How to use nameMethod method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source: mongodb.helper.js Github


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1'use strict';2var Log = require('log');3var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient4var assert = require('assert');5var appProperties = require('./​config.helper');6/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​7/​/​ CONSTANTS8/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​9var nameModule = '[MongoDB Helper]';10/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​11/​/​ PROPERTIES12/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​13var log = new Log(appProperties.getConfig().logLevel);14var NUMBEROFCONNECTIONS = 515var connection = new Array(NUMBEROFCONNECTIONS).fill(null);16/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​17/​/​ METODOS PRIVADOS18/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​19function getMongoDBConfiguration() {20 log.debug(`${nameModule} getConnectionChain (IN) -> no params`);21 var dbConfiguration = {22 url: appProperties.getConfig().mongodatabase.mongoURL + appProperties.getConfig().mongodatabase.database,23 reconectInterval: appProperties.getConfig().mongodatabase.intervalDelay24 }25 log.debug(`${nameModule} getConnectionChain (OUT) -> dbConfiguration: ${JSON.stringify(dbConfiguration)}`);26 return dbConfiguration;27}28function connect(){29 var nameMethod = '[connect]';30 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {31 var worker = Math.floor((Math.random() * NUMBEROFCONNECTIONS) + 1);32 if (connection[worker] != null) {33 log.debug(`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Using existing connection, worker: ${worker}`);34 return resolve(connection[worker])35 }36 var mongoconfig = getMongoDBConfiguration();37 log.debug(`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Connecting to mongoDB, creating worker: -> ${worker}`);38 var intervalObject = setInterval(function(){39 MongoClient.connect(mongoconfig.url, function(err, db) {40 if(err) {41 log.debug(`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Trying to connect to MongoDB -> ${mongoconfig.url}`);42 }43 else {44 log.debug(`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Connected to MongoDB`);45 clearInterval(intervalObject);46 connection[worker] = db47 resolve(db);48 }49 });50 }, mongoconfig.reconectInterval);51 });52}53/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​54/​/​ METODOS PUBLICOS55/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​/​56function getItem(criteria, myCollection){57 var nameMethod = '[getItem]';58`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Getting document by ${JSON.stringify(criteria)}, collection ${myCollection}`);59 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {60 connect()61 .then(db =>{62 var collection = db.collection(myCollection);63 /​/​ Find some documents64 collection.find(criteria).toArray(function(err, docs) {65 if(docs.length === 0){66 log.debug(`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Not document found by ${JSON.stringify(criteria)} in ${myCollection}`);67 /​/​ db.close();68 reject('Not item found in DB');69 }70 else{71`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Document found in mongoDB`);72 /​/​log.debug(`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Item -> ${JSON.stringify(docs[0])}`);73 /​/​ db.close();74 resolve(docs[0]);75 }76 });77 })78 });79}80function getItems(criteria, myCollection){81 var nameMethod = '[getItem]';82`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Getting document by ${JSON.stringify(criteria)}, collection ${myCollection}`);83 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {84 connect()85 .then(db =>{86 var collection = db.collection(myCollection);87 /​/​ Find some documents88 collection.find(criteria).toArray(function(err, docs) {89 if(docs.length === 0){90 log.debug(`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Not document found by ${criteria} in ${myCollection}`);91 /​/​ db.close();92 reject('Not item found in DB');93 }94 else{95`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Document found in mongoDB`);96 /​/​log.debug(`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Item -> ${JSON.stringify(docs[0])}`);97 /​/​ db.close();98 resolve(docs);99 }100 });101 })102 });103}104function insertItem (item, myCollection){105 var nameMethod = '[insertItem]';106`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Inserting ${JSON.stringify(item)}`);107 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {108 connect()109 .then(db =>{110 var collection = db.collection(myCollection);111 collection.insert(item, function(err, result) {112 if(err){113 log.error(`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Error Inserting ${JSON.stringify(item)} in ${myCollection} -> ${err}`);114 /​/​ db.close();115 reject(item);116 }117 else{118`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Item inserted succesfully`);119 /​/​ db.close();120 resolve(item);121 }122 });123 })124 });125}126function updateItem(criteria, item, myCollection){127 var nameMethod = '[updateItem]';128`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Updating item`);129 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {130 connect()131 .then(db =>{132 var collection = db.collection(myCollection);133 collection.findOneAndUpdate(criteria, item, function(err, result) {134 if(err){135 log.error(`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Error updating item -> ${err}`);136 /​/​ db.close();137 reject(err);138 }139 else{140`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> item updated succesfully`);141 /​/​ db.close();142 resolve(result);143 }144 });145 })146 });147}148function deleteItem(item, myCollection){149 var nameMethod = '[deleteItem]';150`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Deleting item in database`);151 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {152 connect()153 .then(db =>{154 var collection = db.collection(myCollection);155 collection.deleteOne(item, function(err, result) {156 if(err){157 log.error(`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Error deleting item -> ${err}`);158 /​/​ db.close();159 reject(err);160 }else{161`${nameModule} ${nameMethod} -----> Item removed succesfully`);162 /​/​ db.close();163 resolve(result);164 }165 })166 })167 })168}169module.exports = {170 getMongoDBConfiguration, /​/​ for testing171 getItem,172 insertItem,173 updateItem,174 deleteItem,175 getItems...

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Source: helper.controller.js Github


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1const logger = require('../​utils/​logger')2const dateFormat = require('dateformat');3const now = new Date();4/​* Funcionalidades para manejar los Status HTTP de Salida a las Peticiones5Creador : Hackmonkeys6Fecha : 10 de Mayo 7Ultima Modificación ; Miguel Pastenes8*/​9function handleErrorResponse(nameController, nameMethod, err, res) {10 if (err) {11 logger.error(dateFormat(now, 'default') + '-->' + nameController + 'Metodo :' + nameMethod + '-> data : ' + JSON.stringify(err));12 res.status(err.code).send(err);13 } else {14 handleGenericErrorResponse(nameController, nameMethod, err, res)15 }16}17function handleGenericErrorResponse(nameController, nameMethod, err, res) {18 logger.error(dateFormat(now, 'default') + '-->' + nameController + 'Metodo :' + nameMethod + '-> data : ' + JSON.stringify(err));19 const jsonResultFailed = {20 error: {21 code: 500,22 message: 'Internal Application Error in ${' + nameMethod + '} ' + err.mensaje23 }24 }25 res.status(500).send(jsonResultFailed);26}27function handleGenericDataResponse(nameController, nameMethod, data, res) {28, 'default') + '-->' + nameController + 'Metodo :' + nameMethod + '-> data : ' + JSON.stringify(data));29 if (data.code) {30 res.status(data.code).send(data);31 }32 else {33 res.status(200).send(data);34 }35}36function handleCreatedDataResponse(nameController, nameMethod, data, res) {37, 'default') + '-->' + nameController + 'Metodo :' + nameMethod + '-> data : ' + JSON.stringify(data));38 res.status(201).send(data);39}40function handleEmptyDataResponse(nameController, nameMethod, data, res) {41, 'default') + '-->' + nameController + 'Metodo :' + nameMethod + '-> data : ' + JSON.stringify(data));42 res.status(204).send();43}44module.exports = {45 handleErrorResponse,46 handleGenericErrorResponse,47 handleGenericDataResponse,48 handleCreatedDataResponse,49 handleEmptyDataResponse...

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Source: script.js Github


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1const options = [2 { nameUI: "Number of words", nameMethod : "GetWordsCount" },3 { nameUI: "List of chars in text", nameMethod: "GetListOfChars" },4 { nameUI: "Number of sentences", nameMethod: "GetSentencesCount" },5 { nameUI: "The most common char", nameMethod: "GetMostCommonChar" },6 { nameUI: "Detect language", nameMethod: "DetectLanguage" },7 { nameUI: "Emotionality of the text", nameMethod: "GetEmotionality" },8]9const uri = 'api/​textactions';10function createOption(option) {11 return `12 <option value=${option.nameMethod}>${option.nameUI}</​option>13`14}15const templatesOption = => createOption(option));16const htmlOptions = templatesOption.join(" ");17document.querySelector("select").innerHTML = htmlOptions;18document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener("click", getResult);19function getResult() {20 const text = document.getElementById("text").value;21 const choosedOption = document.getElementById("choosedOption");22 const nameMethod = choosedOption.value;23 const htmlResult = document.getElementById("result");24 htmlResult.innerHTML = "";25 if (text === "") {26 htmlResult.innerHTML = "Please, enter some text";27 return;28 }29 fetch(uri, {30 method: 'POST',31 headers: {32 'Content-Type': 'application/​json'33 },34 body: JSON.stringify({35 text: text,36 nameMethod: nameMethod37 })38 })39 .then(res => res.text())40 .then(data => {41 htmlResult.innerHTML = data;42 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {nameMethod} from 'ng-mocks';2import {mockService} from 'ng-mocks';3import {mockProvider} from 'ng-mocks';4import {mockPipe} from 'ng-mocks';5import {mockDirective} from 'ng-mocks';6import {mockComponent} from 'ng-mocks';7import {mockModule} from 'ng-mocks';8import {mockInstance} from 'ng-mocks';9import {mockConstant} from 'ng-mocks';10import {mockNgModule} from 'ng-mocks';11import {mockRender} from 'ng-mocks';12import {mockProvider} from 'ng-mocks';13import {mockProvider} from 'ng-mocks';14import {TestBedStatic} from 'ng-mocks';15import {MockBuilder} from 'ng-mocks';16import {MockRender} from 'ng-mocks';17import {MockInstance} from 'ng-mocks';18import {MockConstant} from 'ng-mocks';19import {MockModule} from 'ng-mocks';20import {MockProvider} from 'ng-mocks';21import {MockComponent} from 'ng-mocks';22import {MockDirective} from 'ng-m

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { nameMethod } from 'ng-mocks';2const name = nameMethod('myMethod');3import { nameMethod } from 'ng-mocks';4const name = nameMethod('myMethod', 'myComponent');5import { nameMethod } from 'ng-mocks';6const name = nameMethod('myMethod', 'myComponent', 'myModule');7import { nameMethod } from 'ng-mocks';8const name = nameMethod('myMethod', 'myComponent', 'myModule', 'myOtherModule');9import { nameMethod } from 'ng-mocks';10const name = nameMethod('myMethod', 'myComponent', 'myModule', 'myOtherModule', 'myOtherOtherModule');11import { nameMethod } from 'ng-mocks';12const name = nameMethod('myMethod', 'myComponent', 'myModule', 'myOtherModule', 'myOtherOtherModule', 'myOtherOtherOtherModule');13import { nameMethod } from 'ng-mocks';14const name = nameMethod('myMethod', 'myComponent', 'myModule', 'myOtherModule', 'myOtherOtherModule', 'myOtherOtherOtherModule', 'myOtherOtherOtherOtherModule');15import { nameMethod } from 'ng-mocks';16const name = nameMethod('myMethod', 'myComponent', 'myModule', 'myOtherModule', 'myOtherOtherModule', 'myOtherOtherOtherModule', 'myOtherOtherOtherOtherModule', 'myOtherOtherOther

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {nameMethod} from 'ng-mocks';2import {AppComponent} from './​app.component';3describe('AppComponent', () => {4 it('should create the app', () => {5 const fixture = nameMethod(AppComponent);6 const app = fixture.componentInstance;7 expect(app).toBeTruthy();8 });9});10export class AppComponent {11 title = 'ng-mocks';12 nameMethod() {13 return 'ng-mocks';14 }15}16<h1>{{nameMethod()}}</​h1>17import {nameMethod} from 'ng-mocks';18import {AppComponent} from './​app.component';19describe('AppComponent', () => {20 it('should create

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