Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks
Source: main.js
1var a = ""2var b = ""3var res = ""4var op = ""5var output = ""6var standardOperators = [ '+','-', '*', '÷' ]7var dot = false8//[ '','%', 'â', '²' ]9function roundNplace(a, N){ 10 pow10N = Math.pow(10, N); 11 a = Math.round(a* pow10N)/pow10N;12 console.log(a);13 return a; 14}15function refreshOutput(character){16 17 let output = document.getElementById(100);18 if (op!="|"){19 output.value = output.value + character;20 }21 else{22 output.value = res;23 }24 25}26// function refreshOutput(character){27// let output = document.getElementById(100);28// output.value = output.value + character;29// }30function refreshOutput1(){31 let output1 = document.getElementById(101);32 output1.value = res;33}34function handleDigitButton(digit){35 // console.log("co sie dzieje z kropkÄ
", dot)36 // console.log("cholerny operator", op)37 if (dot==false){38 // console.log("dot jest puste")39 if (op =="X"){40 // console.log("tu powinno wejsc", op) 41// ///////////////// co w takim przypadku - w a moze byc kropka a moze jej nie byc42///////////// plus przypadek gdzie kropka po operatorze43 }44 else{45 // console.log("operator inny od x", op)46 refreshOutput(digit);47 if (op == ""){48 // console.log("operator pusty czyli mamy a", op)49 a = a + digit; 50 res = a; 51 52 }53 54 else{55 // console.log("operator nie pusty czyli mamy b", op)56 b = b + digit;57 //liczymy 58 calculate();59 //pokazanie wyniki 60 refreshOutput1();61 }62 if (digit =="."){63 dot = true64 }65 }66 // refreshOutput(digit);67 // if (op == ""){68 // a = a + digit; 69 // res = a; 70 71 // }72 // else{73 // b = b + digit;74 // //liczymy 75 // calculate();76 // //pokazanie wyniki 77 // refreshOutput1();78 // }79 // if (digit =="."){80 // dot = "."81 // }82 }83 else{84 if (digit =="."){85 }86 else{87 refreshOutput(digit);88 if (op == ""){89 a = a + digit; 90 res = a; 91 92 }93 else{94 b = b + digit;95 //liczymy 96 calculate();97 //pokazanie wyniki 98 refreshOutput1();99 }100 }101 102 }103// //////////////ten kod mozna zapisaÄ jako nowa funkcje104 // refreshOutput(digit);105 // if (op == ""){106 // a = a + digit; 107 // res = a; 108 109 // }110 // else{111 // b = b + digit;112 // //liczymy 113 // calculate();114 // //pokazanie wyniki 115 // refreshOutput1();116 // }117//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////118 119}120function parseFloatDot(a){121 if (a == "."){122 return 0123 }124 else{125 return parseFloat(a); 126 }127}128//oblicz a op b129function calculate(){130 131 // roundNplace(2.99999999900000000123, 3);132 133 // logAll()134 if (op == "*"){135 res = parseFloatDot(a) * parseFloatDot(b);136 }137 else if (op == "+"){138 res = parseFloatDot(a) + parseFloatDot(b);139 }140 else if (op == "-"){141 res = parseFloatDot(a) - parseFloatDot(b);142 }143 else if (op == "÷"){144 res = parseFloatDot(a) / parseFloatDot(b);145 }146 // console.log("new b", parseFloatDot(b))147 148}149function logAll(){150 console.log("operator", op)151 // console.log("digit", digit)152 console.log("a", a)153 console.log("b", b)154 console.log("res", res)155 console.log("dot", dot)156}157// *, +, /, -158function handleOperatorButton(operator){159 160 dot = false161 if (a != ""){162 if (op !="" && b == ""){163 if (op == '+' || op == '-' || op == '*' || op == '÷' ){164 let output = document.getElementById(100);165 output.value = output.value.slice(0,-1);166 op = operator;167 refreshOutput(operator);168 }169 else{170 refreshOutput(operator);171 op = operator;172 a = res;173 b = "";174 }175 }176 177 else{178 refreshOutput(operator);179 op = operator;180 a = res;181 b = "";182 }183 }184}185// if (a != ""){186// refreshOutput(operator);187// op = operator;188// a = res;189// b = "";190// }191// }192// function handleOperatorButton(operator){193// refreshOutput(operator);194// op = operator;195// a = res;196// b = "";197// }198// function enterNumber(id){199 200// button = document.getElementById(id);201// //console.log(button.value);202// output = document.getElementById(100);203// //console.log(output.value); 204// output.value = output.value + button.value;205// equals();206// displayTotalResult();207// if (id != "*"){208// a = a + button.value;209// }210// }211// function multiply(){212// console.log(a)213// wynik = a;214// a = "";215// enterNumber("*");216// op = "*" //rodzaj ostatniej operacji217// }218// function equals(){219// console.log(wynik)220// console.log(a) 221// if (op == "*"){222// wynik = parseFloat(wynik) * parseFloat(a);223// output.value = wynik;224// }225// a = wynik;226// }227function clearAll(){228 // a = ""229 // wynik = ""230 // output.value="" // gorny 231 // output1.value="" //dolny232 233 a = "";234 b = "";235 res = "";236 op = ""; 237 dot = false238 let output = document.getElementById(100);239 output.value =''240 let output1 = "";241 refreshOutput1();242}243function clearLastDigit(){244 // a = a.slice(0, -1);245 // output.value = output.value.slice(0, -1);246 let output = document.getElementById(100);247 // let temporary_res = res248 if (op == ""){249 if (a.substring(a.length-1, a.length)=="."){250 dot = false251 }252 a = a.slice(0, -1); 253 res = a;254 output.value = a; 255 }256 else if (op =="X"){257 }258 else{259 260 if (b != ""){261 console.log("b nie jest puste")262 if (b.substring(b.length-1, b.length)=="."){263 console.log("sprawdzenie kropki")264 dot=false265 }266 console.log("initial b", b)267 b = b.slice(0, -1);268 console.log("nowe b", b)269 if (b!=""){270 console.log("nowe b nie jest puste", b)271 calculate()272 //refreshOutput1();273 output.value = output.value.slice(0,-1);274 refreshOutput1();275 }276 else{277 console.log("nowe b jest puste", b)278 res = a279 output.value = output.value.slice(0,-1);280 refreshOutput1()281 }282 }283 else{284 console.log("initial b jest puste, czyscimy operator", b)285 op = "X";286 output.value = output.value.slice(0,-1);287 refreshOutput1()288 // res=a289 } 290 }291}292function displayTotalResult(){293 let output1 = document.getElementById(101);294 let output = document.getElementById(100);295 output1.value = res;296 output.value = res;297 // console.log(output.value)298 // console.log(output1.value)299 a = res;300 b = "";301 op = "";302}303function clearLastNumber(){304 // po wyczyszczeniu operatora brak mozliwoÅci modyfikacji liczby - dodanie cyfr czy kropki - to samo przy clear last digit305 // console.log(output.value.slice(-1)); 306 // while (output.value.slice(-1) != '*') {307 // output.value = output.value.slice(0,-1);308 // console.log(output.value)309 // }310 // a = ""311 let output = document.getElementById(100);312 dot = false313 if (op == ""){314 a = ""; 315 b = "";316 res = a;317 output.value = ""; 318 refreshOutput1(); 319 }320 else if (op =="X"){321 //nothing to do322 }323 else{324 if (b.length != 0){325 let len = b.length;326 b = "";327 res = a;328 refreshOutput1();329 output.value = output.value.slice(0,-len); 330 }331 else{332 op = "X";333 output.value = output.value.slice(0,-1);334 } 335 }336}337function handleDotButton(operator){ 338}339function setColor(){340 = rgb(241, 147, 147);341}342function sqrt(character){343 dot = false344 if (a == "") {345 }346 //nothing to do347 else{ 348 calculate();349 a = res;350 b = ""351 int_a = parseFloat(a);352 res = Math.sqrt(int_a);353 a = res;354 op = "â";355 refreshOutput(character);356 refreshOutput1();357 }358}359function power(character){360 dot = false361 if (a == "") {362 }363 //nothing to do364 else{365 calculate();366 a = res;367 b = ""368 int_a = parseFloat(a);369 res =int_a*int_a;370 a = res;371 op = "²";372 refreshOutput(character);373 refreshOutput1();374 }375}376function percentage(character){377 dot = false378 if (a == "") {379 //nothing to do380 }381 382 else{383 if (b == "") {384 // co jesli a to kropka (nie dzialajÄ
operatory)385 // int_a = parseFloat(a);386 int_a = parseFloatDot(a);387 res =int_a/100;388 a = res;389 op = "%";390 }391 else {392 // int_b = parseFloat(b);393 int_b = parseFloatDot(b);394 b = int_b/100;395 calculate();396 a = res;397 b ="";398 op = "%";399 }400 refreshOutput(character);401 refreshOutput1();402 }403}404function oneToX(character){405 dot = false406 if (a != ""){407 calculate();408 a = res;409 b = ""410 int_a = parseFloat(a);411 if (int_a != 0){412 res =1/int_a413 a = res;414 op = "//";415 }416 refreshOutput(character);417 refreshOutput1();418 }419}420function negative(character){421 422 if (a != ""){423 if (b == "") {424 int_a = parseFloat(a);425 res =-(int_a);426 a = res;427 op = "|";428 }429 else {430 int_b = parseFloat(b);431 // b_calculated = -(int_b);432 // res = - (parseFloat(res))433 b=-(int_b)434 console.log(b)435 calculate();436 a = res;437 b ="";438 op = "|";439 }440 441 refreshOutput(character);442 refreshOutput1();443 }...
Source: map-many.ts
1/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------2tesseract - gpgpu compute library for javascript3The MIT License (MIT)4Copyright (c) 2017 Haydn Paterson (sinclair) <>5Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy6of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal7in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights8to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell9copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is10furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:11The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in12all copies or substantial portions of the Software.13THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR14IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,15FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE16AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER17LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,18OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN19THE SOFTWARE.20---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/21import {Context} from "../../src/index"22import {TestRunner} from "../run/index"23//-----------------------------------------------------------24//25// gpu-map-many: 26//27// tests writing computed values from a program into multiple28// target buffers. Additionally, this test helps verify that 29// glsl optimizations are factored in around the lack of use30// of the thread functions indexer.31//32// note: the input attribute nc_thread_texcoord will be 33// optimized away as a result of not using the thread34// indexer. See condition around nc_thread_texcoord in35// program execute()36//37//-----------------------------------------------------------38export const create = (runner: TestRunner, context: Context, width: number, height: number, depth: number) => {39 runner.describe(`gpu-map-many: float1D ${width}x${height}x${depth}`, test => {40 const program = context.createProgram(`41 [float, float] thread (int x) {42 thread[0] = 123.0;43 thread[1] = 321.0;44 }45 `)46 const expect0 = 123;47 const expect1 = 321;48 const output0 = context.createFloat1D(width)49 const output1 = context.createFloat1D(width)50 program.execute([output0, output1], {})51 output0.pull()52 output1.pull()53 for(let x = 0; x < output0.width; x++) {54 test.assert(expect0 === output0.get(x), `output0[${x}] got: ${output0.get(x)} expect: ${expect0}`)55 test.assert(expect1 === output1.get(x), `output1[${x}] got: ${output1.get(x)} expect: ${expect1}`)56 }57 output0.dispose()58 output1.dispose()59 program.dispose()60 })61 runner.describe(`gpu-map-many: float2D ${width}x${height}x${depth}`, test => {62 const program = context.createProgram(`63 [float, float] thread (int x, int y) {64 thread[0] = 123.0;65 thread[1] = 321.0;66 }67 `)68 const expect0 = 123;69 const expect1 = 321;70 const output0 = context.createFloat2D(width, height)71 const output1 = context.createFloat2D(width, height)72 program.execute([output0, output1], {})73 output0.pull()74 output1.pull()75 for(let y = 0; y < height; y++) {76 for(let x = 0; x < width; x++) {77 test.assert(expect0 === output0.get(x, y), `output0[${x}, ${y}] got: ${output0.get(x, y)} expect: ${expect0}`)78 test.assert(expect1 === output1.get(x, y), `output1[${x}, ${y}] got: ${output1.get(x, y)} expect: ${expect1}`)79 }80 }81 output0.dispose()82 output1.dispose()83 program.dispose()84 })85 runner.describe(`gpu-map-many: float3D ${width}x${height}x${depth}`, test => {86 const program = context.createProgram(`87 [float, float] thread (int x, int y, int z) {88 thread[0] = 123.0;89 thread[1] = 321.0;90 }91 `)92 const expect0 = 123;93 const expect1 = 321;94 const output0 = context.createFloat3D(width, height, depth)95 const output1 = context.createFloat3D(width, height, depth)96 program.execute([output0, output1], {})97 output0.pull()98 output1.pull()99 100 for(let z = 0; z < depth; z++) {101 for(let y = 0; y < height; y++) {102 for(let x = 0; x < width; x++) {103 test.assert(expect0 === output0.get(x, y, z), `output0[${x}, ${y}, ${z}] got: ${output0.get(x, y, z)} expect: ${expect0}`)104 test.assert(expect1 === output1.get(x, y, z), `output1[${x}, ${y}, ${z}] got: ${output1.get(x, y, z)} expect: ${expect1}`)105 }106 }107 }108 output0.dispose()109 output1.dispose()110 program.dispose()111 })112 runner.describe(`gpu-map-many: color1D ${width}x${height}x${depth}`, test => {113 const program = context.createProgram(`114 [color, color] thread (int x) {115 thread[0] = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);116 thread[1] = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);117 }118 `)119 const expect0 = [255, 0, 255, 0 ]120 const expect1 = [0, 255, 0, 255]121 const output0 = context.createColor1D(width)122 const output1 = context.createColor1D(width)123 program.execute([output0, output1], {})124 output0.pull()125 output1.pull()126 for(let x = 0; x < output0.width; x++) {127 test.equal(expect0, output0.get(x), `output0[${x}] got: ${output0.get(x)} expect: ${expect0}`)128 test.equal(expect1, output1.get(x), `output1[${x}] got: ${output1.get(x)} expect: ${expect1}`)129 }130 output0.dispose()131 output1.dispose()132 program.dispose()133 })134 runner.describe(`gpu-map-many: color2D ${width}x${height}x${depth}`, test => {135 const program = context.createProgram(`136 [color, color] thread (int x, int y) {137 thread[0] = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);138 thread[1] = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);139 }140 `)141 const expect0 = [255, 0, 255, 0 ]142 const expect1 = [0, 255, 0, 255]143 const output0 = context.createColor2D(width, height)144 const output1 = context.createColor2D(width, height)145 program.execute([output0, output1], {})146 output0.pull()147 output1.pull()148 for(let y = 0; y < height; y++) {149 for(let x = 0; x < width; x++) {150 test.equal(expect0, output0.get(x, y), `output0[${x}, ${y}] got: ${output0.get(x, y)} expect: ${expect0}`)151 test.equal(expect1, output1.get(x, y), `output1[${x}, ${y}] got: ${output1.get(x, y)} expect: ${expect1}`)152 }153 }154 output0.dispose()155 output1.dispose()156 program.dispose()157 })158 159 runner.describe(`gpu-map-many: color3D ${width}x${height}x${depth}`, test => {160 const program = context.createProgram(`161 [color, color] thread (int x, int y, int z) {162 thread[0] = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);163 thread[1] = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);164 }165 `)166 const expect0 = [255, 0, 255, 0 ]167 const expect1 = [0, 255, 0, 255]168 const output0 = context.createColor3D(width, height, depth)169 const output1 = context.createColor3D(width, height, depth)170 program.execute([output0, output1], {})171 output0.pull()172 output1.pull()173 174 for(let z = 0; z < depth; z++) {175 for(let y = 0; y < height; y++) {176 for(let x = 0; x < width; x++) {177 test.equal(expect0, output0.get(x, y, z), `output0[${x}, ${y}, ${z}] got: ${output0.get(x, y, z)} expect: ${expect0}`)178 test.equal(expect1, output1.get(x, y, z), `output1[${x}, ${y}, ${z}] got: ${output1.get(x, y, z)} expect: ${expect1}`)179 }180 }181 }182 output0.dispose()183 output1.dispose()184 program.dispose()185 })...
Source: Scripts2.js
1var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();2//reference to parsed XML file3window.onload=loadXML;4function loadXML() {5 //create event listent6 document.getElementById("name").addEventListener("keyup", function (){ findname(this.value);},false);7 document.getElementById("count").addEventListener("keyup", function (){ findCount(this.value);},false);8 9 xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {10 if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {11 12 json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);13 console.log(json);14 }15 };16"GET", "", true);17 18 xhr.send();19 20}21function findname(input) {22 json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);23 var output1 = "<tr><th> Incident Info </th><th> Incident </th><th> Description </th><th> Year </th><th> Count </th><th>Location</th></tr><br>";24 for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {25 var obj = json[i];26 if(obj.incident_info.toUpperCase().search(input.toUpperCase()) != -1){27 output1+="<tr><td>"28 output1+=obj.incident_info29 output1+="</td><td>"30 output1+=obj.description31 output1+="</td><td>"32 output1+=obj.start_dt33 output1+="</td><td>"34 output1+=obj.count35 output1+="</td><td>"36 output1+='<a href=' + obj.location.latitude + ',' + obj.location.longitude37 output1+=">Location</a></td></tr><br>"38 }39 }40 document.getElementById("records").innerHTML = output1;41}42function findCount(input) {43 json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);44 var output1 = "<tr><th> Incident Info </th><th> Incident </th><th> Description </th><th> Year </th><th> Count </th><th>Location</th></tr><br>";45 for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {46 var obj = json[i];47 if(obj.count.startsWith(input)){48 output1+="<tr><td>"49 output1+=obj.incident_info50 output1+="</td><td>"51 output1+=obj.description52 output1+="</td><td>"53 output1+=obj.start_dt54 output1+="</td><td>"55 output1+=obj.count56 output1+="</td><td>"57 output1+='<a href=' + obj.location.latitude + ',' + obj.location.longitude58 output1+=">Location</a></td></tr><br>"59 }60 }61 document.getElementById("records").innerHTML = output1;62}63/*64[{"incident_info":" Northbound Deerfoot Trail approaching Southland Drive SE ","65description":"Two vehicle incident.","66start_dt":"2019-03-18T07:04:15.000",67"longitude":"-114.030831408227","latitude":"50.9612260750063",68"location":{"latitude":"50.961226075006","longitude":"-114.030831408227"},69"count":"1","id":"2019031807041550.9612260750063-114.030831408227","70:@computed_region_4a3i_ccfj":"3",":@computed_region_4b54_tmc4":"6","71:@computed_region_p8tp_5dkv":"5",":@computed_region_kxmf_bzkv":"93"}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { output1 } from 'ng-mocks-test';2import { output2 } from 'ng-mocks-test';3import { output3 } from 'ng-mocks-test';4import { output4 } from 'ng-mocks-test';5import { output5 } from 'ng-mocks-test';6import { output6 } from 'ng-mocks-test';7import { output7 } from 'ng-mocks-test';8import { output8 } from 'ng-mocks-test';9import { output9 } from 'ng-mocks-test';10import { output10 } from 'ng-mocks-test';11import { output11 } from 'ng-mocks-test';12import { output12 } from 'ng-mocks-test';13import { output13 } from 'ng-mocks-test';14import { output14 } from 'ng-mocks-test';15import { output15 } from 'ng-mocks-test';16import { output16 } from 'ng-mocks-test';17import { output17 } from 'ng-mocks-test';18import { output18 } from 'ng-mocks-test';19import { output19 } from 'ng-mocks-test';20import { output20 } from 'ng-mocks-test';
Using AI Code Generation
1import { output1 } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './my-component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should render', () => {5 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);6 const component = output1(fixture.debugElement, 'output1');7 expect(component).toBeDefined();8 });9});10import { Component, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';11@Component({12 <p>output1: {{output1}}</p>13 <p>output2: {{output2}}</p>14})15export class MyComponent {16 @Output()17 output1: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();18 @Output()19 output2: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();20}21import { Component, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';22import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';23@Component({24 <p>output1: {{output1}}</p>25 <p>output2: {{output2}}</p>26})27export class MyComponent {28 @Output()29 output1: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();30 @Output()31 output2: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();32}33describe('MyComponent', () => {34 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));35 it('should render', () => {36 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);37 const component = output1(fixture.debugElement, 'output1');38 expect(component).toBeDefined();39 });40});41import { Component, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';42import { MockBuilder, MockRender } from 'ng-mocks';43@Component({44 <p>output1: {{output1}}</p>45 <p>output2: {{output2}}</p>46})47export class MyComponent {48 @Output()49 output1: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();50 @Output()51 output2: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();52}53describe('MyComponent', () => {54 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(MyComponent));55 it('should render', () => {56 const fixture = MockRender(MyComponent);57 const component = output1(fixture.debugElement, 'output
Using AI Code Generation
1import { MockModule } from 'ng-mocks';2import { Output1Module } from 'output1';3import { Output2Module } from 'output2';4import { Output3Module } from 'output3';5import { Output4Module } from 'output4';6import { Output5Module } from 'output5';7import { Output6Module } from 'output6';8import { Output7Module } from 'output7';9import { Output8Module } from 'output8';10import { Output9Module } from 'output9';11import { Output10Module } from 'output10';12import { Output11Module } from 'output11';13import { Output12Module } from 'output12';14import { Output13Module } from 'output13';15import { Output14Module } from 'output14';16import { Output15Module } from 'output15';17import { Output16Module } from 'output16';18import { Output17Module } from 'output17';19import { Output18Module } from 'output18';20import { Output19Module } from 'output19';21import { Output20Module } from 'output20';22import { Output21Module } from 'output21';23import { Output22Module } from 'output22';24import { Output23Module } from 'output23';25import { Output24Module } from 'output24';26import { Output25Module } from 'output25';27import { Output26Module } from 'output26';28import { Output27Module } from 'output27';29import { Output28Module } from 'output28';30import { Output29Module } from 'output29';31import { Output30Module } from 'output30';32import { Output31Module } from 'output31';33import { Output32Module } from 'output32';34import { Output33Module } from 'output33';35import { Output34Module } from 'output34';36import { Output35Module } from 'output35';37import { Output36Module } from 'output36';38import { Output37Module } from 'output37';39import { Output38Module } from 'output38';40import { Output39Module } from 'output39';41import { Output40Module } from 'output40';42import { Output41Module } from 'output41';43import { Output42Module } from 'output42';44import { Output43Module } from 'output43';45import { Output44Module } from 'output44';46import { Output45
Using AI Code Generation
1import { output1 } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should output 1', () => {5 expect(output1(MyComponent)).toEqual('1');6 });7});8import { Component, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';9@Component({10 <button (click)="click()">click</button>11})12export class MyComponent {13 @Output()14 public readonly output = new EventEmitter<string>();15 public click(): void {16 this.output.emit('1');17 }18}19import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';20import { MyComponent } from './my.component';21describe('MyComponent', () => {22 let component: MyComponent;23 beforeEach(() => {24 TestBed.configureTestingModule({25 });26 component = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent).componentInstance;27 });28 it('should output 1', () => {29 let value: string;30 component.output.subscribe((v) => (value = v));31;32 expect(value).toEqual('1');33 });34});35import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';36import { MyComponent } from './my.component';37describe('MyComponent', () => {38 let component: MyComponent;39 beforeEach(() => {40 TestBed.configureTestingModule({41 });42 component = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent).componentInstance;43 });44 it('should output 1', () => {45 const spy = spyOn(component.output, 'emit');46;47 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('1');48 });49});50import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';51import { MyComponent } from './my.component';52describe('MyComponent', () => {53 let component: MyComponent;54 beforeEach(() => {55 TestBed.configureTestingModule({56 });57 component = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent).componentInstance;58 });59 it('should output 1', () => {60 const spy = spyOn(component.output, 'emit');61;62 expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('1');63 });64});65import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';66import { My
Using AI Code Generation
1import {Output1} from 'ng-mocks';2import {MyComponent} from './my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should have output1', () => {5 const component = new MyComponent();6 expect(Output1(component)).toBeTruthy();7 });8});9import {Component, Output, EventEmitter} from '@angular/core';10@Component({11})12export class MyComponent {13 @Output() output1 = new EventEmitter();14}
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People love to watch, read and interact with quality content — especially video content. Whether it is sports, news, TV shows, or videos captured on smartphones, people crave digital content. The emergence of OTT platforms has already shaped the way people consume content. Viewers can now enjoy their favorite shows whenever they want rather than at pre-set times. Thus, the OTT platform’s concept of viewing anything, anytime, anywhere has hit the right chord.
The fact is not alien to us anymore that cross browser testing is imperative to enhance your application’s user experience. Enhanced knowledge of popular and highly acclaimed testing frameworks goes a long way in developing a new app. It holds more significance if you are a full-stack developer or expert programmer.
Dries Buytaert, a graduate student at the University of Antwerp, came up with the idea of developing something similar to a chat room. Moreover, he modified the conventional chat rooms into a website where his friends could post their queries and reply through comments. However, for this project, he thought of creating a temporary archive of posts.
Technical debt was originally defined as code restructuring, but in today’s fast-paced software delivery environment, it has evolved. Technical debt may be anything that the software development team puts off for later, such as ineffective code, unfixed defects, lacking unit tests, excessive manual tests, or missing automated tests. And, like financial debt, it is challenging to pay back.
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Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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