How to use matCellContainer method in ng-mocks

Best JavaScript code snippet using ng-mocks


Source: e2e.spec.ts Github


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1import { Component, NgModule, TemplateRef } from '@angular/​core';2import { MatTableModule } from '@angular/​material/​table';3import { MockBuilder, MockRender, ngMocks } from 'ng-mocks';4export interface PeriodicElement {5 name: string;6 position: number;7 symbol: string;8 weight: number;9}10const ELEMENT_DATA: PeriodicElement[] = [11 { position: 1, name: 'Hydrogen', weight: 1.0079, symbol: 'H' },12];13@Component({14 selector: 'target',15 template: `16 <table mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource">17 <ng-container matColumnDef="position">18 <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>No.</​th>19 <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element">20 {{ element.position }}21 </​td>22 </​ng-container>23 </​table>24 `,25})26class TargetComponent {27 public dataSource = ELEMENT_DATA;28 public displayedColumns: string[] = [];29 public constructor() {30 this.displayedColumns.length = 24;31 this.displayedColumns.fill('filler');32 this.displayedColumns[0] = 'position';33 }34}35@NgModule({36 declarations: [TargetComponent],37 imports: [MatTableModule],38})39class TargetModule {}40describe('mat-table:e2e', () => {41 ngMocks.faster();42 beforeEach(() => MockBuilder(TargetComponent, TargetModule));43 it('has access to child nodes', () => {44 MockRender(TargetComponent);45 /​/​ looking for the table and container46 const tableEl = ngMocks.find('[mat-table]');47 const containerEl = ngMocks.reveal(['matColumnDef', 'position']);48 const cellEl = ngMocks.reveal(containerEl, ['matCellDef']);49 const cell = ngMocks.get(cellEl, TemplateRef);50 ngMocks.render(tableEl.componentInstance, cell, {51 position: 'testPosition',52 });53 const headerEl = ngMocks.reveal(containerEl, [54 'matHeaderCellDef',55 ]);56 const header = ngMocks.get(headerEl, TemplateRef);57 ngMocks.render(tableEl.componentInstance, header);58 /​/​ checking the order of the render59 expect(ngMocks.formatHtml(tableEl)).toEqual(60 '<th mat-header-cell="">No.</​th><td mat-cell=""> testPosition </​td>',61 );62 /​/​ cool stuff63 expect(ngMocks.formatHtml(headerEl)).toEqual(64 '<th mat-header-cell="">No.</​th>',65 );66 expect(ngMocks.formatHtml(cellEl)).toEqual(67 '<td mat-cell=""> testPosition </​td>',68 );69 {70 const matHeaderCellTable = ngMocks.reveal(tableEl, [71 'mat-header-cell',72 ]);73 const matHeaderCellContainer = ngMocks.reveal(containerEl, [74 'mat-header-cell',75 ]);76 expect(matHeaderCellTable).toBe(matHeaderCellContainer);77 }78 {79 const matCellTable = ngMocks.reveal(tableEl, ['mat-cell']);80 const matCellContainer = ngMocks.reveal(containerEl, [81 'mat-cell',82 ]);83 expect(matCellTable).toBe(matCellContainer);84 }85 expect(ngMocks.formatHtml(tableEl)).toEqual(86 '<th mat-header-cell="">No.</​th><td mat-cell=""> testPosition </​td>',87 );88 expect(ngMocks.formatHtml(containerEl)).toEqual(89 '<th mat-header-cell="">No.</​th><td mat-cell=""> testPosition </​td>',90 );91 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { matCellContainer } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('MyComponent', () => {3 let component: MyComponent;4 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;5 beforeEach(async(() => {6 TestBed.configureTestingModule({7 }).compileComponents();8 }));9 beforeEach(() => {10 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);11 component = fixture.componentInstance;12 fixture.detectChanges();13 });14 it('should create', () => {15 expect(component).toBeTruthy();16 });17 it('should have a mat-cell-container', () => {18 expect(matCellContainer(fixture.debugElement)).toBeTruthy();19 });20});21import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/​core';22@Component({23})24export class MyComponent implements OnInit {25 constructor() {}26 ngOnInit(): void {}27}28.mat-cell {29 width: 100px;30 height: 100px;31 background-color: red;32}33import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/​core/​testing';34import { MyComponent } from './​my-component.component';35describe('MyComponent', () => {36 let component: MyComponent;37 let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyComponent>;38 beforeEach(async(() => {39 TestBed.configureTestingModule({40 }).compileComponents();41 }));42 beforeEach(() => {43 fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyComponent);44 component = fixture.componentInstance;45 fixture.detectChanges();46 });47 it('should create', () => {48 expect(component).toBeTruthy();49 });50});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { matCellContainer } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('matCellContainer', () => {3 it('should find the mat-cell-container', () => {4 const fixture = createComponent(MatCellContainer);5 fixture.detectChanges();6 const cellContainer = matCellContainer(fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(MatCellContainer)));7 expect(cellContainer).toBeTruthy();8 });9});10import { Component } from '@angular/​core';11import { MatCell } from '@angular/​material/​table';12@Component({13})14export class MatCellContainer extends MatCell {}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { matCellContainer } from 'ng-mocks';2const cell = matCellContainer('mat-cell');3const cell = matCellContainer('mat-header-cell');4const cell = matCellContainer('mat-footer-cell');5const cell = matCellContainer('mat-cell', 'mat-header-cell', 'mat-footer-cell');6const cell = matCellContainer('mat-cell', 'mat-header-cell', 'mat-footer-cell', {7});8const cell = matCellContainer('mat-cell', 'mat-header-cell', 'mat-footer-cell', {9}, {10});11const cell = matCellContainer('mat-cell', 'mat-header-cell', 'mat-footer-cell', {12}, {13}, 'My label');14const cell = matCellContainer('mat-cell', 'mat-header-cell', 'mat-footer-cell', {15}, {16}, 'My label', 'My placeholder');17const cell = matCellContainer('mat-cell', 'mat-header-cell', 'mat-footer-cell', {18}, {19}, 'My label', 'My placeholder', 'My value');20const cell = matCellContainer('mat-cell', 'mat-header-cell', 'mat-footer-cell', {21}, {22}, 'My label', 'My placeholder', 'My value', 'My hint');23const cell = matCellContainer('mat-cell', 'mat-header-cell', 'mat-footer-cell', {24}, {25}, 'My label', 'My placeholder', 'My value', 'My hint', true);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { matCellContainer } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('matCellContainer', () => {3 it('should detect cell container', () => {4 const fixture = MockRender(`5 `);6 expect(matCellContainer(fixture.debugElement)).toBeDefined();7 });8});9import 'jest-preset-angular';10import 'jest-preset-angular/​setup-jest';11module.exports = {12 moduleNameMapper: {13 '@app/​(.*)': '<rootDir>/​src/​app/​$1',14 },15 transformIgnorePatterns: ['node_modules/​(?!@ngrx|@angular)'],16};17{18 "compilerOptions": {19 },20}21{22 "compilerOptions": {23 "importHelpers": true,24 }25}26{27 "scripts": {28 },29 "dependencies": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { matCellContainer } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('matCellContainer', () => {3 it('should have a mat-cell-container', () => {4 const fixture = MockRender(`5 `);6 const element = matCellContainer(fixture.debugElement);7 expect(element).toBeDefined();8 });9});10import { matHeaderRowDef } from 'ng-mocks';11describe('matHeaderRowDef', () => {12 it('should have a mat-header-row-def', () => {13 const fixture = MockRender(`14 `);15 const element = matHeaderRowDef(fixture.debugElement);16 expect(element).toBeDefined();17 });18});19import { matRowDef } from 'ng-mocks';20describe('matRowDef', () => {21 it('should have a mat-row-def', () => {22 const fixture = MockRender(`23 `);24 const element = matRowDef(fixture.debugElement);25 expect(element).toBeDefined();26 });27});28import { matSort } from 'ng-mocks';29describe('matSort', () => {30 it('should

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const matCellContainer = ngMocks.find(MatCell).nativeElement;2const matCellContainer = ngMocks.find(MatCell).nativeElement;3const matCellContainer = ngMocks.find(MatCell).nativeElement;4const matCellContainer = ngMocks.find(MatCell).nativeElement;5const matCellContainer = ngMocks.find(MatCell).nativeElement;6const matCellContainer = ngMocks.find(MatCell).nativeElement;7const matCellContainer = ngMocks.find(MatCell).nativeElement;8const matCellContainer = ngMocks.find(MatCell).nativeElement;9const matCellContainer = ngMocks.find(MatCell).nativeElement;10const matCellContainer = ngMocks.find(MatCell).nativeElement;11const matCellContainer = ngMocks.find(MatCell).nativeElement;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { matCellContainer } from 'ng-mocks';2describe('matCellContainer', () => {3 it('should return the cell container element', () => {4 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MatTableComponent);5 fixture.detectChanges();6 const cell = matCellContainer(fixture.debugElement);7 expect(cell).toBeDefined();8 });9});10@Component({11})12class MatTableComponent {}13@NgModule({14 imports: [MatTableModule],15})16class MatTableModule {}17@NgModule({18 imports: [MatTableModule]19})20class AppModule {}21{22 "ng-mocks": {23 "mocks": {24 "MatTableModule": {25 }26 }27 }28}29import { matCellDef } from 'ng-mocks';30describe('matCellDef', () => {31 it('should return the cell definition element', () => {32 const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MatTableComponent);33 fixture.detectChanges();34 const cell = matCellDef(fixture.debugElement);35 expect(cell).toBeDefined();36 });37});38@Component({39})40class MatTableComponent {}41@NgModule({42 imports: [MatTableModule],43})44class MatTableModule {}45@NgModule({46 imports: [MatTableModule]47})48class AppModule {}49{50 "ng-mocks": {51 "mocks": {52 "MatTableModule": {53 }54 }55 }56}57import

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