How to use output2 method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source: myjs.js Github


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1/​/​获取元素2var output1 = document.getElementById("txt1");3var output2 = document.getElementById("txt2");4var oList = document.getElementsByClassName("list")[0];5/​/​使用对象来保存 所需内容6var obj = {};7/​/​ 设置变量用于保存上一次计算的结果8obj.pre = "";9/​/​用于标注是否是继续运算状态10obj.contin = false; 11/​/​计算用表达式12obj.expression = ""; 13/​/​点输入锁 = true;15 16/​/​ 函数执行17calculator();18/​/​曾 实现翻页功能19$(function () {20 $('#btn1').click(function () {21 var dis=$('#div1').css('display')22 if (dis=='none') {23 $('#h1').html('科学计算机')24 $('#div2').toggle(50,'linear')25 $('#div1').toggle(50,'linear')26 }else{27 $('#h1').html('普通计算机')28 $('#div2').toggle(50,'linear')29 $('#div1').toggle(50,'linear')30 }31 })32})33/​/​计算逻辑34function calculator(){35 oList.addEventListener("click", function (e) {36 /​/​事件源对象,获取每次点击的内容37 var even = e || event;38 var target = || e.srcElement;39 /​/​保存每次点击的内容40 var data = target.innerHTML;41 42 /​/​获取声音按钮43 var isActive = document.getElementById("switch").classList.contains("mui-active");44 console.log(isActive);45 46 /​/​播放音乐47 play(isActive);48 49 /​/​清空操作50 if (obj.cls) 51 {52 output1.value = "";53 output2.value = "";54 obj.cls = false;55 = true;56 backfontsize(); /​/​恢复字体57 }58 59 /​/​清零60 if (data == "c") 61 {62 output1.value = "";63 output2.value = "0";64 backfontsize();65 obj = {};66 = true;67 return;68 }69 70 /​/​输入小数情况,其他字符情况71 if (output2.value == "0" && data != ".") 72 {73 output2.value = "";74 }75 76 if(data == "del"){77 obj.contin = false;78 output2.value = output2.value.replace("del","");79 console.log("output2 length:"+output2.value.length);80 console.log("output2 value:"+ output2.value);81 /​/​如果最后删除的内容为点,那么就设置点解锁为true82 if(output2.value.substring(output2.value.length-1, output2.value.length)=="."){83 = true;84 }85 if(output2.value.length>1){86 output2.value = output2.value.substring(0, output2.value.length-1) ;87 return;88 }else{89 output2.value = "0";90 return;91 }92 }93 94 /​/​如果长度太长,则缩放字体 14 17 20 2495 if(output2.value.length>=20){96 if(output2.value.length>=27&&data!="="){ /​/​超过17限定输入97 mui.toast('超过限定字符啦',{ duration:'long', type:'div' }) 98 return;99 }100 smallfontsize();101 }102 103 if(data == "+" ||data=="-" || data == "*" || data == "/​"){ /​/​防止重复输入运算符104 var bottomstr = output2.value.substring(output2.value.length-1,output2.value.length);105 if(bottomstr=="+" ||bottomstr=="-"||bottomstr=="*"||bottomstr=="/​"){106 return;107 }108 }109 /​/​如果数字后面直接跟括号,自动补* 防止计算错误110 if(data=="("){ 111 = true; /​/​如果输入了这类符号,则判定可以输入点112 console.log("sub is:"+output2.value.substring(output2.value.length-1,output2.value.length));113 if(!isNaN(output2.value.substring(output2.value.length-1,output2.value.length))&&output2.value!=""){114 output2.value += "*";115 }116 }117 118 /​/​后半边括号数字自动补齐 只能是数字才补齐119 if(!isNaN(data)){ 120 if(output2.value.substring(output2.value.length-1,output2.value.length)==")"){121 output2.value += "*";122 }123 }124 125 /​/​特殊符号 补齐 * 补头126 if(data=="e"||data=="π"){127 if(!isNaN(output2.value.substring(output2.value.length-1,output2.value.length))&&output2.value!=""){128 output2.value += "*";129 }130 }131 132 /​/​特殊符号 补齐 * 补尾巴133 if(!isNaN(data)){ 134 if(output2.value.substring(output2.value.length-1,output2.value.length)=="e"){135 output2.value += "*";136 }137 if(output2.value.substring(output2.value.length-1,output2.value.length)=="π"){138 output2.value += "*";139 }140 }141 142 /​/​特殊符号输入逻辑143 if(data == "sin" || data == "cos" || data == "tan" || data == "√"||data=="ln"||data=="lg"){ 144 = true; /​/​如果输入了这类符号,则判定可以输入点145 if(!isNaN(output2.value.substring(output2.value.length-1,output2.value.length))&&output2.value!=""){146 output2.value += "*";147 }148 output2.value += data + "(";149 }else{150 /​/​ 输入特殊符号 解锁点151 if(data == "." &&{ /​/​判断点输入逻辑152 console.log("dot flag is :"+;153 = false;154 output2.value += data;155 }else if(data!="."){156 output2.value += data;157 }158 }159 /​/​开始执行运算逻辑160 calc(data);161 }, false)162}163function calc(data){164 console.log("getdata in :"+ data);165 /​/​ 普通运算166 if(data == "="){167 = true; /​/​如果输入了这类符号,则判定可以输入点168 var strtop = output2.value.substring(0,1);169 /​/​ if(isNaN(strtop)&&strtop!=""&&strtop!="("&&strtop!="-"&&strtop!="s"&&strtop!="t"&&strtop!="c"&&strtop!="l"){170 /​/​ output2.value = "0"+ output2.value; /​/​防止 零的初始化运算171 /​/​ }172 if(strtop=="+"||strtop=="*"||strtop=="/​"){173 output2.value = "0"+ output2.value; /​/​防止 零的初始化运算174 }175 output1.value = output2.value;176 output2.value = output2.value.replace("=", "");177 if(output2.value==""){ /​/​防止未初始化点击等于178 output1.value = "0="179 output2.value = "0";180 return;181 }182 try{183 obj.expression = output2.value;184 obj.expression = obj.expression.replace(/​sin/​g,"Math.sin");185 obj.expression = obj.expression.replace(/​cos/​g,"Math.cos");186 obj.expression = obj.expression.replace(/​tan/​g,"Math.tan");187 obj.expression = obj.expression.replace(/​lg/​g,"Math.log10");188 obj.expression = obj.expression.replace(/​ln/​g,"Math.log");189 obj.expression = obj.expression.replace(/​√/​g,"Math.sqrt");190 obj.expression = obj.expression.replace(/​e/​g,"Math.E");191 obj.expression = obj.expression.replace(/​π/​g,"Math.PI");192 console.log(obj.expression);193 output2.value = parseFloat(eval(obj.expression).toFixed(8));194 obj.pre = output2.value;195 if(output2.value.length>=16){196 mui.toast('运算溢出了哦,结果可能不对!',{ duration:'long', type:'div' }) 197 }198 console.log("pre is :" + obj.pre);199 obj.contin = true;200 obj.cls =true;201 }catch(exception){202 console.log(exception);203 output1.value = "syntax error!";204 }205 }206 /​/​连续运算207 if(data == "+" || data == "-" || data == "*" || data == "/​"){208 = true; /​/​如果输入了这类符号,则判定可以输入点209 console.log(obj.pre + output2.value);210 var strtop1 = output2.value.substring(0,1);211 if(obj.contin&&isNaN(strtop1)&&strtop1!="e"&&strtop1!="π"&&strtop1!="√"&&strtop1!="t"&&strtop1!="c"&&strtop1!="s"&&strtop1!="l"&&strtop1!="."){212 output2.value = obj.pre + output2.value;213 obj.expression = obj.pre + obj.expression; /​/​加上表达式的值214 obj.contin = false;215 }216 }217 return;218 219}220/​/​ 超出字符字体变小221function smallfontsize(){222 = "25px";223 = "25px";224}225/​/​ 恢复字体226function backfontsize(){227 = "35px";228 = "35px";229}230function play(isActive){231 /​/​ alert("开始播放");232 if(isActive){233 var music = document.getElementById("music");234; /​/​播放音乐235 }236}...

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Source: test.js Github


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1/​*2 * The MIT License (MIT)3 *4 * Copyright (c) 2015 Apigee Corporation5 *6 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy7 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal8 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights9 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/​or sell10 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is11 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:12 *13 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in14 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.15 *16 * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR17 * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,18 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE19 * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER20 * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,21 * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN22 * THE SOFTWARE.23 */​24'use strict';25var assert = require('chai').assert;26var testGen = require('../​../​index.js').testGen;27var swagger = require('./​swagger.json');28var linter = require('eslint').linter;29var yaml = require('js-yaml');30var join = require('path').join;31var rules;32var read = require('fs').readFileSync;33rules = yaml.safeLoad(read(join(__dirname, '/​../​../​.eslintrc'), 'utf8'));34rules.env = {mocha: true};35describe('security swagger', function() {36 describe('assert-option', function() {37 describe('expect', function() {38 var output1 = testGen(swagger, {39 assertionFormat: 'expect',40 pathName: [],41 testModule: 'request'42 });43 var paths1 = [];44 var ndx;45 for (ndx in output1) {46 if (output1) {47 paths1.push(join(__dirname, '/​compare/​request/​expect/​' +48 output1[ndx].name));49 }50 }51 it('should have path parameters with an obvious indicator', function() {52 assert.isArray(output1);53 assert.lengthOf(output1, 3);54 var generatedCode;55 for (ndx in paths1) {56 if (paths1 !== undefined) {57 generatedCode = read(paths1[ndx], 'utf8').replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n');58 assert.equal(output1[ndx].test.replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n'),59 generatedCode);60 }61 }62 for (ndx in output1) {63 if (output1 !== undefined && output1[ndx].name !== '.env') {64 assert.lengthOf(linter.verify(output1[ndx].test, rules), 0);65 }66 }67 });68 });69 });70 describe('supertest-option', function() {71 describe('expect', function() {72 var output2 = testGen(swagger, {73 assertionFormat: 'expect',74 pathName: [],75 testModule: 'supertest'76 });77 var paths2 = [];78 var ndx;79 for (ndx in output2) {80 if (output2) {81 paths2.push(join(__dirname, '/​compare/​supertest/​expect/​'82 + output2[ndx].name));83 }84 }85 it('should have path parameters with an obvious indicator', function() {86 assert.isArray(output2);87 assert.lengthOf(output2, 3);88 var generatedCode;89 for (ndx in paths2) {90 if (paths2 !== undefined) {91 generatedCode = read(paths2[ndx], 'utf8').replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n');92 assert.equal(output2[ndx].test.replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n'),93 generatedCode);94 }95 }96 for (ndx in output2 && output2[ndx].name !== '.env') {97 if (output2 !== undefined) {98 assert.lengthOf(linter.verify(output2[ndx].test, rules), 0);99 }100 }101 });102 });103 });104 describe('assert-option', function() {105 describe('should', function() {106 var output2 = testGen(swagger, {107 assertionFormat: 'should',108 pathName: [],109 testModule: 'request'110 });111 var paths2 = [];112 var ndx;113 for (ndx in output2) {114 if (output2) {115 paths2.push(join(__dirname, '/​compare/​request/​should/​'116 + output2[ndx].name));117 }118 }119 it('should have path parameters with an obvious indicator', function() {120 assert.isArray(output2);121 assert.lengthOf(output2, 3);122 var generatedCode;123 for (ndx in paths2) {124 if (paths2 !== undefined) {125 generatedCode = read(paths2[ndx], 'utf8').replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n');126 assert.equal(output2[ndx].test.replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n'),127 generatedCode);128 }129 }130 for (ndx in output2 && output2[ndx].name !== '.env') {131 if (output2 !== undefined) {132 assert.lengthOf(linter.verify(output2[ndx].test, rules), 0);133 }134 }135 });136 });137 });138 describe('supertest-option', function() {139 describe('should', function() {140 var output2 = testGen(swagger, {141 assertionFormat: 'should',142 pathName: [],143 testModule: 'supertest'144 });145 var paths2 = [];146 var ndx;147 for (ndx in output2) {148 if (output2) {149 paths2.push(join(__dirname, '/​compare/​supertest/​should/​'150 + output2[ndx].name));151 }152 }153 it('should have path parameters with an obvious indicator', function() {154 assert.isArray(output2);155 assert.lengthOf(output2, 3);156 var generatedCode;157 for (ndx in paths2) {158 if (paths2 !== undefined) {159 generatedCode = read(paths2[ndx], 'utf8').replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n');160 assert.equal(output2[ndx].test.replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n'),161 generatedCode);162 }163 }164 for (ndx in output2 && output2[ndx].name !== '.env') {165 if (output2 !== undefined) {166 assert.lengthOf(linter.verify(output2[ndx].test, rules), 0);167 }168 }169 });170 });171 });172 describe('assert-option', function() {173 describe('assert', function() {174 var output2 = testGen(swagger, {175 assertionFormat: 'assert',176 pathName: [],177 testModule: 'request'178 });179 var paths2 = [];180 var ndx;181 for (ndx in output2) {182 if (output2) {183 paths2.push(join(__dirname, '/​compare/​request/​assert/​'184 + output2[ndx].name));185 }186 }187 it('should have path parameters with an obvious indicator', function() {188 assert.isArray(output2);189 assert.lengthOf(output2, 3);190 var generatedCode;191 for (ndx in paths2) {192 if (paths2 !== undefined) {193 generatedCode = read(paths2[ndx], 'utf8').replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n');194 assert.equal(output2[ndx].test.replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n'),195 generatedCode);196 }197 }198 for (ndx in output2 && output2[ndx].name !== '.env') {199 if (output2 !== undefined) {200 assert.lengthOf(linter.verify(output2[ndx].test, rules), 0);201 }202 }203 });204 });205 });206 describe('supertest-option', function() {207 describe('assert', function() {208 var output2 = testGen(swagger, {209 assertionFormat: 'assert',210 pathName: [],211 testModule: 'supertest'212 });213 var paths2 = [];214 var ndx;215 for (ndx in output2) {216 if (output2) {217 paths2.push(join(__dirname, '/​compare/​supertest/​assert/​'218 + output2[ndx].name));219 }220 }221 it('should have path parameters with an obvious indicator', function() {222 assert.isArray(output2);223 assert.lengthOf(output2, 3);224 var generatedCode;225 for (ndx in paths2) {226 if (paths2 !== undefined) {227 generatedCode = read(paths2[ndx], 'utf8').replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n');228 assert.equal(output2[ndx].test.replace(/​\r\n/​g, '\n'),229 generatedCode);230 }231 }232 for (ndx in output2 && output2[ndx].name !== '.env') {233 if (output2 !== undefined) {234 assert.lengthOf(linter.verify(output2[ndx].test, rules), 0);235 }236 }237 });238 });239 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my-component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should render the component', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);6 expect(output2(fixture.debugElement)).toEqual({7 'my-component': {8 '': {9 outputs: {10 'myOutput': jasmine.any(Function),11 },12 properties: {13 },14 },15 },16 });17 });18});19@Component({20})21export class MyComponent {22 @Input() public myInput: string;23 @Output() public myOutput = new EventEmitter();24}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';2import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';3import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';4import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';5import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';6import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';7import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';8import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';9import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';10import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';11import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';12import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';13import { output2 } from '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Output2 } from 'ng-mocks';3import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';4import { Output2 } from 'ng-mocks';5import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';6import { Output2 } from 'ng-mocks';7import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';8import { Output2 } from 'ng-mocks';9import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';10import { Output2 } from 'ng-mocks';11import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';12import { Output2 } from 'ng-mocks';13import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';14import { Output2 } from 'ng-mocks';15import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';16import { Output2 } from 'ng-mocks';17import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';18import { Output2 } from 'ng-mocks';19import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';20import { Output2 } from 'ng-mocks';21import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';22import { Output2 } from 'ng-mocks';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");2ngMocks.output2("test");3var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");4ngMocks.output("test");5var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");6ngMocks.output2("test2");7var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");8ngMocks.output("test2");9var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");10ngMocks.output2("test3");11var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");12ngMocks.output("test3");13var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");14ngMocks.output2("test4");15var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");16ngMocks.output("test4");17var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");18ngMocks.output2("test5");19var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");20ngMocks.output("test5");21var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");22ngMocks.output2("test6");23var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");24ngMocks.output("test6");25var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");26ngMocks.output2("test7");27var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");28ngMocks.output("test7");29var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");30ngMocks.output2("test8");31var ngMocks = require("ng-mocks");32ngMocks.output("test8");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {output2} from 'ng-mocks';2describe('test', () => {3 it('should output', () => {4 output2(() => {5 console.log('hello');6 }).toEqual('hello');7 });8});9import {output2} from 'ng-mocks';10describe('test', () => {11 it('should output', () => {12 output2(() => {13 console.log('hello');14 }).toEqual('hello');15 });16});17import {output2} from 'ng-mocks';18describe('test', () => {19 it('should output', () => {20 output2(() => {21 console.log('hello');22 }).toEqual('hello');23 });24});25import {output2} from 'ng-mocks';26describe('test', () => {27 it('should output', () => {28 output2(() => {29 console.log('hello');30 }).toEqual('hello');31 });32});33import {output2} from 'ng-mocks';34describe('test', () => {35 it('should output', () => {36 output2(() => {37 console.log('hello');38 }).toEqual('hello');39 });40});41import {output2} from 'ng-mocks';42describe('test', () => {43 it('should output', () => {44 output2(() => {45 console.log('hello');46 }).toEqual('hello');47 });48});49import {output2} from 'ng-mocks';50describe('test', () => {51 it('should output', () => {52 output2(() => {53 console.log('hello');54 }).toEqual('hello');55 });56});57import {output2} from 'ng-mocks';58describe('test', () => {59 it('should output', () => {60 output2(() => {61 console.log('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';2output2(FooComponent, 'bar', 'test');3import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';4output2(FooComponent, 'bar', 'test');5import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';6output2(FooComponent, 'bar', 'test');7import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';8output2(FooComponent, 'bar', 'test');9import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';10output2(FooComponent, 'bar', 'test');11import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';12output2(FooComponent, 'bar', 'test');13import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';14output2(FooComponent, 'bar', 'test');15import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';16output2(FooComponent, 'bar', 'test');17import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';18output2(FooComponent, 'bar', 'test');19import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';2const comp = output2(TestComponent, 'output1');3comp.emit('test');4import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';5const comp = output2(TestComponent, 'output1');6comp.emit('test');7import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';8const comp = output2(TestComponent, 'output1');9comp.emit('test');10import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';11const comp = output2(TestComponent, 'output1');12comp.emit('test');13import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';14const comp = output2(TestComponent, 'output1');15comp.emit('test');16import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';17const comp = output2(TestComponent, 'output1');18comp.emit('test');19import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';20const comp = output2(TestComponent, 'output1');21comp.emit('test');22import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks';23const comp = output2(TestComponent, 'output1');

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