How to use value3 method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source: calculator.js Github


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1var value1 = "", value2 = "", value3 = "0"2var value4 = "done", num = 0, mvalue = 0; 3function nkey(i) {4 if (num == 1) { 5 value1 = value2; value2 = value3;6 value3 = "" + i; value4 = "eidt"; num = 2; 7 } else { 8 if (value4 == "done" || value3 + "" == "0")9 { 10 value3 = "" + i; value4 = "eidt";11 }else {12 value3 += "" + i;13 }14 }15 more(); 16}17function show(){18 alert(num);19}20function back() {21 if (num == 1) {22 value3 = value3.length > 1 ?value3.substring(0,value3.length-1):0; value4 = "eidt"; 23 } else { 24 if (value4 == "done")25 { 26 value3 = value3.length > 1?value3.substring(0,value3.length-1):0; value4 = "eidt";27 }else {28 value3 = value3.length > 1?value3.substring(0,value3.length-1):0;29 }30 }31 more(); 32}33function ptkey() {34 if (value4 != "point") { 35 if (value4 == "done") {36 if (num != 1) {37 ckey(0); 38 } 39 return;40 } else {41 value3 += "."; more();42 }43 value4 = "point"; 44 }45} 46function more() {47 switch(value3){48 case '+':49 return;50 case '*':51 return;52 case '/​':53 return;54 case '-':55 return;56 default:57 $('inputvalue').value = value3 == "0"?"0.":value3;58 break;59 }60}61function fkey(j) {62 if (num != 1) {63 value2 = eval(value1 + value2 + value3);64 value1 = ""; 65 value2 = round(value2);66 num = 1;67 value4 = "done";68 }69 value3 = j;70 rkey('=');71 more();72} 73function rkey(j) {74 if (num != 1) { if (j == "%") {75 value3 = value3 * 0.01; 76 } 77 if (j == "=") {78 value3 = eval(value1 + value2 + value3); 79 value2 = ""; value1 = ""; num = 0;80 }81 value3 = round(value3); more(); value4 = "done"; 82 }83}84function ckey(k) {85 if (k == 0) { if (value2 != "") 86 {87 value3 = value2;88 value3 = "0"89 } else {90 value3 = "0";91 }92 value2 = value1; value1 = "";93 if (num == 2) { num = 1; } else { num = 0; }94 } 95 if (k == 1) {96 value3 = "0"; value2 = ""; value1 = ""; num = 0;97 }98 more(); value4 = "done"; 99}100function mvkey(k) {101 if (num == 0) {102 if (k == "+") { mvalue = mvalue + eval(value3); }103 if (k == "-") { mvalue = mvalue - eval(value3); }104 mvalue = round(mvalue); setmemo(); value4 = "done"; 105 }106}107function mckey(k) {108 if(k == "=") {109 if (num != 1) { ckey(0); }110 nkey(mvalue); value4 = "done"; 111 }112 if (k == "c") { mvalue = 0; setmemo(); } 113}114function setmemo() {115 document.cform.V2.value = "";116 if (mvalue != 0) {117 document.cform.V2.value = "<M> " + mvalue + "; ";118 }119}120function sbkey() {121 value2 = altsb(value2 + ""); 122 value3 = altsb(value3 + "");123 124} 125function altsb(sb) {126 if (sb == "") { value3 = - eval(value3) + ""; }127 if (sb == "+") { return "-"; }128 if (sb == "-") { return "+"; }129 if (sb == "*") { return "/​"; }130 if (sb == "/​") { return "*"; }131 return sb; 132}133function round(rndval) {134 var full = rndval + "", endstr = ""; 135 if (full.indexOf('.') < 0) { return rndval; } 136 if (eval(full.substring(0, full.indexOf('.') + 9)) == 0) 137 { return rndval; }138 var cutsize = full.length; 139 if (full.indexOf('e') > 0 ) {140 cutsize = full.indexOf('e') - 1; 141 endstr = full.substring(cutsize + 1, full.length); 142 }143 var cutstr = full.substring(full.indexOf('.'), cutsize); 144 cutsize = cutstr.length;145 if (cutsize > 9) {146 var addup = 1;147 full = full.substring(0, full.indexOf('.')); 148 for (var x=0; x<cutsize - 1; x++) {addup *= 0.1;}149 cutstr = (addup*4 + eval(cutstr)) + "";150 var cutlen = cutstr.length; 151 if (cutstr.indexOf('e') != -1) { return rndval; } 152 if (cutsize - cutlen > 4) {153 return eval(full + cutstr.substring(1, cutlen)) + endstr; 154 }155 cutstr = cutstr.substring(0, cutstr.length - 2); 156 cutstr = eval(cutstr) + "";157 if (cutstr.indexOf('e') != -1) { return rndval; } 158 if (cutlen - cutstr.length > 4) {159 return eval(full + cutstr.substring(1, cutstr.length)) + endstr; 160 }161 }162 return rndval; ...

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Source:Float32Array.js Github


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1( function () {2 var input = new Float32Array( 10000 * 3 );3 var output = new Float32Array( 10000 * 3 );4 for ( var j = 0, jl = input.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {5 input[ j ] = j;6 }7 var inputVectors = [];8 var outputVectors = [];9 for ( var j = 0, jl = input.length /​ 3; j < jl; j ++ ) {10 inputVectors.push( new THREE.Vector3( j * 3, j * 3 + 1, j * 3 + 2 ) );11 outputVectors.push( new THREE.Vector3() );12 }13 var s = Bench.newSuite( 'Float 32 Arrays' );14 s.add( 'Float32Array-Float32Array', function () {15 var value3 = new Float32Array( 3 );16 for ( var i = 0, il = input.length /​ 3; i < il; i += 3 ) {17 value3[ 0 ] = input[ i + 0 ];18 value3[ 1 ] = input[ i + 1 ];19 value3[ 2 ] = input[ i + 2 ];20 value3[ 0 ] *= 1.01;21 value3[ 1 ] *= 1.03;22 value3[ 2 ] *= 0.98;23 output[ i + 0 ] = value3[ 0 ];24 output[ i + 1 ] = value3[ 1 ];25 output[ i + 2 ] = value3[ 2 ];26 }27 } );28 s.add( 'Float32Array-Array', function () {29 var value2 = [ 0, 0, 0 ];30 for ( var i = 0, il = input.length /​ 3; i < il; i += 3 ) {31 value2[ 0 ] = input[ i + 0 ];32 value2[ 1 ] = input[ i + 1 ];33 value2[ 2 ] = input[ i + 2 ];34 value2[ 0 ] *= 1.01;35 value2[ 1 ] *= 1.03;36 value2[ 2 ] *= 0.98;37 output[ i + 0 ] = value2[ 0 ];38 output[ i + 1 ] = value2[ 1 ];39 output[ i + 2 ] = value2[ 2 ];40 }41 } );42 s.add( 'Float32Array-Literal', function () {43 var x,44 y,45 z;46 for ( var i = 0, il = input.length /​ 3; i < il; i += 3 ) {47 x = input[ i + 0 ];48 y = input[ i + 1 ];49 z = input[ i + 2 ];50 x *= 1.01;51 y *= 1.03;52 z *= 0.98;53 output[ i + 0 ] = x;54 output[ i + 1 ] = y;55 output[ i + 2 ] = z;56 }57 } );58 s.add( 'Float32Array-Vector3', function () {59 var value = new THREE.Vector3();60 for ( var i = 0, il = input.length /​ 3; i < il; i += 3 ) {61 value.x = input[ i + 0 ];62 value.y = input[ i + 1 ];63 value.z = input[ i + 2 ];64 value.x *= 1.01;65 value.y *= 1.03;66 value.z *= 0.98;67 output[ i + 0 ] = value.x;68 output[ i + 1 ] = value.y;69 output[ i + 2 ] = value.z;70 }71 } );...

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Source:random.js Github


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1let value1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 899) + 100;2let value2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 899) + 100;3let value3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 899) + 100;4let value4 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 899) + 100;5let value5 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 899) + 100;6let minimum = 100;7let maximum = 1000;8if(value1 > value2 && value1 > value3 && value1 > value4 && value1 > value5){9 maximum = value1;10}else if(value2 > value1 && value2 > value3 && value2 > value4 && value2 > value5){11 maximum = value2;12}else if(value3 > value1 && value3 > value2 && value3 > value4 && value3 > value5){13 maximum = value3;14}else if(value4 > value1 && value4 > value2 && value4 > value3 && value4 > value5){15 maximum = value4;16}else if(value5 > value1 && value5 > value2 && value5 > value3 && value5 > value4){17 maximum = value5;18}19if(value1 < value2 && value1 < value3 && value1 < value4 && value1 < value5){20 minimum = value1;21}else if(value2 < value1 && value2 < value3 && value2 < value4 && value2 < value5){22 minimum = value2;23}else if(value3 < value1 && value3 < value2 && value3 < value4 && value3 < value5){24 minimum = value3;25}else if(value4 < value1 && value4 < value2 && value4 < value3 && value4 < value5){26 minimum = value4;27}else if(value5 < value1 && value5 < value2 && value5 < value3 && value5 < value4){28 minimum = value5;29}30console.log(value1, value2, value3, value4, value5);31console.log("Minimum value is : ", minimum);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 let component: MyComponent;5 beforeEach(() => {6 component = value3(MyComponent);7 });8 it('should create', () => {9 expect(component).toBeTruthy();10 });11});12import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';13describe('MyComponent', () => {14 let component: MyComponent;15 beforeEach(() => {16 component = new MyComponent();17 });18 it('should create', () => {19 expect(component).toBeTruthy();20 });21});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';3import { MockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';4import { MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';5import { MockReset } from 'ng-mocks';6import { MockService } from 'ng-mocks';7import { MockP

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';2import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';3The following code snippet shows how the value3 method is imported the first time it is used in the test.js file:4import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';5The following code snippet shows how the value3 method is imported the second time it is used in the test.js file:6import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';7The following code snippet shows how the value3 method is imported the first time it is used in the test2.js file:8import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';9The following code snippet shows how the value3 method is imported the second time it is used in the test2.js file:10import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';11The following code snippet shows how the value3 method is imported the first time it is used in the test3.js file:12import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';13The following code snippet shows how the value3 method is imported the second time it is used in the test3.js file:14import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';15The following code snippet shows how the value3 method is imported the first time it is used in the test4.js file:16import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';17The following code snippet shows how the value3 method is imported the second time it is used in the test4.js file:18import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';19The following code snippet shows how the value3 method is imported the first time it is used in the test5.js file:20import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';2value3(1, 2, 3);3import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';4value3(1, 2, 3);5import { value4 } from 'ng-mocks';6value4(1, 2, 3, 4);7import { value4 } from 'ng-mocks';8value4(1, 2, 3, 4);9import { value5 } from 'ng-mocks';10value5(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);11import { value5 } from 'ng-mocks';12value5(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);13import { value6 } from 'ng-mocks';14value6(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);15import { value6 } from 'ng-mocks';16value6(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);17import { value7 } from 'ng-mocks';18value7(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);19import { value7 } from 'ng-mocks';20value7(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);21import { value8 } from 'ng-mocks';22value8(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);23import { value8 } from 'ng-mocks';24value8(1, 2,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1mocks.value3('value3', 'Hello World');2mocks.value4('value4', 'Hello World');3mocks.value5('value5', 'Hello World');4mocks.value3('value3', 'Hello World');5mocks.value4('value4', 'Hello World');6mocks.value5('value5', 'Hello World');7mocks.value3('value3', 'Hello World');8mocks.value4('value4', 'Hello World');9mocks.value5('value5', 'Hello World');10mocks.value3('value3', 'Hello World');11mocks.value4('value4', 'Hello World');12mocks.value5('value5', 'Hello World');13mocks.value3('value3', 'Hello World');14mocks.value4('value4', 'Hello World');15mocks.value5('value5', 'Hello World');16mocks.value3('value3', 'Hello World');17mocks.value4('value4', 'Hello World');18mocks.value5('value5', 'Hello World');19mocks.value3('value3', 'Hello World');20mocks.value4('value4

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('test', () => {3 beforeEach(async(() => {4 TestBed.configureTestingModule({5 imports: [AppModule],6 }).compileComponents();7 }));8 it('should get value3', () => {9 const value = value3('test');10 expect(value).toBe('test');11 });12});13import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';14describe('AppComponent', () => {15 beforeEach(async(() => {16 TestBed.configureTestingModule({17 imports: [AppModule],18 }).compileComponents();19 }));20 it('should get value3', () => {21 const value = value3('test');22 expect(value).toBe('test');23 });24});25import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';26describe('AppComponent', () => {27 beforeEach(async(() => {28 TestBed.configureTestingModule({29 imports: [AppModule],30 }).compileComponents();31 }));32 it('should get value3', () => {33 const value = value3('test');34 expect(value).toBe('test');35 });36});37import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';38describe('AppComponent', () => {39 beforeEach(async(() => {40 TestBed.configureTestingModule({41 imports: [AppModule],42 }).compileComponents();43 }));44 it('should get value3', () => {45 const value = value3('test');46 expect(value).toBe('test');47 });48});49import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';50describe('AppComponent', () => {51 beforeEach(async(() => {52 TestBed.configureTestingModule({53 imports: [AppModule],54 }).compileComponents();55 }));56 it('should get value3', () => {57 const value = value3('test');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('value3', () => {3 it('should return the value of a property', () => {4 const object = { a: { b: { c: 'value' } } };5 expect(value3(object, 'a', 'b', 'c')).toEqual('value');6 });7 it('should return undefined if the property does not exist', () => {8 const object = { a: { b: { c: 'value' } } };9 expect(value3(object, 'a', 'b', 'd')).toBeUndefined();10 });11});12import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';13describe('mock date service', () => {14 it('should mock date service', () => {15 const date = new Date(2019, 3, 1);16 value3(Date, 'now').mockReturnValue(date);17 expect(;18 });19});20import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';21describe('mock date pipe', () => {22 it('should mock date pipe', () => {23 const date = new Date(2019, 3, 1);24 value3(Date,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const value3 = require('ng-mocks').value3;2value3('component', 'method', 'value');3import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';4value3('component', 'method', 'value');5value3(component, method, value)6import { value3 } from 'ng-mocks';7describe('value3', () => {8 it('mocks a method of a component or a directive which has no return value', () => {9 const mock = jest.fn();10 value3(MyComponent, 'method', mock);11 });12});

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