Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...12r.buttons.push(ret);r.indexToButtonNumberMap.push(buttonNumber);}13buildButton(button0Title,0);buildButton(button1Title,1);buildButton(button2Title,2);14if(r.defaultButton===-1){throw new Components.Exception("Default button won't be shown",Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE);}15return r;},};function BrowserElementAuthPrompt(){}16BrowserElementAuthPrompt.prototype={QueryInterface:XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2]),promptAuth:function promptAuth(channel,level,authInfo){throw Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;},asyncPromptAuth:function asyncPromptAuth(channel,callback,context,level,authInfo){debug("asyncPromptAuth");if((authInfo.flags&Ci.nsIAuthInformation.AUTH_PROXY)&&(authInfo.flags&Ci.nsIAuthInformation.ONLY_PASSWORD)){throw Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;}17let frame=this._getFrameFromChannel(channel);if(!frame){debug("Cannot get frame, asyncPromptAuth fail");throw Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;}18let browserElementParent=BrowserElementPromptService.getBrowserElementParentForFrame(frame);if(!browserElementParent){debug("Failed to load browser element parent.");throw Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;}19let consumer={QueryInterface:XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsICancelable]),callback:callback,context:context,cancel:function(){this.callback.onAuthCancelled(this.context,false);this.callback=null;this.context=null;}};let[hostname,httpRealm]=this._getAuthTarget(channel,authInfo);let hashKey=level+"|"+hostname+"|"+httpRealm;let asyncPrompt=this._asyncPrompts[hashKey];if(asyncPrompt){asyncPrompt.consumers.push(consumer);return consumer;}20asyncPrompt={consumers:[consumer],channel:channel,authInfo:authInfo,level:level,inProgress:false,browserElementParent:browserElementParent};this._asyncPrompts[hashKey]=asyncPrompt;this._doAsyncPrompt();return consumer;},_asyncPrompts:{},_asyncPromptInProgress:new WeakMap(),_doAsyncPrompt:function(){21let hashKey=null;for(let key in this._asyncPrompts){let prompt=this._asyncPrompts[key];if(!this._asyncPromptInProgress.get(prompt.browserElementParent)){hashKey=key;break;}}22if(!hashKey)23return;let prompt=this._asyncPrompts[hashKey];let[hostname,httpRealm]=this._getAuthTarget(,prompt.authInfo);this._asyncPromptInProgress.set(prompt.browserElementParent,true);prompt.inProgress=true;let self=this;let callback=function(ok,username,password){debug("Async auth callback is called, ok = "+24ok+", username = "+username);25delete self._asyncPrompts[hashKey];prompt.inProgress=false;self._asyncPromptInProgress.delete(prompt.browserElementParent);26let flags=prompt.authInfo.flags;if(username){if(flags&Ci.nsIAuthInformation.NEED_DOMAIN){ let idx=username.indexOf("\\");if(idx==-1){prompt.authInfo.username=username;}else{prompt.authInfo.domain=username.substring(0,idx);prompt.authInfo.username=username.substring(idx+1);}}else{prompt.authInfo.username=username;}}27if(password){prompt.authInfo.password=password;}28for each(let consumer in prompt.consumers){if(!consumer.callback){29continue;}30try{if(ok){debug("Ok, calling onAuthAvailable to finish auth");consumer.callback.onAuthAvailable(consumer.context,prompt.authInfo);}else{debug("Cancelled, calling onAuthCancelled to finish auth.");consumer.callback.onAuthCancelled(consumer.context,true);}}catch(e){}}31self._doAsyncPrompt();};let runnable={run:function(){prompt.browserElementParent.promptAuth(self._createAuthDetail(,prompt.authInfo),callback);}},Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);},_getFrameFromChannel:function(channel){let loadContext=channel.notificationCallbacks.getInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);return loadContext.topFrameElement;},_createAuthDetail:function(channel,authInfo){let[hostname,httpRealm]=this._getAuthTarget(channel,authInfo);return{host:hostname,realm:httpRealm,username:authInfo.username,isOnlyPassword:!!(authInfo.flags&Ci.nsIAuthInformation.ONLY_PASSWORD)};},_getAuthTarget:function(channel,authInfo){let hostname=this._getFormattedHostname(channel.URI);33let realm=authInfo.realm;if(!realm)34realm=hostname;return[hostname,realm];},_getFormattedHostname:function(uri){let scheme=uri.scheme;let hostname=scheme+"://";35let port=uri.port;if(port!=-1){let;if(port!=handler.defaultPort)36hostname+=":"+port;}37return hostname;}};function AuthPromptWrapper(oldImpl,browserElementImpl){this._oldImpl=oldImpl;this._browserElementImpl=browserElementImpl;}38AuthPromptWrapper.prototype={QueryInterface:XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2]),promptAuth:function(channel,level,authInfo){if(this._canGetParentElement(channel)){return this._browserElementImpl.promptAuth(channel,level,authInfo);}else{return this._oldImpl.promptAuth(channel,level,authInfo);}},asyncPromptAuth:function(channel,callback,context,level,authInfo){if(this._canGetParentElement(channel)){return this._browserElementImpl.asyncPromptAuth(channel,callback,context,level,authInfo);}else{return this._oldImpl.asyncPromptAuth(channel,callback,context,level,authInfo);}},_canGetParentElement:function(channel){try{let context=channel.notificationCallbacks.getInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);let frame=context.topFrameElement;if(!frame){ return!!context.nestedFrameId;}39if(!BrowserElementPromptService.getBrowserElementParentForFrame(frame))40return false;return true;}catch(e){return false;}}};function BrowserElementPromptFactory(toWrap){this._wrapped=toWrap;}41BrowserElementPromptFactory.prototype={classID:Components.ID("{24f3d0cf-e417-4b85-9017-c9ecf8bb1299}"),QueryInterface:XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIPromptFactory]),_mayUseNativePrompt:function(){try{return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.prompt.allowNative");}catch(e){return true;}},_getNativePromptIfAllowed:function(win,iid,err){if(this._mayUseNativePrompt())42return this._wrapped.getPrompt(win,iid);else{throw err;}},getPrompt:function(win,iid){43 if(!win)44return this._getNativePromptIfAllowed(win,iid,Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);if(iid.number!=Ci.nsIPrompt.number&&iid.number!=Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2.number){debug("We don't recognize the requested IID ("+iid+", "+"allowed IID: "+"nsIPrompt="+Ci.nsIPrompt+", "+"nsIAuthPrompt2="+Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2+")");return this._getNativePromptIfAllowed(win,iid,Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);}45let browserElementChild=BrowserElementPromptService.getBrowserElementChildForWindow(win);if(iid.number===Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2.number){debug("Caller requests an instance of nsIAuthPrompt2.");if(browserElementChild){46return new BrowserElementAuthPrompt().QueryInterface(iid);}47if(this._mayUseNativePrompt()){return new AuthPromptWrapper(this._wrapped.getPrompt(win,iid),new BrowserElementAuthPrompt().QueryInterface(iid)).QueryInterface(iid);}else{48return new BrowserElementAuthPrompt().QueryInterface(iid);}}49if(!browserElementChild){debug("We can't find a browserElementChild for "+50win+", "+win.location);return this._getNativePromptIfAllowed(win,iid,Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE);}51debug("Returning wrapped getPrompt for "+win);return new BrowserElementPrompt(win,browserElementChild).QueryInterface(iid);}};this.BrowserElementPromptService={QueryInterface:XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver,Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]),_initialized:false,_init:function(){if(this._initialized){return;}52if(!this._browserFramesPrefEnabled()){var prefs=Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);prefs.addObserver(BROWSER_FRAMES_ENABLED_PREF,this,true);return;}...
1/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public2 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this3 * file, You can obtain one at */4Components.utils.import("resource://calendar/modules/calUtils.jsm");5/*6 * Authentication helper code7 */8EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["cal"]; // even though it's defined in calUtils.jsm, import needs this9cal.auth = {10 /**11 * Auth prompt implementation - Uses password manager if at all possible.12 */13 Prompt: function calPrompt() {14 this.mReturnedLogins = {};15 },16 /**17 * Tries to get the username/password combination of a specific calendar name18 * from the password manager or asks the user.19 *20 * @param in aTitle The dialog title.21 * @param in aCalendarName The calendar name or url to look up. Can be null.22 * @param inout aUsername The username that belongs to the calendar.23 * @param inout aPassword The password that belongs to the calendar.24 * @param inout aSavePassword Should the password be saved?25 * @param in aFixedUsername Whether the user name is fixed or editable26 * @return Could a password be retrieved?27 */28 getCredentials: function calGetCredentials(aTitle,29 aCalendarName,30 aUsername,31 aPassword,32 aSavePassword,33 aFixedUsername) {34 if (typeof aUsername != "object" ||35 typeof aPassword != "object" ||36 typeof aSavePassword != "object") {37 throw new Components.Exception("", Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NEED_OUT_OBJECT);38 }39 let watcher = Components.classes[";1"]40 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher);41 let prompter = watcher.getNewPrompter(null);42 // Only show the save password box if we are supposed to.43 let savepassword = null;44 if (cal.getPrefSafe("signon.rememberSignons", true)) {45 savepassword = cal.calGetString("passwordmgr", "rememberPassword", null, "passwordmgr");46 }47 let aText;48 if (aFixedUsername) {49 aText = cal.calGetString("commonDialogs", "EnterPasswordFor", [aUsername.value, aCalendarName], "global");50 return prompter.promptPassword(aTitle,51 aText,52 aPassword,53 savepassword,54 aSavePassword);55 } else {56 aText = cal.calGetString("commonDialogs", "EnterUserPasswordFor", [aCalendarName], "global");57 return prompter.promptUsernameAndPassword(aTitle,58 aText,59 aUsername,60 aPassword,61 savepassword,62 aSavePassword);63 }64 },65 /**66 * Helper to insert/update an entry to the password manager.67 *68 * @param aUserName The username69 * @param aPassword The corresponding password70 * @param aHostName The corresponding hostname71 * @param aRealm The password realm (unused on branch)72 */73 passwordManagerSave: function calPasswordManagerSave(aUsername, aPassword, aHostName, aRealm) {74 cal.ASSERT(aUsername);75 cal.ASSERT(aPassword);76 try {77 let loginManager = Components.classes[";1"]78 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsILoginManager);79 let logins = loginManager.findLogins({}, aHostName, null, aRealm);80 let newLoginInfo = Components.classes[";1"]81 .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILoginInfo);82 newLoginInfo.init(aHostName, null, aRealm, aUsername, aPassword, "", "");83 if (logins.length > 0) {84 loginManager.modifyLogin(logins[0], newLoginInfo);85 } else {86 loginManager.addLogin(newLoginInfo);87 }88 } catch (exc) {89 cal.ASSERT(false, exc);90 }91 },92 /**93 * Helper to retrieve an entry from the password manager.94 *95 * @param in aUsername The username to search96 * @param out aPassword The corresponding password97 * @param aHostName The corresponding hostname98 * @param aRealm The password realm (unused on branch)99 * @return Does an entry exist in the password manager100 */101 passwordManagerGet: function calPasswordManagerGet(aUsername, aPassword, aHostName, aRealm) {102 cal.ASSERT(aUsername);103 if (typeof aPassword != "object") {104 throw new Components.Exception("", Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NEED_OUT_OBJECT);105 }106 try {107 let loginManager = Components.classes[";1"]108 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsILoginManager);109 if (!loginManager.getLoginSavingEnabled(aUsername)) {110 return false;111 }112 let logins = loginManager.findLogins({}, aHostName, null, aRealm);113 for each (let loginInfo in logins) {114 if (loginInfo.username == aUsername) {115 aPassword.value = loginInfo.password;116 return true;117 }118 }119 } catch (exc) {120 cal.ASSERT(false, exc);121 }122 return false;123 },124 /**125 * Helper to remove an entry from the password manager126 *127 * @param aUsername The username to remove.128 * @param aHostName The corresponding hostname129 * @param aRealm The password realm (unused on branch)130 * @return Could the user be removed?131 */132 passwordManagerRemove: function calPasswordManagerRemove(aUsername, aHostName, aRealm) {133 cal.ASSERT(aUsername);134 try {135 let loginManager = Components.classes[";1"]136 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsILoginManager);137 let logins = loginManager.findLogins({}, aHostName, null, aRealm);138 for each (let loginInfo in logins) {139 if (loginInfo.username == aUsername) {140 loginManager.removeLogin(loginInfo);141 return true;142 }143 }144 } catch (exc) {145 }146 return false;147 }148};149/**150 * Calendar Auth prompt implementation. This instance of the auth prompt should151 * be used by providers and other components that handle authentication using152 * nsIAuthPrompt2 and friends.153 *154 * This implementation guarantees there are no request loops when an invalid155 * password is stored in the login-manager.156 *157 * There is one instance of that object per calendar provider.158 */159cal.auth.Prompt.prototype = {160 getPasswordInfo: function capGPI(aPasswordRealm) {161 let username;162 let password;163 let found = false;164 let loginManager = Components.classes[";1"]165 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsILoginManager);166 let logins = loginManager.findLogins({}, aPasswordRealm.prePath, null, aPasswordRealm.realm);167 if (logins.length) {168 username = logins[0].username;169 password = logins[0].password;170 found = true;171 }172 if (found) {173 let keyStr = aPasswordRealm.prePath +":" + aPasswordRealm.realm;174 let now = new Date();175 // Remove the saved password if it was already returned less176 // than 60 seconds ago. The reason for the timestamp check is that177 // nsIHttpChannel can call the nsIAuthPrompt2 interface178 // again in some situation. ie: When using Digest auth token179 // expires.180 if (this.mReturnedLogins[keyStr] &&181 now.getTime() - this.mReturnedLogins[keyStr].getTime() < 60000) {182 cal.LOG("Credentials removed for: user=" + username + ", host="+aPasswordRealm.prePath+", realm="+aPasswordRealm.realm);183 delete this.mReturnedLogins[keyStr];184 cal.auth.passwordManagerRemove(username,185 aPasswordRealm.prePath,186 aPasswordRealm.realm);187 return {found: false, username: username};188 }189 else {190 this.mReturnedLogins[keyStr] = now;191 }192 }193 return {found: found, username: username, password: password};194 },195 /**196 * Requests a username and a password. Implementations will commonly show a197 * dialog with a username and password field, depending on flags also a198 * domain field.199 *200 * @param aChannel201 * The channel that requires authentication.202 * @param level203 * One of the level constants NONE, PW_ENCRYPTED, SECURE.204 * @param authInfo205 * Authentication information object. The implementation should fill in206 * this object with the information entered by the user before207 * returning.208 *209 * @retval true210 * Authentication can proceed using the values in the authInfo211 * object.212 * @retval false213 * Authentication should be cancelled, usually because the user did214 * not provide username/password.215 *216 * @note Exceptions thrown from this function will be treated like a217 * return value of false.218 */219 promptAuth: function capPA(aChannel, aLevel, aAuthInfo) {220 let hostRealm = {};221 hostRealm.prePath = aChannel.URI.prePath;222 hostRealm.realm = aAuthInfo.realm;223 let port = aChannel.URI.port;224 if (port == -1) {225 let handler = cal.getIOService().getProtocolHandler(aChannel.URI.scheme)226 .QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIProtocolHandler);227 port = handler.defaultPort;228 }229 hostRealm.passwordRealm = + ":" + port + " (" + aAuthInfo.realm + ")";230 let pw = this.getPasswordInfo(hostRealm);231 aAuthInfo.username = pw.username;232 if (pw && pw.found) {233 aAuthInfo.password = pw.password;234 return true;235 } else {236 let prompter2 = Components.classes[";1"]237 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptFactory)238 .getPrompt(null, Components.interfaces.nsIAuthPrompt2);239 return prompter2.promptAuth(aChannel, aLevel, aAuthInfo);240 }241 },242 /**243 * Asynchronously prompt the user for a username and password.244 * This has largely the same semantics as promptAuth(),245 * but must return immediately after calling and return the entered246 * data in a callback.247 *248 * If the user closes the dialog using a cancel button or similar,249 * the callback's nsIAuthPromptCallback::onAuthCancelled method must be250 * called.251 * Calling nsICancelable::cancel on the returned object SHOULD close the252 * dialog and MUST call nsIAuthPromptCallback::onAuthCancelled on the provided253 * callback.254 *255 * @throw NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED256 * Asynchronous authentication prompts are not supported;257 * the caller should fall back to promptUsernameAndPassword().258 */259 asyncPromptAuth : function capAPA(aChannel, // nsIChannel260 aCallback, // nsIAuthPromptCallback261 aContext, // nsISupports262 aLevel, // PRUint32263 aAuthInfo // nsIAuthInformation264 ) {265 var self = this;266 let promptlistener = {267 onPromptStart: function() {268 res=self.promptAuth(aChannel, aLevel, aAuthInfo);269 if (res) {270 this.onPromptAuthAvailable();271 return true;272 }273 this.onPromptCanceled();274 return false;275 },276 onPromptAuthAvailable : function() {277 aCallback.onAuthAvailable(aContext, aAuthInfo);278 },279 onPromptCanceled : function() {280 aCallback.onAuthCancelled(aContext, true);281 }282 };283 var asyncprompter = Components.classes[";1"]284 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgAsyncPrompter);285 asyncprompter.queueAsyncAuthPrompt(aChannel.URI.spec, false, promptlistener);286 }...
1import React from "react";2import PouchDB from "pouchdb";3import upsert from "pouchdb-upsert";4import firebase from "firebase/app";5import "firebase/firestore";6const parseAuthObj = (meAuth) => {7 var {8 uid,9 displayName,10 photoURL,11 email,12 emailVerified,13 phoneNumber,14 isAnonymous,15 tenantId,16 providerData,17 apiKey,18 appName,19 authDomain,20 stsTokenManager,21 refreshToken,22 accessToken,23 expirationTime,24 redirectEventId,25 lastLoginAt,26 createdAt,27 multiFactor28 } = meAuth;29 return {30 _id: uid,31 uid,32 displayName,33 photoURL,34 email,35 emailVerified,36 phoneNumber,37 isAnonymous,38 tenantId,39 providerData,40 apiKey,41 appName,42 authDomain,43 stsTokenManager,44 refreshToken,45 accessToken,46 expirationTime,47 redirectEventId,48 lastLoginAt,49 createdAt,50 multiFactor: JSON.stringify(multiFactor)51 };52};53const standardCatch = (err) => console.log("react-fuffer: " + err.message);54const optsForPouchDB = {55 revs_limit: 1, //revision-history56 auto_compaction: true //zipped...57};58//const deletion = (d, db) => db.remove(d).catch(standardCatch);59const destroy = (db) => db.destroy();60const set = (db, c) =>61 !c._id62 ? window.alert(63 "pouchdb needs ._id key:value: JSON.parse= " + JSON.parse(c)64 ) &&65 db66 .destroy()67 .then(() => null)68 .catch(standardCatch)69 : db //has upsert plugin from class constructor70 .upsert(c._id, (copy) => {71 copy = { ...c }; //pouch-db \(construct, protocol)\72 return copy; //return a copy, don't displace immutable object fields73 })74 .then(75 () => null /*"success"*/76 /** or77 notes.find((x) => x._id === c._id)78 ? this.db79 .post(c)80 .then(() => null)81 .catch(standardCatch)82 : deletion(c) && set(db, c); 83 */84 )85 .catch(standardCatch);86const read = async (db, notes /*={}*/) =>87 //let notes = {};88 await db89 .allDocs({ include_docs: true })90 .then(91 (92 allNotes //new Promise cannot handle JSON objects, Promise.all() doesn't93 ) =>94 Promise.all(95 (n) => await (notes[n.doc.key] = n.doc))96 )97 // && and .then() are functionally the same;98 )99 .catch(standardCatch);100class ADB {101 constructor(name) {102 PouchDB.plugin(upsert);103 const title = "meAuth";104 this.db = new PouchDB(title, optsForPouchDB);105 }106 deleteKeys = () => destroy(this.db);107 store = (key) => set(this.db, key);108 readAuth = async (notes = {}) =>109 //let notes = {};110 await read(this.db, notes);111}112class PromptAuth extends React.Component {113 constructor(props) {114 super(props);115 var storedAuth = undefined;116 let adb = new ADB();117 this.state = {118 adb,119 storedAuth,120 tickets: [],121 myCommunities: [],122 folders: []123 };124 }125 promptAuth = () =>126 this.state.adb127 .readAuth()128 .then((result) => {129 const { verbose } = this.props;130 if (result.length === 0) {131 verbose && console.log("REACT-LOCAL-FIREBASE: no user stored...");132 } else {133 var msg = null;134 var storedAuth = result[0];135 if (!storedAuth) return (msg = "new authdb");136 var meAuth = { ...storedAuth };137 if (storedAuth.isAnonymous) {138 msg = "REACT-LOCAL-FIREBASE: authdb is anonymous";139 meAuth.multiFactor = JSON.parse(meAuth.multiFactor);140 } else if (storedAuth._id !== "none")141 msg = "REACT-LOCAL-FIREBASE: authdb is identifiable";142 verbose && console.log(msg);143 this.setState(144 {145 storedAuth146 },147 () =>148 this.props.setFireAuth({149 meAuth150 })151 //reused152 );153 }154 })155 .catch((err) => console.log(err));156 componentDidMount = () => {157 this.promptAuth();158 };159 storeAuth = (meAuth, logout, hasPermission) => {160 const { verbose } = this.props;161 const store = (storedAuth, method, logout) =>162 this.state.adb[method](storedAuth)163 .then((res) =>164 this.setState(165 {166 storedAuth167 },168 () => this.props.setFireAuth({ isStored: res, logout })169 )170 )171 .catch(standardCatch);172 if (Object.keys(meAuth).length === 0)173 return this.props.setFireAuth({ meAuth: {} }, () =>174 store({ _id: "none" }, "store", logout)175 );176 verbose && console.log("REACT-LOCAL-FIREBASE: " + meAuth.uid + " found");177 var stripped = parseAuthObj(meAuth);178 if (this.state.storedAuth !== stripped) {179 //getUserData from update180 //new meAuth object181 this.props.setFireAuth({ meAuth });182 verbose &&183 console.log(184 "REACT-LOCAL-FIREBASE: " + meAuth.uid + " being stored grant" //+ stripped.isAnonymous ? "" : "?"185 );186 if (stripped.isAnonymous) return store(stripped, "store");187 var stor = true;188 if (!hasPermission) {189 stor = window.confirm(190 "is this a private device? if so, can we store your auth data?" +191 `(${stripped.displayName},${stripped.phoneNumber},${})`192 );193 }194 if (stor) {195 store(stripped, "store");196 }197 }198 };199 getUserInfo = async (verbose, auth, storedAuth) => {200 if (this.props.meAuth && this.props.meAuth.isAnonymous)201 return await new Promise((resolve) => resolve("login?"));202 var msg = null;203 if (storedAuth !== undefined) {204 msg =205 "REACT-LOCAL-FIREBASE: " +206 storedAuth.uid +207 " is stored, saving on costs here";208 if (!storedAuth.multiFactor) {209 msg =210 "REACT-LOCAL-FIREBASE: " +211 storedAuth.uid +212 " is substandard; !meAuth1.multiFactor, deleting these from pouchdb..";213 this.state.adb.deleteKeys();214 } else {215 msg =216 storedAuth.uid + ": JSON.parse-ing 'meAuth1.multiFactor' object..";217 var meAuth = { ...this.props.meAuth };218 meAuth.multiFactor = JSON.parse(storedAuth.multiFactor);219 this.props.setFireAuth({ meAuth });220 //anonymous221 if (meAuth.isAnonymous) {222 console.log(meAuth.uid + " is anonymous");223 } else this.storeAuth(storedAuth, false, true);224 }225 verbose && console.log(msg);226 }227 !auth &&228 firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((meAuth) => {229 verbose &&230 console.log("REACT-LOCAL-FIREBASE: firebase authentication called");231 if (!meAuth)232 return firebase233 .auth()234 .signInAnonymously()235 .then(() => {236 verbose &&237 console.log("REACT-LOCAL-FIREBASE: getting fake user data...");238 var answer = window.confirm("login?");239 if (answer) this.props.onPromptToLogin();240 })241 .catch(standardCatch);242 this.storeAuth(meAuth);243 }, standardCatch);244 //strict promise245 return await new Promise(246 (resolve) =>247 meAuth &&248 meAuth.constructor === Object &&249 meAuth.isAnonymous &&250 meAuth251 .delete()252 .then(() => {253 window.alert(254 "REACT-LOCAL-FIREBASE: successfully removed anonymous account"255 );256 verbose &&257 console.log(258 "REACT-LOCAL-FIREBASresolve(meAuth.isAnonymous)E: " +259 meAuth.uid +260 " is logged in"261 );262 resolve(meAuth.isAnonymous);263 })264 .catch(standardCatch)265 );266 };267 render() {268 const { verbose, auth } = this.props;269 const { storedAuth } = this.state;270 return (271 <div>272 <div273 ref={}274 style={}275 onClick={async () => {276 this.storeAuth(...this.props.storableAuth);277 this.props.clearStore();278 }}279 />280 <div281 ref={this.props.fwd}282 style={}283 onClick={async () => {284 this.props.onStart();285 var res;286 if (this.props.reset) {287 res = await this.storeAuth({});288 this.props.resetResetAuth();289 } else {290 res = await this.getUserInfo(verbose, auth, storedAuth);291 if (res === "login?") this.props.onPromptToLogin();292 }293 if (res) this.props.onFinish(); //res.isAnonymous294 }}295 />296 </div>297 );298 }299}300export default React.forwardRef((props, getRefs) => {301 const { pa, fwd } = props.getRefs();302 return <PromptAuth fwd={fwd} pa={pa} {...props} />;303});304/*export default React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {305 return <PromptAuth fwd={ref.fwd} pa={} {...props} />;306});*/307/**308 * 309 {React.forwardRef((props, ref) =>310 React.createElement(311 <div312 ref={ref}313 style={}314 onClick={async () => {315 this.props.onStart();316 const res = await this.getUserInfo(verbose, auth, storedAuth);317 if (res === "login?") this.props.onPromptToLogin();318 if (res) this.props.onFinish(); //res.isAnonymous319 }}320 />,321 props322 )323 )}...
1// NOTE: This tests code outside of Necko. The test still lives here because2// the contract is part of Necko.3// TODO:4// - HTTPS5// - Proxies6const nsIAuthInformation = Components.interfaces.nsIAuthInformation;7const nsIAuthPromptAdapterFactory = Components.interfaces.nsIAuthPromptAdapterFactory;8function run_test() {9 const contractID = ";1";10 if (!(contractID in Components.classes)) {11 print("No adapter factory found, skipping testing");12 return;13 }14 var adapter = Components.classes[contractID].getService();15 do_check_eq(adapter instanceof nsIAuthPromptAdapterFactory, true);16 // NOTE: xpconnect lets us get away with passing an empty object here17 // For this part of the test, we only care that this function returns18 // success19 do_check_neq(adapter.createAdapter({}), null);20 const host = "";21 var info = {22 username: "",23 password: "",24 domain: "",25 flags: nsIAuthInformation.AUTH_HOST,26 authenticationScheme: "basic",27 realm: "secretrealm"28 };29 const CALLED_PROMPT = 1 << 0;30 const CALLED_PROMPTUP = 1 << 1;31 const CALLED_PROMPTP = 1 << 2;32 function Prompt1() {}33 Prompt1.prototype = {34 called: 0,35 rv: true,36 user: "foo\\bar",37 pw: "bar",38 scheme: "http",39 QueryInterface: function authprompt_qi(iid) {40 if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) ||41 iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIAuthPrompt))42 return this;43 throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;44 },45 prompt: function ap1_prompt(title, text, realm, save, defaultText, result) {46 this.called |= CALLED_PROMPT;47 this.doChecks(text, realm);48 return this.rv;49 },50 promptUsernameAndPassword:51 function ap1_promptUP(title, text, realm, savePW, user, pw)52 {53 this.called |= CALLED_PROMPTUP;54 this.doChecks(text, realm);55 user.value = this.user;56 pw.value =;57 return this.rv;58 },59 promptPassword: function ap1_promptPW(title, text, realm, save, pwd) {60 this.called |= CALLED_PROMPTP;61 this.doChecks(text, realm);62 pwd.value =;63 return this.rv;64 },65 doChecks: function ap1_check(text, realm) {66 if (this.scheme == "http")67 do_check_eq(host + ":80 (" + info.realm + ")", realm);68 else69 do_check_eq(this.scheme + "://" + host, realm);70 do_check_neq(text.indexOf(host), -1);71 if (info.flags & nsIAuthInformation.ONLY_PASSWORD) {72 // Should have the username in the text73 do_check_neq(text.indexOf(info.username), -1);74 } else {75 // Make sure that we show the realm if we have one and that we don't76 // show "" otherwise77 if (info.realm != "")78 do_check_neq(text.indexOf(info.realm), -1);79 else80 do_check_eq(text.indexOf('""'), -1);81 // No explicit port in the URL; message should not contain -182 // for those cases83 do_check_eq(text.indexOf("-1"), -1);84 }85 }86 };87 // Also have to make up a channel88 var ios = Components.classes[";1"]89 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);90 var chan = ios.newChannel("http://" + host, "", null);91 function do_tests(expectedRV) {92 var prompt1;93 var wrapper;94 // 1: The simple case95 prompt1 = new Prompt1();96 prompt1.rv = expectedRV;97 wrapper = adapter.createAdapter(prompt1);98 var rv = wrapper.promptAuth(chan, 0, info);99 do_check_eq(rv, prompt1.rv);100 do_check_eq(prompt1.called, CALLED_PROMPTUP);101 if (rv) {102 do_check_eq(info.domain, "");103 do_check_eq(info.username, prompt1.user);104 do_check_eq(info.password,;105 }106 info.domain = "";107 info.username = "";108 info.password = "";109 // 2: Only ask for a PW110 prompt1 = new Prompt1();111 prompt1.rv = expectedRV;112 info.flags |= nsIAuthInformation.ONLY_PASSWORD;113 // Initialize the username so that the prompt can show it114 info.username = prompt1.user;115 wrapper = adapter.createAdapter(prompt1);116 rv = wrapper.promptAuth(chan, 0, info);117 do_check_eq(rv, prompt1.rv);118 do_check_eq(prompt1.called, CALLED_PROMPTP);119 if (rv) {120 do_check_eq(info.domain, "");121 do_check_eq(info.username, prompt1.user); // we initialized this122 do_check_eq(info.password,;123 }124 info.flags &= ~nsIAuthInformation.ONLY_PASSWORD;125 info.domain = "";126 info.username = "";127 info.password = "";128 // 3: user, pw and domain129 prompt1 = new Prompt1();130 prompt1.rv = expectedRV;131 info.flags |= nsIAuthInformation.NEED_DOMAIN;132 wrapper = adapter.createAdapter(prompt1);133 rv = wrapper.promptAuth(chan, 0, info);134 do_check_eq(rv, prompt1.rv);135 do_check_eq(prompt1.called, CALLED_PROMPTUP);136 if (rv) {137 do_check_eq(info.domain, "foo");138 do_check_eq(info.username, "bar");139 do_check_eq(info.password,;140 }141 info.flags &= ~nsIAuthInformation.NEED_DOMAIN;142 info.domain = "";143 info.username = "";144 info.password = "";145 // 4: username that doesn't contain a domain146 prompt1 = new Prompt1();147 prompt1.rv = expectedRV;148 info.flags |= nsIAuthInformation.NEED_DOMAIN;149 prompt1.user = "foo";150 wrapper = adapter.createAdapter(prompt1);151 rv = wrapper.promptAuth(chan, 0, info);152 do_check_eq(rv, prompt1.rv);153 do_check_eq(prompt1.called, CALLED_PROMPTUP);154 if (rv) {155 do_check_eq(info.domain, "");156 do_check_eq(info.username, prompt1.user);157 do_check_eq(info.password,;158 }159 info.flags &= ~nsIAuthInformation.NEED_DOMAIN;160 info.domain = "";161 info.username = "";162 info.password = "";163 // 5: FTP164 var ftpchan = ios.newChannel("ftp://" + host, "", null);165 prompt1 = new Prompt1();166 prompt1.rv = expectedRV;167 prompt1.scheme = "ftp";168 wrapper = adapter.createAdapter(prompt1);169 var rv = wrapper.promptAuth(ftpchan, 0, info);170 do_check_eq(rv, prompt1.rv);171 do_check_eq(prompt1.called, CALLED_PROMPTUP);172 if (rv) {173 do_check_eq(info.domain, "");174 do_check_eq(info.username, prompt1.user);175 do_check_eq(info.password,;176 }177 info.domain = "";178 info.username = "";179 info.password = "";180 }181 do_tests(true);182 do_tests(false);...
...40 cancel: function() {}41 };42 }43 log(LOG_DEBUG, "Not restricted " + key);44 return _p.asyncPromptAuth(channel, callback, context, level, info);45 },46 restrictLogin: function(uri) {47 const key = uriToKey(uri);48 restricted.set(key, true);49 },50 allowLogin: function(uri) {51 const key = uriToKey(uri);52 log(LOG_DEBUG, "Lifting restriction " + key);53 restricted.delete(key, true);54 }55 };56 });57 /**58 * Property providing nsIPrompt...
1import React from 'react';2import {useDispatch} from "react-redux";3import getUser from "../utils/getUser";4import {clear, setUser} from "../reduxSlices/userInfoSlice";5function popupCloseHandler() {6 // This is intentional7}8function promptAuth() {9 // pop a popup that points to a page that auto-closes (window.close())10 // if the user is not authenticated, it will redirect to the auth server which will redirect back and the popup should auto-close11 const popup =`${process.env.REACT_APP_API_BASE}/auto-close`, '', 'width=600, height=600');12 // auto-check if the pop-up is closed (either auto-closed or manually)13 // if so, call the handler that is set on a per usage basis and will most likely be a call to window.location.reload()14 const interval = setInterval(() => {15 if (popup.closed) {16 clearInterval(interval);17 popupCloseHandler();18 }19 }, 100);20}21/**22 * Wraps some element with an `a` tag. Clicking on it will pop the auth popup23 * Attempting to pop the popup automatically (without a user event) is24 * blocked by most browsers (popup blockers)25 *26 * @param attrs27 * @returns {JSX.Element}28 * @constructor29 */30function LoginLink(attrs) {31 const dispatch = useDispatch();32 popupCloseHandler = () => {33 getUser().then((maybeUser) => {34 if (maybeUser) {35 dispatch(setUser(maybeUser))36 } else {37 dispatch(clear())38 }39 });40 }41 return <a href="#" onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); promptAuth()}} {...attrs}>{attrs.children}</a>;42}...
1'use strict';2const promptService = require('../../prompts/service');3const promptEntity = require('../../prompts/entity');4const promptEntityPlural = require('../../prompts/entity-plural');5const promptAuth = require('../../prompts/auth');6const promptFields = require('../../prompts/fields');7const promptSortableFields = require('../../prompts/sortable-fields');8const promptAvailableFilters = require('../../prompts/available-filters');9const promptAddViews = require('../../prompts/add-views');10const apiList = require('./api-list');11const apiGet = require('./api-get');12const apiPost = require('./api-post');13const apiPut = require('./api-put');14const { ensureOptions } = require('../../utils');15const getPrompts = () => [16 promptService,17 promptEntity,18 promptEntityPlural,19 promptAuth,20 promptFields,21 promptSortableFields,22 promptAvailableFilters,23 promptAddViews24];25module.exports.command = 'create-crud';26module.exports.describe = 'Create an entity CRUD operations';27module.exports.builder = yargs => {28 return yargs29 .option('service', {30 alias: 's',31 description: 'The current service name (in dash case)',32 type: 'string'33 })34 .option('entity', {35 alias: 'e',36 description: 'The CRUD entity',37 type: 'string'38 })39 .help();40};41module.exports.handler = async argv => {42 const options = await ensureOptions(getPrompts(), argv);43 await apiList.handler(options);44 await apiGet.handler(options);45 await apiPost.handler(options);46 await apiPut.handler(options);...
1import React from 'react';2import './Home.css';3import '../Components.css';4import Header from '../Header';5import {Link} from 'react-router-dom';6export default class Home extends React.Component {7 componentDidMount(){8 document.title = "MangaReminder";9 }10 render(){11 return(12 <div>13 <Header/>14 <div className="home">15 <text className="titleText">16 The easiest way to receive email reminders on your favorite manga.17 </text>18 <PromptAuth/>);19 </div>20 </div>21 );22 }23}24const HomeList = (props) => {25 return(26 <div className="homeList">27 28 </div>29 );30}31const PromptAuth = (props) => {32 return(33 <div className="promptAuth">34 <Link to="/login" className="buttonLink">Log In</Link>35 <Link to="/signup" className="buttonLink">Sign Up</Link>36 </div>37 );...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await'text=Get started');7 await page.waitForNavigation();8 await'text=Docs');9 await page.waitForNavigation();10 await'text=API');11 await page.waitForNavigation();12 await'text=Internal API');13 await page.waitForNavigation();14 await'text=class: BrowserType');15 await page.waitForNavigation();16 await'text=launch');17 await page.waitForNavigation();18 await'text=Options');19 await page.waitForNavigation();20 await'text=BrowserContextOptions');21 await page.waitForNavigation();22 await'text=Proxy');23 await page.waitForNavigation();24 await'text=ProxyAuth');25 await page.waitForNavigation();26 await'text=ProxyAuth');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await'text=Get started');7 await page.fill('input[name="email"]', 'email');8 await page.fill('input[name="password"]', 'password');9 await'text=Log in');10 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });11 await browser.close();12})();13const { chromium } = require('playwright');14(async () => {15 const browser = await chromium.launch();16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 await'text=Get started');19 await page.fill('input[name="email"]', 'email');20 await page.fill('input[name="password"]', 'password');21 await'text=Log in');22 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });23 await browser.close();24})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });15 await browser.close();16})();17const { chromium } = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await chromium.launch();20 const context = await browser.newContext();21 const page = await context.newPage();22 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });31 await browser.close();32})();33const { chromium } = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await chromium.launch();36 const context = await browser.newContext();37 const page = await context.newPage();38 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });39 await browser.close();40})();41const { chromium } = require('playwright');42(async () => {43 const browser = await chromium.launch();44 const context = await browser.newContext();45 const page = await context.newPage();46 await page.screenshot({ path
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 await context.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });8 await context.tracing.stop({ path: `` });9 await browser.close();10})();11const { chromium } = require('playwright');12(async () => {13 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });14 const context = await browser.newContext();15 await context.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });16 const page = await context.newPage();17 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });18 await context.tracing.stop({ path: `` });19 await browser.close();20})();21const { chromium } = require('playwright');22(async () => {23 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });24 const context = await browser.newContext();25 await context.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });26 const page = await context.newPage();27 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });28 await context.tracing.stop({ path: `` });29 await browser.close();30})();31const { chromium } = require('playwright');32(async () => {33 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });34 const context = await browser.newContext();35 await context.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });36 const page = await context.newPage();37 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });38 await context.tracing.stop({ path: `` });39 await browser.close();40})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { PromptAuth } = require('playwright/lib/internal/auth');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const promptAuth = new PromptAuth(page);8 await promptAuth.authenticate('user', 'password');9 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });10 await browser.close();11})();12const { chromium } = require('playwright');13const { PromptAuth } = require('playwright/lib/internal/auth');14(async () => {15 const browser = await chromium.launch();16 const context = await browser.newContext();17 const page = await context.newPage();18 const promptAuth = new PromptAuth(page);19 await promptAuth.authenticate('user', 'password');
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({4 });5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch({12 });13 const context = await browser.newContext();14 const page = await context.newPage();15 await browser.close();16})();17const { chromium
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