How to use type method in ng-mocks

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Source:nav-data.js Github


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"Animations",2093 "href": "guide/​animations",2094 "type": "page"2095 },2096 {2097 "name": "Modules",2098 "href": "guide/​module",2099 "type": "page"2100 },2101 {2102 "name": "HTML Compiler",2103 "href": "guide/​compiler",2104 "type": "page"2105 },2106 {2107 "name": "Providers",2108 "href": "guide/​providers",2109 "type": "page"2110 },2111 {2112 "name": "Decorators",2113 "href": "guide/​decorators",2114 "type": "page"2115 },2116 {2117 "name": "Bootstrap",2118 "href": "guide/​bootstrap",2119 "type": "page"2120 },2121 {2122 "name": "Unit Testing",2123 "href": "guide/​unit-testing",2124 "type": "page"2125 },2126 {2127 "name": "E2E Testing",2128 "href": "guide/​e2e-testing",2129 "type": "page"2130 },2131 {2132 "name": "Using $location",2133 "href": "guide/​$location",2134 "type": "page"2135 },2136 {2137 "name": "Working With CSS",2138 "href": "guide/​css-styling",2139 "type": "page"2140 },2141 {2142 "name": "i18n and l10n",2143 "href": "guide/​i18n",2144 "type": "page"2145 },2146 {2147 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"misc/​started",2202 "type": "page"2203 }2204 ]2205 }2206 ]2207 },2208 "tutorial": {2209 "id": "tutorial",2210 "name": "Tutorial",2211 "navGroups": [2212 {2213 "name": "Tutorial",2214 "type": "group",2215 "href": "tutorial",2216 "navItems": [2217 {2218 "name": "0 - Bootstrapping",2219 "step": 0,2220 "href": "tutorial/​step_00",2221 "type": "tutorial"2222 },2223 {2224 "name": "1 - Static Template",2225 "step": 1,2226 "href": "tutorial/​step_01",2227 "type": "tutorial"2228 },2229 {2230 "name": "2 - Angular Templates",2231 "step": 2,2232 "href": "tutorial/​step_02",2233 "type": "tutorial"2234 },2235 {2236 "name": "3 - Components",2237 "step": 3,2238 "href": "tutorial/​step_03",2239 "type": "tutorial"2240 },2241 {2242 "name": "4 - Directory and File Organization",2243 "step": 4,2244 "href": "tutorial/​step_04",2245 "type": "tutorial"2246 },2247 {2248 "name": "5 - Filtering Repeaters",2249 "step": 5,2250 "href": "tutorial/​step_05",2251 "type": "tutorial"2252 },2253 {2254 "name": "6 - Two-way Data Binding",2255 "step": 6,2256 "href": "tutorial/​step_06",2257 "type": "tutorial"2258 },2259 {2260 "name": "7 - XHR & Dependency Injection",2261 "step": 7,2262 "href": "tutorial/​step_07",2263 "type": "tutorial"2264 },2265 {2266 "name": "8 - Templating Links & Images",2267 "step": 8,2268 "href": "tutorial/​step_08",2269 "type": "tutorial"2270 },2271 {2272 "name": "9 - Routing & Multiple Views",2273 "step": 9,2274 "href": "tutorial/​step_09",2275 "type": "tutorial"2276 },2277 {2278 "name": "10 - More Templating",2279 "step": 10,2280 "href": "tutorial/​step_10",2281 "type": "tutorial"2282 },2283 {2284 "name": "11 - Custom Filters",2285 "step": 11,2286 "href": "tutorial/​step_11",2287 "type": "tutorial"2288 },2289 {2290 "name": "12 - Event Handlers",2291 "step": 12,2292 "href": "tutorial/​step_12",2293 "type": "tutorial"2294 },2295 {2296 "name": "13 - REST and Custom Services",2297 "step": 13,2298 "href": "tutorial/​step_13",2299 "type": "tutorial"2300 },2301 {2302 "name": "14 - Animations",2303 "step": 14,2304 "href": "tutorial/​step_14",2305 "type": "tutorial"2306 },2307 {2308 "name": "The End",2309 "step": 99,2310 "href": "tutorial/​the_end",2311 "type": "tutorial"2312 }2313 ]2314 }2315 ]2316 }...

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Source:expoModules.js Github


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1module.exports = {2 AIRGoogleMapCalloutManager: {},3 AIRGoogleMapCalloutSubviewManager: {},4 AIRGoogleMapCircleManager: {},5 AIRGoogleMapHeatmapManager: {},6 AIRGoogleMapManager: {7 getConstants: { type: 'function' },8 legalNotice: { type: 'string' },9 animateCamera: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },10 animateToBearing: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },11 animateToCoordinate: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },12 animateToNavigation: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },13 animateToRegion: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },14 animateToViewingAngle: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },15 coordinateForPoint: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },16 fitToCoordinates: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },17 fitToElements: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },18 fitToSuppliedMarkers: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },19 getCamera: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },20 getMapBoundaries: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },21 getMarkersFrames: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },22 pointForCoordinate: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },23 setCamera: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },24 setIndoorActiveLevelIndex: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },25 setMapBoundaries: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },26 takeSnapshot: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },27 },28 AIRGoogleMapMarkerManager: {29 getConstants: { type: 'function' },30 hideCallout: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },31 redraw: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },32 redrawCallout: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },33 showCallout: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },34 },35 AIRGoogleMapOverlayManager: {},36 AIRGoogleMapPolygonManager: {},37 AIRGoogleMapPolylineManager: {},38 AIRGoogleMapUrlTileManager: {},39 AIRGoogleMapWMSTileManager: {},40 AIRMapCalloutManager: {},41 AIRMapCalloutSubviewManager: {},42 AIRMapCircleManager: {},43 AIRMapLocalTileManager: {},44 AIRMapManager: {45 getConstants: { type: 'function' },46 animateCamera: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },47 animateToBearing: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },48 animateToCoordinate: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },49 animateToNavigation: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },50 animateToRegion: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },51 animateToViewingAngle: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },52 coordinateForPoint: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },53 fitToCoordinates: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },54 fitToElements: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },55 fitToSuppliedMarkers: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },56 getCamera: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },57 getMapBoundaries: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },58 getMarkersFrames: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },59 pointForCoordinate: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },60 setCamera: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },61 takeSnapshot: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },62 },63 AIRMapMarkerManager: {64 getConstants: { type: 'function' },65 hideCallout: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },66 redrawCallout: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },67 showCallout: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },68 },69 AIRMapOverlayManager: {},70 AIRMapPolygonManager: {},71 AIRMapPolylineManager: {},72 AIRMapUrlTileManager: {},73 AIRMapWMSTileManager: {},74 ExpoNativeModuleIntrospection: {75 getConstants: { type: 'function' },76 getNativeModuleNamesAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },77 introspectNativeModuleAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },78 },79 ExponentNotifications: {80 getConstants: { type: 'function' },81 cancelAllScheduledNotificationsAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },82 cancelScheduledNotificationAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },83 createCategoryAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },84 deleteCategoryAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },85 getBadgeNumberAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },86 getDevicePushTokenAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },87 getExponentPushTokenAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },88 legacyScheduleLocalRepeatingNotification: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },89 presentLocalNotification: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },90 scheduleLocalNotification: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },91 scheduleNotificationWithCalendar: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },92 scheduleNotificationWithTimer: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },93 setBadgeNumberAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },94 },95 ExpoRandom: {96 getRandomBase64StringAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },97 getRandomBase64String: { type: 'function' },98 },99 ExponentScopedModuleRegistry: {},100 ExponentSplashScreen: {101 getConstants: { type: 'function' },102 hide: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },103 preventAutoHide: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },104 },105 ExponentTest: {106 getConstants: { type: 'function' },107 isInCI: { type: 'number', mock: 0 },108 action: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },109 completed: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },110 log: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },111 shouldSkipTestsRequiringPermissionsAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },112 },113 ExponentUpdates: {114 getConstants: { type: 'function' },115 checkForUpdateAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },116 fetchUpdateAsync: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },117 reload: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },118 reloadFromCache: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },119 },120 ExponentUtil: {},121 LottieAnimationView: {122 VERSION: { type: 'number', mock: 1 },123 getConstants: { type: 'function' },124 play: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },125 reset: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },126 },127 NativeUnimoduleProxy: {128 exportedMethods: {129 type: 'object',130 mock: {131 AdIconViewManager: [],132 AdOptionsViewManager: [],133 CTKAdSettingsManager: [134 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'addTestDevice' },135 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setIsChildDirected' },136 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setMeditationService' },137 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setUrlPrefix' },138 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setLogLevel' },139 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'clearTestDevices' },140 ],141 CTKBannerViewManager: [],142 CTKInterstitialAdManager: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'showAd' }],143 CTKNativeAdManager: [144 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'disableAutoRefresh' },145 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'setMediaCachePolicy' },146 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 4, name: 'registerViewsForInteraction' },147 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'init' },148 ],149 ExpoAdsAdMob: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setTestDeviceIDAsync' }],150 ExpoAdsAdMobBannerView: [],151 ExpoAdsAdMobInterstitialManager: [152 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'requestAd' },153 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'showAd' },154 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'dismissAd' },155 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setAdUnitID' },156 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getIsReady' },157 ],158 ExpoAdsAdMobRewardedVideoAdManager: [159 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'requestAd' },160 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'showAd' },161 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'dismissAd' },162 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setAdUnitID' },163 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getIsReady' },164 ],165 ExpoAmplitude: [166 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setUserId' },167 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'logEvent' },168 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'logEventWithProperties' },169 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'initialize' },170 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setTrackingOptions' },171 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setUserProperties' },172 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'setGroup' },173 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'clearUserProperties' },174 ],175 ExpoAppAuth: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'executeAsync' }],176 ExpoAppleAuthentication: [177 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isAvailableAsync' },178 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'requestAsync' },179 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getCredentialStateAsync' },180 ],181 ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonContinueBlack: [],182 ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonContinueWhite: [],183 ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonContinueWhiteOutline: [],184 ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignInBlack: [],185 ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignInWhite: [],186 ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignInWhiteOutline: [],187 ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignUpBlack: [],188 ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignUpWhite: [],189 ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignUpWhiteOutline: [],190 ExpoApplication: [191 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getIosIdForVendorAsync' },192 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getPushNotificationServiceEnvironmentAsync' },193 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getApplicationReleaseTypeAsync' },194 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getInstallationTimeAsync' },195 ],196 ExpoBackgroundFetch: [197 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'unregisterTaskAsync' },198 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setMinimumIntervalAsync' },199 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getStatusAsync' },200 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'registerTaskAsync' },201 ],202 ExpoBadgeModule: [203 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setBadgeCountAsync' },204 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getBadgeCountAsync' },205 ],206 ExpoBarCodeScannerModule: [207 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getPermissionsAsync' },208 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'scanFromURLAsync' },209 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestPermissionsAsync' },210 ],211 ExpoBarCodeScannerView: [],212 ExpoBarometer: [213 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isAvailableAsync' },214 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setUpdateInterval' },215 ],216 ExpoBattery: [217 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getBatteryLevelAsync' },218 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isLowPowerModeEnabledAsync' },219 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getBatteryStateAsync' },220 ],221 ExpoBlurViewManager: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'updateProps' }],222 ExpoBrightness: [223 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getPermissionsAsync' },224 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getSystemBrightnessAsync' },225 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'setSystemBrightnessAsync' },226 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'useSystemBrightnessAsync' },227 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isUsingSystemBrightnessAsync' },228 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getSystemBrightnessModeAsync' },229 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestPermissionsAsync' },230 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setBrightnessAsync' },231 { key: 8, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getBrightnessAsync' },232 { key: 9, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'setSystemBrightnessModeAsync' },233 ],234 ExpoCalendar: [235 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'deleteCalendarAsync' },236 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'deleteReminderAsync' },237 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getCalendarPermissionsAsync' },238 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'deleteEventAsync' },239 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestRemindersPermissionsAsync' },240 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'getEventsAsync' },241 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getSourcesAsync' },242 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getReminderByIdAsync' },243 { key: 8, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestCalendarPermissionsAsync' },244 { key: 9, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getAttendeesForEventAsync' },245 { key: 10, argumentsCount: 4, name: 'getRemindersAsync' },246 { key: 11, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getRemindersPermissionsAsync' },247 { key: 12, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'saveEventAsync' },248 { key: 13, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getCalendarsAsync' },249 { key: 14, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'getEventByIdAsync' },250 { key: 15, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getDefaultCalendarAsync' },251 { key: 16, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'saveCalendarAsync' },252 { key: 17, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'saveReminderAsync' },253 { key: 18, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getSourceByIdAsync' },254 ],255 ExpoCellular: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getCellularGenerationAsync' }],256 ExpoContacts: [257 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getDefaultContainerIdentifierAsync' },258 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'addExistingGroupToContainerAsync' },259 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'createGroupAsync' },260 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'addContactAsync' },261 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'removeGroupAsync' },262 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'removeContactFromGroupAsync' },263 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'removeContactAsync' },264 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getPermissionsAsync' },265 { key: 8, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'updateContactAsync' },266 { key: 9, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getGroupsAsync' },267 { key: 10, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'addExistingContactToGroupAsync' },268 { key: 11, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getContainersAsync' },269 { key: 12, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestPermissionsAsync' },270 { key: 13, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'updateGroupNameAsync' },271 { key: 14, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getContactsAsync' },272 { key: 15, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'presentFormAsync' },273 { key: 16, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'writeContactToFileAsync' },274 { key: 17, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'dismissFormAsync' },275 ],276 ExpoCrypto: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'digestStringAsync' }],277 ExpoDevice: [278 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getDeviceTypeAsync' },279 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isRootedExperimentalAsync' },280 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getUptimeAsync' },281 ],282 ExpoDocumentPicker: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getDocumentAsync' }],283 ExpoErrorRecovery: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'saveRecoveryProps' }],284 ExpoFaceDetector: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'detectFaces' }],285 ExpoFirebaseAnalytics: [286 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'logEvent' },287 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setUserId' },288 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setUserProperties' },289 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'setCurrentScreen' },290 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'resetAnalyticsData' },291 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled' },292 ],293 ExpoFirebaseCore: [],294 ExpoFontLoader: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'loadAsync' }],295 ExpoGoogleSignIn: [296 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getTokensAsync' },297 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getPhotoAsync' },298 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getCurrentUserAsync' },299 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'disconnectAsync' },300 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'signOutAsync' },301 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'initAsync' },302 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'signInAsync' },303 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'signInSilentlyAsync' },304 { key: 8, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isConnectedAsync' },305 ],306 ExpoHaptics: [307 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'selectionAsync' },308 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'notificationAsync' },309 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'impactAsync' },310 ],311 ExpoImageManipulator: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'manipulateAsync' }],312 ExpoKeepAwake: [313 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'activate' },314 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'deactivate' },315 ],316 ExpoLinearGradientManager: [],317 ExpoLocalAuthentication: [318 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'supportedAuthenticationTypesAsync' },319 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isEnrolledAsync' },320 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'hasHardwareAsync' },321 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'authenticateAsync' },322 ],323 ExpoLocalization: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getLocalizationAsync' }],324 ExpoLocation: [325 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'watchPositionImplAsync' },326 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'startLocationUpdatesAsync' },327 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'removeWatchAsync' },328 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'hasServicesEnabledAsync' },329 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getProviderStatusAsync' },330 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'hasStartedLocationUpdatesAsync' },331 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'geocodeAsync' },332 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getPermissionsAsync' },333 { key: 8, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'startGeofencingAsync' },334 { key: 9, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getCurrentPositionAsync' },335 { key: 10, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestPermissionsAsync' },336 { key: 11, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'stopGeofencingAsync' },337 { key: 12, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'stopLocationUpdatesAsync' },338 { key: 13, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'hasStartedGeofencingAsync' },339 { key: 14, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'reverseGeocodeAsync' },340 { key: 15, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'watchDeviceHeading' },341 { key: 16, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getLastKnownPositionAsync' },342 ],343 ExpoMailComposer: [344 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isAvailableAsync' },345 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'composeAsync' },346 ],347 ExpoNetwork: [348 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getIpAddressAsync' },349 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getMacAddressAsync' },350 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getNetworkStateAsync' },351 ],352 ExpoNotificationPermissionsModule: [353 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getPermissionsAsync' },354 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'requestPermissionsAsync' },355 ],356 ExpoNotificationPresenter: [357 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'presentNotificationAsync' },358 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'dismissNotificationAsync' },359 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getPresentedNotificationsAsync' },360 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'dismissAllNotificationsAsync' },361 ],362 ExpoNotificationScheduler: [363 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'cancelAllScheduledNotificationsAsync' },364 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getAllScheduledNotificationsAsync' },365 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'scheduleNotificationAsync' },366 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'cancelScheduledNotificationAsync' },367 ],368 ExpoNotificationsEmitter: [],369 ExpoNotificationsHandlerModule: [370 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'handleNotificationAsync' },371 ],372 ExpoPermissions: [373 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getAsync' },374 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'askAsync' },375 ],376 ExpoPublisherBannerView: [],377 ExpoPushTokenManager: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getDevicePushTokenAsync' }],378 ExpoSMS: [379 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isAvailableAsync' },380 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'sendSMSAsync' },381 ],382 ExpoScreenCapture: [383 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'preventScreenCapture' },384 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'allowScreenCapture' },385 ],386 ExpoScreenOrientation: [387 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'lockAsync' },388 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'supportsOrientationLockAsync' },389 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getOrientationAsync' },390 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'lockPlatformAsync' },391 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getOrientationLockAsync' },392 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getPlatformOrientationLockAsync' },393 ],394 ExpoSecureStore: [395 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'getValueWithKeyAsync' },396 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'deleteValueWithKeyAsync' },397 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'setValueWithKeyAsync' },398 ],399 ExpoSharing: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'shareAsync' }],400 ExpoStoreReview: [401 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isAvailableAsync' },402 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestReview' },403 ],404 ExpoTaskManager: [405 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'isTaskRegisteredAsync' },406 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'unregisterTaskAsync' },407 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'unregisterAllTasksAsync' },408 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getRegisteredTasksAsync' },409 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getTaskOptionsAsync' },410 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'notifyTaskFinishedAsync' },411 ],412 ExpoUpdates: [413 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'reload' },414 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'checkForUpdateAsync' },415 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'fetchUpdateAsync' },416 ],417 ExpoVideoManager: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'setFullscreen' }],418 ExpoVideoThumbnails: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'getThumbnail' }],419 ExpoWebBrowser: [420 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'coolDownAsync' },421 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'dismissBrowser' },422 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'openBrowserAsync' },423 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'mayInitWithUrlAsync' },424 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'dismissAuthSession' },425 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'warmUpAsync' },426 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getCustomTabsSupportingBrowsers' },427 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'openAuthSessionAsync' },428 ],429 ExponentAV: [430 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getStatusForVideo' },431 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setAudioMode' },432 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'unloadAudioRecorder' },433 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'stopAudioRecording' },434 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestPermissionsAsync' },435 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'loadForVideo' },436 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setAudioIsEnabled' },437 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'prepareAudioRecorder' },438 { key: 8, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'replayVideo' },439 { key: 9, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getPermissionsAsync' },440 { key: 10, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'unloadForSound' },441 { key: 11, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'setStatusForSound' },442 { key: 12, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'unloadForVideo' },443 { key: 13, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'replaySound' },444 { key: 14, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getAudioRecordingStatus' },445 { key: 15, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'setStatusForVideo' },446 { key: 16, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'loadForSound' },447 { key: 17, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'pauseAudioRecording' },448 { key: 18, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getStatusForSound' },449 { key: 19, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'startAudioRecording' },450 ],451 ExponentAccelerometer: [452 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isAvailableAsync' },453 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setUpdateInterval' },454 ],455 ExponentCameraManager: [456 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'record' },457 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'takePicture' },458 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'getAvailablePictureSizes' },459 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'pausePreview' },460 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getPermissionsAsync' },461 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'resumePreview' },462 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'stopRecording' },463 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestPermissionsAsync' },464 ],465 ExponentConstants: [{ key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getWebViewUserAgentAsync' }],466 ExponentDeviceMotion: [467 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isAvailableAsync' },468 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setUpdateInterval' },469 ],470 ExponentFacebook: [471 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'logInWithReadPermissionsAsync' },472 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabledAsync' },473 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setAutoLogAppEventsEnabledAsync' },474 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'initializeAsync' },475 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setAutoInitEnabledAsync' },476 ],477 ExponentFileSystem: [478 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'uploadAsync' },479 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'readDirectoryAsync' },480 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getTotalDiskCapacityAsync' },481 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'getInfoAsync' },482 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'downloadAsync' },483 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'writeAsStringAsync' },484 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'deleteAsync' },485 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'moveAsync' },486 { key: 8, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getFreeDiskStorageAsync' },487 { key: 9, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'readAsStringAsync' },488 { key: 10, argumentsCount: 5, name: 'downloadResumableStartAsync' },489 { key: 11, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'makeDirectoryAsync' },490 { key: 12, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'copyAsync' },491 { key: 13, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'downloadResumablePauseAsync' },492 ],493 ExponentGLObjectManager: [494 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'createContextAsync' },495 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'destroyContextAsync' },496 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'destroyObjectAsync' },497 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'createCameraTextureAsync' },498 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'takeSnapshotAsync' },499 ],500 ExponentGLViewManager: [],501 ExponentGyroscope: [502 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isAvailableAsync' },503 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setUpdateInterval' },504 ],505 ExponentImagePicker: [506 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getCameraRollPermissionsAsync' },507 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestCameraPermissionsAsync' },508 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestCameraRollPermissionsAsync' },509 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'launchCameraAsync' },510 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getCameraPermissionsAsync' },511 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'launchImageLibraryAsync' },512 ],513 ExponentMagnetometer: [514 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isAvailableAsync' },515 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setUpdateInterval' },516 ],517 ExponentMagnetometerUncalibrated: [518 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isAvailableAsync' },519 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setUpdateInterval' },520 ],521 ExponentMediaLibrary: [522 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'createAssetAsync' },523 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'deleteAssetsAsync' },524 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getPermissionsAsync' },525 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'removeAssetsFromAlbumAsync' },526 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'saveToLibraryAsync' },527 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'requestPermissionsAsync' },528 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getAlbumsAsync' },529 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getAssetsAsync' },530 { key: 8, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'createAlbumAsync' },531 { key: 9, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'deleteAlbumsAsync' },532 { key: 10, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getMomentsAsync' },533 { key: 11, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'addAssetsToAlbumAsync' },534 { key: 12, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getAssetInfoAsync' },535 { key: 13, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'getAlbumAsync' },536 ],537 ExponentPedometer: [538 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'getStepCountAsync' },539 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isAvailableAsync' },540 ],541 ExponentPrint: [542 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'print' },543 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'selectPrinter' },544 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'printToFileAsync' },545 ],546 ExponentSQLite: [547 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'close' },548 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'exec' },549 ],550 ExponentSegment: [551 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'setEnabledAsync' },552 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'screenWithProperties' },553 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'flush' },554 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'screen' },555 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'identify' },556 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'identifyWithTraits' },557 { key: 6, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'trackWithProperties' },558 { key: 7, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'groupWithTraits' },559 { key: 8, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'initialize' },560 { key: 9, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getEnabledAsync' },561 { key: 10, argumentsCount: 2, name: 'alias' },562 { key: 11, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'group' },563 { key: 12, argumentsCount: 1, name: 'track' },564 { key: 13, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'reset' },565 ],566 ExponentSpeech: [567 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 3, name: 'speak' },568 { key: 1, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'stop' },569 { key: 2, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'pause' },570 { key: 3, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'resume' },571 { key: 4, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'isSpeaking' },572 { key: 5, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getVoices' },573 ],574 MediaViewManager: [],575 NotificationsInstallationIdProvider: [576 { key: 0, argumentsCount: 0, name: 'getInstallationIdAsync' },577 ],578 },579 },580 getConstants: { type: 'function' },581 modulesConstants: {582 type: 'mock',583 mockDefinition: {584 CTKAdSettingsManager: {585 addListener: { type: 'function' },586 addTestDevice: { type: 'function' },587 clearTestDevices: { type: 'function' },588 currentDeviceHash: { type: 'string' },589 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },590 setIsChildDirected: { type: 'function' },591 setLogLevel: { type: 'function' },592 setMeditationService: { type: 'function' },593 setUrlPrefix: { type: 'function' },594 },595 ExpoAppAuth: {596 OAuthRedirect: { type: 'array' },597 URLSchemes: { type: 'array' },598 addListener: { type: 'function' },599 executeAsync: { type: 'function' },600 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },601 },602 ExpoApplication: {603 addListener: { type: 'function' },604 applicationId: { type: 'string' },605 applicationName: { type: 'string' },606 getApplicationReleaseTypeAsync: { type: 'function' },607 getInstallationTimeAsync: { type: 'function' },608 getIosIdForVendorAsync: { type: 'function' },609 getPushNotificationServiceEnvironmentAsync: { type: 'function' },610 nativeApplicationVersion: { type: 'string' },611 nativeBuildVersion: { type: 'string' },612 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },613 },614 ExpoBarCodeScannerModule: {615 BarCodeType: { type: 'object' },616 Type: { type: 'object' },617 addListener: { type: 'function' },618 getPermissionsAsync: { type: 'function' },619 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },620 requestPermissionsAsync: { type: 'function' },621 scanFromURLAsync: { type: 'function' },622 },623 ExpoBattery: {624 addListener: { type: 'function' },625 getBatteryLevelAsync: { type: 'function' },626 getBatteryStateAsync: { type: 'function' },627 isLowPowerModeEnabledAsync: { type: 'function' },628 isSupported: { type: 'boolean', mock: true },629 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },630 },631 ExpoCellular: {632 addListener: { type: 'function' },633 allowsVoip: { type: 'boolean', mock: true },634 carrier: { type: 'string' },635 getCellularGenerationAsync: { type: 'function' },636 isoCountryCode: { type: 'string' },637 mobileCountryCode: { type: 'string' },638 mobileNetworkCode: { type: 'string' },639 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },640 },641 ExpoDevice: {642 addListener: { type: 'function' },643 brand: { type: 'string' },644 deviceName: { type: 'string' },645 deviceYearClass: { type: 'number', mock: 2013 },646 getDeviceTypeAsync: { type: 'function' },647 getUptimeAsync: { type: 'function' },648 isDevice: { type: 'boolean', mock: true },649 isRootedExperimentalAsync: { type: 'function' },650 manufacturer: { type: 'string' },651 modelId: { type: 'string' },652 osBuildId: { type: 'string' },653 osInternalBuildId: { type: 'string' },654 osName: { type: 'string' },655 osVersion: { type: 'string' },656 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },657 supportedCpuArchitectures: { type: 'array' },658 totalMemory: { type: 'number', mock: 1048576000 },659 },660 ExpoErrorRecovery: {661 addListener: { type: 'function' },662 recoveredProps: { type: 'object', mock: null },663 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },664 saveRecoveryProps: { type: 'function' },665 },666 ExpoFaceDetector: {667 Classifications: { type: 'object' },668 Landmarks: { type: 'object' },669 Mode: { type: 'object' },670 addListener: { type: 'function' },671 detectFaces: { type: 'function' },672 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },673 },674 ExpoFirebaseCore: {675 DEFAULT_APP_NAME: { type: 'string' },676 addListener: { type: 'function' },677 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },678 },679 ExpoGoogleSignIn: {680 ERRORS: { type: 'object' },681 SCOPES: { type: 'object' },682 TYPES: { type: 'object' },683 addListener: { type: 'function' },684 disconnectAsync: { type: 'function' },685 getCurrentUserAsync: { type: 'function' },686 getPhotoAsync: { type: 'function' },687 getTokensAsync: { type: 'function' },688 initAsync: { type: 'function' },689 isConnectedAsync: { type: 'function' },690 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },691 signInAsync: { type: 'function' },692 signInSilentlyAsync: { type: 'function' },693 signOutAsync: { type: 'function' },694 },695 ExpoLocalization: {696 addListener: { type: 'function' },697 getLocalizationAsync: { type: 'function' },698 isRTL: { type: 'boolean', mock: false },699 isoCurrencyCodes: { type: 'array' },700 locale: { type: 'string' },701 locales: { type: 'array' },702 region: { type: 'string' },703 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },704 timezone: { type: 'string' },705 },706 ExpoSecureStore: {707 AFTER_FIRST_UNLOCK: { type: 'number', mock: 0 },708 AFTER_FIRST_UNLOCK_THIS_DEVICE_ONLY: { type: 'number', mock: 1 },709 ALWAYS: { type: 'number', mock: 2 },710 ALWAYS_THIS_DEVICE_ONLY: { type: 'number', mock: 4 },711 WHEN_PASSCODE_SET_THIS_DEVICE_ONLY: { type: 'number', mock: 3 },712 WHEN_UNLOCKED: { type: 'number', mock: 5 },713 WHEN_UNLOCKED_THIS_DEVICE_ONLY: { type: 'number', mock: 6 },714 addListener: { type: 'function' },715 deleteValueWithKeyAsync: { type: 'function' },716 getValueWithKeyAsync: { type: 'function' },717 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },718 setValueWithKeyAsync: { type: 'function' },719 },720 ExpoTaskManager: {721 EVENT_NAME: { type: 'string' },722 addListener: { type: 'function' },723 getRegisteredTasksAsync: { type: 'function' },724 getTaskOptionsAsync: { type: 'function' },725 isTaskRegisteredAsync: { type: 'function' },726 notifyTaskFinishedAsync: { type: 'function' },727 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },728 unregisterAllTasksAsync: { type: 'function' },729 unregisterTaskAsync: { type: 'function' },730 },731 ExpoVideoManager: {732 ScaleAspectFill: { type: 'string' },733 ScaleAspectFit: { type: 'string' },734 ScaleNone: { type: 'string' },735 ScaleToFill: { type: 'string' },736 addListener: { type: 'function' },737 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },738 setFullscreen: { type: 'function' },739 },740 ExponentAV: {741 Qualities: { type: 'object' },742 addListener: { type: 'function' },743 getAudioRecordingStatus: { type: 'function' },744 getPermissionsAsync: { type: 'function' },745 getStatusForSound: { type: 'function' },746 getStatusForVideo: { type: 'function' },747 loadForSound: { type: 'function' },748 loadForVideo: { type: 'function' },749 pauseAudioRecording: { type: 'function' },750 prepareAudioRecorder: { type: 'function' },751 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },752 replaySound: { type: 'function' },753 replayVideo: { type: 'function' },754 requestPermissionsAsync: { type: 'function' },755 setAudioIsEnabled: { type: 'function' },756 setAudioMode: { type: 'function' },757 setStatusForSound: { type: 'function' },758 setStatusForVideo: { type: 'function' },759 startAudioRecording: { type: 'function' },760 stopAudioRecording: { type: 'function' },761 unloadAudioRecorder: { type: 'function' },762 unloadForSound: { type: 'function' },763 unloadForVideo: { type: 'function' },764 },765 ExponentCameraManager: {766 AutoFocus: { type: 'object' },767 FlashMode: { type: 'object' },768 Type: { type: 'object' },769 VideoQuality: { type: 'object' },770 VideoStabilization: { type: 'object' },771 WhiteBalance: { type: 'object' },772 addListener: { type: 'function' },773 getAvailablePictureSizes: { type: 'function' },774 getPermissionsAsync: { type: 'function' },775 pausePreview: { type: 'function' },776 record: { type: 'function' },777 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },778 requestPermissionsAsync: { type: 'function' },779 resumePreview: { type: 'function' },780 stopRecording: { type: 'function' },781 takePicture: { type: 'function' },782 },783 ExponentConstants: {784 addListener: { type: 'function' },785 appOwnership: { type: 'string' },786 debugMode: { type: 'boolean', mock: true },787 deviceName: { type: 'string' },788 deviceYearClass: { type: 'number', mock: 2013 },789 experienceUrl: { type: 'string' },790 expoRuntimeVersion: { type: 'string' },791 expoVersion: { type: 'string' },792 getWebViewUserAgentAsync: { type: 'function' },793 installationId: { type: 'string' },794 isDetached: { type: 'boolean', mock: false },795 isDevice: { type: 'boolean', mock: true },796 isHeadless: { type: 'boolean', mock: false },797 linkingUri: { type: 'string' },798 manifest: { type: 'object' },799 nativeAppVersion: { type: 'string' },800 nativeBuildVersion: { type: 'string' },801 platform: { type: 'object' },802 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },803 sessionId: { type: 'string' },804 statusBarHeight: { type: 'number', mock: 20 },805 supportedExpoSdks: { type: 'array' },806 systemFonts: { type: 'array' },807 },808 ExponentDeviceMotion: {809 Gravity: { type: 'number', mock: 9.80665 },810 addListener: { type: 'function' },811 isAvailableAsync: { type: 'function' },812 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },813 setUpdateInterval: { type: 'function' },814 },815 ExponentFileSystem: {816 addListener: { type: 'function' },817 bundleDirectory: { type: 'object', mock: null },818 bundledAssets: { type: 'object', mock: null },819 cacheDirectory: { type: 'string' },820 copyAsync: { type: 'function' },821 deleteAsync: { type: 'function' },822 documentDirectory: { type: 'string' },823 downloadAsync: { type: 'function' },824 downloadResumablePauseAsync: { type: 'function' },825 downloadResumableStartAsync: { type: 'function' },826 getFreeDiskStorageAsync: { type: 'function' },827 getInfoAsync: { type: 'function' },828 getTotalDiskCapacityAsync: { type: 'function' },829 makeDirectoryAsync: { type: 'function' },830 moveAsync: { type: 'function' },831 readAsStringAsync: { type: 'function' },832 readDirectoryAsync: { type: 'function' },833 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },834 uploadAsync: { type: 'function' },835 writeAsStringAsync: { type: 'function' },836 },837 ExponentMediaLibrary: {838 CHANGE_LISTENER_NAME: { type: 'string' },839 MediaType: { type: 'object' },840 SortBy: { type: 'object' },841 addAssetsToAlbumAsync: { type: 'function' },842 addListener: { type: 'function' },843 createAlbumAsync: { type: 'function' },844 createAssetAsync: { type: 'function' },845 deleteAlbumsAsync: { type: 'function' },846 deleteAssetsAsync: { type: 'function' },847 getAlbumAsync: { type: 'function' },848 getAlbumsAsync: { type: 'function' },849 getAssetInfoAsync: { type: 'function' },850 getAssetsAsync: { type: 'function' },851 getMomentsAsync: { type: 'function' },852 getPermissionsAsync: { type: 'function' },853 removeAssetsFromAlbumAsync: { type: 'function' },854 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },855 requestPermissionsAsync: { type: 'function' },856 saveToLibraryAsync: { type: 'function' },857 },858 ExponentPrint: {859 Orientation: { type: 'object' },860 addListener: { type: 'function' },861 print: { type: 'function' },862 printToFileAsync: { type: 'function' },863 removeListeners: { type: 'function' },864 selectPrinter: { type: 'function' },865 },866 },867 },868 viewManagersNames: {869 type: 'array',870 mock: [871 'AdIconView',872 'AdOptionsView',873 'CTKBannerView',874 'CTKNativeAd',875 'ExpoAdsAdMobBannerView',876 'ExpoAdsPublisherBannerView',877 'ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonContinueBlack',878 'ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonContinueWhite',879 'ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonContinueWhiteOutline',880 'ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignInBlack',881 'ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignInWhite',882 'ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignInWhiteOutline',883 'ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignUpBlack',884 'ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignUpWhite',885 'ExpoAppleAuthenticationButtonSignUpWhiteOutline',886 'ExpoBarCodeScannerView',887 'ExpoBlurView',888 'ExpoLinearGradient',889 'ExpoVideoView',890 'ExponentCamera',891 'ExponentGLView',892 'MediaView',893 ],894 },895 callMethod: { type: 'function', functionType: 'promise' },896 },897 RNAWSCognito: {898 getConstants: { type: 'function' },899 computeModPow: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },900 computeS: { type: 'function', functionType: 'async' },901 },902 RNBranch: {903 ADD_TO_CART_EVENT: { type: 'string' },904 ADD_TO_WISHLIST_EVENT: { type: 'string' },905 INIT_SESSION_ERROR: { type: 'string' },906 INIT_SESSION_SUCCESS: { type: 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Source:dbtypes.js Github


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specialInstructions:[valueType],486 totalGoodsItemQuantity:quantityType,487 totalTransportHandlingUnitQuantity:quantityType,488 transportHandlingUnit:[transportHandlingUnitType] 489}490491492const invoiceLineType={493 ID:idType,494 note:[valueType],495 invoicedQuantity : quantityType,496 price : {497 priceAmount:amountType498 },499 lineExtensionAmount: amountType,500 orderLineReference:[orderLineReferenceType],501 item:itemType,502 receiptLineReference:[lineReferencetype],503 allowanceCharge:[allowanceChargeType],504 delivery:[deliveryType],505 despatchLineReference:[lineReferencetype],506 taxTotal:taxTotalType,507 withholdingTaxTotal:[taxTotalType],508 subInvoiceLine:[{}]509}510511const orderLineType={512 ID:idType,513 salesOrderLineId:idType,514 note:[valueType],515 orderedQuantity:quantityType,516 producedQuantity:quantityType,517 deliveredQuantity:quantityType,518 price : {519 priceAmount:amountType520 },521 lineExtensionAmount: amountType,522 item:itemType,523 allowanceCharge:[allowanceChargeType],524 delivery:[deliveryType],525 taxTotal:taxTotalType,526 withholdingTaxTotal:[taxTotalType],527 subOrderLine:[{}]528}529530const billingReferenceLineType={531 ID: idType,532 amount:amountType,533 allowanceCharge:[allowanceChargeType]534}535const billingReferenceType={536 additionalDocumentReference:documentReferenceType,537 billingReferenceLine:[billingReferenceLineType],538 debitNoteDocumentReference:documentReferenceType,539 creditNoteDocumentReference:documentReferenceType,540 invoiceDocumentReference:documentReferenceType,541 reminderDocumentReference:documentReferenceType,542 selfBilledCreditNoteDocumentReference:documentReferenceType,543 selfBilledInvoiceDocumentReference:documentReferenceType544545546}547548const despatchLineType={549 ID:idType,550 item:itemType,551 note:[valueType],552 deliveredQuantity:quantityType,553 documentReference:[documentReferenceType],554 orderLineReference:orderLineReferenceType,555 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issueDate:valueType,595 issueTime:valueType,596 invoiceTypeCode: valueType,597 invoicePeriod: periodType,598 note:[valueType],599 documentCurrencyCode:valueType,600 taxCurrencyCode:valueType,601 pricingCurrencyCode:valueType,602 paymentCurrencyCode:valueType,603 paymentAlternativeCurrencyCode:valueType,604 lineCountNumeric:numberValueType,605 additionalDocumentReference:[documentReferenceType],606 orderReference:[orderReferenceType],607 despatchDocumentReference:[documentReferenceType],608 originatorDocumentReference:[documentReferenceType],609 accountingSupplierParty:{610 party:partyType,611 despatchContact:contactType612 },613 accountingCustomerParty:{614 party:partyType,615 deliveryContact:contactType616 },617 sellerSupplierParty:{618 party:partyType,619 despatchContact:contactType620 },621 buyerCustomerParty:{622 party:partyType,623 deliveryContact:contactType624 },625 accountingCost:valueType,626 delivery:[],627 billingReference:[],628 contractDocumentReference:[],629 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despatchContact:contactType833 },834 buyerCustomerParty:{835 party:partyType,836 deliveryContact:contactType837 },838 shipment:shipmentType,839 lineCountNumeric:numberValueType,840 despatchLine:[], /​/​despatchLineType841 localDocumentId: '',842 receiptAdvice:''843}844845846const receiptAdviceType={847 ioType:1,848 despatch:'',849 eIntegrator: '',850 profileId: valueType,851 ID: idType,852 uuid: valueType,853 issueDate: valueType,854 issueTime: valueType,855 receiptAdviceTypeCode: valueType,856 note:[valueType],857 despatchDocumentReference:documentReferenceType,858 additionalDocumentReference:[], /​/​documentReferenceType859 orderReference:[], /​/​orderReferenceType860 originatorDocumentReference:[], /​/​documentReferenceType861 despatchSupplierParty:{862 party:partyType,863 despatchContact:contactType864 },865 deliveryCustomerParty:{866 party:partyType,867 deliveryContact:contactType868 },869 originatorCustomerParty:{870 party:partyType,871 deliveryContact:contactType872 },873 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idType:idType,916 numberValueType:numberValueType,917 amountType:amountType,918 quantityType:quantityType,919 codeType:codeType,920 measureType:measureType,921 countryType:countryType,922 partyIdentificationType:partyIdentificationType,923 partyType:partyType,924 exchangeRateType:exchangeRateType,925 actualPackageType:actualPackageType,926 dimensionType:dimensionType,927 itemPropertyType:itemPropertyType,928 itemInstanceType:itemInstanceType,929 documentReferenceType:documentReferenceType,930 orderReferenceType:orderReferenceType,931 contactType:contactType,932 personType:personType,933 itemType:itemType,934 paymentTermsType:paymentTermsType,935 paymentMeansType:paymentMeansType,936 exchangeRateType:exchangeRateType,937 taxTotalType:taxTotalType,938 financialAccountType:financialAccountType,939 allowanceChargeType:allowanceChargeType,940 periodType:periodType,941 lineReferencetype:lineReferencetype,942 orderLineReferenceType:orderLineReferenceType,943 deliveryType:deliveryType,944 addressType:addressType,945 locationType:locationType,946 despatchType:despatchType,947 shipmentType:shipmentType,948 customsDeclarationType:customsDeclarationType,949 transportHandlingUnitType:transportHandlingUnitType,950 dimensionType:dimensionType,951 temperatureType:temperatureType,952 hazardousGoodsTransitType:hazardousGoodsTransitType,953 transportEquipmentType:transportEquipmentType,954 transportMeansType:transportMeansType,955 maritimeTransportType:maritimeTransportType,956 railTransportType:railTransportType,957 roadTransportType:roadTransportType,958 stowageType:stowageType,959 invoiceLineType:invoiceLineType,960 shipmentStageType:shipmentStageType,961 billingReferenceType:billingReferenceType,962 billingReferenceLineType:billingReferenceLineType,963 despatchLineType:despatchLineType,964 receiptLineType:receiptLineType,965 orderLineType:orderLineType,966 transactionConditionsType:transactionConditionsType,967 deliveryTermsType:deliveryTermsType,968 invoiceType:invoiceType,969 orderType:orderType,970 productionOrderType:productionOrderType,971 recipeType:recipeType,972 recipeProcessType:recipeProcessType,973 materialType:materialType,974 qualityControlType:qualityControlType,975 despatchAdviceType:despatchAdviceType,976 receiptAdviceType:receiptAdviceType977});978979 980})(typeof exports === 'undefined'? 981 this['types']={}: exports); ...

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1const data =2 [3 {4 "type": "div",5 "childs": [6 {7 "type": "p",8 "childs": [9 {10 "type": "text",11 "text": "Support for Node.js debuggability "12 },13 {14 "type": "a",15 "childs": [16 {17 "type": "text",18 "text": "landed"19 }20 ]21 },22 {23 "type": "text",24 "text": " in Node.js in 2016. Here’s how to get up and running. "25 },26 {27 "type": "em",28 "childs": [29 {30 "type": "text",31 "text": "(Post updated Jan 2018)"32 }33 ]34 }35 ]36 },37 {38 "type": "p",39 "childs": [40 {41 "type": "strong",42 "childs": [43 {44 "type": "text",45 "text": "1. Download and install the "46 }47 ]48 },49 {50 "type": "a",51 "childs": [52 {53 "type": "strong",54 "childs": [55 {56 "type": "text",57 "text": "current version of node"58 }59 ]60 }61 ]62 },63 {64 "type": "strong",65 "childs": [66 {67 "type": "text",68 "text": ". "69 }70 ]71 },72 {73 "type": "text",74 "text": "(v6.3.0+ required)"75 }76 ]77 },78 {79 "type": "p",80 "childs": [81 {82 "type": "strong",83 "childs": [84 {85 "type": "text",86 "text": "2. 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Now there’s a better way…"237 }238 ]239 }240 ]241 },242 {243 "type": "p",244 "childs": [245 {246 "type": "strong",247 "childs": [248 {249 "type": "text",250 "text": "3. Open "251 }252 ]253 },254 {255 "type": "code",256 "childs": [257 {258 "type": "strong",259 "childs": [260 {261 "type": "text",262 "text": "about:inspect"263 }264 ]265 }266 ]267 },268 {269 "type": "strong",270 "childs": [271 {272 "type": "text",273 "text": " in Chrome"274 }275 ]276 }277 ]278 },279 {280 "type": "p",281 "childs": [282 {283 "type": "text",284 "text": "It’ll redirect you to "285 },286 {287 "type": "code",288 "childs": [289 {290 "type": "text",291 "text": "chrome:/​/​inspect"292 }293 ]294 },295 {296 "type": "text",297 "text": " quickly and you’ll see something like:"298 }299 ]300 },301 {302 "type": "figure",303 "childs": [304 {305 "type": "div",306 "childs": [307 {308 "type": "img",309 "text": "",310 "src": "https:/​/​​max/​1600/​1*x4VXx50dLdD_HbqE6hpIRw.png"311 }312 ]313 },314 {315 "type": "figcaption",316 "childs": [317 {318 "type": "text",319 "text": "chrome:/​/​inspect screenshot"320 }321 ]322 }323 ]324 },325 {326 "type": "p",327 "childs": [328 {329 "type": "strong",330 "childs": [331 {332 "type": "text",333 "text": "4. Click the "334 },335 {336 "type": "em",337 "childs": [338 {339 "type": "text",340 "text": "Open dedicated DevTools for Node"341 }342 ]343 },344 {345 "type": "text",346 "text": " link."347 }348 ]349 }350 ]351 },352 {353 "type": "p",354 "childs": [355 {356 "type": "text",357 "text": "You’ll get a popup window for debugging your node session."358 }359 ]360 },361 {362 "type": "p",363 "childs": [364 {365 "type": "text",366 "text": "But better than that, when you kill and restart node, "367 },368 {369 "type": "strong",370 "childs": [371 {372 "type": "text",373 "text": "the window will automatically reconnect"374 }375 ]376 },377 {378 "type": "text",379 "text": " to it. 🔁🔁💥"380 }381 ]382 },383 {384 "type": "p",385 "childs": [386 {387 "type": "text",388 "text": "(Btw: the "389 },390 {391 "type": "strong",392 "childs": [393 {394 "type": "em",395 "childs": [396 {397 "type": "text",398 "text": "inspect"399 }400 ]401 }402 ]403 },404 {405 "type": "text",406 "text": "link beneath the specific target will only apply for that session of node and won’t reconnect.)"407 }408 ]409 },410 {411 "type": "figure",412 "childs": [413 {414 "type": "div",415 "childs": [416 {417 "type": "img",418 "text": "",419 "src": "https:/​/​​max/​1600/​1*iHurZ1VUsM54zGjZJHqexQ.png"420 }421 ]422 }423 ]424 },425 {426 "type": "p",427 "childs": [428 {429 "type": "text",430 "text": "In DevTools, now connected to Node, you’ll have all the Chrome DevTools features you’re used to:"431 }432 ]433 },434 {435 "type": "ul",436 "childs": [437 {438 "type": "li",439 "childs": [440 {441 "type": "text",442 "text": "Complete breakpoint debugging, stepping w/​ blackboxing"443 }444 ]445 },446 {447 "type": "li",448 "childs": [449 {450 "type": "text",451 "text": "Source maps for transpiled code"452 }453 ]454 },455 {456 "type": "li",457 "childs": [458 {459 "type": "text",460 "text": "LiveEdit: JavaScript hot-swap evaluation w/​ V8"461 }462 ]463 },464 {465 "type": "li",466 "childs": [467 {468 "type": "text",469 "text": "Console evaluation with ES6 feature/​object support and "470 },471 {472 "type": "a",473 "childs": [474 {475 "type": "text",476 "text": "custom object formatting"477 }478 ]479 }480 ]481 },482 {483 "type": "li",484 "childs": [485 {486 "type": "text",487 "text": "Sampling JavaScript profiler w/​ flamechart"488 }489 ]490 },491 {492 "type": "li",493 "childs": [494 {495 "type": "text",496 "text": "Heap snapshot inspection, heap allocation timeline, allocation profiling"497 }498 ]499 },500 {501 "type": "li",502 "childs": [503 {504 "type": "text",505 "text": "Asynchronous stacks for native promises"506 }507 ]508 }509 ]510 },511 {512 "type": "p",513 "childs": [514 {515 "type": "text",516 "text": "To see this in action, here’s my demo during the 2017 Node Summit:"517 }518 ]519 }520 ]521 }522]...

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1# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be3# found in the LICENSE file.4from code import Code5from model import PropertyType6import cpp_util7from json_parse import OrderedDict8import schema_util9class _TypeDependency(object):10 """Contains information about a dependency a namespace has on a type: the11 type's model, and whether that dependency is "hard" meaning that it cannot be12 forward declared.13 """14 def __init__(self, type_, hard=False):15 self.type_ = type_16 self.hard = hard17 def GetSortKey(self):18 return '%s.%s' % (, CppTypeGenerator(object):20 """Manages the types of properties and provides utilities for getting the21 C++ type out of a model.Property22 """23 def __init__(self, model, schema_loader, default_namespace=None):24 """Creates a cpp_type_generator. The given root_namespace should be of the25 format extensions::api::sub. The generator will generate code suitable for26 use in the given model's namespace.27 """28 self._default_namespace = default_namespace29 if self._default_namespace is None:30 self._default_namespace = model.namespaces.values()[0]31 self._schema_loader = schema_loader32 def GetEnumNoneValue(self, type_):33 """Gets the enum value in the given model.Property indicating no value has34 been set.35 """36 return '%s_NONE' % self.FollowRef(type_).unix_name.upper()37 def GetEnumLastValue(self, type_):38 """Gets the enum value in the given model.Property indicating the last value39 for the type.40 """41 return '%s_LAST' % self.FollowRef(type_).unix_name.upper()42 def GetEnumValue(self, type_, enum_value):43 """Gets the enum value of the given model.Property of the given type.44 e.g VAR_STRING45 """46 value = cpp_util.Classname( prefix = (type_.cpp_enum_prefix_override or48 self.FollowRef(type_).unix_name)49 value = '%s_%s' % (prefix.upper(), value)50 # To avoid collisions with built-in OS_* preprocessor definitions, we add a51 # trailing slash to enum names that start with OS_.52 if value.startswith("OS_"):53 value += "_"54 return value55 def GetCppType(self, type_, is_ptr=False, is_in_container=False):56 """Translates a model.Property or model.Type into its C++ type.57 If REF types from different namespaces are referenced, will resolve58 using self._schema_loader.59 Use |is_ptr| if the type is optional. This will wrap the type in a60 scoped_ptr if possible (it is not possible to wrap an enum).61 Use |is_in_container| if the type is appearing in a collection, e.g. a62 std::vector or std::map. This will wrap it in the correct type with spacing.63 """64 cpp_type = None65 if type_.property_type == PropertyType.REF:66 ref_type = self._FindType(type_.ref_type)67 if ref_type is None:68 raise KeyError('Cannot find referenced type: %s' % type_.ref_type)69 cpp_type = self.GetCppType(ref_type)70 elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.BOOLEAN:71 cpp_type = 'bool'72 elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.INTEGER:73 cpp_type = 'int'74 elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.INT64:75 cpp_type = 'int64_t'76 elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.DOUBLE:77 cpp_type = 'double'78 elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.STRING:79 cpp_type = 'std::string'80 elif type_.property_type in (PropertyType.ENUM,81 PropertyType.OBJECT,82 PropertyType.CHOICES):83 if self._default_namespace is type_.namespace:84 cpp_type = cpp_util.Classname( else:86 cpp_namespace = cpp_util.GetCppNamespace(87 type_.namespace.environment.namespace_pattern,88 type_.namespace.unix_name)89 cpp_type = '%s::%s' % (cpp_namespace,90 cpp_util.Classname( elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.ANY:92 cpp_type = 'base::Value'93 elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.FUNCTION:94 # Functions come into the json schema compiler as empty objects. We can95 # record these as empty DictionaryValues so that we know if the function96 # was passed in or not.97 cpp_type = 'base::DictionaryValue'98 elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.ARRAY:99 item_cpp_type = self.GetCppType(type_.item_type, is_in_container=True)100 cpp_type = 'std::vector<%s>' % cpp_util.PadForGenerics(item_cpp_type)101 elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.BINARY:102 cpp_type = 'std::vector<char>'103 else:104 raise NotImplementedError('Cannot get type of %s' % type_.property_type)105 # HACK: optional ENUM is represented elsewhere with a _NONE value, so it106 # never needs to be wrapped in pointer shenanigans.107 # TODO(kalman): change this - but it's an exceedingly far-reaching change.108 if not self.FollowRef(type_).property_type == PropertyType.ENUM:109 is_base_value = (cpp_type == 'base::Value' or110 cpp_type == 'base::DictionaryValue')111 # Wrap ptrs and base::Values in containers (which aren't movable) in112 # scoped_ptrs.113 if is_ptr or (is_in_container and is_base_value):114 cpp_type = 'std::unique_ptr<%s>' % cpp_util.PadForGenerics(cpp_type)115 return cpp_type116 def IsCopyable(self, type_):117 return not (self.FollowRef(type_).property_type in (PropertyType.ANY,118 PropertyType.ARRAY,119 PropertyType.OBJECT,120 PropertyType.CHOICES))121 def GenerateForwardDeclarations(self):122 """Returns the forward declarations for self._default_namespace.123 """124 c = Code()125 for namespace, deps in self._NamespaceTypeDependencies().iteritems():126 filtered_deps = [127 dep for dep in deps128 # Add more ways to forward declare things as necessary.129 if (not dep.hard and130 dep.type_.property_type in (PropertyType.CHOICES,131 PropertyType.OBJECT))]132 if not filtered_deps:133 continue134 cpp_namespace = cpp_util.GetCppNamespace(135 namespace.environment.namespace_pattern,136 namespace.unix_name)137 c.Concat(cpp_util.OpenNamespace(cpp_namespace))138 for dep in filtered_deps:139 c.Append('struct %s;' % c.Concat(cpp_util.CloseNamespace(cpp_namespace))141 return c142 def GenerateIncludes(self, include_soft=False):143 """Returns the #include lines for self._default_namespace.144 """145 c = Code()146 for namespace, dependencies in self._NamespaceTypeDependencies().items():147 for dependency in dependencies:148 if dependency.hard or include_soft:149 c.Append('#include "%s/​%s.h"' % (namespace.source_file_dir,150 namespace.unix_name))151 return c152 def _FindType(self, full_name):153 """Finds the model.Type with name |qualified_name|. If it's not from154 |self._default_namespace| then it needs to be qualified.155 """156 namespace = self._schema_loader.ResolveType(full_name,157 self._default_namespace)158 if namespace is None:159 raise KeyError('Cannot resolve type %s. Maybe it needs a prefix '160 'if it comes from another namespace?' % full_name)161 return namespace.types[schema_util.StripNamespace(full_name)]162 def FollowRef(self, type_):163 """Follows $ref link of types to resolve the concrete type a ref refers to.164 If the property passed in is not of type PropertyType.REF, it will be165 returned unchanged.166 """167 if type_.property_type != PropertyType.REF:168 return type_169 return self.FollowRef(self._FindType(type_.ref_type))170 def _NamespaceTypeDependencies(self):171 """Returns a dict ordered by namespace name containing a mapping of172 model.Namespace to every _TypeDependency for |self._default_namespace|,173 sorted by the type's name.174 """175 dependencies = set()176 for function in self._default_namespace.functions.values():177 for param in function.params:178 dependencies |= self._TypeDependencies(param.type_,179 hard=not param.optional)180 if function.callback:181 for param in function.callback.params:182 dependencies |= self._TypeDependencies(param.type_,183 hard=not param.optional)184 for type_ in self._default_namespace.types.values():185 for prop in dependencies |= self._TypeDependencies(prop.type_,187 hard=not prop.optional)188 for event in for param in event.params:190 dependencies |= self._TypeDependencies(param.type_,191 hard=not param.optional)192 # Make sure that the dependencies are returned in alphabetical order.193 dependency_namespaces = OrderedDict()194 for dependency in sorted(dependencies, key=_TypeDependency.GetSortKey):195 namespace = dependency.type_.namespace196 if namespace is self._default_namespace:197 continue198 if namespace not in dependency_namespaces:199 dependency_namespaces[namespace] = []200 dependency_namespaces[namespace].append(dependency)201 return dependency_namespaces202 def _TypeDependencies(self, type_, hard=False):203 """Gets all the type dependencies of a property.204 """205 deps = set()206 if type_.property_type == PropertyType.REF:207 deps.add(_TypeDependency(self._FindType(type_.ref_type), hard=hard))208 elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.ARRAY:209 # Types in containers are hard dependencies because they are stored210 # directly and use move semantics.211 deps = self._TypeDependencies(type_.item_type, hard=hard)212 elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.CHOICES:213 for type_ in type_.choices:214 deps |= self._TypeDependencies(type_, hard=self.IsCopyable(type_))215 elif type_.property_type == PropertyType.OBJECT:216 for p in deps |= self._TypeDependencies(p.type_, hard=not p.optional)218 return deps219 def GeneratePropertyValues(self, prop, line, nodoc=False):220 """Generates the Code to display all value-containing properties.221 """222 c = Code()223 if not nodoc:224 c.Comment(prop.description)225 if prop.value is not None:226 cpp_type = self.GetCppType(prop.type_)227 cpp_value = prop.value228 if cpp_type == 'std::string':229 cpp_value = '"%s"' % cpp_type230 c.Append(line % {231 "type": cpp_type,232 "name":,233 "value": cpp_value234 })235 else:236 has_child_code = False237 c.Sblock('namespace %s {' % for child_property in child_code = self.GeneratePropertyValues(child_property,240 line,241 nodoc=nodoc)242 if child_code:243 has_child_code = True244 c.Concat(child_code)245 c.Eblock('} /​/​ namespace %s' % if not has_child_code:247 c = None...

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Source:harSchema.js Github


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1/​* See license.txt for terms of usage */​2define([], function() {3/​/​ ************************************************************************************************4/​/​ HAR Schema Definition5/​/​ Date time fields use ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD, e.g. 2009-07-24T19:20:30.45+01:00)6/​/​ eslint-disable-next-line max-len7var dateTimePattern = /​^(\d{4})(-)?(\d\d)(-)?(\d\d)(T)?(\d\d)(:)?(\d\d)(:)?(\d\d)(\.\d+)?(Z|([+-])(\d\d)(:)?(\d\d))/​;8/​**9 * Root HTML Archive type.10 */​11var logType = {12 "logType": {13 "id": "logType",14 "description": "HTTP Archive structure.",15 "type": "object",16 "properties": {17 "log": {18 "type": "object",19 "properties": {20 "version": {"type": "string"},21 "creator": {"$ref": "creatorType"},22 "browser": {"$ref": "browserType"},23 "pages": {"type": "array", "optional": true, "items": {"$ref": "pageType"}},24 "entries": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "entryType"}},25 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}26 }27 }28 }29 }30};31var creatorType = {32 "creatorType": {33 "id": "creatorType",34 "description": "Name and version info of the log creator app.",35 "type": "object",36 "properties": {37 "name": {"type": "string"},38 "version": {"type": "string"},39 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}40 }41 }42};43var browserType = {44 "browserType": {45 "id": "browserType",46 "description": "Name and version info of used browser.",47 "type": "object",48 "optional": true,49 "properties": {50 "name": {"type": "string"},51 "version": {"type": "string"},52 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}53 }54 }55};56var pageType = {57 "pageType": {58 "id": "pageType",59 "description": "Exported web page",60 "optional": true,61 "properties": {62 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line max-len63 "startedDateTime": {"type": "string", "format": "date-time", "pattern": dateTimePattern},64 "id": {"type": "string", "unique": true},65 "title": {"type": "string"},66 "pageTimings": {"$ref": "pageTimingsType"},67 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}68 }69 }70};71var pageTimingsType = {72 "pageTimingsType": {73 "id": "pageTimingsType",74 "description": "Timing info about page load",75 "properties": {76 "onContentLoad": {"type": "number", "optional": true, "min": -1},77 "onLoad": {"type": "number", "optional": true, "min": -1},78 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}79 }80 }81};82var entryType = {83 "entryType": {84 "id": "entryType",85 "description": "Request and Response related info",86 "optional": true,87 "properties": {88 "pageref": {"type": "string", "optional": true},89 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line max-len90 "startedDateTime": {"type": "string", "format": "date-time", "pattern": dateTimePattern},91 "time": {"type": "number", "min": 0},92 "request" : {"$ref": "requestType"},93 "response" : {"$ref": "responseType"},94 "cache" : {"$ref": "cacheType"},95 "timings" : {"$ref": "timingsType"},96 "serverIPAddress" : {"type": "string", "optional": true},97 "connection" : {"type": "string", "optional": true},98 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}99 }100 }101};102var requestType = {103 "requestType": {104 "id": "requestType",105 "description": "Monitored request",106 "properties": {107 "method": {"type": "string"},108 "url": {"type": "string"},109 "httpVersion": {"type" : "string"},110 "cookies" : {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "cookieType"}},111 "headers" : {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "recordType"}},112 "queryString" : {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "recordType"}},113 "postData" : {"$ref": "postDataType"},114 "headersSize" : {"type": "integer"},115 "bodySize" : {"type": "integer"},116 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}117 }118 }119};120var recordType = {121 "recordType": {122 "id": "recordType",123 "description": "Helper name-value pair structure.",124 "properties": {125 "name": {"type": "string"},126 "value": {"type": "string"},127 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}128 }129 }130};131var responseType = {132 "responseType": {133 "id": "responseType",134 "description": "Monitored Response.",135 "properties": {136 "status": {"type": "integer"},137 "statusText": {"type": "string"},138 "httpVersion": {"type": "string"},139 "cookies" : {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "cookieType"}},140 "headers" : {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "recordType"}},141 "content" : {"$ref": "contentType"},142 "redirectURL" : {"type": "string"},143 "headersSize" : {"type": "integer"},144 "bodySize" : {"type": "integer"},145 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}146 }147 }148};149/​/​ eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars150var cookieType = {151 "cookieType": {152 "id": "cookieType",153 "description": "Cookie description.",154 "properties": {155 "name": {"type": "string"},156 "value": {"type": "string"},157 "path": {"type": "string", "optional": true},158 "domain" : {"type": "string", "optional": true},159 "expires" : {"type": "string", "optional": true},160 "httpOnly" : {"type": "boolean", "optional": true},161 "secure" : {"type": "boolean", "optional": true},162 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}163 }164 }165};166var postDataType = {167 "postDataType": {168 "id": "postDataType",169 "description": "Posted data info.",170 "optional": true,171 "properties": {172 "mimeType": {"type": "string"},173 "text": {"type": "string", "optional": true},174 "params": {175 "type": "array",176 "optional": true,177 "properties": {178 "name": {"type": "string"},179 "value": {"type": "string", "optional": true},180 "fileName": {"type": "string", "optional": true},181 "contentType": {"type": "string", "optional": true},182 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}183 }184 },185 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}186 }187 }188};189var contentType = {190 "contentType": {191 "id": "contentType",192 "description": "Response content",193 "properties": {194 "size": {"type": "integer"},195 "compression": {"type": "integer", "optional": true},196 "mimeType": {"type": "string"},197 "text": {"type": "string", "optional": true},198 "encoding": {"type": "string", "optional": true},199 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}200 }201 }202};203var cacheType = {204 "cacheType": {205 "id": "cacheType",206 "description": "Info about a response coming from the cache.",207 "properties": {208 "beforeRequest": {"$ref": "cacheEntryType"},209 "afterRequest": {"$ref": "cacheEntryType"},210 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}211 }212 }213};214var cacheEntryType = {215 "cacheEntryType": {216 "id": "cacheEntryType",217 "optional": true,218 "description": "Info about cache entry.",219 "properties": {220 "expires": {"type": "string", optional: "true"},221 "lastAccess": {"type": "string"},222 "eTag": {"type": "string"},223 "hitCount": {"type": "integer"},224 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}225 }226 }227};228var timingsType = {229 "timingsType": {230 "id": "timingsType",231 "description": "Info about request-response timing.",232 "properties": {233 "dns": {"type": "number", "optional": true, "min": -1},234 "connect": {"type": "number", "optional": true, "min": -1},235 "blocked": {"type": "number", "optional": true, "min": -1},236 "send": {"type": "number", "min": -1},237 "wait": {"type": "number", "min": -1},238 "receive": {"type": "number", "min": -1},239 "ssl": {"type": "number", "optional": true, "min": -1},240 "comment": {"type": "string", "optional": true}241 }242 }243};244/​/​ ************************************************************************************************245/​/​ Helper schema object246function Schema() {}247Schema.prototype =248{249 registerType: function()250 {251 var doIt = function(my, obj){252 for (var name in obj) {253 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name) && name !== "prototype") {254 my[name] = obj[name];255 }256 }257 };258 var that = this;259 for(var i=0; i < arguments.length; i +=1) {260 doIt(that, arguments[i]);261 }262 }263};264/​/​ ************************************************************************************************265/​/​ Registration266/​/​ Register all defined types into the final schema object.267var schema = new Schema();268schema.registerType(269 logType,270 creatorType,271 browserType,272 pageType,273 pageTimingsType,274 entryType,275 requestType,276 recordType,277 responseType,278 postDataType,279 contentType,280 cacheType,281 cacheEntryType,282 timingsType283);284/​/​ ************************************************************************************************285return schema;286/​/​ ************************************************************************************************...

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Source:MetaClasses.js Github


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1var WebExpressions;2(function (WebExpressions) {3 (function (Meta) {4 (function (ExpressionWrapperType) {5 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["Binary"] = 1] = "Binary";6 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["Constant"] = 2] = "Constant";7 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["Member"] = 3] = "Member";8 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["StaticMember"] = 4] = "StaticMember";9 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["MethodCall"] = 5] = "MethodCall";10 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["StaticMethodCall"] = 6] = "StaticMethodCall";11 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["Parameter"] = 7] = "Parameter";12 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["Unary"] = 8] = "Unary";13 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["Default"] = 9] = "Default";14 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["Block"] = 10] = "Block";15 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["Conditional"] = 11] = "Conditional";16 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["Invocation"] = 12] = "Invocation";17 ExpressionWrapperType[ExpressionWrapperType["New"] = 13] = "New";18 })(Meta.ExpressionWrapperType || (Meta.ExpressionWrapperType = {}));19 var ExpressionWrapperType = Meta.ExpressionWrapperType;20 (function (ExpressionType) {21 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Add"] = 0] = "Add";22 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["AddChecked"] = 1] = "AddChecked";23 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["And"] = 2] = "And";24 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["AndAlso"] = 3] = "AndAlso";25 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["ArrayLength"] = 4] = "ArrayLength";26 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["ArrayIndex"] = 5] = "ArrayIndex";27 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Call"] = 6] = "Call";28 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Coalesce"] = 7] = "Coalesce";29 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Conditional"] = 8] = "Conditional";30 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Constant"] = 9] = "Constant";31 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Convert"] = 10] = "Convert";32 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["ConvertChecked"] = 11] = "ConvertChecked";33 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Divide"] = 12] = "Divide";34 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Equal"] = 13] = "Equal";35 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["ExclusiveOr"] = 14] = "ExclusiveOr";36 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["GreaterThan"] = 15] = "GreaterThan";37 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["GreaterThanOrEqual"] = 16] = "GreaterThanOrEqual";38 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Invoke"] = 17] = "Invoke";39 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Lambda"] = 18] = "Lambda";40 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["LeftShift"] = 19] = "LeftShift";41 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["LessThan"] = 20] = "LessThan";42 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["LessThanOrEqual"] = 21] = "LessThanOrEqual";43 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["ListInit"] = 22] = "ListInit";44 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["MemberAccess"] = 23] = "MemberAccess";45 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["MemberInit"] = 24] = "MemberInit";46 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Modulo"] = 25] = "Modulo";47 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Multiply"] = 26] = "Multiply";48 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["MultiplyChecked"] = 27] = "MultiplyChecked";49 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Negate"] = 28] = "Negate";50 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["UnaryPlus"] = 29] = "UnaryPlus";51 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["NegateChecked"] = 30] = "NegateChecked";52 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["New"] = 31] = "New";53 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["NewArrayInit"] = 32] = "NewArrayInit";54 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["NewArrayBounds"] = 33] = "NewArrayBounds";55 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Not"] = 34] = "Not";56 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["NotEqual"] = 35] = "NotEqual";57 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Or"] = 36] = "Or";58 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["OrElse"] = 37] = "OrElse";59 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Parameter"] = 38] = "Parameter";60 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Power"] = 39] = "Power";61 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Quote"] = 40] = "Quote";62 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["RightShift"] = 41] = "RightShift";63 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Subtract"] = 42] = "Subtract";64 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["SubtractChecked"] = 43] = "SubtractChecked";65 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["TypeAs"] = 44] = "TypeAs";66 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["TypeIs"] = 45] = "TypeIs";67 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Assign"] = 46] = "Assign";68 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Block"] = 47] = "Block";69 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["DebugInfo"] = 48] = "DebugInfo";70 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Decrement"] = 49] = "Decrement";71 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Dynamic"] = 50] = "Dynamic";72 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Default"] = 51] = "Default";73 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Extension"] = 52] = "Extension";74 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Goto"] = 53] = "Goto";75 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Increment"] = 54] = "Increment";76 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Index"] = 55] = "Index";77 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Label"] = 56] = "Label";78 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["RuntimeVariables"] = 57] = "RuntimeVariables";79 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Loop"] = 58] = "Loop";80 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Switch"] = 59] = "Switch";81 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Throw"] = 60] = "Throw";82 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Try"] = 61] = "Try";83 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["Unbox"] = 62] = "Unbox";84 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["AddAssign"] = 63] = "AddAssign";85 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["AndAssign"] = 64] = "AndAssign";86 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["DivideAssign"] = 65] = "DivideAssign";87 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["ExclusiveOrAssign"] = 66] = "ExclusiveOrAssign";88 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["LeftShiftAssign"] = 67] = "LeftShiftAssign";89 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["ModuloAssign"] = 68] = "ModuloAssign";90 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["MultiplyAssign"] = 69] = "MultiplyAssign";91 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["OrAssign"] = 70] = "OrAssign";92 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["PowerAssign"] = 71] = "PowerAssign";93 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["RightShiftAssign"] = 72] = "RightShiftAssign";94 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["SubtractAssign"] = 73] = "SubtractAssign";95 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["AddAssignChecked"] = 74] = "AddAssignChecked";96 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["MultiplyAssignChecked"] = 75] = "MultiplyAssignChecked";97 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["SubtractAssignChecked"] = 76] = "SubtractAssignChecked";98 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["PreIncrementAssign"] = 77] = "PreIncrementAssign";99 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["PreDecrementAssign"] = 78] = "PreDecrementAssign";100 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["PostIncrementAssign"] = 79] = "PostIncrementAssign";101 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["PostDecrementAssign"] = 80] = "PostDecrementAssign";102 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["TypeEqual"] = 81] = "TypeEqual";103 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["OnesComplement"] = 82] = "OnesComplement";104 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["IsTrue"] = 83] = "IsTrue";105 ExpressionType[ExpressionType["IsFalse"] = 84] = "IsFalse";106 })(Meta.ExpressionType || (Meta.ExpressionType = {}));107 var ExpressionType = Meta.ExpressionType;108 })(WebExpressions.Meta || (WebExpressions.Meta = {}));109 var Meta = WebExpressions.Meta;...

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Full Screen Github


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...5# Iterators in Python aren't a matter of type but of protocol. A large6# and changing number of builtin types implement *some* flavor of7# iterator. Don't check the type! Use hasattr to check for both8# "__iter__" and "next" attributes instead.9NoneType = type(None)10TypeType = type11ObjectType = object12IntType = int13LongType = long14FloatType = float15BooleanType = bool16try:17 ComplexType = complex18except NameError:19 pass20StringType = str21# StringTypes is already outdated. Instead of writing "type(x) in22# types.StringTypes", you should use "isinstance(x, basestring)". But23# we keep around for compatibility with Python 2.2.24try:25 UnicodeType = unicode26 StringTypes = (StringType, UnicodeType)27except NameError:28 StringTypes = (StringType,)29BufferType = buffer30TupleType = tuple31ListType = list32DictType = DictionaryType = dict33def _f(): pass34FunctionType = type(_f)35LambdaType = type(lambda: None) # Same as FunctionType36CodeType = type(_f.func_code)37def _g():38 yield 139GeneratorType = type(_g())40class _C:41 def _m(self): pass42ClassType = type(_C)43UnboundMethodType = type(_C._m) # Same as MethodType44_x = _C()45InstanceType = type(_x)46MethodType = type(_x._m)47BuiltinFunctionType = type(len)48BuiltinMethodType = type([].append) # Same as BuiltinFunctionType49ModuleType = type(sys)50FileType = file51XRangeType = xrange52try:53 raise TypeError54except TypeError:55 tb = sys.exc_info()[2]56 TracebackType = type(tb)57 FrameType = type(tb.tb_frame)58 del tb59SliceType = slice60EllipsisType = type(Ellipsis)61DictProxyType = type(TypeType.__dict__)62NotImplementedType = type(NotImplemented)63# For Jython, the following two types are identical64GetSetDescriptorType = type(FunctionType.func_code)65MemberDescriptorType = type(FunctionType.func_globals)66del sys, _f, _g, _C, _x # Not for export...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { type } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('TestComponent', () => {3 let component: TestComponent;4 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;5 beforeEach(async(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 })8 .compileComponents();9 }));10 beforeEach(() => {11 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);12 component = fixture.componentInstance;13 fixture.detectChanges();14 });15 it('should create', () => {16 expect(component).toBeTruthy();17 });18 it('should type in an input', () => {19 const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));20 type(input, 'Hello world!');21 expect(component.value).toEqual('Hello world!');22 });23});24import { Component } from '@angular/​core';25@Component({26 <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="value" /​>27})28export class TestComponent {29 value: string;30}31Related Posts: Angular 8 - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)32Angular 10 - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)33Angular 9 - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)34Angular 7 - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)35Angular 6 - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)36Angular 11 - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)37Angular 5 - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)38Angular 4 - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)39Angular 12 - The Complete Guide (2020 Edition)40Angular 2 - The Complete Guide (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { type } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('MyComponent', () => {3 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;4 let component: MyComponent;5 beforeEach(() => {6 fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 }).createComponent(MyComponent);8 component = fixture.componentInstance;9 });10 it('should pass', () => {11 type(fixture, 'my-input', 'Hello World');12 expect(component.input).toEqual('Hello World');13 });14});15import { type } from 'ng-mocks';16describe('MyComponent', () => {17 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;18 let component: MyComponent;19 beforeEach(() => {20 fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({21 }).createComponent(MyComponent);22 component = fixture.componentInstance;23 });24 it('should pass', () => {25 type(fixture, 'my-input', 'Hello World')26 .dispatchEvent(new Event('blur'));27 expect(component.input).toEqual('Hello World');28 });29});30import { type } from 'ng-mocks';31describe('MyComponent', () => {32 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;33 let component: MyComponent;34 beforeEach(() => {35 fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({36 }).createComponent(MyComponent);37 component = fixture.componentInstance;38 });39 it('should pass', () => {40 type(fixture, 'my-input', 'Hello World', 'input');41 expect(component.form.value.input).toEqual('Hello World');42 });43});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { type } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('MyComponent', () => {3 let component: MyComponent;4 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;5 beforeEach(async(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 })8 .compileComponents();9 }));10 beforeEach(() => {11 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);12 component = fixture.componentInstance;13 fixture.detectChanges();14 });15 it('should create', () => {16 expect(component).toBeTruthy();17 });18 it('should have a button', () => {19 expect(type(component, 'button').length).toEqual(1);20 });21});22import { type } from 'ng-mocks';23describe('MyComponent', () => {24 let component: MyComponent;25 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;26 beforeEach(async(() => {27 TestBed.configureTestingModule({28 })29 .compileComponents();30 }));31 beforeEach(() => {32 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);33 component = fixture.componentInstance;34 fixture.detectChanges();35 });36 it('should create', () => {37 expect(component).toBeTruthy();38 });39 it('should have a button', () => {40 expect(type(component, 'button').length).toEqual(1);41 });42 it('should have a button with text Click me', () => {43 expect(type(component, 'button')[0].nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Click me');44 });45});46import { type } from 'ng-mocks';47describe('MyComponent', () => {48 let component: MyComponent;49 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;50 beforeEach(async(() => {51 TestBed.configureTestingModule({52 })53 .compileComponents();54 }));55 beforeEach(() => {56 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);57 component = fixture.componentInstance;58 fixture.detectChanges();59 });60 it('should create', () => {61 expect(component).toBeTruthy

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { type } from 'ng-mocks';2import { findInstance } from 'ng-mocks';3import { findComponent } from 'ng-mocks';4import { findDirective } from 'ng-mocks';5import { findPipe } from 'ng-mocks';6import { findInput } from 'ng-mocks';7import { findOutput } from 'ng-mocks';8import { findProvider } from 'ng-mocks';9import { findClass } from 'ng-mocks';10import { findMethod } from 'ng-mocks';11import { findProperty } from 'ng-mocks';12import { findToken } from 'ng-mocks';13import { findHost } from 'ng-mocks';14import { findHostInstance } from 'ng-mocks';15import { findHostComponent } from 'ng-mocks';16import { findHostDirective } from 'ng-mocks';17import { findHostPipe } from 'ng-mocks';18import { findHostInput } from 'ng-mocks';19import { findHostOutput } from 'ng-mocks';20import { findHostProvider } from 'ng-mocks';21import { findHostClass } from 'ng-mocks';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { type } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('TestComponent', () => {3 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;4 let component: TestComponent;5 let mockStore: MockStore;6 beforeEach(async(() => {7 TestBed.configureTestingModule({8 imports: [9 StoreModule.forRoot({}),10 EffectsModule.forRoot([]),11 TranslateModule.forRoot(),12 provideMockStore({ initialState: { ... } }),13 provideMockActions(() => actions$),14 }).compileComponents();15 }));16 beforeEach(() => {17 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);18 component = fixture.componentInstance;19 mockStore = TestBed.inject(MockStore);20 fixture.detectChanges();21 });22 it('should create', () => {23 expect(component).toBeTruthy();24 });25});26import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/​core';27@Component({28})29export class TestComponent implements OnInit {30 constructor() {}31 ngOnInit(): void {}32}33.mat-form-field {34 width: 100%;35}36import { ComponentFixture, TestBed, async } from '@angular/​core/​testing';37import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';38import { MockStore, provideMockStore } from '@ngrx/​store/​testing';39import { TranslateModule } from '@ngx-translate/​core';40import { RouterTestingModule } from '@angular/​router/​testing';41import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '@angular/​common/​http/​testing';42import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/​store';43import { EffectsModule } from '@ngrx/​effects';44describe('TestComponent', () => {45 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;46 let component: TestComponent;47 let mockStore: MockStore;48 beforeEach(async(() => {49 TestBed.configureTestingModule({50 imports: [51 StoreModule.forRoot({}),52 EffectsModule.forRoot([]),53 TranslateModule.forRoot(),54 provideMockStore({ initialState: { ... } }),55 provideMockActions(() => actions$),

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {type} from 'ng-mocks';2import {type} from 'ng-mocks';3describe('TestComponent', () => {4 let component: TestComponent;5 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;6 let input: DebugElement;7 beforeEach(async(() => {8 TestBed.configureTestingModule({9 })10 .compileComponents();11 }));12 beforeEach(() => {13 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);14 component = fixture.componentInstance;15 input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));16 fixture.detectChanges();17 });18 it('should create', () => {19 expect(component).toBeTruthy();20 });21 it('should set the input value', () => {22 type(input, 'test');23 expect(component.inputValue).toBe('test');24 });25});26import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/​core';27@Component({28})29export class TestComponent implements OnInit {30 inputValue: string;31 constructor() { }32 ngOnInit() {33 }34 inputChanged(value) {35 this.inputValue = value;36 }37}38 <input type="text" (input)="inputChanged($" /​>

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { type } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';3import { MyService } from './​my.service';4describe('MyComponent', () => {5 it('should call the service', () => {6 const service = new MyService();7 const spy = spyOn(service, 'doSomething');8 const component = new MyComponent(service);9 component.doSomething();10 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();11 });12 it('should call the service with ng-mocks', () => {13 const service = new MyService();14 const spy = spyOn(service, 'doSomething');15 const component = type(MyComponent).mock(MyService, service).create();16 component.doSomething();17 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();18 });19});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { type } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('test', () => {3 it('should test', () => {4 const mock = type('mock');5 expect(mock).toEqual('mock');6 });7});8 ✓ should test (3ms)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { type } from 'ng-mocks';2type(YourComponent, 'YourComponent');3type(YourComponent, 'YourComponent').prototype.yourComponentProperty4type(YourComponent, 'YourComponent').prototype.yourComponentProperty.yourComponentMethod5type(YourComponent, 'YourComponent').prototype.yourComponentProperty.yourComponentMethod();6type(YourComponent, 'YourComponent').prototype.yourComponentProperty.yourComponentMethod('your parameter');7expect(type(YourComponent, 'YourComponent').prototype.yourComponentProperty.yourComponentMethod('your parameter')).toEqual('your expected value');8expect(type(YourComponent, 'YourComponent').prototype.yourComponentProperty.yourComponentMethod('your parameter')).toEqual('your expected value');9expect(type(YourComponent, 'YourComponent').prototype.yourComponentProperty.yourComponentMethod('your parameter')).toEqual('your expected value');10expect(type(YourComponent, 'YourComponent').prototype.yourComponentProperty.yourComponentMethod('your parameter')).toEqual('your expected value');11expect(type(YourComponent, 'YourComponent').prototype.yourComponentProperty.yourComponentMethod('your parameter')).toEqual('your expected value');12expect(type(YourComponent, 'YourComponent').prototype.yourComponentProperty.yourComponentMethod('your parameter')).toEqual('your expected value');

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