How to use parsePropMetadataParserViewChild method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source: collect-declarations.ts Github


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1import { ɵReflectionCapabilities as ReflectionCapabilities } from '@angular/​core';2import coreDefineProperty from '../​common/​core.define-property';3import { AnyDeclaration } from '../​common/​core.types';4interface Declaration {5 host: Record<string, string | undefined>;6 hostBindings: Array<[string, string?, ...any[]]>;7 hostListeners: Array<[string, string?, ...any[]]>;8 attributes: string[];9 inputs: string[];10 outputs: string[];11 propDecorators: Record<string, any[]>;12 queries: Record<string, any>;13 decorators: Array<'Injectable' | 'Pipe' | 'Directive' | 'Component' | 'NgModule'>;14 [key: string]: any;15}16const pushDecorator = (decorators: string[], decorator: string): void => {17 const deleteIndex = decorators.indexOf(decorator);18 if (deleteIndex !== -1) {19 decorators.splice(deleteIndex, 1);20 }21 if (22 decorator === 'Injectable' ||23 decorator === 'Pipe' ||24 decorator === 'Directive' ||25 decorator === 'Component' ||26 decorator === 'NgModule'27 ) {28 decorators.push(decorator);29 }30};31const getAllKeys = <T extends Record<keyof any, any>>(instance: T): Array<keyof T> => {32 const props: string[] = [];33 for (const key of Object.keys(instance)) {34 props.push(key);35 }36 return props as never;37};38const createDeclarations = (parent: Partial<Declaration>): Declaration => ({39 host: ? { } : {},40 hostBindings: parent.hostBindings ? [...parent.hostBindings] : [],41 hostListeners: parent.hostListeners ? [...parent.hostListeners] : [],42 attributes: parent.attributes ? [...parent.attributes] : [],43 inputs: parent.inputs ? [...parent.inputs] : [],44 outputs: parent.outputs ? [...parent.outputs] : [],45 propDecorators: parent.propDecorators ? { ...parent.propDecorators } : {},46 queries: parent.queries ? { ...parent.queries } : {},47 decorators: parent.decorators ? [...parent.decorators] : [],48});49const parseParameters = (50 def: {51 __parameters__?: Array<null | Array<52 | {53 attributeName: string;54 ngMetadataName: 'Attribute';55 }56 | {57 token: AnyDeclaration<any>;58 ngMetadataName: 'Inject';59 }60 | {61 ngMetadataName: 'Optional';62 }63 >>;64 },65 declaration: Declaration,66): void => {67 if (, '__parameters__') && def.__parameters__) {68 for (const decorators of def.__parameters__) {69 for (const decorator of decorators || []) {70 if (71 decorator.ngMetadataName === 'Attribute' &&72 declaration.attributes.indexOf(decorator.attributeName) === -173 ) {74 declaration.attributes.push(decorator.attributeName);75 }76 }77 }78 }79};80const parseAnnotations = (81 def: {82 __annotations__?: Array<{83 ngMetadataName?: string;84 }>;85 },86 declaration: Declaration,87): void => {88 if (, '__annotations__') && def.__annotations__) {89 for (const annotation of def.__annotations__) {90 const ngMetadataName = annotation?.ngMetadataName;91 if (!ngMetadataName) {92 continue;93 }94 declaration[ngMetadataName] = { ...annotation, attributes: declaration.attributes };95 pushDecorator(declaration.decorators, ngMetadataName);96 }97 }98};99const parseDecorators = (100 def: {101 decorators?: Array<{102 args?: [any];103 type?: {104 prototype?: {105 ngMetadataName?: string;106 };107 };108 }>;109 },110 declaration: Declaration,111): void => {112 if (, 'decorators') && def.decorators) {113 for (const decorator of def.decorators) {114 const ngMetadataName = decorator?.type?.prototype?.ngMetadataName;115 if (!ngMetadataName) {116 continue;117 }118 declaration[ngMetadataName] = decorator.args ? { ...decorator.args[0] } : {};119 pushDecorator(declaration.decorators, ngMetadataName);120 }121 }122};123const parsePropDecoratorsParserFactoryProp =124 (key: 'inputs' | 'outputs') =>125 (126 _: string,127 prop: string,128 decorator: {129 args?: [string];130 },131 declaration: Declaration,132 ): void => {133 const value = prop + (decorator.args?.[0] ? `: ${decorator.args[0]}` : '');134 if (declaration[key].indexOf(value) === -1) {135 declaration[key].unshift(value);136 }137 };138const parsePropDecoratorsParserInput = parsePropDecoratorsParserFactoryProp('inputs');139const parsePropDecoratorsParserOutput = parsePropDecoratorsParserFactoryProp('outputs');140const parsePropDecoratorsParserFactoryQuery =141 (isViewQuery: boolean) =>142 (143 ngMetadataName: string,144 prop: string,145 decorator: {146 args: [string] | [string, any];147 },148 declaration: Declaration,149 ): void => {150 if (!declaration.queries[prop]) {151 declaration.queries[prop] = {152 isViewQuery,153 ngMetadataName,154 selector: decorator.args[0],155 ...decorator.args[1],156 };157 }158 };159const parsePropDecoratorsParserContent = parsePropDecoratorsParserFactoryQuery(false);160const parsePropDecoratorsParserView = parsePropDecoratorsParserFactoryQuery(true);161const parsePropDecoratorsParserHostBinding = (162 _: string,163 prop: string,164 decorator: {165 args?: [string] | [string, any[]];166 },167 declaration: Declaration,168): void => {169 const key = `[${decorator.args?.[0] || prop}]`;170 if (![key]) {171[key] = prop;172 }173 declaration.hostBindings.push([prop, ...(decorator.args || [])]);174};175const parsePropDecoratorsParserHostListener = (176 _: string,177 prop: string,178 decorator: {179 args?: any[];180 },181 declaration: Declaration,182): void => {183 const key = `(${decorator.args?.[0] || prop})`;184 if (![key]) {185[key] = `${prop}($event)`;186 }187 declaration.hostListeners.push([prop, ...(decorator.args || [])]);188};189const parsePropDecoratorsMap: any = {190 ContentChild: parsePropDecoratorsParserContent,191 ContentChildren: parsePropDecoratorsParserContent,192 HostBinding: parsePropDecoratorsParserHostBinding,193 HostListener: parsePropDecoratorsParserHostListener,194 Input: parsePropDecoratorsParserInput,195 Output: parsePropDecoratorsParserOutput,196 ViewChild: parsePropDecoratorsParserView,197 ViewChildren: parsePropDecoratorsParserView,198};199const parsePropDecorators = (200 def: {201 propDecorators?: Record<202 string,203 Array<{204 args: any;205 type?: {206 prototype?: {207 ngMetadataName?: string;208 };209 };210 }>211 >;212 },213 declaration: Declaration,214): void => {215 if (, 'propDecorators') && def.propDecorators) {216 for (const prop of getAllKeys(def.propDecorators)) {217 declaration.propDecorators[prop] = [...(declaration.propDecorators[prop] || []), ...def.propDecorators[prop]];218 for (const decorator of def.propDecorators[prop]) {219 const ngMetadataName = decorator?.type?.prototype?.ngMetadataName;220 if (!ngMetadataName) {221 continue;222 }223 parsePropDecoratorsMap[ngMetadataName]?.(ngMetadataName, prop, decorator, declaration);224 }225 }226 }227};228const parsePropMetadataParserFactoryProp =229 (key: 'inputs' | 'outputs') =>230 (231 _: string,232 prop: string,233 decorator: {234 bindingPropertyName?: string;235 },236 declaration: Declaration,237 ): void => {238 const value = prop + (decorator.bindingPropertyName ? `: ${decorator.bindingPropertyName}` : '');239 if (declaration[key].indexOf(value) === -1) {240 declaration[key].unshift(value);241 }242 };243const parsePropMetadataParserInput = parsePropMetadataParserFactoryProp('inputs');244const parsePropMetadataParserOutput = parsePropMetadataParserFactoryProp('outputs');245const parsePropMetadataParserFactoryQueryChild =246 (isViewQuery: boolean) =>247 (248 ngMetadataName: string,249 prop: string,250 decorator: {251 read?: any;252 selector: string;253 static?: boolean;254 },255 declaration: Declaration,256 ): void => {257 if (!declaration.queries[prop]) {258 declaration.queries[prop] = {259 isViewQuery,260 ngMetadataName,261 selector: decorator.selector,262 ...( !== undefined ? { read: } : {}),263 ...(decorator.static !== undefined ? { static: decorator.static } : {}),264 };265 }266 };267const parsePropMetadataParserContentChild = parsePropMetadataParserFactoryQueryChild(false);268const parsePropMetadataParserViewChild = parsePropMetadataParserFactoryQueryChild(true);269const parsePropMetadataParserFactoryQueryChildren =270 (isViewQuery: boolean) =>271 (272 ngMetadataName: string,273 prop: string,274 decorator: {275 descendants?: any;276 emitDistinctChangesOnly?: boolean;277 read?: any;278 selector: string;279 },280 declaration: Declaration,281 ): void => {282 if (!declaration.queries[prop]) {283 declaration.queries[prop] = {284 isViewQuery,285 ngMetadataName,286 selector: decorator.selector,287 ...(decorator.descendants !== undefined ? { descendants: decorator.descendants } : {}),288 ...(decorator.emitDistinctChangesOnly !== undefined289 ? { emitDistinctChangesOnly: decorator.emitDistinctChangesOnly }290 : {}),291 ...( !== undefined ? { read: } : {}),292 };293 }294 };295const parsePropMetadataParserContentChildren = parsePropMetadataParserFactoryQueryChildren(false);296const parsePropMetadataParserViewChildren = parsePropMetadataParserFactoryQueryChildren(true);297const parsePropMetadataParserHostBinding = (298 _: string,299 prop: string,300 decorator: {301 args?: any;302 hostPropertyName?: string;303 },304 declaration: Declaration,305): void => {306 const key = `[${decorator.hostPropertyName || prop}]`;307 if (![key]) {308[key] = prop;309 }310 declaration.hostBindings.push([311 prop,312 decorator.hostPropertyName || prop,313 ...(decorator.args ? [decorator.args] : []),314 ]);315};316const parsePropMetadataParserHostListener = (317 _: string,318 prop: string,319 decorator: {320 args?: any;321 eventName?: string;322 },323 declaration: Declaration,324): void => {325 const key = `(${decorator.eventName || prop})`;326 if (![key]) {327[key] = `${prop}($event)`;328 }329 declaration.hostListeners.push([prop, decorator.eventName || prop, ...(decorator.args ? [decorator.args] : [])]);330};331const parsePropMetadataMap: any = {332 ContentChild: parsePropMetadataParserContentChild,333 ContentChildren: parsePropMetadataParserContentChildren,334 HostBinding: parsePropMetadataParserHostBinding,335 HostListener: parsePropMetadataParserHostListener,336 Input: parsePropMetadataParserInput,337 Output: parsePropMetadataParserOutput,338 ViewChild: parsePropMetadataParserViewChild,339 ViewChildren: parsePropMetadataParserViewChildren,340};341const parsePropMetadata = (342 def: {343 __prop__metadata__?: Record<keyof any, any[]>;344 },345 declaration: Declaration,346): void => {347 if (, '__prop__metadata__') && def.__prop__metadata__) {348 for (const prop of getAllKeys(def.__prop__metadata__)) {349 const decorators: Array<{350 ngMetadataName?: string;351 }> = def.__prop__metadata__[prop];352 for (const decorator of decorators) {353 const ngMetadataName = decorator?.ngMetadataName;354 if (!ngMetadataName) {355 continue;356 }357 parsePropMetadataMap[ngMetadataName]?.(ngMetadataName, prop, decorator, declaration);358 }359 }360 }361};362const buildDeclaration = (def: any | undefined, declaration: Declaration): void => {363 if (def) {364 def.inputs = def.inputs || [];365 for (const input of declaration.inputs) {366 if (def.inputs.indexOf(input) === -1) {367 def.inputs.push(input);368 }369 }370 def.outputs = def.outputs || [];371 for (const output of declaration.outputs) {372 if (def.outputs.indexOf(output) === -1) {373 def.outputs.push(output);374 }375 }376 def.queries = {377 ...(def.queries || []),378 ...declaration.queries,379 };380 def.hostBindings = declaration.hostBindings;381 def.hostListeners = declaration.hostListeners;382 }383};384const reflectionCapabilities = new ReflectionCapabilities();385const parse = (def: any): any => {386 if (typeof def !== 'function' && typeof def !== 'object') {387 return {};388 }389 if (, '__ngMocksParsed')) {390 return def.__ngMocksDeclarations;391 }392 const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(def);393 const parentDeclarations = parent ? parse(parent) : {};394 const declaration = createDeclarations(parentDeclarations);395 coreDefineProperty(def, '__ngMocksParsed', true);396 parseParameters(def, declaration);397 parseAnnotations(def, declaration);398 parseDecorators(def, declaration);399 parsePropDecorators(def, declaration);400 parsePropMetadata(def, declaration);401 buildDeclaration(declaration.Directive, declaration);402 buildDeclaration(declaration.Component, declaration);403 coreDefineProperty(def, '__ngMocksDeclarations', {404 ...parentDeclarations,405 ...declaration,406 parameters: reflectionCapabilities.parameters(def),407 });408 return def.__ngMocksDeclarations;409};...

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1import { parsePropMetadataParserViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Component } from '@angular/​core';3import { ChildComponent } from './​child.component';4@Component({5})6export class AppComponent {7 public child = parsePropMetadataParserViewChild(AppComponent, 'child', ChildComponent);8}9import { Component } from '@angular/​core';10@Component({11})12export class ChildComponent {13}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { parsePropMetadataParserViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/​core';3@Component({4})5export class TestComponent {6 @ViewChild('test') test;7}8const result = parsePropMetadataParserViewChild(TestComponent, 'test');9console.log(result);10import { parsePropMetadataParserViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';11import { TestComponent } from './​test';12describe('TestComponent', () => {13 it('should return view child', () => {14 const result = parsePropMetadataParserViewChild(TestComponent, 'test');15 expect(result).toEqual({16 });17 });18});19parsePropMetadataParserViewChildren(component: any, propertyKey: string): any[]20import { parsePropMetadataParserViewChildren } from 'ng-mocks';21import { Component, ViewChildren } from '@angular/​core';22@Component({23})24export class TestComponent {25 @ViewChildren('test') test;26}27const result = parsePropMetadataParserViewChildren(TestComponent, 'test');28console.log(result);29import { parsePropMetadataParserViewChildren } from 'ng-mocks';30import { TestComponent } from './​test';31describe('TestComponent', () => {32 it('should return view children', () => {33 const result = parsePropMetadataParserViewChildren(TestComponent, 'test');34 expect(result).toEqual([35 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {parsePropMetadataParserViewChild} from 'ng-mocks';2import {Component} from '@angular/​core';3import {TestBed} from '@angular/​core/​testing';4@Component({5})6class TestComponent {7 @ViewChild('myChild') myChild;8}9describe('test', () => {10 it('should test', () => {11 const metadata = parsePropMetadataParserViewChild(TestComponent);12 expect(metadata).toBeDefined();13 expect(metadata.myChild).toBeDefined();14 expect(metadata.myChild.selector).toEqual('myChild');15 expect(;16 });17});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { parsePropMetadataParserViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Component } from '@angular/​core';3@Component({4})5export class TestComponent {6 @ViewChild('test') test: any;7}8const viewChild = parsePropMetadataParserViewChild(TestComponent);9import { parsePropMetadataParserViewChildren } from 'ng-mocks';10import { Component } from '@angular/​core';11@Component({12})13export class TestComponent {14 @ViewChildren('test') test: any;15}16const viewChildren = parsePropMetadataParserViewChildren(TestComponent);17import { parsePropMetadataParserContentChild } from 'ng-mocks';18import { Component } from '@angular/​core';19@Component({20})21export class TestComponent {22 @ContentChild('test') test: any;23}24const contentChild = parsePropMetadataParserContentChild(TestComponent);25import { parsePropMetadataParserContentChildren } from 'ng-mocks';26import { Component } from '@angular/​core';27@Component({28})29export class TestComponent {30 @ContentChildren('test

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/​core';2import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';3import { ChildComponent } from './​child.component';4import { ParentComponent } from './​parent.component';5describe('ParentComponent', () => {6 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(ParentComponent));7 it('should create', () => {8 const fixture = MockRender(ParentComponent);9 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;10 expect(component).toBeTruthy();11 });12 it('should have a child component', () => {13 const fixture = MockRender(ParentComponent);14 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;15 expect(component.childComponent).toBeTruthy();16 });17 it('should have a child component of type ChildComponent', () => {18 const fixture = MockRender(ParentComponent);19 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;20 expect(component.childComponent instanceof ChildComponent).toBeTruthy();21 });22 it('should have a child component of type ChildComponent', () => {23 const fixture = MockRender(ParentComponent);24 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;25 expect(component.childComponent instanceof ChildComponent).toBeTruthy();26 });27 it('should have a child component of type ChildComponent', () => {28 const fixture = MockRender(ParentComponent);29 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;30 expect(component.childComponent instanceof ChildComponent).toBeTruthy();31 });32 it('should have a child component of type ChildComponent', () => {33 const fixture = MockRender(ParentComponent);34 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;35 expect(component.childComponent instanceof ChildComponent).toBeTruthy();36 });37 it('should have a child component of type ChildComponent', () => {38 const fixture = MockRender(ParentComponent);39 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;40 expect(component.childComponent instanceof ChildComponent).toBeTruthy();41 });42 it('should have a child component of type ChildComponent', () => {43 const fixture = MockRender(ParentComponent);44 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;45 expect(component.childComponent instanceof ChildComponent).toBeTruthy();46 });47 it('should have a child component of type ChildComponent', () => {48 const fixture = MockRender(ParentComponent);49 const component = fixture.point.componentInstance;50 expect(component.childComponent instanceof ChildComponent).toBeTruthy();51 });52 it('should have a child component of type ChildComponent', () => {53 const fixture = MockRender(Parent

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { parsePropMetadataParserViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';2const metadata = parsePropMetadataParserViewChild(TestComponent);3console.log(metadata);4import { mockViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';5const child = mockViewChild(TestComponent);6console.log(child);7import { mockViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';8const child = mockViewChild(TestComponent, 'child');9console.log(child);10import { mockViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';11const child = mockViewChild(TestComponent, 'child', { read: ElementRef });12console.log(child);13import { mockViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';14const child = mockViewChild(TestComponent, 'child', { read: ElementRef }, true);15console.log(child);16import { mockViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';17const child = mockViewChild(TestComponent, 'child', { read: ElementRef }, false);18console.log(child);19import { mockViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';20const child = mockViewChild(TestComponent, 'child', { read: ElementRef }, true);21console.log(child);22import { mockViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';23const child = mockViewChild(TestComponent, 'child', { read: ElementRef }, false);24console.log(child);25import { mockViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';26const child = mockViewChild(TestComponent, 'child', { read: ElementRef }, true);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { parsePropMetadataParserViewChild } from 'ng-mocks';2parsePropMetadataParserViewChild(MyComponent, 'viewChild');3import { parsePropMetadataParserViewChildren } from 'ng-mocks';4parsePropMetadataParserViewChildren(MyComponent, 'viewChildren');5import { parsePropMetadataParserContentChild } from 'ng-mocks';6parsePropMetadataParserContentChild(MyComponent, 'contentChild');7import { parsePropMetadataParserContentChildren } from 'ng-mocks';8parsePropMetadataParserContentChildren(MyComponent, 'contentChildren');9import { parsePropMetadataParserHostBinding } from 'ng-mocks';10parsePropMetadataParserHostBinding(MyComponent, 'hostBinding');11import { parsePropMetadataParserHostListener } from 'ng-mocks';12parsePropMetadataParserHostListener(MyComponent, 'hostListener');13import { parsePropMetadataParserInput } from 'ng-mocks';14parsePropMetadataParserInput(MyComponent, 'input');

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