How to use targetEl method in ng-mocks

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Source:Gesture.js Github


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1topSuite("Ext.event.publisher.Gesture", function() {2 var helper = Ext.testHelper,3 targetEl;4 beforeEach(function() {5 targetEl = Ext.getBody().createChild({6 id: 'target'7 });8 });9 afterEach(function() {10 if (targetEl) {11 targetEl.destroy();12 targetEl = null;13 }14 });15 describe("removing the target el before a gesture is complete", function() {16 var GC = Ext.dom.GarbageCollector,17 interval = GC.interval;18 beforeEach(function() {19 spyOn(targetEl, 'clearListeners');20 GC.interval = 60;21 GC.pause();22 GC.resume();23 });24 afterEach(function() {25 GC.interval = interval;26 GC.pause();27 GC.resume();28 });29 function removeTarget() {30 document.body.removeChild(targetEl.dom);31 }32 function expectCollected(collected) {33 if (collected) {34 expect('target' in Ext.cache).toBe(false);35 expect(targetEl.clearListeners).toHaveBeenCalled();36 }37 else {38 expect('target' in Ext.cache).toBe(true);39 expect(targetEl.clearListeners).not.toHaveBeenCalled();40 }41 }42 (Ext.toolkit === 'classic' ? it : xit)("should not garbage collect the target element until the current gesture is complete", function() {43 runs(function() {44 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 10 });45 helper.touchMove(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 15, y: 15 });46 removeTarget();47 });48 waits(90);49 runs(function() {50 expectCollected(false);51 helper.touchEnd(Ext.supports.TouchEvents ? targetEl : document.body, { id: 1, x: 15, y: 15 });52 });53 waits(90);54 runs(function() {55 expectCollected(true);56 });57 });58 });59 describe("order of recognizers", function() {60 it("should invoke the recognizers in priority order when an event is fired", function() {61 var gesture = Ext.event.gesture,62 Drag = gesture.Drag.instance,63 Tap = gesture.Tap.instance,64 DoubleTap = gesture.DoubleTap.instance,65 LongPress = gesture.LongPress.instance,66 EdgeSwipe = gesture.EdgeSwipe.instance,67 Swipe = gesture.Swipe.instance,68 Pinch = gesture.Pinch.instance,69 Rotate = gesture.Rotate.instance,70 result = [];71 Drag.onStart = Tap.onStart = DoubleTap.onStart = LongPress.onStart = Swipe.onStart =72 Pinch.onStart = Rotate.onStart = EdgeSwipe.onStart = function() {73 result.push([this.$className, this.priority]);74 };75 Ext.testHelper.touchStart(document.body, { id: 1, x: 100, y: 100 });76 expect(result[0]).toEqual(['Ext.event.gesture.Drag', 100]);77 expect(result[1]).toEqual(['Ext.event.gesture.Tap', 200]);78 expect(result[2]).toEqual(['Ext.event.gesture.DoubleTap', 300]);79 expect(result[3]).toEqual(['Ext.event.gesture.LongPress', 400]);80 expect(result[4]).toEqual(['Ext.event.gesture.EdgeSwipe', 500]);81 expect(result[5]).toEqual(['Ext.event.gesture.Swipe', 600]);82 expect(result[6]).toEqual(['Ext.event.gesture.Pinch', 700]);83 expect(result[7]).toEqual(['Ext.event.gesture.Rotate', 800]);84 Ext.testHelper.touchEnd(document.body);85 delete Drag.onStart;86 delete Tap.onStart;87 delete DoubleTap.onStart;88 delete LongPress.onStart;89 delete EdgeSwipe.onStart;90 delete Swipe.onStart;91 delete Pinch.onStart;92 delete Rotate.onStart;93 });94 });95 /​/​ window.onerror method of catching exceptions in synthetic event handlers96 /​/​ doesn't work in IE8 for some reason :(97 (Ext.isIE8m ? xdescribe : describe)("exceptions in recognizers", function() {98 var gesture = Ext.event.publisher.Gesture.instance;99 beforeEach(function() {100 targetEl.on('tap', function() {101 throw new Error("This error is caught but will show in console IE");102 });103 });104 it("should not allow the exception to propagate", function() {105 expect(function() {106 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 1, y: 1 });107 helper.touchEnd(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 1, y: 1 });108 }).toThrow('This error is caught but will show in console IE');109 });110 it("should finish gesture when an exception is thrown in recognizer", function() {111 expect(function() {112 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 1, y: 1 });113 helper.touchEnd(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 1, y: 1 });114 }).toThrow('This error is caught but will show in console IE');115 expect(gesture.isStarted).toBe(false);116 });117 });118 describe("bubbling", function() {119 var childEl;120 beforeEach(function() {121 childEl = targetEl.createChild({122 id: 'child'123 });124 });125 afterEach(function() {126 childEl.destroy();127 });128 it("should bubble in the correct order", function() {129 var out = [],130 handler = function(e) {131 out.push( + '-' + e.type);132 },133 listeners = {134 dragend: handler,135 touchend: handler,136 drag: handler,137 touchmove: handler,138 dragstart: handler,139 touchstart: handler140 };141 targetEl.on(listeners);142 childEl.on(listeners);143 helper.touchStart(childEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 15 });144 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 20, y: 35 });145 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 30, y: 45 });146 helper.touchEnd(childEl, { id: 1, x: 30, y: 45 });147 expect(out).toEqual([148 'child-touchstart',149 'target-touchstart',150 'child-touchmove',151 'child-dragstart',152 'child-drag',153 'target-touchmove',154 'target-dragstart',155 'target-drag',156 'child-touchmove',157 'child-drag',158 'target-touchmove',159 'target-drag',160 'child-touchend',161 'child-dragend',162 'target-touchend',163 'target-dragend'164 ]);165 });166 it("should stop propagation of the dom event", function() {167 var out = [],168 handler = function(e) {169 if (e.type === 'touchmove') {170 e.stopPropagation();171 }172 out.push( + '-' + e.type);173 },174 listeners = {175 dragcancel: handler,176 swipecancel: handler,177 dragend: handler,178 touchend: handler,179 swipe: handler,180 drag: handler,181 touchmove: handler,182 swipestart: handler,183 dragstart: handler,184 touchstart: handler185 };186 targetEl.on(listeners);187 childEl.on(listeners);188 helper.touchStart(childEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 15 });189 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 50, y: 15 });190 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });191 helper.touchEnd(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });192 expect(out).toEqual([193 'child-touchstart',194 'target-touchstart',195 'child-touchmove',196 'child-dragstart',197 'child-drag',198 'child-swipestart',199 'target-dragstart',200 'target-drag',201 'target-swipestart',202 'child-touchmove',203 'child-drag',204 'target-drag',205 'child-touchend',206 'child-dragend',207 'child-swipe',208 'target-touchend',209 'target-dragend',210 'target-swipe'211 ]);212 });213 it("should stop propagation of a gesture event", function() {214 var out = [],215 handler = function(e) {216 if (e.type === 'drag') {217 e.stopPropagation();218 }219 out.push( + '-' + e.type);220 },221 listeners = {222 dragcancel: handler,223 swipecancel: handler,224 dragend: handler,225 touchend: handler,226 swipe: handler,227 drag: handler,228 touchmove: handler,229 swipestart: handler,230 dragstart: handler,231 touchstart: handler232 };233 targetEl.on(listeners);234 childEl.on(listeners);235 helper.touchStart(childEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 15 });236 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 50, y: 15 });237 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });238 helper.touchEnd(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });239 expect(out).toEqual([240 'child-touchstart',241 'target-touchstart',242 'child-touchmove',243 'child-dragstart',244 'child-drag',245 'child-swipestart',246 'target-touchmove',247 'target-dragstart',248 'target-swipestart',249 'child-touchmove',250 'child-drag',251 'target-touchmove',252 'child-touchend',253 'child-dragend',254 'child-swipe',255 'target-touchend',256 'target-dragend',257 'target-swipe'258 ]);259 });260 });261 describe("claimGesture", function() {262 var childEl;263 beforeEach(function() {264 childEl = targetEl.createChild({265 id: 'child'266 });267 });268 afterEach(function() {269 childEl.destroy();270 });271 it("should fire multiple gestures in tandem when no gesture is claimed", function() {272 var out = [],273 handler = function(e) {274 out.push( + '-' + e.type);275 },276 listeners = {277 dragcancel: handler,278 swipecancel: handler,279 dragend: handler,280 touchend: handler,281 swipe: handler,282 drag: handler,283 touchmove: handler,284 swipestart: handler,285 dragstart: handler,286 touchstart: handler287 };288 targetEl.on(listeners);289 childEl.on(listeners);290 helper.touchStart(childEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 15 });291 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 50, y: 15 });292 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });293 helper.touchEnd(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });294 expect(out).toEqual([295 'child-touchstart',296 'target-touchstart',297 'child-touchmove',298 'child-dragstart',299 'child-drag',300 'child-swipestart',301 'target-touchmove',302 'target-dragstart',303 'target-drag',304 'target-swipestart',305 'child-touchmove',306 'child-drag',307 'target-touchmove',308 'target-drag',309 'child-touchend',310 'child-dragend',311 'child-swipe',312 'target-touchend',313 'target-dragend',314 'target-swipe'315 ]);316 });317 it("should cancel swipe events when drag is claimed", function() {318 var out = [],319 claimed = false,320 handler = function(e) {321 if (!claimed && e.type === 'drag') {322 e.claimGesture();323 claimed = true;324 }325 out.push( + '-' + e.type);326 },327 listeners = {328 dragcancel: handler,329 swipecancel: handler,330 dragend: handler,331 touchend: handler,332 swipe: handler,333 drag: handler,334 touchmove: handler,335 swipestart: handler,336 dragstart: handler,337 touchstart: handler338 };339 targetEl.on(listeners);340 childEl.on(listeners);341 helper.touchStart(childEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 15 });342 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 50, y: 15 });343 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });344 helper.touchEnd(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });345 expect(out).toEqual([346 'child-touchstart',347 'target-touchstart',348 'child-touchmove',349 'child-dragstart',350 'child-drag',351 'child-swipecancel',352 'target-swipecancel',353 'target-touchmove',354 'target-dragstart',355 'target-drag',356 'child-touchmove',357 'child-drag',358 'target-touchmove',359 'target-drag',360 'child-touchend',361 'child-dragend',362 'target-touchend',363 'target-dragend'364 ]);365 });366 it("should cancel drag events when swipe is claimed", function() {367 var out = [],368 claimed = false,369 handler = function(e) {370 if (!claimed && e.type === 'swipestart') {371 e.claimGesture();372 claimed = true;373 }374 out.push( + '-' + e.type);375 },376 listeners = {377 dragcancel: handler,378 swipecancel: handler,379 dragend: handler,380 touchend: handler,381 swipe: handler,382 drag: handler,383 touchmove: handler,384 swipestart: handler,385 dragstart: handler,386 touchstart: handler387 };388 targetEl.on(listeners);389 childEl.on(listeners);390 helper.touchStart(childEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 15 });391 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 50, y: 15 });392 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });393 helper.touchEnd(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });394 /​/​ swipe comes after drag in priority ranking.395 /​/​ therefore we expect drag events to fire prior to the swipestart listener396 /​/​ that claims the event397 expect(out).toEqual([398 'child-touchstart',399 'target-touchstart',400 'child-touchmove',401 'child-dragstart',402 'child-drag',403 'child-swipestart',404 'child-dragcancel',405 'target-dragcancel',406 'target-touchmove',407 'target-swipestart',408 'child-touchmove',409 'target-touchmove',410 'child-touchend',411 'child-swipe',412 'target-touchend',413 'target-swipe'414 ]);415 });416 it("should not fire gesture events when touchstart is claimed", function() {417 var out = [],418 claimed = false,419 handler = function(e) {420 if (!claimed && e.type === 'touchstart') {421 e.claimGesture();422 claimed = true;423 }424 out.push( + '-' + e.type);425 },426 listeners = {427 dragcancel: handler,428 swipecancel: handler,429 dragend: handler,430 touchend: handler,431 swipe: handler,432 drag: handler,433 touchmove: handler,434 swipestart: handler,435 dragstart: handler,436 touchstart: handler437 };438 targetEl.on(listeners);439 childEl.on(listeners);440 helper.touchStart(childEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 15 });441 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 50, y: 15 });442 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });443 helper.touchEnd(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });444 /​/​ swipe comes after drag in priority ranking.445 /​/​ therefore we expect drag events to fire prior to the swipestart listener446 /​/​ that claims the event447 expect(out).toEqual([448 'child-touchstart',449 'target-touchstart',450 'child-touchmove',451 'target-touchmove',452 'child-touchmove',453 'target-touchmove',454 'child-touchend',455 'target-touchend'456 ]);457 });458 it("should cancel gesture events when touchmove is claimed", function() {459 var out = [],460 claimed = false,461 claimNext = false,462 handler = function(e) {463 if (claimNext && !claimed && e.type === 'touchmove') {464 e.claimGesture();465 claimed = true;466 }467 out.push( + '-' + e.type);468 },469 listeners = {470 dragcancel: handler,471 swipecancel: handler,472 dragend: handler,473 touchend: handler,474 swipe: handler,475 drag: handler,476 touchmove: handler,477 swipestart: handler,478 dragstart: handler,479 touchstart: handler480 };481 targetEl.on(listeners);482 childEl.on(listeners);483 helper.touchStart(childEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 15 });484 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 50, y: 15 });485 claimNext = true;486 helper.touchMove(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });487 helper.touchEnd(childEl, { id: 1, x: 200, y: 15 });488 expect(out).toEqual([489 'child-touchstart',490 'target-touchstart',491 'child-touchmove',492 'child-dragstart',493 'child-drag',494 'child-swipestart',495 'target-touchmove',496 'target-dragstart',497 'target-drag',498 'target-swipestart',499 'child-touchmove',500 'child-dragcancel',501 'target-dragcancel',502 'child-swipecancel',503 'target-swipecancel',504 'target-touchmove',505 'child-touchend',506 'target-touchend'507 ]);508 });509 });510 describe("keeping e.touches up to date", function() {511 it("should update touches on start", function() {512 var e;513 targetEl.on('touchstart', function(ev) {514 e = ev;515 });516 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 11 });517 expect(e.touches.length).toBe(1);518 expect(e.touches[0].identifier).toBe(1);519 expect(e.touches[0].pageX).toBe(10);520 expect(e.touches[0].pageY).toBe(11);521 expect(e.touches[0].target).toBe(targetEl.dom);522 helper.touchEnd(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 11 });523 });524 it("should update touches on move", function() {525 var e;526 targetEl.on('touchmove', function(ev) {527 e = ev;528 });529 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 11 });530 helper.touchMove(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 12, y: 15 });531 expect(e.touches.length).toBe(1);532 expect(e.touches[0].identifier).toBe(1);533 expect(e.touches[0].pageX).toBe(12);534 expect(e.touches[0].pageY).toBe(15);535 expect(e.touches[0].target).toBe(targetEl.dom);536 helper.touchEnd(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 12, y: 15 });537 });538 it("should update touches on second start", function() {539 var e;540 targetEl.on('touchstart', function(ev) {541 e = ev;542 });543 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 11 });544 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 2, x: 12, y: 15 });545 if (Ext.supports.TouchEvents || Ext.supports.MSPointerEvents || Ext.supports.PointerEvents) {546 expect(e.touches.length).toBe(2);547 expect(e.touches[0].identifier).toBe(1);548 expect(e.touches[0].pageX).toBe(10);549 expect(e.touches[0].pageY).toBe(11);550 expect(e.touches[0].target).toBe(targetEl.dom);551 expect(e.touches[1].identifier).toBe(2);552 expect(e.touches[1].pageX).toBe(12);553 expect(e.touches[1].pageY).toBe(15);554 expect(e.touches[1].target).toBe(targetEl.dom);555 }556 else {557 expect(e.touches.length).toBe(1);558 expect(e.touches[0].identifier).toBe(1);559 expect(e.touches[0].pageX).toBe(12);560 expect(e.touches[0].pageY).toBe(15);561 expect(e.touches[0].target).toBe(targetEl.dom);562 }563 helper.touchEnd(targetEl, { id: 2, x: 12, y: 15 });564 helper.touchEnd(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 11 });565 });566 it("should update touches on move when start propagation was stopped", function() {567 var e;568 targetEl.on({569 touchstart: function(ev) {570 ev.stopPropagation();571 },572 delegated: false573 });574 targetEl.on('touchmove', function(ev) {575 e = ev;576 });577 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 11 });578 helper.touchMove(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 12, y: 15 });579 if (Ext.supports.TouchEvents || Ext.supports.MSPointerEvents || Ext.supports.PointerEvents) {580 expect(e.touches.length).toBe(1);581 expect(e.touches[0].identifier).toBe(1);582 expect(e.touches[0].pageX).toBe(12);583 expect(e.touches[0].pageY).toBe(15);584 expect(e.touches[0].target).toBe(targetEl.dom);585 }586 else {587 expect(e.touches).toBeUndefined();588 }589 helper.touchEnd(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 12, y: 15 });590 });591 it("should update touches on end when start and move propagation were stopped", function() {592 var e;593 targetEl.on({594 touchstart: function(ev) {595 ev.stopPropagation();596 },597 touchmove: function(ev) {598 ev.stopPropagation();599 },600 delegated: false601 });602 targetEl.on('touchend', function(ev) {603 e = ev;604 });605 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 11 });606 helper.touchMove(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 12, y: 15 });607 helper.touchEnd(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 12, y: 15 });608 if (e.pointerType === 'mouse') {609 expect(e.touches).toBeUndefined();610 }611 else {612 expect(e.touches.length).toBe(0);613 }614 });615 });616 describe("playing well with others", function() {617 function stopPropagation(e) {618 e.stopPropagation();619 }620 it("should cancel gesture recognition when stopPropagation is called on the start event", function() {621 var touchstart = jasmine.createSpy(),622 tap = jasmine.createSpy(),623 tapcancel = jasmine.createSpy();624 targetEl.on({625 touchstart: touchstart,626 tap: tap,627 tapcancel: tapcancel628 });629 targetEl.setTouchAction('none');630 targetEl.on({631 touchstart: stopPropagation,632 delegated: false633 });634 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 10 });635 helper.touchMove(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 11, y: 11 });636 helper.touchEnd(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 11, y: 11 });637 expect(touchstart).not.toHaveBeenCalled();638 expect(tapcancel).not.toHaveBeenCalled();639 expect(tap).not.toHaveBeenCalled();640 });641 (Ext.isIE8 ? xit : it)("should cancel gesture recognition when stopPropagation is called on the move event", function() {642 var dragstart = jasmine.createSpy(),643 drag = jasmine.createSpy(),644 dragend = jasmine.createSpy(),645 dragcancel = jasmine.createSpy();646 targetEl.on({647 dragstart: dragstart,648 drag: drag,649 dragend: dragend,650 dragcancel: dragcancel651 });652 targetEl.setTouchAction('none');653 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 10 });654 helper.touchMove(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 20, y: 20 });655 expect(dragstart.callCount).toBe(1);656 expect(drag.callCount).toBe(1);657 targetEl.on({658 touchmove: stopPropagation,659 delegated: false660 });661 helper.touchMove(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 30, y: 30 });662 expect(drag.callCount).toBe(1);663 expect(dragcancel.callCount).toBe(1);664 helper.touchEnd(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 30, y: 30 });665 expect(dragend.callCount).toBe(0);666 });667 (Ext.isIE8 ? xit : it)("should cancel gesture recognition when stopPropagation is called on the end event", function() {668 var dragstart = jasmine.createSpy(),669 drag = jasmine.createSpy(),670 dragend = jasmine.createSpy(),671 dragcancel = jasmine.createSpy();672 targetEl.on({673 dragstart: dragstart,674 drag: drag,675 dragend: dragend,676 dragcancel: dragcancel677 });678 targetEl.setTouchAction('none');679 helper.touchStart(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 10, y: 10 });680 helper.touchMove(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 30, y: 30 });681 expect(dragstart.callCount).toBe(1);682 expect(drag.callCount).toBe(1);683 targetEl.on({684 touchend: stopPropagation,685 delegated: false686 });687 helper.touchEnd(targetEl, { id: 1, x: 30, y: 30 });688 expect(drag.callCount).toBe(1);689 expect(dragcancel.callCount).toBe(1);690 expect(dragend.callCount).toBe(0);691 });692 });...

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Source:tooltip-class.js Github


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1function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; }2function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) { subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype); subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }3import { getDocument } from 'ssr-window';4import $ from '../​../​shared/​dom7';5import { extend, deleteProps } from '../​../​shared/​utils';6import { getSupport } from '../​../​shared/​get-support';7import Framework7Class from '../​../​shared/​class';8var Tooltip = /​*#__PURE__*/​function (_Framework7Class) {9 _inheritsLoose(Tooltip, _Framework7Class);10 function Tooltip(app, params) {11 var _this;12 if (params === void 0) {13 params = {};14 }15 _this =, params, [app]) || this;16 var tooltip = _assertThisInitialized(_this);17 var support = getSupport();18 var defaults = extend({}, app.params.tooltip);19 var document = getDocument(); /​/​ Extend defaults with modules params20 tooltip.useModulesParams(defaults);21 tooltip.params = extend(defaults, params);22 if (typeof params.offset === 'undefined' && support.touch && tooltip.params.trigger === 'hover') {23 tooltip.params.offset = 10;24 }25 var _tooltip$params = tooltip.params,26 targetEl = _tooltip$params.targetEl,27 containerEl = _tooltip$params.containerEl;28 if (!targetEl && !tooltip.params.delegated) return tooltip || _assertThisInitialized(_this);29 var $targetEl = $(targetEl);30 if ($targetEl.length === 0 && !tooltip.params.delegated) return tooltip || _assertThisInitialized(_this);31 if ($targetEl[0] && $targetEl[0].f7Tooltip && !tooltip.params.delegated) return $targetEl[0].f7Tooltip || _assertThisInitialized(_this);32 var $containerEl = $(containerEl || app.$el).eq(0);33 if ($containerEl.length === 0) {34 $containerEl = app.$el;35 }36 var $el = $(tooltip.render()).eq(0);37 extend(tooltip, {38 app: app,39 $targetEl: $targetEl,40 targetEl: $targetEl && $targetEl[0],41 $containerEl: $containerEl,42 containerEl: $containerEl && $containerEl[0],43 $el: $el,44 el: $el && $el[0],45 text: tooltip.params.text || '',46 visible: false,47 opened: false48 });49 if ($targetEl[0]) $targetEl[0].f7Tooltip = tooltip;50 var touchesStart = {};51 var isTouched;52 function handleClick() {53 if (tooltip.opened) tooltip.hide();else;54 }55 function handleClickOut(e) {56 if (tooltip.opened && ($($targetEl).length || $($el).length)) return;57 tooltip.hide();58 }59 function handleTouchStart(e) {60 if (isTouched) return;61 isTouched = true;62 touchesStart.x = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;63 touchesStart.y = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;64;65 }66 function handleTouchMove(e) {67 if (!isTouched) return;68 var x = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;69 var y = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;70 var distance = Math.pow(Math.pow(x - touchesStart.x, 2) + Math.pow(y - touchesStart.y, 2), 0.5);71 if (distance > 50) {72 isTouched = false;73 tooltip.hide();74 }75 }76 function handleTouchEnd() {77 if (!isTouched) return;78 isTouched = false;79 tooltip.hide();80 }81 function handleMouseEnter() {82;83 }84 function handleMouseLeave() {85 tooltip.hide();86 }87 function handleTransitionEnd() {88 if (!$el.hasClass('tooltip-in')) {89 $el.removeClass('tooltip-out').remove();90 }91 }92 tooltip.attachEvents = function attachEvents() {93 $el.on('transitionend', handleTransitionEnd);94 if (tooltip.params.trigger === 'click') {95 if (tooltip.params.delegated) {96 $(document).on('click', tooltip.params.targetEl, handleClick);97 } else {98 tooltip.$targetEl.on('click', handleClick);99 }100 $('html').on('click', handleClickOut);101 return;102 }103 if (tooltip.params.trigger === 'manual') return;104 if (support.touch) {105 var passive = support.passiveListener ? {106 passive: true107 } : false;108 if (tooltip.params.delegated) {109 $(document).on(app.touchEvents.start, tooltip.params.targetEl, handleTouchStart, passive);110 } else {111 tooltip.$targetEl.on(app.touchEvents.start, handleTouchStart, passive);112 }113 app.on('touchmove', handleTouchMove);114 app.on('touchend:passive', handleTouchEnd);115 } else {116 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line117 if (tooltip.params.delegated) {118 $(document).on(support.pointerEvents ? 'pointerenter' : 'mouseenter', tooltip.params.targetEl, handleMouseEnter, true);119 $(document).on(support.pointerEvents ? 'pointerleave' : 'mouseleave', tooltip.params.targetEl, handleMouseLeave, true);120 } else {121 tooltip.$targetEl.on(support.pointerEvents ? 'pointerenter' : 'mouseenter', handleMouseEnter);122 tooltip.$targetEl.on(support.pointerEvents ? 'pointerleave' : 'mouseleave', handleMouseLeave);123 }124 }125 };126 tooltip.detachEvents = function detachEvents() {127 $'transitionend', handleTransitionEnd);128 if (tooltip.params.trigger === 'click') {129 if (tooltip.params.delegated) {130 $(document).on('click', tooltip.params.targetEl, handleClick);131 } else {132 tooltip.$'click', handleClick);133 }134 $('html').off('click', handleClickOut);135 return;136 }137 if (tooltip.params.trigger === 'manual') return;138 if (support.touch) {139 var passive = support.passiveListener ? {140 passive: true141 } : false;142 if (tooltip.params.delegated) {143 $(document).off(app.touchEvents.start, tooltip.params.targetEl, handleTouchStart, passive);144 } else {145 tooltip.$, handleTouchStart, passive);146 }147'touchmove', handleTouchMove);148'touchend:passive', handleTouchEnd);149 } else {150 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line151 if (tooltip.params.delegated) {152 $(document).off(support.pointerEvents ? 'pointerenter' : 'mouseenter', tooltip.params.targetEl, handleMouseEnter, true);153 $(document).off(support.pointerEvents ? 'pointerleave' : 'mouseleave', tooltip.params.targetEl, handleMouseLeave, true);154 } else {155 tooltip.$ ? 'pointerenter' : 'mouseenter', handleMouseEnter);156 tooltip.$ ? 'pointerleave' : 'mouseleave', handleMouseLeave);157 }158 }159 }; /​/​ Install Modules160 tooltip.useModules();161 tooltip.init();162 return tooltip || _assertThisInitialized(_this);163 }164 var _proto = Tooltip.prototype;165 _proto.setTargetEl = function setTargetEl(targetEl) {166 var tooltip = this;167 tooltip.detachEvents();168 tooltip.$targetEl = $(targetEl);169 tooltip.targetEl = tooltip.$targetEl[0];170 tooltip.attachEvents();171 return tooltip;172 };173 _proto.position = function position(targetEl) {174 var tooltip = this;175 var $el = tooltip.$el,176 app =,177 $containerEl = tooltip.$containerEl;178 var hasContainerEl = !!tooltip.params.containerEl;179 var tooltipOffset = tooltip.params.offset || 0;180 $el.css({181 left: '',182 top: ''183 });184 var $targetEl = $(targetEl || tooltip.targetEl);185 var _ref = [$el.width(), $el.height()],186 width = _ref[0],187 height = _ref[1];188 $el.css({189 left: '',190 top: ''191 });192 var targetWidth;193 var targetHeight;194 var targetOffsetLeft;195 var targetOffsetTop;196 var boundaries = hasContainerEl && $containerEl.length ? $containerEl[0].getBoundingClientRect() : app;197 if ($targetEl && $targetEl.length > 0) {198 targetWidth = $targetEl.outerWidth();199 targetHeight = $targetEl.outerHeight();200 if (typeof targetWidth === 'undefined' && typeof targetHeight === 'undefined') {201 var clientRect = $targetEl[0].getBoundingClientRect();202 targetWidth = clientRect.width;203 targetHeight = clientRect.height;204 }205 var targetOffset = $targetEl.offset();206 targetOffsetLeft = targetOffset.left - boundaries.left;207 targetOffsetTop = -;208 var targetParentPage = $targetEl.parents('.page');209 if (targetParentPage.length > 0) {210 targetOffsetTop -= targetParentPage[0].scrollTop;211 }212 }213 var _ref2 = [0, 0, 0],214 left = _ref2[0],215 top = _ref2[1]; /​/​ Top Position216 var position = 'top';217 if (height + tooltipOffset < targetOffsetTop) {218 /​/​ On top219 top = targetOffsetTop - height - tooltipOffset;220 } else if (height < boundaries.height - targetOffsetTop - targetHeight) {221 /​/​ On bottom222 position = 'bottom';223 top = targetOffsetTop + targetHeight + tooltipOffset;224 } else {225 /​/​ On middle226 position = 'middle';227 top = targetHeight /​ 2 + targetOffsetTop - height /​ 2;228 if (top <= 0) {229 top = 8;230 } else if (top + height >= boundaries.height) {231 top = boundaries.height - height - 8;232 }233 } /​/​ Horizontal Position234 if (position === 'top' || position === 'bottom') {235 left = targetWidth /​ 2 + targetOffsetLeft - width /​ 2;236 if (left < 8) left = 8;237 if (left + width > boundaries.width) left = boundaries.width - width - 8;238 if (left < 0) left = 0;239 } else if (position === 'middle') {240 left = targetOffsetLeft - width;241 if (left < 8 || left + width > boundaries.width) {242 if (left < 8) left = targetOffsetLeft + targetWidth;243 if (left + width > boundaries.width) left = boundaries.width - width - 8;244 }245 } /​/​ Apply Styles246 $el.css({247 top: top + "px",248 left: left + "px"249 });250 };251 = function show(aroundEl) {252 var tooltip = this;253 var $el = tooltip.$el,254 $targetEl = tooltip.$targetEl,255 $containerEl = tooltip.$containerEl;256 if ($containerEl[0] && $el[0] && !$containerEl[0].contains($el[0])) {257 $containerEl.append($el);258 }259 tooltip.position(aroundEl);260 var $aroundEl = $(aroundEl);261 tooltip.visible = true;262 tooltip.opened = true;263 $targetEl.trigger('tooltip:show');264 $el.trigger('tooltip:show');265 if ($aroundEl.length && $aroundEl[0] !== $targetEl[0]) {266 $aroundEl.trigger('tooltip:show');267 }268 tooltip.emit('local::show tooltipShow', tooltip);269 $el.removeClass('tooltip-out').addClass('tooltip-in');270 return tooltip;271 };272 _proto.hide = function hide() {273 var tooltip = this;274 var $el = tooltip.$el,275 $targetEl = tooltip.$targetEl;276 tooltip.visible = false;277 tooltip.opened = false;278 $targetEl.trigger('tooltip:hide');279 $el.trigger('tooltip:hide');280 tooltip.emit('local::hide tooltipHide', tooltip);281 $el.addClass('tooltip-out').removeClass('tooltip-in');282 return tooltip;283 };284 _proto.render = function render() {285 var tooltip = this;286 if (tooltip.params.render) return, tooltip);287 var _tooltip$params2 = tooltip.params,288 cssClass = _tooltip$params2.cssClass,289 text = _tooltip$params2.text;290 return ("\n <div class=\"tooltip " + (cssClass || '') + "\">\n <div class=\"tooltip-content\">" + (text || '') + "</​div>\n </​div>\n ").trim();291 };292 _proto.setText = function setText(newText) {293 var tooltip = this;294 if (typeof newText === 'undefined') {295 return tooltip;296 }297 tooltip.params.text = newText;298 tooltip.text = newText;299 if (tooltip.$el) {300 tooltip.$el.children('.tooltip-content').html(newText);301 }302 if (tooltip.opened) {303 tooltip.position();304 }305 return tooltip;306 };307 _proto.init = function init() {308 var tooltip = this;309 tooltip.attachEvents();310 };311 _proto.destroy = function destroy() {312 var tooltip = this;313 if (!tooltip.$targetEl || tooltip.destroyed) return;314 tooltip.$targetEl.trigger('tooltip:beforedestroy');315 tooltip.emit('local::beforeDestroy tooltipBeforeDestroy', tooltip);316 tooltip.$el.remove();317 if (tooltip.$targetEl[0]) delete tooltip.$targetEl[0].f7Tooltip;318 tooltip.detachEvents();319 deleteProps(tooltip);320 tooltip.destroyed = true;321 };322 return Tooltip;323}(Framework7Class);...

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1import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('AppComponent', () => {3 let component: AppComponent;4 let fixture: ComponentFixture<AppComponent>;5 beforeEach(async(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 }).compileComponents();8 }));9 beforeEach(() => {10 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);11 component = fixture.componentInstance;12 fixture.detectChanges();13 });14 it('should create the app', () => {15 expect(component).toBeTruthy();16 });17 it(`should have as title 'app'`, () => {18 expect(component.title).toEqual('app');19 });20 it('should render title in a h1 tag', () => {21 const title = targetEl(fixture, 'h1').nativeElement.textContent;22 expect(title).toContain('Welcome to app!');23 });24});

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1import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';2const target = targetEl();3console.log(target);4import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';5const target = targetEl();6console.log(target);

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1import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';2const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');3import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';4const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');5import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';6const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');7import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';8const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');9import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';10const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');11import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';12const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');13import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';14const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');15import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';16const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');17import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';18const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');19import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';20const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');21import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';22const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');23import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';24const targetElement = targetEl('<div></​div>');25import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';26const targetElement = targetEl('<div

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1import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('test', () => {3 it('should test', () => {4 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);5 fixture.detectChanges();6 const targetElement = targetEl(fixture, TestComponent);7 expect(targetElement).toBeTruthy();8 });9});10import { Component } from '@angular/​core';11@Component({12})13export class TestComponent {}14import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';15import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';16describe('test', () => {17 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;18 beforeEach(() => {19 TestBed.configureTestingModule({20 });21 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);22 fixture.detectChanges();23 });24 it('should test', () => {25 expect(fixture).toBeTruthy();26 });27});28import { Component } from '@angular/​core';29@Component({30})31export class TestComponent {}32import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';33import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';34describe('test', () => {35 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;36 beforeEach(() => {37 TestBed.configureTestingModule({38 });39 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);40 fixture.detectChanges();41 });42 it('should test', () => {43 expect(fixture).toBeTruthy();44 });45});46import { Component } from '@angular/​core';47@Component({48})49export class TestComponent {}50import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';51import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';52describe('test', () => {53 let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;54 beforeEach(() => {55 TestBed.configureTestingModule({

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1import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('TestComponent', () => {3 beforeEach(async(() => {4 TestBed.configureTestingModule({5 imports: [BrowserAnimationsModule, MatIconModule, MatTooltipModule]6 }).compileComponents();7 }));8 it('should create', () => {9 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);10 const component = fixture.componentInstance;11 expect(component).toBeTruthy();12 });13 it('should show tooltip on hover', () => {14 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);15 const component = fixture.componentInstance;16 fixture.detectChanges();17 const debugElement = targetEl(fixture.debugElement, MatTooltip);18 const tooltip = debugElement.componentInstance;19 expect(tooltip.disabled).toBe(false);20 });21});22import { Component } from '@angular/​core';23@Component({24})25export class TestComponent {26 constructor() {}27}28mat-icon {29 cursor: pointer;30}31import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';32import { TestComponent } from './​test.component';33import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/​platform-browser/​animations';34import { MatIconModule } from '@angular/​material/​icon';35import { MatTooltipModule } from '@angular/​material/​tooltip';36import { MatTooltip } from '@angular/​material/​tooltip';37import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';38describe('TestComponent', () => {39 beforeEach(async(() => {40 TestBed.configureTestingModule({41 imports: [BrowserAnimationsModule, MatIconModule, MatTooltipModule]42 }).compileComponents();43 }));44 it('should create', () => {45 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);46 const component = fixture.componentInstance;47 expect(component).toBeTruthy();48 });49 it('should show tooltip on hover', () => {50 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);51 const component = fixture.componentInstance;52 fixture.detectChanges();53 const debugElement = targetEl(fixture.debugElement, MatTooltip);54 const tooltip = debugElement.componentInstance;55 expect(tooltip.disabled).toBe(false);56 });57});58import { Component } from '@angular/​core

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1const targetEl = ngMocks.find('my-component').targetEl;2const targetEl = ngMocks.find('my-component').targetEl.nativeElement;3const targetEl = spectator.query('my-component');4const targetEl = spectator.query('my-component').nativeElement;5const targetEl = ngMocks.find('my-component').targetEl;6const targetEl = ngMocks.find('my-component').targetEl.nativeElement;7const targetEl = spectator.query('my-component');8const targetEl = spectator.query('my-component').nativeElement;9const targetEl = ngMocks.find('my-component').targetEl;10const targetEl = ngMocks.find('my-component').targetEl.nativeElement;11const targetEl = spectator.query('my-component');12const targetEl = spectator.query('my-component').nativeElement;13describe('AppComponent', () => {14 let spectator: Spectator<AppComponent>;15 const createComponent = createComponentFactory({16 imports: [FormsModule],17 });18 beforeEach(() => (spectator = createComponent()));19 it('should create the app', () => {20 expect(spectator.component).toBeTruthy();21 });22 it('should render title in a h1 tag', () => {23 expect(spectator.query('h1').textContent).toContain('Welcome to app!');24 });25 it('should render my-component', () => {26 expect(spectator.query('my-component')).toBeTruthy();27 });28});29describe('MyComponent', () => {30 let spectator: Spectator<MyComponent>;31 const createComponent = createComponentFactory({32 imports: [FormsModule],

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1const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent);2const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent, 'child');3const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent, 'child', 'child');4const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent, 'child', 'child', 'child');5const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent, 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child');6const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent, 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child');7const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent, 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child');8const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent, 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child');9const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent, 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child');10const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent, 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child');11const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent, 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child', 'child');12const targetEl = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent, 'child', '

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1import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';2const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);3const target = targetEl(fixture, TestComponent, 0);4expect(target).toBeDefined();5expect(target.nativeElement).toBeDefined();6expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement);7expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.firstChild);8expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.lastChild);9expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.children[0]);10expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.children[1]);11expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.children[2]);12expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.children[3]);13expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.children[4]);14expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.children[5]);15expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.children[6]);16expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.children[7]);17expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.children[8]);18expect(target.nativeElement).toBe(fixture.nativeElement.children[9]);

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1import { targetEl } from 'ng-mocks';2const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);3const target = targetEl(fixture, 'a', 0);4expect(target).toBeDefined();5expect(target.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Click me');6const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);7const target = targetEl(fixture, 'a', 0);8expect(target).toBeDefined();9expect(target.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Click me');10const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);11const target = targetEl(fixture, 'a', 0);12expect(target).toBeDefined();13expect(target.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Click me');14const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);15const target = targetEl(fixture, 'a', 0);16expect(target).toBeDefined();17expect(target.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Click me');18const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);19const target = targetEl(fixture, 'a', 0);20expect(target).toBeDefined();21expect(target.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Click me');22const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);23const target = targetEl(fixture, 'a', 0);24expect(target).toBeDefined();25expect(target.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Click me');26const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);27const target = targetEl(fixture, 'a', 0);28expect(target).toBeDefined();29expect(target.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Click me');30const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);31const target = targetEl(fixture, 'a', 0);32expect(target).toBeDefined();33expect(target.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Click me');34const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);35const target = targetEl(fixture, 'a', 0);36expect(target).toBeDefined();37expect(target.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Click me');38const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);39const target = targetEl(fixture, 'a', 0);40expect(target).toBeDefined();41expect(target.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('Click me');

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