How to use tplCell method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source:udt.js Github


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1function initPageUdt() 2{3 var jpage = $(this);4 var jfrm = jpage.find("form:first");5 var uploadPic;6 var pageId = jpage.attr("id");7 var name = pageId.split("__")[1];8 MUI.assert(name);9 var name1 = name + "Id"; /​/​ for storage10 var pageItf = window["PageUdt__" + name] = {11 pageId: pageId12 };13 pageItf.__proto__ = PageUdt;14 setPageTitle("加载" + name + "...");15 UDTGet(name, initPage);16 function setPageTitle(title) {17 jpage.find(".hd h1").html(title);18 MUI.setDocTitle(title);19 }20 function initPage(udt) {21 setPageTitle(udt.title);22 jfrm.attr("action", "U_" +;23 if (pageItf.formMode == null) {24 var id = MUI.getStorage(name1);25;26 }27 /​/​ create fields28 var tplCell = jpage.find("#tplCell").html();29 var tplCellSys = jpage.find("#tplCellSys").html();30 var jbtns = jpage.find("#divBtns");31 $.each(udt.fields, function (i, field) {32 var attr = {};33 if ( == null) {34 tpl = tplCellSys;35 }36 else if (checkPicField(, attr)) {37 if (attr.multiple) {38 tpl = jpage.find("#tplCellPic2").html();39 }40 else {41 tpl = jpage.find("#tplCellPic").html();42 }43 pageItf.hasPicField = true;44 }45 else {46 tpl = tplCell;47 }48 var je = $(MUI.applyTpl(tpl, field));49 if (field.type == "tm" || field.type == "date") {50 je.find("input").attr("placeholder", "格式: å¹´-月-日");51 }52 je.insertBefore(jbtns);53 });54 jpage.find("#btnReset").click(function () {55 MUI.delStorage(name1);56 MUI.reloadPage();57 });58 if (pageItf.hasPicField) {59 var dfd = loadUploadLib();60 dfd.then(initPage2);61 }62 else {63 initPage2();64 }65 }66 function initPage2() {67 if (pageItf.hasPicField) {68 uploadPic = new MUI.UploadPic(jpage);69 }70 MUI.initPageDetail(jpage, {71 pageItf: pageItf,72 onValidate: function (jf) {73 /​/​ 补足字段和验证字段,返回false则取消form提交。74 if (pageItf.formMode == FormMode.forSet) {75 }76 if (uploadPic) {77 var dfd = $.Deferred();78 uploadPic.submit().then(function () {79 dfd.resolve();80 });81 return dfd;82 }83 },84 onGet: function (data) {85 if (uploadPic) {86 uploadPic.reset();87 }88 },89 onAdd: function (id) {90 MUI.setStorage(name1, id);91 app_alert("添加成功, 编号为" + id + "!", MUI.reloadPage);92 },93 onSet: function (data) {94 var fn = history.back;95 app_alert("已更新!", fn);96 },97 onDel: function () {98 app_alert("已删除!");99 },100 onNoAction: function () {101 app_alert("已保存!");102 }103 });104 jpage.trigger("pagebeforeshow");105 }106 function checkPicField(name, attr) {107 if (name.match(/​(picId|pics)$/​i)) {108 attr.multiple = name.substr(-1) === 's';109 return true;110 }111 return false;112 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;2var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;3var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;4var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;5var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;6var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;7var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;8var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;9var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;10var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;11var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;12var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;13var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;14var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;15var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;16var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;17var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;18var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;19var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;20var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;21var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;22var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;23var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;24var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;25var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;26var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;27var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;28var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('MyComponent', () => {3 it('renders a cell', () => {4 const fixture = MockRender(`5 `);6 const cell = tplCell(fixture.debugElement, 'Column 1');7 expect(cell).toBeDefined();8 });9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';2const fixture = tplCell(`3`);4const component = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(AppComponent)).componentInstance;5expect(component).toBeDefined();6const fixture = tplCell(`7`, {imports: [AppModule]});8const component = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(AppComponent)).componentInstance;9expect(component).toBeDefined();10const fixture = tplCell(`11`, {imports: [AppModule], declarations: [AppComponent]});12const component = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(AppComponent)).componentInstance;13expect(component).toBeDefined();14const fixture = tplCell(`15`, {imports: [AppModule], declarations: [AppComponent]}, {inputs: {inputProperty: 'inputValue'}});16const component = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(AppComponent)).componentInstance;17expect(component.inputProperty).toBe('inputValue');18const fixture = tplCell(`19`, {imports: [AppModule], declarations: [AppComponent]}, {inputs: {inputProperty: 'inputValue'}}, {outputs: {outputProperty: (value: string) => {}}});20const component = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(AppComponent)).componentInstance;21expect(component.outputProperty).toBeDefined();22const fixture = tplCell(`23`, {imports: [AppModule], declarations: [AppComponent]}, {inputs: {inputProperty: 'inputValue'}}, {outputs: {outputProperty: (value: string) => {}}}, {providers: [AppService]});24const component = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(AppComponent)).componentInstance;25expect(component.appService).toBeDefined();26const fixture = tplCell(`

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';2const cell = tplCell('my-component', { id: 1 });3console.log(cell);4import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';5const cell = tplCell('my-component', { id: 1 });6console.log(cell);7import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';8const cell = tplCell('my-component', { id: 1 });9console.log(cell);10import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';11const cell = tplCell('my-component', { id: 1 });12console.log(cell);13import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';14const cell = tplCell('my-component', { id: 1 });15console.log(cell);16import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';17const cell = tplCell('my-component', { id: 1 });18console.log(cell);19import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';20const cell = tplCell('my-component', { id: 1 });21console.log(cell);22import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';23const cell = tplCell('my-component', { id: 1 });24console.log(cell);25import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';26const cell = tplCell('my-component', { id: 1 });27console.log(cell);28import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';29const cell = tplCell('my-component', { id: 1 });30console.log(cell);31import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';32const cell = tplCell('my-component', { id: 1

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('tplCell', () => {3 it('should render the cell template', () => {4 const cellTemplate = tplCell('mat-cell', 'Hello World!');5 expect(cellTemplate).toBe('<mat-cell>Hello World!</​mat-cell>');6 });7});8import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';9describe('tplCell', () => {10 it('should render the cell template', () => {11 const cellTemplate = tplCell('mat-cell', 'Hello World!');12 expect(cellTemplate).toBe('<mat-cell>Hello World!</​mat-cell>');13 });14});15import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';16describe('tplCell', () => {17 it('should render the cell template', () => {18 const cellTemplate = tplCell('mat-cell', 'Hello World!');19 expect(cellTemplate).toBe('<mat-cell>Hello World!</​mat-cell>');20 });21});22import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';23describe('tplCell', () => {24 it('should render the cell template', () => {25 const cellTemplate = tplCell('mat-cell', 'Hello World!');26 expect(cellTemplate).toBe('<mat-cell>Hello World!</​mat-cell>');27 });28});29import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';30describe('tplCell', () => {31 it('should render the cell template', () => {32 const cellTemplate = tplCell('mat-cell', 'Hello World!');33 expect(cellTemplate).toBe('<mat-cell>Hello World!</​mat-cell>');34 });35});36import { tplCell } from 'ng-mocks';37describe('tplCell', () => {38 it('should render the cell template', () => {39 const cellTemplate = tplCell('mat-cell', 'Hello World!');40 expect(cellTemplate).toBe('<mat-cell>Hello World!</​mat-cell>');41 });42});43import { tplCell } from '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;2var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell('myCell', 'myCell.html');3var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell('myCell', 'myCell.html', '<div></​div>');4var tplController = ngMocks.tplController;5var tplController = ngMocks.tplController('myCell', 'myCtrl');6var tplController = ngMocks.tplController('myCell', 'myCtrl', { $scope: scope });7var tplEvent = ngMocks.tplEvent;8var tplEvent = ngMocks.tplEvent('myCell', 'click');9var tplEvent = ngMocks.tplEvent('myCell', 'click', { $scope: scope });10var tplFlush = ngMocks.tplFlush;11var tplFlush = ngMocks.tplFlush('myCell');12var tplInput = ngMocks.tplInput;13var tplInput = ngMocks.tplInput('myCell', 'myInput');14var tplInput = ngMocks.tplInput('myCell', 'myInput', { $scope: scope });15var tplOutput = ngMocks.tplOutput;16var tplOutput = ngMocks.tplOutput('myCell', 'myOutput');17var tplOutput = ngMocks.tplOutput('myCell', 'myOutput', { $scope: scope });18var tplService = ngMocks.tplService;19var tplService = ngMocks.tplService('myCell', 'myService');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;2var tplCellRef = ngMocks.tplCell('my-component', { name: 'value' });3var tplCellRef = ngMocks.tplCell('my-component', { name: 'value' }, 'my-selector');4var tplDirective = ngMocks.tplDirective;5var tplDirectiveRef = ngMocks.tplDirective('my-component', { name: 'value' });6var tplDirectiveRef = ngMocks.tplDirective('my-component', { name: 'value' }, 'my-selector');7var tplOutlet = ngMocks.tplOutlet;8var tplOutletRef = ngMocks.tplOutlet('my-component', { name: 'value' });9var tplOutletRef = ngMocks.tplOutlet('my-component', { name: 'value' }, 'my-selector');10var tplPipe = ngMocks.tplPipe;11var tplPipeRef = ngMocks.tplPipe('my-pipe', { name: 'value' });12var tplPipeRef = ngMocks.tplPipe('my-pipe', { name: 'value' }, 'my-selector');13var tplResolver = ngMocks.tplResolver;14var tplResolverRef = ngMocks.tplResolver('my-component', { name: 'value' });15var tplResolverRef = ngMocks.tplResolver('my-component', { name: 'value' }, 'my-selector');16var tplService = ngMocks.tplService;17var tplServiceRef = ngMocks.tplService('my-component', { name: 'value' });18var tplServiceRef = ngMocks.tplService('my-component', { name: 'value' }, 'my-selector');19var tplCell = ngMocks.tplCell;20var tplCellRef = tplCell('my-component', { name: 'value' });21var tplCellRef = tplCell('my-component', { name: 'value' }, 'my-selector');22var tplDirective = ngMocks.tplDirective;23var tplDirectiveRef = tplDirective('my-component', { name: 'value' });24var tplDirectiveRef = tplDirective('my-component', { name

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