Best JavaScript code snippet using pact-foundation-pact
Source: escenario.js
...13function movePlayer(dentro, nivel) {14 inside = dentro;15 var esfera = document.createElement("a-box");16 document.getElementById("camara").appendChild(esfera);17 setAttributes(esfera, { id: "camara-fader", position: "0 0 -0.3" });18 setAttributes(esfera, { material: "shader:flat; color: black; opacity: 0.0; side: double" });19 esfera.setAttribute("animation", "property: material.opacity; from: 0.0; to: 1.0; dur: 1000;");20 esfera.addEventListener('animationcomplete', function () {21 // Todo negro (cambiar posicion e invertir animacion)22 if (esfera.getAttribute("material")["opacity"] == 1) {23 // Moverse dentro de la oficina24 if (dentro) {25 // Cambiar posicion26 document.getElementById("rig").object3D.position.set(0, 0.2, -15.7);27 document.getElementById("rig").setAttribute("rotation", "0 180 0");28 document.getElementById("camara").object3D.position.set(0, 1.6, 0);29 setTimeout(() => {30 centerPlayer(0, -15.7, "0 180 0");31 }, 100);32 // Modificar escenario33 luzDia();34 borrarEscenarioExterior();35 crearEscenarioInterior();36 // Cambiar controllers/superHands37 editController(false, true); // eliminar controller derecho38 editSuperHand(true, true); // crear superHand derecha39 // Cargar nivel40 nivelActualID = nivel[0];41 nivelActualNombre = nivel[1];42 if (nivelActualID == "prueba-0") loadTutorial();43 else loadNivel();44 }45 // Moverse fuera de la oficina46 else {47 // Cambiar posicion48 document.getElementById("rig").object3D.position.set(0, 0.2, 0);49 document.getElementById("rig").setAttribute("rotation", "0 0 0");50 document.getElementById("camara").object3D.position.set(0, 1.6, 0);51 setTimeout(() => {52 centerPlayer(0, 0, "0 0 0");53 }, 100);54 // Modificar escenario55 resetDropZones();56 borrarEscenarioInterior();57 crearEscenarioExterior();58 // Cambiar controllers/superHands59 editSuperHand(false, true); // eliminar superHand derecha60 editController(true, true); // crear controller derecho61 }62 // Añadir animacion63 esfera.setAttribute("animation", "property: material.opacity; from: 1.0; to: 0.0; dur: 1000;");64 }65 // Todo normal (eliminar la esfera)66 else {67 esfera.remove();68 }69 });70}71// Funcion que crea el escenario de dentro de la oficina72function crearEscenarioInterior() {73 // Cambiar luces74 var foco = document.getElementById("luz-foco");75 setAttributes(foco, { position: "-10 3.5 -23", rotation: "-1 -151 103" });76 setAttributes(foco, { light: "type: spot; angle: 60; intensity: 0.4" });77 var foco2 = document.getElementById("luz-foco2");78 setAttributes(foco2, { light: "type: spot; angle: 60; intensity: 0.4" });79 // Mesa ordenadores 180 var mesa1 = document.createElement("a-entity");81 setAttributes(mesa1, { id: "esc-mesa1", position: "3 0.8 1.5" });82 mesa1.setAttribute("mesa-ordenadores", "");83 // Mesa ordenadores 284 var mesa2 = document.createElement("a-entity");85 setAttributes(mesa2, { id: "esc-mesa2", position: "-3 0.8 1.5" });86 mesa2.setAttribute("mesa-ordenadores", "");87 // Luz 188 var luz1 = document.createElement("a-box");89 setAttributes(luz1, { id: "esc-luzTecho1", position: "3 3.35 1", width: "0.5", height: "0.08" });90 setAttributes(luz1, { depth: "1", src: "#luzTechoTexture", repeat: "1 2" });91 // Luz 292 var luz2 = document.createElement("a-box");93 setAttributes(luz2, { id: "esc-luzTecho2", position: "-3 3.35 1", width: "0.5", height: "0.08" });94 setAttributes(luz2, { depth: "1", src: "#luzTechoTexture", repeat: "1 2" });95 // Luz 396 var luz3 = document.createElement("a-box");97 setAttributes(luz3, { id: "esc-luzTecho3", position: "0 3.35 -3.5", width: "0.5", height: "0.08" });98 setAttributes(luz3, { rotation: "0 90 0", depth: "1", src: "#luzTechoTexture", repeat: "1 2" });99 var mesaMain = document.createElement("a-entity");100 setAttributes(mesaMain, { id: "mesa-trabajo", position: "0.25 0.82 -2.7" });101 // Mesa trabajo: ordenador, componentes y drop zones102 var ordenador = document.createElement("a-entity");103 ordenador.setAttribute("id", "ordenador");104 var o1 = document.createElement("a-box");105 setAttributes(o1, { position: "0 0.1 0", width: "0.01", height: "0.15", depth: "0.49" });106 setAttributes(o1, { multisrc: "src0:#pcBackTexture; 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intensity: 0.7" });166 var foco2 = document.getElementById("luz-foco2");167 setAttributes(foco2, { light: "type: spot; angle: 60; intensity: 0" });168 // Menu principal169 crearMenuPrincipal();170 loadMenuPrincipal();171 var toggle = document.createElement("a-cylinder");172 setAttributes(toggle, { id: "esc-toggleMenu", position: "1 0.5 -0.56", height: "1" });173 setAttributes(toggle, { radius: "0.02", color: "red", class: "raycastable" });174 var boxMain = document.createElement("a-box");175 setAttributes(boxMain, { position: "0 0.5 0", rotation: "45 -75 0", width: "0.3" });176 setAttributes(boxMain, { height: "0.03", depth: "0.25", color: "white", class: "raycastable" });177 var box2 = document.createElement("a-box");178 setAttributes(box2, { position: "0 0 0", width: "0.31", height: "0.02", depth: "0.26" });179 setAttributes(box2, { color: "black", class: "raycastable" });180 var txt0 = document.createElement("a-text");181 setAttributes(txt0, { position: "0 0.02 -0.08", rotation: "-90 0 0", width: "0.7" });182 setAttributes(txt0, { value: "Ocultar/mostrar", color: "black", align: "center" });183 var txt1 = document.createElement("a-text");184 setAttributes(txt1, { position: "-0.11 0.02 -0.01", rotation: "-90 0 0", width: "0.6", value: "Menú", color: "black" });185 txt1.setAttribute("font-open-sans", "");186 var c1 = document.createElement("a-cylinder");187 setAttributes(c1, { position: "0.13 0 0", rotation: "90 0 0", height: "0.001", radius: "0.022", color: "#9c9c9c" });188 var c11 = document.createElement("a-cylinder");189 setAttributes(c11, { position: "0 0.001 0", height: "0.001", radius: "0.02" });190 setAttributes(c11, { color: "#fa9d9d", class: "raycastable", onclick: "borrarMenuTodo()" });191 c11.setAttribute("highlight-ocultar", "");192 c11.setAttribute("hc-sound", "");193 var c2 = document.createElement("a-cylinder");194 setAttributes(c2, { position: "0.2 0 0", rotation: "90 0 0", height: "0.001", radius: "0.022", color: "black" });195 var c21 = document.createElement("a-cylinder");196 setAttributes(c21, { position: "0 0.001 0", height: "0.001", radius: "0.02", color: "#86eba1" });197 setAttributes(c21, { class: "raycastable", onclick: "crearMenuPrincipal(); 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Source: AttributeCreator.js
1function AttributeCreator() {}2AttributeCreator.prototype.create = function() {3 //id, hp, damageReceived, damageDealtMultiplier4 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Ship", 10, 1, 10);5 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Ship", 10, 1, 10);6 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Ship", 10, 1, 10);7 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("PartnerShip", 10, 1, 10);8 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("PartnerShip", 10, 1, 10);9 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("PartnerShip", 10, 1, 10);10 11 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("PowerShip", 10, 1, 10);12 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("PowerShip", 10, 1, 10);13 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("PowerShip", 10, 1, 10);14 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("IntroBadGuy", 100, 1, 10);15 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Middle_1_BadGuy", 20, 1, 10);16 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Middle_2_BadGuy", 20, 1, 10);17 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Middle_3_BadGuy", 20, 1, 10);18 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("End_1_BadGuy", 25, 1, 10);19 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("End_2_BadGuy", 25, 1, 10);20 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("End_2_BadGuy", 25, 1, 10);21 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("End_2_BadGuy", 25, 1, 10);22 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("End_2_BadGuy", 25, 1, 10);23 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("End_2_BadGuy", 25, 1, 10);24 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("CloneShip", 10, 3, 10);25 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("CargoShip", 10, 1, 10);26 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("BadGuyArmourPiece_Right", 1, 0, 10);27 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("BadGuyArmourPiece_Left", 1, 0, 10);28 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Small_Shot", 0, 0, 0.5);29 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Big_Shot", 0, 0, 0.6);30 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Clone_Small_Shot", 0, 0, 3);31 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Clone_Big_Shot", 0, 0, 3);32 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Single_Power_Shot_1", 50, 1, 2.0);33 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Single_Power_Shot_2", 50, 1, 3.0);34 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Single_Power_Shot_3", 50, 1, 4.0);35 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Double_Power_Shot_1", 50, 1, 1.0);36 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Double_Power_Shot_2", 50, 1, 1.5);37 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Double_Power_Shot_3", 50, 1, 2.0);38 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Triple_Power_Shot_1", 50, 1, 0.66);39 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Triple_Power_Shot_2", 50, 1, 1.0);40 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Triple_Power_Shot_3", 50, 1, 1.33);41 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("SmallSwarmRocket", 0, 0, 0.8);42 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("LargeSwarmRocket", 0, 0, 0.9);43 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("ClusterSwarmRocket", 0, 0, 0.5);44 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("MicroHomingRocket", 0, 0, 3);45 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("SmallHomingRocket", 0, 0, 3);46 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("LargeHomingRocket", 0, 0, 3);47 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Explosion_Damage", 50, 1, 0.1);48 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Explosion_Effect", 0, 0, 0);49 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Debry", 0, 0, 0.4);50 // hp, total HP51 // damageReceived, damage on hit52 // damageDealtMultiplier, multiplier appliued to the other object53 // additionalProperties54 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_A", 30, 1, 10);55 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_A", 30, 1, 10);56 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_A", 30, 1, 10);57 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_B", 40, 1, 10);58 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_B", 40, 1, 10);59 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_B", 40, 1, 10);60 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_C", 30, 1, 10);61 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_C", 50, 1, 10);62 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_C", 20, 1, 10);63 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_C", 50, 1, 10);64 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_D", 60, 1, 10);65 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_D", 60, 1, 10);66 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_D", 60, 1, 10);67 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_E", 40, 1, 10);68 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_E", 40, 1, 10);69 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_E", 100, 1, 10);70 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_E", 250, 1, 10);71 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_F", 50, 1, 10);72 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_F", 50, 1, 10);73 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_F", 100, 1, 10);74 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_F", 100, 1, 10);75 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_Helper_Beam_1", 20, 1, 10);76 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_Helper_Sniper_1", 20, 1, 10);77 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_Helper_Sniper_2", 20, 1, 10);78 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_Helper_Multi_1", 20, 1, 10);79 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Boss_1_Helper_Multi_2", 20, 1, 10);80 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("SubBoss_1", 40, 1, 10);81 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("SubBoss_2", 50, 1, 10);82 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("SubBoss_3", 60, 1, 10);83 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Tentacle", 50, 1, 10);84 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Tentacle", 50, 1, 10);85 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Tentacle", 50, 1, 10);86 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("WeakTentacle", 20, 1, 10);87 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("WeakTentacle", 20, 1, 10);88 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("WeakTentacle", 20, 1, 10);89 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("LongTentacle", 100, 0.1, 10);90 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("LongTentacle", 100, 0.1, 10);91 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("LongTentacle", 100, 0.1, 10);92 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("BabyTentacle", 100, 0.1, 10);93 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("TentacleSegment_Collide", 1, 0, 5);94 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("BeamCollider", 1, 0, 1);95 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("BeamCollider_PowerBeam", 1, 0, 1);96 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Fireball", 0, 0, 1);97 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("MultiShot", 0, 0, 5);98 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("BadGuySmallAimedRocket", 0, 0, 3);99 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("BadGuyLargeHomingRocket", 0, 0, 5);100 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("BadGuyClusterAimedRocket", 0, 0, 3);101 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("LastBadGuyLargeHomingRocket", 10, 1, 2);102 // hp, total HP103 // damageReceived, damage on hit104 // damageDealtMultiplier, multiplier appliued to the other object105 // additionalProperties106 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Small_EnemyRocket_1", 0, 0, 3);107 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Small_EnemyRocket_2", 0, 0, 3);108 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Small_EnemyRocket_3", 1, 2, 3);109 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Mid_EnemyRocket_1", 1, 1, 5);110 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Mid_EnemyRocket_2", 1, 1, 5);111 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Mid_EnemyRocket_3", 2, 1, 5);112 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Large_EnemyRocket_1", 2, 1, 10);113 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Large_EnemyRocket_2", 2, 1, 10);114 TopLevel.attributesGetter.setAttributes("Large_EnemyRocket_3", 2, 1, 10);...
Source: Products.js
1import { createElements, setAttributes } from '../utils/funcions.js'2export function Products() {3 const ul = createElements('ul')4 setAttributes(ul, 'class', 'main-produtos')5 const products = {6 product1: "../src/assets/img/1.png",7 product2: "../src/assets/img/2.png",8 product3: "../src/assets/img/3.png",9 product4: "../src/assets/img/4.png",10 product5: "../src/assets/img/5.png",11 product6: "../src/assets/img/6.png",12 product7: "../src/assets/img/7.png",13 product8: "../src/assets/img/8.png"14 }15 const style = "width: 250px; height: 150px;"16 const l1 = createElements('li')17 setAttributes(l1, 'id', 'produto-1')18 setAttributes(l1, 'class', 'produtos')19 const a1 = createElements('a')20 setAttributes(a1, 'href', '#')21 const img1 = createElements('img')22 setAttributes(img1, 'src', products.product1)23 setAttributes(img1, 'style', style)24 a1.appendChild(img1)25 l1.appendChild(a1)26 ul.appendChild(l1)27 28 const l2 = createElements('li')29 setAttributes(l2, 'id', 'produto-2')30 setAttributes(l2, 'class', 'produtos')31 const a2 = createElements('a')32 setAttributes(a2, 'href', '#')33 const img2 = createElements('img')34 setAttributes(img2, 'src', products.product2)35 setAttributes(img2, 'style', style)36 a2.appendChild(img2)37 l2.appendChild(a2)38 ul.appendChild(l2)39 const l3 = createElements('li')40 setAttributes(l3, 'id', 'produto-3')41 setAttributes(l3, 'class', 'produtos')42 const a3 = createElements('a')43 setAttributes(a3, 'href', '#')44 const img3 = createElements('img')45 setAttributes(img3, 'src', products.product3)46 setAttributes(img3, 'style', style)47 a3.appendChild(img3)48 l3.appendChild(a3)49 ul.appendChild(l3)50 const l4 = createElements('li')51 setAttributes(l4, 'id', 'produto-4')52 setAttributes(l4, 'class', 'produtos')53 const a4 = createElements('a')54 setAttributes(a4, 'href', '#')55 const img4 = createElements('img')56 setAttributes(img4, 'src', products.product4)57 setAttributes(img4, 'style', style)58 a4.appendChild(img4)59 l4.appendChild(a4)60 ul.appendChild(l4)61 const l5 = createElements('li')62 setAttributes(l5, 'id', 'produto-5')63 setAttributes(l5, 'class', 'produtos')64 const a5 = createElements('a')65 setAttributes(a5, 'href', '#')66 const img5 = createElements('img')67 setAttributes(img5, 'src', products.product5)68 setAttributes(img5, 'style', style)69 a5.appendChild(img5)70 l5.appendChild(a5)71 ul.appendChild(l5)72 const l6 = createElements('li')73 setAttributes(l6, 'id', 'produto-6')74 setAttributes(l6, 'class', 'produtos')75 const a6 = createElements('a')76 setAttributes(a6, 'href', '#')77 const img6 = createElements('img')78 setAttributes(img6, 'src', products.product6)79 setAttributes(img6, 'style', style)80 a6.appendChild(img6)81 l6.appendChild(a6)82 ul.appendChild(l6)83 const l7 = createElements('li')84 setAttributes(l7, 'id', 'produto-7')85 setAttributes(l7, 'class', 'produtos')86 const a7 = createElements('a')87 setAttributes(a7, 'href', '#')88 const img7 = createElements('img')89 setAttributes(img7, 'src', products.product7)90 setAttributes(img7, 'style', style)91 a7.appendChild(img7)92 l7.appendChild(a7)93 ul.appendChild(l7)94 const l8 = createElements('li')95 setAttributes(l8, 'id', 'produto-8')96 setAttributes(l8, 'class', 'produtos')97 const a8 = createElements('a')98 setAttributes(a8, 'href', '#')99 const img8 = createElements('img')100 setAttributes(img8, 'src', products.product8)101 setAttributes(img8, 'style', style)102 103 a8.appendChild(img8)104 l8.appendChild(a8)105 ul.appendChild(l8)106 return ul...
Using AI Code Generation
1var pact = require('pact-foundation/pact-node');2var path = require('path');3var opts = {4pactFilesOrDirs: [path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'pacts')],5};6pact.setOptions(opts);7pact.publishPacts(opts);8var pact = require('pact-foundation/pact-node');9var path = require('path');10var opts = {11pactFilesOrDirs: [path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'pacts')],12};13pact.setOptions(opts);14pact.publishPacts(opts);15{ statusCode: 400,16 message: 'No pacticipants found with name "test1".' }
Using AI Code Generation
1var pact = require('pact-foundation-pact-node');2var opts = {3};4pact.setOptions(opts);5describe("API", function () {6 it("should do something", function () {7 });8});
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