How to use ngModel method in ng-mocks

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1 'use strict';2 function getDateString(config) {3 var date = new Date(,4 dateObject, months = ['JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC'];5 dateObject = {6 dd: date.getDate(),7 mm: date.getMonth() + 1,8 yy: date.getFullYear(),9 HH: date.getHours(),10 MN: date.getMinutes(),11 SS: date.getSeconds(),12 };13 if (dateObject.HH > 11) {14 dateObject.hh = 12 + dateObject.HH - 24;15 dateObject.AMPM = 'PM';16 } else {17 dateObject.hh = dateObject.HH;18 dateObject.AMPM = 'AM';19 }20 /​/​find occurance of A exactly 1 times21 if (!/​A{2}/​i.test(config.format)) {22 config.format = config.format.replace(/​A/​ig, dateObject.AMPM);23 }24 /​/​find occurance of s at least one and not more than 225 if (/​s+/​i.test(config.format) && !(/​s{3}/​i.test(config.format))) {26 if (/​s{2}/​i.test(config.format)) {27 /​/​find occurance of s exactly 2 times28 config.format = config.format.replace(/​ss/​ig, dateObject.SS > 9 ? dateObject.SS : '0' + dateObject.SS);29 } else {30 /​/​find occurance of s exactly 1 times31 config.format = config.format.replace(/​s/​ig, dateObject.SS);32 }33 }34 /​/​find occurance of h at least one and not more than 235 if (/​h+/​.test(config.format) && !(/​h{3}/​.test(config.format))) {36 if (/​h{2}/​.test(config.format)) {37 /​/​find occurance of h exactly 2 times38 config.format = config.format.replace(/​hh/​g, dateObject.hh > 9 ? dateObject.hh : '0' + dateObject.hh);39 } else {40 /​/​find occurance of h exactly 1 times41 config.format = config.format.replace(/​h/​g, dateObject.hh);42 }43 }44 /​/​find occurance of H at least one and not more than 245 if (/​H+/​.test(config.format) && !(/​H{3}/​.test(config.format))) {46 if (/​H{2}/​.test(config.format)) {47 /​/​find occurance of H exactly 2 times48 config.format = config.format.replace(/​HH/​g, dateObject.HH > 9 ? dateObject.HH : '0' + dateObject.HH);49 } else {50 /​/​find occurance of H exactly 1 times51 config.format = config.format.replace(/​HH/​g, dateObject.HH);52 }53 }54 /​/​find occurance of T at least one and not more than 255 if (/​T+/​ig.test(config.format) && !(/​T{3}/​ig.test(config.format))) {56 if (/​T{2}/​i.test(config.format)) {57 /​/​find occurance of T exactly 2 times58 config.format = config.format.replace(/​tt/​ig, dateObject.MN > 9 ? dateObject.MN : '0' + dateObject.MN);59 } else {60 /​/​find occurance of T exactly 1 times61 config.format = config.format.replace(/​t/​ig, dateObject.MN);62 }63 }64 /​/​find occurance of d at least one and not more than 265 if (/​d+/​i.test(config.format) && !(/​d{3}/​i.test(config.format))) {66 if (/​d{2}/​i.test(config.format)) {67 /​/​find occurance of d exactly 2 times68 config.format = config.format.replace(/​dd/​ig, dateObject.dd > 9 ? dateObject.dd : '0' + dateObject.dd);69 } else {70 /​/​find occurance of d exactly 1 times71 config.format = config.format.replace(/​d/​ig, dateObject.dd);72 }73 }74 /​/​find occurance of y atleast 2 times75 if (/​y+/​i.test(config.format) && !(/​y{5}/​i.test(config.format))) {76 /​/​find occurance of y exactly 4 times77 if (/​y{4}/​i.test(config.format)) {78 config.format = config.format.replace(/​yyyy/​ig, dateObject.yy);79 } else if (!/​y{3,}/​i.test(config.format)) {80 /​/​find occurance of y not exactly 3 times i.e 2 times81 config.format = config.format.replace(/​yy/​ig, dateObject.yy.toString().substring(2));82 }83 }84 /​/​find occurance of m at least one and not more than 385 if (/​m+/​i.test(config.format) && !(/​m{4}/​i.test(config.format))) {86 if (/​m{3}/​.test(config.format)) {87 /​/​find occurance of m exactly 3 times88 config.format = config.format.replace(/​mmm/​ig, months[ - 1].toLowerCase());89 } else if (/​M{3}/​.test(config.format)) {90 /​/​find occurance of M exactly 3 times91 config.format = config.format.replace(/​MMM/​ig, months[].toUpperCase());92 } else if (/​m{2,}/​i.test(config.format)) {93 /​/​find occurance of m exactly 2 times94 config.format = config.format.replace(/​m{2,}/​ig, > 9 ? : '0' + (;95 } else {96 /​/​find occurance of m exactly 1 times97 config.format = config.format.replace(/​m{1,}/​g,;98 }99 }100 return config.format;101 }102 module.exports = angular103 .module('angular-ui-validator', [])104 .directive('uiForm', function() {105 return {106 controller: function($scope) {107 this.reset = function(modelKey) {108 $scope[modelKey] = null;109 $scope.$apply();110 };111 },112 link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {113 element.on('reset', function() {114 var children = element[0].children;115 for (var key in children) {116 switch (children[key].type) {117 case 'text':118 case 'url':119 case 'email':120 case 'password':121 case 'number':122 case 'tel':123 if (children[key].attributes['ng-model']) {124 controller.reset(children[key].attributes['ng-model'].value);125 break;126 }127 }128 }129 });130 element.on('submit', function() {131 if (scope[].$invalid) {132 var error = scope[].$error;133 for (var i in error) {134 error[i].forEach(function(each) {135 each.$setDirty();136 });137 }138 element.removeClass('ng-submitted');139 scope[].$submitted = false;140 scope.$apply();141 } else {142 var submitFunction = scope[attrs.uiForm];143 if (submitFunction && typeof submitFunction === 'function') {144 submitFunction();145 }146 }147 });148 },149 restrict: 'A'150 };151 })152 .directive('uiRequired', function() {153 return {154 link: uiRequired,155 /​/​ scope: true,156 restrict: 'A',157 require: 'ngModel',158 priority: 90159 };160 })161 .directive('uiPattern', function() {162 return {163 link: uiPattern,164 restrict: 'A',165 scope: {166 uiPattern: '='167 },168 require: 'ngModel'169 };170 })171 .directive('uiEmail', function() {172 return {173 link: uiEmail,174 restrict: 'A',175 scope: true,176 require: 'ngModel',177 priority: 80178 };179 })180 .directive('uiUrl', function() {181 return {182 link: uiUrl,183 restrict: 'A',184 scope: true,185 require: 'ngModel'186 };187 })188 .directive('uiMinlength', function() {189 return {190 link: uiMinlength,191 restrict: 'A',192 scope: {193 uiMinlength: '='194 },195 require: 'ngModel'196 };197 })198 .directive('uiMaxlength', function() {199 return {200 link: uiMaxlength,201 restrict: 'A',202 scope: {203 uiMaxlength: '='204 },205 require: 'ngModel'206 };207 })208 .directive('uiLength', function() {209 return {210 link: uiLength,211 restrict: 'A',212 scope: {213 uiLength: '='214 },215 require: 'ngModel'216 };217 })218 .directive('uiAlphanum', function() {219 return {220 link: uiAlphanum,221 restrict: 'A',222 scope: true,223 require: 'ngModel'224 };225 })226 .directive('uiMinwords', function() {227 return {228 link: uiMinwords,229 restrict: 'A',230 scope: {231 uiMinwords: '='232 },233 require: 'ngModel'234 };235 })236 .directive('uiMaxwords', function() {237 return {238 link: uiMaxwords,239 restrict: 'A',240 scope: {241 uiMaxwords: '='242 },243 require: 'ngModel'244 };245 })246 .directive('uiWords', function() {247 return {248 link: uiWords,249 restrict: 'A',250 scope: {251 uiWords: '='252 },253 require: 'ngModel'254 };255 })256 .directive('uiEqualto', function() {257 return {258 link: uiEqualto,259 restrict: 'A',260 scope: {261 uiEqualto: '='262 },263 require: 'ngModel',264 priority: 50265 };266 })267 .directive('uiDigits', function() {268 return {269 link: uiDigits,270 restrict: 'A',271 scope: true,272 require: 'ngModel'273 };274 })275 .directive('uiMin', function() {276 return {277 link: uiMin,278 restrict: 'A',279 scope: {280 uiMin: '='281 },282 require: 'ngModel'283 };284 })285 .directive('uiMax', function() {286 return {287 link: uiMax,288 restrict: 'A',289 scope: {290 uiMax: '='291 },292 require: 'ngModel'293 };294 })295 .directive('uiRange', function() {296 return {297 link: uiRange,298 restrict: 'A',299 scope: {300 uiRange: '='301 },302 require: 'ngModel'303 };304 })305 .directive('uiMinDate', function() {306 return {307 link: uiMinDate,308 restrict: 'A',309 scope: {310 uiMinDate: '='311 },312 require: 'ngModel'313 };314 })315 .directive('uiMaxDate', function() {316 return {317 link: uiMaxDate,318 restrict: 'A',319 scope: {320 uiMaxDate: '='321 },322 require: 'ngModel'323 };324 })325 .directive('uiBetween', function() {326 return {327 link: uiBetween,328 restrict: 'A',329 scope: {330 uiBetween: '='331 },332 require: 'ngModel'333 };334 })335 .directive('uiInteger', function() {336 return {337 link: uiInteger,338 restrict: 'A',339 scope: {340 uiInteger: '='341 },342 require: 'ngModel'343 };344 })345 .directive('uiFloat', function() {346 return {347 link: uiFloat,348 restrict: 'A',349 scope: {350 uiFloat: '='351 },352 require: 'ngModel'353 };354 })355 .directive('uiNumber', function() {356 return {357 link: function(scope, element, attrs) {358 element.on('keydown', function(ev) {359 switch (ev.keyCode) {360 case 48:361 case 49:362 case 50:363 case 51:364 case 52:365 case 53:366 case 54:367 case 55:368 case 56:369 case 57:370 case 8:371 case 9:372 case 13:373 break;374 case 190:375 if (!attrs.uiNumber)376 ev.preventDefault();377 break;378 default:379 ev.preventDefault();380 break;381 }382 });383 },384 restrict: 'A',385 priority: 99386 };387 })388 .directive('uiAllowedUpto', function() {389 return {390 link: function(scope, element, attrs) {391 attrs.uiAllowedUpto = Number(attrs.uiAllowedUpto);392 if (!isNaN(attrs.uiAllowedUpto)) {393 element.on('keydown', function(ev) {394 switch (ev.keyCode) {395 case 8:396 case 9:397 case 13:398 break;399 default:400 if (element.val().length >= attrs.uiAllowedUpto) {401 ev.preventDefault();402 }403 break;404 }405 });406 }407 },408 restrict: 'A',409 priority: 95410 };411 })412 .directive('uiFormattedDate', function() {413 return {414 link: function(scope, element, attrs) {415 element.on('change', function() {416 element.val(getDateString({417 date: element.val(),418 format: attrs.uiFormattedDate419 }));420 });421 },422 restrict: 'A'423 };424 });425 function evaluateRegExp(regExp, value) {426 return new RegExp(regExp || '').test(value);427 }428 function countWords(value) {429 return value.match(/​\S/​g).length;430 }431 function compare(target, source) {432 if (target === source) {433 return 0;434 }435 if (target > source) {436 return 1;437 }438 return -1;439 }440 function init(element, ngModel) {441 ngModel.$setUntouched();442 ngModel.$setPristine();443 }444 function uiRequired(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { /​/​here is the model445 init(element, ngModel);446 ngModel.$validators.uiRequired = function(modelValue, viewValue) {447 var value = modelValue || viewValue;448 return value ? true : false;449 };450 }451 function uiPattern(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {452 init(element, ngModel);453 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {454 var flag = evaluateRegExp(scope.uiPattern, viewValue);455 ngModel.$setValidity('uiPattern', flag);456 if (flag) {457 return viewValue;458 }459 });460 }461 function uiEmail(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {462 init(element, ngModel);463 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {464 if (viewValue) {465 var flag = evaluateRegExp(/​^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+$/​, viewValue);466 ngModel.$setValidity('uiEmail', flag);467 if (flag) {468 return viewValue;469 }470 } else {471 return viewValue;472 }473 });474 }475 function uiUrl(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {476 init(element, ngModel);477 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {478 if (viewValue) {479 var flag = evaluateRegExp(/​(http|https):\/​\/​(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/​|\/​([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/​]))?/​, viewValue);480 ngModel.$setValidity('uiUrl', flag);481 if (flag) {482 return viewValue;483 }484 } else {485 return viewValue;486 }487 });488 }489 function uiMinlength(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {490 init(element, ngModel);491 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {492 if (viewValue) {493 var flag = true;494 if (viewValue) {495 flag = evaluateRegExp('^.{' + scope.uiMinlength + ',}$', viewValue);496 }497 ngModel.$setValidity('uiMinLength', flag);498 if (flag) {499 return viewValue;500 }501 } else {502 return viewValue;503 }504 });505 }506 function uiMaxlength(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {507 init(element, ngModel);508 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {509 if (viewValue) {510 var flag = evaluateRegExp('^.{0,' + scope.uiMaxlength + '}$', viewValue);511 ngModel.$setValidity('uiMaxLength', flag);512 if (flag) {513 return viewValue;514 }515 } else {516 return viewValue;517 }518 });519 }520 function uiLength(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {521 init(element, ngModel);522 if (typeof scope.uiLength === 'object') {523 if (Array.isArray(scope.uiLength) && scope.uiLength.length === 2) {524 scope.uiLength.min = scope.uiLength[0] < scope.uiLength[1] ? scope.uiLength[0] : scope.uiLength[1];525 scope.uiLength.max = scope.uiLength[0] > scope.uiLength[1] ? scope.uiLength[0] : scope.uiLength[1];526 }527 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {528 if (viewValue) {529 var flag = true;530 if (viewValue) {531 flag = evaluateRegExp('^.{' + scope.uiLength.min + ',' + scope.uiLength.max + '}$', viewValue);532 }533 ngModel.$setValidity('uiLength', flag);534 if (flag) {535 return viewValue;536 }537 } else {538 return viewValue;539 }540 });541 }542 }543 function uiEqualto(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {544 init(element, ngModel);545 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {546 var flag = true;547 if (viewValue) {548 flag = compare(viewValue, scope.uiEqualto) === 0 ? true : false;549 ngModel.$setValidity('uiEqualto', flag);550 if (flag) {551 return viewValue;552 }553 } else {554 return viewValue;555 }556 });557 }558 function uiAlphanum(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {559 init(element, ngModel);560 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {561 if (viewValue) {562 var flag = true;563 if (viewValue) {564 flag = evaluateRegExp(/​^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/​, viewValue);565 }566 ngModel.$setValidity('uiAlphanum', flag);567 if (flag) {568 return viewValue;569 }570 } else {571 return viewValue;572 }573 });574 }575 function uiMinwords(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {576 init(element, ngModel);577 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {578 if (viewValue) {579 var flag = true;580 if (viewValue) {581 flag = compare(countWords(viewValue), (scope.uiMinwords || 0)) > -1 ? true : false;582 }583 ngModel.$setValidity('uiMinWords', flag);584 if (flag) {585 return viewValue;586 }587 } else {588 return viewValue;589 }590 });591 }592 function uiMaxwords(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {593 init(element, ngModel);594 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {595 if (viewValue) {596 var flag = true;597 if (viewValue) {598 flag = compare(countWords(viewValue), scope.uiMaxwords) === 1 ? false : true;599 }600 ngModel.$setValidity('uiMaxWords', flag);601 if (flag) {602 return viewValue;603 }604 } else {605 return viewValue;606 }607 });608 }609 function uiWords(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {610 init(element, ngModel);611 if (typeof scope.uiWords === 'object') {612 if (Array.isArray(scope.uiWords) && scope.uiWords.length === 2) {613 scope.uiWords.minWords =614 scope.uiWords[0] < scope.uiWords[1] ? scope.uiWords[0] : scope.uiWords[1];615 scope.uiWords.maxWords =616 scope.uiWords[0] > scope.uiWords[1] ? scope.uiWords[0] : scope.uiWords[1];617 }618 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {619 if (viewValue) {620 var flag = true,621 totalWords;622 if (viewValue) {623 totalWords = countWords(viewValue);624 flag = compare(totalWords >= scope.uiWords.minWords) &&625 compare(totalWords <= scope.uiWords.minWords);626 }627 ngModel.$setValidity('uiWords', flag);628 if (flag) {629 return viewValue;630 }631 } else {632 return viewValue;633 }634 });635 }636 }637 function uiDigits(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {638 init(element, ngModel);639 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {640 if (viewValue) {641 var flag = evaluateRegExp(/​^\d{1,}$/​, viewValue);642 ngModel.$setValidity('uiDigits', flag);643 if (flag) {644 return viewValue;645 }646 } else {647 return viewValue;648 }649 });650 }651 function uiInteger(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {652 init(element, ngModel);653 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {654 if (viewValue) {655 var flag = evaluateRegExp(/​^\d+$/​, viewValue);656 ngModel.$setValidity('uiInteger', flag);657 if (flag) {658 return viewValue;659 }660 } else {661 return viewValue;662 }663 });664 }665 function uiFloat(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {666 init(element, ngModel);667 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {668 if (viewValue) {669 var flag = evaluateRegExp(/​^\d+.\d+$/​, viewValue);670 ngModel.$setValidity('uiFloat', flag);671 if (flag) {672 return viewValue;673 }674 } else {675 return viewValue;676 }677 });678 }679 function uiMin(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {680 init(element, ngModel);681 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {682 if (viewValue) {683 var flag = Number(viewValue) >= scope.uiMin ? true : false;684 ngModel.$setValidity('uiMin', flag);685 if (flag) {686 return viewValue;687 }688 } else {689 return viewValue;690 }691 });692 }693 function uiMax(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {694 init(element, ngModel);695 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {696 if (viewValue) {697 var flag = Number(viewValue) <= scope.uiMax ? true : false;698 ngModel.$setValidity('uiMax', flag);699 if (flag) {700 return viewValue;701 }702 } else {703 return viewValue;704 }705 });706 }707 function uiRange(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {708 init(element, ngModel);709 if (typeof scope.uiRange === 'object') {710 if (Array.isArray(scope.uiRange) && scope.uiRange.length === 2) {711 scope.uiRange.min = scope.uiRange[0] < scope.uiRange[1] ? scope.uiRange[0] : scope.uiRange[1];712 scope.uiRange.max = scope.uiRange[0] > scope.uiRange[1] ? scope.uiRange[0] : scope.uiRange[1];713 }714 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {715 if (viewValue) {716 var temp = Number(viewValue);717 var flag = (temp >= scope.uiRange.min) && (temp <= scope.uiRange.max) ? true : false;718 ngModel.$setValidity('uiRange', flag);719 if (flag) {720 return viewValue;721 }722 } else {723 return viewValue;724 }725 });726 }727 }728 function uiMinDate(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {729 init(element, ngModel);730 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {731 if (viewValue) {732 var flag = compare(new Date(viewValue), new Date(scope.uiMinDate)) > -1 ? true : false;733 ngModel.$setValidity('uiMinDate', flag);734 if (flag) {735 return viewValue;736 }737 } else {738 return viewValue;739 }740 });741 }742 function uiMaxDate(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {743 init(element, ngModel);744 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {745 if (viewValue) {746 var flag = compare(new Date(viewValue), new Date(scope.uiMaxDate)) != 1 ? true : false;747 ngModel.$setValidity('uiMaxDate', flag);748 if (flag) {749 return viewValue;750 }751 } else {752 return viewValue;753 }754 });755 }756 function uiBetween(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {757 init(element, ngModel);758 if (typeof scope.uiBetween === 'object') {759 if (Array.isArray(scope.uiBetween) && scope.uiBetween.length === 2) {760 scope.uiBetween.minBetween =761 scope.uiBetween[0] < scope.uiBetween[1] ? scope.uiBetween[0] : scope.uiBetween[1];762 scope.uiBetween.maxBetween =763 scope.uiBetween[0] > scope.uiBetween[1] ? scope.uiBetween[0] : scope.uiBetween[1];764 }765 ngModel.$parsers.push(function(viewValue) {766 if (viewValue) {767 var flag = true;768 flag = compare(new Date(viewValue), new Date(scope.uiBetween.minBetween)) > -1 &&769 compare(new Date(viewValue), new Date(scope.uiBetween.maxBetween)) < 1;770 ngModel.$setValidity('uiBetween', flag);771 if (flag) {772 return viewValue;773 }774 } else {775 return viewValue;776 }777 });778 }...

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1/​**2 * @license3 * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.4 *5 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be6 * found in the LICENSE file at https:/​/​​license7 */​8import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/​core';9import {FormsModule} from '@angular/​forms';10import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/​platform-browser';11@Component({12 selector: 'app',13 template: `<form *ngFor="let copy of copies">14<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[0]" name="value0">15<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[1]" name="value1">16<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[2]" name="value2">17<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[3]" name="value3">18<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[4]" name="value4">19<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[5]" name="value5">20<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[6]" name="value6">21<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[7]" name="value7">22<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[8]" name="value8">23<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[9]" name="value9">24<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[10]" name="value10">25<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[11]" name="value11">26<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[12]" name="value12">27<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[13]" name="value13">28<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[14]" name="value14">29<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[15]" name="value15">30<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[16]" name="value16">31<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[17]" name="value17">32<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[18]" name="value18">33<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[19]" name="value19">34<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[20]" name="value20">35<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[21]" name="value21">36<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[22]" name="value22">37<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[23]" name="value23">38<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[24]" name="value24">39<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[25]" name="value25">40<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[26]" name="value26">41<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[27]" name="value27">42<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[28]" name="value28">43<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[29]" name="value29">44<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[30]" name="value30">45<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[31]" name="value31">46<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[32]" name="value32">47<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[33]" name="value33">48<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[34]" name="value34">49<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[35]" name="value35">50<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[36]" name="value36">51<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[37]" name="value37">52<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[38]" name="value38">53<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[39]" name="value39">54<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[40]" name="value40">55<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[41]" name="value41">56<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[42]" name="value42">57<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[43]" name="value43">58<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[44]" name="value44">59<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[45]" name="value45">60<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[46]" name="value46">61<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[47]" name="value47">62<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[48]" name="value48">63<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="values[49]" name="value49">64</​form>`65})66export class AppComponent {67 copies: number[] = [];68 values: string[] = [];69 constructor() {70 for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {71 this.values[i] = `someValue${i}`;72 }73 }74 setCopies(count: number) {75 this.copies = [];76 for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {77 this.copies.push(i);78 }79 }80}81@NgModule({82 imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule],83 bootstrap: [AppComponent],84 declarations: [AppComponent]85})86export class AppModule {...

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Source: alarmDirective.js Github


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1/​*jslint node: true */​2/​*jshint strict: false */​3/​*jslint jquery: true*/​4/​*global angular: false */​5/​*global moment: false */​6'use strict';7angular.module('alarmModule')8 .directive("checkboxToggle", checkboxToggle)9 .directive('timepicker', timepicker)10 .directive('datetimepicker', datetimepicker);11 checkboxToggle.$inject = [];12 function checkboxToggle() {13 /​**14 * Directive15 */​16 return {17 restrict: 'A',18 transclude: true,19 replace: false,20 require: 'ngModel',21 link: function ($scope, $element, $attr, require) {22 var ngModel = require;23 /​/​ update model from Element24 var updateModelFromElement = function() {25 /​/​ If modified26 var checked = $element.prop('checked');27 if (checked != ngModel.$viewValue) {28 /​/​ Update ngModel29 ngModel.$setViewValue(checked);30 $scope.$apply();31 }32 };33 /​/​ Update input from Model34 var updateElementFromModel = function() {35 /​/​ Update button state to match model36 $element.trigger('change');37 };38 /​/​ Observe: Element changes affect Model39 $element.on('change', function() {40 updateModelFromElement();41 });42 /​/​ Observe: ngModel for changes43 $scope.$watch(function() {44 return ngModel.$viewValue;45 }, function() {46 updateElementFromModel();47 });48 /​/​ Initialise BootstrapToggle49 $element.bootstrapToggle();50 }51 };52 }53timepicker.$inject = ['$window'];54function timepicker ($window) {55 return {56 require: '?ngModel',57 restrict: 'A',58 link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel){59 var langKey = $window.localStorage.getItem('langKey');60 if(!ngModel) return; /​/​ do nothing if no ng-model61 ngModel.$render = function(){62 element.find('input').val( ngModel.$viewValue || '' );63 };64 element.datetimepicker({65 language: langKey,66 pickDate: false,67 pickSeconds: false,68 pick12HourFormat: false,69 use24hours: true,70 pickTime: true,71 format: 'HH:mm'72 });73 element.on('dp.change', function(){74 scope.$apply(read);75 });76 read();77 function read() {78 var value = element.find('input').val();79/​/​ console.log(value);80 ngModel.$setViewValue(value);81 }82 }83 };84}85datetimepicker.$inject = ['$window'];86function datetimepicker ($window) {87 return {88 require: '?ngModel',89 restrict: 'A',90 link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel){91 var langKey = $window.localStorage.getItem('langKey');92 element.datetimepicker({93 language: langKey,94 format: 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:00'95 });96 if(!ngModel) return; /​/​ do nothing if no ng-model97 ngModel.$render = function(){98 element.find('input').val( ngModel.$viewValue || '' );99 };100 element.on('dp.change', function(){101 scope.$apply(read);102 });103 read();104 function read() {105 var value = element.find('input').val();106/​/​ console.log(value);107 ngModel.$setViewValue(value);108 }109 }110 };111 ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';3import { AppModule } from './​app.module';4import { FormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';5describe('AppComponent', () => {6 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(AppComponent, AppModule).mock(FormsModule));7 it('should create the app', () => {8 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);9 const app = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);10 expect(app).toBeTruthy();11 });12 it('should have as title "ng-mocks" in the template', () => {13 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);14 const app = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);15 expect(ngMocks.formatText(fixture)).toContain('ng-mocks');16 });17 it('should have as title "ng-mocks" in the component', () => {18 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);19 const app = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);20 expect(app.title).toEqual('ng-mocks');21 });22 it('should have as title "ng-mocks" in the DOM', () => {23 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);24 const app = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);25 expect(ngMocks.formatText(fixture.nativeElement)).toContain('ng-mocks');26 });27 it('should have as title "ng-mocks" in the template', () => {28 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);29 const app = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);30 expect(ngMocks.formatText(fixture)).toContain('ng-mocks');31 });32 it('should have as title "ng-mocks" in the DOM', () => {33 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);34 const app = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);35 expect(ngMocks.formatText(fixture.nativeElement)).toContain('ng-mocks');36 });37 it('should have as title "ng-mocks" in the template', () => {38 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);39 const app = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);40 expect(ngMocks.formatText(fixture)).toContain('ng-mocks');41 });42 it('should have as title "ng-mocks" in the DOM', () => {43 const fixture = MockRender(AppComponent);44 const app = ngMocks.findInstance(AppComponent);45 expect(ngMocks.formatText(fixture.nativeElement)).toContain('ng-mocks');46 });47 it('

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1import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';3describe('MyComponent', () => {4 it('should render title', () => {5 const fixture = ngMocks.faster(MyComponent);6 const label = ngMocks.find('label').nativeElement;7 expect(label).toHaveText('test');8 ngMocks.input(label, 'test2');9 expect(label).toHaveText('test2');10 });11});12import { Component } from '@angular/​core';13@Component({14})15export class MyComponent {16 title = 'test';17}18import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';19import { FormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';20import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';21describe('MyComponent', () => {22 let component: MyComponent;23 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;24 beforeEach(async () => {25 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({26 imports: [FormsModule],27 }).compileComponents();28 });29 beforeEach(() => {30 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);31 component = fixture.componentInstance;32 fixture.detectChanges();33 });34 it('should render title', () => {35 const label = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('label');36 expect(label).toHaveText('test');37 label.value = 'test2';38 label.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));39 expect(label).toHaveText('test2');40 });41});42import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';43import { FormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';44import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';45describe('MyComponent', () => {46 let component: MyComponent;47 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;48 beforeEach(async () => {49 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({50 imports: [FormsModule],51 }).compileComponents();52 });53 beforeEach(() => {54 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);55 component = fixture.componentInstance;56 fixture.detectChanges();57 });58 it('should render title', () => {59 const label = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('label');60 expect(label).toHaveText('test');61 label.value = 'test2';62 label.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));63 expect(label).toHaveText('test2');64 });

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1import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { FormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';3import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';4beforeEach(() => {5 ngMocks.globalMock(FormsModule);6});7it('should work', () => {8 const fixture = ngMocks.faster(MyComponent);9 fixture.detectChanges();10 const input = ngMocks.find('input');11});12import { Component } from '@angular/​core';13@Component({14 <input [(ngModel)]="value" /​>15})16export class MyComponent {17 public value = '';18}19import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';20import { FormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';21import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';22beforeEach(() => {23 ngMocks.globalMock(FormsModule);24});25it('should work', () => {26 const fixture = ngMocks.faster(MyComponent);27 fixture.detectChanges();28 const input = ngMocks.find('input');29});30<input [(ngModel)]="value" /​>31import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';32import { FormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';33import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';34beforeEach(() => {35 ngMocks.globalMock(FormsModule);36});37it('should work', () => {38 const fixture = ngMocks.faster(MyComponent);39 fixture.detectChanges();40 const input = ngMocks.find('input');41});42<input [(ngModel)]="value" /​>43import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';44import { FormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';45import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';46beforeEach(() => {47 ngMocks.globalMock(FormsModule);48});49it('should work', () => {50 const fixture = ngMocks.faster(MyComponent);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';3describe('ng-mocks', () => {4 it('should be able to get ngModel', () => {5 const fixture = ngMocks.faster(MyComponent);6 const ngModel = ngMocks.find(fixture, 'input').ngModel;7 expect(ngModel).toBeDefined();8 expect(ngModel.value).toEqual('hello world');9 });10});11import { Component } from '@angular/​core';12import { FormControl } from '@angular/​forms';13@Component({14})15export class MyComponent {16 formControl = new FormControl('hello world');17}18import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';19import { FormControl, FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/​forms';20import { MyComponent } from './​my.component';21describe('MyComponent', () => {22 let component: MyComponent;23 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;24 beforeEach(async () => {25 await TestBed.configureTestingModule({26 imports: [FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule],27 }).compileComponents();28 });29 beforeEach(() => {30 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);31 component = fixture.componentInstance;32 fixture.detectChanges();33 });34 it('should create', () => {35 expect(component).toBeTruthy();36 });37 it('should be able to get ngModel', () => {38 const ngModel = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('input').ngModel;39 expect(ngModel).toBeDefined();40 expect(ngModel.value).toEqual('hello world');41 });42});43import { Component } from '@angular/​core';44import { FormControl } from '@angular/​forms';45@Component({46})47export class MyComponent {48 formControl = new FormControl('hello world');49}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('my test', () => {3 it('should work', () => {4 const fixture = ngMocks.find('my-component');5 const component = ngMocks.get(fixture);6 });7});8import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';9beforeEach(() => {10 ngMocks.faster();11});12import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';13beforeEach(() => {14 ngMocks.defaultMock(DependencyService, {15 someMethod: () => 'mocked',16 });17});18import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';19beforeEach(() => {20 ngMocks.defaultMock(DependencyService, {21 someMethod: () => 'mocked',22 });23});24import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';25beforeEach(() => {26 ngMocks.defaultMock(DependencyService, {27 someMethod: () => 'mocked',28 });29});30import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';31beforeEach(() => {32 ngMocks.defaultMock(DependencyService, {33 someMethod: () => 'mocked',34 });35});36import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';37beforeEach(() => {38 ngMocks.defaultMock(DependencyService, {39 someMethod: () => 'mocked',40 });41});42import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';43beforeEach(() => {44 ngMocks.defaultMock(DependencyService, {45 someMethod: () => 'mocked',46 });47});48import { ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';49beforeEach(() => {

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1var ngModel = ngMocks.findModel('myModel');2ngModel.$setViewValue('some value');3ngModel.$render();4ngModel.$setViewValue('some other value');5ngModel.$render();6ngModel.$setViewValue('some other value');7ngModel.$render();8ngModel.$setViewValue('some other value');9ngModel.$render();

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1import { MockBuilder, MockRender, MockInstance } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';3import { SomeService } from './​some.service';4import { SomeOtherService } from './​some-other.service';5import { SomeThirdService } from './​some-third.service';6import { SomeFourthService } from './​some-fourth.service';7import { SomeFifthService } from './​some-fifth.service';8import { SomeSixthService } from './​some-sixth.service';9import { SomeSeventhService } from './​some-seventh.service';10import { SomeEighthService } from './​some-eighth.service';11import { SomeNinthService } from './​some-ninth.service';12import { SomeTenthService } from './​some-tenth.service';13import { SomeEleventhService } from './​some-eleventh.service';14import { SomeTwelfthService } from './​some-twelfth.service';15import { SomeThirteenthService } from './​some-thirteenth.service';16import { SomeFourteenthService } from './​some-fourteenth.service';17import { SomeFifteenthService } from './​some-fifteenth.service';18import { SomeSixteenthService } from './​some-sixteenth.service';19import { SomeSeventeenthService } from './​some-seventeenth.service';20import { SomeEighteenthService } from './​some-eighteenth.service';21import { SomeNineteenthService } from './​some-nineteenth.service';22import { SomeTwentiethService } from './​some-twentieth.service';23import { SomeTwentyFirstService } from './​some-twenty-first.service';24import { SomeTwentySecondService } from './​some

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { mock } from 'ng-mocks';2import { AppComponent } from './​app.component';3describe('AppComponent', () => {4 it('should be created', () => {5 const fixture = mock(AppComponent);6 expect(fixture).toBeTruthy();7 });8});

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1describe('ngModel directive', function() {2 var $compile, $rootScope, $timeout;3 beforeEach(module('ngModelApp'));4 beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_, _$timeout_) {5 $compile = _$compile_;6 $rootScope = _$rootScope_;7 $timeout = _$timeout_;8 }));9 it('should set the value of the model variable to AngularJS', function() {10 var element = $compile('<input ng-model="model" /​>')($rootScope);11 $rootScope.$digest();12 ngModel(element).$setViewValue('AngularJS');13 $timeout.flush();14 $timeout.verifyNoPendingTasks();15 expect(ngModel(element).$viewValue).toBe('AngularJS');16 });17 it('should set the value of the view variable to AngularJS', function()

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