How to use resolveProvider method in ng-mocks

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Source: resolve.js Github


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...73 const cache = {};74 this.getProviderCacheStub.returns( cache );75 const resolveProvider = this.subject();76 assert.strictEqual(77 await resolveProvider( stream, "", {} ),78 cache,79 "Returns cache if it is available"80 );81 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );82 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Gets provider cache once" );83 assert.notOk( this.whichFallbackStub.called, "Doesn't look up provider files" );84 assert.notOk( this.validateProviderStub.called, "Doesn't validate provider" );85 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );86});87/​**88 * Check for existing provider configs89 */​90test( "Invalid streaming provider", async function( assert ) {91 this.config = { [ this.provider ]: {} };92 const resolveProvider = this.subject();93 await assert.rejects(94 resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, {} ),95 new Error( "Invalid streaming provider: streamlink-provider" ),96 "Throws error on missing provider user data"97 );98 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );99 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Gets provider cache once" );100 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );101 this.isAbortedSpy.resetHistory();102 this.getProviderCacheStub.resetHistory();103 await assert.rejects(104 resolveProvider( stream, "livestreamer", { livestreamer: {} } ),105 new Error( "Invalid streaming provider: livestreamer" ),106 "Throws error on invalid provider data"107 );108 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );109 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Gets provider cache once" );110 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );111});112/​**113 * Check for existing provider exec configs for current platform114 */​115test( "Missing executable name for streaming provider", async function( assert ) {116 let resolveProvider;117 const providerUserData = {};118 this.config = {119 [ this.provider ]: {120 exec: {121 [ this.platform ]: null122 }123 }124 };125 resolveProvider = this.subject();126 await assert.rejects(127 resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),128 new Error( "Missing executable name for streaming provider" ),129 "Throws error on missing provider (user) conf exec data"130 );131 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );132 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Gets provider cache once" );133 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );134 assert.propEqual(135 this.logDebugSpy.args,136 [[ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ]],137 "Logs provider name and user data"138 );139 this.isAbortedSpy.resetHistory();140 this.getProviderCacheStub.resetHistory();141 this.logDebugSpy.resetHistory();142 this.config = {143 [ this.provider ]: {144 exec: {145 linux: "streamlink-exec"146 }147 }148 };149 this.platform = "win32";150 resolveProvider = this.subject();151 await assert.rejects(152 resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),153 new Error( "Missing executable name for streaming provider" ),154 "Throws error on missing exec for current platform"155 );156 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );157 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Gets provider cache once" );158 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );159 assert.propEqual(160 this.logDebugSpy.args,161 [[ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ]],162 "Logs provider name and user data"163 );164});165/​**166 * Check for existing provider python script configs for current platform167 */​168test( "Missing python script for streaming provider", async function( assert ) {169 let resolveProvider;170 const providerUserData = {};171 this.config = {172 [ this.provider ]: {173 python: true,174 exec: {175 [ this.platform ]: "python"176 },177 pythonscript: {178 [ this.platform ]: null179 }180 }181 };182 resolveProvider = this.subject();183 await assert.rejects(184 resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),185 new Error( "Missing python script for streaming provider" ),186 "Throws error on missing pythonscript"187 );188 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );189 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Gets provider cache once" );190 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );191 assert.propEqual(192 this.logDebugSpy.args,193 [[ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ]],194 "Logs provider name and user data"195 );196 this.isAbortedSpy.resetHistory();197 this.getProviderCacheStub.resetHistory();198 this.logDebugSpy.resetHistory();199 this.config = {200 [ this.provider ]: {201 python: true,202 exec: {203 win32: "python"204 },205 pythonscript: {206 linux: "streamlink-script"207 }208 }209 };210 this.platform = "win32";211 resolveProvider = this.subject();212 await assert.rejects(213 resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),214 new Error( "Missing python script for streaming provider" ),215 "Throws error on missing pythonscript for current platform"216 );217 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );218 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Gets provider cache once" );219 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );220 assert.propEqual(221 this.logDebugSpy.args,222 [[ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ]],223 "Logs provider name and user data"224 );225});226/​**227 * Reject and resolve default standalone provider exec228 */​229test( "Standalone - Default exec", async function( assert ) {230 const error = new Error( "Executables were not found" );231 const providerUserData = {};232 this.provider = "streamlinkw";233 this.platform = "win32";234 this.config = {235 [ this.provider ]: {236 exec: {237 [ this.platform ]: "streamlinkw.exe"238 },239 fallback: {240 [ this.platform ]: [241 "C:\\streamlink"242 ]243 }244 }245 };246 const resolveProvider = this.subject();247 /​/​ reject248 this.whichFallbackStub.throws( error );249 await assert.rejects(250 resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),251 new ProviderError( "Couldn't find executable", error ),252 "Throws a ProviderError on unresolvable file"253 );254 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );255 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Tries to get provider cache once" );256 assert.propEqual(257 this.whichFallbackStub.args,258 [[259 this.config[ this.provider ].exec[ this.platform ],260 this.config[ this.provider ].fallback261 ]],262 "Calls whichFallback with correct exec and fallbacks"263 );264 assert.notOk( this.validateProviderStub.called, "Doesn't validate provider" );265 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );266 assert.propEqual(267 this.logDebugSpy.args,268 [[ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ]],269 "Logs provider name and user data"270 );271 this.isAbortedSpy.resetHistory();272 this.getProviderCacheStub.resetHistory();273 this.logDebugSpy.resetHistory();274 this.whichFallbackStub.reset();275 /​/​ resolve276 this.whichFallbackStub.returns( "C:\\streamlink\\streamlinkw.exe" );277 const expected = {278 exec: "C:\\streamlink\\streamlinkw.exe",279 params: null,280 env: null281 };282 assert.propEqual(283 await resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),284 expected,285 "Returns the correct execObj"286 );287 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [ [ stream] , [ stream ] ], "Calls isAborted twice" );288 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Tries to get provider cache once" );289 assert.propEqual(290 this.whichFallbackStub.args,291 [[292 this.config[ this.provider ].exec[ this.platform ],293 this.config[ this.provider ].fallback294 ]],295 "Calls whichFallback with correct exec and fallbacks"296 );297 assert.propEqual(298 this.validateProviderStub.args,299 [[ expected, this.config[ this.provider ] ]],300 "Validates the resolved provider"301 );302 assert.propEqual(303 this.setProviderCacheStub.args,304 [[ expected ]],305 "Sets up cache with correct execObj"306 );307 assert.propEqual(308 this.logDebugSpy.args,309 [310 [ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ],311 [ "Found streaming provider", expected ],312 [ "Validated streaming provider", expected ]313 ],314 "Logs provider name and user data, and logs resolved and validated data"315 );316});317/​**318 * Reject and resolve custom standalone provider exec319 */​320test( "Standalone - Custom exec", async function( assert ) {321 const error = new Error( "Executables were not found" );322 let providerUserData;323 this.provider = "streamlinkw";324 this.platform = "win32";325 this.config = {326 [ this.provider ]: {327 exec: {328 [ this.platform ]: "streamlinkw.exe"329 },330 fallback: {331 [ this.platform ]: [332 "C:\\streamlink"333 ]334 }335 }336 };337 const resolveProvider = this.subject();338 /​/​ reject339 providerUserData = { exec: "C:\\non-existing\\streamlinkw.exe" };340 this.whichFallbackStub.throws( error );341 await assert.rejects(342 resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),343 new ProviderError( "Couldn't find executable", error ),344 "Throws a ProviderError on unresolvable file"345 );346 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );347 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Tries to get provider cache once" );348 assert.propEqual(349 this.whichFallbackStub.args,350 [[ providerUserData.exec ]],351 "Calls whichFallback with correct exec and no fallbacks"352 );353 assert.notOk( this.validateProviderStub.called, "Doesn't validate provider" );354 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );355 assert.propEqual(356 this.logDebugSpy.args,357 [[ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ]],358 "Logs provider name and user data"359 );360 this.isAbortedSpy.resetHistory();361 this.getProviderCacheStub.resetHistory();362 this.logDebugSpy.resetHistory();363 this.whichFallbackStub.reset();364 /​/​ resolve365 providerUserData = { exec: "C:\\custom\\standalone.exe" };366 this.whichFallbackStub.returns( providerUserData.exec );367 const expected = {368 exec: "C:\\custom\\standalone.exe",369 params: null,370 env: null371 };372 assert.propEqual(373 await resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),374 expected,375 "Returns the correct execObj"376 );377 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [ [ stream] , [ stream ] ], "Calls isAborted twice" );378 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Tries to get provider cache once" );379 assert.propEqual(380 this.whichFallbackStub.args,381 [[ providerUserData.exec ]],382 "Calls whichFallback with correct exec and no fallbacks"383 );384 assert.propEqual(385 this.validateProviderStub.args,386 [[ expected, this.config[ this.provider ] ]],387 "Validates the resolved provider"388 );389 assert.propEqual(390 this.setProviderCacheStub.args,391 [[ expected ]],392 "Sets up cache with correct execObj"393 );394 assert.propEqual(395 this.logDebugSpy.args,396 [397 [ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ],398 [ "Found streaming provider", expected ],399 [ "Validated streaming provider", expected ]400 ],401 "Logs provider name and user data, and logs resolved and validated data"402 );403});404/​**405 * Check for existing python script and validate it406 */​407test( "Python - Invalid python script", async function( assert ) {408 const errorWhich = new Error( "Executables were not found" );409 const errorInterpret = new Error( "Invalid python script" );410 const providerUserData = {};411 const resolveProvider = this.subject();412 /​/​ reject (unkown python script)413 this.whichFallbackStub.throws( errorWhich );414 await assert.rejects(415 resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),416 new ProviderError( "Couldn't find python script", errorWhich ),417 "Throws a ProviderError on unresolvable file"418 );419 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );420 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Tries to get provider cache once" );421 assert.propEqual(422 this.whichFallbackStub.args,423 [[424 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscript[ this.platform ],425 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscriptfallback,426 isFile427 ]],428 "Calls whichFallback with correct pythonscript, fallbacks and file check method"429 );430 assert.notOk(431 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.called,432 "Doesn't call findPythonscriptInterpreter"433 );434 assert.notOk( this.validateProviderStub.called, "Doesn't validate provider" );435 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );436 assert.propEqual(437 this.logDebugSpy.args,438 [[ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ]],439 "Logs provider name and user data"440 );441 this.isAbortedSpy.resetHistory();442 this.getProviderCacheStub.resetHistory();443 this.logDebugSpy.resetHistory();444 this.whichFallbackStub.reset();445 /​/​ reject (invalid python script)446 this.whichFallbackStub.returns( "/​usr/​bin/​streamlink" );447 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.throws( errorInterpret );448 await assert.rejects(449 resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),450 new ProviderError( "Couldn't validate python script", errorInterpret ),451 "Throws a ProviderError on unresolvable pythonscript"452 );453 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );454 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Tries to get provider cache once" );455 assert.propEqual(456 this.whichFallbackStub.args,457 [[458 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscript[ this.platform ],459 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscriptfallback,460 isFile461 ]],462 "Calls whichFallback with correct pythonscript, fallbacks and file check method"463 );464 assert.propEqual(465 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.args,466 [[467 "/​usr/​bin/​streamlink",468 this.config[ this.provider ],469 undefined470 ]],471 "Calls findPythonscriptInterpreter"472 );473 assert.notOk( this.validateProviderStub.called, "Doesn't validate provider" );474 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );475 assert.propEqual(476 this.logDebugSpy.args,477 [[ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ]],478 "Logs provider name and user data"479 );480});481/​**482 * Resolve default python script and its returned executable483 */​484test( "Python - Default python exec/​script", async function( assert ) {485 const providerUserData = {};486 const resolveProvider = this.subject();487 this.whichFallbackStub.returns( "/​usr/​bin/​streamlink" );488 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.returns( new ExecObj( "/​usr/​bin/​python" ) );489 const expected = new ExecObj( "/​usr/​bin/​python", [ "/​usr/​bin/​streamlink" ], null );490 assert.propEqual(491 await resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),492 expected,493 "Resolves python script and its executable"494 );495 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [ [ stream] , [ stream ] ], "Calls isAborted twice" );496 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Tries to get provider cache once" );497 assert.propEqual(498 this.whichFallbackStub.args,499 [[500 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscript[ this.platform ],501 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscriptfallback,502 isFile503 ]],504 "Only calls whichFallback once with correct pythonscript, fallbacks and file check method"505 );506 assert.propEqual(507 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.args,508 [[509 "/​usr/​bin/​streamlink",510 this.config[ this.provider ],511 undefined512 ]],513 "Calls findPythonscriptInterpreter"514 );515 assert.propEqual(516 this.validateProviderStub.args,517 [[ expected, this.config[ this.provider ] ]],518 "Validates the resolved provider"519 );520 assert.propEqual(521 this.setProviderCacheStub.args,522 [[ expected ]],523 "Sets up cache with correct execObj"524 );525 assert.propEqual(526 this.logDebugSpy.args,527 [528 [ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ],529 [ "Found streaming provider", expected ],530 [ "Validated streaming provider", expected ]531 ],532 "Logs provider name and user data, and logs resolved and validated data"533 );534});535/​**536 * Resolve and reject custom python script and custom python executable537 */​538test( "Python - Custom python exec/​script", async function( assert ) {539 const error = new Error( "Executables were not found" );540 const providerUserData = {541 exec: "/​usr/​local/​bin/​python",542 pythonscript: "/​usr/​local/​bin/​streamlink"543 };544 this.whichFallbackStub.onCall( 0 ).returns( providerUserData.pythonscript );545 this.whichFallbackStub.onCall( 1 ).returns( providerUserData.exec );546 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.returns( new ExecObj( "/​usr/​bin/​python" ) );547 const resolveProvider = this.subject();548 /​/​ resolve549 const expected = new ExecObj( "/​usr/​local/​bin/​python", [ "/​usr/​local/​bin/​streamlink" ], null );550 assert.propEqual(551 await resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),552 expected,553 "Resolves python script and its executable"554 );555 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [ [ stream] , [ stream ] ], "Calls isAborted twice" );556 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Tries to get provider cache once" );557 assert.propEqual(558 this.whichFallbackStub.args,559 [560 [561 providerUserData.pythonscript,562 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscriptfallback,563 isFile564 ],565 [566 providerUserData.exec567 ]568 ],569 "Calls whichFallback with custom pythonscript and fb, then with custom exec and no fb"570 );571 assert.propEqual(572 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.args,573 [[574 "/​usr/​local/​bin/​streamlink",575 this.config[ this.provider ],576 "/​usr/​local/​bin/​python"577 ]],578 "Calls findPythonscriptInterpreter"579 );580 assert.propEqual(581 this.validateProviderStub.args,582 [[ expected, this.config[ this.provider ] ]],583 "Validates the resolved provider"584 );585 assert.propEqual(586 this.setProviderCacheStub.args,587 [[ expected ]],588 "Sets up cache with correct execObj"589 );590 assert.propEqual(591 this.logDebugSpy.args,592 [593 [ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ],594 [ "Found streaming provider", expected ],595 [ "Validated streaming provider", expected ]596 ],597 "Logs provider name and user data, and logs resolved and validated data"598 );599 this.isAbortedSpy.resetHistory();600 this.getProviderCacheStub.resetHistory();601 this.logDebugSpy.resetHistory();602 this.whichFallbackStub.resetHistory();603 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.resetHistory();604 this.validateProviderStub.resetHistory();605 this.setProviderCacheStub.resetHistory();606 /​/​ reject607 this.whichFallbackStub.onCall( 1 ).throws( error );608 await assert.rejects(609 resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),610 new ProviderError( "Couldn't find python executable", error ),611 "Throws a ProviderError on invalid custom exec"612 );613 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [[ stream ]], "Calls isAborted once" );614 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Tries to get provider cache once" );615 assert.propEqual(616 this.whichFallbackStub.args,617 [618 [619 providerUserData.pythonscript,620 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscriptfallback,621 isFile622 ],623 [624 providerUserData.exec625 ]626 ],627 "Calls whichFallback with custom pythonscript and fb, then with custom exec and no fb"628 );629 assert.propEqual(630 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.args,631 [[632 "/​usr/​local/​bin/​streamlink",633 this.config[ this.provider ],634 "/​usr/​local/​bin/​python"635 ]],636 "Calls findPythonscriptInterpreter"637 );638 assert.notOk( this.validateProviderStub.called, "Doesn't validate provider" );639 assert.notOk( this.setProviderCacheStub.called, "Doesn't set provider cache" );640 assert.propEqual(641 this.logDebugSpy.args,642 [[ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ]],643 "Logs provider name and user data"644 );645});646/​**647 * Resolve python script and executable from bash wrapper script data648 */​649test( "Python - Bash wrapper script", async function( assert ) {650 const providerUserData = {};651 const expected = new ExecObj(652 "/​usr/​bin/​different-python",653 [ "/​usr/​bin/​different-streamlink-script" ],654 { foo: "bar" }655 );656 this.whichFallbackStub.returns( "/​usr/​bin/​streamlink-script" );657 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.returns( expected );658 const resolveProvider = this.subject();659 assert.propEqual(660 await resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),661 expected,662 "Resolves python script and its executable"663 );664 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [ [ stream] , [ stream ] ], "Calls isAborted twice" );665 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Tries to get provider cache once" );666 assert.propEqual(667 this.whichFallbackStub.args,668 [[669 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscript[ this.platform ],670 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscriptfallback,671 isFile672 ]],673 "Only calls whichFallback once with correct pythonscript, fallbacks and file check method"674 );675 assert.propEqual(676 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.args,677 [[678 "/​usr/​bin/​streamlink-script",679 this.config[ this.provider ],680 undefined681 ]],682 "Calls findPythonscriptInterpreter"683 );684 assert.propEqual(685 this.validateProviderStub.args,686 [[ expected, this.config[ this.provider ] ]],687 "Validates the resolved provider"688 );689 assert.propEqual(690 this.setProviderCacheStub.args,691 [[ expected ]],692 "Sets up cache with correct execObj"693 );694 assert.propEqual(695 this.logDebugSpy.args,696 [697 [ "Resolving streaming provider", { provider: this.provider, providerUserData } ],698 [ "Found streaming provider", expected ],699 [ "Validated streaming provider", expected ]700 ],701 "Logs provider name and user data, and logs resolved and validated data"702 );703});704/​**705 * Reject on provider validation fail706 */​707test( "Provider validation", async function( assert ) {708 const error = new Error( "Validation error" );709 const providerUserData = {};710 const resolveProvider = this.subject();711 this.whichFallbackStub.returns( "/​usr/​bin/​streamlink" );712 this.findPythonscriptInterpreterStub.returns( new ExecObj( "/​usr/​bin/​python" ) );713 this.validateProviderStub.throws( error );714 const expected = new ExecObj( "/​usr/​bin/​python", [ "/​usr/​bin/​streamlink" ], null );715 await assert.rejects(716 resolveProvider( stream, this.provider, { [ this.provider ]: providerUserData } ),717 error,718 "Throws validation error"719 );720 assert.propEqual( this.isAbortedSpy.args, [ [ stream] , [ stream ] ], "Calls isAborted twice" );721 assert.ok( this.getProviderCacheStub.calledOnce, "Tries to get provider cache once" );722 assert.propEqual(723 this.whichFallbackStub.args,724 [[725 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscript[ this.platform ],726 this.config[ this.provider ].pythonscriptfallback,727 isFile728 ]],729 "Only calls whichFallback once with correct pythonscript, fallbacks and file check method"730 );...

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Source: resolve-provider.test.ts Github


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...63 );64 describe('when super.json is defined', () => {65 it('should return Provider instance when provider is string', async () => {66 expect(67 resolveProvider({68 superJson: mockSuperJson(),69 provider: 'bar',70 })71 ).toEqual(new Provider(new ProviderConfiguration('bar', [])));72 });73 it('should return Provider instance with exisitng values', async () => {74 expect(75 resolveProvider({76 superJson: mockSuperJson(),77 provider: new Provider(78 new ProviderConfiguration('bar', mockSecurityValues, mockParameters)79 ),80 profileId: 'foo',81 })82 ).toEqual(83 new Provider(84 new ProviderConfiguration('bar', mockSecurityValues, mockParameters)85 )86 );87 });88 it('should return Provider instance with super.json values', async () => {89 expect(90 resolveProvider({91 superJson: mockSuperJson(true),92 provider: 'bar',93 })94 ).toEqual(95 new Provider(96 new ProviderConfiguration('bar', mockSecurityValues, mockParameters)97 )98 );99 });100 it('should return Provider instance with custom values', async () => {101 expect(102 resolveProvider({103 superJson: mockSuperJson(),104 security: mockSecurityValues,105 parameters: mockParameters,106 provider: 'bar',107 })108 ).toEqual(109 new Provider(110 new ProviderConfiguration('bar', mockSecurityValues, mockParameters)111 )112 );113 });114 it('should return Provider instance with overriden values', async () => {115 expect(116 resolveProvider({117 superJson: mockSuperJson(),118 provider: new Provider(new ProviderConfiguration('bar', [], {})),119 profileId: 'foo',120 security: mockSecurityValues,121 parameters: mockParameters,122 })123 ).toEqual(124 new Provider(125 new ProviderConfiguration('bar', mockSecurityValues, mockParameters)126 )127 );128 });129 it('should return Provider instance and get provider for profile', async () => {130 expect(131 resolveProvider({132 superJson: mockSuperJson(),133 profileId: 'foo',134 })135 ).toEqual(new Provider(new ProviderConfiguration('bar', [])));136 });137 it('should return Provider instance and get provider for profile with values from super.json', async () => {138 expect(139 resolveProvider({140 superJson: mockSuperJson(true),141 profileId: 'foo',142 })143 ).toEqual(144 new Provider(145 new ProviderConfiguration('bar', mockSecurityValues, mockParameters)146 )147 );148 });149 it('should return Provider instance and get provider for profile with custom values', async () => {150 expect(151 resolveProvider({152 superJson: mockSuperJson(),153 profileId: 'foo',154 security: mockSecurityValues,155 parameters: mockParameters,156 })157 ).toEqual(158 new Provider(159 new ProviderConfiguration('bar', mockSecurityValues, mockParameters)160 )161 );162 });163 it('should throw error when profile is not configured in super.json', async () => {164 expect(() =>165 resolveProvider({166 profileId: 'boo',167 superJson: normalizeSuperJsonDocument(168 {169 profiles: {170 boo: {171 version: '1.2.3',172 },173 },174 providers: {},175 },176 new MockEnvironment()177 ),178 })179 ).toThrow(noConfiguredProviderError('boo'));180 });181 it('should throw error when profile is not found in super.json', async () => {182 expect(() =>183 resolveProvider({ profileId: 'test', superJson: mockSuperJson() })184 ).toThrow(profileNotFoundError('test'));185 });186 });187 describe('when super.json is undefined', () => {188 it('should return Provider instance', async () => {189 expect(190 resolveProvider({191 provider: 'bar',192 })193 ).toEqual(new Provider(new ProviderConfiguration('bar', [])));194 });195 it('should return Provider instance with custom values', async () => {196 expect(197 resolveProvider({198 security: mockSecurityValues,199 parameters: mockParameters,200 provider: 'bar',201 })202 ).toEqual(203 new Provider(204 new ProviderConfiguration('bar', mockSecurityValues, mockParameters)205 )206 );207 });208 it('should return Provider instance with overriden values', async () => {209 expect(210 resolveProvider({211 security: mockSecurityValues,212 parameters: mockParameters,213 provider: new Provider(new ProviderConfiguration('bar', [])),214 })215 ).toEqual(216 new Provider(217 new ProviderConfiguration('bar', mockSecurityValues, mockParameters)218 )219 );220 });221 it('should throw error when provider and super.json is undefined', async () => {222 expect(() => resolveProvider({ profileId: 'foo' })).toThrow(223 noConfiguredProviderError('foo')224 );225 });226 it('should throw error when provider, profile id and super.json is undefined', async () => {227 expect(() => resolveProvider({})).toThrow(unableToResolveProviderError());228 });229 });...

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Source: service.js Github


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...25 const results = key => PROVIDER[key] )26 return results27}28exports.getAccounts = async (providerId) => {29 const provider = resolveProvider(providerId)30 const accounts = await provider.getAccounts()31 return accounts32}33exports.getBalance = async (providerId, walletAddress, tokenBalanceAddress) => {34 const provider = resolveProvider(providerId)35 return provider.getBalance(provider, walletAddress, tokenBalanceAddress)36}37exports.signMessage = async (providerId, walletAddress, msg) => {38 const provider = resolveProvider(providerId)39 return provider.signMessage(walletAddress, msg)40}41exports.generateSubmission = async (providerId, walletAddress, tokenBalanceAddress, msg) => {42 const provider = resolveProvider(providerId)43 const tokenBalance = await provider.getBalance(provider, walletAddress, tokenBalanceAddress)44 const submission = await provider.signMessage(walletAddress, msg)45 const response = {46 tokenBalanceAddress,47 walletAddress,48 tokenBalance,49 message: msg,50 verification: submission51 }52 return response53}54exports.verifyMessage = async (providerId, payload, signature, walletAddress) => {55 const provider = resolveProvider(providerId)56 const { isProd } = provider57 return provider.verifyMessage(isProd, payload, signature, walletAddress)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';2import { createComponent } from 'ng-mocks';3describe('AppComponent', () => {4 beforeEach(async(() => {5 TestBed.configureTestingModule({6 }).compileComponents();7 }));8 it('should create the app', () => {9 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);10 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;11 expect(app).toBeTruthy();12 });13 it(`should have as title 'app'`, () => {14 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);15 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;16 expect(app.title).toEqual('app');17 });18 it('should render title in a h1 tag', () => {19 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);20 fixture.detectChanges();21 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;22 expect(compiled.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('Welcome to app!');23 });24});25import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';26import { createComponent } from 'ng-mocks';27describe('AppComponent', () => {28 beforeEach(async(() => {29 TestBed.configureTestingModule({30 }).compileComponents();31 }));32 it('should create the app', () => {33 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);34 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;35 expect(app).toBeTruthy();36 });37 it(`should have as title 'app'`, () => {38 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);39 const app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;40 expect(app.title).toEqual('app');41 });42 it('should render title in a h1 tag', () => {43 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent);44 fixture.detectChanges();45 const compiled = fixture.debugElement.nativeElement;46 expect(compiled.querySelector('h1').textContent).toContain('Welcome to app!');47 });48});49import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';50import { createComponent } from 'ng-mocks';51describe('AppComponent', () => {52 beforeEach(async(() => {53 TestBed.configureTestingModule({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';2const provider = resolveProvider(ProviderClass);3const provider = resolveProvider({4});5const provider = resolveProvider({6 useFactory: () => 'value',7});8const provider = resolveProvider({9});10const provider = resolveProvider({11 useFactory: () => 'value',12});13const provider = resolveProvider({14 useFactory: () => 'value',15});16const provider = resolveProvider({17 useFactory: () => 'value',18});19const provider = resolveProvider({20 useFactory: () => 'value',21});22const provider = resolveProvider({23 useFactory: () => 'value',24});25const provider = resolveProvider({26 useFactory: () => 'value',27});28const provider = resolveProvider({29 useFactory: () => 'value',30});31const provider = resolveProvider({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {resolveProvider} from 'ng-mocks';2import {SomeService} from './​some.service';3import {SomeComponent} from './​some.component';4import {SomeModule} from './​some.module';5const mockSomeService = {6 getSomeData: () => {7 return 'test data';8 }9};10const mockSomeComponent = {11};12const mockSomeModule = {13};14const mockSomeModule2 = {15};16const mockSomeModule3 = {17};18describe('SomeComponent', () => {19 let component: SomeComponent;20 let fixture: ComponentFixture<SomeComponent>;21 let someService: SomeService;22 beforeEach(async(() => {23 TestBed.configureTestingModule({24 imports: [SomeModule],25 resolveProvider(SomeService, mockSomeService),26 resolveProvider(SomeModule, mockSomeModule),27 resolveProvider(SomeModule, mockSomeModule2),28 resolveProvider(SomeModule, mockSomeModule3),29 })30 .compileComponents();31 }));32 beforeEach(() => {33 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(SomeComponent);34 component = fixture.componentInstance;35 fixture.detectChanges();36 someService = TestBed.get(SomeService);37 });38 it('should create', () => {39 expect(component).toBeTruthy();40 });41 it('should return test data', () => {42 expect(someService.getSomeData()).toBe('test data');43 });44});45import {async, ComponentFixture, TestBed} from '@angular/​core/​testing';46import {SomeComponent} from './​some.component';47import {SomeService} from './​some.service';48import {SomeModule} from './​some.module';49describe('SomeComponent', () => {50 let component: SomeComponent;51 let fixture: ComponentFixture<SomeComponent>;52 let someService: SomeService;53 beforeEach(async(() => {54 TestBed.configureTestingModule({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyService } from './​my-service';3import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';4import { MyService } from './​my-service';5import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';6import { MyService } from './​my-service';7import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';8import { MyService } from './​my-service';9import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';10import { MyService } from './​my-service';11import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';12import { MyService } from './​my-service';13import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';14import { MyService } from './​my-service';15import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';16import { MyService } from './​my-service';17import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';18import { MyService } from './​my-service';19import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';20import { MyService } from './​my-service';21import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';22import { MyService } from './​my-service';23import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';24import { MyService } from './​my-service';25import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';26import { MyService } from './​my-service';27import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';28import { MyService } from './​my-service';29import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';30import { MyService } from './​my-service';31import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';32import { MyService } from './​my-service';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { resolveProvider } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MockService } from './​mock-service';3describe('test', () => {4 it('should test', () => {5 const mockService = resolveProvider(MockService);6 });7});8import { Injectable } from '@angular/​core';9import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';10@Injectable()11export class MockService {12 constructor() {13 }14}

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