How to use serviceMock method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source:list-alerts-spec.js Github


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1/​**2 * Copyright (c) 2014 Intel Corporation3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.09 *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */​16'use strict';17describe('list alerts', function() {18 var scope,19 rootScope,20 location,21 controllerProvider,22 ctrl,23 ngTableParams = function () {24 this.reload = sinon.spy();25 },26 ngProgressStub;27 var ModalMock = function () {28 var self = this;29 = function (config) {30 return {31 result: {32 config: config,33 then: function (confirm, cancel) {34 self.confirm = confirm;35 self.cancel = cancel;36 }37 },38 close: function (res) {39 if (self.confirm) {40 self.confirm(res);41 }42 },43 dismiss: function () {44 if (self.cancel) {45 self.cancel();46 }47 }48 };49 };50 };51 beforeEach(module('iotController'));52 beforeEach(module('ngProgress'));53 beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, $location, ngProgress) {54 rootScope = $rootScope;55 scope = $rootScope.$new();56 scope.$parent = {57 i18n:{58 alerts:{59 title:'test',60 errors: {61 updateAlerts: 'test'62 }63 }64 }65 }66 scope.$on = function(value, callback) { };67 controllerProvider = $controller;68 location = $location;69 ngProgressStub = sinon.stub(ngProgress);70 }));71 it('should change selected menu to "alerts"', function(){72 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {73 $scope: scope,74 $routeParams: {},75 $location: {},76 $filter:{},77 $modal: {},78 $q: {},79 alertsService: {},80 orderingService: {},81 filteringService: {},82 sessionService: {},83 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,84 ngProgress: ngProgressStub85 });86 expect(scope.$'alerts');87 });88 it('should create "alerts" model with no alerts', function(){89 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {90 $scope: scope,91 $routeParams: {},92 $location: {},93 $filter:{},94 $modal: {},95 $q: {},96 alertsService: {},97 orderingService: {},98 filteringService: {},99 sessionService: {},100 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,101 ngProgress: ngProgressStub102 });103 expect(scope.alerts.length).to.equal(0);104 });105 it('should return status to filter with', function(){106 /​/​ prepare107 var defMock = {108 resolve: sinon.spy()109 },110 qMock = {111 defer: sinon.stub()112 };113 qMock.defer.withArgs().returns(defMock);114 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {115 $scope: scope,116 $routeParams: {},117 $location: {},118 $filter:{},119 $modal: {},120 $q: qMock,121 alertsService: {},122 orderingService: {},123 filteringService: {},124 sessionService: {},125 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,126 ngProgress: ngProgressStub127 });128 /​/​ execute129 scope.getStatusesToFilterWith();130 /​/​ assert131 expect(qMock.defer.calledOnce).to.equal(true);132 expect(defMock.resolve.calledOnce).to.equal(true);133 expect(defMock.resolve.args[0].length).to.equal(1);134 var actual = defMock.resolve.args[0][0];135 expect(actual.length).to.equal(3);136 expect(actual[0].id).to.equal('New');137 expect(actual[0].title).to.equal('New');138 expect(actual[1].id).to.equal('Open');139 expect(actual[1].title).to.equal('Open');140 expect(actual[2].id).to.equal('Closed');141 expect(actual[2].title).to.equal('Closed');142 });143 it('should return priorities to filter with', function(){144 /​/​ prepare145 var defMock = {146 resolve: sinon.spy()147 },148 qMock = {149 defer: sinon.stub()150 };151 qMock.defer.withArgs().returns(defMock);152 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {153 $scope: scope,154 $routeParams: {},155 $location: {},156 $filter:{},157 $modal: {},158 $q: qMock,159 alertsService: {},160 orderingService: {},161 filteringService: {},162 sessionService: {},163 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,164 ngProgress: ngProgressStub165 });166 /​/​ execute167 scope.getPrioritiesToFilterWith();168 /​/​ assert169 expect(qMock.defer.calledOnce).to.equal(true);170 expect(defMock.resolve.calledOnce).to.equal(true);171 expect(defMock.resolve.args[0].length).to.equal(1);172 var actual = defMock.resolve.args[0][0];173 expect(actual.length).to.equal(3);174 expect(actual[0].id).to.equal('High');175 expect(actual[0].title).to.equal('High');176 expect(actual[1].id).to.equal('Medium');177 expect(actual[1].title).to.equal('Medium');178 expect(actual[2].id).to.equal('Low');179 expect(actual[2].title).to.equal('Low');180 });181 it('should change status of given alert if user confirms the change - to open', function(){182 /​/​ prepare183 var alert = {184 alertId: 1185 },186 newStatus = 'Open',187 serviceMock = {188 updateStatus: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1),189 reset: sinon.spy()190 };191 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {192 $scope: scope,193 $routeParams: {},194 $location: {},195 $filter:{},196 $modal: new ModalMock(),197 $q: {},198 alertsService: serviceMock,199 orderingService: {},200 filteringService: {},201 sessionService: {},202 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,203 ngProgress: ngProgressStub204 });205 /​/​ execute206 var modalInstance = scope.changeStatus(alert, newStatus);207 var modalCtrl = new modalInstance.result.config.controller(scope, modalInstance, alert, newStatus);208 scope.confirm();209 /​/​ assert210 expect(serviceMock.reset.calledOnce).to.equal(false);211 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(true);212 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.args[0].length).to.equal(3);213 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.args[0][0].alert.alertId).to.equal(alert.alertId);214 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.args[0][0].newStatus).to.equal(newStatus);215 expect(scope.tableAlerts.reload.calledOnce).to.equal(true);216 expect(scope.error);217 });218 it('should change status of given alert if user confirms the change - to new', function(){219 /​/​ prepare220 var alert = {221 alertId: 1222 },223 newStatus = 'Open',224 serviceMock = {225 updateStatus: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1),226 reset: sinon.spy()227 };228 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {229 $scope: scope,230 $routeParams: {},231 $location: {},232 $filter:{},233 $modal: new ModalMock(),234 $q: {},235 alertsService: serviceMock,236 orderingService: {},237 filteringService: {},238 sessionService: {},239 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,240 ngProgress: ngProgressStub241 });242 /​/​ execute243 var modalInstance = scope.changeStatus(alert, newStatus);244 var modalCtrl = new modalInstance.result.config.controller(scope, modalInstance, alert, newStatus);245 scope.confirm();246 /​/​ assert247 expect(serviceMock.reset.calledOnce).to.equal(false);248 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(true);249 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.args[0].length).to.equal(3);250 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.args[0][0].alert.alertId).to.equal(alert.alertId);251 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.args[0][0].newStatus).to.equal(newStatus);252 expect(scope.tableAlerts.reload.calledOnce).to.equal(true);253 expect(scope.error);254 });255 it('should not change status of given alert if user cancels the change', function(){256 /​/​ prepare257 var alert = {258 alertId: 1259 },260 newStatus = 'Open',261 serviceMock = {262 updateStatus: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1),263 reset: sinon.spy()264 };265 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {266 $scope: scope,267 $routeParams: {},268 $location: {},269 $filter:{},270 $modal: new ModalMock(),271 $q: {},272 alertsService: serviceMock,273 orderingService: {},274 filteringService: {},275 sessionService: {},276 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,277 ngProgress: ngProgressStub278 });279 /​/​ execute280 var modalInstance = scope.changeStatus(alert, newStatus);281 var modalCtrl = new modalInstance.result.config.controller(scope, modalInstance, alert, newStatus);282 scope.cancel();283 /​/​ assert284 expect(serviceMock.reset.calledOnce).to.equal(false);285 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(false);286 expect(scope.tableAlerts.reload.calledOnce).to.equal(false);287 expect(scope.error);288 });289 it('should not change status of given alert if user cancels the change', function(){290 /​/​ prepare291 var alert = {292 alertId: 1293 },294 newStatus = 'Open',295 serviceMock = {296 updateStatus: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1),297 reset: sinon.spy()298 };299 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {300 $scope: scope,301 $routeParams: {},302 $location: {},303 $filter:{},304 $modal: new ModalMock(),305 $q: {},306 alertsService: serviceMock,307 orderingService: {},308 filteringService: {},309 sessionService: {},310 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,311 ngProgress: ngProgressStub312 });313 /​/​ execute314 var modalInstance = scope.changeStatus(alert, newStatus);315 var modalCtrl = new modalInstance.result.config.controller(scope, modalInstance, alert, newStatus);316 scope.cancel();317 /​/​ assert318 expect(serviceMock.reset.calledOnce).to.equal(false);319 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(false);320 expect(scope.tableAlerts.reload.calledOnce).to.equal(false);321 expect(scope.error);322 });323 it('should reset given alert if user confirms the change', function(){324 /​/​ prepare325 var alert = {326 alertId: 1327 },328 newStatus = 'Closed',329 serviceMock = {330 updateStatus: sinon.spy(),331 reset: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1)332 };333 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {334 $scope: scope,335 $routeParams: {},336 $location: {},337 $filter:{},338 $modal: new ModalMock(),339 $q: {},340 alertsService: serviceMock,341 orderingService: {},342 filteringService: {},343 sessionService: {},344 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,345 ngProgress: ngProgressStub346 });347 /​/​ execute348 var modalInstance = scope.changeStatus(alert, newStatus);349 var modalCtrl = new modalInstance.result.config.controller(scope, modalInstance, alert, newStatus);350 scope.confirm();351 /​/​ assert352 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(false);353 expect(serviceMock.reset.calledOnce).to.equal(true);354 expect(serviceMock.reset.args[0].length).to.equal(3);355 expect(serviceMock.reset.args[0][0].alert.alertId).to.equal(alert.alertId);356 expect(scope.tableAlerts.reload.calledOnce).to.equal(true);357 expect(scope.error);358 });359 it('should not change status of given alert if something goes wrong', function(){360 /​/​ prepare361 var alert = {362 alertId: 1363 },364 newStatus = 'Open',365 serviceMock = {366 updateStatus: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2), /​/​ trigger an error367 reset: sinon.spy()368 };369 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {370 $scope: scope,371 $routeParams: {},372 $location: {},373 $filter:{},374 $modal: new ModalMock(),375 $q: {},376 alertsService: serviceMock,377 orderingService: {},378 filteringService: {},379 sessionService: {},380 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,381 ngProgress: ngProgressStub382 });383 /​/​ execute384 var modalInstance = scope.changeStatus(alert, newStatus);385 var modalCtrl = new modalInstance.result.config.controller(scope, modalInstance, alert, newStatus);386 scope.confirm();387 /​/​ assert388 expect(serviceMock.reset.calledOnce).to.equal(false);389 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(true);390 expect(scope.tableAlerts.reload.calledOnce).to.equal(false);391 expect(scope.error).to.equal(scope.$parent.i18n.alerts.errors.updateAlerts);392 });393 it('should open details of given alert - status = New - status changed successfully', function(){394 /​/​ prepare395 var alert = {396 alertId: 10,397 status: 'New'398 },399 serviceMock = {400 updateStatus: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1)401 };402 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {403 $scope: scope,404 $routeParams: {},405 $location: location,406 $filter:{},407 $modal: {},408 $q: {},409 alertsService: serviceMock,410 orderingService: {},411 filteringService: {},412 sessionService: {},413 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,414 ngProgress: ngProgressStub415 });416 /​/​ execute417 scope.openDetails(alert);418 /​/​ attest419 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(true);420 expect(location.path()).to.contain('/​alerts/​edit/​' + alert.alertId);421 });422 it('should open details of given alert - status = New - status changed failed', function(){423 /​/​ prepare424 var alert = {425 alertId: 10,426 status: 'New'427 },428 serviceMock = {429 updateStatus: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2)430 };431 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {432 $scope: scope,433 $routeParams: {},434 $location: location,435 $filter:{},436 $modal: {},437 $q: {},438 alertsService: serviceMock,439 orderingService: {},440 filteringService: {},441 sessionService: {},442 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,443 ngProgress: ngProgressStub444 });445 /​/​ execute446 scope.openDetails(alert);447 /​/​ attest448 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(true);449 expect(location.path()).to.contain('/​alerts/​edit/​' + alert.alertId);450 });451 it('should open details of given alert - status != New', function(){452 /​/​ prepare453 var alert = {454 alertId: 10,455 status: 'Closed'456 },457 serviceMock = {458 updateStatus: sinon.spy()459 };460 ctrl = controllerProvider('ListAlertsCtrl', {461 $scope: scope,462 $routeParams: {},463 $location: location,464 $filter:{},465 $modal: {},466 $q: {},467 alertsService: serviceMock,468 orderingService: {},469 filteringService: {},470 sessionService: {},471 ngTableParams: ngTableParams,472 ngProgress: ngProgressStub473 });474 /​/​ execute475 scope.openDetails(alert);476 /​/​ attest477 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(false);478 expect(location.path()).to.contain('/​alerts/​edit/​' + alert.alertId);479 });...

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Source:edit-alert-spec.js Github


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1/​**2 * Copyright (c) 2014 Intel Corporation3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.09 *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */​16describe('edit alert', function() {17 var scope,18 rootScope,19 location,20 controllerProvider,21 ctrl,22 rulesServiceMock = {23 getRuleById: sinon.spy()24 };25 beforeEach(module('iotController'));26 beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, $location) {27 rootScope = $rootScope;28 scope = $rootScope.$new();29 scope.$parent = {30 i18n:{31 alerts:{32 title:'test',33 errors: {34 loadAlerts: 'test',35 updateAlerts: 'test'36 }37 }38 }39 };40 controllerProvider = $controller;41 location = $location;42 }));43 it('should change selected menu to "alerts" and other initializations', function(){44 /​/​ prepare45 var serviceMock = {46 getAlert: sinon.spy()47 };48 ctrl = controllerProvider('EditAlertCtrl', {49 $scope: scope,50 $routeParams: {},51 $location: {},52 alertsService: serviceMock,53 rulesService: rulesServiceMock54 });55 /​/​ attest56 expect(scope.$'alerts');57 expect(scope.statusEdit).to.equal(false);58 expect(scope.error).to.equal(null);59 expect(scope.alert).to.equal(null);60 expect(scope.currentComment).to.equal(null);61 expect(scope.addingComment).to.equal(false);62 expect(scope.comments.length).to.equal(0);63 expect(serviceMock.getAlert.calledOnce).to.equal(true);64 });65 it('should request given alert at initialization', function(){66 /​/​ prepare67 var alert = {68 alertId: 1,69 status: 'Open',70 comments: [{}]71 },72 serviceMock = {73 getAlert: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, alert)74 },75 routeParamsMock = {76 alertId: alert.alertId77 };78 ctrl = controllerProvider('EditAlertCtrl', {79 $scope: scope,80 $routeParams: routeParamsMock,81 $location: {},82 alertsService: serviceMock,83 rulesService: rulesServiceMock84 });85 /​/​ attest86 expect(scope.alert.alertId).to.equal(alert.alertId);87 expect(scope.error).to.equal(null);88 expect(scope.comments.length).to.equal(1);89 expect(;90 expect(serviceMock.getAlert.calledOnce).to.equal(true);91 });92 it('should request given alert at initialization - request failed', function(){93 /​/​ prepare94 var alert = {95 alertId: 1,96 status: 'Open',97 comments: [{}]98 },99 serviceMock = {100 getAlert: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2)101 },102 routeParamsMock = {103 alertId: alert.alertId104 };105 ctrl = controllerProvider('EditAlertCtrl', {106 $scope: scope,107 $routeParams: routeParamsMock,108 $location: {},109 alertsService: serviceMock,110 rulesService: rulesServiceMock111 });112 /​/​ attest113 expect(scope.alert).to.equal(null);114 expect(scope.error).to.equal(scope.$parent.i18n.alerts.errors.loadAlerts);115 expect(scope.comments.length).to.equal(0);116 expect(serviceMock.getAlert.calledOnce).to.equal(true);117 });118 it('should add a comment when requested by user', function(){119 /​/​ prepare120 var user = {121 email: ''122 },123 alert = {124 alertId: 1125 },126 comment = Math.random().toString(),127 serviceMock = {128 getAlert: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, alert),129 addComments: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1)130 };131 scope.$root = { currentUser: user };132 ctrl = controllerProvider('EditAlertCtrl', {133 $scope: scope,134 $routeParams: {},135 $location: {},136 alertsService: serviceMock,137 rulesService: rulesServiceMock138 });139 /​/​ execute140 scope.addComment(comment);141 /​/​ attest142 expect(scope.comments.length).to.equal(1);143 expect(scope.comments[0].text).to.equal(comment);144 expect(scope.currentComment).to.equal(null);145 expect(scope.addingComment).to.equal(false);146 expect(serviceMock.getAlert.calledOnce).to.equal(true);147 expect(serviceMock.addComments.calledOnce).to.equal(true);148 });149 it('should add a comment when requested by user (only at memory) - request failed', function(){150 /​/​ prepare151 var user = {152 email: ''153 },154 alert = {155 alertId: 1156 },157 comment = Math.random().toString(),158 serviceMock = {159 getAlert: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, alert),160 addComments: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2)161 };162 scope.$root = { currentUser: user };163 ctrl = controllerProvider('EditAlertCtrl', {164 $scope: scope,165 $routeParams: {},166 $location: {},167 alertsService: serviceMock,168 rulesService: rulesServiceMock169 });170 /​/​ execute171 scope.addComment(comment);172 /​/​ attest173 expect(scope.comments.length).to.equal(1);174 expect(scope.comments[0].text).to.equal(comment);175 expect(scope.currentComment).to.equal(null);176 expect(scope.addingComment).to.equal(false);177 expect(serviceMock.getAlert.calledOnce).to.equal(true);178 expect(serviceMock.addComments.calledOnce).to.equal(true);179 });180 it('should not add a comment when requested by user if it is empty', function(){181 /​/​ prepare182 var user = {183 email: ''184 },185 alert = {186 alertId: 1187 },188 comment = undefined,189 serviceMock = {190 getAlert: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, alert),191 addComments: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1)192 };193 scope.$root = { currentUser: user };194 ctrl = controllerProvider('EditAlertCtrl', {195 $scope: scope,196 $routeParams: {},197 $location: {},198 alertsService: serviceMock,199 rulesService: rulesServiceMock200 });201 /​/​ execute202 scope.addComment(comment);203 /​/​ attest204 expect(scope.comments.length).to.equal(0);205 expect(serviceMock.getAlert.calledOnce).to.equal(true);206 expect(serviceMock.addComments.calledOnce).to.equal(false);207 });208 it('should parse timestamp', function(){209 /​/​ prepare210 var serviceMock = {211 getAlert: sinon.spy()212 };213 ctrl = controllerProvider('EditAlertCtrl', {214 $scope: scope,215 $routeParams: {},216 $location: {},217 alertsService: serviceMock,218 rulesService: rulesServiceMock219 });220 /​/​ execute221 var actual = scope.parseTimestamp(;222 /​/​ attest223 expect(actual)'undefined');224 });225 it('should change status when requested by user - status = New', function(){226 /​/​ prepare227 var alert = {228 alertId: 1,229 status: 'New'230 },231 serviceMock = {232 getAlert: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, alert),233 updateStatus: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1),234 reset: sinon.spy()235 };236 ctrl = controllerProvider('EditAlertCtrl', {237 $scope: scope,238 $routeParams: {},239 $location: {},240 alertsService: serviceMock,241 rulesService: rulesServiceMock242 });243 /​/​ execute244 scope.changeStatus();245 /​/​ attest246 expect(scope.error).to.equal(null);247 expect(serviceMock.getAlert.calledOnce).to.equal(true);248 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(true);249 expect(serviceMock.reset.calledOnce).to.equal(false);250 });251 it('should change status when requested by user - status = New - request failed', function(){252 /​/​ prepare253 var alert = {254 alertId: 1,255 status: 'New'256 },257 serviceMock = {258 getAlert: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, alert),259 updateStatus: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2),260 reset: sinon.spy()261 };262 ctrl = controllerProvider('EditAlertCtrl', {263 $scope: scope,264 $routeParams: {},265 $location: {},266 alertsService: serviceMock,267 rulesService: rulesServiceMock268 });269 /​/​ execute270 scope.changeStatus();271 /​/​ attest272 expect(scope.error).to.equal(scope.$parent.i18n.alerts.errors.updateAlerts);273 expect(serviceMock.getAlert.calledOnce).to.equal(true);274 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(true);275 expect(serviceMock.reset.calledOnce).to.equal(false);276 });277 it('should change status when requested by user - status = Closed', function(){278 /​/​ prepare279 var alert = {280 alertId: 1,281 status: 'Closed'282 },283 serviceMock = {284 getAlert: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, alert),285 updateStatus: sinon.spy(),286 reset: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1)287 };288 ctrl = controllerProvider('EditAlertCtrl', {289 $scope: scope,290 $routeParams: {},291 $location: {},292 alertsService: serviceMock,293 rulesService: rulesServiceMock294 });295 /​/​ execute296 scope.changeStatus();297 /​/​ attest298 expect(scope.error).to.equal(null);299 expect(serviceMock.getAlert.calledOnce).to.equal(true);300 expect(serviceMock.updateStatus.calledOnce).to.equal(false);301 expect(serviceMock.reset.calledOnce).to.equal(true);302 });303 it('should go to /​alerts when user clicks Close button', function(){304 /​/​ prepare305 var serviceMock = {306 getAlert: sinon.spy()307 };308 ctrl = controllerProvider('EditAlertCtrl', {309 $scope: scope,310 $routeParams: {},311 $location: location,312 alertsService: serviceMock,313 rulesService: rulesServiceMock314 });315 /​/​ execute316 scope.close();317 /​/​ attest318 expect(location.path()).to.equal('/​alerts');319 });...

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Source:ServiceReceiver.test.js Github


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1const { balance, ether, expectEvent, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/​test-helpers');2const { expect } = require('chai');3const { shouldBehaveLikeOwnable } = require('../​access/​Ownable.behavior');4const ServiceReceiver = artifacts.require('ServiceReceiver');5contract('ServiceReceiver', function ([owner, thirdParty]) {6 const fee = ether('0.1');7 context('ServiceReceiver behaviours', function () {8 beforeEach(async function () {9 this.serviceReceiver = await{ from: owner });10 });11 describe('set price', function () {12 context('when the sender is owner', function () {13 it('should set price', async function () {14 await this.serviceReceiver.setPrice('ServiceMock', fee, { from: owner });15 (await this.serviceReceiver.getPrice('ServiceMock'));16 });17 });18 context('when the sender is not owner', function () {19 it('reverts', async function () {20 await expectRevert(21 this.serviceReceiver.setPrice('ServiceMock', fee, { from: thirdParty }),22 'Ownable: caller is not the owner',23 );24 });25 });26 });27 describe('pay', function () {28 context('with incorrect price', function () {29 it('reverts', async function () {30 await this.serviceReceiver.setPrice('ServiceMock', fee, { from: owner });31 await expectRevert(32 'ServiceMock',34 {35 from: thirdParty,36 value: fee.add(ether('1')),37 },38 ),39 'ServiceReceiver: incorrect price',40 );41 });42 });43 context('with correct price', function () {44 beforeEach(async function () {45 await this.serviceReceiver.setPrice('ServiceMock', fee, { from: owner });46 });47 it('emits a Created event', async function () {48 const { logs } = await'ServiceMock', { value: fee, from: thirdParty });49 expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'Created', {50 serviceName: 'ServiceMock',51 serviceAddress: thirdParty,52 });53 });54 it('transfer fee to receiver', async function () {55 const initBalance = await balance.current(this.serviceReceiver.address);56 await'ServiceMock', { value: fee, from: thirdParty });57 const newBalance = (await balance.current(this.serviceReceiver.address));58 expect(newBalance);59 });60 });61 });62 describe('withdraw', function () {63 beforeEach(async function () {64 await this.serviceReceiver.setPrice('ServiceMock', fee, { from: owner });65 await'ServiceMock', { value: fee, from: thirdParty });66 });67 context('when the sender is owner', function () {68 it('should withdraw', async function () {69 const amount = ether('0.05');70 const contractBalanceTracker = await balance.tracker(this.serviceReceiver.address);71 const ownerBalanceTracker = await balance.tracker(owner);72 await this.serviceReceiver.withdraw(amount, { from: owner, gasPrice: 0 });73 expect(await;74 expect(await;75 });76 });77 context('when the sender is not owner', function () {78 it('reverts', async function () {79 const amount = ether('0.05');80 await expectRevert(81 this.serviceReceiver.withdraw(amount, { from: thirdParty }),82 'Ownable: caller is not the owner',83 );84 });85 });86 });87 context('like a Ownable', function () {88 beforeEach(async function () {89 this.ownable = this.serviceReceiver;90 });91 shouldBehaveLikeOwnable(owner, [thirdParty]);92 });93 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './​my.service';3import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';4describe('MyComponent', () => {5 let component: MyComponent;6 let service: MyService;7 beforeEach(() => {8 service = serviceMock(MyService);9 component = new MyComponent(service);10 });11 it('should create', () => {12 expect(component).toBeTruthy();13 });14});15import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';16@Injectable()17export class MyService {18 public getValue(): number {19 return 42;20 }21}22import { Component } from '@angular/​core';23import { MyService } from './​my.service';24@Component({25})26export class MyComponent {27 public value: number;28 constructor(private service: MyService) {29 this.value = this.service.getValue();30 }31}32import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';33import { MyService } from './​my.service';34import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';35describe('MyComponent', () => {36 let component: MyComponent;37 let service: MyService;38 beforeEach(() => {39 service = serviceMock(MyService);40 component = new MyComponent(service);41 });42 it('should create', () => {43 expect(component).toBeTruthy();44 });45});46import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';47@Injectable()48export class MyService {49 public getValue(): number {50 return 42;51 }52}53import { Component } from '@angular/​core';54import { MyService } from './​my.service';55@Component({56})57export class MyComponent {58 public value: number;59 constructor(private service: MyService) {60 this.value = this.service.getValue();61 }62}63import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';64import { MyService } from './​my.service';65import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';66describe('MyComponent', () => {67 let component: MyComponent;68 let service: MyService;69 beforeEach(() => {70 service = serviceMock(MyService);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { SomeService } from './​some.service';3describe('Service Mock', () => {4 it('should mock service', () => {5 const service = serviceMock(SomeService);6 service.testMethod.and.returnValue('mocked value');7 expect(service.testMethod()).toBe('mocked value');8 });9});10import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';11import { SomeOtherService } from './​some-other.service';12@Injectable()13export class SomeService {14 constructor(private someOtherService: SomeOtherService) {}15 testMethod() {16 return this.someOtherService.testMethod();17 }18}19import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';20@Injectable()21export class SomeOtherService {22 testMethod() {23 return 'some value';24 }25}26import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';27import { SomeService } from './​some.service';28import { SomeOtherService } from './​some-other.service';29describe('Service Mock', () => {30 it('should mock service', () => {31 const service = serviceMock(SomeService, {32 someOtherService: serviceMock(SomeOtherService),33 });34 service.testMethod.and.returnValue('mocked value');35 expect(service.testMethod()).toBe('mocked value');36 });37});38import { Injectable

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AuthService } from './​auth.service';3import { TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';4import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '@angular/​common/​http/​testing';5import { RouterTestingModule } from '@angular/​router/​testing';6import { ToastrModule } from 'ngx-toastr';7describe('AuthService', () => {8 let service: AuthService;9 beforeEach(() => {10 TestBed.configureTestingModule({11 imports: [12 ToastrModule.forRoot(),13 });14 service = TestBed.inject(AuthService);15 });16 it('should be created', () => {17 expect(service).toBeTruthy();18 });19 it('should be called the serviceMock', () => {20 const mockService = serviceMock(AuthService);21 expect(mockService).toBeTruthy();22 });23});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var serviceMock = ngMocks.serviceMock('service', {2 method: () => 'mocked'3});4var serviceSpy = ngMocks.serviceSpy('service', {5 method: () => 'spied'6});7var serviceMock = ngMocks.serviceMock('service', {8 method: () => 'mocked'9});10var serviceSpy = ngMocks.serviceSpy('service', {11 method: () => 'spied'12});13var serviceMock = ngMocks.serviceMock('service', {14 method: () => 'mocked'15});16var serviceSpy = ngMocks.serviceSpy('service', {17 method: () => 'spied'18});19var serviceMock = ngMocks.serviceMock('service', {20 method: () => 'mocked'21});22var serviceSpy = ngMocks.serviceSpy('service', {23 method: () => 'spied'24});25var serviceMock = ngMocks.serviceMock('service', {26 method: () => 'mocked'27});28var serviceSpy = ngMocks.serviceSpy('service', {29 method: () => 'spied'30});31var serviceMock = ngMocks.serviceMock('service', {32 method: () => 'mocked'33});34var serviceSpy = ngMocks.serviceSpy('service', {35 method: () => 'spied'36});37var serviceMock = ngMocks.serviceMock('service', {38 method: () => 'mocked'39});40var serviceSpy = ngMocks.serviceSpy('service', {41 method: () => 'spied'42});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('Test', () => {3 it('test', () => {4 const service = serviceMock('service');5 service.method();6 });7});8import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';9import { Service } from './​service';10describe('Test', () => {11 it('test', () => {12 const service = serviceMock(Service);13 service.method();14 });15});16import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';17import { Service } from './​service';18describe('Test', () => {19 it('test', () => {20 const service = serviceMock(Service);21 service.method();22 });23});24import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';25import { Service } from './​service';26describe('Test', () => {27 it('test', () => {28 const service = serviceMock(Service);29 service.method();30 });31});32import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';33import { Service } from './​service';34describe('Test', () => {35 it('test', () => {36 const service = serviceMock(Service);37 service.method();38 });39});40import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';41import { Service } from './​service';42describe('Test', () => {43 it('test', () => {44 const service = serviceMock(Service);45 service.method();46 });47});48import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';49import { Service } from './​service';50describe('Test', () => {51 it('test', () => {52 const service = serviceMock(Service);53 service.method();54 });55});56import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';57import { Service } from './​service';58describe('Test', () => {59 it('test

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { serviceMock } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('TestService', () => {3 it('should return the correct value', () => {4 const service = serviceMock({5 get: () => {6 return 'test';7 }8 });9 expect(service.get()).toEqual('test');10 });11});12serviceMock({ get: () => { return 'test'; } }, 'TestService');13serviceMock({ get: () => { return 'test'; } }, 'TestService');14serviceMock({ get: () => { return 'test'; } }, 'TestService');15serviceMock({ get: () => { return 'test'; } }, 'TestService');16serviceMock({ get: () => { return 'test'; } }, 'TestService');17serviceMock({ get: () => { return 'test'; } }, 'TestService');18serviceMock({ get: () => { return 'test'; } }, 'TestService');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {serviceMock} from 'ng-mocks';2const myService = serviceMock('myService');3import {serviceMock} from 'ng-mocks';4const myService = serviceMock('myService');5myService.myMethod.and.returnValue('myValue');6expect(myService.myMethod()).toEqual('myValue');

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Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

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