Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
1/**2 * Object Service Directive3 *4 * Description5 */6(function () {7 'use strict';8 angular9 .module('southWest.object.service')10 .directive('svcPredefineTable', predefineTable)11 .directive('svcCustomizeTable', customizeTable);12 function predefineTable(ServicePredefine) {13 var obj = {14 scope: false,15 restrict: 'E',16 require: '^dtable',17 replace: true,18 templateUrl: '/templates/object/service/predefineTable.html',19 link: link20 };21 return obj;22 //////////23 function link(scope, element, attr, ctrl) {24 ctrl.setConfig({25 name: 'item',26 pagination: true,27 scrollable: false,28 totalCount: true,29 getAll: getAll,30 getCount: getCount,31 search: search,32 fields: ['name', 'description'],33 advancedSearch: 'predefineServers',34 advancedSearchOptions:[35 {'name': 'name', 'display': 'æå¡å称', 'input': 'string', 'option': false, value: ""},36 {'name': 'description', 'display': 'æè¿°', 'input': 'string', 'option': false, value: ""},37 {'name': 'createdBy', 'display': '端å£', 'input': 'string', 'option': false, value: ""}38 ]39 });40 function getAll(params) {41 // var a = ctrl.q;42 var payload = params || {};43 scope.skip = params.$skip || 0;//åºå·æ¾ç¤ºç¨44 return ServicePredefine.getAll(payload);45 }46 function getCount(params) {47 var payload = params || {};48 return ServicePredefine.getCount(payload);49 }50 function search(params) {51 return getAll(params);52 }53 ctrl.selectedItems = {};54 ctrl.selectAll = function () {55 ctrl.selectedItems = {};56 ctrl.table.forEach(function (service) {57 ctrl.selectedItems[] = ctrl.selectAllValue;58 });59 };60 }61 }62 function customizeTable($rootScope, $state, $q, $timeout, $modal, $log, Enum, Task, ServiceCustomize) {63 var obj = {64 scope: false,65 restrict: 'E',66 require: '^dtable',67 replace: true,68 templateUrl: '/templates/object/service/customizeTable.html',69 link: link70 };71 return obj;72 //////////73 function link(scope, element, attr, ctrl) {74 ctrl.setConfig({75 name: 'item',76 pagination: true,77 scrollable: false,78 totalCount: true,79 getAll: getAll,80 getCount: getCount,81 search: search,82 //TODO: _policyRefersçæç´¢ï¼ç®åMWå°ä¸æ¯æï¼å¾
æ¯æååè°è¯83 //fields: ['name', 'description', '_policyRefers'],84 fields: ['name', 'description'],85 advancedSearch: 'customizedServers',86 advancedSearchOptions:[87 {'name': 'name', 'display': 'æå¡å称', 'input': 'string', 'option': false, value: ""},88 //{'name': '_policyRefers', 'display': 'çç¥å¼ç¨', 'input': 'string', 'option': false, value: ""},89 {'name': 'description', 'display': 'æè¿°', 'input': 'string', 'option': false, value: ""},90 {'name': 'createdBy', 'display': '端å£', 'input': 'string', 'option': false, value: ""}91 ]92 });93 function getAll(params) {94 var payload = params || {};95 scope.skip = params.$skip || 0;//åºå·æ¾ç¤ºç¨96 return ServiceCustomize.getAll(payload);97 }98 function getCount(params) {99 var payload = params || {};100 return ServiceCustomize.getCount(payload);101 }102 function search(params) {103 return getAll(params);104 }105 ctrl.selectedItems = {};106 ctrl.selectAll = function () {107 ctrl.selectedItems = {};108 ctrl.table.forEach(function (service) {109 ctrl.selectedItems[] = ctrl.selectAllValue;110 });111 };112 ctrl.selectedChanged = function () {113 var selectedAll = true;114 var hasSelected = false;115 var singleSelected = false;116 ctrl.table.forEach(function (service) {117 if (ctrl.selectedItems[] === undefined || ctrl.selectedItems[] === null) {118 singleSelected = false;119 } else {120 singleSelected = ctrl.selectedItems[];121 }122 hasSelected = hasSelected || singleSelected;123 selectedAll = selectedAll && singleSelected;124 });125 ctrl.selectAllValue = selectedAll ? true : (hasSelected ? null : false);126 };127 //è·åæ¯å¦å
·æç¼è¾æé128 scope.privilegeName = 'OBJECT_SERVICE';129 var values = Enum.get('privilege').filter(function (pri) {130 return === scope.privilegeName;131 });132 var actionValue = values && values.length > 0 ? values[0].actionValue : 1;133 scope.isNoEditPri = (actionValue < 28);134 ctrl.addNewService = function () {135 var modalInstance = ${136 templateUrl: 'service-customize-add-new.html',137 size: 'lg',138 controller: ModalInstanceCtrl139 });140 modalInstance.result.then(function () {141 //do nothing.142 }, function () {143 $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());144 });145 function ModalInstanceCtrl($scope, $modalInstance, ServiceCustomize, formatVal) {146 $scope.newService={};147 $scope.newRule={type:'TCP'}; //æå¡è§å对象148 $scope.rules=[]; //æå¡è§åå表149 //èªå®ä¹validation150 function checkNameUnique(name){151 var services = ctrl.table;152 var rst = true;153 if(name && services){154 services.some(function(service){155 if( === name){156 rst = false;157 return true;158 }159 });160 }161 return rst;162 }163 function checkNameCharacter(name){164 if(name && !formatVal.validateObjectAssetsName(name)){165 return false;166 }167 return true;168 }169 $scope.checkNameVal = function(name){170 var rst = checkNameCharacter(name);171 if(!rst){172 $scope.nameValMsg = 'æ¯æä¸æãåæ¯ãæ°åã"-"ã"_"çç»åï¼3-20个å符';173 }else{174 rst = checkNameUnique(name);175 if(!rst){176 $scope.nameValMsg = 'å·²å®ä¹è¯¥å称çæå¡ï¼è¯·æ´æ¢å
¶ä»æå¡å称';177 }178 }179 return rst;180 };181 function checkPort(port, isMinAction, relVal){182 if(port && (formatVal.validatePort(port) || Number(port)<1)){183 if(isMinAction && port.toUpperCase() === 'ANY' && relVal !== 'ANY'){184 return true;185 }186 return false;187 }188 return true;189 }190 $scope.checkDestPortVal = function(port, flag){191 $scope.isDestPortsInvalid = false;192 var isMinAction = (flag <= 0);193 var min = $scope.newRule.minDstPort;194 var max = $scope.newRule.maxDstPort;195 var tempMinSrcPort = $scope.newRule.minSrcPort ? $scope.newRule.minSrcPort.toUpperCase() : '';196 var isMinValid = min?checkPort(min, true, tempMinSrcPort):true;197 var isMaxValid = max?checkPort(max, false):true;198 var rst = isMinValid && isMaxValid;199 if(!rst){200 $scope.destPortValMsg = '请è¾å
¥ææ' + (!isMinValid?'æå°':(!isMaxValid?'æ大':'')) + '端å£å·';201 if((isMinAction && isMinValid) || (!isMinAction && isMaxValid)){202 rst = true;203 }204 }else{205 if(min && max && Number(min)>Number(max)){206 $scope.isDestPortsInvalid = true;207 $scope.destPortValMsg = '端å£è¾å
¥ä¸åæ³,æ大端å£ä¸è½å°äºæå°ç«¯å£';208 }209 }210 return rst;211 };212 $scope.checkSourcePortVal = function(port, flag){213 $scope.isSourcePortsInvalid = false;214 var isMinAction = (flag <= 0);215 var min = $scope.newRule.minSrcPort;216 var max = $scope.newRule.maxSrcPort;217 var tempMinDstPort = $scope.newRule.minDstPort ? $scope.newRule.minDstPort.toUpperCase() : '';218 var isMinValid = min?checkPort(min, true, tempMinDstPort):true;219 var isMaxValid = max?checkPort(max, false):true;220 var rst = isMinValid && isMaxValid;221 if(!rst){222 $scope.sourcePortValMsg = '请è¾å
¥ææ' + (!isMinValid?'æå°':(!isMaxValid?'æ大':'')) + '端å£å·';223 if((isMinAction && isMinValid) || (!isMinAction && isMaxValid)){224 rst = true;225 }226 }else{227 if(min && max && Number(min)>Number(max)){228 $scope.isSourcePortsInvalid = true;229 $scope.sourcePortValMsg = '端å£è¾å
¥ä¸åæ³,æ大端å£ä¸è½å°äºæå°ç«¯å£';230 }231 }232 return rst;233 };234 $scope.$watch("[newRule.minSrcPort, newRule.minDstPort]", function(newVal){235 //æºç«¯å£æå°ä¸ºanyï¼éèæ大端å£236 if(newVal[0] && newVal[0].toUpperCase() === 'ANY'){237 $scope.newRule.maxSrcPort='';238 $scope.srcMaxPortHide = true;239 }else{240 $scope.srcMaxPortHide = false;241 }242 //ç®æ 端å£æå°ä¸ºanyï¼éèæ大端å£243 if(newVal[1] && newVal[1].toUpperCase() === 'ANY'){244 $scope.newRule.maxDstPort='';245 $scope.destMaxPortHide = true;246 }else{247 $scope.destMaxPortHide = false;248 }249 });250 $scope.$watch("[newRule.minSrcPort, newRule.minDstPort, newRule.maxSrcPort, newRule.maxDstPort]", function(newVal){251 //æºç«¯å£æ大/å°ä¸å¡«ï¼æå°/大被èµå¼ä¸ºä¸æå°/大ç¸åçå¼252 if(newVal[0] && newVal[0].toUpperCase() !== 'ANY' && !newVal[2]){253 $scope.newRule.maxSrcPort=newVal[0];254 }255 if(newVal[2] && newVal[2].toUpperCase() !== 'ANY' && !newVal[0]){256 $scope.newRule.minSrcPort=newVal[2];257 }258 //ç®æ 端å£æ大/å°ä¸å¡«ï¼æå°/大被èµå¼ä¸ºä¸æå°/大ç¸åçå¼259 if(newVal[1] && newVal[1].toUpperCase() !== 'ANY' && !newVal[3]){260 $scope.newRule.maxDstPort=newVal[1];261 }262 if(newVal[3] && newVal[3].toUpperCase() !== 'ANY' && !newVal[1]){263 $scope.newRule.minDstPort=newVal[3];264 }265 });266 $scope.addNewRule = function (formValid) {267 if(formValid){268 var newRule = angular.copy($scope.newRule);269 $scope.rules.push(newRule);270 }271 };272 $scope.deleteRule = function (index) {273 $scope.rules.splice(index,1);274 };275 $scope.ok = function (formValid) {276 if(formValid){277 $scope.newService.serverRules = $scope.rules;278 $scope.isAddingService = true;279 ServiceCustomize.addNewService([$scope.newService], function(taskInfo, err) {280 var cancellable = $scope.$on('closeAddModal', function(){281 $scope.isAddingService = false;282 $modalInstance.close();283 cancellable();284 });285 if (err) {286 $scope.$emit('closeAddModal');287 $rootScope.addAlert({288 type: 'danger',289 content: ( ? ('èªå®ä¹æå¡æ·»å 失败ï¼' + : 'èªå®ä¹æå¡æ·»å 失败')290 });291 } else {292 var taskId = taskInfo.taskId;293 (function countdown(counter) {294 var checkAdding = $timeout(function () {295 Task.getTask(taskId).then(function (data) {296 if ( === 'SUCCESS') {297 $scope.$emit('closeAddModal');298 $state.reload().then(function () {299 $rootScope.addAlert({300 type: 'success',301 content: 'èªå®ä¹æå¡æ·»å æå'302 });303 });304 $timeout.cancel(checkAdding);305 } else if ( === 'FAILED' || === 'REJECTED') {306 $scope.$emit('closeAddModal');307 $rootScope.addAlert({308 type: 'danger',309 content: ( ? ('èªå®ä¹æå¡æ·»å 失败ï¼' + : 'èªå®ä¹æå¡æ·»å 失败')310 });311 $timeout.cancel(checkAdding);312 } else if ( === 'PENDING' || 'PROCESSING' || 'PAUSE') {313 if (counter > 0) {314 countdown(counter - 1);315 } else {316 $scope.$emit('closeAddModal');317 $rootScope.addAlert({318 type: 'danger',319 content: 'èªå®ä¹æå¡æ·»å è¶
æ¶'320 });321 $timeout.cancel(checkAdding);322 }323 } else {324 $scope.$emit('closeAddModal');325 $rootScope.addAlert({326 type: 'danger',327 content: ( ? ('èªå®ä¹æå¡æ·»å 失败ï¼' + : 'èªå®ä¹æå¡æ·»å 失败')328 });329 $timeout.cancel(checkAdding);330 }331 });332 }, 1000);333 })(30);334 }335 });336 }337 };338 $scope.cancel = function () {339 $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');340 };341 }342 };343 ctrl.editService = function (svcObject) {344 var modalInstance = ${345 templateUrl: 'service-customize-edit.html',346 size: 'lg',347 controller: ModalInstanceCtrl348 });349 modalInstance.result.then(function () {350 //do nothing.351 }, function () {352 $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());353 });354 function ModalInstanceCtrl($scope, $modalInstance, ServiceCustomize, formatVal) {355 $scope.isEditDisabled = true;356 $scope.editService = angular.copy(svcObject);357 $scope.newRule={type:'TCP'}; //æå¡è§å对象358 $scope.rules = []; //æå¡è§åå表359 if(angular.isArray($scope.editService.serverRules)){360 $scope.rules = $scope.editService.serverRules;361 }362 //èªå®ä¹validation363 function checkNameUnique(name){364 var services = ctrl.table;365 var rst = true;366 if(name && services){367 services.some(function(service){368 if( === name && !=={369 rst = false;370 return true;371 }372 });373 }374 return rst;375 }376 function checkNameCharacter(name){377 if(name && !formatVal.validateObjectAssetsName(name)){378 return false;379 }380 return true;381 }382 $scope.checkNameVal = function(name){383 var rst = checkNameCharacter(name);384 if(!rst){385 $scope.nameValMsg = 'æ¯æä¸æãåæ¯ãæ°åã"-"ã"_"çç»åï¼3-20个å符';386 }else{387 rst = checkNameUnique(name);388 if(!rst){389 $scope.nameValMsg = 'å·²å®ä¹è¯¥å称çæå¡ï¼è¯·æ´æ¢å
¶ä»æå¡å称';390 }391 }392 return rst;393 };394 function checkPort(port, isMinAction, relVal){395 if(port && (formatVal.validatePort(port) || Number(port)<1)){396 if(isMinAction && port.toUpperCase() === 'ANY' && relVal !== 'ANY'){397 return true;398 }399 return false;400 }401 return true;402 }403 $scope.checkDestPortVal = function(port, flag){404 $scope.isDestPortsInvalid = false;405 var isMinAction = (flag <= 0);406 var min = $scope.newRule.minDstPort;407 var max = $scope.newRule.maxDstPort;408 var tempMinSrcPort = $scope.newRule.minSrcPort ? $scope.newRule.minSrcPort.toUpperCase() : '';409 var isMinValid = min?checkPort(min, true, tempMinSrcPort):true;410 var isMaxValid = max?checkPort(max, false):true;411 var rst = isMinValid && isMaxValid;412 if(!rst){413 $scope.destPortValMsg = '请è¾å
¥ææ' + (!isMinValid?'æå°':(!isMaxValid?'æ大':'')) + '端å£å·';414 if((isMinAction && isMinValid) || (!isMinAction && isMaxValid)){415 rst = true;416 }417 }else{418 if(min && max && Number(min)>Number(max)){419 $scope.isDestPortsInvalid = true;420 $scope.destPortValMsg = '端å£è¾å
¥ä¸åæ³,æ大端å£ä¸è½å°äºæå°ç«¯å£';421 }422 }423 return rst;424 };425 $scope.checkSourcePortVal = function(port, flag){426 $scope.isSourcePortsInvalid = false;427 var isMinAction = (flag <= 0);428 var min = $scope.newRule.minSrcPort;429 var max = $scope.newRule.maxSrcPort;430 var tempMinDstPort = $scope.newRule.minDstPort ? $scope.newRule.minDstPort.toUpperCase() : '';431 var isMinValid = min?checkPort(min, true, tempMinDstPort):true;432 var isMaxValid = max?checkPort(max, false):true;433 var rst = isMinValid && isMaxValid;434 if(!rst){435 $scope.sourcePortValMsg = '请è¾å
¥ææ' + (!isMinValid?'æå°':(!isMaxValid?'æ大':'')) + '端å£å·';436 if((isMinAction && isMinValid) || (!isMinAction && isMaxValid)){437 rst = true;438 }439 }else{440 if(min && max && Number(min)>Number(max)){441 $scope.isSourcePortsInvalid = true;442 $scope.sourcePortValMsg = '端å£è¾å
¥ä¸åæ³,æ大端å£ä¸è½å°äºæå°ç«¯å£';443 }444 }445 return rst;446 };447 $scope.$watch("[newRule.minSrcPort, newRule.minDstPort]", function(newVal){448 //æºç«¯å£æå°ä¸ºanyï¼éèæ大端å£449 if(newVal[0] && newVal[0].toUpperCase() === 'ANY'){450 $scope.newRule.maxSrcPort='';451 $scope.srcMaxPortHide = true;452 }else{453 $scope.srcMaxPortHide = false;454 }455 //ç®æ 端å£æå°ä¸ºanyï¼éèæ大端å£456 if(newVal[1] && newVal[1].toUpperCase() === 'ANY'){457 $scope.newRule.maxDstPort='';458 $scope.destMaxPortHide = true;459 }else{460 $scope.destMaxPortHide = false;461 }462 });463 $scope.$watch("[newRule.minSrcPort, newRule.minDstPort, newRule.maxSrcPort, newRule.maxDstPort]", function(newVal){464 //æºç«¯å£æ大/å°ä¸å¡«ï¼æå°/大被èµå¼ä¸ºä¸æå°/大ç¸åçå¼465 if(newVal[0] && newVal[0].toUpperCase() !== 'ANY' && !newVal[2]){466 $scope.newRule.maxSrcPort=newVal[0];467 }468 if(newVal[2] && newVal[2].toUpperCase() !== 'ANY' && !newVal[0]){469 $scope.newRule.minSrcPort=newVal[2];470 }471 //ç®æ 端å£æ大/å°ä¸å¡«ï¼æå°/大被èµå¼ä¸ºä¸æå°/大ç¸åçå¼472 if(newVal[1] && newVal[1].toUpperCase() !== 'ANY' && !newVal[3]){473 $scope.newRule.maxDstPort=newVal[1];474 }475 if(newVal[3] && newVal[3].toUpperCase() !== 'ANY' && !newVal[1]){476 $scope.newRule.minDstPort=newVal[3];477 }478 });479 $scope.addNewRule = function (formValid) {480 if(formValid){481 var newRule = angular.copy($scope.newRule);482 $scope.rules.push(newRule);483 }484 };485 $scope.deleteRule = function (index) {486 $scope.rules.splice(index,1);487 };488 $scope.ok = function (formValid) {489 if(formValid){490 $scope.isEdittingService = true;491 ServiceCustomize.updateService([$scope.editService], function(taskInfo, err) {492 var cancellable = $scope.$on('closeAddModal', function(){493 $scope.isEdittingService = false;494 $modalInstance.close();495 cancellable();496 });497 if (err) {498 $scope.$emit('closeAddModal');499 $rootScope.addAlert({500 type: 'danger',501 content: ( ? ('èªå®ä¹æå¡ä¿®æ¹å¤±è´¥ï¼' + : 'èªå®ä¹æå¡ä¿®æ¹å¤±è´¥')502 });503 } else {504 var taskId = taskInfo.taskId;505 (function countdown(counter) {506 var checkEditting = $timeout(function () {507 Task.getTask(taskId).then(function (data) {508 if ( === 'SUCCESS') {509 $scope.$emit('closeAddModal');510 $state.reload().then(function () {511 $rootScope.addAlert({512 type: 'success',513 content: 'èªå®ä¹æå¡ä¿®æ¹æå'514 });515 });516 $timeout.cancel(checkEditting);517 } else if ( === 'FAILED' || === 'REJECTED') {518 $scope.$emit('closeAddModal');519 $rootScope.addAlert({520 type: 'danger',521 content: ( ? ('èªå®ä¹æå¡ä¿®æ¹å¤±è´¥ï¼' + : 'èªå®ä¹æå¡ä¿®æ¹å¤±è´¥')522 });523 $timeout.cancel(checkEditting);524 } else if ( === 'PENDING' || 'PROCESSING' || 'PAUSE') {525 if (counter > 0) {526 countdown(counter - 1);527 } else {528 $scope.$emit('closeAddModal');529 $rootScope.addAlert({530 type: 'danger',531 content: 'èªå®ä¹æå¡ä¿®æ¹è¶
æ¶'532 });533 $timeout.cancel(checkEditting);534 }535 } else {536 $scope.$emit('closeAddModal');537 $rootScope.addAlert({538 type: 'danger',539 content: ( ? ('èªå®ä¹æå¡ä¿®æ¹å¤±è´¥ï¼' + : 'èªå®ä¹æå¡ä¿®æ¹å¤±è´¥')540 });541 $timeout.cancel(checkEditting);542 }543 });544 }, 1000);545 })(30);546 }547 });548 }549 };550 $scope.cancel = function () {551 $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');552 };553 }554 };555 ctrl.viewService = function (svcObject) {556 var modalInstance = ${557 templateUrl: 'service-customize-edit.html',558 size: 'lg',559 controller: ModalInstanceCtrl560 });561 modalInstance.result.then(function () {562 //do nothing.563 }, function () {564 $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());565 });566 function ModalInstanceCtrl($scope, $modalInstance) {567 $scope.isViewOnly = true;568 $scope.editService = svcObject;569 $scope.newRule={type:'TCP'}; //æå¡è§å对象570 $scope.rules = $scope.editService.serverRules; //æå¡è§åå表571 $scope.checkNameVal = function(){572 return true;573 };574 $scope.checkDestPortVal = function(){575 return true;576 };577 $scope.checkSourcePortVal = function(){578 return true;579 };580 $scope.ok = function () {581 $modalInstance.close();582 };583 $scope.cancel = function () {584 $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');585 };586 }587 };588 ctrl.deleteService = function() {589 var selectedItems = ctrl.selectedItems;590 var itemIds = [];591 if (selectedItems) {592 for (var name in selectedItems) {593 if (selectedItems[name]) {594 itemIds.push(name);595 }596 }597 }598 if (itemIds.length !== 0) {599 var deferred = $q.defer();600 $rootScope.serviceDeleteTaskPromise = deferred.promise;601 ServiceCustomize.deleteService(itemIds, function (taskInfo, err) {602 if (err) {603 $rootScope.addAlert({604 type: 'danger',605 content: ( ? ('èªå®ä¹æå¡å é¤å¤±è´¥ï¼' + : 'èªå®ä¹æå¡å é¤å¤±è´¥')606 });607 deferred.resolve('fail');608 } else {609 var taskId = taskInfo.taskId;610 (function countdown(counter) {611 var checkServiceDeletion = $timeout(function () {612 Task.getTask(taskId).then(function (data) {613 if ( === 'SUCCESS') {614 $state.reload().then(function () {615 $rootScope.addAlert({616 type: 'success',617 content: 'èªå®ä¹æå¡å é¤æå'618 });619 });620 deferred.resolve('success');621 $timeout.cancel(checkServiceDeletion);622 } else if ( === 'FAILED' || === 'REJECTED') {623 $rootScope.addAlert({624 type: 'danger',625 content: ( ? ('èªå®ä¹æå¡å é¤å¤±è´¥ï¼' + : 'èªå®ä¹æå¡å é¤å¤±è´¥')626 });627 deferred.resolve('fail');628 $timeout.cancel(checkServiceDeletion);629 } else if ( === 'PENDING' || 'PROCESSING' || 'PAUSE') {630 if (counter > 0) {631 countdown(counter - 1);632 } else {633 $rootScope.addAlert({634 type: 'danger',635 content: 'èªå®ä¹æå¡å é¤è¶
æ¶'636 });637 deferred.resolve('timeout');638 $timeout.cancel(checkServiceDeletion);639 }640 } else {641 $rootScope.addAlert({642 type: 'danger',643 content: ( ? ('èªå®ä¹æå¡å é¤å¤±è´¥ï¼' + : 'èªå®ä¹æå¡å é¤å¤±è´¥')644 });645 deferred.resolve('fail');646 $timeout.cancel(checkServiceDeletion);647 }648 });649 }, 1000);650 })(30);651 }652 });653 } else {654 $rootScope.addAlert({655 type: 'info',656 content: '请è³å°éä¸ä¸æ¡èªå®ä¹æå¡'657 });658 }659 };660 }661 }...
1import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';2import { HttpClientTestingModule } from '@angular/common/http/testing';3import { inject, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';4import { isMockedNgDefOf, MockBuilder, NG_MOCKS } from 'ng-mocks';5import {6 KeepComponent,7 MockComponent,8 My1Component,9 My2Component,10 My3Component,11 MyComponent,12} from './spec.components.fixtures';13import {14 KeepDirective,15 MockDirective,16} from './spec.directives.fixtures';17import {18 ModuleKeep,19 ModuleMock,20 MyModule,21} from './spec.modules.fixtures';22import {23 KeepPipe,24 MockPipe,25 RestorePipe,26} from './spec.pipes.fixtures';27import {28 ServiceCustomize,29 ServiceKeep,30 ServiceMock,31} from './';32import {33 TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE,34 TOKEN_KEEP,35 TOKEN_MOCK,36} from './spec.tokens.fixtures';37describe('MockBuilder:ngMocks', () => {38 beforeEach(async () => {39 const ngModule = MockBuilder(MyComponent, MyModule)40 .keep(ModuleKeep)41 .keep(KeepComponent)42 .keep(KeepDirective)43 .keep(KeepPipe)44 .keep(ServiceKeep)45 .keep(TOKEN_KEEP)46 .replace(HttpClientModule, HttpClientTestingModule)47 .mock(ModuleMock)48 .mock(MockComponent)49 .mock(MockDirective)50 .mock(MockPipe)51 .mock(ServiceMock) // makes all methods an empty function52 .mock(TOKEN_MOCK) // makes its value undefined53 .mock(ServiceCustomize, {54 getName: () => 'My Customized String',55 })56 .mock(TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE, 'My_Token')57 // Now the pipe will not be replaced with its mock copy.58 .keep(RestorePipe)59 // Even it belongs to the module we want to keep,60 // it will be still replaced with a mock copy.61 .mock(My3Component)62 // and now we want to build our NgModule.63 .build();64 TestBed.configureTestingModule(ngModule);65 // Extra configuration66 TestBed.overrideTemplate(67 My1Component,68 'If we need to tune testBed',69 );70 TestBed.overrideTemplate(My2Component, 'More callbacks');71 return TestBed.compileComponents();72 });73 it('should contain mocks', inject(74 [NG_MOCKS],75 (mocks: Map<any, any>) => {76 // main part77 const myComponent = mocks.get(MyComponent);78 expect(myComponent).toBe(MyComponent);79 const myModule = mocks.get(MyModule);80 expect(isMockedNgDefOf(myModule, MyModule, 'm')).toBeTruthy();81 // keep82 const keepComponent = mocks.get(KeepComponent);83 expect(keepComponent).toBe(keepComponent);84 const keepDirective = mocks.get(KeepDirective);85 expect(keepDirective).toBe(keepDirective);86 const keepPipe = mocks.get(KeepPipe);87 expect(keepPipe).toBe(keepPipe);88 const serviceKeep = mocks.get(ServiceKeep);89 expect(serviceKeep).toBe(ServiceKeep);90 const tokenKeep = mocks.get(TOKEN_KEEP);91 expect(tokenKeep).toBe(TOKEN_KEEP);92 // replace93 const httpClientModule = mocks.get(HttpClientModule);94 expect(httpClientModule).toBe(HttpClientTestingModule);95 // mimic96 const moduleMock = mocks.get(ModuleMock);97 expect(98 isMockedNgDefOf(moduleMock, ModuleMock, 'm'),99 ).toBeTruthy();100 const mockComponent = mocks.get(MockComponent);101 expect(102 isMockedNgDefOf(mockComponent, MockComponent, 'c'),103 ).toBeTruthy();104 const mockDirective = mocks.get(MockDirective);105 expect(106 isMockedNgDefOf(mockDirective, MockDirective, 'd'),107 ).toBeTruthy();108 const mockPipe = mocks.get(MockPipe);109 expect(isMockedNgDefOf(mockPipe, MockPipe, 'p')).toBeTruthy();110 const serviceMock = mocks.get(ServiceMock);111 expect(serviceMock).toBeDefined();112 expect(serviceMock.useFactory).toBeDefined();113 const serviceMockInstance = serviceMock.useFactory();114 expect(serviceMockInstance.getName).toBeDefined();115 expect(serviceMockInstance.getName()).toBeUndefined();116 expect(mocks.has(TOKEN_MOCK)).toBeDefined();117 expect(mocks.get(TOKEN_MOCK)).toBeDefined();118 // customize119 const serviceCustomize = mocks.get(ServiceCustomize);120 expect(serviceCustomize).toBeDefined();121 expect(serviceCustomize.useFactory).toBeDefined();122 const serviceCustomizeInstance = serviceCustomize.useFactory();123 expect(serviceCustomizeInstance.getName).toBeDefined();124 expect(serviceCustomizeInstance.getName()).toEqual(125 'My Customized String',126 );127 const tokenCustomize = mocks.get(TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE);128 expect(tokenCustomize).toBeDefined();129 expect(tokenCustomize.useFactory).toBeDefined();130 const tokenCustomizeValue = tokenCustomize.useFactory();131 expect(tokenCustomizeValue).toEqual('My_Token');132 // restore133 const restorePipe = mocks.get(RestorePipe);134 expect(restorePipe).toBe(restorePipe);135 // mock nested136 const myComponent3 = mocks.get(My3Component);137 expect(138 isMockedNgDefOf(myComponent3, My3Component, 'c'),139 ).toBeTruthy();140 },141 ));...
1import { Component, ContentChild, Inject, Input, Optional, TemplateRef } from '@angular/core';2import {3 AnythingKeep1,4 AnythingKeep2,5 MyCustomProvider1,6 MyCustomProvider2,7 MyCustomProvider3,8 MyService1,9 MyService2,10 ServiceCustomize,11 ServiceKeep,12 ServiceMock,13} from './';14import { TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE, TOKEN_KEEP, TOKEN_MOCK } from './spec.tokens.fixtures';15@Component({16 selector: 'c-structural',17 template: `18 <div *ngIf="items && items.length">19 <ng-template ngFor [ngForOf]="items" [ngForTemplate]="injectedBlock"></ng-template>20 </div>21 `,22})23export class ContentChildComponent<T> {24 @ContentChild('block', {} as any) public readonly injectedBlock: TemplateRef<any> | undefined;25 @Input() public items: T[] | undefined;26}27@Component({28 selector: 'c-my',29 template: `30 <div>My Content</div>31 <div>MyComponent1: <c-1></c-1></div>32 <div>MyComponent2: <c-2></c-2></div>33 <div>MyComponent3: <c-3></c-3></div>34 <div>KeepComponent: <c-keep></c-keep></div>35 <div>MockComponent: <c-mock></c-mock></div>36 <div>MyDirective: <d-my></d-my></div>37 <div>KeepDirective: <d-keep></d-keep></div>38 <div>39 MockDirective 1: <span *d-mock="let z = a">render {{ z.b }}</span>40 </div>41 <div>42 MockDirective 2: <ng-template d-mock let-z>render {{ z.a }}</ng-template>43 </div>44 <div>MyPipe: {{ 'text' | my }}</div>45 <div>KeepPipe: {{ 'text' | keep }}</div>46 <div>MockPipe: {{ 'text' | mock }}</div>47 <div>CustomizePipe: {{ 'text' | customize }}</div>48 <div>RestorePipe: {{ 'text' | restore }}</div>49 <div>TOKEN_KEEP: {{ t1 }}</div>50 <div>TOKEN_MOCK: {{ t2 }}</div>51 <div>TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE: {{ t3 }}</div>52 <div>AnythingKeep1: {{ anythingKeep1?.getName() }}</div>53 <div>AnythingKeep2: {{ anythingKeep2?.getName() }}</div>54 <div>myCustomProvider1: {{ myCustomProvider1?.getName() }}</div>55 <div>myCustomProvider2: {{ myCustomProvider2?.getName() }}</div>56 <div>myCustomProvider3: {{ myCustomProvider3?.getName() }}</div>57 <div>myService1: {{ myService1?.getName() }}</div>58 <div>myService2: {{ myService2?.getName() }}</div>59 <div>serviceKeep: {{ serviceKeep?.getName() }}</div>60 <div>serviceCustomize: {{ serviceCustomize?.getName() }}</div>61 <div>serviceMock: {{ serviceMock?.getName() }}</div>62 <c-structural>63 <ng-template let-value let-b="a" #block>64 <div>ComponentStructural: {{ value }} {{ b.z }}</div>65 </ng-template>66 </c-structural>67 `,68})69export class MyComponent {70 public constructor(71 @Optional() @Inject(TOKEN_KEEP) public readonly t1: string,72 @Optional() @Inject(TOKEN_MOCK) public readonly t2: string,73 @Optional() @Inject(TOKEN_CUSTOMIZE) public readonly t3: string,74 @Optional() public readonly anythingKeep1: AnythingKeep1,75 @Optional() public readonly anythingKeep2: AnythingKeep2,76 @Optional() public readonly myCustomProvider1: MyCustomProvider1,77 @Optional() public readonly myCustomProvider2: MyCustomProvider2,78 @Optional() public readonly myCustomProvider3: MyCustomProvider3,79 @Optional() public readonly myService1: MyService1,80 @Optional() public readonly myService2: MyService2,81 @Optional() public readonly serviceKeep: ServiceKeep,82 @Optional() public readonly serviceMock: ServiceMock,83 @Optional() public readonly serviceCustomize: ServiceCustomize,84 ) {}85}86@Component({87 selector: 'c-1',88 template: 'MyComponent1',89})90export class My1Component {}91@Component({92 selector: 'c-2',93 template: 'MyComponent2',94})95export class My2Component {}96@Component({97 selector: 'c-3',98 template: 'MyComponent3',99})100export class My3Component {}101@Component({102 selector: 'c-keep',103 template: 'KeepComponent',104})105export class KeepComponent {}106@Component({107 selector: 'c-mock',108 template: 'MockComponent',109})...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './my.service';3describe('MyService', () => {4 let service: MyService;5 beforeEach(() => {6 service = serviceCustomize({7 useValue: {8 getSomething: () => 'my value',9 },10 });11 });12 it('should return a value', () => {13 expect(service.getSomething()).toBe('my value');14 });15});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './my.service';3describe('MyService', () => {4 let service: MyService;5 beforeEach(() => {6 service = serviceCustomize({7 useValue: {8 myMethod: () => 42,9 },10 });11 });12 it('should be created', () => {13 expect(service).toBeTruthy();14 });15 it('should return 42', () => {16 expect(service.myMethod()).toBe(42);17 });18});19import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';20import { MyService } from './my.service';21beforeEach(() => {22 serviceCustomize({23 useValue: {24 myMethod: () => 42,25 },26 });27});28import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';29import { MyService } from './my.service';30export function mockServices() {31 serviceCustomize({32 useValue: {33 myMethod: () => 42,34 },35 });36}37Then, you can import the mockServices function in your test.ts file and call it:38import { mockServices } from './mocks';39beforeEach(() => {40 mockServices();41});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';3import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';4import { Observable } from 'rxjs';5@Injectable()6export class TestService {7 constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}8 getTest(): Observable<any> {9 }10}11import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';12import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';13import { HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController } from '@angular/common/http/testing';14import { TestService } from './test.service';15import { of } from 'rxjs';16describe('TestService', () => {17 let service: TestService;18 let httpMock: HttpTestingController;19 beforeEach(() => {20 TestBed.configureTestingModule({21 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],22 });23 service = TestBed.inject(TestService);24 httpMock = TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController);25 });26 afterEach(() => {27 httpMock.verify();28 });29 it('should be created', () => {30 expect(service).toBeTruthy();31 });32 it('should return expected data', () => {33 serviceCustomize(TestService, {34 getTest: () => of({ id: 1, title: 'test' }),35 });36 service.getTest().subscribe((data) => {37 expect(data).toEqual({ id: 1, title: 'test' });38 });39 expect(req.request.method).toBe('GET');40 req.flush({ id: 1, title: 'test' });41 });42});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './my-service';3describe('test', () => {4 it('test', () => {5 const myService = serviceCustomize({6 useValue: {7 myMethod: () => 'myValue',8 },9 });10 expect(myService.myMethod()).toEqual('myValue');11 });12});13export class MyService {14 myMethod() {15 return 'myValue';16 }17}18import { MyService } from './my-service';19describe('MyService', () => {20 it('should create an instance', () => {21 expect(new MyService()).toBeTruthy();22 });23});24import { MyService } from './my-service';25describe('MyService', () => {26 it('should create an instance', () => {27 expect(new MyService()).toBeTruthy();28 });29});30import { MyService } from './my-service';31describe('MyService', () => {32 it('should create an instance', () => {33 expect(new MyService()).toBeTruthy();34 });35});36import { MyService } from './my-service';37describe('MyService', () => {38 it('should create an instance', () => {39 expect(new MyService()).toBeTruthy();40 });41});42import { MyService } from './my-service';43describe('MyService', () => {44 it('should create an instance', () => {45 expect(new MyService()).toBeTruthy();46 });47});48import { MyService } from './my-service';49describe('MyService', () => {50 it('should create an instance', () => {51 expect(new MyService()).toBeTruthy();52 });53});54import { MyService } from './my-service';55describe('MyService', () => {56 it('should create an instance', () => {57 expect(new MyService()).toBeTruthy();58 });59});60import { MyService } from './my-service';61describe('MyService', () => {62 it('should create an instance', () => {63 expect(new MyService()).toBeTruthy();64 });65});
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('AppComponent', () => {2 let component: AppComponent;3 let fixture: ComponentFixture<AppComponent>;4 beforeEach(async(() => {5 TestBed.configureTestingModule({6 })7 .compileComponents();8 }));9 beforeEach(() => {10 serviceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('AppService', ['getUsers']);11 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);12 component = fixture.componentInstance;13 fixture.detectChanges();14 service = TestBed.get(AppService);15 });16 it('should create', () => {17 expect(component).toBeTruthy();18 });19 it('should call getUsers', () => {20 serviceSpy.getUsers.and.returnValue(of([]));21 component.ngOnInit();22 expect(serviceSpy.getUsers).toHaveBeenCalled();23 });24});25export class AppService {26 getUsers() {27 return of([]);28 }29}30export class AppComponent implements OnInit {31 users: any;32 constructor(private appService: AppService) { }33 ngOnInit() {34 this.appService.getUsers()35 .subscribe(users => this.users = users);36 }37}38 <li *ngFor="let user of users">{{user}}</li>39describe('AppComponent', () => {40 let component: AppComponent;41 let fixture: ComponentFixture<AppComponent>;42 beforeEach(async(() => {43 TestBed.configureTestingModule({44 })
Using AI Code Generation
1import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('serviceCustomize', () => {3 it('should customize a service', () => {4 const spy = jasmine.createSpy();5 serviceCustomize({6 useValue: {7 method: () => spy(),8 },9 });10 TestBed.configureTestingModule({11 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],12 });13 const service = TestBed.get(SomeService);14 service.method();15 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();16 });17});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './my-service';3import { MyMockService } from './my-mock-service';4import { MyComponent } from './my-component';5describe('MyComponent', () => {6 let component: MyComponent;7 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;8 let myMockService: MyMockService;9 let myService: MyService;10 beforeEach(async(() => {11 myMockService = serviceCustomize(MyMockService, {12 myMethod: () => 'mocked',13 });14 TestBed.configureTestingModule({15 { provide: MyMockService, useValue: myMockService },16 }).compileComponents();17 }));18 beforeEach(() => {19 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);20 component = fixture.componentInstance;21 myService = TestBed.get(MyService);22 fixture.detectChanges();23 });24 it('should create', () => {25 expect(component).toBeTruthy();26 });27 it('should call myMethod of MyMockService', () => {28 component.ngOnInit();29 expect(myMockService.myMethod).toHaveBeenCalled();30 });31 it('should return the value of myMethod of MyMockService', () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';2class MockService {3 public getMockData() {4 return 'mock data';5 }6}7serviceCustomize('MockService', MockService);8import { service } from 'ng-mocks';9describe('MockService', () => {10 let service: MockService;11 beforeEach(() => {12 service = service('MockService');13 });14 it('should return mock data', () => {15 expect(service.getMockData()).toBe('mock data');16 });17});18import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';19serviceCustomize('MockService', () => {20 return {21 getMockData: () => 'mock data',22 };23});24import { service } from 'ng-mocks';25describe('MockService', () => {26 let service: MockService;27 beforeEach(() => {28 service = service('MockService');29 });30 it('should return mock data', () => {31 expect(service.getMockData()).toBe('mock data');32 });33});34import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';35serviceCustomize('MockService', () => {36 return {37 getMockData: () => 'mock data',38 };39});40import { service } from 'ng-mocks';41describe('MockService', () => {42 let service: MockService;43 beforeEach(() => {44 service = service('MockService');45 });46 it('should return mock data', () => {47 expect(service.getMockData()).toBe('mock data');48 });49});50import { serviceCustomize } from 'ng-mocks';51serviceCustomize('MockService', () => {52 return {53 getMockData: () => 'mock data',54 };55});56import { service } from 'ng-mocks';57describe('MockService', () => {58 let service: MockService;59 beforeEach(() =>
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