Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2# python std lib3from __future__ import with_statement4import re5# rediscluster imports6from rediscluster.client import StrictRedisCluster7from rediscluster.connection import ClusterConnectionPool, ClusterReadOnlyConnectionPool8from rediscluster.exceptions import RedisClusterException9from tests.conftest import _get_client10# 3rd party imports11import pytest12from mock import patch13from redis._compat import b, u, unichr, unicode14from redis.exceptions import WatchError, ResponseError, ConnectionError15class TestPipeline(object):16 """17 """18 def test_pipeline(self, r):19 with r.pipeline() as pipe:20 pipe.set('a', 'a1').get('a').zadd('z', z1=1).zadd('z', z2=4)21 pipe.zincrby('z', 'z1').zrange('z', 0, 5, withscores=True)22 assert pipe.execute() == [23 True,24 b('a1'),25 True,26 True,27 2.0,28 [(b('z1'), 2.0), (b('z2'), 4)],29 ]30 def test_pipeline_length(self, r):31 with r.pipeline() as pipe:32 # Initially empty.33 assert len(pipe) == 034 assert not pipe35 # Fill 'er up!36 pipe.set('a', 'a1').set('b', 'b1').set('c', 'c1')37 assert len(pipe) == 338 assert pipe39 # Execute calls reset(), so empty once again.40 pipe.execute()41 assert len(pipe) == 042 assert not pipe43 def test_pipeline_no_transaction(self, r):44 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:45 pipe.set('a', 'a1').set('b', 'b1').set('c', 'c1')46 assert pipe.execute() == [True, True, True]47 assert r['a'] == b('a1')48 assert r['b'] == b('b1')49 assert r['c'] == b('c1')50 def test_pipeline_eval(self, r):51 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:52 pipe.eval("return {KEYS[1],KEYS[2],ARGV[1],ARGV[2]}", 2, "A{foo}", "B{foo}", "first", "second")53 res = pipe.execute()[0]54 assert res[0] == b('A{foo}')55 assert res[1] == b('B{foo}')56 assert res[2] == b('first')57 assert res[3] == b('second')58 @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="unsupported command: watch")59 def test_pipeline_no_transaction_watch(self, r):60 r['a'] = 061 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:62'a')63 a = pipe.get('a')64 pipe.multi()65 pipe.set('a', int(a) + 1)66 assert pipe.execute() == [True]67 @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="unsupported command: watch")68 def test_pipeline_no_transaction_watch_failure(self, r):69 r['a'] = 070 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:71'a')72 a = pipe.get('a')73 r['a'] = 'bad'74 pipe.multi()75 pipe.set('a', int(a) + 1)76 with pytest.raises(WatchError):77 pipe.execute()78 assert r['a'] == b('bad')79 def test_exec_error_in_response(self, r):80 """81 an invalid pipeline command at exec time adds the exception instance82 to the list of returned values83 """84 r['c'] = 'a'85 with r.pipeline() as pipe:86 pipe.set('a', 1).set('b', 2).lpush('c', 3).set('d', 4)87 result = pipe.execute(raise_on_error=False)88 assert result[0]89 assert r['a'] == b('1')90 assert result[1]91 assert r['b'] == b('2')92 # we can't lpush to a key that's a string value, so this should93 # be a ResponseError exception94 assert isinstance(result[2], ResponseError)95 assert r['c'] == b('a')96 # since this isn't a transaction, the other commands after the97 # error are still executed98 assert result[3]99 assert r['d'] == b('4')100 # make sure the pipe was restored to a working state101 assert pipe.set('z', 'zzz').execute() == [True]102 assert r['z'] == b('zzz')103 def test_exec_error_raised(self, r):104 r['c'] = 'a'105 with r.pipeline() as pipe:106 pipe.set('a', 1).set('b', 2).lpush('c', 3).set('d', 4)107 with pytest.raises(ResponseError) as ex:108 pipe.execute()109 assert unicode(ex.value).startswith('Command # 3 (LPUSH c 3) of '110 'pipeline caused error: ')111 # make sure the pipe was restored to a working state112 assert pipe.set('z', 'zzz').execute() == [True]113 assert r['z'] == b('zzz')114 def test_parse_error_raised(self, r):115 with r.pipeline() as pipe:116 # the zrem is invalid because we don't pass any keys to it117 pipe.set('a', 1).zrem('b').set('b', 2)118 with pytest.raises(ResponseError) as ex:119 pipe.execute()120 assert unicode(ex.value).startswith('Command # 2 (ZREM b) of '121 'pipeline caused error: ')122 # make sure the pipe was restored to a working state123 assert pipe.set('z', 'zzz').execute() == [True]124 assert r['z'] == b('zzz')125 @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="unsupported command: watch")126 def test_watch_succeed(self, r):127 r['a'] = 1128 r['b'] = 2129 with r.pipeline() as pipe:130'a', 'b')131 assert pipe.watching132 a_value = pipe.get('a')133 b_value = pipe.get('b')134 assert a_value == b('1')135 assert b_value == b('2')136 pipe.multi()137 pipe.set('c', 3)138 assert pipe.execute() == [True]139 assert not pipe.watching140 @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="unsupported command: watch")141 def test_watch_failure(self, r):142 r['a'] = 1143 r['b'] = 2144 with r.pipeline() as pipe:145'a', 'b')146 r['b'] = 3147 pipe.multi()148 pipe.get('a')149 with pytest.raises(WatchError):150 pipe.execute()151 assert not pipe.watching152 @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="unsupported command: watch")153 def test_unwatch(self, r):154 r['a'] = 1155 r['b'] = 2156 with r.pipeline() as pipe:157'a', 'b')158 r['b'] = 3159 pipe.unwatch()160 assert not pipe.watching161 pipe.get('a')162 assert pipe.execute() == [b('1')]163 @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="unsupported command: watch")164 def test_transaction_callable(self, r):165 r['a'] = 1166 r['b'] = 2167 has_run = []168 def my_transaction(pipe):169 a_value = pipe.get('a')170 assert a_value in (b('1'), b('2'))171 b_value = pipe.get('b')172 assert b_value == b('2')173 # silly run-once code... incr's "a" so WatchError should be raised174 # forcing this all to run again. this should incr "a" once to "2"175 if not has_run:176 r.incr('a')177 has_run.append('it has')178 pipe.multi()179 pipe.set('c', int(a_value) + int(b_value))180 result = r.transaction(my_transaction, 'a', 'b')181 assert result == [True]182 assert r['c'] == b('4')183 def test_exec_error_in_no_transaction_pipeline(self, r):184 r['a'] = 1185 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:186 pipe.llen('a')187 pipe.expire('a', 100)188 with pytest.raises(ResponseError) as ex:189 pipe.execute()190 assert unicode(ex.value).startswith('Command # 1 (LLEN a) of '191 'pipeline caused error: ')192 assert r['a'] == b('1')193 def test_exec_error_in_no_transaction_pipeline_unicode_command(self, r):194 key = unichr(3456) + u('abcd') + unichr(3421)195 r[key] = 1196 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:197 pipe.llen(key)198 pipe.expire(key, 100)199 with pytest.raises(ResponseError) as ex:200 pipe.execute()201 expected = unicode('Command # 1 (LLEN {0}) of pipeline caused error: ').format(key)202 assert unicode(ex.value).startswith(expected)203 assert r[key] == b('1')204 def test_blocked_methods(self, r):205 """206 Currently some method calls on a Cluster pipeline207 is blocked when using in cluster mode.208 They maybe implemented in the future.209 """210 pipe = r.pipeline(transaction=False)211 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):212 pipe.multi()213 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):214 pipe.immediate_execute_command()215 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):216 pipe._execute_transaction(None, None, None)217 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):218 pipe.load_scripts()219 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):220 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):222 pipe.unwatch()223 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):224 pipe.script_load_for_pipeline(None)225 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):226 pipe.transaction(None)227 def test_blocked_arguments(self, r):228 """229 Currently some arguments is blocked when using in cluster mode.230 They maybe implemented in the future.231 """232 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex:233 r.pipeline(transaction=True)234 assert unicode(ex.value).startswith("transaction is deprecated in cluster mode"), True235 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex:236 r.pipeline(shard_hint=True)237 assert unicode(ex.value).startswith("shard_hint is deprecated in cluster mode"), True238 def test_redis_cluster_pipeline(self):239 """240 Test that we can use a pipeline with the RedisCluster class241 """242 r = _get_client(cls=None)243 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:244 pipe.get("foobar")245 def test_mget_disabled(self, r):246 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:247 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):248 pipe.mget(['a'])249 def test_mset_disabled(self, r):250 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:251 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):252 pipe.mset({'a': 1, 'b': 2})253 def test_rename_disabled(self, r):254 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:255 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):256 pipe.rename('a', 'b')257 def test_renamenx_disabled(self, r):258 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:259 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):260 pipe.renamenx('a', 'b')261 def test_delete_single(self, r):262 r['a'] = 1263 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:264 pipe.delete('a')265 assert pipe.execute(), True266 def test_multi_delete_unsupported(self, r):267 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:268 r['a'] = 1269 r['b'] = 2270 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):271 pipe.delete('a', 'b')272 def test_brpoplpush_disabled(self, r):273 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:274 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):275 pipe.brpoplpush()276 def test_rpoplpush_disabled(self, r):277 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:278 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):279 pipe.rpoplpush()280 def test_sort_disabled(self, r):281 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:282 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):283 pipe.sort()284 def test_sdiff_disabled(self, r):285 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:286 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):287 pipe.sdiff()288 def test_sdiffstore_disabled(self, r):289 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:290 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):291 pipe.sdiffstore()292 def test_sinter_disabled(self, r):293 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:294 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):295 pipe.sinter()296 def test_sinterstore_disabled(self, r):297 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:298 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):299 pipe.sinterstore()300 def test_smove_disabled(self, r):301 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:302 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):303 pipe.smove()304 def test_sunion_disabled(self, r):305 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:306 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):307 pipe.sunion()308 def test_sunionstore_disabled(self, r):309 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:310 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):311 pipe.sunionstore()312 def test_spfmerge_disabled(self, r):313 with r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:314 with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):315 pipe.pfmerge()316 def test_multi_key_operation_with_shared_shards(self, r):317 pipe = r.pipeline(transaction=False)318 pipe.set('a{foo}', 1)319 pipe.set('b{foo}', 2)320 pipe.set('c{foo}', 3)321 pipe.set('bar', 4)322 pipe.set('bazz', 5)323 pipe.get('a{foo}')324 pipe.get('b{foo}')325 pipe.get('c{foo}')326 pipe.get('bar')327 pipe.get('bazz')328 res = pipe.execute()329 assert res == [True, True, True, True, True, b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4', b'5']330 @pytest.mark.xfail(reson="perform_execute_pipeline is not used any longer")331 def test_connection_error(self, r):332 test = self333 test._calls = []334 def perform_execute_pipeline(pipe):335 if not test._calls:336 e = ConnectionError('test')337 test._calls.append({'exception': e})338 return [e]339 result = pipe.execute(raise_on_error=False)340 test._calls.append({'result': result})341 return result342 pipe = r.pipeline(transaction=False)343 orig_perform_execute_pipeline = pipe.perform_execute_pipeline344 pipe.perform_execute_pipeline = perform_execute_pipeline345 try:346 pipe.set('foo', 1)347 res = pipe.execute()348 assert res, [True]349 assert isinstance(test._calls[0]['exception'], ConnectionError)350 if len(test._calls) == 2:351 assert test._calls[1] == {'result': [True]}352 else:353 assert isinstance(test._calls[1]['result'][0], ResponseError)354 assert test._calls[2] == {'result': [True]}355 finally:356 pipe.perform_execute_pipeline = orig_perform_execute_pipeline357 del test._calls358 @pytest.mark.xfail(reson="perform_execute_pipeline is not used any longer")359 def test_asking_error(self, r):360 test = self361 test._calls = []362 def perform_execute_pipeline(pipe):363 if not test._calls:364 e = ResponseError("ASK {0}".format(r.keyslot('foo')))365 test._calls.append({'exception': e})366 return [e, e]367 result = pipe.execute(raise_on_error=False)368 test._calls.append({'result': result})369 return result370 pipe = r.pipeline(transaction=False)371 orig_perform_execute_pipeline = pipe.perform_execute_pipeline372 pipe.perform_execute_pipeline = perform_execute_pipeline373 try:374 pipe.set('foo', 1)375 pipe.get('foo')376 res = pipe.execute()377 assert res == [True, b'1']378 assert isinstance(test._calls[0]['exception'], ResponseError)379 assert re.match("ASK", str(test._calls[0]['exception']))380 assert isinstance(test._calls[1]['result'][0], ResponseError)381 assert re.match("MOVED", str(test._calls[1]['result'][0]))382 assert test._calls[2] == {'result': [True, b'1']}383 finally:384 pipe.perform_execute_pipeline = orig_perform_execute_pipeline385 del test._calls386 def test_empty_stack(self, r):387 """388 If pipeline is executed with no commands it should389 return a empty list.390 """391 p = r.pipeline()392 result = p.execute()393 assert result == []394class TestReadOnlyPipeline(object):395 def test_pipeline_readonly(self, r, ro):396 """397 On readonly mode, we supports get related stuff only.398 """399 r.set('foo71', 'a1') # we assume this key is set on r.zadd('foo88', z1=1) # we assume this key is set on r.zadd('foo88', z2=4)402 with ro.pipeline() as readonly_pipe:403 readonly_pipe.get('foo71').zrange('foo88', 0, 5, withscores=True)404 assert readonly_pipe.execute() == [405 b('a1'),406 [(b('z1'), 1.0), (b('z2'), 4)],407 ]408 def assert_moved_redirection_on_slave(self, connection_pool_cls, cluster_obj):409 with patch.object(connection_pool_cls, 'get_node_by_slot') as return_slave_mock:410 with patch.object(ClusterConnectionPool, 'get_master_node_by_slot') as return_master_mock:411 def get_mock_node(role, port):412 return {413 'name': '{0}'.format(port),414 'host': '',415 'port': port,416 'server_type': role,417 }418 return_slave_mock.return_value = get_mock_node('slave', 7005)419 return_master_mock.return_value = get_mock_node('slave', 7001)420 with cluster_obj.pipeline() as pipe:421 # we assume this key is set on pipe.get('foo87').get('foo88').execute() == [None, None]423 def test_moved_redirection_on_slave_with_default(self):424 """425 On Pipeline, we redirected once and finally get from master with426 readonly client when data is completely moved.427 """428 self.assert_moved_redirection_on_slave(429 ClusterConnectionPool,430 StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000, reinitialize_steps=1)431 )432 def test_moved_redirection_on_slave_with_readonly_mode_client(self):433 """434 Ditto with READONLY mode.435 """436 self.assert_moved_redirection_on_slave(437 ClusterReadOnlyConnectionPool,438 StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000, readonly_mode=True, reinitialize_steps=1)439 )440 def test_access_correct_slave_with_readonly_mode_client(self, sr):441 """442 Test that the client can get value normally with readonly mode443 when we connect to correct slave.444 """445 # we assume this key is set on sr.set('foo87', 'foo')447 sr.set('foo88', 'bar')448 import time449 time.sleep(1)450 with patch.object(ClusterReadOnlyConnectionPool, 'get_node_by_slot') as return_slave_mock:451 return_slave_mock.return_value = {452 'name': '',453 'host': '',454 'port': 7004,455 'server_type': 'slave',456 }457 master_value = {'host': '', 'name': '', 'port': 7001, 'server_type': 'master'}458 with patch.object(459 ClusterConnectionPool,460 'get_master_node_by_slot',461 return_value=master_value) as return_master_mock:462 readonly_client = StrictRedisCluster(host="", port=7000, readonly_mode=True)463 with readonly_client.pipeline() as readonly_pipe:...
Source: internal.js
...42 Packaged43 ---------------*/44 gulp.task('package uncompressed css', function() {45 return gulp.src(output.uncompressed + '/**/' + globs.components + globs.ignored + '.css')46 .pipe(plumber())47 .pipe(dedupe())48 .pipe(replace(assets.uncompressed, assets.packaged))49 .pipe(concatCSS(filenames.concatenatedCSS))50 .pipe(gulpif(config.hasPermission, chmod(config.permission)))51 .pipe(header(banner, settings.header))52 .pipe(gulp.dest(output.packaged))53 .pipe(print(log.created))54 ;55 });56 gulp.task('package compressed css', function() {57 return gulp.src(output.uncompressed + '/**/' + globs.components + globs.ignored + '.css')58 .pipe(plumber())59 .pipe(dedupe())60 .pipe(replace(assets.uncompressed, assets.packaged))61 .pipe(concatCSS(filenames.concatenatedMinifiedCSS))62 .pipe(gulpif(config.hasPermission, chmod(config.permission)))63 .pipe(minifyCSS(settings.concatMinify))64 .pipe(header(banner, settings.header))65 .pipe(gulp.dest(output.packaged))66 .pipe(print(log.created))67 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---------------*/97 if(config.rtl) {98 gulp.task('package uncompressed rtl css', function () {99 return gulp.src(output.uncompressed + '/**/' + globs.components + globs.ignoredRTL + '.rtl.css')100 .pipe(dedupe())101 .pipe(replace(assets.uncompressed, assets.packaged))102 .pipe(concatCSS(filenames.concatenatedRTLCSS))103 .pipe(gulpif(config.hasPermission, chmod(config.permission)))104 .pipe(header(banner, settings.header))105 .pipe(gulp.dest(output.packaged))106 .pipe(print(log.created))107 ;108 });109 gulp.task('package compressed rtl css', function () {110 return gulp.src(output.uncompressed + '/**/' + globs.components + globs.ignoredRTL + '.rtl.css')111 .pipe(dedupe())112 .pipe(replace(assets.uncompressed, assets.packaged))113 .pipe(concatCSS(filenames.concatenatedMinifiedRTLCSS))114 .pipe(gulpif(config.hasPermission, chmod(config.permission)))115 .pipe(minifyCSS(settings.concatMinify))116 .pipe(header(banner, settings.header))117 .pipe(gulp.dest(output.packaged))118 .pipe(print(log.created))119 ;120 });121 gulp.task('package uncompressed docs css', function() {122 return gulp.src(output.uncompressed + '/**/' + globs.components + globs.ignored + '.css')123 .pipe(dedupe())124 .pipe(plumber())125 .pipe(replace(assets.uncompressed, assets.packaged))126 .pipe(concatCSS(filenames.concatenatedCSS))127 .pipe(gulpif(config.hasPermission, chmod(config.permission)))128 .pipe(gulp.dest(output.packaged))129 .pipe(print(log.created))130 ;131 });132 gulp.task('package compressed docs css', function() {133 return gulp.src(output.uncompressed + '/**/' + globs.components + globs.ignored + '.css')134 .pipe(dedupe())135 .pipe(plumber())136 .pipe(replace(assets.uncompressed, assets.packaged))137 .pipe(concatCSS(filenames.concatenatedMinifiedCSS))138 .pipe(minifyCSS(settings.concatMinify))139 .pipe(header(banner, settings.header))140 .pipe(gulpif(config.hasPermission, chmod(config.permission)))141 .pipe(gulp.dest(output.packaged))142 .pipe(print(log.created))143 ;144 });145 }146 /*--------------147 Docs148 ---------------*/149 var150 docsOutput = docsConfig.paths.output151 ;152 gulp.task('package uncompressed docs css', function() {153 return gulp.src(docsOutput.uncompressed + '/**/' + globs.components + globs.ignored + '.css')154 .pipe(dedupe())155 .pipe(plumber())156 .pipe(replace(assets.uncompressed, assets.packaged))157 .pipe(concatCSS(filenames.concatenatedCSS))158 .pipe(gulpif(config.hasPermission, chmod(config.permission)))159 .pipe(gulp.dest(docsOutput.packaged))160 .pipe(print(log.created))161 ;162 });163 gulp.task('package compressed docs css', function() {164 return gulp.src(docsOutput.uncompressed + '/**/' + globs.components + globs.ignored + '.css')165 .pipe(dedupe())166 .pipe(plumber())167 .pipe(replace(assets.uncompressed, assets.packaged))168 .pipe(concatCSS(filenames.concatenatedMinifiedCSS))169 .pipe(minifyCSS(settings.concatMinify))170 .pipe(header(banner, settings.header))171 .pipe(gulpif(config.hasPermission, chmod(config.permission)))172 .pipe(gulp.dest(docsOutput.packaged))173 .pipe(print(log.created))174 ;175 });176 gulp.task('package uncompressed docs js', function() {177 return gulp.src(docsOutput.uncompressed + '/**/' + globs.components + globs.ignored + '.js')178 .pipe(dedupe())179 .pipe(plumber())180 .pipe(replace(assets.uncompressed, assets.packaged))181 .pipe(concat(filenames.concatenatedJS))182 .pipe(header(banner, settings.header))183 .pipe(gulpif(config.hasPermission, chmod(config.permission)))184 .pipe(gulp.dest(docsOutput.packaged))185 .pipe(print(log.created))186 ;187 });188 gulp.task('package compressed docs js', function() {189 return gulp.src(docsOutput.uncompressed + '/**/' + globs.components + globs.ignored + '.js')190 .pipe(dedupe())191 .pipe(plumber())192 .pipe(replace(assets.uncompressed, assets.packaged))193 .pipe(concat(filenames.concatenatedMinifiedJS))194 .pipe(uglify(settings.concatUglify))195 .pipe(header(banner, settings.header))196 .pipe(gulpif(config.hasPermission, chmod(config.permission)))197 .pipe(gulp.dest(docsOutput.packaged))198 .pipe(print(log.created))199 ;200 });...
...20 Inf.append(influent())21 Inf[i].set_flow(10)#TODO: Units to be noted in ''' ''' if a function asks for params22 Eff.append(effluent())23for i in range(35):24 Pipe.append(pipe())25 26for i in range(11):27 Splt.append(splitter())28for i in range(7):29 React.append(asm_reactor())30Splt[0].__name__ = 'C'31Splt[1].__name__ = 'F'32Splt[2].__name__ = 'G'33Splt[3].__name__ = 'R'34Splt[4].__name__ = 'S'35Splt[5].__name__ = 'O'36Splt[6].__name__ = 'L'37Splt[7].__name__ = 'M'38Splt[8].__name__ = 'K'...
Source: pipes.module.ts
1import { CommonModule, DatePipe } from '@angular/common';2import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';3import { ArrayPipe } from './array.pipe';4import { BooleanTextPipe } from './boolean-text.pipe';5import { BooleanPipe } from './boolean.pipe';6import { CdDatePipe } from './cd-date.pipe';7import { CephReleaseNamePipe } from './ceph-release-name.pipe';8import { CephShortVersionPipe } from './ceph-short-version.pipe';9import { DimlessBinaryPerSecondPipe } from './dimless-binary-per-second.pipe';10import { DimlessBinaryPipe } from './dimless-binary.pipe';11import { DimlessPipe } from './dimless.pipe';12import { DurationPipe } from './duration.pipe';13import { EmptyPipe } from './empty.pipe';14import { EncodeUriPipe } from './encode-uri.pipe';15import { FilterPipe } from './filter.pipe';16import { HealthColorPipe } from './health-color.pipe';17import { IopsPipe } from './iops.pipe';18import { IscsiBackstorePipe } from './iscsi-backstore.pipe';19import { JoinPipe } from './join.pipe';20import { LogPriorityPipe } from './log-priority.pipe';21import { MapPipe } from './map.pipe';22import { MillisecondsPipe } from './milliseconds.pipe';23import { NotAvailablePipe } from './not-available.pipe';24import { OrdinalPipe } from './ordinal.pipe';25import { RbdConfigurationSourcePipe } from './rbd-configuration-source.pipe';26import { RelativeDatePipe } from './relative-date.pipe';27import { RoundPipe } from './round.pipe';28import { SanitizeHtmlPipe } from './sanitize-html.pipe';29import { TruncatePipe } from './truncate.pipe';30import { UpperFirstPipe } from './upper-first.pipe';31@NgModule({32 imports: [CommonModule],33 declarations: [34 ArrayPipe,35 BooleanPipe,36 BooleanTextPipe,37 DimlessBinaryPipe,38 DimlessBinaryPerSecondPipe,39 HealthColorPipe,40 DimlessPipe,41 CephShortVersionPipe,42 CephReleaseNamePipe,43 RelativeDatePipe,44 IscsiBackstorePipe,45 JoinPipe,46 LogPriorityPipe,47 FilterPipe,48 CdDatePipe,49 EmptyPipe,50 EncodeUriPipe,51 RoundPipe,52 OrdinalPipe,53 MillisecondsPipe,54 NotAvailablePipe,55 IopsPipe,56 UpperFirstPipe,57 RbdConfigurationSourcePipe,58 DurationPipe,59 MapPipe,60 TruncatePipe,61 SanitizeHtmlPipe62 ],63 exports: [64 ArrayPipe,65 BooleanPipe,66 BooleanTextPipe,67 DimlessBinaryPipe,68 DimlessBinaryPerSecondPipe,69 HealthColorPipe,70 DimlessPipe,71 CephShortVersionPipe,72 CephReleaseNamePipe,73 RelativeDatePipe,74 IscsiBackstorePipe,75 JoinPipe,76 LogPriorityPipe,77 FilterPipe,78 CdDatePipe,79 EmptyPipe,80 EncodeUriPipe,81 RoundPipe,82 OrdinalPipe,83 MillisecondsPipe,84 NotAvailablePipe,85 IopsPipe,86 UpperFirstPipe,87 RbdConfigurationSourcePipe,88 DurationPipe,89 MapPipe,90 TruncatePipe,91 SanitizeHtmlPipe92 ],93 providers: [94 ArrayPipe,95 BooleanPipe,96 BooleanTextPipe,97 DatePipe,98 CephShortVersionPipe,99 CephReleaseNamePipe,100 DimlessBinaryPipe,101 DimlessBinaryPerSecondPipe,102 DimlessPipe,103 RelativeDatePipe,104 IscsiBackstorePipe,105 JoinPipe,106 LogPriorityPipe,107 CdDatePipe,108 EmptyPipe,109 EncodeUriPipe,110 OrdinalPipe,111 IopsPipe,112 MillisecondsPipe,113 NotAvailablePipe,114 UpperFirstPipe,115 MapPipe,116 TruncatePipe,117 SanitizeHtmlPipe118 ]119})...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppModule } from './app.module';3import { AppComponent } from './app.component';4describe('AppComponent', () => {5 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule));6 beforeEach(() => MockRender(AppComponent));7 it('should create the app', () => {8 const fixture = ngMocks.find('app-root');9 const app = fixture.componentInstance;10 expect(app).toBeTruthy();11 });12});13import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';14import { AppModule } from './app.module';15import { AppComponent } from './app.component';16describe('AppComponent', () => {17 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule));18 beforeEach(() => MockRender(AppComponent));19 it('should create the app', () => {20 const fixture = ngMocks.find('app-root');21 const app = fixture.componentInstance;22 expect(app).toBeTruthy();23 });24 it('should transform the value', () => {25 const pipe = ngMocks.pipe('appUpper');26 expect(pipe.transform('hello')).toEqual('HELLO');27 });28});29import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';30import { AppModule } from './app.module';31import { AppComponent
Using AI Code Generation
1import { pipe } from 'ng-mocks';2import { createComponent } from 'ng-mocks';3import { mockComponent } from 'ng-mocks';4import { mockDirective } from 'ng-mocks';5import { mockPipe } from 'ng-mocks';6import { mockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';7import { mockRender } from 'ng-mocks';8import { mockReset } from 'ng-mocks';9import { mockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';10import { mockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';11import { mockRender } from 'ng-mocks';12import { mockReset } from 'ng-mocks';13import { mockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';14import { mockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';15import { mockRender } from 'ng-mocks';16import { mockReset } from 'ng-mocks';17import { mockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';18import { mockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';19import { mockRender } from 'ng-mocks';20import { mockReset } from 'ng-mocks';21import { mockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';22import { mockProvider } from 'ng-mocks';
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Pipe: myPipe', () => {2 let pipe: MyPipe;3 beforeEach(() => {4 TestBed.configureTestingModule({5 });6 pipe = TestBed.get(MyPipe);7 });8 it('transforms "abc" to "cba"', () => {9 expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');10 });11});12import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';13@Pipe({14})15export class MyPipe implements PipeTransform {16 transform(value: string): string {17 return value.split('').reverse().join('');18 }19}20describe('Pipe: myPipe', () => {21 let pipe: MyPipe;22 beforeEach(() => {23 TestBed.configureTestingModule({24 });25 pipe = TestBed.get(MyPipe);26 });27 it('transforms "abc" to "cba"', () => {28 spyOn(pipe, 'transform').and.returnValue('cba');29 expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');30 });31});32import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';33@Pipe({34})35export class MyPipe implements PipeTransform {36 transform(value: string): string {37 return value.split('').reverse().join('');38 }39}40describe('Service: MyService', () => {41 let service: MyService;42 beforeEach(() => {43 TestBed.configureTestingModule({44 });45 service = TestBed.get(MyService);46 });47 it('should return "Hello World"', () => {48 expect(service.getHelloWorld()).toBe('Hello World');49 });50});51import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
Using AI Code Generation
1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './my-component';3import { MyService } from './my-service';4describe('MyComponent', () => {5 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent).mock(MyService));6 it('should render', () => {7 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);8 const service = ngMocks.pipe(fixture.debugElement, MyService);9 service.doSomething();10 expect(service.doSomething).toHaveBeenCalled();11 });12});
Using AI Code Generation
1import { HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController } from '@angular/common/http/testing';2import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';3import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';4import { environment } from '../environments/environment';5import { HeroService } from './hero.service';6describe('HeroService', () => {7 let service: HeroService;8 let httpMock: HttpTestingController;9 beforeEach(() => {10 TestBed.configureTestingModule({11 imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],12 });13 service = TestBed.get(HeroService);14 httpMock = TestBed.get(HttpTestingController);15 });16 afterEach(() => {17 httpMock.verify();18 });19 it('should return an Observable<Hero[]>', () => {20 { id: 1, name: 'Hero 1' },21 { id: 2, name: 'Hero 2' },22 { id: 3, name: 'Hero 3' }23 ];24 service.getHeroes().subscribe(heroes => {25 expect(heroes.length).toBe(3);26 expect(heroes).toEqual(dummyHeroes);27 });28 const request = httpMock.expectOne(environment.baseUrl + '/heroes');29 expect(request.request.method).toBe('GET');30 request.flush(dummyHeroes);31 });32});33import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';34import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';35import { environment } from '../environments/environment';36import { Hero } from './hero';37@Injectable({38})39export class HeroService {40 constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}41 getHeroes() {42 return this.http.get<Hero[]>(environment.baseUrl + '/heroes');43 }44}45export class Hero {46 id: number;47 name: string;48}
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('test', () => {2 it('test', () => {3 const pipe = ngMocks.findPipe('test');4 const result = pipe.transform('test');5 expect(result).toBe('test');6 });7});8import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';9@Pipe({10})11export class TestPipe implements PipeTransform {12 transform(value: string): string {13 return value;14 }15}16import { TestPipe } from './test.pipe';17describe('TestPipe', () => {18 it('create an instance', () => {19 const pipe = new TestPipe();20 expect(pipe).toBeTruthy();21 });22});23import { TestPipe } from './test.pipe';24describe('TestPipe', () => {25 it('create an instance', () => {26 const pipe = new TestPipe();27 expect(pipe).toBeTruthy();28 });29});30import { Component } from '@angular/core';31@Component({32 <h1>{{ 'test' | test }}</h1>33})34export class TestComponent {}35import { TestComponent } from './test.component';36import { TestPipe } from './test.pipe';37describe('TestComponent', () => {38 it('test', () => {39 const fixture = ngMocks.faster(TestComponent);40 const component = fixture.componentInstance;41 expect(component).toBeTruthy();42 fixture.detectChanges();43 expect(fixture.nativeElement).toMatchSnapshot();44 });45});46import { TestComponent } from './test.component';47import { TestPipe } from './test.pipe';48describe('TestComponent', () => {49 it('test', () => {50 const fixture = ngMocks.faster(TestComponent);51 const component = fixture.componentInstance;52 expect(component).toBeTruthy();53 fixture.detectChanges();54 expect(fixture.nativeElement).toMatchSnapshot();55 });56});
Using AI Code Generation
1const ngMocks = require('ng-mocks');2const ngMocksUniverse = require('ng-mocks/dist/lib/common/ng-mocks-universe');3const mockPipe = ngMocksUniverse.default.mockPipe;4describe('Pipe: TitleCasePipe', () => {5 ngMocksUniverse.default.reset();6 let pipe: TitleCasePipe;7 beforeEach(() => {8 pipe = new TitleCasePipe();9 });10 it('transforms "abc" to "Abc"', () => {11 expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('Abc');12 });13 it('transforms "abc def" to "Abc Def"', () => {14 expect(pipe.transform('abc def')).toBe('Abc Def');15 });16});17describe('Pipe: TitleCasePipe', () => {18 ngMocksUniverse.default.reset();19 let pipe: TitleCasePipe;20 beforeEach(() => {21 pipe = mockPipe(TitleCasePipe);22 });23 it('transforms "abc" to "Abc"', () => {24 expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('Abc');25 });26 it('transforms "abc def" to "Abc Def"', () => {27 expect(pipe.transform('abc def')).toBe('Abc Def');28 });29});30describe('Pipe: TitleCasePipe', () => {31 ngMocksUniverse.default.reset();32 let pipe: TitleCasePipe;33 beforeEach(() => {34 pipe = mockPipe(TitleCasePipe);35 });36 it('transforms "abc" to "Abc"', () => {37 expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('Abc');38 });39 it('transforms "abc def" to "Abc Def"', () => {40 expect(pipe.transform('abc def')).toBe('Abc Def');41 });42});43describe('Pipe: TitleCasePipe', () => {44 ngMocksUniverse.default.reset();45 let pipe: TitleCasePipe;46 beforeEach(() => {47 pipe = mockPipe(TitleCasePipe);48 });49 it('transforms "abc" to "Abc"', () => {50 expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('Abc');51 });52 it('transforms "abc def" to "Abc Def"', () => {53 expect(pipe.transform('abc
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