How to use setConfigDef method in ng-mocks

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Source: mock-builder.promise.ts Github


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...85 }86 public exclude(def: any): this {87 this.wipe(def);88 this.excludeDef.add(def);89 this.setConfigDef(def);90 return this;91 }92 /​/​ istanbul ignore next93 public async finally(callback?: (() => void) | null | undefined): Promise<IMockBuilderResult> {94 return this.then().finally(callback);95 }96 public keep(input: any, config?: IMockBuilderConfig): this {97 const { def, providers } = normaliseModule(input);98 const existing = this.keepDef.has(def) ? this.defProviders.get(def) : [];99 this.wipe(def);100 this.keepDef.add(def);101 /​/​ a magic to support modules with providers.102 if (providers) {103 this.defProviders.set(def, [...(existing || /​* istanbul ignore next */​ []), ...providers]);104 }105 this.setConfigDef(def, config);106 return this;107 }108 public mock(input: any, a1: any = defaultMock, a2?: any): this {109 const { def, providers } = normaliseModule(input);110 const { config, mock } = parseMockArguments(def, a1, a2, defaultMock);111 if (isNgDef(mock) && isNgDef(input) && !isNgDef(input, 't')) {112 throw new Error(113 [114 `MockBuilder.mock(${funcGetName(input)}) received a class when its shape is expected.`,115 'Please try ngMocks.defaultMock instead.',116 ].join(' '),117 );118 }119 const existing = this.mockDef.has(def) ? this.defProviders.get(def) : [];120 this.wipe(def);121 this.mockDef.add(def);122 /​/​ a magic to support modules with providers.123 if (providers) {124 this.defProviders.set(def, [...(existing || /​* istanbul ignore next */​ []), ...providers]);125 }126 this.setDefValue(def, mock);127 this.setConfigDef(def, config);128 return this;129 }130 public provide(def: Provider): this {131 for (const provider of flatten(def)) {132 const { provide, multi } = parseProvider(provider);133 const existing = this.providerDef.has(provide) ? this.providerDef.get(provide) : [];134 this.providerDef.set(provide, generateProviderValue(provider, existing, multi));135 }136 return this;137 }138 public replace(source: Type<any>, destination: Type<any>, config?: IMockBuilderConfig): this {139 if (!isNgDef(destination) || !isNgDef(source) || isNgDef(destination, 'i') || isNgDef(source, 'i')) {140 throw new Error(141 'Cannot replace the declaration, both have to be a Module, a Component, a Directive or a Pipe, for Providers use `.mock` or `.provide`',142 );143 }144 this.wipe(source);145 this.replaceDef.add(source);146 this.defValue.set(source, destination);147 this.setConfigDef(source, config);148 return this;149 }150 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/​no-thenable151 public async then<TResult1 = IMockBuilderResult>(152 fulfill?: ((value: IMockBuilderResult) => PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null,153 reject?: ((reason: any) => PromiseLike<any>) | undefined | null,154 ): Promise<TResult1> {155 const promise = new Promise((resolve: (value: IMockBuilderResult) => void): void => {156 const testBed: TestBedStatic = TestBed.configureTestingModule( as never;157 for (const callback of mapValues(this.beforeCC)) {158 callback(testBed);159 }160 const testBedPromise = testBed.compileComponents();161 testBedPromise.then(() => {162 resolve({ testBed });163 });164 });165 return promise.then(fulfill, reject);166 }167 private combineParams(): BuilderData {168 return {169 configDef: this.configDef,170 configDefault: this.configDefault,171 defProviders: this.defProviders,172 defValue: this.defValue,173 excludeDef: this.excludeDef,174 keepDef: this.keepDef,175 mockDef: this.mockDef,176 providerDef: this.providerDef,177 replaceDef: this.replaceDef,178 };179 }180 private setConfigDef(def: any, config?: any): void {181 if (config || !this.configDef.has(def)) {182 this.configDef.set(def, config ?? this.configDefault);183 }184 }185 private setDefValue(def: any, mock: any): void {186 if (mock !== defaultMock) {187 this.defValue.set(def, mock);188 } else {189 this.defValue.delete(def);190 }191 }192 private wipe(def: Type<any>): void {193 this.defProviders.delete(def);194 this.defValue.delete(def);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setConfigDef } from 'ng-mocks';2setConfigDef({ autoSpy: false });3import { MockBuilder } from 'ng-mocks';4import { AppModule } from './​app.module';5import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';6describe('AppComponent', () => {7 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule));8 it('should create the app', () => {9 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);10 const app = fixture.point.componentInstance;11 expect(app).toBeTruthy();12 });13});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setConfigDef } from 'ng-mocks';2setConfigDef({3 render: {4 },5});6setConfigDef({7 render: {8 },9});10setConfigDef({11 render: {12 },13});14setConfigDef({15 render: {16 },17});18setConfigDef({19 render: {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setConfigDef } from 'ng-mocks';2setConfigDef({3});4import { setConfigDef } from 'ng-mocks';5setConfigDef({6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setConfigDef } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyModule } from './​my-module';3import { MyService } from './​my-service';4setConfigDef('mocks', {5 MyService: {6 getData: () => 'mocked data',7 },8});9import { MyService } from './​my-service';10@Component({11 template: '{{ myService.getData() }}',12})13export class MyComponent {14 constructor(public myService: MyService) {}15}16import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';17@Injectable()18export class MyService {19 getData() {20 return 'real data';21 }22}23import { MyModule } from './​my-module';24import { MyService } from './​my-service';25import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';26describe('MyComponent', () => {27 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;28 let component: MyComponent;29 let service: MyService;30 beforeEach(async(() => {31 TestBed.configureTestingModule({32 imports: [MyModule],33 }).compileComponents();34 }));35 beforeEach(() => {36 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);37 component = fixture.componentInstance;38 service = TestBed.get(MyService);39 });40 it('should use "mocked data"', () => {41 spyOn(service, 'getData').and.callThrough();42 fixture.detectChanges();43 expect(service.getData).toHaveBeenCalled();44 expect(fixture.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('mocked data');45 });46});47import { MyModule } from './​my-module';48import { MyService } from './​my-service';49import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';50describe('MyComponent', () => {51 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;52 let component: MyComponent;53 let service: MyService;54 beforeEach(async(() => {55 TestBed.configureTestingModule({56 imports: [MyModule],57 {58 useValue: {59 getData: () => 'mocked data',60 },61 },62 }).compileComponents();63 }));64 beforeEach(() => {65 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);66 component = fixture.componentInstance;67 service = TestBed.get(MyService);68 });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setConfigDef } from "ng-mocks";2setConfigDef({3});4import "ng-mocks";5describe("MyComponent", () => {6 it("should create", () => {7 });8});9setConfigDef({10 id: {11 },12 mock: {13 },14 resolver: {15 },16 stringify: {17 },18 stub: {19 },20 template: {21 },22});23setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'stub' } });24setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'stub' } });25setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'mock' } });26setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'stub' } });27setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'mock' } });28setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'stub' } });29setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'stub' } });30setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'mock' } });31setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'stub' } });32setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'mock' } });33setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'stub' } });34setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'mock' } });35setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'stub' } });36setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'mock' } });37setConfigDef({ mock: { default: 'stub' } });38import { setConfigDef } from "ng

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setConfigDef } from 'ng-mocks';2setConfigDef({3 config: {4 }5});6@Component({7 template: `{{ config.value }}`8})9export class TestComponent {10 constructor(@Inject(CONFIG) public config: Config) { }11}12describe('TestComponent', () => {13 beforeEach(() => {14 TestBed.configureTestingModule({15 });16 });17 it('should use the default config', () => {18 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);19 fixture.detectChanges();20 expect(fixture.nativeElement.textContent).toEqual('default');21 });22});23@Injectable()24export class AppService {25 constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }26 getItems() {27 }28}29describe('AppService', () => {30 let service: AppService;31 let httpMock: HttpTestingController;32 beforeEach(() => {33 TestBed.configureTestingModule({34 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],35 });36 service = TestBed.get(AppService);37 httpMock = TestBed.get(HttpTestingController);38 });39 afterEach(() => {40 httpMock.verify();41 });42 it('should return an Observable of items', () => {43 { id: 1, name: 'Item1' },44 { id: 2, name: 'Item2' },

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