How to use spy method in ng-mocks

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Source: spy_test.js Github


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...20 "returns false if spy was not called": function () {21 assert.isFalse(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));22 },23 "returns true if spy was called with args": function () {24 this.spy(1, 2, 3);25 assert(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));26 },27 "returns true if called with args at least once": function () {28 this.spy(1, 3, 3);29 this.spy(1, 2, 3);30 this.spy(3, 2, 3);31 assert(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));32 },33 "returns false if not called with args": function () {34 this.spy(1, 3, 3);35 this.spy(2);36 this.spy();37 assert.isFalse(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));38 },39 "returns true for partial match": function () {40 this.spy(1, 3, 3);41 this.spy(2);42 this.spy();43 assert(this.spy[method](1, 3));44 },45 "matchs all arguments individually, not as array": function () {46 this.spy([1, 2, 3]);47 assert.isFalse(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));48 },49 "uses matcher": function () {50 this.spy("abc");51 assert(this.spy[method](sinon.match.typeOf("string")));52 },53 "uses matcher in object": function () {54 this.spy({ some: "abc" });55 assert(this.spy[method]({ some: sinon.match.typeOf("string") }));56 }57 };58 }59 function spyAlwaysCalledTests(method) {60 return {61 setUp: function () {62 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();63 },64 "returns false if spy was not called": function () {65 assert.isFalse(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));66 },67 "returns true if spy was called with args": function () {68 this.spy(1, 2, 3);69 assert(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));70 },71 "returns false if called with args only once": function () {72 this.spy(1, 3, 3);73 this.spy(1, 2, 3);74 this.spy(3, 2, 3);75 assert.isFalse(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));76 },77 "returns false if not called with args": function () {78 this.spy(1, 3, 3);79 this.spy(2);80 this.spy();81 assert.isFalse(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));82 },83 "returns true for partial match": function () {84 this.spy(1, 3, 3);85 assert(this.spy[method](1, 3));86 },87 "returns true for partial match on many calls": function () {88 this.spy(1, 3, 3);89 this.spy(1, 3);90 this.spy(1, 3, 4, 5);91 this.spy(1, 3, 1);92 assert(this.spy[method](1, 3));93 },94 "matchs all arguments individually, not as array": function () {95 this.spy([1, 2, 3]);96 assert.isFalse(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));97 }98 };99 }100 function spyNeverCalledTests(method) {101 return {102 setUp: function () {103 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();104 },105 "returns true if spy was not called": function () {106 assert(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));107 },108 "returns false if spy was called with args": function () {109 this.spy(1, 2, 3);110 assert.isFalse(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));111 },112 "returns false if called with args at least once": function () {113 this.spy(1, 3, 3);114 this.spy(1, 2, 3);115 this.spy(3, 2, 3);116 assert.isFalse(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));117 },118 "returns true if not called with args": function () {119 this.spy(1, 3, 3);120 this.spy(2);121 this.spy();122 assert(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));123 },124 "returns false for partial match": function () {125 this.spy(1, 3, 3);126 this.spy(2);127 this.spy();128 assert.isFalse(this.spy[method](1, 3));129 },130 "matchs all arguments individually, not as array": function () {131 this.spy([1, 2, 3]);132 assert(this.spy[method](1, 2, 3));133 }134 };135 }136 buster.testCase("sinon.spy", {137 "does not throw if called without function": function () {138 refute.exception(function () {139 sinon.spy.create();140 });141 },142 "does not throw when calling anonymous spy": function () {143 var spy = sinon.spy.create();144 refute.exception(function () {145 spy();146 });147 assert(spy.called);148 },149 "returns spy function": function () {150 var func = function () {};151 var spy = sinon.spy.create(func);152 assert.isFunction(spy);153 refute.same(func, spy);154 },155 "mirrors custom properties on function": function () {156 var func = function () {};157 func.myProp = 42;158 var spy = sinon.spy.create(func);159 assert.equals(spy.myProp, func.myProp);160 },161 "does not define create method": function () {162 var spy = sinon.spy.create();163 refute.defined(spy.create);164 },165 "does not overwrite original create property": function () {166 var func = function () {};167 var object = func.create = {};168 var spy = sinon.spy.create(func);169 assert.same(spy.create, object);170 },171 "setups logging arrays": function () {172 var spy = sinon.spy.create();173 assert.isArray(spy.args);174 assert.isArray(spy.returnValues);175 assert.isArray(spy.thisValues);176 assert.isArray(spy.exceptions);177 },178 "call": {179 "calls underlying function": function () {180 var called = false;181 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {182 called = true;183 });184 spy();185 assert(called);186 },187 "passs arguments to function": function () {188 var actualArgs;189 var func = function (a, b, c, d) {190 actualArgs = [a, b, c, d];191 };192 var args = [1, {}, [], ""];193 var spy = sinon.spy.create(func);194 spy(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);195 assert.equals(actualArgs, args);196 },197 "maintains this binding": function () {198 var actualThis;199 var func = function () {200 actualThis = this;201 };202 var object = {};203 var spy = sinon.spy.create(func);204;205 assert.same(actualThis, object);206 },207 "returns function's return value": function () {208 var object = {};209 var func = function () {210 return object;211 };212 var spy = sinon.spy.create(func);213 var actualReturn = spy();214 assert.same(actualReturn, object);215 },216 "throws if function throws": function () {217 var err = new Error();218 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {219 throw err;220 });221 try {222 spy();223"Expected spy to throw exception");224 } catch (e) {225 assert.same(e, err);226 }227 },228 "retains function length 0": function () {229 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {});230 assert.equals(spy.length, 0);231 },232 "retains function length 1": function () {233 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function (a) {});234 assert.equals(spy.length, 1);235 },236 "retains function length 2": function () {237 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function (a, b) {});238 assert.equals(spy.length, 2);239 },240 "retains function length 3": function () {241 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function (a, b, c) {});242 assert.equals(spy.length, 3);243 },244 "retains function length 4": function () {245 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function (a, b, c, d) {});246 assert.equals(spy.length, 4);247 },248 "retains function length 12": function () {249 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j,k,l) {});250 assert.equals(spy.length, 12);251 }252 },253 "called": {254 setUp: function () {255 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();256 },257 "is false prior to calling the spy": function () {258 assert.isFalse(this.spy.called);259 },260 "is true after calling the spy once": function () {261 this.spy();262 assert(this.spy.called);263 },264 "is true after calling the spy twice": function () {265 this.spy();266 this.spy();267 assert(this.spy.called);268 }269 },270 "notCalled": {271 setUp: function () {272 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();273 },274 "is true prior to calling the spy": function () {275 assert.isTrue(this.spy.notCalled);276 },277 "is false after calling the spy once": function () {278 this.spy();279 assert.isFalse(this.spy.notCalled);280 }281 },282 "calledOnce": {283 setUp: function () {284 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();285 },286 "is false prior to calling the spy": function () {287 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledOnce);288 },289 "is true after calling the spy once": function () {290 this.spy();291 assert(this.spy.calledOnce);292 },293 "is false after calling the spy twice": function () {294 this.spy();295 this.spy();296 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledOnce);297 }298 },299 "calledTwice": {300 setUp: function () {301 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();302 },303 "is false prior to calling the spy": function () {304 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledTwice);305 },306 "is false after calling the spy once": function () {307 this.spy();308 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledTwice);309 },310 "is true after calling the spy twice": function () {311 this.spy();312 this.spy();313 assert(this.spy.calledTwice);314 },315 "is false after calling the spy thrice": function () {316 this.spy();317 this.spy();318 this.spy();319 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledTwice);320 }321 },322 "calledThrice": {323 setUp: function () {324 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();325 },326 "is false prior to calling the spy": function () {327 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledThrice);328 },329 "is false after calling the spy twice": function () {330 this.spy();331 this.spy();332 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledThrice);333 },334 "is true after calling the spy thrice": function () {335 this.spy();336 this.spy();337 this.spy();338 assert(this.spy.calledThrice);339 },340 "is false after calling the spy four times": function () {341 this.spy();342 this.spy();343 this.spy();344 this.spy();345 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledThrice);346 }347 },348 "callCount": {349 setUp: function () {350 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();351 },352 "reports 0 calls": function () {353 assert.equals(this.spy.callCount, 0);354 },355 "records one call": function () {356 this.spy();357 assert.equals(this.spy.callCount, 1);358 },359 "records two calls": function () {360 this.spy();361 this.spy();362 assert.equals(this.spy.callCount, 2);363 },364 "increases call count for each call": function () {365 this.spy();366 this.spy();367 assert.equals(this.spy.callCount, 2);368 this.spy();369 assert.equals(this.spy.callCount, 3);370 }371 },372 "calledOn": {373 setUp: function () {374 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();375 },376 "is false if spy wasn't called": function () {377 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledOn({}));378 },379 "is true if called with thisValue": function () {380 var object = {};381;382 assert(this.spy.calledOn(object));383 },384 "browser": {385 requiresSupportFor: { "browser": typeof window !== "undefined" },386 "is true if called on object at least once": function () {387 var object = {};388 this.spy();389{});390;391;392 assert(this.spy.calledOn(object));393 }394 },395 "returns false if not called on object": function () {396 var object = {};397;398 this.spy();399 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledOn({}));400 },401 "is true if called with matcher that returns true": function () {402 var matcher = sinon.match(function () { return true; });403 this.spy();404 assert(this.spy.calledOn(matcher));405 },406 "is false if called with matcher that returns false": function () {407 var matcher = sinon.match(function () { return false; });408 this.spy();409 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledOn(matcher));410 },411 "invokes matcher.test with given object": function () {412 var expected = {};413 var actual;414;415 this.spy.calledOn(sinon.match(function (value) {416 actual = value;417 }));418 assert.same(actual, expected);419 }420 },421 "alwaysCalledOn": {422 setUp: function () {423 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();424 },425 "is false prior to calling the spy": function () {426 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledOn({}));427 },428 "is true if called with thisValue once": function () {429 var object = {};430;431 assert(this.spy.alwaysCalledOn(object));432 },433 "is true if called with thisValue many times": function () {434 var object = {};435;436;437;438;439 assert(this.spy.alwaysCalledOn(object));440 },441 "is false if called with another object atleast once": function () {442 var object = {};443;444;445;446 this.spy();447;448 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledOn(object));449 },450 "is false if never called with expected object": function () {451 var object = {};452 this.spy();453 this.spy();454 this.spy();455 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledOn(object));456 }457 },458 "calledWithNew": {459 setUp: function () {460 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();461 },462 "is false if spy wasn't called": function () {463 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledWithNew());464 },465 "is true if called with new": function () {466 var result = new this.spy();467 assert(this.spy.calledWithNew());468 },469 "is true if called with new on custom constructor": function () {470 function MyThing() {}471 MyThing.prototype = {};472 var ns = { MyThing: MyThing };473 sinon.spy(ns, "MyThing");474 var result = new ns.MyThing();475 assert(ns.MyThing.calledWithNew());476 },477 "is false if called as function": function () {478 this.spy();479 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledWithNew());480 },481 "browser": {482 requiresSupportFor: { "browser": typeof window !== "undefined" },483 "is true if called with new at least once": function () {484 var object = {};485 this.spy();486 var a = new this.spy();487 this.spy(object);488 this.spy(window);489 assert(this.spy.calledWithNew());490 }491 },492 "is true newed constructor returns object": function () {493 function MyThing() { return {}; }494 var object = { MyThing: MyThing };495 sinon.spy(object, "MyThing");496 var result = new object.MyThing;497 assert(object.MyThing.calledWithNew());498 }499 },500 "alwaysCalledWithNew": {501 setUp: function () {502 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();503 },504 "is false if spy wasn't called": function () {505 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithNew());506 },507 "is true if always called with new": function () {508 var result = new this.spy();509 var result2 = new this.spy();510 var result3 = new this.spy();511 assert(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithNew());512 },513 "is false if called as function once": function () {514 var result = new this.spy();515 var result2 = new this.spy();516 this.spy();517 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithNew());518 }519 },520 "thisValue": {521 setUp: function () {522 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();523 },524 "contains one object": function () {525 var object = {};526;527 assert.equals(this.spy.thisValues, [object]);528 },529 "stacks up objects": function () {530 function MyConstructor() {}531 var objects = [{}, [], new MyConstructor(), { id: 243 }];532 this.spy();533[0]);534[1]);535[2]);536[3]);537 assert.equals(this.spy.thisValues, [this].concat(objects));538 }539 },540 "calledWith": spyCalledTests("calledWith"),541 "calledWithMatch": spyCalledTests("calledWithMatch"),542 "calledWithMatchSpecial": {543 setUp: function () {544 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();545 },546 "checks substring match": function () {547 this.spy("I like it");548 assert(this.spy.calledWithMatch("like"));549 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledWithMatch("nope"));550 },551 "checks for regexp match": function () {552 this.spy("I like it");553 assert(this.spy.calledWithMatch(/​[a-z ]+/​i));554 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledWithMatch(/​[0-9]+/​));555 },556 "checks for partial object match": function () {557 this.spy({ foo: "foo", bar: "bar" });558 assert(this.spy.calledWithMatch({ bar: "bar" }));559 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledWithMatch({ same: "same" }));560 }561 },562 "alwaysCalledWith": spyAlwaysCalledTests("alwaysCalledWith"),563 "alwaysCalledWithMatch": spyAlwaysCalledTests("alwaysCalledWithMatch"),564 "alwaysCalledWithMatchSpecial": {565 setUp: function () {566 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();567 },568 "checks true": function () {569 this.spy(true);570 assert(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithMatch(true));571 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithMatch(false));572 },573 "checks false": function () {574 this.spy(false);575 assert(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithMatch(false));576 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithMatch(true));577 },578 "checks substring match": function () {579 this.spy("test case");580 this.spy("some test");581 this.spy("all tests");582 assert(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithMatch("test"));583 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithMatch("case"));584 },585 "checks regexp match": function () {586 this.spy("1");587 this.spy("2");588 this.spy("3");589 assert(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithMatch(/​[123]/​));590 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithMatch(/​[12]/​));591 },592 "checks partial object match": function () {593 this.spy({ a: "a", b: "b" });594 this.spy({ c: "c", b: "b" });595 this.spy({ b: "b", d: "d" });596 assert(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithMatch({ b: "b" }));597 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithMatch({ a: "a" }));598 }599 },600 "neverCalledWith": spyNeverCalledTests("neverCalledWith"),601 "neverCalledWithMatch": spyNeverCalledTests("neverCalledWithMatch"),602 "neverCalledWithMatchSpecial": {603 setUp: function () {604 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();605 },606 "checks substring match": function () {607 this.spy("a test", "b test");608 assert(this.spy.neverCalledWithMatch("a", "a"));609 assert(this.spy.neverCalledWithMatch("b", "b"));610 assert(this.spy.neverCalledWithMatch("b", "a"));611 assert.isFalse(this.spy.neverCalledWithMatch("a", "b"));612 },613 "checks regexp match": function () {614 this.spy("a test", "b test");615 assert(this.spy.neverCalledWithMatch(/​a/​, /​a/​));616 assert(this.spy.neverCalledWithMatch(/​b/​, /​b/​));617 assert(this.spy.neverCalledWithMatch(/​b/​, /​a/​));618 assert.isFalse(this.spy.neverCalledWithMatch(/​a/​, /​b/​));619 },620 "checks partial object match": function () {621 this.spy({ a: "test", b: "test" });622 assert(this.spy.neverCalledWithMatch({ a: "nope" }));623 assert(this.spy.neverCalledWithMatch({ c: "test" }));624 assert.isFalse(this.spy.neverCalledWithMatch({ b: "test" }));625 }626 },627 "args": {628 setUp: function () {629 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();630 },631 "contains real arrays": function () {632 this.spy();633 assert.isArray(this.spy.args[0]);634 },635 "contains empty array when no arguments": function () {636 this.spy();637 assert.equals(this.spy.args, [[]]);638 },639 "contains array with first call's arguments": function () {640 this.spy(1, 2, 3);641 assert.equals(this.spy.args, [[1, 2, 3]]);642 },643 "stacks up arguments in nested array": function () {644 var objects = [{}, [], { id: 324 }];645 this.spy(1, objects[0], 3);646 this.spy(1, 2, objects[1]);647 this.spy(objects[2], 2, 3);648 assert.equals(this.spy.args,649 [[1, objects[0], 3],650 [1, 2, objects[1]],651 [objects[2], 2, 3]]);652 }653 },654 "calledWithExactly": {655 setUp: function () {656 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();657 },658 "returns false for partial match": function () {659 this.spy(1, 2, 3);660 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledWithExactly(1, 2));661 },662 "returns false for missing arguments": function () {663 this.spy(1, 2, 3);664 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledWithExactly(1, 2, 3, 4));665 },666 "returns true for exact match": function () {667 this.spy(1, 2, 3);668 assert(this.spy.calledWithExactly(1, 2, 3));669 },670 "matchs by strict comparison": function () {671 this.spy({}, []);672 assert.isFalse(this.spy.calledWithExactly({}, [], null));673 },674 "returns true for one exact match": function () {675 var object = {};676 var array = [];677 this.spy({}, []);678 this.spy(object, []);679 this.spy(object, array);680 assert(this.spy.calledWithExactly(object, array));681 }682 },683 "alwaysCalledWithExactly": {684 setUp: function () {685 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();686 },687 "returns false for partial match": function () {688 this.spy(1, 2, 3);689 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithExactly(1, 2));690 },691 "returns false for missing arguments": function () {692 this.spy(1, 2, 3);693 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithExactly(1, 2, 3, 4));694 },695 "returns true for exact match": function () {696 this.spy(1, 2, 3);697 assert(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithExactly(1, 2, 3));698 },699 "returns false for excess arguments": function () {700 this.spy({}, []);701 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithExactly({}, [], null));702 },703 "returns false for one exact match": function () {704 var object = {};705 var array = [];706 this.spy({}, []);707 this.spy(object, []);708 this.spy(object, array);709 assert(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithExactly(object, array));710 },711 "returns true for only exact matches": function () {712 var object = {};713 var array = [];714 this.spy(object, array);715 this.spy(object, array);716 this.spy(object, array);717 assert(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithExactly(object, array));718 },719 "returns false for no exact matches": function () {720 var object = {};721 var array = [];722 this.spy(object, array, null);723 this.spy(object, array, undefined);724 this.spy(object, array, "");725 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysCalledWithExactly(object, array));726 }727 },728 "threw": {729 setUp: function () {730 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();731 this.spyWithTypeError = sinon.spy.create(function () {732 throw new TypeError();733 });734 735 this.spyWithStringError = sinon.spy.create(function() {736 throw "error";737 });738 },739 "returns exception thrown by function": function () {740 var err = new Error();741 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {742 throw err;743 });744 try {745 spy();746 } catch (e) {}747 assert(spy.threw(err));748 },749 "returns false if spy did not throw": function () {750 this.spy();751 assert.isFalse(this.spy.threw());752 },753 "returns true if spy threw": function () {754 try {755 this.spyWithTypeError();756 } catch (e) {}757 assert(this.spyWithTypeError.threw());758 },759 "returns true if string type matches": function () {760 try {761 this.spyWithTypeError();762 } catch (e) {}763 assert(this.spyWithTypeError.threw("TypeError"));764 },765 "returns false if string did not match": function () {766 try {767 this.spyWithTypeError();768 } catch (e) {}769 assert.isFalse(this.spyWithTypeError.threw("Error"));770 },771 "returns false if spy did not throw specified error": function () {772 this.spy();773 assert.isFalse(this.spy.threw("Error"));774 },775 776 "returns true if string matches": function () {777 try {778 this.spyWithStringError();779 } catch (e) {}780 781 assert(this.spyWithStringError.threw("error"));782 },783 784 "returns false if strings do not match": function() {785 try {786 this.spyWithStringError();787 } catch (e) {}788 789 assert.isFalse(this.spyWithStringError.threw("not the error"));790 }791 },792 "alwaysThrew": {793 setUp: function () {794 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();795 this.spyWithTypeError = sinon.spy.create(function () {796 throw new TypeError();797 });798 },799 "returns true when spy threw": function () {800 var err = new Error();801 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {802 throw err;803 });804 try {805 spy();806 } catch (e) {}807 assert(spy.alwaysThrew(err));808 },809 "returns false if spy did not throw": function () {810 this.spy();811 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysThrew());812 },813 "returns true if spy threw": function () {814 try {815 this.spyWithTypeError();816 } catch (e) {}817 assert(this.spyWithTypeError.alwaysThrew());818 },819 "returns true if string type matches": function () {820 try {821 this.spyWithTypeError();822 } catch (e) {}823 assert(this.spyWithTypeError.alwaysThrew("TypeError"));824 },825 "returns false if string did not match": function () {826 try {827 this.spyWithTypeError();828 } catch (e) {}829 assert.isFalse(this.spyWithTypeError.alwaysThrew("Error"));830 },831 "returns false if spy did not throw specified error": function () {832 this.spy();833 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysThrew("Error"));834 },835 "returns false if some calls did not throw": function () {836 var spy = sinon.stub.create(function () {837 if (spy.callCount === 0) {838 throw new Error();839 }840 });841 try {842 this.spy();843 } catch (e) {}844 this.spy();845 assert.isFalse(this.spy.alwaysThrew());846 },847 "returns true if all calls threw": function () {848 try {849 this.spyWithTypeError();850 } catch (e1) {}851 try {852 this.spyWithTypeError();853 } catch (e2) {}854 assert(this.spyWithTypeError.alwaysThrew());855 },856 "returns true if all calls threw same type": function () {857 try {858 this.spyWithTypeError();859 } catch (e1) {}860 try {861 this.spyWithTypeError();862 } catch (e2) {}863 assert(this.spyWithTypeError.alwaysThrew("TypeError"));864 }865 },866 "exceptions": {867 setUp: function () {868 this.spy = sinon.spy.create();869 var error = this.error = {};870 this.spyWithTypeError = sinon.spy.create(function () {871 throw error;872 });873 },874 "contains exception thrown by function": function () {875 try {876 this.spyWithTypeError();877 } catch (e) {}878 assert.equals(this.spyWithTypeError.exceptions, [this.error]);879 },880 "contains undefined entry when function did not throw": function () {881 this.spy();882 assert.equals(this.spy.exceptions.length, 1);883 refute.defined(this.spy.exceptions[0]);884 },885 "stacks up exceptions and undefined": function () {886 var calls = 0;887 var err = this.error;888 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {889 calls += 1;890 if (calls % 2 === 0) {891 throw err;892 }893 });894 spy();895 try {896 spy();897 } catch (e1) {}898 spy();899 try {900 spy();901 } catch (e2) {}902 spy();903 assert.equals(spy.exceptions.length, 5);904 refute.defined(spy.exceptions[0]);905 assert.equals(spy.exceptions[1], err);906 refute.defined(spy.exceptions[2]);907 assert.equals(spy.exceptions[3], err);908 refute.defined(spy.exceptions[4]);909 }910 },911 "returned": {912 "returns true when no argument": function () {913 var spy = sinon.spy.create();914 spy();915 assert(spy.returned());916 },917 "returns true for undefined when no explicit return": function () {918 var spy = sinon.spy.create();919 spy();920 assert(spy.returned(undefined));921 },922 "returns true when returned value once": function () {923 var values = [{}, 2, "hey", function () {}];924 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {925 return values[spy.callCount];926 });927 spy();928 spy();929 spy();930 spy();931 assert(spy.returned(values[3]));932 },933 "returns false when value is never returned": function () {934 var values = [{}, 2, "hey", function () {}];935 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {936 return values[spy.callCount];937 });938 spy();939 spy();940 spy();941 spy();942 assert.isFalse(spy.returned({ id: 42 }));943 },944 "returns true when value is returned several times": function () {945 var object = { id: 42 };946 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {947 return object;948 });949 spy();950 spy();951 spy();952 assert(spy.returned(object));953 },954 "compares values deeply": function () {955 var object = { deep: { id: 42 } };956 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {957 return object;958 });959 spy();960 assert(spy.returned({ deep: { id: 42 } }));961 },962 "compares values strictly using match.same": function () {963 var object = { id: 42 };964 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {965 return object;966 });967 spy();968 assert.isFalse(spy.returned(sinon.match.same({ id: 42 })));969 assert(spy.returned(sinon.match.same(object)));970 }971 },972 "returnValues": {973 "contains undefined when function does not return explicitly": function () {974 var spy = sinon.spy.create();975 spy();976 assert.equals(spy.returnValues.length, 1);977 refute.defined(spy.returnValues[0]);978 },979 "contains return value": function () {980 var object = { id: 42 };981 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {982 return object;983 });984 spy();985 assert.equals(spy.returnValues, [object]);986 },987 "contains undefined when function throws": function () {988 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {989 throw new Error();990 });991 try {992 spy();993 } catch (e) {994 }995 assert.equals(spy.returnValues.length, 1);996 refute.defined(spy.returnValues[0]);997 },998 "stacks up return values": function () {999 var calls = 0;1000 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {1001 calls += 1;1002 if (calls % 2 === 0) {1003 return calls;1004 }1005 });1006 spy();1007 spy();1008 spy();1009 spy();1010 spy();1011 assert.equals(spy.returnValues.length, 5);1012 refute.defined(spy.returnValues[0]);1013 assert.equals(spy.returnValues[1], 2);1014 refute.defined(spy.returnValues[2]);1015 assert.equals(spy.returnValues[3], 4);1016 refute.defined(spy.returnValues[4]);1017 }1018 },1019 "calledBefore": {1020 setUp: function () {1021 this.spy1 = sinon.spy();1022 this.spy2 = sinon.spy();1023 },1024 "is function": function () {1025 assert.isFunction(this.spy1.calledBefore);1026 },1027 "returns true if first call to A was before first to B": function () {1028 this.spy1();1029 this.spy2();1030 assert(this.spy1.calledBefore(this.spy2));1031 },1032 "compares call order of calls directly": function () {1033 this.spy1();1034 this.spy2();1035 assert(this.spy1.getCall(0).calledBefore(this.spy2.getCall(0)));1036 },1037 "returns false if not called": function () {1038 this.spy2();1039 assert.isFalse(this.spy1.calledBefore(this.spy2));1040 },1041 "returns true if other not called": function () {1042 this.spy1();1043 assert(this.spy1.calledBefore(this.spy2));1044 },1045 "returns false if other called first": function () {1046 this.spy2();1047 this.spy1();1048 this.spy2();1049 assert(this.spy1.calledBefore(this.spy2));1050 }1051 },1052 "calledAfter": {1053 setUp: function () {1054 this.spy1 = sinon.spy();1055 this.spy2 = sinon.spy();1056 },1057 "is function": function () {1058 assert.isFunction(this.spy1.calledAfter);1059 },1060 "returns true if first call to A was after first to B": function () {1061 this.spy2();1062 this.spy1();1063 assert(this.spy1.calledAfter(this.spy2));1064 },1065 "compares calls directly": function () {1066 this.spy2();1067 this.spy1();1068 assert(this.spy1.getCall(0).calledAfter(this.spy2.getCall(0)));1069 },1070 "returns false if not called": function () {1071 this.spy2();1072 assert.isFalse(this.spy1.calledAfter(this.spy2));1073 },1074 "returns false if other not called": function () {1075 this.spy1();1076 assert.isFalse(this.spy1.calledAfter(this.spy2));1077 },1078 "returns false if other called last": function () {1079 this.spy2();1080 this.spy1();1081 this.spy2();1082 assert.isFalse(this.spy1.calledAfter(this.spy2));1083 }1084 },1085 "firstCall": {1086 "is undefined by default": function () {1087 var spy = sinon.spy();1088 assert.isNull(spy.firstCall);1089 },1090 "is equal to getCall(0) result after first call": function () {1091 var spy = sinon.spy();1092 spy();1093 var call0 = spy.getCall(0);1094 assert.equals(spy.firstCall.callId, call0.callId);1095 assert.same(spy.firstCall.spy, call0.spy);1096 }1097 },1098 "secondCall": {1099 "is null by default": function () {1100 var spy = sinon.spy();1101 assert.isNull(spy.secondCall);1102 },1103 "stills be null after first call": function () {1104 var spy = sinon.spy();1105 spy();1106 assert.isNull(spy.secondCall);1107 },1108 "is equal to getCall(1) result after second call": function () {1109 var spy = sinon.spy();1110 spy();1111 spy();1112 var call1 = spy.getCall(1);1113 assert.equals(spy.secondCall.callId, call1.callId);1114 assert.same(spy.secondCall.spy, call1.spy);1115 }1116 },1117 "thirdCall": {1118 "is undefined by default": function () {1119 var spy = sinon.spy();1120 assert.isNull(spy.thirdCall);1121 },1122 "stills be undefined after second call": function () {1123 var spy = sinon.spy();1124 spy();1125 spy();1126 assert.isNull(spy.thirdCall);1127 },1128 "is equal to getCall(1) result after second call": function () {1129 var spy = sinon.spy();1130 spy();1131 spy();1132 spy();1133 var call2 = spy.getCall(2);1134 assert.equals(spy.thirdCall.callId, call2.callId);1135 assert.same(spy.thirdCall.spy, call2.spy);1136 }1137 },1138 "lastCall": {1139 "is undefined by default": function () {1140 var spy = sinon.spy();1141 assert.isNull(spy.lastCall);1142 },1143 "is same as firstCall after first call": function () {1144 var spy = sinon.spy();1145 spy();1146 assert.same(spy.lastCall.callId, spy.firstCall.callId);1147 assert.same(spy.lastCall.spy, spy.firstCall.spy);1148 },1149 "is same as secondCall after second call": function () {1150 var spy = sinon.spy();1151 spy();1152 spy();1153 assert.same(spy.lastCall.callId, spy.secondCall.callId);1154 assert.same(spy.lastCall.spy, spy.secondCall.spy);1155 },1156 "is same as thirdCall after third call": function () {1157 var spy = sinon.spy();1158 spy();1159 spy();1160 spy();1161 assert.same(spy.lastCall.callId, spy.thirdCall.callId);1162 assert.same(spy.lastCall.spy, spy.thirdCall.spy);1163 },1164 "is equal to getCall(3) result after fourth call": function () {1165 var spy = sinon.spy();1166 spy();1167 spy();1168 spy();1169 spy();1170 var call3 = spy.getCall(3);1171 assert.equals(spy.lastCall.callId, call3.callId);1172 assert.same(spy.lastCall.spy, call3.spy);1173 },1174 "is equal to getCall(4) result after fifth call": function () {1175 var spy = sinon.spy();1176 spy();1177 spy();1178 spy();1179 spy();1180 spy();1181 var call4 = spy.getCall(4);1182 assert.equals(spy.lastCall.callId, call4.callId);1183 assert.same(spy.lastCall.spy, call4.spy);1184 }1185 },1186 "callArg": {1187 "is function": function () {1188 var spy = sinon.spy();1189 assert.isFunction(spy.callArg);1190 },1191 "invokes argument at index for all calls": function () {1192 var spy = sinon.spy();1193 var callback = sinon.spy();1194 spy(1, 2, callback);1195 spy(3, 4, callback);1196 spy.callArg(2);1197 assert(callback.calledTwice);1198 assert(callback.alwaysCalledWith());1199 },1200 "throws if argument at index is not a function": function () {1201 var spy = sinon.spy();1202 spy();1203 assert.exception(function () {1204 spy.callArg(1);1205 }, "TypeError");1206 },1207 "throws if spy was not yet invoked": function () {1208 var spy = sinon.spy();1209 try {1210 spy.callArg(0);1211 throw new Error();1212 } catch (e) {1213 assert.equals(e.message, "spy cannot call arg since it was not yet invoked.");1214 }1215 },1216 "includes spy name in error message": function () {1217 var api = { someMethod: function () {} };1218 var spy = sinon.spy(api, "someMethod");1219 try {1220 spy.callArg(0);1221 throw new Error();1222 } catch (e) {1223 assert.equals(e.message, "someMethod cannot call arg since it was not yet invoked.");1224 }1225 },1226 "throws if index is not a number": function () {1227 var spy = sinon.spy();1228 spy();1229 assert.exception(function () {1230 spy.callArg("");1231 }, "TypeError");1232 },1233 "passs additional arguments": function () {1234 var spy = sinon.spy();1235 var callback = sinon.spy();1236 var array = [];1237 var object = {};1238 spy(callback);1239 spy.callArg(0, "abc", 123, array, object);1240 assert(callback.calledWith("abc", 123, array, object));1241 }1242 },1243 "callArgOn": {1244 "is function": function () {1245 var spy = sinon.spy();1246 assert.isFunction(spy.callArgOn);1247 },1248 "invokes argument at index for all calls": function () {1249 var spy = sinon.spy();1250 var callback = sinon.spy();1251 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1252 spy(1, 2, callback);1253 spy(3, 4, callback);1254 spy.callArgOn(2, thisObj);1255 assert(callback.calledTwice);1256 assert(callback.alwaysCalledWith());1257 assert(callback.alwaysCalledOn(thisObj));1258 },1259 "throws if argument at index is not a function": function () {1260 var spy = sinon.spy();1261 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1262 spy();1263 assert.exception(function () {1264 spy.callArgOn(1, thisObj);1265 }, "TypeError");1266 },1267 "throws if spy was not yet invoked": function () {1268 var spy = sinon.spy();1269 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1270 try {1271 spy.callArgOn(0, thisObj);1272 throw new Error();1273 } catch (e) {1274 assert.equals(e.message, "spy cannot call arg since it was not yet invoked.");1275 }1276 },1277 "includes spy name in error message": function () {1278 var api = { someMethod: function () {} };1279 var spy = sinon.spy(api, "someMethod");1280 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1281 try {1282 spy.callArgOn(0, thisObj);1283 throw new Error();1284 } catch (e) {1285 assert.equals(e.message, "someMethod cannot call arg since it was not yet invoked.");1286 }1287 },1288 "throws if index is not a number": function () {1289 var spy = sinon.spy();1290 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1291 spy();1292 assert.exception(function () {1293 spy.callArg("", thisObj);1294 }, "TypeError");1295 },1296 "pass additional arguments": function () {1297 var spy = sinon.spy();1298 var callback = sinon.spy();1299 var array = [];1300 var object = {};1301 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1302 spy(callback);1303 spy.callArgOn(0, thisObj, "abc", 123, array, object);1304 assert(callback.calledWith("abc", 123, array, object));1305 assert(callback.calledOn(thisObj));1306 }1307 },1308 "callArgWith": {1309 "is alias for callArg": function () {1310 var spy = sinon.spy();1311 assert.same(spy.callArgWith, spy.callArg);1312 }1313 },1314 "callArgOnWith": {1315 "is alias for callArgOn": function () {1316 var spy = sinon.spy();1317 assert.same(spy.callArgOnWith, spy.callArgOn);1318 }1319 },1320 "yield": {1321 "is function": function () {1322 var spy = sinon.spy();1323 assert.isFunction(spy.yield);1324 },1325 "invokes first function arg for all calls": function () {1326 var spy = sinon.spy();1327 var callback = sinon.spy();1328 spy(1, 2, callback);1329 spy(3, 4, callback);1330 spy.yield();1331 assert(callback.calledTwice);1332 assert(callback.alwaysCalledWith());1333 },1334 "throws if spy was not yet invoked": function () {1335 var spy = sinon.spy();1336 try {1337 spy.yield();1338 throw new Error();1339 } catch (e) {1340 assert.equals(e.message, "spy cannot yield since it was not yet invoked.");1341 }1342 },1343 "includes spy name in error message": function () {1344 var api = { someMethod: function () {} };1345 var spy = sinon.spy(api, "someMethod");1346 try {1347 spy.yield();1348 throw new Error();1349 } catch (e) {1350 assert.equals(e.message, "someMethod cannot yield since it was not yet invoked.");1351 }1352 },1353 "passs additional arguments": function () {1354 var spy = sinon.spy();1355 var callback = sinon.spy();1356 var array = [];1357 var object = {};1358 spy(callback);1359 spy.yield("abc", 123, array, object);1360 assert(callback.calledWith("abc", 123, array, object));1361 }1362 },1363 "invokeCallback": {1364 "is alias for yield": function () {1365 var spy = sinon.spy();1366 assert.same(spy.invokeCallback, spy.yield);1367 }1368 },1369 "yieldOn": {1370 "is function": function () {1371 var spy = sinon.spy();1372 assert.isFunction(spy.yieldOn);1373 },1374 "invokes first function arg for all calls": function () {1375 var spy = sinon.spy();1376 var callback = sinon.spy();1377 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1378 spy(1, 2, callback);1379 spy(3, 4, callback);1380 spy.yieldOn(thisObj);1381 assert(callback.calledTwice);1382 assert(callback.alwaysCalledWith());1383 assert(callback.alwaysCalledOn(thisObj));1384 },1385 "throws if spy was not yet invoked": function () {1386 var spy = sinon.spy();1387 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1388 try {1389 spy.yieldOn(thisObj);1390 throw new Error();1391 } catch (e) {1392 assert.equals(e.message, "spy cannot yield since it was not yet invoked.");1393 }1394 },1395 "includes spy name in error message": function () {1396 var api = { someMethod: function () {} };1397 var spy = sinon.spy(api, "someMethod");1398 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1399 try {1400 spy.yieldOn(thisObj);1401 throw new Error();1402 } catch (e) {1403 assert.equals(e.message, "someMethod cannot yield since it was not yet invoked.");1404 }1405 },1406 "pass additional arguments": function () {1407 var spy = sinon.spy();1408 var callback = sinon.spy();1409 var array = [];1410 var object = {};1411 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1412 spy(callback);1413 spy.yieldOn(thisObj, "abc", 123, array, object);1414 assert(callback.calledWith("abc", 123, array, object));1415 assert(callback.calledOn(thisObj));1416 }1417 },1418 "yieldTo": {1419 "is function": function () {1420 var spy = sinon.spy();1421 assert.isFunction(spy.yieldTo);1422 },1423 "invokes first function arg for all calls": function () {1424 var spy = sinon.spy();1425 var callback = sinon.spy();1426 spy(1, 2, { success: callback });1427 spy(3, 4, { success: callback });1428 spy.yieldTo("success");1429 assert(callback.calledTwice);1430 assert(callback.alwaysCalledWith());1431 },1432 "throws if spy was not yet invoked": function () {1433 var spy = sinon.spy();1434 try {1435 spy.yieldTo("success");1436 throw new Error();1437 } catch (e) {1438 assert.equals(e.message, "spy cannot yield to 'success' since it was not yet invoked.");1439 }1440 },1441 "includes spy name in error message": function () {1442 var api = { someMethod: function () {} };1443 var spy = sinon.spy(api, "someMethod");1444 try {1445 spy.yieldTo("success");1446 throw new Error();1447 } catch (e) {1448 assert.equals(e.message, "someMethod cannot yield to 'success' since it was not yet invoked.");1449 }1450 },1451 "passs additional arguments": function () {1452 var spy = sinon.spy();1453 var callback = sinon.spy();1454 var array = [];1455 var object = {};1456 spy({ test: callback });1457 spy.yieldTo("test", "abc", 123, array, object);1458 assert(callback.calledWith("abc", 123, array, object));1459 }1460 },1461 "yieldToOn": {1462 "is function": function () {1463 var spy = sinon.spy();1464 assert.isFunction(spy.yieldToOn);1465 },1466 "invokes first function arg for all calls": function () {1467 var spy = sinon.spy();1468 var callback = sinon.spy();1469 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1470 spy(1, 2, { success: callback });1471 spy(3, 4, { success: callback });1472 spy.yieldToOn("success", thisObj);1473 assert(callback.calledTwice);1474 assert(callback.alwaysCalledWith());1475 assert(callback.alwaysCalledOn(thisObj));1476 },1477 "throws if spy was not yet invoked": function () {1478 var spy = sinon.spy();1479 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1480 try {1481 spy.yieldToOn("success", thisObj);1482 throw new Error();1483 } catch (e) {1484 assert.equals(e.message, "spy cannot yield to 'success' since it was not yet invoked.");1485 }1486 },1487 "includes spy name in error message": function () {1488 var api = { someMethod: function () {} };1489 var spy = sinon.spy(api, "someMethod");1490 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1491 try {1492 spy.yieldToOn("success", thisObj);1493 throw new Error();1494 } catch (e) {1495 assert.equals(e.message, "someMethod cannot yield to 'success' since it was not yet invoked.");1496 }1497 },1498 "pass additional arguments": function () {1499 var spy = sinon.spy();1500 var callback = sinon.spy();1501 var array = [];1502 var object = {};1503 var thisObj = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2" };1504 spy({ test: callback });1505 spy.yieldToOn("test", thisObj, "abc", 123, array, object);1506 assert(callback.calledWith("abc", 123, array, object));1507 assert(callback.calledOn(thisObj));1508 }1509 }1510 });...

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Source: asyncBehaviors.js Github


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1describe("Throttled observables", function() {2 beforeEach(function() { waits(1); }); /​/​ Workaround for spurious timing-related failures on IE8 (issue #736)3 it("Should notify subscribers asynchronously after writes stop for the specified timeout duration", function() {4 var observable = ko.observable('A').extend({ throttle: 100 });5 var notifiedValues = [];6 observable.subscribe(function(value) {7 notifiedValues.push(value);8 });9 runs(function() {10 /​/​ Mutate a few times11 observable('B');12 observable('C');13 observable('D');14 expect(notifiedValues.length).toEqual(0); /​/​ Should not notify synchronously15 });16 /​/​ Wait17 waits(10);18 runs(function() {19 /​/​ Mutate more20 observable('E');21 observable('F');22 expect(notifiedValues.length).toEqual(0); /​/​ Should not notify until end of throttle timeout23 });24 /​/​ Wait until after timeout25 waitsFor(function() {26 return notifiedValues.length > 0;27 }, 300);28 runs(function() {29 expect(notifiedValues.length).toEqual(1);30 expect(notifiedValues[0]).toEqual("F");31 });32 });33});34describe("Throttled dependent observables", function() {35 beforeEach(function() { waits(1); }); /​/​ Workaround for spurious timing-related failures on IE8 (issue #736)36 it("Should notify subscribers asynchronously after dependencies stop updating for the specified timeout duration", function() {37 var underlying = ko.observable();38 var asyncDepObs = ko.dependentObservable(function() {39 return underlying();40 }).extend({ throttle: 100 });41 var notifiedValues = [];42 asyncDepObs.subscribe(function(value) {43 notifiedValues.push(value);44 });45 /​/​ Check initial state46 expect(asyncDepObs()).toBeUndefined();47 runs(function() {48 /​/​ Mutate49 underlying('New value');50 expect(asyncDepObs()).toBeUndefined(); /​/​ Should not update synchronously51 expect(notifiedValues.length).toEqual(0);52 });53 /​/​ Still shouldn't have evaluated54 waits(10);55 runs(function() {56 expect(asyncDepObs()).toBeUndefined(); /​/​ Should not update until throttle timeout57 expect(notifiedValues.length).toEqual(0);58 });59 /​/​ Now wait for throttle timeout60 waitsFor(function() {61 return notifiedValues.length > 0;62 }, 300);63 runs(function() {64 expect(asyncDepObs()).toEqual('New value');65 expect(notifiedValues.length).toEqual(1);66 expect(notifiedValues[0]).toEqual('New value');67 });68 });69 it("Should run evaluator only once when dependencies stop updating for the specified timeout duration", function() {70 var evaluationCount = 0;71 var someDependency = ko.observable();72 var asyncDepObs = ko.dependentObservable(function() {73 evaluationCount++;74 return someDependency();75 }).extend({ throttle: 100 });76 runs(function() {77 /​/​ Mutate a few times synchronously78 expect(evaluationCount).toEqual(1); /​/​ Evaluates synchronously when first created, like all dependent observables79 someDependency("A");80 someDependency("B");81 someDependency("C");82 expect(evaluationCount).toEqual(1); /​/​ Should not re-evaluate synchronously when dependencies update83 });84 /​/​ Also mutate async85 waits(10);86 runs(function() {87 someDependency("D");88 expect(evaluationCount).toEqual(1);89 });90 /​/​ Now wait for throttle timeout91 waitsFor(function() {92 return evaluationCount > 1;93 }, 300);94 runs(function() {95 expect(evaluationCount).toEqual(2); /​/​ Finally, it's evaluated96 expect(asyncDepObs()).toEqual("D");97 });98 });99});100describe('Rate-limited', function() {101 beforeEach(function() {102 jasmine.Clock.useMock();103 });104 describe('Subscribable', function() {105 it('Should delay change notifications', function() {106 var subscribable = new ko.subscribable().extend({rateLimit:500});107 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');108 subscribable.subscribe(notifySpy);109 subscribable.subscribe(notifySpy, null, 'custom');110 /​/​ "change" notification is delayed111 subscribable.notifySubscribers('a', "change");112 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();113 /​/​ Default notification is delayed114 subscribable.notifySubscribers('b');115 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();116 /​/​ Other notifications happen immediately117 subscribable.notifySubscribers('c', "custom");118 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('c');119 /​/​ Advance clock; Change notification happens now using the latest value notified120 notifySpy.reset();121 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);122 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('b');123 });124 it('Should notify every timeout interval using notifyAtFixedRate method ', function() {125 var subscribable = new ko.subscribable().extend({rateLimit:{method:'notifyAtFixedRate', timeout:50}});126 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');127 subscribable.subscribe(notifySpy);128 /​/​ Push 10 changes every 25 ms129 for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {130 subscribable.notifySubscribers(i+1);131 jasmine.Clock.tick(25);132 }133 /​/​ Notification happens every 50 ms, so every other number is notified134 expect(notifySpy.calls.length).toBe(5);135 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ [2], [4], [6], [8], [10] ]);136 /​/​ No more notifications happen137 notifySpy.reset();138 jasmine.Clock.tick(50);139 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();140 });141 it('Should notify after nothing happens for the timeout period using notifyWhenChangesStop method', function() {142 var subscribable = new ko.subscribable().extend({rateLimit:{method:'notifyWhenChangesStop', timeout:50}});143 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');144 subscribable.subscribe(notifySpy);145 /​/​ Push 10 changes every 25 ms146 for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {147 subscribable.notifySubscribers(i+1);148 jasmine.Clock.tick(25);149 }150 /​/​ No notifications happen yet151 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();152 /​/​ Notification happens after the timeout period153 jasmine.Clock.tick(50);154 expect(notifySpy.calls.length).toBe(1);155 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(10);156 });157 it('Should use latest settings when applied multiple times', function() {158 var subscribable = new ko.subscribable().extend({rateLimit:250}).extend({rateLimit:500});159 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');160 subscribable.subscribe(notifySpy);161 subscribable.notifySubscribers('a');162 jasmine.Clock.tick(250);163 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();164 jasmine.Clock.tick(250);165 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('a');166 });167 it('Uses latest settings for future notification and previous settings for pending notificaiton', function() {168 /​/​ This test describes the current behavior for the given scenario but is not a contract for that169 /​/​ behavior, which could change in the future if convenient.170 var subscribable = new ko.subscribable().extend({rateLimit:250});171 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');172 subscribable.subscribe(notifySpy);173 subscribable.notifySubscribers('a'); /​/​ Pending notificaiton174 /​/​ Apply new setting and schedule new notification175 subscribable = subscribable.extend({rateLimit:500});176 subscribable.notifySubscribers('b');177 /​/​ First notification happens using original settings178 jasmine.Clock.tick(250);179 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('a');180 /​/​ Second notification happends using later settings181 notifySpy.reset();182 jasmine.Clock.tick(250);183 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('b');184 });185 });186 describe('Observable', function() {187 it('Should delay change notifications', function() {188 var observable = ko.observable().extend({rateLimit:500});189 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');190 observable.subscribe(notifySpy);191 var beforeChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('beforeChangeSpy')192 .andCallFake(function(value) {expect(observable()).toBe(value); });193 observable.subscribe(beforeChangeSpy, null, 'beforeChange');194 /​/​ Observable is changed, but notification is delayed195 observable('a');196 expect(observable()).toEqual('a');197 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();198 expect(beforeChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined); /​/​ beforeChange notification happens right away199 /​/​ Second change notification is also delayed200 observable('b');201 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();202 /​/​ Advance clock; Change notification happens now using the latest value notified203 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);204 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('b');205 expect(beforeChangeSpy.calls.length).toBe(1); /​/​ Only one beforeChange notification206 });207 it('Should suppress change notification when value is changed/​reverted', function() {208 var observable = ko.observable('original').extend({rateLimit:500});209 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');210 observable.subscribe(notifySpy);211 var beforeChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('beforeChangeSpy');212 observable.subscribe(beforeChangeSpy, null, 'beforeChange');213 observable('new'); /​/​ change value214 expect(observable()).toEqual('new'); /​/​ access observable to make sure it really has the changed value215 observable('original'); /​/​ but then change it back216 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();217 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);218 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();219 /​/​ Check that value is correct and notification hasn't happened220 expect(observable()).toEqual('original');221 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();222 /​/​ Changing observable to a new value still works as expected223 observable('new');224 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);225 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('new');226 expect(beforeChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('original');227 expect(beforeChangeSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('new');228 });229 it('Should support notifications from nested update', function() {230 var observable = ko.observable('a').extend({rateLimit:500});231 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');232 observable.subscribe(notifySpy);233 /​/​ Create a one-time subscription that will modify the observable234 var updateSub = observable.subscribe(function() {235 updateSub.dispose();236 observable('z');237 });238 observable('b');239 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();240 expect(observable()).toEqual('b');241 notifySpy.reset();242 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);243 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('b');244 expect(observable()).toEqual('z');245 notifySpy.reset();246 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);247 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('z');248 });249 it('Should suppress notifications when value is changed/​reverted from nested update', function() {250 var observable = ko.observable('a').extend({rateLimit:500});251 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');252 observable.subscribe(notifySpy);253 /​/​ Create a one-time subscription that will modify the observable and then revert the change254 var updateSub = observable.subscribe(function(newValue) {255 updateSub.dispose();256 observable('z');257 observable(newValue);258 });259 observable('b');260 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();261 expect(observable()).toEqual('b');262 notifySpy.reset();263 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);264 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('b');265 expect(observable()).toEqual('b');266 notifySpy.reset();267 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);268 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();269 });270 it('Should delay update of dependent computed observable', function() {271 var observable = ko.observable().extend({rateLimit:500});272 var computed = ko.computed(observable);273 /​/​ Check initial value274 expect(computed()).toBeUndefined();275 /​/​ Observable is changed, but computed is not276 observable('a');277 expect(observable()).toEqual('a');278 expect(computed()).toBeUndefined();279 /​/​ Second change also280 observable('b');281 expect(computed()).toBeUndefined();282 /​/​ Advance clock; Change notification happens now using the latest value notified283 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);284 expect(computed()).toEqual('b');285 });286 it('Should delay update of dependent pure computed observable', function() {287 var observable = ko.observable().extend({rateLimit:500});288 var computed = ko.pureComputed(observable);289 /​/​ Check initial value290 expect(computed()).toBeUndefined();291 /​/​ Observable is changed, but computed is not292 observable('a');293 expect(observable()).toEqual('a');294 expect(computed()).toBeUndefined();295 /​/​ Second change also296 observable('b');297 expect(computed()).toBeUndefined();298 /​/​ Advance clock; Change notification happens now using the latest value notified299 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);300 expect(computed()).toEqual('b');301 });302 });303 describe('Observable Array change tracking', function() {304 it('Should provide correct changelist when multiple updates are merged into one notification', function() {305 var myArray = ko.observableArray(['Alpha', 'Beta']).extend({rateLimit:1}),306 changelist;307 myArray.subscribe(function(changes) {308 changelist = changes;309 }, null, 'arrayChange');310 myArray.push('Gamma');311 myArray.push('Delta');312 jasmine.Clock.tick(10);313 expect(changelist).toEqual([314 { status : 'added', value : 'Gamma', index : 2 },315 { status : 'added', value : 'Delta', index : 3 }316 ]);317 changelist = undefined;318 myArray.shift();319 myArray.shift();320 jasmine.Clock.tick(10);321 expect(changelist).toEqual([322 { status : 'deleted', value : 'Alpha', index : 0 },323 { status : 'deleted', value : 'Beta', index : 1 }324 ]);325 changelist = undefined;326 myArray.push('Epsilon');327 myArray.pop();328 jasmine.Clock.tick(10);329 expect(changelist).toEqual(undefined);330 });331 });332 describe('Computed Observable', function() {333 it('Should delay running evaluator where there are no subscribers', function() {334 var observable = ko.observable();335 var evalSpy = jasmine.createSpy('evalSpy');336 var computed = ko.computed(function () { evalSpy(observable()); return observable(); }).extend({rateLimit:500});337 /​/​ Observable is changed, but evaluation is delayed338 evalSpy.reset();339 observable('a');340 observable('b');341 expect(evalSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();342 /​/​ Advance clock; Change notification happens now using the latest value notified343 evalSpy.reset();344 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);345 expect(evalSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('b');346 });347 it('Should delay change notifications and evaluation', function() {348 var observable = ko.observable();349 var evalSpy = jasmine.createSpy('evalSpy');350 var computed = ko.computed(function () { evalSpy(observable()); return observable(); }).extend({rateLimit:500});351 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');352 computed.subscribe(notifySpy);353 var beforeChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('beforeChangeSpy')354 .andCallFake(function(value) {expect(computed()).toBe(value); });355 computed.subscribe(beforeChangeSpy, null, 'beforeChange');356 /​/​ Observable is changed, but notification is delayed357 evalSpy.reset();358 observable('a');359 expect(evalSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();360 expect(computed()).toEqual('a');361 expect(evalSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('a'); /​/​ evaluation happens when computed is accessed362 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); /​/​ but notification is still delayed363 expect(beforeChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined); /​/​ beforeChange notification happens right away364 /​/​ Second change notification is also delayed365 evalSpy.reset();366 observable('b');367 expect(computed.peek()).toEqual('a'); /​/​ peek returns previously evaluated value368 expect(evalSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();369 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();370 /​/​ Advance clock; Change notification happens now using the latest value notified371 evalSpy.reset();372 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);373 expect(evalSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('b');374 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('b');375 expect(beforeChangeSpy.calls.length).toBe(1); /​/​ Only one beforeChange notification376 });377 it('Should run initial evaluation at first subscribe when using deferEvaluation', function() {378 /​/​ This behavior means that code using rate-limited computeds doesn't need to care if the379 /​/​ computed also has deferEvaluation. For example, the preceding test ('Should delay change380 /​/​ notifications and evaluation') will pass just as well if using deferEvaluation.381 var observable = ko.observable('a');382 var evalSpy = jasmine.createSpy('evalSpy');383 var computed = ko.computed({384 read: function () {385 evalSpy(observable());386 return observable();387 },388 deferEvaluation: true389 }).extend({rateLimit:500});390 expect(evalSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();391 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');392 computed.subscribe(notifySpy);393 expect(evalSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('a');394 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();395 });396 it('Should run initial evaluation when observable is accessed when using deferEvaluation', function() {397 var observable = ko.observable('a');398 var evalSpy = jasmine.createSpy('evalSpy');399 var computed = ko.computed({400 read: function () {401 evalSpy(observable());402 return observable();403 },404 deferEvaluation: true405 }).extend({rateLimit:500});406 expect(evalSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();407 expect(computed()).toEqual('a');408 expect(evalSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('a');409 });410 it('Should suppress change notifications when value is changed/​reverted', function() {411 var observable = ko.observable('original');412 var computed = ko.computed(function () { return observable(); }).extend({rateLimit:500});413 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');414 computed.subscribe(notifySpy);415 var beforeChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('beforeChangeSpy');416 computed.subscribe(beforeChangeSpy, null, 'beforeChange');417 observable('new'); /​/​ change value418 expect(computed()).toEqual('new'); /​/​ access computed to make sure it really has the changed value419 observable('original'); /​/​ and then change the value back420 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();421 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);422 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();423 /​/​ Check that value is correct and notification hasn't happened424 expect(computed()).toEqual('original');425 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();426 /​/​ Changing observable to a new value still works as expected427 observable('new');428 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);429 expect(notifySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('new');430 expect(beforeChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('original');431 expect(beforeChangeSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('new');432 });433 it('Should not re-evaluate if computed is disposed before timeout', function() {434 var observable = ko.observable('a');435 var evalSpy = jasmine.createSpy('evalSpy');436 var computed = ko.computed(function () { evalSpy(observable()); return observable(); }).extend({rateLimit:500});437 expect(computed()).toEqual('a');438 expect(evalSpy.calls.length).toBe(1);439 expect(evalSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('a');440 evalSpy.reset();441 observable('b');442 computed.dispose();443 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);444 expect(computed()).toEqual('a');445 expect(evalSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();446 });447 it('Should be able to re-evaluate a computed that previously threw an exception', function() {448 var observableSwitch = ko.observable(true), observableValue = ko.observable(1),449 computed = ko.computed(function() {450 if (!observableSwitch()) {451 throw Error("Error during computed evaluation");452 } else {453 return observableValue();454 }455 }).extend({rateLimit:500});456 /​/​ Initially the computed evaluated sucessfully457 expect(computed()).toEqual(1);458 expect(function () {459 /​/​ Update observable to cause computed to throw an exception460 observableSwitch(false);461 computed();462 }).toThrow("Error during computed evaluation");463 /​/​ The value of the computed is now undefined, although currently it keeps the previous value464 /​/​ This should not try to re-evaluate and thus shouldn't throw an exception465 expect(computed()).toEqual(1);466 /​/​ The computed should not be dependent on the second observable467 expect(computed.getDependenciesCount()).toEqual(1);468 /​/​ Updating the second observable shouldn't re-evaluate computed469 observableValue(2);470 expect(computed()).toEqual(1);471 /​/​ Update the first observable to cause computed to re-evaluate472 observableSwitch(1);473 expect(computed()).toEqual(2);474 });475 it('Should delay update of dependent computed observable', function() {476 var observable = ko.observable();477 var rateLimitComputed = ko.computed(observable).extend({rateLimit:500});478 var dependentComputed = ko.computed(rateLimitComputed);479 /​/​ Check initial value480 expect(dependentComputed()).toBeUndefined();481 /​/​ Rate-limited computed is changed, but dependent computed is not482 observable('a');483 expect(rateLimitComputed()).toEqual('a');484 expect(dependentComputed()).toBeUndefined();485 /​/​ Second change also486 observable('b');487 expect(dependentComputed()).toBeUndefined();488 /​/​ Advance clock; Change notification happens now using the latest value notified489 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);490 expect(dependentComputed()).toEqual('b');491 });492 it('Should delay update of dependent pure computed observable', function() {493 var observable = ko.observable();494 var rateLimitComputed = ko.computed(observable).extend({rateLimit:500});495 var dependentComputed = ko.pureComputed(rateLimitComputed);496 /​/​ Check initial value497 expect(dependentComputed()).toBeUndefined();498 /​/​ Rate-limited computed is changed, but dependent computed is not499 observable('a');500 expect(rateLimitComputed()).toEqual('a');501 expect(dependentComputed()).toBeUndefined();502 /​/​ Second change also503 observable('b');504 expect(dependentComputed()).toBeUndefined();505 /​/​ Advance clock; Change notification happens now using the latest value notified506 jasmine.Clock.tick(500);507 expect(dependentComputed()).toEqual('b');508 });509 });510});511describe('Deferred', function() {512 beforeEach(function() {513 jasmine.Clock.useMockForTasks();514 });515 afterEach(function() {516 expect(ko.tasks.resetForTesting()).toEqual(0);517 jasmine.Clock.reset();518 });519 describe('Observable', function() {520 it('Should delay notifications', function() {521 var observable = ko.observable().extend({deferred:true});522 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');523 observable.subscribe(notifySpy);524 observable('A');525 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();526 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);527 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ ['A'] ]);528 });529 it('Should notify subscribers about only latest value', function() {530 var observable = ko.observable().extend({notify:'always', deferred:true}); /​/​ include notify:'always' to ensure notifications weren't suppressed by some other means531 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');532 observable.subscribe(notifySpy);533 observable('A');534 observable('B');535 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);536 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ ['B'] ]);537 });538 it('Set to false initially, should maintain synchronous notification', function() {539 var observable = ko.observable().extend({deferred:false});540 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');541 observable.subscribe(notifySpy);542 observable('A');543 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ ['A'] ]);544 });545 it('Should suppress notification when value is changed/​reverted', function() {546 var observable = ko.observable('original').extend({deferred:true});547 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');548 observable.subscribe(notifySpy);549 observable('new');550 expect(observable()).toEqual('new');551 observable('original');552 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);553 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();554 expect(observable()).toEqual('original');555 });556 it('Set to false, should turn off deferred notification if already turned on', function() {557 var observable = ko.observable().extend({deferred:true});558 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');559 observable.subscribe(notifySpy);560 /​/​ First, notifications are deferred561 observable('A');562 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();563 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);564 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ ['A'] ]);565 notifySpy.reset();566 observable.extend({deferred:false});567 /​/​ Now, they are synchronous568 observable('B');569 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ ['B'] ]);570 });571 it('Is default behavior when "ko.options.deferUpdates" is "true"', function() {572 this.restoreAfter(ko.options, 'deferUpdates');573 ko.options.deferUpdates = true;574 var observable = ko.observable();575 var notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy');576 observable.subscribe(notifySpy);577 observable('A');578 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();579 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);580 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ ['A'] ]);581 });582 });583 describe('Observable Array change tracking', function() {584 it('Should provide correct changelist when multiple updates are merged into one notification', function() {585 var myArray = ko.observableArray(['Alpha', 'Beta']).extend({deferred:true}),586 changelist;587 myArray.subscribe(function(changes) {588 changelist = changes;589 }, null, 'arrayChange');590 myArray.push('Gamma');591 myArray.push('Delta');592 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);593 expect(changelist).toEqual([594 { status : 'added', value : 'Gamma', index : 2 },595 { status : 'added', value : 'Delta', index : 3 }596 ]);597 changelist = undefined;598 myArray.shift();599 myArray.shift();600 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);601 expect(changelist).toEqual([602 { status : 'deleted', value : 'Alpha', index : 0 },603 { status : 'deleted', value : 'Beta', index : 1 }604 ]);605 changelist = undefined;606 myArray.push('Epsilon');607 myArray.pop();608 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);609 expect(changelist).toEqual(undefined);610 });611 });612 describe('Computed Observable', function() {613 it('Should defer notification of changes and minimize evaluation', function () {614 var timesEvaluated = 0,615 data = ko.observable('A'),616 computed = ko.computed(function () { ++timesEvaluated; return data(); }).extend({deferred:true}),617 notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy'),618 subscription = computed.subscribe(notifySpy);619 expect(computed()).toEqual('A');620 expect(timesEvaluated).toEqual(1);621 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);622 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();623 data('B');624 expect(timesEvaluated).toEqual(1); /​/​ not immediately evaluated625 expect(computed()).toEqual('B');626 expect(timesEvaluated).toEqual(2);627 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();628 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);629 expect(notifySpy.calls.length).toEqual(1);630 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ ['B'] ]);631 });632 it('Should notify first change of computed with deferEvaluation if value is changed to undefined', function () {633 var data = ko.observable('A'),634 computed = ko.computed(data, null, {deferEvaluation: true}).extend({deferred:true}),635 notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy'),636 subscription = computed.subscribe(notifySpy);637 expect(computed()).toEqual('A');638 data(undefined);639 expect(computed()).toEqual(undefined);640 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();641 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);642 expect(notifySpy.calls.length).toEqual(1);643 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ [undefined] ]);644 });645 it('Should notify first change to pure computed after awakening if value changed to last notified value', function() {646 var data = ko.observable('A'),647 computed = ko.pureComputed(data).extend({deferred:true}),648 notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy'),649 subscription = computed.subscribe(notifySpy);650 data('B');651 expect(computed()).toEqual('B');652 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();653 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);654 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ ['B'] ]);655 subscription.dispose();656 notifySpy.reset();657 data('C');658 expect(computed()).toEqual('C');659 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);660 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();661 subscription = computed.subscribe(notifySpy);662 data('B');663 expect(computed()).toEqual('B');664 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();665 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);666 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ ['B'] ]);667 });668 it('Is default behavior when "ko.options.deferUpdates" is "true"', function() {669 this.restoreAfter(ko.options, 'deferUpdates');670 ko.options.deferUpdates = true;671 var data = ko.observable('A'),672 computed = ko.computed(data),673 notifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('notifySpy'),674 subscription = computed.subscribe(notifySpy);675 /​/​ Notification is deferred676 data('B');677 expect(notifySpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();678 jasmine.Clock.tick(1);679 expect(notifySpy.argsForCall).toEqual([ ['B'] ]);680 });681 });...

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Source: test.mousetrap.js Github


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...6});7describe('Mousetrap.bind', function() {8 describe('basic', function() {9 it('z key fires when pressing z', function() {10 var spy = sinon.spy();11 Mousetrap.bind('z', spy);12 KeyEvent.simulate('Z'.charCodeAt(0), 90);13 /​/​ really slow for some reason14 /​/​ expect(spy).to.have.been.calledOnce;15 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire once');16 expect(spy.args[0][0]), 'first argument should be Event');17 expect(spy.args[0][1]).to.equal('z', 'second argument should be key combo');18 });19 it('z key fires from keydown', function() {20 var spy = sinon.spy();21 Mousetrap.bind('z', spy, 'keydown');22 KeyEvent.simulate('Z'.charCodeAt(0), 90);23 /​/​ really slow for some reason24 /​/​ expect(spy).to.have.been.calledOnce;25 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire once');26 expect(spy.args[0][0]), 'first argument should be Event');27 expect(spy.args[0][1]).to.equal('z', 'second argument should be key combo');28 });29 it('z key does not fire when pressing b', function() {30 var spy = sinon.spy();31 Mousetrap.bind('z', spy);32 KeyEvent.simulate('B'.charCodeAt(0), 66);33 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(0);34 });35 it('z key does not fire when holding a modifier key', function() {36 var spy = sinon.spy();37 var modifiers = ['ctrl', 'alt', 'meta', 'shift'];38 var charCode;39 var modifier;40 Mousetrap.bind('z', spy);41 for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {42 modifier = modifiers[i];43 charCode = 'Z'.charCodeAt(0);44 /​/​ character code is different when alt is pressed45 if (modifier == 'alt') {46 charCode = 'Ω'.charCodeAt(0);47 }48 spy.reset();49 KeyEvent.simulate(charCode, 90, [modifier]);50 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(0);51 }52 });53 it('keyup events should fire', function() {54 var spy = sinon.spy();55 Mousetrap.bind('z', spy, 'keyup');56 KeyEvent.simulate('Z'.charCodeAt(0), 90);57 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'keyup event for "z" should fire');58 /​/​ for key held down we should only get one key up59 KeyEvent.simulate('Z'.charCodeAt(0), 90, [], document, 10);60 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(2, 'keyup event for "z" should fire once for held down key');61 });62 it('keyup event for 0 should fire', function() {63 var spy = sinon.spy();64 Mousetrap.bind('0', spy, 'keyup');65 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 48);66 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'keyup event for "0" should fire');67 });68 it('rebinding a key overwrites the callback for that key', function() {69 var spy1 = sinon.spy();70 var spy2 = sinon.spy();71 Mousetrap.bind('x', spy1);72 Mousetrap.bind('x', spy2);73 KeyEvent.simulate('X'.charCodeAt(0), 88);74 expect(spy1.callCount).to.equal(0, 'original callback should not fire');75 expect(spy2.callCount).to.equal(1, 'new callback should fire');76 });77 it('binding an array of keys', function() {78 var spy = sinon.spy();79 Mousetrap.bind(['a', 'b', 'c'], spy);80 KeyEvent.simulate('A'.charCodeAt(0), 65);81 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'new callback was called');82 expect(spy.args[0][1]).to.equal('a', 'callback should match "a"');83 KeyEvent.simulate('B'.charCodeAt(0), 66);84 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(2, 'new callback was called twice');85 expect(spy.args[1][1]).to.equal('b', 'callback should match "b"');86 KeyEvent.simulate('C'.charCodeAt(0), 67);87 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(3, 'new callback was called three times');88 expect(spy.args[2][1]).to.equal('c', 'callback should match "c"');89 });90 it('return false should prevent default and stop propagation', function() {91 var spy = sinon.spy(function() {92 return false;93 });94 Mousetrap.bind('command+s', spy);95 KeyEvent.simulate('S'.charCodeAt(0), 83, ['meta']);96 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire');97 expect(spy.args[0][0]), 'first argument should be Event');98 expect(spy.args[0][0].cancelBubble);99 expect(spy.args[0][0].defaultPrevented);100 /​/​ try without return false101 spy = sinon.spy();102 Mousetrap.bind('command+s', spy);103 KeyEvent.simulate('S'.charCodeAt(0), 83, ['meta']);104 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire');105 expect(spy.args[0][0]), 'first argument should be Event');106 expect(spy.args[0][0].cancelBubble);107 expect(spy.args[0][0].defaultPrevented);108 });109 it('capslock key is ignored', function() {110 var spy = sinon.spy();111 Mousetrap.bind('a', spy);112 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);113 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire for lowercase a');114 spy.reset();115 KeyEvent.simulate('A'.charCodeAt(0), 65);116 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire for capslock A');117 spy.reset();118 KeyEvent.simulate('A'.charCodeAt(0), 65, ['shift']);119 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(0, 'callback should not fire fort shift+a');120 });121 });122 describe('special characters', function() {123 it('binding special characters', function() {124 var spy = sinon.spy();125 Mousetrap.bind('*', spy);126 KeyEvent.simulate('*'.charCodeAt(0), 56, ['shift']);127 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire');128 expect(spy.args[0][1]).to.equal('*', 'callback should match *');129 });130 it('binding special characters keyup', function() {131 var spy = sinon.spy();132 Mousetrap.bind('*', spy, 'keyup');133 KeyEvent.simulate('*'.charCodeAt(0), 56, ['shift']);134 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire');135 expect(spy.args[0][1]).to.equal('*', 'callback should match "*"');136 });137 it('binding keys with no associated charCode', function() {138 var spy = sinon.spy();139 Mousetrap.bind('left', spy);140 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 37);141 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire');142 expect(spy.args[0][1]).to.equal('left', 'callback should match "left"');143 });144 });145 describe('combos with modifiers', function() {146 it('binding key combinations', function() {147 var spy = sinon.spy();148 Mousetrap.bind('command+o', spy);149 KeyEvent.simulate('O'.charCodeAt(0), 79, ['meta']);150 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'command+o callback should fire');151 expect(spy.args[0][1]).to.equal('command+o', 'keyboard string returned is correct');152 });153 it('binding key combos with multiple modifiers', function() {154 var spy = sinon.spy();155 Mousetrap.bind('command+shift+o', spy);156 KeyEvent.simulate('O'.charCodeAt(0), 79, ['meta']);157 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(0, 'command+o callback should not fire');158 KeyEvent.simulate('O'.charCodeAt(0), 79, ['meta', 'shift']);159 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'command+o callback should fire');160 });161 });162 describe('sequences', function() {163 it('binding sequences', function() {164 var spy = sinon.spy();165 Mousetrap.bind('g i', spy);166 KeyEvent.simulate('G'.charCodeAt(0), 71);167 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(0, 'callback should not fire');168 KeyEvent.simulate('I'.charCodeAt(0), 73);169 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire');170 });171 it('binding sequences with mixed types', function() {172 var spy = sinon.spy();173 Mousetrap.bind('g o enter', spy);174 KeyEvent.simulate('G'.charCodeAt(0), 71);175 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(0, 'callback should not fire');176 KeyEvent.simulate('O'.charCodeAt(0), 79);177 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(0, 'callback should not fire');178 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 13);179 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire');180 });181 it('binding sequences starting with modifier keys', function() {182 var spy = sinon.spy();183 Mousetrap.bind('option enter', spy);184 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 18, ['alt']);185 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 13);186 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire');187 spy = sinon.spy();188 Mousetrap.bind('command enter', spy);189 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 91, ['meta']);190 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 13);191 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire');192 spy = sinon.spy();193 Mousetrap.bind('escape enter', spy);194 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 27);195 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 13);196 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback should fire');197 });198 it('key within sequence should not fire', function() {199 var spy1 = sinon.spy();200 var spy2 = sinon.spy();201 Mousetrap.bind('a', spy1);202 Mousetrap.bind('c a t', spy2);203 KeyEvent.simulate('A'.charCodeAt(0), 65);204 expect(spy1.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback 1 should fire');205 spy1.reset();206 KeyEvent.simulate('C'.charCodeAt(0), 67);207 KeyEvent.simulate('A'.charCodeAt(0), 65);208 KeyEvent.simulate('T'.charCodeAt(0), 84);209 expect(spy1.callCount).to.equal(0, 'callback for "a" key should not fire');210 expect(spy2.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback for "c a t" sequence should fire');211 });212 it('keyup at end of sequence should not fire', function() {213 var spy1 = sinon.spy();214 var spy2 = sinon.spy();215 Mousetrap.bind('t', spy1, 'keyup');216 Mousetrap.bind('b a t', spy2);217 KeyEvent.simulate('B'.charCodeAt(0), 66);218 KeyEvent.simulate('A'.charCodeAt(0), 65);219 KeyEvent.simulate('T'.charCodeAt(0), 84);220 expect(spy1.callCount).to.equal(0, 'callback for "t" keyup should not fire');221 expect(spy2.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback for "b a t" sequence should fire');222 });223 it('keyup sequences should work', function() {224 var spy = sinon.spy();225 Mousetrap.bind('b a t', spy, 'keyup');226 KeyEvent.simulate('b'.charCodeAt(0), 66);227 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);228 /​/​ hold the last key down for a while229 KeyEvent.simulate('t'.charCodeAt(0), 84, [], document, 10);230 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback for "b a t" sequence should fire on keyup');231 });232 it('extra spaces in sequences should be ignored', function() {233 var spy = sinon.spy();234 Mousetrap.bind('b a t', spy);235 KeyEvent.simulate('b'.charCodeAt(0), 66);236 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);237 KeyEvent.simulate('t'.charCodeAt(0), 84);238 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback for "b a t" sequence should fire');239 });240 it('modifiers and sequences play nicely', function() {241 var spy1 = sinon.spy();242 var spy2 = sinon.spy();243 Mousetrap.bind('ctrl a', spy1);244 Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+b', spy2);245 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 17, ['ctrl']);246 KeyEvent.simulate('A'.charCodeAt(0), 65);247 expect(spy1.callCount).to.equal(1, '"ctrl a" should fire');248 KeyEvent.simulate('B'.charCodeAt(0), 66, ['ctrl']);249 expect(spy2.callCount).to.equal(1, '"ctrl+b" should fire');250 });251 it('sequences that start the same work', function() {252 var spy1 = sinon.spy();253 var spy2 = sinon.spy();254 Mousetrap.bind('g g l', spy2);255 Mousetrap.bind('g g o', spy1);256 KeyEvent.simulate('g'.charCodeAt(0), 71);257 KeyEvent.simulate('g'.charCodeAt(0), 71);258 KeyEvent.simulate('o'.charCodeAt(0), 79);259 expect(spy1.callCount).to.equal(1, '"g g o" should fire');260 expect(spy2.callCount).to.equal(0, '"g g l" should not fire');261 spy1.reset();262 spy2.reset();263 KeyEvent.simulate('g'.charCodeAt(0), 71);264 KeyEvent.simulate('g'.charCodeAt(0), 71);265 KeyEvent.simulate('l'.charCodeAt(0), 76);266 expect(spy1.callCount).to.equal(0, '"g g o" should not fire');267 expect(spy2.callCount).to.equal(1, '"g g l" should fire');268 });269 it('sequences should not fire subsequences', function() {270 var spy1 = sinon.spy();271 var spy2 = sinon.spy();272 Mousetrap.bind('a b c', spy1);273 Mousetrap.bind('b c', spy2);274 KeyEvent.simulate('A'.charCodeAt(0), 65);275 KeyEvent.simulate('B'.charCodeAt(0), 66);276 KeyEvent.simulate('C'.charCodeAt(0), 67);277 expect(spy1.callCount).to.equal(1, '"a b c" should fire');278 expect(spy2.callCount).to.equal(0, '"b c" should not fire');279 spy1.reset();280 spy2.reset();281 Mousetrap.bind('option b', spy1);282 Mousetrap.bind('a option b', spy2);283 KeyEvent.simulate('A'.charCodeAt(0), 65);284 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 18, ['alt']);285 KeyEvent.simulate('B'.charCodeAt(0), 66);286 expect(spy1.callCount).to.equal(0, '"option b" should not fire');287 expect(spy2.callCount).to.equal(1, '"a option b" should fire');288 });289 it('rebinding same sequence should override previous', function() {290 var spy1 = sinon.spy();291 var spy2 = sinon.spy();292 Mousetrap.bind('a b c', spy1);293 Mousetrap.bind('a b c', spy2);294 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);295 KeyEvent.simulate('b'.charCodeAt(0), 66);296 KeyEvent.simulate('c'.charCodeAt(0), 67);297 expect(spy1.callCount).to.equal(0, 'first callback should not fire');298 expect(spy2.callCount).to.equal(1, 'second callback should fire');299 });300 it('broken sequences', function() {301 var spy = sinon.spy();302 Mousetrap.bind('h a t', spy);303 KeyEvent.simulate('h'.charCodeAt(0), 72);304 KeyEvent.simulate('e'.charCodeAt(0), 69);305 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);306 KeyEvent.simulate('r'.charCodeAt(0), 82);307 KeyEvent.simulate('t'.charCodeAt(0), 84);308 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(0, 'sequence for "h a t" should not fire for "h e a r t"');309 });310 it('sequences containing combos should work', function() {311 var spy = sinon.spy();312 Mousetrap.bind('a ctrl+b', spy);313 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);314 KeyEvent.simulate('B'.charCodeAt(0), 66, ['ctrl']);315 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, '"a ctrl+b" should fire');316 Mousetrap.unbind('a ctrl+b');317 spy = sinon.spy();318 Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+b a', spy);319 KeyEvent.simulate('b'.charCodeAt(0), 66, ['ctrl']);320 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);321 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, '"ctrl+b a" should fire');322 });323 it('sequences starting with spacebar should work', function() {324 var spy = sinon.spy();325 Mousetrap.bind('a space b c', spy);326 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);327 KeyEvent.simulate(32, 32);328 KeyEvent.simulate('b'.charCodeAt(0), 66);329 KeyEvent.simulate('c'.charCodeAt(0), 67);330 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, '"a space b c" should fire');331 });332 it('konami code', function() {333 var spy = sinon.spy();334 Mousetrap.bind('up up down down left right left right b a enter', spy);335 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 38);336 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 38);337 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 40);338 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 40);339 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 37);340 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 39);341 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 37);342 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 39);343 KeyEvent.simulate('b'.charCodeAt(0), 66);344 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);345 KeyEvent.simulate(0, 13);346 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'konami code should fire');347 });348 it('sequence timer resets', function() {349 var spy = sinon.spy();350 var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();351 Mousetrap.bind('h a t', spy);352 KeyEvent.simulate('h'.charCodeAt(0), 72);353 clock.tick(600);354 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);355 clock.tick(900);356 KeyEvent.simulate('t'.charCodeAt(0), 84);357 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'sequence should fire after waiting');358 clock.restore();359 });360 it('sequences timeout', function() {361 var spy = sinon.spy();362 var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();363 Mousetrap.bind('g t', spy);364 KeyEvent.simulate('g'.charCodeAt(0), 71);365 clock.tick(1000);366 KeyEvent.simulate('t'.charCodeAt(0), 84);367 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(0, 'sequence callback should not fire');368 clock.restore();369 });370 });371 describe('default actions', function() {372 var keys = {373 keypress: [374 ['a', 65],375 ['A', 65, ['shift']],376 ['7', 55],377 ['?', 191],378 ['*', 56],379 ['+', 187],380 ['$', 52],381 ['[', 219],382 ['.', 190]383 ],384 keydown: [385 ['shift+\'', 222, ['shift']],386 ['shift+a', 65, ['shift']],387 ['shift+5', 53, ['shift']],388 ['command+shift+p', 80, ['meta', 'shift']],389 ['space', 32],390 ['left', 37]391 ]392 };393 function getCallback(key, keyCode, type, modifiers) {394 return function() {395 var spy = sinon.spy();396 Mousetrap.bind(key, spy);397 KeyEvent.simulate(key.charCodeAt(0), keyCode, modifiers);398 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1);399 expect(spy.args[0][0].type).to.equal(type);400 };401 }402 for (var type in keys) {403 for (var i = 0; i < keys[type].length; i++) {404 var key = keys[type][i][0];405 var keyCode = keys[type][i][1];406 var modifiers = keys[type][i][2] || [];407 it('"' + key + '" uses "' + type + '"', getCallback(key, keyCode, type, modifiers));408 }409 }410 });411});412describe('Mousetrap.unbind', function() {413 it('unbind works', function() {414 var spy = sinon.spy();415 Mousetrap.bind('a', spy);416 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);417 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback for a should fire');418 Mousetrap.unbind('a');419 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);420 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(1, 'callback for a should not fire after unbind');421 });422 it('unbind accepts an array', function() {423 var spy = sinon.spy();424 Mousetrap.bind(['a', 'b', 'c'], spy);425 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);426 KeyEvent.simulate('b'.charCodeAt(0), 66);427 KeyEvent.simulate('c'.charCodeAt(0), 67);428 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(3, 'callback should have fired 3 times');429 Mousetrap.unbind(['a', 'b', 'c']);430 KeyEvent.simulate('a'.charCodeAt(0), 65);431 KeyEvent.simulate('b'.charCodeAt(0), 66);432 KeyEvent.simulate('c'.charCodeAt(0), 67);433 expect(spy.callCount).to.equal(3, 'callback should not fire after unbind');434 });...

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Source: messages.js Github


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...4var swallow = require("./​common").swallow;5describe("Messages", function () {6 describe("about call count", function () {7 it("should be correct for the base cases", function () {8 var spy = sinon.spy();9 expect(function () {10 spy.should.have.been.called;11 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called at least once, but it was never called");12 expect(function () {13 spy.should.have.been.calledOnce;14 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called exactly once, but it was called 0 times");15 expect(function () {16 spy.should.have.been.calledTwice;17 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called exactly twice, but it was called 0 times");18 expect(function () {19 spy.should.have.been.calledThrice;20 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called exactly thrice, but it was called 0 times");21 expect(function () {22 spy.should.have.callCount(1);23 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called exactly once, but it was called 0 times");24 expect(function () {25 spy.should.have.callCount(4);26 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called exactly 4 times, but it was called 0 times");27 });28 it("should be correct for the negated cases", function () {29 var calledOnce = sinon.spy();30 var calledTwice = sinon.spy();31 var calledThrice = sinon.spy();32 var calledFourTimes = sinon.spy();33 calledOnce();34 calledTwice();35 calledTwice();36 calledThrice();37 calledThrice();38 calledThrice();39 calledFourTimes();40 calledFourTimes();41 calledFourTimes();42 calledFourTimes();43 expect(function () {44 calledOnce.should.not.have.been.called;45 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called");46 expect(function () {47 calledOnce.should.not.have.been.calledOnce;48 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called exactly once");49 expect(function () {50 calledTwice.should.not.have.been.calledTwice;51 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called exactly twice");52 expect(function () {53 calledThrice.should.not.have.been.calledThrice;54 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called exactly thrice");55 expect(function () {56 calledOnce.should.not.have.callCount(1);57 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called exactly once");58 expect(function () {59 calledFourTimes.should.not.have.callCount(4);60 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called exactly 4 times");61 });62 });63 describe("about call order", function () {64 it("should be correct for the base cases", function () {65 var spyA = sinon.spy();66 var spyB = sinon.spy();67 spyA.displayName = "spyA";68 spyB.displayName = "spyB";69 expect(function () {70 spyA.should.have.been.calledBefore(spyB);71 }).to.throw("expected spyA to have been called before function spyB() {}");72 if (spyA.calledImmediatelyBefore) {73 expect(function () {74 spyA.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyBefore(spyB);75 }).to.throw("expected spyA to have been called immediately before function spyB() {}");76 }77 expect(function () {78 spyB.should.have.been.calledAfter(spyA);79 }).to.throw("expected spyB to have been called after function spyA() {}");80 if (spyB.calledImmediatelyAfter) {81 expect(function () {82 spyB.should.have.been.calledImmediatelyAfter(spyA);83 }).to.throw("expected spyB to have been called immediately after function spyA() {}");84 }85 });86 it("should be correct for the negated cases", function () {87 var spyA = sinon.spy();88 var spyB = sinon.spy();89 spyA.displayName = "spyA";90 spyB.displayName = "spyB";91 spyA();92 spyB();93 expect(function () {94 spyA.should.not.have.been.calledBefore(spyB);95 }).to.throw("expected spyA to not have been called before function spyB() {}");96 if (spyA.calledImmediatelyBefore) {97 expect(function () {98 spyA.should.not.have.been.calledImmediatelyBefore(spyB);99 }).to.throw("expected spyA to not have been called immediately before function spyB() {}");100 }101 expect(function () {102 spyB.should.not.have.been.calledAfter(spyA);103 }).to.throw("expected spyB to not have been called after function spyA() {}");104 if (spyB.calledImmediatelyAfter) {105 expect(function () {106 spyB.should.not.have.been.calledImmediatelyAfter(spyA);107 }).to.throw("expected spyB to not have been called immediately after function spyA() {}");108 }109 });110 });111 describe("about call context", function () {112 it("should be correct for the basic case", function () {113 var spy = sinon.spy();114 var context = {};115 var badContext = { x: "y" };116;117 var expected = "expected spy to have been called with { } as this, but it was called with " +118 spy.printf("%t") + " instead";119 expect(function () {120 spy.should.have.been.calledOn(context);121 }).to.throw(expected);122 expect(function () {123 spy.getCall(0).should.have.been.calledOn(context);124 }).to.throw(expected);125 });126 it("should be correct for the negated case", function () {127 var spy = sinon.spy();128 var context = {};129;130 var expected = "expected spy to not have been called with { } as this";131 expect(function () {132 spy.should.not.have.been.calledOn(context);133 }).to.throw(expected);134 expect(function () {135 spy.getCall(0).should.not.have.been.calledOn(context);136 }).to.throw(expected);137 });138 it("should be correct for the always case", function () {139 var spy = sinon.spy();140 var context = {};141 var badContext = { x: "y" };142;143 var expected = "expected spy to always have been called with { } as this, but it was called with " +144 spy.printf("%t") + " instead";145 expect(function () {146 spy.should.always.have.been.calledOn(context);147 }).to.throw(expected);148 });149 });150 describe("about calling with new", function () {151 /​* eslint-disable new-cap, no-new */​152 it("should be correct for the basic case", function () {153 var spy = sinon.spy();154 spy();155 var expected = "expected spy to have been called with new";156 expect(function () {157 spy.should.have.been.calledWithNew;158 }).to.throw(expected);159 expect(function () {160 spy.getCall(0).should.have.been.calledWithNew;161 }).to.throw(expected);162 });163 it("should be correct for the negated case", function () {164 var spy = sinon.spy();165 new spy();166 var expected = "expected spy to not have been called with new";167 expect(function () {168 spy.should.not.have.been.calledWithNew;169 }).to.throw(expected);170 expect(function () {171 spy.getCall(0).should.not.have.been.calledWithNew;172 }).to.throw(expected);173 });174 it("should be correct for the always case", function () {175 var spy = sinon.spy();176 new spy();177 spy();178 var expected = "expected spy to always have been called with new";179 expect(function () {180 spy.should.always.have.been.calledWithNew;181 }).to.throw(expected);182 });183 /​* eslint-enable new-cap, no-new */​184 });185 describe("about call arguments", function () {186 it("should be correct for the basic cases", function () {187 var spy = sinon.spy();188 spy(1, 2, 3);189 expect(function () {190 spy.should.have.been.calledWith("a", "b", "c");191 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called with arguments a, b, c\n spy(1, 2, 3)");192 expect(function () {193 spy.should.have.been.calledWithExactly("a", "b", "c");194 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called with exact arguments a, b, c\n spy(1, 2, 3)");195 expect(function () {196 spy.should.have.been.calledWithMatch(sinon.match("foo"));197 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called with arguments matching match(\"foo\")\n spy(1, 2, 3)");198 expect(function () {199 spy.getCall(0).should.have.been.calledWith("a", "b", "c");200 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called with arguments a, b, c\n spy(1, 2, 3)");201 expect(function () {202 spy.getCall(0).should.have.been.calledWithExactly("a", "b", "c");203 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called with exact arguments a, b, c\n spy(1, 2, 3)");204 expect(function () {205 spy.getCall(0).should.have.been.calledWithMatch(sinon.match("foo"));206 }).to.throw("expected spy to have been called with arguments matching match(\"foo\")\n spy(1, 2, 3)");207 });208 it("should be correct for the negated cases", function () {209 var spy = sinon.spy();210 spy(1, 2, 3);211 expect(function () {212 spy.should.not.have.been.calledWith(1, 2, 3);213 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called with arguments 1, 2, 3");214 expect(function () {215 spy.should.not.have.been.calledWithExactly(1, 2, 3);216 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called with exact arguments 1, 2, 3");217 expect(function () {218 spy.should.not.have.been.calledWithMatch(sinon.match(1));219 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called with arguments matching match(1)");220 expect(function () {221 spy.getCall(0).should.not.have.been.calledWith(1, 2, 3);222 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called with arguments 1, 2, 3");223 expect(function () {224 spy.getCall(0).should.not.have.been.calledWithExactly(1, 2, 3);225 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called with exact arguments 1, 2, 3");226 expect(function () {227 spy.getCall(0).should.not.have.been.calledWithMatch(sinon.match(1));228 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have been called with arguments matching match(1)");229 });230 it("should be correct for the always cases", function () {231 var spy = sinon.spy();232 spy(1, 2, 3);233 spy("a", "b", "c");234 var expected = /​expected spy to always have been called with arguments 1, 2, 3/​;235 expect(function () {236 spy.should.always.have.been.calledWith(1, 2, 3);237 }).to.throw(expected);238 var expectedExactly = /​expected spy to always have been called with exact arguments 1, 2, 3/​;239 expect(function () {240 spy.should.always.have.been.calledWithExactly(1, 2, 3);241 }).to.throw(expectedExactly);242 var expectedMatch = /​expected spy to always have been called with arguments matching match\(1\)/​;243 expect(function () {244 spy.should.always.have.been.calledWithMatch(sinon.match(1));245 }).to.throw(expectedMatch);246 });247 });248 describe("about returning", function () {249 it("should be correct for the basic case", function () {250 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {251 return 1;252 });253 spy();254 expect(function () {255 spy.should.have.returned(2);256 }).to.throw("expected spy to have returned 2");257 expect(function () {258 spy.getCall(0).should.have.returned(2);259 }).to.throw("expected spy to have returned 2");260 });261 it("should be correct for the negated case", function () {262 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {263 return 1;264 });265 spy();266 expect(function () {267 spy.should.not.have.returned(1);268 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have returned 1");269 expect(function () {270 spy.getCall(0).should.not.have.returned(1);271 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have returned 1");272 });273 it("should be correct for the always case", function () {274 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {275 return 1;276 });277 spy();278 expect(function () {279 spy.should.always.have.returned(2);280 }).to.throw("expected spy to always have returned 2");281 });282 });283 describe("about throwing", function () {284 it("should be correct for the basic cases", function () {285 var spy = sinon.spy();286 var throwingSpy = sinon.spy.create(function () {287 throw new Error();288 });289 spy();290 swallow(throwingSpy);291 expect(function () {292 spy.should.have.thrown();293 }).to.throw("expected spy to have thrown");294 expect(function () {295 spy.getCall(0).should.have.thrown();296 }).to.throw("expected spy to have thrown");297 expect(function () {298 throwingSpy.should.have.thrown("TypeError");299 }).to.throw("expected spy to have thrown TypeError");300 expect(function () {301 throwingSpy.getCall(0).should.have.thrown("TypeError");302 }).to.throw("expected spy to have thrown TypeError");303 expect(function () {304 throwingSpy.should.have.thrown({ message: "x" });305 }).to.throw('expected spy to have thrown { message: "x" }');306 expect(function () {307 throwingSpy.getCall(0).should.have.thrown({ message: "x" });308 }).to.throw('expected spy to have thrown { message: "x" }');309 });310 it("should be correct for the negated cases", function () {311 var error = new Error("boo!");312 var spy = sinon.spy.create(function () {313 throw error;314 });315 swallow(spy);316 expect(function () {317 spy.should.not.have.thrown();318 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have thrown");319 expect(function () {320 spy.getCall(0).should.not.have.thrown();321 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have thrown");322 expect(function () {323 spy.should.not.have.thrown("Error");324 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have thrown Error");325 expect(function () {326 spy.getCall(0).should.not.have.thrown("Error");327 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have thrown Error");328 expect(function () {329 spy.should.not.have.thrown(error);330 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have thrown Error: boo!");331 expect(function () {332 spy.getCall(0).should.not.have.thrown(error);333 }).to.throw("expected spy to not have thrown Error: boo!");334 });335 it("should be correct for the always cases", function () {336 var spy = sinon.spy();337 var throwingSpy = sinon.spy.create(function () {338 throw new Error();339 });340 spy();341 swallow(throwingSpy);342 expect(function () {343 spy.should.have.always.thrown();344 }).to.throw("expected spy to always have thrown");345 expect(function () {346 throwingSpy.should.have.always.thrown("TypeError");347 }).to.throw("expected spy to always have thrown TypeError");348 expect(function () {349 throwingSpy.should.have.always.thrown({ message: "x" });350 }).to.throw('expected spy to always have thrown { message: "x" }');351 });352 });353 describe("when used on a non-spy/​non-call", function () {354 function notSpy() {355 /​/​ Contents don't matter356 }357 it("should be informative for properties", function () {358 expect(function () {359 notSpy.should.have.been.called;360 }).to.throw(TypeError, /​not a spy/​);361 });362 it("should be informative for methods", function () {363 expect(function () {364 notSpy.should.have.been.calledWith("foo");365 }).to.throw(TypeError, /​not a spy/​);366 });367 });368 it("should not trigger getters for passing assertions", function () {369 var obj = {};370 var getterCalled = false;371 Object.defineProperty(obj, "getter", {372 get: function () {373 getterCalled = true;374 },375 enumerable: true376 });377 var spy = sinon.spy();378 spy(obj);379 spy.should.have.been.calledWith(obj);380 expect(getterCalled);381 });...

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Source: view_helpers.js Github


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1/​**2 * Provides helper methods for invoking Studio modal windows in Jasmine tests.3 */​4define(["jquery", "js/​views/​feedback_notification", "js/​views/​feedback_prompt", "js/​common_helpers/​template_helpers"],5 function($, NotificationView, Prompt, TemplateHelpers) {6 var installViewTemplates, createFeedbackSpy, verifyFeedbackShowing,7 verifyFeedbackHidden, createNotificationSpy, verifyNotificationShowing,8 verifyNotificationHidden, createPromptSpy, confirmPrompt, inlineEdit, verifyInlineEditChange,9 installMockAnalytics, removeMockAnalytics, verifyPromptShowing, verifyPromptHidden;10 installViewTemplates = function(append) {11 TemplateHelpers.installTemplate('system-feedback', !append);12 appendSetFixtures('<div id="page-notification"></​div>');13 };14 createFeedbackSpy = function(type, intent) {15 var feedbackSpy = spyOnConstructor(type, intent, ['show', 'hide']);16;17 return feedbackSpy;18 };19 verifyFeedbackShowing = function(feedbackSpy, text) {20 var options;21 expect(feedbackSpy.constructor).toHaveBeenCalled();22 expect(;23 expect(feedbackSpy.hide).not.toHaveBeenCalled();24 options = feedbackSpy.constructor.mostRecentCall.args[0];25 expect(options.title).toMatch(text);26 };27 verifyFeedbackHidden = function(feedbackSpy) {28 expect(feedbackSpy.hide).toHaveBeenCalled();29 };30 createNotificationSpy = function(type) {31 return createFeedbackSpy(NotificationView, type || 'Mini');32 };33 verifyNotificationShowing = function(notificationSpy, text) {34 verifyFeedbackShowing.apply(this, arguments);35 };36 verifyNotificationHidden = function(notificationSpy) {37 verifyFeedbackHidden.apply(this, arguments);38 };39 createPromptSpy = function(type) {40 return createFeedbackSpy(Prompt, type || 'Warning');41 };42 confirmPrompt = function(promptSpy, pressSecondaryButton) {43 expect(promptSpy.constructor).toHaveBeenCalled();44 if (pressSecondaryButton) {45 promptSpy.constructor.mostRecentCall.args[0];46 } else {47 promptSpy.constructor.mostRecentCall.args[0];48 }49 };50 verifyPromptShowing = function(promptSpy, text) {51 verifyFeedbackShowing.apply(this, arguments);52 };53 verifyPromptHidden = function(promptSpy) {54 verifyFeedbackHidden.apply(this, arguments);55 };56 installMockAnalytics = function() {57 = jasmine.createSpyObj('analytics', ['track']);58 window.course_location_analytics = jasmine.createSpy();59 };60 removeMockAnalytics = function() {61 delete;62 delete window.course_location_analytics;63 };64 inlineEdit = function(editorWrapper, newValue) {65 var inputField = editorWrapper.find('.xblock-field-input'),66 editButton = editorWrapper.find('.xblock-field-value-edit');67;68 expect(editorWrapper).toHaveClass('is-editing');69 inputField.val(newValue);70 return inputField;71 };72 verifyInlineEditChange = function(editorWrapper, expectedValue, failedValue) {73 var displayName = editorWrapper.find('.xblock-field-value');74 expect(displayName.text()).toBe(expectedValue);75 if (failedValue) {76 expect(editorWrapper).toHaveClass('is-editing');77 } else {78 expect(editorWrapper).not.toHaveClass('is-editing');79 }80 };81 return {82 'installViewTemplates': installViewTemplates,83 'createNotificationSpy': createNotificationSpy,84 'verifyNotificationShowing': verifyNotificationShowing,85 'verifyNotificationHidden': verifyNotificationHidden,86 'confirmPrompt': confirmPrompt,87 'createPromptSpy': createPromptSpy,88 'verifyPromptShowing': verifyPromptShowing,89 'verifyPromptHidden': verifyPromptHidden,90 'inlineEdit': inlineEdit,91 'verifyInlineEditChange': verifyInlineEditChange,92 'installMockAnalytics': installMockAnalytics,93 'removeMockAnalytics': removeMockAnalytics94 };...

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Source: Number.spec.js Github


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1describe('Number helper', function () {2 /​/​3 /​/​ Handsontable.helper.rangeEach4 /​/​5 describe('rangeEach', function() {6 it("should iterate increasingly, when `from` and `to` arguments are passed and `from` number is lower then `to`", function () {7 var rangeEach = Handsontable.helper.rangeEach;8 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();9 rangeEach(-1, 2, spy);10 expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(4);11 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual([-1]);12 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(1)).toEqual([0]);13 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(2)).toEqual([1]);14 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(3)).toEqual([2]);15 });16 it("should iterate only once, when `from` and `to` arguments are equal", function () {17 var rangeEach = Handsontable.helper.rangeEach;18 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();19 rangeEach(10, 10, spy);20 expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1);21 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual([10]);22 });23 it("should iterate only once, when `from` and `to` arguments are equal and from value is zero", function () {24 var rangeEach = Handsontable.helper.rangeEach;25 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();26 rangeEach(0, spy);27 expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1);28 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual([0]);29 });30 it("should iterate increasingly from 0, when only `from` argument is passed", function () {31 var rangeEach = Handsontable.helper.rangeEach;32 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();33 rangeEach(4, spy);34 expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(5);35 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual([0]);36 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(4)).toEqual([4]);37 });38 it("shouldn\'t iterate decreasingly, when `from` and `to` arguments are passed and `from` number is higher then `to`", function () {39 var rangeEach = Handsontable.helper.rangeEach;40 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();41 rangeEach(1, -3, spy);42 expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(0);43 });44 });45 /​/​46 /​/​ Handsontable.helper.rangeEachReverse47 /​/​48 describe('rangeEachReverse', function() {49 it("should iterate decreasingly, when `from` and `to` arguments are passed and `from` number is higher then `to`", function () {50 var rangeEachReverse = Handsontable.helper.rangeEachReverse;51 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();52 rangeEachReverse(2, -1, spy);53 expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(4);54 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual([2]);55 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(1)).toEqual([1]);56 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(2)).toEqual([0]);57 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(3)).toEqual([-1]);58 });59 it("should iterate only once, when `from` and `to` arguments are equal", function () {60 var rangeEachReverse = Handsontable.helper.rangeEachReverse;61 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();62 rangeEachReverse(10, 10, spy);63 expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1);64 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual([10]);65 });66 it("should iterate only once, when `from` and `to` arguments are equal and from value is zero", function () {67 var rangeEachReverse = Handsontable.helper.rangeEachReverse;68 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();69 rangeEachReverse(0, spy);70 expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1);71 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual([0]);72 });73 it("should iterate decreasingly to 0, when only `from` argument is passed", function () {74 var rangeEachReverse = Handsontable.helper.rangeEachReverse;75 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();76 rangeEachReverse(4, spy);77 expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(5);78 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(0)).toEqual([4]);79 expect(spy.calls.argsFor(4)).toEqual([0]);80 });81 it("shouldn\'t iterate increasingly, when `from` and `to` arguments are passed and `from` number is higher then `to`", function () {82 var rangeEachReverse = Handsontable.helper.rangeEachReverse;83 var spy = jasmine.createSpy();84 rangeEachReverse(1, 5, spy);85 expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(0);86 });87 });...

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Source: spy.js Github


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1import $ from 'jquery';2import _ from 'lodash';3import { SpyModesRegistryProvider } from 'ui/​registry/​spy_modes';4import { uiModules } from 'ui/​modules';5import spyTemplate from 'ui/​visualize/​spy.html';6uiModules7 .get('app/​visualize')8 .directive('visualizeSpy', function (Private, $compile) {9 const spyModes = Private(SpyModesRegistryProvider);10 const defaultMode = spyModes.inOrder[0].name;11 return {12 restrict: 'E',13 template: spyTemplate,14 link: function ($scope, $el) {15 let currentSpy;16 const $container = $el.find('[data-spy-content-container]');17 let fullPageSpy = _.get($scope.spy, 'mode.fill', false);18 $scope.modes = spyModes;19 $scope.spy.params = $scope.spy.params || {};20 function getSpyObject(name) {21 name = _.isUndefined(name) ? $ : name;22 fullPageSpy = (_.isNull(name)) ? false : fullPageSpy;23 return {24 name: name,25 fill: fullPageSpy,26 };27 }28 function setSpyMode(modeName) {29 if (!_.isString(modeName)) modeName = null;30 $scope.spy.mode = getSpyObject(modeName);31 $scope.$emit('render');32 }33 const renderSpy = function (spyName) {34 const newMode = $scope.modes.byName[spyName];35 /​/​ clear the current value36 if (currentSpy) {37 currentSpy.$container && currentSpy.$container.remove();38 currentSpy.$scope && currentSpy.$scope.$destroy();39 $scope.spy.mode = {};40 currentSpy = null;41 }42 /​/​ no further changes43 if (!newMode) return;44 /​/​ update the spy mode and append to the container45 const selectedSpyMode = getSpyObject(;46 $scope.spy.mode = selectedSpyMode;47 $scope.selectedModeName =;48 currentSpy = _.assign({49 $scope: $scope.$new(),50 $container: $('<div class="visualize-spy-content">').appendTo($container)51 }, $scope.spy.mode);52 currentSpy.$container.append($compile(newMode.template)(currentSpy.$scope));53 &&$scope, currentSpy.$container);54 };55 $scope.toggleDisplay = function () {56 const modeName = _.get($scope.spy, '');57 setSpyMode(modeName ? null : defaultMode);58 };59 $scope.toggleFullPage = function () {60 fullPageSpy = !fullPageSpy;61 $scope.spy.mode = getSpyObject();62 };63 $scope.onSpyModeChange = function onSpyModeChange() {64 setSpyMode($scope.selectedModeName);65 };66 if ($scope.uiState) {67 /​/​ sync external uiState changes68 const syncUIState = () => $scope.spy.mode = $scope.uiState.get('spy.mode');69 $scope.uiState.on('change', syncUIState);70 $scope.$on('$destroy', () => $'change', syncUIState));71 }72 /​/​ re-render the spy when the name of fill modes change73 $scope.$watchMulti([74 '',75 'spy.mode.fill'76 ], function (newVals, oldVals) {77 /​/​ update the ui state, but only if it really changes78 const changedVals = newVals.filter((val) => !_.isUndefined(val)).length > 0;79 if (changedVals && !_.isEqual(newVals, oldVals)) {80 if ($scope.uiState) $scope.uiState.set('spy.mode', $scope.spy.mode);81 }82 /​/​ ensure the fill mode is synced83 fullPageSpy = _.get($scope.spy, 'mode.fill', fullPageSpy);84 renderSpy(_.get($scope.spy, '', null));85 });86 }87 };...

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Source: event_emitter_spec.js Github


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1describe('EventEmitter', function() {2 beforeEach(function() {3 this.spy = jasmine.createSpy();4 = _.mixin({}, EventEmitter);5 });6 it('methods should be chainable', function() {7 expect(;8 expect(;9 expect(;10 expect(;11 });12 it('#on should take the context a callback should be called in', function() {13 var context = { val: 3 }, cbContext;14'xevent', setCbContext, context).trigger('xevent');15 waitsFor(assertCbContext, 'callback was called in the wrong context');16 function setCbContext() { cbContext = this; }17 function assertCbContext() { return cbContext === context; }18 });19 it('#onAsync callbacks should be invoked asynchronously', function() {20'event', this.spy).trigger('event');21 expect(this.spy.callCount).toBe(0);22 waitsFor(assertCallCount(this.spy, 1), 'the callback was not invoked');23 });24 it('#onSync callbacks should be invoked synchronously', function() {25'event', this.spy).trigger('event');26 expect(this.spy.callCount).toBe(1);27 });28 it('#off should remove callbacks', function() {29 this.target30 .onSync('event1 event2', this.spy)31 .onAsync('event1 event2', this.spy)32 .off('event1 event2')33 .trigger('event1 event2');34 waits(100);35 runs(assertCallCount(this.spy, 0));36 });37 it('methods should accept multiple event types', function() {38 this.target39 .onSync('event1 event2', this.spy)40 .onAsync('event1 event2', this.spy)41 .trigger('event1 event2');42 expect(this.spy.callCount).toBe(2);43 waitsFor(assertCallCount(this.spy, 4), 'the callback was not invoked');44 });45 it('the event type should be passed to the callback', function() {46 this.target47 .onSync('sync', this.spy)48 .onAsync('async', this.spy)49 .trigger('sync async');50 waitsFor(assertArgs(this.spy, 0, ['sync']), 'bad args');51 waitsFor(assertArgs(this.spy, 1, ['async']), 'bad args');52 });53 it('arbitrary args should be passed to the callback', function() {54 this.target55 .onSync('event', this.spy)56 .onAsync('event', this.spy)57 .trigger('event', 1, 2);58 waitsFor(assertArgs(this.spy, 0, ['event', 1, 2]), 'bad args');59 waitsFor(assertArgs(this.spy, 1, ['event', 1, 2]), 'bad args');60 });61 it('callback execution should be cancellable', function() {62 var cancelSpy = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(cancel);63 this.target64 .onSync('one', cancelSpy)65 .onSync('one', this.spy)66 .onAsync('two', cancelSpy)67 .onAsync('two', this.spy)68 .onSync('three', cancelSpy)69 .onAsync('three', this.spy)70 .trigger('one two three');71 waitsFor(assertCallCount(cancelSpy, 3));72 waitsFor(assertCallCount(this.spy, 0));73 function cancel() { return false; }74 });75 function assertCallCount(spy, expected) {76 return function() { return spy.callCount === expected; };77 }78 function assertArgs(spy, call, expected) {79 return function() {80 var env = jasmine.getEnv(),81 actual = spy.calls[call] ? spy.calls[call].args : undefined;82 return env.equals_(actual, expected);83 };84 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';2import { spy } from 'ng-mocks';3import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';4describe('AppComponent', () => {5 beforeEach(async () => {6 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 }).compileComponents();8 });9 it('should create the app', () => {10 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);11 const app = fixture.componentInstance;12 expect(app).toBeTruthy();13 });14 it(`should have as title 'test'`, () => {15 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);16 const app = fixture.componentInstance;17 expect(app.title).toEqual('test');18 });19 it('should render title', () => {20 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);21 fixture.detectChanges();22 const compiled = fixture.nativeElement;23 expect(compiled.querySelector('.content span').textContent).toContain('test app is running!');24 });25 it('should call ngOnInit spy method', () => {26 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);27 const app = fixture.componentInstance;28 const spyNgOnInit = spy(app, 'ngOnInit');29 fixture.detectChanges();30 expect(spyNgOnInit).toHaveBeenCalled();31 });32});33import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/​core';34@Component({35})36export class AppComponent implements OnInit {37 title = 'test';38 constructor() { }39 ngOnInit(): void {40 }41}42 <span>{{title}} app is running!</​span>43"angularCompilerOptions": {44 },45"devDependencies": {46 }

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1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, MockInstance, MockReset } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';3import { DataService } from './​services/​data.service';4describe('AppComponent', () => {5 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent).mock(DataService));6 beforeEach(() => MockInstance(DataService, 'getData', () => ['data1', 'data2', 'data3']));7 it('should create the app', () => {8 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);9 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;10 expect(app).toBeTruthy();11 });12 it(`should have as title 'ng-mocks'`, () => {13 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);14 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;15 expect(app.title).toEqual('ng-mocks');16 });17 it('should render title in a h1 tag', () => {18 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);19 const compiled = fixture.point.nativeElement;20 expect(compiled.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('Welcome to ng-mocks!');21 });22 it('should render data in a h2 tag', () => {23 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);24 const compiled = fixture.point.nativeElement;25 expect(compiled.querySelector('h2').textContent).toContain('data1');26 expect(compiled.querySelector('h2').textContent).toContain('data2');27 expect(compiled.querySelector('h2').textContent).toContain('data3');28 });29 afterEach(() => {30 MockReset();31 });32});33import { Component } from '@angular/​core';34import { DataService } from './​services/​data.service';35@Component({36})37export class AppComponent {38 title = 'ng-mocks';39 data: string[] = [];40 constructor(private dataService: DataService) {41 = this.dataService.getData();42 }43}44<h1>Welcome to {{ title }}!</​h1>45 <li *ngFor="let item of data">{{ item }}</​li>46/​* You can add global styles to this file, and also import other style files */​47h1 {48 color: #369;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';3beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));4afterEach(() => MockRender(MyComponent));5it('should spy on ngOnInit', () => {6 const spy = ngMocks.spyOn(MyComponent.prototype, 'ngOnInit');7 MockRender(MyComponent);8 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();9});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('test', () => {2 it('test', () => {3 const spy = spyOn(TestBed.get(Injector), 'get').and.callThrough();4 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();5 });6});7describe('test', () => {8 it('test', () => {9 const spy = spyOn(TestBed.get(Injector), 'get');10 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();11 });12});13describe('test', () => {14 it('test', () => {15 const spy = spyOnProperty(TestBed.get(Injector), 'get');16 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();17 });18});19describe('test', () => {20 it('test', () => {21 const spy = spyOnGetter(TestBed.get(Injector), 'get');22 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();23 });24});25describe('test', () => {26 it('test', () => {27 const spy = spyOnSetter(TestBed.get(Injector), 'get');28 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();29 });30});31describe('test', () => {32 it('test', () => {33 const spy = spyOnClass(TestBed.get(Injector), 'get');34 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();35 });36});37describe('test', () => {38 it('test', () => {39 const spy = spyOnObject(TestBed.get(Injector), 'get');40 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();41 });42});43describe('test', () => {44 it('test', () => {45 const spy = spyOnMethod(TestBed.get(Injector), 'get');46 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();47 });48});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('testing', () => {2 beforeEach(() => {3 ngMocks.stubInstance(ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent), 'childMethod', () => { console.log('stubbed'); });4 });5 it('should test', () => {6 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);7 fixture.detectChanges();8 const childComponent = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent);9 const spy = spyOn(childComponent, 'childMethod');10 const parentComponent = ngMocks.findInstance(ParentComponent);11 parentComponent.parentMethod();12 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();13 });14});15describe('testing', () => {16 beforeEach(() => {17 ngMocks.stubInstance(ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent), 'childProperty', 'stubbed');18 });19 it('should test', () => {20 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);21 fixture.detectChanges();22 const childComponent = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent);23 const spy = spyOnProperty(childComponent, 'childProperty', 'get');24 const parentComponent = ngMocks.findInstance(ParentComponent);25 parentComponent.parentMethod();26 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();27 });28});29describe('testing', () => {30 beforeEach(() => {31 ngMocks.stubInstance(ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent), 'childMethod', () => { console.log('stubbed'); });32 });33 it('should test', () => {34 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);35 fixture.detectChanges();36 const childComponent = ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent);37 const spy = spyOnAllFunctions(childComponent);38 const parentComponent = ngMocks.findInstance(ParentComponent);39 parentComponent.parentMethod();40 expect(spy.childMethod).toHaveBeenCalled();41 });42});43describe('testing', () => {44 beforeEach(() => {45 ngMocks.stubInstance(ngMocks.findInstance(ChildComponent), 'childMethod', () => { console.log('

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Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

LambdaTest Learning Hubs:


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