How to use tplInput method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source:field.js Github


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1/​* This file is part of Indico.2 * Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).3 *4 * Indico is free software; you can redistribute it and/​or5 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as6 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the7 * License, or (at your option) any later version.8 *9 * Indico is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but10 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of11 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU12 * General Public License for more details.13 *14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License15 * along with Indico; if not, see <http:/​/​​licenses/​>.16 */​17ndRegForm.controller('FieldCtrl', function($scope, regFormFactory) {18 $scope.fieldApi = {};19 var getRequestParams = function(field) {20 return {21 confId: $scope.confId,22 sectionId: $,23 fieldId: field.id24 };25 };26 $scope.fieldApi.disableField = function(field) {27 regFormFactory.Fields.disable(getRequestParams(field), function(updatedField) {28 regFormFactory.processResponse(updatedField, {29 success: function(updatedField) {30 var index = -1;31 _.find($scope.section.items, function(item) {32 index++;33 return == $;34 });35 $scope.field.disabled = updatedField.disabled;36 $scope.section.items.splice(index, 1);37 $scope.section.items.push($scope.field);38 }39 });40 });41 };42 $scope.fieldApi.enableField = function(field) {43 regFormFactory.Fields.enable(getRequestParams(field), function(updatedField) {44 regFormFactory.processResponse(updatedField, {45 success: function(updatedField) {46 var index = -1;47 _.find($scope.section.items, function(item) {48 index++;49 return == $;50 });51 $scope.field.disabled = updatedField.disabled;52 $scope.section.items.splice(index, 1);53 $scope.section.items.push($scope.field);54 }55 });56 });57 };58 $scope.fieldApi.removeField = function(field) {59 $scope.sectionApi.removeField($scope.section, field);60 };61 $scope.fieldApi.updateField = function(field, data) {62 var postData = getRequestParams(field);63 postData = angular.extend(postData, {fieldData: data});64 if ($scope.isNew()) {65 delete postData['fieldId'];66 }67, function(response) {68 regFormFactory.processResponse(response, {69 success: function(response) {70 $scope.field = angular.extend($scope.field, response);71 }72 });73 });74 };75 $scope.getName = function(input) {76 if (input == 'date') {77 return '_genfield_' + $ + '_' + $ + '_';78 } else {79 return '*genfield*' + $ + '-' + $;80 }81 };82 $scope.openFieldSettings = function() {83 $ = true;84 };85 $scope.canBeDeleted = function(field) {86 return field.lock? field.lock.indexOf('delete') == -1 : false;87 };88 $scope.canBeDisabled = function(field) {89 return field.lock? field.lock.indexOf('disable') == -1 : false;90 };91 $scope.isNew = function() {92 return $ == -1;93 };94 $scope.settings = {95 billable: false,96 date: false,97 defaultValue: false,98 singleColumn: false,99 itemtable: false,100 mandatory: true,101 number: false,102 placesLimit: false,103 rowsAndColumns: false,104 size: false,105 formData: [106 'caption',107 'description',108 'mandatory'109 ]110 };111 $scope.dialog = {112 open: false,113 title: function() {114 return $scope.isNew()? $T('New Field') : $T('Edit Field');115 },116 okButton: function() {117 return $scope.isNew()? $T('Add') : $T('Update');118 },119 onOk: function(dialogScope) {120 if (dialogScope.optionsForm.$invalid === true) {121 dialogScope.$apply(dialogScope.setSelectedTab('tab-options'));122 return false;123 }124 if ($scope.settings.itemtable && !dialogScope.hasRadioItems()) {125 dialogScope.$apply(dialogScope.setSelectedTab('tab-editItems'));126 return false;127 }128 $scope.fieldApi.updateField($scope.field, dialogScope.formData);129 return true;130 },131 onCancel: function() {132 if ($scope.isNew()) {133 $scope.sectionApi.removeNewField();134 }135 }136 };137 $scope.fieldName = $scope.getName($scope.field.input);138});139ndRegForm.controller('BillableCtrl', function($scope, $filter) {140 $scope.getBillableStr = function(item, userValue, type) {141 var str = '';142 if ($scope.isBillable(item)) {143 str += ' {0} {1}'.format(item.price, $scope.currency);144 }145 if ($scope.hasPlacesLimit(item)) {146 if ($scope.hasPlacesLeft(item, userValue, type)) {147 str += ' [{0} {1}]'.format($scope.getNoPlacesLeft(item, userValue, type), $filter('i18n')('place(s) left'));148 } else {149 str += ' [{0}]'.format($filter('i18n')('no places left'));150 }151 }152 return str;153 };154 $scope.isBillable = function(item) {155 item = item || {};156 return item.billable || item.isBillable;157 };158 $scope.isDisabled = function(item, userValue, type) {159 item = item || {};160 return (item.disabled === true || item.isEnabled === false) ||161 !$scope.hasPlacesLeft(item, userValue, type) || item.cancelled === true;162 };163 $scope.hasPlacesLeft = function(item, userValue, type) {164 item = item || {};165 if (!$scope.hasPlacesLimit(item)) {166 return true;167 } else {168 return $scope.getNoPlacesLeft(item, userValue, type) > 0;169 }170 };171 $scope.hasPlacesLimit = function(item) {172 item = item || {};173 if (item.placesLimit !== undefined) {174 return item.placesLimit !== 0;175 }176 return false;177 };178 $scope.paymentBlocked = function(item, userdata, validation) {179 item = item || {};180 userdata = userdata || {};181 if (validation !== undefined) {182 return ($scope.isBillable(item) && userdata.paid) || validation(userdata);183 } else {184 return $scope.isBillable(item) && userdata.paid;185 }186 };187 $scope.getNoPlacesLeft = function(item, userValue, type) {188 var noPlaces = item.noPlacesLeft;189 if(type === 'checkbox' && userValue === 'yes'){190 noPlaces += 1;191 } else if (type === 'radio' && item.caption === userValue) {192 noPlaces += 1;193 } else if (type === 'accomodation' && === userValue) {194 noPlaces += 1;195 } else if (type === 'socialEvent') {196 noPlaces += userValue;197 }198 return noPlaces;199 };200});201ndRegForm.directive('ndField', function($rootScope, url, regFormFactory) {202 return {203 restrict: 'E',204 replace: true,205 templateUrl: url.tpl('field.tpl.html'),206 controller: 'FieldCtrl',207 link: function(scope) {208 /​/​ This is a broadcast message from parent (section) scope209 /​/​ TODO look for broadcast messages to children the angular way210 scope.$parent.$watch('dialogs.newfield', function(val) {211 if (val && scope.isNew()) {212 = true;213 scope.$parent.dialogs.newfield = false;214 }215 });216 }217 };218});219ndRegForm.directive('ndCheckboxField', function(url) {220 return {221 require: 'ndField',222 controller: function($scope) {223 $scope.tplInput = url.tpl('fields/​checkbox.tpl.html');224 },225 link: function(scope) {226 scope.checkboxValue = false;227 scope.settings.fieldName = $T("Multiple choices/​checkbox");228 scope.settings.billable = true;229 scope.settings.singleColumn = true;230 scope.settings.placesLimit = true;231 scope.settings.formData.push('billable');232 scope.settings.formData.push('price');233 scope.settings.formData.push('placesLimit');234 scope.$watch('userdata[fieldName]', function() {235 scope.checkboxValue = scope.userdata[scope.fieldName] === 'yes';236 });237 }238 };239});240ndRegForm.directive('ndCountryField', function(url) {241 return {242 require: 'ndField',243 controller: function($scope) {244 $scope.tplInput = url.tpl('fields/​country.tpl.html');245 },246 link: function(scope) {247 scope.settings.fieldName = $T("Country");248 }249 };250});251ndRegForm.directive('ndDateField', function(url) {252 return {253 require: 'ndField',254 controller: function($scope) {255 $scope.tplInput = url.tpl('fields/​date.tpl.html');256 },257 link: function(scope) {258 scope.settings.fieldName = $T("Date");259 = true;260 scope.settings.formData.push(['values', 'displayFormats']);261 scope.settings.formData.push(['values', 'dateFormat']);262 scope.dateInputs = [263 '{0}Day'.format(scope.getName(scope.field.input)),264 '{0}Month'.format(scope.getName(scope.field.input)),265 '{0}Year'.format(scope.getName(scope.field.input)),266 '{0}Hour'.format(scope.getName(scope.field.input)),267 '{0}Min'.format(scope.getName(scope.field.input))268 ];269 scope.showTime = function(str) {270 return str? str.match('H') !== null : false;271 };272 }273 };274});275ndRegForm.directive('ndFileField', function(url) {276 return {277 require: 'ndField',278 controller: function($scope) {279 $scope.tplInput = url.tpl('fields/​file.tpl.html');280 },281 link: function(scope) {282 scope.settings.fieldName = $T("File");283 scope.removeAttachment = function() {284 delete scope.userdata[scope.getName(scope.field.input)];285 };286 }287 };288});289ndRegForm.directive('ndLabelField', function(url) {290 return {291 require: 'ndField',292 controller: function($scope) {293 $scope.tplInput = url.tpl('fields/​label.tpl.html');294 },295 link: function(scope) {296 scope.settings.fieldName = $T("Free Text");297 scope.settings.singleColumn = true;298 scope.settings.billable = true;299 scope.settings.mandatory = false;300 scope.settings.formData.push('billable');301 scope.settings.formData.push('price');302 }303 };304});305ndRegForm.directive('ndNumberField', function(url) {306 return {307 require: 'ndField',308 controller: function($scope) {309 $scope.tplInput = url.tpl('fields/​number.tpl.html');310 },311 link: function(scope) {312 scope.settings.fieldName = $T("Number");313 scope.settings.billable = true;314 scope.settings.number = true;315 scope.settings.formData.push('billable');316 scope.settings.formData.push('price');317 scope.settings.formData.push(['values', 'minValue']);318 scope.settings.formData.push(['values', 'length']);319 scope.updateSubtotal = function() {320 var value = scope.userdata[scope.fieldName];321 if ((isNaN(parseInt(value, 10)) || parseInt(value, 10) < 0)) {322 scope.subtotal = 0;323 } else {324 scope.subtotal = parseInt(value, 10) * parseInt(scope.field.price, 10);325 }326 };327 scope.$watch('userdata[fieldName]', function() {328 scope.updateSubtotal();329 });330 }331 };332});333ndRegForm.directive('ndRadioField', function(url) {334 return {335 require: 'ndField',336 controller: function($scope) {337 $scope.tplInput = url.tpl('fields/​radio.tpl.html');338 },339 link: function(scope) {340 scope.settings.fieldName = $T("Multiple options/​One choice");341 scope.settings.defaultValue = true;342 scope.settings.itemtable = true;343 /​/​ keep track of the selected radio item344 scope.radioValue = {};345 scope.$watch('userdata[fieldName]', function(){346 scope.radioValue['id'] = scope.getId(scope.getValue(scope.fieldName));347 });348 scope.getInputTpl = function(inputType) {349 return url.tpl('fields/​{0}.tpl.html'.format(inputType));350 };351 scope.anyBillableItemPayed = function(userdata) {352 if (userdata.paid) {353 var item = _.find(scope.field.values.radioitems, function(item) {354 return item.caption == userdata[scope.getName(scope.field.input)];355 }) || {};356 return item.isBillable && item.price !== '' && item.price !== 0;357 }358 return false;359 };360 scope.getId = function(fieldValue) {361 var id;362 if (fieldValue !== undefined) {363 var item = _.find(scope.field.values.radioitems, function(item) {364 return item.caption == fieldValue;365 });366 if (item !== undefined) {367 id =;368 }369 }370 return id;371 };372 scope.getValue = function(fieldName) {373 if (!scope.userdata[fieldName] || scope.userdata[fieldName] === '') {374 return scope.field.values.defaultItem;375 } else {376 return scope.userdata[fieldName];377 }378 };379 scope.getSelectedItem = function(itemId) {380 return _.find(scope.field.values.radioitems, function(item) {381 return == itemId;382 });383 };384 scope.settings.formData.push(['values', 'defaultItem']);385 scope.settings.formData.push(['values', 'inputType']);386 scope.settings.editionTable = {387 sortable: false,388 actions: ['remove', 'sortable'],389 colNames:[390 $T("Caption"),391 $T("Billable"),392 $T("Price"),393 $T("Places limit"),394 $T("Enabled")],395 colModel: [396 {name:'caption',397 index:'caption',398 align: 'center',399 width:160,400 editable: true,401 edittype: "text",402 editoptions: {403 size: "30",404 maxlength: "50"}},405 {name:'billable',406 index:'isBillable',407 width: 60,408 editable: true,409 align: 'center',410 defaultVal: false,411 edittype: 'bool_select'},412 {name: 'price',413 index: 'price',414 align: 'center',415 width: 50,416 editable: true,417 edittype: "text",418 editoptions: {419 size: "7",420 maxlength: "20"}},421 {name: 'placesLimit',422 index: 'placesLimit',423 align: 'center',424 width: 80,425 editable: true,426 edittype: "text",427 editoptions: {428 size: "7",429 maxlength: "20"}},430 {name: 'isEnabled',431 index: 'isEnabled',432 width: 60,433 editable: true,434 align: 'center',435 edittype: 'bool_select',436 defaultVal: true}437 ]438 };439 }440 };441});442ndRegForm.directive('ndTelephoneField', function(url) {443 return {444 require: 'ndField',445 controller: function($scope) {446 $scope.tplInput = url.tpl('fields/​telephone.tpl.html');447 },448 link: function(scope) {449 scope.settings.fieldName = $T("Telephone");450 scope.settings.formData.push(['values', 'length']);451 }452 };453});454ndRegForm.directive('ndTextField', function(url) {455 return {456 require: 'ndField',457 controller: function($scope) {458 $scope.tplInput = url.tpl('fields/​text.tpl.html');459 },460 link: function(scope) {461 scope.settings.fieldName = $T("Text");462 scope.settings.size = true;463 scope.settings.formData.push(['values', 'length']);464 }465 };466});467ndRegForm.directive('ndTextareaField', function(url) {468 return {469 require: 'ndField',470 controller: function($scope) {471 $scope.tplInput = url.tpl('fields/​textarea.tpl.html');472 },473 link: function(scope) {474 scope.settings.fieldName = $T("Textarea");475 scope.settings.rowsAndColumns = true;476 scope.settings.formData.push(['values', 'numberOfColumns']);477 scope.settings.formData.push(['values', 'numberOfRows']);478 }479 };480});481ndRegForm.directive('ndYesnoField', function(url) {482 return {483 require: 'ndField',484 controller: function($scope) {485 $scope.tplInput = url.tpl('fields/​yesno.tpl.html');486 },487 link: function(scope) {488 scope.settings.fieldName = $T("Yes/​No");489 scope.settings.billable = true;490 scope.settings.placesLimit = true;491 scope.settings.formData.push('billable');492 scope.settings.formData.push('price');493 scope.settings.formData.push('placesLimit');494 }495 };496});497ndRegForm.directive('ndFieldDialog', function(url) {498 return {499 require: 'ndDialog',500 controller: function($scope) {501 $scope.templateUrl = url.tpl('fields/​dialogs/​base.tpl.html');502 $scope.actions.init = function() {503 $scope.field = $;504 $scope.settings = $scope.config;505 $scope.formData = {};506 $scope.formData.radioitems = [];507 $scope.formData.input = $scope.field.input;508 $scope.formData.disabled = $scope.field.disabled;509 _.each($scope.settings.formData, function(item) {510 if (Array.isArray(item) && $scope.field[item[0]] !== undefined) {511 $scope.formData[item[1]] = angular.copy($scope.field[item[0]][item[1]]);512 } else {513 $scope.formData[item] = angular.copy($scope.field[item]);514 }515 });516 _.each($scope.field.values.radioitems, function(item, ind) {517 $scope.formData.radioitems[ind] = angular.copy(item);518 });519 $scope.tabSelected = "tab-options";520 $scope.parsePrice();521 };522 $scope.parsePrice = function() {523 if ($scope.formData.price !== undefined) {524 $scope.formData.price = parseFloat($scope.formData.price);525 if (isNaN($scope.formData.price)) {526 $scope.formData.price = "";527 }528 }529 };530 $scope.addItem = function() {531 $scope.formData.radioitems.push({532 id:'isNew',533 placesLimit: 0,534 price: 0,535 isEnabled: true,536 isBillable: false537 });538 };539 $scope.sortItems = function() {540 $scope.formData.radioitems = _.sortBy($scope.formData.radioitems, function(radioitem) {541 return radioitem.caption.toLowerCase();542 });543 };544 },545 link: function(scope) {546 scope.getTpl = function(file) {547 return url.tpl(file);548 };549 scope.hasRadioItems = function () {550 return _.any(scope.formData.radioitems, function(item) {551 return item.remove !== true;552 });553 };554 }555 };...

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Source:radius_config.js Github


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1$( document ).on('GlangLoaded',function() {2 3 function addRadiusProfile( id, desc ) {4 5 $('#radius-groups').append('<h3 id="radius-groups-'+id+'">'+id+'<div class="iconbar"></​div></​h3>');6 7 var tplAddField = $('#tpl-add-field').clone( true ).attr('id',null);8 $('#radius-groups').append(tplAddField);9 createOptionAddField(tplAddField);10 addInput(tplAddField, 'description', [desc], { 'label': Glang.get('description'), 'buttons': { 'cancel': clearInput } });11 12 };13 14 function createOptionAddField( target ) {15 var sel = $(target).find('.add-field select');16 var opts = $(target).data().schema.may;17 for (var i in opts) {18 $(sel).append('<option value="'+opts[i]+'">'+opts[i]+'</​option>');19 }20 $(sel).change(changedAddField);21 };22 23 function initAddField( id, opt_name, value ) {24 var grp = $('#radius-groups-'+id);25 var opt = $(grp).next().find('select option[value='+opt_name+']').first();26 if ( $(opt).length > 0 && $(opt).css('display') != 'none' ) {27 $(opt).css('display','none');28 addInput( $(grp).next(), opt_name, value, makeOpts( opt_name ));29 }30 };31 32 function changedAddField() {33 if ( $(this).val().length > 0 ) {34 addInput( $(this).parents('.ui-accordion-content').first(), $(this).val(), [''], makeOpts( $(this).val() ));35 $(this).find('option:selected').css('display','none');36 $(this).val('')37 $('#radius-groups').accordion('refresh');38 }39 };40 41 function makeOpts( name ) {42 var schema = $('#tpl-add-field').data().schema;43 var opts = { 'buttons': { 'cancel': clearInput, 'trash': removeInput} };44 var attr = schema.attr_dict[name];45 if ( attr != undefined ) {46 if ( !attr['single-value'] ) = addInputField;47 opts.syntax = attr.syntax;48 } 49 if ( name == 'radiusGroupName' ) {50 opts.type = 'select';51 opts.label = Glang.get('admin group');52 opts.adm_groups = schema.adm_groups;53 }54 return opts;55 };56 57 function clearInput() {58 $(this).parents('.hline').find('input').val('');59 $(this).parents('.hline').find('select').val('');60 };61 62 function removeInput() {63 var name = $(this).parents('.hline').first().find('label').first().data().value;64 $(this).parents('.ui-accordion-content').first().find('select option[value='+name+']').css('display','');65 $(this).parents('.hline').remove();66 $('#radius-groups').accordion('refresh');67 };68 69 function addInput( target, name, value, opts ) {70 var id = $(target).prev().attr('id').replace(/​^radius-groups-/​,'');71 var tplType = opts.type? opts.type : 'input';72 var tplInput = $('#tpl-'+tplType).clone().attr('id',null);73 $(tplInput).find('label').html((opts.label)?opts.label:name).data({'value':name});74 for (var i in value) {75 var tplBox = $('#tpl-input-box').clone(true).attr('id',null);76 var objInput = null;77 if ( tplType == 'select' ) {78 objInput = $('<select>');79 $(objInput).append($('<option>').val("").html(Glang.get('Select value')));80 for ( var gid in opts.adm_groups ) $(objInput).append($('<option>').val(gid).html(opts.adm_groups[gid]));81 $(objInput).val("");82 } else objInput = $('<input type="text" placeholder="'+Glang.get('Required value')+'">');83 $(objInput).addClass('transparent').attr('name','profiles['+id+']['+name+'][]').val(value[i]);84 $(tplInput).find('div.input-right').append($(tplBox).append(objInput));85 }86 testShowInputField( tplInput );87 if ( opts.buttons )88 for ( var btn in opts.buttons )89 $(tplInput).find('.iconbar').append( $('<button></​button>').button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-'+btn } }).click(opts.buttons[btn]));90 $(target).find('.input-grp').append(tplInput);91 };92 93 function updateTips( t ) {94 $('#tpl-dialog-add .err-msg').find('label').html( t )95 $('#tpl-dialog-add .err-msg').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 500);96 setTimeout(function() { $('#tpl-dialog-add .err-msg').animate({opacity: 0}, 1000 ); }, 3000 );97 };98 99 function addMessage( target, msg, type, prefix ) {100 if ( typeof msg === 'object' ) {101 for ( var i in msg ) addMessage( target, msg[i], type, ((!i.match(/​^[0-9]+$/​))||prefix)? ((prefix?prefix+': ':'')+((!i.match(/​^[0-9]+$/​))?i:'')) : undefined );102 } else {103 $(target).append(104 $('<div>').addClass('hline bmargin ui-state-'+type+' ui-corner-all').append(105 $('<label>').addClass('cell').html((prefix?prefix+': ':'')+msg+'.')));106 }107 };108 109 function checkInUse( o, n ) {110 if ( $('#radius-groups-'+(o.find('input').val().trim())).length > 0 ) {111 o.addClass( "ui-state-error" );112 updateTips( n );113 return false;114 }115 return true;116 };117 118 function checkLength( o, min, max, n ) {119 if ( o.find('input').val().trim().length > max || o.find('input').val().trim().length < min ) {120 o.addClass( "ui-state-error" );121 updateTips( n );122 return false;123 }124 return true;125 };126 127 function checkRegexp( o, expr, n ) {128 o.removeClass( "ui-state-error" );129 if ( !( expr.test( o.find('input').val().trim() ) ) ) {130 o.addClass( "ui-state-error" );131 updateTips( n );132 return false;133 }134 return true;135 };136 137 function checkInput( target, flags ) {138 var tplInput = $('#tpl-input').clone().attr('id',null);139 $(tplInput).find('label').html(name);140 $(tplInput).find('input').val(value).attr('name','profiles['+id+']['+name+']');141 $(target).find('.input-grp').append(tplInput);142 };143 144 function addInputField() {145 var tplInput = $(this).parents('div.hline:first').find('div.input-right');146 var newInput = $(tplInput).find('div.input-box:first').clone(true);147 $(newInput).find('button').next().val(null);148 $(tplInput).append(newInput);149 testShowInputField( tplInput );150 $('#radius-groups').accordion('refresh');151 };152 153 function remInputField() {154 var tplInput = $(this).parents('div.input-right:first');155 $(this).parent().remove();156 testShowInputField( tplInput );157 $('#radius-groups').accordion('refresh');158 };159 160 function testShowInputField( tplInput ) {161 var arrButtons = $(tplInput).find('.input-box button');162 if ( $(arrButtons).length > 1) $(arrButtons).parent().addClass('show');163 else $(arrButtons).parent().removeClass('show');164 };165 166 $('#tpl-input-box').find('button').button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-minus' } }).click(remInputField);167 168 $.post( '/​index.php?menuaction=expressoAdmin1_2.uiradius.config' )169 .done(function( response, message ) {170 171 $('#tpl-add-field').data({'schema':response.schema});172 173 if ( response && response.profiles ) {174 for ( var id in response.profiles ) {175 addRadiusProfile(id,response.profiles[id].description);176 for ( var field in response.profiles[id] )177 initAddField(id,field,response.profiles[id][field]);178 }179 }180 $('#radius-groups').accordion({ collapsible: true, active: false }).show(400).accordion('refresh');181 182 }).fail(function( response ) {183 184 var message = response? (( response.responseJSON && response.responseJSON.message)? response.responseJSON.message : response.statusText ) : Glang.get('unknown');185 alert( Glang.get('Error requesting page')+': '+message+' ('+response.status+')' );186 187 }).always(function() {188 189 $('form.ajax').submit(function( event ) {190 if ( $(this).data('inputHandlerEvent') == 'save' ) {191 192 $('#tpl-dialog-save').dialog( "open" );193 194 var data = $(this).serialize();195 $.post( '/​index.php?', data )196 .done(function( response, message ) {197 198 $('#tpl-dialog-save').data({status:'success'});199 if ( response ) addMessage( $('#tpl-dialog-save'), response, 'highlight' );200 201 }).fail(function( response, h, x, y ) {202 203 $('#tpl-dialog-save').data({status:'error'});204 addMessage( $('#tpl-dialog-save'), response? (( response.responseJSON )? response.responseJSON : response.statusText ) : Glang.get('unknown'), 'error' ); 205 206 }).always(function() {207 var top = $('#tpl-dialog-save').parents('.ui-dialog');208 $(top).find('.loadgif').hide();209 $(top).find('.ui-dialog-buttonset button').prop('disabled', false).removeClass("ui-state-disabled");210 });211 } else if ( $(this).data('inputHandlerEvent') == 'cancel' ) {212 213 window.location = '/​admin/​index.php';214 215 }216 $(this).data({'inputHandlerEvent': 'none'});217 event.preventDefault();218 }).find('input[type=submit]').prop('disabled', false).button().click(function() {219 220 $('form.ajax').data({'inputHandlerEvent':});221 222 });223 224 $('#tpl-dialog-save').dialog({225 width: 500,226 position: 'center',227 modal: true,228 autoOpen: false,229 draggable: false,230 resizable: false,231 closeOnEscape: false,232 open: function(event) {233 var top = $(this).parents('.ui-dialog');234 $(top).find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').hide();235 $(top).find('.loadgif').show();236 $(top).find('.ui-dialog-buttonset button').prop('disabled', true).addClass("ui-state-disabled");237 },238 close: function(event) {239 if ($(this).data().status == 'success' ) window.location = '/​admin/​index.php';240 else $(this).html('');241 },242 buttons: [243 {244 text: Glang.get('Close'),245 click: function() {246 $( this ).dialog( "close" );247 }248 }249 ]250 }).parents('.ui-dialog').find('.ui-dialog-titlebar').append('<img class="loadgif" src="./​prototype/​plugins/​messenger/​images/​ajax-loader.gif">');251 252 $('#tpl-dialog-add').dialog({253 autoOpen: false,254 width: 500,255 draggable: false,256 resizable: false,257 position: 'center',258 modal: true,259 buttons: [ 260 {261 text: Glang.get('Add'),262 click: function() {263 var bValid = true;264 $('#tpl-dialog-add input[type=text]').parents('.ui-state-error').removeClass( "ui-state-error" );265 bValid = bValid && checkLength( $('#input-profile-name'), 1, 32, Glang.get('The name length must be between 1 and 32 characters')+'.' );266 bValid = bValid && checkRegexp( $('#input-profile-name'), /​^[a-zA-Z]([0-9a-zA-Z\-_])*$/​, Glang.get('The name must begin with a letter, without spaces')+'.' );267 bValid = bValid && checkInUse( $('#input-profile-name'), Glang.get('This name is in use')+'.' );268 bValid = bValid && checkLength( $('#input-profile-desc'), 1, 1024, Glang.get('Description must be non empty')+'.' );269 bValid = bValid && checkRegexp( $('#input-profile-desc'), /​^[\w\d ÀÁÂÃÄÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜàáâãäçèéêëìíîïòóôõöùúûü]+$/​i, Glang.get('Description has an invalid character')+'.' );270 if ( bValid ) {271 addRadiusProfile($('#input-profile-name').find('input').val().trim(),$('#input-profile-desc').find('input').val().trim());272 $('#radius-groups').accordion('refresh');273 $( this ).dialog( "close" );274 }275 }276 }277 ],278 close: function() {279 $('#tpl-dialog-add input[type=text]').val( "" ).parents('.ui-state-error').removeClass( "ui-state-error" );280 }281 });282 283 $('input[name=addProfileButton]').click(function() {284 $('#tpl-dialog-add').dialog( "open" );285 }).prop('disabled', false).button();286 287 $('input[name=remProfileButton]').click(function() {288 $(this).parents('.ui-accordion-content').prev().remove();289 $(this).parents('.ui-accordion-content').remove();290 }).button();291 292 $('#radius-groups').parents('.ui-dialog:first').find('.loadgif').hide();293 });294 ...

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Source:flight-js-core.js Github


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1var scraperjs = require('scraperjs'),2 dateFormat = require('dateformat'),3 _ = require('lodash'),4 Promise = require('bluebird'),5 debug = require('debug')('flight-js-core');6function scrapeDate(options, modules) {7 debug('scrapeDate()');8 var promises = [],9 carrierCt = options.carrier.length,10 fOptions = _.extend({}, options, { date: new Date( });11 /​/​ scraperjs.DynamicScraper.startFactory();12 _.each(fOptions.carrier, function(name, i, col) {13 if(modules[name] == null) {14 debug('ERROR 1: Carrier "' + name + '" not found in module set; continuing');15 return;16 }17 var fModule = _.extend({}, modules[name], { carrier: name }, modules._common),18 promise = scrapeCarrier(fOptions, fModule);19 promises = _.concat(promises, promise);20 });21 /​/​ TODO rotate old output file to history folder22 /​/​ TODO write results to output file: carrier-date-from-to.csv; include timestamp and23 /​/​ other meta-data in first data row as a header24 /​/​ close phantomjs25 /​/​ scraperjs.DynamicScraper.closeFactory();26 return Promise.all(promises);27}28function scrapeCarrier(options, module) {29 debug('scrapeCarrier()');30 var promises = [];31 _.each(options.from, function(fromAirport, i, col) {32 var filterBy = _.extend({}, options, {33 from: fromAirport,34 date: dateFormat(, module.dateFormat)35 });36 /​/​ Unset special values37 delete filterBy.scraper;38 /​/​ Inject values39 var fOptions = _.extend({}, module, {40 uri: filter(module.url, filterBy),41 headers: filter(module.headers, filterBy),42 form: filter(module.form, filterBy)43 });44 var promise = scraperjs.StaticScraper.create().request(fOptions)45 .scrape(module.scraper)46 .then(function(feed) {47 debug('+++ Feed from %s: %s', options.carrier, feed);48 })49 .done(function() {50 debug('+++ Done');51 })52 .timeout(5000, function() {53 debug('!!! Timed out after 5s');54 })55 .catch(function(err) {56 debug("!!! Error", err);57 });58 promises = _.concat(promises, promise);59 });60 /​/​ debug('... scrapeCarrier promises: ', promises.length);61 return Promise.all(promises);62}63/​/​ Injects a string or an array with values from baseValues, optionally overridden64/​/​ with overrideValues.65function filter(tplInput, values) {66 var out = null;67 if(tplInput == null || tplInput == '') {68 debug('... empty, returning empty string');69 return '';70 }71 if(typeof tplInput == 'string') {72 out = filterString(tplInput, values);73 }74 else {75 out = JSON.parse(filterString(JSON.stringify(tplInput), values));76 }77 /​/​ debug('filterValues()', out);78 return out;79}80function filterString(input, values) {81 var out = input;82 _.each(values, function(value, key, col) {83 out = _.replace(out, '%' + key + '%', value);84 });85 /​/​ debug('filterString()', out);86 return out;87}88module.exports = {89 scrape: scrapeDate...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';3describe('TestComponent', () => {4 let component: TestComponent;5 beforeEach(() => {6 component = tplInput(TestComponent, {7 data: {8 }9 });10 });11 it('should create', () => {12 expect(component).toBeTruthy();13 });14});15import { Component, Input } from '@angular/​core';16@Component({17})18export class TestComponent {19 @Input() name: string;20 @Input() data: any;21}22import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';23import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';24describe('TestComponent', () => {25 let component: TestComponent;26 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;27 beforeEach(async(() => {28 TestBed.configureTestingModule({29 }).compileComponents();30 }));31 beforeEach(() => {32 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);33 component = fixture.componentInstance;34 fixture.detectChanges();35 });36 it('should create', () => {37 expect(component).toBeTruthy();38 });39});40import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';41import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';42describe('TestComponent', () => {43 let component: TestComponent;44 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;45 beforeEach(async(() => {46 TestBed.configureTestingModule({47 }).compileComponents();48 }));49 beforeEach(() => {50 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);51 component = fixture.componentInstance;52 fixture.detectChanges();53 });54 it('should create', () => {55 expect(component).toBeTruthy();56 });57});58import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';59import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';60describe('TestComponent', () => {61 let component: TestComponent;62 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;63 beforeEach(async(()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should work', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);6 const input = tplInput(fixture.debugElement, 'input');7 expect(input).toBeDefined();8 });9});10import { Component } from '@angular/​core';11@Component({12})13export class MyComponent {}14import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';15import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';16describe('MyComponent', () => {17 it('should work', () => {18 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);19 const input = tplInput(fixture.debugElement, 'input');20 expect(input).toBeDefined();21 });22});23import { Component } from '@angular/​core';24@Component({25})26export class MyComponent {}27import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';28import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';29describe('MyComponent', () => {30 it('should work', () => {31 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);32 const input = tplInput(fixture.debugElement, 'input');33 expect(input).toBeDefined();34 });35});36import { Component } from '@angular/​core';37@Component({38})39export class MyComponent {}40import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';41import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';42describe('MyComponent', () => {43 it('should work', () => {44 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);45 const input = tplInput(fixture.debug

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1import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should render', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);6 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;7 const input = tplInput(fixture.debugElement, 'input');8 expect(input).toBeDefined();9 expect(input.nativeElement.value).toEqual('test');10 });11});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';2@Component({3 template: '<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="test" /​>',4})5export class TestComponent {6 public test: string;7}8describe('TestComponent', () => {9 let component: TestComponent;10 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;11 beforeEach(async(() => {12 TestBed.configureTestingModule({13 }).compileComponents();14 }));15 beforeEach(() => {16 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);17 component = fixture.componentInstance;18 fixture.detectChanges();19 });20 it('should create', () => {21 expect(component).toBeTruthy();22 });23 it('should have test value', () => {24 tplInput(fixture.debugElement, 'test', 'test value');25 expect(component.test).toEqual('test value');26 });27});28import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';29@Component({30 template: '<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="test" /​>',31})32export class TestComponent {33 public test: string;34}35describe('TestComponent', () => {36 let component: TestComponent;37 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;38 beforeEach(async(() => {39 TestBed.configureTestingModule({40 }).compileComponents();41 }));42 beforeEach(() => {43 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);44 component = fixture.componentInstance;45 fixture.detectChanges();46 });47 it('should create', () => {48 expect(component).toBeTruthy();49 });50 it('should have test value', () => {51 tplInput(fixture.debugElement, 'test', 'test value');52 expect(component.test).toEqual('test value');53 });54});55import { Component } from '@angular/​core';56@Component({57 template: '<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="test" /​>',58})59export class TestComponent {60 public test: string;61}62import { ComponentFixture, TestBed, async } from '@angular/​core/​testing';63import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';64import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';65describe('Test

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';2const input = tplInput({3 template: '<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="name" /​>',4 context: {5 },6});7input.nativeElement.value = 'Johnny';8input.triggerEventHandler('input', {9});10import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';11const input = tplInput({12 template: '<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="name" /​>',13 context: {14 },15});16input.nativeElement.value = 'Johnny';17input.triggerEventHandler('input', {18});19import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';20const input = tplInput({21 template: '<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="name" /​>',22 context: {23 },24});25input.nativeElement.value = 'Johnny';26input.triggerEventHandler('input', {27});28import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';29const input = tplInput({30 template: '<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="name" /​>',31 context: {32 },33});34input.nativeElement.value = 'Johnny';35input.triggerEventHandler('input', {36});37import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';38const input = tplInput({39 template: '<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="name" /​>',40 context: {41 },42});43input.nativeElement.value = 'Johnny';44input.triggerEventHandler('input', {

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1import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';2const component = tplInput({ selector: 'input', value: 'test' });3expect(component.value).toEqual('test');4import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';5const component = tplInput({ selector: 'input', value: 'test' });6expect(component.value).toEqual('test');7import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';8const component = tplInput({ selector: 'input', value: 'test' });9expect(component.value).toEqual('test');10import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';11const component = tplInput({ selector: 'input', value: 'test' });12expect(component.value).toEqual('test');13import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';14const component = tplInput({ selector: 'input', value: 'test' });15expect(component.value).toEqual('test');16import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';17const component = tplInput({ selector: 'input', value: 'test' });18expect(component.value).toEqual('test');19import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';20const component = tplInput({ selector: 'input', value: 'test' });21expect(component.value).toEqual('test');22import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';23const component = tplInput({ selector: 'input', value: 'test' });24expect(component.value).toEqual('test');25import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';26const component = tplInput({ selector: 'input', value: 'test' });27expect(component.value).toEqual('test');28import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';2const fixture = MockRender(`3`);4tplInput(fixture, 'app-comp', 'input', 'value');5const input = tplInput(fixture, 'app-comp', 'input');6expect(input).toEqual('value');7import { tplOutput } from 'ng-mocks';8const fixture = MockRender(`9 <app-comp (output)="onOutput($event)"></​app-comp>10`);11tplOutput(fixture, 'app-comp', 'output', 'value');12const output = tplOutput(fixture, 'app-comp', 'output');13expect(output).toEqual('value');14import { tplChange } from 'ng-mocks';15const fixture = MockRender(`16`);17tplChange(fixture, 'app-comp', 'input', 'value');18const input = tplChange(fixture, 'app-comp', 'input');19expect(input).toEqual('value');20import { tplClick } from 'ng-mocks';21const fixture = MockRender(`22 <app-comp (click)="onClick($event)"></​app-comp>23`);24tplClick(fixture, 'app-comp');25const click = tplClick(fixture, 'app-comp');26expect(click).toEqual('value');27import { tplBlur } from 'ng-mocks';28const fixture = MockRender(`29 <app-comp (blur)="onBlur($event)"></​app-comp>30`);31tplBlur(fixture, 'app-comp');32const blur = tplBlur(fixture, 'app-comp');33expect(blur).toEqual('value');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplInput } from 'ng-mocks';2const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input');3const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input', 0);4const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input', 1);5const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input', 2);6const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input', 3);7const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input', 4);8const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input', 5);9const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input', 6);10const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input', 7);11const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input', 8);12const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input', 9);13const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input', 10);14const input = tplInput(fixture, 'input

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