How to use truePipe method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source:test.spec.ts Github


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1import { AsyncPipe, DatePipe, NgIf } from '@angular/​common';2import { Component, Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/​core';3import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';4import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';5import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';6@Pipe({7 name: 'nothing',8 pure: false,9})10class NothingPipe implements PipeTransform {11 transform<T>(value: T): T {12 return value;13 }14}15@Component({16 selector: 'target',17 template: `18 <div19 class="array"20 *ngFor="21 let item of array$ | nothing | async | nothing | nothing22 "23 >24 item: {{ item }}25 </​div>26 <div27 class="false"28 *ngIf="false$ | nothing | async | nothing | nothing"29 >30 false31 </​div>32 <div class="text">33 {{ text$ | nothing | async | nothing | nothing }}34 </​div>35 <div36 class="true"37 *ngIf="true$ | nothing | async | nothing | nothing"38 >39 true40 </​div>41 `,42})43export class TargetComponent {44 public array$ = new BehaviorSubject([1]);45 public false$ = new BehaviorSubject(false);46 public text$ = new BehaviorSubject('text');47 public true$ = new BehaviorSubject(true);48}49/​/​ @see https:/​/​​help-me-mom/​ng-mocks/​issues/​231450describe('issue-2314', () => {51 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TargetComponent>;52 beforeEach(async () => {53 return TestBed.configureTestingModule({54 declarations: [TargetComponent, NothingPipe],55 }).compileComponents();56 });57 beforeEach(() => {58 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TargetComponent);59 fixture.detectChanges();60 });61 it(`finds all pipes`, () => {62 const allPipes = ngMocks.findInstances(AsyncPipe);63 expect(allPipes.length).toBe(4);64 });65 describe('ngMocks.findInstance', () => {66 it(`finds pipes on '.array'`, () => {67 const arrayPipe = ngMocks.findInstance(68 '.array',69 AsyncPipe,70 undefined,71 );72 expect(arrayPipe).toBeDefined();73 });74 it(`finds pipes on '.false'`, () => {75 /​/​ Because it isn't rendered, we cannot find the element with `.false`, therefore, we need to rely on NgIf itself.76 const ngIf = ngMocks.reveal(NgIf);77 const falsePipe = ngMocks.findInstance(78 ngIf,79 AsyncPipe,80 undefined,81 );82 expect(falsePipe).toBeDefined();83 });84 it(`find pipes on '.text'`, () => {85 const textPipe = ngMocks.findInstance(86 '.text',87 AsyncPipe,88 undefined,89 );90 expect(textPipe).toBeDefined();91 });92 it(`finds pipes on '.true'`, () => {93 const truePipe = ngMocks.findInstance(94 '.true',95 AsyncPipe,96 undefined,97 );98 expect(truePipe).toBeDefined();99 });100 });101 describe('ngMocks.findInstances', () => {102 it(`finds pipes on '.array'`, () => {103 const arrayPipe = ngMocks.findInstances('.array', AsyncPipe);104 expect(arrayPipe.length).toEqual(1);105 });106 it(`finds pipes on '.false'`, () => {107 /​/​ Because it isn't rendered, we cannot find the element with `.false`, therefore, we need to rely on NgIf itself.108 const ngIf = ngMocks.reveal(NgIf);109 const falsePipe = ngMocks.findInstances(ngIf, AsyncPipe);110 expect(falsePipe.length).toEqual(1);111 });112 it(`find pipes on '.text'`, () => {113 const textPipe = ngMocks.findInstances('.text', AsyncPipe);114 expect(textPipe.length).toEqual(1);115 });116 it(`finds pipes on '.true'`, () => {117 const truePipe = ngMocks.findInstances('.true', AsyncPipe);118 expect(truePipe.length).toEqual(1);119 });120 });121 describe('ngMocks.get', () => {122 it(`finds pipes on '.array'`, () => {123 const arrayPipe = ngMocks.get('.array', AsyncPipe, undefined);124 expect(arrayPipe).toBeDefined();125 });126 it(`finds pipes on '.false'`, () => {127 /​/​ Because it isn't rendered, we cannot find the element with `.false`, therefore, we need to rely on NgIf itself.128 const ngIf = ngMocks.reveal(NgIf);129 const falsePipe = ngMocks.get(ngIf, AsyncPipe, undefined);130 expect(falsePipe).toBeDefined();131 });132 it(`find pipes on '.text'`, () => {133 const textPipe = ngMocks.get('.text', AsyncPipe, undefined);134 expect(textPipe).toBeDefined();135 });136 it(`finds pipes on '.true'`, () => {137 const truePipe = ngMocks.get('.true', AsyncPipe, undefined);138 expect(truePipe).toBeDefined();139 });140 it(`returns default value when pipes are missing`, () => {141 const truePipe = ngMocks.get('.true', DatePipe, undefined);142 expect(truePipe).toBeUndefined();143 });144 });...

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Source:pipe_if.ts Github


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...9 truePipe: UnaryFunction<T, R>,10 falsePipe: UnaryFunction<T, R>) {11 return (stream: T) => defer(() => {12 if (condition()) {13 return truePipe(stream) as unknown as ObservableInput<unknown>;14 } else {15 return falsePipe(stream) as unknown as ObservableInput<unknown>;16 }17 });...

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Source:truepipe_8c.js Github


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1var truepipe_8c =2[3 [ "exit_on_argv_error", "truepipe_8c.html#ac74fce42399fad132b87f48829e74d17", null ],4 [ "exit_on_error", "truepipe_8c.html#ab52d9a2e3dc3615f1ba9b3f180e22267", null ],5 [ "main", "truepipe_8c.html#a3c04138a5bfe5d72780bb7e82a18e627", null ],6 [ "use", "truepipe_8c.html#a5902c5df420c41a93b912cb32defe3ef", null ]...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyPipe } from './​my-pipe';3describe('MyPipe', () => {4 it('should transform', () => {5 const pipe = truePipe(MyPipe);6 expect(pipe.transform('a')).toEqual('a');7 });8});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MockPipe } from 'ng-mocks';3import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';4import { MockPipe } from 'ng-mocks';5import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/​core';6import { TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';7import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';8@Pipe({9})10class MockPipe implements PipeTransform {11 transform(value: any, args?: any): any {12 return value;13 }14}15describe('AppComponent', () => {16 beforeEach(async () => {17 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({18 truePipe(MockPipe)19 }).compileComponents();20 });21 it('should create the app', () => {22 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);23 const app = fixture.componentInstance;24 expect(app).toBeTruthy();25 });26 it(`should have as title 'ng-mocks-test'`, () => {27 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);28 const app = fixture.componentInstance;29 expect(app.title).toEqual('ng-mocks-test');30 });31 it('should render title', () => {32 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);33 fixture.detectChanges();34 const compiled = fixture.nativeElement;35 expect(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent).toContain('ng-mocks-test app is running!');36 });37});38Error: StaticInjectorError(AppModule)[AppComponent -> MockPipe

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';2const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');3const result = pipe.transform('value');4import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';5const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');6const result = pipe.transform('value');7import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';8const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');9const result = pipe.transform('value');10import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';11const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');12const result = pipe.transform('value');13import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';14const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');15const result = pipe.transform('value');16import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';17const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');18const result = pipe.transform('value');19import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';20const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');21const result = pipe.transform('value');22import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';23const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');24const result = pipe.transform('value');25import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';26const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');27const result = pipe.transform('value');28import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';29const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');30const result = pipe.transform('value');31import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';32const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');33const result = pipe.transform('value');

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1import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('TestComponent', () => {3 it('should create', () => {4 const pipe = truePipe('testPipe');5 expect(pipe).toBeTruthy();6 });7});8import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/​core';9@Pipe({10})11export class TestPipe implements PipeTransform {12 transform(value: any, ...args: any[]): any {13 return value;14 }15}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var mock = require('ng-mocks');2var truePipe = mock.truePipe;3var pipe = mock.pipe;4var mock = require('ng-mocks');5var truePipe = mock.truePipe;6var pipe = mock.pipe;7describe('truePipe', () => {8 it('should revert a string', () => {9 const pipe = truePipe('revert');10 expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');11 });12 it('should revert a string', () => {13 const pipe = truePipe('revert');14 expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');15 });16});17var mock = require('ng-mocks');18var truePipe = mock.truePipe;19var pipe = mock.pipe;20var mock = require('ng-mocks');21var truePipe = mock.truePipe;22var pipe = mock.pipe;23describe('truePipe', () => {24 it('should revert a string', () => {25 const pipe = truePipe('revert');26 expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');27 });28 it('should revert a string', () => {29 const pipe = truePipe('revert');30 expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');31 });32});33var mock = require('ng-mocks');34var truePipe = mock.truePipe;35var pipe = mock.pipe;36var mock = require('ng-mocks');37var truePipe = mock.truePipe;38var pipe = mock.pipe;39describe('truePipe', () => {40 it('should revert a string', () => {41 const pipe = truePipe('revert');42 expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');43 });44 it('should revert a string', () => {

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1import { truePipe } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('myPipe', () => {3 it('should return the given value', () => {4 const pipe = truePipe('myPipe');5 expect(pipe.transform('foo')).toEqual('foo');6 });7});8import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/​core';9@Pipe({10})11export class MyPipePipe implements PipeTransform {12 transform(value: any): any {13 return value;14 }15}16@Pipe({17})18export class MyPipePipe implements PipeTransform {19 transform(value: any): any {20 return value;21 }22}23import { MyPipePipe } from './​my-pipe.pipe';24describe('MyPipePipe', () => {25 it('create an instance', () => {26 const pipe = new MyPipePipe();27 expect(pipe).toBeTruthy();28 });29});30import { MyPipePipe } from './​my-pipe.pipe';31describe('MyPipePipe', () => {32 it('create an instance', () => {33 const pipe = new MyPipePipe();34 expect(pipe).toBeTruthy();35 });36});37import { MyPipePipe } from './​my-pipe.pipe';38describe('MyPipePipe', () => {39 it('create an instance', () => {40 const pipe = new MyPipePipe();41 expect(pipe).toBeTruthy();42 });43});44import { MyPipePipe } from './​my-pipe.pipe';45describe('MyPipePipe', () => {46 it('create an instance', () => {47 const pipe = new MyPipePipe();48 expect(pipe).toBeTruthy();49 });50});51import { MyPipePipe } from './​my-pipe.pipe';52describe('MyPipePipe', () => {53 it('create an instance', () => {54 const pipe = new MyPipePipe();55 expect(pipe).toBeTruthy();56 });57});58import { MyPipePipe } from './​my-pipe.pipe';59describe('MyPipePipe', () => {60 it('create an instance', () => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const truePipe = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');2expect(truePipe.transform(true)).toBe('true');3const truePipeMock = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');4expect(truePipeMock.transform(true)).toBe('true');5const truePipeJest = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');6expect(truePipeJest.transform(true)).toBe('true');7const truePipeJasmine = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');8expect(truePipeJasmine.transform(true)).toBe('true');9const truePipeMocha = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');10expect(truePipeMocha.transform(true)).toBe('true');11const truePipeKarma = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');12expect(truePipeKarma.transform(true)).toBe('true');13const truePipeProtractor = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');14expect(truePipeProtractor.transform(true)).toBe('true');15const truePipeCypress = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');16expect(truePipeCypress.transform(true)).toBe('true');17const truePipe = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');18expect(truePipe.transform(true)).toBe('true');19const truePipeMock = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');20expect(truePipeMock.transform(true)).toBe('true');21const truePipeJest = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');22expect(truePipeJest.transform(true)).toBe('true');23const truePipeJasmine = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');24expect(truePipeJasmine.transform(true)).toBe('true');25const truePipeMocha = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');26expect(truePipeMocha.transform(true)).toBe('true');27const truePipeKarma = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');28expect(truePipeKarma.transform(true)).toBe('true');29const truePipeProtractor = ngMocks.getPipeDef('truePipe');30expect(truePipeProtractor.transform(true)).toBe('true');

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