How to use setValueAccessor method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source: connectWithCrossfilter.js Github


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1import React, { Component } from "react";2import d3 from "d3";3const SELECTED_CLASS = "selected";4const DESELECTED_CLASS = "deselected";5export default function connectWithCrossfilter(WrappedComponent) {6 return class extends React.Component {7 static uiName = WrappedComponent.uiName;8 static identifier = WrappedComponent.identifier;9 static iconName = WrappedComponent.iconName;10 static minSize = WrappedComponent.minSize;11 static isSensible = WrappedComponent.isSensible;12 static checkRenderable = WrappedComponent.checkRenderable;13 static settings = WrappedComponent.settings;14 static columnSettings = WrappedComponent.columnSettings;15 static seriesAreCompatible = WrappedComponent.seriesAreCompatible;16 static transformSeries = WrappedComponent.transformSeries;17 static noHeader = WrappedComponent.noHeader;18 static aliases = WrappedComponent.aliases;19 static supportsSeries = false;20 static renderer = WrappedComponent.renderer;21 static disableSettingsConfig = true;22 23 constructor(props) {24 super(props);25 this.initializeCharCrossfilter();26 }27 componentWillUnmount() {28 this.unregisterCrossfilter();29 }30 initializeCharCrossfilter() {31 this._chartGroup = this.props.chartGroup;32 this._crossfilter = null;33 this._crossfilter = this.getSourceCrossfilter();34 this._filters = [];35 this._group = null;36 this.showResetControl = false;37 this._dimension = null;38 this._transitionDuration = 750;39 this._transitionDelay = 0;40 this._keyAccessor = d => d.key;41 this._valueAccessor = d => d.value;42 43 }44 filterHandler(dimension, filters) {45 if (filters.length === 0) {46 dimension.filter(null);47 } else if (filters.length === 1 && !filters[0].isFiltered) {48 dimension.filterExact(filters[0]);49 } else if (50 filters.length === 1 &&51 filters[0].filterType === "RangedFilter"52 ) {53 dimension.filterRange(filters[0]);54 } else {55 dimension.filterFunction(value => {56 const length = filters.length;57 for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {58 const filter = filters[i];59 if (filter.isFiltered && filter.isFiltered(value)) {60 return true;61 } else if (filter >= value && filter <= value) {62 return true;63 }64 }65 return false;66 });67 }68 return filters;69 }70 hasFilterHandler(filters, filter) {71 if (filter === null || typeof filter === "undefined") {72 return filters.length > 0;73 }74 return filters.some(function(f) {75 return filter <= f && filter >= f;76 });77 }78 hasFilter = filter => {79 return this.hasFilterHandler(this._filters, filter);80 };81 removeFilterHandler(filters, filter) {82 const length = filters.length;83 for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {84 const currentFilter = filters[i];85 if (currentFilter <= filter && currentFilter >= filter) {86 filters.splice(i, 1);87 break;88 }89 }90 return filters;91 }92 addFilterHandler(filters, filter) {93 filters.push(filter);94 return filters;95 }96 resetFilterHandler(filters) {97 return [];98 }99 applyFilters(filters) {100 if (this._dimension && this._dimension.filter) {101 const fs = this.filterHandler(this._dimension, filters);102 if (fs) {103 filters = fs;104 }105 return filters;106 }107 }108 filterAll = () => {109 this.filter(null);110 this.redrawCrossfilterGroup();111 }112 113 turnOnResetControl = () => {114 this.showResetControl = true;115 };116 turnOffResetControl = () => {117 this.showResetControl = false;118 };119 disposeDimension = () => {120 if (this.dimension) {121 this.dimension.dispose();122 }123 this.dimension = null;124 };125 setDimension = dimension => {126 this._dimension = dimension;127 };128 getDimension = () => {129 return this._dimension;130 };131 setCrossfilter = crossfilter => {132 this._crossfilter = crossfilter;133 };134 getCrossfilter = () => {135 return this._crossfilter;136 };137 data = () => {138 return this._group.all();139 };140 setGroup = group => {141 this._group = group;142 };143 getGroup = () => {144 return this._group;145 };146 filter = filter => {147 let filters = this._filters;148 /​/​ filter by a set of values149 if (150 filter instanceof Array &&151 filter[0] instanceof Array &&152 !filter.isFiltered153 ) {154 filter[0].foreach(value => {155 if (this.hasFilterHandler(filters, value)) {156 filters = this.removeFilterHandler(filters, value);157 } else {158 filters = this.addFilterHandler(filters, value);159 }160 });161 } else if (filter === null) {162 filters = this.resetFilterHandler(filters);163 } else {164 if (this.hasFilterHandler(filters, filter)) {165 filters = this.removeFilterHandler(filters, filter);166 } else {167 filters = this.addFilterHandler(filters, filter);168 }169 }170 this._filters = this.applyFilters(filters);171 };172 getFilters = () => {173 return this._filters;174 };175 setKeyAccessor = keyAccessor => {176 this._keyAccessor = keyAccessor;177 };178 getKeyAccessor = () => {179 return this._keyAccessor;180 };181 setValueAccessor = valueAccessor => {182 this._valueAccessor = valueAccessor;183 };184 getValueAccessor = () => {185 return this._valueAccessor;186 };187 highlightSelected = e => {188"fill-opacity", 1);189 };190 fadeDeselected = e => {191"fill-opacity", 0.3);192 };193 resetHighlight = e => {194"fill-opacity", 1);195 };196 onCrossfilterClick = (datum, event) => {197 const datumKey = this.getKeyAccessor()(datum);198 this.filter(datumKey);199 this.redrawCrossfilterGroup();200 };201 setTransitionDuration = duration => {202 this._transitionDuration = duration;203 };204 getTransitionDuration = () => {205 return this._transitionDuration;206 };207 setTransitionDelay = delay => {208 this._transitionDelay = delay;209 };210 getTransitionDelay = () => {211 return this._transitionDelay;212 };213 isCrossfilterLoaded = () => {214 return this.props.isChartGroupLoaded();215 };216 disposeDimensionAndGroup = () => {217 if (this._dimension) {218 this._dimension.dispose();219 }220 if (this._group) {221 this._group.dispose();222 }223 };224 shouldTurnOnCrossfilter = () => {225 return this.props.enableCrossfilter;226 };227 unregisterCrossfilter() {228 this._crossfilter = null;229 if (this._dimension) {230 this._dimension.dispose();231 }232 if (this._group) {233 this._group.dispose();234 }235 }236 redrawCrossfilterGroup = () => {237 this.props.redrawChartGroup();238 };239 addSourceCrossfilter = ({240 crossfilter,241 dimension,242 group,243 dimensionIndex,244 metricIndex,245 } = {}) => {246 this.setCrossfilter(crossfilter);247 this.setDimension(dimension);248 this.setGroup(group);249 this.props.loadChartGroup({250 crossfilter,251 dimension,252 group,253 dimensionIndex,254 metricIndex,255 })256 };257 getSourceCrossfilter = () => {258 if (this._crossfilter){259 return this._crossfilter;260 }261 return this.props.getChartGroupCrossfilter();262 };263 render() { 264 return (265 <WrappedComponent266 {...this.props}267 turnOnResetControl={this.turnOnResetControl}268 turnOffResetControl={this.turnOffResetControl}269 setDimension={this.setDimension}270 getDimension={this.getDimension}271 setGroup={this.setGroup}272 getGroup={this.getGroup}273 crossfilterData={}274 getKeyAccessor={this.getKeyAccessor}275 setKeyAccessor={this.setKeyAccessor}276 getValueAccessor={this.getValueAccessor}277 setValueAccessor={this.setValueAccessor}278 setTransitionDuration={this.setTransitionDuration}279 getTransitionDuration={this.getTransitionDuration}280 setTransitionDelay={this.setTransitionDelay}281 getTransitionDelay={this.getTransitionDelay}282 hasFilter={this.hasFilter}283 highlightSelected={this.highlightSelected}284 fadeDeselected={this.fadeDeselected}285 resetHighlight={this.resetHighlight}286 filterAll={this.filterAll}287 filter={this.filter}288 crossfilterGroup={this.props.chartGroup}289 activeCrossfilterGroup={this.props.activeGroup}290 isCrossfilterSource={this.props.isSourceChartGroup}291 addSourceCrossfilter={this.addSourceCrossfilter}292 getSourceCrossfilter={this.getSourceCrossfilter}293 redrawCrossfilterGroup={this.redrawCrossfilterGroup}294 onClick={this.onCrossfilterClick}295 /​>296 );297 }298 };...

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Source: base-control-component.ts Github


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...28 public abstract markAsTouched(): void;29 protected abstract validControlChanged(): void;30 private controlChanged(validControl: ValidState | undefined): void {31 if (this.validControl !== null && this.validControl !== undefined) {32 this.validControl.setValueAccessor(undefined);33 }34 this.validControl = validControl as ValidControl<T>;35 if (this.validControl !== null && this.validControl !== undefined) {36 this.validControl.setValueAccessor(this);37 this.validControl.statusChanges.subscribe({38 next: this.onValidControlStatusChanged.bind(this),39 });40 }41 }42 private onValidControlStatusChanged(status: ValidStatus): void {43 if (status === 'DISABLED') {44 this.isDisabled = true;45 } else {46 this.isDisabled = false;47 }48 }...

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Source: fields.service.ts Github


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...41 }42 setFieldValue(name: string, value: any) {43 const field = this.fields.get(name);44 if (field && field.setValueAccessor) {45 field.setValueAccessor(value);46 this.notify(name);47 }48 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setValueAccessor } from 'ng-mocks';2const mockValueAccessor = {3 writeValue: (value: string) => {},4 registerOnChange: (fn: (value: string) => void) => {},5 registerOnTouched: (fn: () => void) => {},6};7setValueAccessor(mockValueAccessor);8import { setValueAccessor } from 'ng-mocks';9const mockValueAccessor = {10 writeValue: (value: string) => {},11 registerOnChange: (fn: (value: string) => void) => {},12 registerOnTouched: (fn: () => void) => {},13};14setValueAccessor(mockValueAccessor);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setValueAccessor } from 'ng-mocks';2setValueAccessor({3});4setValueAccessor({5});6setValueAccessor({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';2import { FormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';3import { By } from '@angular/​platform-browser';4import { InputComponent } from './​input.component';5describe('InputComponent', () => {6 let component: InputComponent;7 let fixture: ComponentFixture<InputComponent>;8 beforeEach(async () => {9 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({10 imports: [ FormsModule ],11 })12 .compileComponents();13 });14 beforeEach(() => {15 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);16 component = fixture.componentInstance;17 fixture.detectChanges();18 });19 it('should create', () => {20 expect(component).toBeTruthy();21 });22 it('should emit value on input', () => {23 const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));24 const spy = spyOn(component.valueChange, 'emit');25 input.triggerEventHandler('input', { target: { value: 'test' } });26 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();27 });28 it('should set value on input', () => {29 const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));30 const spy = spyOn(component, 'setValue');31 input.triggerEventHandler('input', { target: { value: 'test' } });32 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();33 });34 it('should emit value on input', () => {35 const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));36 const spy = spyOn(component.valueChange, 'emit');37 ngMocks.setValueAccessor(input, 'test');38 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();39 });40 it('should set value on input', () => {41 const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));42 const spy = spyOn(component, 'setValue');43 ngMocks.setValueAccessor(input, 'test');44 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();45 });46});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const mock = ngMocks.findInstance(TestComponent);2mock.setValueAccessor('test');3setValueAccessor(value: string) {4 this.valueAccessor = value;5}6<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="valueAccessor" /​>

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