How to use testComponent method in ng-mocks

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Source:component.ts Github


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1import { component } from "../​dist/​esm/​index.js";2const { Component, bound, element, html, property, state } = component;3const assert = chai.assert;4describe("component", function () {5 describe("Component", function () {6 class TestComponent extends Component {7 render() {8 return super.render();9 }10 }11 window.customElements.define("test-component-1", TestComponent);12 const testComponent = document.createElement(13 "test-component-1"14 ) as TestComponent;15 it("can be constructed with new", function () {16 assert.doesNotThrow(() => new TestComponent(), TypeError);17 });18 it("has a shadow root", function () {19 assert.instanceOf(testComponent.root, ShadowRoot);20 });21 it("does not have an implemented render", function () {22 assert.throws(testComponent.render, Error);23 });24 });25 describe("bound", function () {26 class TestComponent extends Component {27 value: string;28 constructor() {29 super();30 this.value = "value";31 }32 @bound33 retrieveValue() {34 return this.value;35 }36 }37 window.customElements.define("test-component-2", TestComponent);38 it("binds to this properly", function () {39 const testComponent = new TestComponent();40 const retrieve = testComponent.retrieveValue;41 assert.equal(retrieve(), "value");42 });43 it("caches method after initial call", function () {44 const testComponent = new TestComponent();45 const retrieveFirst = testComponent.retrieveValue;46 const retrieveSecond = testComponent.retrieveValue;47 assert.equal(retrieveFirst, retrieveSecond);48 });49 it("destroys cache after update", function () {50 const testComponent = new TestComponent();51 const retrieveFirst = testComponent.retrieveValue;52 testComponent.retrieveValue = function () {53 return this.value;54 };55 const retrieveSecond = testComponent.retrieveValue;56 assert.notEqual(retrieveFirst, retrieveSecond);57 });58 });59 describe("element", function () {60 @element("test-component-3")61 class TestComponent extends Component {}62 it("creates a new custom element", function () {63 assert.doesNotThrow(() => new TestComponent(), TypeError);64 });65 it("defines the new element with the original name", function () {66 assert.instanceOf(67 document.createElement("test-component-3"),68 TestComponent69 );70 });71 });72 describe("html", function () {73 it("binds event handlers", function () {74 let value = 0;75 const result = html`<div onclick=${() => (value = 10)}></​div>`;76 (result.children[0] as HTMLDivElement).click();77 assert.equal(value, 10);78 });79 });80 describe("property", function () {81 class TestComponent extends Component {82 @property numberValue = 10;83 @property stringValue = "value";84 @property booleanValue = true;85 render() {86 return new DocumentFragment();87 }88 }89 window.customElements.define("test-component-4", TestComponent);90 it("fails on non-primitives", function () {91 const testComponent = new TestComponent();92 assert.throw(93 () => ((testComponent.numberValue as unknown) = []),94 TypeError95 );96 });97 it("updates string attribute accordingly", function () {98 const testComponent = new TestComponent();99 testComponent.stringValue = "blah";100 assert.equal(101 testComponent.stringValue,102 testComponent.getAttribute("string-value")103 );104 });105 it("updates string property accordingly", function () {106 const testComponent = new TestComponent();107 testComponent.setAttribute("string-value", "blah");108 assert.equal(109 testComponent.stringValue,110 testComponent.getAttribute("string-value")111 );112 });113 it("converts to number properly", function () {114 const testComponent = new TestComponent();115 testComponent.numberValue = 100;116 assert.isNumber(testComponent.numberValue);117 });118 it("updates number attribute accordingly", function () {119 const testComponent = new TestComponent();120 testComponent.numberValue = 100;121 assert.equal(122 testComponent.numberValue,123 Number(testComponent.getAttribute("number-value"))124 );125 });126 it("updates number property accordingly", function () {127 const testComponent = new TestComponent();128 testComponent.setAttribute("number-value", String(100));129 assert.equal(130 testComponent.numberValue,131 Number(testComponent.getAttribute("number-value"))132 );133 });134 it("converts to boolean properly", function () {135 const testComponent = new TestComponent();136 testComponent.booleanValue = false;137 assert.isBoolean(testComponent.booleanValue);138 });139 it("updates boolean attribute accordingly", function () {140 const testComponent = new TestComponent();141 testComponent.booleanValue = false;142 assert.equal(143 testComponent.booleanValue,144 Boolean(testComponent.getAttribute("boolean-value"))145 );146 });147 it("updates boolean property accordingly", function () {148 const testComponent = new TestComponent();149 testComponent.setAttribute("boolean-value", String(false));150 assert.equal(151 testComponent.booleanValue,152 !["0", "null", "undefined", "false", "NaN", ""].includes(153 testComponent.getAttribute("boolean-value") || ""154 )155 );156 });157 });158 describe("state", function () {159 let updated = false;160 class TestComponent extends Component {161 @state thing = { value: ["exist"] };162 update() {163 super.update();164 updated = true;165 }166 render() {167 return new DocumentFragment();168 }169 }170 window.customElements.define("test-component-5", TestComponent);171 const testComponent = new TestComponent();172 it("reacts on change", function () {173 testComponent.thing.value.push("blah");174 assert.ok(updated);175 });176 });...

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Source:angular-ecs-components.js Github


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1'use strict';2describe('components', function () {3 var ngEcs, $components;4 beforeEach(module('hc.ngEcs', function() {5 }));6 beforeEach(inject(function(_ngEcs_, _$components_){7 ngEcs = _ngEcs_;8 $components = _$components_;9 }));10 it('should create components', function () {11 var c = ngEcs.$c('test', {});12 expect($components.test).toBeDefined();13 expect($components.test).toBe(c);14 expect($components).toBe(ngEcs.components);15 });16 it('should convert objects to constructor', function () {17 var p = {};18 var c = ngEcs.$c('test', p);19 expect(typeof c).toBe('function');20 expect(c.prototype).toBe(p);21 expect(c.$inject).toEqual(['$state']);22 });23 it('should create components using prototype', function () {24 var c = ngEcs.$c('testComponent', {25 testing: 123,26 fn: jasmine.createSpy('callback')27 });28 var e = ngEcs.$e(['testComponent']);29 e.testComponent.fn();30 expect(e.testComponent.fn.calls.length).toBe(1);31 expect(typeof e.testComponent.fn).toBe('function');32 expect(e.testComponent.testing).toBe(123);33 expect(e.testComponent instanceof c);34 });35 it('should create components using constructor', function () {36 var MockComponent = jasmine.createSpy('callback');37 var c = ngEcs.$c('testComponent', MockComponent);38 var e = ngEcs.$e(['testComponent']);39 expect(MockComponent.calls.length).toBe(1);40 expect(e.testComponent instanceof MockComponent);41 expect(e.testComponent.prototype === MockComponent.prototype);42 expect(e.testComponent instanceof c);43 });44 it('should not call constructor if already an instance', function () {45 var MockComponent = jasmine.createSpy('callback');46 ngEcs.$c('testComponent', MockComponent);47 var e = ngEcs.$e({});48 e.$add('testComponent', new MockComponent());49 expect(MockComponent.calls.length).toBe(1);50 expect(e.testComponent instanceof MockComponent);51 expect(e.testComponent.prototype === MockComponent.prototype);52 });53 it('should create components with state', function () {54 var MockComponent = jasmine.createSpy('callback');55 ngEcs.$c('testComponent', MockComponent);56 var e = ngEcs.$e({57 testComponent: {58 x: 1,59 y: 2,60 z: 361 }62 });63 expect(MockComponent.calls.length).toBe(1);64 expect(e.testComponent instanceof MockComponent);65 expect(e.testComponent.prototype === MockComponent.prototype);66 expect(e.testComponent.x).toBe(1);67 expect(e.testComponent.y).toBe(2);68 expect(e.testComponent.z).toBe(3);69 });70 it('should create injectable components', function () {71 var MockComponent = function(x,y) {72 this.x = x || 0;73 this.y = y || 0;74 this.z = null;75 };76 MockComponent.$inject = ['x','y'];77 ngEcs.$c('testComponent', MockComponent);78 var e = ngEcs.$e({79 testComponent: {80 x: 1,81 y: 2,82 z: 383 }84 });85 expect(e.testComponent instanceof MockComponent);86 expect(e.testComponent.x).toBe(1);87 expect(e.testComponent.y).toBe(2);88 expect(e.testComponent.z).toBe(null);89 });90 it('should create injectable components with inline notation', function () {91 var MockComponent = function(x,y) {92 this.x = x || 0;93 this.y = y || 0;94 this.z = null;95 };96 ngEcs.$c('testComponent', ['x','y', MockComponent]);97 var e = ngEcs.$e({98 testComponent: {99 x: 1,100 y: 2,101 z: 3102 }103 });104 expect(e.testComponent instanceof MockComponent);105 expect(e.testComponent.x).toBe(1);106 expect(e.testComponent.y).toBe(2);107 expect(e.testComponent.z).toBe(null);108 });109 it('should create injectable components with defaults', function () {110 var MockComponent = function(x,y) {111 this.x = x || 0;112 this.y = y || 0;113 this.z = null;114 };115 MockComponent.$inject = ['x','y'];116 ngEcs.$c('testComponent', MockComponent);117 var e = ngEcs.$e(['testComponent']);118 expect(e.testComponent instanceof MockComponent);119 expect(e.testComponent.x).toBe(0);120 expect(e.testComponent.y).toBe(0);121 expect(e.testComponent.z).toBe(null);122 });123 it('should create injectable parent', function () {124 var MockComponent = function(x,y,$parent) {125 this.x = x || 0;126 this.y = y || 0;127 this.z = null;128 this.$parent = $parent;129 };130 MockComponent.$inject = ['x','y','$parent'];131 ngEcs.$c('testComponent', MockComponent);132 var e = ngEcs.$e({133 testComponent: {134 x: 1,135 y: 2,136 z: 3137 }138 });139 expect(e.testComponent instanceof MockComponent);140 expect(e.testComponent.x).toBe(1);141 expect(e.testComponent.y).toBe(2);142 expect(e.testComponent.z).toBe(null);143 expect(e.testComponent.$parent).toBe(e);144 });...

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Source: FFProvider.test.js Github


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1import React from 'react';2import { mount } from 'enzyme';3import TestComponent from './​TestComponent';4import FFProvider from '../​FFProvider';5const featureNodeTest = () => (6 <TestComponent>7 <TestComponent name="b1" /​>8 <TestComponent name="b2">9 <TestComponent name="b21" /​>10 </​TestComponent>11 </​TestComponent>12);13describe('Provider tests', () => {14 it('should render element tree', () => {15 const testRender = mount(16 <FFProvider flag="r1" restrictions={['r1', 'r2']}>17 <TestComponent>18 <TestComponent name="c1" /​>19 <TestComponent name="c2">20 <TestComponent name="c21" /​>21 </​TestComponent>22 </​TestComponent>23 </​FFProvider>,24 );25 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'c1' }).exists()).toEqual(false);26 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'c2' }).exists()).toEqual(false);27 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'c21' }).exists()).toEqual(false);28 });29 it('should disable all flagged elements', () => {30 const testRender = mount(31 <FFProvider flag="r3" restrictions={['r1', 'r2']}>32 <TestComponent>33 <TestComponent name="c1" /​>34 <TestComponent name="c2">35 <TestComponent name="c21" /​>36 </​TestComponent>37 </​TestComponent>38 </​FFProvider>,39 );40 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'c1' }).exists()).toEqual(true);41 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'c2' }).exists()).toEqual(true);42 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'c21' }).exists()).toEqual(true);43 });44 it('should replace components', () => {45 const testRender = mount(46 <FFProvider47 flag="r3"48 restrictions={['r1', 'r2']}49 replacement={featureNodeTest()}50 >51 <TestComponent>52 <TestComponent name="c1" /​>53 <TestComponent name="c2">54 <TestComponent name="c21" /​>55 </​TestComponent>56 </​TestComponent>57 </​FFProvider>,58 );59 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'c1' }).exists()).toEqual(true);60 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'c2' }).exists()).toEqual(true);61 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'c21' }).exists()).toEqual(true);62 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'b1' }).exists()).toEqual(false);63 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'b2' }).exists()).toEqual(false);64 expect(testRender.find({ name: 'b21' }).exists()).toEqual(false);65 });...

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1import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';2import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';3describe('TestComponent', () => {4 it('should create', () => {5 const fixture = testComponent(TestComponent);6 expect(fixture).not.toBeNull();7 });8});9import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';10import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';11import { TestService } from './​test.service';12describe('TestComponent', () => {13 it('should create', () => {14 const fixture = testComponent(TestComponent, {15 {16 useValue: {17 testMethod: () => true,18 },19 },20 });21 expect(fixture).not.toBeNull();22 });23});24import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';25import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';26import { TestService } from './​test.service';27describe('TestComponent', () => {28 it('should create', () => {29 const fixture = testComponent(TestComponent, {30 {31 useValue: {32 testMethod: () => true,33 },34 },35 });36 expect(fixture).not.toBeNull();37 });38});39import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';40import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';41import { TestService } from './​test.service';42describe('TestComponent', () => {43 it('

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1import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my-component.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('renders the component', () => {5 const fixture = testComponent(MyComponent);6 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();7 });8});9import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';10describe('MyComponent', () => {11 it('renders the component', () => {12 const fixture = testComponent(MyComponent);13 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();14 });15});16TestBed.configureTestingModule()17TestBed.createComponent()18fixture.detectChanges()19import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';20import { MyComponent } from './​my-component.component';21describe('MyComponent', () => {22 let component: MyComponent;23 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;24 beforeEach(async () => {25 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({26 })27 .compileComponents();28 });29 beforeEach(() => {30 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);31 component = fixture.componentInstance;32 fixture.detectChanges();33 });34 it('should create', () => {35 expect(component).toBeTruthy();36 });37});

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1import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';3describe('AppComponent', () => {4 it('should create the app', () => {5 const fixture = testComponent(AppComponent);6 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;7 expect(app).toBeTruthy();8 });9});10import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';11import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';12describe('AppComponent', () => {13 it('should create the app', () => {14 const fixture = testComponent(AppComponent);15 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;16 expect(app).toBeTruthy();17 });18 it('should render title in a h1 tag', () => {19 const fixture = testComponent(AppComponent);20 fixture.detectChanges();21 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;22 expect(compiled.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('Welcome to angular-mocks!');23 });24});

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1import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('testComponent', () => {3 it('should work', () => {4 const fixture = testComponent({5 imports: [CommonModule],6 });7 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();8 });9});10import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';11describe('testComponent', () => {12 it('should work', () => {13 const fixture = testComponent({14 imports: [CommonModule],15 });16 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();17 });18});19import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';20describe('testComponent', () => {21 it('should work', () => {22 const fixture = testComponent({23 imports: [CommonModule],24 });25 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();26 });27});28import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';29describe('testComponent', () => {30 it('should work', () => {31 const fixture = testComponent({32 imports: [CommonModule],33 });34 expect(fixture).toBeDefined();35 });36});37import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';38describe('testComponent', () => {39 it('should work', () => {40 const fixture = testComponent({41 imports: [CommonModule],

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('testComponent', () => {3 it('should work', () => {4 const fixture = testComponent({5 });6 expect(fixture.componentInstance).toBeDefined();7 });8});9testComponent<T>(options: TestComponentOptions<T>): ComponentFixture<T>10imports: Type<any>[]11detectChanges()12detectChanges(true)13detectChanges(false)14destroy()15detectChanges()16detectChanges(true)17detectChanges(false)18destroy()19detectChanges()20detectChanges(true)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('testComponent', () => {3 it('should create', () => {4 const component = testComponent({5 imports: [CommonModule],6 });7 expect(component).toBeTruthy();8 });9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { testComponent } from 'ng-mocks';2const mockComponent = {3};4testComponent(mockComponent);5it('should render the component', () => {6 expect(testComponent(mockComponent).nativeElement).toMatchSnapshot();7});8`;

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