How to use voidMethod method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source:Path.js Github


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1(function () {2 var Shape = yhge.renderer.canvas.shape.Shape;3 var util = yhge.util;4 var DrawPathType = {5 Default:0,6 Normal:1,7 Script:28 };9 var Path = yhge.core.Class(Shape, {10 classname:"Path",11 initialize:function () {12 this._drawPathType=DrawPathType.Default;13 /​/​原始记录数据14 this._originalRecords = [];15 /​/​处理之后的,用于直接画图16 this._records = [];17 /​/​默认使用解析路径18 Path._super_.initialize.apply(this, arguments);19 },20 draw:function (context) {21 console.log(this.classname);22 },23 drawPathRecords:function (context) {24 var records = this._records;25 var act, args;26 for (var i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {27 /​/​context[records[i][0]].apply(context,records[i][1]);28 act = records[i][0];29 args = records[i].slice(1);30 args.push(this);31 PathActions[act].apply(context, args);32 }33 },34 /​/​把描述path的定义转成javascript语句,使用new Function变成一个函数,而不是现在这样,每条做处理。35 drawPathScript:function (context) {36 /​/​必须替换为当前的,可能二个不一至。37 this._pathFuncArgs[0] = context;38 this._pathFunc.apply(this, this._pathFuncArgs);39 },40 setPathScript:function (pathFunc, pathFuncArgs) {41 this.draw = this.drawPathScript;42 this._pathFunc = pathFunc;43 this._pathFuncArgs = pathFuncArgs;44 this._drawPathType=DrawPathType.Script;45 },46 /​**47 * records=[[fun,params],[fun,params]];48 */​49 setRecords:function (records) {50 this.draw = this.drawPathRecords;51 this._records = records;52 this._drawPathType=DrawPathType.Normal;53 return this;54 },55 getRecords:function () {56 return this._records;57 },58 setOriginalRecords:function (originalRecords) {59 this._originalRecords = originalRecords;60 return this;61 },62 getOriginalRecords:function () {63 return this._originalRecords;64 },65 clone:function () {66 var newObj = Path._super_.clone.apply(this, arguments);67 newObj._records = this._records.slice();68 this._pathFunc && (newObj._pathFunc = this._pathFunc);69 this._pathFuncArgs && (newObj._pathFuncArgs = this._pathFuncArgs.slice());70 newObj._originalRecords = this._originalRecords;71 newObj._drawPathType=this._drawPathType;72 newObj.draw = this.draw;73 return newObj;74 },75 /​/​TODO fillStyles,lineStyles,fillEdges,lineEdges76 setFillStyles:function (fillStyles) {77 this._fillStyles = fillStyles;78 return this;79 },80 getFillStyles:function () {81 return this._fillStyles;82 },83 setLineStyles:function (lineStyles) {84 this._lineStyles = lineStyles;85 return this;86 },87 getLineStyles:function () {88 return this._lineStyles;89 },90 setFillEdges:function (fillEdges) {91 this._fillEdges = fillEdges;92 return this;93 },94 getFillEdges:function () {95 return this._fillEdges;96 },97 setLineEdges:function (lineEdges) {98 this._lineEdges = lineEdges;99 return this;100 },101 getLineEdges:function () {102 return this._lineEdges;103 },104 assemble:function () {105 }106 });107 Path.DrawPathType=DrawPathType;108 yhge.renderer.canvas.shape.Path = Path;109 var contextProto = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;110 var PathActions = {111 moveTo:contextProto.moveTo,112 lineTo:contextProto.lineTo,113 arc:contextProto.arc,114 quadraticCurveTo:contextProto.quadraticCurveTo,115 bezierCurveTo:contextProto.bezierCurveTo,116 fill:contextProto.fill,117 stroke:contextProto.stroke,118 clip:contextProto.clip,119 beginPath:contextProto.beginPath,120 closePath:contextProto.closePath,121,122 restore:contextProto.restore,123 /​/​变换124 translate:contextProto.translate,125 rotate:contextProto.rotate,126 scale:contextProto.scale,127 transform:contextProto.transform,128 setTransform:contextProto.setTransform,129 /​/​可能还有补充130 /​/​自定义131 fillStyle:function (style, path) {132 this.fillStyle = style;133 },134 strokeStyle:function (style, path) {135 this.strokeStyle = style;136 },137 fillStyleColor:function (path) {138 this.fillStyle = path._colorString;139 }140 };141 var PathRecordType = {142 VoidMethod:1,143 ValueMethod:2,144 Attribute:6,145 StyleAttribute:7,146 SelfDefineAttribute:9,147 SelfDefineVoidMethod:10,148 SelfDefineValueMethod:11149 };150 var PathRecordTypeMap = {151 /​/​方法152 /​/​ state153 save:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,154 restore:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,155 /​/​ rects156 clearRect:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,157 fillRect:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,158 strokeRect:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,159 /​/​ shared path API methods160 beginPath:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,161 fill:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,162 stroke:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,163 clip:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,164 closePath:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,165 moveTo:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,166 lineTo:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,167 quadraticCurveTo:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,168 bezierCurveTo:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,169 arcTo:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,170 rect:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,171 arc:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,172 scrollPathIntoView:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,173 /​/​ transformations (default transform is the identity matrix)174 scale:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,175 rotate:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,176 translate:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,177 transform:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,178 setTransform:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,179 /​/​ text (see also the CanvasText interface)180 fillText:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,181 strokeText:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,182 measureText:PathRecordType.ValueMethod,183 /​/​ drawing images184 drawImage:PathRecordType.VoidMethod,185 /​/​style186 createLinearGradient:PathRecordType.ValueMethod,187 createRadialGradient:PathRecordType.ValueMethod,188 createPattern:PathRecordType.ValueMethod,189 /​/​属性190 /​/​ compositing191 globalAlpha:PathRecordType.Attribute,192 globalCompositeOperation:PathRecordType.Attribute,193 /​/​ shadows194 shadowOffsetX:PathRecordType.Attribute,195 shadowOffsetY:PathRecordType.Attribute,196 shadowBlur:PathRecordType.Attribute,197 shadowColor:PathRecordType.Attribute,198 /​/​ line caps/​joins199 lineWidth:PathRecordType.Attribute, /​/​ (default 1)200 lineCap:PathRecordType.Attribute, /​/​ "butt", "round", "square" (default "butt")201 lineJoin:PathRecordType.Attribute, /​/​ "round", "bevel", "miter" (default "miter")202 miterLimit:PathRecordType.Attribute, /​/​ (default 10)203 /​/​ text204 font:PathRecordType.Attribute, /​/​ (default 10px sans-serif)205 textAlign:PathRecordType.Attribute, /​/​ "start", "end", "left", "right", "center" (default: "start")206 textBaseline:PathRecordType.Attribute, /​/​ "top", "hanging", "middle", "alphabetic", "ideographic", "bottom" (default: "alphabetic")207 /​/​ colors and styles208 fillStyle:PathRecordType.StyleAttribute,209 strokeStyle:PathRecordType.StyleAttribute,210 /​/​self define211 fillStyleColor:PathRecordType.SelfDefineAttribute212 };213 var PathRecordTypeSelfAttributeMap = {214 fillStyleColor:function (ctx, act, args) {215 return ctx + ".fillStyle=this._colorString";216 }217 };218 /​**219 * 处理records中的渐变220 */​221 Path.parseShapeRecords = function (records, context, resMap) {222 var record;223 /​/​需要对原始records进行拷贝,下面操作会修改。224 var newRecords = [];225 /​/​ context=context||CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;226 for (var i = 0, l = records.length; i < l; i++) {227 /​/​原对象记录的拷贝228 record = records[i].slice();229 var style = record[1];230 if (record[0] == "fillStyle" && typeof style == "object" && style.type) {231 record[1] = Path.parseDrawStyle(style, context, resMap);232 }233 newRecords.push(record);234 }235 return newRecords;236 };237 Path.pathRecordsToFunction = function (records, context, resMap, parameterDefine, parameterContent) {238 var ret = Path.pathRecordsToScript(records);239 var styles = ret.styles, newStyles = [];240 var style;241 for (var i = 0, l = styles.length; i < l; i++) {242 style = styles[i];243 newStyles.push(Path.parseDrawStyle(style, context, resMap));244 }245 var funArgs = ret.funArgs;246 var args = [context, newStyles];247 if (parameterDefine) {248 funArgs = funArgs.concat(parameterDefine);249 }250 if (parameterContent) {251 args = args.concat(parameterContent);252 }253 /​/​for debug254 var func = Function.apply(Function, funArgs.concat(ret.funBody));255 func.body = ret.funBody;256 func.args = funArgs;257 return {258/​/​ func:Function.apply(Function, funArgs.concat(ret.funBody)),259 func:func,260 args:args261 };262/​/​ /​/​ 利用apply263/​/​ var args=["a","b"];264/​/​ var body="alert(a+b);";265/​/​ var fun=Function.apply(Function,args.concat(body));266/​/​ fun(2,3);267/​/​ /​/​ 另外一种利用arguments来定义参数。268/​/​ var args="var a=arguments[0];var b=arguments[1];"269/​/​ var body=" alert(a+b);";270/​/​ var fun=new Function(args+body);271/​/​ fun(2,3);272 };273 /​**274 * 记录转成脚本。对于使用到的对像,则通过传参数的方式使用。275 * 对于style可以使全局变量。276 * @param records277 * @return {Object}278 */​279 Path.pathRecordsToScript = function (records, config) {280 var signContext = "ctx",281 signStyles = "styles",282 endLine = "\n";283 /​/​TODO select global style or local284 var funArgs = [signContext, signStyles], funBody = "";285 var styles = [];286 var record, act, args;287 for (var i = 0, l = records.length; i < l; i++) {288 record = records[i];289 act = record[0];290 args = record.slice(1);291 switch (PathRecordTypeMap[act]) {292 case PathRecordType.VoidMethod:293 funBody += signContext + "." + act + "(" + generateFunctionCallParameter(args) + ");" + endLine;294 break;295 case PathRecordType.Attribute:296 funBody += signContext + "." + act + "=" + generateAttributeValue(args) + ";" + endLine;297 break;298 case PathRecordType.StyleAttribute:299 var style = args[0];300 if (typeof style == "object" && style.type) {301 funBody += "ctx." + act + "=" + signStyles + "[" + styles.length + "];" + endLine;302 styles.push(style);303 } else {304 funBody += "ctx." + act + "=" + generateAttributeValue(args) + ";" + endLine;305 }306 break;307 case PathRecordType.SelfDefineAttribute:308 var selfAct = PathRecordTypeSelfAttributeMap[act];309 switch (typeof selfAct) {310 case "string":311 funBody += signContext + "." + PathRecordTypeSelfAttributeMap[act] + "=" + generateAttributeValue(args) + ";" + endLine;312 break;313 case "function":314 funBody += selfAct(signContext, act, args) + endLine;315 break;316 }317 break;318 }319 }320 return {321 funArgs:funArgs,322 funBody:funBody,323 styles:styles324 };325 };326 Path.applyColorTransform = function (records, colorTransform) {327 var newRecords = [];328 var record, style, color;329 for (var i = 0, l = records.length; i < l; i++) {330 record = records[i].slice();331 style = record[1];332 if (record[0] == "fillStyle" || record[0] == "strokeStyle") {333 if (typeof style == "string") {334 color = util.color.stringToColor(style);335 color = colorTransform.applyColor(color);336 record[1] = util.color.colorToString(color);337 } else {338 if (style.stops) {339 var newStyle = {340 type:style.type341 };342 var newStops = [];343 for (var j in style.stops) {344 color = util.color.stringToColor(style.stops[j].color);345 color = colorTransform.applyColor(color);346 newStops.push({347 position:style.stops[j].position,348 color:util.color.colorToString(color)349 });350 }351 newStyle.stops = newStops;352 record[1] = newStyle;353 }354 }355 }356 newRecords.push(record);357 }358 return newRecords;359 };360 Path.parseDrawStyle = function (style, context, resMap) {361 var styleObj, points;362 switch (style.type) {363 case "linear":364 points = style.points;365 styleObj = points366 ? context.createLinearGradient(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3])367 : context.createLinearGradient(-16384 /​ 20, 0, 16384 /​ 20, 0);368 break;369 case "radial":370 points = style.points;371 styleObj = points372 ? context.createRadialGradient(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5])373 : context.createRadialGradient(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16384 /​ 20);374 break;375 case "Pattern":376 /​/​src可能为resId。resMap根据导出规则建立相应的键名。377 var img = resMap[style.src];378 /​/​如果没有图片显示绿网379 styleObj = img ? context.createPattern(img, style.repeat || 'repeat') : "#0F0";380 break;381 }382 if (style.stops) {383 for (var j in style.stops) {384 styleObj.addColorStop(style.stops[j].position, style.stops[j].color);385 }386 }387 return styleObj;388 };389 function generateFunctionCallParameter(args) {390/​/​ var out="";391/​/​ for(var i=0;i<args.length;i++){392/​/​ out+=i==0?"":","+JSON.stringify(args[i]);393/​/​ }394 if (args.length == 0) return "";395 var out = JSON.stringify(args);396 return out.substr(1, out.length - 2);397 }398 function generateAttributeValue(args) {399 if (args.length == 1) return JSON.stringify(args[0]);400 /​/​TODO Gradient pattern;401 }...

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Source:time-utility-helper.ts Github


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1import { injectable, inject } from "inversify";2import { BASETYPES } from "../​../​../​IoC/​base-types";3import { IRequiredConfig } from "../​interfaces/​required-config";4import { ILogger } from "../​../​logger/​logger";5import { LogginLevel } from "../​interfaces/​loggin-interfaces";6@injectable()7export class TimeUtility {8 private readonly requiredConfig: IRequiredConfig;9 private readonly logger: ILogger;10 constructor(@inject(BASETYPES.RequiredConfig) requiredConfig: IRequiredConfig,11 @inject(BASETYPES.Logger) logger: ILogger) {12 this.requiredConfig = requiredConfig;13 this.logger = logger;14 }15 public doTaskAfterDelay<T>(action: any, delayMs: number): Promise<T> {16 const voidMethod = (resolve: any): void => {17 setTimeout(() => {18 const result: T = action();19 resolve(result);20 }, delayMs);21 }22 const promise: Promise<T> = new Promise(voidMethod);23 return promise;24 }25 public async doAsyncTaskAfterDelay<T>(action: any, delayMs: number): Promise<T> {26 const voidMethod = (resolve: any): void => {27 setTimeout(async () => {28 const result: T = await action();29 resolve(result);30 }, delayMs);31 }32 const promise: Promise<T> = new Promise(voidMethod);33 return promise;34 }35 public doActionAfterDelay(action: any, delayMs: number): Promise<void> {36 const voidMethod = (resolve: any): void => {37 setTimeout(() => {38 action();39 resolve(null);40 }, delayMs);41 }42 const promise: Promise<void> = new Promise(voidMethod);43 return promise;44 }45 public async doAsyncActionAfterDelay(action: any, delayMs: number): Promise<void> {46 const voidMethod = (resolve: any): void => {47 setTimeout(async () => {48 await action();49 resolve(null);50 }, delayMs);51 }52 const promise: Promise<void> = new Promise(voidMethod);53 return promise;54 }55 public doActionWithRetry<T>(callBack: (arg: any) => T, arg?: any, fallBackReturnCallback?: () => T, attempts?: number, delayMs?: number, throwOnNotFound: boolean = false)56 : T {57 if (attempts == null) {58 attempts = this.requiredConfig.retry.default.attempt + 1;59 }60 if (delayMs == null) {61 delayMs = this.requiredConfig.retry.default.delay;62 }63 for (let attempt = 0; attempt < attempts; attempt++) {64 try {65 const obj: T = callBack(arg);66 return obj;67 } catch (e) {68 const notLastAttempt: boolean = !this.wasLastAttempt(attempt, attempts);69 this.logger.log({logData:`attempt ${attempt}: ${e}` + (notLastAttempt? ' retrying' : ''), logLevel: LogginLevel.Info});70 if (notLastAttempt) {71 this.waitForMs(delayMs);72 }73 }74 }75 if (throwOnNotFound) {76 throw `action unsuccessful after ${attempts} (waited ${attempts * delayMs}ms)`;77 }78 return fallBackReturnCallback != null ? fallBackReturnCallback() : null;79 }80 public async doAsyncActionWithRetry<T>(callBack: (arg: any) => Promise<T>, arg?: any, fallBackReturnCallback?: () => T, attempts?: number, delayMs?: number, throwOnNotFound: boolean = false): Promise<T> {81 if (attempts == null) {82 attempts = this.requiredConfig.retry.default.attempt + 1;83 }84 if (delayMs == null) {85 delayMs = this.requiredConfig.retry.default.delay;86 }87 for (let attempt = 0; attempt < attempts; attempt++) {88 try {89 const obj: T = await callBack(arg);90 return obj;91 } catch (e) {92 const notLastAttempt: boolean = !this.wasLastAttempt(attempt, attempts);93 this.logger.log({logData:`attempt ${attempt}: ${e}` + (notLastAttempt? ' retrying' : ''), logLevel: LogginLevel.Info});94 if (notLastAttempt) {95 await this.waitForMs(delayMs);96 }97 }98 }99 if (throwOnNotFound) {100 throw `action unsuccessful after ${attempts} (waited ${attempts * delayMs}ms)`;101 }102 return fallBackReturnCallback != null ? fallBackReturnCallback() : null;103 }104 private wasLastAttempt(attempt: number, attempts: number): boolean {105 return attempt + 1 == attempts;106 }107 private async waitForMs(delayMs: number): Promise<void> {108 const voidMethod = (resolve: any): void => {109 setTimeout(() => {resolve(null)}, delayMs);110 }111 const promise: Promise<void> = new Promise(voidMethod);112 return promise;113 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';2import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';3describe('Testing voidMethod method of ng-mocks', () => {4 it('should call the method and return undefined', () => {5 const service = new TestService();6 const result = voidMethod(service, 'testMethod');7 expect(result).toBeUndefined();8 });9});10import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';11@Injectable()12export class TestService {13 testMethod() {14 return 'test';15 }16}17import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';18import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';19describe('Testing voidMethod method of ng-mocks', () => {20 it('should call the method with arguments and return undefined', () => {21 const service = new TestService();22 const result = voidMethod(service, 'testMethod', 'test', 1);23 expect(result).toBeUndefined();24 });25});26import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';27@Injectable()28export class TestService {29 testMethod(arg1: string, arg2: number) {30 return 'test';31 }32}33import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';34import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';35describe('Testing voidMethod method of ng-mocks', () => {36 it('should call the method with arguments and return undefined', () => {37 const service = new TestService();38 const result = voidMethod(service, 'testMethod', 'test', 1);39 expect(result).toBeUndefined();40 });41});42import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';43@Injectable()44export class TestService {45 testMethod(arg1: string, arg2: number) {46 return 'test';47 }48}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('AppComponent', () => {3 let component: AppComponent;4 let fixture: ComponentFixture<AppComponent>;5 let mockRouter: Router;6 let mockAuthService: AuthService;7 beforeEach(async(() => {8 TestBed.configureTestingModule({9 {provide: Router, useValue: voidMethod},10 {provide: AuthService, useValue: voidMethod}11 }).compileComponents();12 }));13 beforeEach(() => {14 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);15 component = fixture.componentInstance;16 mockRouter = TestBed.get(Router);17 mockAuthService = TestBed.get(AuthService);18 fixture.detectChanges();19 });20 it('should create', () => {21 expect(component).toBeTruthy();22 });23 it('should call logout method', () => {24 spyOn(mockAuthService, 'logout').and.callThrough();25 component.logout();26 expect(mockAuthService.logout).toHaveBeenCalled();27 });28 it('should call navigate method', () => {29 spyOn(mockRouter, 'navigate').and.callThrough();30 component.logout();31 expect(mockRouter.navigate).toHaveBeenCalled();32 });33});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';2import * as ngMocks from 'ng-mocks';3import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';4import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';5import * as ngMocks from 'ng-mocks';6import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';7import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';8import * as ngMocks from 'ng-mocks';9import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';10import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';11import * as ngMocks from 'ng-mocks';12import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';13import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';14import * as ngMocks from 'ng-mocks';15import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';16import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';17import * as ngMocks from 'ng-mocks';18import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';19import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';20import * as ngMocks from 'ng-mocks';21import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';22import {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('test', () => {3 it('test', () => {4 const spy = spyOn(TestBed.inject(MyService), 'testMethod');5 voidMethod(spy);6 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();7 });8});9import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';10describe('test', () => {11 it('test', () => {12 const spy = spyOn(TestBed.inject(MyService), 'testMethod');13 voidMethod(spy);14 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();15 });16});17import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';18describe('test', () => {19 it('test', () => {20 const spy = spyOn(TestBed.inject(MyService), 'testMethod');21 voidMethod(spy);22 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();23 });24});25import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';26describe('test', () => {27 it('test', () => {28 const spy = spyOn(TestBed.inject(MyService), 'testMethod');29 voidMethod(spy);30 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();31 });32});33import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';34describe('test', () => {35 it('test', () => {36 const spy = spyOn(TestBed.inject(MyService), 'testMethod');37 voidMethod(spy);38 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();39 });40});41import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';42describe('test', () => {43 it('test', () => {44 const spy = spyOn(TestBed.inject(MyService), 'testMethod');45 voidMethod(spy);46 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();47 });48});49import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';50describe('test', () => {51 it('test', () => {52 const spy = spyOn(TestBed.inject(MyService), 'testMethod');

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1voidMethod(mockedComponent, 'voidMethod');2const returnValue = returnMethod(mockedComponent, 'returnMethod');3const returnValue = returnMethod(mockedComponent, 'returnMethod', 'argument1', 'argument2');4const returnValue = returnMethod(mockedComponent, 'returnMethod', ['argument1', 'argument2']);5const returnValue = returnMethod(mockedComponent, 'returnMethod', ['argument1', 'argument2'], 'argument3');6const returnValue = returnMethod(mockedComponent, 'returnMethod', ['argument1', 'argument2'], ['argument3', 'argument4']);7const returnValue = returnMethod(mockedComponent, 'returnMethod', ['argument1', 'argument2'], ['argument3', 'argument4'], 'argument5');8const returnValue = returnMethod(mockedComponent, 'returnMethod', ['argument1', 'argument2'], ['argument3', 'argument4'], ['argument5', 'argument6']);9const returnValue = returnMethod(mockedComponent, 'returnMethod', ['argument1', 'argument2'], ['argument3', 'argument4'], ['argument5', 'argument6'], 'argument7');10const returnValue = returnMethod(mockedComponent, 'returnMethod', ['argument1', 'argument2'], ['argument3', 'argument4'], ['argument5', 'argument6'], ['argument7', 'argument8']);11const returnValue = returnMethod(mockedComponent, 'returnMethod', ['argument1', 'argument2'], ['argument3', 'argument4'], ['argument5', 'argument6'], ['argument7', 'argument8'], 'argument9');12const returnValue = returnMethod(mockedComponent, 'returnMethod', ['argument1', 'argument2'], ['argument3', 'argument4'], ['argument5', 'argument6'], ['argument7', 'argument

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1import {voidMethod} from 'ng-mocks';2class MockClass {3 public method(): void {4 voidMethod();5 }6}7describe('test', () => {8 it('test', () => {9 const mock = new MockClass();10 mock.method();11 });12});13 at voidMethod (node_modules/​ng-mocks/​src/​lib/​mock-helper/​void-method.ts:5:24)

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1import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';3import { Component } from '@angular/​core';4import { HttpClient } from '@angular/​common/​http';5import { of } from 'rxjs';6@Component({7})8class TestComponent {9 constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}10 getSomething() {11 }12}13describe('TestComponent', () => {14 beforeEach(() => {15 TestBed.configureTestingModule({16 {17 useValue: {18 get: () => of('something')19 }20 }21 });22 });23 it('should work', () => {24 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);25 const component = fixture.componentInstance;26 voidMethod(component, 'getSomething');27 fixture.detectChanges();28 });29});

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1import { voidMethod } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestClass } from './​test-class';3describe('Test Class', () => {4 it('should call voidMethod', () => {5 const mock = voidMethod(TestClass, 'voidMethod', 'mocked');6 const testClass = new TestClass();7 expect(mock.voidMethod()).toBe('mocked');8 });9});10export class TestClass {11 voidMethod() {12 console.log('inside TestClass');13 }14}15import { TestClass } from './​test-class';16describe('Test Class', () => {17 it('should call voidMethod', () => {18 const testClass = new TestClass();19 spyOn(testClass, 'voidMethod');20 testClass.voidMethod();21 expect(testClass.voidMethod).toHaveBeenCalled();22 });23});24import { TestClass } from './​test-class';25describe('Test Class', () => {26 it('should call voidMethod', () => {27 const testClass = new TestClass();28 spyOn(testClass, 'voidMethod');29 testClass.voidMethod();30 expect(testClass.voidMethod).toHaveBeenCalled();31 });32});33import { TestClass } from './​test-class';34describe('Test Class', () => {35 it('should call voidMethod', () => {36 const testClass = new TestClass();37 spyOn(testClass, 'voidMethod');38 testClass.voidMethod();39 expect(testClass.voidMethod).toHaveBeenCalled();40 });41});42import { TestClass } from './​test-class';43describe('Test Class', () => {44 it('should call voidMethod', () => {45 const testClass = new TestClass();46 spyOn(testClass, 'voidMethod');47 testClass.voidMethod();48 expect(testClass.voidMethod).toHaveBeenCalled();

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