because the test command deletes lib/ and we run tests *after* build in this repo.22 project.addTestCommand('yarn compile');23 delete project.manifest.scripts.bump;24 delete project.manifest.scripts.release;...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });8 await browser.close();9})();10const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');11const { chromium } = require('playwright');12(async () => {13 const browser = await chromium.launch();14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 const page = await context.newPage();16 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });17 await browser.close();18})();19const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');20const { chromium } = require('playwright');21(async () => {22 const browser = await chromium.launch();23 const context = await browser.newContext();24 const page = await context.newPage();25 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });26 await browser.close();27})();28const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');29const { chromium } = require('playwright');30(async () => {31 const browser = await chromium.launch();32 const context = await browser.newContext();33 const page = await context.newPage();34 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });35 await browser.close();36})();37const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');38const { chromium } = require('playwright');39(async () => {40 const browser = await chromium.launch();41 const context = await browser.newContext();42 const page = await context.newPage();43 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });44 await browser.close();45})();46const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');47const { chromium } = require('playwright');48(async () => {49 const browser = await chromium.launch();50 const context = await browser.newContext();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');2addTestCommand('clickButton', async ({ page }, selector) => {3 await;4});5test('test', async ({ page }) => {6 await page.clickButton('button');7});8const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');9addTestCommand('clickButton', async ({ page }, selector) => {10 await;11});12test('test', async ({ page }) => {13 await page.clickButton('button');14});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');2addTestCommand('myCustomCommand', async function (arg1, arg2) {3});4const { test } = require('@playwright/test');5test('My test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {6 await myCustomCommand('arg1', 'arg2');7});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');2addTestCommand('myCustomCommand', async function (arg1, arg2) {3});4import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';5test('my test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {6 await myCustomCommand('arg1', 'arg2');7});8import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';9import { myCustomCommand } from './test';10test('my test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {11 await myCustomCommand('arg1', 'arg2');12});13const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');14addTestCommand('myCustomCommand', async function (arg1, arg2) {15});16import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';17import { myCustomCommand } from './test';18test('my test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {19 await myCustomCommand('arg1', 'arg2');20});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Playwright } = require('playwright');2const { addTestCommand } = Playwright._internal;3addTestCommand('myCustomCommand', function (message) {4 console.log(message);5});6const { test } = require('@playwright/test');7test('test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {8 await myCustomCommand('Hello World');9});10import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';11test('test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {12 await myCustomCommand('Hello World');13});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');2addTestCommand('myCustomCommand', async function (arg1, arg2) {3});4test('my test', async ({page, myCustomCommand}) => {5 await myCustomCommand(arg1, arg2);6});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');2addTestCommand('myCustomCommand', async ({ }, name) => {3});4test('my test', async ({ myCustomCommand }) => {5 await myCustomCommand('John');6});7test('my test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {8 await myCustomCommand('John');9});10test('my test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {11 await myCustomCommand('John');12 await myCustomCommand('John');13});14test('my test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {15 await myCustomCommand('John');16 await myCustomCommand('John');17 await myCustomCommand('John');18});19test('my test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {20 await myCustomCommand('John');21 await myCustomCommand('John');22 await myCustomCommand('John');23 await myCustomCommand('John');24});25test('my test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {26 await myCustomCommand('John');27 await myCustomCommand('John');28 await myCustomCommand('John');29 await myCustomCommand('John');30 await myCustomCommand('John');31});32test('my test', async ({ page, myCustomCommand }) => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const {addTestCommand} = require('@playwright/test');2addTestCommand('myTestCommand', async function (options) {3});4test('test', async ({page}) => {5 await page.myTestCommand({options});6});7globalSetup: async () => {8 const { addTestCommand } = require('@playwright/test');9 addTestCommand('myTestCommand', async function (options) {10 });11 },
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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