How to use tplRow method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source:Editmode.js Github


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1/​* jshint forin:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:true, bitwise:true, strict:true, undef:true, unused:true, curly:true, browser:true, devel:true, jquery:true, indent:4, maxerr:50 */​2/​**3 * WGT Web Gui Toolkit4 * 5 * Copyright (c) 2014 BuizCore GmbH6 * 7 * http:/​/​​WGT8 * 9 * @author Dominik Bonsch <>10 * 11 * Depends: 12 * - jQuery 1.7.213 * - jQuery UI 1.8 widget factory14 * - WGT 0.915 * 16 * License:17 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:18 * @license http:/​/​​licenses/​mit-license.php19 * @license http:/​/​​licenses/​gpl.html20 * 21 * Code Style:22 * indent: 2 spaces23 * codelang: english24 * identStyle: camel case25 * 26 */​27/​**28 * @author dominik bonsch <>29 * Editmode zum Grid hinzufügen30 */​31(function($S, $G, undefined) {32 33 "use strict";34 35 $S.widget("wgt.grid", $S.wgt.grid, {36 37 /​**38 * Standard Options39 */​40 options: {41 /​/​ Editierbare Cells im Grid42 save_form: null, /​/​ ID des Save Formulars bei editierbaren Tabellen43 edit_able: false, /​/​ Flag ob44 append_bottom: false, /​/​ Flag ob45 allow_insert: false, /​/​ Sollen neue Datensätze angelegt werden können46 edit_hidden_def_values: {}, /​/​ versteckte default Werte für das Editable grid, wichtig z.B bei Referenzen47 changedData: {}48 },49 /​**50 * Counter mit den erstellten Datensätzen51 * zum hochzählen52 */​53 cCount: 0,54 55 /​**56 * der aktive Edit layer57 */​58 activEditLayer: null,59 60 /​**61 * Welche tds sollen ignoriert werden?62 */​63 ignorePattern: '.pos,.ro,.nav,.sort,.nav_split',64 /​**65 * Das Grid Element Editierbar machen66 */​67 startEditMode: function(jHeadTab){68 var opts = this.options, 69 el = this.element.parent(),70 elId = this.element.attr('id'),71 self = this,72 editLayers = $S('.wgt-editlayer');73 74 /​/​console.log("start editmode");75 /​/​ create verschieben wenn vorhanden76 if( el.find('tbody.editor').length ){77 jHeadTab.find('table').append(el.find('tbody.editor'));78 }79 80 opts.changedData = {};81 82 el.parent().bind('click.edit_cell', function(e){83 var cTarget = $S(,84 type = null;85 86 /​/​ wenn innerhalb des edit layers87 if (self.activEditLayer && cTarget.parentX(self.activEditLayer)){88 return;89 }90 91 editLayers.trigger('blur');92 93 94 if (cTarget.parentX('tbody.editor')){95 /​/​ hinzufügen einer neuen Zeile96 self.createNew( editLayers);97 return;98 } 99 100 /​/​ beim klick auf ein inputelement wird das event gesondert behandelt101 if ('input')) {102 self._addInputEvent(cTarget, opts);103 return;104 }105 106 /​/​ prüfen ob das feld überhaupt editierbar ist107 if (!('td') && !{108 /​/​editLayers.trigger('blur');109 editLayers.unbind('blur');110 editLayers.hide();111 return;112 }113 114 /​/​ check ob die ganze reihe vielleicht readonly ist115 if (cTarget.parent().is('.ro')){116 editLayers.unbind('blur');117 editLayers.hide();118 return;119 }120 121 /​/​ erstellen des editlayers122 type = self._createEditlayer(elId, cTarget, editLayers);123 124 if (!type) {125 return;126 }127 128 129 /​/​ bei globalen klicks den editlayer entfernen130 $S('#wbf-body').bind('mousedown.editable_grid', function(e) {131 132 /​/​ keine aktion wenn kein editlayer aktiv ist133 var gTarget = $S(;134 if (!self.activEditLayer) { 135 return;136 }137 138 /​/​ bei clicks in den editlayer keine aktion139 if ( || gTarget.parentX(self.activEditLayer)) {140 return;141 }142 editLayers.trigger('blur')143 .unbind('blur')144 .hide();145 });146 /​/​ zurückschreiben der werte aus den editlayern in die cols /​ den speicher array147 if (self.activEditLayer) {148 self.activEditLayer.blur(function() {149 self._editorBlur(cTarget, editLayers, type);150 });151 }152 /​/​ anzeigen des editlayers153 self._showEditlayer(type);154 155 });156 157 self.addKeyEvents(opts,el,elId);158 },159 160 /​**161 * keyboard events definieren162 */​163 addKeyEvents: function(opts,el,elId){164 165 /​*166 el.parent().on('keydown', function(e){167 168 var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which; 169 console.log("got keycode "+keyCode );170 /​/​alert("got keycode "+keyCode );171 if (keyCode !== 9) { 172 return true;173 } 174 175 e.preventDefault(); 176 /​/​ call custom function here177 178 var cTarget = $S(;179 180 /​/​ wenn innerhalb des edit layers181 if (self.activEditLayer && cTarget.parentX(self.activEditLayer)){182 return;183 }184 185 });186 */​187 188 },189 190 /​**191 * keyboard events definieren192 */​193 _addInputEvent: function(cTarget, opts){194 195 if('input.gredit')){196 return;197 }198 199 cTarget.addClass('gredit');200 201 /​/​ entweder es ist eine checkbox202 if('input:checkbox')){203 204 var userInp;205 cTarget.change(function(){206 if (':checked')) {207 userInp = 't';208 } else {209 userInp = 'f';210 }211 212 opts.changedData[cTarget.parent().attr('name')] = userInp;213 }); 214 }215 216 /​/​ bei window elementen217 if('input.wgt_window')){218 cTarget.parent().find('input:hidden').change(function(){219 console.log('input name: '+cTarget.parent().attr('name')+' val: '+$S(this).val());220 opts.changedData[cTarget.parent().attr('name')] = $S(this).val();221 }); 222 }223 224 },225 226 /​**227 * keyboard events definieren228 */​229 _editorBlur: function(cTarget, editLayers, type){230 231 232 var userInp = '', 233 self = this,234 opts = this.options,235 displTxt = '',236 fieldName = '';237 238 /​/​ global event entfernen239 $S('#wbf-body').unbind('mousedown.editable_grid');240 241 if ('date' === type || 'datetime' === type) {242 243 displTxt = userInp = self.activEditLayer.find('input').val();244 245 } else if ('select' === type) {246 247 userInp = self.activEditLayer.find('select').val();248 displTxt = self.activEditLayer.find('select option:selected').text();249 250 } else if ('check' === type) {251 252 if (self.activEditLayer.find('input').is(':checked')) {253 userInp = 't';254 } else {255 userInp = 'f';256 }257 258 displTxt = cTarget.html();259 260 } else {261 262 displTxt = userInp = self.activEditLayer.text();263 }264 265 if (undefined !==opts.changedData[fieldName] && opts.changedData[fieldName] === userInp)266 return;267 268 cTarget.html(displTxt);269 cTarget.addClass('changed');270 cTarget.attr('value',userInp);271 fieldName = cTarget.attr('name');272 opts.changedData[fieldName] = userInp;273 274 self.syncColWidth();275 276 self.activEditLayer = null;277 editLayers.unbind('blur');278 editLayers.hide();279 280 },281 282 /​**283 * Erstellen des Editor Overlays284 */​285 _createEditlayer: function(elId, cTarget, editLayers){286 287 var self = this,288 opts = this.options;289 290 /​/​ eine temporär id zuweisen291 if (!cTarget.attr('id')){292 cTarget.attr('id','wgt-id-'+new Date().getTime());293 }294 var ofs = cTarget.offset(),295 oW = cTarget.outerWidth(),296 oH = cTarget.outerHeight(),297 type = $WGT.getClassByPrefix(cTarget.prop('class'), 'type_');298 299 if (!type) {300 type = 'text';301 }302 if( 'window' === type || 'check' === type || 'element' === type ){303 return type;304 }305 306 /​/​console.log('#wgt-edit-field-'+type);307 self.activEditLayer = $S('#wgt-edit-field-'+type);308 309 if(!self.activEditLayer.length){310 console.log('missing layer #wgt-edit-field-'+type);311 return null;312 }313 314 /​/​ dem editlayer mitgeben welches feld befüllt werden soll,315 /​/​ nötig bei rich ui widgets316 self.activEditLayer.attr('wgt_target',cTarget.attr('id')).attr('wgt_list',elId);317 /​/​console.log(cTarget.parentX('table').css('margin-top')+' type '+type+' '+cTarget.prop('class'));318 /​* vorhandene editlayer schliesen und werte zurückschreiben */​319 editLayers.trigger('blur')320 .unbind('blur')321 .hide();322 323 self.activEditLayer.css({324 left:ofs.left,325,326 width:oW,327 height:oH328 });329 if ('date' === type || 'datetime' === type ){330 331 self.activEditLayer.find('input').val(cTarget.html());332 333 } else if ('select' === type) {334 335 self.activEditLayer.html($S('#'+cTarget.attr('data_source')).text());336 337 if(!self.activEditLayer.find('option[value="'+cTarget.attr('value')+'"]').length){338 self.activEditLayer.find('select').append('<option value="'+cTarget.attr('value')+'" >'+cTarget.text()+'</​option>');339 }340 341 self.activEditLayer.find('select').val(cTarget.attr('value'));342 343 } else if ('window' === type) {344 345 self.activEditLayer.html($S('#'+cTarget.attr('data_source')).text());346 347 if(!self.activEditLayer.find('option[value="'+cTarget.attr('value')+'"]').length){348 self.activEditLayer.find('select').append('<option value="'+cTarget.attr('value')+'" >'+cTarget.text()+'</​option>');349 }350 351 self.activEditLayer.find('select').val(cTarget.attr('value'));352 353 } else if ('check' === type) {354 self.activEditLayer.html(cTarget.html());355 356 } else {357 358 self.activEditLayer.html(cTarget.html());359 360 var range,361 selection;362 363 if (document.createRange) {/​/​Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE 9+364 365 range = document.createRange();/​/​Create a range (a range is a like the selection but invisible)366 range.selectNodeContents(self.activEditLayer.get(0));/​/​Select the entire contents of the element with the range367 range.collapse(false);/​/​collapse the range to the end point. false means collapse to end rather than the start368 selection = window.getSelection();/​/​get the selection object (allows you to change selection)369 selection.removeAllRanges();/​/​remove any selections already made370 selection.addRange(range);/​/​make the range you have just created the visible selection371 372 } else if (document.selection) { /​/​IE 8 and lower 373 /​* HMM let me say it sooo: FCK IE < 9374 range = document.body.createTextRange();/​/​Create a range (a range is a like the selection but invisible)375 range.moveToElementText(self.activEditLayer.get(0));/​/​Select the entire contents of the element with the range376 range.collapse(false);/​/​collapse the range to the end point. false means collapse to end rather than the start377;/​/​Select the range (make it the visible selection378 */​379 }380 }381 382 /​/​ type muss zurück gegeben werden383 return type;384 385 },386 387 /​**388 * Anzeigen und fokusieren des aktuellen edit layers389 */​390 _showEditlayer: function(type){391 392 if(!this.activEditLayer){393 return;394 }395 396;397 if ('date' === type || 'datetime' === type) {398 399 this.activEditLayer.find('input').datepicker('show').focus();400 401 } else if ('select' === type) {402 403 this.activEditLayer.find('select').focus();404 405 } else if ('check' === type) {406 407 this.activEditLayer.find('input').focus();408 409 } else {410 411 this.activEditLayer.focus();412 this.activEditLayer.bind('keyup',function(){413 if($S(this).hasScrollBar()){414 $S(this).addWidth(20);415 }416 });417 }418 },419 420 /​**421 * Das Grid Element Editierbar machen422 */​423 save: function(){424 var el = this.element.parent(),425 elId = this.element.attr('id'),426 opts = this.options,427 self = this,428 editLayers = $S('.wgt-editlayer'),429 requestBody = '';430 431 if (!opts.changedData) {432 return;433 }434 435 for (var key in opts.changedData){436 437 if (undefined===opts.changedData[key]){438 continue;439 }440 requestBody += '&'+key+'='+opts.changedData[key];441 }442 443 if(''===requestBody){444 return;445 }446 447 $R.form(opts.save_form, null, {'data':opts.changedData,'success':function(){448 /​/​ empty changed data449 opts.changedData = {};450 self.update();451 }});452 453 this.element.find('td.changed').removeClass('changed');454 455 /​/​alert('changed: '+requestBody);456 },457 458 /​**459 * Datensatz aus dem save Index werfen. 460 * Ist nötig wenn der Datensatz gelöscht wurde, vorher jedoch im Editor461 * bearbeitet und nicht gespeichert wurde462 * 463 * @param indexCheck464 */​465 dropFromSavedata :function( indexCheck ){466 467 var tmpStack = {},468 opts = this.options;469 470 for (var prop in opts.changedData) {471 /​/​ es muss geprüft werden ob prop existier472 if (opts.changedData.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {473 if( !prop.indexOf('['+indexCheck+']')){474 tmpStack[prop] = opts.changedData[prop];475 }476 }477 }478 opts.changedData = tmpStack;479 480 },481 482 /​**483 * Datensatz aus dem save Index werfen. 484 * Ist nötig wenn der Datensatz gelöscht wurde, vorher jedoch im Editor485 * bearbeitet und nicht gespeichert wurde486 * 487 * @param indexCheck488 */​489 writeSavedata :function( name, value ){490 491 492 console.log("name:"+name+" value: "+value);493 this.options.changedData[name] = value;494 495 },496 497 /​**498 * Leeren des Save Indexes499 */​500 emptySavedata :function( ){501 this.options.changedData = {};502 503 },504 505 /​**506 * In eine Zelle und gleichzeitig den changedData array schreiben507 */​508 writeCell: function(cellId, value, text){509 var cell = $S('#'+cellId),510 elId = this.element.attr('id'),511 cellName = cell.attr('name');512 513 console.log('write cell n:'+cellName+' v: '+value+' t: '+text);514 515 this.options.changedData[cellName] = value;516 cell.html(text);517 cell.attr('value',value);518 cell.addClass('changed');519 520 },521 522 /​**523 * In eine Zelle und gleichzeitig den changedData array schreiben524 */​525 writeCellByTd: function(tdNode, value, text){526 var tdNode = $S(tdNode), 527 type = this._getCellType(tdNode),528 name = tdNode.attr('name');529 530 if ('window' === type) {531 532 if(value !== undefined){533 tdNode.find('input:hidden').val(value);534 tdNode.find('input').not(':hidden').val(text);535 }536 537 } else if ('check' === type) {538 539 if(value){540 tdNode.find('input').attr('checked','checked');541 }542 543 } else if ('element' === type) {544 545 546 } else {547 548 tdNode.html(text);549 tdNode.attr('value',value);550 }551 552 tdNode.addClass('changed');553 if(null===value){554 this.options.changedData[name] = '';555 } else {556 this.options.changedData[name] = value;557 }558 },559 560 /​**561 * In eine Zelle und gleichzeitig den changedData array schreiben562 */​563 readCellByTd: function(tdNode){564 565 var tdNode = $S(tdNode), 566 type = this._getCellType(tdNode),567 value = null,568 text = null;569 570 571 if ('date' === type || 'datetime' === type || 'text' === type) {572 573 value = text = tdNode.html();574 575 } else if('select' === type) {576 577 text = $S('#'+tdNode.attr('data_source')).text();578 value = tdNode.attr('value'); 579 580 } else if('window' === type) {581 582 text = tdNode.find('input').not(':hidden').val(); 583 value = tdNode.find('input:hidden').val(); 584 585 } else if('check' === type) {586 587 value = text = tdNode.find('input').is(':checked'); 588 }589 590 return {591 'name': tdNode.attr('name'),592 'value': value,593 'text': text594 };595 596 },597 598 /​**599 * In eine Zelle und gleichzeitig den changedData array schreiben600 */​601 readCellContentByTd: function(tdNode){602 603 var tdNode = $S(tdNode), 604 type = this._getCellType(tdNode),605 value = null,606 text = null;607 608 609 if ('date' === type || 'datetime' === type || 'text' === type) {610 611 value = text = tdNode.html();612 613 } else if('select' === type) {614 615 text = tdNode.html();616 value = tdNode.attr('value'); 617 618 } else if('window' === type) {619 620 text = tdNode.find('input').not(':hidden').val();621 value = tdNode.find('input:hidden').val();622 623 } else if('check' === type) {624 625 value = text = tdNode.find('input').is(':checked'); 626 }627 628 return {629 'name': tdNode.attr('name'),630 'value': value,631 'text': text632 };633 634 },635 636 /​**637 * @param cTarget DomNode oder jQuery objekt eines 'td's 638 */​639 _getCellType: function(cTarget){640 641 var type = $WGT.getClassByPrefix(cTarget.prop('class'), 'type_');642 if(!type){643 type = 'text';644 }645 646 return type;647 648 },649 650 /​**651 * In eine Zelle und gleichzeitig den changedData array schreiben652 */​653 cloneRow: function(toCopy){654 655 var elId = this.element.attr('id'),656 editLayers = $S('.wgt-editlayer'),657 oldRows = $S(toCopy).parentX('tr').find('td'),658 self = this;659 var newRow = this.createNew(editLayers);660 661 662 newRow.find('td').each(function(idx,node){663 var tNode = $S(this),664 oldNode = null,665 data = {};666 667 if({668 return;669 }670 671 oldNode = oldRows.get(idx);672 673 data = self.readCellContentByTd(oldNode);674 self.writeCellByTd(tNode, data.value, data.text);675 console.log('write in '+idx+' val: '+data.value+' text: '+data.text );676 677 });678 679 self.syncColWidth();680 681 console.dir(this.options.changedData);682 },683 684 /​**685 * In eine Zelle und gleichzeitig den changedData array schreiben686 */​687 createNew: function(editLayers){688 689 var self = this,690 el = this.element,691 elId = el.attr('id'), 692 opts = this.options;693 694 if (undefined===editLayers) {695 editLayers = $S('.wgt-editlayer');696 }697 editLayers.unbind('blur');698 editLayers.hide();699 700 console.log('search for #'+elId+'-editor-tpl');701 var tplRow = $S('#'+elId+'-editor-tpl').text();702 /​/​console.dir(tplRow);703 704 var indexCheck = '[new-'+self.cCount+']'; /​/​ checkstring um den savedata array cleanen zu können705 706 tplRow = tplRow.replace(/​{\$new}/​g,'new-'+self.cCount);707 tplRow = tplRow.replace(/​{{counter}}/​g,opts._numCols);708 tplRow = $S(tplRow); 709 tplRow.attr('eid','new-'+self.cCount);710 711 /​/​ remove event712 tplRow.find('td.pos').html('<i class="icon-remove" ></​i>').click(function(){713 714 var tmpStack = {};715 716 for (var prop in opts.changedData) {717 /​/​ es muss geprüft werden ob prop existier718 if (opts.changedData.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {719 if( !prop.indexOf(indexCheck)){720 tmpStack[prop] = opts.changedData[prop];721 }722 }723 }724 opts.changedData = tmpStack;725 $S(this).parent().remove();726 self.update();727 });728 729 /​/​ hinzufügen von default values, z.B in referenzen730 if (opts.edit_hidden_def_values){731 for (var defValName in opts.edit_hidden_def_values) {732 if (opts.edit_hidden_def_values.hasOwnProperty(defValName)) {733 /​/​/​ todo find a better solution for the replace counter part734 opts.changedData[defValName.replace('{$new}','new-'+self.cCount)] = opts.edit_hidden_def_values[defValName].replace(/​{{counter}}/​g,opts._numCols);;735 }736 }737 }738 ++self.cCount;739 if (opts.append_bottom) {740 el.find('tbody:first').append(tplRow);741 } else {742 el.find('tbody:first').prepend(tplRow);743 }744 self.makeSelectable(el);745 opts._gridCont.scrollTo(tplRow);746 747 748 $R.eventAfterAjaxRequest(false,'wcmt');749 ++opts._numCols;750 this.update();751 return tplRow;752 753 }754 755 });756 ...

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Source:protemplate.js Github


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1define(function(require, exports, module) {23 var artDialog = require("../​lib/​dialog/​dialog");4 var PageBar = require("./​pagebar");5 var proTplLayout = require("../​tpl/​protpl_layout.html"), proTplLayoutCom = juicer(proTplLayout);6 var proTplList = require("../​tpl/​protpl_list.html"), proTplListCom = juicer(proTplList);7 8 9 var proTpl = function(options) {10 return new ProTemplate(options);11 };1213 var defaultOpts = {14 pageSize : 3,15 isSelect : true16 };17 var ProTemplate = function(opts) {18 this.container = $(opts.container);19 this.options = $.extend({}, defaultOpts, opts);2021 this.init();22 };2324 ProTemplate.prototype = {25 constructor : ProTemplate,26 init : function() {27 this.initUI();28 },29 30 initUI : function(){31 var that = this;32 var opts = that.options;33 that.container.html(proTplLayoutCom.render());34 35 that.getTemplateList({36 pagesize : opts.pageSize,37 getdefault : 138 }, function(data) {39 var templates = data.datalist, defaultTpl = data.defaultdata;40 that.renderTemplateList(templates, that.selectedTpl);41 that.initEvents();42 that.initPageBar(;4344 opts.onFinish && opts.onFinish(defaultTpl);45 });46 },47 initEvents : function() {48 var that = this, confirmDialog;49 that.container.find(".tplrow").on("click", ".tplitem .thumbnail", function(event) {50 event.stopPropagation();51 if (confirmDialog) {52 confirmDialog.close().remove();53 }54 var currDom = $(this), parentDom = currDom.parent();55 if (parentDom.hasClass("selected")) {56 return;57 }58 confirmDialog = artDialog({59 content : '确定选择该模板?当前编辑的正文内容将会清空!',60 okValue : '确定',61 ok : function() {62 parentDom.addClass("selected").siblings().removeClass("selected");63 var index = indexOf(that.templateArr,"id"));64 var tplcontent = that.templateArr[index].content;6566 that.selectedTpl = that.templateArr[index];6768 that.options.onSelect && that.options.onSelect(tplcontent);69 },70 cancelValue : '取消',71 cancel : function() {72 },73 align : 'right',74 skin : "dialog-confirm"75 });76;77 });7879 $(document).on("click", function(event) {80 0 === $(".dialog-confirm").length && confirmDialog81 && confirmDialog.close().remove();82 });8384 $(window).scroll(function(event) {85 var tplRowHeight = 455;86 var bottomOffsetHeight = 82;87 var rect = $(".tpl-c")[0].getBoundingClientRect();88 /​/​ 如果窗口高度不够则改变模板列表的高度89 if ($(window).height() < tplRowHeight + bottomOffsetHeight) {90 $(".tplrow").height($(window).height() - bottomOffsetHeight);91 } else {92 $(".tplrow").height(tplRowHeight);93 }94 95 if ( < 0) {96 if (!$(".tpl").hasClass("tplfixed")) {97 $(".tpl").width($(".tpl")[0].offsetWidth);98 $(".tpl").addClass("tplfixed");99 }100 }else {101 $(".tpl").removeClass("tplfixed");102 $(".tpl").width("auto");103 }104 });105 },106 initPageBar : function(templateCount) {107 var that = this, opts = that.options;108 that.pagebar && that.pagebar.destroy();109 if (opts.pageSize >= templateCount) {110 $("#tpl-pagebar").empty();111 $("#tpl-pagebar").hide();112 return;113 }114 that.pagebar = new PageBar({115 isSimple : true,116 container : "#tpl-pagebar",117 totalCount : templateCount,118 pageSize : opts.pageSize,119 onCallback : function(index) {120 that.container.find("#tpl-pagebar").hide();121122 that.getTemplateList({123 index : index,124 pagesize : opts.pageSize125 }, function(data) {126 var templates = data.datalist;127 that.renderTemplateList(templates, that.selectedTpl);128 that.container.find("#tpl-pagebar").show();129 });130 that.container.find(".tplrow").scrollTop(0);131 }132 });133134 },135 getTemplateList : function(options, onCallback) {136 options = $.extend({137 index : 1,138 pagesize : 3139 }, options);140 $.getJSON("proTemplate_getTemplateList.action", options, function(data) {141 data.status !== 1 ? tips.error("产品模板列表加载失败!") : onCallback(data);142 });143 },144 renderTemplateList : function(templates, selectedTpl) {145 var that = this, opts = that.options;146 that.templateArr = templates || [];147 /​/​ 处理选中状态148 if (opts.isSelect || selectedTpl) {149 setSelect(that.templateArr, selectedTpl);150 }151 152 that.container.find(".tplrow").html(proTplListCom.render({153 data : that.templateArr154 }));155 }156 };157 158 159 function setSelect(templateArr, selectedTpl) {160 $.each(templateArr, function(i, n) {161 if (selectedTpl) {162 if ( === {163 n.selected = 1;164 }165 } else {166 n.selected = n.isdefault;167 }168 });169 }170171 function indexOf(templateArr, id) {172 for (var i = 0; i < templateArr.length; i++) {173 if (templateArr[i].id === id) {174 return i;175 }176 }177 return -1;178 }179180 return proTpl; ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var tplRow = ngMocks.get('tplRow');2var tplRow2 = ngMocks.get('tplRow2');3var tplRow3 = ngMocks.get('tplRow3');4var tplRow4 = ngMocks.get('tplRow4');5var tplRow5 = ngMocks.get('tplRow5');6var tplRow6 = ngMocks.get('tplRow6');7var tplRow7 = ngMocks.get('tplRow7');8var tplRow8 = ngMocks.get('tplRow8');9var tplRow9 = ngMocks.get('tplRow9');10var tplRow10 = ngMocks.get('tplRow10');11var tplRow11 = ngMocks.get('tplRow11');12var tplRow12 = ngMocks.get('tplRow12');13var tplRow13 = ngMocks.get('tplRow13');14var tplRow14 = ngMocks.get('tplRow14');15var tplRow15 = ngMocks.get('tplRow15');16var tplRow16 = ngMocks.get('tplRow16');17var tplRow17 = ngMocks.get('tplRow17');18var tplRow18 = ngMocks.get('tplRow18');19var tplRow19 = ngMocks.get('tplRow19');20var tplRow20 = ngMocks.get('tplRow20');21var tplRow21 = ngMocks.get('tplRow21');22var tplRow22 = ngMocks.get('tplRow22');23var tplRow23 = ngMocks.get('tplRow23');24var tplRow24 = ngMocks.get('tplRow24');25var tplRow25 = ngMocks.get('tplRow25');26var tplRow = ngMocks.get('tplRow');27var tplRow2 = ngMocks.get('tplRow2');28var tplRow3 = ngMocks.get('tplRow3');29var tplRow4 = ngMocks.get('tplRow4');30var tplRow5 = ngMocks.get('tplRow5');31var tplRow6 = ngMocks.get('tplRow6');32var tplRow7 = ngMocks.get('tplRow7');33var tplRow8 = ngMocks.get('tplRow8');34var tplRow9 = ngMocks.get('tplRow9');35var tplRow10 = ngMocks.get('tplRow10');36var tplRow11 = ngMocks.get('tplRow11');37var tplRow12 = ngMocks.get('tplRow12');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplRow } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should work', () => {5 const fixture = tplRow(MyComponent);6 fixture.detectChanges();7 expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML).toContain('Hello World');8 });9});10import { Component } from '@angular/​core';11@Component({12})13export class MyComponent {}14import { tplRow } from 'ng-mocks';15import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';16describe('MyComponent', () => {17 it('should work', () => {18 const fixture = tplRow(MyComponent);19 fixture.detectChanges();20 expect(fixture.nativeElement.innerHTML).toContain('Hello World');21 });22});23div {24 color: red;25}26div {27 color: red;28}29div {30 color: red;31}32div {33 color: red;34}35div {36 color: red;37}38div {39 color: red;40}41div {42 color: red;43}44div {45 color: red;46}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Your name to display (optional):2Your name to display (optional):3import { tplRow, tplCol } from './​test.js';4Your name to display (optional):5import { tplRow, tplCol } from './​test.js';6Your name to display (optional):7import { tplRow, tplCol } from './​test.js';8Your name to display (optional):

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplRow } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('test', () => {3 it('should work', () => {4 const row = tplRow(fixture.debugElement, 0);5 });6});7import { tplRow } from 'ng-mocks';8describe('test', () => {9 it('should work', () => {10 const row = tplRow(fixture.debugElement, 0);11 });12});13import { tplRow } from 'ng-mocks';14declare module 'ng-mocks' {15 export function tplRow(16 ): DebugElement;17}18import { tplRow } from 'ng-mocks';19describe('test', () => {20 it('should work', () => {21 const row = tplRow(fixture.debugElement, 0);22 });23});24import { tplRow } from 'ng-mocks';25describe('test', () => {26 it('should work', () => {27 const row = tplRow(fixture.debugElement, 0);28 });29});30import { tplRow } from 'ng-mocks';31describe('test', () => {32 it('should work', () => {33 const row = tplRow(fixture.debugElement, 0);34 });35});36import { tplRow } from 'ng-mocks';37declare module 'ng-mocks' {38 export function tplRow(39 ): DebugElement;40}41import { tplRow } from 'ng-mocks';42describe('test',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import tplRow from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl-row';2import tpl from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl';3const fixture = tplRow(tpl, {4 data: {5 },6 imports: [CommonModule],7});8import tplRow from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl-row';9import tpl from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl';10const fixture = tplRow(tpl, {11 data: {12 },13 imports: [CommonModule],14});15import tplRow from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl-row';16import tpl from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl';17const fixture = tplRow(tpl, {18 data: {19 },20 imports: [CommonModule],21});22import tplRow from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl-row';23import tpl from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl';24const fixture = tplRow(tpl, {25 data: {26 },27 imports: [CommonModule],28});29import tplRow from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl-row';30import tpl from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl';31const fixture = tplRow(tpl, {32 data: {33 },34 imports: [CommonModule],35});36import tplRow from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl-row';37import tpl from 'ng-mocks/​dist/​lib/​tpl';38const fixture = tplRow(tpl, {39 data: {40 },41 imports: [CommonModule],42});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var tpl = tplRow('myTable', 1);2expect(tpl).toEqual('<tr ng-repeat="row in myTable">');3var tpl = tplDirective('myDirective', { myAttr: 'myValue' });4expect(tpl).toEqual('<div my-directive="myValue"></​div>');5var tpl = tplComponent('myComponent', { myAttr: 'myValue' });6expect(tpl).toEqual('<my-component my-attr="myValue"></​my-component>');7var tpl = tplComponent('myComponent', { myAttr: 'myValue' }, 'myContent');8expect(tpl).toEqual('<my-component my-attr="myValue">myContent</​my-component>');9var tpl = tplComponent('myComponent', { myAttr: 'myValue' }, 'myContent', 'myCustomTemplate.html');10expect(tpl).toEqual('<my-component my-attr="myValue">myContent</​my-component>');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplRow } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('Test', () => {3 beforeEach(() => {4 TestBed.configureTestingModule({5 imports: [MyModule],6 });7 });8 it('should render', () => {9 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);10 fixture.detectChanges();11 expect(tpl

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