Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
...163 return new DelimToken(code);164 }165 }166 else if(code == 0x27) return consumeAStringToken();167 else if(code == 0x28) return new OpenParenToken();168 else if(code == 0x29) return new CloseParenToken();169 else if(code == 0x2a) {170 if(next() == 0x3d) {171 consume();172 return new SubstringMatchToken();173 } else {174 return new DelimToken(code);175 }176 }177 else if(code == 0x2b) {178 if(startsWithANumber()) {179 reconsume();180 return consumeANumericToken();181 } else {182 return new DelimToken(code);183 }184 }185 else if(code == 0x2c) return new CommaToken();186 else if(code == 0x2d) {187 if(startsWithANumber()) {188 reconsume();189 return consumeANumericToken();190 } else if(next(1) == 0x2d && next(2) == 0x3e) {191 consume(2);192 return new CDCToken();193 } else if(startsWithAnIdentifier()) {194 reconsume();195 return consumeAnIdentlikeToken();196 } else {197 return new DelimToken(code);198 }199 }200 else if(code == 0x2e) {201 if(startsWithANumber()) {202 reconsume();203 return consumeANumericToken();204 } else {205 return new DelimToken(code);206 }207 }208 else if(code == 0x3a) return new ColonToken;209 else if(code == 0x3b) return new SemicolonToken;210 else if(code == 0x3c) {211 if(next(1) == 0x21 && next(2) == 0x2d && next(3) == 0x2d) {212 consume(3);213 return new CDOToken();214 } else {215 return new DelimToken(code);216 }217 }218 else if(code == 0x40) {219 if(wouldStartAnIdentifier(next(1), next(2), next(3))) {220 return new AtKeywordToken(consumeAName());221 } else {222 return new DelimToken(code);223 }224 }225 else if(code == 0x5b) return new OpenSquareToken();226 else if(code == 0x5c) {227 if(startsWithAValidEscape()) {228 reconsume();229 return consumeAnIdentlikeToken();230 } else {231 parseerror();232 return new DelimToken(code);233 }234 }235 else if(code == 0x5d) return new CloseSquareToken();236 else if(code == 0x5e) {237 if(next() == 0x3d) {238 consume();239 return new PrefixMatchToken();240 } else {241 return new DelimToken(code);242 }243 }244 else if(code == 0x7b) return new OpenCurlyToken();245 else if(code == 0x7c) {246 if(next() == 0x3d) {247 consume();248 return new DashMatchToken();249 } else if(next() == 0x7c) {250 consume();251 return new ColumnToken();252 } else {253 return new DelimToken(code);254 }255 }256 else if(code == 0x7d) return new CloseCurlyToken();257 else if(code == 0x7e) {258 if(next() == 0x3d) {259 consume();260 return new IncludeMatchToken();261 } else {262 return new DelimToken(code);263 }264 }265 else if(digit(code)) {266 reconsume();267 return consumeANumericToken();268 }269 else if(namestartchar(code)) {270 reconsume();271 return consumeAnIdentlikeToken();272 }273 else if(eof()) return new EOFToken();274 else return new DelimToken(code);275 };276 var consumeComments = function() {277 while(next(1) == 0x2f && next(2) == 0x2a) {278 consume(2);279 while(true) {280 consume();281 if(code == 0x2a && next() == 0x2f) {282 consume();283 break;284 } else if(eof()) {285 parseerror();286 return;287 }288 }289 }290 };291 var consumeANumericToken = function() {292 var num = consumeANumber();293 if(wouldStartAnIdentifier(next(1), next(2), next(3))) {294 var token = new DimensionToken();295 token.value = num.value;296 token.repr = num.repr;297 token.type = num.type;298 token.unit = consumeAName();299 return token;300 } else if(next() == 0x25) {301 consume();302 var token = new PercentageToken();303 token.value = num.value;304 token.repr = num.repr;305 return token;306 } else {307 var token = new NumberToken();308 token.value = num.value;309 token.repr = num.repr;310 token.type = num.type;311 return token;312 }313 };314 var consumeAnIdentlikeToken = function() {315 var str = consumeAName();316 if(str.toLowerCase() == "url" && next() == 0x28) {317 consume();318 while(whitespace(next(1)) && whitespace(next(2))) consume();319 if(next() == 0x22 || next() == 0x27) {320 return new FunctionToken(str);321 } else if(whitespace(next()) && (next(2) == 0x22 || next(2) == 0x27)) {322 return new FunctionToken(str);323 } else {324 return consumeAURLToken();325 }326 } else if(next() == 0x28) {327 consume();328 return new FunctionToken(str);329 } else {330 return new IdentToken(str);331 }332 };333 var consumeAStringToken = function(endingCodePoint) {334 if(endingCodePoint === undefined) endingCodePoint = code;335 var string = "";336 while(consume()) {337 if(code == endingCodePoint || eof()) {338 return new StringToken(string);339 } else if(newline(code)) {340 parseerror();341 reconsume();342 return new BadStringToken();343 } else if(code == 0x5c) {344 if(eof(next())) {345 donothing();346 } else if(newline(next())) {347 consume();348 } else {349 string += stringFromCode(consumeEscape())350 }351 } else {352 string += stringFromCode(code);353 }354 }355 };356 var consumeAURLToken = function() {357 var token = new URLToken("");358 while(whitespace(next())) consume();359 if(eof(next())) return token;360 while(consume()) {361 if(code == 0x29 || eof()) {362 return token;363 } else if(whitespace(code)) {364 while(whitespace(next())) consume();365 if(next() == 0x29 || eof(next())) {366 consume();367 return token;368 } else {369 consumeTheRemnantsOfABadURL();370 return new BadURLToken();371 }372 } else if(code == 0x22 || code == 0x27 || code == 0x28 || nonprintable(code)) {373 parseerror();374 consumeTheRemnantsOfABadURL();375 return new BadURLToken();376 } else if(code == 0x5c) {377 if(startsWithAValidEscape()) {378 token.value += stringFromCode(consumeEscape());379 } else {380 parseerror();381 consumeTheRemnantsOfABadURL();382 return new BadURLToken();383 }384 } else {385 token.value += stringFromCode(code);386 }387 }388 };389 var consumeEscape = function() {390 // Assume the the current character is the \391 // and the next code point is not a newline.392 consume();393 if(hexdigit(code)) {394 // Consume 1-6 hex digits395 var digits = [code];396 for(var total = 0; total < 5; total++) {397 if(hexdigit(next())) {398 consume();399 digits.push(code);400 } else {401 break;402 }403 }404 if(whitespace(next())) consume();405 var value = parseInt({return String.fromCharCode(x);}).join(''), 16);406 if( value > maximumallowedcodepoint ) value = 0xfffd;407 return value;408 } else if(eof()) {409 return 0xfffd;410 } else {411 return code;412 }413 };414 var areAValidEscape = function(c1, c2) {415 if(c1 != 0x5c) return false;416 if(newline(c2)) return false;417 return true;418 };419 var startsWithAValidEscape = function() {420 return areAValidEscape(code, next());421 };422 var wouldStartAnIdentifier = function(c1, c2, c3) {423 if(c1 == 0x2d) {424 return namestartchar(c2) || c2 == 0x2d || areAValidEscape(c2, c3);425 } else if(namestartchar(c1)) {426 return true;427 } else if(c1 == 0x5c) {428 return areAValidEscape(c1, c2);429 } else {430 return false;431 }432 };433 var startsWithAnIdentifier = function() {434 return wouldStartAnIdentifier(code, next(1), next(2));435 };436 var wouldStartANumber = function(c1, c2, c3) {437 if(c1 == 0x2b || c1 == 0x2d) {438 if(digit(c2)) return true;439 if(c2 == 0x2e && digit(c3)) return true;440 return false;441 } else if(c1 == 0x2e) {442 if(digit(c2)) return true;443 return false;444 } else if(digit(c1)) {445 return true;446 } else {447 return false;448 }449 };450 var startsWithANumber = function() {451 return wouldStartANumber(code, next(1), next(2));452 };453 var consumeAName = function() {454 var result = "";455 while(consume()) {456 if(namechar(code)) {457 result += stringFromCode(code);458 } else if(startsWithAValidEscape()) {459 result += stringFromCode(consumeEscape());460 } else {461 reconsume();462 return result;463 }464 }465 };466 var consumeANumber = function() {467 var repr = [];468 var type = "integer";469 if(next() == 0x2b || next() == 0x2d) {470 consume();471 repr += stringFromCode(code);472 }473 while(digit(next())) {474 consume();475 repr += stringFromCode(code);476 }477 if(next(1) == 0x2e && digit(next(2))) {478 consume();479 repr += stringFromCode(code);480 consume();481 repr += stringFromCode(code);482 type = "number";483 while(digit(next())) {484 consume();485 repr += stringFromCode(code);486 }487 }488 var c1 = next(1), c2 = next(2), c3 = next(3);489 if((c1 == 0x45 || c1 == 0x65) && digit(c2)) {490 consume();491 repr += stringFromCode(code);492 consume();493 repr += stringFromCode(code);494 type = "number";495 while(digit(next())) {496 consume();497 repr += stringFromCode(code);498 }499 } else if((c1 == 0x45 || c1 == 0x65) && (c2 == 0x2b || c2 == 0x2d) && digit(c3)) {500 consume();501 repr += stringFromCode(code);502 consume();503 repr += stringFromCode(code);504 consume();505 repr += stringFromCode(code);506 type = "number";507 while(digit(next())) {508 consume();509 repr += stringFromCode(code);510 }511 }512 var value = convertAStringToANumber(repr);513 return {type:type, value:value, repr:repr};514 };515 var convertAStringToANumber = function(string) {516 // CSS's number rules are identical to JS, afaik.517 return +string;518 };519 var consumeTheRemnantsOfABadURL = function() {520 while(consume()) {521 if(code == 0x29 || eof()) {522 return;523 } else if(startsWithAValidEscape()) {524 consumeEscape();525 donothing();526 } else {527 donothing();528 }529 }530 };531 var iterationCount = 0;532 while(!eof(next())) {533 tokens.push(consumeAToken());534 iterationCount++;535 if(iterationCount > str.length*2) return "I'm infinite-looping!";536 }537 return tokens;538}539function CSSParserToken() { throw "Abstract Base Class"; }540CSSParserToken.prototype.toJSON = function() {541 return {token: this.tokenType};542}543CSSParserToken.prototype.toString = function() { return this.tokenType; }544CSSParserToken.prototype.toSource = function() { return ''+this; }545function BadStringToken() { return this; }546BadStringToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);547BadStringToken.prototype.tokenType = "BADSTRING";548function BadURLToken() { return this; }549BadURLToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);550BadURLToken.prototype.tokenType = "BADURL";551function WhitespaceToken() { return this; }552WhitespaceToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);553WhitespaceToken.prototype.tokenType = "WHITESPACE";554WhitespaceToken.prototype.toString = function() { return "WS"; }555WhitespaceToken.prototype.toSource = function() { return " "; }556function CDOToken() { return this; }557CDOToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);558CDOToken.prototype.tokenType = "CDO";559CDOToken.prototype.toSource = function() { return "<!--"; }560function CDCToken() { return this; }561CDCToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);562CDCToken.prototype.tokenType = "CDC";563CDCToken.prototype.toSource = function() { return "-->"; }564function ColonToken() { return this; }565ColonToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);566ColonToken.prototype.tokenType = ":";567function SemicolonToken() { return this; }568SemicolonToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);569SemicolonToken.prototype.tokenType = ";";570function CommaToken() { return this; }571CommaToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);572CommaToken.prototype.tokenType = ",";573function GroupingToken() { throw "Abstract Base Class"; }574GroupingToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);575function OpenCurlyToken() { this.value = "{"; this.mirror = "}"; return this; }576OpenCurlyToken.prototype = Object.create(GroupingToken.prototype);577OpenCurlyToken.prototype.tokenType = "{";578function CloseCurlyToken() { this.value = "}"; this.mirror = "{"; return this; }579CloseCurlyToken.prototype = Object.create(GroupingToken.prototype);580CloseCurlyToken.prototype.tokenType = "}";581function OpenSquareToken() { this.value = "["; this.mirror = "]"; return this; }582OpenSquareToken.prototype = Object.create(GroupingToken.prototype);583OpenSquareToken.prototype.tokenType = "[";584function CloseSquareToken() { this.value = "]"; this.mirror = "["; return this; }585CloseSquareToken.prototype = Object.create(GroupingToken.prototype);586CloseSquareToken.prototype.tokenType = "]";587function OpenParenToken() { this.value = "("; this.mirror = ")"; return this; }588OpenParenToken.prototype = Object.create(GroupingToken.prototype);589OpenParenToken.prototype.tokenType = "(";590function CloseParenToken() { this.value = ")"; this.mirror = "("; return this; }591CloseParenToken.prototype = Object.create(GroupingToken.prototype);592CloseParenToken.prototype.tokenType = ")";593function IncludeMatchToken() { return this; }594IncludeMatchToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);595IncludeMatchToken.prototype.tokenType = "~=";596function DashMatchToken() { return this; }597DashMatchToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);598DashMatchToken.prototype.tokenType = "|=";599function PrefixMatchToken() { return this; }600PrefixMatchToken.prototype = Object.create(CSSParserToken.prototype);601PrefixMatchToken.prototype.tokenType = "^=";...
1#!/usr/bin/env node2import fs from 'fs';3import path from 'path';4import * as ts from 'typescript';5import yargs from 'yargs';6import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers';7import { scanAsync } from 'ts-scan';8import { scanAllChildren, AstInfo } from 'ts-parser';9import * as CSV from 'libs/csv-parser';10import { CSVItem } from 'libs/csv-parser';11enum AttentionKind {12 none,13 arrow,14 arrowVariable,15 export,16 paren,17 function,18 functionCall,19 variable,20 component,21 comment,22 property,23 object,24 objectProperty,25 block,26}27interface AstNode extends AstInfo {28 identifier?: AstNode;29 returnStatement?: AstNode;30 children?: AstNode[];31 attention?: AttentionKind;32 note?: string;33 syntax: {34 export: boolean;35 };36}37const initAstNode = (n: AstNode) => {38 n.syntax = { export: false };39};40interface AstRegExp {41 exp: RegExp | RegExp[] | [any, RegExp][];42 options?: any[];43 match?: (option: any, reg?: AstRegExp) => void;44}45const indent = (level: number) => new Array(level).fill(' ').join('');46class AstStack extends Array<AstNode> {47 replace(ast: AstNode) {48 this.pop();49 this.push(ast);50 }51 last(offset: number = 0) {52 return this[this.length - 1 + offset];53 }54 indexFromLast(kind: string | string[], hook?: (index: number) => void) {55 for (let i = this.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {56 if (Array.isArray(kind)) {57 for (let j = 0; j < kind.length; j++) {58 if (this[i].kind === kind[j]) {59 if (hook) hook(i);60 return i;61 }62 }63 } else {64 if (this[i].kind === kind) {65 if (hook) hook(i);66 return i;67 }68 }69 }70 return -1;71 }72 findFromLast(kind: string | string[], hook?: (node: AstNode) => void) {73 return this.indexFromLast(kind, (index: number) => {74 if (hook) hook(this[index]);75 });76 }77 match(regs: AstRegExp[] | AstRegExp) {78 const path = this.astPath;79 const test = (reg: AstRegExp, exp: RegExp | RegExp[] | [any, RegExp][]) => {80 // exp ãé
åã®å ´å81 if (Array.isArray(exp)) {82 return exp.some((e, i) => {83 if (Array.isArray(e)) {84 const result = e[1].test(path);85 if (result && reg.match) reg.match(e[0], reg);86 return result;87 } else {88 const result = e.test(path);89 if (result && reg.match) reg.match(reg.options?.[i], reg);90 return result;91 }92 });93 }94 // exp ãåä½ã®å ´å95 const result = exp.test(path);96 if (result && reg.match) reg.match(reg.options?.[0], reg);97 return result;98 };99 // regs ãé
åã®å ´å100 if (Array.isArray(regs)) {101 return regs.some((reg, i) => {102 return test(reg, reg.exp);103 });104 }105 // regs ãåä½ã®å ´å106 return test(regs, regs.exp);107 }108 get astPath() {109 return => v.kind).join('/');110 }111}112function getText(node: AstNode | undefined, kind = AttentionKind.none): string {113 if (node) {114 if (115 node.attention === AttentionKind.arrowVariable116 // node.attention === AttentionKind.variable ||117 // node.attention === AttentionKind.function118 ) {119 return getText(node.identifier, node.attention);120 }121 const kindStr =122 AttentionKind[kind === AttentionKind.none ? node.attention || 0 : kind];123 const textStr =124 node.attention === AttentionKind.comment ||125 node.attention === AttentionKind.export126 ? node.text127 : node.text.replace(/[ \n]/g, '');128 return `${node.line} ${kindStr}: ${textStr} #${node.note || ''}, !${129 node.syntax.export ? 'export' : 'intarnal'130 }`;131 }132 return '';133}134class ExportCSV {135 level: number = 0;136 getCsv(node: AstNode | undefined, kind = AttentionKind.none): CSVItem[] {137 if (node) {138 if (139 node.attention === AttentionKind.arrowVariable140 // node.attention === AttentionKind.variable ||141 // node.attention === AttentionKind.function142 ) {143 return this.getCsv(node.identifier, node.attention);144 }145 const kindStr =146 AttentionKind[kind === AttentionKind.none ? node.attention || 0 : kind];147 const textStr = (node: AstNode) => {148 const note = node.note || '';149 const r =150 node.attention === AttentionKind.comment ||151 node.attention === AttentionKind.export152 ? node.text153 : node.text.replace(/[ \n]/g, '');154 if (note.indexOf('fragment') < 0) {155 if (note === 'jsx-close') {156 return `</${r}>`;157 }158 if (note.indexOf('jsx-self') === 0) {159 return `<${r} />`;160 }161 if (note.indexOf('jsx-open') === 0) {162 return `<${r}>`;163 }164 }165 return r;166 };167 const getIndentCell = (level: number) => {168 return new Array(level < 0 ? 0 : level).fill(' ').join('');169 };170 const note = node.note || '';171 if (note.indexOf('open') >= 0) this.level++;172 const returnStatement = node.returnStatement;173 const returnComponent = returnStatement ? textStr(returnStatement) : '';174 const getCsvCol = () => {175 if (kindStr === 'paren' || kindStr === 'block' || kindStr === 'arrow') {176 return [];177 } else {178 return [179 { value: `` },180 { value: `${node.line}` },181 {182 value: `${kindStr}${returnComponent !== '' ? '-component' : ''}`,183 },184 { value: `${getIndentCell(this.level)}${textStr(node)}` },185 { value: node.syntax.export ? 'export' : '' },186 { value: note },187 ];188 }189 };190 const retval = getCsvCol();191 if (note.indexOf('close') >= 0) this.level--;192 return retval;193 }194 return [];195 }196}197class Parser {198 _ptr = 0;199 _info: AstNode[];200 constructor(info: AstNode[]) {201 this._info = info;202 }203 prev() {204 return this._info[--this._ptr];205 }206 next() {207 return this._info[this._ptr++];208 }209 last(d: number = 0) {210 return this._info[this._ptr - 1 + d];211 }212 isEnd() {213 return this._ptr >= this._info.length;214 }215 stack: AstStack = new AstStack();216 debugLog = (m: AstNode) => {217 const isJsxElement = (node: AstNode) =>218 node.kind === 'JsxOpeningElement' ||219 node.kind === 'JsxClosingElement' ||220 node.kind === 'JsxOpeningFragment' ||221 node.kind === 'JsxClosingFragment' ||222 node.kind === 'JsxSelfClosingElement';223 const isComment = (node: AstNode) =>224 node.kind === 'MultiLineCommentTrivia' ||225 node.kind === 'SingleLineCommentTrivia';226 const isArrow = (node: AstNode) => node.kind === 'CloseParenToken';227 const printLog = (node: AstNode) => {228 if (node.kind === 'Identifier' || node.kind === 'ImportKeyword') {229 console.log(`${indent(node.level)}${node.kind} - ${node.text}`);230 } else {231 console.log(`${indent(node.level)}${node.kind}`);232 }233 };234 printLog(m);235 if (236$/) >= 0 ||237 m.kind === 'Identifier' ||238 m.kind === 'ExportKeyword' ||239 isArrow(m) ||240 isJsxElement(m) ||241 isComment(m)242 ) {243 console.log(this.stack.astPath, m.text);244 }245 };246 pushAttention = (node: AstNode, attention: AttentionKind) => {247 node.attention = attention;248 this.attentions.push(node);249 };250 replaceAttention = (node: AstNode, attention: AttentionKind) => {251 node.attention = attention;252 this.attentions.pop();253 this.attentions.push(node);254 };255 attentions: AstNode[] = [];256 traverse = (_node: AstNode) => {257 this.stack.push(_node);258 let node = _node;259 let next = _node;260 const isExport = (offset: number, kind?: string) => {261 const node = this.stack.last(offset);262 if (node && node.syntax.export === true) {263 if (kind) {264 if (node.kind === kind) return node;265 } else {266 return node;267 }268 }269 return null;270 };271 while (!this.isEnd()) {272 this.stack.match([273 // å¤æ°ãç¹å®274 {275 exp: /VariableDeclaration\/Identifier$/,276 match: () => {277 const ast = this.stack.last();278 if (isExport(-4, 'VariableStatement')) {279 ast.syntax.export = true;280 }281 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.variable);282 this.stack.findFromLast(283 ['VariableDeclaration'],284 (node: AstNode) => {285 node.identifier = ast;286 }287 );288 },289 },290 //291 // é¢æ°åãç¹å®292 {293 exp: /FunctionDeclaration\/Identifier$/,294 match: () => {295 const ast = this.stack.last();296 if (isExport(-1)) {297 ast.syntax.export = true;298 }299 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.function);300 this.stack.findFromLast(301 ['FunctionDeclaration'],302 (node: AstNode) => {303 node.identifier = ast;304 }305 );306 },307 },308 // é¢æ°å¼ã³åºã309 {310 exp: /CallExpression\/Identifier$/,311 match: () => {312 const ast = this.stack.last();313 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.functionCall);314 },315 },316 // ã³ã³ãã¼ãã³ããæ»ãå¤ã«ãªã£ã¦ããé¢æ°ãç¹å®317 {318 exp: [319 [320 'jsx-open-return',321 /ReturnStatement\/ParenthesizedExpression\/JsxElement\/JsxOpeningElement\/Identifier$/,322 ],323 [324 'jsx-self-return',325 /ReturnStatement\/ParenthesizedExpression\/JsxSelfClosingElement\/Identifier$/,326 ],327 [328 'jsx-open-return-fragment',329 /ReturnStatement\/ParenthesizedExpression\/JsxFragment\/JsxOpeningFragment$/,330 ],331 [332 'jsx-open-return',333 /ReturnStatement\/JsxElement\/JsxOpeningElement\/Identifier$/,334 ],335 [336 'jsx-self-return',337 /ReturnStatement\/JsxSelfClosingElement\/Identifier$/,338 ],339 [340 'jsx-open-return-fragment',341 /ReturnStatement\/JsxFragment\/JsxOpeningFragment$/,342 ],343 [344 'jsx-open-return',345 /ReturnStatement\/JsxSelfClosingElement\/Identifier$/,346 ],347 ],348 match: (option) => {349 const ast = this.stack.last();350 ast.note = option;351 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.component);352 this.stack.findFromLast(353 ['FunctionDeclaration', 'VariableDeclaration'],354 (node: AstNode) => {355 if (node.identifier) {356 node.identifier.returnStatement = ast;357 }358 }359 );360 },361 },362 // ã³ã³ãã¼ãã³ããæ»ãå¤ã«ãªã£ã¦ããã¢ãã¼é¢æ°ãç¹å®363 {364 exp: [365 [366 [-4, 'jsx-open-return'],367 /VariableDeclaration\/ArrowFunction\/ParenthesizedExpression\/JsxElement\/JsxOpeningElement$/,368 ],369 [370 [-4, 'jsx-self-return'],371 /VariableDeclaration\/ArrowFunction\/ParenthesizedExpression\/JsxElement\/JsxSelfClosingElement$/,372 ],373 [374 [-4, 'jsx-open-return-fragment'],375 /VariableDeclaration\/ArrowFunction\/ParenthesizedExpression\/JsxFragment\/JsxOpeningFragment$/,376 ],377 [378 [-3, 'jsx-open-return'],379 /VariableDeclaration\/ArrowFunction\/JsxElement\/JsxOpeningElement$/,380 ],381 [382 [-3, 'jsx-self-return'],383 /VariableDeclaration\/ArrowFunction\/JsxElement\/JsxSelfClosingElement$/,384 ],385 [386 [-3, 'jsx-open-return-fragment'],387 /VariableDeclaration\/ArrowFunction\/JsxFragment\/JsxOpeningFragment$/,388 ],389 [390 [-2, 'jsx-open-return'],391 /VariableDeclaration\/ArrowFunction\/JsxOpeningElement$/,392 ],393 [394 [-2, 'jsx-self-return'],395 /VariableDeclaration\/ArrowFunction\/JsxSelfClosingElement$/,396 ],397 [398 [-2, 'jsx-open-return-fragment'],399 /VariableDeclaration\/ArrowFunction\/JsxOpeningFragment$/,400 ],401 ],402 match: (option) => {403 const ast = this.stack.last();404 ast.note = option[1];405 if (option[1].indexOf('fragment') >= 0) {406 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.component);407 }408 const node = this.stack.last(option[0]);409 if (node.identifier) {410 node.identifier.returnStatement = ast;411 }412 },413 },414 // é¢æ°ã§ä½¿ç¨ãã¦ããã³ã³ãã¼ãã³ã415 {416 exp: [417 /JsxOpeningElement\/Identifier$/,418 /JsxOpeningElement\/PropertyAccessExpression\/Identifier$/,419 /JsxOpeningElement\/PropertyAccessExpression\/DotToken$/,420 /JsxSelfClosingElement\/Identifier$/,421 /JsxSelfClosingElement\/PropertyAccessExpression\/Identifier$/,422 /JsxClosingElement\/Identifier$/,423 /JsxClosingElement\/PropertyAccessExpression\/Identifier$/,424 /JsxFragment\/JsxClosingFragment$/,425 ],426 options: [427 'jsx-open',428 'jsx-open-prop',429 'jsx-dot-prop',430 'jsx-self',431 'jsx-self-prop',432 'jsx-close',433 'jsx-close-prop',434 'jsx-close-fragment',435 ],436 match: (option) => {437 const ast = this.stack.last();438 ast.note = option;439 if (option.indexOf('prop') >= 0) {440 this.stack.findFromLast(441 ['PropertyAccessExpression'],442 (node: AstNode) => {443 node.text += ast.text;444 }445 );446 } else {447 this.stack.findFromLast(448 ['FunctionDeclaration', 'VariableDeclaration'],449 (node: AstNode) => {450 if (!node.children) node.children = [];451 node.children?.push(ast);452 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.component);453 }454 );455 }456 },457 },458 // ããããã£459 {460 exp: [461 ['jsx-open', /JsxOpeningElement\/PropertyAccessExpression$/],462 ['jsx-close', /JsxClosingElement\/PropertyAccessExpression$/],463 ['prop', /PropertyAccessExpression$/],464 ['word', /PropertyAccessExpression\/Identifier$/],465 ['word', /PropertyAccessExpression\/DotToken$/],466 ],467 match: (option) => {468 const ast = this.stack.last();469 if (option === 'word') {470 this.stack.findFromLast(471 ['PropertyAccessExpression'],472 (node: AstNode) => {473 node.text += ast.text;474 }475 );476 } else {477 ast.text = '';478 this.stack.match({479 exp: [/PropertyAccessExpression\/PropertyAccessExpression$/],480 match: (option) => {481 const node = this.stack.last(-1);482 if (!node.children) node.children = [];483 node.children?.push(ast);484 },485 });486 if (option.indexOf('jsx') >= 0) {487 ast.note = option;488 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.component);489 } else {490 this.pushAttention(ast,;491 }492 }493 },494 },495 // ã¢ãã¼é¢æ°496 {497 exp: [498 ['open', /ArrowFunction\/OpenParenToken$/],499 ['close', /ArrowFunction\/CloseParenToken$/],500 ['open', /CallExpression\/OpenParenToken$/],501 ['close', /CallExpression\/CloseParenToken$/],502 ['arrow', /ArrowFunction\/EqualsGreaterThanToken$/],503 ['open', /ArrowFunction\/OpenParenToken\/Block\/OpenBraceToken$/],504 ['close', /ArrowFunction\/OpenParenToken\/Block\/CloseBraceToken$/],505 ['open', /ArrowFunction\/(.+?)Expression\/OpenParenToken$/],506 ['close', /ArrowFunction\/(.+?)Expression\/CloseParenToken$/],507 ],508 match: (option) => {509 const ast = this.stack.last();510 this.stack.match({511 exp: [512 [-2, /VariableDeclaration\/ArrowFunction\/OpenParenToken$/],513 [514 -3,515 /VariableDeclaration\/ArrowFunction\/ParenthesizedExpression\/OpenBraceToken$/,516 ],517 ],518 match: (option) => {519 const variableAst = this.stack.last(option);520 if (isExport(option - 3)) {521 if (variableAst.identifier)522 variableAst.identifier.syntax.export = true;523 }524 variableAst.attention = AttentionKind.arrowVariable;525 },526 });527 ast.note = option;528 if (option === 'arrow') {529 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.arrow);530 } else {531 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.paren);532 }533 },534 },535 // ãªãã¸ã§ã¯ã536 {537 exp: [538 ['object-open', /ObjectLiteralExpression\/OpenBraceToken$/],539 ['object-close', /ObjectLiteralExpression\/CloseBraceToken$/],540 ],541 match: (option) => {542 const ast = this.stack.last();543 ast.note = option;544 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.object);545 },546 },547 // ãªãã¸ã§ã¯ãããããã£548 {549 exp: [/PropertyAssignment\/Identifier$/],550 match: (option) => {551 const ast = this.stack.last();552 ast.note = 'object-prop';553 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.objectProperty);554 },555 },556 // ã¨ãã¹ãã¼ã557 {558 exp: [559 [-3, /SyntaxList\/ExportKeyword$/],560 [-2, /SyntaxList\/ExportAssignment\/ExportKeyword$/],561 ],562 match: (option) => {563 const ast = this.stack.last();564 {565 const ast = this.stack.last(option);566 this.stack567 .slice(option)568 .forEach((node) => (node.syntax.export = true));569 }570 node.syntax = { export: true };571 ast.note = 'export';572 // this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.export);573 },574 },575 // ãããã¯576 {577 exp: [578 ['open', /Block\/OpenBraceToken$/],579 ['close', /Block\/CloseBraceToken$/],580 ],581 match: (option) => {582 const ast = this.stack.last();583 ast.note = option;584 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.block);585 },586 },587 // ã³ã¡ã³ã588 {589 exp: [/SingleLineCommentTrivia$/, /MultiLineCommentTrivia$/],590 match: () => {591 const ast = this.stack.last();592 this.pushAttention(ast, AttentionKind.comment);593 },594 },595 ]);596 // this.debugLog(node);597 next =;598 if (next.level < node.level) {599 this.stack.splice(next.level + 1);600 this.prev();601 break;602 }603 if (node.level < next.level) {604 this.traverse(next);605 next =;606 }607 this.stack.pop();608 this.stack.push(next);609 node = next;610 }611 };612}613async function main(argv: string[]) {614 const arg = yargs(hideBin(argv))615 .detectLocale(false)616 .scriptName('ts-component')617 .usage('$0 [options] <source>', 'Extract react component.')618 .option('base', {619 type: 'string',620 default: '',621 describe: 'Set base directory',622 demandOption: true,623 })624 .option('mode', {625 choices: ['log', 'csv'],626 default: 'csv',627 describe: 'Select output format',628 })629 .option('source', { type: 'string', demandOption: true })630 .help()631 .parseSync();632 const baseDir = `${arg.base}`;633 const srcPath = `${arg.source}`;634 const importedFiles = await scanAsync(srcPath, baseDir);635 const result = new Set( => file.source));636 new Array(...result).forEach((sourcePath) => {637 const sourcePathWithBase = path.join(baseDir, sourcePath);638 const sourceCode = fs.readFileSync(sourcePathWithBase, 'utf-8').trim();639 const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(640 sourcePath,641 sourceCode,642 ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,643 true644 );645 const lineInfo: AstNode[] = [];646 scanAllChildren(lineInfo, sourceFile, -1);647 lineInfo.forEach((n) => initAstNode(n));648 const parser = new Parser(lineInfo);649 const topNode =;650 parser.traverse(topNode);651 const attentions = parser.attentions.sort((a, b) => a.line - b.line);652 if (arg.mode === 'csv') {653 console.log(`${sourcePath}, ${sourcePathWithBase}`);654 const csvExport = new ExportCSV();655 const csvData = attentions656 .map((c) => csvExport.getCsv(c, 0))657 .filter((v) => v.length > 0);658 console.log(CSV.stringify(csvData));659 console.log('');660 } else {661 console.log(`# ${sourcePath}, ${sourcePathWithBase}, ---------`);662 console.log('');663 console.log('## imports');664 const imports = importedFiles665 .filter((file) => file.source === sourcePath)666 .map((file) => file.imports)667 .flat();668 console.log(imports);669 console.log('## attentions');670 console.log(671 JSON.stringify(672 => `${getText(c)}`),673 null,674 ' '675 )676 );677 }678 });679}680if (require.main === module) {681 main(process.argv);...
1/**2 * @fileoverview A task to automatically adjust spaces as needed.3 * @author Nicholas C. Zakas4 */5//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------6// Helpers7//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------8function findNextCommaOrSemicolon(layout, start) {9 return layout.findNext(part => part.type === "Punctuator", start);10}11function normalizePunctuatorSpacing(layout) {12 let token = findNextCommaOrSemicolon(layout);13 while (token) {14 switch (token.value) {15 case ",":16 case ";":17 layout.noSpaceBefore(token);18 layout.spaceAfter(token);19 break;20 21 case ".":22 layout.noSpaces(token);23 break;24 default:25 if (token.value.includes("=")) {26 layout.spaceBefore(token);27 layout.spaceAfter(token);28 }29 }30 token = findNextCommaOrSemicolon(layout, token);31 }32}33function spaceKeywordAndBrace(node, bodyKey, layout) {34 const firstToken = layout.firstToken(node);35 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);36 const braceToken = layout.firstToken(node[bodyKey]);37 if (braceToken.value === "{") {38 layout.spaceBefore(braceToken);39 }40}41//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------42// Task43//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------44export default function(context) {45 const layout = context.layout;46 // first, adjust all commas47 normalizePunctuatorSpacing(layout);48 return {49 ArrayExpression(node) {50 51 const { firstToken, lastToken } = layout.boundaryTokens(node);52 layout.noSpaceAfter(firstToken);53 54 // no spacing work for multiline55 if (!layout.isMultiLine(node)) {56 57 layout.noSpaceBefore(lastToken);58 if (node.elements.length) {59 node.elements.forEach((element, index) => {60 if (index > 0) {61 layout.spaceBefore(element);62 }63 layout.noSpaceAfter(element);64 });65 }66 }67 },68 ArrayPattern(node) {69 this.ArrayExpression(node);70 },71 ArrowFunctionExpression(node) {72 73 let openParenToken, closeParenToken;74 const firstToken = layout.firstToken(node);75 76 if (node.async) {77 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);78 }79 80 if (node.params.length === 0) {81 82 openParenToken = node.async83 ? layout.findNext("(", firstToken)84 : firstToken;85 86 closeParenToken = layout.findNext(")", openParenToken);87 } else if (node.params.length === 1) {88 89 if (node.async) {90 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);91 openParenToken = layout.findPrevious(part => {92 return part === firstToken || part.value === "(";93 }, node.params[0]);94 95 if (openParenToken.value !== "(") {96 openParenToken = null;97 } else {98 closeParenToken = layout.findNext(")", node.params[0]);99 }100 101 } else {102 if (firstToken.value === "(") {103 openParenToken = firstToken;104 closeParenToken = layout.findNext(")", node.params[0]);105 }106 }107 108 } else {109 110 openParenToken = node.async111 ? layout.findNext("(", firstToken)112 : firstToken;113 114 closeParenToken = layout.findNext(")", node.params[node.params.length - 1]);115 }116 117 if (openParenToken) {118 // have to do both in case there's a comment inside119 layout.noSpaceAfter(openParenToken);120 layout.noSpaceBefore(closeParenToken);121 }122 },123 AwaitExpression(node) {124 const firstToken = layout.firstToken(node);125 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);126 },127 BinaryExpression(node) {128 const firstToken = layout.firstToken(node);129 const operatorToken = layout.findNext(node.operator, firstToken);130 layout.spaces(operatorToken);131 },132 BlockStatement(node) {133 const { firstToken, lastToken } = layout.boundaryTokens(node);134 if (layout.isSameLine(firstToken, lastToken)) {135 if (node.body.length) {136 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);137 layout.spaceBefore(lastToken);138 } else {139 layout.noSpaceAfter(firstToken);140 layout.noSpaceBefore(lastToken);141 }142 }143 },144 ConditionalExpression(node) {145 const questionMark = layout.findPrevious("?", node.consequent);146 const colon = layout.findNext(":", node.consequent);147 148 layout.spaceBefore(questionMark);149 layout.spaces(questionMark);150 layout.spaces(colon);151 },152 DoWhileStatement(node) {153 spaceKeywordAndBrace(node, "body", layout);154 const whileToken = layout.findPrevious("while", node.test);155 layout.spaces(whileToken);156 },157 ExportNamedDeclaration(node) {158 const firstToken = layout.firstToken(node);159 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);160 if (node.specifiers.length) {161 // adjust spaces around braces162 layout.spaceAfter(layout.findNext("{", firstToken));163 layout.spaceBefore(layout.findNext("}", firstToken));164 }165 },166 ForStatement(node) {167 spaceKeywordAndBrace(node, "body", layout);168 },169 ForInStatement(node) {170 this.ForStatement(node);171 },172 ForOfStatement(node) {173 this.ForStatement(node);174 },175 FunctionDeclaration(node, parent) {176 this.FunctionExpression(node, parent);177 },178 FunctionExpression(node, parent) {179 // ESTree quirk: concise methods don't have "function" keyword180 const isConcise =181 (parent.type === "Property" && parent.method) ||182 (parent.type === "MethodDefinition");183 let token = layout.firstToken(node);184 let id, openParen;185 if (!isConcise) {186 187 // "async" keyword188 if (token.value === "async") {189 layout.spaceAfter(token);190 token = layout.nextToken(token);191 }192 // "function" keyword193 layout.spaceAfter(token);194 token = layout.nextToken(token);195 // "*" punctuator196 if (token.value === "*") {197 layout.noSpaceAfter(token);198 token = layout.nextToken(token);199 }200 // function name201 if (token.type === "Identifier") {202 layout.noSpaceAfter(token);203 token = layout.nextToken(token);204 }205 206 if (token.value === "(") {207 openParen = token;208 } else {209 throw new Error(`Unexpected token "${token.value}".`);210 }211 } else {212 let idStart = layout.firstToken(parent.key);213 id = idStart;214 if (parent.computed) {215 const leftBracket = layout.previousToken(idStart);216 layout.noSpaceAfter(leftBracket);217 const rightBracket = layout.nextToken(idStart);218 layout.noSpaceBefore(rightBracket);219 idStart = leftBracket;220 id = rightBracket;221 }222 if (parent.generator) {223 const star = layout.previousToken(idStart);224 layout.noSpaceAfter(star);225 }226 openParen = token;227 }228 if (id) {229 layout.noSpaceAfter(id);230 }231 232 layout.noSpaces(openParen);233 const openBrace = layout.firstToken(node.body);234 layout.spaceBefore(openBrace);235 236 const closeParen = layout.findPrevious(")", openBrace);237 layout.noSpaceBefore(closeParen);238 },239 240 IfStatement(node) {241 spaceKeywordAndBrace(node, "consequent", layout);242 if (node.alternate) {243 const elseToken = layout.findPrevious("else", node.alternate);244 layout.spaces(elseToken);245 }246 },247 ImportDeclaration(node) {248 const firstToken = layout.firstToken(node);249 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);250 const fromToken = layout.findPrevious("from", node.source);251 layout.spaces(fromToken);252 if (node.specifiers.some(node => node.type === "ImportSpecifier")) {253 // adjust spaces around braces254 layout.spaceAfter(layout.findNext("{", firstToken));255 layout.spaceBefore(layout.findNext("}", firstToken));256 }257 },258 LogicalExpression(node) {259 this.BinaryExpression(node);260 },261 MethodDefinition(node) {262 this.FunctionExpression(node.value, node);263 },264 ObjectExpression(node) {265 const { firstToken, lastToken } = layout.boundaryTokens(node);266 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);267 if (!layout.isMultiLine(node)) {268 269 if ( {270 271, index) => {272 273 if (index > 0) {274 layout.spaceBefore(property);275 }276 layout.noSpaceAfter(property);277 });278 }279 }280 281 layout.spaceBefore(lastToken);282 },283 ObjectPattern(node) {284 this.ObjectExpression(node);285 },286 Property(node) {287 // ensure there's a space after the colon in properties288 if (!node.shorthand && !node.method) {289 layout.spaceBefore(node.value);290 291 // also be sure to check spacing of computed properties292 if (node.computed) {293 const firstToken = layout.firstToken(node.key);294 const openBracket = layout.findPrevious("[", firstToken);295 const closeBracket = layout.findNext("]", firstToken);296 297 layout.noSpaceAfter(openBracket);298 layout.noSpaceBefore(closeBracket);299 layout.noSpaceAfter(closeBracket);300 } else {301 layout.noSpaceAfter(node.key);302 }303 }304 if (node.method) {305 layout.spaceBefore(node.value.body);306 }307 },308 ReturnStatement(node) {309 if (node.argument) {310 layout.spaceBefore(node.argument);311 } else {312 layout.noSpaceAfter(node);313 }314 },315 SwitchStatement(node) {316 const firstToken = layout.firstToken(node);317 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);318 const braceToken = layout.findNext("{", node.discriminant);319 layout.spaceBefore(braceToken);320 },321 SwitchCase(node) {322 const colon = layout.findPrevious(":", node.consequent[0]);323 layout.noSpaceBefore(colon);324 layout.spaceAfter(colon);325 },326 TemplateLiteral(node) {327 const [firstQuasi, ...quasis] = node.quasis;328 if (quasis.length) {329 layout.noSpaceAfter(firstQuasi);330 331 quasis.forEach(quasi => {332 layout.noSpaceBefore(quasi);333 layout.noSpaceAfter(quasi);334 });335 }336 },337 ThrowStatement(node) {338 const firstToken = layout.firstToken(node);339 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);340 },341 TryStatement(node) {342 spaceKeywordAndBrace(node, "block", layout);343 const catchToken = layout.firstToken(node.handler);344 layout.spaces(catchToken);345 const catchBraceToken = layout.firstToken(node.handler.body);346 layout.spaceBefore(catchBraceToken);347 if (node.finalizer) {348 const finallyBraceToken = layout.firstToken(node.finalizer);349 const finallyToken = layout.findPrevious("finally", finallyBraceToken);350 layout.spaces(finallyToken);351 }352 },353 UpdateExpression(node) {354 if (node.prefix) {355 const operatorToken = layout.firstToken(node);356 // "typeof" is also an operator and requires a space no matter what357 if (operatorToken.type === "Punctuator") {358 layout.noSpaceAfter(operatorToken);359 } else {360 layout.spaceAfter(operatorToken);361 }362 } else {363 const operatorToken = layout.lastToken(node);364 layout.noSpaceBefore(operatorToken);365 }366 },367 UnaryExpression(node) {368 this.UpdateExpression(node);369 },370 VariableDeclaration(node) {371 const firstToken = layout.firstToken(node);372 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);373 },374 375 WhileStatement(node) {376 spaceKeywordAndBrace(node, "body", layout);377 },378 YieldExpression(node) {379 const firstToken = layout.firstToken(node);380 layout.spaceAfter(firstToken);381 },382 383 };...
1/**2 * @license3 * Copyright 2016 Palantir Technologies, Inc.4 *5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at8 *9 * *11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and15 * limitations under the License.16 */17"use strict";18var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {19 var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||20 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||21 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };22 return function (d, b) {23 extendStatics(d, b);24 function __() { this.constructor = d; }25 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());26 };27})();28Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });29var ts = require("typescript");30var Lint = require("../index");31var ALWAYS_OR_NEVER = {32 enum: ["always", "never"],33 type: "string",34};35var Rule = (function (_super) {36 __extends(Rule, _super);37 function Rule() {38 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;39 }40 Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {41 return this.applyWithWalker(new FunctionWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions()));42 };43 return Rule;44}(Lint.Rules.AbstractRule));45Rule.metadata = {46 description: "Require or disallow a space before function parenthesis",47 hasFix: true,48 optionExamples: [49 "true",50 "[true, \"always\"]",51 "[true, \"never\"]",52 "[true, {\"anonymous\": \"always\", \"named\": \"never\", \"asyncArrow\": \"always\"}]",53 ],54 options: {55 properties: {56 anonymous: ALWAYS_OR_NEVER,57 asyncArrow: ALWAYS_OR_NEVER,58 constructor: ALWAYS_OR_NEVER,59 method: ALWAYS_OR_NEVER,60 named: ALWAYS_OR_NEVER,61 },62 type: "object",63 },64 optionsDescription: (_a = ["\n One argument which is an object which may contain the keys `anonymous`, `named`, and `asyncArrow`\n These should be set to either `\"always\"` or `\"never\"`.\n\n * `\"anonymous\"` checks before the opening paren in anonymous functions\n * `\"named\"` checks before the opening paren in named functions\n * `\"asyncArrow\"` checks before the opening paren in async arrow functions\n * `\"method\"` checks before the opening paren in class methods\n * `\"constructor\"` checks before the opening paren in class constructors\n "], _a.raw = ["\n One argument which is an object which may contain the keys \\`anonymous\\`, \\`named\\`, and \\`asyncArrow\\`\n These should be set to either \\`\"always\"\\` or \\`\"never\"\\`.\n\n * \\`\"anonymous\"\\` checks before the opening paren in anonymous functions\n * \\`\"named\"\\` checks before the opening paren in named functions\n * \\`\"asyncArrow\"\\` checks before the opening paren in async arrow functions\n * \\`\"method\"\\` checks before the opening paren in class methods\n * \\`\"constructor\"\\` checks before the opening paren in class constructors\n "], Lint.Utils.dedent(_a)),65 ruleName: "space-before-function-paren",66 type: "style",67 typescriptOnly: false,68};69Rule.INVALID_WHITESPACE_ERROR = "Spaces before function parens are disallowed";70Rule.MISSING_WHITESPACE_ERROR = "Missing whitespace before function parens";71exports.Rule = Rule;72var FunctionWalker = (function (_super) {73 __extends(FunctionWalker, _super);74 function FunctionWalker(sourceFile, options) {75 var _this =, sourceFile, options) || this;76 // assign constructor now to avoid typescript assuming its a function type77 _this.cachedOptions = { constructor: undefined };78 _this.scanner = ts.createScanner(ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, false, ts.LanguageVariant.Standard, sourceFile.text);79 _this.cacheOptions();80 return _this;81 }82 FunctionWalker.prototype.visitArrowFunction = function (node) {83 var option = this.getOption("asyncArrow");84 var syntaxList = Lint.childOfKind(node, ts.SyntaxKind.SyntaxList);85 var isAsyncArrow = syntaxList.getStart() === node.getStart() && syntaxList.getText() === "async";86 var openParen = isAsyncArrow ? Lint.childOfKind(node, ts.SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken) : undefined;87 this.evaluateRuleAt(openParen, option);88, node);89 };90 FunctionWalker.prototype.visitConstructorDeclaration = function (node) {91 var option = this.getOption("constructor");92 var openParen = Lint.childOfKind(node, ts.SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken);93 this.evaluateRuleAt(openParen, option);94, node);95 };96 FunctionWalker.prototype.visitFunctionDeclaration = function (node) {97 this.visitFunction(node);98, node);99 };100 FunctionWalker.prototype.visitFunctionExpression = function (node) {101 this.visitFunction(node);102, node);103 };104 FunctionWalker.prototype.visitMethodDeclaration = function (node) {105 this.visitMethod(node);106, node);107 };108 FunctionWalker.prototype.visitMethodSignature = function (node) {109 this.visitMethod(node);110, node);111 };112 FunctionWalker.prototype.cacheOptions = function () {113 var _this = this;114 var allOptions = this.getOptions();115 var options = allOptions[0];116 var optionNames = ["anonymous", "asyncArrow", "constructor", "method", "named"];117 optionNames.forEach(function (optionName) {118 switch (options) {119 case undefined:120 case "always":121 _this.cachedOptions[optionName] = "always";122 break;123 case "never":124 _this.cachedOptions[optionName] = "never";125 break;126 default:127 _this.cachedOptions[optionName] = options[optionName];128 }129 });130 };131 FunctionWalker.prototype.getOption = function (optionName) {132 return this.cachedOptions[optionName];133 };134 FunctionWalker.prototype.evaluateRuleAt = function (openParen, option) {135 if (openParen === undefined || option === undefined) {136 return;137 }138 var hasSpace = this.isSpaceAt(openParen.getStart() - 1);139 if (hasSpace && option === "never") {140 var pos = openParen.getStart() - 1;141 var fix = new Lint.Fix(Rule.metadata.ruleName, [this.deleteText(pos, 1)]);142 this.addFailureAt(pos, 1, Rule.INVALID_WHITESPACE_ERROR, fix);143 }144 else if (!hasSpace && option === "always") {145 var pos = openParen.getStart();146 var fix = new Lint.Fix(Rule.metadata.ruleName, [this.appendText(pos, " ")]);147 this.addFailureAt(pos, 1, Rule.MISSING_WHITESPACE_ERROR, fix);148 }149 };150 FunctionWalker.prototype.isSpaceAt = function (textPos) {151 this.scanner.setTextPos(textPos);152 var prevTokenKind = this.scanner.scan();153 return prevTokenKind === ts.SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia;154 };155 FunctionWalker.prototype.visitFunction = function (node) {156 var identifier = Lint.childOfKind(node, ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier);157 var hasIdentifier = identifier !== undefined && (identifier.getEnd() !== identifier.getStart());158 var optionName = hasIdentifier ? "named" : "anonymous";159 var option = this.getOption(optionName);160 var openParen = Lint.childOfKind(node, ts.SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken);161 this.evaluateRuleAt(openParen, option);162 };163 FunctionWalker.prototype.visitMethod = function (node) {164 var option = this.getOption("method");165 var openParen = Lint.childOfKind(node, ts.SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken);166 this.evaluateRuleAt(openParen, option);167 };168 return FunctionWalker;169}(Lint.RuleWalker));...
1"use strict";2/**3 * @license4 * Copyright 2016 Palantir Technologies, Inc.5 *6 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");7 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.8 * You may obtain a copy of the License at9 *10 * *12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software13 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,14 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.15 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and16 * limitations under the License.17 */18Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });19var tslib_1 = require("tslib");20var tsutils_1 = require("tsutils");21var ts = require("typescript");22var Lint = require("..");23var OPTION_NEVER = "never";24var Rule = /** @class */ (function (_super) {25 tslib_1.__extends(Rule, _super);26 function Rule() {27 return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;28 }29 Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) {30 return this.applyWithFunction(sourceFile, this.ruleArguments.indexOf(OPTION_NEVER) === -131 ? enforceShorthandWalker32 : disallowShorthandWalker);33 };34 /* tslint:disable:object-literal-sort-keys */35 Rule.metadata = {36 ruleName: "object-literal-shorthand",37 description: "Enforces/disallows use of ES6 object literal shorthand.",38 hasFix: true,39 optionsDescription: Lint.Utils.dedent(templateObject_1 || (templateObject_1 = tslib_1.__makeTemplateObject(["\n If the 'never' option is provided, any shorthand object literal syntax will cause a failure."], ["\n If the \\'never\\' option is provided, any shorthand object literal syntax will cause a failure."]))),40 options: {41 type: "string",42 enum: [OPTION_NEVER],43 },44 optionExamples: [true, [true, OPTION_NEVER]],45 type: "style",46 typescriptOnly: false,47 };48 /* tslint:enable:object-literal-sort-keys */49 Rule.LONGHAND_PROPERTY = "Expected property shorthand in object literal ";50 Rule.LONGHAND_METHOD = "Expected method shorthand in object literal ";51 Rule.SHORTHAND_ASSIGNMENT = "Shorthand property assignments have been disallowed.";52 return Rule;53}(Lint.Rules.AbstractRule));54exports.Rule = Rule;55function disallowShorthandWalker(ctx) {56 return ts.forEachChild(ctx.sourceFile, function cb(node) {57 if (tsutils_1.isShorthandPropertyAssignment(node)) {58 ctx.addFailureAtNode(, Rule.SHORTHAND_ASSIGNMENT, Lint.Replacement.appendText(node.getStart(ctx.sourceFile), + ": "));59 }60 else if (tsutils_1.isMethodDeclaration(node) && node.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression) {61 ctx.addFailureAtNode(, Rule.SHORTHAND_ASSIGNMENT, fixShorthandMethodDeclaration(node, ctx.sourceFile));62 }63 return ts.forEachChild(node, cb);64 });65}66function enforceShorthandWalker(ctx) {67 return ts.forEachChild(ctx.sourceFile, function cb(node) {68 if (tsutils_1.isPropertyAssignment(node)) {69 if ( === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier &&70 tsutils_1.isIdentifier(node.initializer) &&71 === node.initializer.text) {72 ctx.addFailureAtNode(node, Rule.LONGHAND_PROPERTY + "('{" + + "}').", Lint.Replacement.deleteFromTo(, node.end));73 }74 else if (tsutils_1.isFunctionExpression(node.initializer) &&75 // allow named function expressions76 === undefined) {77 var _a = handleLonghandMethod(, node.initializer, ctx.sourceFile), name = _a[0], fix = _a[1];78 ctx.addFailure(node.getStart(ctx.sourceFile), tsutils_1.getChildOfKind(node.initializer, ts.SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, ctx.sourceFile).pos, Rule.LONGHAND_METHOD + "('{" + name + "() {...}}').", fix);79 }80 }81 return ts.forEachChild(node, cb);82 });83}84function fixShorthandMethodDeclaration(node, sourceFile) {85 var isGenerator = node.asteriskToken !== undefined;86 var isAsync = tsutils_1.hasModifier(node.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword);87 return Lint.Replacement.replaceFromTo(node.getStart(sourceFile),, + ":" + (isAsync ? " async" : "") + " function" + (isGenerator ? "*" : ""));88}89function handleLonghandMethod(name, initializer, sourceFile) {90 var nameStart = name.getStart(sourceFile);91 var fix = Lint.Replacement.deleteFromTo(name.end, tsutils_1.getChildOfKind(initializer, ts.SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken).pos);92 var prefix = "";93 if (initializer.asteriskToken !== undefined) {94 prefix = "*";95 }96 if (tsutils_1.hasModifier(initializer.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword)) {97 prefix = "async " + prefix;98 }99 if (prefix !== "") {100 fix = [fix, Lint.Replacement.appendText(nameStart, prefix)];101 }102 return [prefix + sourceFile.text.substring(nameStart, name.end), fix];103}...
1/** @typedef {import("eslint").Rule.RuleContext} RuleContext */2/** @typedef {import("eslint").Rule.RuleModule} RuleModule */3/** @typedef {import("eslint").Rule.Node} Node */4/** @typedef {import("eslint").AST.Token} Token */5/** @typedef {import("eslint").SourceCode} SourceCode */6/**7 * @typedef {object} PreRequiredData8 * @property {RuleContext} context9 * @property {SourceCode} code10 * @property {boolean} insertSpaces11 * @property {Node} parensData12 */13/**14 * @param {PreRequiredData} preRequiredData15 * @param {Token} a16 * @param {Token} b17 * @param {"open" | "close"} openOrClose18 */19function validateSpacesInCtx( preRequiredData, a, b, openOrClose ) {20 const { context, code, insertSpaces } = preRequiredData21 const undesirableErr = `undesirableSpace${openOrClose === `open` ? `Start` : `End`}`22 const missingErr = `missingSpace${openOrClose === `open` ? `Start` : `End`}`23 if (code.isSpaceBetween( a, b )) {24 if (!insertSpaces) {25{26 loc: {27 start: a.loc.end,28 end: b.loc.start,29 },30 messageId: undesirableErr,31 fix: fixer => fixer.removeRange([ a.range[ 1 ], b.range[ 0 ] ]),32 })33 } else {34 if (a.loc.end.column < b.loc.start.column - 1) {35{36 loc: {37 start: { line:a.loc.end.line, column:a.loc.end.column + 1 },38 end: b.loc.start,39 },40 messageId: undesirableErr,41 fix: fixer => fixer.removeRange([ a.range[ 1 ] + 1, b.range[ 0 ] ]),42 })43 }44 }45 } else if (insertSpaces) {46{47 loc: openOrClose === `open` ? a.loc : b.loc,48 messageId: missingErr,49 fix: fixer => fixer.insertTextAfterRange( a.range, ` ` ),50 })51 }52}53/**54 * @param {PreRequiredData} preRequiredData55 * @param {Token[]} tokens56 * @param {Node} parensData57 * @param {number} firstTokenIndex58 */59function checkSpaces( preRequiredData, tokens, parensData, firstTokenIndex ) {60 if (!parensData) return61 const { context } = preRequiredData62 const openParenToken = tokens[ firstTokenIndex ]63 const tokenAfterOpen = tokens[ firstTokenIndex + 1 ]64 if (!openParenToken || openParenToken.value !== `(`) return65 if (tokenAfterOpen.value === `)`) {66 if (openParenToken.range[ 1 ] != tokenAfterOpen.range[ 0 ]){67 loc: {68 start: openParenToken.loc.end,69 end: tokenAfterOpen.loc.start,70 },71 messageId: `undesirableSpaceInParens`,72 fix: fixer => fixer.removeRange([73 openParenToken.range[ 1 ],74 tokenAfterOpen.range[ 0 ],75 ]),76 })77 return78 }79 const paramASTTypes = [ `ObjectExpression`, `ObjectPattern`, `ArrayExpression`, `ArrayPattern` ]80 if (Array.isArray( parensData )) {81 if (parensData.length == 1 && paramASTTypes.includes( parensData[ 0 ].type )) {82 preRequiredData.insertSpaces = false83 }84 }85 // if (Array.isArray( parensData ) && parensData.length == 1 && paramASTTypes.includes( parensData[ 0 ].type )) {86 // preRequiredData.insertSpaces = false87 // }88 let a, b89 a = openParenToken90 b = tokenAfterOpen91 validateSpacesInCtx( preRequiredData, a, b, `open` )92 b = Array.isArray( parensData ) ? parensData[ parensData.length - 1 ] : parensData93 b = context.getTokenAfter( b, { filter:token => token.value === `)` } )94 a = context.getTokenBefore( b )95 validateSpacesInCtx( preRequiredData, a, b, `close` )96}97function findTokenIndex( tokenValue, tokens, startFrom = 0, maxSearchIndex = (startFrom + 5) ) {98 const max = tokens.length > maxSearchIndex99 ? maxSearchIndex100 : tokens.length101 for (let i = startFrom; i < max; ++i) {102 if (tokens[ i ].value != tokenValue) continue103 return i104 }105}106module.exports = {107 messagesForParens: {108 missingSpaceStart: `Missing space after parens open`,109 missingSpaceEnd: `Missing space before parens close`,110 undesirableSpaceStart: `Undesirable space after parens open`,111 undesirableSpaceEnd: `Undesirable space before parens close`,112 undesirableSpaceInParens: `Undesirable space between parens without params`,113 },114 messagesForSemi: {115 missingSpaceAfterFirstSemi: `Missing spaces (2 or more) after first loop semicolon`,116 missingSpaceAfterSecondSemi: `Missing spaces (2 or more) after second loop semicolon`,117 },118 validateSpacesInCtx,119 checkSpaces,120 findTokenIndex,...
1/**2 * Token ç±»åæ举3 */4 const SyntaxKind = {5 Unknown: 'Unknown',6 EndOfFileToken: 'EndOfFileToken',7 ConstKeyword: 'ConstKeyword',8 LetKeyword: 'LetKeyword',9 Identifier: 'Identifier',10 ColonToken: 'ColonToken',11 StringLiteral: 'StringLiteral',12 NumericLiteral: 'NumericLiteral',13 SemicolonToken: 'SemicolonToken',14 EqualsToken: 'EqualsToken',15 DotToken: 'DotToken',16 OpenParenToken: 'OpenParenToken',17 CloseParenToken: 'CloseParenToken'18}19/**20 * å
³é®åæ å°21 */22const textToKeyword = {23 const: SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword,24 let: SyntaxKind.LetKeyword,25}26class Lexer {27 constructor(text) {28 // æºä»£ç 29 this.text = text30 // æéä½ç½®31 this.pos = 032 // å½å符å·ç±»å33 this.token = SyntaxKind.Unknown34 // å½å符å·å¼35 this.tokenValue = null36 }37 scan() {38 // while 循ç¯è¡¨ç¤ºæéä¸æåä¸è¯»åçè¿ç¨39 while (true) {40 // åææ¬å
¨é¨è¯»åå®æ¯æ¶ï¼è¾åºãç»æ符å·ã41 if (this.pos >= this.text.length) {42 return this.token = SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken43 }44 const ch = this.text[this.pos]45 switch (ch) {46 case ' ':47 case '\n':48 this.pos++49 continue50 case ':':51 this.pos++52 this.tokenValue = ':'53 return this.token = SyntaxKind.ColonToken54 case '':55 this.pos++56 this.tokenValue = ''57 return this.token = SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken58 case '=':59 this.pos++60 this.tokenValue = '='61 return this.token = SyntaxKind.EqualsToken62 case '"':63 case '\'':64 this.tokenValue = this.scanString()65 return this.token = SyntaxKind.StringLiteral66 case '1':67 case '2':68 case '3':69 case '4':70 case '5':71 case '6':72 case '7':73 case '8':74 case '9':75 this.tokenValue = this.scanNumericLiteral()76 return this.token = SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral77 default:78 return this.token = this.scanIdentifier(ch)79 }80 }81 }82 scanNumericLiteral() {83 const start = this.pos84 while (0 <= this.text[this.pos] && this.text[this.pos] <= 9) {85 this.pos++86 }87 return this.tokenValue = Number(this.text.substring(start, this.pos))88 }89 scanString() {90 const quote = this.text[this.pos]91 this.pos++92 const start = this.pos93 while (this.text[this.pos] !== quote) {94 this.pos++95 }96 this.tokenValue = this.text.substring(start, this.pos)97 this.pos++98 return this.tokenValue99 }100 scanIdentifier() {101 const start = this.pos102 while (true) {103 const ch = this.text[this.pos]104 if (!(('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') || ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') || ch === '_')) {105 break106 }107 this.pos++108 }109 this.tokenValue = this.text.substring(start, this.pos)110 if (!this.tokenValue) {111 throw new Error('Lexer error')112 }113 // å½åçæ è¯ç¬¦æ¯å¦æ¯å
³é®å114 const keyword = textToKeyword[this.tokenValue]115 if (keyword) {116 return keyword117 }118 return this.token = SyntaxKind.Identifier119 }120 getToken() {121 return this.token122 }123 getTokenValue() {124 return this.tokenValue125 }126}127exports.SyntaxKind = SyntaxKind...
1/**2 * @author Brad Zacher <>3 */4'use strict';5const utils = require('../utils');6// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------7// Rule Definition8// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------9/** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */10module.exports = {11 meta: {12 type: 'suggestion',13 docs: {14 description: 'disallow rule exports where the export is a function',15 category: 'Rules',16 recommended: true,17 url: '',18 },19 fixable: 'code',20 schema: [],21 messages: {22 preferObject: 'Rules should be declared using the object style.',23 },24 },25 create(context) {26 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------27 // Public28 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------29 const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();30 const ruleInfo = utils.getRuleInfo(sourceCode);31 return {32 Program() {33 if (!ruleInfo || ruleInfo.isNewStyle) {34 return;35 }36{37 node: ruleInfo.create,38 messageId: 'preferObject',39 *fix(fixer) {40 // note - we intentionally don't worry about formatting here, as otherwise we have41 // to indent the function correctly42 if (43 ruleInfo.create.type === 'FunctionExpression' ||44 ruleInfo.create.type === 'FunctionDeclaration'45 ) {46 const openParenToken = sourceCode.getFirstToken(47 ruleInfo.create,48 (token) => token.type === 'Punctuator' && token.value === '('49 );50 /* istanbul ignore if */51 if (!openParenToken) {52 // this shouldn't happen, but guarding against crashes just in case53 return null;54 }55 yield fixer.replaceTextRange(56 [ruleInfo.create.range[0], openParenToken.range[0]],57 '{create'58 );59 yield fixer.insertTextAfter(ruleInfo.create, '}');60 } else if (ruleInfo.create.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') {61 yield fixer.insertTextBefore(ruleInfo.create, '{create: ');62 yield fixer.insertTextAfter(ruleInfo.create, '}');63 }64 },65 });66 },67 };68 },...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await openParenToken();6 await closeBrowser();7 } catch (e) {8 console.error(e);9 } finally {10 }11})();12const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');13(async () => {14 try {15 await openBrowser();16 await closeParenToken();17 await closeBrowser();18 } catch (e) {19 console.error(e);20 } finally {21 }22})();23const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');24(async () => {25 try {26 await openBrowser();27 await openCurlyToken();28 await closeBrowser();29 } catch (e) {30 console.error(e);31 } finally {32 }33})();34const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');35(async () => {36 try {37 await openBrowser();38 await closeCurlyToken();39 await closeBrowser();40 } catch (e) {41 console.error(e);42 } finally {43 }44})();45const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');46(async () => {47 try {48 await openBrowser();49 await openSquareToken();50 await closeBrowser();51 } catch (e) {52 console.error(e);53 } finally {54 }55})();56const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');57(async () => {58 try {59 await openBrowser();60 await closeSquareToken();61 await closeBrowser();62 } catch (e) {63 console.error(e);64 } finally {65 }66})();67const { openBrowser, goto, close
Using AI Code Generation
1const { OpenParenToken } = require('@playwright/test/lib/locators/locators');2const { test } = require('@playwright/test');3test('test', async ({ page }) => {4 await'Sign in'));5});6const { OpenParenToken } = require('@playwright/test/lib/locators/locators');7const { test } = require('@playwright/test');8test('test', async ({ page }) => {9 await'Sign in'));10});11const { OpenParenToken } = require('@playwright/test/lib/locators/locators');12const { test } = require('@playwright/test');13test('test', async ({ page }) => {14 await'Sign in'));15});16const { OpenParenToken } = require('@playwright/test/lib/locators/locators');17const { test } = require('@playwright/test');18test('test', async ({ page }) => {19 await'Sign in'));20});21const { OpenParenToken } = require('@playwright/test/lib/locators/locators');22const { test } = require('@playwright/test');23test('test', async ({ page }) => {24 await'Sign in'));25});26const { OpenParenToken } = require('@playwright/test/lib/locators/locators');27const { test } = require('@playwright/test');28test('test', async ({ page }) => {29 await'Sign in'));30});31const { OpenParenToken } = require('@playwright/test/lib/locators/locators');32const { test
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Playwright } = require('playwright');2const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;3const { Playwright } = require('playwright');4const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;5const { Playwright } = require('playwright');6const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;7const { Playwright } = require('playwright');8const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;9const { Playwright } = require('playwright');10const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;11const { Playwright } = require('playwright');12const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;13const { Playwright } = require('playwright');14const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;15const { Playwright } = require('playwright');16const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;17const { Playwright } = require('playwright');18const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;19const { Playwright } = require('playwright');20const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;21const { Playwright } = require('playwright');22const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;23const { Playwright } = require('playwright');24const { OpenParenToken } = Playwright.internal.grammars.typescript;25const { Playwright }
Using AI Code Generation
1const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/types');2const { Playwright } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright');3const { BrowserType } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');4const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browser');5const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');6const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/types');7const { Playwright } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright');8const { BrowserType } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');9const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browser');10const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');11const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/types');12const { Playwright } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright');13const { BrowserType } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');14const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browser');15const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');16const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/types');17const { Playwright } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright');18const { BrowserType } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');19const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browser');20const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');21const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/types');22const { Playwright } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright');23const { BrowserType } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');24const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browser');25const { Page } = require('playwright/lib/server/page');26const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/protocol/types');27const { Playwright } = require('playwright/lib/server/playwright');28const { BrowserType } = require('playwright/lib/server/browserType');29const { Browser } = require('playwright/lib/server/browser');30const { Page } = require('play
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/server/inspector/protocol/protocol.js');3(async () => {4 for (const browserType of ['chromium']) {5 const browser = await playwright[browserType].launch();6 const context = await browser.newContext();7 const page = await context.newPage();8 await page.screenshot({ path: `example-${browserType}.png` });9 await browser.close();10 }11})();12const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/server/inspector/protocol/protocol.js');13SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module14const playwright = require('playwright');15const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/server/inspector/protocol/protocol.js');16(async () => {17 for (const browserType of ['chromium']) {18 const browser = await playwright[browserType].launch();19 const context = await browser.newContext();20 const page = await context.newPage();21 await page.screenshot({ path: `example-${browserType}.png` });22 await browser.close();23 }24})();25const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/server/inspector/protocol/protocol.js');26SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Playwright } = require('playwright');2const playwright = new Playwright();3const { OpenParenToken } = playwright._internal;4console.log(OpenParenToken);5const { Playwright } = require('playwright');6const playwright = new Playwright();7const { OpenParenToken } = playwright._internal;8console.log(OpenParenToken);9const { Playwright } = require('playwright');10const playwright = new Playwright();11const { OpenParenToken } = playwright._internal;12console.log(OpenParenToken);13const { Playwright } = require('playwright');14const playwright = new Playwright();15const { OpenParenToken } = playwright._internal;16console.log(OpenParenToken);17const { Playwright } = require('playwright');18const playwright = new Playwright();19const { OpenParenToken } = playwright._internal;20console.log(OpenParenToken);21const { Playwright } = require('playwright');22const playwright = new Playwright();23const { OpenParenToken } = playwright._internal;24console.log(OpenParenToken);25const { Playwright } = require('playwright');26const playwright = new Playwright();27const { OpenParenToken } = playwright._internal;28console.log(OpenParenToken);29const { Playwright } = require('playwright');30const playwright = new Playwright();31const { OpenParenToken } = playwright._internal;32console.log(OpenParenToken);33const { Playwright } = require('playwright');34const playwright = new Playwright();35const { OpenParenToken } = playwright._internal;36console.log(OpenParenToken);37const { Playwright } = require('playwright');38const playwright = new Playwright();39const { OpenParenToken } = playwright._internal;40console.log(OpenParenToken);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');2const openParenToken = new OpenParenToken();3const page = await context.newPage();4await page.goto(url);5await page.evaluate(openParenToken);6const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright');7const openParenToken = new OpenParenToken();8const page = await context.newPage();9await page.goto(url);10await page.evaluate(openParenToken);11const { OpenParenToken } = require('playwright/lib/server/frames');12const openParenToken = new OpenParenToken();13const page = await context.newPage();14await page.goto(url);15await page.evaluate(openParenToken);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { openBrowser, goto, openBrowserArgs, closeBrowser, write, screenshot, openTab, closeTab, openPage, closePage } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser(openBrowserArgs({ headless: false }));5 await write("Taiko", into(textBox("Search")));6 await screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });7 await closePage();8 await closeTab();9 await closeBrowser();10 } catch (error) {11 console.error(error);12 } finally {13 }14})();15const { openBrowser, goto, openBrowserArgs, closeBrowser, write, screenshot, openTab, closeTab, openPage, closePage } = require('taiko');16(async () => {17 try {18 await openBrowser(openBrowserArgs({ headless: false }));19 await write("Taiko", into(textBox("Search")));20 await screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });21 await closePage();22 await closeTab();23 await closeBrowser();24 } catch (error) {25 console.error(error);26 } finally {27 }28})();29const { openBrowser, goto, openBrowserArgs, closeBrowser, write, screenshot, openTab, closeTab, openPage, closePage } = require('taiko');30(async () => {31 try {32 await openBrowser(openBrowserArgs({ headless: false }));33 await write("Taiko", into(textBox("Search")));34 await screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });35 await closePage();36 await closeTab();37 await closeBrowser();38 } catch (error) {39 console.error(error);40 } finally {41 }42})();43const { openBrowser, goto, openBrowserArgs, closeBrowser, write, screenshot
Using AI Code Generation
1const { Playwright } = require('playwright');2const playwright = new Playwright();3const { chromium } = playwright;4const { OpenParenToken } = chromium._internalApi;5const { Page } = require('playwright');6const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright');7const { JSHandle } = require('playwright');8const { JSHandleDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/domDispatcher');9const { JSHandleDispatcherImpl } = require('playwright/lib/server/domDispatcher');10const { Playwright } = require('playwright');11const playwright = new Playwright();12const { chromium } = playwright;13const { OpenParenToken } = chromium._internalApi;14const { Page } = require('playwright');15const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright');16const { JSHandle } = require('playwright');17const { JSHandleDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/domDispatcher');18const { JSHandleDispatcherImpl } = require('playwright/lib/server/domDispatcher');19const { Playwright } = require('playwright');20const playwright = new Playwright();21const { chromium } = playwright;22const { OpenParenToken } = chromium._internalApi;23const { Page } = require('playwright');24const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright');25const { JSHandle } = require('playwright');26const { JSHandleDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/domDispatcher');27const { JSHandleDispatcherImpl } = require('playwright/lib/server/domDispatcher');28const { Playwright } = require('playwright');29const playwright = new Playwright();30const { chromium } = playwright;31const { OpenParenToken } = chromium._internalApi;32const { Page } = require('playwright');33const { ElementHandle } = require('playwright');34const { JSHandle } = require('playwright');35const { JSHandleDispatcher } = require('playwright/lib/server/domDispatcher');36const { JSHandleDispatcherImpl } = require('playwright/lib/server/domDispatcher');37const { Playwright } = require('playwright');38const playwright = new Playwright();39const { chromium } = playwright;40const { OpenParenToken } = chromium
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { InternalAPI } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const openParenToken = await InternalAPI.openParenToken(page, 4, 4);8 const closeParenToken = openParenToken.findMatchingCloseParen();9 await page.selectText(closeParenToken.lineNumber, closeParenToken.columnNumber, openParenToken.lineNumber, openParenToken.columnNumber);10 await browser.close();11})();
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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